#la clairvoyance
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amourrencontreseduction · 1 year ago
Comment développer facilement vos dons de voyance
Comment développer facilement ses dons de voyance. Vous avez toujours eu l’impression d’avoir un don de voyance ? Vous ressentez parfois des choses que les autres ne voient pas ? Vous aimeriez développer vos capacités pour aider les autres ou simplement pour mieux comprendre le monde qui vous entoure ? Dans cet article, nous vous expliquons comment développer facilement vos dons de voyance, même…
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the-cricket-chirps · 1 year ago
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Rene Magritte, The Large Family, 1963
René Magritte, La clairvoyance (Clairvoyance), 1936
Magritte painting La clairvoyance, 1936
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museumofsins-rpg · 3 months ago
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pour chaque personnage, un trait vous sera demandé à l'inscription. vos personnages devront s'organiser autour d'une vertu ou d'un vice proéminent, fortement exacerbé par une newport catalyseuse. nous vous demanderons aussi de choisir un trait compatible (le vice ou la vertu avec lequel votre personnage possède une affinité) et un trait incompatible (qui créer une forte hostilité). ici, les extrêmes rendent fou les saints comme les impurs. car de tous les traits, aucun n'est pire que celui qui se tire d'un gras crayon. ainsi, que vous choisissiez un vice ou une vertu, il semblerait que vous ne pourrez jamais en sortir vainqueur; car si les vices sont généralement connus pour être problématiques... que pensez-vous vraiment d'une qualité poussée à son paroxysme? et si la clé pour sortir de cet enfer semble donc être l'équilibre, newport ne vous permettra pas de la trouver. mais après tout, voulez-vous réellement la quitter..?
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implosion; hystérie; instabilité ; phalanges écorchées; haine; babines écumeuses; aigreur; désespoir; sale bile; jurons de maudits; âpres regrets; faiblesse pitoyable; vengeance.
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vanité; mégalomanie; ce bleu roi; drapé de soie et de chair putride; gloriole; autosuffisance; mépris; ô beau narcisse; solitude du parfait; trône de bois; fantasque éphémère; fierté; faux.
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indifférence; apathie; absence de conséquences; sombres méninges; éternel aquilon; abandon, atrophie insupportable; désengagement; l'affligeant ennui, électron libre.
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jalousie; éternelle insatisfaction; jurons de malheur; aigreur; confiance érodée; vicieuse frustration; rivalité infondée; caïn; rancune hostile; manigances chuchotées; caprice de minot.
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obsession; insatiable; extase dionysiaque; plaisirs exacerbés; épicure; auréole en bois de vigne; primitif; addictions; sève d'ivresse; banquets; opium; foule paillarde; folie fiévreuse; chaos.
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cupidité; matérialité; l'or en idole; possession excessive; manipulation; opportunisme; cruauté; bedaine enflée; gel du marbre; pingre; attachement excessif; fortune enchaînée; geôle dorée.
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passion; débauche; trahison; parade de charme; faim de charnel; indécence; démesure; tentation entêtante; pourpre de velour; instabilité amoureuse; absence de lien.
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quête de la vérité; inébranlable acharné; sceptre justicier; de bleu roi et d'or; ordre implacable; autoritarisme; châtiments exacerbés; ô douce tyrannie; fièvre justicière.
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corps contre rafale; ce ô preux chevalier; folie héroïque; absurde hardiesse; imprudence; orgueilleuse bravoure; sacrifice vénérable; insoumis; brasier de grandeur; la sale audace. 
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sacrifice aveugle; martyr; empathie éreintante; funeste abnégation; générosité hypocrite; lugubre bonté; bras de saint, vaine ironie; quête de profit personnel; folie du sauveur, blanche prière.
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méfiance flaire essence; cardinal sans sens; mutisme cri statisme; conséquences au lourd pesant; clairvoyance aveugle; horace à pas velours; abstinence septentrionale; repos contre écueil.
