#lab rats fanfictions
imogensheaneyy · 2 years
what if: ‘avalanche!’ ; chase davenport
summary: what if chase wasn’t acting? what if he joined douglas in avalanche? 
or: in which the team realises how much they actually need chase and fight to get him back but maybe he doesn’t want to come back
word count: 4.2k  
warnings: donald davenport bashing, slight bree/adam/leo bashing, ambiguous/open ending, mention of emotional abuse (from donald to chase)
note: this turned into more of a 'fuck donald davenport, chase gets a family that cares about him' more than a 'chase turned evil' thing but enjoy :)
read on ao3
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“Chase?” Davenport watched as Chase stared at him with a deadpan expression, looking not the least bit impressed. “What are you doing?”
“He’s with me now, Donny,” Douglas gloated, throwing an arm around Chase’s shoulders, a determined glint in his eyes. His blood boiled at the self-righteous look on his brother’s face, Donald had always been the type of person to expect that things would go his way and Douglas was relieved to have something against him.
Douglas couldn’t help but see himself in Chase, especially after witnessing the way that Chase was used and pushed around by his siblings. Douglas’s childhood hadn’t been all that different, granted he and Donny never had any bionic abilities but the general environment wasn’t that different, he and Donny were always forced to compete for everything; food, free time, their parents’ affections - Douglas always seemed to lose out on that last one. 
Bree and Adam exchanged a look when they saw Chase, side by side with Douglas, he had tried to control them and kill their brother, why would Chase want to associate with him? They didn’t recognise the boy in front of them, this wasn’t the Chase they knew. 
Donald was confused but he wasn’t worried, Chase was a genius, there was no way he would actually side with Douglas, he was sure this was just a ploy to gain Douglas’s trust and so he just shrugged his shoulders. “You think that matters, Dougie?” He taunted his younger brother, as he always had. “I have speed and strength on my side.”
Watching his ‘father’ dismiss him so easily sent a sharp pain to Chase’s heart, he had hoped that showing up with Douglas would push Davenport into admitting how much he valued Chase, not the complete opposite. He steeled his expression, avoiding the pleading looks his brother and sister were sending him; if he wanted to truly change, he couldn’t let their judgements impact him so, as difficult as it was, he ignored them.
If he hadn’t, he would have noticed the way Adam’s lips curled up in disgust and the way Bree shook her head before looking away. It wasn’t until Adam spoke that he realised how their reactions had changed, “Mr Davenport’s right, it’s not like we need him,” Adam sneered, instantly regretting his words but it was too late. 
“Is that so?” Chase taunted, an uncharacteristic smirk growing on his lips. “I guess you’ll be able to get out of this situation with no problem whatsoever, then.”
“What situation?” Bree asked but no later than the words had left her mouth, all the lights in the lab shut off and they were plunged into complete darkness. It only took a few moments until the backup generator kicked in and the lights flickered on but by that time Douglas and Chase were already gone, leaving nothing but a shattered screen on the desk.
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“Welcome,” Douglas spread his arms wide as he and Chase walked into the building. “Home Sweet Home 2.0; obviously the old one was a little beyond repair but worry not,  I assign no blame to you.”
Chase awkwardly smiled at his uncle/dad, still unsure how he was supposed to refer to him. “It’s a lot less dungeon-y?” He offered half-heartedly. 
“That’s exactly what I said,” Chase turned around to see a figure walking towards them; when he was nearer he noticed that it was Marcus.
“Marcus? I thought you were…?”
“Crushed under a pile of rubble? Me too, but Dad pulled me out and fixed me up, new and improved Marcus,” He said with a wide grin. 
Chase couldn’t help but feel conflicted - sure, Marcus and Douglas had equally hurt them but Marcus had infiltrated their lives, making them care about him just to stab them in the back, it wasn’t something he was able to easily sweep under the rug but part of him knew that Marcus wasn’t at fault, he had just been following orders which was certainly something that Chase could understand. Although it didn’t help that he felt a strong, overwhelming need to get back at the others; when they were kids, he, Bree, and Adam had always promised to have each other’s backs and it hurt Chase that they had apparently forsaken that promise to build themselves up.
They had always protected Chase when Mr Davenport’s anger would get the better of him. Mr Davenport had known that Chase’s abilities would take a little longer to kick in than Adam and Bree’s but that hadn’t stopped him from directing his frustration towards the youngest. Bree would wrap her arms around him and speed them away from Mr Davenport, hiding elsewhere in the lab until Adam came to find them, while Adam would pick up random objects and hurl them at their ‘father’ to distract him and direct his anger towards someone that could fight back, even at a young age.
Chase blinked back tears as he pulled himself from his memories, ignoring the sting in his heart when he realised that they may never have that bond again. 
“Nice,” He noticed how proud Douglas looked when he talked to or about Marcus and wondered if Mr Davenport had ever looked that way when he spoke about him, he highly doubted it.
Chase looked around the new building, it looked more like an actual house than a ‘lair’ which surprised him, he had expected something more like the previous building Marcus and Douglas had been living in; a decrepit, worn down, factory-type building instead of something straight out of suburbia. 
As Marcus gave him a tour of the house, they ended up stood in front of a room at the end of the corridor. “What’s that?” Chase asked curiously. 
“Our room,” Marcus said, pushing the door open and waiting for the lights to flicker on. “Your bed should be getting delivered at some point later on so that’ll go here too.”
The room was simple, similar to Leo’s bedroom, with a single bed against the back wall, bookcases, a games console, miscellaneous posters plastered across the walls, and a wardrobe in the corner. 
“Where’s your capsule? Don’t you need to, I don’t know, recharge all the time?” He asked. 
“Not anymore, Dad figured out a way to have the battery in my system last longer when he rebuilt me so I only have to recharge once a week; he’s been working on some stuff for your chip as well so you might actually get to sleep lying down for once,” Marcus joked, nudging Chase with his elbow which made the latter break in a fit of awkward laughs. Maybe this won’t be so bad, he thought to himself. After all, Mr Davenport had never even considered doing something like this before.
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Bree yelled in frustration as she tried to log onto Davenport’s system, “Why is this taking so long?” She complained, throwing her hands in the air and slumping into the seat behind her.
Leo was sitting next to her, looking just as frustrated. “At least it was pretty easy for Big D to fix the screen and it doesn’t look like any valuable data was taken,” He was trying to find the bright side but doing anything in the lab, even just being there, knowing Chase wasn’t going to come walking through the doors made it feel somewhat tainted.
They hated to admit it but something about Chase not being around felt wrong.
Adam wasn’t doing much better, he hadn’t spoken much since Chase and Douglas left; the most he did was send a scathing glare towards Mr Davenport when he walked in, jolly as can be, and started talking about a new mission.
They all looked up as soon as he walked in, tablet at the ready, “Alright, gang, today we’ve got an easy one, just a regular leak at the power plant, shouldn’t be that tough; Bree, Adam, go suit up.”
“How are we going to do it without Chase?” Adam asked, crossing his arms over his chest and the glare he directed towards Mr Davenport was intense enough to make Leo and Bree flinch. 
“Bree gets us there, I do the heavy lifting, then Chase scans the area to tell us how we need to fix it; how are we going to do it without him?”
“He’s not wrong, Big D,” Leo chimed in, looking nervous. “Chase is mission leader for a reason.”
“Was, Leo,” Davenport snapped. “Chase chose his side, now suit up.”
Leo sent Bree and Adam a weak smile before retreating to his mission specialist desk, all three of them knew that Donald Davenport could be the most stubborn man on the planet; it was more likely that pigs would fly before he admitted that he was wrong so it was decided - if they wanted to get Chase back, they’d have to do it themselves.
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When Bree and Adam returned, bloodied and bruised because they had run into some trouble, they noticed that Leo was sitting at his mission specialist desk, waiting for them and looking quite nervous. 
“Leo?” Bree asked, exchanging a confused glance with Adam. “What are you doing down here? I thought you’d be upstairs by now.”
“Mom’s yelling at Big D, there’s no way I was getting in the middle of that,” Leo chuckled sadly, shaking his head. 
“About what?” Adam wondered.
“Chase,” They all exchanged a look of understanding; although she claimed to love all of her bionic stepchildren equally, there was no denying that Chase was most definitely her favourite, she always seemed to have a soft spot for him.
“Actually,” Bree perked up, a mischievous smirk on her lips. “Want to hear what they’re saying?”
“Yeah but that would involve going upstairs,” Leo replied.
“Not really,” She said, directing them to a small space in the wall and they saw that above their heads, there was a pipe that had been slightly damaged and, therefore, Mr Davenport and Tasha’s voices echoed from the living room.
“What is wrong with you, Donald?”
“Tasha, he sided with the enemy, he doesn’t get to come back even if he wanted to!”
“You’ve made that decision all on your own, have you?” The acid in Tasha’s voice sent shivers down their spines. 
“Am I wrong?”
“Yes! You are! Chase is my son too and if you don’t get him back, I’m done!”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“It means that if you don’t apologise and get Chase back, I’m leaving, I’m taking Leo and getting a divorce; Donald, he is your son and you don’t get to abandon him for realising that you haven’t been treating him right.”
“Divorce?” Bree wondered out loud as they walked away from the pipe, not wanting to hear any more of the adults’ conversation. “She wouldn’t actually divorce him, would she?”
“Mom loves Chase, she probably would.”
“I don’t blame her.”
“What?” Bree and Leo both looked toward Adam with a mixture of shock and confusion plastered across their faces. 
“Mr Davenport’s not a great dad,” He reluctantly admitted. “But he’s even less of a good husband, he’s constantly complaining about ‘family time’ or whenever Tasha wants to spend the day with him, he’d rather be training us or making a new invention, it’s like he doesn’t care about her.” 
Silence enveloped the lab as they considered Adam’s words, he wasn’t wrong. 
“Maybe Chase had the right idea,” Leo murmured bitterly, shaking his head. The idea of having to leave his siblings wasn’t a reality he wanted to face but he had never heard his mom sound so determined before. 
If they didn’t already plan to get Chase back, they sure as hell did now.
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Chase couldn’t stop smiling. He didn’t realise how supportive of a father Douglas was; Marcus had returned back from shopping, as Douglas didn’t want to risk people recognising them together, and he had launched into an excitable ramble about the women at the store teaching him about baking bread. He waved around the paper on which she had written the recipe with detailed instructions, Douglas grabbed the paper from his hands and started walking around the kitchen, checking for equipment and ingredients. 
As happy as he was, Chase couldn’t help thinking that if that had been him and he had gone back to Mr Davenport with a bread recipe, he would’ve scoffed or laughed in his face because “missions come first, always” before launching into a lecture about how important his responsibilities to the team were. The realisation made his stomach turn. 
As much as he was glad to be away from Mr Davenport, he missed the others. He missed Leo’s jokes and his competitiveness while they played on the games console in the living room; he missed Tasha’s attempts at cooking which usually ended in ordering takeout and laughing at her failed efforts; he missed Bree and the loud conversations she had with Caitlin over the phone, sending him annoyed looks whenever he bothered her; he couldn’t believe it but he had actually started to miss the way that Adam launched him across the lab, now that there was a chance that it may never happen again, he found himself yearning for it.
