rainyfestivalsweets · 11 months
Craving management Strategy
Ok.... so I ate a bunch of bars last night, in the hope that eating extra calories would stop the yucky cravings. Reset back to factory settings 😃
Took 2 kinds of magnesium supplements, a tablet and natural calm.
Took half a serving of crave, which I cannot find anymore [so sad].
Read a book and took a bath. Tried for an early bedtime.
Slept late, past 8:30.
Morning strategy....
Morning supps- check.
Added L-Glutamine to my morning coffee mixture. (Which is normally brewed coffee, gluccomannon powder, and jordan's skinny syrup).
Took some fiber tabs, which I think I missed for a couple days.
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vougewellne · 1 month
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Safety Information:
Consult your physician in case you are taking any other medication before consuming this product.
L-Leucine, L-Isoleucine, L-valine, L-Glutamine, Maltodextrin powder, L-Taurine, L-Citrulline,
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healthmatters520 · 11 months
Optimizing Amino Acid Intake in a Diabetic Diet: Key Strategies for Blood Sugar Management
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Amino acids play a crucial role in maintaining overall health, and their importance in a diabetic diet cannot be understated. For individuals with diabetes, optimizing amino acid intake is essential for supporting blood sugar management and promoting overall well-being. In this blog post, we will explore the significance of amino acids in a diabetic diet and provide key strategies to help individuals with diabetes optimize their amino acid intake for better blood sugar control. Let's dive in and discover how amino acids can positively impact blood sugar management in people with diabetes.
Understanding Amino Acids and Diabetes
Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins and play a crucial role in various bodily functions. When it comes to blood sugar regulation, amino acids have a significant impact. They are involved in insulin production, which is the hormone responsible for regulating blood sugar levels. Amino acids also influence insulin sensitivity, allowing the body to effectively utilize glucose from the bloodstream. Maintaining a balanced amino acid profile is particularly important for individuals with diabetes. An imbalance or deficiency in certain amino acids can disrupt insulin production and function, leading to blood sugar fluctuations. By ensuring an optimal amino acid profile, individuals with diabetes can support their body's ability to regulate blood sugar levels and promote overall health and well-being.
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Essential Amino Acids for Blood Sugar Management
Certain amino acids have been found to be particularly beneficial for blood sugar management in individuals with diabetes. These amino acids play a vital role in supporting insulin function and glucose metabolism. One such amino acid is L-arginine. L-arginine is considered semi-essential or conditionally essential amino acid, meaning that it becomes essential under certain circumstances and conditions, including pregnancy, infancy, critical illness, and trauma. L-arginine has been shown to enhance insulin sensitivity and improve glucose uptake by cells. Foods rich in L-arginine include lean meats, poultry, fish, nuts, and seeds.
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Another important amino acid is L-glutamine. Several studies have shown that L-Glutamine directly introduces glucose into the bloodstream. More importantly, L-Glutamine has been found to support insulin production in pancreas. This in-turn helps regulate blood-glucose levels and supports healthy glucose metabolism. Food sources abundant in L-glutamine include beef, chicken, fish, dairy products, tofu, and legumes.
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Furthermore, L-carnitine is an amino acid that aids in the transportation of fatty acids into cells for energy production. This process helps regulate blood sugar levels and promotes insulin sensitivity. Animal proteins like beef, pork, poultry, and fish are excellent sources of L-carnitine.
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By incorporating these amino acid-rich foods into a diabetic diet, individuals can support their blood sugar management and overall health. However, it is essential to consult with a healthcare professional or registered dietitian to determine the appropriate amounts and sources of these amino acids based on individual needs.
Plant-Based Protein Sources for Diabetics
Incorporating plant-based protein sources into a diabetic diet offers numerous benefits. Plant-based proteins are often lower in saturated fats and cholesterol, making them heart-healthy choices. They also provide dietary fiber, which aids in blood sugar control and promotes satiety. Several plant-based protein sources are rich in essential amino acids and suitable for blood sugar management. Legumes such as lentils, chickpeas, and black beans are excellent options, as they are high in protein and fiber. Quinoa, a grain-like seed, is another protein-rich food that contains all essential amino acids.
