snapple16 · 2 months
Are fedoras really that bad?
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snapple16 · 10 months
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Ladies, gentlemen and those in between! I present Solaris redesign courtesy of @untoldsoup , for Through the suffering and Pain! Thanks again!
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snapple16 · 1 year
They follow him around base like loth kits, even hiss at zeb as they roll by
kallus is like a jedi with droids. droid whisperer. they all flock to him and follow him around base. they absolutely hate zeb too, which makes it even better
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snapple16 · 1 year
Hello, Hello! So since I mentioned it here first I'm gonna share the first ch for the Bowuigi 20s au here! Now as I say on my fics comments much appreciated!
Tw: Blood, Guns. It's a gang fic so..
Also this ch is tame compared to what I have planned
Cricket song filled the night air as fireflies danced amongst the tree trunks. The small man-made lake glittered in moon light, owls called out to the night as they took flight. It was a peaceful night, until the grind of wheels on the dirt road interrupted the nighttime symphony. The headlights of the two vehicles were kept off even though the occupants were on their own land. They didn't want to draw attention to themselves. The first vehicle, a Willy's Overland Whippet 93A came to a stop just on the shores of the lake. The car's occupants filed out, the four turtle like creatures moved quickly around to the large padlocked chest strapped to the back. The driver pulled a large key ring from his pocket, letting out a triumphant noise when he found the key on the large ring and unlocked the trunk. The larger of the four a five foot ten bruiser reached in and pulled out the beaten up occupant.
"Pl-please.. I.. I didn't want to.." The koopa pleaded as he was dropped unceremoniously on the ground. The green shell on his back was cracked badly, leaking blood as did his nose. The brown hair on his head was matted from blood and dirt. The front passenger door of the specially built Rolls Royce Phantom Limo opened as a nicely dressed koopa hybrid got out, his head was clean shaven a few black scales dotted around his single eye while the other was covered in an eye patch. A black shell lay over the suit jacket.
He moved over to the back of the door and opened it allowing the King to exit. "King" Bowser Ryujin was an intimidating sight for his men to behold no matter how many times they saw him. Standing a little over seven foot tall with firey red hair slicked back between two sharp horns, sharp fangs poked out from his bottom lip of a mouth set in a human face that always had a nasty smirk. Dressed in his nice three piece suit with his large spiked green shell on the back he looked every bit of the Mafia boss that he was. His scaled tail swished back and forth like a cat waiting to pounce on its prey, fiery red eyes glowed as they focused on the koopa man before him. From behind him came a much shorter man with round rim glasses and a pointy cone hat perched on his head, dressed in a fancy suit Kamek did not look at all that intimidating until he waved the wand that doubled as a cane.
The bloodied koopa started to crawl toward his old boss still trying to plead his case. "Boss, I.. I'm so sorry I didn't want to. You gotta believe me. King Boo he.. he tricked me.. he said he'd-"
The koopa flinched as the one eyed koopa reached into his jacket, the traitor expected a gun or a knife instead he pulled out the case holding the King's prefered cigars. The other koopa pulled one out and deftly clipped the end and offered it up to his king. Bowser plucked it from his third's fingers holding one end up to his mouth where he blew a small flame on the end catching it on fire. He blew it out allowing the end to smolder before he stuck it between his lips.
"Marky, Marky, Marky." Bowser shook his head as he started toward the shivering koopa on the ground before him. "I don't care why you did it. I don't care that you let that over sized marshmallow trick you. I care that you BETRAYED me, now had you come to me and told me what he was going to do, I might have let you live for even entertaining the idea of betraying me. Maybe I'd only take a finger or a hand. Now I'm afraid you put me in a difficult position: Kill you quickly and end your suffering, or make it last."
In what seemed like a split second of thinking the koopa Mark chose for him. Seeing no other way out of the situation alive Mark tried to scramble up and make a run for the lake. He seemed to have forgotten what the king had living in the lake, for in a matter of seconds he was overwhelmed by alligators attracted by the scent of blood. The screaming only lasted a few seconds. Bowser took a deep inhale of his cigar before letting out the smoke with a few sparks.
"Howitzer." Bowser motioned to his third.
"Sir." Howitzer nodded, he didn't even need to be told what to do already knowing what his boss wanted done. It was going to be an unpleasant night for Mark's family.
The midday sun shone brightly on the street, the pedestrians had smiles as they enjoyed the spring sun. The warm beams seemed to point toward one particular flower shop, the shop name Bella Rosa was carved into a green and blue plaque over the front door. The bell of the small flower shop jingled, signaling another customer coming in. Luigi Mariano, the owner, stood from behind the counter where he'd been kneeling, blue jean overalls slightly dirty at the knees. His blue eyes sparkled brightly as he saw who had come in.
