#korean martial arts
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Happy weekend guys 😊

#teakwondo#teakwondoman#teakwondolife#teakwondomaster#teakwondokick#nice kicks#high kick#axekick#tkdlife#tkd#martial arts#korean martial arts#black belt#self defense#self defence moves#sports#sportfitness#action sports#sportwear#fighterz#fight me#action pose#strike a pose#action shot#self defence classes#kicksoftheday#selfdefense#training#demostration#poomsae
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Board Breaking at Camp Showcase
#youtube#boardbreaking#taekwondo#cpcny#marczirogiannis#mastermarczirogiannis#martialarts#korean martial arts
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My nephew got his yellow belt today in Tae-Kwon-Do!
However, I will need San to give my nephew personal lessons because he is an astute student, but a little wobbly and needs the sweet but stern encouragement that San can give.
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"Brawl Busters" (1978) was a martial arts film that was advertised as being from the "Chinese Black Belt Society" in an opening card. Not only does this group not exist, the movie isn't even Chinese, but Korean. It was common for a lot of Korean films of this era to be set in China and have a Hong Kong cast. The film also was said to star "Black Jack Chan," who not only was not in the film, but also doesn't exist at all. As the images above show, it is a female led martial arts film.
This deeply strange credit to a made up Kung Fu Society and a claim to star a completely made up Chinese leading man was because, as surprising as it is to consider today, there was a time when it was extremely rare to have any entertainment come out of South Korea, and the producers figured it would have a bigger audience in Asia if this film was thought to be from Hong Kong. If it was known to be Korean, it would come off as a knockoff, which, to be fair, it completely was. South Korea was under military rule until the 1980s, and nearly all of its early entertainment industry was based on the blueprint of the cultural capital of Asia in the 70s-80s, Hong Kong, like Hitman in the Hand of Buddha, Woman Avenger (a Korean version of the very Chinese story of Wing Chun, famously played a decade later by Michelle Yeoh). Korean films of this era had many Hong Kong stars like Angela Mao, who made Hapkido and When Taekwondo Strikes in the early 70s there as joint Korean/Chinese productions. It also went both ways: many Korean talent in this era had to emigrate Korea to get into showbusiness, like "Thunderfoot" Hwang Jang Lee. After all...who ever heard of getting famous in entertainment in South Korea, anyway?
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Not Our President. Let's Impeach "Yoon" l 2024. 12. 7
art: olddog
#south korea#korea#cartoon#art#impeachment#impeach yoon#koreans#seoul#national assembly#politics#martial law#democracy
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No shade to oomf I'm only saying this bc they brought karate up but I don't even know what karate looks like bc growing up everyone said that karate and taekwondo are the same thing so whenever ppl say they took karate I just assume they mean tkw bc I've never seen a "karate studio" I've only ever seen tkw studios
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Baby Olympic Taekwondo training
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Hello Phi ! Do you know why in Thai BL, male characters can be swimmers and all kind of ballers but we have very few martial artists and in particular Muay Thai boxers ? No boxing clubs love stories ? There is a fight in Not me and The Eclipse played around with Judo a bit but I never seen a Thai show do what Where your eyes linger did with Jujitsu. Much love.
Second Chance has a Muay Thai story arc and I think there is at least one other. Ah yes, erm... what was that BounPrem vehicle called... Even Sun!
Judo/JJ shows up in Blue of Winter and Tasty Florida as well.
Honestly, I don't know why not more. Maybe it's not considered sexy? There actually are comparatively few sports romances for the gay romance genre which frankly LOVES these, usually.
#asked and answered#sports bl#bl with sports#bl with martial arts#Second Chance#Muay Thai#Even Sun#Blue of Winter#Tasty Florida#Thai BL#Korean BL
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Pronunciation Guide for Fighting Games
A lot of people tend to say words and names wrong. For those who care, this guide should help with proper pronunciation. In particular, what syllables are stressed, proper spelling, and so on. This'll help you not look and sound like ignorant gaijin (gai-jeen) when talking to Asian players.
