#koushirou and hikari
digimoninteractions · 8 months
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Digimon World Tour (02x40)
[ID: Screenshots from Digimon Adventure Zero Two episode 40 showing: (1) A shot looking down at Patamon, Takeru, Taichi, and Agumon. (2) Koushirou, Hikari, Tentomon, and Hikari on the top level of a bus. (3) Iori, Jou, and their digimon looking at the sydney opera house. (4) Them looking at each other. (5) Hawkmon, Piyomon, Miyako, and Sora sitting on a brick fence looking at the Saint Basil's Cathedral in Moscow. (6) Miyako looking at her D-Terminal as Sora sits beside her, trying to keep warm. (7) Them looking at each other. (8) Yamato and Ken standing together, looking opposite directions. (9) Ken holding Wormmon as he, Yamato, and Gabumon all head towards a helicopter. End ID]
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seventeenlovesthree · 2 months
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Once again, Happy Odaiba Memorial Day, I love these disaster adults children and their monster soulmates so much and wish them nothing but happiness. 🩷💛🩶💚💜❤️💙🧡
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robo-nonagon · 1 year
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more digi-doodles from 2020🌠
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firedragon1321 · 3 months
Corrupted DigiDestined AU
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Aka- Another Digimon AU That's Me Just Spinning Gears and Playing With an Old Post
(This is not reboot continuity- I just needed a pretty picture.)
I've seen this concept done in three ways-
Outright turn the kids stereotypically evil. This works in the short term, but it's not good for character anaylsis/DigiDestined rotation. The "quick and dirty" option, basically.
Invert the Crests. So the Crest of Courage becomes the Crest of Fear. I found only one cool Tim Burton-esque art set that did this well. I can't find it now. But generally, I've never been satisfied with these. Especially because they have to work around the "Crest of Darkness" every goddamn time...
Work with the kids' weaknesses. So the Crest of Courage becomes the Crest of Recklessness. This is probably my favorite option.
I want to go more in-depth on the last one, and that's why we've gathered here today. Only instead of just working with the canon weaknesses...what if I tweaked the kids's pasts so their "worst event" never happened? What kind of people would they become?
Also alternate Digimon partners because wheeeee I like them.
(TW for mentions of abuse, manipulation, and hinted major character/child death.)
Tai- The Crest of Arrogance
Impmon-> Punkmon-> Loudmon-> HeavyMetaldramon
This was an easy one because he's my blorbo. The event I chose to erase was also an easy pick. What if Tai never brought Kari out to play soccer that day? I rotated this for a bit and concluded that the athletics aspect of his character would take over, making him a sort of asshole jock type.
Tai still possesses a natural charisma, leadership ability, and recklessness. But his rule is delivered with an iron fist. It doesn't matter if he's on the soccer pitch or in the Digital World. His rule is simply law. His leadership potential and cruelty are magnified to the point that even adults don't want to get on his bad side.
Tai's self-centered and not afraid to bash your face in if you disagree with him. Your name doesn't have to be "Matt" either. He thinks of himself as a great hero, and anyone who disagrees with him must be another antagonist there to ruin his day. But in reality, he's barely keeping the group together with glue made of terror.
Impmon may be a cliche choice, but I chose him for his Punkmon evolution line. They're still reptilian, while also being loud, belligerent, and always looking for a fight. I also just like HeavyMetaldramon in general. He's got a dumb name I can't help but love, plus he looks like another favorite who will come into play later.
Matt- The Crest of Manipulation
Gazimon-> Sangloupmon-> Astamon-> GranDracmon
Matt's "special event" was obvious, too. His parents never got divorced in this AU (an event that will come into play with TK too, naturally). Since this event controls a lot more of Matt's character than Tai's event, I had to think a minute for him. I decided to fuck with his sense of empathy and dub characterization. Because Matt can be as emotionally mature and sensitive as Sora, even if he can't always make that obvious.
So what if he used that trait for evil?
On the surface, Matt's the cool rebel of the group. His suave surface nature makes him easy to approach. One might even call him a friend, even if they know nothing about him. However, he knows how to play with feelings. Like any good instrument, you keep plucking strings until you get the result you and. And that's exactly how Matt views people. Before you can blink, he's got what he wanted and dumped you on the side of the road.
