#knk one shot
harapeveco · 17 days
I wonder if writing 52 fics about one specific piece of media and nothing else counts as a sign of insanity
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the-box-of-mine · 7 months
Soo I did read the headlines of vol 4 of int chapters. Wth is this???
It's like a breakup arc smth💀💀
Aaaghh I hate the fact that I can't read Japanese, I didn't even read vol 3 lol.
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There's that theory that the dragon rampage in int mv is because of shiratama's breakdown. She had depression sights already. Especially when she's alone. But when she meets tobi these thoughts fade away, like here.
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I assume that tobi is her closest friend.
Since, even when she was sick and in the nursery of the school, no one really checked her except tobi and monika in vol 2. She is good with socialising with people but she puts barriers between her and others.
Knowing the fact that her homelife is not really good. And tobi (her best friend/ crush) is gonna separate from her in vol 3 (ironically the only thing i know would happen in vol 3).
I thought that her depressive thoughts would get the best of her. But after I read vol 4 headlines, TOBI (MAYBE) HURT HER?????? THIS IS ×10000 WORSE MAN.
(I'll cut you off) (my ways of eating) (LOVE IS LUST)💀💀💀💀
I know I shouldn't really judge from the headlines only, but this is the only thing that it gives.
Like tobi really pulled a (seki) card to us, no dna test needed🤣💀
Or maybe his obsession with hunger got the best of him, so he hurt shiratama and ate chinu, got to his scenes after and realized what he had done. I think this is the most accurate one. Especially after the last chapter of int manga💀💀.
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The guilt he must have felt.
It gets worse the more I think abt it 😔.
Something I noticed in knk is the fact that baku barley talks in knk, he doesn't have many interactions with Rei or other characters, yeah he just says sometimes (I'M BAKU SAMA!!) or whatever. But he seems not interested in talking with rei, I give a shot that after what happened with and shiratama and chinu he decided that he won't make connection with other humans soo if he gets to the point of eating their zingai ,it wouldn't hurt like shiratama's incident.
Anyway, this is my theory for what happened, until the volume gets translated or I learn Japanese or manga get there I won't know what happened lmao.
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disasterman-snz · 2 years
Sick Steve with knk Eddie fic? Steve has the messiest head cold and is trying to not sneeze on Eddie but Eddie is finally just like “please just do it. For your sake and mine”
Okay!! So here’s a quick little thing I wrote for this! Tysm for the asks those who sent them, I’m gonna do my best to get to them quickly :) 
CW for mess and a little bit? of NSFW, but nothing too crazy I don’t think. 
I hope you like this anon! It’s my first attempt at writing Steve so I did my best.
Eddie runs his fingers through Steve’s hair gently as his boyfriend rests his head on his chest. They’re cuddling on Steve’s couch, watching a movie neither of them are really paying attention to. 
 Steve snuffles, reaching up to knuckle roughly at his nose, and Eddie tuts at him softly. 
 His poor Stevie has a terrible cold, and watching how he treats himself while sick, Eddie honestly isn’t sure how he ever took care of himself on his own.
 “Don’t be so rough with yourself Stevie,” he chastises, reaching for the tissue box he’s got next to him on the couch to grab a few. 
 “Here, let me,” he takes one hand and moves Steve’s rough hands away, going to tend to his nose with the soft tissues. 
 Steve makes a low noise and turns away, “Eddie, you dod’t have to do thad, ‘m all gross,” his voice is small and congested as he reaches up and takes the tissues from Eddie’s hands, using them to wipe at his own nose. 
 Eddie sighs, “I know I don’t have to” he shakes his head, “I want to take care of you Stevie,” he assures softly. 
 If only Steve knew how true that really was. 
 Eddie knows it’s weird, but seeing Steve all sick like this is unbearably attractive. Every sniffle is like a shot to his heart, and every sneeze… god his sneezes. 
 Eddie just wishes he would let them out more, but Steve is so embarrassed he always does his best to hold them off, and when that fails, he tamps them down.  
 Steve huffs, but doesn’t respond to Eddie, just scrubs at his nose with the tissues and adds them to the growing pile of used tissues. 
 “Snnff… SNnnddff” Steve sniffles thickly, tensing against Eddie. 
 Eddie watches carefully as his nose flares, moisture gathering around his nostrils and under his lips even though Steve just cleaned himself up. 
 He wishes Steve would just let him reach forward and tend to his nose for him. 
 “Haahh..snnNFF hhhhhh” Steve’s nostrils flare desperately. He reaches up and uses his thumb to massage the underside of his nose, which just makes it flare even wider. His breath hitches wildly in a way that sends shivers up Eddie’s spine. 
 “Just let them out Stevie,” he insists, but Steve just shakes his head. 
 “Hhh-Hheh….” Steve’s face scrunches up with anticipation for the sneeze, “n-no.. nohtt.. Hhh not now-hhuhhh” he begs under his breath uselessly, his eyes shuttering closed against his will. 
 Eddie can tell there’s no avoiding the sneezes now, no matter how much Steve may want to, and he watches rapty as Steve’s big, beautiful nose crinkles up. 
 At the very last moment, Steve tenses and clamps his fingers around his nose, turning away from Eddie as much as possible. 
 “hEh’GXTt’SCHHh… hhh…HehHH- ehHSH’NGXxt’ShuHh!!!...” the stifles sound painful and wet, and Steve gasps for breath even as his shoulders shake, his nose already gearing up for another “HEHh… ‘m guhh.. gonna-hh… hHahh’EhKTCHHNhhuh…” The last one is wrenched from him, and shakes his entire body against Eddie. 
 Steve opens his eyes blearily, and wipes at his nose desperately. Eddie can see that his hand is damp, and his nostrils are streaming.  
 Steve sniffles helplessly “snnnNDfff” and wipes his hands pathetically on his pants, grimacing at the action before he turns back to look at Eddie. 
 “‘Scuse me,” he mumbles, and Eddie brushes his hair from his face, leaning down to press a kiss to the top of his head. 
 “Bless you love,” he kisses him again, “You’ll feel better if you just let them out Stevie,” he begs softly. 
 Steve just shakes his head, “I’b already gross e’dough Eds.” 
 Eddie’s chest clenches at that. 
 “Oh Stevie,” he kisses the top of his head again, “You aren’t gross, you’re so pretty like this.” 
 Steve shoots him a disbelieving look, snuffling thickly again. The sound is soupy and doesn’t help with his running nose, leaving Steve to try to mop up the mess with his sleeve. 
 “You are,” Eddie insists, “If you weren’t so miserable, I would love seeing you like this,” he admits, reaching for a handful of tissues. 
 Steve looks at him with confusion, but Eddie just reaches forward with the tissues and wipes softly at Steve’s nose. 
 “Go ahead and blow for me baby.” 
 Steve looks at him hesitantly, but Eddie just shoots him a look. 
 “Don’t pretend like you don’t need to,” he teases, and Steve flushes to the tips of his ears. 
 He does blow softly into the tissues though, clearly hesitant to do so. He tries to pull back after a quick little blow that Eddie knows did absolutely nothing in the face of the wet cold in Steve’s nose. 
 Eddie shakes his head, “I don’t think so big boy,” he grabs a few more tissues and presses them to Steve’s nose, “Come on, you’ll feel better if you get some of that gunk out of your head.” 
 Steve hesitates for a moment, but in the face of Eddie’s stubbornness, he sighs and blows again, harder this time. 
 It sounds more productive and wet, and Eddie can feel the moisture through the tissues on his fingers, which makes him shiver with desire. 
 He’s about to pull the tissues away, when he feels Steve’s breath catch, his nostrils quivering helplessly under the tissues. 
 “Ehh- hhih.. Eddie-hh! I- I’m guhhh! hHh!” Steve tries to warn, but Eddie just holds the tissues there to catch his mess. 
 “Let them out,” he insists, and Steve shoots him one last desperate look through rapidly blinking eyes before he completely loses himself to the impending tickle. 
 “Hh- hEhhihh… HUHH’uhMpttSSHHUh!! Hh-HEhhehh!!-HeHHH’EkttTDDSHH’UHh!!! hh-HHAhh… hhAHh’TSCCHhEww!!!- HUHhhTSCChheWW!!” 
 With each forceful sneeze, Eddie can feel the tissues get more and more soaked. The sneezes tear through the thin fabric, until Eddie can feel nearly the full force of the sneezes against his hand, the tissues completely useless in the face of Steve’s wet sneezes. 
 As the fit tapers off, Eddie throws the tattered tissues aside and grabs a few new ones. 
Steve flinches away from him though, shaking his head, “‘m sorry, thad was disgusding,” he whimpers, coughing wetly under his breath. 
 Eddie shushes him, “Steve, that was the hottest thing I’ve ever seen,” he’s a little nervous to admit to his kink, but in the face of Steve’s wide, sad eyes, he really has no choice. 
 Eddie laughs at Steve’s baffled expression, wrapping his arms around his poor sick boyfriend, “Your sneezes Stevie. I think they’re hot. Very hot even. Not gross at all.” 
 Steve gives him a disbelieving look, “My sneezes?”
 Eddie nods, and Steve blinks at him. 
 “You don’t think it’s weird, do you?” Eddie can’t help but ask, unsettled by Steve’s lack of a reaction. 
 Steve shakes his head, then pauses and laughs, “Well, id’s a liddle weird, bud you’re Eddie Mu’dson so whad’s new,” he sniffles thickly, “I don’t mind or adythi’g though,” he looks up at Eddie. 
 “If you really likge it thed… I guess I’ll try to let theb out?” 
 Eddie nods eagerly, “Please do Stevie, for your sake and mine.” 
 Steve flushes, but nods. 
 This time when Eddie goes to wipe up the mess under Steve’s nose up, Steve hesitantly lets him, and Eddie licks his lips as he does so. 
 “snnNff.. SnnRRfff” Steve sniffles as he finishes up, and Eddie can’t help but reach out and brush his finger lightly against Steve’s nose, which flares wildly underneath his touch. 
 He’s so sensitive when he’s sick like this, and Eddie relishes the feeling of teasing him, brushing his fingers along Steve’s flaring nostrils. 
 “Ehhddie.. Why’d you-Hh… do thahh..Hhhhh..hHAhh.. Heihh-ehhehh…” Steve loses his trail of thought, patting around for a tissue to use as his breath hitches with another building fit of sneezes. 