Again, if this doesn't bother you (and I acknowledge that for the vast majority of the FGC it doesn't), feel free to ignore this guide. Just don't get on everyone else's case, please. Also, don't use this guide to act smug towards your peers.
In short, this is to help people who want to be helped. That's all. Please understand. If there are any mistakes, let me know.
Note: Unfortunately, Mortal Kombat will be ignored for this guide, as saying Japanese words wrong is a franchise tradition, so it'd be a lost cause even trying. If you see any familiar words from that series, just bear in mind the proper pronunciation for everywhere else.
Letters/syllables in bold are sounds to be stressed when saying that word or name, if necessary.
Ryu = Rh-Yoo (See Shoryuken below)
Hadoken = Ha-Dou-Keh-N
Shoryuken = Sho-Rh-Yoo-Keh-N
Tatsumaki Senpukyaku = Tah-Tsu-Mah-Ki Se-N-Poo-Kh-Yah-Koo
Jin = Jeen
Bushinryu = Bu-Shee-N-Rh-Yoo
Kazuya = Kah-Zoo-Ya
Mishima = Mee-Shee-Mah
Kazama = Kah-Zah-Mah
Iori = Eee-Oh-Ree
Sakura = Sah-Kuu-Rah
Akuma = Ah-Kuu-Mah
Gouki = Goh-Uu-Kee
Kasumi = Kah-Suu-Mee
Raiden = Rah-Ee-Deh-N
Ryo = Rh-Yoh
Heihachi = Heh-Eee-Hah-Chee
Jun = Juu-N
Akira = Ah-Kee-Rah
Fujin = Fuu-Jee-N
Ayame = Ah-Yah-Meh
Mugen = Moo-Geh-N
Tenshin = Teh-N-Shee-N
Zangief = Zah-N-Gee-Eh-Voo
Yuri = Yoo-Ree
Chun-Li = Choo-N-Lee
Chizuru = Chee-Zuu-Ruu
Sasuke = Sah-Suu-Keh
Denjin = Deh-N-Jee-N
Shin = Sh-Ee-N
Kyo = Kh-Yoh
Shippu = Shee-Puu
Bounge = Poh-N-Geh
Koehan = Koh-Ah-N
Kaphwan =
Hwoarang = Wah-Rah-N
Raijin = Rah-Eee-Jee-N
Karaoke = Kah-Rah-Oh-Keh
Kazuma = Kah-Zoo-Mah
Kiryu = Kee-Ree-Yoo
Hayate = Hah-Yah-Teh
Shiranui = Shee-Rah-Noo-Eee
Yashiro = Yah-Shee-Roh
Shun = Shh-Uhh-N
Goku = Goh-Kuu
Satsu = Sah-Tsu
Ansatsuken = Ah-N-Sah-Tsu-Keh-N
Asura = Ah-Soo-Rah
Senku = Se-N-Kuu
Naruto = Nah-Ruu-Toh
Boruto = Boh-Ruu-Toh
Kaioken = Kah-Eee-Oh-Keh-N
Kikosho = Kee-Koh-U-Sho
Kyokugen = Kh-Yo-Kuu-Geh-N
Gouken = Goh-U-Keh-N
Saikyo = Sah-Eee-Kh-Yoh
Hibiki = Hee-Bee-Kee
Takane = Tah-Kah-Ne
Sento = Seh-N-Toh
Yakuza = Yah-Kuu-Zah
Sagat = Sah-Gah-Tt
Adon = Ah-Dah-N
Hinata = Hee-Nah-Tah
Makoto = Mah-Koh-Toh
Ibuki = Eee-Buu-Kee
Kolin = Koh-Lee-Eh-N
Messatsu = Meh-Sah-Tsu
Shichisei = Shee-Chee-Seh-Eee
Tensei = Teh-N-Seh-Eee
Ranka = Rah-N-Kah
Tensho = Teh-N-Sho
Senretsu = Seh-N-Reh-Tsu
Asuka = Ah-Soo-Kah
Tekken = Teh-Keh-N
Izuna = Eee-Zoo-Nah
Otoshi = Oh-Toh-Shee
Pokémon = Poh-Keh-Mo-N
Pokkén = Poh-Keh-N
Ayane = Ah-Yah-Neh
