#labeling solutions
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shivshaktimachtech · 3 months ago
Water Square Bottle Labeling Machine | Flat Bottle Single Side Labeller Machine Manufacturer
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narcissistcookbook · 3 months ago
the problem with those nuclear semiotics proposals, ways to stop far-future societies from digging up nuclear waste, is that a LANDSCAPE OF THORNS and MENACING EARTHWORKS covered in warnings like BEWARE EVIL ENERGY and DO NOT UNLEASH THE CURSE in languages older than time is one way to absolutely guarantee that future humans will go the fuck there and dig it up just to see what the deal is. they're streisand effecting their own demise.
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veilkeeper · 4 months ago
been thinking about it and i'm of a mixed mind on how they're handling the trans/nonbinary stuff. on one hand, using the labels we use irl (trans, nonbinary, even mentioning genderfluid, agender, etc in specific) feels super out of place. i'm fine with it in the UI, but every time i hear the word "trans" in dialogue i'm violently ripped from immersion. as a fantasy setting, i sort of would have preferred if they'd talked about the experience without specifically labelling it (because i find every time they talk about the feeling it works really well).
however there is also an argument that despite being a fantasy setting, the goal here is very much to connect with and represent real people. and real people, at this point in time, use those words. my concern of course is that this is going to make the game age very poorly in that respect, but representation is meant to be indicative of the time, and outdated language is par for the course with all queer media eventually. so using very modern terms and concepts around gender theory makes sense in that respect. the people playing a nonbinary rook right now are most likely to identify with the term nonbinary, and labelling specifically removes ambiguity which can come up when discussing trans people in history or media.
so i don't know. i don't really have a conclusion here. i can see both sides of it. i appreciate the effort that obviously went into it, though, and you can definitely tell that trans people were involved in the writing. it's a big step forward, either way, even if it's not perfect.
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ambyandony · 11 months ago
monster au tiziano desperately trying to wrestle a mercury thermometer out of squalo's hand because the bitch is trying to eat it
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antisocialxconstruct · 1 year ago
good news: it is real 👍
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bad news..... it is so so small 😂😂
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tell me in WHAT universe this is an XXL..... I might still be able to style it somehow but I am a little disappointed it isn't the slouchy sweatshirt I was dreaming of. Trials of online shopping I suppose
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shivshaktimachtech · 5 months ago
Pouch Labeling Machine with Auto Feeding Manufacturer from Ahmedabad - Shiv Shakti Machtech
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nwjws · 1 year ago
the solution to our problems - three.
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; synopsis - 6 months after your break up, you’re sick and tired of your ex who's always following you around or sending you a text from some new number. luckily for you, the leader of the school’s dance club and campus heartthrob, yang jungwon, seems to have a solution that’ll solve both your problems - to fake date each other.
three. need rescuing? (1.4k words)
two. ; masterlist ; four.
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you and the girls walk and chat as the local 7/11 comes into view.
although you and hanni don't want to buy anything, you two accompany minji into the little store to escape the november cold.
"oh, i've never seen this pocky flavour before. is it new?" hanni asks as she turns to you and minji, holding up a box of pocky sticks to show.
"me neither, maybe?" you wonder.
you and hanni's attention are grabbed when minji calls out the younger girl, who's passing by the aisle with a shopping basket of items in her hands. youngseo stops in her tracks and looks at you guys with wide, surprised eyes.
"oh, hi guys!"
"what are you doing here? shouldn't you be at school?" hanni asks as youngseo makes her way towards you and your friends.
"yeah. we're on our lunch break right now, and jungwon asked me to get him some food. that idiot forgot to bring some lunch before he left home," she rolled her eyes at the thought of her cousin. "so now i'm here buying snacks for him during my precious break."
"why didn't he just come get it himself? the store is closer to decelis than belift high's campus," minji asks as you and hanni laugh at youngseo's words.
"that's what i said! but he was like 'noo i'm in a club meeting right now and can't go'. i swear he's just lazy," she says, mocking jungwon in a lower voice while holding her fingers up in a quotation gesture.
"well, we're on the way to the library there, so just come with us," hanni offered.
"okay, nini!"
minji and youngseo pay together before the four of you leave the store.
you three walk youngseo up to the dance club's studio, when you notice something - or more like someone in the corner of your eye.
you whip your head in the direction, and see your ex, minho's head quickly dip behind a corner.
