#knk scenario
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princess-preg · 2 years ago
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Think you can fill me up a little bit more?
My belly is a little tight from all your cum sloshing inside of me but I want more, I want you to pull my pants down and fill me up once more just to make sure your seed will take…
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loves1ck-ongods-d1ck · 2 years ago
Perviously on…
The boy was made into a fool by not having a backup email and using an old throwaway email as main.
I cannot access that account but I hope I can continue the lords work here 😌
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mako-neexu · 11 months ago
things that could happen in monte cristo valentines:
-haydee and guda again with the anata/watashi -brewing coffee (could be same...maybe different?) coupled with a dessert this time having symbolisms AGAIN of how much they mean to him istfg -FUCKING BEDROOM VOICE THAT WILL SOFTLY ANNIHILATE MY EARS -another "light my cigarette" scene (perhaps, a variation of the scenario that could end us all) -going back to pseudo-tokyo for a date? www -LINK LOST other-self perhaps could be involved? (as shadow maybe) -another mention of guda being his star (<- will absolutely tear me to pieces) -going back to the apartment complex from knk event to look back at some memories? -fgo literally requiring you to clear Id chapter ofc
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lavanderbouquete · 8 months ago
What’s your favorite/least favorite thing about having the fetish
Fav thing is probably the fact that there are so many scenarios to choose from
Least fav thing is probably this knk being Niche and not being able to talk about it offline
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hypothesiscosmos · 11 months ago
5, 9, and 35 for fujino : D
5. Best personality trait
It was a little hard to narrow down since I love them all, but one of her best traits imo is how bold she can actually get! Like I just think it provides a nice contrast to how she usually presents herself overall, regardless if the decision she made can be somewhat rash depending on the situation she's put into. Also I feel like it can also provide for some comedic scenarios, haha
9. Scene that first made me love (or hate) the character
Again, a little hard to pin down since like there's a lot! Can I say the entirety of KnK 3? Like seeing her character unfold throughout, the actions she took, and the culmination of it in the end...it just made me love her so much overall, she's just so fascinating!!
35. Their idea of a perfect day
For her, a perfect day (or well, one of them since I feel like she'd have like a couple) would be whenever it rains, regardless if she's inside or outside. If she's inside in either her dorm or her house, she opens the window a little just to hear the pitter patter and if she's outside wandering around, she'll find some place that provides some shelter and just observe the scenery; both times, she'll reach out her hand and let the droplets fall on it, since it soothes her in more ways then one.
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harapeveco · 2 years ago
Knk beach episode plot we need and deserve:
They go to the beach for some stupid reason don’t really think about it they are just there
Mai’s van is just cartoonishly filled with beach stuff (umbrella, towels, at least 7 floats, beach chairs). As part of the joke they filled it with so much stuff Tobi almost dies squished by them. For some reason they also put him in the trunk but Baku wasn’t he had a seat in the back seat
Basically Tobi gets bullied a lot for my amusement. Also he doesn’t want to be there at all
Speaking of Tobi he’s wearing the same outfit as Yusuke in the beach trip but instead of blue swimming trunks and a white hoodie the trunks are bright orange and the hoodie is black. He’s dying bc it’s too hot but he refuses to take it off
Only Mai and Rei know how to swim while Monika and Tobi use the floats
Also Tobi doesn’t like water in this one he’s like a rabid dog he will bite you if you even dare to think about it (Rei is bitten but actually manages to make him go in the water)
Yuu and Nagi are there too actually but the joke is they are all trying to beat Yuu senseless while absolutely no one questions why Nagi is there. They are besties in this scenario but like they aren’t does that make sense? It does in my head
Ryou is just there too he’s looking from afar witnessing all the shenanigans but he’s not a part of it he sees some shit going on and decides that’s not his problem he just leaves he won’t put himself in a situation
They eat popsicles. The joke here is that when asked what the strange flavor of the popsicle is the answer is just “orange”
We can’t forget the watermelon bit. Tobi hits Yuu instead of the watermelon but that’s on purpose
Also let throw in some beach volleyball bc yes idk how that will go but it’ll be a mess for sure
