#konoha's shinobi academy
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uchiha-namikaze-spawn · 11 months ago
A type of fanfiction I need that is extremely rare to find is how used the characters are to something.
Like, jutsus, for an example, imagine Boruto (I'm going for Naruto: Next Gen for a better understanding) watching Sasuke and Naruto do signals with their hands too fast for human eye to capture and he stops and just thinks how difficult and how many times these shinobi had to use these hand signs in order to be able to even make it one handed - as its Sasuke case, in which he can even use another person's hand to use jutsus - and Boruto just ignores Kurama, sharingan, etc., etc. and focus on asking Naruto if he even knows what he is doing.
After awhile it must become muscle memory, right? You know you want the result to be a huge tower of water and just effortlessly acts on it, your brain not having to think it through, think about every detail so you don't end up with a small water puddle instead.
I know that Boruto is used with "the fastest you can hand sign the more skilled the shinobi" yadda-yadda but- imagine he has a moment to think out of the box as he analyses his father dueling with his sensei just for the sake of it-
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alichiraku · 2 years ago
When did Iruka become a teacher?
I was making an Iruka timeline and realized we don’t have a clear answer, but rather multiple conflicting ones. So I tried to compile the informations somewhere! Here are some different indications as to when Iruka may have become a teacher at the Academy.
The first basic fact we have is this: Iruka would very probably not have become a teacher before he became a Chūnin, which happened when he was 16 years old (birthday May 26th).
The Childhood episodes show Iruka teaching Naruto’s generation while they are at a very young age, possibly 5 to 7 (see the “Naruto” and “Shikamaru” episodes). This would make Iruka 15 to 17.
In the movie The Last, Iruka is already a teacher in the Academy flashback. The children in this scene are all 7, making Iruka 17.
In the Rookie Instructor Iruka filler arc, a flashback shows Iruka asking to become an instructor. Kakashi is present in this scene and is already back in the field and in jōnin uniform, meaning this is after he left ANBU, which happened when he was 22-23 years old. Kakashi and Iruka have a 4 years age difference, making Iruka at least 18-19. This is already conflicting with the previous anime appearances.
There are even less indications in the manga than there are in the anime. At the very least, Iruka was not Sasuke’s first teacher (Sasuke entered the Academy at age 6), although nothing indicates whether he was already a teacher or not.
To me, the only reliable clue is in the flashback of Naruto and Sasuke’s fight at the Academy, supervised by Iruka (which spans over multiple chapters, beginning with Chapter 538 and ending with Chapter 697). The flashback is set post-Uchiha massacre, making the Naruto’s generation at least 7 and Iruka at least 17. I’d say that Naruto’s generation looks around 9-10? (compared to their Naruto Part I selves)
(There is also the fact that in Chapter 1, Iruka seems to have been around for Naruto’s two previous attempts at passing the Genin test, which would suggest he’s been teaching Naruto for at least 2 years. But since that’s already an entire problem in itself -Naruto would be 2 years older than his comrades, unless the exam happens multiple times a year like the Chūnin exam-, I’m not gonna use it.)
Now okay, this is where I’m gonna sound a little crazy, but I’ve tried to calculate a likely age for Iruka to have become a teacher based on his number of Databook missions. Having become a Chūnin at 16, Iruka couldn’t have done A-rank and B-rank missions before this moment (or only on accident, I guess). Given that he doesn’t take missions during his teacher years (at least up to the Konoha Crush), Iruka’s 74 B-rank and 12 A-rank missions must have mostly been completed in the timeframe between his becoming a Chūnin and his taking up a teaching job. Shikamaru, who we see becoming a Chūnin, completes 9 B-rank and 19 A-rank missions in around 2 and a half years. If we assume A-rank missions take longer to complete (which isn’t at all a given but I’m desperate for clues), this gives Iruka around 3 to 3 and a half years to complete his own total, making him 19-20 when he becomes a teacher. 
My personal preference would be for Iruka to have been 19 when he became a teacher at the Academy. The first two anime indications can be easily discarded: the Childhood episodes are simply cute filler episodes to end the anime, and the Last movie has more than one inconsistency. Iruka being 19 allows for the Rookie Instructor arc to be partly canon, as well as the manga indications: the Naruto vs Sasuke flashback would happen only 2 years or less after the Uchiha massacre, and Iruka would have been Naruto’s teacher for a total of 3/3 and half years (enough to have an initially strained relationship, then a more understanding one, and for Naruto’s memories from the Academy to be mainly associated with Iruka). This gives Iruka around 3 years on active duty as a Chūnin before retiring, and thus enough time for his ‘empathy’ for the enemy to become a worrying trend, if we take the Rookie Instructor arc as canon. 
(Also given that Naruto is 18-19 in The Last when he teaches at the Academy, this seems to be not too weird of an age for someone to start teaching.)
So there you have it! Obviously there is still some weird stuff anime-wise ; Iruka progressively becomes more of a Teacher Archetype throughout Naruto’s story, which explains why he’s often put in anime episodes despite being a literal teenager (yeah Konoha is fucked up about age anyway but even them probably don’t want a 15yo with anger issues to teach their knife-yielding middle schoolers).
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evilkitten3 · 1 year ago
just realized this post is bs they don't teach shit at that school
Remember the land of waves arc when zabuza was telling his backstory and kakashi was like the village hidden in the mist is BARBARIC they make kids kill other kids in order to become ninja. We would never do that. Then the next arc was like alright kids who’s ready to kill some other kids in order to become ninjas.
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itsvenera · 10 months ago
Can I request Naruto with a single mama? Her little 1 yr old is a little unsure at first but comes to ADORE Naruto. Please and thank you!
Author's note: I am finishing my written assignments for uni this and next week, so I'm being extra slow with the requests, for which I am sorry :( Anyway, this request was super cute and I loved writing it! Hope you enjoy and thank you for requesting!
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Becoming a war hero almost overnight sounds like a dream come true for every shinobi. All the years of pain, sweat and blood finally being recognised and appreciated by the people was something that rarely happened through history, and even when it did, most of the time it didn't last long.
But Naruto was no ordinary war hero - he was once the most hated person in Konoha, who despite everything remained loyal to his village and his friends. Filled with hope and ambition for the future, he proved himself as an excellent shinobi and most importantly, a good potential leader. So when Kakashi gave up his position as the Hokage, there was no question about who should be his successor.
Everything in his life fell into place pretty quickly after that - he bought a house, he started volunteering at the academy and the hospital during weekends, and also became the best man to Shikamaru and Temari's wedding. The boy that was once called a "freak" was now the "man of progress" - a symbol of prosperity and inspiration to many children across the Land of Fire. Tales and songs were already written in his name, and to him, it still felt unreal.
With fame came also attention. In the beginning, he loved it. Having women competing for his affection was fun and also very new for him - never has anyone asked him out on a date or given him gifts before. It did stroke his ego and for the first months after he became a Hokage, he entertained such advances. After all he was a single man, so why not? Perhaps one of these women would one day turn out to be the one.
Days became months, months became years and soon he found that almost all of his friends were either married or engaged. So far it never bothered him, but after Sakura and Sasuke came back carrying a child in their arms, he started to seriously think about what he wanted.
Years ago, if anyone has asked him what he seeks in a partner, his answer would've easily been his teammate. But since then a lot has changed, including him. He was more mature and level-headed now, and looking back, he realised what he felt toward the pink-haired kunoichi was not real love, but rather a childish crush. She was his best friend and he had deep respect for her, but even he realised how incompatible their personalities were and how his teenage self had an unrealistic idea of who she actually is.
Naruto was the definition of fire. He often acted based on his emotions and while he was better at self-control than he was before, there were still moments when he slipped up and let his inner thoughts take over his rationality. The last thing he needed was someone who had the same burning soul. Quite the opposite - he yearned for calmness. His heart needed to be both loved and protected by someone who can balance him.
This realisation felt heavier with each day. To have someone by his side soon became a mirage - no matter how often he attempted to give a chance to someone, the spark was just never there. All these women looked differently and talked differently, but ultimately they all gave him the same feeling - emptiness.
"Everything comes with time", Kakashi said to him, when he noticed him sitting by himself at Ino and Sai's wedding. The blonde man just smiled, weakly nodding at his sensei, not having the energy to oppose him. At this point, he wanted nothing more than to just finish his drink and head home to rest for the early morning meeting he had the next day.
Like almost everything in his life, however, this didn't go to plan. He was just about to stand up from his place, when his eyes locked with yours across the room. "She is definitely not from here", he thought, as you directed a small smile at him, lifting your glass in the air, before returning your attention to Ino, who was eagerly explaining her honeymoon plans to you. Naruto assumed you were not a shinobi as well, as he was sure he would've remembered you if he had encountered you in the past.
Before he can think about what he was doing, he was already walking toward the table where you and the bride were sitting. Pulling the chair next to Ino and opposite you, he slumped on it, his eyes dancing between you two.
"Can I join you, ladies?", he asked, despite the fact he already had. You both nodded and he grinned in response, before turning toward Ino and laying his hand on her shoulder:
"Congratulations on your marriage, Ino! Sai is a lucky guy!"
"You bet he is!", she laughed, nudging you with her elbow. Expecting such a response from her, you only rolled your eyes, shaking your head with a small smile. There was no room for disagreement, however - while Ino had quite a personality, she was one of the most kind and sincere people you have ever met. No wonder you became friends so quickly after she was sent to a mission in your village and you preserved that friendship despite the distance and all the years that have passed.
"Oh!", the bride suddenly exclaimed, grabbing your hand and almost shoving it into the blonde man’s face, "Naruto, this is Y/N. She has been my friend for... How many? Almost 10 years now! She is originally from the Curtain Village, but has been travelling for a while now."
"The Curtain Village? Isn't that the capital of Land of Silence?"
"It is", you confirmed, shaking his hand once he put it in yours. Noticing the slight furrow of his brows, you were quick to add with a smirk: "I am not a criminal that is here to blow up a wedding, if that is what you are thinking."
Letting out a scoff, Naruto looked a few times between you and Ino, before laughing nervously. He still hadn't let go of you, continuing to shake your arm up and down.
"What? I-you... I didn't-", he stammered, looking over to the bride for help. It was true a very brief thought of suspicion flashed through his mind hearing where you were from, but how can anyone blame him? The Land of Silence was a country of lawlessness, full with criminals and terrorist, all of them sharing the same hatred for Five Great Shinobi.
"Oh, don't listen to her, she is joking!", Ino laughed, before turning toward you and gently slapping you on the shoulder. Her eyes moved to the middle of the table, above which the Hokage was still holding your hand, his whole face flushed bright red. The minute of silence must have caught the man's attention, because soon after he let go of you, moving his fingers behind his body and nervously scratching his neck.
"Not weird at all", your friend muttered, before turning toward you, "Y/N, this is Naruto! A childhood friend, a war hero, the current Hokage... and also a man who does not know how to act like a normal human being in front of a beautiful woman."
He immediately opened his mouth to protest but was stopped the second your laugh reached his ears. This has to be the most melodic and beautiful sound he has ever heard. Too lost admiring it, he didn't pay any attention to Ino, who excused herself, giving you both a knowing look. He noticed only a few minutes later your shared friend is missing and he mentally cursed himself of how he was behaving. His teenage years were long gone, why couldn't he compose himself like the grown man he is?
"So, Hokage...", the title sounded almost seductive from your lips, "What was a man of such importance doing by himself at the bar? One would think you would be the centre of attention tonight. After the bride and groom, of course."
The tone of your voice combined with the sparkle in your eyes was enough for him to be able to barely keep focus on what you were actually saying. Squirming in his seat, he nervously laughed, wondering for how long were you watching him before he approached you. He must have looked like a complete fool sitting by himself ordering glass after glass and only occasionally being spoken to by the passing guests. Definitely not the impression he wanted to leave.
"I just... needed some time away from people. I didn't know Ino and Sai had THAT many friends", his words made you laugh and he instantly beamed at the sound, happy he was the one causing it.
"What about you? You here with someone?"
The slight nod of your head made his heart drop to his stomach and the corners of his mouth moved downward into a frown. Was it surprising? You were a beautiful woman after all, of course the chances for you to be taken were high. He sure as hell was disappointed though. A tiny part of him was hoping that you were here by yourself and that maybe, just maybe, he would have the chance to get to know you more.
Seeing the way his whole expression darkened, you bit back a smile, nodding your head to the end of the large room. There, in a corner, one baby boy and two little girls, one of which was Sarada, were enthusiastically smashing plastic toys around, being supervised by smiling Sakura.
"I am accompanied by the fine gentleman over there", you pointed to the boy, before laughing, "But I think he may be too occupied at the moment to even remember I exist."
Naruto followed the direction of which your finger was pointing and he suddenly felt his body relax. Oh. You were talking about that type of company.
"Is that your brother?"
Raising your brow at him, you gave him a small smirk, finding his question cute. There was something about this man that was both extremely sweet, yet attractive - perhaps it was the innocence he radiated, while looking so strong and masculine.
"You are flattering me", your attention moved back to the child, who was now trying to communicate something with Sarada, "This is my son, actually."
"Your son?", his voice came out louder and squeakier than expected and he immediately added, "It's just... you look so young, heh. Not that is a bad thing, you know? You are beautiful! Your son is also beautiful... Not in a creepy way, I mean he looks a lot like you and-"
The words suddenly got stuck in his throat and he loudly gulped, already fearing the disaster he just created. Expecting you to stand up and leave, or maybe even slap him, he was shocked when all you did was to just grab his hand and give it a little squeeze.
"You sure blabber a lot for a Hokage", you joked, before standing up, "Excuse me just for a minute."
Blue eyes followed your body across the room, curiously watching how you picked up the small boy in your arms and placed it on your hips, before making your way back. Now that he was getting closer, Naruto could fully appreciate the striking resemblance the child had with you. You had dressed him in a little blue shirt and black pants, which was complementing your dress with the same colours.
“Wow! He is literally your twin! Dad must be jealous”, he laughed nervously once you were just few feet away. The mention of he word “dad” made your body stiffen and you adjusted your baby’s position, so you can both sit comfortably.
“I doubt that - that man didn't even have the decency to show up for his child's birth, let alone acknowledge his existence .”
The blonde almost chocked on his drink, hitting his chest a few times. Was it bad to feel so good after hearing you say these words? He would never dream of wishing any child to grow up without a father, yet something inside of him felt almost relieved.
"Oh?", his posture relaxed and he raised one eyebrow, "So you are single mother?"
The answer was obvious, but he needed to be 100% sure - the last thing he wanted was to ruin someone's relationship, especially when there is a child involved. The nod of your head and the small smile were the final assurance he needed and without further word, he moved to the seat next to you which was previously occupied by Ino.
The sudden movement startled the baby in your arms and it immediately turned its head to the side, curiously observing the man.
"Hi, little one! My name is Naruto. Oh my, you are very cute!"
Uzumaki was good with kids. Maybe it was because of his friendly appearance or the fact he was full with energy, just like them, but there has not been a single child so far that didn't adore him from the moment they laid their eyes on him. Even Sarada, much to Sasuke's dismay.
The look that your son was giving him, however, was anything but impressed. Staring at him with his big eyes, he didn't even move a muscle, as if he was challenging him to a staring contest.
Can babies even challenge someone? Naruto never thought so, but he could swear the boy's brows furrowed just a bit, enough for him to send a clear message: "I may be cute, but you are not and neither is your attempt to impress my mom."
"He is very shy", you said, bouncing him on your lap. As a result to your constant travels due to your job, he didn't had a lot of interactions with other children or with people in general. Growing up without a father, he was very attached to you and any unknown person was always treated with suspicion.
To you he was just being cautious. To the man to your right, however, he was protective. The look he has given him was not one of a timid child, quite the opposite - he may be small, but he loved his mama and was not about to let a random man come and sweep her off her feet. Even if he was the Hokage himself.
"Well, I would love to get to know him", the man smiled, before lifting his eyes to yours, "and you, of course! Maybe... I can take you out on a dinner or something?"
"No", the word fell out of your child's mouth, before you can even start replying. Naruto looked at him, noticing the small pout that was now formed on his chubby face. Biting his lip, the Uzumaki tried his best to contain his laugh and remain serious. Not that he didn't respect the little man and how he tried to protect you, but he was so small and cute, it was hard to take him seriously.
"Hey, that is not nice!", you said to your son, giving him a look. He, however, didn't even acknowledge you, his whole attention trained on the man next to you.
"I am sorry, he just learned the word "no", and now he keep saying it at the most random times."
The blonde nodded with a smile, knowing that this was definitely NOT a random time.
"But to answer your question, WE would love to go on a dinner with you!", you adjusted the baby in your arms and the shift finally made him look at you. With a smile, you pressed a kiss to his temple, before looking back at the Hokage: "I am staying with Ino for the next three weeks. Pick us up tomorrow at 8?"
The next day Naruto was half an hour early to the arranged time. Too scared to knock on the door and look way too eager to see you, he decided to wait outside, almost giving Ino a heart attack once she opened the door and nearly bumped her head in his chest.
"Naruto, what the hell are you doing just standing in front of my door?"
"Uh... Waiting?", he scratched the back of his head nervously, wishing there was a hole in the ground that can swallow him whole. It was not like this was his first date ever, why was he nervous about?
Deep inside he knew the answer - it was not you who was making him anxious, but your son. The way their first interaction went woke something competitive in him and now he was determined to prove himself as a man, good enough to be a partner and a father.
