#krogan my beloved
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xstatic-12235 · 12 days ago
Why is Krogan your beloved? 😏
Anyways, uhh where to begin?
Krogan has not always been my favorite, especially when I was much younger watching the show, but as I've been hit by the train that is the HTTYD obsession he had really grown on me.
I really enjoy the dynamics he has with other characters (especially my oc Chervil, but I don't want to talk about her, at least in this answer) and the role he plays in the show. A mysterious soldier sent from a buyer in the north? Uh, I think YES
And the relationship/dynamic he has with Drago is definitely intriguing, and I can say quite confidently that he did not want to be there in the slightest.
If I'm being honest I've thought about this question of why do I like him so much it really just boils down to I think he's really cool and neat and THE PLOT OPPORTUNITIES MY LORD MMMMM SO MANY (especially now that I've introduced Chervil to my AU)
(I also may or may not be planning/working on something for the two of them shhhh 🤫)
But yeah, despite all the hate he gets I feel like they should have developed him more, which is why I exist [side eyes my several google docs fics with my muses in them]
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milkywayes · 1 year ago
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the galaxy has a firewall happy N7 day! [prints]
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sol-consort · 6 months ago
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alternative version I was almost too cowardly to post
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redlyriumidol · 9 months ago
Honestly I did grow to really enjoy Dragon Age combat, I really liked setting tactics in the first two games. But I LOVE mass effect combat and always have so much fun with it, wayyyy more than I ever did with Dragon Age. Andromeda's combat was incredibly fun and I used to play ME3 multiplayer a lot (the only multiplayer I've ever really played) because it was legitimately so enjoyable to me. I never bother turning up the difficulty on DA because it just becomes frustrating and grindy and endless for me, whereas I had a blast playing the ME trilogy on insanity (except the fcking collector ship. I'm traumatised). Sometimes in Dragon Age I felt like it became kind of rinse and repeat when I discovered an effective strategy tbh. Not that it wasn't fun in its own way (entropic death you will always be famous)
So the fact that they're moving towards a more ME-like action-based combat system is a good thing for me at least, especially if it's anywhere near as fun as Andromeda's was. I get why people who preferred Dragon Age combat would be disappointed but I'm all for it personally. I do think it's partly because I played on console and tactical elements of DA combat just weren't as available to me, it was always more action-based. For console players this probably feels like a natural evolution of combat rather than a departure
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that-wildwolf · 1 year ago
modern aus where the characters are their canon species my beloved. Maybe I want to see turians and rito and elves and shit in a modern setting. maybe I think that's very neat and also incidentally very funny.
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andrewknightley · 6 months ago
the qunaris remind me a bit of the githyanki just that the githyanki actually do their fucking homework and know the fucking ton of protocols by memory while the qunari is like "uuuh idk"
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reallyprofoundkryptonite · 2 years ago
Krogan and Valka are the only two dragon riders that can canonically ride a dragon in motion or while in flight while standing up.
Rarely ever see anyone giving Krogan any attention for that fact.
He is also an extremely skilled and talented dragon rider, no matter what anyone else tries to say about him.
Krogan does have a physical bond with his dragon so. They care for each other, at least.
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omegastation · 2 months ago
Mass Effect Andromeda Appreciation Week starts today!!!  \o/
For my first post, I wanted to talk about all the main things I like about the game. (I'm not comparing with the trilogy btw, some elements here are found in all games and I love the trilogy very much with all my heart!)
Ryder, the protagonist: I love that Ryder has everything to prove and that we get to build experience with them. 
The sheer beauty of the game, I mean. It's so pretty I could pick a million screencaps, all of them gorgeous, but the map makes me very happy:
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The feeling that everything is happening all at once everywhere: It can be a bit too much sometimes (especially when I'm working on transcripts) but I really like that people are talking everywhere, that you can start many dialogues, that you get to hear or see something new when you turn a corner
Exploring is fun: I think the feeling that a lot is happening brings excitement, which in turns makes me feel a lot of joy when I play the game. I'm like a kid at Christmas tbh. And the jumping haha, we get to jump a lot!
