#TF2 Lab-rat
paranoidginger · 8 days
Lab-rat part 18
Tw: Emetophobia, Violence, Gore
The morning they had received the package containing Bait's hand, the Blu mercenaries were sent into a spiral. The Medic took delicate care to preserve the limb he had been sent, millions of thoughts running through his head. Was this the only part of him that had been amputated, or had the other Medic already taken his hostage apart completely, and the twisted man was planning to continue sending them chunks of the young man they had all come to care for...
The Spy had what was possibly the worst reaction of anyone's. Still hungover, the Medic had told him and Engie individually in the privacy of the Spy's quarters. The sheer horror on his face was palpable, and it didn't take long for him to vomit after receiving the news that they had received a part of his clone- his son- in a cardboard box.
Heavy was already beginning to put together a plan, they would try to be civil, try to get the clone back without any unnecessary harm... This wasn't about contracts, this wasn't about some stupid war... It was about getting Bait out quickly and safely.
It had been early in the morning whenever the Medic had delivered his package to the Red base, leaving his laboratory unlocked while he was gone. The Scout had been the one to find Bait, borderline catatonic from a combination of blood loss and whatever drugs the medic was pumping into his system... He usually just snuck in to grab painkillers every once in a while whenever he needed them for a particularly bad sprain or just general discomfort, but this time, seeing the clone in the state he was in, he was in even more of a hurry to get out.
It didn't take long for the Red Scout, a small jar of painkillers in hand, to find the others having breakfast and bickering, or just simply talking about things together.
"Hey, uh, heyyyyy. Guys, fellas, we uh, we got a situation happenin' in the Doc's room." The Scout spoke with clear nerves in his voice, scratching the back of his calf with he top of his opposite foot as he stood, restless. "I know we've been tryna, you- you know, get him to rein it back with the experiments and crap, but I-I think we might have to like... Actually do something about him, 'cause I just went in there to get some pain meds for my ankle, and the clone guy's in there. He- uh. He's not dead, but- Y-you know what, maybe- maybe it's better if you guys just go look."
The Scout shifted his weight nervously, the Medic already frightened him to some degree, even before everything with the Medic's possession and the cloning machine. After seeing what he had done just overnight, his anxieties surrounding the team doctor increased quite drastically. All those times he himself had been used as a guinea pig... He never wanted to, but it was always a possibility whenever he was seeking medical attention for one reason or another.
"Why don't ya show me, son. I ain't seen ya this shaken up in a long while." The Engineer stood up, walking over to Scout and gently patting him on the arm as the Scout began leading him back towards the Medic's lab, a couple of the others catching up with him once they saw the engineer tagging along and indulging what they thought was just another panicked story from the unreliable young man.
As they entered, they could see the clone in the back of the room, open wounds across his torso, and tape covering his mouth. His breathing was shallow, his eyes open but glazed over. It looked as if the medic had left in the middle of a procedure, bits of skin pulled back, exposing muscle and fascia... The medic himself was nowhere to be seen.
"Oh god- this... this just ain't right." The engineer reacted the only way he knew how, a brief moment of panic followed by action. He was good with machines, not with human bodies, but he knew enough. Quickly, he began looking through the Medic's cabinets, locating a stapler, an IV needle, some tubing, and a bag of saline. "Someone grab me some bandages. I don't care what sawbones says when he gets back here, this boy's existence is 'cause of me just as much as it is 'cause of him."
By the time the Medic had returned from delivering his package to the Blu base, Bait had been relocated from the man's lab, frustration washing over him as he began to search for the clone, running straight into Heavy as he moved to leave the room.
"Is time to stop, Doktor." The big man spoke firmly, looking down at him as he grabbed hold of his hands, holding him firmly while the Sniper entered the room, rope in his hands.
"Sorry mate, ya just been actin' all sorts o' wrong. Can't have ya turning on us. Nothin' personal, doc." Sniper spoke lowly, tying the man up as the Heavy kept him restrained.
Part 17
@thatonesimp-e @gravitytrips @realccre
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gophergal · 2 months
Hello, could you please do E1 with Heavy and Medic? I'd love to see Heavy holding a literal pocket Medic.
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havin the time of his life
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spookymartian · 23 days
Collected the results from my previous TF2 polls and wanted to ask the community a question.
