#korean and greek also calling my name
lameotello · 10 months
why are there so many languages I want to learn and so little time management skills to learn them with
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room-surprise · 2 months
do you have any thoughts on where rin could be from? I've seen ppl say she could be Chinese or Malaysian but there's barely any info on the eastern archipelago other than Wa
This is a fun question! We have very little information to go off of, that's true, but we do know some things!
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(This is an excerpt from a map of the Dungeon Meshi world I'm working on for my essay.)
This is what the Eastern Archipelago looks like, minus the one medium-sized island that is populated by dwarves.
Wa Island has a culture similar to the Sengoku period of Japan.
Izutsumi is from the large island to the northeast of Wa.
Izutsumi's succubi turned into a woman wearing Central Asian clothing similar to a Mongolian deel, and Izutsumi thought that this was an illusion of her mother. Though we now know this isn't exactly true, the succubi is a psychic monster, so it must have pulled the clothing from Izutsumi's memories, something that she recognized from her childhood, and would expect her mother to wear. Since clothing like the deel doesn't seem to be worn in Wa, we can assume that this type of clothing is worn on the island that Izutsumi is from instead. So this island may be similar to Central Asia, which consists of Mongolia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, and Afghanistan.
We know that ogres used to control the Eastern Archipelago, and on the ogre race illustration page, Kui shows the majority of the ogres wearing clothing that could be influenced by Chinese, Japanese, Korean or Mongolian clothing. 7 of them have Asian-inspired clothing, 4 have indistinct but not-Asian looking clothing, and the rest have no visible clothing.
We don't know what any of the other parts of the archipelago are like, but I think it wouldn't be crazy to assume they resemble other parts of Asia, such as China, Korea, etc.
The far eastern side of the Archipelago is neighbors to the Western Continent, a region that appears to be home to Greek, Roman, and South and West Asian cultures. So it would make sense if some cultural influence from the West naturally migrated across the ocean to the far-far East.
Now, what do we know about Rin?
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The beginning of her bio reads: 両親は東方群島 東地方からの流民だが. This translates as: "Her parents were refugees from the eastern region of the Eastern Archipelago." This is interesting because it's different from the official English translation by Yen Press. Their translation skips the second mention of the east, and also calls her parents wanderers instead of refugees: "Her parents were wanderers from the Eastern Archipelago." The original Japanese says east twice, 東方群島 (Eastern Archipelago) and 東地方 (Eastern region). I think the translator, a contractor who doesn't have time to fact-check, maybe didn't understand why Rin's bio said east so many times (the sentences before and after also mention "east" many times) and just didn't bother including what seemed like a redundant mention of it.
What it means is we actually know what part of the Archipelago Rin is from!
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Obviously this is only speculation, but I would guess her family originally came from one of the islands I've colored in dark gray here, since they are the furthest east part of the Archipelago.
(I talk about some of this in chapter four of my Dungeon Meshi essay in the section about Rin.)
We don't know! However, remember what I said about how the far-east of the Eastern Archipelago is neighbors with the Western Continent?
The Western Continent is a region dominated by western elven culture. Therefore it makes sense that this part of the Archipelago should have had the most contact with the elves, and foreign tall-men who are a part of elven culture. There should be cultural mixing between the two groups... And there is! Rin's name is evidence of it!
Rinsha Fana (رينشا فناء), is an Arabic name. Arabic is one of the languages Kui associates with the Western elves, which would mean that in-universe, Rinsha Fana is an elvish (or at least Western) name.
It's possible that there is a fusion culture in the far eastern islands, and it's the natural result of contact between the West and the East.
Since Rin's name is Arabic, we could theorize that the far-east of the Eastern Archipelago is similar to various Asian cultures in the real world that were influenced by the Arabic world historically.
The ones that I could find are Myanmar, Cambodia, Vietnam, Thailand, the Philippines, Brunei, Indonesia, Malaysia, China, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Kazakhstan.
So the Fana family's home island might be similar to any of those! It's a long list, but it does narrow things down a little bit!
In addition to the fact that the far-eastern islands are physically close to the Western Continent and there being some cultural fusion there, we also know that there are groups of elves in Dungeon Meshi who behave similarly to missionaries in the real world.
There may or may not have been a religious component, but these elves felt it was their moral duty to spread elven culture and knowledge (including elven style magic) to the short-lived races, and improve their standard of living.
Since the far eastern islands of the Archipelago are the closest to the West, it makes sense that elven missionaries would have had a presence there, just like it makes sense that they would have had a presence on the far western coast of the Eastern Continent.
It's strongly implied that Rin's parents may have practiced elven-style magic, since if they had practiced Gnomish magic (the dominant style in the Eastern Archipelago and the Northern Continent), they might have been able to join a local organization (a church, a school, a royal court) in the Northern Continent and not been lynched. Something about their magic was "foreign" and scared the people of the Northern Continent.
The original Japanese text explicitly says they were lynched (私刑).
Kui also explicitly tells us that Rin’s family was lynched in the Northern Continent, using the word 私刑. Lynching is an extrajudicial public execution by an in-group against someone who is outside of their social circle, who has somehow “transgressed” against the in-group. Usually the “transgression” is something like being a foreigner, being of a different race, different ethnicity, practicing a different religion, or behaving in any unusual way (being neurodivergent, gender non-conforming or homosexual).
The Fana family fled the Archipelago, didn't change their family name, and then gave their daughter a western/elven personal name as well. This implies that they are unwilling to give up their culture, even under circumstances where it would be safer to assimilate. This suggests that the culture is very important to them.
We don't know exactly, but the original Japanese text says they were refugees. This implies that they left their homeland due to some kind of danger or threat to their lives.
We know that the Eastern Archipelago is constantly at war with itself, and that could be enough reason for a family to flee. But because of the history of Christianity in Japan, Rin's name, and her family's behavior, I think there may be something more to it.
We know that there are treaties between the nations in Dungeon Meshi that prevents the long-lived races from colonizing the Eastern Archipelago. The nations of the Eastern Archipelago most likely consider any influence from the long-lived races a threat to their sovereignty, and they are probably making an effort to keep long-lived races and their culture out of the region.
This sounds very similar to Sakoku (鎖国 Literally "locked country") an isolationist foreign policy in Japan that began at the end of the Sengoku era (the era that Wa appears to be in the middle of). Under this policy, relations and trade between Japan and other countries were severely limited, and nearly all foreign nationals were banned from entering Japan, while common Japanese people were kept from leaving the country.
The sakoku policy was enforced in order to remove colonial and religious influence from European countries, which were perceived as posing a threat to the stability of Japan.
Japanese people who had converted to Christianity were seen as traitors, and missionaries were foreign enemies trying to undermine Japanese society. Conversion to Christianity, the dominant religion of Europe, was seen as the first step of European nations trying to colonize Japan.
Part of the sakoku policy was the Japanese government officially persecuting, torturing, and executing somewhere between 2,000 and 5,000 Japanese Christians and foreign Christian missionaries. This forced Christians in Japan to either go into hiding, flee the country, or renounce their faith in order to survive.
I think an attitude like this towards foreign culture would logically be common throughout the entire Eastern Archipelago, and not just the island of Wa.
So local people like Rin's family who might have adopted Western elven culture (magic, names, clothing, etc.) may have been seen as a threat, and may have been pressured to renounce their ways, or leave.
The cultural backlash would be extreme, and could easily cause civil war and instability, especially in any areas that have a large Western cultural influence, like I've theorized the Fana family's home island to have.
In the end, I think no matter which way you choose to interpret the information, it's clear that Rin's family has a connection to both East Asia and Arabic culture... So start there, and see what cool ideas you can come up with!
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lyramundana · 1 year
I can feel your enthusiasm through the comment and I totally relate to it, I'm really a sub for these greek gods too!!
Now I have various headcanons with my oc, Vivi or Violeta, but since you mentioned fem!reader, I'll go with that.
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-They're both switches, but Minho tends to take the lead and leans towards dominance more. However, Jisung can be pretty intense too and they can have this battle of pride where they try to manhandle the other into submission. It's fucking hot when it happens because you can't tell which of them is doming here.
-Since Jisung is the younger in the relationship (for a while), he's usually the one being take care of and he LOVES it. Minho, on the other hand, enjoys pampering his jagiya and protect him. The roles outside the bedroom remain the same usually. Minho is the caretaker, with ocasional soft moments when he needs pampering too, and Jisung the babyboy that needs constant affection.
-When you come into their lives, their routine crashes and their entire world perception is turned upside down.
-You meet Jisung first, both of you becoming friends quickly, and you kinda befriend Minho too by association. At first you two only hang out when Jisung is involved and aren't really close, but as time passes and he sees how comfortable his boyfriend is with you, he starts to warm up to you. In return, you see how happy he makes Jisung and the great partner he is, so she start to apreciate him more.
-What started as a friendship with Jisung and a mutual respect with Minho becomes a besties trio. You're younger than them, so they try to look after you out of instinct, but since you're not korean you don't really see the point of this idea of treating people differently by their age.
-More often than not you have arguments because you feel they see you like a kid sometimes and you remind them that you're a fully independent human and you don't need to be treated like a damsel in distress. Jisung is a lot more open minded about it and understands your point of view, but Minho is more conservative and stubborn, so you two argue the most. As your bond progresses, you learnt to let them take care of you sometimes and be vulnerable with them, while they accept to treat you like an equal instead of a "dongsaeng".
-Following this, there are times you decide to take care of them instead and babying them in return, partially for teasing but also because you like it. They're so cute and soft and fluffy when you're alone, you just want to squeeze them in your arms. You reprimand them like they're your children when they do something that bothers you, you bring them clothes and make-up, you fix their hair and clothes when they look messy, you call them stuff like "good boys" "my babies", "my darlings" (the last one is always in a playful tone).
