#koba and human child
bluetoes-andstuff · 26 days
Sky's Touch
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Summary: Caesar's newly acquired human child has set her sights on befriending the grumpiest ape of all -- Koba. Armed with fruit, grooming attempts, and relentless curiosity, Sky's mission is simple... she wants Koba to be her friend.
Rating: Gen (Platonic)
Relationships: Koba & Human Child; Caesar & Human Child (minor)
Word Count: 1.4k
The communal fire crackled softly as the freshly placed logs became engulfed by the flames, casting a warm staticky light over the gathered apes. Sky sat comfortably in Caesar’s lap leaning back against his furry chest to take full advantage of the added warmth on the crisp autumn night, her small hands clutching a piece of chilled fruit baby Blue Eyes handed to her. She had been with the apes for a couple of months now, and while most had grown accustomed to her presence, Koba remained distant and wary. 
This was quite frustrating, considering Koba was the most interesting ape in the bunch in her opinion. Oh, how she yearned to ask him about the scars, and how he learned to fight and hunt the way he did. He was the strongest one in the colony… besides Caesar himself of course… and maybe Rocket, but she’s already ran him through the wringer with her questions and her curiosity for him has been quenched.
She kept finding her curious eyes drifting towards Koba, sitting beside her and Caesar, his posture tense and his gaze hard, like it always was. She watched as he picked at his food, his movements sharp and deliberate. The other apes chatted and groomed each other as they did every night. 
Sky has grown accustomed to the soft chittering and hoots common among the colony. It was different from humans, but it had that same sense of community that Sky longed to be fully part of.
As she nibbled on her fruit, Sky’s gaze lingered on a patch of dried mud clinging to Koba’s fur. She glances around the circle of apes, watching intently as a few of the gathered chimps and bonobos groom and pick at each other's backs with an absent mind, as if there was no need to even think of doing so. She’s grown to assume it as a sign of trust and affection, seeing as Cornelia and even Caesar himself sometimes would spend time picking twigs and dried leaves out of her own hair. 
So, maybe if Koba saw her trust and care for him, he’d be more open to her presence! Gathering her courage, she slowly reached out, her small fingers trembling, out of fear, or excited anticipation she didn’t know.
Koba stiffened as soon as her fingers brushed against his fur, his eyes narrowing just out of her line of sight. Her fingers gently tugged at the dried mud, mimicking what she had observed, trying to express her intentions of befriending him. 
Koba, as she should have expected, was not open to her innocent attempt. His growl was low and menacing, and she froze, fingers still tangled in his rough fur. He turned his head sharply, glaring at her. He snapped his teeth together in a silent warning, a sharp huff leaving his nostrils.
“Sky,” Caesar’s voice was gentle but firm, coming out in a gruff huff of air, a warning to be careful. His eyes had slid over to observe the interaction, trying to be respectful of his friend's boundaries and clear discomfort. Sky had not yet realized why exactly Koba was so wary of her, and Caesar has not had the heart to explain the terrible things her people had once done to the poor bonobo to cause such hostility. 
Sky withdrew her hand, her eyes wide and apologetic. She sucked her bottom lip between her teeth, her one remaining front tooth chewing anxiously on them. Then she remembered how the apes would hold out their hands to apologize to one another, something Maurice has taught her to do, along with another select few signs. She slowly extended her small hand towards Koba, her palm open and trembling in apology.
Koba’s glare softened slightly, his angry huffs morphing into more begrudging ones with an occasional sniff, but he did not swipe her hand to accept the gesture. Instead, he grabbed a handful of fruit and stood, dismissing himself from the circle and climbing back down to the lower nests and disappearing under the overhang.
Sky pouted, eyes welling with unshed tears at the clear rejection. She angled her head back against Caesar’s chest to look to him for some sort of guidance, on what she must’ve done wrong. But he offers nothing more than a soft smile. He places his large hand atop her head, gently combing through the messy strands of hair, picking at what might be a few pieces of dried leaves. Then she feels the rough pad of his thumb brush against her cheek in a quiet gesture of comfort, doubling as an apology on his friend's behalf. 
She drops her head again to glance at the others around her to see if they had witnessed the exchange, Rocket’s looking at her the same way Caesar was, along with Maurice and Cornelia, and that just makes her feel bad all over again. She drops the fruit in her hands and pulls her knees to her chest, turning her whole body to press her face against Caesar’s front, hiding herself away from the embarrassment and hurt of Kobas rejection.
Days turned into weeks and the nights only grew colder, which meant Koba was much more inclined to join the group for dinners around the warmth of the fire. Which gave Sky prime opportunity to continue her attempts at befriending him. She would always make sure she sat beside him during meals, whether that meant she climbed into Maurice’s lap, or even Luca’s, she was always right there. Her attempts and consistency were didn’t go unnoticed by the other apes, and it quickly became the subject of conversation when Koba was not around. 
Sky would always offer him small pieces of fruit during meals to butter him up, and the next time she attempted to pick at his fur she made sure she was prepared. She spent the last week practicing on others, just to make sure she was doing it right. At night, while in the nest she’d quietly and gently pick at Caesar or Cornelia’s fur. Caesar would always make grumbling noises for disturbing his sleep but Sky knew he didn’t really mind. She’d always make sure to give him a big kiss on the head when she was done, just to make up for the disruption. In the daytime, she’d make her rounds on Maurice and baby Blue and she’d sometimes even try to pick at Rocket’s fur, even though there wasn’t very much to work with.
Whenever she’d try on Koba again though, his reactions were always the same—stiffening, growling, and glaring—but he never pushed her away completely, and he’s yet to run away again like the first time.
One evening, weeks later, as the sun dipped below the horizon, Sky…once again reached out to Koba. This time, her touch was more confident, her fingers deftly removing a small twig from his fur that she’d spotted early on in the meal. Koba’s growl was softer, almost resigned and he didn’t even flinch, like he was expecting her to reach out and touch him. He glanced at her, his eyes reflecting a hint of curiosity, but it was quickly whisked away with his usual glare and harsh snort. And then he looked away.
Sky smiled, beaming with pride and hope. She continued her gentle grooming, her small hands working with care. Koba’s posture relaxed slightly, his resistance slowly melting away. He still watched her with caution, but there was a new softness in his gaze.
Over time, Koba grew accustomed to Sky’s presence. Her persistence and innocence chipped away at his hardened exterior. He began to tolerate her touch, even finding a strange comfort in her attempts to groom him. The other apes noticed the change, especially Caesar and his close companions. It brought them a semblance of peace to know Koba is that much closer to healing from his past traumas.
One night not to log after, as the fire crackled and the apes settled in for the evening, Sky sat beside Koba, her small hands busy with the fur on his arm. Koba no longer growled or stiffened; instead, he closed his eyes, a rare moment of peace washing over him. She ever so slowly inched her way into his lap, and his eyes sprung back open in shock. She stared at him with wide eyes, like she wasn’t quite sure how he’d react to the development, but Koba didn’t snap or glare, just quietly began to eat his supper while keeping a watchful eye on her. Sky grinned to herself, ducking her chin so he couldn’t see, and she migrated her gentle grooming from his shoulder to his chest. 
Caesar sat beside them, watching them both with a warm smile on his face. He never would’ve guessed Sky would be capable of warming Koba’s heart unlike any of them have ever been able to do before.
**Thanks for entertaining my writing! I appreciate each and everyone of you. I can't wait to dive deep into this fandom. It's been several years since I've written anything, so I'm so glad to be back. If you have anything you want to see, hit me up and we'll see what I can do. I always love a good challenge
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the-monkeies-girl · 2 months
Just a thought not a request!!
Imagine Caesar and his clan finding the reader in the forest cradling a baby chimp who is sick :( Caesar obviously takes them in and while the baby is with the healers of the clan the reader is soso worried. Caesar realises he really has to comfort her and offer her and baby chimp a permanent place with them - ✨
✨ YOU'RE BACK I FEEL LIKE I HAVEN'T GOTTEN ANYTHING FROM YOU FOR SO LONG !! HOW ARE YOU?! also wow i love this idea does it need to become a full ass oneshot.
'She cannot stay.' Koba was adamant with his signing towards his closest friend and confidant.
'You want the Colony to heal the infant and send her away?' Maurice was quick to argue, children surely being one of his passions in life, 'That is not fair to her. She has been caring for the child for---'
'Due to her, they almost died! Does not know how to care for Ape---'
Caesar stood abruptly, any chance on in-fighting dissipating at the stare he gave Koba, 'I will think about it tonight. Maurice,' The Ape King was hesitant, hands dangling in mid-air as he contemplated the language of what he wanted to use, 'Is right. She cared for this child before we found them. Koba, she was in bad shape, not just the child--'
Koba growled in displeasure, 'She is Human!'
'She will not leave their side, does that not speak to her nature?' Caesar's silent words were concise towards the Bonobo who forced the hackles against his shoulders to fall back down as they had risen intensely out of defense.
'Do not like this.'
'Have not given my decision yet,' The Ape sat back into a hunched position and did not let his eyes waver from Koba's stare, 'Will think about it tonight. We will meet at Dawn.'
Nothing else was said as Koba stormed off, rolling his shoulders in aggravation as Caesar finally relented his gawk and drew a deep breath in.
'Cannot let Koba... sway your decision. She cared for the child before and she will... continue to do so if we cast her from their side.' Maurice signed slowly for the King who only nodded in pensive silence. 'Might end badly to do so.'
You felt remarkably grimy. And you were sure that was the case if you had enough energy to disperse thinking about your own well being. Tucking a piece of your hair back, you tilted your head to the side to hopefully riddle the twinge you had gotten from sitting against a slanted and slate grey rock for the entire day. Not even breaking for meals, you didn't feel hungry and were intensely wrought with worry. No one had said anything to you about the baby Chimp. About... Forest. That was the name you had given them when you stumbled across them only two months ago.
Abandoned... it seemed. From who, you had no idea. You wanted to leave them. Wanted to do the same reckless abandonment but you couldn't. You still held too much of your humanity that the Flu took away from others and did your best to care for them in the time given.
It was not your fault... That they got sick... Tears pricked at the back of your eyes and you squeezed them shut as a breeze of chilled air came rushing in with the scent of the ocean. You barely could take care of yourself, what made you think you could care for another? A... Baby...? Defenseless and helpless in a world where any other Human would have killed them? That's why you stayed put, having watched the sun disappear behind the red woods an hour ago. They were why you were so determined. They deserved at least a chance and it was just happenstance that you ended up in the clutches of a large Colony of Apes. Most of whom... Hated your presence...
They would not let you stay, you figured as much from the glowers you were getting from the scarred Ape who was determined to make your short stay here absolute hell. You were going to get kicked out and never know what happened to Forest. Your eyes fluttered open when the dim light illuminating your closed eyelids were seeped in full frontal darkness. And... Blinking... Much to your surprise, you were face to almost kneecap with... Their... Your eyes were ample as he shifted an animal hide towards you in utmost silence.
"W-Wh..." "Humans... Get cold." Caesar's voice was nothing more than a baritone as you grasped the animal pelt with a small 'thanks' and draped it against your shoulders. He stared down at you in what appeared the be contemplation. Feet could carry him away and consider this his good duty of the day or--- You sniffled softly.
"Will they be alright?"
