#kitty's new writing
ghostbsuter · 11 months
Danny loved this dimension!
First, the yellow ring powered attacks, and now the fear gas! Jazz would have an aneurysm if she ever found out how high he's gotten in the past week alone.
Now, if only he could shake off these pesky green lanterns and the giant bat guy.
Haunting this dimension seems like promising bonding activity between him, Ember, Kitty, and Johnny!
He really should hunt down that yellow lantern guy, tho, that stuff was great quality.
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paingoes · 1 month
(Content: living weapon whumpee, illness, self loathing, conditioning, past abuse, implied child abuse, caretaker new master?)
He was starting to even out. Delta no longer felt the need to sleep all day, nor did he feel like he might lapse back into sickness. Apollo and Kitty gave him the space he needed, but he still saw them often enough. Their conversations were very limited. Delta still had trouble forcing himself to speak, so scared of triggering the wrong reaction. But so far they had been nothing but patient. This too felt strange and new.
When all their exchanges had been through a screen, it had been much easier to manage. They existed to him mostly in concept alone. Even when they’d sent videos, they still felt fictitious. He had understood them more as characters from a book than he did as real people. 
That same attitude was not sustainable in a three dimensional space. Those two were flesh and blood. Even with the new collar, Delta’s idle mode powers were higher than they had been in years. As ever, it was concerned with forms. It felt out the shape of the space around him with small pulses throughout the day. He could feel their hearts beating in their chest, the minutiae of their movements. 
Real people presented complications that fictional ones did not. A very, very old voice in his head already dictated how he was meant to feel about them.
They risked everything for you and you didn’t even say thank you. All you’ve done is hide out in your room and ignore them when they speak to you. You are ungrateful. You are disrespectful. It is an unacceptable way to act around your superiors. You should be on your knees. You should be begging for forgiveness for what you’ve done.
He did not know whose voice it was, but it sounded ancient. It sounded like it had come all the way from genesis. He wondered whether it had been there all along. Maybe he just hadn’t been able to make it out clearly before. Right now, without work to distract him, it had grown impossibly loud.
Ungrateful, venomous thing. Did you forget what you are? Did you forget who you belong to? Don’t you dare try to speak. You are an object. I don’t ever want to see you acting like that again. You are not a person. Get down. You do not exist for any reason but to serve your superiors’ needs. You will speak when you are spoken to and nothing more. You will obey their orders and do nothing else. If you forget your place, I will happily remind you of it.
Delta pulled the pillow over his head. The barrage was more or less continuous. Something about being in a new environment must have triggered it. He had already internalized most of what the voice said a long time ago. He knew that. But the constant reminders of his own ingratitude still made him feel awful. He knew it wasn’t right for him to be hiding out like this. He was scared and he was exhausted, but it wasn’t an excuse. He’d been trained better than that. He exhaled, rising up from the bed. He’d put it off long enough.
He found Apollo first. He’d been standing in the side room right by the kitchen. It had been his mother’s studio at one point, now it was just a space with good lighting and a usable surface. He’d been trying to clean it out when Delta walked in.
“Oh! Hi!” Apollo was pleasantly surprised to see him emerge from his room. The soft fabric of his poncho swayed around him when he moved. Little glimpses of golden jewelry were just visible in between the curls of his red hair. He gazed warmly at Delta, his eyes betraying nothing.
This was so fucking difficult. The easygoing way they acted around him only made him feel worse about his own indiscretions. It would have been better if they were angry; he’d have known what to do with that. The procedure was mostly the same, though.
Delta knelt down on the floor in front of him, ignoring the protest from his ribs. He bowed his head, stealing only a small glance upwards. Apollo’s expression was marked with concern. That was fine. It didn’t deter him.
“Thank you.” Delta’s voice was soft, but it was still the clearest Apollo had ever heard him speak aloud. “I didn’t say it yet. I’m sorry. Thank you.”
Less was more. He wasn’t going to start rambling, even if he thought he was capable of it. He’d only say more if Apollo wanted him to, if he gave him permission to. Otherwise, he hoped his body language would speak for itself. 