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yo0mie · 9 months
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i think it'd be pretty cool as a concept to have chell as a tf2 class (probably class name would be Lab Rat), plus i love combining my two fav valve franchises! maybe after finding herself out of the test chamber, she gets recruited by TF industries.
i imagine for voicelines, GLaDOS (specifically POTaDOS) would do all of the talking for responses and answer for chell, saying outta pocket stuff lmao
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ratlordsarah · 2 months
bruh I am howling rn 💀
so i am going to highschool in august, and I was just accepted into their medical program there.
I also speak a little German (A2 learner)
I have multiple pet rats (rats are basically giant mice imo)
I am turning into both medic from tf2, and dr two brains at the same time 💀
also, we might get lab coats too
Why do I always turn into my hyper fixations 😭✨🥳🕺🪩🎉🌞
Elaboration on the line above👇
So basically, I like… really really like science, and am planning on becoming either a science teacher, or art teacher (if I am an art teacher, imma do science tutoring, and either way, I would be doing commissions as an adult)
when I say dr two brains is a deep motivation of mine, I mean he is the reason I have two albino ratties in my mischief of rats, and one time, I got a 116% resting grade one year in science, and I extensively study the subject in my free time bc ngl, the mad scientist vibe seems so cool ngl
Also, I am learning German bc medic from tf2 is a German guy, and tbh, an unhinged german doctor is also one of the best vibes to have lmao 💀
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blubushie · 1 year
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spadescrewcoining · 8 hours
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[ID: Four flags with the same stripe width of Thick, Thin, Thinner, Thin, Thick, Thin, Thinner, Thin, Thick.
The first flags stripes are Mint, Dark Grey, Light blue, Dark Grey, Light blue then mirrored. It has two sets of four white hexagons one in the top left one in the bottom right. It has a simplistic clipboard and pen in the center in Greyish blue.
The second flags is nearlt identical to the first but the hexagons have moved to the top right and bottom left of the flag and the center icon is two grey bandaids in a cross shape.
The third flags stripes are Dark red, Dark Grey, Light Red, Dark Grey, Light Red then mirrored. It has the same two sets of hexagons as the first flag with a bloody scapel in the middle.
The forth is nearly the same as the third with the hexagons moved same as the second flag and the Dark Grey stripes have been changed to a light red-brown. End ID]
Experimental Attraction: An attraction that described the desire to do some form of experimentation on another similar to studial attraction but instead of idily studying and learning from a distance to change another to see how they react to strange stimulus
Subject Attraction: An attraction that describes the desire to be experimented on by another to be changed and altered, to be the Experimenters subject of fascination
Flag meaning: I honestly just associate those colors with medical institutions and the middle stripes resemble a medical mask while unnecessary for all experiments kind of fun the hexagons another thing I associate with science and another way to differentiate if the flag is for the Experimenter or Subject
Surgiment Attraction: Surgical Experimental Attraction
A: Desire to add or remove body parts
B: See what they can survive without
C: Turn them into something else
And probably more just some examples
Surgect Attraction: Surgical Subject Attraction desire to have your physical form surgically changed/experimented on by another
Flag meaning: Mostly just made it more gorey to fit how messy surgical experimentation can be but the changed stripes on the Subject are to look more like scars
I have wanted to coin this for months now and was going to change the flags up a bit at suggestion of @redacted-coiner but simply never got around to it but I want to share it and get it out into the world
Again while similar to Studial attraction of being a more "scientific" attraction it's more akin to a scientist and a lab rat than someone videoing behaviors of a lion in the wild
1: These terms do not support doing any experiments on another without consent
2: These terms do not support doing any experiment on another that could lead to mental, physical or other harm to another person
3: You find a nonharmful, consentual way to do something? Have fun
4: We are traumaendo this term was originally thought of for our Medic tf2 and SCP-049 fictives and our very likely to exist octive if you are antiendo make your own term
I think I planned at some point to make one for subjecting someone to extreme isolation but if it's not out in a week anyone can grab it
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calling all tf2 medic accounts!
I want to make a tf2 (rp?) discord server full of Medics, OC or canon medics I don't care I just want to watch them like little lab rats as they scurry around dissecting each other, injecting each other with experimental drugs and make medical horrors for the fun of it
I'm serious lmk if you'd want in, it would be so much fun
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jaydahfarts · 2 months
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So, Here I am! My name is J’Aydah! I am 13 years of age (DONT BE CREEPY!) and I adore TF2. I never played the game but when I first saw Heavy Is Dead, I fell into the wacky community of TF2.
