#korkie kenobi theory
voidartisan · 2 years
okay, fellow obitine shippers. i'm curious.
(also btw please rb. i would like a large sample size)
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phoenixyfriend · 1 year
I love the number of fanon illegitimate and adopted children everyone foists on Obi-Wan. Korkie, Cal, Anakin, Ahsoka, Luke, Leia, literally every child he comes into contact with, and a few he doesn't, just results in a fandom kneejerk reaction of "that's a dad right there."
(Hells, we see him interact with Nuna and even if that's not his kid, the way he acts is just Pure Dad Mode. Amazing.)
IDK how Ewan McGregor managed to get literally thousands of people to look at his 33yo self (with artificial grey hairs, admittedly) and go "that's a father, right there. That's a bona fide Dad. He's got at least a few kids." but he did it. Maybe everyone--including the TCW team--looked at him holding CGI baby twins and went "oh. Oh we gotta do something with that."
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You know the one. (Source: @yeahyeahyeaaah)
And like. He has no kids. Canon says he has no kids.
Yet we all* know that, deep down, that man is a dad.
* "All" is a deliberate exaggeration. This is not an objective truth or universal belief, just a very common one that I find enjoyable as heck.
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mrfandomwars · 1 year
Forever annoyed that Korkie Kenobi theory is so popular that few people I have seen actually bother to actually make or even mention any possibility like no!!!!
Give me the OCS of a third Kryze sibling!!! Give me someone who had to deal with Satine and Bo-Katan arguing!!!! Someone who Bo-Katan has to avoid else she gets the Disappointed Sibling Eyes™!!!!
Or at least mention something like Korkie being adopted or the kid of a cousin that Satine is housing because he got into the Royal Academy or something
Because like, when something isn't canon, seeing it repeatedly treated as if it *was* gets very tiresome
Anyways, share your third Kryze Sibling OC's in the reblogs or tags if you want
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*obi wan making a TikTok to the CG5 audio*
“everybody told me that I look like korkie’s father”
“probably because I am korkie’s father”
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emeraldvsociety · 2 years
Hey y’all, I wanted to address a pet peeve of mine when it comes to the Korkie Kenobi theory discourse. Now, first off, I want to say that I legitimately do not care if you hate it or love it. I understand that this is a very polarizing theory in the Obitine and in the SW community as a whole. It definitely has serious implications on Satine’s, Obi-Wan’s, and Bo’s characters, and even on Mandalorian culture as a whole. There are valid reasons to like it. There are valid reasons to hate it. There are valid reasons to only think it’s a mildly funny animation bit. 
I am not trying to patronize anyone in this post because this information is not likely common knowledge... but I need to talk about it because it drives me CRAZY whenever people argue against the theory by saying: 
“Korkie having red hair is not proof that Obi-Wan is his father. Bo-Katan [his aunt] has red hair, so red hair just runs in the Kryze family.” 
Now, before I really start ranting, I would like to say that I am NOT a geneticist in the slightest, and if a geneticist or someone with a stronger biology background wants to correct me on anything, go ahead. 
Red hair is the product of a mutated recessive variant of the MC1R gene. 
Quick genetic breakdown of hair color: hair color is determined by the abundance (or lack) of melanin. Hair has two types of melanin: eumelanin and pheomelanin. An abundance of eumelanin causes darker hair and a lack of results in lighter (more blond) hair. Pheomelanin is red/pink, and the more you have, the redder your hair will be.  
Red hair is a recessive trait. This is why red hair is so rare. In order for the gene to be expressed, no dominant gene MC1R can be inherited. If you are a redhead and your partner is a redhead, there is a 100%* guarantee that your children will also have red hair. Red hair can also be CARRIED. If you are a redhead and your partner is a carrier, there is a 50%* chance your child will be a redhead. If you are BOTH carriers, there is a 25%* chance of your child will be a redhead.
Here is a Punnett square for visual reference:
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We do not have any canon images of the Kryze sisters’ parents, but given Bo-Katan and Satine’s hair, we know that they were either: 
Rr & Rr - resulting in an rr offspring (Bo) and an RR or Rr offspring (Satine) 
Rr & rr - resulting in an rr offspring (Bo) and an Rr offspring (Satine) 
Even in the instance where both parents are carriers, Satine still has a 50% of being a carrier as opposed to the 25% chance of not. (If Bo and Satine have a sibling, and they aren't a redhead, they'd share the same odds as Satine).