Living with Douglas and Marcus, however, was unlike anything he’d thought it would be.
Douglas was, surprisingly, the exemplification of what a father should be - he made real food and asked him and Marcus about their day, he didn’t force Chase to take on any more responsibilities than he was comfortable with. It felt strange being treated as a son instead of a soldier. 
Marcus had really leaned into the ‘brother’ role and had begun confiding in Chase about the things that scared him - that one day Douglas would change his mind and deactivate him, that he has nightmares of being crushed under piles of rubble and wakes up in cold sweats. 
In return, Chase confided some of his fears in Marcus - that at any point, Spike could come charging out and Chase would, once again, be left to deal with the aftermath; that somehow, Mr Davenport would remotely switch off his chip and he’d be used as an asset because it had always been drilled into him that that was his purpose.
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All day, Leo, Bree, and Adam had been brainstorming ideas to get Chase back. 
Mr Davenport had told them that ‘Chase had made his bed, it’s time for him to lie in it’ and stressed that they weren’t to attempt to see or speak to him anytime soon. They, of course, decided to completely ignore his orders because Chase was their brother, for god’s sake, and they were going to get him back, one way or another.
They had settled on an idea which was, admittedly, not their best one - to find and confront him, and apologise - but they didn’t know what else they could do since Mr Davenport apparently felt no need to mend any bridges. Above all else, it shocked them that he was so quick and willing to wash his hands with Chase as if he hadn’t raised him from a toddler - Adam and Bree wondered if they were that easily dispensible to him.
“Can you see him?” Adam asked, his voice muffled by the doughnut he was eating. He shrugged when Bree slapped his arm and Leo held a finger to his lips, motioning for him to stay quiet.
Bree huffed, already regretting her decision to go with Leo’s master plan. “If he sees or hears us, he’ll probably take off. Remember when you tried to pet the goats at the zoo?”
“They ran off,” He replied, a slight pout on his lips as he remembered the way that the animal bounded away from him in fear. 
“Chase is the goat in this situation, if we move too quickly, he’ll run off.” To which, Adam nodded understandingly. Chase in the goat, he repeated to himself. 
Leo, having watched Big D and Chase use the systems enough times to learn how to track their bionic chips had finally narrowed down Chase’s location to a park a few miles away; as soon as he had found Chase’s location, the three of them instantly set off, hoping that Chase didn’t have any other plans and would still be there when they arrived.
When they arrived at the park, they didn’t see Chase straight away but, on a patch of grass, they noticed Douglas and someone who looked remarkably like Marcus, but they shook the thought from their heads, they had watched Marcus get completely crushed when Douglas’ old lab was destroyed, it couldn’t possibly be him. 
They were able to give up for the day and walk away when they saw Chase walk toward the two; he was holding a tray with three soda bottles, two hot dogs and one box of nachos but what concerned and surprised them the most was the look of genuine happiness he had on his face, which only seemed to increase as he walked closer to Douglas and Marcus.
Chase didn’t seem at all shocked or enraged to see Marcus, as they expected him to be, instead he passed the tray to Doulas and clasped a hand down on Marcus’s shoulder as he sat down, much like Adam used to do to him. 
Douglas, who was seated behind both Marcus and Chase, pulled something from his backpack and the three teens readied themselves to defend their brother but relaxed when they saw him hand a bunch of spare parts and tools to Chase, who brightened at the sight of them. They recognised the tell-tale signs of one of Chase’s lectures in which he would spend almost an hour detailing how exactly something worked, even though no one had asked to know. 
Except, instead of looking bored and rolling their eyes, Douglas and Marcus seemed intrigued by whatever Chase was saying, enough to ask him questions and spur him on to explain and discuss more. 
Leo glared at Marcus, he was usually on the receiving end of Chase’s explanations; sure, he was often sent to sleep by them but that was his right as a brother. 
Bree pursed her lips at the sight; when they were kids, she and Chase used to be inseparable but as they grew up she found herself gravitating away from him and more towards Adam, it had never hit her how much she missed her baby brother. 
Adam, probably, had the most visceral reaction to seeing Chase with Douglas and Marcus, he felt betrayed but a small voice in the back of his mind reminded him that he had contributed to pushing Chase away when he should’ve had his back.
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Chase was apprehensive when he walked into the living room and saw Douglas nervously sitting on the couch. “Should I be worried?” He chuckled, dropping his backpack onto the floor and shrugging off his jacket off his shoulders. 
“No, well, the neighbours are still asking questions so you and Marcus are going back to school, yay!” He awkwardly cheered, urging Chase to have a better reaction than Marcus, who was definitely not a fan of returning to Mission Creek High School. 
“Oh, okay then,” To say Chase was nervous would have been an understatement; the idea of physically going back to school didn’t bother him as much as the knowledge that he was going to Adam, Bree, and Leo again, the last time he saw them, they had looked so angry and disappointed in him, he didn’t want to experience that again. 
Douglas seemed to be able to read the thoughts flashing through his mind because he jumped to ease his worries. “Marcus is going to be with you the entire time, if they want to do anything, they’ll have to get through him, and I’ve upgraded his bionics so, trust me, they’ll have a hard time doing so.”
Chase took a deep breath and ran his fingers through his hair. “Yeah, should be fine,” He mumbled to himself as he walked out of the room without giving Douglas an answer, which worried the older man to no end. 
Douglas never wanted to put Chase in a position to be hurt again, maybe he saw a bit too much of himself in the young boy but he felt the need to protect him and never let any harm come to him, like an actual father. He had always viewed Chase, Adam, and Bree as weapons to be sold but now he couldn’t fathom why he ever thought that.
Chase was his son, and he was going to make damn well sure that nobody hurt him.
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Adam, Bree, and Leo were huddled at Bree’s locker, discussing other plans to see Chase and apologise when Caitlin ran up, words already tumbling from her lips. “Did you hear? I’m sure you did but did you hear?”
“Hear what, Caitlin?” Bree tried not to sound irritated by her friend’s presence.
Any annoyance in her voice went unheard or undetected by Caitlin. “Your nerdy brother and that Marcus kid are back, how come you didn’t tell me? Everyone’s been wondering where he went because we can actually talk in physics now.”
“What?” The three teens erupted in unison.
Caitlin took a step back, noticing how shocked they were. “How did you not know? He’s your brother isn’t he?”
“Yeah but,” Bree grasped for something to tell her. “He went away with our uncle so we didn’t know he was back yet.”
“Oh, that makes sense.”
Caitlin had barely walked off when Marcus and Chase appeared in the frame of the front door, purposefully avoiding their direction, walking off towards the stairs and, as they later found out, Chase’s new locker. Another stab went through their hearts when they realised that Chase had exchanged lockers with someone just to get away from them.
“How are we going to talk to him now?” Bree hissed. 
“Marcus can’t be with him every second of the day, we’ll find a way,” Leo rationalised before he glanced at the clock and saw the time. “And right now, we’re late for class.”
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Ignore them, ignore them, ignore them, Chase repeated the words to himself in the hopes that he would start to listen. Marcus had warned him this morning that his siblings had seen them in the park and were planning on confronting him at some point so he had promised to be at Chase’s side as much as he possibly could - something that Chase was eternally grateful for, he didn’t think he would have the strength to rebuff their apologies otherwise. 
So far, Marcus had kept to his word, there hadn’t been a moment in the day that he was too far. Every now and then, he could catch a glimpse of Bree’s hair or hear Leo’s trainers squeak on the freshly polished floor and he would hide until they passed.
His luck was about to run, however, because, as he was piling his books into his locker, he felt their presence behind him, no Marcus in sight and he cursed himself for not waiting for him to be done talking to their teacher. 
“Hey,” He said awkwardly as he shut his locker and turned around, reluctantly meeting their gazes. Chase was expecting scathing glares from all three of them but he almost flinched when he saw the earnest and, frankly, pleading looks they were sending him. 
“Chase,” Leo took a deep breath. “Come home.”
He felt his anger flare up. “What home?” He replied harshly, feeling some sort of sick pleasure in seeing them jerk away at his tone.
“Chasey,” Adam called him the name he hadn’t spoken since they were kids and Chase felt Spike start to slowly surface.
“Don’t,” His voice was sharp. “Where was this support before? You’ve got speed and strength, remember, what do you need me for?”
“We were wrong,” Bree looked like it physically pained her to admit the fact. “Mr Davenport is pretty stubborn but we miss you and we were wrong to turn on you like that.”
“Mom misses you too,” For the first time since they had confronted him, they watched as Chase’s angry expression slipped ever so slightly at the mention of Tasha.
Chase opened his mouth to speak but he didn’t get the chance.
“What’s going on here?” They could feel the anger emanating from the form of the boy behind them. 
Marcus had finally pulled himself away from his teacher to realise that Chase had disappeared, he muttered a string of curses under his breath before he went off in search of his brother. To his annoyance and slight horror, Chase looked like he had been accosted at his locker. He couldn’t help but feel his blood boil at the sight; sure, he and Douglas were still making amends to Chase but seeing three of the people that had underestimated him so much infuriated him.
They turned as one when they heard him. Adam’s pleading gaze quickly shifted, as did Leo and Bree’s, into a scowl, their lips curling at the sight of him. He fought back a smirk at the knowledge that they hated him so much. 
“What does it matter to you?” Bree hissed. “This is a family problem.”
“He is family, Bree,” Chase insisted, ignoring the looks of indignation. “Anything you have to say to me, you can say in front of Marcus.”
Bree could practically feel the fear emanating from Chase, her little brother was scared of her, and the thought shook her to her core. “Chase, come home, please.”
Chase glanced from her to Marcus and back again, looking indecisive and overwhelmed. “I…”
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purple-imagines · 1 year
Pairing - Chase Davenport x Reader
Summary - Reader meets Spike for the first time
Warnings - kissing, swearing
Word Count - 697
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“Y/N!” She heard Leo scream out of her phone, as soon as she answered it. 
“Hello to you too, Leo.” She replied back. 
“Can you come to our house? The lab to be exact.” She could hear banging in the background. 
She narrowed her eyebrows, “why?”
“Well, Adam made Chase angry and Spike decided to make an appearance.”
The girl let out a sigh, of course. “Where’s Davenport?”
“Out of town.” She could hear Adam scream in the distance.
“Tasha too?”
“Yep. Are you coming?”
“Yes, I’m headed there now.”
“Good. Hurryy-” He hung up after screaming. 
The girl walked the street to the Davenports, only 10 minutes away. Arriving, everything looked normal from the outside. 
She walked into the house, seeing Bree on her phone on the couch, Adam in the hallway, looking out of breath, and Leo running into the living room.
“Thank God! He's in the basement.”
Y/N crossed her arms, “what’s in this for me?” 
“Uh- Chase will do your homework.”
“We already do our homework together.”
“Oh.” Leo looked defeated, “I’ll cover for Chase next time y’all want to stay out past curfew.”
“Hm.. ok.” She shrugged, heading towards the elevator. 
Going down towards the basement, she couldn’t help but feel a bit nervous. She’s heard of Spike, but never actually met him. She trusts Chase though, and according to Leo she could do it. 
The elevators open and she’s greeted with silence. Walking through the doors, she hears a loud bang, causing her to jump. 