"We have..." Nodding in assurance, Caesar looked towards the hut of which Forest was being taken care of by a group of female apes. A place you were not allowed to step foot in due to being a human, "Very... Good Healers. Will do the... best they can." The cadence of his sentences were broken but the words came across well in your tired mind as you nodded, feeling no relief wash through you at the sincerity of them. The Ape King was most likely telling you that to keep you calm and one side of you did appreciate it. "I don... I don't know how to... Thank you for helping me."
Caesar only huffed a response, "There is... Hut near here. You can... Rest the night. Am... Unsure if you will be able to stay anymore. Many... Not... happy of your presence. The young... Many have not seen Human before..." "I just want them to be okay." You whispered tearfully. "You can-can do whatever you want to me, just pl-please..."
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teojira · 3 months
[Peel this orange for me?]
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Summary: the trend on TikTok where you asked your partner if they'd peel an orange for you!
Warnings: Implied romance between reader and the apes.
A/N: I have a specific folder on my tiktok where I keep videos that remind me of my favs, looking back at this specific orange one, it reminds me of Noa so his is based on that!
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Caesar does it without even thinking, immediately going in to grab the fruit from your hand and peeling it's skin.
You're both sat at the communal fire, apes all around as everyone settles in for the nights dinner.
In your little circle, it's you and Caesar at the moment, Cornelius running off a little bit ago to go find Nova to play with.
You're leaning against your partner, face resting on his shoulder as you watch him fast and efficiently tear open the orange.
Blinking once, Caesar gently nudges your hand, grunting at you to take your food back, the peel already being thrown into the fire, making the smell float in the air.
"Thank you." You kiss his shoulder, eagerly tearing a piece of the fruit and throwing it in your mouth.
He doesn't hesitate when you offer him a slice of his own, opening up his jaw so you can hand feed him.
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Noa's on his way out of the nest when you softly ask him to peel the fruit for you, but immediately turns back in when he hears you call for him.
"I can't get it." You mumble, shrugging a shoulder, biting back a smile.
Noa knows what you're doing. He knows you're just asking him to stay a little longer because you'll miss him until he has a break in his duties.
He really really should be going. The eagles need to be tended to, but you're his mate. Surely they'll be fine if he's a few minutes late.
"Echo..." He shakes his head with a deep sigh, amusement flooding in his eyes as he takes the orange you've offered him.
"Spoiled." Noa drawls, fingers making quick work of the peel, in no time revealing the juicy fruit underneath.
"No, I'm not." You stick your tongue out at him, leaning against his leg, soaking in as much of his warmth as you can until you know he officially needs to get going.
"Rotten. Spoiled rotten." He sniffs, crouching down to your level to dangle the fresh fruit in front of your eyes.
Noa's waiting for something, and he's not leaving until he gets it.
He brings his other hand up to use his pointer finger to tap at his cheek, and you can't help but giggle.
A kiss for his troubles, typical.
You lean in and give him a peck, audibly making a 'mwah!' sound effect for good measure.
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He has half a mind to take it and chuck it into the forest.
"Human...dumb?" Koba sneers, already moving past you, until you have the audacity to roll your eyes at him, at HIM. He has better things to do than to peel an orange for you, knowing damn well you're more than capable, the bonobo's seen you gut a fish with ease.
You're not a child. Do it yourself.
"Fine, I'll go ask Caesar." You're moving to stand up, the orange tightly held in one fist as you get ready to go look for the Ape king.
Next thing you know, the orange is snatched from your grasp, Koba turning around and using his fingers to break the orange open with heavy breathing.
"Koba-" You attempt to get his attention, but he whirls back around, grabbing your much smaller hand and forcing the mangled orange into your palm, the juices spilling everywhere.
Leave it to Koba to get jealous.
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fl3shm4id3n · 4 months
ʜᴜᴍᴀɴ ᴀᴘᴇ (ᴘᴀʀᴛ ɪ): ᴛʜᴇ ᴀ.ᴘ.ᴇ. ᴇxᴘᴇʀɪᴍᴇɴᴛ
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𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐰𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐚𝐧 𝐞𝐱𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐦𝐚𝐝𝐞 𝐛𝐲 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐡𝐮𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐬. 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐰𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐡𝐮𝐦𝐚𝐧, 𝐨𝐫 𝐚𝐭 𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐭 𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐤𝐞𝐝 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐨𝐧𝐞. 𝐄𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐥𝐞𝐟𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐡𝐞𝐥𝐥 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮'𝐯𝐞 𝐛𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦, 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐡𝐚𝐝 𝐛𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐭𝐚𝐤𝐞𝐧 𝐢𝐧 𝐛𝐲 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐀𝐩𝐞𝐬. 𝐖𝐡𝐨 𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐝 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐬𝐲𝐦𝐩𝐚𝐭𝐡𝐲 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐧 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐨𝐰𝐧 '𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐝' 𝐡𝐚𝐝. 𝐁𝐮𝐭, 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐰𝐚𝐬 𝐚𝐧 𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐮𝐞. 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐰𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐛𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐬𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐝 𝐛𝐲 '𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐖𝐡𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐂𝐨𝐚𝐭𝐬' 𝐰𝐡𝐨 𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝐨 𝐮𝐬𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐮𝐧𝐢𝐪𝐮𝐞 𝐢𝐦𝐦𝐮𝐧𝐢𝐭𝐲 𝐭𝐨 𝐦𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐯𝐚𝐜𝐜𝐢𝐧𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐫𝐲 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐬𝐚𝐟𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐡𝐮𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐢𝐭𝐲, 𝐛𝐮𝐭 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐛𝐞 𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐨 𝐡𝐞𝐥𝐩 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐚𝐦𝐞 𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐞𝐬 𝐰𝐡𝐨 𝐡𝐚𝐝 𝐡𝐮𝐫𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐩𝐚𝐬𝐭?
ᴘᴀɪʀɪɴɢ: ɪᴍᴘʟɪᴇᴅ ʙʟᴜᴇ ᴇʏᴇꜱ x ꜰᴇᴍ! ʜᴜᴍᴀɴ ʜʏʙʀɪᴅ? ᴀᴘᴇ! ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ
ꜱᴏɴɢ: ᴋɪᴅ ᴄᴜᴅɪ - ᴍʀ. ʀᴀɴɢᴇʀ
TW: human and ape experimenting, illegal? experimenting, talks of torture, blood, brain swapping, bride of Frankenstein/Poor Things references, talks of death and taking risks, abuse, injuries, talks of war, blood, guns, murder, humans being assholes, Koba, Not edited.
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The A.P.E. Experiment, was an experiment done by a private organization who deeply believed that both humans and apes are much closer then they're out to be. Since there was endless and endless of research that both species are technically the same. Except the humans are evolved and the apes aren't, yet they shared the same kind of intelligence.
That's why the A.P.E. Experiment took place. They actually wanted to prove and show how a human and ape can think the same things and be both as intelligent as they are. They've been several and several attempts, but there was always some kind of miscalculation or something going wrong. Not only that, but they test subjects would either die or not make it because of the risky brain transplant done by the scientist.
Despite those many fails, they kept on going. They weren't going to stop until they had finally manage to do what they were meant to do. Even if that involves the deaths of many humans and apes. Not only that, but they also worried about the money that had been founded into the experiment, if they didn't use it, then this whole experiment would have gone to waste. So they kept on going on again, again, and again, until finally after many attempts they had succeded.
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You had no name, except for your serial number. Which was '013'. Technically, your name was 'H-Thirteen', but you were called 013. That number was tattooed onto your wrist ever since you could remember. You don't have much of a memory, since your brain had already been switched out not too long ago. The scar at the back of your shaved head was still somewhat healing. The procedure happened when you were 13 years old. The White Coats were nervous, they hoped that this time the transplant would work this time. After many attempts, none had succeeded. But this time. It had worked. Both you and the other Ape had actually survived the transplant. The White Coats were happy to learn this. Finally, after years of planning. It had finally worked.
Ever since you were given your new brain, you began to develop new behavior. Before, you'd talk verbally, now you sign or make ape noises as a form to communicate. When you'd speak vocally, you'd speak as if you were trying to form words. Like a child who just learned how to say words. You used to walk normally, now you walked slightly hunched and with your knuckles for support of some kind. Instead of standing, you'd be scrunched down, using your knuckles for support. Not only that, but you had grown canines. They were small, but they were visible. Besides those changes, your emotions had also change. When you'd be happy you'd jump around and be loud. But when you'd get mad, your snarl and hiss. As well as throw things that were near you. They were 'small' changes, at least to you yet the White Coats made it a huge deal.
The ape who's brain had been switched with yours, also began to experience changes. She now speaks verbally. Very human like, it was almost unbelievable. She walks and stands like a human. Even has human like emotions. Not only that, but the thing about this ape, was that she is your sister. You and her were both made out of the same DNA and grew in the same artificial womb. Also, when standing next to each other, you and her looked alike. A lot alike. Except, she was a ape and you were a human. That alone made it obvious that you both are twins, you and her were one of many human and ape twins. Except, the difference was that you and her survived the brain transplant. You and your twin were the lucky ones. Despite both your huge changes, you were both still different species.
The experiment continued. You and your twin known as A-Thirteen would often complete tasks on a daily basis. They were simply yet hard tasks to do, but you and Thirteen would complete them using your unique skills. The White Coats monitored everything. Took notes and videos of everything, for research and data. Yours and A-Thirteen's brain would often been checked up. Just to see it's development and how it's getting used to your new body. Since in the past, the other test subjects would either reject the brain or the brain would just die or even infect them, killing them. But your brain had got used to your spinal cord and body. It was shown how the brain had quickly got used to your body and the slight changes in your DNA. It had actually become your brain now. But not A-Thirteen, your twin's brain had become infected with some kind of bacteria. They tried to save her, but the infection had already spread out into her body, killing her. The White Coats were disappointed, but they were glad that you had survived. Which was good to them.
When you reached the age of 15. That's when the experimenting got aggressive. Wires would be poked into your scalp to test out your brain and would always make sure to check for any infections or anything abnormal, but it was all good. Not only that, but your body would be put in constant testing. You had no idea why, but you never asked because were made to believe that what they were doing was good. But, did that good have to be so painful?
You began to hate every bit of it. Having to be strapped into a bed, having wires put in your body, constant needles and fluids getting injected into your body. Those are of few tests done, there was more. But you preferred to just for get about them. At least you tried to forget about them. The scars on your body were a constant reminder of what the White Coats did to you. You attempted to rebel, refusing to do your daily tasks and would put up a fight when you'd be dragged into the lab for testing. Due to your rebellion, you'd get punished. Such as be locked in your room for hours without food or water. Same with being tased or get beaten by one of the White Coats. You hated it. All you wanted was for things to go back to the way they were.
At least, that's what you thought. In reality, you wished that you could be normal. Except, you weren't. Sure, you looked just like the White Coats, but your brain was the thing that wasn't normal. Often times you'd be told that you were special and that you'd do great things in the future. Except, you didn't want that. You wanted to do things that weren't going to the lab to be tested or doing tasks that you've already done. You wanted to interact with humans your age and just do stuff they'd do. Have a family, from what you learned, humans either had a big or small family from the books you read. They had a mother, father, a son or daughter. Even both or more. You wanted that, except. You didn't. You had no mother or father, you had a sister. You could never have what the humans had. You were kept in isolation. Never allowed to go outside, ever. The only company you had, was the company of the White Coats and A-Thirteen. But she was gone. You were now alone, with the White Coats.