Being the village's hero he hasn’t faced a challenge like this for a while, so while he thought a bit of smooth talking and play time with your child were enough to win your son over, it seemed to make the situation even worse. The child refused to play with him and instead was clinging to you the whole time, giving Naruto such a look, which could only be described as a glare.
"He is not usually like this", you said at the end of your date, when you were both saying your 'goodbyes' in front of Ino's house, "I am really sorry if it made you uncomfortable or-"
Before you can finish, big calloused fingers pressed themselves to your lips, silencing you. You were glad that your son was now asleep, as he saw the gesture, he would surely cry, just like he did every time Naruto tried to grab your hand or touch you in any way during dinner.
"Hey, I think it is completely normal", the blonde let out a short breathy laugh, moving his eyes between the child and your face, "He just want to protect his mother. If I was him, I would be the same..."
Looking down, you carefully considered his words. You avoided dating after your ex left you once he found you are pregnant, so you never had the chance to observe your baby boy around men. But looking at his behaviour now, the Hokage's words made sense.
Thankfully for you, the Uzumaki was not a man who gave up easily. Pressing a kiss to your cheek, he invited you both to go and visit him the next day in the Hokage tower. He promised to give you a tour around and grab a lunch with you during his break.
For the three weeks you were in Konoha, you spend every single day with Naruto. He started going to work extra early, just so he can leave on time to pick you up and show you another one of his favourite spots around Konoha. For everyone around you, it was obvious you were absolutely whipped for one another and all this extra effort from his side seemed almost unnecessary in their eyes. For him, however, it was more than necessary, especially since your shared future was depending on it.
As a teacher, you built your job around travelling - you loved sharing your knowledge with the world, as well gaining new one from each place you visited. Such life was busy and demanding, especially for a single parent, but the pros outweighed the cons significantly.
Naruto refused to directly ask you to move to Konoha permanently, but his intentions were pretty clear - he never missed a chance to point out how good the Academy is, how there is a higher education institution being build right now and how gifted the kids in the village were. In the beginning, you didn't give any indication you were even considering staying, but after a while you started to show your interest in your own way - mainly by asking questions about the job market, the teachers in the Academy and in general the life in Konoha.
His relationship with your son also improved drastically. At first, the child stopped "glaring" at him and actually trusted him to come near you. Then, a few days later, he agreed for the first time to play ball with him and at the end of your walk in the park, he even fell asleep in Naruto's arms. By the time you had to leave, your son was so attached to the blonde, he refused to let go of his neck and go in your arms.
"We need to go, darling", you muttered tiredly, trying to detach him from the Hokage.
"No", he cried even louder, "Mama - bye!"
Letting out a loud laugh, Naruto adjusted the little boy in his arms, so he frees one hand and takes yours in it.
"Maybe mama would consider staying", he said, his grin transforming into a soft smile. Squeezing your fingers between his, he tugged you toward him, wrapping his free hand around your waist.
"I won't force you to stay if you do not want to... but I really, really wish you would consider it! I know we have been knowing each other for weeks, but damn, I am in love with you! And I love this little guy here", he looked over the child in his arms, that was now snuggling in his chest, giving you the biggest puppy eyes, "He does feel like my son. And if you leave... I may have to follow you till you agree to come back. And believe it, I do have some experience with making people come back!"
Letting out a giggle, you raise your brow at his words, the bag on your shoulder already falling down.
"Yeah? You would travel around the whole world just to bring us back to you?"
Closing the distance, he leaned his head to the side, so he can lay a small kiss on your lips. He pressed his forehead to yours, letting out a breath of relief once he heard your bag falling to the floor.
"I will travel to the end of the universe, if it means you will be with me."
cc artowork: Jayison Devadas
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bree-peasant · 1 month ago
The Magic Lake - a Kakashi x fem!Reader One Shot
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Author's note: I'm back with a cheesy, fluffy Kk fic. I've had many one shots in the works, but this is the one I managed to finish, so I really hope you like it!
Word count: 2.7k
Sunmary: Y/N and Kakashi are childhood best friends who've lost touch. Can a chance encounter many years later repair a broken bond?
Warnings: some nudity, but it's not very explicit
Happy reading! ♡
You and Kakashi had been neighbours. Born less than a year apart (Kakashi was the younger one and you never failed to remind him of that), you quickly became inseparable. From innocent child's play, to training together while you both attended the Academy, the two of you would spend any spare moment together, creating a bond that nothing could shatter. Or so you thought.
Kakashi quickly overtook you in his ninja capabilities, showcasing a rare talent. At first, that only motivated you to try and keep up with him, but the more you grew, the more you realised the shinobi life wasn't meant for you. Your comrades and teachers alike, would often poke fun at your delicate hands and your careful movements, making you rethink your choice of career. Kakashi always supported you, trying to convince you not to give up on becoming a shinobi. You even went as far as to graduate from the Academy, but after that, you were done.
Your relationship with him didn't change immediately. You were both still devoted to the friendship as ever, making sure that every spare moment was spent together, either swimming, play-fighting, or reading in a comfortable silence. You'd talk about the future together, making naive promises to stay in each other's lives forever, certain in your childish minds that you'd fulfil these oaths.
When Sakumo died, your family welcomed Kakashi, who had already felt like their second child anyway. You wanted to console him, support him through his grief, but you already felt your best friend drifting away. You hoped it was only temporary and tried to ignore your growing worry.
He was your first kiss. A very innocent one at that, but it still brought butterflies to your stomach every time you thought of it for days after. He was leaving on his first ever long-term mission, and without thinking, you planted a peck on his lips as the two of you were saying goodbye. Kakashi looked awfully flustered, a bright red spreading on his cheeks, visible despite his mask. He'd hugged you tight after that, promising to return safely. To you.
You supposed both of you were too young to understand the feelings that grew between you; to distinguish where the deep-rooted friendship ended, and something else began. So, when he came back, things remained the same for awhile, neither of you sure how to approach the subject. With time, though, Kakashi's life took him on a very different path from your own. One that was so riddled with grief and regret, that he withdrew in himself, began avoiding you and your family, taking on more missions, being aloof and cold when around you. The more he rose in rank, the more he was away, risking his life over and over again, and when he did come back to the village, he stayed away.
It broke your heart to see the change in him. You tried to plead your way back into the friendship, but it seemed too far gone to be retrieved. Eventually, you had to make peace with how things stood between you, and you silently withdrew, hoping that someday, Kakashi would come back to you.
Now, 20-some years later, you were running a sewing shop in the village, putting your concentrated and graceful hand movements to good use. You were renowned in the village for your needlepoint work, even making garments for nobility outside of Konoha. You hadn't seen Kakashi in years, bar the occasional chance encounter, when you'd awkwardly greet each other and quickly move on. But something in you would break at the sight of him still. You never put a name to the feeling, convincing yourself that what happened long ago no longer mattered. You'd moved on with your life, you'd made other friends, had other lovers, but in truth, a part of you missed your childhood best friend desperately.
It had been a long day at work, the summer heat sweltering in the shop, drops of sweat trickling down the nape of your neck as you worked. By the evening, you were utterly exhausted, but the thought of returning to your stuffy flat was too repulsive to face.
You decided to grab some food to go and take a stroll outside the village, in an attempt to find a cooler spot. By now, the sun was starting to set, the night promising some respite from the blistering heat. You walked aimlessly, allowing your feet to dictate the direction, your mind caught up in tomorrow's affairs. The summer season was a busy one for your shop, with many orders coming through, and you were beginning to feel overwhelmed with all the work you had coming your way.
Pulling yourself out of these cumbersome thoughts, you stopped to take a look at your surroundings. You'd reached a small clearing, not far from the village walls, with a narrow, clear-blue lake in the middle of it. You immediately recognised it, surprised that your subconscious had taken you there of all places. You and Kakashi used to swim in the lake whenever chance occurred in summer, even taking a cold dip or two in the cooler seasons. It had been the centre of many happy memories the two of you shared, basking in the sun, chattering and laughing till your voices became hoarse. You hadn't visited it in years, plagued by sorrow at the loss of what once was. But you found yourself smiling at those memories now, glad that they had happened.
Although night was settling in, the air was still hot from the day's relentless sun, forcing you to consider a swim.
"For old time's sake." You thought to yourself, coming closer to the body of water. You took off your shoes and dipped a toe in, pleased by the slight cool of the water. You looked around, darkness now becoming thicker. There was no one in sight, nor any sound, bar the croaking of frogs and chirping of crickets. Deciding it was safe to shed your clothes in their entirety, you slowly submerged yourself in the water, dipping your head under for that much desired relief.
You felt your body instantly relax, turning over to lie on your back and stare at the stars for a while, grateful for this respite. You weren't sure how much time had passed when you heard footsteps approaching. You quickly shifted position to hide your nakedness under the dark water, when you saw a figure approaching from the path. When he stepped into the moon's light around the clearing, to your astonishment, it was none other than Kakashi. He spotted your head floating above the water, a sound of surprise escaping his masked lips.
"My apologies, Y/N. I didn't expect to find anyone here! It's usually quiet at this time." The way he spoke your name sent a shiver down your spine. You hadn't heard it fall from his lips in so long.
"Do you come here often?" You replied, raising a curious brow.
"Whenever I have the time." He stood motionless, close to the edge, unsure whether to turn back or not. "It's a place of very fond memories for me." He added in a slightly softer, hushed tone.
You blushed at those words, glad for the darkness that enveloped you. There was something so fated in your meeting tonight, that you wanted to allow it to continue.
"Well, if you don't mind the company, you're welcome to join me." You said without thinking your words over too much.
Kakashi hesitated for a moment. He felt almost enchanted, standing there, looking over your figure in the water. After so many years, it felt both odd and somehow right to be there with you tonight. Finally, he allowed himself to relax, deciding to follow whatever magic had brought you together again. He took his jōnin vest off, grateful that you swam away and turned your back to give him his privacy. He already felt his cheeks grow hot, from just seeing you, hoping the moonlight was too weak to reveal them. He continued to pull layers off himself, stopping at his boxers, unsure what the correct thing to do was. Noticing your pile of clothes by the water, with your panties at the top, he shed his own and jumped into the lake in one fell swoop.
You turned at the splash, drops of water hitting your face. With pretend annoyance, you waited for him to emerge and splashed him, giggling afterwards at his sullen expression.
"Can't a man enjoy a peaceful swim?!" He said, feigning his own frustration, only to catch you at your most vulnerable and splash you right back. You both laughed then, flicking bits of water at each other, trying old tricks, falling into an easy companionship, like no time had passed at all.
"Look what I've learned!" You said, diving head first in the water, positioning your hands on the bottom and popping your legs out in a handstand.
"That's nothing!" Kakashi said once you'd emerged from the water, proceeding to mimic your act.
As his legs broke through the surface, you swam over and pushed them, so he'd lose balance, forcing him to quickly resurface.
"Hey! You cheated!" He scolded you in almost a childish tone, making you laugh.
"I'm older, so I can do what I want!" You responded, mirroring his tone.
"Oh, is that so?" A sly smirk spreading on his lips. "We'll just see about that." With those words, he sprang on you like a cat, submerging your head under water. Kakashi was completely wrapped up in your old games, so without thinking, he wrapped his arms around your body, pulling you out and above the water, just to throw you back some distance away.
You emerged, spitting out water and cackling, admitting defeat. Suddenly, you were aware Kakashi had grown silent, his gaze lingering on you. Both of you now came to the realisation that you were no longer two kids, but grown adults, who were naked in the water. You finally took in his features, new to you since you hadn't seen him unmasked for years. He'd grown handsome, with thin lips that always seemed to hint at a grin. He kept his scarred eye closed, but you recognised the look in his charcoal one, wild and stubborn still. Perhaps he hadn't changed that much.
Kakashi, in turn, studied you too. You'd always been tall for a girl, but he noted how your shape had become more feminine with time, rounder in its edges. Your hair was still as wild as when he used to pull on it to get the advantage, but your face seemed softer, happier than he remembered seeing it last.
You stood in silence for a moment, each caught in their own thoughts of times passed. Eventually, you felt the chill of awkwardness, your feelings jumping between the familiarity of your old friendship, and the strangeness of the person who stood in front of you now. You shook your head, not wanting to drown out the magic that had held you until now. You weren't ready to let go of the moment just yet.
"I've..." You bit your lip for a second, unsure you could say what was truly on your mind. "I've missed you, Kakashi." You finally spoke, darting your eyes away from him.
Your words caught him by surprise, yet soothed his soul like a balm. He'd been thinking the same with so much sadness, not daring to hope that you could salvage what was lost.
He smiled to himself, although he wasn't sure what to say in response.
"You know..." He said, the thought coming out before he could decide if it was good or not. "I had the biggest crush on you growing up."
Your eyes immediately found their way back to his face, trying to read his expression in the pale light. He had a small smile playing on his lips, his gaze downward cast, following the specks of light on the water's surface.
"What?" You managed to whisper, almost in laughter, confused by where the conversation was headed.
"Yeah..." He let out a soft chuckle, reaching to scratch the back of his head. "I was so worried about ruining our friendship, that I never did anything about it... But I've always wondered what would've happened if I had been brave enough to tell you." He trailed off, still not daring to look at you.
You remained silent for a moment, trying to decide on a response. It seemed tonight was about honesty, so once again, you let yourself go along with the flow.
"I liked you too... as more than a friend." You added, shyness taking over. It was ridiculous, you were in your late twenties, standing naked in a lake with a handsome man, but somehow you'd reverted back to your childhood inexperience.
Kakashi finally looked your way, mesmerised by how pretty you looked with your pale reflection mirrored in the water. Was it possible that after all these years, there was still a chance at reconciliation? He wasn't sure.
"Do you think we would've stayed together? If we'd admitted our feelings?" You asked, regret hushing your voice.
"I don't know..." He replied, looking away again. "But I've carried you with me all these years, Y/N. I never forgot about you."
There was so much sincerity in his voice, that you felt like sobbing.
"Why did you never reach out, Kakashi? I waited... for you." Remorse, mingled with grief as you spoke.
"I didn't want to poison you like I did with others." He sighed, his shoulders slouching. "I thought you were better off without me. Then time went on, and it became harder and harder to approach you, so I didn't."
Unnoticed, the current had swayed you both closer, standing at an arm's length from one another. You stared at his silver hair, glistening in the moonlight, catching yourself in a dream about running your fingers through it. Kakashi in turn, lifted his gaze to your lips, made silky by the drops of water, wishing he could cup your cheek and pull you closer. Neither of you moved.
"I was never better off without you." You whispered, nothing better coming to mind to soothe his guilt. "I wanted to be there for you. To be your friend, if nothing more." You paused, taking a breath in to calm your nerves. The air felt thick, despite the coolness of the water around you. You felt both flushed, and a chill in the back of your neck.
"You were my world, Kakashi." You finally said, your voice so quiet, you weren't sure he would hear you. "And I've not felt whole since you left."
He stared at you in disbelief, unable to comprehend how he, of all people, could have had such influence over you. How could he have been so blind, so afraid, to look for you sooner? Had he lost his chance?
"Y/N... do you think there is still a way we could..." You waited eagerly to hear his words, but as he spoke, you felt a slight nudge by the current, making you lose your footing. You stumbled forward in the water, falling right into Kakashi's arms. He held you stiffly for a moment, your eyes wide in surprise, mirroring his black one.
Suddenly, you felt his body relax, as he pulled you in closer. You parted your lips to let his crash onto them in a kiss that bore no resemblance to the one you had shared as kids. Your arms moved of their own volition, wrapping around his neck, fingers weaving themselves in his silver hair. Chest pressed to chest, he held you tighter, as if afraid that you'd slip away from him. Your kisses tasted like the minerals in the lake water, wet and sweet. You remained entangled in each other like this for a while, lost in a moment that felt both familiar and entirely new. As you finally pulled away from each other, still remaining close, unbeknownst to the other, you shared the thought that perhaps it wasn't too late for the two of you.
"Will you go on a date with me, Y/N?" Kakashi said, a drunken smile playing on his lips. The man couldn't believe how happy he was at that moment.
You let out a soft chuckle, giving him a kiss on the cheek and whispering to him:
"I thought you'd never ask!"
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scenequeenwritingmachine · 4 months ago
Just for Tonight
Pairing: Genma Shiranui x Fem Reader (Smut)
WC: 7k
Summary: You run into an old friend, he invites you to come over and get high like old times.
Warnings Under the Cut
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Warnings: mildly dubious consent (they're both high), porn with feelings, body worship, fingering, blow jobs, p in v, riding, floor sex, extremely light angst, friends to lovers
“Funny seeing you here,” a voice rang out behind you, “it’s been a while.”
You turned around, a gentle smile spread on your face when you saw him.
“Yeah, it has, Genma.”
You never would’ve expected to see him at the market, you had hardly seen him at all over the past couple years. Things weren’t like they were when you were teenagers anymore, you had both grown up and were now in your early thirties, basically living in different worlds at this point. You mostly worked at the academy training the next generation of ninja, hardly going out into the field anymore. You wanted to settle down and start a family, while he remained one of the most active shinobi in Konoha. You had never even given thought to the idea of him grocery shopping, with how little he was around. You figured he just lived off of the rations and food pills he received on missions. Yet here he was.
He stood in casual attire, simple black pants and a turtleneck. You didn’t think you had seen him like this since your early twenties. He still wore his bandana with his signature senbon hanging from his lips, though. He hardly looked like he had aged at all, his face was still smooth and youthful, unaffected by the stress of the job. He looked at you with soft eyes and a relaxed smile.