The characters: I'm excited to talk to people wherever I go. I'm so excited I have a crush on NPCs. Have you ever heard about OREV, MY SNIPER FROM VOELD????? I also think, in all honesty, that MEA has a way to show when characters should be taken seriously and when we can laugh at the absurdity of it all. Addison and Tann are good examples.
Special shout-out to SAM who is an incredible character despite not having a full mobile platform and being mostly a voice to us. 
The new species (Angara and Kett): I love their design, their language, and their history. Every time I see a member of each species, I think about their beauty and how, there's something really profound about them. I don't know, it's a feeling I carry the entire game. The history bringing it all together also brings with it the full tragedy of it all.
My beloved krogan are THRIVING and we get to witness their colony, in all its glory!!!!!!!!!!!!
The books it gave us: They're excellent. I'll make a separate post about them. 
Sloane: If you know me, you know my love for her.
The voice acting: I think the VAs for Ryder are good but playing Scott Ryder, I have a soft spot for Tom Taylorson. And we're lucky to have the rest of the cast. Still amazed by our celebrity VAs too: Clancy Brown???? Natalie Dormer???? Kumail Nanjiani???? THE INCREDIBLE Indira Varma????????
There are so many more things I could add but the post would get too long. Anyway, I love you MEA. Thank you for being you!
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iris-valentim · 2 months ago
Hello fellow Mass Effect bitches, I finally got my hands on this bad boy here
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It was expensive as fuck to ship this to Brazil but what can I say, my hyperfixation knows no geographic nor monetary bounds.
I just wanted to give a very biased and not at all professional review of some things:
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this cute little Alliance bag
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the miniatures are very well detailed, I was expecting them to be cheap but I was surprised tbh (specially since they're quite small)
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the character sheets have some cool abilities; about their gameplay:
Liara really is a quarter krogan because she's OP as FUCK, damn
Garrus is a glass cannon, my boy can deal a lot of damage but a fart can kill him (that makes you only use him to do ranged damage, smart tbh)
Wrex is a powerhouse as long as he's breathing on the enemies' necks
Tali can sustain a lot of damage and is great at support, plus, CHATIKA !!!!!!!!
meanwhile, Shepard was a liability lmao, if they die the stage ends and that's it (they are quite strong tho, but you need to treat them as a "king" in chess)
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broshep is bald
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bonus: some artworks
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ageless-aislynn · 8 days ago
From Mass Effect 3 LE Citadel Shore Leave DLC, Male Shepard/Kaidan Alenko romance
I never thought about who would show up in Wrex's place if my beloved Krogan Battlemaster Warlord was gone. This is kinda perfect, IMO!
But I still don't plan on ever letting Wrex be dead in one of my playthroughs. That's what Youtube is for, after all! 😜
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rpking99 · 8 months ago
Quarian Love
Closed with @a-fantastic-time
Continued from here
"Ahh~ Its so adorable how your species rages. It makes me want to just scoop you up and rock you back and forth like a hatchling"
The towering woman strode along side her beloved. The goliath of a woman towered over most races, her visage earning a few surprised and maybe horrified stares. Drakken were new to the Citadel. But only just after their instruction, were given several restrictions to their way of life. Due to their strength, size, and over all aggressive nature. They were seen as a similar problem people like the Krogan.
Most were hired on as laborers or bodyguards. Their physique very intimidating as it was attractive. Andromeda smiled down at her girlfriend, resting her lower right arm against her back, rubbing her clawed hands against her suit gingerly.
"Its becoming quite boring to be treated as such, in fact it would not even be fun to give them the reaction they crave. Just let us enjoy each other's company and forget such an insignificant peon my love."
"I spent weeks planning tonight, though! I wanted it to be special!" Tali complained "But that damn manager... Just because I'm a Quarian! I should call Shepard and sue that place! Ugh!"
She leaned back against the much taller alien woman, humming gently as she felt the large breasts even though her suit
"I just wanted tonight to be special for you." She whispered guiltily
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ramblinganthropologist · 5 months ago
7, 31, 45, 49 for Alistair!
Thanks so much! Have some answers from my beloved son who I put in Situations!
7. Does their love interest move into their quarters?
Garrus and Alistair maintain separate situations, if only to dodge awkward questions. Still, Garrus is always welcome up should he need somewhere quiet to work or just to get away from people. After all, he has Saren Shepard handling privileges. Someone's gotta amuse the hamster when his dad's away.