She could see lab equipment all over the floor, some in pieces, others still salvageable. Spike was standing in front of the tubes, looking mad. 
“Hey there, pretty lady,” he smirked, “what’s your name?”
Y/N crossed her arms, “Y/N.” 
“Pretty name for a pretty girl. I’m Spike, but you can call me whatever you want.
She huffed. He was annoying, to say the least. “Well, Spike,” she jumped up onto a counter, swinging her legs. “What do you wanna do?”
“Other than you?” He continued to smirk, causing her to roll her eyes. “I want to destroy this place.”
“Ok then.” She slowly pushed a lamp off the counter she was sitting on. Keeping eye contact with Spike the entire time. 
His eyebrows rose, he slowly walked towards his left, towards Davenport's inventions. Copying what the girl did, he slowly pushed one off, causing it to break in half. 
The girl hopped off the counter, keeping eye contact, she walked towards the middle of the lab, taking her arms and sweeping everything off the table. 
Back in the living room, Adam, Bree, and Leo were watching everything on Eddie's screen.
Leo drug his hands down his face, “what is she doing? She’s supposed to stop him from destroying the lab, not help mess it up.”
Bree shrugged, “it’s working.” 
Looking back at the screen, they could see the smiles on both their faces. They were causing havoc, but were happy about it. 
Now they stood face to face, about five inches apart. “If they kiss, I’ll throw up.” Leo gagged, walking over towards the couch. 
Y/N put her forehead on Spikes, looking him in the eyes. “You happier now?”
He laughed, “yeah.” He pulled her in and kissed her lips. The girl slowly kissed back, putting her hands on the back of his neck.
Pulling back after a couple of seconds, she realized his hands were on her waist. “Chase?” 
“It’s me.” She pulled him into her, hugging him tight. 
He slowly pulled away, looking around at the damage. “Did I do this?”
“Not all of it.” She winced. 
Chase let out a smile, pulling her into another kiss. 
“Is it clear?” They hear Leo yell from the hallway. 
They laugh as they let go of each other. “We’re good.” She called back. 
Leo, Bree, and Adam walk into the lab, looking around at the disaster. Adam and Leo walk towards Chase, while Bree walks towards Y/N.
Bree bumps shoulders with her, “someone had fun.” She teased.
Y/N gasped, “you were watching?” Bree laughed and nodded.
Chase wrapped his arms around YN, “now I’ve got to see this video.”
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slutboybarbie · 1 year
Are you ever gonna write more about Chase Davenport? Its ok if you don't, I just love how you write for him <3
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Hi sorry it took me so long !! Hopefully you like this one<3
Chase Davenport x Reader
Warning/summary: dom chase, secret relationship, dumbification
Having Chase as your boyfriend and dom was amazing. He took care of you, made sure you were always happy, always knew what you needed, and made sure you were okay with everything the two of you did together.
His only "problem"- it wasn't even a problem, you loved it about him- is that he gets jealous. Pure, unbridled anger that arose in his chest at the sight of what he thinks is you with another.
So you, a person with a very flirty personality, plus a whole house full of sexy ass heroes? Not ideal.
For Chase at least.
He'd insisted on keeping your relationship private, not wanting to put too much pressure on the two of you. Even with your sneaking around, some of the team already knew.
Leo, Bree, and Sebastian(who'd been staying with y'all for a while now) were bionic humans and downright nosey for gods sake, not too much got by them, and Adam, poor Adam, just needs to learn how to knock before entering a room.
They'd cornered him one morning in the kitchen, commenting on the fresh hickey you'd just planted on his neck the night before.
"Oh my- Chase Davenport, is that a hickey?", Leo said, hand on his chest and imitating a voice that sounded a lot like Tasha.
Chase froze for a sec, his cheeks turning that beautiful shade of pink, before deciding to not respond, and keep on making his coffee.
"Jesus Christ, we're gonna have to start calling Y/N the human vacuum. Look at the size of that thing!", Bree had laughed out, causing the others to join in.
Chase froze for the second time that day, coffee mug still in hand and turned around to look at his friends like a deer caught in headlights, "You know?!"
They all just laughed more at his facial expression before he turned to Adam, "You. I knew you knew already. You told them?"
Adam's hands quickly came up in defense, "Don't look at me, I had no idea they knew."
Chase hated the fact that they knew because the once harmless flirting was now purposeful. You were unaware of the extra cheekiness but Chase definitely wasn't.
The way Leo would make sure to refer to you as "Doll" whenever speaking to you, causing you to giggle, the way Sebastian would sensually guide you through your training, a few more touches to the arms and hips than usual, Bree taking any chance she could to cuddle up with you in the common room, and Adam was unaware of the whole thing.
They loved seeing the interaction between the two of you as you tried to figure out what was wrong with your boyfriend, his jaw clenched and face a light red color.
Chase let it go, deciding that some flirting wasn't hurting anyone, and he knew it wasn't serious.
That didn't last long.
It happened at one of Davenport's parties. You'd only had two drinks but that's all you needed to gain some liquid courage, going out to the dance floor.
You were feeling a bit loose, dancing with your friends. When the song changed from up tempo, to something a bit more slow and sensual, so did your dancing.
You were currently in between Leo and Sebastian, neither of them touching you in respect for their friend and your boyfriend, but that was as clean as it got.
Chase watched from afar as you rolled your body in between the two men, as if you weren't taken. He knew he couldn't openly say anything, in fear of someone noticing.
But the more he watched, the less amount of fucks he gave. Setting his drink down from the bar, Chase rudely abandoned a one sided conversation some lady was having with him, lying to her when he said "I'll be right back."
He stormed onto the dance area, stepping in between you and his friends. Grabbing your arm he flashes Leo and Seb a fake smile, "Mind if I borrow Y/N real quick?", not even giving them a chance to respond, he drags you out of the room.
"Chase! What're you doing, I was having fun!", you stop in the middle of the hall, upset that he took you away.
The man in question allows you to stop, knowing he could just pull you along if he wanted to, but decided against it.
"I didn't know acting like a slut in public was considered 'fun' nowadays.", he says with a glare.
Fed up with his attitude, you respond, "Yeah well, things have changed. It's called the 21st century, gramps."
You're quickly pushed against the wall in the hallway, where anyone could come and see you. Chase separates your legs with his knee, placing it on your core, his hand finding it's place on your neck.
"Y'know, I was gonna wait until we got to the room to fuck some sense into you, but maybe I should just do it right here. I bet you'd like that. For everyone to be able to see how much a whore you are."
You whine at his words, trying to grind down onto his thigh.
"I fuckin' knew it.", he laughs darkly, releasing your neck and stepping away from you, causing you to stumble from the wall. "Too bad I don't like sharing."
He makes his way to the elevator, leaving you to mindlessly trail behind him like a very horny puppy.
You thought for sure he'd make a move on you in the elevator, the short amount of privacy enough time for him to have you up against a wall, wet and begging, but he did nothing.
The elevator door opened and you wordlessly followed him to his room, he allowed you to walk in first, not even attempting to swat at your ass like he usually does.
Walking into the room, you turn when you hear the door close, fearful of your boyfriends sudden quietness. "Baby-"
"Quiet.", he cuts you off.
"Sweetheart if I have to repeat myself, the night will be much worse for you than I already have planned."
His low tone and threatening words convince you to obey him, watching as he stops at your dresser, loosening his tie.
You have no choice but to stand there as he unbuttons his shirt, slowly, practically teasing you. His toned abs peek through and you feel your mouth start to salivate at the sight. Chase looks up and a dark chuckle escapes his mouth at the look on your face.
"See something you like?"
It's a rhetorical question because he knows how much you love his body, and he knows it's killing you to not touch him right now.
He strips down to his boxers, the room completely silent except for the pounding of your heartbeat. Chase walks over to the bed, getting himself comfortable with his hands behind his head, propping him up.
"Your turn." He tells you.
You quickly began to undress, and Chase tsks, "Slower. I want a show."
Obeying him you start to go a bit slower, feeling small under his intense stare.
Once you're completely stripped, he signals for you to come to him on the bed.
"Cmon baby, don't go dumb on me just yet."
Chase's request falls on deaf ears with you too focused on your impending orgasm. You'd lost count of how many you'd given him tonight, your brain too clouded to keep count of anything at the moment.
"Ohh, you're already there hm?"
Your partner uses his big hands, cradling your neck and face to get your attention on him. His hips continue to slap into yours, jolting you with every thrust.
He has your feet by your ears, body pressed to yours so closely that it's nearly intoxicating.
"Just can't help yourself, can you?", Chase taunted. He ghosts his lips over yours, teasing you even further.
You mumble out a "please" when he does it again, and Chase gives in.
He applies more pressure to your throat when he deepens the kiss, causing you to clench around him. He moans into your mouth, a whimper-like groan escaping him.
"You're mine, y'know that?" He asks and you nod.
“Yeah? But you don’t act like it.” Chase says bitterly
He’s referring to your little dance and you can tell just how mad it made him with the way his thrusts pick up.
“I’m sorry baby, I’m sorry.” You plead with him.
“Aww now that’s sweet.” He chuckles out.
“I am!” You insure. “But, I can’t cum again. I just can’t.” You knew your safe words. If you truly wanted him to stop, he would.
“Maybe if you were good, I’d be more sympathetic but since you weren’t, I’m not stopping.”
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becca-is-not-well · 1 year
Hi pretty!
So I have a super cute idea that won't let me rest
So basically how do you think chase davenport would react to the reader stealing his clothes
Like pajama pants, one of his flannels, a tee shirt
Id yoyu don't wanna write if you totally don't have to🩷
Chase Davenport x reader
Warnings: fluffy, a little cheesy, and gets suggestive at the end (im sorry I couldn't help myself I love him sm sobbb) 2nd person (you/yours) also I didn't specify how the clothes fit cause I'm a big girl and I know for a fact Chase's clothes would be tight on me if I even managed to squeeze in lol so it's hopefully as inclusive as possible :)
"Hey, has anyone seen my blue flannel?" Chase asked the living room full of superheros.
"You have, like, a hundred blue flannels. Care to narrow it down at all?" Bree responded with her usual amount of attitude. Chase sent her an unamused look.
"Then have you seen my sweatpants? I'm staying with my girlfriend tonight and I can't find any of my clothes," he says exasperated.
"I bet Oliver stole them. He had a history," Kaz looks away his best friend with an amused smile.
"For the last time, I didn't realize they were your underwear! I wouldn't have touched them with a ten-foot pole if I had realized," Oliver shuddered at the memory while Bree and Chase both rolled their eyes.
"Oh! Skyler, have you seen my blue flannel and/or my sweatpants?" Chase asked the alien as she walked into the room.
"You have about a hundred blue flannels, how am I supposed to know which one you're looking for?" Skyler replied immediately. Bree pointed at Skyler dramatically while looking at her brother.
"See?!" She said triumphantly, happy for the unexpected validation. Chase rolled his eyes so hard, it was a surprise they didn't get stuck looking at his brain.
"And this is why I'm going away for the night," he said with a sarcastic smile before turning around and leaving the room.
After almost a half hour of searching, he still couldn't find his missing clothes. But Chase was nothing if not punctual, so he ended up just throwing some random clothes in his bag and heading out the door to get to your apartment on time.