Astamon and GranDracmon are both smooth-talking demon Digimon. Astamon attracts a lot of followers, while GranDracmon can talk any angel Digimon into "falling down". I figured they'd be a perfect fit (though I was admittedly thinking of the Astamon from Young Hunters). Gazimon and Sangloupmon kept the canine theme without being Gabumon recolors.
(Fun fact- I've used this line before for an OC, but that character was (in the end) benign.)
Sora- The Crest of Ambition
Dracumon-> BlackGatomon-> Bastemon-> Lilithmon
It would have been easy to make Sora the emotional manipulator. Too easy. And it wouldn't have anything to do with her issue- namely, her controlling mother. But what if her mother was a little more lax? No- MORE lax than that. What if she supported her daughter no matter what- even if those ambitions skewed too extreme?
Woe be to anyone who gets in this Sora's way. It doesn't matter what she has her eye on. She'll get it, and she'll gladly step on you if you get in the way. She's never heard "no" before, and has no time or desire to hear it from you.
Her Crest of Love has become a type of Lust, but not in the sexual sense. It's desire. Passion. It's never-ending want. The cup is never full for Sora. There's still more drink to be had. There will never be enough.
I worked my way backwards from Lilithmon, choosing Digimon with mind control abilities and ambitious personalities. This means we get a recolor of Gatomon- despite my efforts to avoid recolors of the canon crew- but oh well.
Joe- The Crest of Sloth
Phascomon-> Porcupamon-> Mephismon-> Belphemon
Joe's "problem" in Adventure is also heavy expectations, much like Sora. Taking them away could result in an overly ambitious character. But for Joe, I went the opposite direction. What if he was a person with no ambitions at all?
Paralyzed by his own fears and no goal in life, Joe is more follower than leader. He carries out orders without a thought to his own life or safety, because he believes his life to be meaningless. With certain people in this corrupted crew, however, that means he's carrying out plenty of evil deeds. He's not necessarily evil himself, however- just without direction.
I worked my way back from a Demon Lord again- this time Belphemon. He's naturally the Demon Lord of Sloth (for those who don't live in the Digital World inside their minds). I chose Mephismon just to connect the Champion to the Mega, and also because he's a demonic Digimon.
And that's about it for Joe. I wish I could do more, but it's hard to add personality to a character with no goals.
Mimi- The Crest of Selfishness
Aruraumon-> Zassomon-> Blossomon-> Rafflesimon
Otamamon->ShogunGekomon (warp)
Mimi doesn't have family issues like the rest of the cast. The problem is she's spoiled. So instead of erasing her backstory, I decided to erase her character development. Certain events like Sora convincing her to leave the Gekomon don't happen in this timeline. They can't, after all, with how different everyone else is.
This results in a Mimi who only acts in her own self interest. Maybe not at first. Maybe she thinks the others are pure evil. But that changes. Thanks to the attention lavished upon her by the Otamamon and Gekomon, she's essentially Princess Mimi full time. Woe be to the poor idiot who gets under her high heels!
I decided to go with recolors for this line just because it made more sense to corrupt Palmon than to invent a new partner. Perhaps Mimi was originally a "pure" force introduced to keep the others in line. But her own flaws were waiting to consume her...
Also- similar to how Leomon was able to digivolve thanks to Tai's Digivice, one of the Otamamon gained the same power from Mimi's. That's why she has two Digimon. And you can bet others like Chuumon/Sukamon, the Numemon, and more follow the army of Princess Mimi.
Izzy- The Crest of Intellect
Hagurumon-> Mekanorimon-> Vademon-> EBEmon
I know what you're thinking- I'm a lazy-ass and replaced "Knowledge" with a synonym. And you're right! But with the event I removed being Izzy's knowledge of his adoption, his intelligence didn't go away. Instead of retreating, he expanded outwards. Think Ken when he was roleplaying the Digimon Emperor, but with no Wormmon to hold him back.
