#lab rats fic
imogensheaneyy · 2 years
what if: ‘avalanche!’ ; chase davenport
summary: what if chase wasn’t acting? what if he joined douglas in avalanche? 
or: in which the team realises how much they actually need chase and fight to get him back but maybe he doesn’t want to come back
word count: 4.2k  
warnings: donald davenport bashing, slight bree/adam/leo bashing, ambiguous/open ending, mention of emotional abuse (from donald to chase)
note: this turned into more of a 'fuck donald davenport, chase gets a family that cares about him' more than a 'chase turned evil' thing but enjoy :)
read on ao3
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“Chase?” Davenport watched as Chase stared at him with a deadpan expression, looking not the least bit impressed. “What are you doing?”
“He’s with me now, Donny,” Douglas gloated, throwing an arm around Chase’s shoulders, a determined glint in his eyes. His blood boiled at the self-righteous look on his brother’s face, Donald had always been the type of person to expect that things would go his way and Douglas was relieved to have something against him.
Douglas couldn’t help but see himself in Chase, especially after witnessing the way that Chase was used and pushed around by his siblings. Douglas’s childhood hadn’t been all that different, granted he and Donny never had any bionic abilities but the general environment wasn’t that different, he and Donny were always forced to compete for everything; food, free time, their parents’ affections - Douglas always seemed to lose out on that last one. 
Bree and Adam exchanged a look when they saw Chase, side by side with Douglas, he had tried to control them and kill their brother, why would Chase want to associate with him? They didn’t recognise the boy in front of them, this wasn’t the Chase they knew. 
Donald was confused but he wasn’t worried, Chase was a genius, there was no way he would actually side with Douglas, he was sure this was just a ploy to gain Douglas’s trust and so he just shrugged his shoulders. “You think that matters, Dougie?” He taunted his younger brother, as he always had. “I have speed and strength on my side.”
Watching his ‘father’ dismiss him so easily sent a sharp pain to Chase’s heart, he had hoped that showing up with Douglas would push Davenport into admitting how much he valued Chase, not the complete opposite. He steeled his expression, avoiding the pleading looks his brother and sister were sending him; if he wanted to truly change, he couldn’t let their judgements impact him so, as difficult as it was, he ignored them.
If he hadn’t, he would have noticed the way Adam’s lips curled up in disgust and the way Bree shook her head before looking away. It wasn’t until Adam spoke that he realised how their reactions had changed, “Mr Davenport’s right, it’s not like we need him,” Adam sneered, instantly regretting his words but it was too late. 
“Is that so?” Chase taunted, an uncharacteristic smirk growing on his lips. “I guess you’ll be able to get out of this situation with no problem whatsoever, then.”
“What situation?” Bree asked but no later than the words had left her mouth, all the lights in the lab shut off and they were plunged into complete darkness. It only took a few moments until the backup generator kicked in and the lights flickered on but by that time Douglas and Chase were already gone, leaving nothing but a shattered screen on the desk.
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“Welcome,” Douglas spread his arms wide as he and Chase walked into the building. “Home Sweet Home 2.0; obviously the old one was a little beyond repair but worry not,  I assign no blame to you.”
Chase awkwardly smiled at his uncle/dad, still unsure how he was supposed to refer to him. “It’s a lot less dungeon-y?” He offered half-heartedly. 
“That’s exactly what I said,” Chase turned around to see a figure walking towards them; when he was nearer he noticed that it was Marcus.
“Marcus? I thought you were…?”
“Crushed under a pile of rubble? Me too, but Dad pulled me out and fixed me up, new and improved Marcus,” He said with a wide grin. 
Chase couldn’t help but feel conflicted - sure, Marcus and Douglas had equally hurt them but Marcus had infiltrated their lives, making them care about him just to stab them in the back, it wasn’t something he was able to easily sweep under the rug but part of him knew that Marcus wasn’t at fault, he had just been following orders which was certainly something that Chase could understand. Although it didn’t help that he felt a strong, overwhelming need to get back at the others; when they were kids, he, Bree, and Adam had always promised to have each other’s backs and it hurt Chase that they had apparently forsaken that promise to build themselves up.
They had always protected Chase when Mr Davenport’s anger would get the better of him. Mr Davenport had known that Chase’s abilities would take a little longer to kick in than Adam and Bree’s but that hadn’t stopped him from directing his frustration towards the youngest. Bree would wrap her arms around him and speed them away from Mr Davenport, hiding elsewhere in the lab until Adam came to find them, while Adam would pick up random objects and hurl them at their ‘father’ to distract him and direct his anger towards someone that could fight back, even at a young age.
Chase blinked back tears as he pulled himself from his memories, ignoring the sting in his heart when he realised that they may never have that bond again. 
“Nice,” He noticed how proud Douglas looked when he talked to or about Marcus and wondered if Mr Davenport had ever looked that way when he spoke about him, he highly doubted it.
Chase looked around the new building, it looked more like an actual house than a ‘lair’ which surprised him, he had expected something more like the previous building Marcus and Douglas had been living in; a decrepit, worn down, factory-type building instead of something straight out of suburbia. 
As Marcus gave him a tour of the house, they ended up stood in front of a room at the end of the corridor. “What’s that?” Chase asked curiously. 
“Our room,” Marcus said, pushing the door open and waiting for the lights to flicker on. “Your bed should be getting delivered at some point later on so that’ll go here too.”
The room was simple, similar to Leo’s bedroom, with a single bed against the back wall, bookcases, a games console, miscellaneous posters plastered across the walls, and a wardrobe in the corner. 
“Where’s your capsule? Don’t you need to, I don’t know, recharge all the time?” He asked. 
“Not anymore, Dad figured out a way to have the battery in my system last longer when he rebuilt me so I only have to recharge once a week; he’s been working on some stuff for your chip as well so you might actually get to sleep lying down for once,” Marcus joked, nudging Chase with his elbow which made the latter break in a fit of awkward laughs. Maybe this won’t be so bad, he thought to himself. After all, Mr Davenport had never even considered doing something like this before.
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Bree yelled in frustration as she tried to log onto Davenport’s system, “Why is this taking so long?” She complained, throwing her hands in the air and slumping into the seat behind her.
Leo was sitting next to her, looking just as frustrated. “At least it was pretty easy for Big D to fix the screen and it doesn’t look like any valuable data was taken,” He was trying to find the bright side but doing anything in the lab, even just being there, knowing Chase wasn’t going to come walking through the doors made it feel somewhat tainted.