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ʏᴇᴀʀ 2026
You were now a 20 year old full grown woman. Things haven't changed at all. You were still the same person, in the same place with the same people. Nothing has changed, you were still being tested on and you still had tasks to complete. It was the same old routine, after five years. Everything was the same. Nothing has changed. You thought in the span of those years, something would change, but no. Everything was the same, it was getting tiring. Up to the point where you couldn't take it anymore. The routine was boring and nothing new. You hated it.
That evening, you doing your regular puzzle solving. This puzzles would get difficult and more complicated, but you always managed to complete them. Like always, you were monitored by five White Coats. Three taking notes, one recording with a camera and another just observing your every move. You began to hate being watched, you always had eyes on you. At least during the day, at night was the only time you had some sort of privacy. Even though you should be asleep, you stayed up late. To do your own things in your bedroom. Which was more of a cell. It felt like you were in a cage.
Once you were finished solving the puzzle, you were praised by the five scientists. Their praises used to make you happy, but now you could hear how forced and ingenuine they sounded. You hated when you'd hear them go 'good job!' or 'you did so good 013'. They talked to you as if you were still a child. You hated it. Your routine went on. You ate, you did your climbing and swinging exercises, and learned to speak new words.
Later that night, you went to bed. Except you didn't sleep just yet. You were hiding under your bed with a flash light, looking at the many pictures you drew. Of yourself, your sister A-Thirteen with a mother and father. They looked like a child's drawing, but you liked looking at the picture. Day dreaming that you'd actually have this. You often wondered what a mother and father would be liked. How would it be like to be cared for, along with your sister. You missed her, dearly. She was the only one who'd understand you and you'd understand her.
You'd also have pictures of yourself, but with hair. You really wished you could grow out your hair, but the White coats never allowed it since. Since having a buzzcut would make it easier for them to poke needles in your brain. You wanted long hair because you liked how it looked on the female White Coats and to hide the huge scar on the back on your head. And maybe, just know what it's like to have hair. But sadly, you couldn't. They'd never allow it, no matter what reason.
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The next morning, you had been woken up earlier than most days. That was odd. As you got dressed into a newly cleaned hospital gown and a pair of white shoes. You were informed that you're going to a different facility. A different facility? That'd mean you'd go outside for the first time. You have seen the outside word, but behind a glass. You were never allowed to go outside until now. Where were you going? Who were you going with? Why were you leaving the facility after twenty years? You had so many questions that you wished they'd be answered. You had said your goodbyes to all the White Coats whom you've been with for all those years. Instead of feeling sad, you felt almost relieved. Glad that you were no longer under there care, which meant, no more experiments and no more of that routine you've grown tired of.
While you were being escorted out of the facility by the men covered in black, you had finally stepped foot outside. The fresh air and the wind felt new to you. Never in a million years have you ever smelled the air of outside and felt the cold wind hitting your skin. As much as you wanted to go and explore the wilderness you've read about, you couldn't. As you walked to vehicle, you couldn't help but look around you, getting a good eye of what you've been missing out. You wanted to feel and smell the dirt, even drink the water from the river, but you couldn't. You were required to move asap. You needed to be in another facility immediately.
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The car drive was long and quiet, you were sitting down between two men dressed in black. It felt tense and stiff. It made you feel uncomfortable, but choose to remain as still as possible. You began to think about where you were going would be like. What kind of people you'd meet. Would they be more White Coats? How would those White Coats be like? Will they be other people that weren't White Coats? The questions keep pouring in. For most of the ride you just kept on thinking and thinking of questions that you know would never be asked. No one ever answered your questions.
After a while, the vehicle had stopped. In some part of the woods, it stopped so that you and the men in black could take a break. For fifteen minutes. You were allowed out. You were glad that they were nice enough to let you get some fresh air. As much as you wanted to explore the woods, you couldn't. You were only allowed to go a few feet away from the vehicle and had to come back after the fifteen minutes.
You walked around a bit, getting a view of the tall trees. They were much bigger then you thought. You couldn't help but feel how rough and hard the wood felt. It almost made you feel as if you wanted to climb it. Your attention then switched to the wet dirt, it must have rained the night before. It smelt nice, very comforting in a way that you never thought would bring you comfort. You reached down and took a small clump of it, feeling how soft and wet it was. It was nice, very nice to smell and touch. You wanted to see more.
So, you walked much further than you should've. Looking around more trees and even more dirt. But you also got the look of some plants and bugs you've read about in some books about them. Everything was new to you. You've always dreamed about going outside, just to see how it would look like. Now it was true, even if it only took you fifteen minutes, you wanted to enjoy every part of it. Since who knows how long it'll be if you ever go outside. You were loving the moment.
Then, you spotted a flower. It was a very pretty small and the color blue. They were called 'Forget-Me-Not', you've always wanted to see them in person, instead in book pages. You wanted to take some and maybe even keep wherever you were sent to. You got on your knees and plucked a huge amount of them. Once in your hand, you looked at them closely. Studying the color, shape and smell. You couldn't help but smile, when you looked at the small plants in your hands. You've fallen in love with them already. You were to focused on looking at the flowers that you didn't hear the men in black calling out to you. Finally, after snapping out of your thoughts, you heard them call you. As much as you didn't want to go, you had to.
You didn't notice that you were standing right near a hill, when you got up, your foot must have made a wrong move. That you ended up falling down the hill. You squealed and groaned as you rolled down the hill. After a few seconds, you had fallen into a river. The harsh water of the waterfall had dragged you down the riverbank, you got hit with rocks and branches in the water. You tried finding a way out, but the water just kept dragging you with it. Until you had finally spotted a branch and held onto it with all your strength. Despite being in pain, you managed to hold onto the branch. You were glad that you were okay. But the problem was, where did the river take you?
You managed to get out of the water and back on the ground. You were drenched. Your shoes and hospital gown were wet. You quickly felt cold. Your whole body began to shiver, so as a way to warm yourself up, you hugged your body. Your teeth were chattering against one another's and the wild got colder. You didn't want to stay there, you had to move. Maybe you could find the lab again, but you had no idea where to search. You've never been outside, so you wouldn't know where to start.
So, you just walked wherever you thought would help you, but no. You had no idea what to do or where to look. You were getting confused and unsure of what to do. Should you keep on walking or just stay where you were and hoped that they'd come find you. It was getting overwhelming. As you walked, you couldn't help but begin to breath a bit rapidly. You were about to go into a panic. You began to bite your finger nails, while your free hand was clenching onto the short sleeve on your hospital gown. It didn't help that you were cold because of your wet shoes and gown.
Suddenly, you tripped. Must have been cause you were walking fast and didn't see where you were going. Turning on your back, you looked down at your wet and dirt covered shoes. They were getting uncomfortable now. So you reached over and took them off your feet. Then threw them in a form of frustration. Not only where you lost, but you were cold and now barefoot. You let out a small frustrating snarl. That was something you'd do when you'd get mad. Afterwards, you got up from the ground, dusting off the dirt off your arms and legs. Your wet gown was now even more dirty. God, you hated what was happening now.
Then, you heard noises. Turning to see where they were coming from, you saw nothing. But you did notice some bushes moving as soon as you set your eyes on them. That made your stomach turn. Was something out there? Without a moment more, you began to walk again, but this time a bit faster. You could still hear bushes and leaves making noises, due to something hitting them. You grew into a panic, so you began to run, with the help of your knuckles. Hoping that you'd you'd go much faster. But again, you didn't see where you were going, and tripped again. This time you fell on your side, hitting your cheek onto the dirt, causing it to scrape. It hurt, a lot.
As you tried getting up, you heard bushes shaking and leaving hitting each other. You got up and looked around, trying to find the source of the noises. But you couldn't see them, except just hear them. You began to panic even more. What was it? An animal of some kind? If it was, what kind of animal? After a few moments, you spotted a pair of eyes. Blue eyes, to be exact. They were looking right back at you. That was odd, you couldn't tell if they were eyes of a human or an animal. They looked human, but they didn't feel human.
Slowly, they moved. Which made you back up a bit, now scared of what will come out. Carefully and slowly, they had finally stepped out of their hiding spot. It was, an ape. You've never seen another ape before. You were amazed by how he looked. As much as you wanted to get close, you kept your distance. You and the ape just stared at one another, almost as if you both wanted to figure out what you both were. After that small moment of silence, more apes began to pop out of their hiding spot. That made you panic a bit.
Looking around, you saw that they were a few more apes in all your directions. You had no place to attempt to run. Then, they began to approached you slowly. You grew scared, you had no idea what kind of intension they had or what they'd do. You back up, trying to find a way to run, but they was no place to run to. You began to fall into distress. You had backed up into a tree, you no had nowhere to go. As the apes approached you even more. You gone into panic mode. You began to scream and shout at them. Your screams of both fear and panic had caused them to stop in there tracks. They simply watched as you continued to scream in a panic.
What had caught their attention, was how your screams sounded very similar to theirs. They were very similar to an ape's scream. Eventually you stomped screaming, you crouched down and covered your head with both arms, breathing heavily and trying to catch your breath. As if you just wanted to disappear from that place. It grew quiet, all that was heard was your whimpers and heavy breathing. After some time, you heard someone approaching you, but you did not move from your position. You stayed where you were and didn't plan on moving at all. That was something you'd do when the White Coats would either beat you with a rod or tase you when you'd go ballistic.
You felt how a hand softly patted your shoulder. You still didn't move, until you felt the same soft pat on the shoulder. Slowly, you look ever the shoulder where you have been patted on. It was another ape, except. He looked much older than the one with blue eyes. You could see the bit of grey hairs around his chin and cheeks. His eyes were hazel like color, but they were more green. They too looked human, except they weren't. Just like the first ape you saw, you both locked eyes, staring at each other for a moment. You began to slowly calm down, for some reason you felt slightly better. Less panic and a bit more relaxed.
You then noticed how he reached his hand out to you. At first, you weren't so sure, whether you should take it or not. But after a bit of thinking, you took a hold of his hand. He then helped you get up from the floor. The ape was almost exactly your size. You weren't neither short or big, you were right in between. He seemed to also be right in between, but seemed slightly bigger than you. "You are safe." He said in a raspy but firm voice. You were still a bit shaken up by everything, but you were calm and collected. He continued to hold his hand, as a kind of comfort and to keep you calm. He then turned to the other apes, signing them that everything was alright and to stay put.
He looked back at you, seen that you were much calmer and relaxed. "Come." He said to you, lowly and comfortingly. You only nodded your head in response. After that was settled, he continued to hold your hand and processed to get you to follow him. So you did, you followed right behind him. Holding his rough hand. Then the rest of the other apes processed to follow behind you both. He must have been there leader of some kind. They listened to him when he singed them to stay put. But, your question was, where were you going? Where was he taking you? It didn't really matter to you at the moment. You just wanted to get out of that dreadful situation you were in just now. Hopefully where you were taken to, wasn't another lab of some kind.
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reddesires · 3 months
Derelict. [Blue Eyes x Human!Reader]
Reference: This Imagine
Implied Blue Eyes x Human!Reader
Rating: Angst (a resolved ending).
Fandom: Planet Of The Apes
A/N: My first angst/Blue Eyes work on my blog as of now, hopefully many more to come in the near future. Can you believe I was listening to Bartender by T-Pain while writing this 💀
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"Father, am I an outcast?" The question hung in the air with such intensity that the truth of the question didn't even have to be reflected on, there was always an inkling lingering in the reality of your mind, it was just hard to come to terms with it. How could you possibly be an outsider when this was truly all you really knew?
