#kusunoki game
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NFTs are digital works or properties that each have a unique key assigned to it, certifying its authenticity, and rendering any attempt to reproduce the work obsolete. This is because each NFT has only one unique code that can be accessed by its owner. NFTs can range from artworks, relevant media, and digital properties to game-related items like skins, weapons, and armor. The metaverse has assimilated these digital items to personalize the virtual reality experience by allowing people to own items and properties unique to their virtual space and existence. No more is this more evident in games set in the metaverse, where players grind to earn and use their earnings to access special in-game items that cannot be owned by any other player. This makes the game experience more immersive, in that there are real, unique treasures to be won as opposed to a pre-coded game where hundreds of players go through the same levels and win all the same things.
One such game that offers an immersive game experience set in the metaverse is Kusunoki Samurai, where a player takes on the role of the titular samurai or other great Japanese warriors of old. The game harks back to the era of the samurai, and it weaves its rich history and culture into the metaverse through gameplay and storytelling. With overarching storylines set across multiple realms emphasized by epic battles, unique opponents, allies, and weapons to collect. The historical metaverse game offers an experience that engages the player and makes them feel what it is like to take on the path of the samurai. The in-game currency called Kusunoki Token adds more to the atmosphere of the game as players are given the opportunity to trade and grind for more powerful weapons and armor by completing missions and defeating enemies.
Are you ready to take the path of the samurai? Jumpstart your journey by investing in Kusunoki Samurai.
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harukapologist · 8 months
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good-beans · 6 months
this is so stupid but i always have fun imagining the milgram characters watching their own/others mvs and seeing their reactions, especially for MeMe
That’s not stupid at all, thank you so much for the ask!! It’s sooo interesting to think about! I planned on just posting this drabble, but the more I thought about it, the more I started jotting down headcanons for everyone 👀 Of course there’s the initial disbelief and shock that Milgram can really do what it claims, but once they accept that, they’d have a lot of interesting reactions…
Es gets to watch the video first, then the prisoners are free to watch their own in the privacy of the courtroom/extraction room/wherever. Other prisoners can watch them only with explicit permission from the video’s singer. No one is allowed to watch Undercover except for Es. At first they spend hours looking at those final frames of themself flinching from the camera, hoping to jog any sort of memories, but eventually they give up on it. While actually watching it, they don’t mind the murder silhouettes. While sleeping, however, it has triggered more than one nightmare.
Haruka: He thinks Weakness is very pretty – he’s amazed seeing himself on the screen and hearing his voice, knowing he’s not that good of a singer. Even before his innocent verdict, it gives him a huge surge of confidence. Once he gets to know the others better, he gives them mv permissions, then stares intently at their faces to see their reactions as they watch it. AKAA scares him a bit, seeing his own intense emotions on screen, and he only gives Muu permission to see it. When he’s alone, Haruka pauses the shots of his mother, just to stare for a while.
Yuno: Laughs at the symbolism her mind used in Umbilical. She’s never shied away from sexual words/thoughts, so it's funny the video was as tame as it was. She thinks the song is fun, and isn’t afraid to show the others and sing snippets of it around the prison. Some days it’s too emotional for her to get into it, but most of the time she tries to display a confident attitude about it. After Tear Drop, she’s satisfied with her anger and more overtly sexual images. If anything, she feels too exposed by the shots of herself looking more vulnerable/sad. 
Fuuta: He experiences a solid mix of embarrassment at the gaming theme in Bring it On and feeling a surge of pride that he looks badass in the knight’s armor. He’s worried the warden won’t take him seriously with the video game obsession, but he absolutely loves the song and thinks it portrays his toughness and ideals well. He’s less thrilled with Backdraft, everything about it unsettles and embarasses him. He’s thrown by the shot of crossing out his own silhouette – he’d had self-harming thoughts, but wasn’t quite ready to confront them so blatantly yet. Like Haruka, he can be caught pausing the arcade shot just for a moment before turning the whole thing off and storming away.
Muu: She has mixed emotions towards After Pain. She hates seeing herself look so weak and pathetic, but it gives her a lot of hope that her story will be understood. She misses her friends, and seeing them again is bittersweet. She closes her eyes at the moment of the stabbing – she’s only gotten the courage to watch it through her fingers once. She watches INMF once, then refuses to look at it again from shame/horror. Despite Haruka’s begging, she doesn’t let him watch it, either. 
Shidou: He asks Es what they saw in Throw Down. Upon finding out his family wasn’t in it, he chooses not to watch it. He believes he already knows all about his emotions and crime, so there’s no need to go through that pain again. He’s tempted to watch it when he’s confused about Es’ verdict, but still holds off. He does watch Triage when informed his family is in it. He spends hours in front of the screen by himself. Only after seeing that one does he watch Throw Down, though he’s still left confused about Es’ decisions.
