#knowing someone like that it's literal hell
nosyrobin · 3 days
IMAGINE! (Being Bruce’s twin, male reader and the robins)
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The batboys confusing you as their adopted father/father when coming to visit Bruce as you look like him despite any other differences of your physical appearance. Like you could be a different skin tone and they will still confuse you because you’re tall like Bruce, you have a resting bitch face like Bruce, you literally look like another version of the Batman. Hell, you probably even was Batman covering for Bruce when he was in trouble or sick.
Either way, imagine Damian a 10 year old boy walked up and called you father. Not knowing how to tell him that you’re not Bruce straight up as he clings to you. Pouting as he had a nightmare and he wanted to be comforted. So you console the small boy as he falls asleep.
Tim easily confuses you with Bruce all the time despite being very smart. It’s just that…when you brood. You brood just like Bruce. So when Tim sees you brooding in the kitchen, he just rants to make you stop brooding. Maybe when you smile is when he realizes. But he can’t help but keep ranting.
Dick…dick is like an excited puppy who didn’t realize it’s not his owner. Literally he had ran up to you when he was the first robin, happy to see his adopted father as he was just yapping away about school. So when you spoke, he realized you were his father’s twin. His uncle. Poor bird felt so embarrassed he hid his face under your arm as you laughed out loud.
Jason….tried. He tried so hard to not mix you up between Bruce and you. He knew he failed when you smiled at him when he wanted you to read a book to him for night time….bruce never had time to read him stories…so Jason tried to keep his composure when you read to him. That was before he cried, crying into your neck as you held him. Patting his back, telling him you can read to him again.
Despite being the uncle of 4 boys, you are a second father to them. And Bruce is certainly either jealous or relieved that when he dies, the boys have someone who can look after them.
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gojoidyll · 2 days
to you, from us
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i. if i had to pick a color
when gojo meets you for the first time, his world literally stops turning. his heart is beating fast, his cheeks are turning a bright, hot red, and his hands, oh god, his hands are so fucking sweaty. is he actually nervous?!
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Jujutsu Tech was supposed to be his beginning. It was supposed to be where he truly began living his own life away from the prying eyes of the clan elders and the prim and proper maids that seemed to follow him everywhere within his clan’s estate. It was all so exhausting. And when it became clear that he would be joining the jujutsu world, he truly thought that it would be his time to finally be able to breathe again.
And yet, it just felt all the more suffocating. The moment that he became a first year, the higher ups of the jujutsu world just seemed to piss him off way more than his clan elders did. They were way more demanding than what his home life was like, but then again…as someone with both the six eyes and limitless…wasn’t only natural to be treated as such?
So, in the end, his first year of Jujutsu Tech didn’t seem all that freeing in the end. Not until August rolled around. The summer heat clung to him tightly despite the light breeze that came into the open windowed classroom, and Gojo would find himself leaned far in his chair, his head falling back as his eyes closed shut. It was so damn hot…  Suguru nor Shoko were here yet and Gojo was left in his own little world and unable to complain to either of them, well, until the classroom door creaked open.
Quickly snapping his head up, he was prepared to whine to either Suguru or Shoko (whoever came through the door first) about the summer heat, but his words would soon get caught up in his throat when you walked in. Your hair was neatly styled, your hands were clasped in front of you almost in a nervous manner, and your head was slightly tilted downward.
Gojo didn’t believe in love at first sight. But he couldn’t deny the way his heartrate gradually picked up or the way his neck started to feel hot as he looked at you. No, it was because of the summer heat! He was sure of it. Opening his mouth to say something, you beat him to it.
“Hello,” despite the singular word, Gojo already saw it as you being way too formal, “I will be joining you as a first year student…,” trailing off a bit you had quietly given your name before bowing slightly and walking towards one of the farthest seats in the class which was when Gojo had finally taken notice how there was, in fact, one extra seat then there usually was.
Looking over at you, Gojo noticed how you kept your gaze pointed down at your desk, your eyes not once looking up or giving him even the tiniest of side glances. Gojo, as the loudest extrovert as he always was, decided to introduce himself too. So he stood up from his desk, his hand gripping the back of his chair as he went to push it in which was when he noticed it.
His hands were shaking.
What the hell?
Letting go of the back of the chair, he lifted his hand to inspect it. But he quickly dropped it as he went down one seat and towards you.
“Gojo Satoru,” he said his name with an unparalleled confidence as he sat down right next to you, the chair being pulled forward and turned so he was sitting and facing directly at you, “you know, you’re coming pretty late in the year. We’ve already been in school for a couple of months.”
As he talked, his focus kept drifting back to the state of his hands. They were unbearably sweaty, wait, oh god, his hands were so fucking sweaty. Was he actually nervous? No, it had to be because of the heat. It had to be. But he couldn’t deny the way his throat felt constricted, how his face felt hot, and the way that his neck kept getting this nervous itch in the back.
“I was still training my cursed technique…”
Your voice was so quiet. Gojo wondered if that was how you normally talked or if that was how you were told to talk. He knew what the jujutsu world was like and he also knew how some clans acted towards women and young girls.
“Still training, huh? What? Didn’t have good control or something?”
“That’s enough Satoru, stop interrogating the poor girl.”
His poking and prodding was interrupted when Suguru walked in, Shoko soon following after, and Gojo could only raise his hands in defense in a mock surrender, “I was just trying to get to know her,” he said as he pulled his chair forward. His body was finally not facing you causing you to release a breath that you didn’t even know you were holding.
“That’s because you don’t realize how intimidating you can be sometimes.”
“Me? Intimidating? Please.”
And as all the focus on you shifted away, you could finally relax in your seat. When you had initially came to the classroom, you hesitated walking in when you noticed only one student waiting there. You weren’t good at talking nor were you good at introducing yourself. When you had gotten up that morning, you kept telling yourself to arrive late so Mr. Yaga could just introduce you to the group, but due to your fear of being late and confrontation you found yourself arriving early anyway.
And much to your despair, it was THE Gojo Satoru who was already waiting there. In your head, you had many conversation topics swirling around in there in hopes to lift any awkwardness that may surface, but, in the end, you couldn’t even get yourself to say good morning much less how hot and unbearable the August heat was.
And because of your inability to talk to another person, Gojo was the one to initiate conversation with you. Truth be told, you were surprised you were even able to answer one of his questions in the first place. Much less be able to talk to him at all. He was Gojo Satoru after all. You were always told that he was the pinnacle of the jujutsu world. And if he wanted to, he could kill you with no effort at all.
And much to your relief, Yaga had walked into the classroom. Looking at the four of you, he nodded to you first.
“As of today, if it wasn’t already obvious, l/n here will be joining you all and will be completing missions just like the rest of you. I expect you all to get along.”
Gojo raised his hand, “why did she come so late in the year,” and didn’t even wait to be called on.
“Her cursed technique needed some refining. One wrong move, and she could be killing innocent people by accident,” and Yaga answered him anyway.
Before Gojo could continue with his curiosity, Yaga had cut him off, “you’ll just have to find out yourself how dangerous her technique could be, but for now, two missions have come out for you four. Geto and Ieiri will go on one. Gojo and l/n will go on the other.”
You deflated at the news, slightly bummed out that you couldn’t go with the other girl in your class while Gojo caught himself frowning slightly. His brain is already working on overdrive.
His neck felt incredibly hot, his heartrate kept picking up and seemed to thump even louder in his chest, and his hands kept getting that nervous sweaty feeling.
He blamed it on the heat because Gojo doesn’t believe in love at first sight. Though, for Gojo, he took that first real breath that he always seemed to be holding in. He paid no mind to it.
Though, finally being able to breathe, to have that nervous feeling that he has seen in the movies and TV dramas, to see you and think "I want to get to know her," well, if he had to pick a color to describe himself or maybe even to describe you. It would be pink.
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beguilingcorpse · 5 hours
toxic locked tomb crackships that deserve to be explored
babs/coronabeth (one-sided. uncomfortable. deeply unhealthy. they would have to keep it a secret because everyone thinks he’s her cavalier…. except he ISN’T her cavalier. and almost nobody knows. the scandal! the perceived taboo! the way corona would do zero work in the relationship! the way ianthe would murder him if she ever found out!!!)
judith/camilla (the ‘we’re both in love with other people but that’s a sore subject right now’ pity squad. and also they kiss each other about it)
marta/dulcinea (the soldier who’s never been allowed to stop and look at pretty things vs the pretty thing that keeps looking at her. two people who rejected the ones who could have been right for them and have to figure out whatever the hell you do next)
abigail/cytherea (the way abigial historicized and anthropologized cyth’s whole life and never realized that she had the real damn thing right in front of her. like finding a well-preserved fossil only to discover that the dinosaur that left it is still alive and right behind you. scholastic psychosexual murder-flavored bonding)
colum/mercymorn (the bred and built battery of the eighth and the mourning woman who created that culture finally meet. what happens next may shock you! [traumatized sex])
pash/harrow (harrowhark FINALLY decides to take a chance on someone who isn’t literally undead and it’s gideon’s COUSIN??? drama. intrigue. resentment. delicious)
admiral sarpedon/colum (duty-bound servants. scrunkly and normal-pilled. two inconsequential characters who frankly never leave my brain)
alecto/ianthe (i have zero textual basis i just think it would be pretty funny)
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aangelkeii · 18 hours
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❝ 𝐃𝐀𝐁𝐈 ❞ | Hey - Luci4 ❦ ❀
Kinktober Day 2: Mutual Masturbation
A/N: okay wow so i am currently writing this really late at night. this month is gonna ruin my sleeping schedule. anyway, more proud of this one right 'ere, so hopefully it hits the spot for everyone else. lemme know if i need to improve on anything. dedicated to the one i love. i love u, ho.
`✦ˑ ִֶ 𓂃⊹
wc: 4.5k (that's what i'm talking about! hell yeah) | warnings: fem! reader, masturbation (m and f), fingering, jerking, li'l touch of praise, petnames (sweetheart, baby), uhhhhhh a large coke, uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh a half dozen donuts.
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You knew it would be a bad idea befriending a villain. 
You supported the cause against the heroes from the beginning, and you were always secretly rooting for the bad guys during every fight, but never in your life did you think you’d come face to face with a literal criminal. And somewhere as normal as a farmers market? You recognized him even with the medical mask that he had on, the discoloured scarring down his neck and on his ears weren’t hidden very well with the flimsy sweater he had zipped up. You’d expect the guy wearing the torn up, very well-loved black zip up to be the biggest prick at the market, but he actually paid the vendors. 
I’m a villain, not a monster.
That’s what he said to you. Corny ass.
Dabi could feel you staring, he knew he'd been found. He couldn’t decide whether he should run for it or confront you, but he saw that pin on your bag. It was some kind of internet thing that someone made, a cheap knock-off of the League of Legends logo, incorporating the League of Villains in with it. It was supposed to be an inconspicuous way of showing support for the villains without explicitly stating that you’d rather watch the heroes rot in hell before you agreed with their methods of operation. You knew yourself that it was stupid or whatever, but it was literally worth two bucks and a lollipop. 
When the two of you made eye contact, you saw something akin to fear in his eyes, like his attempt at trying to support himself during these dire times would be ruined because some prissy bitch decided to run her mouth. You stayed silent though, only giving him the tiniest of smiles and went back to browsing the stands. The next time you looked up he was nowhere to be seen, so you figured that he got what he needed and left before he fucked something up. 
Nope! That fucker followed you home. You lived maybe three blocks away from where the market was set up so obviously you just walked there and back. He came up behind you and put an arm over your shoulder, bending down a bit to your level, and told you to keep your mouth shut or you’d be toast. Literally. He questioned you about your pin, and told you how stupid it was to parade your support around in public, and you must’ve said something impressive because now you can’t get rid of him.
He found himself staying with you over the next few months, crashing at your house whenever his recruitment was going on, and you always covered for him if someone got just a little too curious. It was for their safety, not his. You’d rather not have the local authorities show up at your door because someone caught a glimpse of some man climbing onto your balcony. You let the others stay at your place, too, because you became someone that the League could trust (to a certain extent). Mainly, though, it was just Dabi.
He’s been spending the last couple of weeks at your place, his recruitment not going as he had planned, often coming back frustrated and ready to burn your shit down. He knows better than to actually set your place on fire because you’re the luckiest thing that happened to him and the League. Instead, he sulks in your guest bedroom and spends his time throwing a switchblade into the wall. He might be kind enough to not burn your pace down, but he’ll still cause destruction to whatever he can, his victim being your walls. You’d watch from time to time as he chucks the blade towards your wall like he’s training for the olympics. You’ll fix it when he eventually ditches you.
Even with a wanted villain seeking refuge in your own home, you still had a life to live, and you threw caution out of the window the moment you made eye contact with him that day. Isn’t the smartest idea to leave him alone at your place, but he hasn’t caused too much damage just yet, so you figure you have a bit more time. He’s definitely not the greatest roommate. Sure, he doesn’t leave a mess everywhere and he only occasionally eats everything in the fridge, but he’s loud and inconsiderate of the fact that you have your own routine. You’ve lost count of how many times he’s almost broken down your door because you lock it at night. You should’ve known he would go straight to your place when his mission went south.
It was the weekend now. No work, no plans, nothing to do but waste the day away doing whatever bullshit you can. You thought that maybe you should run to the store before everyone else would get off of work and ruin the peacefulness with traffic, so you yelled out to Dabi and told him you’d be back in a bit.
Dabi doesn’t have many ways to vent his frustrations. He stabs the walls, sets something on fire here and there, but he doesn’t have a healthy outlet. Well, unless you can call fucking his fist ‘self care,’ then he’s the healthiest bitch alive.