31. Who can always make them laugh?
This one goes out to his sister, Bo Peep Shepard. Bo can always get him to laugh, even if it's at himself. She just gets him better than anyone else thanks to their shared traumas and the fact they've been together since Mindoir. So, she definitely has her finger on the pulse of what makes him laugh, and he has the same for her.
45. Do they approve of curing the genophage?
100% approves. Al thinks that the genophage was a war crime. You boosted the krogan, used them, and then pulled that shit on them? Some allies you were. So nobody was surprised when he helped get the cure out, least of all anyone on the Normandy crew. They were just like yep,that's Shepard alright.
49. What is Shepard’s happy ending? What’s the dream that keeps em going?
Al's goal is to survive long enough to retire. He never planned on being a military man for his entire life - he only joined so his brain didn't explode from biotics. What he really wants is to leave the Alliance entirely and go to med school like he originally planned back when he was in his late teens. All he's ever wanted to do was help heal people, and that's what's keeping him going. He's gonna have his pick of recommendations letters for sure. (Mordin wrote one for him before he died, he found it in his emails a few days later. I might need to write that if N7 has a prompt for it.)
He'd also like to settle down and have a family. He loves kids, but he doesn't want to birth them himself. Boy's got a touch of tokophobia, honestly. Adoption has always been his main consideration, especially given what he went through as a teen. Hopefully, he'll survive the war and make those dreams come true.
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pastafossa · 1 year ago
pasta i’m so excited that you love baldur’s gate 3 and mass effect!! who are your favorites in mass effect?
I do! I adore it, it's got all the qualities I loved in my favorite Bioware games but also feels frikkin HUGE, fortunately in a good way and not in a I SWEAR TO BABY REAPERS/DREAD WOLF IF I SEE THIS ROCK ONE MORE TIME sort of way. I haven't gotten to play as much as I usually would obviously - I'm still in Act 1, poking my nose in every single cave and hole I find - but I'm definitely loving it, and am thoroughly invested in all my little ducklings and their backstories!
Oh God though, Mass Effect. Mass Effect, my darling, the space, the aliens, the story, the crew, the Normandy I shed tears for, THE FUCKING SPACE SQUID VILLAINS. I love that series with my whole heart so far I have met Kaidan's VA and Jen Hale, I NEED MORE. I've done little cons for it, had the Paragon logo on my car for AGES. This (and Dragon Age) was My Fandom for a long, long time, which is one reason I like BG3 so much! It scratches the exact same itch.
If I had to choose from Mass Effect - like I generally love 95% of them if I'm honest buuuuuuut IT'S COMMANDER FEMSHEP SHE IS MY FAVORITE PROTAGONIST ON THE CITADEL oh wait this is about companions, my number one is definitely my Space Raptor Beloved, Garrus Vakarian. This fucking dork ('your waist is very... supportive' SIR) and his calibrations, this tortured dinosaur of an alien, his Batman renegade phase in ME2. I ADORE HIM. He's the reason I got back into fanfiction in *checks old AO3 account* 2015, when I wrote a Shakarian one-shot for a friend on a whim. It's still on AO3 too and I like to read it sometimes and REMEMBER THE FEELING OF LOVE FOR HIM.
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Third: you know me and my girl Tali gotta have our emergency induction port nights
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Finally, fourth and fifth are basically a tie between Captain Canada, He Of The Beautiful Hair And Voice, Kaidan (Raphael Sbarge is SO nice btw); and Thane, my precious rasping space alien assassin who was done DIRTY in ME3 i could rant on this ALL DAY
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Anyway those are my top five! But like I said, I kinda love the whole team(s). Even when you hit the bottom of my list, probably Jacob or Liara, I still like them, so ME's a rare series where I just love all my little babies.
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sol-consort · 1 year ago
Do you think it confused the other species that the turians of all people are the ones humans bonded with best? First Contact and the minority of humans who hate aliens aside, the most emotional species in the galaxy latched right onto the most emotionally constipated species.
Oh, it definitely confused them. Because other species have had attempts at bonding with the turians before.