Mahiru: Absolutely loves TIHTBILWY. She thinks it perfectly describes her situation, and that the song is very cute. She lets others watch it, and unlike Yuno, feels like singing it 24/7. It reminds her of her bf, and she thinks that’s very romantic. Similar to Shidou, she spends a lot of time watching I Love You just to look at her boyfriend. She shows it to everyone, just to show him off and talk about him, even if she does skip over the beginning and end each time.
Kazui: He is very similar to Shidou; he refuses to watch his videos until T2, assuming it would be too painful to watch something he already knows and wishes to avoid. Unlike Shidou, seeing Hinako is far too painful, and he regrets watching it and seeing her so happy on their wedding day. Though maybe he’s still waiting, and hasn’t seen any of the videos yet…
Amane: Magic makes her worry more than anything. She fears she’s poisoned by unnecessary vainness since so much of her video involves cute things, colors, outfits, animals, and is set up like a tv show. She’s also worried that Es and the others will really see her as a child because of how cute the whole thing is. She prevents herself from watching it too many times, but buried under all her fears, it gives her a surge of pride seeing herself so talented and pretty and the star of the show. Purge March only reaffirms her confidence in her crime – the video brings up some awful memories, but it shows her as a leader, a warrior, a hero! It brings her comfort and confidence more than anything.
Mikoto/John: The videos are distressing to both of them, and they spend all their time studying the others’ screentime. Mikoto watches in horror as John does things that line up with his spotty memories, and John panics seeing that his actions distress Mikoto more than they’ve reassured/saved him. John does end up watching his own scenes a few times – it feels incredibly good to appear in a way that Mikoto may finally notice him. He feels seen. Now, logically I think that MeMe would be the final tipping point in which Mikoto finally accepts the situation and his DID, but if I must stick to his canon denial, then I’d say he goes on a whole rant about movie magic andt the crazy things you can do with editing nowadays. He doesn’t have a good explanation on how Milgram found his home and knew so much about him, but he explains everything away as cgi or camera effects. Double manages to sway him a bit more, as he hears John speak so plainly to him. Just as the audience had some debate on who was apologizing at the end of Double, Mikoto and John wonder who is apologizing to whom. Though they both come to the conclusion it’s their own apology, they decide that if it was the others’, they’d accept it and forgive them.
Kotoko: She’s very pleased with Harrow, and is unashamed to show it to the others. Though she’d been able to watch a few of the previous prisoners’ videos, it still shakes her a bit when she realizes that Milgram really does have the tech to look deep inside her. She watches it just a few times – not obsessing over it, but not afraid either. Deep Cover, however, is a once-and-done sort of deal. She claims she’s not letting the others watch it because “they couldn’t handle such harsh but true criticisms about themselves,” but she doesn’t end up watching it anymore herself, either.
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seariii · 9 months
Milgram characters playing among us
Haruka. Always with Muu. Doesn't do tasks. Hates being impostor. When impostor, he gets anxious and his hands tremble so much he can barely hold the phone. Has thrown the other impostor under the bus so Muu could win. When him and Muu get impostor together they always double kill.
Muu. Always with Haruka. will never do tasks. When impostor she can kill in front of Haruka and he won't say anything. Has accidentally killed Haruka in the past. Will throw Haruka under the bus for a victory
Yuno. Really good at getting away with murder. When impostor, will gaslight her way to victory, people will hard clear her. Does her tasks when she remembers. Calls out other's bluff
Mahiru. Picks a random player and sticks with them. "I was holding hands with X". Rarely finishes tasks. When impostor loses or gets carried, when she kills she always gets caught/sussed out, but she usually just forgets and just enjoys hanging out with the others. Giggles while running around another person
Shidou. Focuses on finishing tasks but tries to stick with someone else to keep them safe. Always at the wrong place at the wrong time, usually dies first or gets framed. When impostor, gets carried by the other one because doesn't want to kill, his excuse is "im sorry, i don't know how to kill", occasionally wins by sabotage
Kazui. Doesn't get the appeal of the game, plays to fit in. Slow on doing tasks. Always find the body and gets sussed because of that "Haah... come on... I'm not smart/dumb enough to self report". The first time he got impostor "were we always able to go into the vents?" When he learns, decent impostor, but 50% of the time gets caught red handed
Amane. First one to finish tasks. Reminds people to not vote on 7. Says "We could win by doing tasks" and gets ignored. Hangs out on the edge of the map or if someone is on cams, she stays where the person in cams can see her. When impostor, first kills whoever killed her or sussed her last round, if no one then she always goes for Shidou, doesn't care if she gets caught.
Mikoto. Doesn't take it seriously. Rarely finishes tasks, gets distracted. Calls emergency meetings because he was feeling lonely, gets voted out. "Gasp guys I have medbay scan!" gets followed by impostors. When impostor, decent when he takes it seriously, but when he doesn't he grows attached to one crewmate, roleplays a scene of impossible love and kills in front of them, they usually immediately report and get him voted out
Fuuta. Rushes tasks. When crewmate paranoid. will throw out accusations "X was following me!" (they weren't) "Y is really quiet" and so on, tries his best to be a good detective, ends up being third impostor by accident. When impostor actually good. Has watched streams and videos on how to be the best impostor and win
Kotoko. Plays religiously. Takes it too seriously. Always finishes tasks. hyperaware of who she passed by, what direction they were going, who was last with who and so on. Deadly when impostor, good at getting away with it. Makes the videos Fuuta watches
Bonus Es. Is the one that made the lobby and gets spammed "START START START START". Knows how everyone plays and identifies how they change when they get impostor. Quick to finish tasks and always hangs out on cams.