This is one of three of my tf2 ocs. Her class is Sci-fi and her name is Soul Macroy. She was hired after Heavy found her digging around the base’s dumpsters, homeless and hungry. Also with her pet rat, Gib.
He picked her up and showed her off like “Omg look what heavy find in trash” and took her to the Administrator. As she went to shoot Soul, Pauling stopped her, telling her that the mines that they stored bodies in were being investigated by Tuefort Police Department and if they left another body near or in them, it would be a bit suspicious and they could be arrested. Admin reluctantly agreed, gave Soul a training course, she passed, she gave her the job as the 10th class, and sent her on her way.
Her first days were hard, she learned more about guns and the other mercenaries, carried herself goodly, and was smart. And full of vulgar language. Lost of vulgar language.
(I know, my character doesn’t match her lore 😭)
Anyway, more info! (And trauma bc you gotta get that juicy backstory)
Soul was born in 1946 on June 10th. She is a Mexican and African American mixed young lady, about 4’11 and is feisty. She had two parents and a sister, a mother named Mariel Macroy, a father named John J Macroy and a sister named Miracle Macroy. Her mother’s side of the family was not very wealthy. Her father’s side.. was very rich but greedy. Before she was even 5, her mother died from a “mysterious” suicide after their dinner. Soul was forced to leave to Detroit with her father and sister who was a manipulative and cruel man and a bratty and spoiled girl. He forced Soul to fit his view, a pretty, perfect young woman for her only purpose to be a housewife at only the age of 12. While her sister was a golden child because she fit all of their father’s views. This caused Soul to rebel. And her father, John, didn’t like that. He took her to a lab. He dropped her off at the entrance, only her blanket covering her.
The “doctors” took her in. They told her where she was, fed her and sat her in a room. They talked a bit outside the door, then turned to the young Soul.
After 6 years of being abused, experimented on, going insane, forced into fighting rings and even having her arm taken off by a rabid patient,
The lab, “Children’s Health Labs”, was caught in a fire. It burned down to the ground, leaving only a few children and Soul alive. Soul ran away from the children who wanted her to come with them, not wanting near the scene. She ran into the town of Tuefort, hiding from the many people who wanted to take her in for a price of 50,000 dollars, She became homeless and stayed in the streets which she did for 11 more years, before slipping in an old street, going through a bit and getting found by ol Heavy.
So, that is my character.
I really, really hope you like her backstory and my art, if not, I’m sorry, please leave some feedback or suggestions to fix it.
Anyways, thank you for reading. I am hoping to post more soon. Bye!
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opanchu · 1 year
im so autistic about valve games i always have to go off about how portal is their only game series that they actually finished AND that it was finished perfectly. we dont need a portal 3 because theres nothing left to tell. the only portal game that'd make sense now is a prequel like portal stories mel OR a game adaptation of lab rat. for the love of god if you wanna push for valve to continue one of their stories let it be half-life or tf2 cause those have been left on cliffhangers for years (half-life for 16 years and tf2's comics for 6) 😭😭
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jselorekeeper · 11 months
Everyone has nicknames for each other
Marvin: Jackie = Red, Goofball, Rabbit/ Bunny (since he's always jumping/running everywhere). Siren
Chase = Sad boy, Scout (TF2 ref), Lab Retriever (since he is so loyal)
Henrik = Doc, Asshole, Mr. Plague, Medic
JJ = Old man (affectionately), Farmer (since he knows his crops), Snappy ( in reference to a snapping turtle)
Anti = Cunt, rat, snake, vulture
Jackie: Marvin = Snow Leopard, Magic man, Houdini
Chase = Mr trickshot, Dad (first time was an accident then it became a running joke), Labrador as well
Henrik = GD, Doc, BlueJay
JJ = Grandpa (sarcastically(can and will piss everyone off and try to beat Jackie's ass)), Pocket (unintentional being an asshole), Jellyfish (thought it was a nice name it isn't)
Anti = Bastard, Corpse, Skunk
Chase: Marvin = Trickshow, Cat (was kitten till the discord thing happened, then that got very quick disregard), Snowball
Jackie = Speedster, Spiderboyman ( quickly stopped calling him that after he said he didn't like it), cockatiel (cute and loud)
JJ = Pumpkin head (affectionately), Stork (in reference to a shoebill stork also affectionately)
Henrik = Moonlight, Night Owl, Doc, Hen
Anti = Spider (like a black widow), Hawk
Henrik: Marvin = Trickster, clown, buffoon, furry (derogatory)
Jackie = Superboy, Siren, dog (affectionately)
Chase = Puppy (in his phone), sunshine, sunflower
JJ = Old man, turtle (affectionately still gets his ass kicked)
Anti = Cunt, rat
JJ: Marvin = Cat, Teach
Jackie = Asshole
Chase = Dog, sun
Henrik = Plague Doctor
Anti = Wounded man
Awe these are adorable!
