#jesus flesus
thekuraning · 2 years
Kura AO3 year review!! with template by @/athina-blaine
Top Fandom: Pokémon, 8 fics out of 9
Date of First Fic Posted: March 3rd (Turning Point, Pokemon)
Top Multichapter Fic: Turning Point (Pokémon) (the cult of Guzmamore has risen)
Top Oneshot: Too Tired to Do A Crime (Pokemon) (the cult of Rocket Executive Nanu is the next one I intend to abduct people into)
Fic You're Most Proud Of: Turning Point (Pokemon) (this is the first fic I have actually finished since 2012 and it’s COHERENT??)
Fic You Wish Got More Attention: I get why Zubat Fangs and Ditto Slime isn’t for everyone, but cmon, I’ve been working on it since 2018 meanwhile silly little shitpost Turning Point eclipsed it in all metrics per chapter in less than a year *sobs*
Fic That Challenged You the Most: Tales From HUB City (Digimon) I have been staring at chapter 2 since March and it is Not Happening. Also Barista on Autumnal Avenue, I must have completely scrapped and restarted ch4 like twelve times, ended up cutting 4 or 5 scenes from the final fic and changing the last chapter. ;v;
Favorite Quote/Passage: From The Barista on Autumnal Avenue:
“I wanted to reach out, I swear, I wanted to, but then it had been too long, and it was just awkward, so I put it off, but the longer I let it go, the more awkward it got, and I was going to send them to you, but I realized I had no reasonable explanation for why I had so many, and Lysandre—Lysandre, they were going to judge me—“
“Augustine,” Lysandre said more firmly, and Augustine, gripping the edge of the desk so hard his knuckles were stark white, pressed his lips tightly together, his nerves spilled so clearly across his features. He studied the older man carefully, taking in the familiar ticks, the familiar kicked-lillipup look. Maybe things hadn't changed as much as he thought they had. “We're okay.”
That damned smiled would be the death of him, one of these days.
“I, um,” Augustine managed to choke out, “I've brought you something.” He unzipped his bag and pulled out a thick stack of envelopes, various sizes and ages. It must have gone back months. Then he pulled another stack out, and Lysandre saw the years stretching out behind them.
“You're right,” he said seriously, “there is no reasonable explanation why you would be sending all of those at once.”
Total Words Posted: 216,185 rip
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