They hated to admit it but something about Chase not being around felt wrong.
Adam wasn’t doing much better, he hadn’t spoken much since Chase and Douglas left; the most he did was send a scathing glare towards Mr Davenport when he walked in, jolly as can be, and started talking about a new mission.
They all looked up as soon as he walked in, tablet at the ready, “Alright, gang, today we’ve got an easy one, just a regular leak at the power plant, shouldn’t be that tough; Bree, Adam, go suit up.”
“How are we going to do it without Chase?” Adam asked, crossing his arms over his chest and the glare he directed towards Mr Davenport was intense enough to make Leo and Bree flinch. 
“Bree gets us there, I do the heavy lifting, then Chase scans the area to tell us how we need to fix it; how are we going to do it without him?”
“He’s not wrong, Big D,” Leo chimed in, looking nervous. “Chase is mission leader for a reason.”
“Was, Leo,” Davenport snapped. “Chase chose his side, now suit up.”
Leo sent Bree and Adam a weak smile before retreating to his mission specialist desk, all three of them knew that Donald Davenport could be the most stubborn man on the planet; it was more likely that pigs would fly before he admitted that he was wrong so it was decided - if they wanted to get Chase back, they’d have to do it themselves.
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When Bree and Adam returned, bloodied and bruised because they had run into some trouble, they noticed that Leo was sitting at his mission specialist desk, waiting for them and looking quite nervous. 
“Leo?” Bree asked, exchanging a confused glance with Adam. “What are you doing down here? I thought you’d be upstairs by now.”
“Mom’s yelling at Big D, there’s no way I was getting in the middle of that,” Leo chuckled sadly, shaking his head. 
“About what?” Adam wondered.
“Chase,” They all exchanged a look of understanding; although she claimed to love all of her bionic stepchildren equally, there was no denying that Chase was most definitely her favourite, she always seemed to have a soft spot for him.
“Actually,” Bree perked up, a mischievous smirk on her lips. “Want to hear what they’re saying?”
“Yeah but that would involve going upstairs,” Leo replied.
“Not really,” She said, directing them to a small space in the wall and they saw that above their heads, there was a pipe that had been slightly damaged and, therefore, Mr Davenport and Tasha’s voices echoed from the living room.
“What is wrong with you, Donald?”
“Tasha, he sided with the enemy, he doesn’t get to come back even if he wanted to!”
“You’ve made that decision all on your own, have you?” The acid in Tasha’s voice sent shivers down their spines. 
“Am I wrong?”
“Yes! You are! Chase is my son too and if you don’t get him back, I’m done!”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“It means that if you don’t apologise and get Chase back, I’m leaving, I’m taking Leo and getting a divorce; Donald, he is your son and you don’t get to abandon him for realising that you haven’t been treating him right.”
“Divorce?” Bree wondered out loud as they walked away from the pipe, not wanting to hear any more of the adults’ conversation. “She wouldn’t actually divorce him, would she?”
“Mom loves Chase, she probably would.”
“I don’t blame her.”
“What?” Bree and Leo both looked toward Adam with a mixture of shock and confusion plastered across their faces. 
“Mr Davenport’s not a great dad,” He reluctantly admitted. “But he’s even less of a good husband, he’s constantly complaining about ‘family time’ or whenever Tasha wants to spend the day with him, he’d rather be training us or making a new invention, it’s like he doesn’t care about her.” 
Silence enveloped the lab as they considered Adam’s words, he wasn’t wrong. 
“Maybe Chase had the right idea,” Leo murmured bitterly, shaking his head. The idea of having to leave his siblings wasn’t a reality he wanted to face but he had never heard his mom sound so determined before. 
If they didn’t already plan to get Chase back, they sure as hell did now.
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Chase couldn’t stop smiling. He didn’t realise how supportive of a father Douglas was; Marcus had returned back from shopping, as Douglas didn’t want to risk people recognising them together, and he had launched into an excitable ramble about the women at the store teaching him about baking bread. He waved around the paper on which she had written the recipe with detailed instructions, Douglas grabbed the paper from his hands and started walking around the kitchen, checking for equipment and ingredients. 
As happy as he was, Chase couldn’t help thinking that if that had been him and he had gone back to Mr Davenport with a bread recipe, he would’ve scoffed or laughed in his face because “missions come first, always” before launching into a lecture about how important his responsibilities to the team were. The realisation made his stomach turn. 
As much as he was glad to be away from Mr Davenport, he missed the others. He missed Leo’s jokes and his competitiveness while they played on the games console in the living room; he missed Tasha’s attempts at cooking which usually ended in ordering takeout and laughing at her failed efforts; he missed Bree and the loud conversations she had with Caitlin over the phone, sending him annoyed looks whenever he bothered her; he couldn’t believe it but he had actually started to miss the way that Adam launched him across the lab, now that there was a chance that it may never happen again, he found himself yearning for it.
Living with Douglas and Marcus, however, was unlike anything he’d thought it would be.
Douglas was, surprisingly, the exemplification of what a father should be - he made real food and asked him and Marcus about their day, he didn’t force Chase to take on any more responsibilities than he was comfortable with. It felt strange being treated as a son instead of a soldier. 
Marcus had really leaned into the ‘brother’ role and had begun confiding in Chase about the things that scared him - that one day Douglas would change his mind and deactivate him, that he has nightmares of being crushed under piles of rubble and wakes up in cold sweats. 
In return, Chase confided some of his fears in Marcus - that at any point, Spike could come charging out and Chase would, once again, be left to deal with the aftermath; that somehow, Mr Davenport would remotely switch off his chip and he’d be used as an asset because it had always been drilled into him that that was his purpose.
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All day, Leo, Bree, and Adam had been brainstorming ideas to get Chase back. 
Mr Davenport had told them that ‘Chase had made his bed, it’s time for him to lie in it’ and stressed that they weren’t to attempt to see or speak to him anytime soon. They, of course, decided to completely ignore his orders because Chase was their brother, for god’s sake, and they were going to get him back, one way or another.
They had settled on an idea which was, admittedly, not their best one - to find and confront him, and apologise - but they didn’t know what else they could do since Mr Davenport apparently felt no need to mend any bridges. Above all else, it shocked them that he was so quick and willing to wash his hands with Chase as if he hadn’t raised him from a toddler - Adam and Bree wondered if they were that easily dispensible to him.
“Can you see him?” Adam asked, his voice muffled by the doughnut he was eating. He shrugged when Bree slapped his arm and Leo held a finger to his lips, motioning for him to stay quiet.
