#kissy material FOR sure
bussyslayer333 · 2 years
There’s a honey
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summary: 3 times your aunt penny sees herself and maverick in your relationship with jake and 1 time she doesn’t.
pairing: jake seresin x penny’s niece!reader
word count: 4.1k
warnings: smut, allusions to smut, swearing, cheese tbh, pet names, m*verick, jake being jake >:) MDNI 18+
“Are you sure we should be doing this?” you whisper into Jake’s ear as he drags you along a corridor towards the hangar that contains his and the dagger squad’s F-18s.
“Definitely not, but I need you to see this.” Jake chuckles from in front of you.
That does nothing to settle the nerves in your stomach as he turns abruptly, hand still nestled in yours pulling you around the corner with him.
The ‘room’ Jake has pulled you into isn’t really a room at all. It’s a large Hangar with tall ceilings that make you fear that if you speak it will echo throughout the whole building. Jake looks down at you and smiles at your awestruck face.
“Welcome to my world sweets.”
You roll your eyes at his cheesy line and walk towards the jet that has Jake’s name plastered onto the side of it.
“Lieutenant Jake ‘Hangman’ Seresin,” you read to yourself, tracing your fingers over the black lettering.
“My two girls in one room,” Jake chuckles into your ear, wrapping his arm around your waist. He strokes lightly against the material of your sundress. It’s his favourite one, it’s cream coloured and is covered in a ditsy floral pattern. He smiles as you look up at him,
“But who do you love more?” You giggle and wait for his response.
Jake clutches his chest dramatically and whines, “You’re not being fair! I can love two things equally.”
You pout playfully and jest, “Well you won’t mind sleeping in here with her then, will you?”
Jake laughs loudly and points out your bluff, “You’d never kick me out of bed, your feet would get too cold.”
You make a ‘hmph’ noise and turn on your feet to the exit of the hangar. Jake is quick on your tail and hauls you into the air forcing you to wrap your legs around his waist as you look up at him now face to face.
“Don’t be like that baby, you know you’re my favourite.” He simpers.
You giggle, “I know, I just like making you sweat.”
Jake squeezes your cheeks into a kissy face and pecks you on the lips, “You’re such a minx.”
Carrying you back towards his jet, he plants you down on the ground and finally reveals his plan to you.
“Jake what if i’m sick all over your plane then you hate me forever!”
“I’ll go slow for you sweetheart, I always do,” Jake winks at you.
You scoff, as he helps you into the back seat of his jet and plant yourself down in the seat. Before Jake gets the chance to sit down, you look around the interior of the jet and something catches your eye. In the cockpit there’s a few small Polaroids. Jake had always loved taking photos, he had a small Polaroid camera which he carried almost everywhere with him, and a stack of photos building up just of you. As you look to the photos you see one of them is of him and his two nieces sat in the grass on a sunny day, another of his family dog from back home and the last picture is one of you that you didn’t recognise. You’re curled into his chest with his hoodie on and you’re asleep with a pout on your face. You want to complain about the less than flattering angle but your heart flutters from the intimacy of the picture and you can’t feel it in you to be angry at all. Instead you hum slightly and reach forward to kiss Jake’s shoulder as he finally sits in the seat in front of you. He seems slightly bashful as he realises you’ve seen the pictures.
“For luck.”
You grin and decide not to prod him further. Taking off, your stomach swoops and you worry about the interior of Jake’s jet being covered in your dinner for a brief moment before your breath is taken away.
The sun is setting and Jake is flying the jet in the direction of the beach. You suddenly understand his insistence on bringing you up here. Jake thinks he’s cheesy so he doesn’t say it aloud, but whenever flight tests run late and the sun sets whilst he’s still in the sky he always thinks of you. It’s beautiful and the colours bleed together as the sun dips lower and lower and all he can think about is how much he wants to share this with you. So he did.
“Thank you for bringing me up here.” You speak into the microphone of the flight helmet you’re wearing.
“It’s my pleasure sweetheart.”
You look down and notice you’ve flown past the Hard Deck, it was a hard sight to miss and golden lights twinkle around it in the dusk. It’s mostly empty as Penny has closed it for the night, but you think you spotted the tiny blur of Maverick’s motorcycle in the parking lot.
Maverick and Penny are sat together on the benches that stand outside the Hard Deck on the beach front. Unbeknownst to you, Maverick had helped Jake plan to sneak you into base for your sunset joyride. He understood how important it was for Jake to show you the thing he loved so dearly. It was the same for him way back when with your aunt. Penny gasps as she looks up to see the jet soar by,
“Please tell me my niece isn’t up there.” She states rather than questions.
“Okay, I won’t then.” Maverick smiles into her shoulder.
She smacks him lightly but it lacks anger, Penny would never admit this but she was glad you had fallen for Jake rather than any of the others. She can’t help but smile back as she thinks about her first time up in a fighter jet with the pilot sat next to her. She wants to be worried but she knows you’re in perfectly safe hands, Jake’s charm and incredible skill always did remind her of someone who she knew so well.