At some point and don’t ask me why or how they are in a boat. There’s a storm coming (again don’t ask me why or how it just happens) and fucking Tobi falls into the water and is drowning like the loser he is so ofc everyone is throwing stuff he can use to float but everything is actually heavy and sinks. “Throw things that actually float!” He yells. “Here grab this rope!” Says Mai throwing a rope he can grab onto. “Here grab this other rope!” Rei throws the end of the same rope thinking it was another one. “ITS THE SAME ROPE YOU IDIOT” he screams and drown and fucking dies. After the storms ends everyone is crying, Rei laments “I will never forget his last words ‘it’s the same rope you idiot’ 😭”
Thats it’s that’s how it ends
Jk they go to shore and Tobi is there like a wet kitty with the bat (or stick) they used for the watermelon waiting for them so he can kill them. Cut to the persona 4 chasing scene you know the one
You may have noticed Yukito has not been mentioned throughout the story that’s bc I forgot about him just like how Eve and Newo do every chapter. Sorry Yukito ily
The end
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yuliangs · 2 years ago
see in terms of the kpop flop to bl pipeline, everyone WISHES they were dkz jaechan like he's the ideal best case scenario like say you debuted in 2019 and pretty much everyone thought your group was going nowhere though you had a handful of fans so you decide to star in a bl which might help your popularity and just like that everything changes. your show blows up you blow up your group gets more attention. your group rebrands and there's changes in the lineup. suddenly you're selling more albums you get your first music show win you perform at the mama awards. even if your group (which is still losing members even in 2023) dies you know you have a following big enough to maybe go solo or continue acting. and there were a lot of factors that went into play like number 1 semantic error was a pretty decent show. like decent acting, great cinematography, interesting enough plot, likeable characters, and the leads worked pretty well together (more on park seoham later). there's plenty of kpop guys that tried to do a bl but never blew up because the show was mid or just lame. or they were miniseries that no one heard about (junhee from a.c.e you will always be famous to me) but semantic error is regarded as a pretty good show. number 2 is that jaechan was committed to the bit like I don't know much about acting so I can't say how good his performance was all I can say is that I was a fan of dkz before I watched semantic error though I didn't know any of the members so when I watched the show I never realized jaechan was the dkz rapper I genuinely thought he was just an actor and when it was time to pucker up he and seoham delivered. a lot of bls suffer from lack of chemistry due to straight guy actors that are just there for the clout but these guys were serious about it. and to this day there's still idols that are trying to strike gold by starring in bls to varying degrees of success (i just know bump up business isn't gonna be good and it's gonna stay within the same ooo circles) but jaechan and seoham are what flop boys dream about like seoham to a lesser degree because he left knk before starring in semantic error so there wasn't any pressure on him to gain popularity for his group but I think once he's discharged his fans are gonna be ready to receive him and support him whether that's as a soloist or as an actor. and all of this to say that well I'm glad dkz is a bit more popular though sometimes it feels like a monkey's paw wish
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sneezyminniejo · 2 years ago
I saw your recent scenario and I love the idea!! What idols would you put in that scene? are there any idols you could see having the knk.
Honestly, I never really put much thought into the scenario as far as groups or members go. I can potentially see Yunsoo from W24 doing it. Or maybe Yugyeom of Got7.
As for Idols that I could see having the knk, Yugyeom, and Yeonjun
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kpophours · 5 years ago
Back Again
➵ KNK: Heejun x fem. reader / one shot, boyfriend AU / fluff / REQUESTED
➵ warnings: sexual suggestiveness
➵ word count: 1.3k
➵ sequel: Closer (M, 18+)
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Your eyes slide from the computer screen in front of you to the clock on the wall and back again.
Are the hands of the clock even moving?
It definitely doesn’t seem like it.
You gnaw on your lower lip while your left leg begins to bounce up and down, one of your nervous ticks. Your co-worker sitting opposite you shoots you an annoyed look and you duck your head, a silent apology. Alex just sighs. “You can clock out early tonight, if you want to. I can handle the last few customers on my own.”, he finally offers and you lift your head, a surprised expression on your face. He smiles and shrugs. “I know today is special.”, he just mumbles and shoots you a quick wink. You whisper a quick thanks and beam at him, hastily grabbing your empty coffee mug and getting up to bring it back to the kitchen. 