Bree huffed, already regretting her decision to go with Leo’s master plan. “If he sees or hears us, he’ll probably take off. Remember when you tried to pet the goats at the zoo?”
“They ran off,” He replied, a slight pout on his lips as he remembered the way that the animal bounded away from him in fear. 
“Chase is the goat in this situation, if we move too quickly, he’ll run off.” To which, Adam nodded understandingly. Chase in the goat, he repeated to himself. 
Leo, having watched Big D and Chase use the systems enough times to learn how to track their bionic chips had finally narrowed down Chase’s location to a park a few miles away; as soon as he had found Chase’s location, the three of them instantly set off, hoping that Chase didn’t have any other plans and would still be there when they arrived.
When they arrived at the park, they didn’t see Chase straight away but, on a patch of grass, they noticed Douglas and someone who looked remarkably like Marcus, but they shook the thought from their heads, they had watched Marcus get completely crushed when Douglas’ old lab was destroyed, it couldn’t possibly be him. 
They were able to give up for the day and walk away when they saw Chase walk toward the two; he was holding a tray with three soda bottles, two hot dogs and one box of nachos but what concerned and surprised them the most was the look of genuine happiness he had on his face, which only seemed to increase as he walked closer to Douglas and Marcus.
Chase didn’t seem at all shocked or enraged to see Marcus, as they expected him to be, instead he passed the tray to Doulas and clasped a hand down on Marcus’s shoulder as he sat down, much like Adam used to do to him. 
Douglas, who was seated behind both Marcus and Chase, pulled something from his backpack and the three teens readied themselves to defend their brother but relaxed when they saw him hand a bunch of spare parts and tools to Chase, who brightened at the sight of them. They recognised the tell-tale signs of one of Chase’s lectures in which he would spend almost an hour detailing how exactly something worked, even though no one had asked to know. 
Except, instead of looking bored and rolling their eyes, Douglas and Marcus seemed intrigued by whatever Chase was saying, enough to ask him questions and spur him on to explain and discuss more. 
Leo glared at Marcus, he was usually on the receiving end of Chase’s explanations; sure, he was often sent to sleep by them but that was his right as a brother. 
Bree pursed her lips at the sight; when they were kids, she and Chase used to be inseparable but as they grew up she found herself gravitating away from him and more towards Adam, it had never hit her how much she missed her baby brother. 
Adam, probably, had the most visceral reaction to seeing Chase with Douglas and Marcus, he felt betrayed but a small voice in the back of his mind reminded him that he had contributed to pushing Chase away when he should’ve had his back.
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Chase was apprehensive when he walked into the living room and saw Douglas nervously sitting on the couch. “Should I be worried?” He chuckled, dropping his backpack onto the floor and shrugging off his jacket off his shoulders. 
“No, well, the neighbours are still asking questions so you and Marcus are going back to school, yay!” He awkwardly cheered, urging Chase to have a better reaction than Marcus, who was definitely not a fan of returning to Mission Creek High School. 
“Oh, okay then,” To say Chase was nervous would have been an understatement; the idea of physically going back to school didn’t bother him as much as the knowledge that he was going to Adam, Bree, and Leo again, the last time he saw them, they had looked so angry and disappointed in him, he didn’t want to experience that again. 
Douglas seemed to be able to read the thoughts flashing through his mind because he jumped to ease his worries. “Marcus is going to be with you the entire time, if they want to do anything, they’ll have to get through him, and I’ve upgraded his bionics so, trust me, they’ll have a hard time doing so.”
Chase took a deep breath and ran his fingers through his hair. “Yeah, should be fine,” He mumbled to himself as he walked out of the room without giving Douglas an answer, which worried the older man to no end. 
Douglas never wanted to put Chase in a position to be hurt again, maybe he saw a bit too much of himself in the young boy but he felt the need to protect him and never let any harm come to him, like an actual father. He had always viewed Chase, Adam, and Bree as weapons to be sold but now he couldn’t fathom why he ever thought that.
Chase was his son, and he was going to make damn well sure that nobody hurt him.
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Adam, Bree, and Leo were huddled at Bree’s locker, discussing other plans to see Chase and apologise when Caitlin ran up, words already tumbling from her lips. “Did you hear? I’m sure you did but did you hear?”
“Hear what, Caitlin?” Bree tried not to sound irritated by her friend’s presence.
Any annoyance in her voice went unheard or undetected by Caitlin. “Your nerdy brother and that Marcus kid are back, how come you didn’t tell me? Everyone’s been wondering where he went because we can actually talk in physics now.”
“What?” The three teens erupted in unison.
Caitlin took a step back, noticing how shocked they were. “How did you not know? He’s your brother isn’t he?”
“Yeah but,” Bree grasped for something to tell her. “He went away with our uncle so we didn’t know he was back yet.”
“Oh, that makes sense.”
Caitlin had barely walked off when Marcus and Chase appeared in the frame of the front door, purposefully avoiding their direction, walking off towards the stairs and, as they later found out, Chase’s new locker. Another stab went through their hearts when they realised that Chase had exchanged lockers with someone just to get away from them.
“How are we going to talk to him now?” Bree hissed. 
“Marcus can’t be with him every second of the day, we’ll find a way,” Leo rationalised before he glanced at the clock and saw the time. “And right now, we’re late for class.”
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Ignore them, ignore them, ignore them, Chase repeated the words to himself in the hopes that he would start to listen. Marcus had warned him this morning that his siblings had seen them in the park and were planning on confronting him at some point so he had promised to be at Chase’s side as much as he possibly could - something that Chase was eternally grateful for, he didn’t think he would have the strength to rebuff their apologies otherwise. 
So far, Marcus had kept to his word, there hadn’t been a moment in the day that he was too far. Every now and then, he could catch a glimpse of Bree’s hair or hear Leo’s trainers squeak on the freshly polished floor and he would hide until they passed.
His luck was about to run, however, because, as he was piling his books into his locker, he felt their presence behind him, no Marcus in sight and he cursed himself for not waiting for him to be done talking to their teacher. 
“Hey,” He said awkwardly as he shut his locker and turned around, reluctantly meeting their gazes. Chase was expecting scathing glares from all three of them but he almost flinched when he saw the earnest and, frankly, pleading looks they were sending him. 
“Chase,” Leo took a deep breath. “Come home.”
He felt his anger flare up. “What home?” He replied harshly, feeling some sort of sick pleasure in seeing them jerk away at his tone.