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paranoidginger · 17 days
Lab-rat Part 8
Tw: Medical Gore, implications of needles
The Medic managed to discuss a plan with Bait, deciding when the clone would be operated on, and how it would work. The first of a handful of operations would be a simple exploratory procedure intended to identify what the Red Medic had removed or replaced in the poor boy's body.
The exploratory surgery was planned for that evening, giving the Blu team's medic time to prepare while the clone got to know the rest of the team.
The demoman was clearly happy to see the man in one piece, and already looking so much better than he had when they had met.
"Take a look at ye, lad! Good tae see ya with some color in that face O' yers!" The Scotsman grinned as he helped the clone back to the common area in the base. After hearing that the medic needed someone to assist the newcomer, Demo was the first to volunteer, eager to check up on the man he and the scout had spotted on the battlefield. "I know ye already got the tour this mornin', but there's quite a few of us who are eager to have a chat with ye. If yer comfortable with talking, that is!"
There weren't many people in the common room, but the few that were there, namely the scout and pyro, were glad to talk with the blind clone, even if Pyro wasn't understandable, and Scout was mainly trying to brag about how he helped rescue the newcomer.
The Red medic paced his lab, seething quietly to himself. He lost his lab rat. The best possible subject he could have gotten his hands on. The Blu team had stolen his property. He created that man, he was his god. Fuck trying to capture the Blu team's intelligence, he was going to get that pathetic little clone back, and if that meant slaughtering the enemy medic, so be it.
The day passed by surprisingly fast as Bait was able to interact and socialize with the Blu mercenaries. A colorful and interesting group who taught him that he could smile... They were all so accepting of him, and even though his words were few and far between, it felt nice to use his voice for something other than screaming. Even the sniper, a quiet, somewhat rude individual, managed to tell him stories of hunting trips and misadventures.
Eventually, however, evening came, and the medic came to collect him. In a soft voice, the clone said his goodbyes and thanked his new friends for their stories, slight worry in his vaguely accented tone as the doctor led him away.
The clone was instructed to change out of his clothes for the day, and made to lie shirtless on the operating table, panic swelling in his chest as his skin touched the all too familiar cold surface.
"Zhis vill only hurt for a moment, just a pinch and zhen you von't feel anything I do." The doctor tenderly grabbed his patients arm, turning it over slightly as he tied something tight and uncomfortable around the clone's upper arm, beginning to poke lightly at the inner crook of his elbow. Bait could not help himself as a small whimper escaped him, the sharp pain in his arm causing him to let out a small yelp. "Shh, shh... It's okay, zhat's all. You're alright." The medic carefully removed the band from around his upper arm, removing a glove to gently pet the clone's hair.
It wasn't long before Bait began to feel rather numb to everything around him, a soft static sort of feeling enveloping his body as he heard the soft whirr of the medigun activating. He was still awake, but unaware as the Blu medic cut him open.
It was a miracle that the young man on the operating table was functioning as well as he was... So many parts were gone, and the cavities left behind were simply packed in with cotton and gauze... He was practically filled with gore-covered stuffing. His body was running on the bare minimum, it was no wonder that he was so sickly and frail... He was missing several ribs, and the ones that were still there were covered in healed over fractures and breaks... Part of the medic was grateful that the team's spy had simply been decapitated and kept alive as a disembodied head. The things that the other medic had done to this poor boy were beyond tragic and disturbing...
By the time the sedatives had worn off, Bait was closed back up and healed, the Blu Medic having made a detailed list of what he would need in order to properly repair the damages done to the clone. The Medic also had the idea of offering sleeping pills to the newcomer, in hopes that it would help to keep away nightmares the same way it helped the Spy. Whenever the Spy actually took his medication, at least. Bait cautiously accepted the offer. It was already late, and Nikolai was urging both him and his partner to get some sleep.