"y/n? what's wrong?" hanni asks when she noticed you turn to look in a different direction. you turn back to the girls looking at you with concerned looks on their faces.
"it's ogre. he's here again," you explain in a hushed voice, referring to the boy using your code name.
"no way," youngseo says in surprise, trying to catch a glimpse. "you guys should come in for a bit then. at least until he leaves."
you guys nod at her thankfully and follow her into the room, while you give your friends a confused look at how she knows. minji quietly explains how they told their younger friend.
music blasts as footsteps hit the floor in sync with the beat. you close the door behind you, but not before poking your head out and trying to find the 'ogre', spotting him poke his head out to get a glimpse at you before hiding again when seeing he was caught.
you follow the other three as they walk up to jungwon at the front, who’s watching the dancers’ forms.
"here, dumbass. i got you some instant noodles and bungeoppang,” youngseo says as she hands him the bag.
“thanks,” he says taking them out and then nodding at you three in acknowledgment, albeit with a little confusion on his face.
“you better be - i could be eating and relaxing since it’s my break, but here i am, taking care of you like a mother,” the girl huffed. “anyways, i brought them in because y/n’s ex is being a creep and following them.”
“you just let them in as if you have the authority to do so,” jungwon rolls his eyes as he bites on the food. “but i’ll let it slide since they seem to be in a little bit of trouble.”
jungwon turns to the rest of the dancers in the room and calls for a quick break.
riki runs up to you guys as he drinks water, wiping sweat from his forehead.
“what are you doing here?” youngseo asks her fellow schoolmate.
“‘just had a free, so i thought i’d come by,” riki pants. “but after this break i have another class.”
“riki, walk with youngseo back to school when you guys go. just to make sure she stays safe.” riki nods, jokingly saluting jungwon.
“ew, i don’t need to be protected by some stinky boy,” youngseo scrunches her nose at him. “besides, i’d be the one protecting him instead.”
you giggle as you watch the two high schoolers start bickering. jungwon turns his attention back to you guys.
“y/n, are you okay?”
to be honest, you don’t talk to jungwon that often. in fact, you never really see him - only in passing as you walk across the campus of your university.
all you know about him is that he’s quite popular and well liked, (which doesn’t surprise you, considering his good looks). as well as other bits and pieces your friends have told you about him - which is also very little, because none of them are really close to him either. they just have mutual friends or connections to the boy.
“yeah. if it’s okay though, we’ll camp in here for a bit until minho leaves us alone. if it isn’t, we can just run to the library,” you tell him.
"honestly, you'd think a guy would finally have moved on from his ex when he has a new girlfriend..." minji sighed, shaking her head.
jungwon kisses his teeth as he thinks.
“mmm, sorry i don’t think you guys can stay here while we’re in session, but i’ll walk you three to the library. is that okay?”
you hum an agreement, and thank him as you guys walk out and begin your way to the library.
arriving at the library, you immediately start looking for the textbook you need to borrow. jungwon sticks to you and your friends when you say you won’t be long anyway.
he’s conversing easily with minji and hanni when a girl comes up to him, tapping his shoulder shyly. you can easily tell her demeanour is as fake as those toy phones you played with as a child.
“hi… jungwon, can i talk to you privately?” the girl asks softly, unable to look him in the eye.
“umm…” jungwon looks at you guys with an expression that screams ‘help me’ as the girl is already grabbing onto his wrist to drag him away.
quickly jumping to the rescue, you speak up.
“sorry, we actually need jungwon’s help with some school work right now. i’m sure you can talk to him later? when he’s not busy?” you tell her politely.
the girl glares at you before letting go of the poor boy’s wrist and scoffing.
“fine, but i’ll talk to you later, ‘kay wonie?” you want to laugh at the way her act switches up when she talks to jungwon.
“umm, okay?” he says unsurely, as if asking a question.
a sigh of relief escapes him when he looks back at you and your friends, who’re all holding back snickers behind your hands.
“one of your fangirls?” minji teases. jungwon rubs his nape awkwardly.
“well, i don’t really want to call them that…”
“does that happen often?” you ask him, suddenly spotting the item you’d been looking for.
“way too often,” he confirms as you four make your way to the desk so you can take out the textbook.