Soon enough, he was right outside the familiar door that led into a small apartment. The man let out a content sigh as he opened the door and took in the familiar sights and smells of the place, happy to finally get away from his own home and spend the night with his love.
"Honey, I'm home!" Chase called out, only half joking.
A blur of blue and gray suddenly came full speed out of the bedroom, colliding with him in a tight hug. After taking a second to regain his balance, he chuckled and hugged you back just as hard.
"Hi, baby," he said, burying his face in your hair and breathing deeply. It had been a rough week for him, but all the tension in his body left with a simple hug.
"I missed you~" you said in a slightly whiny tone, holding onto Chase even tighter.
"Missed you too, bug," he chuckled at your enthusiasm to see him, warmth and love rising in his chest. No one had ever had a reaction like this to simply seeing him before- and it was definitely a boost in confidence.
After a few more moments in each other's embrace, you both pulled away slightly, smiling at each other. Silently, you met each other's lips for a sweet, slow peck.
"Wait- what are you-" Chase pulled away again, his big brain processing what he had seen you wearing in the split second he had looked down. "Is that my flannel?"
You just nodded with a sweetly oblivious smile, stepping back to show the whole outfit.
"And your pants- and this might be your t-shirt," you told him happily. Chase just stood there in confusion- and a little bit of awe. Sure enough, your entire outfit consisted of his clothes.
"Is- that okay?" You asked after a moment of silence from Chase.
"Uh- yeah! Yeah, of course," he replied, a smile working its way onto his face.
It was cliché, but he decided quickly that seeing his you in his clothes was the best thing that would ever grace his eyes. You just looked so cute standing there, a shy smile on your face as you presented the clothing that used to belong to him. Obviously, though, he thought you looked much better than he ever did in the clothes- he would never dream of asking for them back.
Soon, the innocent adoration turned into something a bit less innocent. A surge of possessiveness and pride swelled in him as he looked you up and down again.
"You look so pretty, I don't know if I want to take my clothes off you or just keep looking," he said, the surge of confidence overtaking him as he stepped closer again.
You let out a giggle as he took your waist in his hands, pulling your body closer.
"I may or may not have a preference," you told him, subconsciously biting your lip.
"Oh really? Why don't you show me which one you want, then?" Chase said with a smile, meeting you for another kiss.
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passcode58 · 1 year
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Not Requested |
Fluff |
Pairings | Chase Davenport x Cheerleader reader
Word Count | 1409
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The hallways of Mission Creek High School were abuzz with excitement. It was the start of a new semester, and students were catching up with their friends and sharing stories of their summer adventures. Among them was Chase Davenport, a superpowered bionic teenager who had recently transferred to the school. He was anxious, this new change in environment didn't bode well for him. You see Chase was known for his intelligence and incredible abilities, which he had inherited from his bionic enhancements. This should make him cool, hot, and popular, right? However, instead, he was a short, nerdy nerd with the personality of a snobby egotistical dick, who often bit off more than he could chew. Not exactly your average pearly-tooth jock.
His brother was the cool guy. Tall, dark hair, chiselled jaw, and buff. Funny jokes, no brain but the charisma pulled through for him. He knew he couldn't compete but he wanted to at least make one friend. He made his way through the crowded hallway, eyes set on the new scenery around him. The floors were a bit dirty, but they were better than the tube he spent most of his life comfined to. So, he kept his eyes trained on the floor, until something caught his eye.
"And one, and two, and three!"
He noticed a group of cheerleaders practising their routines in the gymnasium. His attention was immediately drawn to one girl in particular. He didn't know who you were, he didn't know her name yet he felt the need to know you. Your legs came into view, perfectly visible due to the length of your skirt, or lack thereof. Gorgeous, dark, and muscular. Then, his gaze trailed upwards to your hips, they were more defined than the lot of girls in the school, and well the face card pulled full time. Plump lips, a beautiful mole, and pretty doe eyes. You were practically a doll, a pretty little thing, especially with your goddess braids done up, falling down your shoulder like a waterfall. He was simply entranced.
Then he heard your name. 
"I'm sorry (Y/n). I messed up!"
"It's no problem Em, we can run it again, okay?"
'(Y/n), that's your name.' Your infectious energy and enthusiasm caught his eye. But also your beauty, but he's not shallow! He's not shallow for sure— 
"Cool Kat's leading the cheer squad again." Someone shoved him aside, rushing into the gym to watch you. Now he also know your nickname is Cool Kat, and your real name was (Y/n). You were appointed captain for your incredible flexibility and captivating smile. You had always been the life of the party, lighting up any room you entered with your vivacious personality. As the cheerleading captain, you took your role seriously and put your heart and soul into every routine. You were cool, hot and popular but in brief moments he could see you tugging at the hem of your skirt and biting your lip, eyes creasing when something went wrong.
He watched you argue with someone for messing up the routine but you also helped them improve it, giving them a second chance. "Vicious but sweet," someone said. "Yeah she's Hot and cold," but she's so…dreamy.
Like any ordinary teenage boy— which ironically he was not— he couldn't help but feel a strange connection to you. There was something about you that intrigued him, something beyond your athletic prowess and dazzling smile but he didn't dare to approach you. Not yet, at least 
"You know, bionic or not you could get arrested and a serious deduction in
social cred for creepily eyeing up the hottest girl in school." Bree says casually. Chase frowns. "I was not."
"You were," and now Adam joins in, stealing an apple from his bag.
"Look bro, we love you, okay? There's a lot of girls I'm sure would…date you— if you pray enough— but this chick ain't one." He felt that deep within because he believes it. He does and it hurts so he storms off.
He swore he wouldn't talk to you, he swore he'd stay away but god. He bumps into you in the hallway, such a cliché thing to do. His super strength sends you barrelling to the floor and tears well up in your eyes at the impact. It was hard, your leg began to bleed. Today was a bad day and he made it worse. "For fucks sake." your mouth was foul, he'd heard that about you too but he liked it. Not right now though, he panicked and rushed over frantically. "I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!" and he moves over to lift you up but you don't like this. You hate it, who even is this boy and why was he touching you when you never asked for his help!? "Excuse me," You said and his arms were promptly pried off. The all knowing Chase Davenport didn't know what to do. "Hey I said I'm sorry." Chase repeats and his eyes soften. "Genuinely, I'm really sorry, I didn't mean to, please just let me help you, it's the very least I could do." You were still upset, hands trembling but he gently placed his hands over you, and softly said "Breathe in…Breathe out… It was like a gust of gentle wind passed through you. Normally these exercises didn't help, but when he guided you it felt different. You could hear your heart beating slower and slower and suddenly, you didn't feel so defensive or upset. It was an accident. He wasn't setting this up to take advantage of you like other guys, he was genuinely a klutz with garbage timing. So you let him.
"Thank you, for helping me."
"Hey, I kinda knocked you over in the first place, which is so stupid of me, again I'm so sorry." But his guilt made you smile. "It's okay, stranger. I'm sorry I reacted like that. I was really defensive…guys here can be weird." And he knows, given that, you know he's not even a normal human being. 
You took his features in. He seemed familiar but you couldn't quite put your finger on it. Noticing your gaze, he cleared his throat and announced "By the way, I'm Chase. I'm new here, and I couldn't help but notice your amazing cheerleading skills. You're really impressive." He didn't know where he got this confidence from, but his mind seemed to have been absolutely fucked when he saw your pretty eyes.
You turned to face Chase, eyes sparkling with excitement now. "Hey, Chase! You're one of the Devenport kids right? I've seen your siblings around." And his heart wants to sink as you mention his older brother chatting her up a few times and buying you drinks. Of course the older Davenport got to you first. Of course of course of course. "Thanks for the compliment. I'm always thrilled to meet new people, especially those who appreciate cheerleading. It's such a passion of mine! Although the circumstances are quite…undesirable," and then he's brought out of his jealousy by your words. "Your brother is so sweet but he doesn't seem to appreciate my cheerleading like you do. Say, wanna talk some more?" and to be honest he doesn't even know what to make of this, so he awkwardly shakes his head. Maybe it was a shitty prank but once they actually continued talking, Chase discovered that you were not only talented but also incredibly kind and down-to-earth. A bit snappy— he made note not to get on your bad side— but generally pretty sweet.
"Chase, you're genuine and I like that. I like you, I think we should be friends, if you don't mind that is, I totally get if you don't want t—"
"NO!" Upon bearing his output your heart sank and your eyes widen, immediately, surprised by this. Maybe he didn't like you?
"Wait not no— I meant yes, as in I want to be your friend!" and you smile. 
"Then take my number."
He can't stop himself from grinning like a fool, but he holds it together.
"I— uh, I just want to tell you, while I think you're pretty I want to get to know you for more than that. I genuinely think you're an amazing person and thanks for giving me a chance." And for the first time you didn't feel like (Y/n) the vain, mean, airheaded, snappy and arrogant cheerleader. Weirdly enough this weirded you out, but it was something new and exciting and you were willing to give this friendship a chance too.
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I'm in love
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infiniteimaginings · 2 months
hi! Can you write a Marcus Davenport x reader? Maybe where she finds his body and rebuilds him or just pure fluff?
I Can't Fix You (Marcus Davenport x Fem!Reader)
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Summary: After the fight Marcus had with Adam, Bree, Chase and the others, after you all left before the whole place collapsed, you watched as debris crushed Marcus. You went back, you found Marcus's body and you tried to put him back together. Will his memory regain or do you just have to stay known as the person who found him? Pronouns: You/Yours, She/Her Warnings: Kind of angsty because he's assumed to be dead before getting rebuilt lol! Word Count: 3.3k A/N: (Fic can be seen as platonic or as romantic). I know what the title says, it's not full angst. Also yes, I'm just showing off my scientific vocabulary, what of it?
Marcus Davenport wasn’t a good person, he wasn’t a ‘person’ at all, he was an android and now everyone knew that was because of Douglas, his creator, his father.
Douglas knew that Marcus wouldn’t have even made it to sixteen since androids burn out far quicker than humans with bionics, but it didn’t matter. Even though he was ordered to kill Adam, Bree, Chase, Leo and you, none of you wanted him to die. You all tried to warn him, Chase told him to run but he was set on his orders. Due to that, he was crushed by the ceiling of the crumbling garage as the group all ran to save themselves.
Your eyes filled with tears as you yelled his name, your body a;most moving on its own to grab him, but someone else grabbed you first, you could only hear ringing, you barely registered that you were being dragged out of the area. You only realized when someone was holding you to their chest, their hand covering your head, they were shielding you from the debris as you screamed, as you sobbed. 
Once the damage had been done, you noticed Adam had protected you from the blast. You couldn’t say anything, tears were streaming down your face. You looked around at everyone, but they were already looking at you with deep regret in their eyes.
They knew how much Marcus meant to you.
You made eye contact with Douglas and before you could even stop yourself you stomped towards him, “How dare you!” You yelled, someone grabbing you by your waist to stop you from getting closer. You kicked and flailed as Leo stepped to your side, holding your arm, Bree holding your other. 
Douglas rolled his eyes, “What’s her problem?” He asked, no sort of sympathy in his voice.