Izzy is smarter than you and he knows it. Similar to Matt, he's outplayed you before you can even say hello. He doesn't have Matt's charm, but he doesn't need it. You're too stupid to counteract him, anyway. He can hack your systems before you've realized a single thing amiss. Maybe he'll even let you believe things are fine for a day or two...
Like Sora and Mimi, he hasn't encountered any problems. A snag in Izzy's plans is always temporary. But hit him in his unstable emotional core, and you may have a chance of saving your laptop. But the resulting revenge is bound to be devastating....
I was going to do a full machine Digimon line, but then veered into Vademon. The big brain design caught my attention. Also, since regular Izzy had troubles with a Vademon, having his dark half master this Digimon has interesting implications for my brain.
TK- The Crest of Terror
DemiDevimon-> Devidramon->DexDoruGreymon-> Megidramon
Remember how I cut the divorce from canon? This means TK grew up with Matt, who- in this timeline- is an emotional abuser. And of course, his favorite target is his doting little brother, who will do anything he says.
Like Joe, TK's not evil. He just lives in a constant state of fear. He'll apologize as his Digimon tears you into bite-sized pieces- all while proclaiming his love for his brother. Whether Matt tells him to act as a distraction or kill, it doesn't matter. He'll do it, knowing he'll get no reward.
But TK wants a reward. Matt's his whole world. It's always been that way. Unfortunately he sees no other existence. Without Matt, he simply doesn't exist.
Megidramon is one of my favorite Digimon, so I had to squeeze him in somehow. I like to think TK's partner is a manifestation of his true feelings. Though he loves his brother, he's also disgusted by him. If given the slightest bit of leash, he'd turn the monster loose on Matt- and regret it for the rest of his life.
(And yes- a DemiDevimon did mess with TK in canon...convincing him his brother didn't love him...it's only a matter of time...)
Kari- The Crest of Despair
Salamon-> Meicoomon->Meicrackmon Vicious Mode-> Mastemon
Despair is kind of similar to Darkness, and I've seen it used on a few of these sorts of things. But it's not like "the opposite of Light is Darkness" because it's an actual character trait. And it's a direction Kari could go without her brother's love to support her.
Kari's in a similar boat as TK. She's lived her whole life with a bastard of a brother. But she also has a host of illnesses. Just once, she'd love her brother to visit her in the hospital. But he never came. Soccer was a useful excuse, or else his parents were too scared to command him.
Now, they're trapped in the Digital World together, and it's no secret that Kari's the chain around Tai's ankle. He certainly hasn't kept that information from her, finally losing his patience when she falls ill in Machinedramon's territory. She always held on to hope that he was a good big brother deep down. Now proven wrong, she's in a vegetative state of despair.
Like with Mimi, I just corrupted Gatomon instead of making a new character. But I started from her Rookie stage of Salamon. We're gonna pretend tri. never happened for this. As for Mastemon? Gatomon DID reach her Angewomon stage, and that data still exists within her. But it mixed with the dark despair created by her partner. Instead of falling entirely, she became a deadly being that exists between light and darkness.
Odds and Ends
This ramble does imply that evil Digimon like Myotismon were still killed. This was not out of charity. They simply got in the way and were disposed of.
The Digital World still chose the kids during the Greymon/Parrotmon fight, when they were young and innocent, having no idea what would happen in the future. Mimi was the OG damage control, with a pure and sincere nature that might be able to purify the others.
When Mimi failed, Kari's shining light had to take over. It worked for a little while- mostly for TK and Joe, who are not malicious.
When Tai polished off Kari's light, TK finally snapped. His Megidramon responded to his anger, attempting to destroy Tai. This Digimon ran into a blockade in the form of HeavyMetaldramon. Not sure which of the two would win this fight, but it would be cool at least. The loser probably wouldn't make it out alive, though...
As previously mentioned, tri didn't happen. 02 still could, with Davis/Cody/Yolei/non-evil Ken being the third attempt to keep these damn kids in line. Maybe they receive help from TK, Joe, and what's left of Kari. But that's an AU within an AU and I'm already tired.
Mimi never returned to the Real World when the castle has all she wants. She mostly operates from there, keeping in touch with the others via Digimon like Soundbirdmon.