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fouet contre palais; gerbe assassine; lame de mauxmots; noble monologue; muselière décousue; sincère blessure; confessions agonisantes; terrible transparence; impitoyable; malédiction. 
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tendresse aveugle; douleur gobée; belle miséricorde; dégénérescence du beau; cécité du malin, acceptation du pire; juge sans voix; empathie hypertrophiée; psyché de pitié.
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doux mirage d'éden; saveur déni; songe en nuages; cauchemar idéal; horizon promesse; folie d'espoir; fantasmes en pagaille; ris aux enfers; insouciance candide; géant de croyance.
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random-conspiracy · 8 months ago
OC idea:
A young fortune-teller with low social skills and strong curiosity with mommy issues and some kind of neurodivergence related to clairvoyance ahshasa. The 22 major arcana cards from her Tarot deck act and speak like the skills in Harry Du Bois' brain ahshashasa
Le Diable (The Devil): It's me girl, I'm God. Speaking to you inside your brain! Listen to me, girl. Steal that baguette! Start a REVOLUTION! La Roue de la Fortune: Do it La Justice: Don't Le Soleil (The Sun): IMAGINE the FLAVOUR Le Diable: Ignore the bitch, we don't need her! Come with me and play my games. We'll have cowboy times in space. Doo-doo-da-doo, yeah. You need me girl, your free will is an illusion...
Officer: Miss, are you there? Miss?? Do you hear me??
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disease · 1 year ago
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"LA CLAIRVOYANCE" RENÉ MAGRITTE // 1936 [oil on canvas | 21 1/4 × 25 9/16"]
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consanguinitatum · 1 year ago
Patti Smith and Her Dedication To David
On this day in 2014, the iconic rock-n-roll queen Patti Smith (who's celebrating her 77th birthday today, by the way) dedicated her song "Distant Fingers" to David Tennant. Which makes me even happier when the first thing he said to me when I told him my name and spelled it so he could sign an autograph, he asked me, "Oh, like Patti Smith?" Yes, sir, exactly like that! For those of you who don't know what I'm talking about, let me elaborate. I don't know how often she did it on her 2014 tour, but I know that on 29 December 2014 at New York's Webster Hall, she had a talk with her audience (watch at the link) before singing her song "Pumping (My Heart)," and described how David first caught her attention for his role as Alec Hardy in Broadchurch. Then, after catching him by accident in Doctor Who, she ended up watching his entire run as the Tenth Doctor, and - predictably, because DUH! - fell head over heels for him.
The following night, again at Webster Hall, was her birthday. That night she dedicated another of her songs, "Distant Fingers" - from her 1976 album, Radio Ethiopia - to David. You can watch that here - and I'd advise you to watch it in its entirety, as she begins to riff at the end of the song and talks about David:
And oh, just in case you're having difficulty understanding her words, or English isn't your first language, here are some of the lyrics to the song:
When, when will you be landing? When, when will you return? Feel, feel my heart expanding You and your alien arms
All my earthly dreams are shattered I'm so tired, I quit Take me forever, it doesn't matter Deep inside of your ship
La, la, la, la, la, la, landing Please, oh, oh, won't you return? Feel, see your blue lights are flashing You and your alien arms
Deep in the forest I whirl like I did as a little girl Let my eyes rise in the sky looking for you Oh, you know, I would go anywhere at all 'Cause no star is too far with you, with you....
Keeping in mind she wrote this song in 1976, the lyrics fit David's turn as the Tenth Doctor with eerie clairvoyance!
And because she is the queen she is, she adds a sly little comment: "So come for me, David. I know I'm an older woman, but I know so many things."
One wonders what David thought about this. I've no doubt someone in his circle alerted him to Patti's dedication, because how could they not? And as an aside - his interaction with me about Patti Smith was about nine months before she did this dedication to him. So not only was he aware of her as the music connoisseur he is, the fact her name sprung immediately to his mind when speaking to me has always made me think he's a fan.
