phyrexianphamily · 3 months
Mishra: Anyone who draws power from Phyrexia...
Gix: ... is destined to be a god among men!
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Koilos Roc by Antonio J. Manzanedo
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musicpromotionclub · 3 months
The powerful melody 'Digging' by the rock band Koilos takes you through an oscillation of crazy rhythms
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otaku553 · 7 months
Outfit breakdowns for all of my Kirby hero of yore ocs! I don’t know if I can count Galacta (or Papi) as ocs but my interpretations are rather far from the source material at this point ^^;
First is Galacta, the Hero of Heart, who is the hero among heroes of the four of them. The most honored, the most gallant, the light and hope of Halcandra.
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Second is Nebula, the Hero of Dream, who is a laid-back, mostly relaxed figure who is calm and kind. Though they can often be found napping in various locations around town, in battle, they are a fierce warrior, and are very protective of Galacta.
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Third is Papilio, the Hero of Soul, also known to many as Lio, or by their personal name, Anax. They are the smallest and the youngest of the heroes, a prodigy with the blade, and known as the fastest and most light-footed of the heroes.
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And finally, the Hero of Dark, whose true name is only known to their friends. They are the quietest of the heroes, and wield a spear, though most of their powers are long range magic.
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mtg-cards-hourly · 6 months
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Caves of Koilos
After years of silence, the caves once again echo with the grisly sounds of Phyrexians preparing for war.
Artist: Julian Kok Joon Wen TCG Player Link Scryfall Link EDHREC Link
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underworlddreams · 1 month
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Caves of Koilos
Artist: Jim Nelson Set: 9th Edition
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rabbitcruiser · 3 months
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International Panic Day
International Panic Day, celebrated on June 18, is a day when people are required to panic. Basically, the day is a mock holiday aimed at spreading awareness for mental health issues. No matter how calm you are as an individual, International Panic Day is the day to let out your fears and panic about your worries. Why? International Panic Day rather asks, why not?
History of International Panic Day
In prehistoric times, men used panic as a technique to hunt animals. Herds of animals would react in panic to unexpected loud sounds or visual effects, which would direct them towards cliffs and cause them to jump to their deaths after finding themselves cornered.
International Panic Day began as a kind of mock holiday with the intention of having a day when people could shake off their various reasons to panic. It is a day to sit back, calm down, and let the panic and stress flow through you.
While it may sound funny, panic is a serious topic. Panic disorder is a mental health issue that affects 2% of the population in some countries. Apparently, women are more likely to suffer from panic than men. The condition is treatable, more so when the person is aware of various healthcare tactics and lives a healthy lifestyle.
International Panic Day is seen in many countries as a day to raise and spread awareness about the issue of mental illness. Today, more than ever, people are undergoing a lot of mental stress and the day is aimed to encourage people to slow down, relax, and reach out for help without any hesitation. There is nothing to be shy of and only by talking about our problems can we get rid of them. Panic management has important practical usages in the emergency services and the armed forces of the world. International Panic Day is the perfect excuse to panic about everything there is to panic about and, in the process, reevaluate our priorities. Eliminate all the things that cause you stress and anxiety.
International Panic Day timeline
17th century The Anatomy of Melancholy
Robert Burton describes panic in his book, “The Anatomy of Melancholy.”
1849 The First Panic
The first anxiety attacks, in the history of psychological medicine, are reported by Ottomar Domrich.
1895 Freud on Panic
Freud writes a paper on the concept of anxiety neurosis from a psychoanalytic point of view.
1980 Panic Established
The concept of panic disorder is established by the development of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM)-III criteria.
International Panic Day FAQs
What is National Panic Day?
It is more of a mock holiday to spread the word about panic. The day stresses the importance of taking time off to relax and take the stress off our minds.
Why am I suddenly having panic attacks?
A panic attack is a rush of mental and physical symptoms that can come without any warning and very quickly, too. Anti-anxiety medication is suggested for such situations.
What does a panic attack feel like?
Doctors diagnosing a panic attack usually look for four of the following signs: trembling, sweating, shortness of breath, chest pain, nausea, a choking sensation, dizziness, numbness, and heart palpitations.