Looking down as his hand pumps his cock, pre-cum beading from the head as he thumbs over the slit and drags it downwards. The rough scarring of his hand gives languid strokes up and down the length of him, legs spread as he sits in the cheap desk chair in the room. His head is tilted to the side, royal eyes half-lidded and pierced lips parted with quiet grunts and huffs. He doesn’t jerk off to porn or anything. He has an irksome imagination that plagues him with vivid images of you; underneath him, legs on either side of his hips as he piston his dick in and out of you, head thrown back into the pillows with your throat bared. He’d lean down and lick your jugular from collarbone to jaw, the salty taste of your sweat spreading across his taste buds. 
His thighs twitch with every upwards tug of hand, twisting when he reaches the head again, sucking a breath through his teeth. The familiar tightness in his pelvis is the only form of pleasure he can find these days. His head lolls back, fist tightening around himself as his breathing turns choppy. His whole body grows overbearingly warm and a curse leaves his lips–
“Holy shit.”
Dabi let his guard down. His hand jolts away from his dick and he twists in the chair, the armrest barely blocking your view from it. He feels like he’s been caught with his hand in the cookie jar. He sure looks like it, too.
“What the fuck?” He breaks out of his deer-in-the-headlights moment and yells. He covers himself up with his hand, brushing over the sensitive underside of his dick, hissing and shuddering. He was so close, so fucking close. 
You’re shell-shocked. Never did you think you’d walk in on a villain trying to get himself off in your home. The sound of his hitching breath meets your ears and something grows within your chest. He stares as you stare, dilated pupils meeting yours, nothing else but the quiet, ragged breathing from the scarred man to fill the space. 
His brain is all muddled from the intense pleasure that was prematurely ripped away from him, the frustrations that he’s been trying to cope with only bubbles back up with your stare. “You just gonna stand there?”
You don’t understand what he’s implying with his words, but since he’s never been the kind of guy to shy away from weird innuendos, you think he’s inviting you to finish the job. A part of him knows that his words can be twisted into something they’re not, he has this weird way of speaking in cryptic riddles that make no sense until you think about them. He’s confused when you carefully step into the room and close the door behind you. The lights aren’t on, and the sun isn’t facing this side of the building, so only the reflected sun from the adjacent building’s windows brings light to the room. It isn’t enough to see the expression on his face or yours, but it’s enough to see your silhouettes; his naked chest rising and falling unevenly, hand still covering whatever dignity he has left, and your unsure posture as you stand.
“Wanna help me out?” Dabi twists in his chair a bit more towards you, enough for your eyes to catch the glint of something shiny below his waist. It’s not his rings, it’s too tiny, but your eyes hone in on the barbells on the underside of his cock. Of course he’s got a fucking jacob’s ladder. The pre covering him in a thin layer of gloss below the belt seems to be the only thing you can see right now.
You manage to tear your eyes away from his dick to walk closer to him, sitting at the foot of the bed in front of him. The eye contact makes him twitch underneath his hand as he waits for you to finally speak. 
“What were you thinkin’ about?” Your voice breaks through the quiet, careful and calm. You must approach this situation with a level of professionalism, it’s not everyday that you’re invited to help a friend get off.
“Who do you think?” Not what, who. You could say that you had no clue, try to ignore the way his eyes shine through his lashes, but the truth is right in front of you - right in front of him. 
Ever since you took him in like some kind of stray cat, his appreciation turned into infatuation, and now he’s obsessed with you. He takes all of these recruitment missions as an excuse to spend time with you.
You shuffled forward, placing a hand just above his knee, feeling just how warm he is even through his sweatpants. Up close you can see the flush across the unscarred skin on his ribs, and it only gets darker with your touch. “I want you to tell me.”
Where did this confidence come from? Dabi’s brows raise slightly in surprise, lips quirked up into a teasing smile. “Look at you, sweetheart, ordering me around.”
The tension in his shoulders dissipates and he leans back, fingers flexing over his dick until he finally brushes the pads of his fingers upwards. He gets a good look at you, as well as he can with this lighting, and his thumb presses into the slit of his cock again. 
“Want me to get into detail?” The heat starts to glow through his bones again. He scoffs lightly at the meek nod you give him. “You were beneath me, heaving like…”
Sometime during his retelling fantasy, your hand moved off of his leg and snuck under the waist of your pants. You could feel your pulse between your legs and your knees flinched closer together when your finger met your clit through the thin fabric of your underwear. The slight hitch of your breath made Dabi falter with his words for just a slight moment, quickly recovering with a new sense of pride in his chest. He so badly wants to close his eyes, but he wills them to stay open, needing to take in the sight of you as desperate as he is. 
“You ever think ‘bout me, baby? I bet you do,” his fingers run over the silver of his piercings. He keeps his pace slow and soft, building back up to where he previously was, allowing you to catch up with him. “Always complaining when I show up, running your mouth. I should shut you up one day.”
“You’re full of it,” your voice was just as broken as his, but the last thing on your mind is your appearance. You lean back on one hand to give you some more space, widening your view of him before you; cock slick with cum, barbels of his Jacob's ladder glistening with every jerk of his hand, florid skin growing ever warmer with your gaze. Dabi feels like an experiment under a microscope, your eyes studying and reading him for reactions. “It’s only fair if I daydream about you, too.”
His hand slows. “Pray tell.”
“Between your legs, letting you hold me down on your dick as you fuck my mouth.”
His head lolls back, eyes fluttering shut for a moment. Electricity blooms through his body as he imagines you in that position. By the sound of it, you’d enjoy it. He squeezes his hand around the base of his cock to keep him from blowing his load prematurely. When his eyes open back up, he sees your hand moving a bit more under your pants, then a sigh leaves your lips as you’re finally skin-to-skin with yourself. 
Seeing you so hot and bothered makes his thoughts fuzzy, and before he’s thinking about his actions, he takes his hand away from his cock and moves towards you. You allow him to get closer, allow him to pull at your pants to rid you of them, and before you know it he’s sitting between your legs with your back on the blankets. His spread legs keep you from closing your own as he stares down. The both of you are naked save for your underwear, and the wet spot on the gusset of your underwear makes his mouth water. That’ll have to wait for another day.
He replaces your hand with his thumb, pressing into your clit over your underwear with tiny circular motions. This makes your hand flinch upwards to the pillows, nails digging into the skin of your palm. A cocky smile graces his lips and he applies a bit more pressure, eyes flickering between your face and the slick seeping through your underwear. 
His cock bobs between his legs, twitching with each pitchy huff of your breath. Pride fills his chest when your hips shift closer to his hand, your skin prickling with each circle of his thumb, something unspoken in your eyes as you stare up at him through your lashes. Dabi tilts his head to the side in question.
Silently communicating, your hand unclenches and moves down to your legs, motioning for him to take your underwear off, a plea for him to touch you properly. He laughs.
“I wanna make this last, baby. You gotta be patient for me.”
You know he’s just as desperate to get off as you are, probably even more, so you don’t understand why he’s trying to prolong his pleasure just for some slight teasing. It makes you want to do the opposite of what he’s asked of you. Still making eye contact with him, you reach for his neglected cock and pump your hand without a warning. That cocky smile is wiped from his lips.
He stutters and arches closer, abruptly bucking his hips into your hand. God, your hand feels way better than his. He watches the pre bead from his slit to your hand at the base of his cock, watches as you let it dribble over your fingers and swear it over his shaft. He moves closer to you, making your legs spread wider over his thighs, letting him press his thumb just the slightest bit closer to your clit. The building orgasm that’s been held in his pelvis all this time is growing rapidly and you can tell by the way his eyes threaten to roll into the back of his head. You speed up your jerk, no longer thinking about getting your way, more focused on making him finally come.
“Fuck, fuck, wait,” Dabi stammers when you show no sign of stopping. His muscles feel so tight, and they strain against his will of staying still. It makes him shake and pant. Brows turning up with the increasing tightness in his lower stomach. “G-gonna come, fuckfuckfuck–”.
At least he was kind enough to warn you. Your hand strokes over his piercings and the stimulation brings an intense shiver through his body until finally the pent up frustration of failed missions and loss of dignity is worth it. Cum spurts from his cock and slides down your fingers, lips open with throaty groans, hips bucking with the pull of your hand that doesn’t slow until a pitched noise leaves him. You’re staring at your cum-stained hand, mesmerized.
He huffs. Chest heaving, one hand braced beside your hip, the other gripping your thigh. His eyes are clenched shut. He hadn’t even realized that he stopped touching you. He hisses when you retract your hand and spread your fingers, his cum stringing between them and snapping.
“T-that,” he catches his breath. “That was mean.”
“Should’ve gotten me naked.”
He scoffs at your bite and, almost like he hadn’t just come all over your hand, he pulls at the band of your underwear with a frenzied look in his eyes. The stitches strain against your thighs and some do snap from the tension, but you manage to close your knees a bit and hitch your hips up enough to keep him from destroying them entirely. You’ll probably never see them again anyway. Dabi is a freak.
With your legs resituated across his thighs, both of his thumbs pull at your lips and watch as your wetness slips from your hole, cock jumping back to life at the sight.
“You minx,” he grits. Not out of anger, but out of restraint. It takes so much of his power to not dive between your legs and eat you out like a man starved. “Getting off to me being pathetic. Should’ve known.”
His fingers on the underside of your thighs keep you from closing your legs. They dig into the plush between your thighs and hips, calloused hands metaphorically burning your skin in the best way possible. 
His thumb resumes its previous circles over your clit, and he practically giggles when your hips buck up. His head - the one attached to his shoulders - feels like it’s floating. He moves down and collects the slick, dragging it back up to make his motions smoother. The action makes you keen.
His eyes dart back up to your face, bashful and so clearly turned on that it almost looks unbearable. He feels bad, maybe, for working you up then stopping so suddenly earlier. A small, mean part of him says it’s payback. He’s not going to be mean, though. Not right now.
“I don’t think I’ve ever thanked you for letting me stay here,” his thumb slowly moves away from your clit and his middle and ring finger replace it, sliding side to side before dragging down. “Let me show you just how grateful I am.”
“What’re you talking ‘bout?” The words barely leave your lips before his middle finger pushes into you, long and thick, immediately finding your sweet spot and pressing against it. You clench around him, and considering how easy it was for him to plunge in, he figures that you deserve one more. 
Adding his ring finger creates a slight burn, discomfort visible on your face. Your hand reaches out for his arm. He doesn’t push in any further, waits until the crease between your furrowed brows soften and your lips part with a pleased sigh. The bar is so low, but the moment is sweet compared to how he usually is.
Your hand on his arm loosens and slides down the scarred skin, the texture a satisfying contrast to his softer parts. There’s a sudden shift in the air with your touch, his fingers easing into you once again, your shoulders slumping against the pillows.
Wordlessly, Dabi leans forward. You think that maybe he’s just trying to get a better angle, but when the cold silver of his side labrets brush against your bottom lip, your eyes close and you chase after the feeling. His lips slot over yours, a perfect fit, destiny. He draws his fingers out and slides them back in, absorbing the quiet moan that you choke out. His free hand moves up your skin, warm palm cupping the side of your neck and angling your head to press his lips closer, forcing the kiss deeper. Your lips part at the same time that his does, a small startle when your tongues brush together.
Like you’re thrown headfirst into molten lava, your whole body warms beneath him, soaking through his skin and penetrating his bones. He shares the moan you give him, letting go on the side of your neck to join his other hand between your legs. His thumb once again resumes the circlet around against your clit and you clench around him once more. He smiles against the kiss, enjoying how you react to his touch.
With three points of contact, you’re starting to feel trapped beneath him. As much as you’re enjoying the soft touches and gentle caresses, you can’t just lay here and do nothing for him.
Your hand meets his cock again, tacky from the slowly drying cum, but still wet enough for a pleasing slide of your fingers down to the base. He groans against your lips and attempts to move away, but your other hand grips his hair to keep him close. Even as his eyes open just slightly to stare at your closed lids, the furrow of your brows and muffled sounds of pleasure eggs him on. If you want to touch him, he’s not going to stop you.
His fingers pump in and out of you, starting off slow and languid until they pick up the pace, matching the increasing flick of your wrist around him. He manages to pull his lips away from you despite your obvious protest. 
“Feel s’good, sweetheart,” he purrs, his piercing no longer a cold sting against your lips. He curls his fingers inside of you, pressing right up against your g-spot, chest tightening when you moan. Your hand tightens around him and your thumb smoothes underneath his cockhead. “Wanted to touch you for so long.”
“Yeah? Why didn’t you?” Your breathless voice cuts through to his muddied brain. 
“I’m a villain, not a monster.”
His vexing smile returns. You fail to push down the laugh, fisting his cock faster in return to his quote. His laugh joins yours, albeit stammered, speeding up the pumping of his fingers. The pads push up against your sweet spot with each ‘in and out’ motion, your knees bending and thighs falling open wider around him. He invites himself closer to you and licks your lips, groaning when your tongue reciprocates. 
“Gonna make you come on my fingers,” he slurs against your lips, mouth full of your combined saliva. “Can you do that for me, sweetheart? Be a good girl and come f’me.”
The sudden praise gives you whiplash, and the coiling tension in your stomach grows warmer and warmer, muscles burning and hole clenching around his fingers. His lips mutter soft praises and encouragements, bringing you closer to the edge. The non-stop pump of your wrist brings him closer, too, seemingly stronger than before. 
“Dabi, fuck,” his name on your tongue makes him want to burrow into your skin. His infatuation is growing into pure obsession. “Y’close?”
