#kris plays video games
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bruisedconscience-reblogs · 5 months ago
me looking at my
Miner that makes 30 iron ore
Smelter that takes 30 & makes 30
Constructor that takes 30 & makes 20
and it all goes into storage with mark 1 belt
and it’s backed up…???? 🤷🤷🤷
fellas. babes, lads, besties. i am being Tricked into learning maths and i don't like it
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kriscommitscrimes · 9 months ago
expect a full LONG character analysis on kris too but. after analyzing them its SO FUNNY TO ME how the fandom has kinda mixed up susie and kris' personalities to an extent??
like susie comes across as loud, intimidating and as a bit of an asshole, whereas kris comes across as quiet and such BUT
susie, yes while that does fit her now, shes not like that NATURALLY, she was quiet and nervous when she originally moved to hometown and the bully persona is something that she was shoved into, whereas kris is actually loud, seems to get some kind of joy or sense of validation from causing scenes and drawing attention to themself, and is a bit of an asshole, ESPECIALLY to noelle, but in that kinda friend way like current susie is. theyre also like. a master of flirting and they seem REALLY well spoken for some reason?? like they formulated a beautiful toast to queen just. on the spot. and all of the characters just are baffled by it. theyre also like insanely overdramtic its so funny to me
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ospreysstuff · 1 year ago
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crimsalwaysawake · 8 months ago
Ok so I'm thinking about making a ship chart/diagram for the deltarune kids because im bored but before I do I wanna get some thoughts out about berdly and noelle because my brain won't shut the fuck up
I've seen some people in the fandom portray Berdly as having an (extremely one-sided) crush on Noelle but I don't think that was ever the case??? It might have been the case at one point when she first met him but Berdly's actual "crush" fizzled out extremely quickly. HOWEVER, he was under the impression that Noelle had a crush on him (which also wasn't true) so he kept up a ruse of sorts.
Berdly thought Noelle had a crush on him (she didn't have one) so he pretended to have a crush on her (he didn't have one)
Berdly and Noelle are good friends who haven't had any sort of romantic feelings for each other and I love them :) They both have some shit they need to figure out getting into relationships I think.
btw I think they could be queerplatonic <3
also krerdelle underrated....
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lanternlightss · 1 year ago
undertale and deltarune fans refer to frisk, chara, and kris as “they” and acknowledge them as nonbinary challenge: impossible. failed multiple times
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viovio · 8 months ago
prev post phrasing makes it sound like I forgot collodi wrote pinnocchio like no I knew that I just thought it was funny that I said "yeah lampwick getting turned into a donkey was strange and cruel punishment on par for children's tales at the time" as the author having it out for that character in particular. when pinocchio was literally hung from a tree and bought back because people thought that was fucked/they likes the little wooden boy
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atwas-gaming · 1 year ago
When I did my UTDR marathon in October, a brief argument arose in chat at one point about whether you were supposed to get an item when you went back to sleep, and just exactly what that item did.
I completely forgot that I had recorded footage of going into the Dark World and getting the item back in 2021!!!
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krismatic · 1 year ago
Okay so I started getting back to playing fe path of radiance and like. I love these characters so much
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hellspawnmotel · 5 days ago
Question: I notice on your Deltarune posts you focus on a lot about relationships and gender roles and such. May I ask why exactly? Just curious as to why find this aspect of this game so particularly interesting? Is there anything else you find interesting about DR?
well. first of all yes I find many other aspects of DR to be interesting lmao. the discarded vessel, the conversations ralsei and kris have when the player isnt looking, the dreemurr-holiday family split, anything surrounding dess, the connections to undertale, what gaster's goals are, susie's potential, kris's whole everything.... but as I've said before, I don't really like making predictions outside of themes and character dynamics. and I feel that for most of these things, I don't have enough information yet to really dig my teeth in analysis-wise, or else I don't have anything interesting to say that hasn't been said already.
as for why I fixate on the theme of gender so much.......
it just happens to be a theme I'm extremely drawn to and interested in
idk if I've ever vibed with a single character as much as I do noelle. it's like she and all her aesthetics were made for me specifically to love. and noelle is..... at least given the context of the weird route, she's kind of a girl of all time? not just in terms of being a great character, but her position represents femininity in fiction to me in the same way as like, rei ayanami or anthy himemiya. she's very much herself but in the eyes of the narrative and the viewer she becomes every girl to ever live. she's turned into a symbol. all girls are like the rose bride. there's just already so many layers and so much to analyze about it- not just from the game itself but how the audience receives and reacts to the game.