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4nikki21 · 10 months
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Sick so random drawings
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chairhahaha · 3 months
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mhm. yeah es prsk card again are we surprised
+ john wip, sorry its ass i don’t draw man
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more milgram memes!!!! these are so fun to make its insane
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oboetemasuka · 8 months
Kazui - 4 and 5
Muu 12 and 13
4. favorite minigram episode/moment?
Arm wrestling (Ep. 35)
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Nobody is a match for this man. I like how Kotoko comes close, though.
5. Favorite voice drama line/moment?
T1: The moment Es walks into the room, Kazui puts a restraining hold on them. Talk about speed-running ticking off Es. I admire how he figured out a smart way to attack, though the "attack" ended once he tried to apply pressure. Then he’s like  (paraphrased), “Oh, if I can’t hurt you, you can’t hurt me either.” *slap* “Why didn’t you just tell me?” “I’ll do it again.”
12. What do you wish would be discussed more often about them
She barely got off with a forgiven verdict. 50.31% (shows up as 50.34% on the website). She spent half her voting time in the red (see Pai's graph). I guess it’s not a well-known fact because much of the fandom joined after her verdict, or dare I say after T2 began.
13. any ideas on what would they and their MV be like if they got a different verdict in T1? 
I think Muu would really play up how pitiful she is. Maybe she’d be very dejected. “Is it okay if I breathe?” And the answer was no. I imagine the interrogation would be her telling Es, “I don’t deserve to be happy. I don’t deserve to feel comfortable.” And Es will try to say, “That’s not what I meant-” but their judgment has already taken its toll.
We might not have found out that Muu used to be the bully.
Maybe Muu's video would give us more information about Rei and what she did. Who she is to Muu. What was the fallout like. We don’t really know much about Rei in canon except that she must have turned the tables somehow.
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1moremilgram-enjoyer · 10 months
Hm... Amane: 1, 3, 13, 15 for Amane and Muu: 1, 2, 9, 10, 11, if that's alright!
Yep! Thanks for the ask! Sorry if this took a bit, been busy.
(Ask game)
CW Cults and indoctrination, child abuse, murder, bullying
1- Favorite song lyrics?
Oh, God, she has so many good ones. Let's go song by song.
[Magic] But it’s not scary at all, because it’s love I can really think it’s great. See isn’t it a great thing?
Only if, only if, only if I could be a good girl I hope, I hope everyone can be happy and smile Forever, forever together would be a dream
I pick these ones because they're the most mentally scarring lyrics in Magic in my opinion! And as an Amane Momose enjoyer, I always love it when she inflicts psychological torture on us!
The first one is just horrifying because of how much Amane forces herself to see what's happening to her as "love", even though the situation is horrible. "Mercy without limits" incident flashbacks.
The other line is just as horrible. Self-loathing ("if I could be a good girl") because she dares to have such sinful desires as *checks notes* putting a little napkin over a cat's injury. And then "I hope everyone can be happy and smile" never fails to make me horrendously sad. She just wants people to be happy! She wants to be the "Happiness Support Sister"! But her mother's always mad at her because she's a "bad girl". I am so hurt.
[Positive Parade] You can take the opportunity to hold me close and you can share the burden of your worries with me You say it's embarrasing, but I'm embarrased too, you know!
This is my favorite line outside of the context of Amane, because it's just really sweet. Positive Parade is such a nice song, and this particular line always brings a smile to my face!
Now back to your regularly scheduled mental torture, my favorite part of Amane's cover specifically is the "we can't stop" that she sings more sinisterly than any other. It really carries so much hopelessness, just- we can't stop following doctrine and trying to be happy and it hurts so much and is this really going to go on forever it is isn't it we can't stop-
Yeah I really like that change. Makes me sad!
[The Purge March] After you cry, repent, and kneel, it’s now your turn to say that hopeless “I’m sorry” You’re sorry? I don’t care! Please, go ahead and die already Remember MY cries, MY repents, MY words of “I’m sorry” that I said to you?
If there's one thing I like just as much as Amane angst it's Amane anger. The jarring shift from "you have to say sorry so I can forgive you! :D" to "You're sorry? PFFFFFT- Go fucking die" is awesome. It really highlights the difference between the cult's doctrine and Amane's righteous anger at the people who hurt her, and how spiteful she sounds by reminding her mother of Amane's own pleas of "sorry." I'm just fascinated and thrilled any time Amane gets furious, it's becoming a problem.