You and Jake had been together for two months now but he had yet to sleep round at yours. You were apprehensive, living with your aunt and younger cousin meant a lack of privacy mostly, and said privacy was not an issue when staying at Jake’s small rented beach cottage. So it had always seemed the obvious to go to his. Neither of you had ever had an issue with this, which is why Jake was so surprised to receive a text from you half way through his day off.
baby ♥️
come to mine tonight?
pen and amelia are out btw
You and Jake had planned for you to stay at his tonight, you’d promised to cook for him and he’d been hoping to thank you in many different ways and positions. But he couldn’t help but feel slightly giddy at the prospect of being able to stay round yours. He felt a bit like his 16 year old self again when his then girlfriend would invite him round with the promise of her parents being out of town and it made him chuckle.
cowboy ❤️
sounds perfect
you want me to cook?
baby ♥️
what type of host do you think i am ?!
ofc not
cowboy ❤️
just checking sweets
As it turns out, not much cooking happened anyways. Jake had decided your attire of denim shorts and a cropped tank top were entirely too indecent for an evening in and he decided to show that to you.
“Do you know what you do to me sweets?” Jake pants into your neck. You’d managed to persuade him to make it to your bed before you defiled the kitchen counter but half your clothing had been discarded up the stairs and across the landing leading to your room.
“I think I have a pretty good idea,” you giggle breathlessly, whining slightly as Jake hits just the right spot. He continues on at his impressive pace, your back arching up so your chests meet and he kisses sloppily down along your neck. His hands have a tight grip on your hips whilst yours tangle in his soft hair, it’s silky and feels smooth against your fingers without his gel that usually neatens it out.
“Shit, I’m close.” Jake groans into your neck. You squirm as his pace quickens further and he reaches down to circle your clit. You gasp, high pitched sending him over the edge. He spills into the condom and slumps onto you, breathing hard.
You stroke Jake’s hair and he speaks, “I love you.”
You smile at his admission, “I love you too, baby.”
He looks up at you from where his head is resting on your chest and your heart clenches. You surge forward and he pulls upright so you can clash your lips together messily, it’s sloppy mostly but neither of you care. He cards his fingers through the mess of hair at the back of your head and you whimper against his lips. The kiss is heated as Jake guides you back down against the pillow and starts to lead his lips down your throat, sucking with pressure into your pulse point.
That’s when you hear the front door slam shut.
“Darling? Are you home?” Your aunt calls.
You hear a mumbling of voices, Amelia is with her.
“Oh god,” You whine in to Jake’s chest, embarrassed.
He chuckles, rolling off of you to lay next to you, he’s finding the situation rather amusing until he realised all his clothes are strewn across the stairs where he can hear two sets of footsteps ascending.
“Whose shirt is this?” You hear Amelia ask her mother, confused about the item of clothing that appeared quite masculine and nothing anyone in her household of women would wear.
You yell out in a panic, “Uh yeah I’m in my room! Just getting changed.”
Jake looks at you concerned, as your aunt replies from seemingly outside of your door.
“Okay, well we’ll be downstairs.”
You can practically hear her smirk through the door.
You exhale deeply and look at Jake, you both struggle to contain your giggles as you shush him, smushing your finger against his lips. Finally hearing their footsteps fade away, you begin.
“You’ve gotta leave, I’m the example for Amelia and now she’s gonna think I’m a total slut!”
Jake laughs but quietens himself when he realises you’re being serious.
“Doll, she won’t think that she loves you!”
You smile at Jake’s sweet attempt to cheer you up but continue, “Baby as sweet as you are you still need to leave, I can’t have the first time you’re round my house meeting my family be when they’ve interrupted our second round.”
Jake chuckles but nods, understanding your worry. He goes to stand and heads for the bedroom door but you stop him in his tracks,
“Where are you going?” You question.
“To get my clothes?” Jake replies, brows scrunched in confusion.
“You cant go out there! They’ll see you!” You whisper shout, “I’ll get them.”
You pull on a pair of cotton pyjama shorts and a large t shirt that you had discarded on your bedroom floor and tip toe out onto the landing where you grab Jake’s boxers. Jake’s grey shorts lay on the top few steps but his shirt had been discarded near the bottom steps with his shoes. You lean down and grab his shorts as realise you can’t see your aunt and niece anywhere near the living room that feeds off from the staircase. As hurriedly and quietly as you could, you race to get his shirt and shoes before one of them could appear to question you. With his clothes in tow, you creep back upstairs to where you had left Jake in your room.
When you step into your room, you notice Jake is no longer sat on your bed. He’s stood looking at your bookshelf browsing his eyes across the books stored there. He takes notice of the ones with the most battered spines and makes a mental note to pick them up somewhere to read. It’s a funny, albeit sweet sight, watching your 6’1 boyfriend stood stark naked looking lost in thought in front of your bookshelves.
“Here’s your clothes babe,” you speak, pulling him from his trance. He looks slightly embarrassed but recovers quickly and takes his clothes, stepping into his boxers first. As he dresses you admire him, giggling as he makes a show out of sliding his shorts up and pulling his shirt down over his chest.
Finally dressed he speaks, “You want me to go out the window, don’t you?”
You chuckle and shrug your shoulders apologetically, “I promise I’ll bring you here properly and introduce you soon.”