He probably blushed. Deeply. Well played, Patti. Well played.
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hurricane-eva · 2 months ago
I made a LOT of scribbled notes as I watched this one!
*It opens with CLICKY PEN!!
Favourite lines
Morse: "Nothing suspicious?" Max: "Only you."
Max:"I'm a pathologist, not a road sweeper"
Bright: "This... girl competition, or whatever it is"
Morse: "Venerable the Bede may have been but not clairvoyant"
Max: "He had a fractured everything"
Morse: "A man can't serve two masters. Sooner or later you'll have to choose."
Thursday: "Go home" Morse: *does not go home*
Morse: "I suspect the truth is I was myself all too much"
Morse: "Everyone's someone."
Morse: "A bunch of overgrown schoolboys playing with the dressing-up box?"
I am, as @itsa-me-cavaradossi knows, NOT good at recognising the opera tunes in these episodes, let alone their relevance to the scenes, but I DID RECOGNISE BRINDISI FROM LA TRAVIATA so I'm pretty proud of myself. (Just don't ask me how it's relevant. I know it's a drinking song, that's all I know. ALL I KNOW.)
Word I Didn't Know and Had to Look Up:
"Murophobic" means afraid of mice and rats.
"Salmagundi" is a cold dish or salad made from different ingredients which may include meat, seafood, eggs, cooked and raw vegetables, fruits, or pickles. (I wrote it down and now I don't remember how in the world this word was even used in the episode or who said it)
MONICAAAAAAAAAHHHH *incoherent morsica noises*
The PTSD in this episode is soooo OUCH. (Also catnip for Eva.) The backfiring car and just how OUT OF IT he is several times.
Yuck. I had to google to make sure I was remembering right about this dude showing up in OG Morse (I was) and that it was the guy I thought it was (also it was) and that his daughter Imogen was the "Im" turning cartwheels in the garden in this episode and HOO BOY DOES THAT GIVE ME THE ICKS.
What does Bright mean when he says "I ask with no side"?
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And now for spoilers:
Sex with daughters is the sick theme here, it seems. I wonder if they did that parallel with Infernal Serpent on purpose.
Oh, and I know the glasses off before suicide was also a nod to OG Morse, but I can't remember which episode. I wanna say it was the creepy church episode in season 1, but don't quote me on that. As much as I roll my eyes at much of OG Morse, I *love* the easter eggs and connections and I'm glad that I've seen it so I can at least have that background.
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empiredesimparte · 6 months ago
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⚜ Le Sacre de Napoléon V | N°16 | Francesim, Paris, 28 Thermidor An 230
On the evening of the coronation, Napoleon V received the most important political representatives of Francesim at the Tuileries Palace. Despite the celebrations, Empress Charlotte could not resist criticising the politicians for their shortcomings. In this way, she hoped to inspire her husband to be more far-sighted in his political dealings.
Beginning ▬ Previous ▬ Next
⚜ Traduction française
Le soir du couronnement, Napoléon V reçoit au palais des Tuileries les plus grands représentants politiques de la Francesim. Malgré les célébrations, l'Impératrice Charlotte ne peut s'empêcher de reprocher aux politiciens leurs manquements. Elle espère ainsi éveiller chez son époux davantage de clairvoyance dans les jeux politiques.
(Sylvie) Votre Majesté, permettez-moi de vous adresser mes sincères félicitations à l'Impératrice et vous. C'est un jour historique pour la Francesim.
(Sylvie) Le Sénat vous assure son soutien entier. (Napoléon V) Merci, Madame la Présidente.
(Napoléon V) J'honorerai la confiance que le Sénat place en moi. L'Impératrice et moi-même sommes déterminés à servir notre Nation avec dévouement.
(Charlotte) Madame, ne faisiez-vous pas partie de ceux qui s'opposaient aux réformes policières de feu l'Empereur Napoléon IV ?