"Mario, mio fratello!" Luigi smiled brightly as he moved around the counter to greet his older yet shorter twin brother.
In terms of appearance Mario had the same blue eyes as Luigi, his mustache was a little more styled than his brother's. Clothing wise however they were on the complete opposite of the spectrum. Mario was sporting a red three piece Italian pinstripe suit, which only made sense since he was the boss of the Mariano family mafia. Despite his lifestyle Mario always made time to visit his little brother. While Luigi was spared the life of a mafia leader or at least second, their father had made sure he still got into 'real man's work' and had him drafted into the military, special forces to be exact.
Mario had been furious and wanted to get his little brother out, unfortunately before Mario could get to him Luigi had finished his basic training and was shipped out. By some miracle, Luigi had survived the first world war and made it home. To Mario's shock, he was still the same sweet, slightly skittish man he'd been when he left. Even so Mario made sure his baby brother wouldn't be involved in anything violent ever again. Now head of the family Mario had a protective order put on Luigi and his shop.
"Lu, how's business?" Mario asked warmly as he embraced his brother, not at all bothered by the dirt getting on his thousand dollar clothes. "Must be good since its spring time."
"Its going well, everyones getting ready for mass and Easter sunday." Luigi nodded pulling away. "What are you up to?"
"Just a routine drive around. DK's wanting to meet up later for drinks so I figured best get work out of the way." Mario stated. "Heard rumors there's been a few koopas running around the area."
"Only the few civilians that don't live in Bowser's territory. Not all koopas work for him you know." Luigi shook his head. While he's heard stories of the terrifying dragon turtle hybrid he'd never seen the man. Not that he wanted to, if even some of what he'd been told was true. "I know I'm beating a dead horse but please try not to get caught by the police in a speakeasy or start any fights?"
"Hey, I don't always start those fights and I've never been caught." Mario huffed, crossing his arms. Luigi couldn't help but giggle, even as a mafia leader his brother still acted like a child sometimes. It was good to see Mario still had his heart even with what he does for a living. "Oh by the way, Peach wants to meet up this weekend with us and the other girls. Daisy's gonna be there." At Mario's eyebrow wiggle Luigi just rolled his eyes, his brother knew his preference lay with his own gender. Didn't mean Mario wouldn't tease him relentlessly.
"Still, please try to stay out of trouble. I really don't need your men dragging your tail in here like they did two months ago." Luigi stated.
"Hey, that was not my fault. DK said that area was legit, how was I supposed to know it had already been overtaken by those koopa creeps?" Mario defended. Luigi just shook his head as he pulled his older brother back into a hug.
"Go handle your business, I got orders to fill." Luigi smiled at him as they pulled apart.
"You sure you don't want me to leave a couple men here for you? I'm sure they'd be willing to help out." Mario offered. Luigi shook his head no.
"No, Fratello, you need all the help you can get to keep you out of trouble." Luigi smiled. "Now go on."
Mario always hated leaving his little brother alone since he came home from the war. Not that Luigi couldn't handle himself, the skinnier Mariano brother was a gentle soul and prefered talking to fighting. He would rather himself get hurt than someone else. And the last time he left Luigi alone he'd been shipped out.
Mario sighed as he nodded. "Alright, bro. I've been hearing some of King Boo's men and more of Bowser's have been spotted roaming our streets at night. So don't go out unless absolutely necessary, and even then call me so I can send someone to be with you."
"Mario, I'm not a little boy anymore you know." Luigi rolled his eyes.
"No but you are a mafia boss's brother. A dopo, fratellino." Mario walked toward the door where his men waited outside for him. As the door closed he looked down at the toad with blue spots, "Mikey, you stay close to this shop. If Lu leaves you, follow him, capiche?"
"Comprendo, Boss." Mikey nodded with a salute to his mushroom cap.
"And for God's sake stay out of sight this time." Mario ordered as he approached the car waiting for him. Mikey saluted again as he hurried away from the shop front toward a good vantage point.
All the men under Mario 'The Plumber' Mariano learned one particular rule upon their initiation: No one touched Luigi Mariano. Any who broke the rule, gang member or rival member learned very quickly what Mario's wrath felt like.
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snapple16 · 1 year
New ch for Through the suffering and pain!
So when reading this I recommend listening to this to get the feel a bit better
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snapple16 · 1 year
Is me! I am turble!
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I see an animol I name it
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snapple16 · 1 year
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Silly quick lil comic about Junior having a nightmare and dad being an excellent sport because I thought the idea would be cute
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snapple16 · 1 year
Hey, I saw your Guns and Roses au, and I’m sooo excited! I was wondering if it’s posted on anything yet, and if so what on? I would LOVE to read it!!!