Eddie shakes his head, “Will you sneeze on me Stevie?” he practically begs, his cock twitching in his pants. 
 Steve looks at him, a little hesitant, but he nods, having little other choice. 
 He shifts to press his twitching nose against Eddie’s chest, and Eddie can feel how it flares through his shirt. 
 “hEHH.. HHahhh…” Steve tenses before shuddering into Eddie, “HEh’SCChh! Uhh.. Hh.. HEPP’TSCHHhUh!” The sneezes are wet, soaking through Eddie’s shirt so he can feel the dampness on his skin. 
 “Nghh.. Oh gohhd… HAhHTSSCHH!- EISCChhHIEWW… hh.. HH..snfsnff sndDFF hh- HHUHhSCHHiiEWW!” Steve shakes against Eddie, helpless against his cold. 
 “Bless you,” Eddie says softly, as Steve looks up at him with wide eyes. 
“Was that okay?” Steve asks. His face burns red, and he clearly feels unsure of himself, “That wasn’t too much?” 
 Eddie nods, “It was more than okay love,” he assures, running a hand along Steve’s shoulder “and I bet you feel better now that you got all that out?” 
 Steve nods, leaning back against Eddie’s chest, relaxed again. 
“I’m glad baby,” Eddie smiles, going back to petting Steve’s hair.
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boysplanetrecaps · 7 months
Build Up, Episode 5: First Eliminations
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Welcome back to the recap series that’s never early: BPR Recaps MNET’s Build Up! In the previous one, we covered the four performances that MNET chose not to cover. In this one, we’ll cover the elimination that took place in the middle of episode 5 and give some love to the ten eliminated contestants. Let's do it!
Here we see all our candidates for elimination. 
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Top row: Donghyun, Sunyoul; Neon, Seunghwan from CIX; Bitsaeon from M.O.N.T., Jay; Seokhwa from WEi, Woong from AB6IX; Kim Sungjung the musical actor and Lee Gwangseok the freelance model.
Bottom row: Hong Sungjeong, Kim Seohyung; Taehwan from Vanner and Hong Sungwon; Trainee Park Joohee and Kwon Euibin; KNK’s Jeong Inseong and FAVE1’s Hyukjin; and Hwanhee from Up10tion and soldier Jo Hwanji.
The other 20 are safe. 
Of those twenty, if I could keep 10, I’d keep:
Bitsaeon from M.O.N.T.
Woong from AB6IX
Taehwan from Vanner
Hong Sungwon
Kwon Euibin
Jeong Inseong from KNK
Lee Hwanhee from Up10tion
Kim Seohyung
I don’t like having to choose though, and my heart would want to keep all of them. But those are the ten I’d pick if push came to shove. I’d especially feel sad about losing Donghun, Sunyoul, Seokhwa, and Hyukjin, because I’m worried about Donghun’s mental health, because Sunyoul and Seokhwa are super lovable dudes, and because Hyukjin’s path as an idol is extremely heartbreaking. But I just chose based on whose singing I want to hear again the most. 
So, this whole time, I’ve been wondering, how will the surviving 10 be chosen from those 20? I assumed that the fan voting would matter in some way, but nope, apparently, it’s the judges. Yeesh. Why is voting happening again, then? 
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VCG, who is apparently the head judge, says that they’ve taken the situation seriously and discussed it carefully amongst themselves before they made a decision. Well, I should hope so.
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The first survivor is someone who the judges say has an unfairly good voice, a different vibe, and a nice physique. That’s obviously Jay.
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Everyone is just like, well, yeah, obviously. It would be pretty unfair if Jay was sent home after that performance, especially when his team outscored every other team except for the team they went up against.
Jay interviews, “I showed that I can sing pop music well, but next time I want to show them proper Korean style singing.” I mean, if you must.
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Correctly, the judges also save Neon and Bitsaeon, both of whom did really well. And I’m not that mad that they also save Seunghun from CIX, especially since the fan vote for him is strong. But I'd have saved someone else when there are limited spots.
Bitsaeon interviews, “It wasn’t just Jay – I thought I also showed something in that performance.” You did, Bit, don't worry. Jay interviews that Bitsaeon also being chosen to survive lifted a weight off his shoulders. 
The next person they’re going to save is someone who made a mistake, but Solar says that the judges wanted to hear his voice again anyway. They tease us that it might be Seokhwa...
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... but of course it isn't. Who else could it be but wild horse Lee Gwangseok? I just knew the judges would save him. They also save Park Joohee, despite his crying moment. 
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Musical actor and Best Sweater winner Hong Sungwon interviews that as the names are being called (and his isn’t,) he feels like he’s being shot. “One person, bang. Second person, bang.”
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The next two people the judges are saving are (1) someone with a unique voice and (2) someone else with a pretty low-pitched voice: Sunyoul and Kim Seohyung. I can’t be mad at them saving Sunyoul, as he also has a great voice and I find him particularly lovable. And I had Seohyung on my list too, so again, decent choice. 
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Neither of them can believe it.
Sunyoul interviews that it’s hard to be happy since Donghun’s name hasn’t been called. (No loyalty to Hwanhee? I don't notice the two of them interacting much.)  But then the ninth name is called, and it’s Donghun! Again, I’m not mad at it – Donghun also has a great voice.
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As for the tenth survivor, they say it’s someone who hasn’t shown his talent yet, so they’ve decided to give him another chance. We see the judges discussing it, and Solar says, “Regardless of the skill level, there are people who attract the audience.” Oh, so we’re picking an idol, I guess? VCG wonders what would happen if this person teamed up with a different guy? (Throughout, the translation says “friend” because they’re saying “chingoo”, but a better translation would be “guy” instead of "friend".)
And I mean, it’s obviously Woong. For one thing, the previews have shown him in the next portion of the show, and for another, the description fits really well – a popular idol who has more talent than what he’s shown and should be teamed up with different people. And sure enough, they call Woong. 
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I'm glad, because I actually really like Woong's singing voice a lot and agree with the judges that he hasn't really shown it yet. He bows to everyone and vows to do his best.
So, here are the ten survivors.
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So, the ten eliminated guys are still great vocalists and took the time to be on your show and do their best, so obviously the least MNET could do is give them a chance to give a brief goodbye speech.
Oh, wait, sorry, I'm getting word that... no. No, MNET is not doing that. No, instead they've decided to... what's that? oh yes, I understand now. They're just going to NEVER SHOW THE OTHER TEN GUYS EVER AGAIN.
So we lost Seokhwa, our leaping lizard Kim Seongjeong, Hong Seongjun from BDC, smiley Taehwan from Vanner, Hong Sungwon of the ombre blue sweater, Kwon Euibin, Jeong Inseong from KNK, Hyukjin from Fave1, Lee Hwanhee from Up10tion, and Jo Hwanji the soldier.
Ok, let’s talk some math for a bit. A few “ifs” to explore…
they had just chosen the top fifteen teams based on scores, rather than having this rivalry thing, then the ten eliminated candidates would have been (and I’ll put the ones who didn’t really get eliminated in bold):
Lim Junhyeok and Yeo One
Taehwan from Vanner and Sungwon of the blue sweater
Hyukjin and Inseong
Hwanhee and Hwanji
Seokhwa and Woong 
This would have meant keeping the following guys who we didn’t actually get to keep:
Kim Seongjung, the leaping lizard
Hong Seongjun from BDC
Kwon Euibin
I would have been sad to lose Woong, but it would have been worth it to keep Kwon Euibin, and I think both Kim Seongjung and Hong Seongjun are stronger singers than either Lim Junhyeok or Yeo One. 
they had decided the rounds based on average score, throwing out one high score and one low score, then Taehwan and Sungwon would have won their round. (All other results would have been the same.) 
Team Hwan-hee-ji had challenged Seokhwa and Woong, and the maknae had gone up against Sanghyun and Taewoo, then team Hwanheeji would have won and the maknae would have lost. 
Ok, that's enough "ifs" for now.
It’s a bummer that any of them have to go home. It’s especially galling that Inseong, Hyukjin, Hwanhee, and Jo Hwanji not only get sent home like this, but also didn’t get to have their performance really shown. I hope that the experience of being on the show was ok for all of them, and that every one of them finds a nice soft place to land. And let’s all try to support them in whatever they do next, ok?
I’m really going to miss Taehwan’s smile, but luckily I can watch Vanner MVs any time I want. Here is Vanner performing Adore U (my favorite song by Seventeen) live in Busan. Their mics are ON. 
If you’d like to give Hyukjin a stream, his group’s latest single has only 4,733 views at time of writing. The video was shot on (I assume) an Iphone 5, at a warehouse near a train station (I assume). Let’s all give him a stream or two, ok? If everyone who reads my recaps watches their video, we could get that total up to maybe 4,740 or something. That’d be awesome! And here's Hyukjin's Instagram.
If you want to check out KNK to support Inseong, here's the song of theirs I remember hearing a few times in the past -- Sunset. It's full on house music, if you like that kind of thing. I do.
If you want to check out BDC to support Hong Seongjun -- I mean, the group is basically disbanded (I think they might still perform in Japan?) but he might get residuals -- my favorite song of theirs is Moon Rider.
If you want to check out WEi to support Seokhwa, my favorite song of theirs is Spray.
If you want to check out Up10tion, I will again say that I really like their song Spin Off. And here is Hwanhee's instagram -- at least, I think it's his. It has a blue check.
Here's a performance of Kwon Euibin on a previous show. He talks 10x more on this show than he does on Build Up. Turns out he used to be a baseball player, but he kept getting injured and got interested in music while he was rehabbing.  Then he sings Tomboy by Hyukoh, the same song that was done in the Pre-4 mission round of Build Up. He sounds great! And here's his Instagram, teasing an upcoming single.
Here's a performance of Jo Hwanji singing a year ago or so. He's wearing a military outfit here too, and singing to a group of soldiers. His MyDrama List page has this photo of him with longer hair, which blows my mind for some reason.
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I found what I think is his Spotify page if you want to check it out.
Kim Sungjung and Hong Sungwon are both musical actors, meaning that they perform in live theater in Korea, and I couldn't find any social media or anything for them. If you find some, let me know!
So, that's it for now. In the next one, I'm going to award some BRAPPIES! Something to look forward to. See you soon!