“It’s the first time I’ve gotten a couple days off in forever, so I figured I’d run some errands like a normal person,” he let out a slight chuckle. “I know it’s been a long time, but I couldn’t resist the urge to say hi to an old friend, so,” he trailed off, “hi.”
“Hi,” you replied. You couldn't help but fall into his charm.
“So, how has the academy been treating you?” he asked. “I know kids can be a handful, so I applaud you for putting up with them,” his tone was lighthearted, a bit more sweet than you’re used to with him.
“I’ve been doing fine with the kids,” you chuckled, “you’re right, they can be a handful at times, but these children really are incredible. I can already tell the future of our village is in good hands.”
“Well, you have always liked kids, I’m surprised you don’t have any of your own yet,” he remarked.
“I would if I could, but I haven’t found the right guy yet,” you explained, “ I wanna do it right, ya know?”
“Yeah, I get it. I know you’re the type of woman who would do anything to give your children a good life, I guess making sure you find a good dad for them is pretty damn important,” he replied.
You wondered if Genma ever thought about having a family. He always struck you as the lifelong bachelor type, never settling down. He seemed to really care about his job, always active and busy, but he never seemed too stressed. He liked helping people and protecting the village, he was born to be a ninja.
“I think you’ll find him though,” Genma continued, “I think any man would be lucky to have you.”
“Thanks Gen, I appreciate it,” you smiled. You didn’t expect him to ever say anything like that, but his words warmed your heart. He had always been a genuine guy, but he tended to be a bit more of a smartass. Maybe it was the casual setting, but you liked this side of him.
“I’ve got a few more errands to run and I know you have to get your groceries home, but I was wondering,” he trailed off for a moment. “If you aren’t busy, do you wanna come over to my place and light one up like old times?” he asked. “I still live in the same apartment,” he added.
You thought about it for a moment.
“Yeah, that’d be nice,” you replied, “just give me a time and I’ll be there.”
“How ‘bout 8?” he suggested.
“Yeah, that’s good for me.”
It had only been around 1pm when you ran into him, but something made you want to finish your shopping and get home as soon as possible. Somehow, seven hours didn’t feel like enough time to get ready. Maybe you were just excited to go to an old friend’s house and hang out, not confined to the setting of a mission. You hadn’t been to his apartment in almost ten years. Sure, you had seen him plenty of times since then, you had often been assigned on missions together. You really only stopped seeing him over the past two years, since that was when you transferred to the academy. It was only natural that forgetting about the stresses of life and relaxing with a friend sounded appealing, but you couldn’t help the way your heart rate picked up thinking about it. After all, when you were younger you’d hang out with all of your friends at his apartment, but now it would just be you and him.
Once you got home and put away your groceries, you headed to the bathroom for a much needed shower. You spent a bit longer than you usually would, but you were basically operating on autopilot with your shave-day routine. After you finished in the shower, you got out and put on a nice outfit, then you proceeded to dry and style your hair. Finally, you finished up by applying your usual makeup. As you looked at yourself in the mirror, you couldn’t help but feel pretty.
It was still only 6:30 by the time you finished getting ready, so you cooked up a light dinner and ate. You knew that you and Genma would be having snacks later, so you didn’t want to overdo it. After you finished eating, you checked yourself in the mirror one more time, smiling. You looked at the clock, it was 7:30, exactly the time you needed to leave to arrive at his place by 8. You were a very punctual person, after all.
You felt nostalgic as you walked the familiar streets. You reminisced about your younger days when you and all of your friends would head to Genma’s to get high after a night of bar hopping. The next day when you showed up to get your mission briefing, you’d all be hungover. The Hokage would always chastise you all for your irresponsibility, yet you’d always end up doing it again. Eventually though, you did end up quieting down and everyone found their niche. You don’t remember when it happened, but one day everyone just got too busy to hang out, all of the shared meals, cheerful banter, and partying just stopped.
‘I guess we all had to grow up someday’ you thought to yourself.
Soon, Genma’s apartment building came into view. You didn’t know why, but nervous butterflies started flying around in the pit of your stomach. You approached his door and knocked. After a few beats, he opened it.
“Perfectly on time as always, come in,” he invited, stepping to the side so you could pass him. His tone was relaxed and casual as usual, with a slight drawl.
You smiled at him and stepped in. His apartment hadn’t changed at all in the past decade. It still had the same posters and artworks covering the walls, you wondered if he just never had the time to change the place up since your early twenties. He had the lights dimmed with the radio playing quietly in the background, it was the same atmosphere that always made his apartment the best place to get faded.
“I’m sure you already have some, but after I ran into you, I decided to buy some extra snacks. I know you always get the munchies really bad, so I hope your favorites haven’t changed in the past ten years,” you laughed.
He smiled, shaking his head to signify that they hadn’t changed. He then gestured to the kitchen bar for you to put down the grocery bag you brought.
“Thanks,” he said, adding in your name, “feel free to make yourself comfortable while I roll up.”
You nodded, complying. You walked over towards his bed, sitting on the floor with your back against it. Somehow, the floor always felt the most comfortable. You watched as he walked over to the desk under his window, opening the drawer. After all this time, he still kept his weed in the same place. He proceeded to grind up the flower and then expertly rolled up the joint. It reminded you of the time when you asked him to teach you, but your sad attempt of a joint ended up just falling apart. You tried again and again, but eventually decided to suck it up and let him keep doing it. You never quite got the hang of rolling.
You studied him as he placed his senbon on the desk and picked up the joint, bringing the paper to his mouth. You were hypnotized by the way he darted his tongue out to lick the edge, adhering the rolled joint together. A slight flush rose to your cheeks, but you shook your head to snap out of your trance before he turned around to come sit by you. Once he settled on the floor to your left, he set the ashtray that had previously been on his desk between you and passed you the unlit joint.
“What a gentleman,” you teased.
“Anything for you, sweetheart,” he smirked, lifting his lighter to the end of the joint between your fingers.
After it was lit, you dropped your head against the bed, brought it to your lips, and took a long drag. You felt the tension that had been plaguing your body lift as you exhaled the smoke. You were beginning to feel the most relaxed you had in a long time. Then, you smiled over at Genma and passed him the joint.
You watched as he angled his head back against the bed the same way you had to take his own drag of smoke. He had heavy lids and his jawline was partially obscured by the hair that his ears separated from the back of his head. He was the embodiment of relaxation, perpetually in a calm mood, even before feeling the effects of the weed. He pulled the joint away from his mouth, and after a beat, he parted his lips, blowing out the smoke towards the ceiling.
After he handed the joint back to you, Genma got up, heading to the kitchen. He grabbed the family size bag of chips from the bag of snacks you brought and opened it, eating a couple as he walked back to join you on the floor again. You took your drag, and then he traded you for the bag. You weren’t too hungry, so you didn’t eat any of the chips, but you still accepted it to free up his hands.
After a couple more puffs each, you guys finally began loosening up, transitioning into lively chatter. You told funny stories about your experiences at the academy, like all of the times your students said wildly inappropriate things. You explained how hard it was to reprimand them, since it took all of your effort to not just burst into laughter.
“Damn, kids really do say the darndest things,” he chuckled, “where do you think they’re learning how to talk like that?”
“I have no idea,” you shrugged. “I guess we weren’t too much better in our academy years, but it does seem they’re learning more and more over time. I don’t think we were that bad, though,” you added, with extra emphasis on ‘that.’
He then told you about the time he was sent on a mission to take care of an old lady in one of the neighboring villages while her family was traveling.
“It was the worst. She was pretty easy to take care of, but I did have to bathe her and help her dress. She just wouldn’t stop flirting with me,” Genma explained, “you thought the mouth on those kids was bad? That’s not even a fraction of what this woman was like. Imagine me trying to do my job and put clothes on a fully nude 85 year old who won’t stop talking dirty and ‘flaunting’ her body at me.” You were trying so hard to hold in your laughter. ”’Oh, you’re such a handsome boy, and a ninja?! I bet you have a great body under there’,” he mocked in his best old lady voice, “‘I bet big boy Mr. Ninja could make ‘ole granny feel like a young woman again.’” You were practically rolling with laughter. “She’d be running her old lady hands up and down my vest while batting her eyelashes. Do you know how hard it was to get a bra on her? It was such a nightmare to get her decent, and every time I got something on her, she’d try to pull it off again, like I’d fall in love with her or something if I saw her naked constantly. Now that I think about it, maybe she was just an exhibitionist. The worst part was, before her family left after I arrived and when they returned, she’d revert to this quiet, helpless, sweet old granny persona. They had no idea what she was really like!”
There were tears of laughter beginning to well up in your bloodshot eyes. “I forgot that for as many dangerous missions there are, there are even more silly and mundane ones.”
He took another hit and smiled. “Yeah,” he sighed, “I want to say it’s not what I signed up for, but sadly, it is.”
The joint was starting to burn too low now, so Genma snuffed it out in the ashtray he placed between you earlier. He got up and walked to the kitchen again, this time pouring you each a glass of water. He passed you one of the glasses and walked back over to the desk to roll another joint. There was an unspoken vibe between the two of you that you both wanted to get too high to worry about anything else.
“Thanks, Genma,” you praised, raising the glass to your mouth for a sip.
He hummed in acknowledgment as he worked. His back was turned to you, but you were still captivated by his movements. Your mind wandered in your haze, thinking about nothing and everything all at once. You were too spaced out to notice when he walked back over to you.
“Here,” he spoke up, catching your attention.
In the time your mind was wandering, he had already sat down and lit the joint. Now, he held it up to you. Instead of taking it with your own fingers, you just leaned into his and took a hit. You were a bit too dazed to really pay attention to your actions, not noticing as he watched you with heavy lids and a lazy smirk. You weren’t looking at him, just gazing at the wall across from you. Once you were done and exhaled the smoke, he leaned back and did the same thing.
“Thanks for inviting me over, Genma,” you mumbled, “you’re really sweet, I’m glad you’re my friend.”
“Always,” he replied, a smile evident in his tone.
It wasn't long before you began rambling about your life, the things you wished you did with your friends, your worries, your dreams. The weed was making it too hard to shut up, you just had to get out everything that was on your mind. You both stared blankly at the wall, but Genma still listened to you intently.
After a bit, you decided you had enough and stopped smoking, but he continued to smoke a bit longer. Once he felt satisfied, he set the joint on the ashtray between you. You don’t know how long you were rambling to him, but eventually you stopped and fell into a comfortable silence.
Neither of you knew how long you sat in your shared daze, just slowly blinking at the wall. At some point, you rolled your head to the right and saw the clock above his stove. You could at least make out a 1, but you weren’t sure if it was midnight or 1am.
After you stared at the clock for a while, you slowly rolled your head back over to the left and looked at Genma. He felt your eyes on him and soon, rolled his head to look at you as well.
Your heavy-lidded, bloodshot eyes made contact and you studied each other. You had no idea what he was thinking, but you couldn’t help but admire him. His pretty, brown hair fell around his face perfectly, his soft skin was illuminated by a beam of moonlight that escaped through a gap in his drawn blinds, his expression was completely neutral, but it still managed to draw you in.
He began to slightly lean in towards you, you wouldn’t have even noticed the fraction of an inch closer he got if you weren’t paying extremely close attention. Your heart fluttered and picked up a beat, but you couldn’t stop yourself from mimicking his movement, leaning in a tiny bit closer to him.
The tension in the air was so thick, you could hardly breathe, but you were too high to get flustered. He leaned in another fraction of an inch, and so did you.
His face was expressionless, but you didn’t need to read his face, you could practically hear his thoughts.
You glanced at his lips for a second as he leaned closer and you realized how bad you wanted this. Your heart was pounding in your ears, but you moved your gaze back up to his. His look said it all.
Your eyes fluttered shut and you both leaned in, closing the gap.
The second his lips met yours, a jolt of electricity buzzed through your skin. Maybe it was the weed making you sensitive or maybe it was because Genma was the person you were kissing, all you knew was that it felt like heaven.
He leaned further into you, deepening the kiss while bracing himself with his right palm on the floor behind the ashtray. He reached his left hand across his body and cupped your cheek, fingers threading their way into your hair. Soon, he nipped at your bottom lip. You opened your mouth for him in response, allowing his tongue to meet yours. The smell of weed and the taste of him was utterly intoxicating. You wanted more and more, but you didn’t know if it was possible to get enough.
Genma reveled in the sweet little sounds you made as he made out with you. He slowly began to push you back, gently moving towards laying you down parallel to the bed so he could crawl over you. However, before he could get very far, you put your palm on his chest to stop him.
He pulled away, a string of saliva still connecting your lips to his. He gave you the cutest confused look you’ve ever seen in your life, but you just gave him a sweet smile in response.
Slowly, you began pushing him back towards his original seat against the bed. He allowed you to move his body freely. Once he was in position, you crawled over to him and gave him a quick peck on the cheek. Then, you put your hands on his shoulders for support and lifted your right leg to swing it over his lower body. Now, you were straddling him.
Genma looked up at you, a cocky grin spreading across his handsome face. You lifted your hands from his shoulder to the back of his neck and pulled him into another kiss. He could feel the happy grin on your lips as you kissed him and he couldn’t help but smile back into you. He moved his hands to rest on your hips, thumbs dipping up under your shirt and rubbing soothing circles against your skin.
Genma couldn’t believe how right your lips felt against his, it was like you were made for him. You’ve known each other for over two decades now, how did it possibly take you guys this long?
You had been straddling him with your knees rigid. Your hips had been hovering above his as you held yourself up, but you decided it was time to lower yourself down. Butterflies shot up through your stomach and you let out a soft sigh as you felt his erection against you.
Genma couldn’t help but use his hands on your hips to help guide you back and forth against him, letting out his own little groans of pleasure as you continued to kiss him deeply.
Your fingers slowly moved themselves up from the nape of his neck into his hair, one hand reaching up to slide his bandana off his head. He didn’t mind as it fell off and onto the bed behind him. His hair was disheveled, but you didn’t care. You figured it would only continue to get messier.
As you continued to lazily grind against him, Genma pulled away from your mouth. He then leaned in to start leaving love bites across the column of your neck. In response, you angled your head up to give him easier access. You moaned out as you felt his teeth graze against your skin, your fingers fully entangling into his hair.
You felt so warm. Every single one of his touches sent sparks across your skin. You could only imagine how wet you were getting as his clothed cock rubbed against you. You were trying to remember if a man had ever made you feel this good before, but you couldn't think of any times. Genma has barely touched you and it already feels like he’s the only other person in the world, like he was made for you.
Once he was satisfied with his work on your throat, he moved one of his hands from your hip to up to pull the neck of your shirt to the side. His lips met the junction between your throat and shoulder and he began to bite and suck there. You didn’t care that he was stretching out the neckline of your shirt, and you didn’t care if he left visible marks on you for all to see. All that mattered was feeling him against you.
The hand that remained on your hip moved further up under your shirt and he began gently rubbing up and down across the warm skin of your side, his fingertips grazing the bottom of your bra.
After a moment, Genma decided that he was satisfied with the purple bruises he littered across your neck and shoulder. He moved his fingertips to the hem of your shirt and tugged. You got the message and stopped grinding your hips against his, finding balance. You untangled your fingers from his hair and lifted your arms up, allowing him to slowly lift your top over your head. He dropped your shirt and rested his hands back on your hips, looking up at you with lust-blown pupils as you straddled him in only your bra. You needed him to touch you, you needed to get rid of the barriers between you, so you brought your arms behind you and unclasped your bra, allowing it to fall from your shoulders onto his lap. You quickly reached down, grabbing it and then tossing it into a random section of the room.
“So pretty,” he praised, once again sliding his hands up your bare skin. He now allowed them to rest on the underside of your breasts, thumbs grazing over your hard nipples. “Can’t believe it took this long…” he trailed off.
“Genma, please,” you don’t know what you were asking him for, you just needed more.
He leaned into the apex of your right breast, latching onto your nipple. He gently massaged the area around it with his hand, kneading your other breast with his other hand as well.
You cried out as he sucked, your hips again jolting into his. He couldn’t help but meet you with tiny thrusts of his own. You couldn’t believe how collected he appeared, you were falling apart over him and he didn’t even seem to mind how little you were touching him. If only you knew how much worshiping you got him off.
Eventually, he decided your right breast had enough attention for the time being and he switched to the left. His fingers slid easily across the spit-soaked skin of your right breast as he moved to knead it. You could hardly handle the feeling as he rolled your abused nipple between his fingertips.
It was all getting to be too much, you had to feel him. Your fingers dug into the fabric of his turtleneck against his back as he sucked you. You needed it off, you needed to touch him.
He soon got the message and pulled off of you, quickly discarding his shirt.
You sat back on his hips as you studied his body. You giggled to yourself, remembering the story he told you about the horny old lady he had to take care of. Her prediction was right, he really did have a perfect body under his baggy clothes. He was lean, not super massive, but still toned and fit. There was a dusting of light freckles across his shoulders and a smattering of tawny hairs down his lower abdomen. He leaned back and gave you another cocky smile with heavy-lidded eyes as you ogled at him. As much as he wanted to take care of you, he didn’t mind the attention.