“Chasey,” Adam called him the name he hadn’t spoken since they were kids and Chase felt Spike start to slowly surface.
“Don’t,” His voice was sharp. “Where was this support before? You’ve got speed and strength, remember, what do you need me for?”
“We were wrong,” Bree looked like it physically pained her to admit the fact. “Mr Davenport is pretty stubborn but we miss you and we were wrong to turn on you like that.”
“Mom misses you too,” For the first time since they had confronted him, they watched as Chase’s angry expression slipped ever so slightly at the mention of Tasha.
Chase opened his mouth to speak but he didn’t get the chance.
“What’s going on here?” They could feel the anger emanating from the form of the boy behind them. 
Marcus had finally pulled himself away from his teacher to realise that Chase had disappeared, he muttered a string of curses under his breath before he went off in search of his brother. To his annoyance and slight horror, Chase looked like he had been accosted at his locker. He couldn’t help but feel his blood boil at the sight; sure, he and Douglas were still making amends to Chase but seeing three of the people that had underestimated him so much infuriated him.
They turned as one when they heard him. Adam’s pleading gaze quickly shifted, as did Leo and Bree’s, into a scowl, their lips curling at the sight of him. He fought back a smirk at the knowledge that they hated him so much. 
“What does it matter to you?” Bree hissed. “This is a family problem.”
“He is family, Bree,” Chase insisted, ignoring the looks of indignation. “Anything you have to say to me, you can say in front of Marcus.”
Bree could practically feel the fear emanating from Chase, her little brother was scared of her, and the thought shook her to her core. “Chase, come home, please.”
Chase glanced from her to Marcus and back again, looking indecisive and overwhelmed. “I…”
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Lab rats fandom, give me your fanfic recommendations 🙏
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angelwiththeblue-box · 7 months
Tasha and Douglas painting each other's nails? Besties.
hi anon sorry this is so late but i provide u with a drabble as an apology!!
Tasha sits on the couch, a movie playing on the TV, but she's not paying too much attention to it, most of her attention focused on painting her left hand, the nail polish shaky in her non dominant hand.
She hears footsteps and looks up to see Douglas, tapping away on one of Donald's tablets.
"Oh, are you doing your nails! Do you have any remover, mine are chipped to all shit!" Douglas drops the tablet on the couch and sits next to her, waving his chipped black nail polish at her. She sets her nail polish down and hands Douglas her nail polish remover and he grabs a tissue and starts scrubbing at his nails.
"Do you want me to paint your right hand?" Douglas asks after a beat, the movie droning on in the background. "I'm ambidextrous, so it's never been a problem, but an ex of mine in college always hated doing his left hand, so I started doing his nails for him. I'm pretty good, too." Tasha sighs.
"Please. I hate painting my own nails, honestly, but I hate looking at bare nails even more."
Douglas laughs and takes the bottle from Tasha, grabbing her hand lightly and starting to paint the first coat nimbly.
"So, what happened to your ex?" Tasha asks, hiding the smirk on her face.
"Oh, he was an absolute douchebag, cheated on me with one of my friends at the time." Douglas motions for her to blow on her nails to dry the first coat.
"Sounds like a dick." Tasha says, inspecting Douglas' handiwork. He barks a laugh, motioning for her to give him her hand back.
"Oh, he was. One time, I planned a whole date for us, like nice restaurant and everything, and he stood me up!"
"He did not!"
"He did!"
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anonymousangstmonster · 5 months
Idea #39
The Fentons were a family of merciless mer hunters.
But when Jack Fenton found a barely-a-year-old, white haired, black scaled, green eyed guppy washed up on their private beach, he couldn’t just leave the little guy to probably get eaten alive by seagulls. He’d always had a soft spot for kids.
He somehow convinced Maddie to let him keep it, as long as he was responsible for it. Jack had to feed it, clean it and it’s tank, train it, make sure it didn’t try to eat people, entertain it, the normal things you have to do to take care of a pet. Sure Maddie was the one that made sure it was fed most of the time since Jack forgot, but he did all the other things! He even gave him a name, Danny.
They actually got to learn a lot about merfolk biology taking care of him.
Over time the pair of scientists grew more and more attached to the little baby mer in their lab. He was practically a son to them. He was so sweet and cute, who wouldn’t love him instantly!
They taught him how to talk(he had such an adorable voice!), they taught him about the outside world(his eyes always sparkled with curiosity and wonder when listening to their stories).
When an old mer hunting friend came over to visit, he told them to be careful, that the creature could be using its siren powers to make them love it. They assured him that Danny’s powers(if he had any) were disabled by the small and unobtrusive cuff around his wrist.
They arranged for a little boy Danny’s age to come for a playdate, since he always seemed so lonely by himself in his artificial habitat. That young boy was named Tucker Foley, and the two hit it off instantly. Playing in the shallow area of Danny’s ‘exhibit’ with beach balls and plastic boats.
More time passed and Danny grew, his aquarium growing along with him.
Sometimes other hunter and scientist friends of the Fentons would come see the lab, and they would see a teenage merman in a comfortable environment and not on an examination table.
The parents wanted to see their boy free and happy, so they released him into the ocean. It wasn’t until later that they realized they never prepared him for the outside world, they never taught him how to hunt for himself, to avoid fishing nets, he might get seriously hurt or even die out there because they were ‘so eager to get rid of him’.
One of their worst fears were confirmed when they found him washed up on their beach bleeding from his tail, abdomen, and arm, unconscious.
Mer au combined with “Danny has always been lab rat” au, and wholesome up until the plot.
“I also just want Jack to invent a ghost(mer) treat and make Danny do tricks for it.” -that applies to this as well. Also I had the idea for that when eating a soft peppermint for the first time in forever.
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t0yac1d · 6 months
A Nonsense Christmas (C.Davenport x F!Reader)
Warnings: Smut, oral (male receiving), blow job, facial, slight hair pulling
"Baby, my tongue goes numb, sounds like, ho,ho,ho."
Notes: I hope you are all having an amazing Christmas and if you don't celebrate it, then I hope you're having an amazing day! Also, sorry for not uploading I'm pretty busy with school, work and practice, but I'll try to be consistent with uploading. I'm also sorry for how shitty and short this is.
Word Count: 256
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His hands were pulling and tugging at your hair, his hips bucking roughly up in your mouth causing you to gag around him. Your nails digging into his thighs, leaving crescent shapes in the skin. "F-fuck" he stuttered, his head falling back and his mouth agape. You took the hand that was in your hair and placed it beside him, lifting your head up and off his dick with a pop. Wrapping your hands around him, pumping him as his eyes rolled back.