(Sylvie) Votre Majesté, les journalistes m'ont demandé mon opinion et je l'ai donnée.
(Charlotte) Si j'étais vous, je m'excuserai devant l'Empereur avant tout. C'est inadmissible.
(Sylvie) Les temps ont changé si vite. Le Sénat est prêt à soutenir l'Empereur dans toutes ses décisions.
(Napoléon V) Je l'espère, Madame.
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amicus-noctis · 1 year ago
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“Art exists because life is not enough.” ― Ferreira Gullar
Painting: "La Clairvoyance" by Rene Magritte
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beckpoppinscosplay · 10 months ago
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The Clairvoyant ootd
The new 'la femme en noir' crimson peak blouses are EVERYTHING.
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lesharl-eclair · 1 year ago
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crashgate, 2008 // René Magritte, La Clairvoyance, 1936
richard siken / flavio briatore & bernie ecclestone, 2008 / 2006 japanese grand prix / 2008 singapore grand prix / religion / 2008 japanese grand prix / we move on again / flavio's race radios / piquet's side / 2008 german grand prix / angelic tongues / flavio's letter to piquet sr. / 2008 spanish grand prix / he's always been a nice boss / exit strategy / found innocent / nothing to prove
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poetesse-verte · 2 months ago
Danse des illusions
J’imagine des nuits blanches dociles,
Pour contrer les cauchemars du jour.
Je m’accroche aux instants sereins,
Plane en pensant à la beauté de certains regards.
Je vois danser les âmes dans un champ,
Un champ virtuel et irréel,
Fait de ronces qui leur semblent douces.
Moi-même, j’écorche mon corps dans cet inconscient,
Univers malsain où semblent dormir les pulsions.
Le temps s’écroule, privé de sens,
La clairvoyance traverse les ronces.
L’œil géant survole la plaine, attendant le signal :
Un geste, un son, une action…
Le feu brûle au loin, au fond de ce tableau…
La scène continue et s’enflamme,
Le cœur chute, paré d’épines, tel un Christ résilient,
Les débris de verre attendent sa chute,
L’écho de tes paroles résonne : « Ne sois pas triste. »
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gothicprep · 1 year ago
in december, many of us watched a 4 hour long argument about plagiarism on youtube, and how bad this is for creativity more broadly. but here's another thing that bugs the hell out of me, that i'd argue is just as bad for creativity online: influencer circle-jerk. luckily, i can make my case for how disheartening this is in under 4 hours.
there's a podcast i listen to sometimes called otherworld. it's aiming to be the "this american life" of ghost stories, but its secondary purpose is also to give advertising plugs to the host's insufferable LA transplant friends. it's incidentally good when it's not doing that, but it's insufferable to listen to when it is.
some of the podcast guests include:
bonnie mckee, songwriter for the worst things that plagued your ears in the early 2010s, such as "california gurls" by katy perry and "dynamite" by taio cruz. poor bonnie's solo career never really took off – can't imagine why that is – but she's still giving it a go. incidentally, she started re-recording some songs that were left on the cutting room floor for an earlier album of hers in 2022, which lines up with when she appeared on the pod.
kareem rahma, also known as kareem on instagram, host of a tiktok series that's basically just bothering people on the subway for content. he's also co-founder of something called "nameless network", with some ex-vice employees (put a pin in vice, we'll come back to it later). the purpose of the company is making viral hack shit: "i promise this made for instagram pizza museum is more than a cynical waste of your time. pwomise 🥺". hmm, what do you know. vice is the outlet covering it. the host says they met at a dinner party thing in los angeles.
two episodes about a married couple named sean johns and gina. they're psychics but the real deal! there's definitely a real deal for this sort of thing! the wife is, as you may have already guessed, big on tiktok, and you should listen to her because she uhhh knows what she's talking about for real. not like those other fraudulent people on witchtok (which is all of them, including her, but whatever). unfortunately i forget what her handle was, but i'm sure someone who has more time on their hands to dig for it can dredge it up.
