#knight Killian
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Self Promo Sunday: "The Belle Dame Emma"
This short MC fic was my @cssns21 entry, and I tried my hand at a fae version of Emma and a knight version of Killian with it. It took a fair amount of inspiration from the classic Keats poem "La Belle Dame sans Merci", the lines at beginning and end of the chapters are from the poem, as well as from my desire to explore the Dark Swan idea from a different angle, with more of Emma's fighting back against those tendencies as we saw at first. At any rate, as I am going back through my @cssns contributions, I was excited to find this one next. I hope you will enjoy this if you didn't see it back then, and even if you did, maybe you will enjoy it again...
Summary: Legend has it that the fae woman in the meadow will ensnare any who dare enter her domain, but the knight who chances a meeting can tell there is more to the story than superstition and gossip has allowed. The path to the truth and redemption may be fraught with dangers - to the both of them - but is it not the sworn duty of a true knight to help any who may be in need?
**Thanks a million once more to @caught-in-the-filter who made the gorgeous cover art for this fic! I absolutely love it! **
{Also available on AO3, if that is your preference}
by: @snowbellewells
Part One
I met a lady in the meads,
Full beautiful - a faery’s child,
Her hair was long, her foot was light,
And her eyes were wild.
Some folks say that she was always malevolent. Born to beguile and lure the unworthy to their doom. The fae, after all, were not to be trifled with, and those who dared do so learned their lesson at high cost.
The whispers around the fog-wisped edges of her meadow haunt, the word spoken as warning with anxious glances over the shoulder, was that her beauty was matched only by her fury. That she was possessed with a thirst to punish those who would be lured by her fair form and bewitching song. Those who were wise came to skirt wide around those fallow fields in that sparsely populated corner of the kingdom, for it was said that even those of stoutest resolve and pure intentions found this powerful nymph - be it by her face alone or some magic she wielded to draw them into her web - nigh impossible to resist.
Some retellings of her legend had her thrown from the sparkling court of the fair folk for her cruel and deviant nature. Others claimed she possessed more power and magic than any single faery had before her, and it had simply been too much - bending her better nature into madness. Still other storytellers would paint her more as a tragic sacrifice. The Fae Folk must have one who punished those unworthy of their own kind, as well as the humans who got too close to discovering their kingdom’s gates or who would dare to upset the fragile balance of peace between the two species - who might dare to think themselves equal to, and attempt to win the heart of, a faery. She was simply the one chosen to mete out these judgements. A Guardian and a Gatekeeper, as it were.
And though there is often a grain of truth to any rumor, very rarely do such stories paint their characters as they truly are. Not in full. And the ballad of awe and fear told of the beautiful, but deadly, lady Emma - La Belle Dame Sans Merci - was just such a tale. The whispers bore fragments of reality, but could not explain it all. Though she was not blameless, she was not completely lost. Perhaps there only needed to be some small spark of light, some reason for her to look within for any shred of mercy she might still possess.
~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~
The wind rushed across his forehead, lifting the strands of his dark hair from his heated skin pleasantly and ruffling his steed’s mane before dancing on to bend the grasses along the quiet roadside and tug at the leaves on nearby trees. It was a pleasant morning to be about, though the way seemed strangely untraveled since his turn-off at the last crossroad. Killian Jones, knight-at-arms, found he didn’t truly mind the peacefulness and lack of fellow travelers, enjoying the sounds of breeze and birdsong and mulling his own thoughts. Though adventure, daring battle, and quests of honor made his blood pound with vigor, causing excitement to tingle in his nerve endings and a sense of fulfillment in being where he was needed and doing what he must flooded his being, he could admit if only to himself on this placid afternoon, that he sometimes still wondered if there was more.
He certainly did not wish to change his profession. He would never be happy as a blacksmith, farmer, or tradesman; anything so mundane, necessary as those roles were, would never satisfy him for long. And yet, he had begun to feel the weight of many battles, the lives he had held in his hands, and the blood he could sometimes still see behind closed eyelids, had begun to haunt him. If there was always another fight, another enemy to vanquish, more violence and death and Darkness, were they making any difference? Was a glimmer of the light they fought for shining through, or were they merely treading water, waiting to be subsumed?
