#kudos if you get the refs
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pinceauarcenciel · 11 months ago
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What lies behind the legend: Theatre edition ✨🎭
Full piece for Ipse Facto, the @phoenixwrightzine ⚖️
🌻 Leftover sales and Reprints Preorders are open until April 22! 🌻
※ Fanart: Ace Attorney (Gyakuten Saiban) © Shu Takumi/ Capcom
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munchkin1156 · 2 days ago
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Submission for the mcyt soulmate sweep! @mcyt-soulmate-sweepstakes
Title: Your Support With Scar Has Gone Up!
Fandom: Hermitcraft/Life Series
Points: 875
Prompt: ???
Taglist: @i-am-beckyu , @da3dm , @faeiyn-cant-write , @boiled-ginger-ale , @local-squishmallow , @akatthatwants2sleep , @vocal-nyx-cords
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phreaticlayer · 15 days ago
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yay finally got another fanfic-based piece done, this time based on the endless masquerade by angelicsentinel :) im always down for a good black org!shinichi n this one comes w interesting world building and a fun new look for shinichi... woopy!
(spoilery alt under cut?)
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leiflitter · 3 months ago
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It's been a year of You're Almost Home!
Rating: Explicit
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: M/M
Fandom: Saltburn (2023)
Relationships: Felix Catton/Oliver Quick
For hi-ref images:
Here's some fun Leif Lore for you; I dropped out of my creative writing degree almost a decade ago, because apparently a combo of Life Stress and undiagnosed ADHD is really bad for academic success. Who knew? 
More importantly, a year ago today I opened a google doc and wrote, “Harriet went to Oxford the September after they threw Venetia's stone into the pond.” And I kept writing. And kept writing. And- well, you get the idea, we're coming up on 700k words, there's a reason I call it The Behemoth. 
In the past year I have done a lot. Moving house. Completing my apprenticeship. Lots of Gender Things. But I honestly consider You're Almost Home to be one of my greatest achievements. Not just because of the word count, but because my writing has made so many people happy. It's brought back a creative drive I thought I'd lost. It's brought me community and friendship. I've inspired people. 
I'm also going to be a soppy git here, but I mean it- I could not have done this alone. Every like, hit, kudos, comment, tumblr ask, discord message, ao3 bookmark, whatever, it gives my ADHD brain the chemicals I need to keep on going. So if you've interacted with YAH in any way… Thank you.
Some special thanks although I’m being vague otherwise this would be a mile long.
Extra special thanks to Vesper ( @mylovelookup ), for helping so much with this art project- and all my other art projects. I'm so glad we share crayons 🥰 You're an amazing artist and an inspiration on so many levels.
To all my friends (you know who you are). I fucking treasure all of you, I hope you know that. I'm so glad to have found people who I can vibe with so easily, and I'm proud to call you my friends. One day, when I rule the world, I'll buy a giant house and move you all in. Although I may not meet most of you in the meatspace, I hope we can, because I owe so many of you giant hugs. 
And, yeah, to Saltburn, for grabbing hold of my brain and refusing to let go. I hope that everyone can find something that resonates with them as strongly as this film did with me; it's been a fucking wild ride.
Happy YAHnniversary!
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bishoptheboy · 2 years ago
NARUTO Shinobi days: Coming home to a surprise guest (?) Part 6
(Mini Comic: ⚠️ 4 parts *a little long scroll*)
"It does get to me..."
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Sasuke never got to drink his water in the end.
<I am currently re-reading Naruto and I just love Sasuke's inner thoughts about Naruto. It is always profound and deep. I immediately got struck with inspiration, and I thought it is best to deliver it through a little comic. Planning it was the tough one, it ain't easy at all (kudos to all comic artists out there), and I ain't no writer so I had to discuss with my brother on certain things.
It end up kinda long (?) But I hope it turned out at least decent! And also, at the end of the manga when Sasuke cries, that could've been the perfect time to kiss him (but well they can't even move lol). AND ALSO, I just want to draw them cuddling. So, this is just indulging myself..
