#kuras oneshots
trappolia · 10 days
KURAS ── and if heaven were to touch me, it would not be enough.
Your knees ached, pressed taut and numb against the cold steps of which you’d been genuflecting upon for the past hour. Or had it been more than that? To be aware of the passage of time was to not fully immerse yourself in prayer with the gods, but the hymns did not come to you so easily anymore. Perhaps they never did. Grief weighed your lungs down like smoke, even in this holy house.
He stirred beside you. Kuras. Golden-eyed and beautiful in the way that made you want to kneel and repent for the sole action of loving him.
“I must confess,” you said, voice hoarse.
“Tell me,” he spoke, softly, the most divine thing you’d ever known. To speak to him felt strangely akin to repentance, but something horrid churned in your gut, and you shook your head.
“What of my anonymity?” you asked, half-joking. It sounded bitter upon your tongue.
Kuras’ eyes lowered briefly, hiding behind the shield of slender black lashes. The silence wrapped around your silhouettes like an invisible fog, thick and smothering, broken only by the distant chime of a distant bell. Then, Kuras’ voice emerged, gentle against the dark shroud of melancholy settled all around the room, illuminated only by the hazy glow of the candlelight.
"You know that what is said in this chamber will never pass my lips," he told you, words like a whisper that floated in the holy space between your vessels as a promise, a covenant. “The gods do not see us here.”
The words that come out of your lips were hoarse, caught in your devotion and hypocrisy. “Does it matter?”
To that, Kuras said nothing. His golden eyes flit to the candles, thousands lit over what could very well be a millennia and moulded into a single wax entity sprawled over the stone altar. Perhaps he thought of you two of you, melded and fused together to be one body, one soul. The very thought was blasphemous. It should not have made your heart sing.
He had fallen for you, you knew this very well. There was little you did know of his time in that kingdom that so many of your priests and priestesses have only dreamed of, but you were sure of this: you were the very reason he had decided to fly too close to the sun, why he bled molten gold and why he was doomed.
You were too, no matter how much you may have tried to deny it. It was only a matter of time before your own fall was recognised, and then comes your fall from grace.
The gods did not see you here, but what was once devout and holy in you and Kuras were aware of what you had done.
That is damning enough.
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© trappolia 2024
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vermilionsun · 3 months
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Before I explain, there are a few issues to keep in mind:
The first Fogfall happened a century ago (“Is Eridia the last city?- The previous largest city, Lovent, was the epicenter of the first Fogfall. In the century since [...] )
We don’t know exactly the LI’s true natures or origins (yet), so monster, human, cursed, whatever their natural state is or however many beings are in one body, the oldest one has the advantage in this...well, 'age line' (?).
In his character lore drop, “The Divine Teacher”, it is mentioned his figure has been present since “the earliest civilisations”. But if he’s a Monster, how did he escape the Shroud before the rest of the Monsters?
We know he’s had over a hundred celebrations (Birthday post ‘23) but also that the Senobium “bound a dangerous beast with a magic collar centuries ago” and the reports of the beasts’ first appearance were “ancient”—for something to be considered ancient, is must be “older than 2,000 to 5,000 years.” Make it make sense. It doesn’t, unless I’m taking the exact words too seriously. (Or he, like the MC, is cursed, and the beast inside him is seperate from Vere, like Ais and Ocudeus)
Either Ocudeus or him were alive and active before and during the first Fogfall (“As Monsters continued to abandon the Shroud” - character lore drop “Death Knell”).
I believe that this was Ocudeus, but we don’t know when it made the deal with Ais, so I’m putting both of them here.
I want you to keep an open mind with this. If Lovent was destroyed during the first Fogfall and Mhin was there, it makes them at least a hundred years old.
He “came of age and packed his bags to chase his dreams twelve years ago”. The only straightforward thing about this man is his age.
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iridescent-solstice · 1 month
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"Doctor . . . Have you ever made an unfixable mistake with good intentions?" This meekly spoken question makes him freeze. Shoulders squared up and tense as he mulls over it for a brief second. He's taken care of many patients in his long monotonous life but not many are interested in his personal life. If any at all. Yet the mere question shakes him. It shouldn't, he knows you mean no harm. Yet his calm and collected demeanour instantly turning sour, bitter and cold. The bandage needed to wrap up your wounds, is clutch tightly within his grasps before his hold on them softens. He sighs his frustration away before turning away from the cabinet. Turning to see you.
And when he faces you, there is no trace of this hidden emotion in sight. None at all. So, you are none the wiser to what storm you have brewed up inside his head. "Now why would you ask such a question hmm?" He murmurs, matching the volume of your voice. A soft whisper like sound that makes this conversation feel more intimate than it really is. Like the two of you are strangers tucked under a bridge together. Huddled up against one another for warmth as you wait out the rain raging on outside. The mere thought flustering you a little.
Noticing your shy gaze upon him. His sunset kissed eyes wrinkled up into a soft smile as he makes his way back to you on the bed. "I just . . . I thought I was doing the right thing. What was expected of me but I . . ." "Just made a mess of things?" He continues for you when you trail off with a knowing look in his eyes. His smile grows bigger and more comforting. "I have certainly found myself within these types of situations, after all I am no angel." His eyes dart away at that last bit but find themselves gazing back into yours again. You laugh quietly, "many would disagree with that statem-" "But that mistake matters not now. In truth none of our mistakes are unatonable." He speaks as he skilfully but with haste begins to bandage the mysterious gash on your arm. Eyes foggy as if recounting a faraway memory so you dare not interrupt him. "A rash and ignorant move in a tumultuous situation is not uncommon, but what you decide to do moving forward has far greater importance than what rotten seed you have sowed in the past." With that being said, the conversation is over. The doctor and yourself now both lost in thought.
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[ᴅɪᴠɪᴅᴇʀꜱ ʙʏ: @ianrkives]
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lu-dao-writes · 6 months
— 𝐖𝐞’𝐫𝐞 𝐄𝐯𝐞𝐧 (𝙑𝙚𝙧𝙚 & 𝙆𝙪𝙧𝙖𝙨)
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𝙎𝙮𝙣𝙤𝙥𝙨𝙞𝙨 You couldn’t predict this.
𝙒𝙖𝙧𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜(𝙨) Horror, blood and violence, gore, unrequited love, stalking, murder, paranoia, nightmares, hallucinations, manipulation, gaslighting, mentions of sleep deprivation and insomnia, implied/referenced to self harming, choking, organ stealing, spiteful behavior, slight details of broken body, mentions of entrails.
𝘼/𝙉 I originally planned for this to be a oneshot, but I started disliking it when it started typing what I wrote. So I decided to format it this way! Maybe you’ll get the full fic one day!
I saw a picture on tumblr of a slightly scary looking Vere with sharp teeth and it got me thinking! Plus I wanted to try and practice some horror! This isn’t necessarily yandere but you can think that if you want! This is more of Vere being spiteful because he wasn’t picked. If it was anyone other than Kuras, he probably wouldn’t do this (in my mind anyways). Please heed the warnings y’all.
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— Jealous!Vere who has feelings for you but he’s not one to be super open about how he feels.
— Jealous!Vere who only gives you nuggets of his feelings, you think he’s just being Vere, a flirt, but he thinks he’s being obvious when he’s flirting with you.
— Jealous!Vere who found out you’re dating that fucking doctor when he saw you both sharing a kiss under the moon in a lonely alleyway.