It was what had brought him to this quiet roadside meadow alone, rather than back on the high road with his fellows, moving on to the next castle and the next foe they needed to vanquish. He had called out that he would rejoin them further down the road; it was not unusual for one of them to split off on some personal venture from time to time. It was a life of constant movement, never truly being at ease or settling anywhere, and yet it made sense that sometimes one would need to pause, linger, and think for a moment where it was still and inviting enough to do so.
Killian knew he had traveled in this corner of the kingdom before - though it had been some time back. He did not remember the way this road had curved and twined, becoming narrowed and more removed from the larger surroundings as it followed a trickling brook along its way. The sounds of the village some miles back now, of other travelers whom he had not seen for some time, even the rustling of leaves and grasses and the twittering of the birds seemed to fade. A stillness encircled him such as he had never experienced before. It might have been unnerving if he had not been seeking quiet and peace to think, answers for the questions that troubled him. His mount danced fitfully on occasion, tossing his shaggy black head as if ill at ease, but Killian found he was too entranced, too breathlessly curious to turn back now. Plus, Shadow was a spirited animal and his fitfulness did not truly alarm his rider. There was a reason only Killian seemed able to handle him.
The brooke, and the path following it, both turned again sharply, and Killian ducked to ride under the low-hanging branch of a tree, and when he sat back up in his saddle once more, the sight around that bend brought him up short. The creek came to a stop at last, running into a still pond, dark and motionless, and on the far side of the pond was some sort of cave, its mouth wide open as if beckoning those brave enough to explore. Flowers grew strewn through tall grasses, and all of it was waving soundlessly in the breeze like a beckoning sea.
Again, Killian found he was almost mystified by his own impulse to dismount and come closer. To seek out every secret corner of this meadow hideaway. He knew well enough not to venture into dark and unknown caves and underground passages, and yet the pull was nigh irresistible. He stood in wonderment, taking it all in as he stroked Shadow’s nose, soothing the restless gelding.
“What is it, lad?” Killian murmured to his horse, scratching behind its ears and trying to keep a firm grip on the reins as the creature continued to shuffle and toss its head.
Suddenly, the knight sensed he and his steed were no longer alone, a strong scent of apple blossoms and sweet honey stirred on the breeze and a chill ran over his skin, making the small hairs on his arms stand on end.
A dulcet, hypnotic voice spoke on the horse’s other side, a delicate feminine hand stroking over the animal’s nose caused Shadow to calm instantly. “Perhaps,” it offered subtly, “he knows something you do not.”
Killian had never known Shadow to gentle for anyone else; the creature rarely grew that still even for him, and the chill which had run through him a moment before now shivered down his spine. “And what might that be?” he questioned stoutly, not allowing any of his trepidation to show in his tone. “And who are you and what might you know of it?”
A form so fair, so ethereally bright and beautiful that he knew immediately she must be more than human, stepped into view from the other side of his horse. Long, glowing golden hair hung to her waist, twined with buttercups and bluebells, her feet were bare and gracefully shaped, her eyes a verdant green he wanted to fall into like a thick carpet of clover and grass, and the slight tilt of her voluptuously shaped pale pink lips somehow seemed to hint she already knew she had entranced him. The lady who had materialized there in the meadow at his side was breathtaking; her smile serene and inviting, her voice low and melodic, drawing him to lean in closer to hear what she would say next.
“Do you not hear strange tales of this place, warning travelers to be on their guard?” she tilted her head slightly, studying him as if bemused.
“I am a knight of the Realm, milady,” he replied, “Sworn to go where others may fear to tread, to protect the helpless and vanquish dangers wherever they might be. Seldom am I in one place long enough to hear all the local legends and superstitions, but even so, I would not let such talk turn me from my duty.”
That pale, lovely face continued to meet his own gaze head-on, not doubting, but merely watching as if weighing his response and gauging the sincerity of his words. Humming lightly to herself, she stepped away from him and Shadow, turning towards the pond’s smooth surface, almost as if taking for granted that he would follow.
Killian found to his chagrin that he had blindly followed two strides in her wake before realizing he had done so. Glancing back over her shoulder with arched brow and genuine question in her tone she asked, “Your duty brought you here then?”