Red hair is absolutely a Kryze trait, whether the allele is carried or expressed. I understand why people make the false assumption that Bo-Katan's red hair proves that Kryze's just *have* red hair sometimes. In most cases, that's sometimes how genetics work! Sometimes one side of the genes, maternal or paternal, has more influence on the offspring. You can see this in Luke and Leia. Leia got Padmé's brown and curly hair, and Luke was born with blond hair and blue eyes like Anakin.
But this is not the case with Korkie or ANYONE with red hair. A half of the genes (maternal or paternal) CANNOT be solely responsible for a child’s red hair. BOTH parents must carry or express the variant of MC1R. 
Meaning, Korkie’s parents would HAVE to be either Rr/Rr, Rr/rr, or rr/rr. We know what Obi-Wan is, and we know what Satine (likely) is… 
Now, does this prove the Korkie Kenobi theory? No. But, please, I beg you, stop implying that Bo-Katan’s red hair “disproves” the theory. If anything, it enhances it. If Obi-Wan had a child with someone who has RR hair there would be a ZERO percent chance of that child having red hair. Now, if he had a child with a carrier (which Satine likely is due to her sister having red hair), there would be a FIFTY percent chance that child would be a redhead. 
I understand some people think that Bo and Satine are half-siblings, but in the grand scheme of things, this doesn’t matter in this argument. Bo is still Korkie’s aunt (or half-aunt), and they are still both rr, meaning that they (likely) share the common ancestor that was Rr or rr. 
If I’ve gotten something astronomically & seriously wrong, please feel free to reblog with the correct information. It’s never my intention to spread misinformation. 
Also sorry if someone has made a post like this in the past. I’m new around these parts. 
*In rare cases, even if someone has inherited two variants of MC1R, they will not have red hair.
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josephinekhawaja · 1 year
"I guess we're going for a ride."
When Bo says this to Gro and he lets out I think the biggest squeal we have heard from him this season. Baby is just so damn excited to be on his first official road trip with his father and mother.😘🤗😁 On a mission sanctioned by his armourer auntie🤨😐. (...I am really taken by this theory of the Armourer being the hitherto unnamed Kryze middle sister. Would give me such Bellatrix, Andromeda, and Narcissa Black vibes, and I am all for that expansion of family dysfunction. Also would not negate my belief in her having some unknown link, and current communication, with Moff Gideon, as it would just emphasise her being a true political animal from birth. Even if entered into the religious life. Each Kryze sister truly had their own way of doing things and walking different ways and I support their women's rights and wrongs.)
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eopie-udesii · 2 years
Hey, bit of a weird ask - who would Eopie most enjoy explaining her special interests to?
hi!! thank u so much for the ask!! & don't worry, it's not weird at all 🥰
i think Eopie likes talking to Dess about her special interests most of the time, mainly bc he is always willing to set aside some time to listen. he loves to see her talk about something she's so deeply invested in. there's also the added benefit of Dess being a medic as well, so she doesn't have to pause & explain a bunch of technical terms.
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jessicas-pi · 8 months
My top seven favorite Korkie theories that aren't "obitine lovechild" (because I like to come up with outlandish headcanons to subvert commonly accepted fanon)*
Korkie is just Satine's nephew. This sounds boring on its own but the fun part is that he is convinced he's an obitine lovechild.
Korkie is Obi-Wan's nephew (shoutout to @kazoosandfannypacks for this one; more on it here)
Korkie is Obi-Wan and Satine's nephew (more on that one here)
He's Satine's son but Obi-Wan isn't his dad, however Obi-Wan helped take care of him as a newborn during the year on the run and family is more than blood, so... Obi-Wan kind of is his dad.
Korkie is a random orphan that Satine decided to adopt, but immediately after saying the adoption vows she realized his unfortunate resemblance to Obi-Wan and introduced him to the world as her nephew.
(if you squint your eyes and hc Bo-Katan in her early 30s in TCW) Korkie is Bo-Katan's son.
Korkie is a clone of Obi-Wan.
*let it be stated for the record that I have no beef with Korkie Kenobi. I just think there's funnier options that we're totally missing out on.