It was a strange, dreamless sleep for the clone, as he took the medication, but at the very least, he was able to finally make it through the night without interruption.
Part 7
@thatonesimp-e @realccre
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semper-legens · 2 years
84. Valve Presents The Sacrifice, And Other Steam-Powered Stories
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Owned?: Yes Page count: 202 My summary: A group of survivors flee the zombie apocalypse. A group of mercenaries fight an endless war over a stretch of the desert. A scientist runs through a testing facility in the vain hope of beating a near-omniscient supercomputer. My rating: 3/5 My commentary:
Can you tell I’m raiding the bookshelf my brother left behind when he was a teenager? Anyway, Valve! I’m a giant stan for the Team Fortress 2 comics despite having never played the game, and I really like the Portal 2 comic Lab Rat. And this is that! Plus a Left 4 Dead thing. I went back to it mostly for Lab Rat, but I read the others, so we’ll briefly talk about them here.
Well, I’m not really gonna talk about the Left 4 Dead thing. I’ve never played the game and know nothing about it, so to me it was just a pretty run of the mill zombie apocalypse thing, with a cast of characters that were fine, I just didn’t really connect with it at all. Which is fine, because this wasn’t meant for me, it was meant for people who actually know something about Left 4 Dead.
While I’m a giant stan for the TF2 comics, unfortunately these ones are not the ones I stan - they’re the earlier oneshot comics, mostly made to promote various updates and new content added into the game. They’re cute, full of character and humour, managing to keep up the absolutely bizarre tongue-in-cheek tone of TF2 even with the short amount of space they have. My favourite’s Meet The Director, managing to explore a little more about the mercs while giving a plausible reason the Meet the Team videos exist. Also, Miss Pauling is there! Love that funky little lesbian.
But Lab Rat is the reason I’m here, so let’s discuss that. I really like Lab Rat in general and Ratmann specifically - what can I say, I’m a sucker for a weird little woobie man. While I’m not so hot about exactly how this comic represents Doug’s schizophrenia, it gets some points for Doug fulfilling the role of the Only Sane Man in an Aperture Science clearly full of weirdo idiots. The changing artstyle between the scribbly ‘present day’ sections and the more conventional ‘past’ sections is neat, and there’s some prime GLaDOS snark. More importantly, we get an answer to the question of why Rattmann was so fixated on Chell specifically, and why Chell was chosen to fight against GLaDOS. It’s a good little side-story, not necessary reading to understand the game, but giving context for some of the extra details that happen in-game.
Next up, more comics - well, manga - as we explore the strange lives of a beautiful girl.
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humanoidpigeon · 11 months
(copy paste)
when you get this, put 5 songs you actually listen to, then publish. send this ask to 10 of your favourite followers. (non-negotiable, positivity is cool) ~
I'd rather die than spread this like a disease that multiplies, sorry pal.
But I'll comply with the base request.
"Do You Believe In Magic?" - The Lovin' Spoon (it's that one song that plays in the Meet The Pyro video, which I enjoy because the song is from 1965 which is a reasonable song for them to listen to during the time that TF2 takes place [1968/1972])
"Snake Eater" - Cynthia Harrell (I'm still in a dream, Snake Eater)
"BAD LUCK!" - Jhariah
"Devil's Train" - The Lab Rats
"Find Your Flame" - SEGA (Tomoya Ohtani, Kellin Quinn, Tyler Smith as listed on Spotify)
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zomb13z · 1 year
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Hi I’m going to make a fan tf2 comic or manga called Lab Rat which will may contain a lot of gore and drug use but anyways the main characters will be Dr Ludwig himself and maybe a persona of me who is aged 18 yrs but anyways it will possibly be released in 2024 because I am very distracted however I’ll try to work on it (but the art may be very bad because I have no idea what I’m doing)
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I also just kinda wish we had official Half Life comics, cuz like. TF2 has a buncha comics, Portal has Lab Rat, but Half Life has nothing and I kinda wish we got to see more Black Mesa, or like. Maybe what a day in the life of the Resistance is like or something. It would be cool. (I am biased. I want to see more Decay Girls. Or Alyx.)
Ooooooooo yeah it would be cool!! I would read the hell outta that-Bibi
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