Dipping his chin slightly toward the metal armor that covered his chest, Killian offered her a slight show of respect. He was not sure just where he had wandered, if he was trespassing on some royal land and this was some trick to ensnare him in wrongdoing, if he had wandered into some sort of enchanted space and she was a siren risen from the depths, or perhaps she was their next evil wizard or monster to fight, taking on a disguise of fair form to spy upon them and learn their weaknesses. As much as he felt a pull toward her and wanted to stay there speaking with her, there was at the same time a warring sense of unease in his being. The day was wearing on, he had yet to make arrangements for the night, and he had given his word to find his fellows once more as well.
“That I do not yet know,” he finally replied. “I broke off from a larger company at the last bend in the road. This meadow was so peaceful and inviting, and I suppose curiosity led me further as much as anything.”
For a time neither spoke, and Killian noticed for the first time that all other sounds had ceased as well. The rustling of the leaves and grasses, the birdsong and the plash of the brook into the larger pool were all muted; every bit of their surroundings gone strangely still. He knew it impossible, but for a moment it seemed as if he were frozen in a still life, unmoving, unblinking, like a statue carved in stone.
The beautiful vision stared into the water silently, so long and so deeply he wondered if she had forgotten his presence. Killian did not know whether to address her further or to turn and go, nor was he certain that his feet would move to turn from her if he did attempt to leave.
As eerily still as all was around him, he felt more concern in that instant that he had upset her, troubled or disturbed her somehow with his presence or his answers to her questions. Urging Shadow forward, he came to stand beside the mysterious lady once more, reaching out a hand meant to soothe or comfort.
But before he could make contact she whirled to meet him, her face a mask of pained struggle, her eyes wide and alarmed and so much darker than the jeweled green they had been before. Her voice was harsher, rough as she screeched for him to stand back, to get away from there. He didn’t understand the transformation, but he could see she was nearly vibrating with tension, trembling as if some force wanted to burst from her and she could scarcely hold it back. What had been a gentle breeze now howled about them, and the still pond was whipped into choppy waves. Killian stumbled back, dumbstruck, uncertain what was happening.
The idyllic beauty of his surroundings and the pleasant stranger before him had been changed instantaneously. None of the calm tranquility or gentle smiles which had lured him further in lingered now, and the enthralling vision before him now radiated tension and warning, her voice still rasping as if dragged over glass, saying that he must flee, she could only hold back so long.
Nearly as confused as he was alarmed or frightened, Killian shook his head, anxious to clear it of the doubt swirling through - had he imagined everything before? Or was he imagining things now? The anguish on that fair brow was enough to send him away for the moment, the pale maiden well on her way to enchanting him looked stretched to her limits, beseeching him to leave while he was still able. The chilvalrous knight he was fought against leaving such a one in pain or distress, but he also knew that he did not understand the situation, did not know all that was needed to act wisely.
And so, reluctantly, he swung up into Shadow’s saddle, his steed at least feeling no qualms about leaving. The beast tossed his head and wheeled to gallop off at the first mere prodding, hide quivering as he carried his rider back the way they had come in haste.
Killian, for his part, felt compelled to look back. For a moment, he could still see her form, curling in on herself slightly as she seemed to double over, and growing ever smaller in his view. The whole vista seemed to waver, partially obscured by a rising haze, until he could not have pointed out exactly where it had been.
Soon after, Shadow had carried them back to the main road, and Killian urged him to turn back onto it, to once more find his fellows, quite possibly in the next small village. Yet, though he appeared safely back on course, Killian could not forget what he had seen and heard… haunted by the face of the troubled maiden.
~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~
The faery, Emma, sagged in relief as the knight finally rode from view. She was breathlessly grateful for the mist which rose up from the surface of the pool, and the very air itself, now heavy and charged and hiding her from view, where before it had been so fresh and light with Spring. No wonder the man had been drawn to the small oasis. With the flowers and cool breeze and sparkling waters, her hidden grotto was made to be inviting, dangerously appealing. As was she herself - in form and face - or so she had been told when the curse was placed upon her.
Sinking to her knees in the tall grass, the thin blades and the faces of the daisies both brushed her skin if trying to offer comfort, Emma panted rapidly in effort to regain her breath. She had managed to hold it back, the dark power which had been twined with the natural light fae magic inside her. Her song, once capable of brightening skies, coaxing plants to blossom, and raising spirits that were broken or bowed, now would ensnare and entwine those same lost souls who might cross her path, draining them and never allowing them to leave.