He feels you tense around his fingers, holding yourself back from coming before him, but he’s quick to reassure you. “Mhm, so fuckin’ close, baby.”
Your nod makes his lips brush against yours, but neither of you can pull yourselves out of the headspace you’re in to act any further on it. The ache between your thighs grows evermore hot and suddenly you feel that creeping pleasure morph into a rush of fire down your spine. You make a small noise in warning, not able to find the words, but Dabi knows exactly what’s happening because he feels it, too.
“Come for me. C’mon, sweetheart,” his gentle words turn into a desperate begging as he humps his hips into your hand. He nods along with your keening moans, joining in with pathetic pleas for your cum to soak his fingers in return. 
With a final searing fire through your body, your head falls back and your mouth falls open, breath hitching and thighs twitching against his bare hips. He doesn’t falter his fingers, staying constant with his speed inside of you and the circuit of his opposite thumb against your clit. Seeing you fall apart beneath him, mouth hung open with your throat bared to him just like in his fantasies. His next orgasm sneaks up on him, his cum shooting from his cock once more, landing on the crease of your thigh and hip bone. He can feel just how hot you are underneath his hands, and his praises just keep going despite how choked they sound.
Your own orgasm was prolonged with his unfaltering movements, the hot feel of his cum dribbling down your fingers, and the swift shift of his body towards yours. His tongue licks from the tip of your collarbone and up to your jaw, tasting that salty sweetness he’s been craving for so long, hinging his mouth open wider to suck at your neck. He’s careful of your pulse, he can feel it rushing under his tongue, but he’s responsible enough to stay clear. Only when your hips start to squirm away from him does he finally stop his hand, retracting it and bringing it up between the two of you. He spreads his fingers and watches as your cum strings and snaps. Now he knows why you did it.
Dabi sticks his tongue out without a second thought, licking his fingers clean like he’s done it plenty of times before, not bothering to comment on your attest of his actions.
“You’re nasty,” you wipe your cum-covered hand on your shirt, rolling your eyes when he smirks around his fingers. He wipes his spit-covered hand on your shirt and leans in closer until his forehead meets your shoulder.
“You get off on it,” he snarks back. He laughs at your weak attempt to push him off of you.
Your muscles cry out when you go to move your legs, ignoring it in order to pull your pants back on. Dabi stops you from doing so, standing up on clumsy feet over to the dresser, pulling out two pairs of boxers. He throws one pair to you and heads to the nightstand, pulling open the drawer for a pack of wipes. He shrugs at your look of question.
“You leave me here a lot, may as well use that time for something good,” he helps clean between your legs, apologizing when you buck away from sensitivity. He then cleans himself, disposing of the wipes, then flops onto the bed beside you. He pulls you close against him and traps you halfway underneath him.
You make the slightest noise of annoyance before you accept the new position, wrapping yourself around him. “Nasty.”
He bites into the meat of your shoulder, unyielding with your push against his head. “Get used to it.”
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© aangelkeii - do not repost, translate, plagarize, or claim any of my works as your own.
taglist: @ggriwm @ppsucker3000 @cstandsforchaos @jakeyjakies @cphlo @dumbwaystolive
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ylangelegy · 2 days
⋆.˚ svt as formula one drivers ♡︎ soonyoung, wonwoo, joshua.
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── .✦ 01. the one where soonyoung is enamored by a fan. 02. the one where wonwoo falls for a journalist. 03. the one where joshua has someone at home waiting for him.
✰ fluff, light angst [blink and you'll miss it], competitive!soonyoung, in denial!wonwoo, boyfriend!joshua, formula one references, svt ensemble, all sfw. intentional lowercase.
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🏁 f1 driver soonyoung who started off as a street racer, who has always been a bit reckless when it comes to practically everything.
🏁 f1 driver soonyoung who signs with alpine alongside jihoon; if jihoon is ice, then soonyoung is fire. they make it work.
🏁 f1 driver soonyoung who is an absolute devil on the grid. he may not always place well in the championship standings, but he will give everyone hell before they can overtake him.
🏁 f1 driver soonyoung who's just a little bit controversial for flirting with audience members, whether they're a fan of alpine or not. what can he say? he's a thrill-seeker, and there is some thrill in all the pretty people who want to get with a racer.
🏁 f1 driver soonyoung who is all that until he meets a fan who just— shuts him up. he's struck dumb by you, which is a tall feat. love at first sight is a cruel twist of fate for someone as impulsive as he is.
🏁 f1 driver soonyoung who just can't do it, who can't flirt with you the way he has with the dozens of onlookers in the grandstands. it frustrates him. he literally races for a living, and yet you have his heart hammering in his chest like he's some goddamn fool.
🏁 f1 driver soonyoung who does end up kind of acting like a fool in front of you once he thinks he has enough courage to strike up a conversation. he hits you with an outdated pick-up line and is mortified at how terribly the conversation goes. (jihoon never lets soonyoung live this down.)
🏁 f1 driver soonyoung who gets a bit sulky when he realizes you're not there for him, per se. you're a fan of some other team, some other driver. he absolutely hates it.
🏁 f1 driver soonyoung who stumbles over his words when he attempts to change your mind, who only grows more and more frustrated as you cheer on the cars shuttling past him.
🏁 f1 driver soonyoung who decides that the best way to go about this is to do the one thing he does best: drive.
🏁 f1 driver soonyoung who gets even more unpredictable, who finally starts actually winning races instead of just driving for the sake of it. jihoon is impressed, and the other drivers are disgruntled, but soonyoung only really cares about one opinion.
🏁 f1 driver soonyoung who— drenched in champagne after winning at the monaco grand prix— finds you in the paddock clubs. "did you see?" he asks you, his helmet tucked under one arm. "were you watching?"
🏁 f1 driver soonyoung who says, "keep your eyes on me, baby. i'm going to be winning a whole lot more."
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🚥 f1 driver wonwoo who knows better than anyone that the car maketh the man, and so he keeps up with all the tech as he tears through race after race.
🚥 f1 driver wonwoo who is the face of mclaren. he signs with mingyu— a non-negotiable in all of his contracts. the two are formidable on the grid, but are best friends away it.
🚥 f1 driver wonwoo who hates the media circus, honestly. that had always been more of mingyu's thing. wonwoo has to endure it all the same because it's part of his job, because he wins races and reporters always want to hear from the winners.
🚥 f1 driver wonwoo who doesn't mind one reporter, honestly. you're efficient. you're professional. you ask questions that make him think.
🚥 f1 driver wonwoo who unintentionally makes you enemy number one among all the f1 journalists, because he's always calling on you when he gets the chance.
🚥 f1 driver wonwoo who will lean in just a little too close (to hear you better, he'll reason). who will nod in all the right places as you ask your question (he's being polite, he says).
🚥 f1 driver wonwoo who is teased relentlessly by mingyu, because of all the people that wonwoo could've fallen for, it's someone who's just doing their job.
🚥 f1 driver wonwoo who calls mingyu absurd. he is not in love. ("a crush, then?" mingyu insists, but wonwoo shakes that off, too. he's a man in his late twenties. he wasn't supposed to get crushes.)
🚥 f1 driver wonwoo who is reading one of your articles on his phone and smiling at the little icon featuring your face when he realizes, fuck. oh, fuck, fuck, fuck.
🚥 f1 driver wonwoo who buries himself in studying about race strategy and aerodynamics, like he might find the answers there. he starts only answering the reporter questions he hates. about the weather, about car conditions, about his cat back at home.
🚥 f1 driver wonwoo who has to be cornered and confronted by mingyu, who realizes immediately that wonwoo is trying desperately to shift gears.
🚥 f1 driver wonwoo who is here to win, who is here to represent mclaren, who can't bear to be distracted by a sharp tongue and a pretty face. right? right? he tells mingyu all that as he paces the pit box, as he tugs at the tips of his fire-resistant gloves.
🚥 f1 driver wonwoo who has to be reminded, gently, by mingyu, "hyung, you're allowed to want more than one thing."
🚥 f1 driver wonwoo who, the next time he sees you, flips the script. "you're always asking me questions. i'm allowed to ask you one of my own, don't you think?"
🚥 f1 driver wonwoo who swears it's worse than racing— the feeling in his chest when he finally manages to choke out, "what does a guy have to do to take you to dinner?"
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🏆 f1 driver joshua who started karting at the young age of six, who was practically born in to the life of motorsports.
🏆 f1 driver joshua who carves out a space for himself in mercedes. his partner vernon has nothing but praise for him. joshua, after all, is the picture perfect mercedes driver: sleek, sophisticated, meticulous.
🏆 f1 driver joshua who— single-minded as he is— is still controlled and efficient. who has never crashed in his career. who would rather lose than put himself in danger.
🏆 f1 driver joshua who does all this because he knows there's someone back at home (or in the stands, if it's a particularly good prix), absolutely scared shitless.
🏆 f1 driver joshua who would give it all up for you in a heartbeat. would it suck? yes. but he would. you have to know that. all you have to do is ask.
🏆 f1 driver joshua who appreciates that you never ask. he knows you worry, knows he's probably shortened your lifespan with all the anxiety he's put you through, and yet you never make him choose. he is so, so grateful.
🏆 f1 driver joshua who is relentlessly excellent and pedantically careful because he owes you that much. it is his one promise to himself; his quiet vow to you. the red flags will never be for him.
🏆 f1 driver joshua who is criticized for playing things safe, for giving too much way to vernon. joshua merely shrugs and smiles and thinks of you, and how he's just excited to be back in your arms once this goddamn season is over.
🏆 f1 driver joshua who still wins, every so often, because he really is good. just cautious. and when he does win— when he's the one with the champagne bottle and the gold trophy and all the cameras trained at him— there's only one thing he looks for.
🏆 f1 driver joshua who will jump off the podium to find you, or point straight at a camera broadcasting live to reach you, as if to say, look; i'm in one piece. i'm fine. i did it. i'm fine. i love you. i'm fine.
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signanothername · 3 days
After seeing what you thought about the "dadmare" trope, I got a little curious and wanted to know your thoughts on shipkids. Like even if you don't know them all, just Nightmare having children as a concept, I want to know your thoughtssss.
Personally I had this whole spiel about Nm kind of being a manipulative parent that uses different types of manipulative tactics to get his kids to compete with one another. Just like- a way of getting them to spread negative for his own benefit. It's a lot to describe atm but that's the short of it hehe-
Tbh ship kids aren’t my thing, like I don’t hate them, just neutral on them, I don’t find them interesting shshhshs
And as for Nightmare, god forbid he actually becomes a parent dbdhhdhd, this bitch is way too emotionally immature for that to do well with kids
Like tbh my thoughts on this topic are complicated???
But in general, I don’t see Nightmare as a parent, like at all, he doesn’t strike me as someone who wants to have kids or start a family of his own, he’s literally a semi-god, self proclaimed king of negativity in the entire multiverse, extremely powerful and literally immortal, what would having kids add to him?
Like I think it’s an important question to ask: why would Nightmare want, let alone have, kids of his own?
Spreading negativity? He has 3 slaves for that, he can even do it himself thank you
A Familly? He already has a headache inducing twin, that’s one too many
A heir? Heir for what? He’s immortal, and his possessions and power belong to him, and he doesn’t intend on sharing or entrusting it to anyone else (not that anyone deserves to in his eyes in the first place, not even his own family and blood)
Nightmare sees no benefit in having kids, cons more than pros, they add nothing to him, but take so much away, effort and time and resources that he doesn’t intend on wasting in the first place
Like, even if it added anything to him, Nightmare’s just not the kinda person who even wants kids, he isn’t in the mood to pay attention to a weak pathetic child that couldn’t survive on its own
That being said, if he did become a parent, then he’s definitely not gonna be a good one, he’d be neglecting at best, and extremely abusive mentally, emotionally and even physically, at worst
Like believe me when i say that an animal has wayyyyyy better chances around Nightmare than a kid does (and that says a lot when it comes to Nightmare)
Nightmare never had an actual active parent in his own life, and the closest he had to a parent figure, was literally a tree, Nightmare’s too ignorant on the subject of parenting and was super neglected as a child himself to truly understand how to take care of his own
Like why would he become a parent when he doesn’t even fathom the prospect of being one?