You reached out and lightly ran your fingers down the contours of his chest. You felt lines of tight scarred skin under your fingertips at points, but his scars were a lot like yours, long since faded. You were so grateful that he didn’t seem to have any recent wounds. You knew it was part of the job, but the idea of him being injured made a tear begin to well up in your eye. Working at the academy, it was rare for you to get injured now. You were really only in danger during emergencies, since of course it was still your responsibility to protect the village as a ninja. But Genma, he was still on active duty, he could be called out on a mission at any time, he could get injured at any time, he could die at any time. He wasn't yours, you had barely even seen him in two years, but you couldn't bear to lose him.
You managed to break yourself out of your negative thoughts almost as quickly as they began. You think Genma noticed the slight falter in your expression, but he didn't say anything. You were usually a pretty positive person, so you attributed the weed to making you a bit more emotional.
You brought your arms to drape around his neck and kissed him again. In response, he wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you flush against him. As you sat on his lap, chest to chest, heart to heart, your kisses were deep and sensual.
The room was filled with hums and sighs of pleasure, along with the sound of the ambient radio playing in the background. You felt his hands drift under the waistband of your pants and underwear to grope at your ass as he guided you across his clothed erection. It felt so good, your eyes rolled every time you even thought about what was hiding under his pants.
Lucky for him, your waistband was stretchy. Genma didn’t even need to pull your pants down, he just angled his wrists out and they slowly rolled down on their own. Once the entirety of your ass was revealed to the air you lifted your legs up one at a time, allowing him to help you completely discard your pants. After they were fully off, he stopped kissing you and angled his jaw to the side so he could rest his chin on your shoulder. He reached his right hand between your legs from the back and ran a finger through your sopping wet cunt.
“Gen-!” you cried out, practically falling limp against him. You could almost feel the smirk he had on his face as he moved to pump his index and middle finger in and out of you. You couldn't see him, but you knew his mannerisms well enough to get a good idea of what face he was making. His left hand was groping your ass as he worked you with his right. You were involuntarily pushing your hips further onto his fingers, you needed everything he could give you.
“You're doing so well for me,” he purred, his voice low and erotic.
You were quiet, biting your lip as you tried to muffle your squeaks of pleasure. Your hands were buried in his hair as if it was the only thing grounding you. Your nipples were being stimulated as they rubbed against his bare chest, blessing you with yet another wonderful sensation.
After a few moments, he pulled his fingers out of you. You whined in annoyance, but he gently shushed you, kissing your shoulder in comfort. He then reached further under you until his middle finger came in contact with your clit, his thumb now replacing where it had been previously.
You sobbed out a high pitch moan as he rubbed circles around your clit. He found the perfect angle and you could feel your impending orgasm bubble up. You were panting and mewling as he worked you.
Genma knew you were getting close by the way you were squirming against him, it only egged him on. He kept a steady pace as he rubbed gentle circles around your clit, knowing consistency was the easiest way to make a woman cum. He had found the perfect angle for you and he wasn’t going to waste it.
“You’re doing such a good job,” he whispered into your ear, enunciating your name at the end. “It’s okay, sweet girl, you can cum for me.”
You nodded your head vigorously
“Wanna cum for you, Genma. Wanna be your good girl,” you babbled between moans.
Your heavy panting soon picked up speed and you stopped being able to hear anything over the beating of your heart. Your body was already trembling as you approached your climax.
Genma continued to praise and coo at you, he knew this was it.
“Gen-, gonna-,” was the last thing you managed to get out before your orgasm hit you. You let out a choked scream as your eyes rolled back. You saw stars as Genma worked you through your climax with more gentle circles on your clit. Soon though, you started trembling really hard and you were beginning to get overstimulated. Genma didn’t want to be mean, so he pulled his hand away from you and you slumped against him.
Now it was his turn to groan as he felt your bare, soaked pussy land atop the outline of his clothed cock. He knew how ready you were for him, your slick had dripped down the back of his hand all the way to his wrist as he fingered you earlier. He could hardly wait to feel you around him.
Genma lightly held you, bringing his right hand up to pet your hair. He didn't even care that he was getting it sticky with the release you dripped onto his hand earlier.
“Hey, hey,” he cooed, coaxing you out of your slump.
You pulled away from him and looked up at him with your pretty, bloodshot eyes. You backed up off of his lap, fully nude and perfect. Genma was entranced by your beauty, his high making you seem nothing short of a goddess. He watched as you reached out and placed your hand over his cock. He groaned out and lightly bucked up into you as you palmed him.
“Genma, I wanna see,” you drawled.
“Anything for you,” he smiled in response.
He moved to hook his hands under the waistband of his pants, lifting his hips to roll them down. You watched him intently, slowly blinking as he revealed the rest of his body to you. He was absolutely perfect.
Your mouth watered at the sight of him. His hair was disheveled and sticking to various parts of his flushed face, his chest was rising and falling with heavy inhales, and his perfect, thick cock bobbed against his lower abdomen. He swallowed as he watched a drip of slick from your cunt roll down your inner thigh.
You reached your right hand out and wrapped your fingers around his cock, rubbing small circles over the head. His cock was heavy and warm with a drop of precum threatening to roll down the tip. Genma groaned and sighed as you familiarized yourself with it.
You leaned over, maneuvering yourself to rest on your stomach. You couldn't bear to not taste him, so you allowed your tongue to lick over the tip, picking up the bead of precum that had been resting there. He tasted absolutely divine.
You gently wrapped your lips around just the head of his cock, licking and sucking the tip. Your hand pumped the lower part of his shaft. Your movements were slow and lazy, his panting and groaning encouraging you. You knew you could easily stay here, sucking his delicious cock for hours, but today wasn't the day.
Genma moved his fingers to your head, lifting you off of him. He proceeded to guide your lips up to his again and you crawled up to meet him.
His kisses were so soft and deep, you never thought he would be such a sensual lover. You always figured he'd be more of a player, quick and rough, just from his personality. But he never actually talked about his sexual exploits, not even when you and your friends were all young and horny. Right now, he was treating you like he loved you, it warmed your heart and broke it all at once.
Now you were straddling Genma again, this time the both of you were fully nude. Your slick pussy caught against his cock every once in a while as you moved against him. His hands came down to rest on your waist, helping guide your hips back and forth over him.
Soon, you began getting impatient. You reached between your bodies and grabbed his cock, angling it towards your cunt. But before you could sink down on him, he stopped you. You looked up at him, meeting his eyes.
“I-,” he stuttered out, “I don't know if I could ever be the man you're looking for, the man you deserve,” he trailed off, “but maybe just for tonight.”
His words made your bloodshot eyes well up with tears. You just smiled at him and leaned in to kiss him again. He brought one of his hands to your cheek and wiped away the stray tear droplets.
As you kissed Genma, you still held his cock angled towards your core. You sank down on it, and both of you sighing in relief as he bottomed out. He filled you up so perfectly, stretching you in all the right ways.
You pulled away from the kiss and wiped the stray strands of hair away from his pretty face. His eyes were closed and his brows were furrowed as you began riding him, small moans were escaping his mouth.
You were letting out sounds of pleasure as he ran his hands across your body. Everything felt absolutely perfect, and your shared high made you so sensitive, increasing your pleasure exponentially.
Genma soon opened his eyes as he guided you up and down. He noticed your gaze was fixed, watching his cock disappear in and out of you. Eventually your eyes made their way back up, locking with his.
In that moment, a wave of images flashed through Genma’s eyes. He saw how you looked when you first met, how you teased him growing up, even though he only ever played along, never giving you the satisfaction of successfully messing with him. He saw your pretty smile when you and your friends went on a picnic, he spent that whole day trying not to let it slip that he was absolutely enamored by the beauty you exuded in your sundress. He thought of the way you laughed loudly when you were high, not caring about anything else. He saw the bittersweet expression you gave him the day you told him that you were going to transfer to the academy, no longer joining him on missions. He even saw memories of things that never happened. He saw you on your wedding day as you walked down the aisle towards him, he saw you pregnant with his baby, and he saw you surrounded by your shared children.
Genma was absolutely in love with you. He wanted to be the man you chose to spend your life with, but right now he didn’t have a life to give you. It hurt, the idea of you settling down with someone else, but he couldn’t hold you back for his own selfish reasons. He had to let you fly free and make your own choices, it wouldn't be fair to prevent you from building a family now by making you wait for him.
His face wasn’t showing the complex emotions he was feeling, it just conveyed the pleasure of great sex. Genma couldn't help but pull you flush against him again. If he couldn't have you forever, if this was his only chance, he needed to feel all of you right now.
You were mewling and whimpering against him, pussy tightening as he thrust up into you. He felt so amazing and you couldn't get enough.
Genma began peppering kisses against you, against your face, your neck, your shoulder. He then brought a hand between you and started rubbing circles around your clit again.
You were practically sobbing against him as you bounced on his cock. He knew he wasn't going to last long either. Your name escaped his mouth, and his escaped yours. You were babbling praises and he was showering you with affection.
“Where do you want it?” he asked as he strained against you.
“Inside, Gen, please I need it inside,” you cried out.
“Are you sure? I won't do it if you aren't sure,” he choked out.
“Yes Genma- please, I need it, I trust you,” you responded.
His heart fluttered at the sound.
The feeling of him inside of you and the pressure he was putting on your clit was too much, you were about to cum. You could tell that he was about to as well.
You screamed out as your orgasm hit you, his hitting at the same time. He pulled your body as tightly against him as possible as he milked himself into you, letting out a mixture of praises, expletives, and your name.
He couldn't remember the last time he came this hard, and neither could you.
As you came down from your shared high, your heartbeats slowed and your bodies relaxed. He hugged you and rubbed soothing circles on your back.
He wanted to tell you he loved you, but he knew he couldn't. He knew saying it would come with expectations, expectations he couldn't meet. The last thing he wanted to do was break your heart and hold you back from your dreams.
You leaned back, pulling Genma in for another deep kiss, his cock still buried inside you. This kiss was gentle, it wasn't a kiss of lust, but one of pure love.
He melted into you, smiling.
“Genma, thank you, thank you for taking care of me,” you praised. You wanted to tell him you loved him, but you knew it would only put a pressure on him that he didn't need. You really had always loved him, but you never acted on it. You knew he would always be just out of reach.
Eventually, you began to get up, smiling at him as you pulled off. You found your panties and pulled them on, along with your shirt. Once you were slightly decent, you walked over to his bathroom to go take your post-sex pee and freshen up.
As the bathroom door closed, he got up and found his briefs, pulling them on. He picked up the ashtray with the half smoked joint and put it on his desk, he also cleared away both of your discarded water cups.
He was undeniably tired, the late hour mixed with the weed was starting to hit him. So, he crawled into his bed.
After a few minutes, you walked out of the bathroom and saw him in his bed, pressed up next to the wall. He left his covers folded over, inviting you to get in.
“Come here,” he smiled, “ I’m not gonna make you walk home at this hour, especially not in the state you’re in.”
Your face lit up with joy and you ran over to crawl into the bed with him, settling with your head against his chest, his arm wrapped around you. You both breathed in a slow, steady rhythm, quickly drifting off to sleep.
You woke up with sunlight filtering through the gaps in Genma’s closed blinds. For a moment, you forgot where you were, but you quickly remembered. You were engulfed by Genma’s scent, his heart was beating under your ear, and his arm was still wrapped around you. You smiled to yourself as you blinked away the sleep.
You slowly angled your head up to look at him and his eyes met yours, he was already awake. He smiled at you with pure adoration.
Looking at you waking up next to him, Genma swore to himself that if you still weren't married by the time he was ready to settle down, he would do it himself.
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srs-deep-dives · 3 months ago
Minato & Kushina: A "Deep Dive" Analysis (Section B, Part I)
In our first section we explored Minato and Kushina's love and endurance. In this section we will consider their dream of Hokage and impact on the wider plot.
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(Section B) Minato and Kushina as drivers in the world narrative
Note that I said their dream of Hokage, not Minato’s dream of Hokage. Not because they both want to become Hokage, but because, as we established, Hokage is intertwined with their marriage.
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(B) I. Minato and Kushina as the image of Hokageship
Chronologically, the first words uttered by both Minato and Kushina concern becoming Hokage. But while similar on the surface, their utterances spring from contrasting motives.
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Minato wants to be respected by the village. Kushina wants to not be snubbed. Each is seeking to be acknowledged, but a different form of acknowledgement.
Minato is a once-in-a-generation genius. He will graduate the Academy at 10. He will set the record for the highest ever score on the chūnin written exam. He will be honing the Flying Raijin by the time he is 15-16, by which time Kurama will think of him in respect to the greatest shinobi who ever lived. From this, one can sum that Minato is destined to become Hokage. Yet at the same time, paradoxically, his birth sets him apart.
The non-mention of other Namikazes implies that he is not from a ninja family – or, that he is from a ninja family with no reputation. Either way, Minato is a genius born in an underdog background, and thus has the complete freedom to pursue the Hokage path. And that path he himself has chosen out of desire to be the leader and light of Konoha, his favorite phrase per the databook being 火の影は里を照らす (“the fire’s shadow illuminates the village”).
What is Minato’s sought “respect” then? To be relied upon as THE shinobi who illuminates the village. For Kushina this is not the case. She simply wants to be SOMEbody.
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[As we noted last section, with her motive in these screens, Kushina is never, ever shown pursuing Hokageship. So let us bury all distortions of her as a 'girl boss' who 'had her dream stolen by' the man she loves. And let us bury the demeaning of Minato along with it as some 'male wife' who 'fulfilled his girl's dream because she couldn't.' To the fans who insist that Kushina's character was diminished through Minato becoming Hokage, I leave one question: is it a shame and disgrace for a wife to uplift and support her husband?]
Brought to Konoha from a foreign land, Kushina just wants to fit in. But opposite to prodigy-from-nobody-clan Minato, her bloodline has her shackled to a destiny of rejection.
Which brings us to another thing that Kushina’s hair symbolizes: her ‘otherness.’ We’ve seen this motif with other characters before. Sakura is teased for her big forehead and Hinata is called “Byakugan Monster” for her eyes. Sakura’s source of misery becomes her source of prowess: she hones the Byakugo Seal on that forehead, and it becomes her trump card through which she saves hundreds during the War. Bullied for her “weird, freaky eyes,” Hinata likewise improves her use of the Byakugan, eventually proving her worth as the Hyūga heiress.
Kushina is teased when really, as we’ve observed, her “ugly” “lustrous” hair implicates beauty and strength. But in contrast to Sakura and Hinata, Kushina stands up to her bullies in her own strength (Sakura gains confidence through Ino’s compassion, and Hinata from Naruto). And this contrast is immensely important for, as we’ve established, Kushina’s endurance is the core of Minato’s drive.
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Kushina’s endurance, recall, is the reason Minato fell in love with her, and why he calls her the one “that made [him] the Fourth Hokage” (as we'll examine shortly). And Minato’s love is the thing that enables Kushina to overcome fate; to live a life of happiness despite being a jinchūriki. For while Kushina’s endurance draws Minato toward her, it results in her being further set apart as the 'other.' She defends herself; Minato reveres her more; their peers despise her more. The divide between Kushina and their generation grows, held in the title they give her: “Red-hot Habanero.”
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She cannot escape her destiny of loneliness. She is doomed for being the jinchūriki; doomed for being a red-haired Uzumaki; and doomed for kicking back through her own efforts. Yet her efforts draw Minato to her, setting Minato apart from their peers in parallel.
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What is the importance of this parallel divide? We will get to that shortly. But first there some details to note on Minato's otherness (his distinction from their peers).
Minato as the “Yellow Flash” is directly tied to a Hokage (it is his use and adaptation of Tobirama’s Flying Raijin that earns him fame and fear). Put short, Minato’s earning of Konoha’s respect is already bound to Hokageship: he is, in will, genius and prowess, walking in his forerunners’ footsteps.
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Furtherly significant is Kurama’s comparing of Minato to Hashirama. Gaiden opens with Minato escaping Bijū Bombs with the Raijin – a homage to Tobirama. It ends with Minato smiling in front of the rock faces where his own will be beside Hiruzen’s. And framed within these scenes is Kurama’s remark grouping him with Hokage ("A most powerful shinobi ranking alongside First Hokage Hashirama... Unbelievable!").
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The Yellow Flash rapidly gains renown in the other nations – to the point of him earning a ‘flee-on-site’ reputation. Feats so formidable that the Tsuchikage accepts a peace treaty, bringing an end to the war with Iwa (episode: The Mask that Hides the Heart).
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So Minato in legacy of Second Hokage earns respect within and outside Konoha. And “in his own style” he earns “a most powerful shinobi ranking alongside [First Hokage].” In the Fourth War, the resurrected Tobirama will acknowledge Minato as having surpassed him. Furthermore, Minato modifies his jutsu to create new subsidiary jutsu.
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Minato has been, through his whole ninja career, gaining the repute to achieve Hokageship.
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Academy-Minato begins walking this road. Hokage-Minato ends the road by accrediting it all to Kushina. Recall our panels back in post one from the chapter Thank You:
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There is a slight variation in the anime’s account from “your” man to “a” man (for Japanese has no indirect articles and omits pronouns in conversation). In addition, anime-Minato makes this statement over an image we’ve seen before: his genin-self holding genin-Kushina in his arms the day he'd rescued her. This shot, in addition to the dialogue, is framed from Minato’s viewpoint, inferring that he sees this event and resulting bond with Kushina as the statement’s fruition.
The day Kushina fell for him, in other words – the day (from which) she became his woman – was the very day (from which) she in Minato's own view “made him a man.” What transpired up to that moment? He had been watching her endure. And now he has stepped in to be her strength in a battle that is beyond her.