Chase stepped in front of you, telling Douglas to just remove himself from in front of you. You couldn’t hear him, you couldn’t hear anything but the sound of the ceiling caving in and crushing Marcus to the point you couldn’t see him anymore.
He must’ve been in so much pain. You knew he was an android, but he still must be so hurt and he was all alone, under so much rubble that no one can get him from under. 
You continued to cry, your body relaxing as you sobbed. Adam, the person holding you from practically jumping Douglas, placed you down to your feet, but they gave in. You fell to your knees, chest heaving from your gasping breaths, you were clawing at your throat because you couldn’t breathe. 
Bree sat next to you, rubbing consoling circles into your back gently, her head on your shoulder, “I’m so sorry.” She whispered, repeating it a few times. 
Leo sat on your other side, gently pulling your hands from your throat so you would stop clawing at yourself. He didn’t say anything, no one else said anything.
The teens all sat around you, comforting you, holding you as you cried, no longer having the voice to scream.
About a week later, the group were all at the Davenport residence, where they lived, and they hadn’t seen you for a while. They knew that they were a little out of it, they had seen someone die, it took a toll on them. Nothing they were feeling was comparable to how you were feeling in that moment. You didn’t text, you didn’t call, you didn’t send any reports which was understandable. 
No one expected anything from you because you were genuinely grieving, and they would give you as much space as possible.
You were in your own lab, a lab that was paid for by Donald Davenport himself after your help with his children, their missions, and all of their tests. Your own personal lab where you could do anything you wanted, he never had much concern because he knew you would never do anything to hurt anyone.
You walked around your lab, turning on a tablet as you reached a long table with a cloth over it. You gently peeled it off to expose a metal like body, parts separate from itself. A few pieces of rubber like skin were connected to the parts which caused you to frown. 
You inhaled a deep breath before releasing it slowly, blinking back tears. “I’m going to fix you, Marcus. Just, give me time.” You whispered to him, sitting in a chair with wheels so you could move more efficiently as you reached for a table with a few tools.
This process would obviously take more than a few days, or a few weeks, you knew this. That still doesn’t stop your disappointment when you try to activate the android, and nothing happens.
“Day 49,” You spoke into a small mic you decided to use for research. You were recording the process in case you did something different that worked better than other tests. “Skull reassembled, initiating power test.” 
You took a step back and rubbed at your eyes, you had barely been getting sleep in the weeks of trying to fix Marcus, but it would all work out in the end. At least you hoped it would. 
With a turn, you input a few codes into your system to initiate the test. You turned back to the android, pressing the start up key. A light entered the android's eyes which made your face light up before it completely put out again. 
Your body slumped as you sat on the floor, “What am I doing wrong?” You groaned, pulling your knees up, placing your head in between them. 
You almost fell asleep in that position until you were shuffling and high pitched whirring sounds. You slowly looked up, eyes wide with shock as you saw the android staring down at you. He didn't really have an expression since half of his synthetic face had been lost in the damage. 
You quickly stood up, grabbing your tablet and speaking quietly, “Power test completed successfully.” 
After a moment you walked up to him, slowly and gently so as to not set off some sort of memory with your facial expression. He didn’t react, his facial muscles didn’t move, so you were unsure if he was trying to or if he didn’t recognize you. 
“Please perform a comprehension test. Repeat the following sentence after me: Testing, one, two, three.” 
You noticed he opened his mouth, but no sound came out so he simply closed it again. “Okay, can you understand me?” You asked and he nodded, you typed it out into a document on your tablet before noting that he can’t speak.
“It seems there's an issue with the voicing function of the android. The comprehension test didn't yield the expected results. I'll need to investigate further to address this issue."
After the initial test, you couldn't run diagnostics since he couldn't speak. You powered him down and thanked the stars that it finally worked.
A few days later, you believed that you figured out the voicing issue and powered him on once again. After running the test, it gave you the proper results and he was able to repeat a few of the phrases for you. Hearing his voice again almost made you tear up, but you kept it down or the sake of putting him back together.
You weren’t worried about any sort of memory or cognitive functions at the moment, you wanted to make sure his body could move, he could feel things, and that his processors were working well.
You tested him everyday until each section was working as needed and began working on the synthetic flesh and facial details so you wouldn’t have to be staring at pure metal with a few pieces of Marcus on it. You’d be able to just look at Marcus.
You let Marcus stay powered on as you worked so he could walk around, do a few tests, live a little bit how he did before just from the comfort of your lab. He would occasionally just watch you intensely as you added details to the silicone rubber for his skin, never really asking questions. 
The time it took to complete the flesh with the silicone and thermoplastic elastomers with your determination was about two and a half months. You already knew Marcus’s design, and from the androids you helped Mr. Davenport with you knew what you were doing. 
Marcus didn’t speak to you at all really, the only time he did was when he asked to stay powered on when you applied the external details. You agreed, not minding it as you applied the  foam first to go under the silicone flesh. After the silicone, everything was easier, and was quicker to get done.
You had a ton of clothes from when Adam, Chase, and Leo stayed over so you put Marcus in a grouping of those and got started on his nails. They were resin and plastic, so they were easy to get done.
Next was his dental, the teeth weren’t as difficult as you expected so you moved on to his eyes, connecting them so he could move them on his own. 
The final thing you had to do was add his hair, his eyebrows, and his eyelashes. That took about a week as a whole, but when you were done, god you were so happy.
After months of work you finally got to see Marcus again, your Marcus. 
One of these days, weeks later, you were just testing his internal systems  so you could do more work on it. You could barely hide how giddy you were to be able to be with Marcus again, but you had to in order to finish the tests.
You sat in a chair at your desk, the reflection of the computer screen in your eyes. “Okay Marcus, it’s time for checks.” You told him, typing a few things into the document you had written up.
The boy looked over to you and nodded, waiting for your first check order.
“Initiate movement status check.”
Marcus rolled his neck around a bit, rotating his shoulders, and kicking his legs from the table before fully standing and stretching his back. “Movement systems online. Limb articulation within standard operating range. Motor functions at full capacity.” He told you, deciding to walk around for a bit.
You were used to this in the routine, so you didn’t blink an eye to it, simply moving on to the next one as you documented the report. “Sensory status check.”
He blinked his eyes and picked up one of the books you had in your lab, among the other things to keep him entertained. “Sensory receptors functioning optimally. Visual, auditory, and tactile sensors are all operational.”
“Emotional status check.” You spoke blankly, tiredly, before yawning and shaking your head, continuing to document. 
Marcus continued to walk around, humming as he ran the system, “Emotional simulation systems activated. Mood regulation protocols operational,” He had a small pause as he ran into an issue, “but experiencing minor glitches. Emotional responses calibrated to mimic human behavior, though intermittently disrupted.” He spoke, his response the same as prior testing.
You grunted a bit, “Explain the glitches.”
“Minor malfunctions detected in emotional simulation systems.” He mumbled a bit, looking at the pictures on your other desk. It was of you and the Davenports. “Glitches attributed to data inconsistencies and software irregularities. Efforts underway to rectify deviations from optimal functioning.” He spoke plainly, picking up one of the pictures, a bit distracted.
“Okay. What are your efforts?”
Marcus cleared his throat, placing the picture down, “I am currently undergoing a diagnostic analysis to pinpoint the sources of emotional simulation systems. Efforts are also being made to recalibrate my data processing algorithms and conduct hardware checks.”
You typed it out into the document, turning to your touchpad desk, “How are those going?” You asked him, pulling up his system on it.
Marcus paused once again, putting his hand through his hair before sighing. “I am unable to proceed with the diagnostic analysis, software updates, or recalibration of my emotional simulation systems.” He admitted, the comment causing you to look up immediately. “External interference or system limitations prevent me from executing these corrective measures at this time.” He finished, looking away.
“I’ll figure it out. Cognitive status check.” You waved it off, placing x’s around what he was talking about. 
“Cognitive processes functioning within expected parameters.” He answered, sitting back on the table that he was on originally, “Memory storage and retrieval systems are partially functional, with limited capacity for retention. Decision-making algorithms operating optimally.”
“What percentage of memory retention capacity are you exhibiting?”
“Memory retention capacity is currently at minimal levels.” He told you, a small flash of an expression on his face but he didn’t keep it on for long. “Able to recall initial construction, select testing procedures, and limited facial recognition. Dialogue recall is limited to brief fragments.” He told you, swallowing harshly.
You nodded and hummed a bit, “Okay, I’ll…” You huffed out a breath. “I’ll have to figure it out another day, I’m sorry, I’m tired.” You told him with an airy chuckle, rubbing your eyes again.
Marcus nodded in understanding, he wasn’t worried about you shutting him off again, you tend to let him run and he just has to sleep in a generated area to keep his system in check. His expression wasn’t because he was worried about you leaving, he was worried and he didn’t know why.
He looked down a bit, “Um…” He began as you packed up your computer and tablet. You looked up at the sound with a raised brow. Marcus clasped his hands together, “How long do you think it’ll be until I have my memories back?” He asked you, his eyes soft, confusion sparking in them.
You thought about it before ultimately looking down, “I don’t know, but I’m trying to get them back to you. Why?”
“I just feel these weird glitches, as if I should know what they are but it’s not connecting.” He explained, rubbing the back of his neck, not meeting your eyes. 
You smiled at him gently, “I won’t stop until you get your memories back. I promise.” You told him before leaving the lab to get some rest.
More weeks passed and Marcus could see your growing frustration because you didn’t have the original system Marcus had been connected to prior. You didn’t know how to regain his memories without overwriting the memory completely. 
One particularly late night, Marcus was in his generated when you had just shut yourself down. You picked up the mic and gently began to cry because you felt like you’ve tried everything. “I can’t fix you.” You mumbled into the mic, recording your voice for the documents, “I can’t fix you completely and I’m so sorry Marcus.” You whispered, keeping your sobs as quiet as possible, “I’m so so sorry.” You sobbed, tears pouring and dripping to the floor as you kept your head down.
What you didn't notice was that Marcus had opened his eyes and watched you sadly as you cried. He didn’t know how he could help you. There was something inside him that wanted to go to you, that hated seeing you cry, but he didn’t know which part that was. He didn’t know why he wanted you to be happy. He didn’t know why he wanted to be so close to you. He didn’t know why he felt so far.
One of the days in passing your hands were implanted onto your face, trying not to cry out of irritation. Marcus walked beside you, squatting down a bit, “What’s wrong?” He asked you suddenly, causing you to flinch a bit. 
He’s known you for months, you’ve built memories with him. He knows your name, but he only knows you because you rebuilt him. He knows your quirks because he’s had no choice but to watch you do them. 
You shook your head, “Nothing, nothing I’m just trying to figure this out.” You mumbled to him, clutching your chest since your heart was racing a bit.
Unfortunately for you, Marcus had bionic hearing, why did you add that feature? You were unsure, perhaps you missed your bionic friends after the months of locking yourself away, only hearing them through phone calls, seeing them through pictures.
The android boy could hear your heart racing and led you to the table he typically laid on, placing a pillow on it, “Just, take a break.” He told you before walking off to another section of the lab.
You couldn't deny Marcus, whether he remembered you or not so you closed your eyes for a moment, only a moment.