That's about it. You can play around with this if you want. Just shoot me a credit/link so I can see what you did. I made this while half-awake at 10 PM so it's just a lot of bullshit, anyway.
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triangulumlights · 8 months
Chosen Children Tri Heights (sort of...)
I say sort of because I did my best.
ANYWAY, as we all probably know, there were super helpful official height charts for the chosen children in 02.
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This gives us nice specific heights for the older kids and several of the younger kids, although you do need to estimate for some of them (like Hikari, who looks shorter than the 150 cm line, so I personally guess 147 cm for her.) So from this, you can make a nice little height comparison chart online using your comparison chart of choice. I picked heightcomparison.com since I liked that you could choose models.
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Fun! This looks about right, so it feels like a good baseline to use for then trying to figure out how to find heights in Tri.
The easiest way, or at least I thought, to do this would be to find something to use as a baseline; someone who stood next to at least one or two of the 02 kids who also stood next to the Tri kids. My first thought, of course, was Gennai, since Gennai (or one of his clones) was near several of the chosen during the world tour arc in 02, and Dark Gennai (or whatever we wanna call this guy) interacts with several of them in Tri. Sounds reasonable, right? Right.
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These seemed like pretty reasonable screenshots to work with, since we have three chosen that are both in 02 and Tri. So I slapped a guess into the height comparison chart.
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...Immediate issues, unfortunately. Mainly in that although Hikari and Koushirou look okay next to this height guess, Jyou seems too tall. However, when I made Gennai taller, then Kou and Hikari were too short (they're already slightly smaller than they should be here), and since the height difference was only slightly off with Jyou and Gennai I figured this was pretty good.
So onto trying to compare Dark Gennai to someone in Tri, where again, I suffered. Of course Dark Gennai is near several of the chosen, but of course he's a huge creep, so he's not just standing there like a normal person. Of course not.
However, a few things were immediately noticeable. One: he's not that much taller than Jyou, as you can see their proportions are similar. Two: he's not that much taller than Meiko, somehow, but he's also at an angle so looks shorter. Three: he stands next to the railing of the boat the kids hide out on in... Uh... Loss? I think that's the right movie. Anyway.
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I thought that, of these, the railing height might be a good place to start. If there was a decent shot of one of the chosen near the same railing, it'd be easy to compare; the railing is about mid-hip on Dark Gennai, so all I'd have to do is figure out how high it is on one of the kids, and trial and error until I got a height. Then I could compare the other chosen to that kid and should be easy.
I should have known better. Alas.
We do, at least, get both Koushirou and Jyou near the railing, but the only clear good shot of one of them standing straight up next to it is at an odd angle.
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From this, it looks like the railing around Koushirou's waist/bottom of his ribs, maybe slightly higher. His elbows are bent 90 degrees to use the laptop, though the laptop itself would add a small amount of extra height.
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These shots he isn't standing up straight, but they all seem consistent with the railing being at his waist.
There's also a few shots of Jyou that are useful-ish.
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Jyou where did the rest of your arm go it doesn't look like it's hanging over the rail it looks gone
The rail looks about belt/top of hip level on Jyou, which makes sense for how much taller he seems to be than Koushirou (Jyou sitting flat on the ground still has his head higher than the rail, while Koushirou kneeling barely comes up to it.) Since we have good-ish estimates for both Kou and Jyou next to the rail, I went ahead and plugged in Dark Gennai's height, then compared 02 Kou and 02 Jyou to him to start off with.
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...Huh. This looks... Correct. Mid-hip on Dark Gennai (about 95 cm or so?) is right at waist/lower ribs on Koushirou, and at the top of Jyou's hips. But they can't just be their 02 heights, because Koushirou is now taller than Sora, Takeru, and Mimi in Tri, whereas they were taller than him in 02. So even if those three had stayed the same height, Koushirou must be at least slightly taller than he was in 02. And if you look at where Koushirou and Dark Gennai's elbows would be, it does seem like Koushirou needs to be slightly taller, so maybe we just have a case of anime proportion problems.