Apollo looked really, really upset. He crossed the distance between them. Delta cringed back at the rapid movement, sure he was about to be hurt. But Apollo knelt down, pretty abruptly interrupting what Delta had been trying to convey. He reflexively flinched as Apollo took his shoulders, shaking him gently, “It’s okay. Of course. You don’t have to do that. I’m glad you’re okay, alright? But you don’t have to. It’s not like that.”
Delta stared back at him unblinkingly. Apollo seemed to gather himself, releasing his grip. “Sorry. Shouldn’t have touched you. You can stand up though. Don’t mention it.”
He offered a hand for Delta to rise. Though confused and self-conscious, he accepted. 
He tried again with Kitty. She didn’t return to the house until later in the night. Delta waited until Apollo had gone to bed, not wanting to upset him any further. Kitty was collapsed against the couch as if she’d been running around all day. Her ears perked up as Delta approached.
“Hey! You’re awake!” She smiled cheerfully, kind of goofily. 
Delta wrung his hands, more nervous on this attempt than he had been for the previous. He knelt. The carpet of the living room was much softer than the hardwood of the study. Kitty tilted her head in confusion.
“Thank you for saving me.” His voice sank a little as the shame seeped into his words, “I’ve been acting ungrateful. I’m so sorry. Thank you.”
“Aw. It’s no problem, bud.” Kitty frowned a little as she leaned forward. “Do you wanna sit on the couch?”
Delta hesitated. It wasn’t that he hadn’t been allowed furniture in general; he’d had his own room. It was specifically that he was not allowed on furniture with other people. It gave the wrong idea; he was never supposed to be at their level.
“No, miss,” he responded. It was too much for one night.
“Okay.” Kitty shrugged. “Floor time, then.”
She slid down onto the carpet with him. He blinked in surprise. Very casually, she switched on the screen on the far wall, untangling her controller from beneath it.
“You wanna play?” She asked.
“Um. No, miss.” He shook his head.
“K.” She said. 
He watched as the screen came to life. Kitty’s tail swished from side to side as she focused in. It was a hypnotic movement. Hesitant and careful, in anticipation of being reprimanded for it, Delta unfolded himself into a more comfortable position. Kitty did not object.
He pulled his knees up to his chest. After a few minutes had passed, he’d gotten absorbed in the bright colors and motion of the game, almost forgetting where he was. He was kind of susceptible to things like that. He blinked back to reality, stealing a sidelong glance at Kitty. She was just as engrossed, not half as tense.
“Do you want me to stay here?” He asked. Like she might’ve forgotten he was there, like it wouldn’t go well once she noticed. 
“Do you want to?” Her voice was a bit hopeful, in ways he did not pick up on and was not yet capable of understanding.
He nodded mutely as he leaned back against the couch. He watched her play in silence, slowly adjusting to the presence of another body beside him. 
@catnykit @snakebites-and-ink @vivulapom @scoundrelwithboba @whatwhump
@pumpkin-spice-whump @deluxewhump @fuckass1000 @fuckcapitalismasshole @defire
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dykrophone · 2 months
multishipping is a superpower you neeeeeeeeeeed to have when you love getting into shitty gay media with found family because OF course they're going to make an incest map of all the characters and your otp will almost definitely not be endgame. of course they're going to pair the main guy and girl together as endgame just because. and I mean you COULD be a hater about it and curse the writers and throw a four year long fit but it's so much more fun when you just make your peace with the fact that this was always going to happen and pretend everyone is in a happy little polycule as they go through 18575879 different pairings you know aren't going to last because fandom and just the experience of being a fan is so much more fun that way!!!
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electricfied-wolf · 9 months
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Shoutout to famous teenagers with ponytails from kids media in which its revealed that both teenagers definitely have Some Issues that will likely never be elaborated on or solved.
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jdsgothwife · 23 days
hello everyone, i'm god's least favorite goth bitch and i'm here to (over) analyze a character from a 36 year old movie!
so jd's reaction to veronica's faked suicide. i've put together this handy-dandy little comparison video between the movie and musical versions of it for you:
now, the reason i'm starting my probably-long-and-annoying series of jd analysis posts off by talking about this scene is because i see a new post about it like twice a week, and all of them say essentially the same thing: "musical jd loved and cared about veronica, but movie jd didn't, and this scene proves it".