two more episodes with, what do you know, a clairvoyant. did you know that she's the real deal and not one of those fake ones? she's referenced in the episode series prior to this, and what a fucking coincidence, the host of the show had an appointment with her before he began this project. oh, and someone from a more recent episode happened to be a client of hers too. (side note: one episode has a recorded reading of hers, and it'll come as no shock to anyone, but she's just as vague as every other hippie con artist who does this shit for a living)
one guest named alex doesn't outwardly seem like he's an influencer or trying to be, but it's probably worth noting that he's told the same story on at least one other podcast, so who knows what this guy's motivations are
gabi abrao, another influencer and one of the countless writers riding rupi kuar's coattails. i probably don't need to elaborate further.
actress and comedian sarah sherman guest hosts one of the episodes for no clear reason.
jack corbett, who makes bad tiktoks about economics for npr, is another guest. i'd be more forgiving of him, because i don't think it's possible to make good tiktoks about economics, but sadly his episode was one of the worst on the show. guy gets drunk after a bad breakup, fucks his leg up, blames it on tiktok astrologers cursing him. whatever dude. and get this – he and the host both say that they met at the same dinner party that the kareem guy i mentioned earlier was at.
bear in mind, this is only nine episodes out of a 65 episode show, but i think that's enough to say that there's at least some clout-sharkery going on. it doesn't help that the "official" subreddit – meaning, the one moderated by one of the show's producers – has a tendency to go dark when the fans complain about one of the guests. this happened with the psychic married couple and the npr tiktok guy. it's one of those things that makes you wonder if the motivation behind the blackouts is that the complaints give away that this is a bad avenue to plug your shit.
i'm not the only one who's suspicious of this. see this post on the fanmade sub, which asks, "what are the odds that this podcast is total bullshit?" OP defends this in part by saying, "Jack [the host] literally got famous from being a troll/social media guru/guy who’s good at making things go viral"
about that. you might remember this dumb thing that went viral in 2018 of a mural in LA that only influencers could take pictures at. it ended up being a publicity stunt to promote a webshow that jack from this podcast was attached to. what makes that vice article i linked to, imo, really unethical is that the author, justin caffier, is friends with jack. or at the very least, well-acquainted enough that jack was a guest on an episode of caffier's podcast that was published a few months earlier.
i don't know. when you dig shit like this up, it just seems like there's so much content out there that's mostly created as avenues for the worst people alive to network with one another. or if not that, this is the foundation for an argument that those vice pieces like "some fucking idiots took 20 tabs of LSD in the desert" solely exist for whoever wrote them to advertise their vapid friends' social media whatever. and nothing good ever comes out of it. it's a shallow gambit for quick money and attention, designed to be thrown away and forgotten about in 2 weeks. it's depressing!
jack holds that "otherwold isn't a show about the paranormal, it's a show about people". and given all this, that statement feels revealing.
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leatherandmossprints · 2 years ago
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‘La Clairvoyance’ by René Magritte, c. 1936.
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talonabraxas · 2 years ago
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The High Priestess ARCANI MAGGIORI – La Papessa by Malleus The second card of “Arcani Maggiori”, third print of the project dedicated to the Major Arcana, is La Papessa, the High Priestess: she who knows, but who only partially reveals her knowledge. This card represents the power of intuition and occult knowledge. Her power comes from the Moon and Water, her wisdom allows her to see hidden things and foresee the future. The cloak she wears symbolizes knowledge, while the two columns on her sides, as well as the number 2 of the card, represent duality (life and death, good and evil). The two letters B-J, present in the classic “Rider Waite” tarots, are the initials of Boaz and Jakin, the two columns of Solomon’s temple: they symbolize strength and justice, principles of wisdom. The crescent moon is femininity, clairvoyance, intuition. It is also a religious symbol, often associated with the Virgin Mary, the Great Mother or the Egyptian goddess Isis
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selidren · 4 months ago
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Eté 1925 - Champs-les-Sims
Même Papa, bien que je reste fâchée de son attitude, a pris sa décision et décide de suivre ses envies. A son âge, cela me parait un peu tardif, mais peut-être suis-je juste jalouse de Petite Eugénie ou de mon frère/ma soeur qui va naître dans un pays où je n'ai jamais eu la chance de mettre les pieds. A ce propos, avez-vous déjà envié les voyages de votre père ? Maman m'a dit qu'il n'emmenait jamais ta mère, c'est étrange.