— Jealous!Vere who’s beyond hurt and angry he starts treating you like how he did before. Sharp remarks coated with sugary playfulness, gaslighting you whenever you try to ask about his sudden change of behavior.
— Jealous!Vere who starts poisoning your mind. He starts stalking you and you believe it’s people from the Senobium. It’s all too perfect and once you’re paranoid enough, he starts tormenting your dreams, turning them into haunting nightmares.
— Jealous!Vere who feigns concern when he hears from Ais that you’re rapidly deteriorating, only able to sleep for short periods at a time.
— Jealous!Vere who starts making you feel like you’re hallucinating when it’s just his shadows.
— Jealous!Vere who caught you self harming in the alley when you excused yourself from the group suddenly. He was beyond amused, having caught you doing something like that and knowing Kuras has no idea about your new habit either.
— Jealous!Vere who scares and confuses you as he just stares at you, blood dripping from your cursed arm. Did his teeth just change? Were they suddenly razor sharp when he licked the wine from his lips.
“Better bandage that. Who knows what you’ll attract~.”
— Jealous!Vere who didn’t tell a soul what he witnessed.
— Jealous!Vere who waits for you to come crawling to him for answers and instead of answering you, he tempts you with a “cure”.
— Jealous!Vere who refrains for grinning as you readily accept his help, and he takes you far away where it’s quiet, the moon being the only witness.
— Jealous!Vere who continues with his story, claiming you have a nasty monster clinging to your shadow and slowly feeding from you.
— Jealous!Vere who smiles warmly at your inquiry again about why he’s been treating you so differently. He caresses your face to further assure you. His smile is inviting, but his stare is not.
“Did you do something wrong? Oh my dear, you have no idea.”
— Jealous!Vere who suddenly has your throat in his hand, tightening when he explains what you’ve done.
“I know you’re foolish, most humans are, but to think that you’re idiotic enough to pick that fucking doctor when I was right there and hand feeding you hints, is downright insulting.”
— Jealous!Vere who forced your knees to the muddy ground, his tail wagging excitedly at your weak struggling and at your confusion and distress.
“So yeah, you did do something wrong. And I won’t forgive you for it.”
— Jealous!Vere who licks your tears and smiles down at you with inhuman, pearly white daggers, telling you that your shouldn’t cry when you asked for this, and how easy it was to ruin you.
“You wanted a cure right? Be thankful I love you so much to grant you your sweet release~.”
— Jealous!Vere who rips your heart out and holds it like it’s a precious gift from the heavens, the organ still beating.
—Jealous!Vere who licks the organ and moans at the blood coating his tastebuds.
— Jelaous!Vere who cradles your dying body in his arms, kissing your skin. And when you’re finally gone he steals your eyes and keeps them and your heart all for himself.
— Jelaous!Vere who drags your corpse to Kuras’ clinic and throws your innards at his window, your intestines decorating the building before he makes his escape.
— Kuras who was waiting for your return, was reading one of his little mystery novels, when he was startled by a sudden noise from the window, seeing blood on the glass from the cracks of the curtains.
— Kuras who was well aware it had to be Vere since the little vermin loved leaving bruised and bloodied individuals from fights he won at his doorstep.
— Kuras who didn’t expect to see your broken body when he opens the door. Your torso is wide open, your ribs cracked, heart missing as well as your entrails. Your jaw is broken, and your pretty eyes are gone too.
— Broken!Kuras who feels something hit his head and when he looks up another hits his face, the liquid sliding down the side of his nose and to his cheek. It’s your blood.
— Broken!Kuras who comes out and sees the morbid decoration on his and your home, the sound around him becomes static and his golden eyes shining like hot, white fire and wet with unshed tears.
— Broken!Kuras who can smell Vere’s stench all over and knows what this message means: “We’re even.”
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lonelyinsomnia · 1 year
Anchor - LeoPika Oneshot
I watched as he laughed, so effortlessly. His smile reached his eyes with ease. It took my breath away. I loved it. I relished in his smile, his laughter. Knowing I could never truly be the cause of such things. I love him so much. So seeing him search for love, when there was love right in front of him, hurt. The sun hit his face gently, making his face seem as if it glowed. And with that memory, he left. Taking a ship to search for love that was right under his nose. I sat on my bed, knowing full well he may have a bride when he gets back. Knowing well that my feelings are going in circles.
I fell out of my trance with the sound of the port bell going off. ‘East Blue Ship, Returning to Harbor!’ I froze. Leorio’s ship is here..? Not a moment later Gon burst through my door with Killua in tow. “Leorio’s almost here! Can you believe it?! I heard he’s brought his fiance too!” Gon bounced up and down shouting. Killua and I made eye contact, a sympathetic look plagued his face. I scoffed and turned around. “I’ll meet you at the port..” I stated, my back turned to them. Gon agreed and ran out, but Killua stayed for a moment. “Don-…Don’t let it get to you too much..” The boy stated before leaving, closing the door gently behind him. As the sound of the door rang out, I fell to the floor. Tears threatened to fall as my eye stung. I tried my best to ignore my feelings, but I can’t. I can’t.
I began coughing, my chest tightening. I couldn’t stop it. I gripped my mouth and ran to the kitchen sink. I coughed one last time and I could breathe again. I opened my eyes to see what caused me such distress and instantly regretted it. A flower bud. An Achillea bud. Achillea…Leorio’s favorite flower. He said he loved them because they represent good health and were some of the only flowers that grew where he lived. My eyes widened and I immediately turned on the water and washed it away. There was no way this could happen. Not when he’s just getting back. Oh god….
The port bells rang once again, this time signaling the ship had docked. I grabbed my coat and ran down to the port. Just in time to see Leorio helping a lady down the docking ramp. They looked at each other with loving eyes and I felt my chest tighten again. This time, however, I slammed my palm on my chest and ignored the pain. As I approached Gon and Killua I caught sight of Killua’s eyes. “Something wrong?” I asked. He shrugged tightly. “Just a little blood on your lip.” My eyes widened and I quickly whipped it off.
I watched as she and he talked with Gon and Killua, waiting to be noticed. Though when I was, I was met with a tight smile. A smile that did not sit right on the man I loved. I grabbed him by the jacket and dragged him to the beach. He fought, not very intensely, but still did.
"Kurapika, what the hell?!" I turned to glare at him. He stopped fighting and his face dropped. "What’s wrong Kurapika?" We stopped at the same place I said goodbye. I closed my eyes tightly before smiling at the tides. "I just," I paused to wonder why exactly I dragged him out here, "I just want to know about you and...your fiance." Leorio looked a bit surprised and suspicious but said nothing. "Oh. Well, we met when-"
He carried on for around 20 minutes before stopping.
"But she’s not why you dragged me here…is she?"
My chest tightened and I couldn’t stop it; I began coughing harshly. ‘Kurapika! Are you okay?’ Through my coughs, I glared at him and leaned against the sea wall. I puked out another damned flower and quickly covered it with sand, the viscous blood not blending well. "Kurapika..." I turned back to him, a scowl on my face. "What happened to ‘Kura’? Or the occasional ‘Pika Boo’?" His eyes widened.
I turned back to the tides, the sun nestled slowly behind them. "Is it all we’ve ever been? Is it all we’re ever gonna be?" I asked aloud, voicing my thoughts. I heard Leorio move but didn’t look. "What do you mean?" "You went...in search of someone else." Once again, I heard him move. "Kurapi-...Kura, what are you on about..?" "A storm is coming in..." I stated firmly, but Leorio didn’t take it. "Kura, what are you talking about?" I finally turned to him, looking him dead in the eye. "You left in search of love that was right in front of you!" Leorio had an offended look on his face. "If there was love here for me before her -- I would’ve stayed!" My eyes widened and tears fell down my cheeks. “'Anchor up to me, My Love,'’ I said, staring at the sand.