Like the closest thing I can imagine Nightmare doing when it comes to parents/parenting, is read books regarding that, not to take care of his would never exist children but cause he’s curious, only to realize “huh, parents are supposed to hold you close and kiss you and encourage/ support and love you??? Sure mother would’ve done that had she been able to, surely she loved us as much as this book speaks of”
Hell, i’d say if Nightmare had a child, it’ll be completely accidental than an actual want/ decision on his part, and a horrifying one to him at that, like I can see Nightmare genuinely freaking out at the prospect of a child of his own, but not in the sense of “oh I don’t know how to be a parent, how shall I take care of you little one?” And more “I never wanted you in the first place why do you exist? You sure as hell would never belong to me” He’d literally abandon them, if he didn’t just immediately kill them
Not to mention, I don’t think Nightmare has the patience to deal with children generally, he barely tolerates the 3 adults living under his own roof
Yeah, Nightmare and children don’t mix well, keep them separated chchhc
He will hold no love or any attachment to his supposed kids, they will not even be in his radar
Does that mean I believe that Nightmare is incapable of love? No, I believe Nightmare is cable of genuine love in general and is absolutely capable of loving people, he loves his twin after all (even when he’s in denial of it)
It’s just that he’s way to blind to that love that settles within him, he’s too stubborn and too afraid, too in denial, and he stomps on any semblance of love, kindness and compassion he has cause he believes it’s irrational, that it’ll get him killed
Plus no one showed him any love, why should he? Not that Nightmare himself believes he’s capable of love, with the hatred consuming his soul, and with how he never truly developed any true love for anyone other than his twin, Nightmare fully believes he’s completely incapable of love
And so he still hurts the people he loves, he still hurts Dream, and he doesn’t hold much guilt for it, he enjoys it even, a sort of sick satisfaction at seeing those who are weaker than him groveling at his feet, a deep rooted hatred that overshadows that love inside him, he’s sadistic and crule and full of hate as much as he’s full of love
His love for someone doesn’t mean they’re safe from him, Nightmare’s better to deal with in a business manner than an emotional one (even when he’s a being that acts on emotion than brain)
Anyone has better chances of being safe from Nightmare if they make a deal with him and somehow convince him to agree on the terms in which they are safe from him in exchange for something he wants, than if they simply rely on his love for them
Cause Nightmare’s hatred always wins against his love, but Nightmare’s fair when it comes to holding his end of the bargain, he doesn’t appreciate deal breakers and it’s beneath him to do so, as long as the other party holds their end, he’ll hold his
In conclusion, keep kids away from this bitch xbbxbxbx
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Sink or Swim
Pairing: Eddie Diaz x Reader
Word count: …whoops
Notes: Guys I’m posting this while at the salon, my hair is processing it’s gonna be b l u e
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Day 1: Public Sex
“I’m telling you man-” Buck puts his arms up on the edge of the pool and Eddie rolls his eyes “You just gotta get laid”
Eddie had been on edge lately, everyone had noticed it, after his latest fling had fizzled out he’d been hitting the gym more, hitting the bar more. Hell, he’d even started going to the library again.
He was this close to taking up bungee jumping.
“I don’t need-“
“Don’t even start” Buck puts his hands up “Literally do not. I swear to god you’re gonna burst at any second if you don’t just get some”
Eddie sighs “You know, sex doesn’t actually solve everything?”
“Oh, but it sure as fuck would this time” He winks and Eddie rolls his eyes again, crossing his arms over his chest as he puts his back against the wall.
“You know that’s not me dude… I’m not- I’m not a one-night stand kind of-“
“We’re here!!”
Both boys look up to see Tommy walking in through the house, Buck immediately gets up and swims over to the stairs.
“Hey gorgeous,” Buck says as he gets out, coming over to Tommy. Tommy takes his chin in his fingers, pulling him forward and giving him a little peck on the lips with a wink.
“Oh fucking gag”
A voice comes from behind him and Buck pulls away, giddy as ever
“Hi Y/N”
“Hi Ev- Buck” She corrects herself as she steps out of Tommy’s ginormous shadow.
Eddie comes out of the pool now, the water cascading down his body, he shakes out his hair and smoothes it back.
Buck looks at Tommy. Tommy looks at Buck.
“Hey Eddie, c’mere I want you to meet someone”
He steps aside and holds his arms out, presenting you to Eddie, he gives Tommy a nod, who rolls his eyes and does the same thing.
“Tada,” He says sarcastically and Eddie shakes his head, chuckling as he walks over.
“Eddie Diaz” He holds his hand out and you smile, shaking it
“Y/N Kinard. I’m-“
“Tommy’s little sister!!!” Buck squeals and puts his arm around Eddie.
“Jesus Christ” Tommy mutters under his breath as he grabs Buck by the arm and pulls him off of Eddie.
“She’s staying with me, I thought it’d be nice if she came to hang out with us!”
“If you don’t mind” You pipe up and Tommy has to fight to keep Buck from going feral
“Oh no! Of course, I don’t come on I’ll show you where to put your stuff” Eddie reaches for your pool bag and you hand it to him, your cheeks flushing a little as he leads you over to the pool chairs.
“Evan- Evan you have to-“ Tommy puts his hands on Buck's shoulders as he’s nearly bouncing out of his shorts.
“Evan let it happen, it’s gotta be organic okay? We’ve done our part”
“So I shouldn’t- I shouldn’t play my baby-making playlist?” He shakes his head and Tommy shakes his head with him
“No babe, no you shouldn’t”
Eddie sets your bag down on the pool chair and you smile up at him, he knows what the guys are doing god does he know.
But fuck if you’re not the most beautiful thing he’s ever seen in his life. He’s surprised you’re even related to Tommy you’re so… petite. You’ve gotta be a good foot shorter than he is and god the way your curves fill out that swimsuit.
“I’m sorry, by the way,” You rub the back of your neck awkwardly “I know you probably like wanted a boys thing and-“
“Oh no! No, I’m glad you decided to come!” He puts his hands on your arms and you blush, he pulls his hands back quickly and copies your stance, rubbing the back of his neck
“I’m uh- I'm glad you’re here…Do you- do you have sunscreen? Gotta… make sure you’re all… sun protected”
You snicker a little and turn away from him to go through your bag and he nearly pulls his hair out as he digs the heels of his palms into his eyes, groaning to himself. He’s never this fucking awkward around women.
“You think Tommy would let me go anywhere without it?” You joke as you stand back up “Did you need some?”
“Uh no- no I’m covered but um- I can-‘I can get your back for you if you’d like” He offers as he puts his hand out and you shrug, pouring some into it.
“Mhm!!” His voice is high-pitched as you turn around and lie down on the beach chair. He gets on his knees, rubbing his hands together before rubbing your back, you reach back and pull the string of your stop, letting it fall off and adjust yourself a little
“That should make things easier,” You say as you pull your hair to the side and Eddie has to work very hard to ignore the perfect view he has of your side boob.
“Ha yeah. So- so much easier yeah” He rubs your shoulders first, working the lotion down your sides and across your golden skin. He likes the way it shimmers as it dries into your skin, how soft your skin is, how pretty it is. He’s so busy giving you a massage, rubbing the lotion in he doesn’t even realize the little noises you’re making at first until you moan his name. His hands freeze in place and he finally snaps out of it.
“You’re pretty good with your hands,” You say softly, propping yourself up on your elbows.
“I work with them,” He says dumbly and you giggle while he internally terminates his life contract.
“Yeah, I know, with Buck, right? You’re a firefighter too?”
“Yeah actually, it feels like my calling sometimes you know? Helping people just feels right. Plus you know I get to ride in a fire truck and who doesn’t want to freaking do that”
“Yeah he’s like super sexy, he saves people!! He’s a hero!!!” Buck pops up behind Eddie who nearly swings on him and you scream
“I’m sorry I’m so-“ Tommy lifts Buck by the waist, throwing him over his shoulder.
“Eddie can do this too!! I’ve seen him do it!!” Buck yells before Tommy dumps him into the pool and jumps in with him to try and drown him
You laugh as you get up, facing away from Eddie, you look at him from over your shoulder and Eddie practically melts, his heart pounding in his chest.
“Mind retying this for me?” You ask and he nods absentmindedly, his hands fumbling a little as he grabs the strings and ties them back for you
“This good?” He rests his hands on your shoulders and you look up at him
“Uh huh…” You both stare at each other for a second and he smirks, blushing
“Cool. You ready to get in? Or?” His hands travel down your sides and he grips your hips
“Yeah I guess I’m-“
Before you can even finish your sentence Eddie grabs you by your hips, running over to the pool.
“Wait, wait no wait!!!” You scream as he launches you both into the water. You come back to the surface and jump on him, trying to shove him back under
“You asshat!!”
He’s laughing as he grabs you again and dunks you back under, his body staying pressed to yours as you make him bring you back up.
“Hey, that’s not fair!!” You kick and splash and he turns you in his arms so you’re facing him
“Awwwww is the Princess pouting?” He smirks and your jaw drops
“Princess??” You scoff “I’m not a Princess.”
“I don’t know that” Eddie shrugs “Maybe if I got to know you better…”
“Is he asking you on a date” Buck comes up out of the water and Eddie shoves him right back down.
“Because Tommy and I are going out for lunch after this!! I was just gonna make Eddie take you home but this works too”
Now it’s your turn to shove him back down
“How bout it? Just a little getting to know you”
“I’m just saying it could be a double date”
You sigh, leaning your head on Eddie’s shoulder, and smile, shaking your head.
“Yeah Buck we can go on a double date”
“Why do you indulge him” Eddie groans as he goes running through the water, splashing wildly to tell Tommy.
“Because he won’t stop popping up if we don’t”
Buck actually stops bothering you two after that, not that it’s really much to bother you about now that you’ve agreed to a date. You spend the next couple of hours just messing around with them, playing stupid pool games and even mermaids with Buck. He keeps making you do hair flips like Ariel and Tommy puts a stop to that the second you nearly smack your head into the wall after how dizzy it’s made you.
Buck eventually finds a way to convince Tommy to play chicken and he promises he’ll take it easy on you as he helps you onto Eddie’s shoulders and pats your butt.
Eddie though nearly has a heart attack as you settle on his shoulders, your thighs are so perfect and soft and warm, his head rests against your breasts and he tries to be normal about it he does but they’re just so perfect.
He’s never been more glad he’s in a pool because you can’t see the way his cock is rock hard as you squeal and laugh while fighting Buck and trying to shove him over. Eventually, you fall over onto Buck and you both go laughing and splashing into the water and Eddie feels the tiniest hint of jealousy at the way you cling to Buck as he stands you both up.
He quickly passes you back to Eddie though who is more than happy to be holding you again.
“Hey, Ed why don’t you uh- go inside, maybe help Y/N get ready to go?”
“Did you just call me Ed-“
“Yeah yeah go go” He shoves you and Eddie out of the pool and the two of you gather your stuff up and leave just as Tommy pulls Buck over to him, cupping his face and pressing their lips together.
You and Eddie make gagging noises and Buck flips you off
“I literally hate having siblings,” You say as you both walk into the house, Eddie holds the door for you and you sneak under his arm
“Buck is the closest thing I have to a brother here. I can painfully agree with you”
“At least you don’t live with him” you laugh, as you start to dry off more. You rub your arms, trying to generate some heat and Eddie reaches for you
“For warmth” He shrugs like it doesn’t really mean much, trying to pretend like he’s not internally freaking out as you pull your arms to your chest and snuggle into his, he wraps his arms around you and rests his chin on your head
“Better?” He asks, feeling you squirm a little and you shrug, clearing your throat
“Uh huh, a lot better”
His body is so warm and so… hard. His abs feel nice under your fingertips and you try not to get caught as you totally feel him up and he tries not to get caught feeling you up. His hands rub your arms slowly, his fingertips sliding up your back and massaging you gently again.
“We should probably see what’s keeping them” You pull away after a little bit, biting your lip.
“Yeah… probably” he makes you pull away from him, he doesn’t want to do it himself. You take his hand and pull him back over to the door with you and open it.
“Guys? Can we go please soon?? I’m star-“
Buck is bent over the side of the pool, his head hanging low as he moans, Tommy is over him, kissing his neck and buried deeply inside him.
“MY EYESSSS” Eddie screams as he slams the door shut
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Buck has been crazy about double dates, really he just wanted you and Eddie to hang out more and he also wanted to hang out with Eddie and since he wanted to be with Eddie and Tommy it just made sense to bring you too because you’re Tommy’s little sister and he wanted to hang out with you too.
Or at least that’s how he explains it as Eddie blinks at him over his morning coffee.
It wasn’t like it bothered him you tagged along, things were starting to heat up between the two of you. You’d been calling and texting all day since you’d met and he was really starting to feel something for you.
What that was?… he wasn’t really ready to put it into words.
Too bad Buck was.
He’d sent the “What are we?” Text from Eddie’s phone one night when he slept over, and though it got him beat the fuck down Eddie had woken up to an endearing, awkwardly-worded text saying that you “maybe kinda sorta” didn’t mind being his girlfriend.
That’s when the pictures started.
And if getting with you meant you’d be sending him that? Well fuck he would have manned up so much sooner. The first pic arrives when they’re on their way back to the firehouse, he can see the text-
“Is this cute enough for our date?”
And he opens it like a complete dumbass. Because there you are, standing in front of your mirror wearing a sheer corset and a pair of blue jean shorts that leave absolutely nothing to the imagination. His jaw drops as he stares at you, and his eyes travel up your body… right to the dripping popsicle you’re eating.
“Holy shit” He lets out a quiet breath as he stares at you. Buck looks over at him and makes little grabby hands.
“Hey is that Y/N? Lemme see!!!”
Eddie hugs his phone to his chest like the gentleman he is, protecting your virtue.
“Uhhh it’s just a picture of her rabbit!! It’s- it’s just you know- a really, like super furry rabbit that’s all it’s nothing! It’s nothing it’s fine”
You guys ended up staying in that night.
A couple days later Buck invited you and Eddie for brunch, he said all cool couples go to brunch (really he just wanted the blueberry pancakes they had at this place and you both agreed to go.
“Hello beautiful” He smiles, pecking your lips as he pulls back your chair
“Hi, Eddie” You blush, kissing him back. He sits next to you puts his arm on the back of your chair and pulls you closer to him
“Can you guys stop being so gross” Buck sips his mimosa and Eddie rolls his eyes
“Dude how many times have I caught you and Tommy fu-“
“Not in front of the kids!!!” Buck nearly spits his drink out as he covers Eddie’s mouth with his hands
Buck and Eddie go back and forth like children before Tommy grabs Buck by the chin and turns him toward him, planting a sweet kiss on his lips
“Focus on the pancakes babe”
Buck pulls away, her cheeks pink, his eyes a little dazed
“Yeah… okay..”
The rest of the time is fun, the boys are really into whatever stupid story they’re remembering and trying to tell you but they keep laughing and talking over each other.