After cleaning up after yourself, you practically sprint out of your office building, Alex’ amused laughter following you.
The way home feels awfully long tonight, traffic moves almost painfully slow and you feel like screaming at every driver in front of you. But instead, you just restlessly drum your fingers against the steering wheel, eyes sliding towards your watch again.
He is probably already home by now…, you think to yourself and bite down on your lower lip to keep yourself from smiling like an idiot. 
About twenty minutes later, you finally turn into your street and thankfully find a parking spot directly in front of your house. You almost tumble onto the sidewalk in your haste to get out of your car, basically jogging up the stairs to your apartment. You need a few seconds to insert your key into the keyhole as your hands are shaking with excitement. At last, you finally succeed and manage to unlock your front door, kicking off your shoes and jacket and running through the hallway and into the small living space. 
Your boyfriend is already sprawled on top of the couch, clad in comfy clothes, his hair still wet from the shower. He immediately sits up when hears you enter and you suppress a sob when you finally lay eyes on his handsome face. “Heejun.”, you only manage to say, voice strangled, and he breaks into his cheeky smile, jumping up and crossing the room in a few long strides. You meet him halfway and fling yourself into his arms, pressing your face against his broad chest. He chuckles and wraps both arms around you and kisses the top of your head a few times, until you finally lift your face to meet his hungry lips. You basically melt against him, drowning in his familiar scent and warmth. He smiles against your lips, gently cupping your chin and sliding his tongue into your mouth. 
When you break apart again, you’re both breathing heavily and smile at each other. “Hi.”, you whisper and he chuckles again. “Hi babe. I missed you.”, he replies in a hushed voice and nuzzles your nose with his. You snuggle even closer, inhaling deeply. “I missed you too. So, so much.”, you murmur against his neck and he shivers when your warm breath tickles his sensitive skin. “Oh, did you now? Really? I didn’t even realize… Your countless messages and phone calls were very misleading, apparently.”, Heejun teases you and you tickle his side, making him squeal and let go of you. You stick out your tongue at him and he laughs, gently grabbing your hand and dragging you towards the sofa. He sighs contently while flopping down on the couch, pulling you on top of him and wrapping both arms and legs around you, practically caging you in and squishing you against his chest. You giggle at his antics and bury your face in his neck, closing your eyes and enjoying his company. 
“Four weeks is just too long.”, you finally say, voice almost inaudible. Heejun hums in agreement. “I know, babe. But it’s part of my job.” You sigh deeply and press as soft kiss against his chest. “I know.”, you grumble and he giggles, sliding two fingers under your chin and gently lifting your face, kissing you again. “Want to order some food?”, he then asks and you nod, immediately reaching for your phone in the back pocket of your jeans. 
“Chinese?”, you inquire, opening the food delivery app, and your boyfriend smiles, nodding happily.  
Half an hour later, one of your favorite movies is playing on the tv and you’re indulging yourselves in the almost ridiculous amount of food you have ordered. Both your legs are slung over Heejun’s lap; you just need to be close to him in at least some way after the four seemingly endless weeks apart. After finally finishing the last spring roll, your boyfriend groans and stretches both arms above his head, contently patting his full stomach. “That was amazing - but maybe a bit much.”, he comments and you smile, poking his cheek with one finger. “Well, no one asked you to eat like a pig.”, you tease him and he shoots you a playful dark look. “Takes one to know one, I guess.”, he replies cheekily and you huff in mock annoyance. He giggles before suddenly wrapping both arms around your waist, hoisting you into his lap and pulling you close. You snuggle into his chest and sigh happily, content to just listen to his steady heartbeat for a few minutes. He begins to gently rub your back, pressing small kisses on top of your head from time to time. You feel yourself get drowsier with every second; feeling warm and blissful and just really happy to have your boyfriend back again. 
“I really missed you.”, Heejun suddenly whispers and you startle awake again, drawing back a bit to look at him. A small, loving smile plays on his lips and his dark eyes are soft when he gazes down at you. You cup his cheek and gently press your lips to his. “I know. But now we’ll have the next few weeks together... right?”, you inquire and lift one eyebrow, beginning to smile as soon as he nods in confirmation. “Exactly. I don’t plan on going anywhere soon.”, he replies und nuzzles your nose. “Good.”, you say and kiss him again, shifting on top of him so you can wrap both your legs around his waist, chests now pressed together. He buries one hand in your soft hair while the other slips under your shirt, gently caressing the soft skin of your waist, opening your mouth with his and sliding his tongue inside, deepening the kiss even more. 