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The differing English translations both capture the essence of Minato’s words. He could not have become Hokage without Kushina – without her ‘making him a man’ who self-sacrificially loves, leads, protects and provides. And he could not have become Hokage without her ‘making him her man’ – without her deciding to be his wife; to selflessly love, support and build him up, bringing out his best. Furthermore, birthing their child, Kushina makes Minato a father. Mirroring this as Hokage, he is the patriarch of the village.
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Now onto the importance of the 'otherness' divide: Kushina symbolically ‘qualifies’ Minato to become Hokage through their distinctions from their peers. And these qualifications are reached through two ‘tests,’ if you will, which each center around him saving her.
The first test is our mentioned genin rescue, where Kushina embodies the outsider. Here she is the lowest-esteemed villager, the foreigner shunned by the village. Minato alone notices the trail of her hair she left behind and saves her. Minato alone tells her that she is “one of [them].” He proves that he is devoted to protecting EVERYONE in his village, in a conflict between Konoha and Kumo – a fight between villages.
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Most importantly of all, it is in this moment that he wins Kushina’s acknowledgement. The acknowledgement of the hardest-to-win-over villager, the acknowledgement of the outskirt 'other.'
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The second test is the teenage rescue, where Kushina is the jinchūriki. Here she represents Konoha’s balance of power in the world. If a village loses its bijū it is vulnerable to destruction by the other nations. Protecting Kushina thus means – in the village context – everything, and is the ultimate test of Minato’s physical, mental and intellectual worthiness. Simply put, all together, it is a test of his own endurance.
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Rescue One is the test of acknowledgement, and Rescue Two is the test of endurance. The two qualities underpinning the entirety of one's enablement to become Hokage.
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So what have we then? While Minato brings Kushina to breaking the shackles of her destiny, Kushina brings Minato to fulfilling his destiny.
We also see the monumental impact of Kushina’s sealing jutsu. On the night of their deaths, Minato uses two to save the village: the Eight Sign Seal and the Reaper Death Seal. Both of these techniques are Uzumaki clan jutsu taught to Minato by Kushina.
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In other words, Kushina indirectly gives Minato the means of saving the village.
[The Reaper Death Seal was designed by Uzumaki to be used by Uzumaki. The caster sacrifices his or her chakra to the Reaper in proportion to the chakra being sealed. If cast by an Uzumaki then – with chakra reserves exceeding an enemy's – that Uzumaki need not die. That Minato sealed half of Kurama away at the cost of his life is a testament to just how much of a powerhouse he is!]
The Reaper Death Seal has even further ties to Hokageship – Hiruzen using it to seal his Edo-forerunners during the Konoha Crush arc. Though it was taught by Kushina, it is known as one of Minato’s signature jutsu, Hiruzen calls it his own “trump jutsu,” and it – literally – unites the first four Hokage in death (the spirits of each, after Hiruzen’s sealing, being trapped in the Reaper’s belly).
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So we've examined ‘Hokage’ in relation to Minato and Kushina's oneness. The next post will explore their dream behind the Hokage image.
Section B, Part II here.
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scho17 · 5 months ago
Ren Nohara
Ren and Kks doodles + me yapping ab this AU bc the brain rot has me in a chokehold
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close ups so yall dont have to zoom in
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Hatake 'the line ends with me' Kakashi BUT NOT ANYMORE BABY HELL YEAH!! having a spouse and child will do that to you
Now does he really gaf ab tradition? Honestly, probably not but the idea of him not being alone in terms of family/clan is what he deserves (along with a lot of therapy).
Also, the consequences of Naruto having two parents who are both some of the most elite shinobi in Konoha is probably one of the best 'fuck off' deterrents he could have in terms of curbing harassment over his being the nine-tails container.
ALSO ALSO, "I'm gonna be Hokage!" oh and he's wearing those little blue goggles and carrying around the weight of a dead boy's dream without really knowing just how heavy that burden is but still carrying it all the same in the way only optimistic children can. Oh bitch I'm throwing up everywhere. Like yes he's going to bring peace to the shinobi world but he is also giving both his dad's the worst type of heart ache. Seeing doubles because he's so much like Obito but blonde and four times as stubborn.
kkrn trying so hard not to see ghosts in their kid but he's literally a mash up of Minato, Kushina, and Obito. Minato's kindness, Kushina's vitality, and Obito's pure will to be good.
Not saying that ghosts are all they see cause it's very much not. Naruto is still Naruto but sometimes there's that outline of an old memory that just doesn't fade. A little like deja vu I guess. Kakashi and Ren are so glad it's peacetime because even the thought of dandelion blonde beneath a too-big boulder makes breathing that much harder.
I imagine he gets trained an insane amount because both Kakashi and Ren want him to be able to defend himself. Even while it's peacetime, they're shinobi, there's always a risk. So long as Naruto is on active duty he'll always be in danger. With both of his guardians growing up/serving in the third war when they were barely older than Naruto it's practically a given.
Not that I think Naruto would complain about being able to learn jutsu/shinobi skills. He'd probably be stoked about it until he has to spend like four hours straight throwing shuriken and reading survival guides about edible plants. He complains about it. Loudly. mb lil bro half of ninja training is literally just ingraining reflexes and learning the land.
mmm academy-era Naruto going to the memorial stone and ranting about his day to it in the way he's seen both Ren and Kakashi do in the past. That's so cute and sad like "and then Shikamaru slept the whole time but it was supposed to be a GROUP project! Can you believe that!" and Obito is in the bushes nodding his head along like the good uncle he is. (He literally tried to murder Naruto when he was less than an hour old.)
Naruto just talks and talks and talks. About everything and nothing and its probably like the least depressing one-sided conversation Obito has ever heard in front of his grave (looking at you Kakashi, Ren).
I imagine that Naruto kind've treats the stone/Obito's memory fondly. Both Ren and Kakashi talk about him in warm tones and with growing up hearing stories of him it's hard not to feel like he knows him. He's not there, obviously, but if Naruto closes his eyes and imagines that scowling boy in his parent's team photo while he talks it almost feels real. (Honey, you've got a big storm coming.)
To their family, Obito is forever thirteen. He's passionate and has a short fuse. He loves sweets and has eyes and hair darker than the night, he's a sucker for a sob story and helps old ladies with their groceries. Naruto finds it hard not to see a friend in a ghost he's never met.
AA and then post Uchiha Massacre, Naruto just stares at the stone and wonders that if Obito were still here would he be gone too? Man I need to see what's going on in Obito's head during that.
On an unrelated note i wonder where the fuck Jiraiya is in all this. Bro is just out and about doing fuck all as two fourteen year olds take care of his godson and he's running from responsibility😭 i bet he sends guilt money. Ren literally doesn't give a single shit because even if Jiraiya did try for custody he would literally be getting his hands chopped off. No way in hell is Ren letting a pervert like that raise a kid that's a recipe for disaster. The money is nice but Ren could not give less of a fuck ab that mans guilt. Like "oh, you feel bad for not owning up to your God Father title that Minato, my late sensei, entrusted to you? Good."
I need to see Ren and Genma + Anko and Kurenai friendship. They would be a horrible terrible no good amazing friend group. Terrifying when together. Four horsemen of the apocalypse when they have an idea and put their mind to it.
Anyway, what are our opinions on ANBU Ren and Ren meeting 'Sukea' bc that all i've been able to think ab today. Okay, I'm done yapping thanks for listening.
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inside-lees-mind · 1 year ago
HII I saw your requests are open and you wanted um. Neji. Reqs. Hi. um.!! Could you write something of him with a reader thats not from a strong clan (They are well known but not for fighting or even field work) and doesn’t have a Kekkei Genkai or anything but is strong regardless,,, wields a sword and is great at fighting physically and all that. She teases him a lot and gets not his nerves but it’s all affectionate! She does get underestimated a lot though. I’ve had this idea sitting in my head ever since I watched naruto,, saw team guy and fell in love they are my roman empire
Neji With an S/O Who Isn’t From a Prominent Clan
Idk if i capitalize titles right tbh. I forget how it’s done honestly. I don’t remember if “With” gets capitalized.
Anyways, thank you so much for your request!
This is a little harsh in the beginning. So WARNING! For asshole genin Neji.
No gender specified, but “beautiful” is used
An uneven number of shinobi graduating from the academy was so oddly unheard of that at first, you ended up training alone with some jonin who took pity on you.
And at first, Neji had said something to his team about that just being the fate of people like you. Destined to be alone and a failure.
No need to give you some chance for a big break in life, this would happen any way you put it.
Neji didn’t ever figure he’d be willing to die for you one day. (Maybe he’s not the character to say this for…)
He dreaded when Gai Sensei introduced you as a new teammate of team 3.
Of course Gai would go through the trouble of taking pity on a wimp like you. He should have expected no less.
Tenten was excited that you wielded a weapon, however.
And Rock Lee was excited to have a new teammate! Not to mention, you were beautiful. He was just a little smitten…
Overtime, he watched you train. And as Tenten marveled over how well off you were in your skills with your ninjato! (A ninjato is a straight sword, if you don’t know. Sasuke uses one)
And in the same way he thinks Rock Lee or Naruto are destined to never make it anywhere, he thinks the same of you.
After the chunin exams and the Konoha crush, he begins to think differently of you. He thinks differently of himself, Rock Lee, and Naruto as well. Even Lady Hinata.
Overall, he becomes more pleasant to be around. And you both start to talk a bit more often.
Soon he fines Lee’s insistence on flirting with you so openly is annoying, and not just because he won’t shut up anymore, but now it’s that he’s jealous.
He’s jealous?
He’s jealous.
And when he watches you fight while on missions, he’s got a different way of looking at you.
Maybe somebody with no Kekkei Genkai and no prominent clan can really make it. Maybe you aren’t destined for failure. Maybe that challenge is just something you can overcome, become stronger.
And you have.
I think being with him would be a classic case of you fell first, he fell harder.
You didn’t fall immediately. You were very sweet, but anybody with a brain knew Neji was a total asshole. Even if you were rather nice to him, you didn’t have eyes for him beyond thinking he was pretty for a guy.
So once he starts to be nicer, you quickly realize he’s not just visually your type. You really like the guy.
It takes him a couple years to fully realize he fell for you.
And a bit longer to realize Lee, as much as he cares for him, is testing his patience asking you out. When will he give up?
So he realizes, if he keeps quiet, are you gonna give in and let Lee have a chance with your heart?
So he ends up asking you out on a date after pulling you off to the side. Making sure you were out of earshot from anybody, especially your team.
You both keep it silent from Tenten, Gai, and Lee. Anybody really. For a while.
He wonders how none of them notice the way you tease him more than the others. The way you’re just a bit too touchy with him. (Tenten noticed, but she keeps her mouth shut for a while)
The way you insist on braiding his hair or tying it up for him before training or something to get it out of his way.
Or just beg him to let you braid it for fun. No real reason.
Usually he rolls his eyes, groans, and says no. Firmly. But he’s not so firm with you.
He looks so pretty with his braided hair. Let’s just say that.
Until finally Neji snaps a little bit at Lee, “When will you realize, y/n has a boyfriend, Lee.”
Lee’s eyes go wide, and he’s visibly upset. But soon his brows just furrow a bit as he exclaims “WAIT, WHO??”
Neji realizes his mistake, but he’s not ashamed of you. So maybe it is time to say something. So he informs Lee, and the rest of the over enthusiastic team, that he is, in fact, your boyfriend.
He’s actually so proud of your skills.
He’s not the type to show you off by PDA, but he will smirk and look all smug when somebody compliments you or you do something awesome.
And when the clan’s branch system gets dismantled, eventually he starts figuring your name would sound real nice with Hyuga as a family name.
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hellcifrogs · 5 months ago
(Obito adopts Naruto au anon)
I had an idea for an au where Naruto doesn't become a villain under Obito's care, he goes to the Academy at Konoha and becomes a shinobi with Obito supporting him from the sidelines while continuing work for the Akatsuki. I imagine that as Naruto gets older, he'd become really torn about what Obito does and maybe he'd eventually convince him to stop the plan (maybe after Gaara gets hurt/killed ?)
Obito has a soft spot for Naruto, and doesn't have it in him to hurt the kid any more than he did as a kid. But those are just my thoughts
See, my problem with Obito being in touch with Naruto in any way, is that his whole evil plan is completely based on killing/sacrificing Naruto.
I can take Obito developing and soft spot for Naruto (who wouldn't) but I can't make sense of him keeping both Naruto and his plan.
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stu-dyingstudent · 7 months ago
Sakura fic recs: civilian discrimination/clan politics
Another personal favorite type of read when it comes to Sakura Haruno fanfiction! I think it's reasonable to assume considering the treatment of the branch families in the Hyuga clan that if the series was a little darker/serious, then Sakura, TenTen, and Lee would have definitely been looked down upon for not being from a clan. They don't have the same connections and support that the clan kids do and so I love when fics bring this up and take it further.
Ok, so I've kinda decided to just make this a list for fics with some political focus to them...
Also, check out my list on third war continued/Sakura sent to war prematurely as all of those fics bring up this hierarchy.
Started: 2024.07.23
Last Updated: 2024.12.28
note: feel free to check out my master list which has a bunch of Sakura Haruno fic recs (all organized)!
edit: I am currently reevaluating this list as I feel I can do better!
A Drop of Poison by Androgyninja || ao3 || gen || M || canon divergent || complete
After being humiliated during a sparring match, Sakura realizes that she no longer wants to base her future on a boy who doesn't even like her. With a newfound sense of determination, she sets off to become a truly terrifying kunoichi, making her fair share of friends and enemies along the way.In other words, Sakura discovers who she really wants to be and fucks shit up along the way. And if she poisons a few important people? Well, that's just collateral damage.Begins during Sakura's final year at the academy and ends right before the canon time skip.
Where the hierarchy of the clans and clanless is more prominent than ever, Sakura comes to the stark realization of her true purpose on team 7. A Drop of Poison is probably the first fic that comes to mind when I think of discrimination and clan politics in Konoha and it's for a good reason. Constant hurdles are thrown Sakura's way because of her lineage and the actions she chooses to take bring ramifications which she'll have to face head first. Also, poison-user! Sakura is such a great idea (I wish this was canon)!
bite me and see, said the fly to the spider - MirrorImage003 || ao3 || itasaku || T || canon AU || ongoing
In which Sakura is not initially a part of Team 7. In which she wears her failures like armor and brandishes her fears like her most trusted weapons. In which I do what hundreds of other authors have done before me, and rewrite Sakura's story. Non-massacre AU. Canon Divergent. Slow-burn.
Sakura's first team is made up of the "expendables." Placed with a fresh and inexperienced jonin as their sensei, it results in the quick demise of the team. Now slotted into team 7, Sakura has to face the harsh remarks regarding her first major failure as a shinobi and persevere to prove her worth to the village.
Expedient - SwiftKick || ffn || T || canon AU || complete
Konoha and Iwa sign a truce and agree to an Exchange Program between recently promoted genin to "bolster village relations." Fortunately, if anything were to go wrong, Haruno Sakura was just average enough to risk losing.
From what I remember, Expedient is not very heavy on this dynamic, however, it is a major contributor as to why Sakura was the one sent on the exchange. She was deemed as so average, so unremarkable, that the village could risk her. Even so, Sakura does face a lot of criticism from Iwa shinobi and civilians, marking her as an outsider. I don't really want to spoil anything, but just know that the sensitivity of her position makes it difficult for her both in Konoha and Iwa. This one is an all time favorite of mine and I didn't have high expectations going into it, but this fic is truly great. Deidara is such a fun character and I really enjoyed Sakura's growth.
The Small Postures - Celenier || ao3 || T || kakasaku || canon divergence || incomplete
Sakura acts as a spy for Tsunade when Danzo takes an interest in her. While earning her place in ANBU Root, she discovers her own path to greatness. She learns grim secrets about how her village operates, makes terrible enemies, and begins to appreciate the extent of her fractured personality.
It's Sakura's more expendable status that results in her being used to infiltrate ROOT. I found this fic kinda a hard read since it's such an ominous story. Anyway, Kakashi, her former sensei, in now her contact and only confident on the matter, but how does this change their relationship? I haven't read far enough for there to be any romance, so no comment, but I imagine it's built off of Sakura's isolation. Great story though.
Daughter of Fire - justjstuff || ao3 || kakasaku || E || canon divergence || incomplete (maybe ongoing)
Sakura got up and didn’t bother brushing the dirt from her dress. She had a feeling she was about to get even dirtier. She looked at the memorial stone one last time, memorizing the characters without even realizing she was doing it. It would serve from that moment on as a reminder of her determination. She wouldn’t let Naruto and Sasuke join the names carved on that stone. That was her nindo.
Sakura faces discrimination from the council as they are not pleased that she, a civilian born, is to be the one to carry on Tsunade's legacy. I also really appreciate how Sakura's parents were handled in Daughter of Fire as it felt very logical rather than some of the other fics I have read. Her growth throughout this story is great and realistic all while pointing out aspects from the original series which were flawed and dare I say misogynistic.
Terror feeds the Soul - Pleasedial123 || ao3 || gen || not rated || canon AU || one-shot complete
Sakura is not an idiot. She was praised for her intelligence, reached Top Kunoichi at the Academy for her brains. So it doesn't take her long after being placed on the powder keg that is Team Seven to realize she is going to die. Kakashi, career shinobi since age-six, has no idea what the hell is going on with his little pink-haired student or why there is such fear in her eyes. So he gives her head-pats. That's what you do for scared puppies isn't it?