You’re nodding along absentmindedly when Eddie feels your hand. He thinks it’s just a fluke, an accident. But… no? It’s creeping higher up his thigh, stroking his muscles softly.
He can feel his cock hardening in his pants, and he tries to maintain his composure, keeping the conversation going with Buck and Tommy.
He thinks? Are they talking about like bees now? Or maybe horses? He has no fucking clue, not with your fingers doing a little walk up his thigh.
He leans back in his chair, allowing your hand to inch closer, and when you finally touch his growing bulge, he lets out a soft breath, his eyes drifting shut for a moment.
You giggle at something Tommy said, rolling your eyes at the stupid dad joke before glancing at Eddie, your nose crinkles, your eyes sparkling with mischief as you start to stroke him slowly.
Eddie's breath hitches at your touch, his body tensing slightly. He forces himself to relax as best he can, keeping his composure as he listens to the conversation. Your giggle sends shivers down his spine, his heart racing. He’s not sure how much longer he can keep this up before he just shoves you down on the table and fucks you right in front of Buck’s salad.
“Eddie?” You look up at him innocently, acting like the sweetest little angel “Can you show me where the bathroom is?”
His eyes light up as he looks over at you, eager to please. His voice is huskier than normal and Buck definitely picks up on that.
“Yeah of course” He gets up from the table, clearing his throat “Excuse us” he takes your hand and pulls you behind him, leading you toward the back of the restaurant. You can feel the excitement and anticipation building up in your chest, and you can see from the grin on his face he’s feeling exactly the same way you are
He pulls you into the family bathroom and pushes you against the door the second it closes, kissing you passionately as he locks it. Your hands come up to cup his cheeks, your tongues battling for dominance. His fist hits the door beside you and you gasp into his mouth, he grins, his tongue winning easily now.
“Oh… oh you like it rough don’t you?”
He chuckles darkly as he attacks your neck, biting and kissing. You pull at his belt and whine.
“We don’t have much time, it has to be quick!” Your breath is ragged as he scoops you up and carries you over to the counter
“You think you’re wet enough for me?”
He shoves your skirt up around your waist and pulls your panties to the side, his eyes widening at the sticky tendrils of your wetness plastered against them.
“I think I’m wet enough” you whisper seductively, reaching for his belt and taking it off.
He pulls his thick cock from his pants, stroking it slowly and tapping your clit with it, your body shudders as he rubs it through your folds, gathering your wetness all over the tip. Your head falls back as he thrusts into you in one quick motion, the wind is knocked out of you as you slap your hand over your mouth, trying to muffle your moan.
He gives you a few moments to adjust to his size before he sets a brutal pace, he has to, not that you’re complaining in the least. You wrap your legs around his waist, pushing him in deeper each time. His grip on your thighs tightens as your nails scrape over his skin.
“You feel so fucking good” he groans, his body burning with need. Your breathy moans and whimpers spur him on. His hand comes up to brace himself against the mirror as he loses himself in your body, the sounds of the way he’s fucking you echoing in the small bathroom. He can feel your tightness, how wet you are for him, the way you clench around him with each thrust like he belongs inside you, like you own him.
“Y-you have to p-pull out” you pant harshly, your head falling back so you can see yourself in the mirror.
“Oh baby girl, if you think for one second I’m not making you sit at that table with my cum dripping between your legs?”
His thrusts become sharper and you cry out
“I’m not fucking you dumb enough”
He covers your mouth as he thrusts into you harder, keeping all those high-pitched whines and noises quiet. He wishes he didn’t have to keep you so quiet, but he doesn’t care all that much when you take his hand and push it up further covering your nose too.
“Oh, Y/N” He moans, holding his hand down harder so you can barely breathe, it sends his head spinning, his hips stuttering and jerking messily as he pounds into you so desperately.
His lips spill praises for you, “Good girl” “so fucking tight” he can feel you clenching around him more and more as your back arches and your body shudders, your orgasm rippling through you and that’s all it takes for him to cum with you, pumping his seed into you.
He pulls his hand away and you gasp in air as he collapses against you. You hug him to your chest as he nuzzles his face into you.
“Fucking hell” he moans into your neck and you trail your fingers through his hair in response, tugging lightly so he’ll look up at you. You press your lips to his, giggling quietly and he grins, kissing you back.
“You think they know?” You blush while he sets you back down, helping you rearrange your clothes, your legs are still wobbling and it just makes him want to do it all over again
“I mean, probably” he chuckles, and you groan, letting your head fall against his chest.
“That’s…. Something”
“Hey you’re the one who started this, you really didn’t think it through huh?” He taps your forehead and you huff at him while he gets himself put back together. You make him bend down to fix his hair and he smirks, staring into your eyes while you do it.
“Quit it!!” You frown a little and that just makes him smile more
“You’re really pretty”
You look at him, your fingers tangled in his hair and he leans in, giving you a soft kiss, still staring into your eyes.
“You’re really intimidating” you admit shyly and he gives you a funny look
“Honey we just fucked in a public bathroom and now you want to get all shy on me? Now you want to tell me how intimidating I am?”
“Oh shut up!!” You whack his chest and shove him away and he laughs, pulling you back into him and kissing your neck
“Awww don’t pout baby girl, you’ll turn me on again”
“Eddie Diaz!” You squeak and before he can embarrass you anymore there’s a knock at the door
“Occupied!” Eddie calls out as he pushes you against the wall now, you whimper and lift your leg around his waist and he picks you back up
“Yeah I know, Tommy and I are hungry. Are you guys done yet?? Because she’s gonna be too exhausted to eat”
Your mouth drops open and Eddie lets his head fall onto your shoulder. He chuckles and shakes his head before setting you back down carefully
“Yeah... Buck. We’re done.”
Two weeks later Eddie comes into work, a little pep in his step. He jogs up the stairs and stops at the top, his team standing there. Bobby has a cake in his hands as the other three cheer and a little burst of confetti is thrown on him.
“Whaaat’s this all about?” He laughs, shaking the confetti from his hair
“Congratulations on getting laid!!” Chimney cheers
“Continuously!” Hen adds and Bobby shows him the cake that says “Congrats! You got laid!” With a cute little bed in the middle of it
“We’re gonna be brothers!!” Buck squeals as he jumps on him
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rosemarie333 · 2 days
Astro Observations (Tropical Edition🫶🏾🫶🏾)
Hello Guys! Since I have done a vedic edition observations, I now want to do a tropical astrology one. I apologize if I confused anyone with my vedic one, i’m not too well versed in it buttt I AM WELL VERSED IN tropical astrology though hehe😈
These are my opinions/observations so LOVE IT OR HATE IT😋😗
Anyways let’s get started
1. Scorpio moons at their worst are FUCKING CRAZY. like extremely obsessive, extremely closed and narcissistic and just overall painful to be around. y’all can lowkey suck the life out of everyone lol likeeeeeee no joke. I have met many scorpio moons that are hella abusive but I know that’s not the majority. Other wise y’all are great to be around but baby as a Leo moon I CANT KEEP dealing with moon square moon synastry 🥺
2. Sag moons are sooo fickle and flighty like it’s not even funny. THEY WILL TELL A PERSON OFFFF but sometimes they be fake as hell. Very adventurous and THRILL SEEKING and they honestly put themselves into situations that are harmful just for the thrill of it. Very wise but sometimes their wisdom goes RIGHT out the window when it comes down to it.
3. Aries placements can be veryyyy selfish imo. Like they are super independent but bc they are they really care less to think about others when achieving certain things. But are very understanding when you come to them and are very willing to listen. It’s kinda like they want what they want and they will do anything to achieve it despite the cost, and like GIRLIE POP GO OFF but at the same time u gotta be considerate of others. But EXTREMELY LOYALLL to their loved ones absolutely!! I love y’all and love y’all FIESTY energy.
4. I’m sorry but debilitated and fall mars (libra and cancer mars) have wayyy worse anger issues than ur normal scorpio/aries mars. Like they hold shit in and they are very passive so they won’t tell u did something wrong but they will be snarky and passive aggressive as hell to let you know and like BABESSA U CAN TELL ME NO NEED TO BE PASSIVE AGGRESSIVE ASFFF. Maybe it’s bc i’m a libra rising and mars in the 1st and 10th are just hella aggressive for no reason sometimes. My ex would randomly yell at people for the wrong reasons (he was a libra mars) and tbh i kinda don’t care for it like. (btw i’m a pisces mars so HEHEHE i can be passive aggressive as well so i def need to learn how to have boundaries but as people can’t handle scorpio or aries anger, i can NEVER deal with a libra or cancer bc imo they blow shit out of proportion all the fucking time) understandable as to why but idk that’s just my experience
5. Saturn in the 3rd house when they are upset with you they can be so demeaning at times. like when you don’t know something they are the types to be so unconsciously demeaning and kind of rude at times. ( like for instance if you were to ask them a question about a topic that they know they willl look at u and respond to u like ur dumb asf like 🥺🥺🥺🥺) they are very smart tho and they sometimes feel like they aren’t but like U ARE BABY DONT LISTEN TO THE OTHERS THAT hate on ur intelligence like y’all are very smart but can also be passive aggressive at times 💀
6. Scorpio Venus or having Pluto in the 7th house YALL ARE SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO CLINGY!! I love it tho for others that love it but y’all are veryyyyyyyyyy possessive (like if someone looks at y’all’s partner y’all prob imagining ripping their throat out like LMAO i understand tho). very loyal to their partner and can sometimes unhealthy dedicate all of themselves to them and nglll me don’t care for that but i understand bc y’all become so consumed with them bc of how intense y’all love and I LOVE IT but baby also have a life of ur ownnn lol (most of y’all do but sometimes y’all don’t) but y’all lowkey hypocritical tho sometimes imo
7. Sage and pisces literally are the ONLY ONES (other than scorpio maybe) imo that can do high dosages of drugs and wake up and be okay like ????? IM SO JEALOUSS bc i have virgo in my 12th and when i get high i get really paranoid and anxioussss so but with y’all having either in the 12th or even calm signs like taurus and fire placements imo y’all are built different like LMAO i loveee that for y’all tho
8. Capricorn moons aren’t cold at all lol they are very much crybabies like cancer moons, if a cap moon isn’t being emotional towards u then maybe they don’t feel safe enough yet or maybe they don’t consider you close enough to them (no shade). They are like scorpio moons tho imo when they at their lowest they can be hard to be around but YALL ARE SO MATURE AND i hate that for y’all like be reckless i know saturn may get u karma but sometimes y’all LIMIT yourselves so fucking much like baby you deserve the world. Look at the world in a scarcity mindset (unless it’s money or if they have fire placements ehh they not so scare thinkers)
9. Virgo placements are extremely shamy imo. Like they are very critical at times and they will SHAME u if ur doing something that isn’t “common sense” in their eyes. like baby i know u didn’t have the space to make mistakes without critical advice but at the same time do u really have to be shamey towards everyone else? but tbh they are the true leo’s in disguise and ABSOLUTELY give them their flowers bc acts of service means so much to them and the most mainstream people have virgo placements (attention to detail is so critical which is why they thrive and succeed) but y’all kinda use that as a scapegoat to be very shamey and critical towards others. I have a love and hate relationship with y’all lol 12th synastry 😭😩
10. IN REGARDS TO 12th house synastry, it’s so ass. Like THE PERSON U SHARE IT WITH WILL COME IN UR DREAMS AND BE ON UR MIND FOR NO FUCKING reason and for someone who takes a little while to move on from things (fixed dominant LOL but i’ve gotten a lot better) BABY I DONT NEED YALL TO BE IN MY DREAMS. lowkey i feel like 12th house synastry people lowkey get under ur skin for no reason and if that’s so imo it’s either because they are acting or responding in ways you do as well and is afraid to admit bc y’all mirror each other or it can genuinely be resurfacing things that remind u of things and trigger u (i feel like that’s the 8th house synastry ofc bc 12th house is hidden fears and repression so i’m kinda assuming it would be the same with the 12th lol hmu if you have other opinions😋😋😋🫶🏾)
last one hehehe
11. Libra placements please stop being people pleasers BABY ONCE U CREATE BOUNDARIES FUCKKKKK how others feel bitch bc when u don’t tbh y’all get super resentful and tbh who wouldn’t. libra placements really are only nice to keep the peace and to be likable but either or libra y’all will have haters regardless so instead of fearing it y’all should embrace it more. Remember the saying that if u don’t have haters u ain’t living in ur truth (ITS A 50/50 STATEMENT TBH it’s true but not being used in the sense of being problematic) but y’all can’t please everyone so instead of giving yourselves the headache, let go of the notion that if your liked everything will be okay when it’s not. and wanting to be liked and keep the peace isn’t a serving attitude it’s kinda selfish bc we’re really doing it for ourselves more than others (IM SHADING MYSELF HERE but i know y’all can agree but that doesn’t make us bad people we’re just flawed asf). BUT BABY GROW A BACKBONE ONCE YALL DO OMFAGSGSGSGSGSGS y’all are so fucking unstoppable and serve cunt energy hehehe
That’s it for tropical! Hope y’all like it!
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ninjatrashpanda · 2 days
Okay, so, I watched 8X01 for the fourth time now and decided to do a little write up, because why not, right?
In general, I really, really enjoyed it! Probably my favorite Season Premiere episode to date! There’s a few things I’m not too big on, but for the most part, a solid start to the season! This is long, so beware of the cut! To get into more detail:
1. Gerrard
Probably unpopular opinion, but I kinda like him? In the “Love to Hate” kind of way? I just think he’s so ridiculously over the top evil that it’s kind of funny if that makes sense? Like what do you mean his response to everything is “UnSaTiSfAcToRy; DO IT AGAIN!” What do you mean he flips his lid at Eddie over organic fruit leather while he has construction under way??? Letting them run laps around the station until Buck pukes??? “Have fun with it.”???