You gasp and moan into his mouth when his hand under your shirt slips even higher, and begin to grind against him. Heejun draws back and looks at you, cheeks flushed and pupils dilated. “How about we take this to the bedroom?”, he asks, voice rough and low. You immediately nod and he stands up with you still in his arms, walking towards said room while leaving open mouthed kisses all over your sensitive neck, finally beginning to suck on your sweet spot. You gasp under his gentle ministration and bite down hard on your lower lip when you feel his bulge grind against your core. You tumble into bed together, his body pressing into yours at all the right places, his hands following the curves of your body until they gently cup your face again. 
Heejun’s dark eyes bore into yours, a soft smile on his lips. “I love you.”, he murmurs, gently brushing a few strands of hair out of your face. You return his smile and kiss him again. “I love you too.”, you whisper against his lips, before losing yourself to his touch; happy to be back in his arms again.
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[masterlist] | [requests] 
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kunderdogs · 5 years ago
KNK As Dads
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Thank you to the anon who requested it! I know it’s kind of sloppy but I hope you like it! :)
I tried to keep them all the same length but it’s hard to tell lol
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When you tell him you’re pregnant, he will fall on the floor
Buys five yards of bubble wrap to “baby proof the house”
You have to explain to him that’s not how it goes
He’ll ready every parenting book like ever
“Did you know that babies have nails in the womb?!”
“Please...it’s three in the morning...Go to sleep, Jihun.”
So affectionate
Wants to cuddle with your belly all the time
“Sorry babe, you’re my number two now. She’s my number one love.”
As soon as his daughter is born, he’s bawling
The docs have to calm him down because they’re afraid he’ll start hyperventilating.
Will not let her leave his sight for the first few months
Will be soooo dramatic when she learns to walk though
Bouncing off the walls when she takes her first step
Made her a college fund when she was 5 days old
“It’s never too soon to start saving for college.”
Hogs all the baby time
Wants to feed her
Refuses to let anyone except you and him hold her until she’s maybe four months
Calls the other members her “weird Uncles”
Proudly announces to everyone her first words were “Dada” even though you were pretty sure she burped
At nights, he’ll sleep in her nursery
He’ll grow out of that habit around when she enters school
As she gets older, he’s always supportive
Definitely wants her to try singing
Knows she’ll sound like an angel
Wants her to do whatever she wants in life
Wants a lot of kids because he loves to spend time with them
Literally she’s his princess
The type of dad to have tea parties just cause his daughter loved them
“Tea party? Only if I can wear the purple tiara this time.”
Glares at any little boy that shows an interest in her
“EXCUSE ME. Keep your hands to yourself, thankyouverymuch.”
“Dad, I’m twenty and this is my boyfriend.”
“boYFRIEND?! You’re grounded, young lady. No dating until you’re married.”
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“What- you’re-?! !!!!”
Faints when you tell him you’re pregnant
Once he comes to, he’ll start crying
Very emotional the entire pregnancy
Even more so than you are
Experiences pregnancy sympathy pains
Has morning sickness right with you
You’re spending the majority of the first trimester taking care of him
He’s always apologizing lmao
As you get bigger, he’s in awe
Cannot believe he’s going to be a dad
Will always look at you like you’re the most beautiful thing in the world
Tearfully tells you he loves you at random times
And then you cry too cause the damn hormones
The member to gush to his fans about your new baby
(on VLIVE) “If it’s a girl, what name should we give it? Tinkerbell always has good ideas and suggestions...Boy name suggestions too!”
Will try to get you to quit your job when you get to 7 months
Is so nervous for the delivery
Coaching and holding your hand the WHOLE TIME
He’ll be your voice to your doctors (we love a king)
Crying as soon as he sees your son’s full head of hair
“You did it, baby, oh wow. He’s so beautiful. You did so well, love. I love you so much.”