You licked his tip, swirling your tongue around and playing with his balls, his hands found their way back to your head, pushing down while his hips moved upwards. You gagged, "I'm sorry..." he apologized. You gave him a "hm." which sent vibrations down to his dick and to his entire body. Goosebumps trailing up his body, he shivered.
He couldn't hold on for much longer, the core in his stomach tightening, his cock begging for release. His fingers gripped at your hair and pulled you off of him, a string of spit connecting the both of you and drool sitting at your chin. He stood up and held your head on place, pumping his cock, "Close your eyes, and open your mouth for me, sweet thing." He let out a loud moan when he came. His cum shooting all over your face and in your mouth, some landing on your chin and dribbling down to your tits.
"I love it when you let me do that.." he panted
"Merry Christmas, my love."
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purple-imagines · 1 year
Pairing - Chase Davenport x Reader
Summary - Reader meets Spike for the first time
Warnings - kissing, swearing
Word Count - 697
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“Y/N!” She heard Leo scream out of her phone, as soon as she answered it. 
“Hello to you too, Leo.” She replied back. 
“Can you come to our house? The lab to be exact.” She could hear banging in the background. 
She narrowed her eyebrows, “why?”
“Well, Adam made Chase angry and Spike decided to make an appearance.”
The girl let out a sigh, of course. “Where’s Davenport?”
“Out of town.” She could hear Adam scream in the distance.
“Tasha too?”
“Yep. Are you coming?”
“Yes, I’m headed there now.”
“Good. Hurryy-” He hung up after screaming. 
The girl walked the street to the Davenports, only 10 minutes away. Arriving, everything looked normal from the outside. 
She walked into the house, seeing Bree on her phone on the couch, Adam in the hallway, looking out of breath, and Leo running into the living room.
“Thank God! He's in the basement.”
Y/N crossed her arms, “what’s in this for me?” 
“Uh- Chase will do your homework.”
“We already do our homework together.”
“Oh.” Leo looked defeated, “I’ll cover for Chase next time y’all want to stay out past curfew.”
“Hm.. ok.” She shrugged, heading towards the elevator. 
Going down towards the basement, she couldn’t help but feel a bit nervous. She’s heard of Spike, but never actually met him. She trusts Chase though, and according to Leo she could do it. 
The elevators open and she’s greeted with silence. Walking through the doors, she hears a loud bang, causing her to jump. 
She could see lab equipment all over the floor, some in pieces, others still salvageable. Spike was standing in front of the tubes, looking mad. 
“Hey there, pretty lady,” he smirked, “what’s your name?”
Y/N crossed her arms, “Y/N.” 
“Pretty name for a pretty girl. I’m Spike, but you can call me whatever you want.
She huffed. He was annoying, to say the least. “Well, Spike,” she jumped up onto a counter, swinging her legs. “What do you wanna do?”
“Other than you?” He continued to smirk, causing her to roll her eyes. “I want to destroy this place.”
“Ok then.” She slowly pushed a lamp off the counter she was sitting on. Keeping eye contact with Spike the entire time. 
His eyebrows rose, he slowly walked towards his left, towards Davenport's inventions. Copying what the girl did, he slowly pushed one off, causing it to break in half. 
The girl hopped off the counter, keeping eye contact, she walked towards the middle of the lab, taking her arms and sweeping everything off the table. 
Back in the living room, Adam, Bree, and Leo were watching everything on Eddie's screen.
Leo drug his hands down his face, “what is she doing? She’s supposed to stop him from destroying the lab, not help mess it up.”
Bree shrugged, “it’s working.” 
Looking back at the screen, they could see the smiles on both their faces. They were causing havoc, but were happy about it. 
Now they stood face to face, about five inches apart. “If they kiss, I’ll throw up.” Leo gagged, walking over towards the couch. 
Y/N put her forehead on Spikes, looking him in the eyes. “You happier now?”
He laughed, “yeah.” He pulled her in and kissed her lips. The girl slowly kissed back, putting her hands on the back of his neck.
Pulling back after a couple of seconds, she realized his hands were on her waist. “Chase?” 
“It’s me.” She pulled him into her, hugging him tight. 
He slowly pulled away, looking around at the damage. “Did I do this?”
“Not all of it.” She winced. 
Chase let out a smile, pulling her into another kiss. 
“Is it clear?” They hear Leo yell from the hallway. 
They laugh as they let go of each other. “We’re good.” She called back. 
Leo, Bree, and Adam walk into the lab, looking around at the disaster. Adam and Leo walk towards Chase, while Bree walks towards Y/N.
Bree bumps shoulders with her, “someone had fun.” She teased.
Y/N gasped, “you were watching?” Bree laughed and nodded.
Chase wrapped his arms around YN, “now I’ve got to see this video.”
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merakiui · 7 months
thinking about writing a fanfic with self-aware twst, but the characters are aware they're in a fanfic. orz it may sound silly, but i think it would be fun to write something where [insert yan!twst character here] just interrupts the plot and addresses the reader specifically with something like: "you're probably not even inserting your real name, right, (name)?"
perhaps it's too meta, but it's so interesting to me?? i haven't the faintest clue how i'd go about writing a fic like that with an intriguing plot that progressively gets more horrifying as it goes on, and it'd likely be more of an experimental fic than anything. but omg it would be so fun to write.
hmmm,,, maybe i could use epistolary format, whether in the form of letters (to the reader) or diary entries. something where the character realizes they're in a fanfic and can only do so much, so they write their own little notes to the reader. or it's placed between the words or certain words are in another color (like red or blue) and it spells a message if you take all of the words and put them together. :O
so essentially you'd be reading a completely normal yan!twst fanfic, but when you put the words together it's the twst character addressing you and not the (name) you're meant to project onto.
AAAAA T_T i'm sorry for senseless ramblings. this is what happens when i think too much about the meta nature of a yan!rook fic i have planned.
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whumpsday · 9 months
K&J: Kane's Whumptober Bites #10
Chronological masterlist / Writing order masterlist
content: vampire whumpee, attempted drugging, lab whump, needles, captivity, slight death wish
@whumptober Day 10 (Alt): Examination / Drugging / Lab Rat
Kane held still, compliant as the visitor injected something into his arm. This was by far one of the most tolerable punishments the hunters would give him, though it had become less and less common as time went on, as they ran out of ideas.