While you eventually dozed off to sleep, Marcus opened your laptop and looked through the documents concerning his memory and everything you tried. He went to your touchpad desk and began building something to hopefully help in the long run. Whilst he did that, he couldn’t help his gaze locking to you, softening at your sleeping figure, almost not wanting to pull away. 
After a few long hours, you blinked your eyes open, wiping the watery tears from your eyes when you finally looked through them. You looked around and didn’t see Marcus in any of his usual spots which concerned you.
You jumped up, looking a little closer around the room until you saw him sitting in a chair, holding a framed picture.
“Marcus?” You spoke out quietly so as to not scare him, walking forward. When you looked at the picture it was one of you and him, one you could’ve sworn you locked away in your drawer with a code he couldn’t have known because of his memory loss. 
He didn’t look up, he wiped his eyes with his arm. You nodded as his tear ducts seemed to be working, your mind not stopping from test runs as they’ve been on since the beginning.
You tried again, “Marcus?”
When he finally looked up at you, you saw something in his eyes click. His eyes widened ever so slightly and his lips parted, it’s as if you could see the status check already…’Facial Recognition’.
“You put me back together again…” He trailed off, shaking his head slightly, still staring at you in what seemed like awe.
It was your turn for your eyes to widen. Your breaths quickened as you stared at him, “You know who I am?” You asked him, brows furrowing. 
A choked sob left his lips as he looked away from you, not really answering your question, “You did that alone, and I didn’t remember you the whole time.” He spoke breathily, putting the picture down and turning back to you.
You couldn’t speak as he wrapped his arms around you, holding your head gently, his other arm around your waist as he gently kissed your head. “I’m so sorry, thank you.” He whispered out to you, “Thank you, thank you for not giving up on me.” He softly cried, holding you tightly.
After a moment you slowly wrapped your arms around him, holding him tightly, hearing the heartbeat you added which you were so glad you added now. “You remember who I am?” You began to cry, your shoulders shaking harshly as you gasped out your cries.
Marcus cradled your head gently and nodded against you, “I remember you, I promise I do. I’m so sorry for forgetting in the first place.” He continued to cry, holding onto you as if you were the one who disappeared.
The two of you stayed holding each other in the lab, shedding tears, not letting go. You guys may have spent months together, but it felt like you guys had been apart for the entire time and even longer.
You finally got him back, you finally had your Marcus back.
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multxanna · 10 months
making two canonically related people unrelated in your fanfiction just so you can pair them together does not make you any less weird and sick btw
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phantomstatistician · 6 months
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Fandom: Lab Rats: Elite Force
Sample Size: 639 stories
Source: AO3
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loveyou3000mylove · 2 months
Prompts, Tropes and Ideas series
thy should see
the reader/protagonist doesnt  relise they are falling in love with s/o\other character
Works best for fics where they have powers or something....
Prompt list
1.Y/n subconsciously smiled when Damian pinned Beast boy, effortlessly winning the sparring battle. Rolling her eyes when Damian moved toward her in a 'cocky' scowl "'Didn't take you for a smiler Miss. L/n" Damian spoke, with a raised brow  ''I'm not, obviously? l was just thinking of how easily l could pin you.'' She replied with a smirk, a hint of challenge in her voice.
2. Soulmate AU (where the soulbond is when ever the other touchs the other it leaves an imprint)
001: "I hate you so much, but I can't love anyone more." ⌁
002: "How could Cupid be so cruel."⁂
003: You love them, but they don't notice you.⌁
004: I got love to spend but I can't get the chance, I hope they don't mean what they say but I keep seeing them sticking around like they can't get enough so I stay.⌂
005: Reader has closed walls but can't help but blush and stutter at they're advances.⌂
006: "We are not the same, yet we aren't opposites either."⌁
007: "I guess am a bit lonely?"⌂
008: "The curse of the third date, relationships don't last long, so good luck."⌁
009: "I long for you, you complete me."⁂
010: "Pizza after? My treat." "Yea, would love too."⌂
011: "What would I do without your smartass"⌂
012: "Your fine, am fine, we're fine"⁂
013: "You don't deserve her/him, no one does."⌁
014: "Stop tormenting me, I can't get you out of my mind."⌁
015: "You're a distraction I can't ignore."⌁
016: "No one is ever taking you, away from me"⌁
017: "You should've left" "Why" "Everyone else did"
018: "I think I love them" "Took you awhile"
019: "Am not her! Okay, so stop acting like it, stop calling me the wrong name....just be with me, your (y/n)...me"
020: "I had a friend once" "Wht happened?"
021: "I was inlove with you....I am inlove with you"
022: "Can't remember the last time you looked at me like that...why do you do this to me"
001: Enemy to Lovers
002: Strangers to Friends
003: Best friends to lovers
004: Couple to Enemies to Lovers
005: Online Friends to Lovers
006: Forbidden Love
007: Unrealistic crush to Lovers
008: Boss x Newbie
009: Rival Bands
010: Pen Pals to lovers
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crazyk-imagine · 26 days
Bree's New Friend
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Pairing: Adam Davenport x Bionic!reader
Characters: Bree Davenport, Bionic!reader, Adam Davenport, Chase Davenport, Leo Dooley, Donald Davenport, Tasha Davenport
Warnings: Fluff, classic lab rats things, has this been in the drafts for months, maybe, did I finally come back to it, also maybe, Leo and Chase being besties, Bree trying to set her girl up, Adam lowkey acting like a simp, reader can protect herself, Adam is a sweetheart, Leo is still a dork, Chase is pouty when he can't be bionic, aka use his skills with reader
Word Count: 1,137
"Okay, I have a question," Bree asks, taking a seat in front of her stepmom.
Tasha looks up from her mixing bowl with a raised brow. "Which is?"
She avoids the woman’s gaze. "I want to invite someone over, but I don't want any of the guys here."
"You need my help making sure the house is empty except for you and your friend? Is this perhaps a boyfriend?"
"No, it's a girl. She's really nice and I want to be friends outside of school, but she says we can't meet at her house because her parents don't want random people in her house."
"How soon are you thinking?"
"I was hoping for something later this week but-"
She pauses, wondering if she heard her correctly. "Wait- really?"
The woman nods, "you rarely bring your friends around and I want you to enjoy your teen years while you can."
Bree squeals and runs over to her, hugging her. "Thank you. Thank you."
Adam, Chase, and Leo walk through the door. "Did we miss something?"
Tasha shakes her head. "No."
Donald steps behind his wife, leaning against the counter. "You're lying, aren't you?" She sighs.
"She asked me if she could have a friend come over and I said yes. What's so wrong about that?"
He raises a brow. "Is this a-"
"No, she's in three of Bree's classes and she wants to hang out with this girl outside of school."
"When does this happen?"
"Tomorrow which means we need you and the boys out of the house."
"Okay. Wait- what?"
The boys’ glance at one another, planning on pranking their sister and unfortunately bringing her friend down with her.
"I'm so happy we could finally hangout and not talk about school," Bree tells you as you two walk through the door.
"Me too." You stand beside the door, waiting for her to close it. "But could we actually talk about school for just one second?"
The girl rolls her eyes, "that's not why I wanted to hang out with you."
You chuckle, "I know, I know but if we could finish this one thing then we can watch trashy tv or something."
"The quiz?"
The three boys pop their heads up from behind the stair rail.
"I have two more questions and then I'm done for the day."
She sighs, "fine."
"I promise if we finish before, what time is it?"
She looks at the microwave, "two."
You let out a whisper under your breath a victory scream. "Great. If we finish before the frozen yogurt shop closes, we can go. I mean, if your stepmom lets us."
"She will."
"Are you sure? We didn't even ask her."
She nods, "she will. I don't normally have friends over."
You don't say anything. She realizes her mistake and tries to fix it.
"I mean- I have friends all the time. I practically throw a party every day."
You place your hands on her shoulders. "Calm down. It's okay, I'm not judging you. I literally told you I haven't brought friends over and you didn't judge me. Why would I judge you?"
"You're not?" She asks with genuine confusion. You’re acting much nicer than the other girls at school.
"No. Now, let's finish this quiz so we can get fro yo."
The boys pull back and devise their plan.
Leo and Chase enter the living room.
Bree groans, “I told you guys to go away- wait- where’s Adam?”
You narrow your eyes and set your notebook on the coffee table.
Adam pops up behind you and grabs your arms to scare you.
You geoleap behind him and grab his arm, holding it behind his back to restrain him, aiming for the other arm when breaks free and tackles you to the ground.
He unintentionally uses his laser eyes barely giving you enough time to pull your shield.
“You’re bionic?” Everyone but Adam shouts, he continues to stare at you.
You slowly lower your shield when he stops.
“Who else is bionic? I feel like I need to get on this trend,” Leo comments.
Chase turns to him with a disappointed look. “It’s not a trend, Leo.”
He shrugs, “doesn’t stop me from dreaming.”
Donald and Tasha walk through the door. “What’s going on here?”
You’re alarmed and geoleap onto the couch.
“You-” The older man pauses, calling out your name.
“You know her?” Tasha asks.
“When did you guys complete geoleaping and why did no one tell me?” He takes your hand, helping you off the couch.
You shrug, “a few weeks ago, there’s minor glitches but pretty useful nonetheless.” You cross your arms and lean closer to him. “I didn’t realize these were your kids.”
“I didn’t realize you were my daughter's friend, so surprise.”
You narrow your eyes at him. “You don’t know what else we’ve done. Don’t act like a rich millionaire.”
“I don’t have to act.”
“Donald, are you seriously fighting with a child?”
He looks away from you, “no.”
You turn around back to Bree. “Ready?”
“God, yes.” She grabs her bag before pulling you with her.
“Wait up!” Adam calls out as the other two follow behind him.
She groans, “this is a girl’s trip which means no boys.”
“We’re still coming with you,” Leo adds.
You pull her beside you to whisper in her ear. You pull back and see Chase frowning and smirk, “couldn’t listen in, could you?”
“How did you-”
“I’m awesome, that’s why.”
“That doesn’t justify-”
Adam nudges his arm. “Shut up, dude.” He smiles at you before gesturing for you to lead the way.
“I like this one,” you point to him. “He’s nice and not annoying.”
Leo chuckles, directing Chase’s annoyance onto him.
You grab your things and are about to head out when Adam stops you.
“Hey- uh- I wanted to say sorry.”
“For what?”
“You know,” he furrows his brows. “For earlier.”
You wave him off, “you’re all good. I can handle it but thanks for the apology.”
He smiles and holds the door open for you. “Are- if anything that happened today scared you,” he pauses. “I hope you’d still want to be friends with my sister.”
You smile, “I’m still coming around, you guys are fun and can actually understand me in more ways than the other kids at school can.”
“See you, big guy.”
He waits until you get into your parents’ car.
“I want to be a bridesmaid if you two get married,” Bree tells him.
He jumps and frowns, “not cool.”
She shrugs, “I’m just saying, I’m the reason you two will have gotten together.”
He chuckles, “you so aren’t.”
“I totally am.”
“Would you two shut up already?” Chase calls out.
“We’re trying to watch the movie- AH!” Leo screams and tosses the bowl of popcorn up. 