-The position of dominant one in the relationship it's yours now because Minho has found out he loves to be babied and spoiled too, so when you're around he lets you on charge often. In private, they just want to snuggle with you and have you massage their scalps, call them sweet names and cover them in love. Jisung lets out hums of contentment and Minho straight up purrs, curling into a ball against you. At first he fights is off because it hurts his pride as man and the oldest, but it feels way too good.
-Suddenly they bring you to their dates. You become a part of every activity they usually engage in together. You feel weird at first thinking you're intruding in couple activities, but they reassure you constantly that they enjoy your company.
-They're obsessed with hearing you speak in your native language. Even if they don't understand anything, the way your voice shifts and how beautiful you sound makes their brain go brrrr. If used right, you can use this to lull them to sleep.
-From outside, it looks like the typical girl with her gay besties (and you think that's the reality), but some of their acts feel more than platonic. Regardless, you embrace this image and proudly refer to them in the same way, not noticing the uncomfortable frown on their faces.
-They're the type to treat you like their partner before you guys establish it, just to mark territory for other people (and because they really want to live that fantasy). You may not be theirs fully, but they'll be damned if they let someone else get you. They don't get it at first, they fool themselves into thinking they're just being good friends that care for you too much.
-In my au where Minho experiences a bi awakening because of fem!reader or my oc Violeta/Vivi, this is all more intense and chaotic. They have a lot of trouble dealing with it because they don't know what this means for their relationship and, considering the culture they've been raised, the idea of polyamory doesn't instantly pop in their heads. They're confused and scared, because they feel they're emotionally cheating on the other and also ruining their friendship with you. This leads to several misunderstandings because they can't cope healthily, but they still insist on having you close.
-However, once they come to terms with their feelings for you and embrace, they go from shy, awkward boys to possessive, almost toxic men. They were already clingy before, not wanting you to leave them for anything or anyone, but now they don't even hide it. They're determined to have you, to show you belong with them, and can't stand seeing you with other people.
-It starts slow, you can't even notice. They're more physically affectionate, one of them or both is always touching you in some way when you're out, they refer themselves "jokingly" as your boyfriends and that's why you don't need to go on dates with someone else.
-Then it grows. Their hands now drift from their usual places at your shoulders and back to your waist. Their clinginess worsens. They make you sleep with them in the same bed, shower together like "besties" do, dressing you up because "they love seeing you in new clothes", etc. You force yourself to not think much of it because you see how perfect they are for each other and there's just no way they can feel something more for you..right?
-They're frustrated by how blind you are to their advances, but at the same time, they use it to their advantage to get away with it. The only reason you let them go this far is because you're convinced they can't like you that way and you bet they'll take it as an advantage. As long as you think it's all *overly friendly besties", you won't push them away.
-Deep down, you know something is off here but you can't help but enjoy their little acts. You're used to repressing your forbidden feelings for them to not ruin things, but when they treat you like this, you just let yourself get caught in the moment and pretend you're actually dating them.
-It all breaks down by a jealousy fit from them. The mere thought of losing you to another, for you to love someone else and let them touch you drives them mad, so they make a statement.
-By statement means they lock you in their room and spend hours teaching you not to stray away from your partners. By the end of it, your sweating, clothes tore open and there's not a single trace of skin they haven't marked. Bites, hickeys, bruises. They just let out all their anger and frustration on you.
-The aftercare and morning after is immaculate tho. They feel a bit guilty for how rough they were and make sure to treat you like a princess.
NSFW part ahead, beware❗
-They may be switches but with you, oh boy, you don't have any power in it.
-You have a safeword established and they will stop immediately if you don't want it anymore, but that's it. They have full control over you and your body.
-They worship your whole being, but they have their favourite spots. For Minho is your ass, neck and boobs. For Jisung is your hips, boobs and thighs. They have small competitions to see who leaves the most marks or whose mark are bigger. Your body ends up covered in splashes of red, purple and yellowish.
-They only times they let you be on top is to ride one of them when the other is behind you. They still control your moves and you're basically a doll for them to move around.
-Literally. While you guys are fucking, you're treated like a toy by them, a pair of wet, tight holes for them to fill and play with until they get tired of it (they never but you guys needs to rest from time to time).
-Minho is a sucker from going at you from behind while Jisung is underneath you, both thrusting into you from their positions while you're trapped between them, just taking whatever they give you. Their hands are never too long in one place, constantly roaming all over your skin to feel you up. When he's about to cum, Minho grabs into your boobs and hides his face on your neck, getting drunk on your scent, while Jisung hugs your hips and hides his face in your cleavage, licking the traces of swear that run down of it. They love cumming on their preferred spots to see their essence covering your skin, but if you're on birth control, the only way they're cumming is inside you.
-When they heard the concept of "double penetration", they knew they needed to try it, so they spent HOURS prepping you until they knew you could fit them both there. It was the first time the three of you orgasmed at the same time. The pleasure of feeling your walls closing them in and their dicks rubbing against each other with each movement was mind-blowing. It's a bit painful, so you guys only do it on special occasions.
-If they're still idols in this, you bet they have brought you backstage to fuck you in the the private rooms assigned for the group. Dressing rooms? Bathroom? The music station?? Done, done and done. You're their reward for a good performance or a stress reliever of the're not satisfied with the result.
-Mandatories quickies before stage. They say it's their "lucky charm" (which is a lie because there's usually another quicky after stage).
-The couches from the practice room? Jisung's studio? Yes and yes.
-You visited them once during practise to be a good girlfriend and bring them snacks during their break, and they thanked you by fucking you in front of the mirrors and fogging them. It was a sight to see.
-Another recurrent one is going to Jisung's studio and riding him in his seat or give him a blowjob while he works.
-Cockwarming it's not a kink, it's a necessity.
-And it's never just one of them, oh no. You have to keep both of them warm. Let it be each one in a hole or having both in your cunt. It's not always sexual, they're just pussydrunk and can't go a day without playing with it.
-When they feel in a rather possessive mode, they mark you and then you guys go out and you're forbidden from trying to hide it. They make you wear skirts that barely conceal the hickeys on your inner thighs, tops that don't reach your neck, leaving those purple bruises exposed. They get off from people watching them and realising you're taken.
-Outside the bedroom it might seem that you're in charge, since they behave like total babies with you and have to look after them. But if people look closely, they can see Jisung's firm hand on your waist, never letting you go. Or Minho occasionally brushing his hand on the expanse of your neck with a concentrated look in his eyes. They'll notice how you're never by yourself and one of them is always touching you somehow, keeping you glued to their side.
-In short, having Minsung as lovers would be a wild ride, full of passion and intensity. It's not a kid's game, since they're complicated people in their own right and you're still figuring out where this would lead, but one thing is clear.
-They're never letting you go.
If you want something specific or want me to change something, please let me know! I'd love to see more opinions.
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olysmile · 22 days
𝐀 𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐲 𝐚𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐚 𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐟𝐢𝐬𝐡 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐟𝐢𝐥𝐞 🎭
‼️On this story all the names will be fake for obvious reasons. I also wanna apologize if I do any mistakes with my English because the story will be big and English isn’t my first language. Thanks for the understanding‼️
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Let’s go back to 2021. We had quarantine and all social media platforms were on fire, since everyone was using them. This was the time me and my sister, Marlena, opened an account on discord.
The reason I mainly opened the account was to join on a server of my favourite gamers and stay updated and also make friends. And as it seems, I did. I started talking to the voice channels with my sister, and I met some people there, including my online bffs, Karen and Violet. One day, another girl we were talking with, Elisa, introduced us to her online girlfriend, Courtney. She was some years older than her, and if you want me to make it more specific, Elisa was a minor and Courtney was an adult. We were talking really often with them until we found out that they broke up. Elisa was devastated with that heartbreak and she was trying to get Courtney back… But someday, Courtney’s sister texted her and told her that she killed herself. All of us on the gc we had made were in total shock. We couldn’t believe that something like that happened(if only we knew….)
Many months later (2022) Elisa informed us that Courtney was back. Surprisingly, she never died. She indeed attempted suicide, but she didn’t make it to death. She also told us that she had moved to Brooklyn (she was half American) and she changed her name to “Kate”… For a weird reason, all of us moved past that faster than we should and we started talking again. Someday, me and the other girls were on a call and she joined. She told us that she wanted to introduce us to her new girlfriend, who also happened to be a singer(I can’t say her name sadly). We told her that she surely can bring her, but she told us she was too shy to talk and she was on mute. They also told us that we shouldn’t tell anyone about their relationship because of the girl’s fame. And some weeks after… “Kate” and her girlfriend disappeared again….
…And now things are getting interesting…
Even after their disappearance, I was still following the singer’s tik tok account… I was scrolling through her old videos, watching some videos from a trip she’s been with her BOYFRIEND…
That video was posted the time she and Courtney/Kate were still dating…. I was incredibly confused about how in the world was that possible… was she a cheater, or something else I couldn’t explain? For once again, I didn’t pay much attention….
A year after, on Summer 2023, me and Marlena met Karen and Violet for the first time. We were sitting on a cafeteria and Karen was talking about how things are going to that gaming server we met back then… She is working as a moderator there and she was talking to us about the other members of the staff team. She told us that there was a new girl who would work with them. A girl who was half Korean and her name was pronounced “Tzyhio”. Karen told us that something wasn’t ok with that girl. She was completely sure that her voice sounded exactly like Courtney’s/Kate’s…. We couldn’t do much about this back then, because we didn’t have anything to prove that.
And now we move to 2024….
Karen and Violet, who were more active on discord than me and Marlena, were telling us that everything about Tzyhio were completely off. Tzyhio was known for being a police officer in Seoul, working at the department of Drug Enforcement. She was a woman in her mid 20s , who has as her bestie another moderator from that server named Lily. Also, Lily was dating Tzyhio’s Greek cousin for a while. Her name was Mary.