My poor girl Sakura was STRESSING in Terror Feeds the Soul, but it's for good reason. She has made the stark realization that with no clan ties and no apparent importance to the village, she would be that last on team 7 to be saved. Anyway, there is some pretty cute Kakashi and Sakura bonding here (platonic) that I love.
The Sixth Shadow - thinknicht || ao3 || kakasaku || M || canon AU - eventual time travel AU || ongoing
No one seemed to find it odd when little Haruno Sakura threw herself smack dab in front of a Chidori and Rasengan. Not even Kakashi stopped to wonder.(He really should have.)
The story of how Sakura came to be the sixth hokage despite all of the challenges thrown her way. Many of the characters are super OOC, but in The Sixth Shadow she faces the ultimate discrimination based off her being civilian born. Through trials of attempted sabotage, classism, and other conflicts Sakura's drive is unwavering. Such an interesting take on how the events of the series could have unfolded and the political aspects are super interesting. However, be warned that Kakashi is an absolute HATER (in the beginning), but he gets better! Also, the fic is super long....
Got Nothing to Prove (but I'ma show you how I do) - GuardianMars || ao3 || gen || T || mission gone wrong || incomplete
Civilians and orphans are always used as cannon fodder. Sakura’s not sure where she first came by this phrase. Whether she heard it or read it, she can’t quite remember, but it stuck in her head and it stays in the back of her mind whenever Team 7 takes a mission. When Sakura and Tenten get placed on a temporary team looking into a series of kidnappings of local village girls, Sakura is naturally worried. She doesn't want to be cannon fodder. When the mission goes to pot, Sakura and Tenten find themselves far away from home and with only each other to rely on. As it turns out being cannon fodder is the least of their worries.
Sakura and TenTen are chosen specifically for a mission due to their lack of clan affiliation. Things end up taking longer than anticipated and Kakashi and Gai, being the only voices for the girls, decide that it's time to step in. This fic is super interesting because it's actually kind of a mystery. One where we don't truly know what happened on the mission but through multiple different perspectives we slowly find out. Unfortunately, this is incomplete though.
Loyalty - TrueRadicalDreamer || ffn/ao3 || M || AU || complete
A ten-year-old Haruno Sakura is put in the worst situation of her young life - being forced into working as a spy for an enemy village. As she navigates the mores of her new world, Sakura begins to realize that she is changing as a person and that she may not recognize who it is she is becoming.A story about personal responsibility, about the duties of a ninja to their village, and about the true meaning of loyalty.(Pre-Skip, Unapologetically Sakura-centric, 13 years in the writing)
Ok, a little note here is that this fic is actually being rewritten. I read the old version and loved it (the one I linked), but there is a new one coming out on ao3 although I think it might incomplete. Nonetheless, I HIGHLY recommend this one as I think it's great and pleasantly dark!
Obito-Sensei - Ser Serendipity || ffn || gen || M || Obito lives AU || ongoing
During the fateful mission to the Kannabi Bridge, Obito is too slow, and Kakashi ends up paying the price with his life. Years later, Elite Jonin Mangekyou no Obito is placed in charge of a very familiar genin team, determined to keep them safe in a world at peace. Or: Obito surviving wrecks everything, in twenty steps or less.
I don't want to say too much to avoid spoiling anything, but there is definitely a gap between Sakura and her other teammates at the beginning. I really love the worldbuilding and Obito is honestly such a good sensei (even though I had to warm up to the idea). Some interesting politics as well!
Satori (Between the Lines) - Jaylene || ffn || gen || T || academy AU || complete
While attending the Academy, Sakura's field experience assignment with the Konohagakure Intelligence Division ends up being more valuable than she'd ever guess.
Sakura lands herself working in Torture & Intelligence??? From the very beginning Sakura has been pegged as a "paper ninja" where she is constantly praised for her intelligence, so Satori (Between the Lines) is academy Sakura putting these skills to use. Super good read and includes characters we don't normally get to see in fics!
Hoshigaki - writer168 || ao3 || M || gen || sakura is kisame's daughter AU || complete
When Sakura was three, her father told her he was a criminal. When she was seven, the last thing she saw of him was the sword on his back. When she was eight, she had a friend named Kiba. When they were twelve, they met Shino.And when they were genin, they began to fight for the truth because they could no longer fight for the sake of Konoha.
Perhaps one of the more interesting AUs out there as Sakura is actually the daughter of Kisame! Definitely shines a different light on the village and is such a great story (even has a sequel).
Snakes are Venomous, Flowers are Poisonous - Omnivorous_Reader || ao3 || M || gen || Orochimaru is good AU || incomplete
It has been years since Orochimaru has taken on a proper apprentice, but when the Fourth Hokage asks him to chose one from the Rookie 12, it’s not surprising he’s the one to find the diamond in the rough
Pretty odd AU, but I guess this is kinda just Orochimaru in Boruto. Anyway, essentially, he's a good guy and loyal to village and Sasuke's a complete dick. He decides to take in another apprentice, which ends up being Sakura. A lot of discrimination towards Sakura in here due to her background and some village politics.
Rise - wenwen || ao3 || T || gen || missing-nin AU || complete
Seven years after the Kyuubi attack, the Sandaime Hokage’s sudden assassination threw Konoha into chaos, and at the end of the night, two factions arose in its shinobi forces: those who stayed and those who ran. Of those who ran, many were shinobi that the new administration denounced as traitors, deserters, and murderers. Two years later, a ragged group of children who vanished the night of the Sandaime's assassination, who would have been raised in relative peace but instead grew up running, were recruited to fight a war for the homes they barely remembered. In which Kakashi is forced to the forefront of yet another war, Itachi is given to maudlin internal monologues, Shisui alternates between coping and dissociating, and Zabuza wonders why he couldn’t have left the honor to the fucking samurai.
Fair warning, not a Sakura-centric, but she is a main character! Really well written and super interesting story.
Hokage By Necessity - Evil Is A Relative Term || ffn || T || canon divergence || incomplete
Hokage-it was Naruto's dream, just as Sasuke was his promise. And for a short, glorious time, he had them both. But when tragedy strikes, it is Sakura who must continue to bear the reality of the dream: endless paperwork, bickering Kage, and political factions.
Wow wow wow, so good! Shows the less-than-glamorous reality of what it truly means to be Hokage. Super interesting read that sheds light on the fact that the strongest person isn't always the best leader. Definitely has a heavy focus on politics (and the author clearly thought about said politics).
Once again, please send me recs of this genre since I'm obsessed!
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rayshippouuchiha · 1 year ago
Potential Hokage Projects
Hashirama: the village (obviously) and agriculture
Tobirama: Academy and legislative organization
Hiruzen: revamped academy and new libraries now that the clans inside the village trust each other enough to share some info
Minato: ?
Tsunade: revamped healthcare and medical system. Mental health care and psychological revolution
Kakashi: revamped shinobi gear and supplies. Modernization of Konoha. Maybe some overhaul of ANBU???
Naruto: revamped academy, education system, and childcare system.
Look the most hilarious option for me when it comes to Minato's Hokage pet project?
Foreign Relations.
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itsvenera · 11 months ago
Hi! I'm so excited you're writing for Naruto 🥰 So many blogs don't really write for it anymore, so I'm so grateful 🫶🏻 Could I please request Kakashi x fem reader angst, where reader and Kakashi are in an established relationship, maybe even married, but they get ambushed on a mission and reader sacrifices herself to save him? I really love Kakashi and I'm in an angsty kinda mood. Anyway thank you so much, I hope this is okay. Have a nice day! ❤️
author's note: I'm so sorry this took ages to write! I keep slipping in and out of angsty mood, so it did take longer than expected! x anyway, I really hope you enjoy it, and thank you so much for requesting! <3
warnings: mentions of death, blood, alcohol abuse
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Never mix personal life with your professional duties.
This was one of the most important rules of the shinobi world. They have tried to drill this mantra into your heads since your early teenage years and kept repeating it every so often, just in case you forget.
Growing up, it was easy to follow this principle - all of your friends were civilians and you weren't particularly close with anyone from the academy, so you lived your life in peace, knowing that you don't have to worry about the people you loved and cared about.
Little did you know, however, that a certain white-haired shinobi would change that in your adulthood...
You heard of Kakashi in your early academy days. Being three years older than you and already an ANBU, your knowledge about him was based only on the rumours that kept circling the village about his past and the unfortunate death of his teammates. But it wasn't till he became a Jonin sensei, that you had the chance to meet him for the first time.
You did not have a team to lead on your own, but due to your hard work and devotion to the kids in the academy, you were often sent to help with their training and low-level missions. Team 7 was often the one needing the most help since it not only consisted of the stubborn and grumpy last survivor of the Uchiha clan, but also the hyper-energetic and mischievous 9 tails Jinchuriki.
Naturally, you and Kakashi became close. Having to supervise and protect a group of highly intelligent, stubborn, and, often, reckless genins proved to be a good enough reason for you to form some from of a friendship.
It did take a couple of years for love to blossom between you. With him being occupied primarily with the training of young ninjas and ensuring the safety of the Hidden Leaf Village, romance was not one of the things on his list of priorities. And at the time he was fine with this - you can't miss something that you never had.
But the more you matured, the more you gravitated towards each other. You worked so well together, that you started to be regularly paired for missions excluding his students. Soon after, you started to spend time outside work together. Before you knew it, you became partners in more sense than once.
And the more time passed, the more blurry the line between work and pleasure became... to the point that one single mistake changed everything.
It was a peaceful night when it happened. A day away from Konoha, you, Guy, and Kakashi were resting on your way back from delivering the sealed scrolls containing information about the next Chunin exams to Suna. You had found a small cave, tucked deep in the forest, and decided it was the perfect place to hide not only from any potential attacks, but also from the raging rain outside.
"C'mon!", you nudged Kakashi's shoulder with your own, before throwing one look at sleeping Guy and turning back to your lover, "He is deep asleep, he won't hear a thing."
The white-haired ninja gave you a stern look, but the little smile that formed on his covered lips betrayed his real mood. Moving his focus on the fire before you, he poked the burning wood with a stick, before mumbling:
"One more reason to stay still and alert", he pointed out, giving you a playful side glance, "We are supposed to be on guard."
Rolling your eyes, you let out a childish puff and crossed your arms in front of your chest.
"Guard from what? The owls?", you whined, before nudging him one more time, "C'mon, Kakashi! One kiss is all I am asking for! I haven't kissed you in like... weeks!"
"We have been away only for a few days", he lifted his brow in amusement, before leaning towards you, "And I am pretty sure you managed to steal yourself a kiss this morning. Your math is awfully bad, little dove."
You opened your mouth to respond, but quickly closed it after no good comeback came to your mind. It was true that you last shared a kiss this morning and you did exaggerate a bit about the time that has passed since then, but can anyone blame you? You were deep in your honeymoon phase when all you could think about was your lover and the feeling of his lips against yours... And making it worse, was the fact that he purposefully took with him that rich and smoky smelling perfume, that was driving you insane.
"Kakashi!", you whined his name, giving him a pleading look. Tilting his head to the side, he let out a chuckle, before carefully pulling his mask down, exposing his beautiful face.
Slowly leaning towards you, he maintained eye contact, before pressing his slightly chapped lips against yours. Immediately fluttering your eyes close, your hands found their way behind your neck, pressing his face closer toward you. Letting out a contempt sigh, you leaned to your right, giving you a better angle to keep up with the sensual dance your mouths indulged in.
After a few seconds, he pulled away, pressing the cold metal of his headband against your forehead. His breath was heavy and he gave himself a minute, calming his wildly beating heart.
"Happy, little dove?"
A wide smile stretched on your face and you eagerly nodded your head, about to respond, when you suddenly got interrupted by the loud sound of a kunai landing right above your head. Both you and Kakashi, immediately jumped from your places, your hands already reaching for your own weapons, while you shouted to Guy to wake up.
Your attackers quickly filled the cave and they visibly outnumbered you, leaving you to fight two of them each. You knew Kakashi and Guy could handle themselves, they were one of the most skillful shinobi in Konoha, after all. Yet the moment you saw one of the ninjas sneaking behind your lover's back with a sword raised high in the air, your feet suddenly had a mind of their own. You dodged a punch aimed at your face, but rather than fighting back, your body threw itself behind Kakashi, a piercing scream leaving your lips once the blade went through your stomach.
The world around the white-haired ninja abruptly stopped.
All the shouting, the sound of clashing weapons, Guy's screams for him to focus... the moment he fell your body crashing against his, it was all silence. His arms instinctively wrapped around you, protecting you from falling on the rocky ground, while his knees gave up under him. One of his hands immediately moved towards your wound, trying his best to stop the bleeding, while his other one found its way towards your face.
Kakashi's fingers shakily moved towards your forehead, moving away the few damp pieces of hair sticking to your skin. Tracing the side of your cheek, he didn't even notice he was crying, till a few teardrops fell down onto your skin. Your eyes, which were also glossy, stared at him and your lips moved, trying to say something, but the only thing that came out was blood.
"Shh, don't talk", Kakashi choked out, pressing his fingers against your mouth. Finally gaining the courage to look down, all the breath left his body once he saw how much blood you were losing, despite his best attempts to stop the bleeding.
"We have to get you to the village the fastest way possible", he muttered with a shaking voice, his arms sneaking under your body in order to lift you. You moaned from pain at the contact, using the last bit of energy to grab one of his wrists.
"N-no...", you whispered, a hefty amount of blood dripping from the corner of your mouth, "Hel-.. He.. Help Guy..."
Hearing the name of your teammate, Kakashi finally remembered you were not alone, and his head whipped around only to find the other male continuing the fight all by himself. His rough posture and scratches covering all over his face were showing he would not last long and Kakashi immediately felt his chest tightening.
He knew he had to join in and help him, but how could he leave you all alone, bleeding to your death?
Almost as if you were reading his mind, you weakly squeezed the wrist in your hold:
"Go...", you muttered, your lips twitching into a small, sad smile, "I... I will... b-be... f-fine."
"Little dove, don't... I... Why...", Kakashi cried out, not sure how to finish this sentence. Grasping your face with his hands, he pressed his mouth against yours, ignoring the metallic taste that immediately washed over his senses once your blood touched his tongue. His tears were now freely falling from his eyes and he could not hold his sobs back any longer.
Your lips weakly moved against his for a minute, before you had to sharply take a breath. Your consciousness was slowly slipping away and your gaze was now cloudy, unable to focus on one particular thing. You felt coldness slowly making its way through your limbs, bringing a strangely welcoming feeling of numbness and peace. Despite your vision getting blurry, your head tilted to the side, the outline of your lover's face still clear.
"I.. I love y-you", you breathed out, one final tear making its way from the corner of your eye. Kakashi carefully caught it with his thumb, his head violently shaking from side to side.
"No, no, no!", he kept repeating, his voice cracking, "Please just... please just stay with me!"
Your stare remained unmoving and it took a few seconds for the white-haired ninja to realize that your breathing had stopped as well.
It was too late...
you were gone.
Dozens of feelings washed over the Leaf shinobi at the same time. Pain. Sadness. Rage. Shock.
With an angry scream, he pressed your now limp body against him, while one of his hands moved to move his headband away from his face, showing his already glowing Sharingan.
The fight lasted a few minutes afterward, maybe even less. Fuelled by his raw pain, Kakashi did not hold himself back, slaying all of the enemy ninjas one by one. Soon the ground was crimson red and the only remaining sound was the white-haired man rigid breathing and the sound of the rain, which kept pouring outside the cave.
"Kakashi...", Guy carefully said, his gaze moving to your already cold body which rested in the corner of the cave. He bit his lip, unsure what to say, choosing instead to remain still and quiet. He couldn't control himself, however, once Kakashi's heavy breathing turned into sobs again, and he wrapped his arms around his friend.
"I am sorry...", the black-haired man sighed, a shaky breath leaving his lips as well. His own eyes started to tear up and he tried his best to blink them away, a poor attempt to remain strong for your lover, who was already falling apart in his arms.
The next few hours they spent in silence, with Guy guarding the entrance, while Kakashi held your cold hand in his own, his eyes staring at your face like he hoped you were just in a deep sleep and would wake up any moment.
Or perhaps, he was hoping that he was the one dreaming and that once the sun rose high in the sky, he would wake up, finding your smiling face nested comfortably between his neck and shoulder...
But that never happened. Instead, the hours kept passing with him frozen in his place next to you, till Guy gently laid his hand on his back, telling him it was time to go. With one last kiss on your cold forehead, Kakashi took off his jacket and laid it carefully over your body, before scooping it in his arms.
Leaving the cave, his eyes kept staring ahead, his expression now unreadable. The memories of you, that kept flashing before his eyes during the whole night, were now pushed at the back of his brain, while only one though kept occupying his mind:
Never mix personal life with your professional duties.
He failed to do that.
"Tsk, how sad!", the man behind Kakashi muttered under his breath, "I bet he is spending his whole pay on drinks again!"
The woman next to him shushed him, hitting him on the shoulder while doing so.
"Be quiet!", she scolded, "He will hear you!"
The man scoffed, his eyes not moving from the white-haired ninja before him, who kept calmly putting his shopping away, without even glancing in their direction.