Hi there! Thanks for the ask and interest! It's still a work in progress to get all the details at least fleshed out. I haven't posted anything yet but I will! Thanks again for the ask and interest! Hopefully I'll get something posted soon!
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snapple16 · 1 year
Hi guys! So I made a funny, at least I thought it was funny. Too funny not to share right now so here's a quote from the next chapter of "Through the suffering and Pain." Enjoy
"Bowser was just worried about the man. That was why he was so angry. He was concerned that was all! Obviously someone was after Luigi, and the man wasn’t even worried about it! What if something happened on this date? Bowser needed to make sure he was safe, (he didn’t know why) but how would he..? Then Bowser got an idea. A really good idea, a wonderful, maybe slightly underhanded idea. Howitzer became slightly worried at the grin that graced the king’s face. He only ever saw it when the king was going to be mischievous."
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snapple16 · 1 year
Bowuigi Roaring 20s Au!
So! I decided to share this new project here with everyone who is part of the Bowuigi fandom! It may take a little while to get an actual ch posted but hopefully it'll be worth the wait! Just a heads up there will be a couple uncomfortable subjects, please keep this in mind but I hope y'all will enjoy this story! The story title:
Guns and Roses 🌹
This story takes place in Brooklyn 1926, the height of Prohibition. There are four main gangs that control four of the Five Burroughs of New York. Here's the list of characters and who is who!
Lt Dr. Luigi Mariano: Younger brother of Mario, honorably discharged military medic. Owns a modest flower shop in Brooklyn
Bowser Ryujin: leader of the Koopa gang, the biggest rival to the Mariano Gang.
Mario Mariano: Leader of the Mariano Mafia family. As the eldest son he had to take over the family even during the first world war, he didn't want Luigi to go to war but it was their fathers last ditch effort to turn the coward of the Mariano family into a man.
Gang territories:
North Burrough: Mariano Leader: Mario Mariano crimes: violence, money laundering, boot legging
South Burrough: Koopa Leader: Bowser Ryujin crimes: violence, gun runners, Bootlegging, racketeering, murder
East Burrough: Long Leader: "Donkey" Kong crimes: rigged boxing matches, money laundering, gambling
West Burrough: Boo Leader: King Boo (human name tbd) crimes: bootlegging, human trafficking, prostitution ring, opium runner, murder, kidnapping
Gang second in commands:
Toad, Mario's second
Kamek, Bowsers second
Madame Gravely, King boos second
Chunky, Dks second
Other notable characters
.Peach: Mario's secret lover. A member of Brooklyn's elite society
.Daisy: also a member of high society, peach's cousin and Secretly dating the mayor
.Paula: mayor of Brooklyn, adopted sister of Dk
.Rosalina: Daisy and Peach's cousin, best doctor in the city. All gangs go to her when in need of medical assistance, except king Boos men
.Peasley: Local rich boy that likes to pick on Luigi when Mario isn't around.
.Wario and Waluigi: Muscle and whiskey runners for hire when the heat is too much for the gangs.
.the Koopalings: Bowsers adopted kids and the street agents for the Koopa gang
.Junior: Bowsers biological son and Heir to the Koopa gang
I hope you guys will enjoy this story!
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snapple16 · 1 year
There's a stress toy meme to make here. Beautiful shading!
I think I'm getting better at drawing them! OwO
Click the images for better quality xP
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snapple16 · 1 year
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snapple16 · 1 year
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What's a king to a Luigi?
At the very begining of their relationship, Bowser sometimes mentions that he is a king to playfully jab at Luigi but Luigi doesn't find it charming at all
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snapple16 · 1 year
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Casino Nights
Part 1!
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snapple16 · 1 year
Kids come first Au
So we all know Bowser is a dad to like 8 kids and is looking for a mom(peach) for them. But what if the Kooplings hate Peach for all the times she's rejected Bowser. Like just picture it Bowser wanting to do right by his kids and one by one introducing them to Peach as he steadily gets more kids. But Peach not wanting anything to do with Bowser or his kids and just gives all of them the silent treatment. So that frustrates the Kooplings and they just stop trying to get along with Peach because they think she's mean. But they don't say anything to their dad because they want him to be happy even if they don't like Peach.
Then Mario and Luigi get sent to The Mushroom Kingdom and start savings Peach and during one of these rescues, Luigi is running late and has his first-ever encounter with a hurt Jr. Luigi just being the angel that he is wins over Jr. with that one interaction, and from there starts to try and get Bowser and Luigi together.
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snapple16 · 1 year
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The boys in chibi
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snapple16 · 1 year
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I think the green guys should kiss 💚
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