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kpopmylive · 2 years
Kpop Boy Groups:
1/N (Rock band)
2Z (Rock band)
3RACHA (Stray Kids sub-unit)
828 (Rock band)
9 and the Numbers (Rock band)
9001 (Ninety O One) (Rock band)
About U (Rock band)
Achtung (Rock band)
AfterMoon (Rock band)
Alary Kansion (Rock band)
Aliven (Producers group)
ALLART BOYZ * pre-debut
AMBITION * pre-debut
ambitious ambition (Crew)
Ants (One-man band)
APR PROJECT * pre-debut
B3o1z (formerly known as 1st Aimers) * pre-debut
BADCUPID (Rock band)
Band Nah (Rock band)
Bandage (Rock band)
BeaverTown (Rock band)
BenchWeLeo (Rock band)
BF (Formerly known as BOYFRIEND)
Big Bang
Big Dipper * pre-debut
Bigflo *currently on hiatus
Black A * pre-debut
Black Level
Block B
Block B Bastarz (Block B sub-unit)
BOM * pre-debut
Brown Eyed Soul
BSS (Seventeen sub-unit)
BTOB 4U (BTOB sub-unit)
BTOB Blue (BTOB sub-unit)
BTS (Bangtan Boys)
BUZZ (Rock band)
Bye my mood
C on H * pre-debut
Catch The Young (Rock band)
Cheek Touch Boys *(Stray Kids X NCT Dream Collab)
Click B
CNBLUE (Rock band)
CNEMA (Rock band)
Confined White (Rock band)
Cotoba (Rock band)
Crack Shot (Rock band)
Cross Gene
Crying Nut (Rock band)
D82 (Rock band)
Daily Note * pre-debut
Dance Racha (Stray Kids sub-unit)
Dandelion (Rock band)
Dasutt (Rock band)
Day6 (Rock band)
Day6 (Even of Day) (Day6 sub-unit/ Rock band)
Dayangsung (Rock band)
Daybreak (Rock band)
Daydream (2022 group) * pre-debut
Danggisio (Rock band)
DICKPUNKS (Rock band)
DIOS * pre-debut
DMTN *currently on hiatus
Dreamer * pre-debut
E’LAST U (E’LAST sub-unit)
East Shine * pre-debut
EASTONE (inactive)
Epik High
EXO-CBX (EXO sub-unit)
EXO Main Vocal Line (EXO sub-unit)
FISTBUMP (Rock band)
FLAG (Rock band)
FT Island (Rock band)
Fool in the Pool (Rock band)
Forestella (Crossover group)
G-EGG * pre-debut Japan-Korea joint boys group
G-EGG Team A (G-EGG sub-unit)
G-EGG Team B (G-EGG sub-unit)
G-EGG Team C (G-EGG sub-unit)
G-EGG Team D (G-EGG sub-unit)
GIFT (Rock band)
Golden Child
GOMAK BOYS * pre-debut
Ggumnamu (WM Boys) * pre-debut (WM male trainees)
Guckkasten (Rock band)
H Boyz (Formerly known as Ex9) * pre-debut
HAWW * pre-debut
Hey Men (Rock band)
HippoPotamic (Rock band)
HOA (Rock band)
Hoppipolla (Rock band)
HÜ (Rock band)
Hyukoh (Rock band)
I1IT (Korean-Japanese boy group)
IDIOTAPE (Rock band)
Infinite F (Infinite sub-unit)
JaeHyun’s (NCT x N.Flying x The Boyz x Golden Child collab)
Jang Deokcheol (Ballad group)
Just B
JYP Loud * pre-debut
Kisnue (Rock band)
KKD * pre-debut
Lanalogue (Rock band)
LA POEM (Crossover group)
LETTEAMOR (Crossover group)
Like A Movie
Lose My Memory (Emo and Post-Hardcore band)
Loude (Rock band)
LUCY (Rock band)
LUAMEL (Rock band)
Lunch (Rock band)
MAXIMUM * pre-debut
M.C the Max (Rock band)
M.I.C * pre-debut
Monday Off With Bluesy (Rock band)
M.O.N.T Arena
M.O.N.T Original (M.O.N.T Arena sub-unit)
Mountain * pre-debut in Korea
Mr. T (Trot group)
MSG Wannabe (Rock band)
N.Flying (Rock band)
N.ssign * pre-debut
NCT 127 (NCT sub-unit)
NCT Dream (NCT sub-unit)
NCT U (NCT sub-unit)
NELL (Rock band)
Nerd Connection (Rock band)
New Kidd
New Town Boyz
NIK (Japanese-Korean group)
Nokdu Team (Rock band)
N.O.M (Nature of Man)
OFF Team (ONF sub-unit)
OG School Project
ON Team (ONF sub-unit)
ONEWE (Rock band)
O.O.O (Rock band)
Owalloil (Rock band)
PATZ (Rock band)
PossibleDong Band/GaneungDong Band (Rock band)
RabidAnce (Crossover group)
Re:Kids Dream (Kid group)
Re:Kids Glory (Kid group)
Re:Kids Hero (Kid group)
Rhythm Power (Hip-hop group)
rooftop patio (Band)
Royal Rirates (Rock band)
SANGJARU (Traditional music group)
Sea Park
SEMA (Rock band)
Hip-Hop Team (Seventeen sub-unit)
Vocal Team (Seventeen sub-unit)
Performance Team (Seventeen sub-unit)
SEVEN STARS * pre-debut
SG Wannabe
SHAX (Drama)
Shooter-X * pre-debut
SILICA GEL (Rock band)
SIGMA (South Korean-Japanese boy group)
SIDECAR (Rock band)
SMNBG (SM Trainees) * pre-debut
SNUPER*currently on hiatus
SoonSoonHee (Ballad trio)
SORAN (Rock band)
South Club (Rock band)
SS501 *currently on hiatus
Standing Egg (Rock band)
Stray Kids
Sultan of the Disco (Rock band)
Super Five (Trot project group)
Super Junior
Super Junior-H (Super Junior sub-unit)
Super Junior-K.R.Y. (Super Junior sub-unit)
Super Junior-T (Super Junior sub-unit; Trot group)
Super Kids (Kid group)
SUPERKIND (Formerly known as YOURS)
SVT Leaders (Seventeen sub-unit)
Sweaters (Rock band)
Teen Top
TENOCLK (Rock band)
TFN (Formerly T1419)
The Boss (DGNA)
The Boyz
The Credit
The King
The Man BLK
The Poles (Rock band)
The Rose
The Solutions (Rock band)
The T-Bird
The Vipers (Rock band)
The Vish (Rock band)
The Whales (Rock band)
THORNAPPLE (Rock band)
TimeZ (Chinese-Korean boy group)
Trainee A * pre-debut
UpStar (Rock band)
VALO (Rock band)
Viral Affair (Rock Band)
VL Boys * pre-debut
Vocal Racha (Stray Kids sub-unit)
Volkno (Treasure Sub-unit)
W24 (Rock Band)
Wave To Earth (Rock band)
We Are The Night (Rock band)
WE:A * pre-debut
WETTER (Rock band) *currently on hiatus
WEUS (Unofficial project group)
woogotsa (Rock band)
Xdinary Heroes (Rock band)
Xodiac * pre-debut
Yo:zum (Rock band)
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t3kandson · 1 year
I’ve not been well recently. Instead of writing a month in advance I’ve found myself writing right up to the scheduled published date hardly sleeping and feeling even more unwell.
I had set a target to get every member of my ult groups and ults fanfictions written and posted on their birthday. But this has become very hard to keep up as well as keeping myself healthy.
So I’ve decided to pause my work for now and not set deadlines.
I will continue to do bit by bit instead and post when finished. Rather then stressing and getting hardly any sleep to keep to date the birthday one-shots. Not even being able to focus on the requested or finish the sequels and other parts one one shots I’ve previously written.
I had spent most of this week writing The Boyz Lee Juyeon Player fourth part but in the rush I’ve felt it’s lacked the same fire then others parts. Instead of posting Friday a half hearted rushed story it deserves more then that.
So I won’t be fulfilling the schedule I set myself for this or Kim Byeongkwan Sequel to baby mama.
Though those two will be my priority instead I will write a list of Fanfictions I plan to write.
Giving me time to focus on Request’s Especially Cix Kim Yonghee & BTOB Lee Minhyuk. As well as the Second part of Monsta X Lee Hoseok & Yoo Kihyun’s Youth of No regrets.
Those members I didn’t write birthday fan fictions for I will get around to writing them. Which include
Oneus (it’s fanfiction so OT5 🤫) Kim Youngjo,
The Boyz Hyunjae
Monsta x Lee Jooheon
The Boyz Lee Sangyeon
The Boyz Ji Changmin
Ab6ix Park Woojin
Monsta X Yoo Kihyun
The Boyz Son Youngjae
BTS Kim Taehyung
Monsta X Lee Minhyuk & A.C.E. Kang Yuchan are Sequels I’ve already Plan to do eventually.
Sequels that I planned to finish will still be worked on as promised. But instead of working on order it will be what ever one I feel at the time. So it becomes the form of therapy that I once felt instead of a chore.
Obviously I’m still open to request but as always can’t guarantee when they will published.
Update 5/11
I've spent the last three months in and out of hospital as my health has declined. Hopefully this is temporary and will return once I start to pick up.
Edit **** I know Tags are currently playing up and will try my best to get them working.
So far ALL AB6IX, A.C.E, ATEEZ, BTOB, Blackpink, BTS, DKB, Elast, EXO, (G)I-dle, Got7, KNK, Kinktober 2022, & THE BOYZ Player & Learning Love series links are all fixed.
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virginmiri99 · 1 year
Hello, I am a kpop and fashion expert (this is an unproven fact) and I’m here to spin you a tale about what type of fashion Tommy would be forced to wear if he was a kpop idol. I’m going to talk about stage outfits bc casual outfits are self explanatory.
OK: I already mentioned it but Tommy can’t be too cool and crafted (think like BTS or EXO) but he also can’t be too wild or camp (like NCT) he needs to be right in the middle of boyish charm and loser.
A PERFECT EXAMPLE IMO is P1harmony Scared era + debut era
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REASON: [1st pic] I think he would look good in a track suit like Theo (pink hair). [2nd pic] The baggy clothes and jackets would work with his frame well, like Jeongseob & Soul (dark red hair & black hair respectively). They’re the perfect amount of loser boy but well put together that would look good wirh Tommy IMO..