"Wha-what..?" My chest tightened but I continued moving up to look him in the eye. "You’ve heard it before. 'Anclate a mí, mi Amor." Leorio’s eyes widened, his face when deep red then melted to pale white -- my chest felt as though it was on fire. "K-Kura...you..." My chest hurt so much -- I couldn’t let him finish. I sprinted as fast as I could to my house.
Once there, I ran in and locked the door behind myself, covering my mouth so that no blood got in unnecessary places. I coughed my lungs out into my kitchen sink. Almost an entire Achillea flower now clogged the drain. I fell to the ground, hugging my knees, and silently crying to myself. A few silent moments later a knock echoed from my front door. "Kurapika, Leorio and you need to finish talking." It was Killua. My chest tightened and I coughed more Achillea into the sink. ‘"Hey, you good in there?" I caught my breath and answered. "I’m fi-ine!' I coughed more of the damned flower into the sink before wiping my mouth and opening the door. There stood Leorio, Gon, and Killua. I glared and turned my back, leaving the door open to whoever wanted to come in. I walked into the kitchen and blocked the sink with my back, turning to the group. Leorio stood there, just staring at me. I did my best to hold a straight face -- a futile effort. "What." I broke the silence. "Kurapika...I," Leorio started. His shoulders were slumped and he looked downtrodden and guilty. Gon sighed and finished the sentence. "She wasn’t real." My eyes widened and I looked at Leorio. "She was just a doll that a friend of mine put Nen into so she’d act real…I thought that you’d all be disappointed if I came home without someone so..." I closed my eyes at the sheer stupidity of the man in front of me; the sheer idiocy of myself for not noticing; and out of relief. A piece of me was ecstatic that she was just a figment of ideal, but another cursed at Leorio for doing such a thing. I couldn't forgive him. "So, you come to tell me this why?" Everyone looked at Leorio. "I-…I don’t know Kura…I left cause I thought it would be better. I didn’t think you’d love me the way I did, and do, you. You didn't really give me any hints..." Leorio let out a breathy chuckle, avoiding my eyes. My chest tightened to an unbearable strength. I quickly spun around and coughed up another of the damned plant. Leorio ran up behind me and saw the flowers - they littered the sink. No amount of water could wash the damned things down the drain. "Kura..." He looked at the flowers, then back to me. His expression was unreadable as my vision began to blur; my ears rang; and a pressure began to build in my head.
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thekuraning · 2 years
Kura AO3 year review!! with template by @/athina-blaine
Top Fandom: Pokémon, 8 fics out of 9
Date of First Fic Posted: March 3rd (Turning Point, Pokemon)
Top Multichapter Fic: Turning Point (Pokémon) (the cult of Guzmamore has risen)
Top Oneshot: Too Tired to Do A Crime (Pokemon) (the cult of Rocket Executive Nanu is the next one I intend to abduct people into)
Fic You're Most Proud Of: Turning Point (Pokemon) (this is the first fic I have actually finished since 2012 and it’s COHERENT??)
Fic You Wish Got More Attention: I get why Zubat Fangs and Ditto Slime isn’t for everyone, but cmon, I’ve been working on it since 2018 meanwhile silly little shitpost Turning Point eclipsed it in all metrics per chapter in less than a year *sobs*
Fic That Challenged You the Most: Tales From HUB City (Digimon) I have been staring at chapter 2 since March and it is Not Happening. Also Barista on Autumnal Avenue, I must have completely scrapped and restarted ch4 like twelve times, ended up cutting 4 or 5 scenes from the final fic and changing the last chapter. ;v;
Favorite Quote/Passage: From The Barista on Autumnal Avenue:
“I wanted to reach out, I swear, I wanted to, but then it had been too long, and it was just awkward, so I put it off, but the longer I let it go, the more awkward it got, and I was going to send them to you, but I realized I had no reasonable explanation for why I had so many, and Lysandre—Lysandre, they were going to judge me—“
“Augustine,” Lysandre said more firmly, and Augustine, gripping the edge of the desk so hard his knuckles were stark white, pressed his lips tightly together, his nerves spilled so clearly across his features. He studied the older man carefully, taking in the familiar ticks, the familiar kicked-lillipup look. Maybe things hadn't changed as much as he thought they had. “We're okay.”
That damned smiled would be the death of him, one of these days.
“I, um,” Augustine managed to choke out, “I've brought you something.” He unzipped his bag and pulled out a thick stack of envelopes, various sizes and ages. It must have gone back months. Then he pulled another stack out, and Lysandre saw the years stretching out behind them.
“You're right,” he said seriously, “there is no reasonable explanation why you would be sending all of those at once.”
Total Words Posted: 216,185 rip
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cherryskyies · 4 years
Hi! I hope you’re doing well and staying warm ❤︎
I was wondering if I could request kurapika’s reaction to having a S/O or crush that is scared of the dark.
Thank you! I love your work!!!
Kurapika with an s/o that's afraid of the dark
I'm doing good and I hope you are too! Thank you for the request and compliment, I hope you enjoy it <3
Main Masterlist
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It was during the hunter exam when Kurapika found out about your fear.
The group had broken off, Gon and Killua going together, Leorio deciding to go alone, and naturally you went with your boyfriend, Kurapika. 
"It's starting to get dark. We should find somewhere and call it night so we aren't as exposed," Kurapika said, watching his surroundings.
You instinctively moved closer to him upon hearing the words "starting to get dark." 
"Yeah, that sounds like a good idea," you replied, glad that you had someone with you.
There was a peaceful silence, the both of you walking as you searched for a spot to set up camp.
"Pika!" You called, not noticing the nickname you let slip, "Over here!"
'Pika?' Kurapika thought, 'I like it when she calls me that.'
If it was anyone else he would not have tolerated it, though. So feel lucky.
"You picked a good spot, good job," he said, placing his bag down and gathering wood.
Time had passed and it got darker. The wood you and Kurapika collected earlier was running out, making everything worse. For you at least.
"Hey, Pika," you started, nervously fiddling with your hand. "Can I sit by you? It's just that it's getting dark and the fire is du-"
Kurapika cut you off, "Are you afraid of the dark?" 
Moments passed before you nodded, "A little bit. I'm sorry."
He shook his head, "Don't be sorry, now come on," he said, patting the spot next to him.
Kurapika isn't the type to hold you close or anything like that. His way of comforting you is to keep small talk going and offering you a spot next to him so you don't feel alone.
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edensrose · 3 years
Could you do like a oneshot of kurama flying holding his s/o tightly and flying in the night sky with his wings
❝ 𝐅𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐲 𝐁𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐬 — 𝐊𝐔𝐑𝐀𝐌𝐀 𝐗 𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐄𝐑
Coming right up
genre: fluff 
includes: f. reader | boyfriend Kurama | soft Kurama | kisses | self doubt | lovey dovey
words: 1195
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“How silly could she be? Your boyfriend leaves for like what, a month, and you start getting all smoochy with your best friend?’’
“He did break up with her, after all.’’ 
“But he obviously did it to protect her!’’
As you walk through the night, chilled breezes hit your face and urge you to press your cheek into the warmth of your boyfriend’s arm who proceeds on his tangent regarding the movie you sat through. Brunette strands waver, accompanied by glinting, chocolate eyes that hide behind shaded lenses - such was the life of an idol, having to conceal your identity as you trek down the street. Kurama Shinjirou was no stranger to this custom. 