Un jour j'irai, ne serait-ce que pour rendre visite à ma famille. En attendant, j'aurai une immense maison pour moi seule, Grand-Mère et Mademoiselle Laroche, avec la certitude rassurante qu'Antoine me rejoindra dès ses études terminées et les bras pleins de prospectus électoraux. Je serai tellement fière quand mon frère sera maire, puis député.
Transcription :
Adelphe « C’est de cela que je voulais te parler, et ça n’a pas été facile. Le pire, c’est que le sentiment est tenace. La tristesse, la frustration… Et je m’en veux de les ressentir. »
Constantin « Toi aussi tu vas me manquer tu sais. Oui, je suis heureux de partir, mais je suis aussi triste de te laisser ici. S’il n’en tenait qu’à moi, tu serais du voyage. »
Adelphe « Ah ah ! Moi ? Tu sais pourtant que je n’ai fait l’effort de supporter cette chaleur que pour te faire plaisir. Et deux fois qui plus est ! »
Constantin « Je le sais bien. Nous avons des centres d’intérêts et des styles de vie presque irréconciliables. »
Adelphe « C’est certain. C’est un miracle que nous ayons pu vivre sous le même toit aussi longtemps. J’aurai du me douter que tu finirais pas partir, même à un âge plus tardif. »
Constantin « De toute façon, même loin l’un de l’autre, cela ne changera pas grand-chose. »
Adelphe « Que veux-tu dire ? »
Constantin « Quand Papa m’a annoncé qu’il m’envoyait au pensionnat, je lui ait rétorqué que je ne voulais pas partir loin de toi. Je sais bien que c’était puéril, mais j’avais peur qu’être séparés change quelque chose entre nous. Et ce n’est pas arrivé. Papa a répondu qu’il fallait que j’arrête de m’accrocher à toi comme un enfant, car nous n’étions que cousins et rien de plus. »
Adelphe « Oncle Maximilien n’avait pas la clairvoyance d’Albertine, c’est un fait. »
Constantin « Je nous avais toujours figuré comme des frères, et j’ai réalise ce jour là que tout le monde ne voyait pas les choses ainsi. »
Adelphe « Nous sommes frères en tout sauf en titre. Ce qui importe, c’est ce que toi et moi en pensons. »
Constantin « J’aurai du répondre cela à Papa, mais je n’y avais pas pensé. »
Adelphe « Tu avais treize ans Tintin. Qui se croit réellement plus malin que son père à cet âge ? »
Constantin « Il avait tort sur pas mal de point. J’étais terrifié quand je suis rentré à la maison pour la première fois. Et pas seulement à cause de… de la situation à l’époque. Mais aussi parce que j’avais peur que quelque chose ait changé et que je sois passé dans une frange marginale de ta vie. »
Adelphe « Pour être honnête, moi aussi. Mais j’étais plus doué que toi pour le cacher et me persuader du contraire. »
Constantin « Mais au final, rien n’avait changé. »
Adelphe « Non, rien n’avait changé. »
Constantin « Alors, tu vois bien. Même de l’autre côté d’une mer et dans un pays à la chaleur étouffante, rien ne change pour moi. Je ne sais pas si cela peut t’aider, mais sache que rien ne changera. »
Adelphe « Merci Tintin. Pour une fois, c’est bien moi qui avais besoin de te parler un peu. »
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