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Can you see I’m favoring red? He’s that idol who would only be seen in one color tbh. Thess outfits are cute and put together but they don’t ooze coolness which is good TO ME
I also think he could pull off the school boy concept a la Cravity, Astro, and Seventeen just bc he’s young and has charm. Plus he already does it in vlogs sooooo why can’t he have his own Adrenaline or Confession, or Mansae moment? Side note: he would be great in Adrenaline. I just really believe this with my heart <- crazy
Le examplez:
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He would look cute HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAH sidenote: I think purpled could pull off this concept perfectkg like actually perfectly you guys don’t understand how perfect I think it is for him you seriously don’t get it <- actually crazy
SIDE SIDE NOTE: You canr just put him in any song with this fashion though. The song has to sound a specific way otherwise it doesn’t work. BEST SONGS FOR TOMMY are songs rhat have a youthful sound and focus on a bubblegum/upbeat sound. MY LIST INCLUDES (GO LISTEN): Adrenaline by Cravity, Tag Tag Tag by Verivery, Angel or Devil by Txt, Shooting Star by newkidd, and It’s U by golden child. Possibly nct dream
SONGS THAT ARE COMPLETELY THE OPPOSITE OF WHAT HE SHOULD EVER DO: Love Shot by EXO, Mhm by Kai, Anything by Taemin, Sunset by KNK, Mad Dog by NCT
SONGS THAT DONT FIT BUT WOULD BE HILARIOUS: 2 Baddies by nct127, Sticker by nct127, Next Level by aespa, Barbie by Yeeun
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mirrorballwhoistrying · 2 months
Hot Summer Nights, End of July (27.07.24)
Hold up! I should have started writing this in the morning to dump my thoughts. It's the middle of the day now and my thoughts got fuzzy. I'd try to get it done!
July is done in a few days and I think I should have written down something because it's been what a month.
So let me recall what happened in this one month. At the end of June, I went to shoot a video for Ud for Marugame. I also invited Samphors too. It was a cute little reunion.
The surprise that got me the most was receiving the email that I've been shortlisted for an AAS interview! I knew that was going to change the trajectory of my July.
The first week of July, I dedicated the time to preparing for an interview with WeduShare about my experience during YSEALI. I did okay I guess, there were some parts I should have listed down to talk about during that time but it was my first time! They were very caring as well.
That weekend I also prepared for additional video shooting for 606 as well. I did the props and set up and shot the video. I also met up with Knk and Ps to start the preparation for AAS. It was an exhausting week.
the 2nd week, I got to meet with Roger for the 2nd time for his visit this time! I also met with STHDA and LOR. It was a cute and fun reunion.
I spent the 2nd week editing the videos for the program. It was really time-consuming I supposed. I also got the go on a 3rd date with someone. He was really great but I just wonder does he looks only for fun or something serious.
The panic kicked back in on the 3rd week. I only started drafting answers for the interview this week! I did a mock interview with my coach. It was fine, but I knew I didn't do my best. Then there was also another training with 606, and I got to meet up again with PS and KNK. That was the start of real preparation, we met 3-4 times and I could feel my answers for the interview got better every time. It was also a different experience of course. It was polishing every answer.
There came the interview yesterday morning. I never had an interview this early at 8:30 AM. I also glammed up at 5:30 for the interview. It was okay, but I feel like I didn't answer with the energy and charisma I knew I could! Was it because of the lack of sleep?
I slept at 1 the night before and I could feel that I really lacked some energy. There's nothing I can do about it now but it's still going through my head.
I was quite anxious about my preparation for the interview day, but then one mindset set me up so much better. It was about being authentic. I've lived my life battling with the concept. If I was being genuine about my intention and still wasn't chosen, then maybe it wasn't meant to be? The panelists were also elder people who just wanted to know about my stories and my motivation and really wanted me to win.
The most important of all, life goes on, if I've been chosen or not, I still need to work on my goals and projects. They're not going do itself.
So what's my plan now? I'm going to start building my portfolio to lead up to my establishing my agency, at the same time building up PPUB as well.
This time, I don't care about other people's opinions, I'm going to try my best, even if I don't succeed, I still won't regret.
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vesper-roux · 5 months
Characters that Inspired Will
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Will's pronouns are ve/they/he in most contexts (for grammar clarity and simplicity, I use 've/ver/vis' in text, 'they/them/theirs' in most dialogue, and 'he/him/his' in other character dialogue who have a certain relationship to ver), but ve's mutogender, so whatever pronouns you want to use are fine and canon. It's impossible to misgender ver.
Template here.
In-depth explanations under the cut
In alphabetical order:
2B (Nier: Automata): Though there are other influences (listed below), 2B's moveset is the main thing I picture when I think of how Will fights. That's in part because her weapons and Pod 042 are a huge and main influence in Will's gear. I'm also a sucker for thigh-high boots, and though it's for aesthetic purposes, I make it practical. The heavy armor/operator uniform has its influences too. There's some of 2B's personality as well. While more pragmatic in combat and reticent and aloof, there's a hatred for their jobs, and they can be sardonic towards others.
Ada Wong (Resident Evil): Dynamics and motives--Will would be the Ada to Galen's Leon. Her appearance is a bit of an influence, mostly in that Will looks like vis mom, and I picture Ada as the closest resemblance to her, both in personality and appearance.
Feitan Porter (HxH): The largest influence on Will's appearance: smol, black, parted hairstyle (but short and on the side for my bb, more like Sensei Wing), and pale. I also really like Feitan's JP voice and hear it when writing Will. There's some of his personality in there, too (I chose that shot for a reason, iykyk), though it's mostly the quietness and snarky remarks towards allies/friends.
L (Death Note): I say Feitan has more appearance influence than L because though I watched DN before HxH, it was Feitan who gave me more conscious intent first. It was L's details in the panda eyes, black hair, and pale skin that solidified me wanting this look for Will. Personality--not the biggest influence, but if there's a silly moment for Will, I do like to think of L in how he doesn't seem to realize/care it's socially awkward.
Panam Palmer (CP2077): This one is cut and dry: I like the straps and the jacket. More below in Rogue, Pilots, and Acrobats.
Rei Ayanami (NGE): Rei is a large influence in my tastes in characters in general. But I do take influence in her relationship with Gendo as Will's with Klaus. Rei is goal-oriented and obedient (at first), and her social development is stunted. Though the contexts are different and so therefore the specific arcs and dynamics, I like her story of coming to develop herself through her experiences. Design--it was the plug suits that gave me the idea for the uniforms in the first place. The first designs were far more like the plug suits until I changed what the uniform's purpose was. Symbolism--I chose that picture for a reason.
Rogue (X-Men): Will's ability is somewhat influenced by hers. I didn't (intentionally) base it off hers, but as I realized the similarities, I had to embrace that and learn from what's already been done. It's not nearly as complex as Rogue, only draining energy and life-force, but it can go any way, not just to ver. Design--I'm weak for the leo/unitard + cropped jacket combo.
Not shown:
Celty Sturluson (Durarara!): Two words: spooky kitty!!!!
Widowmaker (Overwatch): The grapple hook. Not a new or exclusive concept to use a grapple hook, but it's her in particular that comes to mind when I think of the tool. She utilizes it (at least in her cinematic) offensively, not just for mobility. I would say her fighting style is an influence, but she's a sharpshooter; Will is not. Ve can use a gun but has notably not the best aim.
(Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress): A lot of Anthem aesthetics come from KnK in general.
Ne*politan (R//WB//Y)*: As mentioned above, there are other fighting styles I imagine for Will, and Neo's comes up too, at least... in the first three seasons when the choreography was good. I have drawn Will in a Neo cosplay. They're both smol.
*it's censored because I don't want the fandom on my blog; I have little good to say about the series.
Taki Reizen (Maiden Rose)*: If you look at a picture of him, you'll see. Yeah. It's obvious.
*Though I love the art style, I can't really recommend the manga. I couldn't get through it, and it tainted my view of the "romance" genre. It was my first BL manga, and until 2021, it was my last. This is not to insult anyone who does like the manga or genre. We just have different tastes. That's okay.
IRL influences:
-Pilots: Ties into Panam's gear; compression pants are a necessity, as are helmets; call signs are common in the military
-Acrobats: Leotards. Will loves aerial dancing, and so connecting the design idea to vis concept felt fitting. Both in my design for ver and vis in-canon inspiration for the outfit concept.
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kpophours · 4 years
Back Again
➵ KNK: Heejun x fem. reader / one shot, boyfriend AU / fluff / REQUESTED
➵ warnings: sexual suggestiveness
➵ word count: 1.3k
➵ sequel: Closer (M, 18+)
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Your eyes slide from the computer screen in front of you to the clock on the wall and back again.
Are the hands of the clock even moving?
It definitely doesn’t seem like it.
You gnaw on your lower lip while your left leg begins to bounce up and down, one of your nervous ticks. Your co-worker sitting opposite you shoots you an annoyed look and you duck your head, a silent apology. Alex just sighs. “You can clock out early tonight, if you want to. I can handle the last few customers on my own.”, he finally offers and you lift your head, a surprised expression on your face. He smiles and shrugs. “I know today is special.”, he just mumbles and shoots you a quick wink. You whisper a quick thanks and beam at him, hastily grabbing your empty coffee mug and getting up to bring it back to the kitchen. 
After cleaning up after yourself, you practically sprint out of your office building, Alex’ amused laughter following you.
The way home feels awfully long tonight, traffic moves almost painfully slow and you feel like screaming at every driver in front of you. But instead, you just restlessly drum your fingers against the steering wheel, eyes sliding towards your watch again.
He is probably already home by now…, you think to yourself and bite down on your lower lip to keep yourself from smiling like an idiot. 
About twenty minutes later, you finally turn into your street and thankfully find a parking spot directly in front of your house. You almost tumble onto the sidewalk in your haste to get out of your car, basically jogging up the stairs to your apartment. You need a few seconds to insert your key into the keyhole as your hands are shaking with excitement. At last, you finally succeed and manage to unlock your front door, kicking off your shoes and jacket and running through the hallway and into the small living space. 