[Animal] The mask comes off and the beast comes out, I do it wild even if it’s ugly I can’t do sit, I can’t even do stay, purr until I go Layers of makeup, the perfect animal, I'm waiting with my eyes wide open I can’t do sit, I can’t even do stay, purr until I go
I love the Animal cover in general, which means my favorite line is the one that really encapsulates the entire song. Amane not being able to "be a good girl" by following order, because when the makeup is off, she's an "animal." Cat parallels! Followed by a reminder that it takes layers of makeup, layers of hiding her true nature and desires to be the "perfect animal". Amane angst, gotta love it (<- holding back tears)
This is followed closely by the part at the end where she hisses, btw. The wilder Amane gets, the better the world becomes.
3- Favorite non-MV official illustration?
Oh, this one's hard to pick between these two for me:
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The duality, huh?
The 3rd anniversary artwork (left) may just be her Magic outfit, but her dead stare really makes it compelling. She looks so done with your bullshit. She looks like you just told her you voted her Unforgiven and is seriously considering dealing out divine punishment.
One thing that really interests me is that she's holding the 'wand', but she doesn't have the cloud ribbon thing, she still has the black bow tie. And her cloak is still draped over her, it hasn't turned to wings. I wonder if this is supposed to be Amane right before her murder, in the moment of Magic where she grabs the wand, but before undergoing her magical girl transformation. So when she grabs the stun gun (assuming she did use it) and before attacking her mother.
But ultimately, I think I like the birthday cake art a bit more! She looks so happy! Look at her :D
I also love all the details about it. The fact it's not really a cake but rather a plain-looking muffin because of the whole "she doesn't eat sweets even though she really wants to" thin. The feathers to represent... I guess innocence or something like that? I'd have to think about it a bit more.
And yet, the horrors lurk. The thunderbolt and trumpet cookies, possibly referencing Riyone's and Gachata's punishments. The way the flower thing behind her is almost styled to look like a fountain, and water... Gozake... yeah... yeah... Yuuri doesn't seem to be referenced but oh well.
But ignore the horrors! Doesn't she look adorable in that dress? Look how happy she is!
13- Any ideas on what would they and their MV be like if they got a different verdict in T1?
Oh, hell if I know. Amane is a very unpredictable character on the best of days, so it's really hard to say.
I'd imagine her attitude would have stayed similar to what it was during T1, so a lot more upbeat than how she currently is. She likely would still be saying "I" instead of "we", which means we may not have seen the army of Amanes which as a whole (the way I interpret it) represent her faith in the MV, though it's still possible it would have been there.
One thing is that although she'd agree with her verdict, she may not agree with the things the voices would say. The way I interpret the voices is that they essentially repeat the arguments given for the verdict they got, but not the arguments for the verdict they didn't get. So in canon I believe she heard things like "we need her to understand something's wrong" or whatever people where saying, but in an alternate reality where she gets innoed, she would hear things like "she's just a child, she doesn't understand what she did" (general consensus before Purge March I think?). Why am I explaining this? Because I feel we'd have a Yuno-type situation where Amane gets angry at the voices pitying her and saying that she had no control over the situation. She'd probably repeat a lot of what she said in her first VD lol.
One thing that worries me about this verdict is the whole "making Milgram the perfect world" thing. In her first VD she kinda tried to strike a deal with Es like Kotoko did, so she'd feel extremely betrayed if she got a T2 Guilty. But beyond that, would she be more proactive on "fixing" Milgram if she had been innoed? How would that manifest? Would she speedrun the "attack Shidou" arc with her full freedom? I kinda doubt that, but it's possible.
As for her MV, really no idea. I feel like it would be more similar to Magic than Purge March, really. I don't even know if we'd have gotten real world scenes or if we would have stayed entirely in-metaphor like Magic, though I imagine we would at least get clarification on the cat being an actual cat lol. I really wonder if we would even learn who her victim was. Again, I have legitimately no idea.
15- What do you think of their voice?
I love it! Tanaka Minami does a fantastic job expressing all of Amane's really weird emotions in her voice! Love the singing, love the VDs, adore the voice reveal distorted lines (that T1 line has scarred me forever, thanks for that!), I love it! I especially love things like the haunting background lyrics at the end of Magic, the "we can't stop" in Positive Parade, the super upbeat "you're sorry? I don't care! Please go ahead and die already" in Purge March, and the laugh that trails off in Animal right after the "why don't we do it m0re?".
1- Favorite song lyrics?
[After Pain] If you’re going to make me the villain It’s ok to ignore me If it’s endurance, I’m used to it. It’s just having another taste of it But I see it in my dreams even though I erased it Maybe I’m done Just one more time before saying goodbye I’m just kidding, please forget I said that
I was torn between this one and the "let's meet up inside the pain - I love YOU" section, especially since I really like how the latter sounds, but I like the lyrics I chose a bit more.