Let me tell you a funny story from the time they were dating. Lily had a meetup with another moderator, Gloria and the staff manager, Martin. They were taking some cool pictures together as all the online friends do when they meet up, and Gloria received a text from Mary, telling her to be careful with how she acts around Lily.
At first we thought it she just got jealous. But later Violet found some old texts from a group chat on instagram and that she was texting this account… but on that time, this account didn’t belong to Mary. It belonged to Courtney/Kate.
So without further ado, the whole July 2024, me, Marlena, Karen, Violet, Gloria, Elisa, Martin and some other friends of ours who were working on the server’s staff team, were trying to find proper evidence and prove that Courtney/Kate, the ‘singer girlfriend’, Tzyhio and Mary were all the same person.
We had evidence for everything. We already knew that the singer had a boyfriend, so there was no way to be able to date Courtney. Violet was texting Courtney from her old account on instagram, which turned out to be Mary.
Connecting all these with Tzyhio wasn’t that hard. All the photos she was sharing with the staff on their personal gc, were photos from a different person. In addition, the photos she was sharing of a woman wearing a police officer’s uniform, were edited. The name on the name tag was erased with a lame photoshop and was rewritten with her last name.
Here is an exapmle. If you look closer to that photo, you’ll see that it’s edited and that the name on this tag is covered:
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When we found enough information that were valid to expose that girl, we talked to Lily. She didn’t know anything about it until Martin explained the situation to her. She was broken. She couldn’t believe that her best friend was a total psychopath. She was crying for hours. In the meantime, Martin talked to Tzyhio/Courtney. Of course he kicked her out of the staff team and they banned her permanently from the server. Later that day she texted Lily sending her an apology message, telling her that she did all these things because she wanted to be special. If you ask me, this was the stupidest thing I could ever hear.
This girl is definitely sick and she needs help from an expert. We don’t know where she is now or if she’ll ever appear again with another name and persona. If we get any news, we’ll surely get you informed.
The only thing I want to say to everyone reading this: Don’t trust anyone completely on the internet. You can’t be sure about what they are capable of….
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your--isgayrights · 2 months
Seeing your answered ask about metas makes me want to share this list someone made about ORV’s literary references: https://twitter.com/Jomeimei421/status/1806147303004336632
I think this same person also said something about ORV being a blend of low-brow fiction and high-brow literature and I agree. I would like to see a legitimate academic paper referencing or breaking down ORV, and now that I think about it, maybe this has already happened and I just don’t know how to find something like that.
This list is honestly such a great resource, thanks for sharing :)))) <3333
I would add the samguk yusa and samguk sagi to this list tho, even though the references might count as 'myths' or an oral tradition that's the nature of the older historical texts. I think I have a couple breakdowns of the references to the Samguk yusa, a post about ljh's name and the historical ancestors referenced, and some stuff about JttW.
In the concept of high brow and low brow, I agree that ORV is very good at being like very respectful of anything that is a 'story' and I think good at portraying the sort of 'character' that some genres or reading types represent. I think one of my posts is definitely about how the KDJ relationship with his mom is very representative of the sort of evolution of webnovel culture out of classical literature and trauma literature scenes in the sort of 'professional,' established Korean publishing. Also as a Naruto guy I really respect the JttW arc for being like 'hey all middle grade action stories and shounen a little bit comes from JttW tbh.' I also think the premise of ORV is great as sort of the natural conclusion to like American gods or Rick Riordan type justifications for all religions being true bc people believe them: ok, then here's also one man's favorite anime boy being real because he believes in him and he's actually going to punch God now. Oh also a literary reference I guess is that metatron and etc are from the Talmud rabbinic scriptures. Though I think myths about him are mostly from kabbala / oral tradition (which stems from Judaism but even now there are Jewish people who think it's very wrong to call them Jewish beliefs. Part of that is probably that in more modern history kabbala has partially been developed and sort of appropriated by non-jewish people in a way that is kind of similar to orientalizing / mysticizing the more 'normal' Judaic beliefs practiced by wider Jewish communities ((think tiktokkers who are like I Am a Witch doinG Qabala but actually she's basically just writing creepypasta in her brain about things other people actually believe in that she knows nothing about)). At the same time, there is kabbala that naturally developed from people Jewish faith in the same way orphism or other 'occult' beliefs developed out of governmentally/societally enforced/accepted Greek and Roman religions throughout history. Fun fact: Sefer ha-bahir is apparently an influential text in the development of og kabbala and apparently literally describes the idea of transmigration so that is fun.)
Ok besides the historical stuff the media on the list I'm actually exposed to is just Han Kang and then Naruto (I watched some of one piece in middle school but retained very little of it tbh I just know who some of the guys are. Actually I just had a dream where I complimented a guy's one piece shirt and then he asked me if I liked the anime and I had to be like oh... No).
I did some research on YSA's reading 'taste' though and I think it's very fitting because they're realistic books with "literary value" that are like very relevant to society but obscure enough that you wouldn't make up reading them just to impress someone, unlike Han Myungoh claiming 'art of war' is his fave book (that's another lit reference in there somewhere I think? I just remember finding it fitting... It's the type of fit for business men who want to seem macho and smart but actually don't enjoy reading at all... I would say if they said three kingdoms was their favorite I would at least believe they read it or saw an adaptation but like art of war just isn't really a Story it's more like self help? Like there are stories but they're showing 'lessons' about war lol.)
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atinydetective · 4 months
Who is the Queen of Night?
First of all we need to combine what we know about the one “Her” or “Girl” in this Universe. Except Grimes Siblings. First we have the “Little” girl who reads Yeosang’s diary in the Diary Film.+ Fever Performance’s intro.
Then we have another girl in Diary Film who is the inspiration for Seonghwa to fight his problems- responsibilities. We also meet her in Strictland, Prestige Academy while ATEEZ searches for a child.
She was the Leader of Thunders, which is also an organization like Black Pirates. but we know that she is literally her not she is the girl in another dimension like, She is the same person.
You know that they were calling someone in ALL About You like “Girl”. And this person is the “girl” who they call for help in Take Me Home, Inception, Mist and some other songs.
All Treasure Series main subject “Purple Star” is also a girl. They were meant to meet her in İllusion too. They were also saved by her in Crescent when they were stuck in illusion, she was the one who called their name and woke them. Aurora was a song just to thank her.
If it’s Full Moon dimension gates are open but if it’s crescent Ateez can communicate with Black Fedora’s and this girl in dreams.
I also think that this girl can basically be Moon or connected to Moon. So The Silver Light is also her that lead them in this album.
In addition the one girl we saw in Crazy Form’s trailer was also her.
So if you ask why we see her in many different looks, even ages, it can be explained by our friend Mito’s, rabbit on the Moon’s meaning, REbirth.
In Everything's Mv you can see a girl who has a relationship with Jongho. In Jongho’s Diary part he says that he was too young to know how to reach out to his lost friend.
So we can claim that in the end she passed away. And if you pass away in Greek Mythology you become a star like how she did in this story. A Purple Star.
If we go back to the present, ATEEZ burned the bloody moon as you can see in Immortal Song Performance. And the new album is After the RED Moon rises.
We can say that something we claim is about to change after they burn the Moon like how Halateez became Halaiza and our company.
She will have a final appearance . Because in this album’s preview you can see that:
Blind’s lyrics are about her. “Queen of Night, my eye’s star. You wake me with your gaze. Take my soul, take my heart. El amor es ciego.” which translate into “ Love is blind” It remind me the lyrics of Stay: “I can see you even if I close my eyes Just want you to stay”
One light we see in the desert is basically her.
If you know, you know the meaning of Fireworks’s meaning. In Korean twin Souls are Twin Fireworks.쌍둥이 불꽃 And maybe Song name is actually (Fire)Work????
4.In the beginning it is the place where we see the little girl read the diary in the Diary Film.
5.Empty Box’s lyrics are like: “Your memories are inside my heart like it’s a drawer. Like it’s a rainy day, it’s still there.(? not sure) Now it’s like I need to leave-send it. It is like the Take Me Home’s lyrics: “Rain in my tears, pouring in my eyes Is it something that you sent to me?”
And also Shaboom seemed to me like Take Me Home+ Maybe They are really connected. But while ending this thread I can say they finally it is her time to shine, maybe for the last.
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marisshifting · 6 months
Little Introduction!
•This account is mainly about reality shifting!
•My name is too long, and I prefer to be called Mari anyways, so yeah that's my name
•I'm a minor! but a teen (dw I'm not a kid, just in case...)
•I'm from Italy
•I study at a Linguistic High School (focus on three foreign languages' grammar, literature and culture)
•I am a certified ENFP
•I speak Italian and English fluently, I understand Spanish, I know the basics of French, Chinese and Korean and I can read Japanese
•I am straight and cis, but a proud ally!
•My pronouns are she/her/hers
•My favorite color is Lilac
•I am an agnostic Christian
•I have Greek origins
•I have a pretty good sense of humor and I guess I'm pretty fun to talk to?
•I am a Korea enthusiast
•My favorite group is Enhypen (they saved my life! I love them so much)
•I am mainly a Girl Group stan
•I LOVE reading
•My favorite books are (the Harry Potter saga) Little Women, The Picture of Dorian Gray, Pride and Prejudice and some other books
•My favorite and comfort show is Alice in Borderland, I literally can't stfu about it
•My favorite kpop groups are ENHYPEN and SEVENTEEN (bgs) and BABYMONSTER, LE SSERAFIM, æspa and TWICE (ggs).
•My ultimate line is all of ENHYPEN, Karina, Momo, Minghao, Yeonjun, Yeji, all of LE SSERAFIM but mainly Yunjin, half of baemon, Yuqi, Haewon and Taecyeon (maybe Kai, Jihyo and Hanni)
•My favorite singers are ENHYPEN, Sabrina Carpenter, Ariana Grande, Cigarettes After Sex, Bruno Mars, and then my Italian pookies Alfa, Ultimo, Modà and Tananai.