Maurice was your father, and the colony was your home. You very much knew that you were a human, but were you truly one of them if you were raised by the likes of apes? You wondered on that often, Maurice and Caesar were your looking glass into the world you barely got a taste of. Your reflection was only a reminder that you just may be the last of your species.
"No, you are a part of us." Your father signed to you, his expression firm and his reassurance sturdy, but you felt nothing as such. You felt as if your foundation was unstable and on the cusp of collapse. You felt your body's heavy movements as a sigh escape the entrapment of your lungs as the previous events weighed down on your mind.
Taking walks on your own were nothing out of the norm for you sometimes you just felt residing too long within the confines of the colony is overbearing and in a way you understood that it was normal for humans or says Caesar, Maurice tends to explain a bit more in detail human concepts whilst Caesar often keeps it short and simple, you don't push for more information from him since the distant look in his eye triggers something reminiscent of empathy inside of you.
Though your relationship with Caesar is best described as being at arms length, your relationship with his eldest son Blue Eyes was an entirely different story. Blue eyes was your kindred spirit since the moment you were taken in. He and Ash became your close companions, and thus, a trio formed in the midst of uneasiness of a human child amongst the ape colony.
It wasn't long before you became one of them and you being just a child, you were of no harm to any of them and since you were taken under the wing of the most trusted member of the colony, there was hardly any protests aside from Koba and his great distaste of the apparently bloodthirsty (gremlin) human child standing before him.
You jump over a fallen over tree that rested 2 feet away from a reserved area that you, blue eyes and Ash often habituated since it was so close to the river you all would fish from, you hadn't seen blue eyes or Ash so far today so you figured that you'd find here waiting on you to catch up with since you slept in today.
As you approached, you heard multiple voices jeering in tone, feeling an anxious feeling creeping up your throat so you cautiously crouch, making sure to keep out of sight in the tall grass watching within a reasonable distance.
You see Blue Eyes and Ash with their backs to you but with their hunched over position it seems that this encounter with the clique of young apes infront of them was anything but pleasant, the opposing apes had mannerisms that came off as condescending and taunting as they seemed to tower over your friends.
"Blue eyes weak.. for being friends with weak human" the male ape huffed out a laugh, the other apes following the action, they were amused by the way blue eyes turned into himself, by his body language you can tell he was on the defensive and you feared that it could possibly break out in a brawl but your body refused to move from your position to interfere.
The group were following Blue Eyes and Ash's movements almost as if they had the intention of corning them somehow but now you were in view of your friends fronts, their expressions and hand signs on full display for you.
Blue eyes had a stressed and almost kicked puppy dog simper while Ash looked at the apes with a leer. Clearly, he was almost at his limit of being mocked upon.
You gazed at Blue Eyes' hands, and he signed out his response. "I'm not weak. She's just an outcast." His signing was harsh and precise in nature, as if he was trying to express the finality with the subject to get it over with, ash's face contorted with clear disagreement and shock within a second.
You mouth fell open in disbelief and a gasp was ripped from your chest, the sound exposing your location to the nearby apes, Blue Eyes' face fell as he met your watery gaze, the group of apes hooted with exclamations of mirth at your presence, you couldn't keep your composure as you turned to run back down the path back towards the colony.
Morbid thoughts ran rapid in your head along with memories that contained blue eyes in the them, the memories of moments you two shared, how you two snuck off into the woods late at night to get a glimpse of the night sky with no one else but each other, your hands barely grazing as you laid next to each in the clear area or the time when he carried you on his back rushing back to the colony when you fell out of tree and bruised your entire right side, he proceeded to stay by your side your entire recovery. Did that even mean anything to him? Did he even care about you at all?
You heard a hard and fast pounding on the dirt ground before you felt a warm calloused hand grab your wrist, but you were quick to release yourself from his grasp as you whirled around.
Blue Eyes was standing before you, his chest rising and falling in panicked breathing as he reached for you again but you stepped away, tears of hurt slipped from your eyes as you stared at him with bewildered sadness.
"I thought we were friends" Your voice wavered, sniffles broke through the tense atmosphere as Blue Eyes seemed to be struggling with an internal debate, you never would have thought that he would back stab you by demeaning you in such a way, you truly thought your exterior didn't matter to him but you suppose your humanness was a bigger dilemma than you thought.
"We are.." He voiced out, despite knowing him for as long as you have hearing his voice was always a pleasant surprise for you, his voice was quiet with a rasping edge to it almost as if his vocal cords were working overtime due to his lack of speaking but you always thought it had a sweet undertone to it.
He looked desperate to comfort you, and he knew that he was at fault, but it killed him to see you so heartbroken. He's never seen you cry with such intensity.
More tears only seemed to overflow, and a sob racked your body as you looked into his crystalline eyes that also reflected your own sadness. You turned your back on his outstretched palm, ignoring his plea for forgiveness.
"I don't believe you."
Maurice placed his large hand on top of your head, his palm encasing the entire top of your scalp. He gently petted you in tender affection. You felt more tears build up in the corners of your eyes and hugged your knees closer to your chest in a plea to keep the dam from bursting from your eyes.
"Some do not understand..Some too focused on differences. You belong, you are loved." Your father signed to you, you gazed up into his eyes and you could clearly see the truth of his words as you thought back on all the times that you have been accepted by the ones who matter to you.
"Blue eyes young..trying to find his place just as you..he knows, you are of his kin." As much as it hurts to think about, you know that your father is right. You nod back at him with a strained smile. You look behind him, and you're met with blue eyes standing there with a regretful look to him.
Maurice also looks back before he nods to you and pats your head, slowly turning and leaving as he passes by Blue Eyes he gives a stern stare, Blue Eyes lowers his head shamefully before he ambles over to the ledge your sitting on.
As he sits next to you, notice that he's covered in mud and there's scratches on his face and hands and out of instinctive worry you grab his hand inspecting the wounds on his rough hands. You look to his face, and he stares back at you with a boyish charm to his face. "I fight Jon.. he called us weak.." He grabbed your hands into his, a remorseful look settling taking over his features, you feel your stomach turn in nervousness to how intimate in nature this seems to you, he's so close to you that you two could join in foreheads and you could feel the dull yearning in your body.
"You being human doesn't matter.. to me.. never will." You feel a smile pinching at the corners of your lips as you watched him present his palm to you. You couldn't help a tear fall from your eyes. You slid your fingers over his palm before holding it back into your hand with elation.
Your humanness didn't have to be a dilemma. You belong right where you are with those who love you.
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inkmonster21 · 10 days
Can you please with a cherry on top write. (Au where Cornelia died after blue eyes birth) Where Caesar is thinking of having reader as his mate but Koba keeps saying she will hurt the colony and baby blue eyes so when blue eyes normally goes to reader during the day Caesar takes him to another female ape and reader is confused and hurt but doesn't say anything until blue eyes sneaks away to be with reader and then Caesar realises reader is perfect mother and mate material. Thank you. :)))))))
And I just don't Koba. 😒
Okay… this is my VERY FIRST time writing for Caesar. I think I like it… I hope you do!
Motherly Instincts
Caesar's grief was palpable as he mourned the loss of Cornelia, his mate, and the mother of his child. The pain of her passing was a heavy burden on his heart, and he struggled to come to terms with the void she had left behind. Though Blue Eyes brought joy to his life, the absence of his mate left a deep sense of sorrow and emptiness within him.
Your journey started soon after, with Maurice finding you abandoned and in dire straits, your life hanging in the balance. You were emaciated and weak, struggling to survive on your own. Maurice, filled with compassion and care, stepped in to rescue you, bringing you into their family and providing the love and nurturing you desperately needed.
Blue Eyes, took an immediate liking to you. With small, delicate hands, the infant would reach out, seemingly drawn to you. Your presence would bring a ray of light into the weary days, your smile able to brighten the darkest of moods. Your connection with Blue Eyes was instantaneous and deep, a bond that would only grow stronger as time passed.
One particular morning, Caesar sensed a subtle but profound shift in his heart. He stood watching Blue Eyes with you, witnessing the bond between you and his child. There was a tenderness in your interactions, an affinity that stirred within him. As he observed the two of you together, he felt a protective instinct flare up deep inside him, recognizing that your connection with Blue Eyes went beyond mere friendship.
Caesar observed you interacting with his son from his spot next to Maurice. He couldn't help but notice a small smile forming on his face as he watched the gentle way you handled Blue Eyes.
Maurice, perceptive as ever, noticed Caesar's expression and signed to his friend, "Human treats Blue Eyes well…. be good mother… and mate." There was a hint of playful teasing in his sign.
Caesar's response was nonchalant, signaling that he wasn't opposed to the idea at all. He had grown fond of you, engaging in personal conversations and even sharing meals together. The bond between the two of you had grown beyond mere acquaintance, and there was a sense of comfort and familiarity in your interactions. Caesar recognized the potential the idea held, a thought he couldn't dismiss.
Koba, on the other hand, had a completely different perspective on the matter. His attitude towards you was one of caution and wariness. He seemed to view you as an outsider, someone who didn't quite fit into their world. His distrust was evident in the way he observed your interactions with Blue Eyes and Caesar, a constant skepticism lurking behind his gaze.
Koba points down at you, a look of disdain in his eyes. He motions to you with a sense of accusation, his signs conveying his distrust. "Human...ruin...home..." he signs. The message is clear - Koba believes you are a threat, someone who will destroy their way of life. He warns of your potential to tear their home apart.
As Caesar continues to watch you, his heart is torn between two conflicting desires - the safety and stability of the colony, and his own happiness, a rare sentiment for him to consider. The decision he needed to make weighed heavily on his mind, as he grappled with the opposing forces pulling him in different directions.
You can't help but let out a laugh as Blue Eyes cling to you, refusing to let go. You try gently to peel his small hands away, attempting to tuck him into his nest for the night.
"You have to go to sleep," you tell him, a mix of sternness and affection in your voice. Blue Eyes, however, is stubborn, holding on to you with a strong grip, unwilling to give in to your attempts to make him rest.
Caesar enters his home quietly, catching you amid your struggle with Blue Eyes. A soft smile graces his lips as he observes the scene before him, and he speaks softly. "He likes you," he muses, his voice filled with gentle warmth. The sight of you trying to put the stubborn Blue Eyes to sleep seems to bring a touch of amusement to Caesar.
As soon as Blue Eyes notices Caesar, the youngster eagerly dashes towards his father, enveloping him in a loving embrace. You watch the heartwarming moment with a flutter in your heart, appreciating the undeniable bond between father and son. Caesar reciprocates the embrace, his strong yet gentle arms wrapping around Blue Eyes. It's evident in this interaction that Caesar is not only a great leader but also an incredible father, effortlessly balancing his responsibilities with affection and love towards his child.
Caesar hums softly as he picks up Blue Eyes, settling the young ape onto his hip. He turns his gaze towards you, his eyes filled with both tenderness and a hint of concern. “He gives you… trouble today?” he asks, referring to Blue Eyes’ stubborn refusal to go to sleep.
You shrug and let out a small laugh, explaining the situation. "He just doesn't want to go to sleep," you say. As you ruffle the soft fur on Blue Eyes' head, you add, "He's just being stubborn." Caesar nods, a mixture of affection and understanding in his eyes. He knows his son's stubborn nature all too well.