It wasn’t a punishment at all, really, neither in intent nor experience. It never hurt– Kane refused to count the slight pinch of the needle as “hurt”– and it never had any of the effects the humans intended, either.
If anything, the worst part was the looks they would give him when it didn’t work. Like it was his fault, like he’d done something wrong.
“You’ll let me know if you feel anything different, vampire,” the visitor ordered. The man wasn’t a hunter, and always spoke to Kane in a voice devoid of both kindness and malice. Kane liked him for that. It was at least better than the hunters’ open sadism. “Anything at all. Dizziness, drowsiness, fatigue, pain, itching, lightheadedness, what-have-you.”
“Yes, sir,” Kane agreed. “It’s just– I’m always lightheaded and fatigued and in pain.”
“Beyond your usual,” the visitor amended.
The hunter escorting him rolled his eyes. “It’s not gonna work, doc. These things are just immune, you’ve tried everything by this point. Wish there was a way to bottle sunlight.”
Kane shuddered at the thought, beyond grateful there wasn’t.
“Have you tried artificial?” the visitor asked.
“Yeah, just gave it a regular sunburn, not the vampire kind. Not exactly gonna incapacitate one of these things for staking.”
The humans idly discussed various experiments they could try on him as Kane waited to see if the drug would take effect. Experiments for practicality, not torture. Ones they could take out into the field and use on other vampires, vampires who would only suffer for a moment before their lives are cut blissfully short, while he lives on.
On and on and on.
The visitor snapped his fingers to get his attention, pulling him from his miserable spiral. “It’s been fifteen minutes. Anything, vampire?”
“No, sir. I’m sorry.” Guilt crawled up Kane’s spine, as if he should have tried harder to feel an effect from the drug.
“Come here,” he ordered.
Kane stood, dutifully walking toward the bars. This was always his least-favorite part. The visitor had never pulled him forward into them to burn, but enough hunters had that even being within arm’s-length of the bars drenched him in dread. But he knew what the visitor wanted by now, and stepped all the way forward, until his face was mere inches from the torturous silver.
“Look at me.” 
“Yes, sir.”
The visitor held a device up to each of Kane’s eyes as he stared dutifully ahead, shining a bright light in each one. It was the type of brightness he would have called painful before he knew what true pain was, but he did his very best to keep his eyes open wide. He could be good.
With a disapproving tsk, the visitor put the device away and motioned with a wave for Kane to back off. He gratefully scurried back to his corner.
The hunter sighed, irritated. “Thanks anyway, doc.”
“Of course. I’ll let you know when I have something new to try.” The visitor pointed to Kane. “You let any of your keepers know if you feel something later. Be good, now.”
“Yes, sir.” He wished all his tasks were so easy.
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comfy-whumpee · 9 months
Lab Rat
Whumptober 7. Lab whump with extra dehumanisation and gore, this time!
There’s a taste in his mouth that he can’t get out.
The first experiment is simple. The muzzle is removed, and the body is fed water for the first time in days. It is helped to drink until it can drink no more, turning its head away from the feeding tube. Then, for the next twenty minutes, some mild acid forces the body to produce saliva, which is collected in test tubes on ice.
The body endures this placidly. It is cooperative with the cotton swabs placed inside its mouth. It holds still with its jaw wide, not needing to be forced. Maybe it is grateful to have been given water. Maybe it hopes, as the doctors do, that saliva will substitute blood in their treatments.
But the testing is done quickly and the results are clear. If there is power in the saliva, it is so diluted as to be useless.
And there’s a taste in his mouth that he can’t get out.
The second experiment is nails and hair. The body is unresponsive when the hair is trimmed. It looks to be sleeping, though nobody is sure whether it truly sleeps like humans do. It wakes up, as best they can tell, with no idea of what was done. But later that day, they trim its nails. The clippings are stored in another sample container and taken away for testing.
This is equally unimpressive. There was already significant doubt that such expendable parts of the body would contain anything of value. But it was proof of the previous experiment. Only things integral would be useful to gather.
And there’s a taste in his mouth that he can’t get out.
By the end of the week, Caroline has allowed another experiment, more invasive now there have been no ill effects from the others. The body still bleeds through the needle in its arm, and nothing else matters. So Caroline authorises a tissue sample.
The first one is small, just a scraping of dead skin from under their trimmed fingernails. The body barely responds to the dull shear on their fingers. The flakes are taken away in a petri dish.
Next is a slice of fresh skin. One hand is taken into a bowl of water to be thoroughly cleaned. This, unlike the rest, gets a response, tears leaking down its cheeks as if touched by the gesture. But it is done by uncaring hands, who only want to make sure the site of their sample is sterile.
Gloved hands press the knuckles flat on a rolling steel side table. Caroline does the incision herself, peeling back mere millimetres of skin with her sharpest scalpel. The blood, which cannot be wasted, is allowed to flow openly until it clots on its own. Caroline takes the sample off herself for immediate testing, while one of the acolyte doctors is responsible for soaking up every drop of blood.
Lachlan doesn’t know if the skin sample works or not. All he knows is that, the very next day, Caroline returns for more. As the body heals, and does not scar, she grows less and less worried that she will do something irreversible.
Kurt used to speak up. He is supposed to, if she risks permanent damage to the body, but he doesn’t say a word. He’s barely present anymore. He’s here because he was told to be here, and outside of working hours, he is gone.
Caroline stays. Caroline sharpens and sterilises her scalpels. She gathers her two favourite students, the brightest and most loyal. They cleanse the site of her next incision. She has chosen the thigh, and they make sure every strand of hair and speck of dirt is gone from the area she designs. No contaminants. Why stop at blood when flesh could yield better results?
The body knows it is coming already. Even as Caroline only prepares, it has clearly worked out the pattern. It keens in pain at the first touch of metal and doesn’t stop when it comes in earnest. She presses the scalpel into flesh, barely needing to push with as sharp as she has the blade. Blood wells up around it, and she cuts with confidence.
The body – Northlight – cries out through the muzzle, legs jerking and arms pulling at the restraints. The pain is audible in their voice. The tears flow from their eyes again, backwards down their face as their head is thrown back. Caroline is immune, extracting the gouged flesh and having it conveyed to be chilled and preserved for testing. One of her students is already stifling the bleeding. The other conveys the sample away.
Lachlan tries not to look at the blob of flesh on the tray, nor at the bleeding hole in Northlight’s leg. He looks at the body’s tormented expression, and tries not to listen to the whimpers low in its throat. It’s a sensible thing to do with the experiments, to build up like this. It makes sense. It’s scientific. The body was always going to respond like this. Simulating feelings. Like how trees bleed sap.