Compared to what he was like in Season 2, I honestly think Gerrard’s kinda fun, in his own messed up way. About the closest we get to that Gerrard is that he apparently takes credit for Buck’s ideas after reprimanding him. Even comparable actions, in particular putting his dirty boots up on the truck Hen was just cleaning in “Hen Begins” vs spitting on the floor after Chim mopped it in this episode come across as overly petty here, while in Season 2, he seemed much more malicious to me. 
We even see him have some Standardstm. He calls Buck by that nickname, actually shows concern about Buck not wearing his bee hood, and generally seems to actively try and get everyone out alive. The fact that they actively show some of his less evil qualities imo lends credit to the theory that they might give him a redemption arc. It wouldn’t be the first time someone overtly, over-the-top awful would get one. (Gloria anybody?) Do I want one? No. I don’t. I didn’t like that Gloria got one, and I’d be annoyed by Gerrard getting one. But with this show, it very much is a possibility. 
2. The Dennis Jenkins situation
Okay. So. There’s been some…minor controversy on my dash about this. I’ve seen both the take that Athena is the most evil piece of dirt for arresting Dennis, and I’ve seen people agree with Athena that he should be behind bars forever. (Both are hyperbolic, of course.)
And frankly, I think people are much too black and white about this. Yes, Dennis turning his life around and doing good for thirty years should count for something. Yes, he should still be held accountable for literally murdering somebody. Like, I don’t care that Emmet was a police officer. I don’t think that should matter in court in any way. But a life was brutally ended by Dennis’ hand. A family was torn apart. That Emmett shaped hole in Athena’s and Mrs. Washington’s hearts? That’s never gonna be fully mended, no matter how Dennis gets punished, but to just tell them that they will never get closure and are evil for expecting it? That’s not something I’ll ever support.
Ideally, Dennis’ efforts would be acknowledged in court, and he’d get a heavily reduced sentence, maybe with a chance for parole or house arrest, so he can still be with his family. Hell, I think the deal he struck with the feds to get out is perfectly fine, actually! But to say that he never should’ve gotten punished at all for doing something as horrific as murder is insane to me.
Because yes, for Dennis it was a horrible mistake. For Athena and Mrs. Washington, it was much, much more.
Oh, and because I know this is gonna come up: Yes, I think Amir would’ve been justified in reporting Bobby and how his involvement in the fire was swept under the rug. 100%. I actually think he’s a bigger man than me, because if I was in his shoes, I probably would have.
3. The Highway Call
This is our first look at the actual bees, and as a massive entomophobe, this whoooooole sequence is a huge nightmare to me. But let’s talk!
First, the poor driver who gets stung to death with nobody even giving a shit. I know it’s realistic, and that Julie and Reyla and everybody else have other things to worry about, but every time the show does something like this, I’m like “This nameless, practically faceless character had a family in-universe! He probably had a spouse and kids or siblings or parents or niblings or something that think he’s just doing a routine 22 million killer bees transport, only to later find out he was stung to death and they will never, ever see him again!”
So yeah, sometimes I think I might be overthinking the weewoo show lol.
Getting back on track, I do love the tension with Julie and Reyla! I know people have criticized Julia not closing the AC vents right away, but I actually think forgetting or just not thinking about that is, well, realistic. I assure you, I would not have thought of that either.
Similarly, them only having one EpiPen doesn’t seem like such a stretch to me either. Epi’s come in packs of two, sure, but they’re also expensive as hell and I sure couldn’t afford to casually replace one, even if I picked up the generic store brand. I assume that they picked up a two-pack, one was used previously, so one was left over.
Or maybe the writers didn’t think that much about it and just decided to only have one Epi because drama 🙂
Also, I’m not sure if you could actually get a second dose out of a cracked open EpiPen. Frankly, it sounds really dangerous to just mess with medicine like that.
I will not talk about the second driver and how he had a shit ton of bees in his throat, that image haunted me in my nightmares, thank you. “Why do I taste honey?” makes zero sense, but know what, it was a quality line anyway.
Which brings us to Buck having some random ass knowledge about beekeeping for some reason (Are we surprised? No, no we aren’t.) and saving the day by blowing smoke on the bees to calm them down. Buck is a Gud Boi and we all appreciate and love him 💖 Also, he gets to be a freaky bug boy again by becoming friends with one of the bees that can now join the tapeworm and the maggot. It was adorable.
As it stands, this whole thing was a great sequence! The action was good, the scenes in the car were tense (Even though realistically I knew the kid at the very least would be okay. This show doesn’t kill kids unless they’re Bobby’s.) and you just kinda can’t stop the triumphant smile on your face when they finally get Julie and Reyla out of the car. It’s just a really well done scene.
Also, Buck saying “It’s a bee-nado” you will always be famous 💖
4. Bobby’s new gig
So we don’t see Bobby all that much this episode, but I think that’s fine. I feel like the back half of Season Seven was very, very Bobby heavy, so being a little lighter on him in favor of other characters is a good thing, as much as he is my favorite character.
So, Technical Advisor Bobby is basically just Fire Marshal Buck and LAFD Liaison Eddie all over again. It’s a new job that doesn’t fulfill him, and he’s miserable, and he wants back. Outside of the actor guy very clearly wanting to get into Bobby’s pants, I honestly can’t really say anything else yet about this? IDK, we really just got two establishing scenes for that storyline, not really anything of substance yet.
5. Han-Wilson Family Scene
I love it. I love that they all have dinner together. HenMaddie hug save me, save me HenMaddie hug.
Also, uh, sorry not sorry, I understand why people are upset by the HP reference, but like…it makes sense why they picked it. Harry Potter is still a highly recognizable and popular brand with both adults and kids, never mind the multimedia aspect of it. Books, illustrated versions of them, movies, video games…I’m surprised there aren’t graphic novels, honestly. Name dropping it has no GA member scratching their heads wondering what it is the way, say, The Hunger Games would. Additionally, as much as it sucks, a lot of people don’t know that Rowling is awful. Like, genuinely, I don’t know anybody irl who knows what a witch (no pun intended) that woman is.
Also, 9-1-1 referencing Harry Potter literally just one day before Maggie Smith passed away is…uh…
But with that tangent out of the way, the conflict between Hen and Chim (and maybe Karen and Maddie) is set up very well! Both Chim’s comment earlier that he has two kids to come home to, as well as sharing the HP obsession with Mara shows us that he’s getting too attached, and Hen notices it too. I’m genuinely curious how that plays out because I honestly can’t see the two of them actually fight in any way. The closest we got was Hen randomly deciding that she doesn’t want Maddie and Chim to get married (which was weird, like wtf was that about???) in Season Six. I’m looking forward to how this is gonna play out!
6. The Birthday Party: Tevan
I have a lot to say about the Eddie and Chris of it all, so let’s focus on Themtm first.
So, when Lou posted his trailer door four hours before the premiere, I, like many of us, cheered and yelled and scratched at the walls. I was elated, I was ecstatic and I couldn’t wait to see his beautiful face on my screen.
And behold, when I did see him, I cheered and yelled and scratched at the walls again. It’s my (and Buck’s and all of our’s really) Emotional Support Tommy. My Emotional Support Tommy is back with me and I can finally be happy again! I’m not gonna lie, there were a few times during hiatus when the bestie boos almost got to me, but pretty much always bounced back fast. There was no way he wouldn’t be here. I still, as mentioned before, cheered and yelled and scratched at the walls.
So, not only are Theytm back, they’re also adorable and cute and fluffy and I want them to be happy forever and ever. “Has anyone ever told you that you’re a vision in a cone” has single handedly cured my depression. The fact that Buck was absolutely leaning in for a kiss right after has me giddy. The way they’re in each other’s personal space like that!
Also, background Tommy with the balloon he fails to blow up and later with the cupcakes (Why did he get them? Why does Tommy seem to always have cake???) was just *Chef’s kiss*!
7. The Birthday Party: Diaz Family Drama (courtesy of Edmundo, make no mistake!)
Okay. So. Right off the bat, if you’re one of the crazy people who think Eddie is the poor widdle victim here and that Chris is a brat or should get over himself, signal me so I can block you or better, just block me yourself. There is no universe where Chris is in the wrong for not wanting to be around Eddie. Not when Eddie has traumatized him several times over.
To recap: Eddie has abandoned Chris twice when he was just a baby. Yes, Chris doesn’t remember it directly, but we know from the Season Seven Premiere that he’s getting old enough to recontextualize the things in his past. He stopped romanticizing Shannon and saw her leaving as the abandonment that it was. He found it in himself to forgive her after reading her letter, but he knows that she did abandon him, and he probably at least theorizes that it had to do with his CP.
Knowing this, it’s easy to extrapolate that he might have some thoughts about Eddie being in the army, too. Not as strongly maybe because after coming back the second time, Eddie stayed behind and never left again, but I’m absolutely sure that knowing he was diagnosed when he was around two and knowing that Eddie left for his second tour around the same time makes the gears in his head turn.
Next up, the careless way Eddie handles his relationships with Ana and Marisol. He throws himself into both relationships without abandon and seemingly introduces Chris to them right away, which is…uh, not the best thing to do? More so with Ana when Chris wasn’t even ten yet, but still very much so with Marisol later. 
Eddie encourages Chris to grow close to them, because of his misguided attempt at giving him a mother (which is problematic on its own), watches him get attached and then breaks off the relationship (with Ana) or cheats (on Marisol). Eddie shows no regard to how this affects Chris, and it directly influences him into thinking that women always leave. 
It also seems that Eddie never tries working through the shooting with Chris. Which actually makes sense, because Eddie doesn’t work through the shooting himself. This of course results in Chris realizing that his dead isn’t immortal and could, in fact, die at any moment, resulting in him going haywire during Christmas in Season Five.
And then we’re at the really big enchilada. Eddie brings a woman that looks like an exact copy of Christopher’s dead mother into their house, has a quick roleplaying session with her, and then either embraces or kisses her, the show itself seems to not know what it wants to go with. Chris literally thinks she’s his mom for a second! And for the record, Eddie didn’t apologize to Chris. Not out loud on screen, there’s no mention that he did, etc.
So, Christopher Diaz, 13, a teenager, decides to call his grandparents and asks them if he can live with them. Which, yes, is fair. I wouldn’t want to be around Eddie either. Like, wtf, why would I after that??? If you think Chris should be forced to stay in that house, then you don’t care about him, period. Staying there was not an option, and neither was Buck’s place. Buck came in and immediately made excuses for Eddie instead of acknowledging that Chris was hurting and that Eddie was at fault. Sorry not sorry, but both of them failed Christopher in this situation.
And apparently surprisingly for some people, Ramon and Helena didn’t. They picked up the phone at 2am, jumped on a plane instantly, respected that Christopher asked them not to call Eddie, and generally did the right thing: Prioritize the traumatized child, not the parent who caused this whole mess in the first place.
Yes, Chris moving to Texas for the time being was valid and the right choice, because that’s what Chris wanted. I know this fandom refuses to acknowledge (is too ableist to acknowledge?) that Chris is not a seven-year-old little kid anymore, but a growing teen (He presumably started high school this year!) who has his own life, his own thoughts and opinions, and who can make his own choices.
So, coming back to 8X01, the video call. No, Chris is not a brat for rolling his eyes (which he may not even have done in the first place, it might have been his CP), he’s not a little meany pants for not talking to the father who fucked him up who seemingly isn’t making an effort in fixing himself yet, and he isn’t obligated to spend his birthday with someone he doesn’t want to speak with.
Eddie is not a bad father. He isn't. But he screwed up royaly here, and it's on him to fix this.
Christopher Diaz is valid. And that’s the end of it.
Moving on to Helena, she is, in fact, doing everything right. She makes sure Chris has a social life, she shows that she knows his interests and encourages them (pool club, thinking about getting a pool for themselves), and clearly attempts to keep up communication between Chris and Eddie. I frankly don’t see the malice people claim is there. Helena is nothing but a wonderful grandmother in this episode. Even her not moving the laptop closer to the party is actually very much a good thing, because once again, Christopher does not want his father there! No, Eddie doesn’t get to override Chris because he feels bad. Shut the fuck up.
I’m looking forward to how this storyline moves along, and I hope they keep the conflict as Chris centric as it is now. If they actually make Chris apologize at the end, I will scream. Just…good God, this is all Eddie’s fault, don’t mess it up, Tim!
8. Perfume Party
So the general stupidity of everyone involved aside (a perfume party when you know there’s a super swarm of bees on the loose??? You don’t see or hear that the tent is covered in them???), this is really fun! I like that Tori isn’t a horrible boss and that she actually really cares about Sheila! We don’t really see that often on this show lol.
I love that they included that bit about the bees staying over water if you dive in. Like, bees aren’t aggressive by nature (normal bees at least…), but boy do they hold a grudge!
Once again, Buck shows that he can think on his feet with the perfume trick, which might set him up to maybe become lieutenant later this season? I think it’s too early for him to do captain, but I think lieutenant makes a lot of sense imo.
Eddie running from the bees was comedy gold, which everyone has already said (also wtf was the trailer doing trying to use that face with the more dramatic tone?)
All in all, a great, fun scene with nice interactions. Gerrard calling Buck “Buck” and showing concern over him not wearing his bee hood was a surprising showing of depth from him.