“that sucks, maybe you need saving more than i do,” you laugh at him as you all make your way back to the studio.
at the doors of the dance studio, you all thank jungwon for coming with you guys. you’d even forgotten about minho, the whole reason the boy joined you guys anyway.
“well, if you ever need somewhere to hide, you’re welcome to run here - if there’s no meeting. i’m here most of the time anyway,” jungwon tells you as you all stand outside the room.
“thank you. if you ever need saving from another girl, just let me know i guess,” you reply. the four of you laugh lightheartedly, before bidding jungwon goodbye and leaving.
when jungwon is out of earshot, hanni turns to look at you knowingly.
“y/n, what was that??”
“what was what?”
“you were low-key flirting with jungwon back there,” minji agrees.
“what? no i wasn’t! that wasn’t flirting!” you defend yourself, confused.
“oookayy,” hanni just agrees with a teasing look.
you roll your eyes at your friends.
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two. ; masterlist ; four.
; taglist @lovelovelovebts @miumiuoi @mixtape-racha @enhamysunshines @elysianeclipxe @enhalovie @stryroses @ririlovesrenjun @mrchweeee @clairecottenheart @sloobydooburmomjungwon @k1ttylvr @glitterssim bold can't be tagged. comment on the masterlist or send an ask to be added!
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rightwayfox · 3 months ago
UnlimitedWF deliver top-tier white-label Webflow solutions tailored to your agency’s needs. Trusted by 50+ agencies worldwide.
Elevate Your Agency with Our Comprehensive Webflow Solutions
UnlimitedWF specializes in white-label Webflow solutions, offering services like custom Webflow design, CMS migrations, SEO optimization, and e-commerce development. They operate seamlessly as your in-house team, providing 24/7 support and ensuring that your clients receive top-notch service under your brand.
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zebrafiz · 3 months ago
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this tweet singlehandedly made me go on a gender spiral for 5 days straight that ended with me deciding that i want a binder
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dimehun · 9 months ago
killing of jason is so funny bcs i do not for see this having any impact..
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finalset · 1 year ago
why has the topic of the month been my transness or whatever. I have been thinking about my place here a lot lately, how that effects my relationships etc and I’ve been coming to good conclusions but then my family lately feels like they need to give me their opinion how I should conduct myself and feel about certain things instead of just listening to me when I decide to talk about it. and it’s not even a cis people problem particularly bc my best friend is the only person in my life that really understands where I come from. I just wish I had more of that I guess, especially nearby. I made my room a peaceful place for myself but I don’t feel seen and like a part of my family when it comes to things like this. and being told over and over in conversation “I will never understand what you’re going through” really is not a comforting statement to hear even though it was intended that way.
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rrfinpay · 4 months ago
India's No.1 One Stop Solution Provider For Money Transfer, Aadhar Pay,AEPS, mPos & Mini ATM, Account opening,Neo banking, Service Provider of , Enterprise, B2B, White Label Software, visit: www.rrfinpay.com
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weirdsociology · 1 year ago
There’s a post on my dash right now that I don’t want to reblog because I don’t want to be fighty or mean, but it’s telling people to go to the doctor if they have heavy flow or bad menstrual cramps, and boy HOWDY do I have some bad news about how that’s gonna go.
I’m not gonna say no one ever gets their issues solved, and not every doctor will treat you badly or tell you it’s normal. But we just don’t know very much about uterus-havin’ in allopathic medicine and if you don’t respond to a few different kinds of hormone therapy/birth control and you’re reluctant to have your uterus removed, you’re kind of shit out of luck.
And don’t get me wrong, if you’re bleeding out every month and incapacitated by cramps, absolutely go to a doctor. Try birth control! Try a vitamin screening panel! Try all the low hanging fruit solutions before you give up, for sure!
Just don’t be surprised when there isn’t a solution. It’s not your doctor’s fault - it’s the way the medical and scientific research system has ignored “women’s” health issues for hundreds of years.
It’s a sad thing to say but unless you get lucky, you’re probably gonna do better with trial and error and Reddit than in a doctor’s office.