•My favorite actors are Johnny Depp, Timothée Chalamet (my pookie), Emma Watson, Zendaya, Lee Dohyun, Go Minsi and last but definitely not least, Kento Yamazaki
•My favorite movies are Titanic, Call Me By Your Name, The Dreamers and Ghost
•My favorite musicals are The Greatest Showman and Mammamia
•I listen to EVERY music genre and I mean literally every one.
•My favorite song is (literally enhypen's whole discography) "Given-Taken" by Enhypen. I also love "Do I Wanna Know?" by Arctic Monkeys, “La Notte” by Modà and some other songs.
•People who hate on other religions
•25+ adults (I just wouldn't be comfortable)
•In general people who criticize others
I think that's it for now?
I would love to have some shifters friends, so if someone wants to write to me (as long as they have I would say 13-20 years and are not problematic) they can!
XOXO -Mari🦋🪐
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abcthv9597 · 7 months
I have been wanting to do this for awhile, so here are some facts about me and some disclaimers about this account:
- I'm Greek and you can call me Iris (this is not my real name, just a nickname)
- I'm a '99 liner
- My pronouns are she/her
- I have been an A.R.M.Y since 6th February of 2017 (yes, I really remember the exact date)
- I'm an OT7 stan through and through
- I don't stan any other groups, I'm only an A.R.M.Y
- I speak Greek, English, Italian and I'm still learning Korean
- You can send me questions in Greek, English and Italian
- Asks that I deem too personal will be ignored
- Greece is 7 hours behind South Korea during winter and 6 hours behind during summer
- I know that sasaengs have exposed the social media accounts of some of the boys' siblings but I do not support sasaengs, their content and acts so I won't be posting any pictures from their accounts (with the exceptions of Jiwoo, Hoseok's sister who is a public figure and Magnate, the cafe of Jimin's dad)
- The same goes for Bam's training center (yes, unfortunately sasaengs have exposed even this one)
- I will also not be posting any type of sasaeng, fansite and stalking content
- You may not be able to find content for specific dates you are searching for and that is because this account was created and opened on 6th November of 2023
- Every translation on this account is always credited to its rightful owner
- I don't have an updating account on none of the other apps (Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Youtube, Weverse, TikTok) so accounts with this username (abcthv9597) are not mine and I'm not affiliated with them (the same username is just a coincidence)
- Anything personal about me on this account can be found on the hashtags #admin thoughts and #useriris
- There is only one admin on this account so please be patient about the updates
- Any hateful, racist, xenophobic, homophobic, disturbing text, comment, ask and hashtag about the boys or anything else will be immediately deleted and the account will be blocked (I do not tolerate hate, racism, xenophobia, homophobia and disturbing content on this account and generally in life)
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today-review · 2 months
Search Engine Optimization Service (SEO)
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Have you spent a lot of money and resources on your amazing website and wondered why the traffic doesn't grow much? Being visible in Google search is of utmost importance nowadays. Why? 85% of people who are looking for products or services perform the search online.
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neptuniadoesstuff · 6 months
Le main crew of Mortal's Curse! (Also TW for some scarring/injuries)
(Update: Had to remove a slight error I made in the drawing)
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I spent way too much time on this just for Screb to make the quality trash. :( So yeh uh... Enjoy this "masterpiece" I made in IbisPaint-
Also some close-ups lol.
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Btw the pink stuff on the knife is just jam.. ITS JAM NOT BL00D!
Elara "Velvet" Shelley (Velvet is just an online aliase as she is referred to "El" irl) (My ver of Canon Elara Shelley)
Jeremiah Samuel Greenbel/"JJ the Rascal" (JJ is a online aliases & his nickname) (My ver of Canon Jeremiah Greenbel)
Sirius "Foxglove"/"Fuax" Grant (Both Foxglove & Fuax are online aliases) (My ver of Canon Sirius Grant)
Harper Halmor Tolnek Turner (Often refered to "Hall" or "Harp") (My ver of Canon Harper Turner)
Miren'Aska Lao Middleton (Just referred to as Aska or Miren) (My ver of Canon Aska Middleton)
Facts are gonna be in a new post of mine so u goobers after to wait.
1: || Elara Shelley | Age: 27-28 | Female, She/Her | Straight Ally (Is prob a Gray-Ace as well) | Is Greek/Japanese American | Engaged to Sirius | Born a Mortal but was given the "Curse of Immortality" at a early stage of life ||
2: || Jeremiah Samuel Greenbel/Turner aka JJ | Age: 34 | Cross-Gender (Male), He/Him (Sometimes He/They or He/They/It) | Bisexual, Demi-romantic | That of European Ancestry + Korean-American | Married to Harper | Born with "Greenbel Syndrome" (a family-based gene) & a mutation that made him have a tail ||
3: || Sirius Grant | Age: 30 | Male (Trans), He/Him | Straight | Russian-American | Engaged to Elara | Last name was originally called "Alexeyev" but he was adopted by a mixed family ||
4: || Harper Hallmor Tolpek Turner/Greenbel | Age: 34-35 | Male, He/Him | Gae | African-American, Mexican (& is somewhat descended from the Ferronox Tribe) | Married to JJ | Is a complete coffee-adidct & will become feral when given decaf ||
5: || Miren'Aska Lao Middleton | Age: 32 | Demi-boy, He/They | Pan | Filipino & British but born in New Zealand | Married to a Russian/German woman named Rushka | Is often called Miren or Aska by his friends but is referred to as "Michael" or "Mikey" by close friends ||
Plz note all of this info I made up is only Canon in Mortal's Curse & not MO: Astray. Also my ver of Aska & Sirius are not related to their canon counterparts family-wise. + MC takes place in the later future of the good ending.
Characters: The main crew of MO: Astray but my vers (All designs are mine ig but originally by Rayark & Archpray)
Art: Mine.
Program: IbisPaint x
Bubs' TOS: Plz don't repost/steal, trace, or recolor my art WITHOUT MY PERMISSION! If you do, I'll take yur femur and pelvis.. SO, DON'T THINK ABOUT IT! (The PNS on my Blog's pinned project clearly means "Please No Steal" plz follow that rule.) If you do post my art on anything like yur blog or somewhere else (With my permission) PEASE CREDIT ME!
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pinespittinink · 2 years
📖 OC Name Meaning Tag 📖
thanks for the tag @awritingcaitlin! this one is pretty nifty ✨ i’m going to do this for some of the characters in TGGT (SOME, I SAY, DOING THIRTEEN FUCKING OCS)
anyway i’m tagging @baroquesse, @moondust-bard, @bloodlessheirbyjacques, @vanessaroades-author, @mr-writes, @circa-specturgia, and @muddshadow
Rules: Put down an OC or more and tell what their name means.
🧵 Morgan 🧵 Welsh origin, meaning “sea-born” or “circling sea.” I don’t know where Morgan’s name came from insofar as choice--he just sort of popped into my head one day and I landed on a random name. I did have a friend in high school named Morgan who was a stage manager in our drama department, but my Morgan isn’t based on her in the slightest. 
🐶 Zachary 🐶 Hebrew origin, meaning “God remembers.” Again, just another name that I liked the syllabic count and sound of. Though the meaning now that I look at it isn’t too off course for his character 👀
🎭 Ariel 🎭 Hebrew origin, meaning “lion of God.” Now this one was chosen intentionally, for the Shakespeare’s Ariel in The Tempest--the beginning of choosing theatrical names for a theater wip. That was the first time I came across Ariel as a masculine name; Ariel was actually male in conception, but they’ve since evolved into a nonbinary person. 
🍸 Travis 🍸 French origin, meaning “to cross” or “toll collector,” lmao. Travis came about randomly--I wanted one that wouldn’t sound too out of place in the vintage city setting he appears in.
💐 Seonghwa 💐 Korean origin, meaning “to be a star.” I didn’t know this one and it’s actually pretty fitting! Seonghwa is actually named after his faceclaim (the singular one I have in all of TGGT), who happens to be a kpop artist in Ateez, whose debut song Treasure was instrumental in the early inspiration of TGGT. 
💋 Christina 💋 Latin origin, meaning “a follower of Christ.” Christina was named after Christine Daae from The Phantom of the Opera, though their personalities are not similar in the slightest.  
🧶 Cashmere 🧶 English origin, a soft wool from the Kashmir goat. I co-opted Cashmere for use as a proper noun because I’m a ho for that, and I liked the idea of a child working in the costume department with a textile-related name. 
👑 Pippen 👑 Germanic origin, meaning “father.” Pippen is named after the musical Pippin, which I know absolutely nothing about but like the name of. He’s the defacto authority of the theater kids, so that meaning is pretty interesting. 
💤 Winnie 💤 Welsh origin, short for Winifred, meaning “fair one” or “smooth, soft, happiness,” “blessed peacemaking.” There’s a bunch it looks like. Winnie is my sweet baby girl, another vintage sounding name I liked for the time period. 
💪 Percival 💪 French and Welsh origins, meaning “pierce the vale.” Now, Percival is named entirely after a guy I used to work with a few years ago, and based off him in appearance too. I rarely base characters off of people I’ve known irl, but for some reason he stuck. Fantastic eyebrows, deep voice, hulking Hispanic guy. Some people called him Percy. 
💃 Temperpina 💃So.... I’m a dumbass it looks like..... I think I was going for Terpsichore, the Greek muse of dance and dramatic chorus. AS IT TURNS OUT, somehow I threw it into a brain blender and ended up with Temperpina instead, which is! not! a name!! whatever!!! The intent to carry on a theatrical theme was continued!!
🎶 Lottie 🎶 French origin, meaning “little and womanly.” Back on track here! Lottie was also named after Christine Daae (lmaooo), specifically her nickname Little Lottie. 
🩰 Yeseul 🩰 Korean origin, meaning “dew” or “pretty, lovely.” Yeseul is also inspired by a little girl actual real life Seonghwa interacted with once (it’s very precious), and I fell in love with the sound of it. In TGGT, Yeseul is his younger cousin. 