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the-whumpening · 4 months
Tigerverse | Masterpost
Context Post
All fics involving Ash, his party, and Ozmund. These fics often feature intense whump, so please read content warnings carefully.
Ash's party originated from a Dungeons and Dragons game I'm a part of, and I have permission from those involved to write about their characters. The Caged Tiger was written specifically to explain what happened to Ash while I was playing a different character for a while. The canon here is a little complicated, so I'll try to keep it as simple as possible:
The Caged Tiger: 100% canon, both here on the blog and in the DnD game. The bonus chapter is not game canon, but canon to the blog.
The Pet Tiger: 100% NOT canon. An AU of The Caged Tiger.
The Freed Tiger: Mostly not canon to the DnD game. Call it "blog canon" for now. In future chapters, I intend to reunite it with the game canon (or as close as possible without dumping extra unnecessary exposition).
Extras: All of the extra fics so far are from the original game canon except for Part 6. That part is also not blog canon, so it's labeled "not canon." Anything new will be labeled accordingly.
The Caged Tiger | Original (DnD Canon) Story | around 9k words total | Finished Contains: captivity, torture, gaslighting and mental abuse, dehumanization, medical/lab rat whumpee, violence and gore Ash, a were-tiger barbarian, is captured by a powerful wizard with a grudge against him. He just has to hold out until his friends rescue him, right? It won't be too long . . . right? Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 (Final) | Bonus [Ash's Rescue] (not canon) Read on Ao3
The Freed Tiger | Recovery Arc (Blog Canon) | currently around 8.3k words | Ongoing Contains: recovery whump, descriptions of past whump, emotional/mental distress, flashbacks and hallucinations Ash has finally been rescued by his friends and is returning home. But how free is he really, with Ozmund's conditioning still permeating his every thought? Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11 | Part 12 | ... | Read on Ao3
The Pet Tiger | NSFWhump AU | currently about 14k words | Ongoing Contains: dehumanization, pet whump, intimate whumper, explicit noncon/dubcon (in later chapters), emotional abuse, captivity, humiliation Ash expected anger from Ozmund; he expected to be killed, frankly. But Ozmund had other ideas in mind. If he couldn't have Evius, he'd just have to have the next best thing. Prologue/Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11 | Part 12 | Part 13 | ... Read on Ao3
Extras | Other fics from before Ash's capture or in a different canon | Parts marked with * contain sexual content.
DnD Canon Extras:
Dating Uma: Part 1 | Part 2* | Part 6* (not canon) Relationship with Evius: Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5*
Blog Canon Extras:
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paranoidginger · 6 days
Lab-rat part 18
Tw: Emetophobia, Violence, Gore
The morning they had received the package containing Bait's hand, the Blu mercenaries were sent into a spiral. The Medic took delicate care to preserve the limb he had been sent, millions of thoughts running through his head. Was this the only part of him that had been amputated, or had the other Medic already taken his hostage apart completely, and the twisted man was planning to continue sending them chunks of the young man they had all come to care for...
The Spy had what was possibly the worst reaction of anyone's. Still hungover, the Medic had told him and Engie individually in the privacy of the Spy's quarters. The sheer horror on his face was palpable, and it didn't take long for him to vomit after receiving the news that they had received a part of his clone- his son- in a cardboard box.
Heavy was already beginning to put together a plan, they would try to be civil, try to get the clone back without any unnecessary harm... This wasn't about contracts, this wasn't about some stupid war... It was about getting Bait out quickly and safely.
It had been early in the morning whenever the Medic had delivered his package to the Red base, leaving his laboratory unlocked while he was gone. The Scout had been the one to find Bait, borderline catatonic from a combination of blood loss and whatever drugs the medic was pumping into his system... He usually just snuck in to grab painkillers every once in a while whenever he needed them for a particularly bad sprain or just general discomfort, but this time, seeing the clone in the state he was in, he was in even more of a hurry to get out.
It didn't take long for the Red Scout, a small jar of painkillers in hand, to find the others having breakfast and bickering, or just simply talking about things together.
"Hey, uh, heyyyyy. Guys, fellas, we uh, we got a situation happenin' in the Doc's room." The Scout spoke with clear nerves in his voice, scratching the back of his calf with he top of his opposite foot as he stood, restless. "I know we've been tryna, you- you know, get him to rein it back with the experiments and crap, but I-I think we might have to like... Actually do something about him, 'cause I just went in there to get some pain meds for my ankle, and the clone guy's in there. He- uh. He's not dead, but- Y-you know what, maybe- maybe it's better if you guys just go look."
The Scout shifted his weight nervously, the Medic already frightened him to some degree, even before everything with the Medic's possession and the cloning machine. After seeing what he had done just overnight, his anxieties surrounding the team doctor increased quite drastically. All those times he himself had been used as a guinea pig... He never wanted to, but it was always a possibility whenever he was seeking medical attention for one reason or another.
"Why don't ya show me, son. I ain't seen ya this shaken up in a long while." The Engineer stood up, walking over to Scout and gently patting him on the arm as the Scout began leading him back towards the Medic's lab, a couple of the others catching up with him once they saw the engineer tagging along and indulging what they thought was just another panicked story from the unreliable young man.
As they entered, they could see the clone in the back of the room, open wounds across his torso, and tape covering his mouth. His breathing was shallow, his eyes open but glazed over. It looked as if the medic had left in the middle of a procedure, bits of skin pulled back, exposing muscle and fascia... The medic himself was nowhere to be seen.
"Oh god- this... this just ain't right." The engineer reacted the only way he knew how, a brief moment of panic followed by action. He was good with machines, not with human bodies, but he knew enough. Quickly, he began looking through the Medic's cabinets, locating a stapler, an IV needle, some tubing, and a bag of saline. "Someone grab me some bandages. I don't care what sawbones says when he gets back here, this boy's existence is 'cause of me just as much as it is 'cause of him."
By the time the Medic had returned from delivering his package to the Blu base, Bait had been relocated from the man's lab, frustration washing over him as he began to search for the clone, running straight into Heavy as he moved to leave the room.
"Is time to stop, Doktor." The big man spoke firmly, looking down at him as he grabbed hold of his hands, holding him firmly while the Sniper entered the room, rope in his hands.
"Sorry mate, ya just been actin' all sorts o' wrong. Can't have ya turning on us. Nothin' personal, doc." Sniper spoke lowly, tying the man up as the Heavy kept him restrained.
Part 17
@thatonesimp-e @gravitytrips @realccre
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kybercrystals94 · 9 months
By KyberCrystals94
Find here on Ao3!
Whumptober 2023 | Day 1 | Alternative Prompt: Lab Rats
Bad Things Happen Bingo | Prompt: Homesickness
Words: 1,070
Summary: Omega and Echo have a conversation about their pasts.
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Omega presses her face between Lula’s long ears and breathes deeply the scent of her brothers: stale sweat, blaster residue, motor oil, aftershave, regulation soap, and a few other things she can’t quite place. Lula is like a sponge, soaking up the redolence of the soldiers she lives with. While the stuffed tooka doesn’t smell pleasant , Lula smells of love and safety and comfort. Therefore, she smells wonderful, and Omega gives the creature an extra tight squeeze as she tries to hold in the tears that threaten to spill. She should be happy. She is happy. She is. She is.
“Omega, are you alright?”
Omega is surprised by the generic reg voice. She would have expected Hunter or Wrecker to check on her...maybe even Tech. Not Echo. He isn’t unkind, but he is distant, almost unsure of her. Like he doesn’t want to get attached. Omega understands, even though it makes her heart hurt a little.
“I’m fine,” Omega lies easily, lifting her face so that her voice isn’t muffled against Lula’s soft stuffing.
There is a pause, but Omega knows the cyborg clone hasn’t walked away. After an uncomfortable stretch of silence, Echo clears his throat. “Are you sure? Hunter – uh – sent me to check on you.”
Omega forces a smile and carefully blinks back the tears that have been forming before she pulls back the curtain, letting Lula topple from her arms. “I’m okay, Echo,” she assures him.
The shadows on Echo’s face in the warm glow of her strung lights accentuate his gaunt features, and Omega suppresses the shudder that reflexively comes. Nala Se had Omega study Echo’s medical files as part of her training. The horrors he suffered at the hands of the Techno Union still haunt Omega’s imagination, and the cool, professional terminology she poured over in the files did not do his tragedy justice. It must’ve been hard for him to join the Batch too, starting over after all he’d been through. She admires him endlessly for it, but she isn’t sure how she could ever tell him without also admitting to having read his files. Not that she’d had a choice, or was snooping, but...
Echo matches her striving grin with one of his own. “Alright. If you say so,” he says, shrugging one shoulder, telling her without telling her that he knows she’s lying.
He starts to turn away when Omega bites out, “Wait, Echo...”
“Yeah?” he asks, the familiar gruff of his voice catching on the edge of the word.
Omega swallows, hoping he isn’t annoyed with her indecisiveness. “I just...can I ask you a question?”
“Sure, kid,” he says, and leans his weight against the wall casually.
“When you first joined Clone Force 99, did you – or do you – ever feel...” Omega searches for the right word, pressing her lips together before saying in a whisper, “homesick? For what you had before?”
Echo looks startled by the question, his eyes widening a little. However, the expression is brief, and his face returns to his normal air in a blink. To Omega’s dismay, he answers her question with one of his own, “Do you feel homesick for Kamino?”
“Sometimes,” Omega admits, pinching one of Lula’s ears between her fingers, “but I don’t want to go back. I’m happy here, with all of you. But if I’m happy here, why do I miss what I don’t want?”
Echo’s face softens. “Because you miss what is familiar, even if it wasn’t better.”
“Is that bad?” Omega asks.
“Of course not,” Echo says, “I missed living with my reg brothers. It’s all I knew most of my life. Doesn’t mean I care about my enhanced brothers any less.” He rolls his eyes good naturedly at the terminology adopted from the Batch, and it makes Omega giggle.
“I guess you and me are kind of the same,” Omega says softly, wistfully. “Taken in by the Bad Batch when..." Echo visibly stiffens, and Omega clamps her mouth shut, now gripping Lula’s ear in a fist. She shouldn’t have said that. She knew the moment the words left her mouth. She and Echo are nothing alike. Not really. Not at all.
But they are. In some ways.
To her surprise, Echo leans forward, folding his arms and resting them on the floor of her gunner’s mount room. “Nala Se,” he says, his voice softer and gentler than she’s ever heard it, “she experimented on you, didn’t she.” Not a question.
Omega bites down on the inside of her cheek. She has never wanted to tell any of them about that. But Echo knows, because she told him in a roundabout way. In the medical wing, after his accident in the mess hall. He woke up in a panic, and she’d comforted him. I don’t like being hooked up to their machines either.
She didn’t think he���d remember that, but why wouldn’t he?
So, she nods a small, jerky affirmative.
“I don’t remember much about the Techno Union,” Echo says, his voice still low, almost a whisper. Like his words are just for her ears. “I mean...I know what they did. And I live with what they did everyday...but it’s what the Kaminoans did that I remember well. They had to see that I was fit for duty, and their tests...” Echo falters, his words dropping off in an expanse of hidden emotions. He blinks, looking a little lost.