“Remind me why I brought you out for this again?’’ Your satire-filled deride prompts Kurama to roll his eyes to the stary sky. “All I’m saying is, if I were in his position I wouldn’t be too pleased about you getting all frisky with your werewolf best friend.’’ An impish air settles between you. “I don’t have a werewolf best friend. I have a fox, does that count?’’ 
Kurama’s eyes bulge, so much so that you have to hold back a bark of laughter. “Especially that!” The look of betrayal that takes over his defined features is priceless, as if you had committed the highest of treasons. “What? You did say; if you were in his shoes, so I’m putting myself in hers.’’ White flashes within the darkness of night as a grin overtakes your lips. “I didn’t expect you to mention that damn fox, though.’’ 
Kurama exhales through his nose, releasing a brief burst of condensation into the crisp atmosphere. It’s entertaining to witness how worked-up he becomes at the naming of the particular yokai. 
‘Truly, how much of a drama king are you?’ 
Thoughts spiral around your mind. Kurama Shinjirou, idol and teen-heartthrob; here he was whisking you off to the cinema, walking you home with his lean, pale fingers intertwining yours. How did you do it, Y/N? How did you sate such a womanizer? Such a question is shrouded in mystery for even the likes of you, the one who conducted such a miracle. To this day you will never be able to fathom how the tengu fell head over heels for you. Were you some form of sorceress? Had you accidentally cast a spell over his heart? Whatever the case…
He was yours, 
and you were his. 
The smooth, angelic voice rips you from your world of wonder. Wordlessly, your gaze shifts from the sidewalk and to his moonlit face. “Penny for your thoughts?’’ A curious grin curls onto Kurama’s lips, his long-nailed finger tapping against your temple. “It’s nothing,’’ you assure. Yet, the tengu’s brow raises, likely unconvinced. “Well, it obviously isn’t nothing.’’ An elbow prods at your side as if beckoning you to spill the beans. “Haven’t you heard that curiosity killed the cat?’’ “Good thing I’m a yokai then, hmm?” Now it is your turn to roll your eyes. You swore Kurama’s wit rivalled even the talent of his voice. Instead of answering him, you opt for turning your attention towards the brick-layered path. The last thing you wish to do is unnerve your boyfriend with your many woes. 
Silence. A heavy sheet of hush sets amongst you, the short gusts of gale only adding to the sudden lack of warmth. It appears the yokai takes your hesitance into account and leaves you be. 
That is until...
An arm hooks around your body and tugs you closer, the other dipping against the crux of your knees and scooping you with ease as if you were nothing but a feeble feather. The sound of wind snapping echo, prompting your eyes to mimic that of saucers and scramble to discover if your deduction was true. 
Fingers curl into the viscose fabric of his white collared shirt as the feeling of numbness spreads throughout your legs. A burst of butterflies to your stomach, a breath of air battering from the depths of your lungs accompanied by the banging of your heart against your ribcage. 
You make the mistake of glancing down at the ground that now waves goodbye as a distance grows from it, this only encourages you to cling onto the tengu further with the sharpest of gasps. “Wh-What are you doing!?’’ His features now blessed entirely by the moonlight, your breath is taken away once you face him. Sepia hues reflect the glimmering stars that dance around the both of you, accompanied by loose strands of brunette fluttering in the faint midnight breeze. His wings, widely spread, shimmer with a silvery gleam that compliments the ebony quills so stunningly. 
“Mind telling me now?’’ An iconic grin presents itself and brings a flush to your cheeks. Have you a choice at this point? With the way his gaze falls upon you? The idol was tenacious, you’d give him that. 
You lower your view. “I thought how of how a man like you fell for me.’’ The admittance leaves either of you stunned. “After all, there were vast choices. Your sea of fans, coworkers, classmates. Yet you went along with someone who you met behind a coffee shop counter?’’ A thin line presses between your lips for a second. “I suppose you could say I’m lucky, even so, the thought baffles me.’’ 
The increasing sea of silence sends your stomach into an anxious coil. Should you have held your tongue? Made something up, perhaps? After all, you had never before expressed such feelings to him. “Kurama,’’ you sigh. “Forget I said any-’’
Warmth cupping the back of your head takes you by surprise, however, nothing in comparison to the shock you experience when smooth, feverish lips meet yours. The exchange is that of burning passion and contrast of gentle tenderness. Kurama kisses you as if you’re leaving, holds you as if you’ll disappear into the starry sky. Any uncertainty washes away. Your lips mould so perfectly together as if you were made for one another. 
you were.
At that moment you are convinced the man of whose arms you lay, who embraces you so affectionately. You are convinced that Kurama Shinjirou is meant to be yours. 
He parts from you, only an inch, as if you would shatter if he moves swiftly. You did not even realise when your arms snaked around his neck, yet they were there - ensuring he stays right there, foreheads touching and eyes locking. You do not mind how he dips you, allowing the moony glow to shine on your face, instead, you focus on him. “You ask how could this have happened…’’ he breaths. 
“My only reason is you.’’ 
Such words have you taken aback. In one last sliver of speculation, you scan his face for any form of mendacity. What you find brings tears to your eyes. 
Undeniable, inexplicable…
You trace your left hand to his cheek,  thumb tracing over his pale skin. “I’m yours, Kurama…’’ The ends of his lips curl, displaying an affectionate smile. His head turns and allows him to place a peck upon your hand. 
“As I am yours.’’ 
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darie-zai · 4 years
-> angst, sad
-> author note: first oneshot I’m writing so no hate please :3                                                           enjoy!!
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You were walking to school, head filled with thoughts. You weren’t your usual self today, you weren’t humming songs while thinking of your boyfriend, you weren’t rushing to get to school to see him. You were exhausted, you never thought this day would come, it felt like a nightmare but you had to do this. It had taken a lot of thinking and decisions for this day to come, you couldn’t turn back now.
After a long dreadful walk, you had finally reached your school. Your first thought was “he’s not here again”, you expected him to be in class and eating his snacks on his desk. You would usually go look for him but you just couldn’t today, it would just destroy your effort in settling down your emotions and you couldn’t risk it. You decided on sleeping till homeroom started instead.
Sleeping wasn’t an option for you because the moment you closed your eyes, you were awoken by your boyfriend’s friend, Tatsuya. “Good morning y/n-chan” chirped Tatsuya, “good morning Tatsu-san, where’s Mu-kun?” you asked sleepily. “he was dragged away by Kura-san when he was buying his snacks” said Tatsu, “ah, why’d you wake me up then?” you questioned the boy, he looked down and said “I wanted to ask if you were really going to do it, I’m just worried and the winter cups are coming soon so I don’t want it to affect his performance”. You weren’t really feeling it to get mad or answer his question so you just turned your head and said “ if you only woke me up for that please go back to your seat, I really don’t want to talk about that right now sorry”. 
You lied, you couldn’t go to sleep now that he mentioned it, you and Atsushi have been dating for 2 years. You first met when you both argued over a last pack of snack, in the end you gave it to Atsushi since you could just buy a different one even though that was your favourite, that is when you started meeting each other and founding out you both went to the same school, you would always go eat food together after school or go over to each others house to eat snacks. You always made great memories whenever you were together, you started dating after 2 months, you both confessed at the same time by giving each other your favourite snacks along with a small note, you bursted out laughing first and Atsushi joined after. You two were called the couple goals of the school. However a month back is when you felt you both where losing that spark you once had, the affection and the time. It just wasn’t there anymore, you had tried and hoped for it to come back if you hanged out more than you already did but it just felt like two people being forced together. All that could be heard were fake laughters and smiles. 