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spidertalia · 1 year
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Meet my boy New Jersey !!
His human name is Daniel Burr, but he exclusively goes by Danny and will knock your lights out if you call him Daniel. He's physically 23 and is the 14th oldest state.
Danny has quite the personality. He's proud, hot tempered, confrontational, dramatic, sarcastic, loud, lively, sassy, blunt, good-humored, passionate, impatient, a jokester, hardworking, diligent, sociable, intelligent, quick-witted, sharp, snarky, fiercely loyal, honest, slightly cynical, pragmatic, analytical, industrious, outspoken and opinionated. He actually makes friends surprisingly easily and loves chatting up strangers, but he also loves starting fights and arguments with some of the other states. He lives for drama. He's very proud and has a very short temper as well. He will not hesitate to speak his mind on anything or call people out when they're being idiotic or irresponsible without regard for their feelings.
Some fun facts about him:
He's 5'5 or 165 cm in height. He's the third shortest male state, being taller than Rhode Island and Delaware.
He has roughly 3A hair
He speaks 18 languages fluently outside of his Indigenous languages, and is learning a further ten languages.
He can fluently speak English, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Mandarin, Cantonese, Hindi, Tagalog, Gujarati, Korean, Arabic, Polish, Greek, Haitian, Hebrew, Yiddish, Russian and French. He is currently learning and speaks some Yoruba, Ukrainian, Japanese, German, Lithuanian, Vietnamese, Indonesian, Turkish, Tamil and Telugu.
He's Hispanic. Specifically, mixed white and Indigenous.
He is pretty much constantly fighting with New York, Delaware and Pennsylvania. He also on occasion fights with Massachusetts and Connecticut.
He starts drama and fights on purpose, for the sheer fun of it.
He's surprisingly very competitive and loves to prove himself by being good at things. However, his confidence isn't unfounded; he's a genuinely hard worker who throws himself wholeheartedly into learning new skills and things. He may like to brag, but he absolutely earns the right to.
He is the second best cook of all the states, behind Louisiana. He knows 2-8 recipes from over 80 countries, and he has well over 500 recipes under his belt. Similar to how New York loves learning languages, New Jersey loves learning recipes.
He's actually an insanely skilled driver with impeccably fast reflexes, and is quite possibly one of the very best drivers. He just has a personal vendetta against every single traffic law and driver out there. He can make death-defying turns in the blink of an eye, and will absolutely cut people off on the road for simply looking at him wrong. He has negative patience on the road and gets road rage very easily.
He's a very skilled and very hard worker. He's great at getting things done and getting them done on time.
Despite his argumentative and hot tempered nature, he actually makes friends very easily. He genuinely enjoys chatting up random strangers on the street and having hour long conversations over any topic they can think of. He's a great listener and an engaging conversationalist.
He likes spending time outdoors and in nature.
He jaywalks on occasion for fun.
He cares more about his appearance than he lets on
He's naturally very stylish. He especially loves jean jackets and jackets with pins on them.
He will complain if he has to drive more than half an hour to get anywhere.
He's very skilled at machinery, engineering and mechanics. He can fix up cars, repair wiring, repair machinery and make home improvements.
He talks fast and works faster
Despite his pride in his appearance, he's generally unafraid to get his hands dirty or jump headfirst into nature.
He's actually good friends with Romano, despite what one might think. The two bond over hating people and loving pasta and pizza.
He has a New Jersey accent
He's also, strangely enough, friends with Florida. Any of his insults just roll off of Florida's shoulders, and the two eventually became friends thanks to their shared loud, lively personalities. Danny still likes to play bicker with him, though.
His hobbies are cooking, listening to music, tinkering and complaining
He will complain about pretty much anything and everything.
He played a big part in the Industrial Revolution, like Pennsylvania, and remains his skill with machinery and mechanics to this day. He's not nearly as into it anymore as Pennsylvania is, but he does find joy in fixing up old cars.
He collects old cars.
He is very sarcastic, snarky and quick-witted. He has a nickname for pretty much everyone.
He converted to Judaism sometime during-after the Revolution and has stuck to it since. He's very proud of it.
He's the 11th oldest of the 13 colonies, and was physically 14 during the American Revolution.
He stole one house from England during the Revolution.
He will fight England nearly on sight. It's best to not have the two in the same room.
His likes include: Music, bagels, pizza, Italian food, pasta, diners, Dunkin, hoagies, subs, pork rolls, dancing, drive-in theater, tomatoes, saltwater taffy, Wawa, wine, blueberries, cranberries, corn, cooking, latino food, latino music, Springsteen, Bon Jovi, machinery, engineering, Whitney Houston, Frank Sinatra, 70's music, partying, complaining, classic movies and old cars.
His dislikes include: New York, Delaware, Pennsylvania, England, slow people, slow drivers and traffic laws.
I will be including more/posting more about him later on !! This is just what I have so far :))
I lowkey took loose inspo for him from one of my favorite fictional characters (who's from New Jersey), Danny Williams from 2010's Hawaii Five 0. If you want some idea of NJ's energy, watch clips of Danny Williams sdfghj. (Them sharing a first name is a total coincidence)
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kenphobia · 1 year
i absolutely love ur ocs... especially jelly rollstone!! if its alright, could you ramble about them more under this ask? anything would do, from little headcanons to what they usually do during the day!!
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"It's Socrates, not Scoradeez."
summary. little headcanons of Jelly Rollstone, The neighborhood's very own librarian! (read author's note at the end)
contents. slight mentions of trauma, trust issues, oc x oc and canon x oc mention. it's also extremely short and all over the place.
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✦ Jelly is based off two sea creatures: a hermit crab and squid. They were supposed to be a moth but the celestial-ocean aesthetic got me in a chokehold... I do have a welcome home oc that is a moth so be on a lookout!
✦ Like the rest of my characters, Jelly had barely any screentime and any recovered merchandise of them is scarce. The thing the project has recovered are concept sketches, anti-bullying posters of Jelly and a charred paper of what it seems to be a plan to expand more on Jelly's character in the show.
✦ Jelly's puppet was actually more simplistic than how they looked in any of the promotional art since the show was on a tight budget when they introduced their character.
✦ The character line up I posted is inaccurate in height and I have no idea how height works but!! Jelly is 5'6. In puppet height, Jelly is as tall as Julie, if not an inch taller.
✦ Their personality is basically Idia Shroud from TWST but less sassy and more pathetic. They have a thing where they say they don't like people but they actually do and wants to be be friends with everyone, it's just that they're incredibly distrusting of everyone they met and also because of previous trauma that will touch on later.
✦ They are canonically dyslexic and has clinical depression. Why? Because I said so and also because they were actually a self-insert before I actually made my sona have a welcome home oc variant.
✦ They are in a polyamorous relationship with June and Howdy, but both them and Howdy are only romantically involved with June and not with each other. All three of them are new to relationships and have no idea what they are doing, but they are trying.
✦ Jelly doesn't sleep in the night because they prefer to sleep more in the morning / afternoon. Their library is called the Midnight Library because it's literally open at any time.
✦ They also write novels and poems, then publish them under the pen name 'J.E Seamoyr'. They have garnered somewhat of a cult following within the neighborhood because of Sally being their biggest fan.
✦ As for their schedule, it depends on what day it is and how is Jelly feeling that day. But most of the time, they start their mornings by napping a bit and doing some work after that, and then they sleep for the afternoon unless any of their friends visits and talks to them. After all that, they do more work.
✦ The Midnight Libary used to be an apartment until it was sold to Jelly and they renovated it into a library. It was two stories and they turned the second floor into a studio-type flat and made it their living space while the first floor is the library itself. They have the ladder going to the second floor hidden behind a bunch of bookshelves and boxes, and only Wally knows where it is.
✦ Being the anti-social squid they are, they have a special phone that visitors can use to talk to them. There are multiple gadgets Jelly has all around in their building so people can check out and return books easily without needing someone else's help. If they do need help, they also made pamphlets with instructions in multiple languages and even in braille.
✦ Jelly is multilingual! Other than english, they can speak Spanish, Tagalog, Korean and German. They can only read and write in Greek. And also, they're Filipino. Ty that's all <33
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author's note. YIPPPIEEE !!!! i never felt so fullfilled in my life after writing this sjdjs—but this isn't all just yet! Someone actually requested another Jelly headcanon that's about their relationships with their other neighbors, so I'll be posting that very soon!
again, reqs are always open and any suppoet is appreciated!
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r0yalgrimmartz · 11 months
Stuff that came to mind or headcanons that I think fit Kore well because I need to get this out of my system before I explode into millions of pieces.
There's probably stuff I have missed out or have forgotten but this is what I have got for her so far:
((this gonna be long so strap in))
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✨️ Owns a black and white moggie cat back home named "Moomin" (or calls him "Moo-Moo" for short) and adores the cat to pieces - would die and kill for her cat, also absolutely misses him since going to Duel Academy. Definitely spoils her cat rotten when she goes home during the holidays.
💛 Kore is half Korean and half Greek (mother being Korean and father being Greek). Is surprisingly bilingual in four languages; Korean, Greek, Japanese and English. Was made to learn languages early on by her mother in order for Kore to be able to communicate with relatives and other people.
✨️ Can discolate her fingers, shoulders, knees and even her elbows. Rarely does this but Kore sometimes does this mainly to gross certain people out or freak them out. She pulls this shit with Chazz whenever he's being a pain - Chazz fucking hates it. Genuinely panicked and thought she was injured only to find out she does this randomly. Whenever she does this now, Chazz feels physically sick by the bone noises and hates it.
💛 Definition of having a personality of a racoon. Or a feral goblin.