but i actually think the opposite. jd is a deeply emotionally traumatized eighteen year old boy with an abusive father, bud dean. bud abuses people and blows things up for a living. jd's mother, implied to be the only person who loved and cared for him as a child, was driven to suicide by his father, and jd had to watch her kill herself. jd has been moved around from place to place and subjected to bullying from his classmates ever since, and when he meets veronica, he falls in love with her passionately and with his whole heart.
doesn't it make sense, then, that when jd finds the girl he loves dead from suicide in the middle of his plan (like his father blowing up the house), his trauma is triggered, and he feels love and pain and heartbreak and guilt and bottles it all up, trying to keep up the "tough guy" image he had tried to impress veronica with?
in the clip, notice the way his voice shakes and his eyes are shiny with tears. it hurts every time for me, and it feels like how that character would genuinely respond to that moment.
musical jd's reaction, on the other hand, is over the top and way more emotionally open than i think jd would really ever feel comfortable being without years of therapy. that makes me distrust it coming from the character, and his love for veronica actually starts to seem much less genuine to me.
...i don't know if any of that even made sense, sorry!
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fatuismooches · 3 months
*hugs you* I'M SORRY!!! 😭😭💖 HE'S OKAY I PROMISE!!! WE'RE IGNORING THE CANON FR!!! Zandy's alive, Reader brought him to Sumeru, he actually made friends and played with the Aranara, Dottie slowly learns how to be a father, life is good for our son. 🙏
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natasha-in-space · 5 months
Y'know, I didn't talk about it that much when it first came out, but it is so sweet to see some more content of Yoosung enjoying his life as a vet.
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I think it's kind of understandable that it's often overlooked, since it wasn't as much of a focus on his route. By comparison, we do know a whole lot about hia love for cooking, and he actually shares this passion with us many times during the game. Therefore, seeing him suddenly become a vet can feel a bit out of pocket for the player. I wish we had a bit more content on that particular aspect of his. To expand on it a bit more than what we already have in canon. Even his previous birthday events and CG's didn't really mention it. The only content we do have is his Valentines dlc and his after ending. Which isn't all that much. Yoosung's image is probably one of a student, gamer, or adorable cook when you think of him. It'll be nice if his career choice as a vet fit into that category, too.
That said, I looove to think about all the potential details of this time in his life. It's also very sweet to see MC helping him out with some of his duties. After the events of his route, I always see his dynamic with his MC as very supportive and reliant on one another in things big and small. Like MC bringing him lunch to work, or Yoosung picking them up from their place of work/study in return. You're a team, and you work as a unit. So it is very cute to see it in action!
I like to think that Yoosung is the type of vet who tends to spoil his patients, sometimes to the extreme. Deciding to arrange a spa day for them was probably his idea too. Just because one of them just happened to need a bath on that say. So he figured, why not treat them all to new shiny coats and relaxing massages!? Participating in this chaos was only agreed upon by MC, of course. It's impossible to tell me otherwise - these two are a well-known power couple in the clinic.
Or, it's possible that this is their idea of a date on the weekend. It's easy for me to see that, particularly if his MC is a huge animal lover!
Being a vet can be a very stressful and demanding job. Yoosung has to deal with many unfortunate losses and pains caused to innocent animals who didn't do anything wrong and their loving owners. So it's probably such a huge source of positivity and motivation for him to just relax for a few hours and have fun with a bunch of furry patients. Focus on the lighthearted sound of laughter between him and his lover and happy noises of mischief from some rowdy pets. The sight of their wagging tails and slow blinks is a significant reminder of the reason behind his actions. And to have his partner there with him... Well, that's just a cherry on top of the cake!
They better not take any selfies after that, though, because with this many furry participants, they'd be covered in fur for sure. It won't make Zen and Jaehee very happy to see it in the chatroom.
Of course, they still do so anyways.
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martyrbat · 2 years
men need to stop being allowed to write selina kyle
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doki-doki-imagines · 2 years
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TW: Mention of pet play, reader isn't the pet lol
You had always known that Michael is an eccentric, from day one to the endless months that passed in between terrible woo techniques that in the end, you feel for. So after 1 year together, you thought you knew him pretty well to understand more or less what was spinning around his head. For sure you didn’t expect to choke on your coffee at 6 a.m. after hearing that
“Ohi! Don’t die, this isn’t the kind of gossip I like going around me! And not during my free day!”