One solitary tear slipped down her cheek as her breathing calmed and she contemplated the change wrought upon her being against her will. It kept her even from her own kind; loved ones who might ease the hurt and loneliness. For she did not know for certain if they were immune to the strange siren call she had been infected with, and she could not bear to risk such folly. It was horrifying enough to have almost trapped and harmed the handsome stranger who had stumbled upon her hideaway, but she would not surve being the death of one she loved.
Sadly, Emma finally managed to stand again, making her way slowly back to the mouth of the cavern where she spent so much of her time hidden away from the trees and flowers, the sunshine and fair breezes and springtime that she loved for fear of her curse withering it all and destroying others who wandered near, appreciating the same beauty of which she had once been the caretaker. Folly it had been to venture out today, and yet she had been unable to help herself, needing to see and smell and touch the bounty she had been denied. Then it had seemed the knight had just appeared.
Those eyes… a new sort of pang in her heart twinged at the reflection. They had been so blue, searching and deep, as pristine and sparkling as the waters before her and seeking to understand as if he sensed her pain. What an idea! Emma shook her head, wrapping her arms around herself to ward off the frail hope. That could lead nowhere but disaster for the both of them. A proud, strong young life cut down for no reason if he did return. She was not sure exactly how her powers would snare him in thrall, drain him of life, only that the dark and twisted caster had proclaimed it would be so. She had managed to hold the welling of destructive energy she could feel rising within herself until the man had gone. And normally she managed to stay hidden well enough, removed from all others, that she did not chance unleashing it.
What had drawn her to this one? Caused her to show herself? Why had it almost seemed as if the knight could sense something was wrong? She did not know, and it troubled her, but there was no one to ask for advice. Quite possibly no answers to be had at all. She knew no other faery who had been punished in such a manner.
Turning to slink back into her cavern, Emma’s shoulders slumped. She certainly couldn’t risk being seen again this day; her strength was far too diminished to fight the poison surging to escape if any other hapless being discovered her. Such a horrible, unending punishment, for an unknowing, well-intended mistake, her spirit railed fruitlessly once again. How could she have known that bestowing her innocent heart in love would bring her here?
I made a garland for her head,
And bracelets too, and fragrant zone;
She looked at me as she did love,
And made sweet moan.
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#self promo sunday#CSSNS21 fic#the belle dame Emma#fae Emma#knight Killian#enchanted Forest-ish au ff#cs au ff#part one
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*Niko comes up and hugs Bran, burying his face in his neck*
Bran, worried: What's wrong, baby?
Niko, whispering: You don't love me anymore.
Bran: Wha-
#rinaverse#rina kent#legacy of gods#god of fury#nikolai sokolov#brandon king#nikobran#landon king#mia sokolov#glyndon king#killian carson#creighton king#annika volkov#jeremy volkov#cecily knight#gareth carson#vaughn morozov#maya sokolov#ava nash#remington astor#eli king#fanfic#fandom#book quotes#booktok#inccorect quotes#inncorect book quotes
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ONCE UPON A TIME 7.21, Homecoming
#ouatedit#onceuponatimeedit#knightrookedit#ouat#once upon a time#knight rook#alice jones#killian jones#s7#7x21 homecoming#ouat s7#dynamic: knight rook#event: rewatch 22
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the fact that gareth's relationship will be the first one landon has no business meddling with 🙏 we're freee
#legacy of gods#rina kent#landon king#gareth carson#jeremy volkov#cecily knight#kiss the villain#mia sokolov#nikolai sokolov#brandon king#glyndon king#killian carson#god of malice#god of fury#god of ruin#god of wrath
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Nikolai: How do you think you'll stop me?
Jeremy: I'll tell Brandon.
Nikolai: You sick bastard!