9. Athena and Dennis
I’m torn between simping for Athena being a badass and banging my head against the table because she’s abusing her power again. Like, putting that guy in the trunk? Badass? Yes. An abuse of power? Yes.
Also, is it just me or is this kinda like the cartel storyline all over again? idk
The rest of what we get from Athena for the rest of the episode is just set up for the next one, so, uh, honestly not much to say here? I think?
10. What the fuck just happened?
So, I've no real life experiences with the kind of dissociation Buck seems to go through here, but @asraindarkness wrote a super interesting bit about him hearing Eddie's voice in particular here. I really recommend reading through it.
Which leads us to Buck saving Gerrard (or not) from that sawblade. Which...yeah, was pretty cool. Idk, I don't know what to say here, I'm just curious how this leads to the two of them playing golf lmao.
Aaaand that's kind of it. It's a great beginning to the Season, like I said before, and I'm genuinely curious to where this all leads. If you actually read through all this, thank you for experiencing my crazy ramblings lmao.
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sirenium · 2 days
Hello! I saw your post about TMA/TME being another binary and it being intersexist. I genuinely want to understand why you think so because the way I’ve seen it being used wasn’t meant to create another binary. It was just for people who experience transmisogyny to have a term for themselves. It’s not based on your agab or your sex. You don’t have to be (amab) transfem to be tma. Plus, in the spaces I’ve seen it being used, it’s understood that being tme/tma can change. One’s relationship to the term can be complicated. I’ve shared my point of view so if it’s okay, I’d like to understand yours.
I don't know how else to tell you this, but any framework that's essentially oppressed/not oppressed, at least in the way it can easily get used, is eventually going to char intersex people in the desire of perisex (and, let's be honest, widely white) trans people to come out on top in the oppression olympics. even if some people can actually acknowledge us for once, there are others who act like only perisex trans women can be 'TMA' and to hell with everyone else... except those who happen to be 'AMAB'. I've actually seen an intersex person in favor of it admit that it's completely based on what you were born as.
'"...maybe intersex people who were assigned female can be tma" literally NO THEY CAN'T the whole thing about transmisogyny is that it's based around your assigned gender'
that is the direct quote. do you see how this gets intersexist? intersex people assigned female at birth can be affected by transmisogyny, but some people don't want to think so because then their viewpoints explode. you say someone's experiences with TME/TMA can be complicated but I've seen more than enough people water it down to 'AMAB only', so whether or not it was not intended that way in its creation, it is still at risk to be used as a weapon to try to push everyone into gendered and often sex based boxes which, say it with me, hurts intersex people. it happens too much to just be coincidental.
if you want to listen to more intersex people about this, I suggest looking at this post (link) as well as this one (link). I'm tired of perisex trans people acting like us saying anything is such a fucking affront to them (/nay); they cover up their intersexism with cries that the person calling them out on it is simply 'transmisogynistic' and I'm tired of it. We're never listened to and used as a talking point when it suits perisex trans people if ANYTHING, and when we dare have a back bone about blatant intersexism in the trans community, perisex trans people lose their minds because we dared not stay in the shadows while letting the perisex people rule the conversation.
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notes-of-nari · 3 days
Straykids as the Friendly Ghost
BangChan/Lee Know/Changbin/Han/Felix/Seungmin /I.N
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the moment you enter the new house you notice him, hanging dangerously from the little chandelier making you wonder how the hell he even got up there until he introduces himself as the residential ghost of your house.
1 - you are too broke to move any where else 2- he is not scary 3- maybe you could befriend him?
the first few days are a bit hard for you to get used to but soon you don't mind having this ghost chilling on your sofa
well everything is fine, you strike up a friendship with him everything is good…well maybe except when he gets overly dramatic about your choices. Milk first in the bowl before cereal? Atrocious you are going to hell. Vegemite for breakfast? How the hell do you eat it?
You wake up one day to find him seated on a chair drawing something. You sneak behind him and peer at his drawing making him scream and fall out of the chair.
You continuously bother him until he finally shows you his sketches and art. You are mesmerized. Shyly smiles when you say that his art deserves to be in a museum.
You find that it is oddly calming to watch him draw. So it soon becomes your habit to sit next to him as he paints.
Sometimes when he is in a good mood he would entertain you with a silly dance
he listens when you go on about your crush, and even gives you relationship advice?
but gives the bombastic side eye when you show him a picture of your crush.
Screams like someone is killing him (oh well) only for you to find that he has scratched his hand a little
Judges your neighbors while chilling on the balcony
Who else to discuss the neighborhood tea with than hyunjin? You end up getting his habit. And soon you both become the judging others duo. Good for him that no one other than you can see his judgmental expressions however everyone can see yours, so there might be a little rumors going around that you are rude.
Randomly appears through the walls screaming "hey bestie guess what I heard???" and spills the hottest tea to ever reach your ears.
One day a ghost appears at your door wielding a pan in his hand demanding you to reveal the place hyunjin is hiding. "uhh what why?" Suddenly your nosy neighbor appears to inquire about something and the pan wielding ghost disappears.
"Phew I totally hated that woman, but now oh my goodness I am so thankful to her" Hyunjin says. "I nearly got goosebumps" He says as he jumps on to your sofa before rolling down dramatically. "what do you think I should gift her with in return?" he inquires turning at you while you stare at him in confusion.
"Damn Hyunjin why are you literally sleeping and laying down at random places in this house at random times?" "What else do you expect a dead old man to do?" "damn bro I am pretty sure that you aren't that old" "perhaps could be tho.." he winks and disappears.
Gifts you with a flower bouquet and a drawing on your birthday.
As your friendship grows you both playfully annoy each other a lot but also laugh a lot.
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observeowl · 3 days
Second Chance | Chapter 10 - How Things Have Changed
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You realised you have been focusing a lot on sports the past week and decided to focus more on your studies this time. A mini test was coming up, and while you were confident that it was going to be alright, you strove to get a 100% this time. Participating, asking more questions, and making yourself known to the professors. 
Andrew has been meeting you at the group study room as you needed his part of the credit to book the room. You felt bad that you used his credits and weren’t speaking much to him, even in close proximity, since you were focused on studying. Hence, after packing up, you tried talking to him about basketball or things we were interested in. He told you about the game he won and how excited he was being closer to the final game. You told him about your competition next week, and if you did well enough, you’d make it to the next day. 
You got a leave of absence in your first life because the test was on the same day as your competition. However, this time, you were prepared enough to let Clint handle the registration on your behalf and take an Uber there immediately after. Missing this test meant that the 10% gets transferred to the next one, and it would be a lot harder to get the A you desired. 
As you rushed out of the classroom, carrying your heavy ass bow bag, you ran into Natasha, literally knocking her fully filled water bottle off her hand. “Who the hell-, Y/N?” She bends down to pick up her bottle, preventing more from spilling onto the floor. “Aren’t you supposed to be in competition?” 
“I- I was just taking my test and about to head there now.” You didn’t really stay longer to talk to her. 
“I can drive you there. I was planning to go and cheer on Clint anyway.” She offered. “He gave me the competition details. Your session starts in an hour and a half, right?” You looked at Natasha, unsure of her intentions. 
“I guess so. Don’t you have class?” You took her offer, not wanting to be late and threw your game off. 
“You know I don’t need those classes to ace my test, Y/N.” 
Natasha brought you to her car and helped place your bag in the trunk. Once you got in, she immediately started the drive there. 
“How is it with Andrew?” She asked.
“It’s going good. I never thought I’d be with someone I met at a party.” You admitted instead of giving some kind of snarky remark. It’s time to let it go and be civil with her, it’s no one’s fault that both of you landed in this position. “What about you and Maria?” 
She’s not like you. Natasha wanted to say. “It’s good too. It’s definitely easier when both are in the same course. I just started on my first group project with her. That’s better than with Clint. He needs to learn how to pull his weight.” Clint wasn’t the type to aim for the stars, but he knew what satisfied him. He just wants to live comfortably with whoever he ends up with. 
“It’s nice that this life turned out better for the both of us.” 
“You should get some rest. There is still a while to go. Relax your muscles.” The same thing she used to say when she brought you to another competition when you were with her. 
You would love to say you don’t conform under peer pressure, but when Camellia and Diana were going on a group blind date with the rest of her friends and invited you, you joined them despite wanting to binge-watch clips on YouTube. It turned out to be the best and worst decision of your lifetime. 
You didn’t expect Nat to be there, though she didn’t seem like she wanted to be there either. She was the only one in her group who still had yet to date, and Sam saw the group blind date in one of his random broadcast groups (he used it to get the best deals) and urged Nat to go. He figured that if she really hated it, she could blend into the surroundings, and people won’t notice her. But you did. She was the first thing you noticed you walked in. 
You thanked your god and friends when you entered the restaurant that deviated from your usual routine. Everyone matched with themselves, and you sat opposite Nat for the first time. It was up to you to initiate and lead the conversation because she looked uninterested. You were nervous and afraid you were going to say the wrong thing, but whatever you did clearly made her notice you more as she began talking to you more in school and eventually started asking you out. Nat really puts in her all when she wants to get it. 
“We’re here.” Natasha informed you as she pulled up to the drop-off point. You thought she was going to stay in the car, but she came out and took the bag for you. “Good luck, all the best.” 
“Thank you.” You took your bag from her and made your way up to the hall. 
On the way, you met a few of your group mates and began setting your bow up in the holding room as Clint gave you your paper that showed which lane you were shooting. “Natasha’s here, by the way. I think she should be coming up soon.” 
“Oh? You met her on the way here?” 
“No, she drove me here, actually. I knocked into her in school.” 
“Well, hurry up and do your warm-up. Your session should start soon.” He helped you to bring your bow into the hall as you started your stretches. Kate had already shot in the morning, as she was in the intermediate section while you were in the novice section. She had already shot the triple face target, while you were only shooting the 20cm target.
You were just in time as you stepped into the hall when they announced for the players to get ready. Clint and your friends were there for you, ready to tell you where your shots landed. Andrew wanted to come too, but you told him there was really no point when you were only going to be shooting for around one and a half hours. You’ve done this before, where you went to cheer them on, and it was the most tiring thing ever, having nothing to do. Granted, you were there for twelve hours. 
“Relax, just do what you normally do in training, and you’ll be good.” Clint reassured you. Today was the scoring round, where everyone shoots, and the top 16 would qualify for the bracket. You did everything you’d do during training, even pressing the handheld counter, even though you didn’t need to know how many arrows you had shot. You just needed to be in the same mindset in your comfortable space. 
Time flew when you were shooting, and the hour passed before you knew it. Now the only thing was to cheer the rest of them on and wait for your result. You scored 223 out of 300, so there was a high chance you’d make it in. 
“I really think you have a high chance of winning this competition if you keep this up.” My hands flew to my chest when I heard Natasha’s voice come out of nowhere, scaring me. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you.”
“It’s alright.” You shook your head. “I thought you were going to be at Clint’s lane by now.” 
“I am. Would you want to go together?” You couldn’t wrap your head around Natasha’s actions and how she presented herself, but you didn’t want to probe. 
Your vice-captain, Alexandra, was helping Clint sight his arrows. And you were behind the line cheering him on each time he scored a time, so… basically all the time. He was probably the only one to score 10s consistently. You kinda feel bad for other men in this competition. 
When the day finally ended around 8 pm, you hitched a ride back with your friends who stayed near you. Thankfully, everyone in the team made it to the next round, and it would be an interesting day tomorrow. 
Despite telling Andrew to reach after 10 am because there would be nothing for him to do before that, he came with the rest at 8 am. Thankfully, most members knew him from the training camp and came to talk to him, so he didn’t feel as bored. They tried to include him as best they could and told him roughly how things were going to go for the day. 
As the time ticked closer to 10 am, you started getting more anxious. This was different from the scoring round, you actually have a chance to win at this thing. You were part of the Top 16. Winning three rounds guarantees you a medal, and four for a gold medal. You told yourself to calm down, there was still roughly an hour before it was your turn. But your heart refused to listen, instead insisting on beating quickly.
You started to lose awareness of your surroundings and knew you needed to sit down before you collapsed to the floor. 
“I got you.” Suddenly a pair of arms hugged you from behind, bringing you back to reality. 
The pressure helped a lot, and you needed more of it. “Tighter… more…” The person complied, hugging you tighter and using their entire body to enclose you. 
“Just breathe.” She started taking more exaggerated deep breaths. “In… out… in… out…” 
With her help, you managed to ground yourself once again. She was unmistakably Natasha. 
Once your senses were more in control, you could smell the same perfume you have smelled for many years. “Th-thank you.” 
“No problem.” 
“Right.” Natasha removed her arms from you. “Sorry. They are calling for you. You should probably head over there soon before they disqualify you.” You moved quickly and just in time before the crew came over to your lane. Clint and the rest had brought your equipment over, so you were set to shoot. 
“Where have you been?” Clint silently asked. “I thought you were going to miss it.”
You placed a hand on your heart and told it to calm down as you tried to get into the zone. With the second beep, you began loading an arrow and started aiming at the target. 
“Six.” Reported Clint. Not the worst, but definitely not good enough at this stage. You loaded another arrow after adjusting your sight, but you still landed another six. “Come on, you can do it!” The last arrow hit a seven, but your opponent was mostly hitting eights and nines, which gave the points for this set. 
Two points for every win, one point for a draw and the first to six wins. This can end as quickly as three sets, and it’s starting to get to you again. You couldn’t internalise anything Clint was trying to explain or correct your form. You just nodded to everything, even until you collected your arrows. 