Your boyfriend is already sprawled on top of the couch, clad in comfy clothes, his hair still wet from the shower. He immediately sits up when hears you enter and you suppress a sob when you finally lay eyes on his handsome face. “Heejun.”, you only manage to say, voice strangled, and he breaks into his cheeky smile, jumping up and crossing the room in a few long strides. You meet him halfway and fling yourself into his arms, pressing your face against his broad chest. He chuckles and wraps both arms around you and kisses the top of your head a few times, until you finally lift your face to meet his hungry lips. You basically melt against him, drowning in his familiar scent and warmth. He smiles against your lips, gently cupping your chin and sliding his tongue into your mouth. 
When you break apart again, you’re both breathing heavily and smile at each other. “Hi.”, you whisper and he chuckles again. “Hi babe. I missed you.”, he replies in a hushed voice and nuzzles your nose with his. You snuggle even closer, inhaling deeply. “I missed you too. So, so much.”, you murmur against his neck and he shivers when your warm breath tickles his sensitive skin. “Oh, did you now? Really? I didn’t even realize… Your countless messages and phone calls were very misleading, apparently.”, Heejun teases you and you tickle his side, making him squeal and let go of you. You stick out your tongue at him and he laughs, gently grabbing your hand and dragging you towards the sofa. He sighs contently while flopping down on the couch, pulling you on top of him and wrapping both arms and legs around you, practically caging you in and squishing you against his chest. You giggle at his antics and bury your face in his neck, closing your eyes and enjoying his company. 
“Four weeks is just too long.”, you finally say, voice almost inaudible. Heejun hums in agreement. “I know, babe. But it’s part of my job.” You sigh deeply and press as soft kiss against his chest. “I know.”, you grumble and he giggles, sliding two fingers under your chin and gently lifting your face, kissing you again. “Want to order some food?”, he then asks and you nod, immediately reaching for your phone in the back pocket of your jeans. 
“Chinese?”, you inquire, opening the food delivery app, and your boyfriend smiles, nodding happily.  
Half an hour later, one of your favorite movies is playing on the tv and you’re indulging yourselves in the almost ridiculous amount of food you have ordered. Both your legs are slung over Heejun’s lap; you just need to be close to him in at least some way after the four seemingly endless weeks apart. After finally finishing the last spring roll, your boyfriend groans and stretches both arms above his head, contently patting his full stomach. “That was amazing - but maybe a bit much.”, he comments and you smile, poking his cheek with one finger. “Well, no one asked you to eat like a pig.”, you tease him and he shoots you a playful dark look. “Takes one to know one, I guess.”, he replies cheekily and you huff in mock annoyance. He giggles before suddenly wrapping both arms around your waist, hoisting you into his lap and pulling you close. You snuggle into his chest and sigh happily, content to just listen to his steady heartbeat for a few minutes. He begins to gently rub your back, pressing small kisses on top of your head from time to time. You feel yourself get drowsier with every second; feeling warm and blissful and just really happy to have your boyfriend back again. 
“I really missed you.”, Heejun suddenly whispers and you startle awake again, drawing back a bit to look at him. A small, loving smile plays on his lips and his dark eyes are soft when he gazes down at you. You cup his cheek and gently press your lips to his. “I know. But now we’ll have the next few weeks together... right?”, you inquire and lift one eyebrow, beginning to smile as soon as he nods in confirmation. “Exactly. I don’t plan on going anywhere soon.”, he replies und nuzzles your nose. “Good.”, you say and kiss him again, shifting on top of him so you can wrap both your legs around his waist, chests now pressed together. He buries one hand in your soft hair while the other slips under your shirt, gently caressing the soft skin of your waist, opening your mouth with his and sliding his tongue inside, deepening the kiss even more. 
You gasp and moan into his mouth when his hand under your shirt slips even higher, and begin to grind against him. Heejun draws back and looks at you, cheeks flushed and pupils dilated. “How about we take this to the bedroom?”, he asks, voice rough and low. You immediately nod and he stands up with you still in his arms, walking towards said room while leaving open mouthed kisses all over your sensitive neck, finally beginning to suck on your sweet spot. You gasp under his gentle ministration and bite down hard on your lower lip when you feel his bulge grind against your core. You tumble into bed together, his body pressing into yours at all the right places, his hands following the curves of your body until they gently cup your face again. 
Heejun’s dark eyes bore into yours, a soft smile on his lips. “I love you.”, he murmurs, gently brushing a few strands of hair out of your face. You return his smile and kiss him again. “I love you too.”, you whisper against his lips, before losing yourself to his touch; happy to be back in his arms again.
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[masterlist] | [requests] 
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knkpsh · 5 years
dongwon as your bf <3
a/n: im sorry if this one isnt as good as the others my last brain cell is giving up on me u_u i hope yall still enjoy^^
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• always sending you “good morning / goodnight / did you eat / what did you do today” texts !!!
• sends you selfies when you’re not together <3 your whole gallery is pics he sends you
• dates range from simple dates where you walk the han river together, to nicer dates where he reserves a table for you two at a fancy restaurant in the city.... and everything in between
• he considers you coming over to take a nap a date so <3
• like seoham, he calls you whenever he can as well, he loves to hear your voice
• hes the type to give u eskimo kisses
• also a big cuddler
• and hand holder 🥺 yall hold hands so much that you guys have a series of codes you make through hand holding (ie. thumb rub = i love you, different number of squeezes mean different things etc)
• possibly the most domestic bf ever
• gets vvvv soft when u call him donggu or make cute nicknames for him
• gives you cute nicknames too
• is constantly buying you little thoughtful gifts
• always pays attention to your hobbies and interests and may participate in them as well, like a couple’s activity
• gives you every album spoiler ever for them oh my god
• if he can, he would bring you to practice too
• also loves cafe dates like jihun
• the type to appreciate the little things & moments
• loves listening to your heartbeat when you cuddle
• keeps a love counter app with the first moment you met .... cuz he fell for you at first sight ;((((
• gives you his hoodies
• always asks your opinion when hes clothes shopping
• yall saw this coming: fishing :))))
• idk about yall but i would love to sit on a dock / boat and fish all morning with him :(
• if you dont like to go fishing he’ll send you pics of the view & of the fish he caught all excited 🥺🥺
• would be v touched when you give the same attention to his interests as he does to yours
• is always just in awe that the person he loves loves him back in the same way
• would love to raise a dog baby with you
• wants to travel the world with you
• 100% the type to take a picture of some beautiful landscape with you in the frame, with a cheesy caption saying you’re the view or something isgkdjdkfk
• makes playlists for you & you listen to them together
• overall a very sweet and thoughtful bf 🥺🥺🥺
“knk as your bf” series: jihun | seoham | [dongwon] | inseong | heejun
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stylesloveclub · 2 years
Pleasing (sp*nking blurb)
pleasing 3 aka the sp*nking blurb!!! hope u guys enjoy :-)
Traveling has never really been an issue for Harry.
With his job as a world-renowned chef, he’s kind of used to flying out to different countries, cooking for different royal families, celebrities, and anyone else who could afford to book him.  It’s something he actually enjoys quite a bit. There hasn’t been a country that he hasn’t enjoyed visiting, and he’ll take any excuse to leave his lonely little penthouse to take an international trip.
That’s one of the reasons why, for the past five years, he’s attended and cooked at a charity dinner hosted at the Pinacoteca di Brer in Milan. It was a fun escape from his day to day life and from the boringness that accompanied his duties as the owner of his restaurant, Pleasing. 
But, this year, there’s something at home that’s making going on a trip particularly hard for him. Or rather, more specifically, someone. 
He’s never really had a girlfriend or anything exclusive, other than the silly two or three month relationships he had anytime between the ages of 16-23. However, once he started becoming more and more well known in the culinary community and began his rise to a celebrity chef status, he found that sneaky links and quiet hookups worked best for him. He wasn’t all too mushy or emotional… all he was looking for back then was a quick fuck, to be honest.
But now, he’s met a cute college student named y/n, who perks up like a puppy whenever she sees him and makes his heart beat in a way that he hasn’t felt since his first ever crush (Jennifer Aniston when he was 8). Sweet y/n, who’s a waitress at his restaurant and is always perky and bright with the chefs in the back, brightening up the mood of the entire staff. Pretty y/n, who loves sleeping over at his penthouse and is always asking for kisses at the most random times. 
Lovely y/n, who’s somehow managed to wriggle her way into his heart and make him never want to leave the country again. 
“Harry!” she calls out from his bedroom. “Where’s your toothpaste?”
Today is Harry’s flight to Milan, so y/n had spent the night at his place just so that they could spend a bit more time with each other before being separated for a week and a half. 
“In the drawer on the left!” he calls back from the kitchen. He was making them a delicious breakfast whilst she brushed her teeth and washed her face and all the other pretty things she did every morning. 
They didn’t have a label on their relationship yet, but with the amount of time they spent with each other and how comfortable they were, he thinks they’re venturing into boyfriend/girlfriend territory pretty soon. They just haven’t said it out loud yet. He knows that she only has eyes for him, and he hopes that she realizes that he’s just as serious about her too. Maybe even more so. 
He hears her feet padding against his hardwood floors when she enters the kitchen, hugging Harry from behind as he stands overtop the stove, watching over their eggs.
“Smells yummy,” she says, pressing a kiss to his back.
He grins. “Thanks baby.” He twists around and gives her a quick kiss to her forehead, then gently pushes her towards the barstools behind his kitchen counter. “Sit there. Don’t want you to burn yourself.”
He can practically hear her roll her eyes. “I won’t!” 
He turns around and gives her a Look. She’s burned herself one too many times in his kitchen already, and she knows it. She huffs and plops down on one of the stools, “Fine.” 
“Put that attitude away, puppy,” he tuts. “M’being nice and cooking you breakfast. If you’re a good girl then maybe I’ll even give you a treat.”
She smiles to herself shyly. No matter how flustered she gets every time he calls her his puppy, she loves it. Loves his teasing and his sly remarks and his cocky smirk… loves how he embarrasses her and makes her nervous. Is she a little bit weird for that? Eh. Could be weirder. 
He prepares two plates of food for them and joins her at the kitchen counter. They eat in comfortable silence, enjoying the food and each other’s presence. 
The first thing he does when he lands in Milan is call her. Like– literally, as soon as the plane's wheels touch the ground, he takes his phone off airplane mode and dials her number.
“Harry?” she answers sleepily after only two rings.
“Hey, baby,” he murmurs sweetly. “I just landed. Were you sleeping?”
“Mhm. It’s like two in the morning here.” 
“Oh, m’sorry. Should’ve checked the time difference before I called.” It was only 11 AM for Harry in Italy.