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Additionally, soy products like tofu and tempeh are complete protein sources that provide essential amino acids. Nuts and seeds, including almonds, chia seeds, and pumpkin seeds, offer protein along with healthy fats and fiber. By including these plant-based protein sources in their diet, individuals with diabetes can benefit from the essential amino acids they provide while supporting blood sugar management. However, it is important to work with a healthcare professional or registered dietitian to ensure appropriate portion sizes and overall dietary balance.
Timing and Distribution of Protein Intake
The timing and distribution of protein intake play a crucial role in blood sugar management for individuals with diabetes. Spreading protein intake throughout the day is important to support stable blood sugar levels. Consuming protein-rich foods in each meal and snack helps slow down digestion, leading to a gradual release of glucose into the bloodstream. This can prevent sharp spikes in blood sugar levels. To incorporate protein-rich foods into meals and snacks, consider adding lean meats, poultry, fish, or plant-based proteins like tofu or legumes to main meals. Including dairy products, such as Greek yogurt or cottage cheese, in snacks can also provide a protein boost. Additionally, incorporating protein-rich snacks between meals can help maintain steady blood sugar levels. Snack options include a handful of nuts, a hard-boiled egg, or a protein shake made with low-sugar ingredients. By paying attention to the timing and distribution of protein intake, individuals with diabetes can support stable blood sugar levels throughout the day. As always, it is essential to work with a healthcare professional or registered dietitian to develop a personalized dietary plan that suits individual needs and health goals.
Considerations for Individualized Diabetic Diets
Individualized dietary approaches are crucial for individuals with diabetes as each person's needs and circumstances can vary greatly. Factors such as age, weight, activity level, and medication use can significantly impact amino acid and protein recommendations. Older adults may require higher protein intake to prevent muscle loss, while weight management goals can influence protein portion sizes. Additionally, those who are physically active may need more protein to support muscle repair and recovery. Medication use is another factor to consider, as certain diabetes medications may interact with amino acids or affect protein metabolism. Healthcare professionals or registered dietitians are best equipped to assess these factors and provide personalized recommendations. It is strongly encouraged that readers consult with healthcare professionals or registered dietitians to develop personalized diabetic diets. These experts can consider individual needs, health goals, and medical factors to create a tailored dietary plan that optimizes amino acid and protein intake while supporting blood sugar management and overall well-being.
Optimizing amino acid intake in a diabetic diet is vital for effective blood sugar management. By understanding the role of amino acids and their impact on insulin function and glucose metabolism, individuals with diabetes can make informed dietary choices. Incorporating essential amino acids from both animal and plant-based protein sources can provide a well-rounded amino acid profile. Spreading protein intake throughout the day and including protein-rich snacks can help maintain stable blood sugar levels. However, it is essential to recognize that individualized dietary approaches are key. Factors such as age, weight, activity level, and medication use can influence amino acid and protein recommendations. Seeking guidance from healthcare professionals or registered dietitians is highly recommended to develop personalized diabetic diets. Take a proactive approach in incorporating amino acid-rich foods into your meals and snacks. By doing so, you can support blood sugar management and overall health. Remember, seeking professional guidance ensures that your dietary plan is tailored to your specific needs and goals.