“Y/N!” Natasha’s voice always seemed to manage to rise above the rest. “Just remember your routine. Do everything you would do during training.” You stared at her before making your way to the line once again. Even when the beep sounded, you stood there with your bow unmoving. The timer ticked, and everyone was looking amongst themselves, not knowing your intention. 
You knew you had a relatively fast release and could afford to take the time to regulate. After taking a final deep breath, you tilted your head to the right angle before picking up your bow and releasing it quickly. You didn’t even wait for Clint’s words before loading an arrow again and again. You only had one second to spare by the time the last arrow was shot. 
“10, 10, 10.” Clint said more to the people around him than to you. Naturally, you won this round and were tied, 2-2. “It’s like a switch flipped in her. What is it you said that impacted her so much?”  Natasha shrugged her shoulders before walking away. You carried on with this momentum all the way until the final round with minimal talking and eventually made your way to the top. 
Your battle was half won when your opponent saw how you fared during the competition. Your consistent shooting was not something common in this category. It made her lose focus which became an easy match for you. 
When you won, your teammates and everyone cheered. As you walked back after the crew officially announced who won between you and your teammates. “Thank you. You played a great game as well.” You told your opponent before she went back to her team. 
“Y/N! You did amazing! Two gold medals for our school! Or three since I’m definitely going to win.” Clint said as the rest continued to say a great job. It seems like Kate also won her category while you were panicking outside. 
You thanked them for their support before they started to get ready for the man's category. Everyone cleared the area for the next batch of people. Clint was ready, and all you had to do was cheer each time he shot. You kinda feel bad for the opponents. There aren’t many archery competitions since it’s quite a niche sport, and they all have to compete against Clint since you aren’t allowed to backtrack to a lower category once you’ve competed in the higher one. 
“Well done. I knew you could do it.” Andrew stood next to me and whispered. You smiled at him and went out together to talk better. “It seems like I better fulfil my promise and win my championship too.” 
“Don’t put too much pressure on yourself. Just do your best. You wouldn’t want to hurt yourself in preparation for it.” Basketball could be very dangerous as sportsmen hurt their ankles and knees. 
“Are you celebrating your win with your teammates?” Andrew asked. It seems like he wanted to return the favour. 
Sadly, you shook your head. “They already have other plans. And I much prefer to head home to sleep as well. We’ve been here for 12 hours, after all.” The second day was always more tiring as you needed to take longer rest during the day. 
As people started filtering out, you knew it was time to head it as Clint advanced to the second round. You noticed Natasha wearing the Captain’s lanyard and standing behind the scope. It was weird since Clint didn’t need any assistance of this kind, and he could see the target clearly. That was until you noticed that she was not looking at his target's face but at his opponent. Ever the spy, always wanting to know who she’s facing. 
After the prize ceremony and helping the host to pack up, it was past 9 pm Andrew was willing to send you back home because it would be dangerous for you to walk on the streets alone. 
You thanked him once again for sending you back home as you took your bow bag from his trunk. Standing in front of his car, you spent a silent moment together. Both of you felt like doing something to end the night, but neither had the courage to do so. Sensing the moment was over, he turned to head back inside his car when you kissed him on his cheek.
“Have a safe ride home. Thank you for coming today.” 
@queen-of-chaotic-surprises @esposadejoyhuerta @gemz5 @natsxwife @dyslexic-dreamer @unexpected-character @eternalnight410 @leenasayeed @oh-thats-sad @skz-xii @gay-frogs-dancing-around @justspance
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chaifootsteps · 2 days
Hi hi! It's me, Concerned Anon (Directed to the Anon who had expressed feeling threatened.). The doc I created is NOT meant to harass people. I am fine with regular people in the fandom, it's extended to people like DJ and the like. I scrolled through the Doc and there's nothing of the sorts threatening people to off themselves.
If that's the case, then I would remove it. This is towards Chai as I treat him as a source. I feel like most people assume the Doc has content that's "Extreme as all hell" when in reality my language is only directed at people who commit actual crimes, I am not that extreme with my beliefs and anyone who name drops me on twitter for "threatening behavior" is only spreading false narratives and this ask is meant to clarify some things.
I do not care for the tame side of the fandom, as long as your not doing anything shitty and bad then it's fine by me.
The beginning of the Doc has stated numerous times to not harass others or send any hate. Hence: "If you are reading this with the full intent to harass anyone in the critic community or even outside of, then don’t. Especially if you follow Viv’s work and worship her. This will only further add more to the document and cause more issues than not. This document is meant to inform and educate/help others and make sure that Viv doesn’t get away with anything, as much as you like to not listen to what has been said, just act civilly and don’t act like it’s the end of the world because someone says VivziePop’s writing is bullshit. This will also serve as an open letter of some sorts, a walking, living, reading example of what the fanbase has done, that if VivziePop tries anything, we can show this document. You can still like her work and be critical of it, no one’s forcing you to not like it. "
The end of the Doc has a harsh message to the more "messed up side" as usual, most of us cannot control who comes to who, but we can also tell people to NOT harass others.
I do not intend to spread hate, if anything I am harsh on people like DJ, Dani and the creator.
My blog is not a Critic Space, nor do I intend for it to be that way. People who clarify this post as me being "harsh" hasn't read the full doc and are going off what Fans are saying.
I am simply only harsh to people who harass others for opinions, Dox, send death threats etc. Anything as a result of my Doc is my bad. But it's not in bad faith. I am simply doing my due diligence of cleaning up the Fandom, and if you haven't done anything wrong then I see no point in worrying.
I know this ask targeted to Chai, but this is for everyone whose worried. I am not some crazy "Critic" I am just someone whose Mentally Ill, with several disabilities who have been mistreated by the fandom and keeping archives.
By all accounts I am a normal human being. I just want to post Dragon Ball, not be called someone who wants to "hurt others" (trust me, the last time I did I ended up in the loony bin. I literally had the FBI shown up to my place."
So yeah, Doc isn't meant to sent any harassment, and if there's people doing that, cut that out. I am not dealing with this shit right now, as I already got alot on my hand.
I once again want to apologize if my "posts" causes issues. Not my intentions.
--Cooler's Malewife, Anon
Passing this along even though I have absolutely no idea what doc you're referring to. It sounds fair to people who enjoy the shows though, which is the way it should be.
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visceral-viscera · 1 day
not to poke my head in where it doesn't belong but. i have very little context for the current RW drama- but yall really need to stop acting like everyone who likes the same thing as you is your best friend. and that ALL different opinions are something to be actively shunned and shamed. ive seen like 3 posts that all boil down to "fandom bad it ruins the game for me im gonna leave" and people getting the weirdest anon hate, and its so confusing to me. Block the people who are weird (in your opinion,) and try not to make everyone in the fandom your bestie.
Note: never join a fandom discord expecting to make a bunch of live long friends. they almost always end up this way. if you are in a room with people who literally just have the same POPULAR game in common, there's gonna be people you dislike. and people who do bad shit.
And for the love of god- this is more general- take words like "zoo," "proship," "groomer" ect out of your mouth and just say what exactly they actually did/support. trying to figure out what the hell yall are talking about whenever this stuff comes up is impossible, because some people think its "proship" to write a fic where the adult characters are mean to each other, people think ALL anthro nsfw is zoophilia (including??? literally just adults doing it in suits?? you can think its weird but if it isnt hurting any real animals please just block and move on.), and that a 19 year old dating a 17 year old is grooming. (NOT examples i saw in the tag but ones ive heard in other places).
don't take this shit so seriously. the internet is full of creeps. yes even your favorite game that used to be niche back in the day. dont write "call out" posts. dont REBLOG callout posts. its so fucking easy to just change your identity online, all it does is spread fear and confusion and infighting. if someone you like is interacting with someone you know is a POS, just send them an ask or PM. and respect if they choose to continue interacting! maybe block them if they do! if you HAVE to let the wider fandom know- please just put factual info. do not buff it out with random shit or god forbid fabricated shit. put the info out there, clearly, without inflammatory/reactionary language, and trust that people who care will block as needed.
free yourself from the chains of "the fandom is mean/bad." start ignoring people. stop giving a shit what other people think. do not send anon hate. be free. god bless.
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noturlondonboy · 1 day
An open letter to Kevin Fiege
Note: please do not take this too seriously chat, I was assigned with writing an open letter for my English class, and I decided I needed to diss on Kevin to my English professor for a little while.
Dear Kevin Fiegi, (I know I spelled your name wrong, it is intentional.)
I’d just like to start off with a very sincere screw you. And if this wasn’t a school assignment that my professor is going to read, I would be using some choosier words.
Second, kindly go to Hell. Emily, my apologies. Moving on.
Let’s start with one of the most glaringly obvious problems you created and let happen in the MCU- the confusing and unnecessary death of Natalia Alianova Romanova, otherwise known as Natasha Romanoff, the Black Widow.
I can understand Natasha insisting that she be the one to sacrifice herself instead of Clint- it fits her character archetype and offers a solid way for her character to die with dignity. If it weren’t such a stupid idea to kill her off in the first place.
Might I offer an alternative to keeping one of the arguably most important characters in the Marvel Universe dead in the cinematic adaptations? Did we even think about Tony Stark bringing her back with the Infinity Gauntlet when he revived half the world’s population? Did we consider at all that maybe when Steve Rogers made the (horrible) decision to stay behind in the 40’s, he could have warned the team about the dangers in Endgame? Maybe he could have prevented the Snap in the first place.
Maybe, maybe, maybe… so many options, and yet, here we are, onto Phase 5 of the MCU and Natasha Romanoff-less.
More on Steve in a second.
Natasha’s death felt unnecessary, shallow, and forced in order to create a narrative with enough drama and angst to soothe the most particular crowds. While we already had very few strong, main female characters, the loss of the Black Widow only adds the problematic misogyny in the MCU. This is aided by the fact that we received only one Black Widow movie (after she had canonically died, mind you) and have three Iron Man movies, four Thor movies, and three Captain America movies with a fourth on the way.
I’m sensing a pattern here, Kevin. A pattern I do not like.
If we wanted to stay on the topic related to misogyny, we could talk about Wanda Maximoff, and the injustice served to her character in Dr. Strange and the Multiverse of Madness. The show Wandavision gave us a beautiful narrative of how Wanda reacted to her immeasurable grief, and wove together an exciting story that provided us with intriguing lore and storyline options. However, in the absolute dookie bomb of Multiverse of Madness, almost every single point of conflict and character development that Wanda experienced was completely trashed and ignored in favor of turning her into a villain for the sake of villainy.
A terrible reason, by the way. Literally what the hell. Kevin. I am so incredibly upset with you.
Back to Steve Rogers, as promised.
Steve in himself is an incredibly in-depth character that absolutely lives up to the hype. He’s Captain-freaking-America. His actions are purposeful, his morals and strong and set in doing what is right, not what is expected. *cough cough* When Steve decided to stay in the 40’s when returning the Infinity Stones, he disrupted several important plot points. In Agent Carter, Peggy Carter moves on from Steve when he’s lost to the ice and finds love and peace and happiness with someone else. Steve ultimately steals back her affection from that life she had built for herself, and the importance she completed in her life with that man.
Have you ever watched Agent Carter, Kevin? Have you read any of the comics that you’re adapting for the screen? Have you seen the movies? The shows? Do you understand the plot lines you’re supposedly in charge of?
Secondly, we cannot forget about Bucky Barnes, even though Steve most certainly did. Remember Bucky, Kevin? Remember Steve’s best and closest friend? The man he promised to always stick with, “to the end of the line”?
No, Kevin. Clearly, you do not remember. Steve absconding Bucky was entirely out of character and makes no sense. What are we even doing here?
Thank you, but no thank you, Kevin. Please hand the MCU reigns over to someone who actually cares about the characters and what the fans want (in a reasonable sense.)
-London, aka the one you should hand them to.
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allmyworth · 2 days
Honestly, if I was Boboiboy during the original BoBoiBoy series where Halilintar was first manifested- I would've broke down sobbing.
It's pretty much confirmed that Boboiboy has a fear of balloons, and as seen in the episode- balloons popping.
I couldn't imagine being strapped down, then proceeded to have balloons popped right in front of my face. (As someone with the same fear.) Truly, I commend Boboiboy for not crying by that point.
God, especially the fact he was strapped down. If I was placed in environment filled with balloons, and other people purposely popping them, I would've clamped my hands over my ears and just shrink into a shaking ball.
I know that scene was just supposed to be like- comedic? If that even is the right word? But each time I think about that episode, and specifically that scene, I just get a weird feeling in my chest. A no-good one.
And it just makes me all the more surprised by the sheer kindness and forgiveness Boboiboy gave at the fact he- not only forgave adu du, but befriended him for a short while as well.
It's like mindboggling. That guy literally tortured you?? And you don't despise him?? Question mark??
And this whole thing just makes me more sad because I've seen so many people and artists use this as a funny gag. And I get it- It's a cartoon.
But still! Each time I consume media where they have one of the TTM or Solar poke fun at the fact Halilintar is scared of balloons, it just doesn't sit right. Like, do they know they're making fun of their own user? Since Halilintar gained that fear because Boboiboy has that fear?
Besides that, it was probably traumatic as hell. Leave my little guys alone:(
If I'm being honest, I just wanted to hug him each time I remember that scene. Poor guy. The phobia might seem irrational to some people, but one must acknowledge that it's not in that person's control, right? They're not choosing to be scared, yet each time I see the whole 'balloon-phobia' joke, they make it seem like it was a choice.
I would love to read a fic, or a small comic, or really anything!- Where they treat it like an actual phobia.
Yeah, maybe I'm getting too pressed over nothing. But hey, this is my two cents.
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