✨️ Quite home-sick. Despite wanting to hopefully become a pro duelist (for her own beneficial reasons) and went to Duel Academy for the sole purpose, she does surprisingly miss home. Kore has never been able to adjust to new settings that easy. Like the first couple of days were fine but then it got to a point where she really feels home-sick. Luckily, with the help of her friends she feels at least better (plus her older brother is at Duel Academy too so she feels a bit more comfortable).
💛 Likes to design her Ra yellow jacket with some pins and the odd accessory. Definitely sanrio related or has cats.
✨️ Big fascination on collecting sea glass. Will search the beaches on weekends or maybe at the end of the school day to look for sea glass. ((This girl has like a drawer full of it.))
💛 Hands, fingers, wrists and legs constantly covered in band aids. Somehow ends up easily injured (dumb fuck).
✨️ Had like zero friends growing up(and the 'friends' she did have were not so great). Middle school life SUCKED. Kore has managed to find her own friends at Duel Academy and does get quite protective and clingy over them. Fears massively of being left behind or abandoned.
💛 Comes out with the most morbid sounding shit ever known to man. Like everyone could be having a normal conversation or you could be doing something and Kore would blurt out some...quite morbid thoughts and then the whole room is just silent af and awkward. Doesn't understand why you're looking at her with concern.
✨️ Kore used to own a super old af phone. It's cracked af, looks like it's been put through hell and back, has to bend the wire to charge the phone in a certain way, constantly has issues trying to turn the phone on and probably has to speak to the phone in a thick Swedish accent for it to even turn on. Uses the phone primarily to make calls, texts, or take photos of Pharoh the cat. Why doesn't she have a new phone? Well, due to her family's financial situation, Kore tends to settle with anything old and cheap (genuinely because she is unable to afford anything expensive and doesn't want to put strain on her parents). If it works, if it can make phone calls and texts, then no problem! Chazz has seen her phone and looked like he was going to see fucking God himself. Chazz had asked why she doesn't get a new phone but then he remembers both himself and Kore come from different status backgrounds. However, Kore had one day woke up and found a new phone suspiciously in front of her dorm room door still boxed and everything while Chazz was caught running out of the girl's Ra yellow dorm in a frantic dash. ((I'm aware that GX is set in like the early 2000's but I DON'T CARE))
💛 Heavily dislikes the taste and smell of tuna. Yet will happily eat salmon(??).
✨️ Has two closest friends named Miyu and Hanae (I will be sketching them at some point). Adores them both as they all pretty much act like sisters. A bit unhinged but they think they funny together.
💛 Kore did one time get herself and Chazz matching sanrio keychains (Kore has My Melody and Chazz got Kuromi). Chazz acts like he hates it with a passion and said to Kore it was silly. Yet when Kore tried to take it back Chazz protested and made such a huge fuss over it. Chazz actually carries it around, almost finding it thoughtful that Kore views him that highly.
✨️ Fiercely loyal to those she adores and cares about, and will absolutely fight someone tooth and nail for them.
💛 If something annoys her, or if a lot of things begin to bother up, Kore will tend to let that all bottle up and simmer. Kore tends to barely lash out and get angry, but once she hits a limit (could he even the slightest thing that pushes it and sets her off) she will lash out and get angry. She rarely ever does this, however as this has led to some upsetting arguments - which luckily she managed to repair - she'll let it all bottle up and end up crying in frustration.
✨️ Horrendous sleep schedule. She is not okay.
💛 If she's passionate about something she's interested in, she will talk for HOURS about it. To the point where you'd have to slowly sneak off while she's distracted.
✨️ LEGIT is lactose intolerant. Does she care? Fuck no don't be stupid. She'll gladly eat that block of cheese with grated parmesian and down it with milk if needed. Her line of reasoning - enjoy it now, suffer the horrific aftermath and deal with consequences later.
💛 Absolutely finds opossums and bats adorable.
✨️ Is a pretty decent duelist. Will hold her own in a duel, tries to take a more defensive approach when she feels as if she has her oppoment in a vulnerable position.
💛 Was obsessed with care bears from the ages of three to 12. Had all of the care beat plushies - I'm talking the originals and the care bear cousins. It was that bad. Luckily grew out of that phase. When she was very little, her dad was always forced to watch the care bears movies with her till she fell asleep at the end. ((Might be projecting and talking from personal experience. Specifically the care bears movie 2: a new generation. To my own dad, I'm so sorry- ))
This is all I got, granted I might have missed some stuff out so...?? I might edit this in the future idk.
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div1nity · 1 year
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𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐖𝐀𝐓𝐂𝐇 𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐒𝐄⠀⠀ ‟⠀⠀⠀⠀… ⠀⠀⠀the⠀⠀cost⠀⠀of⠀⠀fame⠀⠀was⠀⠀just⠀⠀a⠀⠀𝒔𝒎𝒂𝒍𝒍⠀⠀𝒑𝒓𝒊𝒄𝒆⠀⠀𝒕𝒐⠀⠀𝒑𝒂𝒚⠀⠀at⠀⠀the⠀⠀time⠀⠀,⠀⠀a⠀⠀little⠀⠀favour⠀⠀and⠀⠀𝖙𝖍𝖊⠀⠀𝖉𝖊𝖛𝖎𝖑⠀⠀would⠀⠀𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑛𝑔𝑒⠀⠀𝑢𝑝⠀⠀𝑚𝑦⠀⠀𝑙𝑖𝑓𝑒⠀⠀.⠀⠀but⠀⠀now⠀⠀i'm⠀⠀𝑜𝑛⠀⠀𝑡ℎ𝑒⠀⠀𝑟𝑢𝑛⠀⠀'cause⠀⠀he⠀⠀wants⠀⠀me⠀⠀𝐝𝐞𝐚𝐝⠀⠀𝐨𝐫⠀⠀𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐯𝐞⠀⠀,⠀⠀the⠀⠀fame⠀⠀and⠀⠀fortune⠀⠀got⠀⠀me⠀⠀trapped⠀⠀in⠀⠀a⠀⠀𝘤𝑖𝘵𝑦⠀⠀𝘰𝑓⠀⠀𝘭𝑖𝘦𝑠⠀⠀.⠀⠀mirror⠀⠀,⠀⠀mirror⠀⠀sitting⠀⠀up⠀⠀high⠀⠀on⠀⠀the⠀⠀wall⠀⠀;⠀⠀save⠀⠀me⠀⠀from⠀⠀𝖙𝖍𝖊⠀⠀𝖉𝖊𝖛𝖎𝖑⠀⠀that's⠀⠀ho͟l͟d͟i͟n͟g͟⠀͟⠀͟m͟y͟⠀͟⠀͟s͟o͟u͟l⠀⠀,⠀⠀coming⠀⠀for⠀⠀the⠀⠀favor⠀⠀that⠀⠀he⠀⠀𝒌𝒏͟𝒐͟𝒘͟𝒔⠀⠀that⠀⠀i⠀⠀owe⠀⠀.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ /⠀⠀headcanons⠀ , ⠀⠀threads⠀ , ⠀⠀playlist⠀ , ⠀⠀open starters⠀ , ⠀⠀starter call .⠀⠀ ⠀trigger⠀⠀warnings : ⠀⠀the typical things that come with overwatch : political unrest , murder / assassination all that mumbo jumbo | this is an ever evolving verse , which means more info will be added or changed as time goes on .
ca͟l͟l͟ ͟s͟i͟g͟n : blue ( blackwatch ) | virago ( current : HISTORY , the title has a long and rich history dating back to hellenistic philosophy in ancient greece ; the concept itself linked to the notion of brave men abiding society and being the core of its values and ethics - it's about heroism, morality and physical strength ; women at the time were considered lesser in comparison . however, if exceptional enough - these women could be granted with the title virago - meaning the woman had surpassed the exceptions for what believed possible for her gender and embodied masculine like aggression and/or excellence. virago, then, was a title of respect and admiration. as time went on, the meaning changed to something more negative, 'a domineering, violent, or bad-tempered woman.' or 'shrew' - the title intertwined with it's original meaning and the newest ; however most understand the name to mean the latter . coraline's strong connection to greece and the history is what inspired this title - it's also a little on the nose study that just like the callsign, there is more to coraline and her character than the faracde displayed on the surface . ) bi͟r͟t͟h͟p͟l͟a͟c͟e : britain. lo͟c͟a͟t͟i͟o͟n : bounces around a lot ; has a few apartments in shady spots . however one of her main resting places is a ship that's in the middle of the australian desert ; it has everything she needs . fa͟c͟e͟c͟l͟a͟i͟m : depends when the mood strikes , sometimes natasha romanoff from the marvel comics ; othertime i'll use lara croft both game and comics ; i'll also just use my main live action. ac͟c͟e͟n͟t : due to travelling , coraline's accent has a twinge of everything ; however there is a prominant southen london tone that is more dominant . la͟n͟g͟u͟a͟g͟e͟s͟ ͟k͟n͟o͟w͟n : greek, spanish, russian, swedish, irish, korean, german, chinese, japanese, french, arabic, morse code . sc͟a͟r͟s : deep , red scar across neck from a fatal wound during a blackwatch ops - only managed to survive due to the meds team quick response / talent ; often covered up with a choker , gun shot wounds on left hip and right shoulder . ta͟t͟t͟o͟o͟s : faded blackwatch logo on right side ; clearly in the process of being removed ( is sorrttaa gone recall ; it was a drunken mistake in her ovw era ) / rose thorns circling right thigh , cat tattoo left arm . jo͟b͟ ͟h͟i͟s͟t͟o͟r͟y : worked for overwatch in their undercover division , blackwatch . when disbanded was an assassin for hire with no loyalty to any cause - has a history of being hired by talon acquaintances ; thus starting a complicated , untitled relationship with the group . sk͟i͟l͟l͟s : martial arts , hacking , engineering ( the later two certainly aren't her specialities , they're just things she can do at a low scale . ) po͟w͟e͟r͟s : magic user , has regenerative cells that cause quick healing , this is also why coraline appears ageless - though is mortal , just requires a fatal wound to kill her . ab͟i͟l͟i͟t͟i͟e͟s͟ ͟i͟n͟ ͟g͟a͟m͟e : create portals and jump from different areas of the map ( no team mates can use ) with a 10 second cool down , self healing , smoke bomb that has a 6 second cool down ULTIMATE : duplicates nearby team members for 7 seconds , sending out holograms that mimic the individuals actions . it's the slowest ultimate build due to the intensity of it . lo͟a͟d͟o͟u͟t : M110 semi-automatic sniper , nighthawk aac recon : silenced , throwing knives and an omniblade machete | has an ai companion named hephaestus that helps on missions when/if needed .