“You ass”
So, after taking a deep breath the gears of your brain start to work again and the declaration finally settles.
“So…you are into pet play?”
Oh, a blushing Michael is always a gorgeous sight to start a good day.
Look he’s twirling his hair so cute!
“So you want me to become, I don’t know… your kitty?”
“N-not exactly-“
Okay, the gears of your brain have to keep going, because you are clearly missing a point-
“I want to be your pet.” Michael says, almost choking with his own saliva.
And now you can’t get out the idea of your darling Michael with soft kitty ears and maybe a cute tail to match, going back and forth following the desperate movements of his hip.
You can’t have these kinds of thoughts first thing in the morning; no way you can’t go on with your day normally after this.
“Ok, it’s good for me Michael, but…wouldn’t we need a leash and a co-“
“I already bought everything”
My God, you have never seen Michael being so bashful in all the time you have been together, he must be so serious about this.
Worse than all you can’t keep your brain from imagining him between your legs, collared and everything, face covered in fluids, crossed eyes, such a fucked up face, asking, no, begging you to pull the leash, because at every tug his cock twitch and for real, he looks delicious.
Your pretty little masochist kitty.
Michael meanwhile must have understood what is going on in your mind and from a frown his lips are morphing into a teasing smirk.
If he really know what was going on you weren’t so sure he would be smiling.
You take his face in your hands, your cute little pathetic meow meow, you can feel him sweating cold, Michael’s face scream challenge, but you know deep down that if you don’t do something soon he is gonna shit himself.
You give him a soft kiss on his nose, unexpected since he widened his eyes
“I have to go out today when I come home I want the house cleaned to perfection-“
And you can already see the sneer on his face because no way THE Michael Kaiser is gonna do house chores, he totally gonna ask Ness or pay-
Floored, grounded, time stopped, his breath too.
You leave the house chuckling already knowing all the chores are gonna be done and dreaming about how to reward your good boy.
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orangedodge · 17 days
The Mekanix 2.0 Kitty Pryde PTSD tour going pretty much as I'd hoped.
And it takes place in Bridgeport!
Truly, this is a comic written to appeal specifically to me, and maybe six other people.
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NEW That ‘70s Show Fanfiction on AO3 
Title: Rockin' Years
Summary: Taking a little walk down memory lane, Red helps Kitty deal with the idea of growing older. A missing moment between Red and Kitty at the end of Season 5's "Heartbreaker.
Pairings: Red and Kitty, mentions of Eric/Donna and Jackie/Hyde (lots of family feels)
Rating: K+
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/53210464
Author’s Note: Here's a oneshot I hope you all might enjoy. Thought we needed some Red/Kitty fluff and this fic has plenty of it. Originally written and posted in 2019, there's a interesting story behind it in the author's note at the end.
Hope you all enjoy it, I've got some new stuff coming up soon too!
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paingoes · 1 month
(Content: living weapon whumpee, nonhuman whumpee, electric shocks, night terrors, panic attack, guilt, blood, conditioning, dehumanization, past abuse, past captivity, caretaker new master)
It had been a chill night. Delta had gone to bed earlier than normal, but that didn’t come as a shock. He seemed to need a lot of sleep. Apollo didn’t blame him for that. He had tried to stay up with Kitty for a few more hours, but he soon found himself just as exhausted. He called it in early too. He had just pulled out his pajamas when he heard Kitty’s voice from downstairs.
“Apollo!” She yelled.
He knew, immediately, something was wrong.
He was down there in an instant, faster than he ever liked to move but often had to. He felt the static electricity before he saw it — then he saw it. Delta’s door was open. He stood at the opening, bright arcs coming off of his body. His hair floated around his head and against gravity. His eyes were generating enough light to fill the whole room. Kitty watched in mute horror. Apollo hopped off the last couple stairs, immediately jumping between the two of them. Delta was still electric, still burning, burning, burning. He stared back at them with unblinking eyes.
“Miserum terrae,” he muttered softly beneath his breath. Apollo did not catch the exact words, but he caught the Latin pronunciation. He could see the way Delta was swaying where he stood. Asleep. He was asleep. Apollo reached for his hand.
