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12endigital · 3 days ago
Más de 200 docentes y 40 empresas participan en unas jornadas para fortalecer la conexión entre los centros de FP y el tejido productivo de la Comunitat Valenciana
Más de 200 docentes y 40 empresas han participado este mes de febrero en las jornadas Innovatec organizadas dentro de la red Novigi, un programa impulsado por la Conselleria de Educación, Cultura, Universidades y Empleo para fortalecer la conexión entre los centros de Formación Profesional y el tejido productivo de la Comunitat Valenciana. Las sesiones, celebradas en distintos puntos de la…
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momentsbeforemass · 6 months ago
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“Pray as though everything depended on God. Work as though everything depended on you.”
There’s a lot of confusion about who said this. With different people attributing it to St. Augustine, St. Ignatius of Loyola, and even John Wesley. Whoever said it, there is so much that is right about it.
As the Benedictines in my life will be quick to remind me, prayer and work are inseparable. Just what you would expect from a bunch whose motto is “ora et labora.” Literally “pray and work.”
The most important part of that? It’s the “and.”
Work is critical, but prayer is no afterthought. Whether it’s the Benedictine motto or the famous saying, prayer comes before work because it must come before work.
Prayer ensures that the work we do will be the work God has called us to.
Prayer ensures that the work we do will be done in reliance on God, not ourselves.
Prayer ensures that the work we do will be an instrument of God’s grace.
And, as St. Paul shows us in today’s first reading, that includes praying for each other.
I’m praying for you. You are part of my mass intentions, my daily prayers, and my Holy Hour.
Tonight is my regular Holy Hour of Adoration. If there’s an intention of yours that I can pray for tonight, please let me know in the comments.
And know that you are always in my prayers.
Today’s Readings
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arioagio · 4 months ago
Semuanya pasti akan baik-baik saja. Begitu katanya. Nyatanya banyak mereka yang sampai detik ini masih ditemani kecewa dan air mata, lalu bertanya dalam hati, "Dimana baiknya?".
Ya, pada akhirnya untuk mencapai baik-baik saja harus dari diri sendiri. Harus mau berjuang, harus bangkit, harus rajin, harus terus berjalan, meski pada saat ini rasa ingin menyerah semakin memuncak.
Semua harus melewati proses untuk sampai di titik baik-baik saja. Kalau saat ini belum baik, berarti ada langkah yang harus diambil. Atau mungkin saja sudah melakukan yang terbaik tapi kurang bersyukur dan berdoanya?
Entahlah, tapi percayalah, jika ada semangat, jika ada kemauan, pasti semua akan baik-baik saja untuk masa depan.
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liesmyth · 1 year ago
I've been scrubbing a wall clean by hand for the past hour and I'm feeling SO virtuous rn. Those Benedictine monks knows what they're about
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endlessmoonlitnight · 8 months ago
has anyone ever considered the possibility of there being different languages within ec??
like we know that lunaca labora is ‘full moon laboratory’ in ancient leviantan. so there must have at least been a leviantan language at some point.
then in cloture allen visits elphegort and can talk to michaela without any sort of language barriers (mind you there is something to be said about allen being born into royalty). and she does recognise him as foreign. maybe it’s his appearance but it could also be because he has an accent.
there are obviously differences between the countries anyway (excluding distinct hair colours etc). i just like the idea of this.
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rabbitindemun · 11 months ago
Well i'm alive
a little self portrait... or at least the way I perceive myself akshdglalg
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If I didn't post anything this week it's because- well I had to make up for that 2 week lack of sleep JHSAJH
I would draw my entire routine… but there's nothing more than that-
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bucksboobs · 2 years ago
Buck rambling about Purgatory gave me the thought that Buck would be a Jesuit if he was a priest which led me down the road that Eddie would be a Benedictine and unfortunately now I have a priest!Buddie AU I'm never going to eritr because the Catholic shame of writing two priests forsaking their vows to have carnal knowledge of one another would immediately immolate me.
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eachmostremembering · 2 months ago
working on chapter 2 of this fic which is already longer than the first (i guess that doesn't mean much for me lol, but hey i'm excited) and i was writing and crying for like an hour)
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pier-carlo-universe · 3 months ago
Potente il canto. La poesia di Miranda Ranalli celebra l’amore, la fede e il dono della vita. Recensione di Alessandria today
Con "Potente il canto", Miranda Ranalli ci conduce in un viaggio poetico e spirituale tra le emozioni del periodo dell’Avvento, l’attesa del Natale e la celebrazione della vita come un dono prezioso.
Con “Potente il canto”, Miranda Ranalli ci conduce in un viaggio poetico e spirituale tra le emozioni del periodo dell’Avvento, l’attesa del Natale e la celebrazione della vita come un dono prezioso. La poesia, ambientata in una Roma ancora assonnata, diventa un inno alla speranza, all’amore e alla capacità dell’essere umano di donare e condividere. Analisi della poesia La poesia si apre con…
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12endigital · 3 days ago
Antonio Galvañ felicita la labor de Inserta Empleo que permitirá que 4.900 personas con discapacidad obtengan un empleo en la Comunitat Valenciana
El secretario autonómico de Empleo, Antonio Galvañ, ha felicitado la labor de la Fundación ONCE a través de Inserta Empleo que, con los programas de ‘Empleo Juvenil’ y de ‘Inclusión Social, garantía infantil y lucha contra la pobreza’ del FSE, beneficiarán a cerca de 14.000 personas con discapacidad de los que 4.900 encontrarán un empleo. Estos programas han sido presentados en València en un…
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famousharmonyluminary · 2 years ago
Benedykt z Nursji
Św. Benedykt z Nursji nie wykłada jakichś czczych spekulacji teologicznych, lecz zaleca usilnie, jak zwykł to czynić, taki sposób myślenia i postępowania, który wynika z prawdy o otaczającej nas rzeczywistości, co prowadzi do wcielenia teologii w życie. Nie tyle pragnie on bowiem, by wiele rozmawiano o prawdach dotyczących Chrystusa, ile raczej, by ludzie żyli rzeczywiście tajemnicą Chrystusową i…
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asiljebrand · 2 years ago
Den kinesiska farmaren
Det var en kinesisk farmare som hade en häst. En natt så flydde hästen. Då kom människor från byn och sa “vilken tragedi eller hur?” Den kinesiska farmaren lyfte på axlarna och sa “jag vet inte.” Dagen efter kom hästen tillbaka och dessutom med 5 andra vildhästar vid hans sida. Den kinesiska farmaren kunde stänga in dem och hade nu 5 extra hästar. Då kom människor från byn och sa “vilken tur…
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mreatts · 12 years ago
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IB art workbook entry for a mechanical object drawing.
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segretecose · 3 months ago
I’ve got an internship in an Italian monastery next summer and have to learn Italian by then could you suggest any words that you think might be useful for hanging out with monks?
All I’ve got so far is frociaggine (thanks pope Francis)
Ora et labora 🙏
i would say read the name of the rose and then remember the phrase 'buongiornissimo caffè' and you're all set
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slavicafire · 26 days ago
i love being a monk i am so chaste and pure and humble and i for sure don't imbibe with the superiors or indulge in impure thoughts about my fellow novices. and i for sure am not here just to murder a fella. ora et labora, i've been saying. lorem ipsum
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anglerflsh · 11 months ago
Honestly I know the medieval Hype is about knights but I feel like we are forgetting that monasteries, if you didn't go into those with a benedictine rule or something, were places that the nobles put their sons and daughters in and were generally considered pretty opulent. Like I know the idea we have is of benedictine or augustine ora et labora type deal but I know some of them must have been Great places to live in
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