(also...hopefully people will notice the line "it does get to me" is a ref from something 👀)
Thank you for reading! 🙇
Edit: please ignore the left arm manifestation bec I am an idiot>
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midnight-mourning · 5 months ago
1000 kudos/100 Follower Special!
wow so um, there’s a LOT of you now
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THIS???? CRAZY, incredibly appreciated <3 but also wild
anyway, I think that deserves celebrating! So, here’s a couple ideas I came up with for y’all to vote on, with the option of sharing other ideas in the comments, I’ll do the top two and save the others for the next milestone :)
If the 'other' option gets the most/second most votes, I'll do another poll with ideas that people suggested and we'll go from there. You can scroll down and click the read more if you'd like more info on each option! SO, having said all that:
Letting you guys make the call with this one! I have stuff prepped for all of it, just a matter of people voting since this is ME showing my appreciation to YOU. And again, next milestone will have the opportunity for the other choices :)
Also, this isn't just for followers/the moots either! Anyone is welcome to vote and participate if they'd like to 💙💙
Please also feel free to ask questions in the comments if that helps you with voting! Can't wait to see what you guys pick :D
I will expand on each option here for clarity in your decision making:
CS one-shot: I will write a one-shot (3,000-5,000 words prob) based in the CS universe. It will be canon to the fic but will never be mentioned/referenced in the fic itself so stand alone to read. It may be a future scene, may be based somewhere in the current timeline. Open to ideas on the POV and such (though I have some floating around that I can do ;))
Q&A/Ask the Cast: a classic, I know my ask box is open but here's also a clear chance to ask something that you've been really curious about! I won't share spoilers for the story, but everything else is on the table, including stuff about me, writing etc. Just no super personal questions is all! Additionally, you can ask the cast questions and answers will be in character, perhaps with a little doodle as well ^-^
Finished refs/busts for the cast of CS: I'll post the finished versions of the rough sketches I shared a few months ago, along with the remainder of the cast! This includes the rest of the engineering team, the division heads, the glamrocks, and the DCA! I also will include little blurbs for all the characters as well. This will probably happen eventually anyway BUT if you want them sooner rather than later this is you're chance if you're curious :)
Spooky Season one-shot: something halloween-related that again I'm open to ideas for! Would also be about 3,000-5,000 words in length, could be related to CS or not
Writing Requests: similar to the requests I did for reveal day, same rules apply (no nsfw, suggestive is fine, be specific if you want specific) but a little longer in length (500-1000 words)
Doodle requests: I provide you with a little drawing I made with tender love and care (would be lined, colored, shaded, etc.)
A peek into the drafts: I do in fact have a couple other fic ideas floating around in my brain that I simply haven't started so that I don't get bogged down/focus on CS. I would share those and a little bit of concept art
Other: explained above
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jyang030107 · 9 months ago
You are the space that’s in between,
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Every page, every chord and every screen.
Again, kudos if you recognize the song!
Also would anyone be interested in this as a print ?
Without photo format ver. ⬇️
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Pushing myself to finish art 🫠
It’s not as polished as I wanted but I just need to force myself to get to this stage more often before I can talk about having more polished finished works…
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anonymous-dentist · 1 year ago
Honestly idc about the Tallulah vs Sunny vs Leo babyfight going on because, really, that kind of stuff is just what little girls do.
I work in childcare professionally and seasonally- specifically with 9-10 year olds- and it’s gotten to the point where my higher-ups ended up telling everyone that it isn’t our job to sort out the Little Girl Drama because it happens so often! At least once a day we have at least one group of girls have a dramatic friendship argument that will drastically shape their lives forever, and then they’re best friends again the next day. Little girls can be full of such hatred that is only ever seen otherwise in angry NFL fans after a bad ref call, it’s INSANE.