#god of fury#nikolai sokolov#brandon king#nikolaixbrandon#nikobran#rina kent#gareth carson#kiss the villain#kayden lockwood#rinaverse#jeremy volkov#killian carson#booklr#book memes#incorrect quotes#kylehunter#ashercarson#kirill morozov#adrianvolkov#god of malice#god of pain#god of war#royal elite series#eli king#legacy of gods#mm books#friends#comedy#cecily knight#creighton king
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Gareth: Next time we meet, we’re enemies
Kayden, in his head: Enemies to lovers, slowburn, angst with happy ending, 300k+ words
#gareth carson#kayden lockwood#kiss the villain#glyndon king#god of fury#god of malice#god of pain#god of wrath#god of ruin#killian carson#nikolai sokolov#jeremy volkov#brandon king#cecily knight#landon king#ava nash#creighton king#eli king#legacy of gods#rina kent#rinaverse#mia sokolov#book memes
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Nikolai and Brandon from God of Fury
Strange head-canons which have been rattling around my head since my 3rd re-read:
After spending more time together, Brandon and Gareth become strangely good friends.
He is the first person Gareth comes out too, before Killian.
Glyn forces Levi to take Killian golfing with him when he goes one year, and they both enjoy it. Their relationship get better after that, not perfect but better.
Nikobran go on lots of double dates with everyone.
Mia and Brandon managed to get Landon and Nikolai to agree to a mini golf dates once, which ended up with Landon pushing Nikolai in a pond, They stop trying after that.
They have a large fish tank with lots of different fish, all bought by Niko.
Nikolai has 2nd degree burns on his hands and wrist from burning eggs while Brandon was working out on the balcony of their penthouse and he was not paying attention. He has no regrets.
Landon, Brandon and Glyn have a Thursday night standing dinner reservation. They do get closer.
Brandon officiates Landon's and Mia's wedding, since they both wanted him in their wedding party.
Landon is Brandons best man and Jeremy is Nikos best man. They all make an agreement to be civil for the day.
They both like the side of the bed closer to the winder and has become a running joke to see which of them gets to bed first.
It's also a tradition they both love that when Nikolai comes back from work, the first thing Brandon says is "Hello dear, have you done anything I wouldn't approve of today?" and Niko will respond "Who, me?".
When they do eventually have children, they adopt 3 beautiful girls.
They do decide they don't want to raise children in the US, with their questionable school safety, so they move to England and Niko heads the Europe branch of the family business.
They has a big exhibitionist kink.
The future
When they do eventually have children, they adopt 3 beautiful girls.
They do decide they don't want to raise children in the US, with their questionable school safety, so they move to England and Niko heads the Europe branch of the family business, along with Gareth.
Jeremy and Cecily have 1 girls, then 1 boy.
Landon and Mia have 2 boys.
Killian and Glyndon decide not to have children, and become the fun aunts and uncles.
Creighton and Annika have 2 boys and 1 girl.
Eli and Ava have 1 girl, whose a massive Daddy's girl.
Look, these are just my silly opinion and doesn't mean anything so don't get offended!
#god of fury#Brandon King#nikolai sokolov#nikobran#my headcanons#rina kent#mm books#jeremy volkov#cecily knight#landon king#mia sokolov#killian carson#glyndon king#creighton king#annika volkov#eli king#ava nash
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Trust me, Ava, I've been asking this question to myself since i started reading fiction
#FINALLY READING GOD OF WAR#ava nash#eli king#god of war#rina kent#legacy of gods#god of malice#god of pain#god of wrath#god of ruin#god of fury#glyndon king#killian carson#creighton king#annika volkov#landon king#jeremy volkov#cecily knight#mia sokolov#brandon king#nikolai sokolov
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LOG MEMES (what did their lovers do for them pt. 1)
Landon King : Mia spoke for me
Glyndon King : Kill prepared me handmade lunch boxes
Nikolai Sokolov : Lotus Flower didn't have to do anything. i would just fall at his feet for free
Jeremy Volkov : Cecily signed up into Club of Dark fantasies for me-
Landon King : Hello, delusional. Ces joined for me *winks*
Cecily Knight *grabbing Jer's arm* : I only love you, Jeremy.