"If you're going to make me the villain, it's okay to ignore me" hints at Muu's desire to always be pitied, which is already fun, and while the "endurance" part likely refers to the bullying, I've always wondered if Muu means something else when she says she's "used to it." There's gotta be a reason she feels a lot of people are jealous of her, maybe?
"Just one more time before saying goodbye- I'm just kidding, please forget I said that" is just really sad. She still likes her old friends, girl get better taste T_T I also like that this line explains DSCF because I really had no idea what the hell that was about when I first saw it with Muu.
[Otome Dissection] It's in pieces, without spelling out "love" It's a penalty shoot-out, Feelings vs. Boredom Yeah, there's a kid there, lost in anything and everything, Shedding tears, meowing "SOS" with their eyes only halfway open
Cat people and DECO*27 songs, name a more iconic duo.
Keeping in mind the singer is the kid meowing SOS, I like this line because of the nonchalance of the "yeah, I'm lost and need help, but that's not the problem. The problem is I'm bored. I'm more interested in the 'penalty shoot-out of feelings vs Boredom'". It really helps visualize the way the singer hides their very real mental distress as just a matter of boredom, pretending like that's the only reason she "plays Otome dissection." Same idea with Muu, because as much as she likes being pitied, she does not do a good job at conveying why she does the things she does, such as bullying people.
[It's Not my Fault] It’s not my fault after all, after all! I’m sure I’ve made no mistakes you can find. Gather that nectar, more and more, and come bring it to me, ‘kay? It’s not my fault after all, after all. Everyone wants me to be innocent. What a relief. Can’t be helped. I’m always meant to be pitied!
(From the wiki)
I've noticed a pattern where my favorite lyrics tend to be the ones that really encapsulate the song's message, and this isn't really an exception. I love how unapologetic Muu is about everything, it's part of what makes her such an interesting character! The lines are pretty straightforward, so all I really have to say is that it's really fun seeing her fully indulge in her "Queen Bee" attitude.
[DSCF] And so we're the Delusional Sentimental Compensation Federation We embrace love and shout out our ideals A melody of fools with nowhere to go Retry - Rebirth - Teleportation We keep trying, but it keeps dying At the mercy of an endless love
(Using this translation btw)
I really have to make more cover analyses, these things are fun.
Going back to the idea that I love the lyrics that represent the song's messages the most, here we have the basic idea of DSCF, of the singer trying to rebuild a broken relationship even though "it keeps dying." She understand it's a delusional idea, hence the name, but they're "fools with nowhere to go", so they have to try to hold it together anyways. I like the pairing of teleportation with "retry - rebirth", given the idea that teleportation could be achieved by destroying one thing and reforming it in a different place, sorta what they're trying to do with their relationship.
Back to Muu, this is either about Rei and it's the gayest thing in Milgram since Cat, or about her friends which I find a bit more likely given the idea of rebuilding a relationship rather than anything else. It fits the "just one more time before saying goodbye" line from After Pain at least. So you know, fun!
2- Favorite MV moment/frame?
For individual frame, and my favorite part of It's Not my Fault, it has to be this.
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I am noticing I adore when character's eyes do weird shit. Look at how happy she is after murdering Rei! (<-She is in severe emotional distress). This shot just lives in my head rent-free.
But for favorite scene, it's the whole section between these two shots of After Pain.
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So the build-up and the murder. But specifically the build-up. Musically it's my favorite part of Muu's videos, and the immense feeling of "something really bad's about to happen" is incredible. The quick switching between Rei walking away, and Muu running out of the school, with the murder of crows flying away because you know what's going to happen. And probably because Muu knew too; she ran out of the school without a backpack yet with a box cutter in hand, she had to have known murder was a way that could end. Plus the imagery of the hourglass being sideways, as the power dynamic it represents can no longer be determined to have someone on top, and rolling down a staircase, as it's about to completely break. One of my favorite build-ups to a murder in the entirety of Milgram probably.
9- Do you forgive/not forgive their crime on its own?
Oh boy, is this one hard to answer!
So, there's a lot that complicates this question. Let me run down the full situation so I can try to figure out my own feelings about it.
I want to clarify, by the way, that from an outside "Muu is just a fictional character" perspective, oh absolutely no problems. Slay queen, I hope you get worse! But I feel like that's not really the point of the question, right? It's to ask how we would feel if they were real people and stuff.
Muu was a bully, or rather, she spearheaded a bully group without physically engaging in the bullying herself, if her claims in Queen B are to be believed. Shitty behavior, but also she's a dumb teenager, this isn't exactly unforgivable.
Then Rei comes in, tries to defend one of the bullies' victims, Muu thinks she's jealous, the bullying turns on her. Here comes the first problem; we know Rei managed to turn Muu's "friends" against her, but we have zero clue how the hell she did that. We don't know what Rei's role in the bullying really was at all. For all we know, she may not have actually done much, but Muu still blamed her so as to not blame her old friends. Particularly, in After Pain, we see Rei stumbling into Muu after she was harassed by the bullies, and she just walks away. So she didn't seem preoccupied with protecting Muu, but she didn't directly hurt her either, from what we've seen.