Is a mESS
“Mommmm~ He’s healthy T-T come as soon as you can.” Sobs
Glares at anyone who tries to take your son from your arms
Will 100% give the doctors a hard time if his son is crying for “too long”
As he gets older, Seoham is the perfect father.
Loving, caring, and stern when he needs to be
But he’s sooooo soft
Hates to discipline him but knows he needs the correction
The type of dad to watch with love in his eyes as his child is running around the yard.
Threatens the members not to show him any bad words/actions
Reads and sleeps with his son (even tho his long body cannot fit on the red car bed)
Cries at almost every milestone (walking, talking, eating solid food, first hair cut, first day of school)
“He’s just growing up so fast, babe. Soon, he’ll be married and having kids of his own. What am I going to do then?”
“Seoham, this is his third birthday party...Get it together, baby.”
Not going to push his child into anything but encourages him to find hobbies or sports his likes
If your son likes sports, he’s at every. single. event. Practice, games, any of it
Records all the games and when he goes to college, he’ll make a highlight reel
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When you tell him, you’re pregnant, he won’t believe you
Not to mean you’re a liar
But he just cannot grasp it rn
“Ha ha, very funny, babe. I know you’re on the pill.”
Once you hand him the pregnancy stick, he’s all 
O_O “o-oh shit”
Needs to sit down cause he’s lightheaded
Doesn’t want to show you but he’s scared outta his mind rn
Smiles nervously
As time goes on and you start to show, it’ll finally become real to him
He’ll cry that night when you feel the baby moving and put his hand on your belly
Will hide all his worries and concerns from you and instead will ask the members 
Eventually he’ll speak to you about how nervous he is but he reassures you he wants a baby with you
He’ll feel better after talking to you
Very gentle with you when you’re pregnant and will get you any cravings you need
Schedules regular massages for you so you’re comfortable
Literally has hearts in his eyes when he sees how big you get in the last trimester
Doesn’t care what gender your baby is, just wants it healthy
Soft smiles and kisses when the doctor hands you a chubby baby boy
He’s crying but trying to put on a strong front for you
Wants to be your strength but eventually breaks down when he takes a step back and sees how you look at your son in your arms
“The most beautiful view I’ve ever seen...”
Fully bawling when you ask him if he wants to hold his son
Won’t stop calling the child “my son”
Taking pictures and videos of everything
Soccer dad FOR SURE
Has snacks and juice ON DECK 24/7
Supports their kid no matter what though
Hates to be the one to discipline and will even leave when you’re scolding your son
Screaming at the top of his lungs when he learns anything new
Affectionate :))))
Will pout if his son doesn’t want to give him kisses when he leaves for work
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So so so so happy
Smiling so wide when you surprise him with baby converse.
“You’re not joking? You’re really pregnant? We’re having a baby?”
“I’m going to be a dad?”
Literally so excited!!!!
He gets to have a family with the love of his life!!
Immediately tells all his family and friends once he gets the okay from your doctor
Plans a gender reveal party and is wearing a pink shirt because he wants a lil princess to spoil.
Wouldn’t mind a boy, but wants to experience the “daddy/daughter” bond
!!!!!! You’re like 0-O “does this say TWINS?!”
Feels like he hit the jackpot
Kisses you all over, hugging you gently and when you pull back, you can see tears in his eyes.
“I love you. Thank you for giving me two babies.”
He’s very sappy the entire pregnancy
“How’s my girls doing? Need anything, mama? Come here, I’ll rub your feet, baby.”
Takes you on a baby moon to wherever you wanna go just to pamper you before you give birth
Anything you want, he will give you
You could tell him your phone speaker wasn’t working and he’ll go out and get you a whole new phone
Watches you with hearts in his eyes as you sleep
Unfortunately, you can’t give birth naturally due to labor taking too long so the doctors have to preform a c-section.
A mess of nerves and tension as he holds your hand in the operating room
When he hears two cries, he nearly collapses next to you in relief. “You did amazing, love.”
Crying as he watches the doctors put both little girls on your chest
He strokes one of the twins tiny head, lips trembling as she softly cries out
“I never thought my heart could beat outside of my body.”