Blue Eyes, perched on Caesar's lap, glances at you and extends a small hand, signing a "stay." His request is simple and endearing as if he doesn't want you to leave.
Your heart swells as Blue Eyes looks at you, signing his small hands to ask you to stay, but you know you have to go back to your own sleeping space. "I have to go to my own nest, Blue," you tell him gently, a hint of regret in your voice.
Caesar's words come out swiftly, his mouth moving quickly before his mind catches up. His eyes widen slightly as he realizes what he's just said, a sense of surprise and mild embarrassment evident in his expression. "You could... stay," he repeats, his voice laced with a mixture of uncertainty and unexpected invitation.
Silence hangs in the air as Caesar's words linger. It's a moment of realization for both you and Caesar, as the weight of the unexpected invitation settles in. The usually composed ape king seems momentarily caught off guard by his suggestion, his gaze locked on you, awaiting your response.
As Caesar's words hang in the air, your eyes widen in surprise. You grapple with the question of his intentions - did he truly want you to stay, or was he simply trying to appease his son? It's difficult to hide the fact that your own feelings for Caesar have begun to bloom, a secret that's becoming harder to keep hidden. The tension between you and Caesar is palpable, waiting for your response to his unexpected invitation.
Silence once again blankets the space between you and Caesar, the air thick with anticipation. The usually composed ape king keeps his gaze fixed on you, his eyes searching your face for any hint of how you are feeling about his proposal. He appears to be silently pleading, hoping you'll accept his invitation.
“If you want.” Caesar's eyes flicker with a mix of relief and anticipation at your response. The tension in his shoulders eases slightly, a sense of hope and a hint of vulnerability in his expression. It's clear that Caesar is silently yearning for you to stay, his desire evident in the way he watches you.
Blue Eyes, seemingly sensing your decision, crawls into your lap and snuggles against you, seeking the comfort of your embrace. The young ape's gesture is sweet and poignant as if expressing his approval of your decision to stay. Caesar watches the interaction, a soft smile playing at the corners of his lips.
You glance down at Blue Eyes, who is now comfortably snuggled in your lap. A smile graces your lips as you gently speak to him, asking, "Now you ready?" The young ape responds with a soft, satisfied murmur, appearing more relaxed and sleepy now that you've agreed to stay.
You move to the back, cradling Blue Eyes gently in your arms. You hold him close, snuggling with him until he finally drifts off to sleep, his little body relaxing and his hold on you loosening. The sight is heartwarming, as Blue Eyes finds comfort and security in your presence, his sleepy form at peace in his nest.
You press a gentle kiss to Blue Eyes' forehead, a tender gesture of affection. As you slowly move to exit the nest, a sense of satisfaction fills your chest. The sight of the young ape sleeping peacefully brings a smile to your face, a sense of accomplishment in having helped soothe him to sleep.
As you step back into the firelight, your mind is abuzz with thoughts, contemplating the significance of your decision to stay. Caesar remains seated by the fire, waiting for your arrival with a mixture of anticipation and curiosity. The air between you seems to crackle with tension, the weight of the moment palpable.
The moment is interrupted by the sudden appearance of Koba, his ominous shadow casting a presence in the doorway. He stands there, silhouetted in the darkness, his figure a stark contrast against the flickering firelight. His presence is unexpected, adding an extra layer of tension to the already charged atmosphere.
Koba's gaze settles on you, his eyes filled with a cold suspicion that has lingered since the very beginning. The sight of you in Caesar's personal space, in his nest, seems to heighten his distrust. It's clear from the way he looks at you that Koba is more convinced than ever that you are a threat, a danger to their community.
You can't help but feel small and vulnerable under the intense glare of Koba's gaze. His suspicions and wariness towards you are palpable, and it's clear that his presence at this moment is not a simple coincidence. His eyes follow your every movement as if silently judging your every action.
Caesar, aware of the tension in the air, rises to his feet, addressing Koba directly. "What is it… Koba?" he asks, his voice calm yet firm. Caesar's stance is one of composure, but there's an edge to his words, a subtle warning to the other ape.
The moment hangs in the air, a triangle of tension forming between you, Koba, and Caesar. The ape king waits for Koba's response, his gaze fixated on the other ape's face, his body language displaying a mixture of authority and caution.
Sensing the mounting tension, you take the initiative to stand, intending to leave the situation. "Um, Caesar," you say, your voice somewhat shaky. "I will just see you tomorrow." You make a move to exit, but before you go, you turn to Caesar and bid him a soft, "Goodnight." The atmosphere is thick with an uneasy energy as you navigate past the two apes, attempting to distance yourself from the intense exchange.
As you leave, Koba's gaze follows you, his eyes filled with a mixture of hostility and disdain. The sight of you descending back to your home, your status lower than his, seems to only fuel his suspicions and dislike towards you.
Koba, his voice dripping with venomous suspicion, questions Caesar, "Why…human here? In...Caesar...home?" His words are laced with distrust, suggesting that he can't fathom why you're in Caesar's personal space. Kobo doesn't trust your presence in the ape king's home.
Caesar's response is firm and straightforward, yet tinged with a hint of protectiveness. "Blue Eyes wanted her... here," he repeats. Despite the simplicity of the answer, there's no denying the protective tone in his voice. Caesar's decision to allow you to stay is rooted in his son's comfort and desire for your presence.
Koba's scoff carries a hint of ridicule as if the idea of Blue Eyes being the sole reason for your presence seems unlikely to him. He poses a question. "Blue Eyes... or Caesar?" The implication is clear - Koba suspects that Caesar's desires, rather than just his son's need, are at play in your presence.
Caesar averts his gaze from his friend, Koba. Despite the challenges Koba presents, his loyalty and contributions to Caesar cannot be denied. The ape king seems caught between his trust in Koba and his feelings regarding your presence. The dilemma is evident in his expression.
Caesar's voice takes on a persuasive tone as he defends your presence, "She is helpful... with Blue Eyes. She cares... for us." There's a hint of determination in his words, a conviction that your presence has been beneficial for his son and the community as a whole. His argument suggests that your role in caring for Blue Eyes is a valid reason for your accommodation in his home.
Koba's scoff becomes louder and more pointed, his words taking on a harsher tone. "She will... kill. us all... all... humans do!" The ape's distrust and skepticism towards your kind are evident in his statement. He strongly believes that humans, like you, pose a threat that cannot be ignored. The weight of his fear and suspicion hangs heavily in the air.
Koba presses on, his tone growing more intense, "You wait... too long... and Blue Eyes... will be... gone... be... her fault." His statement takes on a sinister quality as if he sees your presence as a ticking time bomb for the safety and well-being of the younger apes. Koba's belief in your destructive nature is clear, and he seems convinced that you pose a significant risk to the ape community.
Koba's words hit a nerve in Caesar, igniting a spark of fear within him. The king of the apes, although hopeful for humanity, has had more negative experiences with humans than positive ones. The stark reality of this imbalance weighs heavily on Caesar's mind, and Koba's warning only serves to further deepen the ape king's doubts and reservations.
As Caesar ponders Koba's words, a wave of uncertainty washes over him. Perhaps Koba does have a point, and your presence could be detrimental to the colony or even to himself. Doubts begin to cloud Caesar's mind, casting a shadow over his previous conviction to keep you near.
Early in the morning, you approach Caesar's dwelling, making your presence known before entering. You knock gently on the threshold, your heart fluttering with a mix of anticipation and nervousness. The moment feels significant, as you prepare to enter Caesar's private space and be closer to the ape king.
You greet Caesar with a warm smile as you spot him basking in the sun while gazing out over his land. "Good morning," you say, your voice soft yet cheerful. The sight of Caesar in this moment, seemingly at peace amidst the beauty of nature, evokes a sense of calm and awe within you.
You notice Caesar's silent nod in response, but there are no words exchanged. You instinctively glance around for Blue Eyes, your eyes searching for the young ape's presence. However, his absence catches your attention, leaving you curious about his whereabouts.
You ask the question that lingers on your mind, "Where's Blue Eyes?" Your voice carries a hint of concern, as you wonder about the young ape’s whereabouts. Caesar continues to gaze out at the landscape before replying, his voice steady yet tinged with a hint of melancholy.
Caesar's response answers your question, "With Ginger… With other young." There's a tinge of melancholy in his voice, and he doesn't turn to face you. The mention of Blue Eyes spending time with the other young apes and Ginger stirs an unexpected pang in your heart.
“Oh, okay.” You approach Caesar, attempting to engage him in conversation or perhaps suggesting an outing, but Caesar's response is curt. "No... very busy," he says, shaking his head. The firmness in his tone and the lack of eye contact suggest that he's preoccupied and not particularly interested in conversation or spending time together at the moment.
Caesar moves past you without another word, his footsteps echoing with a sense of firmness. The sudden departure leaves you standing alone, baffled by his aloof behavior. You're left with a mixture of emotions - confusion, disappointment, and perhaps a hint of hurt at the abrupt end of your attempt at connecting with him.
As days pass, you notice that Blue Eyes is consistently sent with any female ape except for you. This repeated pattern doesn’t escape your notice, and a feeling of unease starts to take hold. It becomes clear that there’s a deliberate effort to keep you apart from Caesar's son, and the reason behind it remains a mystery. The thought that something might be wrong gnaws at you, and you can’t shake the sense that there's more to this situation than meets the eye.
You try to think of any possible reason for the sudden distance. Did you do something wrong? Were you disrespectful in some way? No matter how hard you wrack your brain, you can’t come up with an answer. The lack of explanations and the persistent sense of exclusion leave you feeling confused and frustrated.
Caesar walks by you once again, his eyes avoiding direct contact. There's a sense of detachment in his demeanor as if he can't bring himself to acknowledge your presence. The indifference in his gaze is palpable, leaving you feeling invisible in his world.
At dinner, Blue Eyes attempts to make his way towards you, Koba intervenes, quickly stopping the young ape. "Dangerous," Koba hisses, his finger pointing in your direction. Caesar observes the scene, seeing the confusion in his son's eyes and the clear desire to approach you. Blue Eyes' longing to find comfort in your presence is evident, and the situation tugs at Caesar's heartstrings.
As you discreetly excuse yourself from the gathering, Caesar's eyes follow your movements, noticing your early departure. He's aware of your absence, even if he doesn't express any reaction outwardly. Caesar watches as his son, Blue Eyes, follows your path, sneaking off in your direction. The young ape's determination to find you is evident and Caesar can't help but observe the connection between you two.
Caesar rises to his feet, his attention now fully on following after you and Blue Eyes. His instincts kick in as he realizes the need to keep an eye on the young ape and the dynamic between you two.
Caesar continues to watch as you both approach your humble dwelling, situated at the very bottom of the colony. The location is not lost on him, as the desolate and cold surroundings stand out starkly compared to the rest of the colony. The physical distance from him adds another layer to the complexity of the situation.
Caesar wants you closer to him, not just physically but emotionally as well. The realization of this desire adds an extra layer to Caesar's complex feelings towards you.
Blue Eyes, feeling the effects of being separated from you, clings to you desperately, hooting and crying in distress. It's clear that the little monkey is overwhelmed by the situation, and the physical separation from you has taken its toll. The young ape seeks comfort and reassurance in your presence.