Landon King : Firsts are Firsts, Ces. And i was your first love
Jeremy Volkov *getting up to kill him* :
Creighton King *in depressed tone* : Annika shot me and put me in come
Landon King : which she missed, and you woke up
Eli King : Mrs. King stabbed me and forgot she ever stabbed me
Landon King : Barbie really missed too, huh? Both sister-in-laws have bad aim
#rina kent#book memes#incorrect quotes#funny memes#book tumblr#bookstagram#book tweet#bookish#book humor#booklr#wholesome#wholesome memes#legacy of gods#god of fury#nikolai sokolov#brandon king#landon king#jeremy volkov#god of wrath#eli king#killian carson#ava nash#god of war#god of ruin#god of pain#god of malice#creighton king#annika volkov#cecily knight#dark romance
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Brandon: *coming out* I don't like women
Remi: *gasp* You're a misogynist?!?!
#brandon king#landon king#creighton king#glyndon king#eli king#remi astor#ava nash#annika volkov#cecily knight#jeremy volkov#ariella nash#nikolai sokolov#killian carson#gareth carson#god of malice#god of pain#mia sokolov#maya sokolov#god of fury#god of wrath#legacy of gods#god of ruin#rina kent#books#bookstagram#booktok#booklr
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Nikolai: I have a new fool-proof way of determining if someone is evil. Jeremy: And that is? Nikolai: If they hate Bran, they’re evil. Jeremy: That’s pretty solid logic.
#nikolai sokolov#gareth carson#kiss the villain#rinaverse#rina kent#kayden lockwood#legacy of gods#incorrectquotes#heathens#elites#nikobran#killian carson#god of war#god of fury#god of malice#jeremy volkov#maya sokolov#god of pain#cecily knight#brandon king#god of ruin#landon king#mia sokolov#eli king#ava nash#annika volkov#creightonking#vaughn morozov#damien orlov#levi king
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I like to think their book could've been called God of Misery. Why? I don't know. It just sounds cool.
Gareth has extreme OCD. As children, Killian used to mess with his things, hide them or displace them from their original place which made him develop an obsessiveness with knowing where all his things were kept.
Kayden inhales copious amounts of black coffee in a day. I'm talking 8-9 ventis.
Gareth is blackmailed convinced by Kayden to become his teaching assistant.
Kayden wanted easy access and to have tabs on Gareth the whole time, but it backfires when Gareth organizes his entire schedule, all his coursework and makes additional notes for him to go over.
Kayden is a tie hoarder. Navy blue, scarlet red, violet, turquoise, beige, you name it, he has it.
Asher thinks he's Gareth's inspiration to become a lawyer, but Gareth watched Suits.
Kayden wears suspenders.
Gareth's aim is better than most Heathens, even Jeremy. But he doesn't enjoy hurting people. The accuracy with which he throws a pencil at a teacher flirting with Kayden is impressive.
He's equally good at fleeing situations.
Kayden is the kind of professor who challenges his students to do something ridiculous to get out of writing the final exam. His students think he's cool, but Gareth knows he just hates grading papers.
Gareth's handicap in golf is +1. He has been his grandfather's golfing buddy for ages.
Kayden has a license to fly planes. Don't ask him how he got it though.
Yes, they join the mile high club.
Gareth is extremely good with cheating at card games much to Kayden's chagrin during strip poker.
Kayden is acquaintances by association with Kyle, Gareth's uncle.
Gareth has lost count of the number of times he's caught himself drooling every time Kayden takes his suit jacket off.
Kayden is more flirtatious by nature but sometimes Gareth says suggestive things that make him speechless. Most times, Gareth does it accidentally.
Kayden: *complaining about how his body is aching from sitting in a chair all day* Gareth: I can help you relax if you'd like. Kayden: Gareth: Kayden: Gareth: I have a massage therapist license.
Gareth wears reading glasses because he is a reader by nature. He can read instructions off a shampoo bottle day after day, year after year just to have something to read while he showers.
Kayden has to physically stop himself from reacting and ask for strength from greater forces the first time he sees Gareth pull out gold-rimmed glasses and put them on while he was helping grade assignments. He does fantasize about helping Gareth take the glasses and more off.
Killian is the last of the Heathens to find out about Gareth's involvement with his professor. And it's not in a fun manner.
He catches Kayden being pushy with his older brother, misunderstands and nearly pummels his face in.
He has to be thrown off Kayden who is one second away from rearranging his boyfriend's younger brother's face.
Killian is gaping when he puts two and two together about what is happening.