Not to downplay Rei's involvement. If Muu thought killing her would end the bullying, then I'm sure she was certainly the main motivator for it.
However, it's important to note murder wasn't Muu's preferred solution. She did try to apologize to Rei, though how sincere she was could be debated, and it was only when Rei rejected her that Muu took drastic action. So Muu had to really feel cornered by what was going on.
So let me say, I don't really take Muu bullying people into consideration for whether I forgive her or not. A lot of teenagers bully others, and while it's a very shitty thing to do, it isn't unforgivable, and certainly not when compared to murder.
But then comes the other thing. By the same reasoning, Rei didn't do anything bad enough to deserve what happened to her, which I think should go without saying but y'know. She's not blameless, she definitely hurt Muu a lot, especially by essentially having her isolated by turning her "friends" on her, but death is way too much.
I don't want to make it sound like Muu didn't suffer or anything. The whole situation is horrible on all sides. And the thing is, ultimately Muu is still very young, and the murder was entirely emotional. Muu tried until the end to resolve things somewhat peacefully, even though again she did leave the school with the box cutter in hand. It's pretty clear to me she wouldn't kill again, obviously, and as a teenager she certainly has a lot of room to grow.
So ultimately, I do forgive Muu, even though her murder on its own is one of the least forgivable in Milgram in my opinion. But "one of the least forgivable" doesn't mean "unforgivable", it just means in comparison to other things it's not so easy to look past it.
10- Is the answer to the previous question different from your vote(s) on the character themselves (do you vote them based on anything else aside from the crime)?
Uh, well I wasn't around for Muu's voting, so I'm not really sure. I think in T1 I would have voted her Forgiven, since without any info on what voting did I think I would have gone off my actual feelings on the murder.
In T2 I'm a bit more torn. I think voting her Forgiven wouldn't make her a better person, while voting her Unforgiven... well, is it going to help? She definitely places a lot of value on what people think of her, and does have moments where she's not entirely sure if what she did was the right decision, so it's possible she'll regret it a bit more and she might become a better person.
But here's the thing. Ultimately Milgram's system wouldn't help Muu in a very good way. It would inflict more mental distress than really necessary, just to possibly try to make her a bit better. As I said, I highly doubt Muu would kill again unless she faces extreme situations, so ultimately, the only risk of voting her Forgiven is that maybe she'd be a bit meaner. And between how torturous Unforgiven verdicts are, and especially with Haruka's threat in mind (I do not think for a second the restraints will prevent him from at least attempting suicide), I think I would have maybe ended up voting her Forgiven again, with the hope she can find proper help outside of the Hell Prison. But again, maybe I should think about it more. Her verdict is certainly a pretty complex one.
11- What are your favorite points about their story and the narrative surrounding them?
Oh, this is always hard to pick. Muu's story has a lot of really interesting points, but I'm not the biggest Muu understander so explaining why they're cool is kinda difficult for me. But if I have to pick just one thing, it's the fact she's so unapologetic about her crime! It just makes her extremely entertaining, love it when the girlies are just Evil (<- hyperbole, all characters in Milgram are morally grey, blah blah blah).
Just that on its own is fun enough, but the fact she still wants her feelings validated externally by being pitied and Forgiven makes it so much more interesting! Unlike, say, Amane, who fully believes she's in the right and ignores (or at least does her best to ignore) other people's (Es') opinions on what she did, Muu tries her best to get Forgiven:
[Crying B] Muu: What should I do then? What should I do in order for you to forgive me, guard-san? I'll do anything! Um… Anything painful or embarrassing is out of the question though… And, I don't wanna do anything scary either… Es: Ugh, listen here you… Muu: But, it's true, isn't it? All I have to do is gain your favor, right? I'll listen to what you say! So, what would you like me to do?
You could say that's just because of Milgram, but to me it really seems like Muu herself wants that external validation. It makes her feel more like a real teenager, you know? She has her own opinions, but she still cares a lot about what other people say, she's easily swayed. That's why she goes from asking permission to breathe because some of it is her fault:
[After Pain] But I guess some of it is my fault Maybe it’s ok as it is I want to feel “alive”, is it ok if I breathe?
To... well. The song's called It's Not my Fault.
[It's Not my Fault] It’s not my fault after all, after all! I’m sure I’ve made no mistakes you can find. Gather that nectar, more and more, and come bring it to me, ‘kay?
That, combined with the fact she did apologize to Rei for something, makes it feel to me like Muu wasn't entirely sure how blameless she really was, until she was Forgiven. Her feelings validated, she threw away (almost) all her doubts, and thus we see her back on her queen arc by Trial 2. Her previous doubts are literally only brought back in one line of It's Not my Fault ("what if I'm actually a bad girl?") before being denied instantly ("don't ever hate me [...] wait, wait, it's not my fault!").
So yeah. I enjoy that she's a certified Worst Girl and how we're sorta part of that.