But before I mess with Koushirou's height, gotta figure out how much taller than Sora and Takeru he is. Fortunately he stands near both of them in various shots so it's easy to compare, just gotta find some nice shots where the animation is good so it's fair to assume they're on-model, so starting with Kou and Takeru--
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That's... Not helpful... Even the still animations from the credits scenes don't match. Tri. Tri why do you do this. I am one of you animation stans (when the animation's good, anyway; I love the style is what I mean) so why must you betray me so?
But okay. Official stills and such mostly put Koushirou slightly taller than Takeru, so that's what I'm going to go with. Now, comparing Kou and Sora, in addition to the group shots above--
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It's much more consistent with them; Koushirou's just slightly taller. Takeru is typically shorter than Sora in official art, making the order Takeru < Sora < Koushirou, but probably only a few centimeters between each of them. Whatever. I'm going to do my best.
In 02, Takeru and Sora are the same height, so lets bump up Sora a few cm and Kou a few more cm than that.
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This looks pretty good, actually. Assuming Takeru didn't get any taller is fine by me, since he was 11 in 02 and 14 in Tri; he could easily be one of those people that shoots up in intermittent growth spurts, especially since he's pretty tall in 02 comparatively. Additionally, the 02 height chart makes it unclear if it's measuring the top of his head or somewhere in his hat, so he could've actually gotten a little taller since 02 if he was actually shorter than 160 cm.
Anyway. The comparison here between Kou and Dark Gennai still seems alright, so we can work from here. Since I decided to default to the two official credits scenes with the whole group, I'm going to base adding the others from that. The only exception will be for Mimi, since she's consistently close to Sora's height in most of the show and artwork, and one of the credits scenes makes her way shorter due to her pose. Here's what I came up with.
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A few particular notes. The height difference between Taichi and Koushirou is not that pronounced in Tri; it's there, but it's not the big difference from 01 and 02. The top of Kou's head is about forehead-height on Taichi. On the other hand, Yamato is distinctly taller than Taichi most of the time, though like with Takeru his height varies. He could be slightly shorter or taller than this. Like I mentioned before Mimi is usually slightly shorter than Sora, with Meiko being slightly taller than Sora, about Koushirou's height. Hikari seems to have had the biggest growth spurt, with the top of her head usually around Sora's forehead or Takeru's eye level. Ish. Again, varies. And then, of course, Jyou is tall; he's not hugely taller than Yamato, but it's noticeable. Mimi comes up to a little higher than his chin. I would add screencaps, but I still need to add Daigo and Maki to the chart and only have one more image left in the post limit.
They're relatively easy to add, since both stand near the kids several times. Daigo is tall but not as tall as I would've guessed; Taichi comes up to his cheekbones, Maki slightly lower. Maki is also taller than Meiko by a noticeable amount, but not a large one. So with them added:
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Okay. This is my best guess for heights in Tri, and it leaves them all with a little more room to grow in Kizuna, which I might try to figure out later. Maybe. This was way harder than I thought.
Anyway feel free to disagree and discuss! I just thought this would be fun (and it was, despite the struggle) and maybe useful to people, though the real takeaway from this is that Tri is super inconsistent so really do whatever you want.
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taichi-x-koushiro · 6 months
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Digimon Adventure 02 ~ Japanese Version ~ vs. Ken Arc {End} + Taichi Yagami & Koushiro{u} Izumi + 02 Chosen Children + 02 Timeline
"Child prodigy Ichijouji Ken-kun, who had been missing since May, was found at {their} home just moments ago."
"There are no details as to why {they} who had been missing for three months was discovered in {their} own home."
"...They all did great." - Koushiro, gently & softly, with a smile
Gifs by @izzyizumi / koushirouizumi, {Do Not Re-post} {Do Not Remove Caption} {Do Not Re-produce Without My Permission!} (Please Ask to Use)
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PLEASE ALSO NOTE: {My headcanons for the characters of this series VARY} {for this set particularly; I headcanon most as M-spec/Multi-gender attracted*} {this post/my icons ARE NOT for people who cannot respect this fact or M-spec people / M-spec headcanons / MF relationships, Queer identities, etc. in general!}
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the kids should be allowed to say fuck. as a treat.