I'm a woman
my absolute favorite genre of video games is JRPGs from the 90s and 00s and let me tell you something about that. I could name more games that I have stopped playing after getting hours in specifically because the way they handled their female characters pissed me off so much, than games that I've come out of feeling like the girls were written at all fairly. how women are written in this genre, and in fantasy at large, is something I already thought about all the time. and deltarune is very much based on games like that! it's not the only thing deltarune is based on but it's the thing I personally have the most experience with. and given what we've been presented with so far, I actually feel pretty confident, for the first time in my life, that deltarune is going to continue to do right by its female characters and have interesting things to say about women in JRPGs, video games, fantasy, and fiction in general, if only in the abstract. it's something I've been dying to see done well specifically in this setting, this genre, and this medium for years. and I'm gonna revel in that as much as I can.
......writing this I forgot that you also said "relationships" and not just gender roles lol but that answer's a lot simpler. I just love watching and writing character interaction. and again, it's something I can iterate on a lot despite not having the full picture yet. it's fun and cool.
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akanemnon · 3 months ago
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Why must you tug at these frail strings of my heart. I know it's a reference to New Home, but still. Maybe we as the player were never in control.
This was very intentional.
I remembered watching THIS video by Schaffrillas that went into this and how much emotion this sentence carried after messing up his attempt at a genocide run.
Like... this sentence is POWERFUL depending on how you play the game. And in the comic's context that carries over. Frisk will be Frisk, no matter what happened. And Kris will be Kris, no matter how much they think they are nothing without the Player.
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wilwheaton · 1 year ago
Imagine my shock when I am sitting on the couch next to my son, who is playing on his VR, when out of nowhere, I hear a familiar voice! One quick google search later and I confirm, yes, that is indeed Wil Wheaton voicing the charming actor/villain my son was going against while playing I Expect You To Die 2! After a short geek-out session with him (we often talk about/gush when we hear familiar and favorite voices in our shows and games), my son says ‘He sounds like a really good voice actor.’ So know that your performance has gained the approval of at least one media-entrenched 12 year old. Thanks for making our day a little brighter.
AHHHH! I love that character, and I had the BEST TIME recording it. We did it during the lockdown, so I built a little booth in my bedroom (the only room in the house with carpet), and they sent me a microphone that costs more than my car, all the gear to set it up, and a laptop with Pro Tools.
I set it all up, and their engineer VPN'd into the laptop to run the session on the computer that was sitting at the foot of my bed. I had a zoom connection somehow, I think on my laptop that was sitting on the dresser, and Kris Brown, my favorite video game director of all time, directed me through it all in one session.
I still haven't played it (VR makes me violently motion sick) but I've only ever gotten positive feedback. Please tell your son I said thank you for letting me entertain him!
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malk1ns · 7 days ago
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february 23 vs rangers, 5-3 loss
this tweet served as inspo for this one.
There was a time in Sid’s career where two bad back-to-back losses like this would have been enough to make him blow his lid.
He’s not going to deny having a temper. He does a good job reining it in most of the time, but especially when he was younger he wasn’t above losing his shit on the locker room when they had a bad stretch of games and guys weren’t playing the right way.
Now, especially when he’s still riding the high of bringing home another gold medal to add to his trophy cabinet, Sid can’t bring himself to get too mad. The team is performing exactly as he expected they would after all the conversations he had with Kyle over the summer; nobody’s saying the word, but they’re in a rebuild. Winning is off the table for now, so Sid’s finding joy in other things: watching younger players grow more confident on the ice, celebrating personal milestones with the same exuberance they once reserved for playoff series wins, and appreciating the time he gets to spend with his best friends out on the ice despite the odds.
Especially Geno. Although the time Sid and Geno spend together looks a lot different than the time Sid spends with Kris.
He hums as he strips off his gear and looks around the room, thinking about what he still needs to get done tonight. He checked in with Blomqvist already; the kid let in a few stinkers tonight, but Sid’s not going to put this all on him, not when they can’t give him the goal support he deserves. He should talk to Kris about that penalty, but Kris is brooding over in his stall and everyone is giving him a wide berth, so Sid decides it can wait until tomorrow.
When Sid’s eyes land on Geno, Geno winks. He looks happy, which after a game like that he should—three points in two games and his knee is back to normal. No matter the outcome of a game, it always eases the sting when Sid can watch Geno flying out there on the ice.
Something else Sid’s doing this year that’s different is Geno.