It’s basically two people who don’t love each other anymore but don’t want to let go of each other. You still did love each other however this relationship was turning unhealthy for both sides. No he did not cheat neither did you, you both trusted each other, the hope of staying together for the rest of your lives was crushed as it didn’t last how you two hoped.
You were broken out of your thoughts when someone patted your head. It was Mu-kun. No words were exchanged only a small smile at each other. 
Classes started after the small interaction, it was normal but it felt more slow and agonising today. It was as if time had slowed down. Although slow classes had finally ended and it was time for you to talk to Atsushi.
After packing all your belongings you approached Atsushi, “Mu-kun can you come with me for a moment”, Atsushi nodded as an approval he’ll come with you. You went to a nearby park and sat on the swings.
“Mu-kun you’ve noticed too haven’t you” 
“hmm yeah”
“then you must know why I called you out today, I love you you know and I enjoyed all the memories we’ve created, we ate, we laughed, we cried and those moments where we showed affection. I treasure all of those but we can’t go back to before, the feelings and the sparks aren’t there anymore.”
you turned to look at him, he was staring at you
him staring at you caught you off guard, those beautiful violet eyes that you loved so much, that face that you loved to caress and smoother with kisses, you couldn’t help but reach out your hand to caress his face once more. Thinking that this would be the last time you’ll ever get to do this was the last string, your body had decided to betray you and let out the tears you’ve been holding.
“Mu-kun this is the last time i’ll be able to touch your face, this will be the last time I call out your name, thank you so much for everything I love you” you smiled bitterly 
Atsushi knew this couldn’t be fixed, even if he wanted to it was not possible so for the last time he said
“y/n... as my last request could I hug you one last time..” 
you slowly nodded your head, and was immidiately pulled in a tight hug. What was more shocking was the feeling of your shoulders getting wet, he was crying too. It was a long hug, it was a goodbye hug. 
you both slowly retracted from the hug 
“Mu-kun don’t cry, you’ll make me cry again hahahaha” you used your thumbs to wipe off his tears. 
“y/n i love you”
even tho shocked from the statement you said
“this is a goodbye then Mu-kun” 
“goodbye Mu-kun” 
that was the end of your unlasting relationship. 
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queenofmiscellany · 4 years
blogs i recommend :p
hey guys!!! i’ve been gone for a while but i am baaaack!!! yay!! so uhh here i’ll be listing some cool blogs i enjoy and that you might too!
here we go!
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1. Potterheads Unite
a potterhead blog with pics, memes, HP discussions and more, for all potterheads you should try this one out!
2. Sarlisart
Sarlis makes great illustrations that are soo cute!! Def recommend :p
3. Kura-pikaaa
They make great fanfics and super cute menus for fanfics and even oneshots!!! Recommend!
4, It’s late, you should get some rest
Super aesthetic late night, anime themed with sorta moody, sad undertones blog for anime fans :ppp
5. Vaporwave Aesthetic
I love me some vaporwave so I really recommend this one if u like it too!
All tumblr blogs are linked, hope you enjoy them!!
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astralsweetness · 4 years
can you recommend any other blogs that write ptg stuff? 🥺 finding content for them is so hard
Hi anonnie! It really is hard to find content for them :( But I do have three blogs in mind for you!  ♡
@sintagon is, ofc, the first person I thought of! I’m sure you’ve already read all her stuff, bcs there’s a LOT of it and it’s all great, but just in case you haven’t!
@gwentoryfics has an amazing series going on rn, I literally cannot recommend their writing more, not many writers catch my eye nowadays and really get me invested in a fic, but they have me hooked (even their oneshots are works of art) i’m actually a really big fan but shh i’m shy
And @sub-hoshi-enthusiest! They write sub content like me, so if that’s what you’re into.. 👀 Then there’s some prime sub PTG content hiding out on that blog. They’re also incredibly sweet and kind 🥺
Also I’m trying to bug Kura into writing something for Yuto bcs I want to see how powerful I am. Or something. @pasteljeon ily so much
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trappolia · 15 days
HOUSE OF ERIDIA ── touchstarved x reader, high fantasy au
“Among the monarch's most intimate inner circle was their Master of Whispers (...) sharp and cunning, the mastermind of an intricate network of spies and informants that ran through the high aristocracy within the walls of the palace, down to the most slimy backwaters of the kingdom's outskirts. The truth of LEANDER’s threat, however, laid within his charm (...) it is said that not even his most beloved Eminence trusted him.”
Leander was devoted— as devoted as a man of such skill in less than legal information brokering could be, at least. Often times you wondered whether he was worth trusting; so much information he laid out at your feet like a suitor would bestow upon you with golds and jewels and fine silks, and just as much he kept away from you. Perhaps it was unwise to bestow upon the fickle position of Master of Whispers to a man who shared your bed, but never his own secrets-- or perhaps you thought too much of him. You did, after all, cradle your own secrets to your chest.
“To one such as the monarch, who clung onto their religion as if it were drywood amidst the furious seas, KURAS was a strange sort of salvation in himself (...) rumoured to be otherworldly, golden-eyed and infinitely wise not only in his knowledge of forgotten, they claimed him a lost eldritch being, shunned by the highest deities of the sky. Others said that he was a deity himself. But what deity hid in the shadows of the throne and kissed the feet of the mortal that sat upon it?”
Amidst the fickle serpents' game of politics and war, there was a superficial solace to be found in the religion you were raised in as a child. From that faith, your devotion extended to a gift from the gods laid at your door, the golden-eyed angel that you were not quite sure existed till they bestowed him to you. Strangely enough, he treated you with the same sort of reverence— as an acolyte might to their own deity. Yours was a strange relationship, a push-and-pull of prayer and religious guilt. Both of you hid your unholiness within a facade of worship and idolatry. You did not know why he has come, but you knew he saw you for what you were and bent the knee anyway. Be not afraid, he said. And so you were not, blindly so.
“The paramour was flame-haired and quick of the tongue, an exotic pet that graced the bed of Their Majesty easily enough once lured with the promise of lavish gifts and security (…) VERE traded his ugly iron shackles for a prettier set of golden chains, but he was not so cunning so as to let himself be lured in by the false promises of what he called “these damned monarchs”.”
It was not an uncommon feat for monarchs to take paramours even after marriage, but if the whore picked from the streets of silk was pretty enough, it could warrant the envious whispers of enraged nobles no matter how high a position one may hold within the royal family. Fortunately, Vere played the game of thrones well, you must admit. Of all the lovers and paramours you've taken over the course of your rule, he is the one you have to worry about defending in court the least… though his knowledge and skill holds up a different problem for you entirely. Perhaps your Small Council does speak some truth when they warn you of the lies he could entrap you in…
”THE STRANGER came like death on a misty night in the dead of winter. Who were they? What reason could they have to lurk around the castle halls, to indulge themselves in the benevolence of the monarch of which they did not worship? What did they seek, and why was Their Majesty so eager to offer their aid?”