"Well, let him hear! Because it is pathetic, it's what it is!", he grumbled, making sure to speak as loudly as he could, "One of our best ninjas turned alcoholic... Look at him! He doesn't even look like himself anymore!"
Years ago Kakashi would have turned around and silenced them just with a glare. But now... he had no more energy for that.
Because they didn't understand and would never be able to understand what he had gone through. They would never have to bear the burden of having someone else's blood on their hands, neither would they experience the feeling of guilt that would tear their soul apart, a constant reminder that they could not protect the ones they loved.
So why would he bother explaining to them that the only reason why he had to be under the influence, was because this was the only way to feel close to you again? The only way to silence the voices inside his head, which kept reminding him how it was him who was supposed to be dead, not you?
Instead of replying, he just grabbed his bag and exited the shop. He walked hurriedly towards his house, eager to open the bottle of sake he just bought and mute the feeling of missing you, that kept breaking his heart every single time he was completely sober.
"Kakashi!", Guy's voice sounded somewhere behind him, and his step halted for a bit, turning around. His friend gave him a little smile, which immediately fell, once his eyes fell on the neck bottle which poked out of Kakashi's bag. It was not easy to watch one of your best friends falling deeper and deeper into a hole, refusing any of your help.
The white-haired man suddenly felt small, almost embarrassed by the look the other male gave him. But instead of waiting, the moment he saw him walking towards him, he just turned around and almost sprinted back to his house.
Closing the door, he let out a breath, he didn't even know he was holding. Kicking his shoes aside, he made his way towards the kitchen and took out the piece of bread and the few bottles of alcohol he had brought earlier. Opening one of them, he didn't even bother to grab a glass, before he made his way towards the bedroom and sat down against his pillows.
Grabbing the picture of you that he kept on the bedside table, he gently traced your smile with his thumb, before taking a sip of his drink. The burning sensation in his throat was irritating, but it was nothing compared to the burning feeling inside his chest.
"We will be together soon, little dove...", he smiled sadly, "I promise."
cc artwork: concept art for "Wheel of Time"
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thenightwinggraveyard · 8 months ago
😂 Actually, do you have cool Naruto fic recs for someone who's never seen the show? I keep itching to start it so I can understand some of my friends' interests better but I would just rather... read things. And I know that the fics might not be accurate to personalities or plot, but if you have anything beginner-friendly or fun that might help my brain get more excited to make the effort and watch, I'll take it. I personally like relationship drama but I'm cool with whatever you've got.
i do!!! i watched naruto as a kid but i completely forgot most things so i got into it again by fanfiction. also as a side note; i apologize but i don't read from narutos point of view very often if at all as that is just a personal preference of mine, just a warning in case thats what you were looking for-- and my favourite character is sakura which you'll probably see lmao 😅
without further ado, here are some;
Pray My Name by Chancy_Lurking [G] [ONE-SHOT]
"Your name sounds like the kind of thing you say when you’re afraid,” Sakura finishes.  “A prayer,” Sasuke offers without looking away from the window.  (Team 7 takes a quiet moment to talk about what their names feel like.)
notes: there isn't much of a plot with this one but its a wonderful showcase of the bond that team 7 shares/could share. it floats beside canon not really connected but it could be, and i think its just a great introduction to the way team 7 should be imo!!
tdlr; team 7-centric, friendship/love, acceptance
Terror feeds the Soul by Pleasedial123 [ONE-SHOT]
Sakura is not an idiot. She was praised for her intelligence, reached Top Kunoichi at the Academy for her brains.  So it doesn't take her long after being placed on the powder keg that is Team Seven to realize she is going to die.  Kakashi, career shinobi since age-six, has no idea what the hell is going on with his little pink-haired student or why there is such fear in her eyes. So he gives her head-pats. That's what you do for scared puppies isn't it?
notes: some really good characterization with this one and a deeper look at the subtle hint of corruption/injustice in the shinobi world that canon already gives us.
tdlr; sakura-centric, sakura & kakashi, good characterization, worldbuilding
Just Killing Time by Elizabeth Culmer (edenfalling) [G] [ONE-SHOT]
After Wave Country and before the chuunin exam, Team 7 kills time while waiting for Kakashi to show up.
notes: an adorable small fic consisting of freindship and the idea of found family, they're just cute little kids in this and it makes me smile so hard.
tdlr; team 7-centric, friendship, found family, fluff
An Improper Apology Properly Backfires by rex101111 [G] [ONE-SHOT]
Sasuke Uchiha apologizes, or at least makes an attempt. Sakura thinks he could do better than THAT.
notes: its not every day i find a sasusaku fic that i genuinly enjoy, but this one both cracked me up and actually convinced me that they could work as a couple lmao, after some bad canon events, this fic shows a completely done sakura dealing with the fallout and it is gold. featuring naruto and kakashi as unwilling bystanders.
tdlr; sasuke/sakura(canon ship) and team 7-centric, anger issues, canon compliant(mostly), humour
Wildflowers and Incisors by Chancy_Lurking [T] [ONE-SHOT]
There’s a boy Sakura loves the way Naruto loves Sakura, in a shameless and open, but painfully unequal way. There’s a boy Sakura loves the way Hinata loves Naruto, in a way that feels no more like a choice than breathing. Neither of those boys need pretty girls. “We are all really pretty, though,” Ino assures her with a haughty sniff, crossing her leg the other way so her calf rests on Sakura’s shin. “They’re going to be strong, maybe even the strongest ever in the Hidden Leaf,” Sakura says and Hinata doesn’t need convincing, they both know it, so she doesn’t belabor the point. “So, we have to be stronger than them.” (The girls of Konoha band together as friends. Girlhood is easier in a group.)
notes: a wonderful look at the kunoichis in naruto, with friendship for once more important than love. gives them the character development and attention they deserve, but didn't quite fully get in canon.
tdlr; naruto girls-centric, girlhood and friendship, good character development
The Language of Faces by Empatheia [T] [ONE-SHOT]
Ino decides to help Sai learn to function in society. Sai does his best to keep up.
notes: now we're taking the focus off the main characters of naruto to focus on some great side characters-- ino and sai are both charecterized awesomely in this fic. they're awkward and don't really know how to function in society (being a ninja will do that to you) but they clearly grow to care and love for eachother dearly.
tdlr; sai/ino-centric(canon ship), great characterization, awkward first dates
Pushy and Loud and Brave and Proud by bluecatcups [M] [ONE-SHOT]
When Temari meets Shikamaru, she is twelve years old and she is everything she has ever been; pushy and loud and brave and proud. This is the story of who Temari becomes.
notes: thanks to this fic i fell in love with temari as a character. it is a character study at its heart and therefore it has SUPERB characterization, with believable romance and a theme of self-love. i adore this fic.
tdlr; temari/shikimaru-centric(canon ship), character study, romance, found family, self-love (TW for smut and suicidal thoughts)
coming from afar & reaching for the stars by SafelyCapricious [G] [ONE-SHOT]
It had been two weeks since the trial. Two weeks since Sasuke had been given the choice of surrendering his eyes and being allowed to leave, or being stuck for five years without ever being allowed to leave the village. He had chosen the later. And Sakura isn't avoiding him on purpose, but it's still happening and she's kind of okay with it.
notes: a not so romantic retelling of sasuke coming back to konoha. i really enjoy the way sakura is characterized in this and the way all her friendships are potrayed (especially her and sai they are besties). instead of running into sasukes open arms, she decides she doesn't mind keeping to herself.
tdlr; sakura-centric, friendships, good charecterization, awkwardness, self-love
Rules Were Made to Be Broken by MotivationIsDead [T] [COMPLETED]
Kakashi wasn’t entirely sure he wasn’t hallucinating. Or suffering from heart failure. “I thought you were dead,” he said blankly. He might’ve been going into shock. Obito winced and rubbed the back of his head with a sheepish grin. “Yeah,” he said, tone stilted. “There’s actually quite the story behind that.” “I should hope so,” was Kakashi’s bland response.
notes: kakashi and obito if obito decided to not go through with his villainous plan. it is a ship, but the way the bond is potrayed just hits so good. something more than friendship and simple love and instead a deep trust, with banger characterization and development. a couple steps away from crack, i laughed so goddamn hard.
this entire fic can be summarized by;
kakashi and obito: fuck it we ball.
tdlr; kakashi/obito-centric(fanon ship), fix-it fic, humour, BAMF kakashi and obito (has an ongoing sequel!!)
Smiles in Spring by Kalira [T] [ONE-SHOT]
One spring day when they are very small, Ino meets a little girl with shy eyes, a beautiful smile, and pink hair, and immediately knows what she wants in her future. Ino's never had any qualms bending the force of her will on the universe to be sure she gets whatever she wants.
notes: ino and sakura are made for eachother in this fic and the progression of their relationship is adorable. some bonus friendship with shikamarau and choji.
tdlr; ino/sakura-centric(fanon ship), romance & friendship, fluff
Genuinely Delighted by Chancy_Lurking [T] [COMPLETED]
"Lee, in spite of how brash he might’ve seemed, still appeared to be incredibly considerate and Shino would feel wrong to just brush him off. His enthusiasm about asking Shino out was completely genuine, and that was enough to make Shino feel flattered. And anyway, Lee would probably prove to be much more pleasant company than some of the other guys Shino knew."
notes: just a fluffy post-canon fic about some more wonderful side characters, with romance and friendship. lee and shino are so unexpected but work so well in this fic.
tdlr; shino/rock lee-centric(fanon ship), romance & friendship, fluff
In The Forest by Senka Hitomi (LadyTegan) [T] [COMPLETED]
When the genius of Konoha returns from a mission in a catatonic state, it is up to his old teammate to delve into the depths of his mind and pull him back out. But the dangers of the mind are many, and the road to finding him may be more difficult than she could have imagined.
notes: god i could gush about this fic for so long. everything about it delights me, the characterizations, character development, relationships and just the careful way the plot was constructed. it comes together to form a very inrtiguing and engaging fic.
tdlr; shikimaru/ino-centric(fanon ship), romance & friendship, amazing plot, great characterization
On Qipao, Flirting, and Buying Drinks by needdl [M] [COMPLETED]
Tenten turned beautiful when she was nineteen.
notes: an if neji lived au done so well. the romance is both believable and beautiful.
tdlr; neji/tenten-centric(semi-canon ship), romance & friendship, fluff, coming of age (TW for smut)
About Face by wroth_and_ruin [T] [ONGOING]
A little yellow-haired boy saves Sakura from the bullies. And everything changes.
notes: one of my all time favourite fics it is full of character and life, and the friendship between sakura and naruto is so pure yet all-consuming. they are eachothers persons, eachothers sun, and the world that is being crafted is so engaging. featuring kakashi with teenage angst.
tdlr; naruto and sakura-centric, friendship, found family, fix-it fic, character and plot development, worldbuilding
Retrograde Motion by Crunchysunrises [T] [ABANDONED]
From sixteen to eleven didn't feel like a big jump until she realized that she was now the best ninja in their class. And that tiny Sasuke hates her for it.
notes: the reason this is an honourary mention is because this is the fic that got me into naruto! the first one i read, and the first one that captivated me to read all 100k words (yikes..). so despite the fact that its abandoned im still gonna share it with you in case it interests you ;)
tdlr; time-travel, sakura-centric, great characterization, shit gets done
(i didn't even realize so many of my fav fics were done by chancy_lurking!!! huge shoutout to them they are awesome)
i have some more but i think i'll leave it at this; i hope you find at least one fic that enraptures you!!
68 notes · View notes
primnroses · 19 days ago
Can you make a list of the rank of K11/12 and the other characters? could you include characters in boruto too thank you.
First of all, sorry for taking so long, this ask is extremely old. Please read it on AO3 because it has more pictures and it's more comfortable. Tell me if I forgot anyone.
All available information about these characters is official and has been published by Studio Pierrot, Viz Media, Shueisha and their Jump magazines in their anime, manga, databook and novels.
It doesn’t include third party information, retailer sold items, leaks or potential fake information. Please read the end of the post for clarification.
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Before I begin, let’s consider the ninja ranks and the promotion system:
Academy Students undergo a final exam where they have to perform a basic ninjutsu technique. In the case of the Rookies, it was a clone technique.
After passing the exam they get put in a genin team and go through a Genin Certification Exam carried out by their assigned jōnin team leader. For example, Team 7’s was the bell test. If they fail, they are sent back to the Ninja Academy.
Genins (下忍) complete the countless missions, large and small, that constantly pour into the village and would never been completed without their aid.
When their leader considers they are eligible for promotion, they participate in the Chūnin Exams, which happen twice a year, to test if they have the capabilities to lead a team. 
Chūnins (中忍) are in the center of the ranking, but their abilities require them to lead small shinobi teams of shinobi and to have good judgement as commanders. Skilled chūnin usually monitor the Chūnin Exams or lead other teams outside the battlefield.
If one of these chūnin is particularly adept in one area, they could be appointed to Tokubetsu/Special Jōnin (特別上忍) and be asked to lead entire village departments.
On the other hand if one of these chūnin has reached elite skills, they could be appointed to Jōnin (上忍) and complete the most difficult missions by themselves, or even instruct genin teams. Jōnins are also expected to command military divisions, and they are represented by the Jōnin Commander.
Any shinobi eligible for the Kage (影) title is or are selected by the village Council, a group consisting of the heads/leaders of ANBU and Medical Department, the Jōnin Commander and the daimyō of the country. The candidate is later approved by the Jōnin Council.
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The Academy graduation and Chūnin promotion ages are stated in the third databook.
Due to Tumblr's image limit, I will only share the last piece of evidence about their rank or the first piece of evidence for Jōnins as their rank does not change later.
Remember you can purchase all four databooks, Retsu no Sho (Blank Period databook) and Zai no Sho (Boruto databook) online to fact check yourself, but I will leave links to online scans.
Naruto Uzumaki (Genin/Kage):
He graduated from the Ninja Academy at 12 and became a genin member of Team 7. He didn’t get a promotion due to leaving Konoha before the second Chūnin Exams, unlike his classmates.
He is a genin in the first, second, third, fourth databook and Retsu no Sho.
Officially, Naruto is a genin and recognized as one until the time he was appointed Kage of Konoha between the Blank Period and Boruto: Naruto the Movie.
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Scan from Zai no Sho, he is Hokage (火影).
In an interview from Boruto: Naruto the Movie in 2015, Masashi Kishimoto confirmed that Naruto was never promoted to either chūnin or jōnin before he was named Kage. 
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You can find the interview here.
Studio Pierrot wrote a filler episode during the end of Naruto Shippūden where Naruto was encouraged to study in order to be promoted to the next ranks before being allowed to become Kage. The animation studio is infamous for coming ahead of manga pace or author statements and writing nonsense. 
In Boruto: Naruto Next Generations episode 48, Naruto confirmed that he had never been promoted and is indeed considered a genin.
Sasuke Uchiha (Genin/No rank/Nukenin):
He graduated from the Ninja Academy at 12 and became a genin member of Team 7. He didn’t get a promotion due to going rogue before the second Chūnin Exams, unlike his classmates, so Konoha no longer considers Sasuke as a ninja.
In the third, fourth databook and Retsu no Sho, Sasuke’s rank appears blank and is considered to be a rogue ninja/nukenin.
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Scan from Zai no Sho, he is - .
In an interview from Boruto: Naruto the Movie in 2015, Masashi Kishimoto confirmed that Sasuke was never promoted to either chūnin or jōnin before he was branded as a rogue ninja/nukenin. 
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You can find the interview here.
Sakura Haruno (Jōnin):
She graduated from the Ninja Academy at 12 and became a genin member of Team 7.
After the failure of her generation’s first Chūnin Exams, she participated in a second examination and was promoted to chūnin at 14 with the rest of her generation, a rank she maintained until the manga ended and the story continued in future projects written by Masashi Kishimoto.
In the third and fourth databooks she is a Chūnin (中忍).
Between the ages of 17 and 19, after the Fourth Shinobi World War and before the Blank Period, Sakura became the only one of Konoha’s kunoichi to be promoted to jōnin, and second of her generation after Temari. She was promoted together with Shikamaru Nara.
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First picture: Scan from Retsu no Sho, she is Jōnin (上忍). Second picture: Scan from Zai no Sho, she is a Jōnin (上忍).
In Boruto: Naruto Next Generations, it is also reiterated in episode 171 despite being a known fact.
Sai (Chūbu):
He graduated from the Ninja Academy at 9, became a chūnin at age 10 and as a member of ANBU Root, became an ANBU, a rank he maintained until the manga ended and the story continued in future projects written by Masashi Kishimoto.
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Scan from the third databook, he is ANBU (暗部). Also in the fourth.
Between the ages of 17 and 19, after the Fourth Shinobi World War and before the Blank Period, Sai was demoted and became a chūbu, however this rank is exclusive to him and does not belong to the official shinobi rank system. Chūbu means something like “aid branch”.
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First picture: Scan from Retsu no Sho, he is Chūbu (柱部). Second picture: Scan from Zai no Sho, he is a Chūbu (柱部).
Note: Despite being the Chief of ANBU, his rank has never been addressed, so he is a chūbu despite seniority within the organization. Chūbu must be a rank inferior to jōnin and superior to tokubetsu/special jōnin, otherwise he would be named jōnin.
Neji Hyūga (Jōnin):
He graduated from the Ninja Academy at 12 and became a genin member of Team 3. After the failure of his class’ second Chūnin Exams, he participated in a second examination and was promoted to chūnin at 15 with the rest of his generation (remember Team 3 are one year older than the rookies).