Northlight cries in hopeless pain as the wound is tightly bandaged. Northlight shakes their head in plea when the doctor leaves. Northlight endures without painkillers, without even food. Northlight turns their eyes to him.
There’s a taste in Lachlan’s mouth that he can’t get out. Metallic and sour. He knows it can’t be real, but he can taste it all the same. He drinks it in his dreams and it makes him ache and shiver.
Every morning he goes to wash his face in the laboratory toilets, and he bares his teeth the mirror, to check them for sharper edges.
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kybercrystals94 · 9 months
By KyberCrystals94
Find here on Ao3!
Whumptober 2023 | Day 1 | Alternative Prompt: Lab Rats
Bad Things Happen Bingo | Prompt: Homesickness
Words: 1,070
Summary: Omega and Echo have a conversation about their pasts.
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Omega presses her face between Lula’s long ears and breathes deeply the scent of her brothers: stale sweat, blaster residue, motor oil, aftershave, regulation soap, and a few other things she can’t quite place. Lula is like a sponge, soaking up the redolence of the soldiers she lives with. While the stuffed tooka doesn’t smell pleasant , Lula smells of love and safety and comfort. Therefore, she smells wonderful, and Omega gives the creature an extra tight squeeze as she tries to hold in the tears that threaten to spill. She should be happy. She is happy. She is. She is.
“Omega, are you alright?”
Omega is surprised by the generic reg voice. She would have expected Hunter or Wrecker to check on her...maybe even Tech. Not Echo. He isn’t unkind, but he is distant, almost unsure of her. Like he doesn’t want to get attached. Omega understands, even though it makes her heart hurt a little.
“I’m fine,” Omega lies easily, lifting her face so that her voice isn’t muffled against Lula’s soft stuffing.
There is a pause, but Omega knows the cyborg clone hasn’t walked away. After an uncomfortable stretch of silence, Echo clears his throat. “Are you sure? Hunter – uh – sent me to check on you.”
Omega forces a smile and carefully blinks back the tears that have been forming before she pulls back the curtain, letting Lula topple from her arms. “I’m okay, Echo,” she assures him.
The shadows on Echo’s face in the warm glow of her strung lights accentuate his gaunt features, and Omega suppresses the shudder that reflexively comes. Nala Se had Omega study Echo’s medical files as part of her training. The horrors he suffered at the hands of the Techno Union still haunt Omega’s imagination, and the cool, professional terminology she poured over in the files did not do his tragedy justice. It must’ve been hard for him to join the Batch too, starting over after all he’d been through. She admires him endlessly for it, but she isn’t sure how she could ever tell him without also admitting to having read his files. Not that she’d had a choice, or was snooping, but...
Echo matches her striving grin with one of his own. “Alright. If you say so,” he says, shrugging one shoulder, telling her without telling her that he knows she’s lying.
He starts to turn away when Omega bites out, “Wait, Echo...”
“Yeah?” he asks, the familiar gruff of his voice catching on the edge of the word.
Omega swallows, hoping he isn’t annoyed with her indecisiveness. “I just...can I ask you a question?”
“Sure, kid,” he says, and leans his weight against the wall casually.
“When you first joined Clone Force 99, did you – or do you – ever feel...” Omega searches for the right word, pressing her lips together before saying in a whisper, “homesick? For what you had before?”
Echo looks startled by the question, his eyes widening a little. However, the expression is brief, and his face returns to his normal air in a blink. To Omega’s dismay, he answers her question with one of his own, “Do you feel homesick for Kamino?”
“Sometimes,” Omega admits, pinching one of Lula’s ears between her fingers, “but I don’t want to go back. I’m happy here, with all of you. But if I’m happy here, why do I miss what I don’t want?”
Echo’s face softens. “Because you miss what is familiar, even if it wasn’t better.”
“Is that bad?” Omega asks.
“Of course not,” Echo says, “I missed living with my reg brothers. It’s all I knew most of my life. Doesn’t mean I care about my enhanced brothers any less.” He rolls his eyes good naturedly at the terminology adopted from the Batch, and it makes Omega giggle.
“I guess you and me are kind of the same,” Omega says softly, wistfully. “Taken in by the Bad Batch when..." Echo visibly stiffens, and Omega clamps her mouth shut, now gripping Lula’s ear in a fist. She shouldn’t have said that. She knew the moment the words left her mouth. She and Echo are nothing alike. Not really. Not at all.
But they are. In some ways.
To her surprise, Echo leans forward, folding his arms and resting them on the floor of her gunner’s mount room. “Nala Se,” he says, his voice softer and gentler than she’s ever heard it, “she experimented on you, didn’t she.” Not a question.
Omega bites down on the inside of her cheek. She has never wanted to tell any of them about that. But Echo knows, because she told him in a roundabout way. In the medical wing, after his accident in the mess hall. He woke up in a panic, and she’d comforted him. I don’t like being hooked up to their machines either.
She didn’t think he’d remember that, but why wouldn’t he?
So, she nods a small, jerky affirmative.
“I don’t remember much about the Techno Union,” Echo says, his voice still low, almost a whisper. Like his words are just for her ears. “I mean...I know what they did. And I live with what they did everyday...but it’s what the Kaminoans did that I remember well. They had to see that I was fit for duty, and their tests...” Echo falters, his words dropping off in an expanse of hidden emotions. He blinks, looking a little lost.
She isn’t sure why she does it, but she reaches out and rests a hand on Echo’s face, her thumb brushing over the sharp edge of his cheekbone. “I know,” she whispers, because she does. She was Nala Se’s “assistant” from her earliest memories. She saw the tests firsthand. Experienced some of them herself.
“You shouldn’t though,” Echo says, “No kid should know that.”
“Maybe,” Omega shrugs, “But we’re safe from them now...the Kaminoans, I mean.”
Echo’s eyes find hers and he smiles sadly. “Yeah, we are.”
Omega’s touch lingers a moment longer before she pulls away and hugs Lula close to her chest. “I’m not homesick for the Kaminoans. I’m homesick for Kamino...for AZI and helping with the babies. I hope they’re alright.”
“I hope so too,” Echo says, and he gives her knee a squeeze with his flesh hand. “You’re a good kid, Omega. I’m glad the Batch found...both of us.”
Omega smiles at her brother who understands. “Me too.”