That would be all! I'm really sorry this took so long, studies have been kinda difficult (what the fuck is a Taylor polynomial send help). Thanks for the ask, take care!
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holidxyy · 3 months
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i haeyt. together
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mayoiayasep · 10 months
currently still cant answer anons (😭) but for the person who requested muu for the 🏳️‍🌈 ask game
aro lesbian 💪🏾 she did feel smthn for rei but i dont know what and neither does she 👍🏾 in canon she's def a cis girl but i do like thinking about transmasc muu from time to time<3
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prettyiwa · 2 years
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Daiya no Ace | Ch. 228
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moibakadesu · 5 months
questions for Haruka,Fuuta and Muu
favorite song lyrics?
favorite mv moment/frame?
do you forgive/not forgive their crime on its own?
do you have any similarities with them/relate to something in them?what do you think their childhood/teenage years were like?
favorite relationships with another character in the prison?
what do you wish would be discussed more often about them in the fandom?
I'm rolling these up bit by bit now, they had been marinating in my inbox for a while.
1. Favorite song lyrics?
Let’s pick one from both Weakness as well as AKAA, shall we?
“It’s fine, though it’s really not 
It’s really fine, though I don’t really think so”
Haruka so often gives off the impression that he doesn’t care about being treated badly, if it does mean attention, but these lyrics show so clearly that in actuality he doesn’t feel that way.
“Mommy, look,
I’ve done great
“There there, my good boy!””
The delivery on this is just so good, I love how he switches up his voice so smoothly there.
2. Favorite MV moment/frame? 
I don’t have to pick only one, right? Because I can’t decide, waha. (Every frame of Haruka is my favourite frame.)
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6. Favorite relationships with another character in the prison?
That should be obvious, right? Of course Fuuta. I had gone into detail with that often enough, so I will keep it simple, but the way Fuuta is so protective over Haruka is what captured my heart. And in turn how Haruka started approaching Fuuta on his own, despite the first impression that he is scary. I’m pretty sure these two could have been very good and even healing for each other if things would have gone differently with the t1 verdicts, but well, can’t change that anymore. Right now I just hope that Fuuta will be there to catch Haruka in t3, because they made sure that it is clear that he still cares deeply.
9. Do you forgive/not forgive their crime on its own? 
I absolutely do forgive him. Especially if it really turned out to be suicide. Even if it wasn’t, in my eyes Haruka is the biggest victim in his case, and his mother the true culprit. If Haruka would have gotten the care and love he needed and deserved it would have never gotten to this tragedy, and I think that is the saddest part.
12. What do you wish would be discussed more often about them in the fandom?
Hmm, probably his own urgency as a character, without attaching him to Muu or anything, because that is annoying as hell. As interesting as it sort of is for the overall storyline and giving different incentives to vote different ways, I was never a fan of having outside factors influence the fate of a character so strongly if the thing we are meant to judge is their sin.
I also would love it if people would take more note of the fact that being overly infantilized and babyed is not what Haruka wants at all. Yes, he wants someone to give affection and attention to him, but he also has voiced on multiple occasions that he just wants a normal life, he wants to be strong and interesting … he does not want to be defined by his disabilities and I think a lot of people misunderstand that about Haruka.
19. What do you think their childhood/teenage years were like? 
Pppfff, definitely not as good as he likes to make us think. I think his mother was already not that great to him even before his disabilities became more apparent. He probably had an extremely isolated life. I am also always torn between him getting locked up at home or maybe even having been at a mental institution. 
21. Do you have any similarities with them/relate to something in them?
Crippling abandonment issues and autism. Getting attached to people quickly if they are nice and then not caring enough for my own wellbeing.
1. Favorite song lyrics?
You just gotta love how Bring it on’s lyrics are already so full of regret and self-loathing if you look at them properly.
“You already knew, the whole time
You can’t escape, how do you like the taste of punishment
You already noticed, right? What you gonna do
Bring it on! Those who believe in justice assemble!
You gotta be kidding, I’m an undead hero”
I have a hard time not quoting all of Backdraft here, because the lyrics are just so good, and I love the delivery of a lot of them a lot.
But I will pick this here, because it is so descriptive of Fuuta trying to put up a strong act and also some clever play of words:
“Pick up your mouth-piece
Grind your teeth and strike a pose
Just like O2, burn yourselves into oblivion”
2. Favorite MV moment/frame? 
Like with Haruka I have a very hard time picking here, because I love all the Fuutas …
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Shoutout to this exact Undercover frame tho, because I think he is just incredibly handsome in that one (I love Fuuta dearly, but I don’t call him handsome in a lot of situations, waha)
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6. Favorite relationships with another character in the prison?
See above at Haruka’s answer. But I also think it is cute how he warmed up to Kazui and Shidou after getting help from them, after only seeing them as “useless adults” before.
9. Do you forgive/not forgive their crime on its own? 
Cancel culture is terrible and Fuuta knows damn well that he fucked up and took his SJW shit way too far, so yeah, I doubt he would ever repeat anything like that again, so I do forgive it. People like him can change, I did see it a few times. (Antis that were assholes towards me and ended up coming around and getting rid of that mindset.)