The salarians were too hesitant and cautious for them.
The asari acting superior and looking for their own interest.
The krogans are fun to wrestle with, but their core beliefs are just too different for them to work together.
So what's better than the galaxy equivalent of overly curious animals who just can't sit still without packbonding with something around them?
Don't forget that even on earth, humans have this weird relationship with birds. They tend to accidentally mate with us because we pet them so much. Hell pigeons have been in a symbiotic relationship with us for so long that they can't leave our cities anymore. It's their jungle now.
And turians like any other birds would probably latch onto the humans giving them chin scratches and dextro seeds.
Much like how talented bartenders take it as a challenge to make non-alcholic versions of cocktails. I feel like human chefs and scientists would try their best to create dextro versions of our food just so the Turians could eat it. Humans made wine suitable for cats. Why wouldn't they make dextro chocolate ice cream for their beloved turians' neighbour?
We're loud, expressive with our emotions, blunt with our flirting, and very, very ready to latch onto an alien for eternity. Turians gotta respect our loyalty and countless attempts to understand their culture, truly understand it and not just an on papers clinical documentation.
We're also relentless. We fail at something and keep trying. We had so many people die when we first discovered the artics, but we still kept sending researchers over to figure it out. No, like it was voluntary, we were so interested in this cold freezing hell that talented people kept agreeing to go there even if it cost their life.
I bet you every turians have met at least one human they admire, we're stubborn and petty, but use these traits to accomplish something and as fuel for our passions.
Look at how fast the humans bounced back after first contact war. Dude, if it was the asari or hanar, I bet you, my liver, that they'd never let their war with turians go and always hold a grudge.
Not that humanity didn't hold a grudge, but when all the new generations are seeing are friendly adorable featherless birds who are so fun to poke and tease until they come out of their shell, it's hard to remember the grudge from a war you weren't even old to participate in.
We've had countless wars with ourselves, the turians aren't special. And when an entire race is raised upon public service and discipline like them, they must be so repressed for a wild human to come along and be a bad influence on them.
Like live a little! Make bad choices, take risks, and be a little more selfish. Likewise, there are humans who will come along and help strengthen their core values, give your best to others, stay honest and loyal, and help people without looking for payback.
Turian and human duos become far too common that they're excluded from the galaxy program to integrate every race into each other's military and jobs.
Every turian ship has had at least one human working on it. Some even develop a taste for dextro food and cut any risk of contamination by never bringing other foods onboard. Teaching the other turians fun games or showing them human music. The humans proved they could keep up with the turians, even join in on their wrestling matches just for fun.
and while the humans didn't have the same thing because of how much we outnumber them, every human ship at least has met a turian ship and sent them a hello or told them their ship is very pretty then moved on their way.
And it's not all sunshine or rainbows. There are incidents where turians and humans just could never agree or meet eye to eye. Especially with how blind turian loyality to their group can be and how individualistic humans are. Turians are used to accepting orders from highers above without questions, while humans are used to having a vote and a say in every important decision.
We think giving up our individuality is basically the same as dying since you are truly alive if you're not free to be yourself? Nothing defines you in this life but you, doesn't matter what group you leave behind.
they think giving up their clan is basically the same as dying. Because exile must have meant death for them before, if someone isn't loyal to their group, how can they be loyal to anyone?
Some humans and turians just could never get along, but the majority of them proved their ability to overlook the differences and work together despite all.
Turians who become close to humans learn how addicting the taste of freedom is. Humans who are close to them learn how reassuring being a part of a community is.
There is a reason why C-Sec is mainly made out of humans and turians. We both are looking to make a difference in our own way, prove a point, or find a purpose.
I like the idea of humans and turians being the first races to ever look past each other's different appearance and actually see each other's spirits. The first two races to pass the test of the universe and work together and start relationships despite knowing they can't have children, fall in love, and grow old together.
The novelty of an alien falls off very quickly. It takes a human 3 months to develop a habit. After 3 months, you'd stop introducing your friend as Viteponia the turian and just start introducing them as Via, my pal.
You'd even forget the fact they were a turian, like they obviously are, duh, but you just don't think about it anymore. To you, they're Via, the person who held you back from texting your ex and the person who you share your dextro snacks with. You bring them over to your family and forget to mention the fact they're a turian.