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falling-star-cygnus · 3 months
lab rats fandom, it's great to see y'all again -> question tho:
Marcus and Leo friendship, where are we at with that?
because honestly- i can see them realizing that they're very similar to each other and becoming besties -> obviously only after very thorough talk and a very steady slow build of trust, of course
Like Marcus will see Leo being talked over or dismissed because he's the baby of the family and just- casually melt something with his laser eyes or knock something off the table
Chase, Bree, and/or Adam: !? Marcus, playing it off: Sorry, it was just- so boring listening to you guys. I've seen reality shows with less pointless fighting Chase: …You watch reality shows? Marcus, holding Chase's shoulder seriously: Of course I do. And then Leo takes the opening to get them all back on track and share his thoughts uninterrupted bc they're all stupefied
just them being silly gossipy drama queens together yk? -> do you see the vision??
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Marcus stans come get yall juice!
At 6:30 AM on a Friday morning, Donald Davenport got a call.
"You're listed as his next-of-kin," she continued, "And therefore the de facto guardian of his son, Marcus Davenport."
Donald choked on a mixture of air, spit, and toast.
(Or: AU where Marcus was sent to spy on the Davenport family as their adopted son. Things don't go as Planned.)
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angelwiththeblue-box · 7 months
Adam making Owen pancakes. I like the idea that Owen is very smitten over this gesture, and Adam is oblivious to that fact.
sorry about the wait, college got so in the way
It wasn't like Owen intended for him and Adam to stay up until 3 in the morning, it's just that sometimes with art, you get caught up in the moment (and sometimes, you don't want that moment to end, even at the cost of your sleep schedule.)
Adam woke up first, acting like it was no big deal to stay up late and wake up on time, but if there was one thing Owen had learned about Adam, it's that he never stopped surprising him.
Owen woke up two hours later, blinking sleep from his eyes. They fell asleep on the couch, Adam's long legs stretched over one of the arms and Owen on the other side, tucking himself into the couch cushions. It was just them in Adam's large house, hence the invite. Leo and Chase were at some tech retreat that Chase found, Bree was out with friends, and Mr and Mrs. Davenport were at a two day conference. (Adam confessed to him, around 1 am last night, that he's not used to being by himself, he always had his siblings with him, so whenever they're out of town, he'll either be with them, or see if he can get people over. Owen just smiled at him, the lack of sleep starting to hit him.)
"You're up!" Adam is sitting on the couch, holding a Nintendo and smiling widely. "Do you want breakfast? According to Douglas, I'm one of the better cooks in the family, but the bar is low. I can make pancakes, if you want?"
Owen sits up fully, cracking his neck and nodding. "Pancakes sound great."
Adam drops the Nintendo on the couch and heads over to the kitchen, Owen standing up and following him, taking a seat on the one of the kitchen island chairs, resting his head in his hands as Adam moves around the kitchen, setting his phone on the counter and playing music as he does, humming softly and dancing as he mixes the ingredients together. Owen watches with a soft smile on his face, a blush dusting his cheeks.
Owen slips off the chair and grabs his sketchbook and a pencil and sits back down, flipping to a blank page and starting to sketch. He might not be able to live in this moment forever, but he can document it in his own way, not wanting to forget the warmth filling his body.
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anonymousangstmonster · 6 months
Prompt #27
The Fentons had two children, Jazz who was one and a half, and Nate who was six months at the time. They were planning on adding a third child to the group, ‘planning’ as in ‘this is the twelfth attempt and I’m sick of them dying every time’.
They had theoretically constructed the genetics for a human-ghost hybrid, and were hoping to raise it as their son along with their other two kids. They had modeled the human genes off of their son Nathaniel, black hair, blue eyes, freckles. The difficult part was getting it to mix with the ectoplasm without dying in the incubator or coming out malformed or tearing itself to shreds on week one.
They were at take twenty six and it looked pretty promising so far, no imploding, no three extra eyes, no melting, and it was already two months into gestation!
A nerve-wracking seven months later the little supposedly-half-ghost baby boy came out of the artificial womb crying his tiny little lungs out. And he already had a name, ‘Daniel’ or ‘Danny’ for short.
The legal process of getting Danny a birth certificate and at the same time being legal property of FentonWorks as an experiment was a mess.
The Fentons loved their strange new son with all their hearts, but always kept in mind that he was an experiment, a specimen, a creature made for scientific purposes. They chipped him, planning on doing more when he got older, such as adding a failsafe to make him fall asleep in emergencies, and a brand to make sure others new who he belonged to. Though they had to wait until he was at least fourteen to do all that, ‘something something ethics something something we will come after you for human experimentation if you don’t wait something something’.
When Danny turned two the parents cut him open to see how his insides were faring(asleep and without breaking any bones of course), and again when he was six.
He got to go to school and make friends, even though the Fentons knew he would never go to college or get a job.
Nate grew up with a lab rat for a little brother, and he could never ask for more. Though as he grew to love ectobiology and Jazz grew more towards human psychology, it was looking like Nate would be the one to take over FentonWorks someday. So that’s what Jack and Maddie kept telling him, “When you take over, you’ll be in charge of what to do with Danny.”
When Danny turned ten and Nate eleven, Danny was having another vivisection(heavily drugged and this time they were going to cut out his ribs to see his heart and lungs) and Nate got to watch! Apparently his brother had a strong core, something that only ghosts with a particularly traumatizing death had, strange. The parents spoke to Nate again, “One day when you’re older, you’ll be doing this, all on your own.”
The day after Danny turned fourteen was the day his parents could forget about ethics and do whatever they wanted to permanently alter his body, and that’s what they did. It was basically a vivisection day but so much more.
Danny was kept awake and aware the entire time, and Nate helped with a lot, passing tools to his parents, drawing with a sterile marker where the incision lines were going to be, placing the rubber gag in his brothers mouth to prevent him from hurting himself.
They put a hot brand on his right shoulder blade that read:
They inked into the left of his skull and one of his right ribs ‘PROPERTY OF FENTONWORKS’. They implanted a small device right next to his heart connected to a remote that only Jack, Maddie or Nate could activate, which would inject a solution into his bloodstream that would paralyze or kill him for emergencies.
Jazz could very faintly hear her adopted brothers screams from the kitchen.
Another four years later and it’s Nate who’s leading the operation, with his parents assisting. His gloves covered in his brothers ecto-blood, speaking his observations into the recording device in his dad’s hand.
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The parallels and symbolism between douglas and donald and chase and adam (respectively) does not get talked enough in this fandom and it should be
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