12. What do you wish would be discussed more often about them in the fandom?
There are so many people treating the “Fuuta doxxed the girl” as canon fact, even though we don’t have any confirmation of that? It is just blatant misinformation born from western fans misinterpreting his Undercover shot where he is seen with his phone at the funeral of the victim as him taking a picture of her home. We know that he was aware where she lived, but we don’t know if there ever was something done from his side with that information.
I’d also love it if people would see him as more than an angry gamer or one-dimensional tsundere, because there is sooo much more to him.
19. What do you think their childhood/teenage years were like? 
I am pretty sure Fuuta was not a popular kid and was most likely also bullied in school. To me his black and white view on justice and need for validation very much feels like that. 
I also have this thought that he might have aspired to a career with soccer, but that dream didn’t work out, adding to his “whatever”-stance on work and the future.
21. Do you have any similarities with them/relate to something in them?
Sadly I am a bit of a Fuuta kinnie. /hj
I am a ball of insecurities and try to hide that a lot with tough behavior. Bleak outlook at society and the future as a whole, but gotta make it work. Gender very much “is what it is”. Small redhead.
At least I am very much the opposite of a SJW.
1. Favorite song lyrics?
I have to say, the “rap” part of AP is pretty neat (I do like both of her songs quite a lot, I give her that), and I think that part also shows a lot of her victim mentality:
“Let’s meet up inside the pain, a place just for me
Postmortem makeup to hide my heart, how to solve it is a secret
The stabbing of the little devil’s voice, counterattack being a suicide note”
And controversial take, but:
“I am relieved, I am always the drama queen”
To be exact the time where she screams that at the viewer, I hate-love that part. And in my opinion “drama queen” is the perfect translation for “I am always to be pitied”, it is in essence really the same. Just a lot more of her victim complex at display.
2. Favorite MV moment/frame? 
I cannot stand the girl, but she has plenty of good scenes. I also just really like her bee design.
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And special mention for Rei looking disgusted, because she is best girl and that is how I look at Muu most of the time as well.
6. Favorite relationships with another character in the prison?
None? Wahaha, I like how openly Yuno shows her disdain for Muu though, because same.
9. Do you forgive/not forgive their crime on its own? 
Girl started the bullying, acted like a victim and then murdered someone without feeling remorse or feeling wrong about it in any way … honestly, Muu is pretty much my top candidate for a t3 guilty, I have not a shred of sympathy for her.
12. What do you wish would be discussed more often about them in the fandom?
I honestly keep away from a lot of corners of the fandom, so I’m not sure which parts of her haven’t been discussed that much, but probably the fact that she is a pretty obvious case of narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) and a gigantic victim complex. I found that a lot of Muu fans try to frame her as a perfect little angel who has suffered so much and has a slightly wonky view of friendships, but in my eyes that is not her at all? It is okay to embrace the bad sides of a character as well, you don’t have to justify everything. The characters in Milgram are written very “real” and it is not surprising if some have a personality that is not very pleasant.
So taking all of this into account I suspect that Muu did not experience the extent of bullying that she likes to make us believe. We never see her disheveled or wet in her MVs, contrary to Rei. The prisoners cannot lie in their MVs, but they are 
19. What do you think their childhood/teenage years were like? 
Pampered. Mommy and daddy’s little darling. Always got everything she ever wanted from everyone. Just a spoiled little princess from the moment she was born, basically.
21. Do you have any similarities with them/relate to something in them?
Thankfully not.
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saint-miroir · 2 years
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A look at the main cast of Aitakute... ~Your Smiles My Heart~, taken from the Oroshitate no Diary book that came with the game's introduction disc. Illustrated by Yuko Ito, signed "Itochin".
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voltageapps · 1 year
September 21 is the birthday of Kohei Kusunoki from Liar! Season 2: Office Deception 🎀
Happy birthday Kohei!
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Kusunoki Samurai Game Trailer Unleashes The Power Of Unreal Engine 5
If you’re a fan of role-playing games (RPGs) and blockchain technology, then Kusunoki Samurai is the game for you. Developed using Unreal Engine 5, Kusunoki Samurai Has Just Released Its Official Game Trailer And Is Set To Revolutionize The Gaming Industry. In this article, we’ll explore what makes Kusunoki Samurai so unique and why it’s a game you can’t afford to miss.
But it’s not just the use of blockchain technology that makes Kusunoki Samurai stand out. The game’s graphics and sound are top-notch. The developers have managed to capture the essence of feudal Japan with stunning visuals and a great sound design that immerses players in the game world.
Another exciting feature of Kusunoki Samurai is the ability for players to form alliances with other players. This adds a social element to the game, where players can work together to achieve their goals and defend their homeland. It also adds a new level of strategy to the game, where players can coordinate their efforts to maximize their rewards and earn the most cryptocurrency.
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