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the streets have always been coraline's home , even when having four walls and a roof - she didn't shy away from sneaking out and sleeping in alleys in favour of her bed . her parents were abusive ; mean, rich and powerful people who didn't hesitate to weaponize it, even against their own blood . they were reason why she was born with survival flowing through her veins - the reason why she's always had a sharpness about her that the kids around her lacked . it was only a matter of time before she took to them full time , deciding that they were safer than being at 'home' - of cause the streets came with harsh challenges , with ruthlessness - but it was better , making it an environment coraline thrived in all too well .
she needed friends on the streets ... so to speak , friendships are rare in and of themselves - what she needed was allies. meaning snuggling up to gangs in different areas was the next best thing, it was the way to provide safety ; shelter without stepping on anyone's toes, especially with the ever rising conflicts. she didn't carry a title ; at least not internally , outwardly was another story ; realistically, everyone was using each other, it's what made the system work - mutually beneficial relationships, while fickle, have a strength about them the longer you remain useful. within the system there are still special connections to be made - cautious friendships, if you will. with this came trust, in return you can get shelter, food and something that couldn't be gained on her own ; stability and purpose.
it wasn't long before coraline was put to work, things she was more than happy to do - smuggling drugs across state lines, stealing intel from different gangs ; dangerous work, especially for a child - but it was work she thrived in. coraline had a talent for stealth , for having a quickness on feet - it what built her reputation and she wasted no time profiting off of it. there was also the added edge of having abilities that others tyically didn't ; magic usage had only been a small percentage of her life, trying to avoid it as much as possible ; however it came in handy when being sent on the low scale missions - quick healing, the ability to create portals - it made her life easier, it certainly made her far more efficent. though it was a secret held close to heart - she didn't need to go bragging and giving up all her secrets.
it's this what got her on overwatch's radar ; there was a long while of them keeping tabs on her movements, watching from afar and getting a better understanding of her skills and talents - she was the perfect candidate for the organization - the exact sort of skills that they were looking for - though it was a little while before getting involved, obviously waiting for an oppotunity to arise before approaching.
in truth, it didn't take long. the life was catching up with coraline - between gang conflicts coming to ahead, the law slowly closing in and people realising that she was playing both sides with a little too many unfulfilled debts, there were a lot of people seeking her out - the sloppiness had much to do with her worsening drug habit, it was making her reckless, no thoughts going into her actions - she wasn't happy, coraline doesn't remember a time where she was and as a result they were the only things that made her forget about her life - the state she's made of it, it was easy to fall into hopelessness when there wasn't any hope to begin with.
one night, coraline had snuck away from the group after packing up her belongings, what was worth while of it ; a gun, some stolen money and some clothes - it was here when overwatch decided it was time to approach her - extending a helping hand and offering a second chance, a chance to care about something other than herself ; a chance to be someone she could be proud of. coraline didn't really have a choice when accepting, but she'd be lying if she was mad about it.
as mentioned , coraline was heavily involved in drug use ; specifically meth , speed and cocaine - anything that kept her awake and had her blood pumping. there have been several instances of her stealing from stealing from suppliers - giving them the drugs in full, only to sneak back and steal some for herself.
another side gig that was taken up more so as a way to pass the time was partaking in illegal boxing matches - it was something she watched regularly and enjoyed betting on ; it was only a matter of time before taking a personal liking to it ; it was harsh, violent, of cause she couldn't help but be drawn to it - after voicing interest in this, a boxer that hired her to gather intel had taken up the task of teaching her how to fight in a ring ; at first he voiced that she would be stupid to take up going into the ring, even with how much she was learning with him - but that just made the notion more exciting, "it's all about the show, ain't it?" she'd grin, wiping her mouth of blood from a particularly bad punch he'd swung at her - it was then he became aware of how quickly she healed, seeing this, the boxer had taught her how to use her smaller body and strength to her advantage - going up against people her size and the closest to her weight as they could find at the time - but she proved to be a worthy opponent - it was a while before finding her footing, but when that was found she ended up diving into rigging the fights for extra money ; she was in her element. though, it did become just another mess she got herself into.
before even stepping her foot through the door, overwatch had put coraline in their medical facility in an attempt to help her detox off of the drugs - it was an agonizing road ; dealing with sweats, emotional out bursts and violent mood swings - truly, the most painful experience she had ever been through ; not the fighting, the emotional torment of the streets - simply being away from the drugs almost completely broke her apart, she had relied on them so long to feel anything, to just exist she never realised how much strain they were putting on her body. despite the clear signs of addiction displayed, in truth, coraline never noticed just how much she relied on substances.
it was under a year before overwatch decided they were satisfied with her recovery, though given her cells, she recovered quickly ; at least physically, there was still the aspect of dealing with the mental torment of it all in the aftermath - but she said as long as she kept her mind busy, she would be fine - she feels ready to take on the world, to start new - she's never felt as good as she did in that moment - with the vote of confidence, they put her to work - well, training most specifically ; honing in on her fighting skills, practicing shooting - she had fun with it, even acting as a therapy.
she struggled learning how to trust - she lived her life backstabbing, lying and manipulating - it was the way things were. to suddenly change up the dynamic and put her life in the hands of other people in such a way caused her to have a slight crisis - team building exercises were regular, helping her get used to people, in a way, overwatch was helping her to completely rewire her social perception. it was a painful road seeing people as friends and not as enemies, but after a long time, of training with them and fighting along side them - she began to open herself up. allowing herself to get comfortable, to get somewhat soft around others and become docile - she was happier ; she was putting her talents to use while not having to worry about going home and getting stabbed in her sleep.
i personally hc that coraline was a part of the venice mission, because .. c'mon, it's fun to think about - and while a lot of her portrayal revolves around the core four, if you're a blackwatch writer ( gabriel , genji , moria , cassidy ) and don't vibe with the idea, then that's fine ! just let me know - because i can make it so the impact bw had on her are faceless within the group rather than specifically canon charcters.
after the collapse of overwatch, it took a little while for coraline to get back on her feet ; naturally , this left a large hole in her life that was originally filled by the group - they found her when she was at her worst and as a result she truly never pictured a time where she'd be without them . looking back , she realises how foolish she had been to put so much faith in something that wasn't even remotely sustainable - it was an undercover military group , the shadow of something that represented an artificial light that never truly existed in the first place ; it was bound to collapse in on itself from the weight of sins that it carried ; however she was young , she had a spark in her that made her hopeful - vulnerable , weaker - a mistake she promised to herself to never make again .
she took some time away , retirement so to speak , though without any of the actual relaxing ; taking the time to learn new skills ; languages , hacking , engineering - she knew already knew how to kill , how to fight ; blackwatch saw to that - they had taught her everything she needed to know , but that's nothing without the intelligence and added skills to back that up ; killing , fighting - it was easy, anyone could do it - there always needs to be an added edge . she built gadgets , practiced hacking anything that was of interest - she wanted to be better , she wanted to make herself bulletproof because she knew the path she was about to go down required her to be the best - at least be better than who she once was .
before going back on the field, her first move was to erase herself completely - cleaning up every little shadow of herself she could find in an attempt to have a fresh start, to burn her past self to the ground and rise from the ashes - not necessarily as someone better. her illegal boxing matches from her teenage years, the drug smuggling and gang activity, her time at overwatch - thrown out, as if it never happened at all. any trace of her legal name was gone, she preferred it that way, in this moment came some sort of clarity , even if dipped in melancholy - she became a new person, she had her entire life ahead of her without any of the baggage holding her down - though with this new found lightness, came a lot of bad ideas - ones she was more than happy to live out despite the grave consequences that will unfold from them . continuing the career of mercenary seemed like the most logical line of work for her to go in ; so that's what she did . nothing unusual, nothing that she wasn't already used to ; but eventually she fell into the assassin career, it was one that took a little too easily - even worse, she enjoyed it - she was far too good at the work and it eventually became the new norm in her contracts.
coraline's problem was she didn't really know herself, never took the time to learn. there was no outside of the violence ; because that's all there was, she can't picture not being behind a gun . finding herself in this line of work was natural progression from her previous employment . with dedication, pride and a swift efficiency - it only took a couple of years for her name to become a whisper in the places where it mattered. much like before overwatch she took to the moto of once again having no loyalty , no moral code - she didn't care who was the target, just that the pay was heavy and the client knew what it meant to be inconspicuous - she became the go to gun when needed something done ; swift, quick, easy and was already out of the targets vicinity when the pulling the trigger . eventually she was hired by higher profiles, being paid to off ceos, politicians and high end criminal targets .
coraline can always been seen wearing a mask, without one she feels naked, exposed and far too seen ; people describe her as cold, calculated, lacking empathy - but in truth … that isn't the case, though her actions certainly prove otherwise . she still has moments of hesitating when she knows certain targets don't deserve it, has moments of taking a sharp breath through teeth and closing her eyes as she pulls the trigger and wincing once the bullet goes through a target - she has a job to do and a title to maintain - so ultimately, it gets done, no matter what ; the guilt, the dirty feeling that sticks to her after every mission is ignored, as a result she isn't in the best headspace - forcing herself to shut down as much as humanly possible ; though that's just it, she's still human and living isn't as easy as it used to be - or maybe she's just getting old and faking it is becoming harder ; it's an unwavering farcade that very few can see beyond.
coraline's kill methods range from distance to up close and personal. her usual sign that she was the person behind the kill is kills via blade ; usually leaving behind quite a scene, especially when she deems someones death worthwhile. she likes to see the light fade from someones eyes, likes to be reminded what it looks and feels like when someone dies right in front of her ; it's easy to pull a trigger. it's another thing to hear the final breaths. this is also a method to keep her emotions in check, in short ; not only is it fun, but there's an element of personal mental self harm by putting herself through the trials to stop her going soft.
work in progress .