How to Observe International Panic Day
Practice breathing techniques
Take some time off to relax
Get help from a professional
Breathing techniques help decrease panic. Whether it’s just a few slow breathing exercises or an hour-long meditation that focuses on breathing, both can have a strong positive impact on mental health.
Taking a day off is underrated. Take time off work to relax. Go to your favorite coffee shop, spend the day reading your favorite book, spend time with friends, and more.
If you are struggling with panic and stress, reach out to a professional. If a counselor is too expensive for you, talk to a friend you trust or a family member and listen to their advice.
5 Facts About Panic That Will Blow Your Mind
‘Panic’ from Greek
Panic can be good
Panic! At The Disco
Panic people
Time of panic
The word ‘panic’ comes from the Greek word associated with the Greek shepherd god, Pan, who, according to Greek myth, enjoyed causing fear among people traveling in the forest.
Panic is the body’s response to threat as the release of stress hormones increases the heartbeat and flow of oxygen to the brain, which can help a person to respond appropriately to a threat.
Panic! At The Disco is a world-famous rock band created in 2004 led by American musician Brendon Urie.
According to the American Psychological Association, 1 out of 75 people have a panic disorder.
Panic attacks usually last from five to 20 minutes but their symptoms can remain for up to an hour.
Why International Panic Day Is Significant
Stresses the importance of panic
It spreads awareness about stress
It makes people feel better
As strange as it sounds, panic is a way to release stress. In other words, by expressing panic, you can feel more relieved.
Stress is one of the most common mental issues of today. This day is a great way to spread the word about stress and emphasize the importance of talking about it.
Talking about panic makes it a normal thing. This makes people who undergo panic attacks feel free to talk about it and not like they have to hide it.
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planeswalker-umbral · 3 months
Something that rustles my jimmies is that in the Novel Planeswalker, we get a history of rhe early life of Xantcha, the Phyrexian Sleeper Agent turned traitor and companion to a very insane Urza.
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And a scene early in her life is meeting another Sleeper Agent Identical to her. Now all the Sleeper Agents were based of a set amount of people and didnt really age (hence how mortals would eventually catch on). In order to tell each other apart, Xantcha changes her hair while the other Agent dyes hers Red. This act of rebellion sees both of them punished, but eventually the gate to Dominaria in Koilos reopens and a bunch of Sleeper Agents are sent out, including the red headed one. Years later as Xantcha is about to be sent out, the gate closes and the Dominarian Sleeper Agent program is abandoned. Gix, head of this plan and Praetor ruling over Xantcha is punished.
But in The Brother's War there is a red haired girl, with no morals that comes out of nowhere and is skilled in artifice. A girl who does not age no matter how long the war goes on.
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Ashnod. Who was not printed as a Phyrexian on either card. Is this a retcon, red herring, coincidence or oversight?
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markrosewater · 10 months
Regarding cave errata: there are 16 lands that have "cave" or "cavern" in their names but aren't the cave type. BUT multiple of these are part of existing cycles where the other members wouldn't be caves (i.e. Forgotten Cave, Bloodfell Caves, Caves of Koilos). 6/16 definitely are and 3 of the remaining are part of looser cycles. Was this a factor in the decision not to make the change?
It was one of a number of issues.
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incorrect-mtg · 1 year
Flavor Text Highlights - Antiquities*
*as Arabian Nights is pretty much exclusively filled with references to real life literature, it has been skipped.
<- Previous Set | Next Set -> Cool - Colossus of Sardia
From the Sardian mountains wakes ancient doom: Warrior born from a rocky womb.
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Worldbuilding - Strip Mine
Unlike previous conflicts, the war between Urza and Mishra made Dominia itself a casualty of war.
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Worldbuilding - Mightstone and Weakstone While exploring the sacred cave of Koilos with his brother Mishra and their master Tocasia, Urza fell behind in the Hall of Tagsin, where he discovered the remarkable Mightstone. // During the brothers’ childhood, Tocasia took them to explore the sacred cave of Koilos. There, in the Hall of Tagsin, Mishra discovered the mysterious weakstone.