“No don’t be sorry, I told you to call me when you landed,” she says, voice still sleepy. He can imagine her puffy eyes and how she’s probably rubbing at them right now with her fist. “I was trying to stay up but I fell asleep while reading.” 
“What book?” he asks, just wanting to hear her sweet voice talking to him.
“My Year of Rest and Relaxation. The girl in it keeps taking sleep medicine and sleeping for days at a time and it made me kinda sleepy.” 
“You should go back to sleep,” he says, even though he’d love to keep her on the phone. 
“M’kay,” she hums. “Can I call you in the morning?”
He smiles. “Of course baby. I’ll have my phone with me so that I don’t miss your call.” 
“Okay. G’night, Harry.” He can hear the smile in her voice through the phone. 
“Sleep well.” 
He hangs up reluctantly. How was he supposed to survive the next nine days when he already misses her so much?
They call every day. 
She facetimes him every night from her bed, snuggled into her duvet with a fluffy pillow propped behind her bed, and he calls her every time he sees something that he thinks she might like. Whether he’s at a cute vendor market, or roaming the gardens of a fancy Italian palace, she’s always the thing at the front of his mind. He imagines how much she would’ve loved the view of the Italian coast, how beautiful she would look sitting in the tall grass in the park, how she would’ve stopped to smell all the beautiful flowers in the rose garden by his hotel. 
That’s one of the things he likes so much about y/n. She’s the type of person who stops to smell flowers, who could brighten up a room just by saying hello. She breathes life into him with her sunshine attitude and rose colored view on life. She’s young and sweet and charming and just… an amazing part of his life. 
He sends her pictures of the food he cooks and the wine he drinks, and she sends back silly selfies of herself that made him stop in the middle of the grocery store just to smile down at her picture. 
And, when he texts her at 1 AM from his hotel bed about how much he misses her, she facetimes him from the bath as a cute little surprise. The bathwater is tinted pink and is just opaque enough to hide her body under the water, a result of a rose scented bath bomb she’d plopped into the water before she climbed in.
“Baby,” he groans when he sees the round tops of her breasts peeking out from the water, “Why’re you teasing me?”
She giggled, “Thought it would be a nice surprise. I bet you must be feeling pretty lonely all alone in your hotel room.” She readjusts the camera and he can hear the water sloshing around as she props him up on the edge of the bath. He can tell that her breasts are out of the water, her nipples probably hard from the cool air, but she’s mean, and angles the camera in a way that it cuts off right below her collarbones. “I know I’m feeling rather lonely… wish you were here to take care of me,” she sighs prettily. Her hands are rubbing her neck seductively, tilting her head back to expose her throat to him – she knows how much he loves kissing her there. He can see the remnants of one of his love bites right below her ear. 
“You’re killing me baby, m’so fucking hard.” He rubs himself through his briefs, his cock a thick, prominent outline under the fabric. 
“Mm, I know. I miss you so bad,” she whimpers, her hands sliding down her chest and out of frame. A soft gasp falls from her throat as she begins playing with her tits. She gropes herself, rubbing and pinching at her pebbled nipples, and getting herself all worked up with Harry on the phone. Except, he can’t see anything except for her furrowed eyebrows and pouty lips.
“Come on puppy, stop playing. Move the camera, let me watch,” he almost begs. But, of course, y/n’s in a teasing mood. 
“I dunno, Harry. Don’t know if I wanna let you see after you left me all alone here.” She opens her eyes and looks into the camera, her pupils blown out with lust. “M’gonna have to get off all by myself.” 
He shuts his eyes and groans to the ceiling, fishing his cock out and sliding his hand down his shaft softly.
“S’not as good as when you do it,” she whines. He can only imagine what she’s doing now. Probably playing with her clit under the water, or still teasing her tits. Maybe she’s even slipped a finger inside herself.
“You’re mean, puppy,” he growls, stern gaze on his face as he watches her get herself off. He’s tugging at his cock at a slow pace, circling around the top and smearing his cum down to lubricate the slide. “Whining all pretty about how much you miss me and not showing me? You’re bein’ a bad girl.” 
“What are you gonna do about it?” she teases. “You’re not here.”
“Oh, you’re so in for it when I get back,” he groans, picking up the pace. 
The thought of what he might do to her only excites her, so she decides to push his buttons just a bit more. “You sound like you’re busy… I’ll let you get back to whatever you’re doing.” She smiles mischievously. “M’gonna finish myself off here.”
“Baby, don’t you dare hang up that phone–,” he demands through a moan, but she cuts him off.
The call disconnects, and Harry’s left staring at his own reflection in his cell phone screen. Cock angry and leaking, harder than ever and bobbing up in the air.
She’s gonna regret doing that. 
The day after the charity dinner, Harry books a flight back home. He’d initially planned on staying in Milan for a couple more days, just to appreciate the country a bit more and have a few more days in paradise. But he made those plans before y/n. Now, everyday spent away from her was a day in hell. Especially after the stunt she pulled. 
He didn’t even tell her that he was coming back, opting to surprise her during her shift at his restaurant. He walks into the back kitchen and sees her talking with one of her waitress friends, Grace. He clears his throat loudly. The two waitresses immediately stop talking and turn to him, an intimidated look on both of their faces. Y/n’s eyes, however, also show a glimmer of puppy-like excitement shining in her eyes.
“Y/n, I’d like a word with you,” he says plainly, turning around and expecting her to follow him. Of course, she does so with no hesitation, following him into his office and shutting the door behind herself. 
Harry leans back on his office table, half-sitting on it, and motions for y/n to come to him. She bounces on her toes excitedly, a huge smile taking over her face. She practically runs to him, wrapping her arms around his neck and kissing his lips. One of Harry’s hands comes up to hold her face steady, while his other hand rests on his desk, supporting his weight as he leans on it. 
“Hi,” she whispers giddily. “I missed you so much.” 
“Hi puppy.” His signature smirk is planted on his lips. “Missed you more.” 
“What are you doing back already? I thought your flight wasn’t for another three days.” 
“You think I was just gonna sit around in Italy after that stunt you pulled?” he asks with a raised eyebrow. She gets bashful all of a sudden, looking down at the floor with a shy smile. 
“Gettin’ all shy on me?” he tuts. “Where was this shy little girl when you were getting yourself off in the bath, hm?”
“Harryy–” she whines, burying her face in his chest at his vulgar words.
He tsks. “Don’t think that’s what you call me. We’re at work, aren’t we?”
She blinks up at him with her wide eyes. “Sorry, Mr. Styles.” 
“Got me so fuckin’ hard, then hung up the phone.” His hand slides down her waist then around to rest on her ass. “Did you go and get yourself off afterwards? Don’t lie.”
She whimpers as his big hands sit heavily on her. “Yes, sir,” she says guiltily.
“You were a bad, bad girl,” he tuts. She hides her face in his chest again, and he decides to test the waters. “I think… you need to be taught a lesson, no?”
She freezes. 
“I-I think so too,” she shyly agrees. 
He hums, his hands now rubbing large circles on her ass. “Does a spanking sound like a good enough punishment?” 
She swallows thickly, excitement bubbling up her tummy. “Yeah that– that sounds good.” 
He nods. “Bend over,” he demands, making room for her to lean onto his desk. Her chest lays on the surface of his desk, her face pressed against the wood. Harry stands behind her, admiring her ass that’s sticking out. Her black waitressing skirt fits tight against its roundness, and her sheer black tights hug her legs seductively. He gently rubs his large hand on her bum, almost soothingly, as if he’s preparing her for what’s about to ensue.
“You’ll tell me if it gets to be too much, got it?” 
“Yes, sir,” she peeps compliantly. 
With that, he brings his hand down for the first smack against her ass. She jolts forward, surprised at the shock of his hand, and her fingers grip onto the edge of the table. Despite the sharp pain, however, her pussy clenches. She likes this. 
“Count them for me,” he demands. 
“One,” she whimpers against his wooden desk. 
Another smack comes down. “Two.” 
Three and four come down in quick successions, one on each cheek, and send bolts of pleasure straight to her core. Before he comes down with five, he yanks up her skirt, revealing her ass, covered in her sheer tights. The see through fabric stretches around her soft ass, and it shows off how supple and round her bum is. When his palm comes down against her for the sixth, he can see the way it jiggles satisfyingly. 
He takes a break between seven and eight to just rub his palm over her and grab at her ass cheeks, groping them harshly before coming down with a smack. That really makes y/n wet. Feeling him manhandle and play with her ass… it just does things to her. Harry can see it through her sheer tights. 
“You like this, don’t you, puppy?” he mocks. “I can see you getting wet, dirty girl.”
She whines. With the way she’s burying her face into her arms, you’d think that she’s super embarrassed, but she wriggles her ass in the air, shamelessly asking for more. She loves it when Harry teases her and embarrasses her… gosh, he’s just getting her so hot and bothered.
“Nine,” she cries out, looking back at Harry for the first time to see the way he’s eyeing her. He’s practically devouring her with his eyes, his gaze fixated on the curve of her spine as she sticks her ass out, on how her sheer tights show off her soft ass, and on her wet center. Her pussy has leaked not only through her flimsy little panties, but also through the tights. He runs his hand over her center and feels that the fabric there is slick. Y/n moans, pussy fluttering at even the lightest touch. 
He comes down with his final smack. “Ten.” Her ass stings as he gently rubs his hand over where he just hit. “I think that’s enough for now, what do you think?” he asks her.
“W-whatever you think is best, sir.” 
‘What a well trained puppy I’ve got,” he murmurs. “You know exactly what to say to make me happy, hm? If you keep this good behavior up, maybe I’ll go easier on you when we get home.” 
She turns around to face him, righting her skirt. “There’s more?” she says with a pout. “Did y’think I’d let you off with just a spanking? You’re smarter than that puppy.” He grabs her face in his hands. “I’ve still got to fuck you and make up for how hard you left me the other night.” She looks up at him with wide, almost hypnotized eyes. “Unless,” he purrs, “you want me to go easier on you, baby. Just say the words.” He knows this is new, unexplored territory, and her comfortability is the most important part of this entire game that they’re playing.
“No,” she murmurs, “I-I think I still need to be taught a lesson, sir.”
He smiles down at her and pats her ass. “M’kay puppy. Get back to work. We’ll talk more when we get home.”
Harry doesn’t say anything to her when she comes into his office after she’s done with her shift.