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infinitywebinfopvtltd · 7 months ago
Why You Should Start Your Own Travel Agency and Travel Portal
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Starting your own travel agency and travel portal in India presents a unique set of opportunities and advantages, given the country's vast and diverse tourism landscape. Here's why having the travel agency and travel portal is a great idea to embark on this entrepreneurial journey in India:
1. Growing Tourism Industry in India
India's tourism industry is booming, with both domestic and international tourism on the rise. The country offers a rich tapestry of experiences, from heritage sites, cultural festivals, and wildlife safaris to spiritual journeys, adventure tourism, and wellness retreats. The Indian government has also been proactive in promoting tourism through initiatives like the Incredible India campaign and the development of infrastructure, making it an opportune time to start a travel business.
2. Diverse Market Segments
India's diverse geography and culture create a wide range of market segments to tap into. Whether its luxury travel, budget tourism, eco-tourism, medical tourism, or adventure sports, you can specialize in a niche that aligns with your passion and expertise. For instance, spiritual tourism, which includes visits to holy cities like Varanasi, Rishikesh, and Amritsar, is a particularly lucrative segment in India.
3. Growing Middle Class and Disposable Income
India's middle class is expanding rapidly, with increasing disposable income and a growing appetite for travel. More Indians are now willing to spend on vacations, both within the country and abroad. This rising demand for travel services opens up a significant market for travel entrepreneurs who can offer tailored experiences that cater to different budgets and preferences.
4. Technology and Digital Adoption
India has witnessed a surge in digital adoption, with more people using smartphones and the internet for various services, including travel bookings. The proliferation of online payment systems, travel apps, and e-commerce platforms has made it easier for businesses to reach customers. By creating a well-designed travel portal, you can tap into this digitally savvy audience, offering convenience and personalized services.
5. Opportunities in Domestic Tourism
The COVID-19 pandemic has shifted travel preferences, with a growing emphasis on domestic tourism. Indians are increasingly exploring their own country, discovering hidden gems in offbeat destinations. This trend offers a great opportunity to cater to domestic tourists, offering curated experiences, staycations, and weekend getaways that highlight India's lesser-known attractions.
6. Supportive Government Policies
The Indian government has been supportive of the tourism sector, offering various incentives and policies to encourage entrepreneurs. The introduction of e-Visas, the Swadesh Darshan Scheme for theme-based tourist circuits, and the development of tourism infrastructure are just a few examples of government initiatives aimed at boosting the industry. These policies can help you in establishing and growing your travel business.
7. Cultural and Heritage Tourism
India's rich cultural heritage is a major draw for tourists from around the world. The country is home to 40 UNESCO World Heritage Sites, including the Taj Mahal, Qutub Minar, and the Ajanta and Ellora Caves. Starting a travel business that focuses on cultural and heritage tourism allows you to tap into a global market of travelers interested in history, architecture, and traditional arts.
8. Potential for Innovation and Differentiation
The Indian travel market is vast, but there is still room for innovation. You can differentiate your travel business by offering unique experiences, such as rural tourism, culinary tours, or wellness retreats that cater to niche audiences. By leveraging local knowledge and connections, you can create authentic experiences that stand out in a crowded market.
 9. Entrepreneurial Ecosystem
India's entrepreneurial ecosystem is thriving, with numerous resources available to support startups. From incubators and accelerators to funding opportunities and mentorship programs, there are various avenues to help you launch and scale your travel business. The availability of skilled professionals in fields like technology, marketing, and customer service also makes it easier to build a strong team.
10. Personal Fulfillment and Contribution to Society
Starting a travel business in India can be personally fulfilling, especially if you have a passion for travel and exploration. Beyond personal satisfaction, you can also make a positive impact by promoting sustainable tourism practices, supporting local communities, and preserving India's natural and cultural heritage. Your business can contribute to the socio-economic development of regions that rely on tourism as a major source of income.
India's dynamic and diverse tourism landscape, coupled with a growing middle class, digital adoption, and supportive government policies, makes it an ideal market to start a travel business and portal. By offering unique and tailored experiences, you can tap into the vast potential of the Indian travel market and build a successful and fulfilling business that caters to the evolving needs of travelers.
We INFINITY WEBINFO PVT LTD are expert in Travel Portal and Travel Websites. We are also experts In API Integration, B2B, B2C and White label portals.
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 Mobile: – +91 9711090237
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shivshaktimachtech · 5 months ago
Food Labelling Automatic Machine Manufacturer from Ahmedabad - Shiv Shakti Machtech
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unnonexistence · 7 months ago
putting labels on things can be a really good adhd accomodation
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