You regard Blue Eyes with a soft smile, but sadness lurks within your heart. "You're not supposed to be here, Blue," you gently remind him, your voice filled with a mix of concern and warmth. It's clear that you understand the complexity of the situation, and the fact that the young ape shouldn't be at your dwelling alone adds an extra layer of worry to your expression.
A deep voice pierces the air as Caesar steps into your home, the dimly lit surroundings casting an air of mystery. He speaks with a hint of regret, his words carrying the weight of his realization. "seems... I have been foolish," Caesar admits, his voice filled with a mixture of introspection and remorse.
As you look up at Caesar, a mix of confusion and surprise shows on your face. The sudden appearance of the ape king in your home after the distant treatment of the past several days puzzles you. With Blue Eyes in your arms, you explain, "He came to me." There's a hint of defense in your words as if you feel the need to justify the situation.
Caesar responds with a soft smile, his demeanor slightly softening. His words carry a tone of understanding, "I know." There's a subtle admission in his acknowledgment, suggesting that he knew all along about his son's actions.
Caesar takes a step closer, his movements deliberate and somewhat intense. The distance between you both shrinks as he moves closer, his gaze fixed on you.
The air seems to thicken with tension as Caesar comes closer, his proximity sending a shiver down your spine. His presence is both authoritative and intriguing, and you can't help but feel a mixture of anticipation and apprehension. In the dimly lit space, the power dynamic between you and the ape king is palpable.
Caesar's voice breaks the silence as he regards the sight of Blue Eyes clinging to you. His words carry a hint of resignation and understanding. "He needs you," Caesar murmurs, his gaze fixed on the young ape's desperate hold on you. He's acknowledged the bond between you and his son, and the depth of Blue Eyes' attachment to you.
Caesar's expression falters, and it's clear that there's more he wants to say. His eyes remain fixed on you and the child, a mix of emotions playing across his features. There's a conflict within him, a struggle between his thoughts and his words.
Caesar's voice is soft and hesitant as he utters his words, "I... need you." The statement hangs in the air, filled with vulnerability and a hint of uncertainty. It's a confession that seems difficult for him to vocalize, suggesting that his dependence on you runs deeper than he anticipated.
Caesar's hand moves gently to cup your face, his palm warm against your skin. His gaze locks with yours, and the intensity of his eyes pierces through the dim lighting. There's a flicker of vulnerability in his eyes, a hint of raw emotion that betrays the stoic ape king's usual demeanor.
Caesar moves closer, his head descending to meet yours. In the intimate space, your foreheads touch, and the connection between you two becomes electric. The touch is filled with a potent mix of passion and vulnerability as if he can no longer resist the pull between you two.
Caesar's voice is firm yet gentle as he speaks, his words carrying a sense of finality. "You will stay... with us... from now on," he says, his head still pressed against yours. There's a subtle possessiveness in his tone as if he's claiming you for himself and his son.
The realization of being a family with Caesar and Blue Eyes settles upon you, a powerful notion that fills your heart with a mixture of joy and responsibility. The idea of the three of you together as a unified unit strengthens the connection between you all, forging an unbreakable bond built on love and loyalty.
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historicalvandal · 4 months
Yes!! Oh, and I bet the other apes get involved too because of Ceaser. The females, Tinker and even Cornelia, give hints of what the best fruit is, how to fix kobas spear, and make a comfy nest.
Rocket is the one that taught the human how to hunt and fish because the human asked and when Rocket questioned why and has to double take when the human said she wants to do something nice for koba and show that shes good and strong. Not know to Rocket the human is practically saying they want to prove they would be a good mate.
Maurice would show the human how to sigh to better communicate to koba and give her fatherly advice.
Ceaser gets to deal with both the human obliviousness and kobas over analyzing, because he's way too smart not to, especially when it comes to the human he's "keeping an eye on just in case". He's so sick of them both but its for the better of the colony.
Koba shows trust by letting the human stand by his blind spot.
There's a secret betting pool about koba and the human on who breaks first, lol
-💚 anon
I feel as if Cornelia would totally try and teach the oblivious human how to care for children, subtle hints yk being dropped about how good a mother Reader could become (if it was possibly that Koba and the human reader could have a child???) Cornelia isn't TOO obvious though, she's just very sly how she goes about dropping hints about Koba being a good match for the reader haha- For Rocket, that could be both good and bad, further into Koba having these conflicting feelings he may see Rocket as a threat, he just unknowingly is jealous (Koba and Reader oblivious solidarity lmaooo) but Rocket would be helpful in Readers endeavours in learning to hunt, I can see him as a great father figure to Reader as he's the one teaching her mostly a lot of ape customs, besides Caesar helping a lot and Maurice too! With Maurice, he's also a great contender for a father figure himself, he'd be happy to teach Reader how to sign, making sly little digs in sign about 'You must really like Koba' he's revelling in it too, he'd probably find it quite funny making sly remarks about the obvious feelings between Koba and Reader, more then happy to teach Reader sign so she can communicate with Koba without it always needing to be spoken words between them! Caesar himself would make his own sly remarks to both Koba and Reader, they're both so painfully oblivious and that knocks him kinda crazy, because Koba comes to him to 'complain' about Reader and Reader comes to Caesar to talk about Koba and his refusal to accept her silly little gifts, and he gives Reader ideas on what to gift to Koba too- Caesar is kinda sick of their obvious feelings and he's the first one to bet that Reader will be the one to tell Koba how she feels about him haha- and that show of trust between them, I like to think the Reader would have her moments of thinking back on her life before the colony, awake at night, and the first time she's comforted by Koba is that he slowly holds her hand, because he's seen how she reacts and how comforted she seems to be when Caesar has gently held her hand in effort to comfort her, he's slowly learning what can comfort her, and slowly becomes the one who holds her at night when she has nightmares about losing him, he's taken to liking hugs as well, not one for PDA but when they are alone, hes unknowingly making a move by holding her, pressing their foreheads together, holding onto her hands. They're just so gosh darn cute! <333
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themourningfox · 3 months
A New Life
Iiiii have been obsessed with watching @grind-pantera and @reddesires write about Planet of the Apes. Like, heavily inspired and biting at the bars of my enclosure to read or write or both. Apologies for the tags, I wanted to give proper credit for my rediscovered obsession. Thank you both! *runs off like a feral gremlin*
Anywho, I had this in my head and wanted to get it out. Don't know if I'll continue it, let me know if y'all want me to expand on this or...well. Maybe I will regardless. WE'LL SEE. *dives*
Rating: E (for Everyone!!)
Plot: You're newly taken in to the colony, a human with no idea how it works. Because of this, you're trying to navigate your new life.
A/N: Could evolve into (Character) x Reader, but...well. That depends on if I continue. Have this!
You weren’t used to this.
This referring to living among the apes of the woods. The ones who could talk—well, talk in rough, choppy sentences or sign language passed down by the older orangutan Maurice. It hadn’t been long since you had been brought there among the whooping hollering of one of their patrols, shepherding you to their leader…king? You weren’t entirely sure what they referred to him as, but you know they respected him greatly and looked to him to decide all things regarding their colony.
Him, of course, being Caesar. The first ape to speak.
You had heard the rumor, now passed around human campfires like folklore, of Caesar’s first utterances from years ago. It hadn’t been a big deal then, but when you had first heard him speak in that low, rumbling voice like he still wasn’t sure where exactly the sound sat in his throat, it had rocked you to your very core.
Scared you, even.
During the first week in the colony, you treated them like wild animals. Of course, you had known about the intelligent apes living in the forest, but you had never thought you’d be living among them. Now, so far away from home, not even knowing how to return, you wished you had learned more. A checklist formed in your mind. A sort of “How To” in order for your own survival.
One: Don’t look them in the eyes.
That was something you had learned as a child when your father was teaching you how to interact with strange dogs. Animals often took eye contact to mean a threat, that you were challenging them. Well, shit. You didn’t want any of these apes to consider you a threat. God, the gorillas were huge. They could rip you apart limb from limb. How many news stories had there been in your lifetime about pet chimps eating their owner’s faces off? So you didn’t look anyone in the eye.
By careful observance, you had learned how to properly greet those around you. Body low to the ground, head down, fleeting eye contact, hand above your head. If you were lucky, you’d get a simple touch to let you know it was okay.
Two: Avoid Koba by any means necessary.
The scarred ape, a Bonobo you believed, scared you more than anyone else in the camp. His glazed-over, milky white eye seemed to follow you everywhere you went. He didn’t you, and you didn’t trust him. How could you when he only ever glared at you and sometimes even growled? There wasn’t a single doubt in your mind that he’d be the one to kill you if he was ever given the chance to.
Three: Stay as close to Caesar and his closest companions as was allowed and considered acceptable.
Caesar had a fondness for your kind, you learned. His closest companions and family, though you got the feeling didn’t share his sentiment, at least showed you kindness in their own way. Rocket, Luka, Blue Eyes, and especially Maurice. They were your key to survival.
There was one thing you were completely certain of: They were never going to let you leave.
You had seen too much. You knew too much.
Your knowledge was valuable to any humans seeking to destroy them.
The longer you stayed in the camp, the more you came to recognize your new reality. At times, late at night, when the camp was quiet, you would sit out underneath the canopy and stare at the stars peeking through. There were certain things you missed about other humans. The laughter. Full conversations. The community.
Here among the colony, the impending end of the human reign pressed and tickled along the back of your mind like an ever-present itch.
Your eyes slid up and up, following the path that led to Caesar’s abode in the cave.
Shadows danced from the large fire above, and a silhouette stood on the edge.
He was watching.
And you knew, deep down, he always would be.
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I think I have a theory on why Red followed Koba
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Koba suffered abuse from the time he was a child (and lost his mother too). Even though the circumstances of abuse was different than Red’s experience (his abuser likely being a parent), I think it’s possible it stirred something in Koba when he found out about it.
I’m not saying he took Red under his wing or Red saw him as a father figure or anything like that but maybe Koba was the one who (in the immediate aftermath of the abuse being known to the colony) looked Red in the eye and said “It will be ok. No one will ever hurt you like that again” and continued to keep an eye on the gorilla as he grew up.
If Koba did in fact do that, I think he did it more for himself than for Red. Maybe to convince himself that apes can be damaged or scarred but they don’t have to be broken because of it.
So basically: “If Red isn’t broken, then maybe I’m not broken either.”
Beneath all his hate, I think Koba feared humans and their labs and the only other thing that scared him more than that would be the idea of apes he cared about being tortured in that way. That said, for Red to suffer abuse in the colony, by his own parent(s) no less, would really shake Koba because it would show him that apes are capable of inflicting pain just as much as humans are.
For Red meanwhile, it’s hard to imagine what any interaction between him and Koba would be like but I think Koba’s concern for him would spark his loyalty to the bonobo. Seeing Caesar as ‘the one who acted’ while Koba was ‘the one who cared’.
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bluetoes-andstuff · 26 days
I wasn’t expecting this…
Just think about it…
Caesars recently acquired human child trying to befriend koba… and how has she seen other apes express their affection and desire to be friends?? By grooming of course!
Watch your fingers kiddo
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the-monkeies-girl · 3 months
Between the dirty smut I do like the softer prompts don't look @ me
Caesar's eyes fluttering against the tiny bundle you had strapped against your chest. He can sense the minor breathing of the baby who had their face rightfully flushed against your sternum, so warm and cozy and the way you cradled their head against you was an assurance that his child...