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kazoosandfannypacks · 8 months
@jessicas-pi you're gonna love this.
Tonight my sister was pondering the existence of Korkie, because of the whole, you know, Satine and Bo-Katan not having siblings and neither of them ever seeming to have gotten married. My sister has some old-fashioned ideals, which would never lead her to even consider that Korkie could be the Duchess' son. Nonetheless, I pointed out that a lot of the fandom has noticed that Korkie looks strikingly similar to Obi-Wan...
... which led to her saying, "so he's Obi-Wan's... nephew? And Satine just says he's her nephew? She decided she can't have Obi-Wan so she may as well adopt his nephew? Obi-Wan's family was Mandalorian? OBI-WAN WAS A MANDALORIAN?????"
This is the only theory I will accept at the present time. The Kenobis were a Mandalorian family, and when one of their sons showed force-sensitivity, they sent him off to the Jedi temple. The other son grew up and had a kid, and when they all died off except poor little Korkie, Satine adopted him.
(And, of course, so many rumors would be flying if he kept the last name of that Jedi that she absolutely does not still have feelings for. And if she claims him as her son and word got out about his real last name, rumors would fly even further. Better claim he's the son of a sibling-no-one-knows-about instead. Much better.)
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myimaginarymary · 10 months
Do you support the Korkie Kryze conspiracy theory that he is actually a Kenobi: Yes or No?
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voidartisan · 1 year
see the korkie kenobi theory is so funny to me because on my first watchthrough of tcw I never assumed satine was raising her nephew I just thought they were close
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ahsoka-in-a-hood · 1 month
I noticed notes on the obi wan child support poll that treated korkie being his son as canon and I want to do a poll of my own
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antianakin · 10 months
Korkie Kenobi as a theory is predictably stupid and makes both Obi-Wan and Satine look bad because it's obviously Obitine adjacent and Obitine is already a stupid ship that makes Obi-Wan and Satine look bad. This is inevitable.
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evaarade · 3 months
Okay so I'm writing something and like.
Why isn't Obitine brought up with Padmé? Like, She knew Satine, at least for a while before the War, her being good friends with her and having witnessed her relationship with Obi-Wan (or rather, the fact that both him and Satine aren't in one because of duty) and how it reflects on Satine/how Satine deals with could influence Padmé regarding her relationship with Anakin
Especially if, and I hate to say this, you throw in the Korkie Kenobi theory
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buckminfuller · 3 months
Star Wars TCW Discourse: Korkie Kryze has parent(s)/guardian(s) that are alive during the Clone Wars, and Aunite Satine is just that - an aunt.
At no point does Korkie state his parent(s)/ guardian(s) are dead. All we know is that he attends the Royal Academy of Government. There’s no mention of him until TCW S3E6 “The Academy”.
While I love the “Korkie is a Kenobi” theory it doesn’t make much sense to me. If you reference Star War Wiki, the kid was “a scion” of a house Kryze; meaning he was simply a member of Clan Kryze, House Kryze.
“But Korkie has red hair”….
So does Bo Katan, and his hair had changed from reddish to blonde by the Lawless Arc. Guess who else is a blonde Kryze - Satine. Hair color drastically changing during puberty isn’t unusual.
As much as I love Obitine and the implications of a Jedi love child amongst the Mandalorians, it A) doesn’t really fit with the self sacrificial attitudes both Obi Wan and Satine posses, but B) given Bo Katan’s attitude (and even Satine’s council) at the time, she would’ve 1000% outted Satine for bearing a Jedi love child.
My best assumption is that the Royal Academy is a boarding school, and that Satine is an attentive and doting aunt to Korkie regardless of his birth status within Clan Kryze, House Kryze because there’s not a lot of them left after the civil war decimated her clan.
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Assuming Korkie Kenobi is a correct theory, did Obi-Wan know? Was he okay not being present in his son's life? Or did Satine keep that from him?
Because it recontextualises Obi-Wan and Anakin in Revenge of the Sith.
If he knows about Korkie, Obi-Wan knows that in a different life he is the one turning to the darkside for his family. He knows that if he had been more honest with Anakin this might have been avoided. He knows exactly how deep those attachments run and how hard they are to let go of.
If he doesn't know, for Obi-Wan nothing changes, but for the audience it underpins a greater tragedy
I think about this a LOT
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