#kit bday
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superm4ks · 7 months ago
Y’all I made it
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kit-screams-into-the-future · 3 months ago
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she is a bit of a freak one might say
@scribefindegil :]
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kitsquared · 3 months ago
I love that in alien stage Sua and Till have the least interaction/ awkward relationship in their friend group
But in off the record theyre both senior actors while the rest are juniors and thus you can make them have the most amicable if not lowkey bestie relationship among the actors
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doll3tt33 · 1 year ago
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Happy birthday to my hubby evan <3
((aka the loml who made my standards in men so ridiculously high but it’s okay I’m not complaining
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spideyhexx · 2 months ago
a miscellaneous night with mr jack prescott
nsfw ish
“I’m not doing that,” Jack deadpans, hands on his hips, a permanent furrow in his brow as he watches you unbutton your blouse. 
“Why? Are you afraid?” 
He shoots you a look, tilting his head to the side once your bra is visible. When you notice it, he casts his gaze aside, rubbing to his jaw, “No, I am not afraid, but the lake is probably freezing and swimming naked is never-”
“All I’m hearing is you’re afraid, Jacky,” you toss your shirt at him and he catches it, dropping it to the blanket the two of you had been lounging on. Bringing you out to his Aunt’s home was something he was happy about doing, but in this moment, you’re sure he’s regretting trying to set up a late night romantic picnic. 
“I’m not afraid, I just know the lake. And this lake is gross.”
You roll your eyes, pushing your pants down and throwing them to the blanket. Getting naked was not your initial plan with this and you stick to it. For his sake. 
“It’s a lake, it’s like the pinnacle thing for stripping down and impulsively wading in,” you tell him as your feet hit the cold water. Not wanting to give him the satisfaction of being right, you push on and keep your face neutral until the water is about chest level. 
“See? It’s perfectly fine and-” you cut yourself off with a screech as something in the water brushes your leg. Some sort of plant. 
Jack is trying his hardest not to smile and you muster your strength to try and splash water at him but it does not reach him. 
“Jack Basil Prescott if you don’t join me right now, I’ll…I’ll-”
“You’ll what?” His brow is raised and he looks amused. Too amused. His mouth is slanted up to one side and his arms, his beautiful arms crossed against his chest. 
“I’ll make your aunt dig up more pictures of you from college,” you say. Jack’s eyes widen only for a split second, but you know him enough by now to know you wiggled your way into a weak spot. 
“I’ll look at all the fucking pictures and take pictures of the pictures so they can live in my phone forever, Prescott,” you continue, jutting your chin as a display of control. Or dominance. You’re not sure, but Jack still looks so amused. You hate him. 
He clears his throat, his voice steady and unmoving, “I really thought you were going to say you wouldn’t go down on me the rest of this trip.” Jack says it so quietly you almost miss it. But you get distracted by him unbuckling his belt and adding it to the heap of your clothes, his hand moving to the button of his slacks next. 
Was he joking?
“Oh my god,” you yelp a little too loud and he pauses with his pants halfway down his thighs. 
“You made a joke!”
He scowls. Naturally. And gets his pants completely off, his light sweater following, “Don’t make me regret saying that,” he says, taking his socks off and begrudgingly walking his way to the water. 
“Jack. You haven’t even let me get close to doing that to you this whole trip. Have you been thinking about it?” 
He pushes more of his body under the water to get used to the coldness quicker, your thoughts momentarily distracted by the water dripping down his shoulders and chest as he finds your arm under the water. 
“Oh my god, you’ve been thinking about my mouth,” you mock a gasp, like you’re appalled and he pulls you into him until your back hits his chest. 
“Pervert,” you mumble and he kisses your cheek. He’s ignoring all of what you’ve said, but if what’s poking your ass is any indication, you have a feeling you’re right. You have half a mind to mention the victory of aroused Jack so quickly but you refrain when you feel his hands rub against your hips. 
“The sunset is pretty,” Jack mutters, his lips brushing the back of your ear as he turns you in the water to face the sun that’s dipping right below the small mountains beyond the lake. “That was the reason I brought you here.”
“And here we are. Enjoying the sunset,” you say and he sighs, the curve of his lips on your skin telling you he’s smiling. 
One of his hands rubs to your front, caressing your stomach under the water, “I used to jump off that dock with my cousins,” he says, nodding over to the dock closer to his aunt’s lakehouse. 
“Sounds wild for you.”
“Let me correct myself. I jumped off of it a total of two times. The first time I was seven years old and cried after,” Jack grins at the memory and at your laugh. 
“Oh no. And the second time?”
“Teenager. Had some more confidence in my jumping skills,” he mumbles, nuzzling his nose to your temple before kissing it. He leaves his lips there, his fingers tapping on your stomach, almost teasing near the waistband of your underwear. 
Now you’ll tease him. 
“If you think this lake is so gross, why do you seem  ready to fool around?” You say so quick, he moves his head back and to the side to get a better glimpse of your face. 
He realizes you’re joking and he pats your thigh, “I don’t like you.”