So Tallulah and Sunny not getting along? And Tallulah actually being pretty mature for a little girl and being all “We can’t be friends yet, but maybe in the future when I’m in a better place” and seemingly working on herself and her problems before tackling the Sunny Problem? That’s chill, 10x more mature than the way the girls at work can be
Leo and Sunny not getting along? Now that’s realistic. Sometimes kids just don’t like each other. You can’t force people to be friends, children included. Doing that just makes the kids hate each other more, especially when one of the kids is as traumatized and depressed as Leo is.
And then both Tallulah and Leo hanging with Empanada and Pepito but not with Sunny? Again, that’s normal for little kids, especially considering how both Tallulah and Leo may have seen/are currently seeing Sunny as an antagonistic force.
Sure, it makes sense that Sunny is hurt by all this, and that’s when an adult figure should step in: when the kid starts to cry and act out aggressively. She’s in a bad situation here, but so is Leo. Sunny fans have gotta start considering Leo’s pov and stop insulting her and her admin, and so on.
If this entire scenario was happening in a school?
Leo and Sunny would be kept apart at all times. Different tables, desks, whatever the classroom uses. Don’t pair them up for activities, and keep them across the room from each other. They don’t get an option in this because of how they antagonize each other.
Tallulah, though, would probably get an option. She’d be allowed to play with Sunny during recess or gym time if she and Sunny can both promise to play nice, and they might even be allowed to eat lunch together depending on how their behavior’s been that day. This is because of the open communication these two kinda have going on; Little Girl Drama isn’t always a constant, sometimes there’s moments of peace within.
This is all to say: this babyfight stuff is awesome because it’s the single most realistic depiction of Little Girl Drama/Friendship I’ve seen in my LIFE, and I’m saying this as someone who works in childcare for a living who has had to deal with Little Girl Drama for years at this point. It’s actually super impressive!! Kudos to the admins, they’re doing great!!!
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max05nb · 4 months ago
Day 19:
Here's Scott redesign/my take on his design, Unlike El's this one is actually quite different than the card design, I took a lot of inspo from Pinterest necromancers and other artist who drawn his design, I tried to combine elements from everything to make it mine, hope you guy love it as much as I!
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There was a lot of experimenting with him (I figured out the shocking fact that he in fact doesn't have straight hair most likely) and the pose do not make sense (Idk what I was thinking) but I'm happy with the results!
I included more color variety, white lilies on the hat representing Milo and I kinda made the belt have eyes, idk if you can see it or nah
He also has his little gecko friend! That I kid you not spent at least half an hour searching for his name just to come up empty handed... Did he not name them?? Did I just miss it?? Idk
Just to show how smart decision go into these, the reason why he doesn't have the Loincloth (I spent 10 minutes looking for the name of it) is because it's annoying to draw in a siting position. Specifically in the sitting position I usually draw him. Yeah that's it I'm just to lazy to figure out gravity so nahh
Also you see how my designs lack patterns that were my favorite parts from the card designs? Yeah I'm just too lazy to draw them, I know, not very cutesy nor demure of me '^'
Random add ons: I added a another skull, now he has a skull on his hat. Couldn't decide on nose, went with how I'm feeling at the time of drawing. I drawn the wand that turns him into a ghost and drawn two options for a broom, I went with the second opinion btw. I can't get over the fact not even his is straight, the skin has a hair style much closer to wavy almost definitely not straight like how I thought. Should have known, Scott is as close to straight as a circle.
I was debating his earrings a lot, I wanted him to have multiple but couldn't figure out what type. Btw here's lore I made up on a wimp he definitely got his earrings from Milo and never takes them off because of that as it was a gift for his birthday or something. This is now canon to the comic I'm making. Was it important not? But I'm writing this post at 1am because I procrastinate.
He would make it into Edna's nightmares from Incredibles with all the lose fabric he has on most possible designs, he even got a cape in the final one, he's asking to be suck into a plane propellers.