Nor does he say anything as he opens the door for her as they leave. They sit in tense silence as they drive home, his only acknowledgement of her presence being the hand he rests on her thigh. He rubs tantalizing circles on her skin. It makes her heart race. 
They ride the elevator up to his penthouse in silence as well, and y/n feels like she’s going to lose her mind. He stands stoically, facing the elevator doors with his hands politely held behind his back, as if he were the only one in the elevator at that moment. All she wants is for Harry to acknowledge her. For him to touch her, talk to her – even pull her over his lap and spank her again! 
But no. He doesn’t even look at her as they arrive at his floor, stepping out of the elevator and letting y/n follow him out like a dumb puppy. 
He takes off his suit jacket and undoes the top buttons of his dress shirt, letting himself get comfortable now that he’s finally home. Normally, y/n would have no problem doing the same. She’d take off her uncomfortable clothes and walk around his apartment in her underwear, head towards his fridge and much on his leftovers, or flop onto the couch and convince Harry to cuddle with her. But today, she feels so out of place. The anticipation of what he has planned for her is clouding her mind, debilitating her from making herself at home until Harry gives her an order and tells her what to do. 
He disappears into his bedroom. Y/n stands dumbly in the middle of his living room. She wonders if she’s meant to follow him in, but worries that she’s misreading the situation and that he just wants to be left alone. It’d be really helpful if he’d just look at her, she thinks to herself. After a minute of contemplating, she decides to follow him. 
She gently makes her way towards the bedroom, her feet barely making noise against the hardwood floor, and finds his door half-way open. “Harry?” she peeps, knocking timidly. She peeks her head in and finds him standing by the edge of his bed, unbuttoning the wrists of his shirt and rolling them up his forearms. 
Finally, he spares a glance at her. His eyebrows are furrowed and his eyes stern, but it doesn’t matter to y/n. At least he’s acknowledging her.  
He looks down again and purses his lips, thinking deeply. “Oh, puppy,” he sighs, “What am I gonna do with you.” She stands awkwardly in the door frame, nervously toeing at the floor. 
Harry sits down on the edge of the bed, his legs spreading naturally when he sits. He looks at her darkly, and pats his thigh. “Come here,” he orders her. She barely takes one step into the room before he stops her. “Crawl.”
She stops in her tracks. “W-what?” she asks, looking up at him skittishly.
“Crawl to me,” he says, unblinking.
He can see a few gears turning in her head, before she drops to her knees. 
Her hands press against the hardwood floors, her knees bruising as she crawls to him. Her right arm moves forward, followed by her left, moving so elegantly that she wonders if Harry’s done something to alter her brain chemistry and program her to crawl to him without stumbling over herself or hiding with shame. She can see her own reflection in his polished hardwood floors as she crawls, but something about it makes her feel humiliated and weak, so she lifts her eyes and to meet Harry’s gaze instead.
He’s staring at her with hungry eyes. Under his gaze, she feels empowered. Sexy. He’s looking at her like he wants to ruin her. She crawls to him with confidence, excited to be the little mouse in this game of his.
When she finally reaches his feet, she perches herself on her knees between his spread legs. His hand caresses her jaw sweetly and she leans into his touch. Her eyes flutter shut momentarily, feeling comforted by his touch. Then she blinks them open and stares up at him with her innocent wide eyed gaze. 
“Are you okay with all this?” he double checks, murmuring softly to her while tracing his thumb over her cheekbone gently.
She smiles and nods. “M’excited,” she even whispers. 
He smirks. His gaze falls down to her lips, and he outlines her heart shaped cupid's bow with his thumb. His eyes darken. “Why don’t you go ahead and get me out, then?”
She complies easily, unbuttoning his pants and reaching into his briefs to pull out his cock. His tip is pink and drippy, and his shaft feels heavy in her palm. She tugs his pants down just enough so that his round and swollen balls also hang out at the base of his cock. Y/n feels inclined to press a kiss against his blunt tip, but Harry’s only told her to take him out so far… nothing about sucking him off yet. “Can I?” she asks, blinking up at him cutely. “Please, sir?”
“We’re not at work anymore… I think there’s something else I’d like to hear you call me,” he says darkly. “Can you say please, daddy?” 
Y/n’s eyes round out. “Please, daddy?” she says in her sugary sweet voice, testing out how the word feels in her mouth. She finds that she rather likes it, especially with how Harry’s green eyes turn nearly black. 
“Go ahead, puppy,” he coos. She takes him into her mouth eagerly. She wraps her lips round his cock as soon as he gives her the green light, assessing how he feels against her tongue and how wide she has to open her mouth to fit his girth. She pushes herself down to see how much of him it takes until her mouth is stuffed full, and finds that she can only take about half of him without gagging. 
She lets herself be messy, her spit gathering in her mouth and dribbling down his cock, then pulls off. She glides her hand up and down, smearing her spit down to the parts of his cock that she couldn’t reach, and holds him steady as she kisses his tip. Harry smiles down at her fondly. How could she be so sweet and innocent during such a filthy act, sweetly kissing his cock as if her eyes aren’t watering from how big he is? 
“Good girl,” he murmurs as she kisses her way down the length of his cock, down to his balls. She kisses them too, feeling how swollen and round they are under her lips. Taking them into her mouth one at a time, she lulls them around until they’re dripping with her spit. Her tongue rolls around them, licking the seam between them, sucking on each one gently. She’s thankful that he smells good, or else she wouldn’t be able to enjoy him this indulgently. He smells and tastes clean, his skin smooth and coarse hair well groomed. It makes her job so much easier and enjoyable.
She pulls off of his balls with a pop then licks up his entire length, starting from the base and going up until she can swirl her tongue around his tip. Stuffing him back into her mouth, she tries to get him deeper this time – but she’s never been that good at taking cock down her throat. She makes up for it by twisting her hands over the parts she can’t reach.
She’s messy and sloppy, licking and drooling all over him like how an excited puppy licks their owner. Wet noises come from where the thick tip of his cock makes contact with the back of her mouth, and her hands sound slick as they play with and tug at his balls. Harry’s fingers hold her head steady as she bobs up and down, his face unmoving. If it weren’t for how much he was leaking in her mouth, she’d be worried that she wasn’t doing a good job. He remains calm and composed for the entire time she’s been sucking him off, the only indication of the fact that he’s getting sucked off being how he calls her his good girl and pushes her head down. 
He pulls her off of his cock by her hair, yanking her head back. Her lips are slick and swollen, slightly hanging open as she softly pants. “Look at you, my eager little puppy. Who knew you’d be so filthy?” he murmurs. She looks up at him sweetly, tongue peeking out just the slightest bit and eager to get back on him. 
Really, he never would’ve expected his shy little y/n to suck him off so eagerly, take his balls into her mouth and smear his precum all over her lips. He can tell that she just wants to make him happy. She doesn’t care about being messy, as long as she’s making him feel good. And he loves messy. Seeing her watery eyes and spit slicked lips makes his heart pound and cock twitch. He can’t have her sucking him off any longer or else he’d burst in her mouth.
“That’s enough pup…” he says, pushing her up from her knees. “Why don’t you take off your little skirt for me, hm?” 
She stands up and unzips them, letting them fall to the floor and around her feet.
“Shirt too,” he says, tugging at his cock languidly. She takes it off and drops it onto the floor right next to her shirt, standing in front of him in just her little nude bra and thin panties. 
He motions for her to come to him. “C’mere.” She steps over the pile of clothes delicately and climbs onto him, straddling his lap. She can feel his bare cock rubbing against her thigh. 
He kisses her deeply, his hands rubbing up and down her sides, feeling her soft, bare skin rise with goosebumps under his touch. His tongue licks and the seam of her lips and his lips pucker so beautifully against hers that she can’t help but whimper. She breathes heavily through her nose as the noise catches in her throat, and her fingers desperately work at the buttons of Harry’s shirt. Fumbling only a little bit, she manages to undo all the buttons and push the shirt off of his broad shoulders. Harry helps her with the rest of it, tugging it off his arms and throwing it onto the floor, all with his eyes closed as he groans into her mouth.
She holds onto his shoulders now and ruts her panty-clad clit onto his chiseled abdomen. Harry groans out and pulls away to watch her push her hips forward and grind her wet clit onto his abs. He can feel how warm and wet she is through her panties, and it makes his eyes roll back into his head. He kisses her again, this time twice as hard and as eagerly.
His fingers undo her bra as he kisses her, sliding it down her arms and throwing it somewhere behind him. He honestly feels like it’s a crime that he doesn’t get to spend enough time with her pretty tits, that she confines them to a bra and hides them away from him. She should walk around his apartment shirtless 24/7, he thinks, so that he can have free range to them. 
He plays with her tits contently now, cupping one breast in each palm and thumbing at her nipples. Her tits are made to fit into his hand, round and supple and filling his hand perfectly. He rolls them around, squeezes them, jiggles them – plays with them as if he were a prepubescent boy seeing tits for the first time. It sends shocks down to her pussy, every time he grazes her sensitive nipples, and she mewls desperately. 
“Daddy, please,” she cries, pulling away from his lips. She feels hot and tingly in her core, “Please fuck me.” 
Harry doesn’t hesitate, releasing her tits with one final grope. His hands find her hips, holding her steady with one hand, while his other hand feels her soaking panties. He rubs his index finger against her slit through her panties and can feel the way she’s sticking to them, the outline of her lips so perfectly huggled by the thin panties. The material is slick, literally drenched with her wetness. He pulls the center of her panties to the side, revealing her dripping pussy, and she can feel her slickness clinging to the fabric. 
With her panties now out of the way, Harry grabs his cock and aligns it with her hole. He paints his leaking cock against her slit, rubbing his tip through her lips for a few strokes, before he lets himself sink into her. She gasps and hides her face in the crook of his neck, letting him guide her hips down slowly. His cock is the biggest she’s ever had, and any time he fucks her he needs to give her a few seconds to stretch out and adjust. Plus with her on top of him, he somehow feels even bigger, reaching deeper into her. 
Harry thankfully doesn’t push her, simply holding her hips so that her thighs don’t get sore from holding herself up, and guides her down at an easy pace. “Ready?” he asks when he feels her try to lift herself up on his cock. She nods eagerly, her face still buried in his neck. He uses his hold on her hips to pull her up and down. Each time she goes up, he pulls her down a little bit father, inching his cock deeper and deeper into her. 