Can amino acids help regulate blood sugar levels in individuals with diabetes? Yes, certain amino acids play a role in insulin production, insulin sensitivity, and glucose metabolism. Optimizing amino acid intake in a diabetic diet can support blood sugar management. Which essential amino acids are beneficial for blood sugar control? Several essential amino acids have shown benefits for blood sugar management, including L-arginine, L-glutamine, and L-carnitine. These amino acids support insulin function, insulin sensitivity, and glucose metabolism. Are there plant-based protein sources suitable for individuals with diabetes? Absolutely! Plant-based protein sources such as legumes (lentils, chickpeas, black beans), quinoa, soy products (tofu, tempeh), and nuts/seeds (almonds, chia seeds, pumpkin seeds) are excellent options. They provide essential amino acids and can support blood sugar control. How should protein intake be distributed throughout the day for stable blood sugar levels? To support stable blood sugar levels, it is recommended to spread protein intake evenly throughout the day. Including protein-rich foods in each meal and snack can help slow down digestion and prevent sharp spikes in blood sugar. Are there any specific considerations or precautions I should be aware of when incorporating amino acid-rich foods into my diabetic diet? Remember to consult with a healthcare professional or registered dietitian to address any specific considerations or precautions that may be relevant to your individual health condition, medication regimen, or dietary restrictions. They can provide personalized guidance to ensure the safe and effective incorporation of amino acid-rich foods into your diabetic diet. Read the full article
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wickedbeast · 2 years
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jposwal · 2 years
ग्लूटामिन सप्लीमेंट के क्या फायदे है (Health Benefits of L-Glutamine Supplement)
ग्लूटामिन सप्लीमेंट के क्या फायदे है (Health Benefits of L-Glutamine Supplement)
Glutamine Supplement ke kya fayde hai (Benefits of L-Glutamine) ग्लूटामिन उन 20 अमीनो एसिड में से एक है जिसकी आपके शरीर को अपने अंगों, रक्त और इम्यून सिस्टम (रोग प्रतिरोधक क्षमता) के लिए आवश्यक प्रोटीन बनाने की आवश्यकता होती है। हमारे शरीर में स्वाभाविक रूप से ग्लूटामिन(Glutamine) अमीनो एसिड का उत्पादन करता है, और यह कई खाद्य पदार्थों में भी पाया जाता है। हम सब यह जानते हैं कि संसार का सबसे…
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projectbatman193 · 5 months
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27h fast, 3L of water intake and breaking my fast with some protein and supplements.
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blkwag · 2 years
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xawanlong · 4 months
The Role of L-Alanyl-L-Glutamine in Pharmaceutical Manufacturing
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As the pharmaceutical industry continues to advance, the demand for high-quality ingredients remains paramount. Among these essential ingredients is L-Alanyl-L-Glutamine, a dipeptide commonly used in cell culture media and medical nutrition products. Understanding the role of this key compound is crucial for pharmaceutical manufacturers seeking to deliver safe and effective medications to patients worldwide.
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topathlete4u · 5 months
How Glutamine Supports Immune Health in Athletes
Athletes, especially those engaged in intense training and competition, often face a higher risk of illness and injury. While exercise is generally beneficial for health, excessive physical stress can temporarily weaken the immune system. This is where glutamine, an amino acid with a range of health benefits, plays a crucial role. In this article, we'll explore how glutamine supports immune health in athletes and why it's worth considering as a supplement for those pushing their bodies to the limit.
What is Glutamine?
Glutamine is the most abundant free amino acid in the human body, primarily found in muscles and the bloodstream. It plays a critical role in various bodily functions, including protein synthesis, cellular energy production, and immune support. As athletes undergo intense training, their bodies demand more glutamine, which might exceed their natural production capacity. This is where supplementation with L Glutamine Powder can be beneficial.
Glutamine Benefits for the Immune System
One of the key Glutamine Benefits is its ability to support the immune system. Glutamine is a primary fuel source for certain immune cells, such as lymphocytes and macrophages. These cells are crucial for defending the body against infections and other pathogens. By ensuring a steady supply of glutamine, athletes can help maintain their immune system's efficiency, even under physical stress.
Additionally, glutamine plays a role in maintaining the integrity of the intestinal barrier, also known as the gut lining. A healthy gut lining prevents harmful bacteria and toxins from entering the bloodstream, reducing the risk of infections and inflammation. This barrier function is especially important for athletes, as intense exercise can increase gut permeability, leading to potential health issues.
Reducing the Impact of Overtraining
Athletes often push themselves to the limit, leading to overtraining and increased susceptibility to illness. Glutamine can help reduce the impact of overtraining by supporting recovery and immune function. After intense exercise, the body's glutamine levels can drop, leaving athletes vulnerable to infections. Supplementing with L Glutamine Powder can help restore these levels, promoting faster recovery and reducing the likelihood of getting sick.
How to Use L Glutamine Powder
If you're an athlete considering glutamine supplementation, it's essential to understand the proper usage and dosage. L Glutamine Powder is a convenient form of supplementation that can be easily mixed with water, protein shakes, or smoothies. A typical dosage ranges from 5 to 10 grams per day, but individual needs may vary based on training intensity and other factors. It's always best to consult with a healthcare professional or a sports nutritionist before starting any supplementation regimen.
Glutamine is a versatile amino acid with significant benefits for athletes, especially in terms of immune support. By supplementing with L Glutamine Powder, athletes can ensure their immune systems are adequately supported during intense training and competition. This not only helps maintain overall health but also contributes to faster recovery and improved performance. If you're an athlete seeking to boost your immune health, consider adding glutamine to your supplement regimen.