A ruler as kind and benevolent as yourself was not so arrogant so as to be oblivious to the suffering of the smallfolk. Many called you naïve, too young to carry the burden of the crown, but you have inherited centuries of peace from your parents, and are intent on continuing such tradition. That is, perhaps, the reason why you welcomed MHIN into your palace that night, turning down your council’s suggestions of torturing them — where they’ve came from, why they’ve come, how a commoner possesses a gift for the magic arts. You offer them bread and wine and a place of rest, speaking nothing of how you’ve noticed their eyes flit about— not warily, but searching. It is naïvety then, in your hopes that MHIN finds what you seek in you, despite your sureness that you will one day stand at opposite ends of a looming war.
“Rare was a monarch who did not indulge in illicit affairs, whether it be a matter of simply flesh or true romance— but what transpired between Their Majesty and the creature of Crimson Grotto was so twisted that their story was told as both urban legend and warning even a millennia afterwards. But in the most desperate of times, even the most noble of the gods’ chosen are capable of such sin.”
AIS was already a figure of urban legend when you came to him him, a sopping wet half-adult playing dress up in an oversized crown and velvet robes weighed down by the grimy water that stained its hem. He never did tell you whether the stories you’d heard were true, only confirmed that yes, he is capable of what you beg him for. He thought of you foolish, to make a deal with an eldritch creature — or, at least, the vessel of one — but he realised too late that he’d gone off the deep end with you when it came to this deal. In the end, there was only his hope that they would not liken you, so good and so bright, to the hopeless thing that is whatever is left of him. Or, perhaps, it will be a last mercy to both of you, to be known in history side-by-side, mentioned alongside the other always— like a single entity.
© trappolia 2024
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vermilionsun · 2 months
Take a moment and imagine the MC finding out that Kuras is immune to their curse as well. Imagine the overwhelming shock and confusion that would engulf them as they'd try to understand how.
And then imagine Kuras. Imagine him standing before them, a sly and knowing Cheshire cat-like smirk curling his lips. Imagine him gently brushing a thumb over their hand, tracing the back of it where the golden fissures crisscross each other. Imagine him drawing their hand closer, delicately lifting it to his lips, and bestowing a soft kiss upon their knuckles. A bold move. Imagine him observing their every reaction with intense focus, his eyes half-lidded with melted gold reflecting a blend of amusement and curiosity. Imagine him guiding their hand to his chest, allowing them to feel the thud of his heart beating steadily beneath their fingertips. Imagine the warmth of his touch permeating their skin, soothing the chaos within their mind.
Imagine the tension lingering between them, laden with unspoken promises and unanswered questions. And then imagine Kuras leaning in closer, his breath warm against their skin as he whispers softly, "You're not the only one with secrets, my dear."
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unreadable0 · 7 years
HI I REALLY LIKE YOUR WRITING LOL. Can you write a quick Kuro/Kura oneshot??? I don't really care what it's on tho. Just pls write!!! thanks
Ahhh I’m blushing! Thanks so much!!
Prompt suggested by my friend Chocoholic221B on AO3
Kuroro took one look at the request and promptly laughed his ass off. They wanted him to what? Risk his life for the sake of a pair of eyeballs of all things? Sure, he’d understand if they’d asked for the recovery of a lost treasure or the procuring of a minor kingdom, or even the stealing of an artifact, but why would they pay five hundred thousand jenny for a body part?
That man must be insane, Kuroro thought, scanning over the details of the mission. Their potential employer foraday was demanding the Phantom Troupe’s assistance in raiding some sort of obscure village in the middle of Lukso Province. The newly-dubbed leader of the Phantom Troupe noted the location with distaste. Trekking through a dense jungle loaded with what most considered demonic savages was not his idea of a fun little excursion for his group. The Scarlet Eyes, which he learned they were called, were beautiful, yes, but getting to them would involve lots of needless slashing and hacking at potentially-poisonous foliage.
Plus, it sounded extremely boring. Although fighting some of the tribesmen would be interesting, he had better things to do. Even though the Phantom Troupe was relatively new, they were gaining quite a name for themselves among the influential of the underworld. Kuroro had a decent stack of alternative job offers to pick through, most of which were significantly more exciting than murdering one person for a pair of eyeballs.
Pulling out another offer, Kuroro immediately forgot about the absurd request as he read over the information of a much more exciting proposal.
Five years later…
It didn’t take very long to finish university, Kurapika supposed, and at age seventeen, he currently held three doctorates in ancient civilizations and the classics. He had made quite a splash when he’d first applied for a position at one of the most prestigious schools in the continent, that he knew. But it was nothing compared to the uproar that occurred when he had passed the 286th Hunter’s Exam at the tender age of sixteen.
He wasn’t really sure why he had decided to take the exam. Kurapika attributed the decision to curiosity, and maybe a bit of boredom. He’d been able to bring a doctor back for Pairo early on, and the other boy had accompanied him to the outside world, but at that time Pairo had still been completing his studies.
Additionally, a Hunter’s License would allow him access to some of the most obscure archaeological sites in the world. So he’d made a place for himself; keeping away from the main excitement of Blacklist hunting and the like to become an Archeological Hunter.
It certainly paled in comparison to the dangers and thrills of Blacklist Hunters, but Kurapika thought that archeology suited him just fine.
Which brought him to the present moment.
“What in the ever-living hell do you think you’re doing?” he hissed, hands ready at his weapons. He had nen, of course, but he didn’t quite want to reveal that to the unexpected intruder just yet.
The dark-haired man barely spared him a glance, not moving from his place beside the ancient totem that had a significant historical and mythological importance.
“What does it look like I’m doing?” the mystery man replied breezily, checking his watch.
A vein popped at Kurapika’s forehead. “Kurapika, Archeological Hunter. You are encroaching on restricted property. Please leave, or suffer the consequences.”
To his further annoyance, the other man just laughed at his statement. “Please, you can’t touch me. Now, if you would just let me go, I’ll call it even and leave you alive.”
Oh that fucker. Kurapika let his aura pour out to its full extent, summoning his bokken blades. It wasn’t the best he could do, but it would work. No need to pull out all the stops just yet.
The thief’s smirk widened as he took in the blond’s impressive display. “Well, this should be fun,” he murmured to himself.
“Excuse me?” Kurapika hissed, slashing at the other’s side, something that the man barely avoided. 
“Oh, you’re actually pretty good,” his opponent acknowledged. For some reason, a book appeared at his adversary’s side. 
Is he a conjurer, then? Kurapika watched with disbelief as a wicked-looking knife appeared in the other’s hands. After exchanging a few blows, Kurapika noticed how the man’s finger was always kept firmly in the book, keeping his page open. That must be it. I just need to get that blasted book out of his hands. 
“You fight quite well,” Kurapika noted, ducking another strike. 
“Thanks, but blades aren’t really my thing,” the other man chuckled. 
“Well, it’s good that they’re mine,” the Kurta countered, landing a glancing blow on his opponent. 
“Not just a pretty face after all, then?” the dark-haired man challenged.
Kurapika didn’t bother to answer, instead choosing that moment to knock the book out of the other’s hands. 
Immediately, he found himself pushed onto the ground, the thief heavy on top of him. 
“Not bad,” the man praised, “only took you two minutes to realize.” Kurapika struggled under the other’s grip, but to no avail. “But, that was barely a fraction of my power.”
Kurapika’s eyes flashed red in warning, and he cursed himself for not wearing contacts. For a brief second, he hoped that the other man hadn’t noticed. No such luck.
“Those eyes,” the other man breathed. 
“What about them?” he spat back, voice coated in venom.
“Well,” the man rolled off of him, offering a hand to the blond to help him up. Kurapika stared at the hand and ignored it, pulling himself up. 