The touch sent him into a fit, little bursts of energy leaving his body, jerking motions, screaming. He babbled on in Latin, gripping at his own hair, clawing at his own skin. Apollo reached again. He took both of Delta’s hands and pulled him down onto the kitchen floor with him. The touch shocked him badly, but he could live with the pain. He kept Delta’s hands secured. It stopped him from physically hitting himself; he was relieved to see that it also kept him from sparking so much. He’d read somewhere that even though they didn’t have to, psychics tended to use their hands as conduits. It made sense. 
Delta was hysterical, somewhere in between dreaming and waking. He babbled on in Latin. He was clinging to him so hard, Apollo was sure he was about to draw blood. 
“Shhh, sh, sh, sh, sh,” Apollo shushed him in a way that was nearly musical, half hummed. Kitty looked on nervously. “Night terror,” he mouthed. Lun used to get them all the time.
Apollo gasped in pain as a particular violent shockwave traveled through him. He gripped tighter, in part because of his muscles tensing involuntarily. Delta was starting to wake up. The sobs didn’t lessen any, but his speech was getting more intelligible.
“Mihi ignosce. I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to. I’m sorry. Please.” 
His head was buried in the fabric of Apollo’s shirt. Apollo could feel it growing damp. He wasn’t convinced Delta was apologizing for the shock alone; he was probably still in the half-dream state, caught in some old memory. 
“Shh. It’s okay. You’re okay.” Apollo stroked his hair gently, rocking back and forth. He glanced up at Kitty, who was making a perfect :( face.
He was shaking so badly. The words gave way to barely restrained whimpers, little gasps for air. They waited patiently for him to come back.
Delta let himself be led onto couch, too distressed to even protest. He curled in on himself despite the painful heat generating from his body. 
“I’m so sorry,” he repeated quietly, mortified.
Kitty sat down on the couch beside him, combing his hair out of his face. She braided it back. The cool air felt pleasant against his neck. 
Apollo set down the glass of water in front of him. Delta panicked again as soon as he reappeared. He could see the little puncture marks on Apollo’s arms from where he had grabbed onto too hard. He could still feel the electricity in the room.
“I’m so sorry, sir. I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt you. I’m sorry.” He didn’t know what was wrong with him. He never would have done it before. Apollo didn’t deserve to get hurt like that. They hated him. They wouldn’t trust him. He’d known they would just as soon as they knew what he was really like. He didn’t want them to.
“You can hit me back,” he tried. Would that help? He needed desperately to be forgiven. He shouldn’t have even been on the couch. He had half the mind to throw himself at his feet right then, but the space between them didn’t allow for it. He shuddered.
Apollo kneeled instead. Well, not really. The posture was all wrong. Still, he had gotten onto his knees and leaned forward onto the couch.
“Hey. Look at me.” Apollo’s voice was serious. Delta obeyed. Apollo spoke very clearly.
“I’m not mad at you. You were having a night terror. I know you didn’t mean to hurt me. And I’m not going to hurt you. I promise. You’re not in trouble.”
It took Delta a second to process the words. It did not feel like a real possibility. Not mad. Not getting hurt. Not in trouble. He was too distracted untangling this that he forgot to be panicked.
Kitty squeezed his hand. Apollo stood up, retreating to the kitchen to patch himself up. Delta remained in a stunned silence; he was still shaking a little. He couldn’t remember what had set him off or what he might have seen. All he really remembered was the fear. In the warm light of the living room, it was gradually fading. All of it was so confusing, endlessly. He was tired.
“Take a sip, babes.” Kitty lifted the glass towards him. He took it carefully from her hands, raising it up to his lips. He hadn’t realized how dry his mouth was, how much water he must have lost just from the heat he’d generated.
“Thank you,” he said softly. He was so grateful. He couldn’t understand the gentleness he was being shown. He could have gotten the water himself. He would have been fine if they’d just locked him in his room after. That would have been the right thing to do. He should have been punished somehow for the damage he’d done, the damage he could have done. But they had said he wasn’t in trouble at all. He didn’t understand why they were being so lenient with him. He’d done nothing to earn it. He felt sick with guilt.
Apollo pushed a citrus into his hand. “Here. You should eat.”
“Dude, why would you give him such a mechanically demanding fruit?” Kitty asked.
“Oh, I can peel it. The acidity helps, though. Or the vitamin C. For some reason it’s just really good for resetting your brain.”