100% the overprotective dad
Down to play any girly games for them
Brings them to sporting events against their will
N O BOYS E V E R !!!!
ok maybe if they’re knk fans
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Terrified at first
Heejun is young (my age lol) so I feel like he wouldn’t particularly want kids until he’s in his late twenties-early thirties
He warms up to the idea of a child quickly because he LOVES kids
ESPECIALLY if it’s his with the love of his life
Not one to keep it a secret
He’ll call everyone in his life and give them the news
lowkey wants a boy because he doesn’t know if he can relate to a girl
But honestly as long as the baby is healthy, he’s over the moon
When he does find out it’s a boy, he’s buying matching clothes for him and his son
Tells everyone “I’m having a son T-T”
Is usually composed during the pregnancy - wide smiles and cheerful expressions
Will get you anything you want, no questions asks
(He’ll complain to the boys that your cravings are weird as hell tho. Who eats cheetos with peanut butter and power-aid? Disgusting)
Won’t ever say anything negative because he wants his child to grow up in a positive environment
Refuses any help in building or assembling any of the baby furniture or toys
“I have to do this. I’m a dad now. Dads build things.”
Only cries when he’s able to hold his son, wrapped up tightly like a burrito in the hospital.
You’d be passed out on the bed with the nurses busy by you, and he’d just sit with your son in his arms, tears flowing freely with a smile on his face.
“Hey little one, I’m your daddy.”
He’s a precious angel, even when he turns two and terrorizes literally everyone and everything in your house
Wants only the best for your son so he’ll make food and turn into a chef pretty quickly.
Eventually when your son shows how picky he really is, Heejun will give in and give him chicken nuggets
Play fights with him all the time
You still don’t know which one broke the bathroom window and they refuse to tell on the other
Very proud of his son’s accomplishments and will praise him for every little thing he can
Bribes him with popsicles and ice cream to get him potty trained
It worked so you couldn’t say much lol
His kid is his ride or die
Nothing will ever get between him and his son
Wants your son to be better than he is - and will push him to do well in school, all the way up to college
When you have a daughter, him and your son are full on body guard mode
“Hands off the models.” He says to Inseong as the older one plays with your daughter. 
“Ten feet distance at all times, thank you.”
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koalataeil · 5 years ago
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dongwon donggu
this little [tall] cutie
he’s such a sweetheart
he’d be such a great boyfriend
like have you ever seen his outfits ????
total boyfriend material
he’d also give you some of his clothes to wear
bc you like them so much
and he thinks you’re so cute
also bc he’s such a great boyfriend
he’s always there for you
for literally anything
like even the most simple things
you get a job interview???
he takes you out to dinner and buys you something cute
like flowers or a stuffed animal
or just gives you a new hoodie of his lol
but literally such a supportive cute boyfriend
he’s been described as the most boring member
at least in one interview (lol rip donggu)
so he’d probably really enjoy and take you on some of the cliche dates
like going to a movie and dinner
really likes going to coffee shops
that is literally his perfect date
to hang out with you at a coffee shop and some small talk
or even some reading next to each other
he’s also such a chill guy
i think he’d really enjoy those staying-in dates
whether you watch a movie or play some games
or even just being in each other’s company
he’s just so happy
so like his fellow members he’s a little scaredy-cat
so no horror movies
but he might watch one with you if you beg him
and you promise to protect him
but the second the music changes or he senses something scary he’ll hide behind you and cover his eyes
he’ll also grab onto your shirt or hug you tightly
and he’ll likely stay there for way too long bc he has to build the courage to look back at the screen
also he’s so warm
like he just seems like such a warm and comforting guy
cuddling???? just a warm boi
speaking of him hugging you
he’d be into pda for the most part
like hugging and holding hands
sometimes kissing too
i feel like it would be more about what you’re comfortable with
he relies on you sometimes to help him feel better
especially if he’s nervous for a comeback
or specific event
even though he’s gotten a lot more comfortable
but he’s also pretty easy to cheer up
and his laugh ????
loud but also completely amazing
which cheers you up immediately too
as for sex
vvv vanilla
like this boy is not very kinky
other than maybe the fact that he moans a lot
but that isn’t really a kink lol
and he’s a loud moaner at that
like not much talking
and the moans are so deep bc have you heard his voice???
deep as fuck
probably a little more romantic in the bedroom
loves to kiss your neck and chest and stuff
and if he does talk it’s to tell you how much he loves you or how beautiful and handsome you are
after it’s all said and done pillow talk is almost always a thing
and some lazy cuddling
like honestly just such great boyfriend material and you are so lucky :))))
pls treat him like the prince he is
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knkpsh · 5 years ago
dongwon as your bf <3
a/n: im sorry if this one isnt as good as the others my last brain cell is giving up on me u_u i hope yall still enjoy^^
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• always sending you “good morning / goodnight / did you eat / what did you do today” texts !!!