Ryoko = Rh-Yoh-Koh
Hattori = Hah-Toh-Ree
Haohmaru = Hah-Oh-Mah-Ruu
Mitsurugi = Mee-Tsu-Ruu-Gee
Nakoruru = Nah-Koh-Ruu-Ruu
Yagami = Yah-Gah-Mee
Daidoji = Dah-Eee-Doh-U-Jee
Hinoka = Hee-Noh-Kah
Karin = Kah-Ree-N
Kanzuki = Kah-N-Zuu-Kee
Konoha = Koh-Noh-Hah
Zaibatsu = Zah-Eee-Bah-Tsu
Xiaoyu = Sha-Oh-Yoo
Mizuki = Mee-Zoo-Kee
Orochi = Oh-Roh-Chee
Karate = Kah-Rah-Teh
Shinku = Shee-N-Kuu
Jinrai = Jee-N-Rah-Eee
Guren = Guu-Reh-N
Kakashi = Kah-Kah-Shee
Sukuna = Soo-Koo-Nah
Tanjiro = Tah-N-Jee-Roh
Hitomi = Hee-Toh-Mee
Raiko = Rah-Eee-Koh
Kuruoshiki = Koo-Roo-Oh-Shee-Kee
Kagenaru = Kah-Geh-Nah-Roo
Mono = Moh-Noh
Kamehameha = Kah-Meh-Hah-Meh-Hah
Hazan = Hah-Zah-N
Kuzuryu = Koo-Zoo-Rh-Yoo
Tenma = Teh-N-Mah
Sie = Sheh
Hashogeki = Hah-Sho-Geh-Kee
Kagura = Kah-Goo-Rah
Yasakani = Yah-Sah-Kah-Nee
Kusanagi = Koo-Sah-Nah-Gee
Yamada = Yah-Mah-Dah
Suzaku = Soo-Zah-Koo
Omake = Oh-Mah-Keh
Ukemi = Ooo-Keh-Mee
Kisaragi = Kee-Sah-Rah-Gee
Shishigami = Shee-Shee-Gah-Mee
Tachibana = Tah-Chee-Bah-Nah
Kaede = Kah-Eh-Deh
Raidou = Rah-Eee-Doh-U
Jotaro = Joh-Tah-Roh
Takeda = Tah-Keh-Dah
Nobara = Noh-Bah-Rah
Honaka = Hoh-Nah-Kah
Kamikaze = Kah-Mee-Kah-Zeh
Decapre = Dee-Kah-Br
That's it for now. I'm always going to be adding to/correcting this guide, so please check back for updates. Again, feel free to correct me if I've made any mistakes. Just don't be a prick about it, please.
#fighting games#grammar#vocabulary#FGC#pronunciation#guide#useful#resource#Japanese#Chinese#Korean#Street Fighter#The King of Fighters#Art of Fighting#Fatal Fury#Samurai Shodown#Tekken#Dead or Alive#Capcom#SNK#Tecmo Koei#SNK Playmore#KOF#Nintendo#vocab#learning languages#foreign languages#anime#manga#Martial Arts
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Korean martial arts taekwondo

Korean Martial Arts Taekwondo: A Masterpiece of Discipline and Technique
In the realm of martial arts, few disciplines have garnered as much global recognition and acclaim as Taekwondo. This centuries-old Korean martial art is not only a form of self-defense but also a way of life for those who dedicate themselves to its practice. In this comprehensive article, we delve deep into the rich history, techniques, and philosophies that make Taekwondo stand out as a symbol of discipline and excellence. By understanding the core essence of Taekwondo, you will gain valuable insights that can help you appreciate and excel in this unique martial art form.