Making this design also made me discover a new artist, so funny story, my phone was broken so I couldn't really use it to listen to music so I used my sister's laptop, I also used that for ref pic btw, and the laptop is logged into her account. I didn't want to mess up her YouTube history and was too lazy to log in the try to log out of my Google account so I opened up incognito, I typed in YouTube and searched "necromancer playlist" and let the ai do it's thing. I'm not kidding when I say this, you can check it for yourself, the second playlist is literally called "playlist for the non binary necromancers" like it was made for me specifically xd Btw really good compilation kudos to whoever made it! Anyway the new artist I found is Bear Ghost, specifically recommend Necromancin dancin and Starkiller.
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zeeckz · 3 months ago
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calling in the strongest soldiers on earth (raidante enjoyers). inviting anyone to join. no particular order. no real deadlines. just some prompts to work with
here's the list as well:
Dante gets stabbed by Raiden using his katana or Alastor (lightning etc)
hotsprings, sauna, spa, pool or beach day
outfit swap (not necessarily canon) (also works if you make raiden a demon & dante a cyborg)
pizza, sundae or... gunpowder food date
family reunion
forced to drag, carry or hold the other
Dante tries to look as sexually ambiguous as Raiden
unexpected affective gesture
the girls' impression (Trish, Lady, Patty, Rose, Sunny..) (doesn't have to be all of them)
they discuss their collection(s)
one paints the other (body counts as a surface)
can't sleep alone
walking the dog (not necessarily an actual dog) (friend suggests Cerberus)
dancing at a party / disco
showering / bathing together (kudos if it's an uncomfortably small space)
the ref is a silly photostock
a well deserved massage
make it medieval (whatever "it" is) (kudos if it's related to alchemy)
Raiden is naked. for some reason.
Dante's showing off the trophy wife (he is the trophy wife)
pajama party
doing nothing
plastic chair
covered in blood
either one or both of them find raidante content online
holding hands (not necessarily attached to a body)
holiday of choice (your local obscure holiday that stopped being celebrated 300 years ago counts too)
“the moon is beautiful, isn't it?”
can't quit yew after all
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thinkingaboutfilm11 · 2 years ago
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(Do you dream about being Interlinked?) Interlinked.
Word Count: 45K
Chapters: 2
Summary: A retelling of the 1988 season, focusing on how Alain's and Ayrton's relationship spiraled into something neither of them could resist, or control.
I spent three fucking months on this piece of shit so.... I hope its been worth the hype. Please do check the tags before reading!!!
(Kudos to anyone who gets the Bladerunner ref in the title hehe)
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marley-manson · 9 months ago
I'm very fond of Coming Home despite how awkwardly silly it can be at times.
Going with the obvious assumption that the furies voice your own deep-seated desires/insecurities to fuck with you, because that's how things like this work in fiction, Ares' interactions with them are so good. The way fury!Xena mocks him for his vulnerability as a mortal and plays on the fact that he is legitimately, physically scared of her. "You were barely a match for me as a god," as his own fears voiced is such good shit. And he demonstratably was! Ares' only advantage against Xena as a god was his ability to teleport away lol.
Also I love when fury!Xena first walks in and we don't know it's not the real Xena yet, and she starts off perfectly in character but still playing on that insecurity, joking about Ares needing her to rescue him from a fly.
His like, screaming teary breakdowns with the real Xena are also delightful. Love how pathetic he is, love the "You don't bring me flowers anymore," ref, LOVE him calling her mean while she's goading him into killing her. It's such good phrasing, childish but earnest. This ep has me going "aw, Ares" a lot lol.
Bold plot of Xena's, to die for a minute for him, but he did do them a huge solid lol and it's pointed out early on how much they owe him, so I get it. The chakram hitting the furies after she dies, like 5 solid minutes after she threw it was ridiculous but so fun lmao, silently cheered at that.
Loved the Dumb and Dumber ref a little less lol but Ares' "ow" when Xena gives him a pity goodbye kiss was perfect.
In other news, Eve/Varia real, and this is one of the few eps where Eve's characterization is like, good lol, so I appreciate that too. The way she gets caught up in the boasting competition with Varia and brags about destroying an entire village... god I would've loved to see her evil side come out more. Shake off some of that christian brainwashing and find yourself somewhere in the middle, girl.