Before he can make a joke at his expense, Gareth gives him a look that dares him to say something or deal with consequences like never before. Killian stays quiet mostly because he's never seen that murderous look on his brother's face, no matter how far he pushed him.
"You can do better than him" he's telling Kayden as he leaves. "Not in this lifetime, no" Kayden responds, pulling Gareth closer.
Kayden participates in the initiation to pull an uno reverse and chase the green mask down. It makes some of the participants stop and stare in bewilderment.
Gareth is competitive to a fault. Like- I would edit an entire Wikipedia page to win an argument- competitive.
Kayden is not as competitive and doesn't particularly care about winning but he loves egging Gareth on till he gives him a reason to put his tie collection to good use (:
They have been caught in a situation where someone was knocking at the door to Kayden's office, opposite which they were making out.
Gareth watches Kayden roll his sleeves up with hawk eyes and almost groans in torture when he sees the protruding veins.
Once Kayden finds out about Gareth's obsession with watching him undress, he puts on a show every. single. time.
But then Gareth, Gareth with his long, slender fingers and perfectly cleaned, shaped and filed nails, helps undress him one time and Kayden is a goner.
Gareth wears a chain with Kayden's ring around his neck, something Kayden goes feral whenever he looks at. He's pulled Gareth closer with it on multiple occasions.
Kayden puts his hand on Gareth's thigh while driving.
Are Asher and Reina surprised when Gareth brings a boyfriend home? Yes. Do they care about the gender of their son's partner? No.
Even Kayden gets along better with Asher than Killian does.
Kayden is loved by Reina. Like she would adopt him the moment Asher looks away.
Killian never apologizes for what he said but he does ask Gareth if he'd like to go hunting together sometime. It's a truce that Gareth is more than happy to accept.
Kayden takes Gareth out flying to propose when they'd be over the crystal-clear waters and passing through clouds only to realize he forgot to bring the ring with him in his anxiety and haste.
He improvises and proposes to Gareth in bed, rehashing the entire thing making him laugh and accept.
Gareth then reaches into his nightstand and pulls out the ring he was planning to propose with.
"You can just pretend to be surprised tomorrow at your surprise proposal" Gareth is telling him between kisses. "I can pretend to do anything as long as I'm doing it with you."
Tissues, anyone?
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Ava: Who's Niko's biggest enemy?
Killian: It's Landon
Cecily: Probably Landon
Jeremy: Landon
Glyn: Definetly Landon
Annika: Landon
Landon: Me
Mia: Obviously Landon
Bran: Clara
#rina kent#nikobran#nikolai sokolov#brandon king#killian carson#glyndon king#jeremy volkov#cecily knight#ava nash#annika volkov#landon king#mia sokolov#fandom#fanfic#bookstagram#booklover#booktok#books and reading#book review#book quotes#creighton king#gareth carson#rinaverse
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ONCE UPON A TIME 7.07, Eloise Gardener
#ouatedit#onceuponatimeedit#knightrookedit#ouat#once upon a time#ouat s7#knight rook#killian jones#alice jones#s7#7x07 eloise gardener#dynamic: knight rook#event: rewatch 22
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whoever manifested a garethkayden book, THANK YOU!!!
#nikolaibran get the fuck outta here#it’s garethkayden’s time to shine#rina heard our prayers and ANSWERED#rina kent#legacy of gods#royal elite series#kiss the villain#gareth carson#killian carson#landon king#brandon king#jeremy volkov#cecily knight#eli king#ava nash#eliava#god of malice#god of pain#god of fury#god of war#god of wrath#god of ruin#deception trilogy
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Nikolai: Gareth, blink twice if you need help.
Gareth: What?
Jeremy: He means if Professor Psycho is holding you hostage.
Gareth: He’s not—
Killian: Oh, so the brainwashing is complete. Got it.
#heathens are the best friends#rina kent#rinaverse#incorrect quotes#gareth carson#nikolai sokolov#jeremy volkov#killian carson#kiss the villain#god of fury#god of malice#god of wrath#glyndon king#cecily knight#brandon king#kayden lockwood#booklr#book memes#tumblr book club#gay books#gay#bisexual#book quotes#source: tumblr#ao3feed#legacy of gods#royal elite series#stalker bf#student x teacher#booktok
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