I think at some point, turians would try to get you to wear face paint because they forgot you're human and got sad over the fact you don't have any clans. That you're such a good and loyal person, you don't deserve to be bare faced, so here, let them paint your face with their clan colours.
Also I think they're very curious about human hair. Birds love human hair, pulling at it, sitting in it like a next, even using it to build their nest. Turians must have looked at human hair and felt a very weird primal urge to touch it and test how it feels.
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omniblades-and-stars · 11 months ago
🍕 ❤️ 💚 🧠 for Korak and Crash pls I’m having a weird day and they’re comfort characters for me
I'll bring you the good stuff for our beloved saints Crash and Korak just for you Korbs.
🍕 - What is their favorite food?
Crash: I already answered this elsewhere, but now I am on my phone because I have to pretend to do my job, so I will copy it here.
"There is an elcor street food vendor on Omega that serves the best food out of a giant pot that Crash has ever tasted. She doesn't know what's in it (he must have told her a hundred times, but she's pretty sure it changes every time), but it's delicious."
Korak: OK, I made up a food one time and I can't even remember if I fucking named it because of who I am as a person. Basically, it's like a goulash, heavy on that one little snippet of world building Bioware gave us about there being a spice called ignac native to Khar'Shan, and full of all sorts of delightfully weird alien veggies. Korak is also quite fond of sukiyaki he's found.
❤️ - What is one of your OC’s best memories?
Crash: I gave an answer for Crash already, but she's such a joyful person, let's hit you with another. (I am coming up with this off the dome by the way.)
There was a young turian kid living on Omega who she knew well because his family lived in the same building as she did and he was often left unattended (latch key kid sort of situation). One day he comes to her crying because he can't find his ragged little stuffed varren toy.
Well, she went looking for it and found it pretty easily, the little scamp had dropped it just outside and it had gotten kicked out of the footpath. But instead of just giving it right back to him, she set up a little adventure/mystery for him to go on with her to rescue his toy.
They went mucking through the jungles of Sur'Kesh (the back alley behind the mega-complex) but alas! He was not there! So they trudging through the deserts of Tuchanka (an abandoned lot in front of an empty warehouse) and broke into the crumbling ruins of the evil krogan warlord's secret base (the warehouse) where they had a very intense imaginary battle to rescue the stuffed animal. Burn took a nasty wound to the snout, but our little turian hero was there to save the day and patch him up!
The best thing about this story is that her little buddy grew up and got off the station before it dragged him down or killed him like it so often does for so many others.
Korak: The first Nos Astra sunrise that Korak saw when he and Aumellio left Omega behind together. It was a simple thing. They were staying in a cheap hotel, didn't even have a place to actually live yet, all of their possessions condensed into a few not very large boxes. But leaning against a balcony rail together, watching a new beginning literally light up before them.
Cheap hotel coffee tastes really good when there's hope on the horizon.
💚 - What is your OC��s gender identity and sexuality?
Crash: You know, it's an interesting thing to think about, how krogan perform gender. The examples we get canon-wise in game, krogan society is deeply gendered at least culturally. The women have their own clans, their own spiritual practices even. Crash rejected all of that. She left Tuchanka which it seems like not very many krogan women do. She wears armor and has no desire to live like the women on her homeworld do. But she still identifies as "female" for whatever that might mean. If we base all of what we know of krogan females on Urdnot Bakara, one might say she's gender non-conforming at the very least.
Though I suspect all of this is just another failure on Bioware's part to include non-cis-male aliens in their initial world building.
Crash is firmly asexual and aromantic. (She does however like romance stories but she won't tell you that.)
Korak: Korak is a cis dude, and he's very much a gay man. There's not a lot to elaborate on there, he's a pretty simple guy.
🧠 - What do you like most about the OC?
Fuck how am I supposed to choose?
Crash: I think my favorite thing about Crash is how sure she is of herself and her joy. She made a conscious decision a very long time ago to live in a way that made her happy, made her feel fulfilled, and she does it with all of her hearts because she knows she's doing what she wanted all along.
Korak: My favorite thing about Korak is that he's actually a bit of a sweetheart and he's so lost trying to be a good dad, but goddammit he is giving it all he's got.