Also lol I read an interview with the writer (Melissa Good, the ascended x/g bnf) and she mentioned that she didn't deliberately write x/g subtext into her episodes because she was being a team player and didn't want to look like she was catering to her own tastes, but it ended up in them anyway while filming lol. And I do gotta wonder if she played up the Eve/Varia vibes instead. Kudos if so, and if it's another thing that just happened on set, kudos to the actors.
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sanurasdoodles · 8 months ago
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[Ref] Lux Luminare
If you want to see more like this please support me at Subscribestar / Ko-Fi Here is the final-ish design of Lux, I am happy with mostly everything. I feel that the only things that need work are his clothing and his staff, but those are problems for another day. Last time I mentioned I was going to talk more about the design problems I had when coming up with him, a lot of the issues I was having with him were, at first that he was too complicated, and then when I found a way to simplify him the secondary issue was when I designed his outfit, there was too many colors and they were not complementing him, so I was faced with the issue of knowing what I wanted but not knowing how to do it right. I ended up getting inspiration from Guild Wars 2 where I made him In-Game (he is a salad) it really helped me out, in solidifying his design, if you can guess what class he is in-game, you have my kudos. Expect to see more of him in the future. Please Enjoy! Art drawn by Me Art, and Lux belong to Me
Posted using PostyBirb
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atemandfriendsart · 21 days ago
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Non lethal fight entertainment for the Pharaoh 
Kudos if you get the ref
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werehounded · 11 months ago
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I finally got around to doing the Temporary Visuals for the D&D AU/Omens & Dragons thing I'm working on. I will say this with a huge couple of caveats, these are still based on Show Omens. The faces in the refs are just like an 'as close as i can get' approximation in BG3 until I get some art commissioned for the AU (which I am in touch with someone for, and don't worry if that's you, I haven't forgotten!! Just been working on these for ages lmao). Their body types are also all wrong - Crowley is scrawny and sinewy, and Aziraphale is chubby and stout; These will do as palceholders and first instance references though, I guess? They're mostly refs for the artist to use alongside the Show Omens lovely's faces and their body types a bit, as well as a wordy description of the bits I can't do/get in BG3.
(I'm admittedly trying to get some hype behind this AU because I'm so excited for it and like. I feel like it's tioo niche lol... I feel like no one is gonna enjoy this but myself honestly but hey, if I get even one view or Kudos I'll be happy cos it means at least SOMEONE enjoyed it!)
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midnight-mourning · 5 months ago
1000 Kudos/100 Followers Special Winner!
Well there's only 47 minutes left on the poll, so unless something drastic happens between then and now these are your results!
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You all will be recieving a Confused Spirit one-shot (3000-5000 words) & finished refs/busts for the cast of CS!!
Thank you to everyone who participated, and thank you for all the love <3 <3 <3
Now, moving forward, have some bullet points bc they read better:
given the amount of things I've got going on currently, it'll take me a lil bit of time to get things out to y'all.
My goal is to have the one-shot posted sometime around the end of the month.
I know that's awhile but besides grad stuff I'm currently doing two challenges (finishing my drawing one and promptober), I have SS stuff to work on, and Confused spirit chapters to write
With the refs/bust however, I intend to have the DCA refs by the end of this week.
With the others, I'll probably be batch posting throughout the month, and will have a master post with all the refs/busts made by the end of the month.
For the oneshot, I have a couple ideas floating around for possibilities
BUT I am very much open to anything YOU all would like to see, so please, if you have anything in particular that you'd be interested in, feel free to share in the comments of this post. Pretty much anything is on the table, besides POV things (see below)
Again, this will be canon, but never referenced in Confused Spirit itself
I'm also open to ideas for the POV, however regarding Sun & Moon I won't be doing anything where you can directly understand what's happening behind the scenes (mainly for spoiler reasons), third person regarding them is allowed though, if that makes sense
Think that's everything, look forward to seeing y'all ideas and to also start sharing refs! Thank you all again!!
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