You bark out a laugh and his warmth leaves you as he wades backwards in the water, dunking his head and coming up. He smooths his hair back with his hand anf gives you a pointed look. 
“Don’t look at me like that,” he grumbles with a grin he’s trying to keep a hold of.
“Like what?” 
“Those…,” he gestures at you as he tries to find the words and your eyes drift beyond Jack when you see someone coming. He continues to speak, “what do you call them? Fuck me eyes?” 
Your teeth sink into your bottom lip to keep from laughing and Jack immediately makes a face of confusion. 
“I made dessert. Your favorite, Jacky, I’ll just…,” his Aunt trails off in a laugh as she shakes her head and starts walking back down the path to her house. 
Jack’s cheeks flush and remains completely silent. 
“Thank you! We’ll be there in a second!” You call out to her. Oh you’ll have fun messing with him with his aunt’s help later. And Jack will do what he always does. Pretends to despise it. But there’s always that slight gleam in his eye. A gleam that you swear he only let a small amount of people see. When you finally noticed it, that he let you in to see that gleam, it was as though anything else you could do felt light. At ease. And he’d still have that gleam. 
“Alright. C’mon dude, let’s go eat some fucking cookies,” you say and pat his shoulder as you move to shore and you can just barely hear him say, “dude?”
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mayzi33 · 1 year ago
Random thought of something I find quite unfair. Everyone knows Sonic and Tails are best pals right? Right. But here's the thing. Sonic, and pretty much almost everyone else in the franchise has many different relationships. For starters, Sonic is literally the main character, so he has a relantioship with pretty much everyone. Knuckles, for example, is really close to Sonic, Tails and Amy, but he has other relantioships outside that, like with the Chaotix and Rouge. Amy is another one that befriends everyone easily, like Cream, Silver, Blaze, Shadow and heck even Surge now in IDW.
But what about Tails?
I've seen many people complain already that despite Tails being ridiculously close to Knuckles and Amy, we don't get to see him interact much with either of them without Sonic being around (except for Frontiers, which I'm very greatful for). We don't see having any strong bonds with everyone besides Sonic, and yes, I know that they're called "Unbreakle Bond" for a reason, but come on, everyone else gets to have a million of close friends, why does Tails have to exclusive to Sonic?
The only really close relationships we've seen Tails form besides him and maybe Knuckles and Amy are with Cosmo and Chunck on Sonic X. But it isn't even canon in some time-lines. Some might say Charmy or Cream, because they're the "kid trio", and as much as I like that idea come on, is there any comic or canon Sonic content really featuring this trio alone? And then there's IDW, where he finally gets a nemesis for HIM, Kitsunami, yet we got like- 5 interactions of them or something. He's also kinda close to Tangle and Belle, and you can even take like, Barry from TMOSTH, but the fandom doesn't even give much attetion to that. It's SO HARD to find comics, fanarts, fanfics and just overall content of Tails with someone else who isn't Sonic, (at least from what I've seen on Tumblr) while for everyone else it can be easy.
Anyways my point is... GIVE. US. MORE. TAILS. INTERACTIONS. WITH. OTHER. CHARACTERS. Thank you so much.
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cinelestial · 2 months ago
Happy Birthday to the talented Kit Harington 💫
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l-crimson-l · 1 year ago
I might have a slight problem
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So since my last backlog update I’ve added: Durga I, Sol Raptor, AUV Amaterasu Regalia, Noir, Ilshana, MGEX Strike Freedom
Also I needed to put the Virtue box sideways so you can properly see just how massive that kit is (well not really like size massive but weight massive).
Since then I’ve built: MG Kyrios, HG Calibarn, HG Schwarzette, HG Guntank, 30MS option part set 6, 30MS Luluce (mid progress while I figure out how to make the noir jacket work).
Be warned and stay safe kids. Plastic crack is real.
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jays-supersonic-dynamo · 1 year ago
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sorry boss all i got for ninjago 13th birthday up soon is lloyd button
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hoohoobeanie · 1 year ago
pretty like the sun - a spommy college au
as a little birthday gift to the rest of you, here's a sneak peak into the plts universe!! (the fic will be dropping later, probably february due to exam season) but here's an edit with the song that inspired some of it!!
spencer agnew is a struggling college student, pushing to make his way through his junior year of his film program. when he gets an assignment worth a big part of his final grade, he looks to tommy bowe, star theatre student, for help.
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wikitpowers · 1 year ago
['22' by taylor swift plays in the background]
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ann0ingg3mila · 3 months ago
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kitsquared · 1 year ago
The DOA arc since bram was introduced happening in late January (Aquarius is from Jan 20-Feb 18) means Katai turned 24 (Jan 22) and Poe turned 29 (Jan 19) while shit was going down
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50shadesofpattinson · 2 years ago
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Tobie Donovan on Instagram (x)
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spideyhexx · 2 months ago
nobody likes you when you’re 23😔
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c-kiddo · 2 years ago
started learning new skill 😎👍 stabbing.
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