“I’m Kuroro, by the way,” Kuroro said, tone friendly. A if they hadn’t just been trying to beat the crap out of each other just moments before.
The Kurta eyed him warily.
“Now, if you would go to dinner with me, I’ll call it even.”
“Call what even?” Kurapika shot back, immediately on guard.
Kuroro shrugged. “A couple years ago, I had a rather lucrative job offer to massacre your entire village for those Scarlet Eyes, but I didn’t. So, in exchange for not killing everyone you love, I’m proposing that you go on a date with me.”
“What the fuck?” Kurapika exclaimed. “What kind of logic is that? Normal people don’t pick up relationships after considering killing their entire family!”
“Well, then I’ll be the first, then. See you at eight.” And with that, Kuroro started walking away. 
Mind reeling, Kurapika glanced around the ancient temple.
That damn thief had made off with the artifact, too!
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sp00kworm · 7 years
Go, go Over-Rangers! (Genyatta Oneshot)
For my bestie @lesbian-sombra who encouraged me to write this ages ago, and needs something to help her smile, and something to show her how much I appreciate her! Its something short but its what I could get out of my tired brain.
In the Over-Rangers base the sirens rang. Red lights swirled as the alarm bells rang around the cliff built base. Genji jumped at the sound of the sirens, but quickly grabbed his badge and sword before running out of his room, his boots thumping against the floor, and to the bay area. Navy Blue Ranger, also known as Jack, was by the console, tapping at the holographic keyboard as the scanning system locked in on the targets current position. Genji rounded the corner at the same time as the orange ranger, Lena, and collided with her with a thump.
“Oof, sorry love, in a bit of a rush you see. Off to King's Row, that where one of the attacks is. Hope that blasted Widow isn't there again. Her and her stupid spider minions...” She muttered to herself as Genji slowly inched past her, heading towards Jack with a swagger in his step.
“Green Ranger, reporting.” He leant on the console and smiled, eyeing the locations for a moment as he watched Jack talk into the ear piece for a minute.
“Zords dispatched, hold on out there team.” Jack clicked the ear piece and looked over at Genji with a huff, “Genji you're off to Japan. There's been a sighting of Cyberninja, and he seems keen on trashing the Shimada palace. You're being dispatched in five minutes, make your way to the flight deck.” The eldest member of the over-rangers tapped away on his keyboard and quickly dismissed Genji. The green sentai ranger scowled before heading off to the flight deck, tinkering with his wrist band as he walked.
The ship that picked him up was heading straight for Hanamura, Japan, at light speed. In less than an hour, with the new high speed airship the rangers had gotten their hands on, Genji was positioned at the door waiting for the all clear to leap from the plane. The pilot held a hand up as they hovered over the drop sight, a signal that it was clear to jump. Genji smirked and did a two fingered salute to the pilot, before leaping from the plane, free-falling for three long counts and then pulling the cord on his chute. The parachute exploded outwards, snapped Genji backwards in the air. Gently, he began to float towards the ground, and he watched as people ran left and right, away from fires and explosions. Where ever the Cyberninja was, he had brought backup this time, in the form of minions who seemed quite keen on disrupting the peace.
Genji landed with a soft thud, and watched as a group of minions slowly grouped up around him. Smirking, he tossed his parachute pack aside and stuck a pose, clicking the button on his wrist band.
“Green Sentai, go!” Green light erupted from the bracelet and circled Genji before wrapping his form in bright green light. Green armour appeared over his skin tight work out top and bottoms, a lighter green 'v' decorating his helmet, just above the black visor that slid down over his eyes. Flexing his wrists, he looked at the armour plating over his arms and smiled beneath his mask. The green armour shined in the bright sun and Genji tapped the small device in his arm, pulling up a map, showing a bright red dot which was the Cyberninja's location. The dot was moving towards the arcade, and Genji tapped his arm again, putting the blinking hologram away before sprinting towards the large archway, one hand on his wakizashi, the other drawing the shuriken out of his implanted sheath.
The arcade was in cinders when he finally caught up with the hoard of minions and Cyberninja. The hoard screamed, falling over one another as they tore through the electronics in the games, tearing open the games and munching on the rubber and circuit boards inside. There was no sign of the ninja, and so Genji laughed, annoucing his presence to the minions with a show of flashing sword, rotating the katana around his hand. Sharpening the blade on the armour and flicking it aside, he made a beckoning motion with two fingers.
“Come at me! I, Green Ranger, will put an end to your destruction!” Genji watched the goons launch themselves towards him and smirked, dashing into the fray, shurikens flying and embedding themselves into the enemies. His sword made short work of the minion's thin armour, their spiral masks smashing with the force of the blows and exposing their purple grotesque faces, their features mutilated due to their creation by cloning. Genji hacked through them, attempting to gain the attention on his long life rival.
The hoard gathered towards Shimada Castle, and Genji peered up at the gate, the two dragons intertwined, his visor glinting. He had miliseconds to react before an arrow would have impacted with his visor and pierced his eye. Flipping backwards, Genji dodged the barrage of a scattering arrow, parrying some of them aside with his wakizashi blade. Sheathing the blade, landing in a crouch against the concrete, Genji peered upwards at the top of the gate. An orange ribbon fluttered in the breeze as someone leaped over the back of the gate. Dashing forwards, Genji sprinted after the silouhete, and jumped upwards, pulling his weight up a wall launching a barrage of shuriken towards the person. Rolling off to the side, they dodged the shuriken and returned fire, aiming two arrows before sending them flying. The two arrows flew outwards before curving back in towards Genji's torso. Genji leaped forwards, rolling along the ground before dashing forwards again after the man. In the air, he drew his sword, parrying the arrows ricocheting off the walls and ground.
“Ryūjin no ken o kurae!”
Dashing back towards the ground, Genji sliced downwards towards the man, visor glowing green as he unleashed his powers. The strike was blocked by a sudden grunt, and Genji was halted before the man, his blade drawn. Dark eyes stared back at him, and Genji scowled, eyeing the dark hair and face, masked by a grey cloth. This man was Cyberninja. He grunted and pressed his feet against Genji's torso before launching him backwards. Genji grunted as he was sent flying through the air and groaned as he collided with the tarmac, his helmet flashing with alarms of damage to his suit.
Cyberninja stood and snorted, “End him. I will retrieve the artefact.” and turned away heading further into Shimada Castle. Minions swarmed the court yard and Genji growled and drew his katana before he heard the scared cry of a citizen.
The goons dragged along an omnic by his bottoms. The omnic scrambled to get his hold on something, reaching for broken mala beads that were scattered along the floor. Genji flared with anger and drew his sword before dashing for the omnic, slicing his way through the crowd of creatures until he reached the gaggle of monsters dragging him along. They evidently wanted to get at his circuitry.
“Stop creatures! Release that citizen!” Genji pointed at them, and threw a fan of shuriken, incapacitating a few of them. The omnic swivelled his head around, staring at Genji for a few seconds before finally managing to release one of his feet. He smashed his sandal covered foot into the minion's mask and dragged himself away towards his mala beads as Genji dealt with the rest of the hoard around him.
After finishing with the small group, Genji bounded over to the omnic, grabbing him under the arms before heaving him into a bridal carry. The omnic made a noise akin to a squeak as Genji bounded off over the walls. He dropped him by the clinic and saluted.
“Be safe here omnic citizen. May I as you name before I chase down that criminal?” The helmet on his head tilted inquisitively. The omnic opposite him fumbled his fingers together, looking away as though slightly embarrassed. The mala he had picked up some how floated around his neck, and span with his embarrassment, some jerking upwards slightly in an uneven rhythm.