They’ve been on-and-off fooling around for years, between and sometimes during other more serious relationships, but over the summer Sid had enough of the back-and-forth. They were both single, they weren’t getting any younger—Sid saw no reason to not give them a real try, and flew down to Miami to talk to Geno about it in person under the pretext of giving himself a break from contract talk.
Geno agreed. Enthusiastically, many times, and all over his condo. Sid hadn’t been able to wipe the stupid, well-fucked smile from his face for a solid week after his return to Cole Harbour.
They’ve managed to keep it from the team, although there have been a few close calls. They were already so deep in each other’s pockets that spending time together outside of the rink hasn’t raised any eyebrows, but when Sid looks at Geno he sometimes feels like a teenager again, and it’s hard to resist the urge to herd him into supply closets and kiss him until they’re both red-faced and out of breath.
Tomorrow is an off day, though, and for once neither of them have any other obligations. Sid pulls out his phone and bites his lip as he considers his options.
Geno likes sexting, which had been a surprise. He usually avoids using written English at all costs, preferring to send gifs and emojis that need to be deciphered instead, but when Sid sent him something slightly saucy before they were both back in Pittsburgh for the season, Geno’s response had been…thorough.
They’ve spent more time apart this year than either of them would like between injuries and illness, and Sid figured out pretty quickly that Geno really gets off from sending pictures that neither of them have any business taking and reading about what Sid wants to do to him.
He’s got some ideas for tomorrow, once they’ve both rehydrated and had a full night’s sleep.
i watched that video u sent me last week again earlier today, the one of u fucking urself, he types out, angling his phone just in case Bunts is feeling nosy. bet u could take even more. tomorrow i’ll give u what u want
Sid drops his phone into his bag and stretches. He’s bone-tired, and Geno will complain if he waits to shower until they’re at home, but he wants to sit for a while on the shower bench and enjoy the steam feature he had installed when he built the house.
“Oh god,” Glasser says from across the room, sounding distraught, and Sid looks up, schooling his face back into concerned-captain mode.
Glasser has his phone in his hand, and before Sid’s brain can put the pieces together, his gut lurches. He lunges for his phone, but it’s too late.
They probably could have gotten away with pretending Sid’s text was meant for some girl, but Geno’s never been good at schooling away his emotions. Kris had spun to show Geno his screen while he was still gaping down at his phone in shock, and Kris is too smart to not put two and two together when it’s right in front of his face.
By the time Sid and Geno escape the locker room, Sid’s ears are ringing. Between the chirps, the questions, Karl telling everyone he can grab that I knew Geno wasn’t just helping Sid get down a roll of tape, I knew something was up! and Kris’s cackling, echoed by Flower who he got on FaceTime alarmingly fast, Sid’s so overwhelmed he can barely remember where they parked.
Geno looks equally stunned in the passenger seat, staring out the window with huge eyes. Every now and then he inhales like he’s about to talk, but shakes his head and settles back into his seat. 
Neither of them got to shower after all.
They move silently through their postgame routines once they get to Sid’s, downing food and water on autopilot. Sid seriously considers drowning himself in that luxe shower he spent so much on, but he doesn’t want anyone to say his twentieth point-per-game season doesn’t count because he didn’t make it past sixty games played, so he turns the water off once his skin is sufficiently scalded.
He doesn’t look at himself in the mirror while he does his skincare, and as Geno takes his turn in the bathroom Sid curls up in a ball on the bed, facing the door and squeezing his eyes shut.
The sound of Geno’s feet scuffling on the carpet as he shuts the blinds and turns off the light settles Sid, and his weight on the mattress as he crawls under the blankets gets Sid breathing regularly again.
“Wow,” Geno finally says after a few moments of silence. “Crazy.”
Sid can’t help it—he starts laughing, first a giggle and then a hysterical guffaw that brings tears to his eyes. He can’t stop, and it doesn’t take Geno long to join in.
By the time their laughter fades off, Sid’s turned around and curled up against Geno’s body, getting as close as possible.
“They’re never gonna stop, huh,” he mutters, thinking about how many unread texts he had before he finally turned his phone off entirely.
“No,” Geno says, sounding dire. “And Flower tell everyone, like, half league knows tomorrow morning. It’s hell. Ovechkin gets hat trick and now this? Can’t go to Russia ever, he follows me around to read text out loud, all summer.”
Sid coughs out another laugh. “Sorry, bud.” He sighs. “At least tomorrow’s a day off. We don’t have to talk to any of them if we don’t want to.”
“Sid…” Geno starts hesitantly. Sid props himself up on one elbow and squints into the dark, trying to make Geno’s features out. “You still want to do tomorrow?”
It takes Sid a second.