She’s slick and so warm, and it feels heavenly around Harry’s cock. Sucking him off had aroused her massively, as well as how he’d played with her tits. But getting on her knees and crawling to him, feeling so dirty and degraded, that’s what really got her going. Plus the way he’s manhandling her right now, bouncing her on his cock without her doing any work… it makes her head spin. 
He grabs her by her hair and pulls her head back, forcing her to look at him. Her eyes are dreamy, and she can barely keep them open when she feels him rubbing against her g-spot. Her mouth drops open in a high pitched whimper, and Harry takes it as an opportunity to kiss her, sticking his tongue into her open mouth and rubbing against hers hotly. Y/n loves the feeling of his tongue in her mouth, loves how dirty and erotic their open mouthed kiss is. While they make out sloppily, Harry starts bouncing her faster, sheathing his cock deeper into her each time he lifts her. Y/n, who’d been enjoying herself like a princess while Harry did all the work, now swivels her hips so that she feels his cockhead rub against her front wall deliciously. Her nails dig into his shoulders as she feels the pressure building in her tummy, and her moans grow higher and more frequent.
Harry bites her bottom lip, kisses her open mouth, and breathes in every single one of her whines and whimpers. Her tits are bouncing against his chest, and his back burns erotically at the feeling of her clawing at him. He can feel y/n’s pussy fluttering around him and knows that she’s just about to cum, her voice breaking around a moan and her arms tightening around his shoulders. He’s moving her on his cock like a rag doll, and all she can do is hold on as she finally cums, shrieking out with her orgasm. Harry doesn’t even give her a minute to come down from her high, lifting her off of his cock and throwing her onto the bed next to him. Her body is still twitching with the remnants of her orgasm from being on top of him, but he’s already rearranging her so that she’s on her hands and knees for him. 
He stands at the edge of the bed and strips himself of his pants that had still been around his hips while she was riding him and strokes his cock, shiny with her slickness. It’s quite the sight for Harry, seeing y/n holding herself up on her shaky arms with her holes spread open and ready for him. Her poor little pussy looks wet and fucked raw, thoroughly stretched by the size of his cock. 
Harry gets on the bed behind her and steadies himself on his knees. He guides his cock to her hole once more, and thrusts into her in one, smooth motion. Y/n cries out, fingers gripping at the sheets desperately. There’s no wait for her to adjust this time – Harry just starts pounding into her mercilessly, using her to get himself to his end. 
Her ass jiggles with every one of his thrusts, skin slapping against her already sore bum. High pitched moans fall from her lips, little uh, uh, uh’s that match the rhythm of his hips. His hands hold her hips so tightly that he’s leaving indents in her soft skin, keeping her in place while he rams into her. Then he starts using his grip on her hips to yank her backwards, making her meet his thrusts halfway and bouncing her on his cock. 
He’s going so intensely that her entire body is shaking, pounding so hard that she can’t even hold herself up. The upper half of her body collapses onto the bed, her arms numb as they lay next to her head and grab onto the sheets. Her back now arches beautifully as she lays there, head down ass up, and Harry decides that this is his favorite view of her. Her ass is up in the air and spread open in front of him, and the view of his cock pistoning into her is magnificent like this. He leans forward and braces his arms on either side of her head, and somehow manages to plow into her even harder. Y/n squeals, she feels her toes curling and her fingers twisting into the sheets. 
She makes no move to take control over her body, letting Harry do anything and everything he wants while she lays there and takes it. She’s losing her mind, and can barely comprehend her own thoughts with how good Harry’s fucking her. 
Her face is pressed into his sheets and her hair is a mess behind her, sweaty and sticking to her face from how exerted she is. Harry grabs a fistfull of her hair and pulls their bodies back so that they’re both back up on their knees, with her back pressed against his chest and his chin resting on her shoulder. “That’s my good girl,” he whispers, his thrusts not missing a beat, “Taking me so well.”
“Daddy,” she whines, her voice weak and watery.  
He groans into her ear, “m’gonna cum baby. Can you take me in your mouth? Be a good girl and swallow daddy’s cum?”
“Yes daddy, yes!” she mewls. 
Harry lets go of the grip he has on her hair, pulling out of her and immediately bringing his hand down to jerk himself off, not wanting to lose the high that he’s already gotten so close to. Y/n, despite not being able to feel her limbs from how hard she’s just been fucked, manages to get on her hands and knees in front of Harry. She lines up her face with his cock and sticks her tongue out, looking up at him with her puppy eyes. He taps his tips against her tongue as he strokes himself, his hips jerking into his hand harshly and his balls tightening. He cums with a low groan, streaks of his cum painting y/n’s pretty little mouth. She’s good, so good, keeping her tongue out and not even flinching when he misses her open mouth and spurts onto her lips. When he’s done, she swallows all of him down in one big gulp, her throat bobbing, and it makes Harry want to take her all over again. She licks up the little spurt of his cum that had landed on her lip too, and Harry pulls her up by her arm and kisses her deeply.
“Say thank you daddy,” he says, their lips making a soft click sound as he pulls away from her. 
She obeys easily and repeats with her raw voice, “thank you daddy.” 
He groans. “My good little puppy,” he leans down for another kiss, “You’re filthy, baby.” She has to wrap her arms around him to hold herself up, her legs too shaky to support her own weight. Her eyes are watery, her lips swollen and bitten raw, and best of all, Harry thinks, her cheeks are glowing with an orgasmic shine. Despite how ruined she looks, she smiles at him sweetly. 
How in the world did he get so lucky to have a girl as sweet as y/n?
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ragnarachael · 3 years
i have a buncha time on my hands again! well. not too much, but my new job doesn’t start until august 11th! so until then i’ll be relaxing and (i pray) sleeping in and getting back out of whatever state of burn out i’m in from working about 10 days straight just last week.
BUT i’m making this post to ask a question while i’m thinking about it:
everyone lately has been reading/commenting/asking/enjoying hard knocks (thank you so much i cry) SO would you all want to just....idk...like TALK with me about it? get some comment-y behind the scenes-y stuffs? maybe blurbs that could or couldn’t be canon? (if yes, would you rather it be all free style or would you care for a prompt list?)
please do sound off in anyway you’d like, i’m genuinely curious and would like to TRY and feed you all while i attempt to just like. get inspiration to pick hard knocks back up because good lord it’s proving to be a bit hard (ha pun intended)
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nerice · 3 years
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cinematic parallels. ûwû
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Ryougi Shiki (Saber) + general headcanons
Ask: shiki anon here. I’d like to request some general headcannons for Shiki saber! thanks!
Sent by: Anon
A/N: hi!! another rewrite brought to you by yours truly ;D I really enjoyed writing these hcs back then and saber shiki is so beautiful ;;v;;
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Without s/o
Saber Shiki has a rather calm aura than her Assassin counterpart. She acts like a doting older sister to everyone in Chaldea and can be frequently seen helping around, easy to spot as she is clad in a white kimono. She often helps Emiya in kitchen duty, helping the Child Servants calm down before the food is being served and also serves as a cook whenever Emiya is doing a quest.
Her cooking skills aren’t on par compared to Emiya’s, however. They do talk about the menu for the day sometimes and share recipes together.
She is also quite understanding and not judgemental. As such, a lot of Servants and her Master come to her for advice and tips. Shiki and Jeanne are frequently seen together or giving advice to other people. She is one of the few people who doesn’t flinch when Jeanne Alter is near, but rather keeps a calm and listless expression.
Jack, Nursery Rhyme and Jeanne Alter Lily often go up to her and ask her if they can braid or play with her hair. While they braid, Shiki would often tell them about old Japanese folklore stories or legends, but would stop as she felt weight on her back and someone pulling her kimono sleeve, as if it was a blanket, discovering that the three girls fell asleep. She then carries them to bed and tucks them in until they wake up.
Shiki gets along with everyone and people often confuse her with her Assassin counterpart until she let her long hair down, clad in a gorgeous kimono with many layers. While she isn’t a social butterfly, she will always reply when someone talks to her or tries to engage her in a conversation.
When she sees a Servant alone or a Servant who wishes to be alone, she can understand that feeling very well but she can’t help but maybe just walk past them and say, “It won’t hurt to make a few friends here, enjoy the feeling while it lasts.”
One of the Servants she likes talking with, surprisingly, is Salieri. They frequently talk about trivial things and she understands a part of Salieri’s loneliness. She also enjoys listening to classical music, especially the piano. The first time they’ve talked was when Shiki was walked past his room, where he was mimicking the motion of playing the piano in the air with a rather serene face, following the music on the radio. After that, they’ve become close friends.
With s/o
It was hard for her to shift from a motherly and sisterly air to a young girl in love. She had a hard time dealing with her feelings, since she kept on telling herself that she was just doing her duty and being a doting big sister to you until she realizes the small details, like the little quirks you have such as playing your hair, and how she gets slightly jealous, with a pain stirring in her chest, when you have such a happy glow on your face as you talk to other Servants.
She’s not really that different from before you two got together but she is more affectionate and is fond of giving you quick kisses on your cheek, temple or forehead.
She really loves when you play with her hair and adding cute hairpins and accessories. If she lets her hair grow long, she likes it when you put it up in a bun or you braid it and leave it resting on her shoulder. She definitely blushed the frst time you said it was cute on her.
Speaking about blushing, she does get slightly pink whenever you kiss her, whether it be on her soft lips, her cheeks, temple, forehand or hand. She tends to be a bit shy, even in a very long relationship. Every time you kiss her, she smiles and giggles shyly with a smile and pink dust on her face.
Shiki is the kind of woman to whom you can talk about anything to her, and she’ll still show some understanding no matter what and tries to look at both sides of the situation before giving you the best advice she has. She feels delighted that you come to her for advice more than Chiron and it slightly boosts her pride.
She’s always there when you need to talk to her about something, no matter how trivial. Whenever you’re feeling down or stressed, she’ll always hug you and tell you everything is alright, gently patting your back and rubbing circles before waiting until you’ve calmed down and she’ll come back with tea for you to drink.
A very caring girlfriend, sometimes she takes matters a bit over the top. Even if it’s just a light wind in spring, she’ll give you a denim jacket or sometimes a trenchcoat and gives you an umbrella just in case it rains. You do admit she sometimes takes it over the too but she means well at the end of the day and enjoy seeing this cute side of her.
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