Plus he's kind of a hunk.
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crow-of-paradise · 1 year ago
10 characters | 10 fandoms | 10 tags (we'll see about that last one) I haven't made a text post in so long how's everyone doing. Thank you, rj (@sidprescot), for the tag! This was a nice surprise. :)
Gosh do I have a type and they're all Old Men and Tragic Ladies my beloved. Let's go!! 1. Varric Tethras (Dragon Age 2): he shot right through my heart with that crossbow THE LITERAL SECOND he came on screen and I've been cursing Bioware ever since. He is a nonromanceable short king and I have never wanted anyone more thx. 2. Nakmor Drack (Mass Effect Andromeda): the Tempest Crew is so freaking charming, and while I love my jelly fish cat aliens the Angara, my favorite character is absolutely this old cantakerous grandpa Krogan. Whom, much like Wrex, I wish I could romance. (p.s. there is a TEASE of a flirt option and u can imagine how little that helped my case) 3. Spock (literally every Star Trek iteration): He is my Everything. Nemoy, Quinto, and Peck all bring something unique to the character's portrayal. I love him in every universe and I can never get enough of this EMOTIONALLY COMPROMISED NERD.
4. Alicent Hightower (House of the Dragon): one half of my divorced lesbinems and I feel so much for her and the tragedy/complexity of both her character and the heartwrenching slow decay of her r/s with Rhaenyra. I cannot wait for S2. 5. Aerith Gainsborough (Final Fantasy VII): ooooough, beautiful, tragic, kind, funny, cool flower seller of my life. Remake!Aerith particularly stole my heart along with the show. There is this sad, beguiling mystery about her that draws you in, and she is so cheerful in spite of it all. I can't wait for Rebirth but also I am terrified lol. 6. Yennefer of Vengerberg (The Witcher): "How ravishing she is, he thought. Everything about her is ravishing. And menacing. Those colours of hers; that contrast of black and white. Beauty and menace. Her raven-black, natural curls. Her cheekbones, pronounced, emphasising a wrinkle, which her smile – if she deigned to smile – created beside her mouth, wonderfully narrow and pale beneath her lipstick…" I mean. C'mon. That is MY WIFE etc, copy paste rj's exact blurb. Anya Chalotra is the perfect Yen. She is everything and deserves the world and I will glady let her burn it all down and murder me if she wants to. 7. Zero (Final Fantasy XIV): [Endwalker patch spoilers!] who doesn't love an autistic badass goth half-human half-voidsent who has lived as a monster for so long she forgot her own identity and is learning how to be human again and finding her humanity via the power of friendship and delicious food, like. I needed more of her and I miss her already!!!
8. Kim Wexler (Better Call Saul): omg so hard to pick just one from this show (ilu nacho), but Kim Wexler SUCKER PUNCHES U IN THE THROAT with her awesomeness. She is this extremely competent, understated cool, calculating yet caring and earnest character who compliments Jimmy so well and whose nuances her amazing actress Rhea Seehorn manages to convey so masterfully. She is also tragic af, but hello it's Breaking Bad prequel lol. On that note... 9. Kim Kitsuragi (Disco Elysium): DOUBLE KIM WHAMMY!!! They're so alike it's not even funny. I'd say Kim has the stronger moral center between the two, but I love them for many of the same reasons. He is also extremely competent, understated cool, with a side of being totally game for Harry's antics once he warms up to him (my Harry build was 'himbo' so he did a lot of dumb shit but he was nice). 10. Irving Bailiff (Severance): firstable, if you haven't seen Severance yet, please do yourself the favor and don't let me spoil this for u!! Irving Bailiff is an Experience. He is a stickler for the rules and very much a stick in the mud compared to his colleagues, but his true self leaks into this version of himself slowly at first, then in surprising bursts of rebellion that become clear at the end when it is shown that his Outtie/true self is actively trying to bring Lumon down like a TOTAL FUCKING BADASS in the most delightful reveal. Also he has a whirlwind romance with another old man played by Christopher Walken.
phew!! this was fun. lol @ my answers getting longer. I'm not tagging anyone but consider this an invitation to join in on the fun anyway!
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