Your child, Caesar huffs and looks into your stare with a softening of his brow, was toasty against the chill of the ocean air that drifted in during the colder months. Lightly, he places his larger hand against yours, letting his thumb case the top of his baby's head and draws you in to kiss foreheads to let you know how grateful and complete he felt having his entire family unit. Himself, Blue Eyes and the newest addition against your body.
Noa is watching you from outside of the nest but his strong knees are ricocheting against the thatches of thin branches that are drawn into a circle, your fingers pressing against the small face that was bunched near your bare chest.
He is absolutely fascinated in how you're breast feeding; in how soft your voice is as you're encouraging the baby that is half his, half yours. Noa never imagined this happening, finally falling onto the nest and crawling himself upwards and sitting beside you. The Chimps shoulder brushes against your own and in the dim light of the fire, he glances down at the baby who is peering right back up at him, eating their nightly meal. "They are... very hungry." He teases softly and is unable to tear himself away from either of you as you shift gently and lean your head against his strong bicep.
Blue Eyes is cradling his first born in his large hands, you waking up late one morning to find a completely empty nest. Panic sets in first as you're still half-aware of what is happening to you before your hearing focuses in and you look downwards to see your Mate, out of the nest but not too far from you physically, holding your baby against his chest.
Their small fingers tuck into his coat, flushing into the fur there. Rapidly, your heart is beating in your ribcage as Blue Eyes looks at your frantic stare. 'Wanted you... to sleep more. We... woke up a few minutes ago.' Swallowing softly, you looked at him as he drew himself into the nest once more, small baby against his chest and secure in one hand as Blue Eyes signed for you, 'Go back to sleep. Mother of my Child... Needs her rest.'
Koba snarls at you. "What... are you doing to them, human?" "They're half of you, Koba." You muttered under your breath, sensing Koba rounding near you knowing that he was attempting to make some sort of Fatherly contact with the baby that you had gifted him and that his phrasing 'human' was now a strange form of endearment, "I'm getting them ready for bed. Need to make sure they're warm." He scoffs at you, "Stupid... Human thing. Ape... would just sleep against," Koba looks down at your sternum and feels his jaw fix into a lock position, "Mother's chest." "They're not fully Ape. They get cold." "Weak. Human." "Half of you." You snap back with a slightly smug smile as you lay the baby down onto the nest, nuzzled into the slotted spot between yourself and Koba. Shared. A family of sorts, even if Koba was unwilling to admit to that.
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teojira · 4 months
[Caesar and Proximus' day to day life] [headcanons]
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Summary: You're a human companion to the two apes, this is little things to expect as you live with them and in addition, the rest of the apes.
Word count: 900+
Warnings: None that I can think of! This is mostly platonic, some romance in Caesars if you squint.
Pronouns: Not specified.
A/N: first Planet of the apes request!! I'm so excited, shoutout to the other writers on ao3 I've looked up to for years. I hope this is okay anon! I couldn't reference back to your ask since I lost it and I hope this is the general idea you were hoping for 💀🙏
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For the sake of this, Caesar did NOT die at the end of war, and you're immune to the disease! (Nova is also fine here bc fuck you that's my daughter)
Truth be told it was very very very fortunate for you that you appealed to his good side after all this time, He's tired.
Tired of being hurt, tired of losing family, but he has no choice but to push on, when you offered at first to help him with any injuries or issues that arise in the colony, it's a firm no.
Despite everything he's been through, Caesar does love humans, he think a part of him always will, so just keep trying and you will crack his shell.
Once you two finally have something akin to friendship, is when he finally learns that he can rely on you.
It isn't uncommon to see you holding Cornelius and walking to and from different parts of the colony, Caesar trying in vain to tell you to let the boy down, saying you'll start to spoil him (it's too late, Cornelius will start to go to you for when his dad tells him no.)
Caesar doesn't really think he'd ever find another mate, but without his notice, you start to fill in that role.
Spending the most time with him, helping him make decisions, taking care of Cornelius, helping the other apes learn and sign, you take on the role fairly well.
It isn't uncommon for you to tend to his wounds, he prefers to go to you versus the others, he acts akin to a child when in your care though, hissing dramatically when you rub a salve on his forearm. It results in you slapping his shoulder and it makes him laugh.
Speaking of laughing, he never thought having you around would lighten the weight of the world he constantly holds over his shoulders, you make him feel young again. Before all of this.
He grows fonder of you when he sees some aspects of Caroline in you, noting just how loving and caring you are not only to him, but to everyone, Maurice, Rocket, even Bad ape with how much of an odd ball he is.
Caesar may be the leader (and old, you remind him. He ignores you.) but it doesn't mean he can stay at the colony all day, he goes out to hunt with the others, and when he does, he'll come to you and do a palms up, waiting for your permission.
He doesn't need it, but it makes you feel better when you see him off.
Maybe this is me projecting but he is SO possessive of you, he's lost so much, he lost Buck, Luca, Blue eyes, Cornelia, Koba, Will, his grandfather.
It puts him on the defense, never wanting you to go anywhere without at least one ape to protect you. It'll lead to arguments you Will not win.
Sorry if you just want to go to the river to wash up, either he's coming with you or Rocket is. Too Bad so sad.
Other apes come to you to ask you to ask Caesar if they can do something they Know he would never approve of, it's because they know out of everyone here, with the exception of a handful of apes, you're his soft spot.
Many apes were concerned with you joining them, but you've earned your spot among them, you are loved and trusted.
Koba would be rolling in his grave, seeing you work alongside Caesar, being a genuinely good person and a loving companion.
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It's canon that Proximus has a fondness for humans, but it's so severely different than Caesars, no matter how much he claims to be like the former.
You're more so of a toy to him, similar to Trevathan, but while he reads the Bonobo literature and teaches him things, you're like a pet. You keep him entertained.
This isn't to say he treats you cruelly though, all things considered, you're taken care of fairly well with a lot of luxuries the other apes under his rule are not privy to.
You wear a collar, which is demeaning, but it is better than having a chain connected to it, so everyone knows you're his.
Poor Sylva being forced to be your guard when you ask if you can go walking alone the beach, he doesn't want to do it but he WILL (he becomes fond of you begrudgingly, partially out of respect for Proximus but you're too nice for your own good, asking him how his day is going and whatnot. He hates you.)
Proximus calls you pet, btw. He knows your name but will only use it when it's the two of you or for special occasions.
Brings you out into the colony to show you all the progress being made, he's looking for his ego to be inflated, go ahead and do it so you two can head back inside and get out of the heat.
He likes to show you off while he does, telling his subjects that you're special, like Nova was to Caesar. He's delusional and Caesar would be fucking pissed to be compared.
He doesn't need you to do much honestly, you're meant to sit there and look pretty and make him feel important. Maybe help him out with grooming and taking care of his belongings. He trusts you to mend and keep his crown and his attire in good condition.
Likes to play with your hair, the texture is different than apes, and he finds it soothing to run his fingers through it or just pet your head. Once again, it is very demeaning, but it could be worse.
Like Caesar, he is possessive and will try and limit your contact with the others in fear you'll like them more. Your little trio consists of you, himself, and Sylva. He lets you interact with Trevathan, but it's not an everyday thing.
He does care for you more than he'd ever admit, but it doesn't mean he'll particularly change for your sake, at least not intentionally. He's kinda insane and kinda a piece of shit, and you're aware of this.
Makes you sit next to him when he hosts dinners, making sure to pat your head and coo at you (When Noa first sees you at the table getting treated like how he'd treat an eagle, he gives you one of his signature side eyes bc lmao what the fuck is going on)
When it comes down to the ending of the movie when he dies, you're at a loss, Mae frankly thinks you're too far gone, and Noa is not willing to take a chance to offer you a home.
All you have really left to do is to go back to the colony and what's left of it, back to the remaining apes and humans still left unattended. Telling them they're free to go.
At some point among the years of being the closest to Proximus, you do care for him, and it's hard to think he's gone, he offered you a sense of security and belonging, but it's gone now.
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ᴛʜᴀɴᴋ ʏᴏᴜ ᴠᴇʀʏ ᴍᴜᴄʜ ꜰᴏʀ ʀᴇᴀᴅɪɴɢ ᴀɴᴅ ɪ ʜᴏᴘᴇ ᴛᴏ ʜᴇᴀʀ ꜰʀᴏᴍ ʏᴏᴜ ꜱᴏᴏɴ!
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becauseimrichandican · 5 months
Planet of the Apes OC Bio: Calpurnia Cnt.
Figured I should probably write out later stuff for Calpurnia. You can find her OG bio here. You can find her relationships page here.
During her time with the apes Calpurnia and her young son Petros are both taught sign. Over the years she starts to develop feelings for Caesar which she rejects. Thinking them immoral she tries to avoid him as much as possible. Eventually she’s confronted on this by him and ends up having to tell him the truth. He confesses feeling the same, but that he is confused by the idea of having more than one wife and that he also doesn’t want to hurt Cornelia. Always one step ahead Cornelia already had a suspicion both of them had feelings for one another and welcomes the addition to the family. The other apes are less than enthused by this unity, but do not oppose it due to their loyalty to Caesar. Their unity ends up granting Calpurnia and Petros more freedom to mingle among the apes.
Humans were like cockroaches and while the flu killed many of them Calpurnia was certain it hadn’t killed them all. If she was immune it meant others would be as well. After not seeing any for at least two years however, she had hoped that those who had survived had moved on somewhere else. When Malcolm’s group appears though those hopes are quickly dashed. She offers to investigate the humans, knowing they will be more likely to tell her the truth than the apes. While she doesn’t manage to uncover anything the events that follow cement her loyalty to the apes over the humans. During Koba’s takeover of the troop Calpurnia and Petros escape with Macolm, Ellie, and Alex. They remain hidden in Will’s old home until after Koba has been defeated.
During the Colonel's siege on the apes new homes Calpurnia and Petros are discovered and captured. Assuming she is a prisoner of war and has been brainwashed to some extent he takes mild pity on her. The same can not be said for Petros. The Colonel sees him as an abomination and a frightening idea to have to comprehend so he kills him. Secluded away the Colonel elects some of his men to try to deprogram the 'brainwashing' he thinks she has undergone. She plays along to help keep herself and the unborn child she knows she’s carrying alive. She is saved during the apes escape and manages to make it to their new home beyond the desert with them. She ends up having a daughter which she names Aurelia. Due to exposure to Nova, Calpurnia ends up eventually going mute.
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littlelenas-blog · 6 months
Dawn of the Planet of the Apes Critique:
Great Things about this Movie:
Debates what it means to be human, and how humans can be more animals than ape
“They’re just smarter apes” just like us?
Raises amazing self reflection questions, what we need to survive and be happy really what we need? Or just what we want?
Can we find peace without a destructive modern society?
