#I like this silly goobers
crimsalwaysawake · 3 months
Ok so I'm thinking about making a ship chart/diagram for the deltarune kids because im bored but before I do I wanna get some thoughts out about berdly and noelle because my brain won't shut the fuck up
I've seen some people in the fandom portray Berdly as having an (extremely one-sided) crush on Noelle but I don't think that was ever the case??? It might have been the case at one point when she first met him but Berdly's actual "crush" fizzled out extremely quickly. HOWEVER, he was under the impression that Noelle had a crush on him (which also wasn't true) so he kept up a ruse of sorts.
Berdly thought Noelle had a crush on him (she didn't have one) so he pretended to have a crush on her (he didn't have one)
Berdly and Noelle are good friends who haven't had any sort of romantic feelings for each other and I love them :) They both have some shit they need to figure out getting into relationships I think.
btw I think they could be queerplatonic <3
also krerdelle underrated....
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random-gamer1942 · 5 months
Y'all remember this right?
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I have a 2 week break starting now, and I am heavily debating drawing a comic of sorts where Ashlyn teaches Taylor how to dance, Aiden feels left out, and Ashlyn teaches him
Thing is, I've never really done anything like this before. And given that I'm far from the best artist out there, I imagine it's gonna take quite a bit and not gonna be that easy
What do y'all think, should I try?
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moffiiiiaaaa · 4 months
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something something the horrors may be beyond YOUR comprehension but i get them something something
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heyitsspiders · 7 months
More than anything
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im genuinely really happy with this :D
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kamabokobun · 1 year
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Un-dragons your spirits <3
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novelarrts · 1 month
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ive been playing ace attorney lately, and have been motivated to draw these sillies :]
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glastly · 2 months
stoopid serirei doodle dump
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truepapyrusenjoyer · 3 months
Beware of the man who came from the other world.
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g00bl1n · 3 months
what you look like vs what you want to look like!!! https://picrew.me/en/image_maker/1473879 <- the picrew!!!
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@doctor-feelings @clownpalette @laazytoaster @f-furryalert Anyone else who'd like to join!! <3
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nanstar200 · 5 months
Hi gueys 🧍 (run away again)
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markscherz · 2 years
what's the stupidest/silliest looking frog you know of?
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[In order of appearance: Glyphoglossus molossus, Myobatrachus gouldii, Choerophryne proboscidea, Nasikabatrachus sahyadrensis, Pipa pipa, Litoria pinocchio, Triprion petasatus, Synapturanus danta, Breviceps verrucosus, Notaden bennettii, Hemisus guttatus, Hemiphractus bubalus]
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somewandomnoobtalks · 2 months
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hello dungeon meshi fandom
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takethelx3 · 5 days
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when ur platonic bro is just helping u stretch while u platonically yap about ur MAGNUM DO-- detective skills.
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marclef · 8 months
some Noisette and Fake drawings i did because on god i wish these two had any form of canon interaction.
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your honor i just think these two should be allowed to be Silly together.....
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Watched that m night shyamalan movie about the cringefail girl dad who gets stuck at a concert. the plot was holier than the bible and i have one hundred bones to pick with it but I had fun
Alternate versions based on trailer 2 under the cut
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wayfayrr · 4 months
"Wait no you're not supposed to get hurt."
First of the 400 follower raffle winners!!! took a little longer to write than planned but it's here! This is for @the-moon-files and it's masc!human!reader with the chain, it doesn't touch on all of the hcs I have for humans/hylians but it's made very clear that there is a difference :3c
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“Um, [name]? Are you sure you don’t need a potion, that gash you got on your leg seems like it’ll get infected if you don’t use a potion or anything other than bandages.”
“Thanks for the concern sky but-”
“Yes, I know most potions don’t work for us. It’s why luv and bertie spent so long perfecting recipes that have any positive effect.”
Us? US? After months of traveling with the chain, having to explain new differences between me and them sky decides to drop a bomb like this???? Is he messing with me or something? My face must have said exactly what I’m thinking considering he pulled back with a nervous giggle. 
“I forgot to mention it, didn’t I?”
“Yeah, yeah you did. It would have been very nice to know I’m not the only human here earlier.”
“Sorry, I was so happy not being the only one anymore that I forgot… to actually tell you. But really can’t this whole thing wait until we’ve dealt with your injury?”
That’s fair, I’m still a tad bitter over it but I can understand. He’s got a look of guilt and concern on his own face now, his hands twitching and half reaching for the gash on my leg before pulling back reluctantly. Begging for my permission to help with puppy dog eyes glancing back and forth simply begging for approval. Hopefully he hasn't noticed that it's a bit worse than just a gash.
“If you’re sure that it won’t just be a waste of supplies then go ahead I guess.”
“I’m certain it’ll help you, not as much as it would the traveller or the champion but it’ll help.”
The potion feels strange in the wound as he goes about applying it, it’s almost similar to antiseptic but with less of a sting. Not anything like what I thought with how the other links down them like it’s honey or something, maybe they just taste a lot better than they feel. Maybe they’re just different for humans. No way to really tell. Before long he’s finished with that though, moving on to simply bandaging it. 
“Skyyyyyyyy you’ve been over here hogging his attention for ages when are y- oh I…”
It seems wind didn’t notice the reason sky’s been ‘hogging’ me then, does that mean that sky was just watching me in the battle. Probably just cause he’s enamored by not being the only human now, nothing to look into beyond that. I’m overthinking it. 
“[name]? When did - Twi said humans are invincible, how did you - how did they - You’re alright right?”