• sends you selfies when you’re not together <3 your whole gallery is pics he sends you
• dates range from simple dates where you walk the han river together, to nicer dates where he reserves a table for you two at a fancy restaurant in the city.... and everything in between
• he considers you coming over to take a nap a date so <3
• like seoham, he calls you whenever he can as well, he loves to hear your voice
• hes the type to give u eskimo kisses
• also a big cuddler
• and hand holder 🥺 yall hold hands so much that you guys have a series of codes you make through hand holding (ie. thumb rub = i love you, different number of squeezes mean different things etc)
• possibly the most domestic bf ever
• gets vvvv soft when u call him donggu or make cute nicknames for him
• gives you cute nicknames too
• is constantly buying you little thoughtful gifts
• always pays attention to your hobbies and interests and may participate in them as well, like a couple’s activity
• gives you every album spoiler ever for them oh my god
• if he can, he would bring you to practice too
• also loves cafe dates like jihun
• the type to appreciate the little things & moments
• loves listening to your heartbeat when you cuddle
• keeps a love counter app with the first moment you met .... cuz he fell for you at first sight ;((((
• gives you his hoodies
• always asks your opinion when hes clothes shopping
• yall saw this coming: fishing :))))
• idk about yall but i would love to sit on a dock / boat and fish all morning with him :(
• if you dont like to go fishing he’ll send you pics of the view & of the fish he caught all excited 🥺🥺
• would be v touched when you give the same attention to his interests as he does to yours
• is always just in awe that the person he loves loves him back in the same way
• would love to raise a dog baby with you
• wants to travel the world with you
• 100% the type to take a picture of some beautiful landscape with you in the frame, with a cheesy caption saying you’re the view or something isgkdjdkfk
• makes playlists for you & you listen to them together
• overall a very sweet and thoughtful bf 🥺🥺🥺
“knk as your bf” series: jihun | seoham | [dongwon] | inseong | heejun
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knkollection · 6 years ago
Reaction To Seeing You Drunk For The First Time
A/N: To respect Youjin’s leave, I don’t write about him FYI And I call Seoham Seungjun still, but I’m working to change it.... NOT-DATING, group setting
I feel like if you’re drunk he’d be drunk too. But perhaps he’s not there yet. OMG I think he’d lowkey fanboy a little tho, whining about how cute you’re acting even when you give him a weak shove and say you’re not cute. He’d also be one to have a jolly ole time with you, coaxing you to have another shot with him and he’ll pour it for you.  Different from the other members [who’ll you’ll read soon], he isn’t one to admonish you from drinking or worry about you. I think his mindset is just to have fun together. If anything the others would have to take care of the both of you. But from that day onward, he’d always suggest you joining them to drink or drink if there was an occasion to. Or tease you a little bit... “Hellong~” “Ah... So cringe.” “Hmp... You said it to me last weekend- You’re cuter when you’re drunk- Now you’re just no jam.”
I feel he wouldn’t be one to make a big commotion out of it. He’d carry on like things are normal for the most part. But I see him as someone who would try to protect your modesty since there are others around and would shake his head at others who would tease you or rile you up. Mentally, though he’d be taking a lot of notes of things you might say or do when drunk and when you’re sober he’d kind of drag you a little. “Wow, long time no see-” “We saw each other last night... At Seoham’s birthday-” “Hm- But you were like a different person.” “Really??! Ahg... I got a little drunk.” He doesn’t mean anything mean by it, he’s just teasing. I think he’d worry for you when you’re drunk since drunk ppl can easily be taken advantage of, plus he has to admit your behavior is really cute so...