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Emotional - Argothian Treefolk
Haunting cries we hear in our dreams As the forest dies, a death from machines.
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<- Previous Set | Next Set ->
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osmanthusoolong · 8 months
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Sherlock knew that I only had one creature card after the second round and was extremely bluffing otherwise
(Really just Oops, All Caves of Koilos)
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Attacks 7
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from left to right
Upper row
@beumdi Celso
@gundamcalibarney Auph T. Diasnixias
@north-noire Micheal Afton
middle row
@twinkctoling Orion
@otaku553 Koilos
lower row
@hajimedics Graciela Estefania Rosa Iglesias
@donutdrawsthings The Doctor [The One Who Shone] and Dirt
Defenses 2 if you want your art or the attack art removed dm me :0
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@hajimedics - Lir
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@dopiysworldsend -The Darkstar
Total Points 156.25
Conclusion- quite fun! good art exercise,may do it again, everyone's characters are so cool. found some interesting people through the mutual system and was able to give back to the ones I knew or quietly admire!
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vorthosjay · 1 year
When Elesh Norn died, the Phyrexian Oil she used went inert and became harmless. I do remember, however, there being a sample of live Phyrexian Oil saved from the Caves of Koilos at Tolaria West. We also know that, after the death of Yawgmoth, some Phyrexians remained afterwards and remained active, as seen on Capenna. Is it possible that pre-Norn oil could still lead to infection, or is ALL oil rendered inert?
The pre-Norn oil has had three centuries and has largely been ineffectual on Dominaria, so while it's always possible it's probably not very likely.
Could the oil be used again one day? It's possible.
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102765314 · 1 year
Marine "Rainforest" - Coral Reefs
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Credit: Shaun Low
I am Crystal, on a journey to explore mysterious and magical tropical ecology. The theme of my blog is about coral reefs. I choose this because people always say they are important; they are dying now; we must save them. This raises my curiosity to know more about coral reefs. In the exploration of coral reefs, I will share and divide my findings into five entries as follows:
First entry
formation of coral reefs
growing environments
Second entry
Diverse shapes and types of corals
Factors affecting the conformations of corals
Third entry
Feeding behaviour of corals
Reproduction mechanisms
Fourth entry
Ecological relationship between coral reefs and other marine creatures (describe using examples)
Fifth entry
Significance of coral reefs in tropical marine ecosystem
Now, you roughly know what I am going to say about coral reefs. So, let us move on to the first entry.
Coral reefs - Animals or plants?
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Credit: Created using Canva
When you dive into the ocean, you are surprised by the beautiful and gorgeous scene at the seabed - the colourful coral reefs. When first looking at corals, you will immediately think they are beautiful plants. Yes, they look very similar to plants but are actually animals. Corals are coelenterates (Goreau, Goreau & Goreau 1979). The phylum's name comes from the Greek words koilos (hollow) and enteron (gut), so corals are hollow guts because their main and long body cavity is the digestive tract (Goreau, Goreau & Goreau 1979).
From corals to coral reefs
Corals are simple and multicellular animals. But how do they grow into the extensive coral reefs we usually find in the ocean? The living, carbonate coral reef system is established from the symbiotic relationship between the reef-building corals and plant-like dinoflagellates (Hoegh-Guldberg 2011). Dinoflagellates are unicellular organism that lives inside the gastrodermal cells of reef-building corals in the order Sclerantinia in the Class Anthozoa and the Phylum Cnidaria (Hoegh-Guldberg 2011). Dinoflagellates are called plant-like because they can perform the unique skill of plants - photosynthesis. In the corals’ gastrodermal cells, dinoflagellates provide a lot of energy from photosynthesis to the coral host (Hoegh-Guldberg 2011). In return, the corals feed dinoflagellates with the metabolized inorganic nutrients, which their quantity is very low in the clear tropical and subtropical marine water (Muscatine et al. 2005).
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Credit: Kudela lab group
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Credit: Pernice et al.