*Yamato is not in this list, solely because I believe he should be granted one☝️free bitch use. Specifically: during THE SEVENTH ONE AWAKENS, right after Leomon says “even a Digimon as powerful as that is lending Devimon their power…” to which he should be allowed to say, “I DON’T CARE. I WILL FIGHT THAT BITCH.”
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pestopastaenjoyer · 2 years
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part three of this
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koushirouizumi · 5 months
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{Updated 25th A n n i v e r s a r y A R T}
+For ADVENTURE Exhibition in J A P A N!! {Aug 10th~25th 2k24!!}
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animemakeblog · 6 months
Who Is the First Digimon?
The first Digimon, originating from the concept of a "Digital Monster", was introduced in 1997 as part of a virtual pet toy designed by WiZ and Bandai. This creation led to the expansive Digimon franchise, including the one-shot manga "C'mon Digimon" released in the summer of 1997, which featured the creatures in narrative form for the first time. The franchise has since grown to include various anime, manga, video games, and films, with the creatures inhabiting a parallel "Digital World".
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hikaritakaishi · 1 year
Hello guys! And what about... fanfictions?!
Hello guys and Digimon community in general!
I had a Digimon related Tumblr for years until I lost my password last year and I had to create another one now. I also have been writing fanfiction on the same topic for a long time now, but I never really posted on Tumblr about it. Now I see that there is a lot of them here and I was thinking about posting some of my own writing here! What you think about it!
See yaaa later!
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digimoninteractions · 8 months
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Koushirou & Hikari & Eldest Poi Brother
[ID: Screenshots from Digimon Adventure Zero Two episode 40 showing: (1) Angewomon flies carrying Hikari as Koushirou and the Poi brother fly on AtlurKabuterimon's head. (2) Hikari looking to the left as the Poi Brother stands behind her. (3) Hikari and the Poi Brother both looking forward in concern. (4) Koushirou, Hikari, and the Poi Brother all cheering and standing together. (5) Them all looking at each other. (6) Seen through binoculars, AtlurKabuterimon, Angewomon, Koushirou, Hikari, and the Poi Brother all wave. A pack of Tuskmon are on the hill behind them. End ID]
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seventeenlovesthree · 23 days
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Did you know that Takeru Takaishi is a Neon Genesis Evangelion fanboy who likes to write friendfiction AUs? Well, now you know, you're welcome.
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robo-nonagon · 2 years
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I’m sure we can fly on my love 🦋✨
drawn for odaiba memorial day 2020!
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witchpuppies · 1 year
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(via GIPHY)
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izzyizumi · 2 years
{DigiAdvs}/{Index} IzzyIzumi / KoushirouIzumi's AMVs for Koushiro Izumi, Taichi Yagami, & Koushiro x Taichi {KouTai}/{Taishiro}
I was never really able to make more proper introductory posts / indexes of all my DigiAdvs stuff before this because every time I tried, this site would either a. Eat the post b. not show the links properly or c. It wouldn't even show in the tags correctly. So I'm making a better index post now!
I'm not an artist and my writing is more of a side thing. I mainly focus instead on A.M.V.s, since I've been steadily improving on making those over a span of many years.
Here is an index for all of my A.M.V.s / vid edits centered around either Koushiro Izumi {notably}, Taichi Yagami, and/or the KouTai / Taishiro ship. (It's pretty much my "O.T.P of {DigiAdvs} O.T.Ps", so I hope that can be respected, too. And due to these being A.M.V.s, Most of my works could probably work in a semi canon compliant sense but I'm also perfectly fine with reading other things in as A.U.s) {The post is not-rebloggable for reasons aka me wanting to be able to go back and add to it. You can rb this post if respectful though!} Please note ALL notes on that post + the A.M.V.s themselves if you choose to Interact and/or reblog this post! (I do have blog rules and I'd really be grateful if people could respect them when following and interacting.)
I know there's been a lot of DigiAdvs fan-events going on lately. I usually can't participate in events for varying reasons, but I'm glad to share my past works in the form of this index. All were created out of Positivity and respect for this series.
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[Note: Tags/replies that are Positive/respectful are OK!] (Click on banners to enlarge!) {Please read/agree to banners before Interacting!}
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