“Fuck yeah,” he says fervently, lying back down and running his palm down Geno’s torso until he can grope at his soft dick. “As soon as—” He breaks off into a huge yawn. “—just as soon as I don’t feel like I’m going to die if I don’t get sleep. You’ll see. I’ll get you good.”
If Geno responds, Sid doesn’t hear it.
Sid isn’t quite sure when Geno’s collection of sex toys migrated to his house. Sid didn’t have any of his own, never felt the urge to buy one, but they’ve been working their way through Geno’s toy box up in the privacy of Sid’s bedroom all season, and Sid’s familiar with enough of them by now to have a few favorites.
Right now, he’s got Geno panting underneath him as he works Geno’s favorite dildo into him far, far more slowly than Geno would like, if the way he’s tugging at his wrist restraints is any indication.
Geno’s babbling, long flowing Russian that sounds desperate and pleading, but Sid ignores him in favor of watching the way Geno’s hole is stretched around one of the ridges in the toy. It’s bigger than Sid’s dick, which he’d feel insecure about if Geno hadn’t proven just how into Sid’s equipment he is.
Sid can appreciate variety, and Geno figured out years ago that the best way to push Sid’s buttons is to challenge him until Sid feels competitive enough about trying new things to overcome his insecurities. It works for them.
Sometimes, though, Sid likes to fall back on tried-and-true favorites. Like today.
The toy he’s got Geno squirming on right now always gets him just right. It’s plain black, curved with thick ridges that bulge out and make Geno shout when they pass over his prostate, and there’s a button in the base that makes the tip vibrate. Sid’s not using that today—it makes Geno crazy when he does, but right now Sid feels like working for it himself.
“Look at you,” he murmurs, pushing the toy until the ridge stretching Geno wide is fully inside. Geno takes in a huge, shaky breath, but his respite doesn’t last for long, because Sid starts working the next ridge into him. “You’re desperate for it. I told you, I’ll give you what you need.”
“Please,” Geno begs, yanking at the ropes binding his arms to the headboard. “Sid, can’t.” But the way he’s arching his back into Sid’s hands says otherwise.
“You can,” Sid says, petting over Geno’s lower stomach.
By the time Sid gets the toy completely in, Geno’s crying, and Sid’s so hard he can’t resist palming at himself.
“Look at that,” Sid says to himself, angling the toy to the side so it stretches Geno even further. “I bet you really could take more.”
He lets go of the base for a second to drizzle lube over his fingers. Pausing, he looks up at where Geno’s chin is craned down to stare at him.
Geno nods, a tiny, jerky little thing, but that’s enough for Sid.
He grabs the base and tilts the toy again, petting over Geno’s rim with his index finger. “Such a slut,” he mutters, nudging his finger in alongside the toy.
It’s a tight fit, and Geno’s not helping by clenching around him reflexively, but Sid crooks his finger and rubs his thumb over Geno’s rim, hushing him until he relaxes.
He considers adding more, fitting three or even four inside next to the dildo, and the throb of arousal that washes over him is so strong it’s nearly nauseating. 
Another time. They can work up to it.
Instead, Sid slips his finger out, smiling as Geno’s whines shift to protests. He rubs his sticky hand over Geno’s thigh, then closes it around Geno’s dick while rotating the toy.
Geno comes so hard his back bows painfully, and Sid chews on his lip as he massages Geno’s dick through it and watches the way Geno thrashes his head back and forth, a hectic flush high on his cheeks.
He eases the toy out carefully, but Geno whimpers, overstimulated and sore. Sid murmurs nonsense until it’s free, tossing it to the side carelessly. 
He’s ready to take himself in hand and come on Geno’s stomach, or maybe his face if Geno’s feeling generous, but before he can make a move Geno’s leg curls around his back.
Sid looks up, and Geno’s eyes are still shiny and blown, but direct.
“Fuck me,” he says, letting his leg drop and spreading his thighs as wide as he can. “Sid, please, I need.”
“Shit,” Sid swears. “Baby, no, I’ll hurt you.”
“I don’t care,” Geno says, rolling his shoulders back and clenching his fingers against the ropes. “Please, want to feel.”
Sid shouldn’t. They play tomorrow.
Geno’s hot inside, though, and somehow still tight, and the sounds he makes as Sid loses himself in thrusting into him send Sid over the edge so fast he’s dizzy.
“Jesus,” he gasps, grinding his hips in one last time before pulling out and sitting back on his heels. He parts Geno’s cheeks and looks at his hole, sore and red and dripping with Sid’s come. If Sid were still 23 he thinks he’d probably be getting hard again already at the sight. “You’re incredible.