I don’t think he’d notice for a little while and just think you were being more outgoing. Until he finds you like leaning on his arm with your weight as your reaching across him to hit Jihun. Then he’d get those wide eyes and ask if you’re drunk before following it up with a chuckle because now he knows you definitely are. I think he’d try to keep himself composed and slow his drinking. Not that you’re a burden, but he just wants to make sure one of you is sober- I don’t think he’d do anything underhanded like ask your secrets since he’s not sure how much you might remember the next day... I see him as someone protective over his female friends and family and would be pretty wary about other guys talking to you or stuff because he doesn’t know how much they’ve had to drink or if they have some impure interest in you.
This nerd... He’s one to take lots of evidence of it, photos and videos of you doing something stupid like a love-shot with a blushing Seoham.  If he’s not drunk also then he’ll tease you a lot, like you’re his little sister. “Are you drunk?” *insert knowing smile* “No! Just like... a little-” “A little? If this is a little I think you might be an alcoholic-” *proceeds to cackle* But he’d also be very attentive and take care of you. Even if you’d get up to pee, he’d walk you to the bathroom and wait outside. If your water glass was empty, he’d always refill it right away. He’d see you in a new light now having seen you drunk and would probably think you were really cute... He’d also take you home if no one else lived near you.
It’s all fun and games until you almost knock a glass from the table. He enjoyed teasing you a bit until you’d get fired up and throw lazy punches at his shoulder- And when he’d ask personal questions in an attempt to get you to reveal your secrets. He’d have a devious smile and would begin to talk to you like a child, asking if you’d like more to drink or why you were pouting. He’d worry about how you’d get home and with time would slowly try to help sober you up. Even though you’re good friends, I think he’d be hyper-sensitive to things that seem couple-ish or date-like, so I think he’d think he didn’t have to option of taking you home because he’d be overstepping that line. But he would if you were in serious trouble or couldn’t sober up and had no female friends to go with you.
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iimaginekpop · 6 years ago
KNK: Being around another member’s crush
This is a reupload from an old blog. I do NOT write for KNK.
SO FREAKING NICE… no, but seriously he would treat you so well. The other member has nothing to worry about because he won’t spill the beans. He will, however, ask you a few question like, “do you like someone”, “is there someone in the group you like a bit more than the others? Like a bias or something?” or “you know, you kind of seem like the perfect girl for one of my members”, but like I said he won’t spill the beans, so he will never tell you which member he is talking about.
I can’t be the only one thinking he would by accident his member’s crush? Like he obviously won’t do it on purpose, but like maybe you and the member is joking around and he starts squealing out loud over how cute you two look or you do something and he just goes “Wow now I understand why ___ like you so much”. Perhaps you could protect him from whatever the member in question has in store for him now that he has revealed it because I’m sure it won’t be pretty.
I feel like he would be a bit indifferent about it? Like most of the time, he would just let it be and let the member figure it out on his own. But if he can see the member might need a bit of a push, he will give it in a not noticeable way.
Total wingman, kind of like Youjin with all the questions. The difference will be he would center the questions around the member, like “don’t you think ____ looked really good today”, “hey with the way you are looking at ____ I would think you totally like him” or “you and ____ would be perfect for each other, you have so much in common”. Probably plans a blind date.
Lmao would probably tell you. Haha no actually, the thing is, he, of course, will only tell you if he has a small feeling you like the member too. Before he figures that out, however, he will totally tease the sh*t out of the member, hinting towards the crush on you whenever you are near. Totally the type to yell “Just get together already” or “Get a room”.
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neokollection · 7 years ago
hey so uh
nct fanfic tumblr is super saturated, we got lots of fans
sooo, i’m devoting a bit of time to knk- they’re great, wonderful babes, a lot of ppl like them, but they’re sorta a c-list group, there rnt a lotta hardcore stans for only them.
anyway, the fanfic for them is so limited it’s sad.. so i’mma write for them a bit, just to give tinkerbells a treat and promote the boys lowkey [dont hate me nctzens] but yea tbh if you have suggestions for them or wut u’d wanna c leme know~
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ithinkilikeit-reactions · 7 years ago
KNK Masterlist (no longer updating)
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~nothing yet~
~nothing yet~
KNK as subs
S/O wants to have sex in public
~nothing yet~
~nothing yet~
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