If you're an athlete seeking quality glutamine supplements, look no further than Top Athlete. Explore our selection of L Glutamine Powder and other health supplements designed to support your training and keep you at your best. Visit Top Athlete today to find the perfect products for your athletic journey.
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nroute · 1 year
Diabetics and Plant proteins
It is a given that we are living in times when the frenetic pace and elevated stress has led to daily practices not amenable to good health. This has given rise to the concept of “lifestyle diseases”. Two common lifestyle diseases are hypertension and diabetes. Though both have a genetic basis, environmental factors and lifestyle choices can hasten the onset and exacerbate the harmful effects. One such lifestyle choice is diet, comprising aspects of its composition, regularity, and control.
Let us look at one key dietary component, protein, and one of the above two, diabetes, specifically the more common type 2 diabetes. Our bodies need proteins for growth, maintenance, energy, and chemical reactions. Proteins are classified as complete or incomplete based on whether they contain all 9 of a total 20 amino acids. There are various dietary sources of proteins from both animal and plant origin. Most protein supplements are whey based and the plant-based supplements are either soya or pea protein with a few hemp and rice based. Does the protein source, plant, or animal, have a bearing on the onset or progress of diabetes?
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piracetamnet · 1 year
Hey everyone! 👋 We're diving into the world of health and wellness today, focusing on a lesser-known but super important amino acid - L-Glutamine. 💪 It's a key player in our body's functioning and has some truly remarkable benefits. Want to learn more? Check out our latest article at https://piracetam.net/l-glutamine-benefits/ #Health #Wellness #LGlutamine #AminoAcid
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Glutamine — All You Need to Know
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theambitiouswoman · 2 months
Best foods for gut health 🌿🥥🥕
- Kimchi
- Sauerkraut
- Bone Broth
- Kefir
- Fibers (Fruits/Chia/Flax)
- Turmeric
- Peppermint
- Clove
- Pomegranate
- All Types of Berries
- Dark Chocolate
- Coconut Oil
- Eggs
- Beef
- Liver
- Wild Game
- Citrus Fruits
- Blueberries
- Seafood
- Oysters
- Cacao
- Aloe Vera
- Colostrum
- Cow Gelatin
- Fermented Foods
- Garlic
- Ginger
- L-Glutamine
- Liquorice Root
- Natural Yoghurt
- Prebiotics
- Probiotics
- Raw Carrots
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coldstonedreamery · 2 months
What’s in ur bag!
less than zero (perfect short travel read), vanilla Vaseline tin, a handycam, wire headphones, green tea bags, manuka honey packet, marlboro slims, receipts, lavender hand sanitizer, L glutamine lol
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hypergamiss · 9 months
What are supplements that you take or that you would recommend? My doctor just tells me to eat healthy :/
I try to keep it very simple and only take supplements that I consider necessary.
Daily multivitamin (I always rotate between different brands when I run out)
Fish Oil for Omega-3s