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nycbagcls · 2 years
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timothée chalamet.     he/they.     cis man.      ›spotted   at   the   met   steps   ,   aleksander elisha wylie  ,   most   likely   listening   to  day ‘n’ nite   by   kid cudi   with   their   airpods   pro   .   the   twenty six   gained   quite   a   reputation   ,   known   to   be   -uptight   yet   +passionate   to   anyone   who   knows   them   .   you'll   easily   spot   them   when   you   hear   about  late nights, face buried in his hands, thunder storming outside, striving to prove his worth to a father who will never see it ;; a gorgeous view from a penthouse overlooking central park, music playing through built-in speakers, has he ever felt so lonely before? ;; a framed masters of business administration, but memories most joyous from art history classes & wandering new haven with friends he hasn’t seen in years ;; the desire to sit in the met for hours, staring at the works of monet, wishing to feel the peace the paintings evoke  ,   followed   by   tobacco vanille by tom ford   .   latest   nepoupdates   article   talks   about   he genuinely had fun for once? he was out in the west village, done up in glitter and eyeshadow, his hands on another man’s waist as they danced. some even say that he was laughing   ,   but   i   guess   any   reputation   is   good   reputation   . (muse g // subplot 3)
hi everyone :) i'm s, my pronouns are they/them, and here's aleksander, whom i love! feel free to reach out any time, i'm always around!
name: aleksander elisha wylie
nicknames: he hasn't been called by anything but aleksander since he was in school. long time friends may call him alek, aleks, aleksy, or alie, but he'll just introduce himself as aleksander in most situations
age: 26
gender: he/they pronouns, he says cis man because he doesn't want to think about it too hard. probably closer to the genderqueer spectrum than he'd admit
occupation: assistant to the cfo at wylie & associates.
sexuality: bisexual
residence: penthouse in one of those new buildings on central park south
languages: english, french, italian, spanish (fluent) // mandarin, japanese (conversational) // yiddish, portuguese, korean, greek (learning)
social class: upper 
education level: mba from yale, bachelor's in econometrics and quantitative economics, also from yale
height: 5′11
build: twink (with love and admiration in my voice), some muscle but that's because he uses the gym instead of therapy as an outlet
hair: brown, curly, very well taken care of, kept neat
eyes: hazel
piercings: two helix piercings in his right ear from his time as an undergrad, he doesn't actively wear them anymore for the business' appearance's sake.
tattoos: none 
+ passionate, driven, hardworking, loyal to a fault, creative
- uptight, petulant, overthinker, stubborn 
aesthetics: late nights, face buried in his hands, thunder storming outside, striving to prove his worth to a father who will never see it // a gorgeous view from a penthouse overlooking central park, music playing through built-in speakers, has he ever felt so lonely before? // a framed masters of business administration, but memories most joyous from art history classes & wandering new haven with friends he hasn’t seen in years // the desire to sit in the met for hours, staring at the works of monet, wishing to feel the peace the paintings evoke // the moon to his sister's sun, in shadow most of the day, keeping to himself so as not to draw his father's disapproving gaze // two am on a saturday in june. glitter around his eyes. finally, finally, a chance to escape! dancing in the west village, ignoring the eyes on him, for he isn't even thirty, and burnout aches. he's here to have fun. 
PEOPLE TO KNOW (NPCs unless otherwise noted)
lucia piersanti (wylie), (retired) model & heiress mother
richard wylie, ceo of wylie & associates father 
muse h, younger sister (player character)
martha novak housekeeper & second mother
hobbies ;; art (appreciation, he can't paint or draw to save his life), reading (fiction, privately. there's a hidden stack of romance books tucked away in the apartment that's far too big for one person), traveling, dancing, working out (again, in place of therapy), played piano for ten years growing up, thinks he doesn't retain much but would entertain picking it up again if he had more free time
likes ;; fresh fruit, swimming in the ocean, well-tailored clothes, the way he looks with eyeshadow on, kissing, silk sheets, white wine, new york sports (the yankees, the knicks, the giants, the rangers), privacy, live music & theatre, when his sister stays out of the tabloids for one singular week, he's practically begging her at this point.
dislikes ;; mosquitoes, humidity, people he doesn't know making assumptions about his life, business, the tabloids, the fact that he can't just go out and buy a bagel without eyes on him, the distaste his father seems to have for him, the fact that his mother abandons the family more often than she's ever been there for them, not being listened to.
style ;; for work, finely tailored italian suits, frequently sans-tie, with an excessive collection of pocket squares. otherwise, colors. bright colors, ignoring gender norms, low necklines, jackets sans-shirt, sunglasses as a frequent accessory, athletic wear when he's trying to be more lowkey.
trigger warnings for parental neglect, self-loathing
aleksander doesn't really have a noteworthy story. he was born in new york, and that's where he's lived most of his life. he spent summers abroad, and his college years at yale, but, otherwise, it's always been (and always will be) new york.
he knows very well what his father wants of him. he knows he's been groomed since birth to be the ceo of wylie and associates. when richard inevitably retires (or works himself to death, whichever comes first). however, aleksander has never been interested in business. sure, he's good at it, but it doesn't, as marie kondo says, spark joy. nevertheless, he was put on a business track from the day he learned the alphabet, whether or not he recognized the fact that it was happening.
growing up, aleksander was a quiet boy. he had few close friends, despite the fact that no one seemed to think too negatively of him. sure, he was as stubborn then as he is now, but he didn't have the burden of his future weighing down on him until his junior year of high school rolled around, and he realized he really wasn't going to have a say in his future.
as a child, he and his younger sister were incredibly close. all the way through his high school years, whenever he needed support, he'd go to her, and he expected that she would do the same for him. that was the way things were in their household until aleksander's junior year, until he realized that his future was predetermined, that she had the freedom he desperately craved. he would never outwardly say that he was jealous of her, but that thought dug its way into his brain and hasn't left since. she's been able to act up, drop out of school, end up in the tabloids every other day, and he's had to keep his head down, behave as a wylie ought to, or risk even further alienation. he hates it, and wishes that things were different.
he has never heard his father say that he's proud of him. he's never heard even a good job or a well done out of his mouth. it's almost embarrassing, how much aleksander strives for his approval, though he'd never admit it to anyone. he truly believes he'll never be good enough for him.
yale is a family tradition. his father went there, his grandfather went there, hell, there's a wing of the business school named after them. aleksander barely had to apply before the congratulations email hit his inbox. he earned his masters five years later, graduating summa cum laude, and not even then did his father seem impressed.
aleksander has been working within the company since his graduation. his official title is assistant to the cfo, but he (and the world) knows that it's just a nepotism position; that he was born and bred to be the next ceo. aleksander fears that he'll work himself to death before his father does, though.
sometimes, he likes to dream about what his life would be like if he hadn't been born the eldest wylie. he likes to think that he'd have a small apartment in the west village (close enough to his favorite bars, his favorite eateries, his community), a degree in art history, or perhaps english literature, and some job that the pay didn't matter as long as he could afford rent and his habits of going out and buying drinks for the people he's with. he wouldn't have friends who only stuck around because of his name. maybe he'd like what he saw when he looked in the mirror in the morning more than he likes what he sees now. all he truly wants is peace, quiet, and someone to share a life with, but the burden currently on his shoulders can be crushing.
he genuinely had fun for once? he was out in the west village, done up in glitter and eyeshadow, his hands on another man’s waist as they danced. some even say that he was laughing.
aleksander genuinely loves going out dancing - it's the only time you'll see him loudly & publicly expressing himself. he loves expressing himself through clothing, through music, through makeup, though it feels like in his current day-to-day life, he just can't do that. it's not allowed. but, sometimes, he'll allow himself a night on the town, a night where he doesn't care whose eyes are on him, a night where he'll actually, truly, allow himself to laugh, to sing in public, to dance as if no one's watching. to kiss boys, to kiss girls, to kiss people who identify as neither. hands roaming in bathrooms, buying shots for everyone, and then disappearing back to midtown before the sun rises - after all, he's got work in the financial district in the morning.
best friend — (  someone around their age that also grew up on the upper east side ). this is the only person aleksander has constantly kept in touch with his whole life. they know everything there is to know about him, and they're the first one he calls when he's struggling. he views them as a sibling. - ) //
friends — (  if they reached out to him, aleksander would agree to hang out with them. it's rare that he'd reach out, though. ) //
coworkers / people through work — (  aleksander hates to admit that these people are the ones he spends the most time around. he hates to think that he doesn't really have a life outside of work. they see him every day, but do they know him? ) //
bad influences — (  these are the people who want aleksander to start living more, but not in the sense that he intends, more in the sense that they want to see his name start showing up in the tabloids alongside his sister's. ) //
family friends/frenemies — (  they may or may not like each other, but their families have known each other for a long time. these are the people who would be at his mother's galas, his father's holiday dinners, and everything in between while they were growing up. ) //
hookups — (  "wait, aleksander wylie fucks? no fucking way." these are one night stands. he does not want to drag anyone into his family's shit. or, honestly, his shit. ) // any gender !
the hookup — (  okay, maybe one person got dragged into his family's shit. this is the one he keeps going back to. the one who knows the doormen in his lobby by name. the one who may or may not have an extra pair of clothes in his closet. the one who he will not drag into his family's shit. ) // this is probably someone else who's queer
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