She isn’t sure why she does it, but she reaches out and rests a hand on Echo’s face, her thumb brushing over the sharp edge of his cheekbone. “I know,” she whispers, because she does. She was Nala Se’s “assistant” from her earliest memories. She saw the tests firsthand. Experienced some of them herself.
“You shouldn’t though,” Echo says, “No kid should know that.”
“Maybe,” Omega shrugs, “But we’re safe from them now...the Kaminoans, I mean.”
Echo’s eyes find hers and he smiles sadly. “Yeah, we are.”
Omega’s touch lingers a moment longer before she pulls away and hugs Lula close to her chest. “I’m not homesick for the Kaminoans. I’m homesick for Kamino...for AZI and helping with the babies. I hope they’re alright.”
“I hope so too,” Echo says, and he gives her knee a squeeze with his flesh hand. “You’re a good kid, Omega. I’m glad the Batch found...both of us.”
Omega smiles at her brother who understands. “Me too.”
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Caught in the act | Chase Davenport x male reader
genre: fluff
requested: yes
summary: Chase Davenport struggles with finding time to spend with his boyfriend due to missions and trying to hide the relationship from his family. Fortunately, his family was going out and coming home late one night. Or so he thought.
a/n: Again, sorry this took so long anon! But i hope you enjoy it. Some of the characters may be slightly ooc because I haven't seen Lab Rats in forever, but I tried my best.
word count: 1.9k
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It wasn’t often you got to spend time with your boyfriend. Between going on missions, training, and homework, Chase didn’t have much spare time. Not to mention the fact that he didn’t want to tell his family about your relationship just yet, the act of tiptoeing around them making it even more difficult. Luckily, the Davenports were going out for dinner and a movie, and Chase had the wonderful excuse of an upcoming test to get out of it. He’d already gotten confirmation from Donald that all of them would be out all night, returning home far past the point of 10pm, and sent you a text to come by at noon with your school bag under the pretext of studying together for the same test. 
“We’ll be back a little after 10. There’s leftovers in the fridge, or you can order something for dinner. And there better be nobody other than you and y/n in this house while we’re gone!” Mr. Davenport was the last one to leave the house, and he only did so after you and Chase repeatedly assured him that there would be no parties or breaking of rules of any sort. Once he was sure that the car was out of the driveway and far out of sight, Chase flopped down next to you on the couch, practically sitting on your lap with how close he was. You didn’t mind it one bit. 
“Hey,” he greeted you with a dopey grin on his face, and you couldn’t help but return it. 
“Hey yourself.” A comfortable silence blanketed over the room, so you spent a moment taking in every feature of your boyfriend’s face, reveling in the slight blush that formed at the attention. 
“As much as I like it, staring at each other wasn’t on the agenda.”
“An agenda?” You couldn’t help but laugh as you watched Chase dig around in his bag. “Don’t tell me you actually made a plan for today.” Just as the words left your mouth, he turned and held up a piece of paper with an even bigger smile than earlier. 
“Of course I did! We've got movies, Netflix, books, board games, video games, and I bought a bunch of snacks!" He sat next to you again and pointed at the first thing on the handwritten schedule, though it was difficult to read the messy scrawl. 
"We start with Sorry! Ready?" In response, you simply stared at him in silence with an exasperated, yet amused, smile. 
"What? You don't like it? I wanted to make tonight as perfect as possible since we don't really get to spend a lotta time together, so I thought a schedule would- "
You cut him off with a quick kiss and grabbed his hand, thumbing over his knuckles. “For the smartest man alive, you sure are dumb." He looked slightly offended, though the pink dusting his cheeks told you he wasn’t. "I don't need an entire schedule to have fun, I just want to spend time with you. That's more than enough." 
"That's adorable, and disgustingly cheesy. You really are a good boyfriend aren't you?" 
"The best, and only for you." You leaned in for a kiss with exaggerated motions, and he pushed you away, laughter filling the air.
"So… is that a no to Sorry?" He asked sheepishly once your voices quieted once more and shook the board game box a few times. 
"Sorry sounds great, babe." 
After a few hours of playing board games (hours because Monopoly took much longer than expected), you both decided that snacks and a movie would be a good way to cool off your overheated brains. 
You sat on the couch, getting comfortable with various chip bags surrounding you and a weighted blanket on your lap as Chase finished adjusting the settings on the TV. He claimed it would make the movie-viewing experience better, and you didn't have the heart to tell him the audio and visuals felt the same as they did before he changed stuff around.
"Annnd done!" With that, he shuffled under the blanket and after a moment of thought, conflict evident in the furrow of his brow, he chose to sit with his right thigh over your left and burrow into your side like a cat rather than next to you. He said he felt too clingy at the beginning of the relationship, but you made sure to assure him that you enjoyed it, and his so-called “clingy” tendencies began to show clearly. 
The movie began to play, an animated romance/fantasy film you didn’t know the title of, and you leaned into your boyfriend while he did the same. Chase grabbed a bag of chips—Doritos, you noted absentmindedly—and you grabbed a handful, popping one into your mouth. The quiet crunching of chips filled the air, and the night went on like this for a while. The two of you in a dark room sharing chips, sharing kisses, commenting on the movie once in a while, shifting to a more comfortable position, and basking in each others’ presence because such moments were rare and too beautiful not to enjoy. 
Around halfway through, as the protagonist on screen began a monologue about their love for their love interest, you felt eyes on you. You turned to be met with Chase’s intense eyes, widened from being caught staring, and a bit of blush evident in the light from the TV. 
“What’re you lookin’ at?”
“Obviously you.”
You rolled your eyes. 
“Fine, then what’re you thinking about?”
“Now that’s a better question.” He sighed and placed his head on your shoulder. Something he did when he was either tired or embarrassed; you assumed it was the latter. 
“I was thinking about you. Us. How lucky I am to have you. The fact that you’re my boyfriend, the fact that I’m your boyfriend… The fact that we’re boyfriends! Like, that’s insane!” He sighed, and it was heavier than the moment called for. Your eyebrows furrowed at the sound. “I know I haven’t been the best, not telling my family about our relationship, and being busy all the time with missions, and—”
“Hey, none of that.” 
You raised his head and cupped his face with your hands, brushing your thumb against his cheekbone lightly. 
“I already said, I don’t mind keeping us a secret until you’re ready to tell your family, and you can’t apologize for going on missions! You’re literally saving peoples’ lives, Chase! I admire you even more for it.” You were about to continue a monologue about your love for him when he cut you off with a kiss. It was long, but chaste, until he quickly changed his position to straddle your legs. It wasn’t unusual for either of you, since he often sat on your lap or between your legs casually, claiming it was comfortable, but it did give you the perfect opportunity to tease. 
“I’m not complaining, but isn't this moving a bit too—”
“I’m definitely in love with you.” 
You froze, not expecting the confession. Neither of you had used the L word yet, although you thought it many times, and after the initial shock faded, you felt your face go hot and your heart do flips. 
“You don’t have to say it back if you’re not ready, or you don’t feel the same.”
“No! I mean, yes. I love you too, I mean. I’m also in love with you.” 
It was safe to say the movie was far forgotten at this point. It became background sound to the genuine confessions and charged stares. Eye contact was only broken when Chase made the move to kiss you again, and you accepted the action with equal enthusiasm. 
Far too busy kissing and whispering sweet words to each other, neither of you succeeded in hearing the car pull up in the driveway, the voices getting louder as the people got closer to the door, and the jingling of keys as the door was unlocked. Only after the lights were turned on did you pull away and turn to see the rest of the Davenports standing at the door with incredulous expressions. You were frozen, but Chase practically jumped off of you, fixing his hair and clothes to look a little tidier. 
“Mr. Davenport! You-you’re early! We totally weren’t doing anything! And we’re not dating, or anything! He was just about to go home, actually!” When he realized it didn’t do anything to convince anybody, he sighed. “Fine. I know it’s shocking, but we are… together…”
“I knew it! Adam, you owe me 10 bucks!” Bree’s gleeful voice pierced through the room, accompanied by Adam’s groan. 
“How was I supposed to know they were together? It’s not like they told anybody!” The oldest sibling defended himself while pulling out a ten from his wallet and handing it over to Bree’s eager hands. 
“Oh, come on, it was obvious! Have you seen the way they look at each other? It’s so cheesy it’s gross.”
“Maybe it was just a really close bro look!”
“If any of my friends looked at me like that, we wouldn’t be just friends for long.”
“Wait, you guys bet on us?” You asked them amused, but Chase looked at them with offense clear on his face. 
“That’s not okay! My relationships are none of your business, and definitely not your entertainment!” 
“Exactly! Guys, come on. No making bets on each other,” Mr. Davenport pitched in. “At least, not without letting me in on it.” He, Bree, and Adam all chuckled, but was shut down by Mrs. Davenport slapping her husband’s shoulder. 
“Enough. Chase, why didn’t you tell us sooner?” 
“Yeah, why didn’t you?” Leo followed up Mrs. Davenport’s comment, as though attempting to be heard through the chaos, but most people ignored him in favor of listening to Chase’s response. 
“I dunno, I guess I was just… scared that you guys wouldn’t approve. I mean, Mr. Davenport always told us it was too dangerous to get into relationships because of our missions, and I didn’t think you guys would like the fact that I sorta… told him about our bionics.” At this point, you were standing next to him and silently held his hand in support. 
Mr. Davenport looked ready to scold him, likely about the second part of the confession, but Mrs. Davenport shut him down again. 
“Oh, Chase. I get where you’re coming from, but we’re your family, and we care too much about you to stay mad. Though, I think we will need to talk about this later.” Chase nodded in understanding, and let out a sigh of what felt like relief. 
“I totally get it, dude. I’d break Davenport’s rules if it meant dating someone as chill as y/n too,” Adam said with a grin.
“Just keep it out of my face and I don’t really care what you do,” Bree said with a serious tone, though her expression made it obvious that it was lighthearted. 
“See? Told you they’d be okay with it.” You nudged Chase with your hips and placed a quick kiss on his cheek, eliciting another blush from him along with various sounds of disgust from the rest of his family. 
The night ended with you and Chase cleaning up the living room and you spending the night at the Davenports’ place, as you have many times before. Only this time, you had to convince Mr and Mrs. Davenport to allow you to share a room with Chase.
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kukos-satellite · 3 months
Since my brain has been free out of writers block jail now so many ideas are flooding my head, like yes! And no! First off, it’s fantastic but it’s a curse as well because I won’t be able to write them out 😭
I always have a temptation to write everything I think of and that’s not a good thing 😭😭
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secretsonadowaccount · 4 months
sonic prime/lab rat au AFTERMATH
Shadow was so lost in thought that he didn’t even notice the hero that had been running next to him before seeing the blue fur in the corner of his vision.
“Sonic?” He rasped.
“Yep! Sorry, I didn’t wanna scare you again like last time.” Sonic responded earnestly. “Whatchu thinkin’ about?”
Shadow stared down at his air shoes before a sigh escaped his lips. Stopping, he turned to Sonic.
“Even if I don’t want to tell you, I’m going to end up saying it anyways, aren’t I?”
“Well…I mean, if you really don’t want to, I’m cool. Talking through feelings ands thoughts is more of Amy’s thing. But,” Sonic stepped closer to the hybrid. “I'm here for you.”
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