Vitamin D (this is one my doctor suggested to incorporate)
Mineral drops for my water (this keeps me hydrated without having to drink water constantly)
Creatine (helps me with muscle retention/growth)
L-glutamine (helps me with gut health)
Protein powder (I like to stick to vegan ones)
Pre-workout (I rarely take this when I genuinely need a boost)
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prapasara · 1 month
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The Secret Of Red เดอะ ซีเคร็ท ออฟ เรด
เดอะ ซีเคร็ท ออฟ เรด (คาลลิสส์)
ประโยชน์ของ เดอะ ซีเคร็ท ออฟ เรด (คาลลิสส์)
🔴 ปกป้องผิวจากแสง UV 🔴 สนับสนุนการสร้างคอลลาเจน และอิลาสติน 🔴 กระตุ้นการสร้าง Glutathione ได้สูงถึง 40 🔴 ลดการอักเสบ เพิ่มความแข็งแรงของเซลล์ผิว 🔴 อุดมไปด้วยสารต้านอนุมูลอิสระที่มีประโยชน์ต่อร่างกาย 🔴 ช่วยให้ผิวขาวกระจ่างใส และเรียบเนียน 🔴 ช่วยลดผิวที่หมองคล้ำ และลดจดต่างดำ 🔴 ช่วยชะลอการเสื่อมของเซลล์ผิว 🔴 ลดเลือนริ้วรอย ช่วยให้ผิวดูอ่อนกว่าวัย 🔴 ช่วยให้ผิวขาวอมชมพู 🔴 ช่วยกระตุ้นการสร้างคอลลาเจนและอิลาสตินในชั้นใต้ผิวหนัง 🔴 ทำให้ผิวพรรณของเราเนียนนุ่มและเปล่งปลั่ง 🔴 ช่วยลดเลือนริ้วรอยและชะลอความแก่ก่อนวัย
วิธีการทาน / วิธีการใช้
วันละ 1 ซอง (4 กรัม) ละลายผลิตภัณฑ์ในน้ำอุณหภูมิปกติหรือน้ำเย็น 150 มล. แล้วคนให้ละลาย
ส่วนประกอบที่สำคัญ : ปริมาณต่อ 1 ซอง / Active Ingredients : Content per 1 stick - สารสกัดจากอะเซโรลาเชอร์รี / Acerola Cherry Extract (Malpighia Glabra L.) 900.00 มก. / mg - ไกลซีน / Glycine 100.00 มก. / mg - สารสกัดจากทับทิม / Pomegranate Extract (Punica Granatum L.) 75.00 มก. / mg - สารสกัดจากมะเขือเทศ / Tomato Extract (Lycopersicon Esculentum Mill.) 50.00 มก. / mg - แอล-ซิสเทอีน / L-Cysteine 35.00 มก. / mg - ซิงก์อมิโนแอซิดคีเลต 20% / Zinc Amino Acid Chelate 20% 35.00 มก. / mg - แอล-กลูตามีน / L-Glutamine 25.00 มก. / mg - กรดอัลฟา ไลโปอิค / Alpha Lipoic Acid 12.00 มก. / mg - สารสกัดจากส้ม / Blood Orange Extract (Citrus Sinensis (L.) Osbeck) 10.00 มก. / mg - สารสกัดจากสาหร่ายสีแดง / Haematococcus Pluvialis Extract (Haematococcus Pluvialis) 10.00 มก. / mg - สารสกัดจากข้าว / Rice Extract (Oryza Sativa L.) 10.00 มก. / mg - ดีแอล-แอลฟา-โทโคเฟอริลแอซีเทต (Provides Vitamin E 500 IU/g) / DL-Alpha-Tocopheryl Acetate (ให้วิตามิน อี 500 หน่วยสากล/กรัม) 10.00 มก. / mg - ซีลีเนียมอมิโนแอซิดคีเลต 1% / Selenium Amino Acid Chelate 1% 3.50 มก. / mg ส่วนประกอบอื่น ๆ / Inactive Ingredients - สารให้ความหวาน (แอซีซัลเฟมดพแทสเซียม (INS 950), ซูคราโลส (INS 955)) / Sweetener (Acesulfame K, Sucralose) - สารควบคุมความเป็นกรด (INS 296, INS 330, INS 331(iii), INS 541(i)) / Acidity Regulator - สารป้องกันการจับเป็นก้อน (INS 551) / Anticaking Agent - สารให้ความข้นเหนียว (INS 466) / Thickener - สีธรรมชาติ (INS 150d) / Natural Colour - สีสังเคราะห์ (INS 122, INS 124) / Artificial Colour - แต่งกลิ่นเลียนธรรมชาติ / Nature Identical Flavour Added - แต่งกลิ่นสังเคราะห์ / Artificial Flavour Added
- อ่านคำเตือนในฉลากก่อนบริโภค - เด็กและสตรีมีครรภ์ ไม่ควรรับประทาน - ควรกินอาหารหลากหลาย ครบ 5 หมู่ ในสัดส่วนที่เหมาะสมเป็นประจำ - ไม่มีผลในการป้องกัน หรือรักษาโรค
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สั่งวันนี้มีโปรโมชั่น พิเศษ‼️ #ทักมาเลย
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🚒🚒 กรุงเทพและปริมณฑล 1-2 วันรับของ ต่างจังหวัด 2-3 วันค่ะ 🚒🚒 🚒 จัดส่งโดย  KERRY EXPRESS (เคอรี่ เอ็กซ์เพรส) 🚒
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