He sat down on the chair opposite them. Delta undid the peel of the fruit himself. It was very sour, but not unpleasant. He did feel more awake afterwards, like the visions he had seen in his sleep were being forced further away.
“It was a night terror, wasn’t it?” Apollo confirmed, “Do you remember any of it?”
“No, sir.” Just the terror, sourceless. It was strange.
“Have you gotten them before?”
“No, sir,” Delta answered immediately. It was impossible. There was no way they would’ve let him get away with such a glaring design flaw. The security risks alone were unimaginable, even with the collar at full strength. Someone would have noticed.
Apollo considered this. He caught the look he gave Kitty. It wasn’t good. Delta knew how much of a problem this could be. He was a problem. He knew it. He was going to be more trouble than he was worth. He had to stop himself from apologizing again, as badly as he wanted to. Being sorry wasn’t enough.
“That makes sense, actually,” Apollo continued. “If you’re in an abusive environment for a long time, you develop methods to cope with the stress. It’s a kind of postponement. Once you’re out of it, all the emotions you’ve been repressing can resurface at once. It’s normal.”
The casual way in which he’d said abusive stood out to Delta. He knew what it meant; he wasn’t stupid. It was just strange to hear applied to him. Abuse was something that happened to real people. He was property. 
He’d gone quiet for a while. He was so used to the silence. 
“Do you need anything right now?” Kitty purred.
Nobody had ever asked. He could not even begin to answer. Kitty seemed to realize this, trying to narrow it down some.
“Do you want to try and go back to sleep? Or do you want to stay up for a little while?”
Easier. He was still so leery of trick questions, but even those were infinitely easier than the open-ended ones. 
“Can I stay up please, miss?” He had to keep his tone respectful, just in case it had been a trap. It’d have earned him some leniency.
She responded positively. “Ya! Do you want to watch anything? Or we can read!”
Her eyes flitted over to Apollo, who seemed to have collapsed right there on the chair. He looked back at them wearily.
“It’ll probably just be you and me, though,” she added.
“I can stay up a little longer, if you want,” he offered. He’d offered it to Delta. Delta nodded shyly. He wanted both of them there, if he could have it. He didn’t know how to say it. He wrapped his arms around himself. 
Kitty played an old movie on the projector. They didn’t make him speak for the rest of the night, a mercy he was very grateful for. He was content to just remain there on the couch, waiting slowly for his breathing to even out. Soon enough, he had forgotten there had even been any disturbance. When he finally went to bed again, he fell into a deep and dreamless sleep.
@catnykit @snakebites-and-ink @vivulapom @scoundrelwithboba @whatwhump
@pumpkin-spice-whump @deluxewhump @fuckass1000 @fuckcapitalismasshole @defire
@micechomper @writereleaserepeat @aloafofbreadwithanxiety
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astronomer-sun · 3 months
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Welcome to my Page <3
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Hello !
It’s nice to meet you ! I’m vanitas / Miko / Vincent beware the names change frequently >.>
Im a returning member of the tumblr community to hopefully be able to grow a new account !
Before I start with what I’d be doing , let me introduce a bit about myself !!
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About me !
I am a 15 year old aspiring editor , writer , artist , role player and passion of fashion designing <3
I have FictionKin , autism , bipolar , so beware of that if you wanna mutual with me !!
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Fandoms !
Fandoms I’m in include of !
Project Sekai , Vocaloid , Vsynths , Fanloids , ext
Bungo Stray Dogs
The case study of vanitas
Madoka magica
Demon slayer
Cherry crush
Genshin impact
Honkai star rail
Fear street
The black phone
The mandel catolaugoe ( forgive spelling )
Hazin hotel + helluva boss
Chainsaw man
Toilet bound Hanako kun
Total drama
South Park
Studio investigrave games
Cookie run kingdom
And many more !
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What I’ll post !
I’ll be posting theories , fanfics , art projects , edits , and many more projects I do ! I can also rp if liked to ! Just dm me to add me on Discord ! I hope to grow my page within the tumblr community <3
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whitecatindisguise · 6 months
Secondary Heroes
8. Reaching Out
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Silence filled the small worn-out hut at the outskirts of Central City, the only sounds being quiet cricketing from outside. None of the occupants of the room spoke, each buried in their own thoughts.