Fastidious coral reefs
Coral reefs are very picky to the growing environments. They only like ocean water that is sunlit, clear and warm (Goreau, Goreau & Goreau 1979). In addition, they only grow in shallow marine sites at a depth below 100 m and in regions within 30˚ north or south of the equator (Hoegh-Guldberg 2011) because their photosynthetic symbiont requires abundant sunlight. They need clear ocean water because the turbidity can inhibit light penetration (Hoegh-Guldberg 2011). The ocean temperature should be stable and warm (Kleypas et al. 1999). For instance, the ocean temperature cannot fall below 18˚C in places with winter (Kleypas et al. 1999). The growing sites should also contain splendid carbonate ions, which are critical to the calcification of corals (Hoegh-Guldberg 2011). Collectively, coral reefs mainly thrive in shallow equatorial coastal regions because these areas are typically sunlit, warm and supersaturated with carbonate ions.
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Credit: Created using Canva
Now, you have an idea of how coral reefs form and what types of environments they like. I have found a nice video that briefly introduces coral reefs. Feel free to watch it if you are interested ^^
Credit: National Geographic
Goreau, TF, Goreau, NI & Goreau, TJ 1979, ‘Corals and coral reefs’, Scientific American, vol. 241, no. 2, pp.124-137.
Hoegh-Guldberg, O 1999, ‘Climate change, coral bleaching and the future of the world's coral reefs’, Marine and freshwater research, vol. 50, no. 8, pp. 839-866.
Hoegh-Guldberg, O 2011, ‘Coral reef ecosystems and anthropogenic climate change’, Regional Environmental Change, vol. 11, pp. 215-227.
Kleypas, JA, Buddemeier, RW, Archer, D, Gattuso, JP, Langdon, C & Opdyke, BN 1999, ‘Geochemical consequences of increased atmospheric carbon dioxide on coral reefs’, Science, vol. 284, no. 5411, pp. 118-120.
Muscatine, L, Goiran, C, Lynton, L, Jaubert, J, Cuif, JP & Allemand, D 2005, ‘Stable isotopes (δ13C and δ15N) of organic matrix from coral skeleton’, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, vol. 102, no. 5, pp. 1525-1530.
Reaka-Kudla, ML 1997, ‘The global biodiversity of coral reefs: a comparison with rain forests’, in ML Reaka-Kudla, DE Wilson & EO Wilson (eds),  Biodiversity II: Understanding and Protecting Our Biological Resources, pp. 83-108.
Images or videos from external sources:
Kudela lab group - http://oceandatacenter.ucsc.edu/PhytoGallery/dinos%20vs%20diatoms.html
National Geographic - https://youtu.be/ZiULxLLP32s
Pernice et al. - https://www.nature.com/articles/ismej2011196#Fig1
Shaun Low - https://unsplash.com/photos/v8Un2Roo1Ak
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mtg-cards-hourly · 9 months
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Guardians of Koilos
Archaeologists depend on automatons inspired by their previous discoveries at Koilos to guard the excavations.
Artist: Yeong-Hao Han TCG Player Link Scryfall Link EDHREC Link
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thecornwall · 2 years
Cornwall’s Random Card of the Day #418: Citanul Stalwart
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Citanul Stalwart is a common from Brothers’ War, as of this writing the most recent Magic the Gathering set.
So, Citanul is a forest on Argoth, the continent plundered and ruined by both Urza and Mishra in their war to control both halves of the broken powerstone they found in Koilos. The war ends in Urza blowing it up. The continent, that is, not the powerstone. Also maybe the powerstone?
So, why this guy show up in current set? Well, cause Brothers’ War is a prequel set(with some time travel mixed in, dunno what the deal is with that). Here the Citanul are shown attempting to defend their homeland against the invaders who want to plunder its resources for a foreign war. If I didn’t know better, I’d say the Brothers’ War is some kinda veiled political message. But it was written in the 90s, and people were a lot less politically aware back then, especially in their fantasy novels, so I’m gonna rule that out.
The Stalwart here lets you convert the many Powerstone token(which tap to add {<>} that can’t be spent on nonartifact spells) into regular, coloured mana. There are a lot of other artifacts in the set, but this is the main reason it exists. You can also pull off a combo in limited with this and Howling Mine to draw 3 cards a turn when your opponent only draws 1!
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