“Tekhartha Zenyatta...What is the name of my saviour then.” The omnic chuckled and linked his hands together behind his back.
“Green Ranger of Overwatch, at your service Sir Zenyatta.” He flashed another salute before leaning towards the wall and patting the omnics shoulder, “See you again soon.” He leaped away towards the fray again , leaving a flabbergasted omnic by the wall of the hospital.
“He was very cool....and cute...” Zenyatta hid his face in his hands.
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yulicechan · 8 years
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These past two months have been wild but a complete blessing. To my followers, new and old. Thank you so much for continuing to support my art! <3 You guys are the reason I’m motivated to keep drawing everyday ^_^ Thank you to the skk discord server, for making me laugh and filling my days with such warmth and kindness. I love you all so, so much.  I will continue to work hard for you guys!  がんばります~ (Individual shoutouts below the cut)
Individual shoutouts! Time to scream my love at you guys. This is going to be super long please bear with me... (In no particular order - I’m just following the spreadsheet -) @kyzurya - Kyzu, my precious midnight snack child. How many times have we sent you to French Pun Kitchen already? I wonder why. Also known as: stop taking incriminating screenshots of my conversations and calling me 12  >:(  Your drawings are amazing, especially Yasu-senpai <3!! and your chibis too, so adorable.  @adargo - Cat, my amazing writer and league senpai with the beautiful hair fur (I would kill to see your full Chuuya cosplay) Ahh I can’t wait to read your next fics *excited flailing*. Thank you for listening to me thirst over Fyo and rant about random things. I know we haven’t been playing as much but I’ll try to make more time in the future so we can traverse the depths of EU hell together XD Ophelia - We don’t really talk often, but thank you for being such a wonderful server mom and asking how we are and taking the time to help us with our troubles. You the real MVP ^_^ @ryethe - Emmi... I still can’t believe that I started talking to you. My goodness I’ve admired you for the longest time and and you’re so talented and sweet and omg your existence is a blessing. I really look forward to meeting you at a convention someday!! <3 @kurapls - Kura. My goodness. Do you have any idea how glad I am that I sent you that first message to talk to you about Ruination? AHHHH thank you for spoiling me with all your beautiful writing and oneshots. I don’t think I’ve been inspired as much by anyone as I have by you. Seeing your progress with your drawings, it won’t be long before you take over the world with your art and fics. Please continue to shower us with death and destruction and smut your talents <3 @mostladylikeladythateverladied - Hi Lady! We haven’t talked much but I just wanted to say that to this day, I still read that small oneshot you wrote for my art and scream to myself because it’s so perfect. As are the rest of your fics. Thank you again! @atarix - Anna!! Japanese senpai!!!! Also the only pure child of mine!! Thank you for helping me with translations all the time, you’re a real savior.  ;-; Ahh I’m quite concerned for your health atm, please take care of yourself and feel better >_< And good luck on all the events that are coming up for you! がんばって! @miss-intention - Weng Qi, you literal prodigy. Your art and coloring never fails to amaze me. Thanks for being my chingchong squad companion and screaming about dead Break Pandora Hearts AU with me. May you be blessed with more beheadings in the future. @cinnamondazai - Albel, my lovely fyoya companion~ Thank you for spoiling me with your fics. I can’t wait to see more of your writing! By the way, please don’t think I would ever be bothered by you, I am always happy to talk to you ^_^ @onikushita - Oni! I saw you finally got a drawing tablet! I’m super excited to see what you’ll make in the future :D @ask-fancy-hat-chuuya - CHeeeeeeeeeeese my cute chibi drawing senpai~~~ Ahhhh I’m so excited to hopefully meet you next year, fingers crossed. Please continue to make cute art that I can rub all over my face and scream at <3 @myboynagito - WAIFUUUUU *launches myself at you* I’m so freaking happy I met you, you have no idea omgasldfjajewjfal Thank you for betaing my drawings all the time and ahhhh I love your art so much. I can’t wait to see Kouyou tarot!!! One day I’ll expand my French vocab to include more than 2 words so I can properly seduce you in French ;) I love you!!! <3333 @tykilavi - Ju, you’re so sweet and omg I wasn’t able to stay on your stream the whole time but I’m sure your drawing was beautiful just like everything else I’ve seen :) Please stream more! I’d love to watch hehe @arcticzuko - Vines, I will always remember and love you for that quote LOL <3 @curiouscat99 - Cat, owner of the angst chat, thank you for your angsty and inspiring theories. I know I can always count on you if I need a good dose of the Sads. Please have mercy on our poor hearts and on Chuuya and Dazai XD @insoukokuhell - Dianaaaa <33 I’ll always appreciate your memes and your selfies (you are very cute btw no matter how much u try to deny it :P)  @kiimone - Ami! I’ve always believed the people who can both write and draw are the coolest type of people. And you definitely fit into that category omg I love your art style so much. p.s. Thanks for being a good parent to Borb and thanks for letting me have her on Wednesdays :P  @soukoku-writes - Borb, *swallows all the insults that are just coming to mind* *ahem*. Borb, what happened you used to be so sweet and call me Satan senpai and you were so cute and WHAT HAPPENED OMG how could my parenting have gone so wrong. Lol but in all seriousness, thank you for providing your quality memes and insults, I know that I’ll always laugh my ass off when you and waifu are yelling at each other. And also, your writing is so advanced for your age. I know I give you shit for never finishing anything, but honestly, please take all the time you need lol. Good work isn’t rushed, and just know that I’ll love reading anything you write, WIP or not. Love you, biscuitshingle <3 @chvvva - Nics, I know I’ve told you this countless times already but your writing is pure art and it’s extremely fascinating to see you tie these words up so eloquently. I look forward to seeing more of your works! <3 @ch-ch-ch-chuuya - Rose, you angst queen. I’ll never forget the night I rolled around in my bed silently screaming at 2 am after reading your Kiznaiver AU. I’m sooo excited for your current work as well AHHH and I see you posting previews in the fic channel all the time and all the positive feedback so I’m sure it’ll be amazing. I usually don’t read previews if I know it’s going to be published in full on Ao3, but I can’t wait to read the whole thing ^_^ Please kill me with the feels.  @onelovelysin - Your art is so good. SO GOOD. Please teach me your ways. And you have a whole webcomic and you draw so fast and LWKEFJASLKDJAS senpai please continue to bless us with your talent <3 @star-tear - celestial NACLH2O, aksdj you’re so sweet and nice and you need to draw more often omg I loved your camellia drawing so much!! Thank you for continuing to love me even though I’m NoLongerPure(tm) @carlynagisa - Carly, ahh your fics are absolutely amazing and your cosplays too I fangirl so much whenever I see your new content :D @rosengoddess - Brina, thank you for writing me fyoya all the time ahh <3 I love reading your tiny writing snippets on twitter ^_^ Kami - please continue to supply us with your cute Poe drawings and Chuuya memes and omg just your drawings in general are amazing. And thank you for streaming it’s always super enjoyable to watch :) @karmajestic-kuroo - Kuroooo I LOVE YOUR FICS SO MUCH DO U HAVE ANY IDEA like I usually don’t search out authors and message them unless they really leave an impact on me but I seem to do that all the time for your fics which just says how much I love them. I get so happy whenever I see new fics from you on ao3, please continue to bless us with your writing!  *stretches* finally done Thank you everyone for talking to me and being my friend and inspiring me everyday. I love you guys <333333
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