It was well into the night by the time Tails finished retelling the events started several weeks ago. Through all the time Kitsunami didn't speak even once, sitting on the old sofa next to the fox. His Hydro-Pack was on his lap, the fennec practically hiding himself behind the device. The only interaction that happened with the aquamarine Mobian were the nods at Tails whenever the fox asked for a confirmation whether his recollection was true.
Now that the explanation was over, the two foxes sat on the sofa, nervously awaiting the reaction from the other duo on the opposite side of the room. Tails was barely able to keep his namesakes from trashing agitatedly as he looked between Vector and Espio.
Charmy fell asleep not long after the yellow-furred genius had begun speaking. Not wanting to have the fox stop and then pick up the story, which the detectives could already see was causing enough stress for the both Mobians, they laid the bee on another couch in the corner of the room, Espio leaving only for a moment to retrieve a pillow and blanket from the other room.
"So," Espio spoke, catching the attention of all still-awake occupants of the room. He looked at Kitsunami, the fennec shrinking at the attention. "You and your partner, Surge were first tailed and then attacked by a former military unit, out of which only you came out relatively unscathed. You found Tails and asked him for help, probably because he's the only one you could go to. Tails agreed and you left in a hurry, not even cleaning up your workshop which was trashed by both your and Kitsunami's mistake." The chameleon squinted his eyes a little at that. It was clear that he didn't quite believe that part of the explanation, but he opted to leave it out for later. "You managed to break into Eggman's base and find the information about the unit that attacked you but you need help finding out who hired them to capture you and Surge," he finished, looking at the fennec.
"That's the gist of it," Tails confirmed, while Kitsunami resorted to simply nodding. He looked much calmer now, but the chameleon could still see the way his body was tense.
Read more on AO3
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starsinthenigth · 2 months
BAPS YOU AROUND BAPS YOU AROUND BAPS YOU AROUND ASTROOOOO!!! OMIGOSH!!!! i'm so sorry i haven't been around for so long,, i got smacked in the face with a horrible sickness and i'm currently bouncing between being stuck in bed, okay,, or taken to a hospital ☆⌒(>。<) NOT TO WORRY!!! IT'S NOTHING SERIOUS!!!!!
i came to say this because i just realized i never told you!!! i like your tag notes. like,, i like how organized and analytical it is,,, when you talk about your thoughts on a HC post or frankie's cool fanganronpa au or g/t posts you like;; i really enjoy listening ((or, well,, reading??)) what you think about the posts and i love how in-depth you get into it,,,, if anything it's my highlight / favorite note and/or part of whatever post you reblogged,, you always point out stuff i didn't even notice or think about and i admire how observant you are!!!! ヽ(>∀<☆)ノヽ(>∀<☆)ノ
you have a really charming way of speaking/typing and i get excited whenever i get to talk to you, or interact with you,, or even just see a post/rb of yours because you're so interesting and awesome and cool and i enjoy being around you!!!! /GENUINE!!! VERY!! THIS WHOLE ASK IS SLASH EXTREMELY GENUINE TO THE HIGHEST DEGREE WITH SIXTEEN REALLY'S!!!!
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★kit-kat.. those are too many words, I am not reading them. /j + /ref + quo
erhhrhehr I don't know how to regulate such positivity at the moment, I am smiling like an idiot though. Now that I know that someone- erhem, you, reads my notes and tags on other people's posts is just aging me on to just share more of my thoughts and analysis on stuff that I find cool and intriguing. I like thought of someone taking their time to read my feedback.
Also my. The way I type is charming ?? Huh, never thought about it that way (that's just on the internet, in real life my mind goes blank and I give the most shit ass answers, good thinking that I can take my sweet time while typing online. shit.)
I do quite appreciate the fact that you enjoy my concept and little rambles, and I somewhat missed you two (I think ?? I dunno)
..also please get some rest and take medicine to beat that sickness, don't bounce around while being stick- it's not silly and not good for your health =/.
M'kay, I hope you beat that sickness to its core, I am tempted to buy you imaginary boxing gloves that can beat out cold's and sicknesses. /hj ★
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cat-enigma · 7 months
Sooo we have a discord server (it's actually my friends but shh) people join please :3 it's a safe space for everybody, nobody will bite you besides me >:)
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