“Yes,” Geno agrees, smug despite how breathless and fucked-out he sounds. “Sid, my hands.”
Sid scrambles to untie him, and Geno winces as he rotates his wrists before letting Sid rub briskly over the rope marks. “Ouch,” he complains, but it’s toothless, and Sid ignores it in favor of restoring proper blood circulation to Geno’s hands. He’ll need them tomorrow.
Geno grumbles and flinches, but lets Sid complete his ministrations. “Next time we tie you, maybe,” he says, pulling back once Sid lets go and flexing his fingers. “Maybe then you’re not send stupid text to whole team, Jesus.”
Sid didn’t think he was ready to laugh about it yet, but this is far from the first time Geno’s proven him wrong.
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lilybug-02 · 4 months ago
Dang, I just had the wildest dream about Deltarune chapter 3.
The game had just come out, and as I started playing it, it seemed like the standard chapter. I was a little disappointed by that. It started getting quite bland until the story just got really really in-depth. There was tons of voice acting and this new character that kinda looked like goofy Haha. All the bosses were with similar names to Undertale bosses, adding to the mystery.
The cutscenes had all sorts of animations too. So much so, that I kept wondering why the heck Toby Fox included it. Don’t get me wrong tho. There was a really cool animation scene where a rat chewed on the soul, symbolizing the player destroying and hurting Kris’ state of being. Like something out of a Saturn eats his son type sh*t. Really wild stuff.
And then it kind of got out of hand with 3-D, and by the end of the chapter it didn’t even feel like a pixel video game anymore, just a (pretty cool) 3-D shoot ‘em up adventure game.
The fan base was pretty decisive, but most people didn’t like Toby Fox pandering to the 3-D soldier war game genre. 
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supercrazyangel4 · 1 year ago
i think the thing that makes people mischaracterize and completely miss the point of chara is that theyre written to be two very different things concurrently that dont really mesh together.
from what we know concretely about chara as a character, they were a very mentally ill child and complicated person who simultaneously hurt and helped people around them, who held both a lot of love and hate in their heart. they are fairly vague but also have specific character traits such as liking chocolate and filling up water glasses to the brim to maximize efficiency. they take speaking patterns from toriel and an interest in gardening from asgore. if you believe in the narrachara theory, they even have a character arc that changes depending on the route you take. they are inarguably a character who haunts the narrative due to their decisions in life having lead to tragedy that shapes the very plot of the game inextricably; and arguably a character that haunts the narrative and shapes the story much more literally in being a conscious force and companion that accompanies our journey.
at the same time, chara isnt treated as a character at all and is instead a meta-narrative device meant to act as an in-universe player stand-in. in this way chara isnt actually a person with character traits, but a vehicle for toby to provide commentary about the people who play video games. they are a concept that represents the state of thoughtless exp grinding. in the no mercy route their main purpose is to be a reflection of you and your mindset, even more directly than flowey. the reason theyre named after you is because, for a number of aspects in the game, they are supposed to be you; with no notable separation like there is with frisk.
this problem also heavily applies to frisk, for who there is an effort to separate their identity from yours at the end of the pacifist route but who still ends up with no real character traits of their own. people compensate for this by using black-and-white thinking; which results both in assigning frisk and chara a sort of "good-and-evil" dichotomy leading to their early fan interpretations, and in thinking that frisk and chara can only be either fully fleshed out characters or mindless player inserts leading to people favouring option one and basically ignoring the player as a concept except to occasionally use it as a generic big bad.
i think toby prioritized meta-textual implications over actual textual characterization for the human characters in undertale. this left chara as a character feeling unclear, unfocused, and incongruent due to them trying to be several things at once with no real through-line; and frisk as a character feeling practically non-existent outside of being a vessel. there are effectively two different charas in undertale, the character and the plot device, which makes it hard to talk about them as one consistent whole. i think this is why in tobys second game hes been putting such a focus on kris as a character and their separation from the player, as to improve on what he didnt properly touch on in undertale.
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fallen-child-escapism · 4 months ago
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I've been theory crafting boys but here's a little snippet of the comic I'll be posting over the next few days.
Basically ralseis "uncovered" self is a costume to better help his "role". Cus this guy KNOWS he's in a video game. He KNOWS he is supposed to be the lovable fluffy one cus that's how the story is written. So he has to play his part. Him and Kris are both exhausted.
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silly-salty-utdr-rants · 8 months ago
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they're playing castle crashers probably :D (also kris is absolutely the level of creature that they play video games holding the controller like that)
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