Between the ages of 15 and 17, during Naruto Shippūden or Naruto part II, Neji was the first shinobi of his class and Konoha’s generation to be promoted to jōnin, and the only one of his generation with Suna’s Kankurō.
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Scan from the third databook, he is Jōnin (上忍)
Rock Lee (Jōnin):
He graduated from the Ninja Academy at 12 and became a genin member of Team 3. After the failure of his class’ second Chūnin Exams, he participated in a second examination and was promoted to chūnin at 15 with the rest of his generation, a rank he maintained until the manga ended and the story continued in future projects written by Masashi Kishimoto.
In the third, fourth databooks and Retsu no Sho he is a Chūnin (中忍).
Between the ages of 17 and 33, after the Blank Period and before Boruto: Naruto the Movie, Rock Lee was the second shinobi of his class and fourth in Konoha’s generation to be promoted to jōnin after Neji Hyūga, Sakura Haruno and Shikamaru Nara.
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First picture: Scan from Retsu no Sho, he is Chūnin (中忍). Second picture: Scan from Zai no Sho, he is Jōnin (上忍).
Tenten (Chūnin):
She graduated from the Ninja Academy at 12 and became a genin member of Team 3. After the failure of his class’ second Chūnin Exams, she participated in a second examination and was promoted to chūnin at 15 with the rest of her generation, a rank she maintained until the manga ended and the story continued in future projects written by Masashi Kishimoto.
In the third and fourth databooks she is a Chūnin (中忍).
Due to her last rank data being in the Blank Period and not being shown in the Zai no Sho databook, and the lack of information in the anime, manga, databooks, novels or official material published by Studio Pierrot, Tenten’s rank remains to be chūnin and she was never promoted.
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Scan from Retsu no Sho, she is Chūnin (中忍). She does not appear in Zai no Sho.
Shino Aburame (Chūnin):
He graduated from the Ninja Academy at 12 and became a genin member of Team 8. After the failure of his generation’s first Chūnin Exams, he participated in a second examination and was promoted to chūnin at 14 with the rest of his generation, a rank he maintained until the manga ended and the story continued in future projects written by Masashi Kishimoto.
In the third and fourth databooks he is a Chūnin (中忍).
Due to his last rank data being in the Blank Period and not being shown in the Zai no Sho databook, and the lack of information in the anime, manga, databooks, novels or official material published by Studio Pierrot, Shino’s rank remains to be chūnin and he was never promoted.
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Scan from Retsu no Sho, he is Chūnin (中忍). He does not appear in Zai no Sho.
Note: The settei circulating from a Japanese manga shop that listed Shino as jōnin is an old draft from Studio Pierrot that never made it to the story and is information never made public by the animation studio in any book or material, that is why people who have come across it said it was "by accident" and that is "very difficult to find". Mandarake is a retail shop that purchases items from anime studios and animators and sells them, in other words, animators sell their portfolio and Mandarake sells them in a pack. Several anime drafts displayed by this shop have also never made the final cut in the anime, like the family chart that listed Tenten and Rock Lee as divorcees or other stills from the Boruto: Naruto the Movie. Furthermore, the anime confirmed in episode 6 that "Shino sensei has jōnin-level skills", not that he's a jōnin, meaning he is a chūnin with jōnin-level skills (Academy teachers are chūnin), more confirmation that they discarded the chart but at one point they considered giving him an anime-only promotion (but decided against it). There are currently no manga panels, anime episodes, novels or databook sources that hint the chart is canon. Shino is a chūnin according to all official and available sources.
Kiba Inuzuka (Chūnin):
He graduated from the Ninja Academy at 12 and became a genin member of Team 8. After the failure of his generation’s first Chūnin Exams, he participated in a second examination and was promoted to chūnin at 14 with the rest of his generation, a rank he maintained until the manga ended and the story continued in future projects written by Masashi Kishimoto.
In the third and fourth databooks he is a Chūnin (中忍).
Due to his last rank data being in the Blank Period and not being shown in the Zai no Sho databook, and the lack of information in the anime, manga, databooks, novels or official material published by Studio Pierrot, Kiba’s rank remains to be chūnin and he was never promoted.
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Scan from Retsu no Sho, he is Chūnin (中忍). He does not appear in Zai no Sho.
Hinata Hyūga (Chūnin):
She graduated from the Ninja Academy at 12 and became a genin member of Team 8. After the failure of her generation’s first Chūnin Exams, she participated in a second examination and was promoted to chūnin at 14 with the rest of her generation, a rank she maintained until the manga ended and the story continued in future projects written by Masashi Kishimoto.
In the third and fourth databooks she is a Chūnin (中忍).
After the age of 17, Hinata retired a chūnin and has lived as a common housewife according to Naruto Shinden and Naruto Retsuden.
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First picture: Scan from Retsu no Sho, she is Chūnin (中忍). Second picture: Scan from Zai no Sho, she is a Chūnin (中忍).
Shikamaru Nara (Jōnin):
He graduated from the Ninja Academy at 12 and became a genin member of Team 10. After the failure of his generation’s first Chūnin Exams, he was promoted to chūnin at age 13, the only shinobi to achieve it, a rank he maintained until the manga ended and the story continued in future projects written by Masashi Kishimoto.
In the third and fourth databooks he is a Chūnin (中忍).
Between the ages of 17 and 19, after the Fourth Shinobi World War and before the Blank Period, Shikamaru became the first shinobi of his class and second in Konoha’s generation to be promoted to jōnin after Neji Hyūga. He was promoted together with Sakura Haruno.
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First picture: Scan from Retsu no Sho, he is Jōnin (上忍). Second picture: Scan from Zai no Sho, he is a Jōnin (上忍).
Currently, from Boruto: Two Blue Vortex chapter 1, Shikamaru is the acting Eighth Hokage.
Chōji Akimichi (Chūnin):
He graduated from the Ninja Academy at 12 and became a genin member of Team 10. After the failure of his generation’s first Chūnin Exams, he participated in a second examination and was promoted to chūnin at 14 with the rest of his generation, a rank he maintained until the manga ended and the story continued in future projects written by Masashi Kishimoto.
In the third and fourth databooks he is a Chūnin (中忍).
Due to his last rank data being in the Blank Period and not being shown in the Zai no Sho databook, and the lack of information in the anime, manga, databooks, novels or official material published by Studio Pierrot, Chōji’s rank remains to be chūnin and he was never promoted.
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Scan from Retsu no Sho, he is Chūnin (中忍). He does not appear in Zai no Sho.
Ino Yamanaka (Chūnin):
She graduated from the Ninja Academy at 12 and became a genin member of Team 10. After the failure of her generation’s first Chūnin Exams, she participated in a second examination and was promoted to chūnin at 14 with the rest of her generation, a rank she maintained until the manga ended and the story continued in future projects written by Masashi Kishimoto.
In the third and fourth databooks she is a Chūnin (中忍).
Due to her last rank data being in the Blank Period and not being shown in the Zai no Sho databook, and the lack of information in the anime, manga, databooks, novels or official material published by Studio Pierrot, Ino’s rank remains to be chūnin and she was never promoted.
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Scan from Retsu no Sho, she is Chūnin (中忍) although the quality is bad. She does not appear in Zai no Sho.
Note: The settei circulating from a Japanese manga shop that listed Ino as jōnin is an old draft from Studio Pierrot that never made it to the story and is information never made public by the animation studio in any book or material, that is why people who have come across it said it was "by accident" and that is "very difficult to find". Mandarake is a retail shop that purchases items from anime studios and animators and sells them, in other words, animators sell their portfolio and Mandarake sells them in a pack. Several anime drafts displayed by this shop have also never made the final cut in the anime, like the family chart that listed Tenten and Rock Lee as divorcees or other stills from the Boruto: Naruto the Movie. Furthermore, the anime confirmed in episode 6 that "Shino sensei has jōnin-level skills", not that he's a jōnin, meaning he is a chūnin with jōnin-level skills, more confirmation that they discarded the chart but at one point they considered giving them an anime-only promotion (but decided against it). Chūnins are team leaders. There are currently no manga panels, anime episodes, novels or databook sources that hint the chart is canon. Ino is a chūnin according to all official and available sources.
Gaara (Chūnin/Kage):
He graduated from the Ninja Academy at 12 and became a genin member of Team Baki. After the failure of his generation’s first Chūnin Exams, he participated in a second examination and was promoted to chūnin at 14 with the rest of his generation.
Between the ages of 14 and 16, Gaara was named Fifth Kazekage, a rank he maintained until the manga ended and the story continued in future projects written by Masashi Kishimoto. It was never confirmed whether he also obtained the promotion to jōnin.
In the third and fourth databooks he is Kazekage (風影).
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First picture: Scan from third databook, he is Kazekage (風影). Second picture: Scan from Retsu no Sho, he is Kazekage (風影).
He is also a Kazekage (風影) in Zai no Sho (see other Kage below).
Kankurō (Jōnin):
He graduated from the Ninja Academy at 12 and became a genin member of Team Baki. After the failure of his generation’s first Chūnin Exams, he participated in a second examination and was promoted to chūnin at 16 with the rest of his generation. 
Between the ages of 16 and 18, during Naruto Shippūden or Naruto part II, Kankurō was promoted to jōnin with Temari and became the only one to become one with Konoha’s Neji Hyūga, a rank he maintained until the manga ended and the story continued in future projects written by Masashi Kishimoto.
In the third and fourth databooks he is a Jōnin (上忍).
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Scan from the third databook, he is Jōnin (上忍). He does not appear in Retsu no Sho or Zai no Sho.
Temari (Jōnin):
She graduated from the Ninja Academy at 12 and became a genin member of Team Baki. After the failure of his generation’s first Chūnin Exams, she participated in a second examination and was promoted to chūnin at 17 with the rest of her generation. 
Between the ages of 17 and 19, during Naruto Shippūden or Naruto part II, Temari was promoted to jōnin with Kankurō and became the first kunoichi of her generation to become one, a rank she maintained until the manga ended and the story continued in future projects written by Masashi Kishimoto.
In the third and fourth databooks she is a Jōnin (上忍).
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First picture: Scan from the third databook, she is Jōnin (上忍). Second picture: Scan from Retsu no Sho, she is Jōnin (上忍). She does not appear in Zai no Sho.
Karui (Chūnin):
She graduated from the Ninja Academy at an unknown age and became a genin. At the time of her debut in Naruto Shippūden or Naruto part II, she was a chūnin at age 16, a rank she maintained until the manga ended and the story continued in future projects written by Masashi Kishimoto.
Due to her last rank data being in the fourth databook and not being shown in the Retsu no Sho and Zai no Sho, and the lack of information in the anime, manga, databooks, novels or official material published by Studio Pierrot, Karui’s rank remains to be chūnin and she was never promoted.
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Scan from the fourth databook, she is Chūnin (中忍).
Omoi (Jōnin):
He graduated from the Ninja Academy at an unknown age and became a genin. At the time of his debut in Naruto Shippūden or Naruto part II, he was a chūnin at age 16, a rank he maintained until the manga ended and the story continued in future projects written by Masashi Kishimoto.
In Boruto: Naruto Next Generations episode 166, it was said that a group of jōnin from Kumogakure confronted Deepa, Omoi being one of them. This could imply that Omoi was promoted to jōnin between the ages of 17 and 32. 
Hanabi Hyūga (Jōnin):
She graduated from the Ninja Academy at an unknown age and was a genin at the age of 14 during the Blank Period. 
In Boruto: Naruto Next Generations she is given a genin team, so she must have been at least a Tokubetsu Jōnin in order to become a sensei.
In the second Boruto novel written by Ukyō Kodachi, she is confirmed to be a Jōnin (上忍).
Konohamaru Sarutobi, Udon Ise and Moegi Kazamatsuri (Jōnin):
They graduated from the Ninja Academy at an unknown age and was a genin at the age of 12 during Naruto Shippūden or Naruto part II, a rank he maintained until the manga ended and the story continued in future projects written by Masashi Kishimoto.
In Naruto Gaiden character descriptions, they are all described as Jōnin (上忍).
Konohamaru is described as a Jōnin (上忍) in Zai no Sho.
Kurotsuchi (Jōnin/Kage):
She graduated from the Ninja Academy at an unknown age and became a genin. At the time of her debut in Naruto Shippūden or Naruto part II, she was a jōnin at age 18. She was already a Kage when the manga ended and the story continued in future projects written by Masashi Kishimoto.
Between the ages of 18 and 33, after Naruto Shippūden or Naruto part II and Boruto: Naruto the Movie, Kurotsuchi had become the Third Tsuchikage.
Chōjūro (Jōnin/Kage):
He graduated from the Ninja Academy at an unknown age and became a genin. At the time of her debut in Naruto Shippūden or Naruto part II, he was a jōnin at age 19. He was already a Kage when the manga ended and the story continued in future projects written by Masashi Kishimoto.
Between the ages of 19 and 34, after Naruto Shippūden or Naruto part II and Boruto: Naruto the Movie, Chōjūro had become the Sixth Mizukage.
Darui (Jōnin/Kage):
He graduated from the Ninja Academy at an unknown age and became a genin. At the time of her debut in Naruto Shippūden or Naruto part II, he was a jōnin at age 26. He was already a Kage when the manga ended and the story continued in future projects written by Masashi Kishimoto.
Between the ages of 26 and 41, after Naruto Shippūden or Naruto part II and Boruto: Naruto the Movie, Darui had become the Fifth Raikage.
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Scan from Zai no Sho, they are all Kage (影) of their respective villages.
Katasuke Tōno (Tokubetsu/Special Jōnin):
At the time of his debut in Boruto: Naruto the Movie, he was a Jōnin (上忍). 
However, the writer of the Boruto manga at the time, Ukyō Kodachi, changed his rank and demoted him to Tokubetsu/Special Jōnin (特別上忍) in chapter 11.
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First picture: Scan from Zai no Sho, he is Jōnin (上忍). Second picture: chapter 11, demoted to Tokubetsu/Special Jōnin (特別上忍).
Other characters’ ranks who appear in Boruto have not changed:
Kakashi Hatake and Tsunade are former Kage (影).
Might Guy and Kurenai are still Jōnin (上忍).
Ibiki Morino is still a Tokubetsu/Special Jōnin (特別上忍)
Iruka Umino and Mirai Sarutobi are still Chūnin (中忍).
Before anybody comments saying that some characters must have had their ranks updated because it has been a while since it was mentioned (their rank status), remember that the anime, manga, novels and databooks constantly change ranks of characters or simply reminds the viewers of ranks.
Katasuke Tōno debuted as a jōnin and was demoted to tokubetsu/special jōnin in the manga.  
Omoi was a chūnin in Naruto and was later mentioned in a team of jōnin in the anime.
Naruto Uzumaki confirmed his genin rank in the anime.
Sakura Haruno has been a jōnin since Zai no Sho, Retsu no Sho and the anime.
Shikamaru Nara has been a jōnin since Zai no Sho, Retsu no Sho and he is now a Kage in the manga.
Shino Aburame was confirmed to retain his rank of chūnin despite being a jōnin level.
Rock Lee and Konohamaru Sarutobi had their promotions in Zai no Sho.
Ibiki Morino has been a tokubetsu jōnin since Naruto and confirmed again in the anime.
Moegi Kazamatsuri and Udon Ise had their promotions in Naruto Gaiden.
Hanabi Hyūga had her promotion in the second Boruto novel plus she has a genin team.
If the rank from any character in the list has not been mentioned in the anime, manga, databooks or novels it means their rank has not changed. Any chart form sources not affiliated to Studio Pierrot or Shueisha are not canon. If a character's new rank is not explicitly stated, it is not up to the fandom to scout the internet to find clues. All canon and information that Shueisha and Studio Pierrot want to release, will be released by them.
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kakairu-bigbang-2024 · 3 months ago
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Artist: @lildraws, Writer: @tucuxi
Title: Meet Me At The Intersection Word count: 25,688 Rating: Teen Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply Tags: Disability, Physical Disability, Alternate Universe - Pre-Canon, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Pre-CanonChronic Pain, chronic disability after traumatic injury, Stubborn Umino Iruka, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Survivor Guilt, civilian shinobi relations, Shinobi Politics (Naruto), Shinobi Culture (Naruto), Anbu Root (Naruto), Anbu Hatake Kakashi, Trauma, medical bias, systemic bias, Denial of care, Ableism, Medical Gatekeeping, Canon-Typical Violence, Medical Jutsu, Original Jutsu (Naruto), Mobility Aids, Past Child Neglect, Minor Character Death, Canonical Character Death
Summary: Umino Iruka regarded the man standing before his shop counter with what was probably poorly-veiled irritation. "Yes, thank you," he said. "I know how a triple-layered chakra lock works." Long years of experience kept Iruka's tone even: losing his temper meant losing customers, even if there weren't very many people in Konoha who did what he did. * * * The canon-divergent au in which Iruka graduates the academy, does 3 D-rank missions, and then retires, because his leg was badly crushed in the kyuubi attack—so he re-trains as a locksmith and makes chakra-manipulated locks. A story about systemic structural power imbalances between shinobi and civilians and the various ways in which expectations of physical strength and implicit ableism are detrimental to community trust. In which Iruka finds himself stuck between worlds, all because Sharingan Kakashi demanded the impossible, and Iruka made him a quadruple-layered chakra lock.
🗝️Read this Kakairu Big Bang Collaboration on Ao3! 🗝️
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