“I’m alright kiddo, sky’s just been helping me with some of his own potions.”
“Wait twi’s been saying what?”
Seems Sky’s just as shocked as I am, he wouldn’t have said anything otherwise, so this isn’t commonly known. Or true but that’s another thing. Was it his attempt at getting wind to not be so wound up that most potions and magic is about as effective on me as carrying water in a sieve. But that just means that if something were to happen, like maybe y’know - right now, he’s going to get more messed up than otherwise. Twilight wouldn’t do that, he’s a bit dense sometimes but he loves the sailor like a brother. Does that mean this is just something he believes himself? He grew up in ordon it’s not impossible.
“Wind please when did Twilight say that?”
“He said it when we found out [name] is a human, why are you so bothered by what twi is saying about him?” 
“I think sky is just worried about any rumours going around, no need to snap at him for it.”
“Yeah, just worried about rumours, yeah.”
“Well if anyone should be worried about those ‘rumours’ it should be ME - what if… what if you got hurt worse… we wouldn’t be able to - we wouldn’t know… even if we were to use a potion it'd just blend in with your blood and we could miss places...”
The exact reason why twilight shouldn’t have told wind this is happening right now, and I don’t know how to comfort him. He’s crying and stressed over me getting hurt despite sky-treating it, despite me being fine. It’s not like it’s just wind upset either, I don’t think I’ve seen sky so stressed in all the time I’ve known him. It’s almost like he’s been caught in a lie, wait now that I think about it his ears look hylian, has he not told the chain either? Too many questions and not enough time or words to get all the answers. And he knows I want them.
“I- I’m going to tell wild that he’ll need to make some more potions. I’ll send twi over as well if he’s not busy with anything else. Your leg should be fine now, just don’t move too quick or take the bandages off unless it’s to replace them with clean ones.”
And now sky’s gone, leaving me with an overwhelmed wind. Who looks honestly more confused over Sky leaving the way he did than upset over me being hurt, which is somewhat of an improvement I guess? It’s better than having him stressed out over a little gash. 
“Was it just me or was sky-”
“Really nervous? I’m sure he’s got a reason to be kiddo, who knows maybe he’s just anxious over me getting infected.”
Oh, I should not have said that, it’s like wind didn’t even consider that that could possibly happen. And now I’ve sparked his worry all over again. 
“hey I didn't mean to -”
“If you can get infected we've gotta be extra careful and and - [name] we've gotta tell time before he pushes you way too hard and something else happens.”
“Nothing else is gonna happen, I'm fine I promise you that.”
How long is he going to be pouting over me getting injured, it’s not a big deal, I’m not going to die or anything. 
"What're you two doin' that's causin' Sky to act up like some cuccos durin’ a lightnin' storm?"
His ears drooped faster than wolfies tail would start to wag if you offered him some pets. Which proves the fact that twilight wasn’t telling wind a lie to make him concerned for no reason, he genuinely thought that humans couldn’t be hurt. I - don’t really know what to think now, I mean it is good that it wasn’t him lying intentionally but how long has he lived with humans, how long has he had to learn that this isn’t true??? He’s what 24? Has Rusl or no one else gotten hurt in any of those twenty-four years? 
“Ya - ya got hurt ‘nd didn’t tell?”
“Well sky was helping me and then-”
“Neither of ya thought ta tell? Y’ain’t think I shoulda known?”
Is - is he going to start crying? I knew twi was pretty soft-hearted but to start crying over me not thinking to tell him about just a small little cut into my leg? Why’s he so personally offended that he wasn’t told any sooner, does he really care so much about someone he’s only met recently? 
“I mean, I thought that’s what sky was going over to you for?”
“I well yeah, yer right, that’s part of why he did.”
“Hey are we missing the point!? [Name] got HURT when you said humans were near invincible!”
“That really isn’t the important thing right now wind, I think twi only said that so you wouldn’t worry about me. Right?”
Go along with it, see on my face that I’m trying to get you to go along with this so that wind doesn’t get more stressed and just go along with it. Please. If he doesn’t then I will never be able to move on from this, and I don’t think that anyone would appreciate being lectured for something that you genuinely have no control over. 
“Ah righ’, wind you know I were only sayin’ that so you wouldn’t worry, yeah?”
“Oh sure you say that now, but before it was all ‘Humans were blessed to be invincible by the spirit ordona because of the goddess hylia’s hatred of them.”
“Aigh’, and I was tellin ya that so you won’t worry.” 
Well wind clearly doesn’t believe him, he doesn’t sound certain of himself either to be honest. But the sailor seems to be done stressing over it now, ran himself out of energy it seems. Nuzzling into my side with a pout. 
“Come on kiddo, it’s not worth a grudge with one of your big bros.”
No response, But a very disappointed twi now. Offended from me not apparently telling him fast enough or whatever, which just feels like a weird reason more than anything. Besides even that it’s not like he’s known me long, he really shouldn’t be as bothered as he is. 
“Wind please, I don’t think it’ll do me any good staying on the floor like this either.”
Hinting at something worse happening did just the trick as I hoped and got him up onto his feet, while giving me the silent treatment as twi helps me to my feet. Just gotta hope that the break won’t get any worse now that I'm standing. Or noticed. I’m already lucky enough that sky didn’t pick up on it, because I know that the second anyone learns it’s going to pull us all to a halt. Hell for all I know he’s hiding that he saw it to go tattle on me to time, never would have known that he could lie so well so I can only hope he won't use it like this. But what do I know, he could do anything just to get some extra sleep in.
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