The Caesar vs Koba rivalry demonstrates not only what a good leader but how hate persists past trauma alone, and forgiveness and trust will always outlive hatred and resentment
Demonstrates not only the horrible results of war in a nuanced manner but also its uselessness
Shows positive masculinity through main characters like Caesar and Malcom by comparing them to war driven, hateful, aggressive men like Dreyfus and Koba
Bad Things About this Movie:
Lack of female perspective: most of the movie is propelled by male protagonists
Only woman is a doctor who lost a child, and the only female ape in the movie is Caesar’s wife and Blue Eye’s mother
There is a major portion of the movie that could have been driven by women or solved by a female perspective, however in order for the story to progress I understand that it needed to be more of a manly action movie than anything
Does depict war as something that’s not only singular to humans, which is only semi-accurate and spreading a message I would not prefer to be spread—as animal’s already have a bad rep and human’s have a superiority complex
Overall I loved it! Always very good movies, a wonderful trilogy, and the story is full of heart and action, it’s absolutely amazing. Only lacking what female perspective and protagonists could add.
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fleuristtargaryen · 4 months
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The Secret Girlfriend
Ceasar x Flora Forrest
Chapter 1: Through The Woods
Flora and a bunch of other ℎ𝑢𝑚𝑎𝑛𝑠 were walking through the woods. One of them started shouting, “APES! TALKING APES!” While the others say their and watched thousands of Apes following their leader. Ceasar wasn’t a happy camper when ℎ𝑢𝑚𝑎𝑛𝑠 stepped foot on his land. It took him years to build this home.
“Humans go!” Ceasar said.
Flora looked at him knowing Ceasar wasn’t playing. She had his child for goodness sakes. He knew not to yell at her because of her powers.
“I’m leaving.” Flora whispered to Ceasar.
“You are not leaving me again.” Ceasar whispered to Flora.
“Watch me walk away and not return ever again!” She whispered yelled at him.
“YOU WILL STAY AND THAT’S FINAL!” Ceasar yelled at her nearly breaking her.
Maurice knew this exchange would turn deadly if he didn’t talk to Ceasar.
“You didn’t have to yell at her.” Maurice signed to him.
“I know but she’ll never listen to me.” Ceasar signed back to him.
“Talk to her.” Maurice signed to him.
“I’ve tried that but she won’t listen. Both of our kids are teenagers and she’s pregnant with our third child.” Ceasar signed back to him frustrated.
“Your children are all human. You got her pregnant and for that you both have huge consequences that turned into responsibilities.” Maurice told him in sign language.
“She has a soft spot for our kids whether they know or not.” Ceasar signed conflicted.
“Are you with child again?” Florence asked her sister.
“Of course I am.” Flora said with a lot of sass.
“For someone who gets pregnant by an Ape you sure know what you’re doing.” Florence told her sister while rolling her eyes.
“You do realize that Ceasar can hear us, right?” Florence said to her sister.
“You do realize how protective he is of me, right?” Flora said while staring daggers at her sister.
“Stop looking at me like that. You’re upset because he wasn’t there for you when you gave birth. He wasn’t there for any of their birthday’s. He’s missed a lot and all that hate and anger you have is just like what Koba has towards humans.” Florence said to her.
“It’s not even about that. He rules an entire Kingdom and then there’s me.” Flora said with sadness in her eyes.
“So what you’re just going to give up on you and ceasar because of what happened between you two before?” Florence questioned her sister.
“Questioning me isn’t going anywhere. You do this knowingly that I WANTED TO LEAVE CEASAR ALONE.” Flora said with tears streaming down her eyes.
Ceasar and the rest of the Apes were taken aback. They didn’t realize that Flora was doing this with reasons of her consequences.
Flora walked in a way that her hips moved, her body was yearning for Ceasar once again causing all that hate to go away. Koba was right she did have an ego only Ceasar could control. Her and Koba first met back in San Francisco where they were experimenting on him. She felt bad for him but for him to turn out to be a huge monster was not on her list. Ceasar knew Koba would use Flora against him one day. Hell, he even tried to kill Flora on multiple occasions to which Flora fought back causing every Ape to watch with their own eyes. The mother of his children not only was protective but very strong at that. Ceasar could tell her body needed him more so than it ever has. Flora was fighting current battles while they currently rode on their horseback. Flora was the only one that was allowed to ride on the same horse as Ceasar. He calmed her every time and she knew what that meant afterwards.
They stopped at a lake where there was other humans but Flora still hanging on tightly to Ceasar never not wanting to let go. Cornelia was hurt to the point she couldn’t move. She knew about Flora’s and Caesar’s relationship and that was hidden at all. Every Ape knew but didn’t want to believe it. Ceasar slowly got off causing Flora to wake up almost falling. He caught her in a sense that she no longer needed to go back to the start. She was a hot mess for Ceasar and only him. He knew how and what to do when she had her mood swings.
“What was that for?” Flora asked Caesar tiredly.
“Humans have guns.” Blue Eyes told his father.
“Mother not well.” Blue Eyes said to his father.
“She’ll be fine. She’s just tired.” Ceasar reassured him.
“Tired?” Blue Eyes said with concern.
“You shouldn’t be concerned at all about her wellbeing.” Ceasar said with an attitude.
Boy was Ceasar pissed.
The lake view was very perfect and beautiful at that to the point where Flora fell asleep within seconds of Ceasar laying her down. He wasn’t ready for this part but he knew it was coming.
“She’s with child?” The human woman asked.
“Yes.” Ceasar said with anger boiling in him.
Cornelia sensed this but did nothing but watch his anger grow and grow. Blue Eyes was confused at to why his mother wouldn’t dare go near her husband to calm him down. She knew that wasn’t her job anymore. What she did know was that she was slowly dying and Flora knew of this but kept this from Ceasar. Koba was at his wits in with everyone and he wanted to kill the humans off.
“Come here, Flora, I want to check your baby’s breathing.” The lady said.
“You’re a midwife?” Flora questioned her.
“Yes I am.” The lady said with a bit of attitude.
“I’m not quite happy as of right now. I’ll be in my home if anyone needs me. Cornelia thank you for everything.” Flora said.
“Oh and you humans have three hours to leave this place or all hell will break loose.” Flora said while smiling devilishly.
“Koba this is your doing?” Ceasar said with another wave of anger.
“Oh?” Was all he said.
“Koba you changed her.” Her said to him.
“I didn’t change her. Her mood swings did.” Koba said while walking towards Ceasar.
Flora walked throw both of them without a care in the world. Cornelia was just sleeping but then moments after all of this she passed away causing everyone to mourn.
“Flora?” Ceasar entered her home.
“Flora, where are you?” Ceasar said with concern while walking around looking for her.
“Hi daddy!” The four year old said to his father.
“Where your mother?” Ceasar asked his son.
“She’s asleep.” The four year old told him.
“Sleeping where?” Ceasar asked him.
“In her bedroom.” He said to him.
“How’s your baby brother doing?” He asked his son.
“I don’t want baby.” He told him.
“Why’s that?” His father asked him.
“Mommy!” He said while watching his mother struggle to walk.
Ceasar was fearful at this moment. He just lost his wife now he’s scared he’s going to lose her.
“Careful mommy!” The four year old told his mother.
“I’m fine Groove.” Flora told her son.
“Where’s your sister?” She asked her son.
“She’s sad. She went to river.” He said to his mother.
“Ceasar!” She screamed his name while reaching out for him.
“I’m here. I’m right here, my wife.” Ceasar said to her.
“Cornelia is your wife.” She told him.
“She’s dead. She passed an hour ago.” He told her.
“So you come straight to me after she dies?” She asked him with concern.
Days later she returned to her home and found Koba and Ceasar going at it yet again causing her contractions to get worse. The way this baby was fighting his mother was something. Flora was battling everything at this point. She knew she was scared but didn’t know the price. Koba threw something in Ceasar’s direction but he dodged it causing it to hit Flora. Maurice ran to her Aide and he was sure she was fine.
“My apologies.” Koba said to Flora while walking past her.
“Your apologies? You almost killed me!” Flora said to Koba.
“He stole you from me.” Koba said.
“He fucked you.” Koba said.
“He ate you.” Koba said.
“Koba, stop! Ceasar is my husband and my home. Home is Ceasar. I love him very much. So what if he did all of that to me. It’s not your business to know that.” Flora told Koba.
“You’re the only human he’s falling in love with.” Koba said.
“Koba you love fighting. They locked you up and experimented on you.” Flora said.
“Yeah you could’ve changed that.” Koba said to her with a death stare.
“How could I change that exactly?” Flora questioned him.
“Ceasar saved me and yet you didn’t save yourself.” Koba said.
“Save myself, how?” Flora yet again questioned him.
“The human who hurt you.” Koba said.
“What about him?” Flora questioned him.
“What was he to you?” Koba asked.
“He was someone dear to me.” Flora said.
“He was your boyfriend? You and him fought everyday and you came in everyday looking for me. You talked to me everyday. I thought you were perfect and you still are.” Koba said.
Every Ape was watching this exchange between the two and it was beyond terrifying to see Koba talk to her. She didn’t lie when she said she met Koba before. When Ceasar looked back at her their eyes met and her water immediately broke. She knew he was coming early. This birth was dangerous more than ever. The city doctors told her to be careful because this baby might kick her ass when she gives birth. Boy were they right.
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capsarcastica · 6 months
Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire Review
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Following so closely after the vastly superior Japanese reboot, it's clear that Warner Bros' run with Godzilla is all about spectacle over substance. It is undoubtedly the weakest entry in the franchise. While the stories in this universe have always been weak, this one is the thinnest. The plot comes across more like a child playing with action figures than something thought out for a multimillion dollar movie.
Godzilla has no story and little purpose, kept in merely because it's his universe. The writers add in some third-act monster reveal just to give him something to do, which ultimately is just a rehash of How to Train Your Dragon 2.
The good news is the story is so thin that for once the human element doesn't detract from the rest. Not that it serves much purpose anyways. The most interesting element of the film is linking Kong and Mothra's tribes together, though that's just to give the humans something to do.
Kong is the only one worth following. His story feels like they were trying to copy Dawn of the Planet of the Apes. The main villain looks and acts just like Koba but without the interesting backstory. While this could never compare to that classic, it at least gives the audience something to follow along. It's a shame that the movie introduces two original villains, considering all the series' original villains are dull and boring, when there's so many iconic foes from Godzilla's long history to draw on.
The cast is fine. There's only three returning characters from the last one. Two are at least attempting to have an emotional arc while one is just there to be the audience surrogate for information dumps.
There's really only two new human characters. Alex Ferns as the soldier-guide is interesting at first but devolves into just another stereotypical movie jerk. Dan Stevens' Trapper seems to be the only one having fun and he definitely lightens things up whenever he's on screen.
What the previous movies lacked in story, they made up for in visual spectacle. Unfortunately, this movie doesn't deliver. Rarely do these feel like gigantic skyscrapper-sized creatures as it's often shot on their eye level making them seem like any human.
Considering how well Hong Kong was done in the last movie, it's a shame that this does little to integrate the actual cities the fights occur in. The Pyramids of Giza are the only iconic thing used, while Rome's Colosseum seems like someone was just using some stock photos. There's no reason the finale is set in Rio de Janeiro as whatever potential is completely wasted.
The greatest waste of potential is the fight without gravity. What should have been an interesting spin devolves into the usual slamming of creatures into one another.
The worst part of the movie is that it's just dull. It comes across as just content to fill space rather than something anyone really wanted. Elements like Godzilla's pink form and Kong's robot hand feel committee generated to revive toy sales. Mothra's return should be exciting given her legacy, but feels thrown in just to have another iconic character and a deus ex machina for a problem they couldn't solve.
Ultimately, it's just a popcorn movie. Something to enjoy for a few hours then immediately forget.
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