The Historical Origins of Taekwondo
Taekwondo, often referred to as "The Way of the Hand and Foot," has a history steeped in Korean tradition. Its roots can be traced back over two millennia to the Korean Three Kingdoms period. Initially known as "Subak" or "Taekkyeon," Taekwondo was developed as a means of self-defense against external threats and to maintain peace and order within the Korean peninsula. It was influenced by various martial arts practices, including Chinese martial arts and indigenous Korean combat techniques.
Korean martial arts taekwondo
Martial art abilities
Peewee taekwondo
Peewee martial arts
Children's martial arts
K&J Korean Martial Art in Westerville
Ohio Martial Arts
Martial arts journey taekwondo
The Evolution of Taekwondo
Over the centuries, Taekwondo continued to evolve, adapting to changing times and incorporating various influences. It wasn't until 1955 that Taekwondo as we know it today was officially established. General Choi Hong-hi, often regarded as the "Father of Taekwondo," played a crucial role in shaping the modern martial art. Under his leadership, Taekwondo was unified, and a structured system of techniques and forms was developed.
The Core Principles of Taekwondo
One of the fundamental principles of Taekwondo is discipline. Practitioners are encouraged to maintain unwavering self-discipline, both inside and outside the dojang (training area). Discipline is the key to achieving excellence in Taekwondo, as it helps individuals develop mental and physical fortitude.
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#teakwondo#teakwondolife#teakwondoman#teakwondomaster#teakwondokick#nice kicks#high kick#axekick#tkdlife#tkd#martial arts#korean martial arts#black belt#self defense#self defence moves#sports#sportwear#sportfitness#action shot#action sports#fighterz#fight me#tumblr pics#artists on tumblr#photographers on tumblr#action pose#strike a pose#photoshoot#selfdefense#demostration
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Chosun Taekwondo Academy Hosts Warwick Junior Police Academy
Chosun Taekwondo Academy Hosts Warwick Junior Police Academy @chosuntkd
PRESS RELEASE For Immediate Release July 2023 Contact: Patty Cook at info@chosuntkd.com (845) 986-2288 CHOSUN TAEKWONDO ACADEMY HOSTS WARWICK JUNIOR POLICE ACADEMY FOR SELF-DEFENSE COURSE July 15, 2023 (WARWICK, NY)- The Chosun Taekwondo Academy, a local martial arts school with headquarters located at 60 Galloway Road in Warwick, hosted a special self-defense course for members of the…

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#Chosun Taekwondo Academy#Grandmaster Douglas Cook#Korean martial Arts#Self Defense#Taekwondo#Warwick NY#Warwick Police Academy
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Best Martial Arts Manhwa That Bring The Hype
Looking for the best martial arts manhwa? Our list features breathtaking action, compelling stories, and unforgettable characters!
#korean manhwa#manga#manga and stuff#manhwa#solo leveling#anime and manga#martial arts#martial arts manhwa
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Bloodhounds - Thoroughly Impressed
Lead Actors: Woo Do Hwan, Lee Sang Yi, Kim Sae Ron, Huh Jun Ho Where to Watch: Netflix Plot Netflix promotional poster Set in the thick of the Covid-19 shut downs in Korea. There is a 10 PM curfew and all of the small businesses are struggling to make ends meet. If you have ever visited Korea, there is an entire bustling economy that thrives on small businesses. The loan sharks are out to…

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#Action#Bloodhounds#Boxing#Heo Jun Ho#Hunting Dogs#KDrama#kdramas#Kendo#Kim Sae Ron#Korean Drama#Lee Sang Yi#Martial Arts#MMA#Must Watch#netflix#tv#Woo Do Hwan
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10 Korean Dramas Featuring Stunning Martial Arts
Experience the thrill of high-energy action with these 10 Korean dramas featuring stunning martial arts! From epic sword fights to intense hand-to-hand combat, these dramas showcase breathtaking choreography and powerful performances. Don’t miss out on the best action-packed K-dramas! Watch now and subscribe for more! #koreandrama #kdrama #martialarts https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SObIlbIuheA
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