He smiles and walks over to kiss you, “You’re lucky I love you.”
You bask in his comment shyly and wait until he’s at your window to speak, “I love you too cowboy, text me when you get home.”
He nods and blows you a kiss before opening your window and making his careful exit. The drop isn’t too small by any means, but he lands rather gracefully with his knees bent. Jake stands up to his full height and makes eye contact with two women staring out from the kitchen window.
Penny chuckles at him, already aware that Jake was the man in her house when her and Amelia had arrived home earlier than schedule from their visit to Mav’s hangar. Amelia waves at him with a smirk on her face and Jake awkwardly waves back. He swears he hears Amelia speak to her mother,
“I knew she had someone up there with her! None of us would wear a shirt that colour!”
Jake laughs, knowing you’re going to get an earful later and saunters off towards his truck.
You’re pretty content with how your plan worked out as you lie back against your pillows, before your cousin bursts into your room squealing.
“I wanna know everything about him! Wait is he that cute pilot I always see you talking to at the Hard Deck? Oh my god he totally is!”
You let her gush, reminding yourself how excitable you were as a young teen and look up to the doorway to make eye contact with your smiling aunt.
She cant help but feel transported back to the first time your mother (her younger sister) had found out she had been seeing one of the hot shot pilots her father had always warned her of. She sends a wink your way and listens as you try to answer Amelia’s questions as family friendly as possible.
Penny’s heart clenched as she looked to your tear stained face. You and her had decided to do a rom com marathon to distract you from your emotions but clearly it hadn’t been working.
Jake had announced to you yesterday that he would be on deployment for 90 days in a weeks time. You had put on a brave face in front of him, claiming you’d miss him dearly but be okay whilst you waited back home. Once you left his place you had cried in your car firstly, then on the drive back when a song that reminded you of Jake played, and then finally into the arms of your aunt once your arrived home.
Penny knew of the difficulties of loving a naval aviator, her father had been one as well as her boyfriend and she was well aware of the heartbreak deployment often brought. Over the years she had learnt ways to deal with how she felt and was no longer affected in such a way. However, watching you live through the stages she once had to made her slightly woeful as well.
Hearing you sniffle, Penny decides to speak up, “You shouldn’t ignore him sweetheart, you’ll regret it when he’s gone.”
You look up at her, unimpressed with what is actually good advice. You sigh weakly and let her continue.
“Tell him how you feel,” you interrupt her quickly, “I don’t want him to be feel bad for me! He has his own worries he shouldn’t have to think for me.”
It’s now Penny’s turn to sigh at your words, “You and I both know Jake, and we know that he does that anyway. You’re just worrying him, more by avoiding him.”
You look up from where you’ve been playing with your hands and make eye contact with her. You know she’s right but it tastes so bitter to admit it. She smiles slowly as she sees you come to realisation. You stand abruptly from the couch and walk to the door, picking up your keys from the table as you go.
“Where are you going?” Penny questions, already knowing the answer.
You roll you eyes playfully at her, “don’t make me say it,” you pout before admitting your planned route.
But as you open the door, you spot something you weren’t expecting. Jake is pacing your porch and looks up at the sound of you opening the door.
He smiles sheepishly at you, “I was about to knock, I promise.”
You lock eyes with Jake and the tears come flowing out, “I’m sorry for ignoring you! I’m scared to be without you for so long but I didn’t want you to waste time feeling bad about me!”
Jake pulls you into his arms and rests his head above yours, “No time spent thinking about you is wasted, sweets.”
You giggle at how he manages to be cheesy even when you’re both so upset. You press your lips to his, savouring in how it feels wary that you won’t be able to do that for the next three months. You feels tears start to brim in your eyes again but Jake flicks them away.
“I don’t want my best girl to be upset, please baby.” Jake speaks.
You give him a watery smile and he laughs. He doesn’t really know how he’s supposed to be away from you for the next few months when he can’t even let you go from the hug.
“I’ll write to you every day,” you promise him.
“Oh, I’m counting on it doll.” Jake smirks into your hair.
Jake regrets his words when a week into his deployment he receives a thick letter written in your delicate handwriting. He makes the mistake of opening it whilst sat on the bunks next to Coyote and begs him to never mention the fact that he has now seen a few more risquée Polaroids of you than he had bargained for that morning.
Jake had finally allowed himself to be excited about seeing you again now that he only had one day left of his deployment. Your letters and photos could only do so much to appease how much he needed to see you and hold you in real life. You had invaded his mind wholly for the past three months and it sent his heart racing slightly at thought of finally getting to see you again.
Knowing you would have your boyfriend back tomorrow had you slightly giddy as you wiped down the bar tops at the Hard Deck, whistling a song Jake had played to you many times before.
As you wiped you thought about having him all to yourself again, having his strong hands on your hips and his lips on your mouth but also him resting his head on your chest or letting you play with his hair.
As you continued to whistle, your aunt pushes her way through the double doors which lead to the kitchen and storage area of the Hard Deck. She smiles as she notices your significant change in demeanour from the months past and speaks up.
“Ready to close up for the night?” She questions.
“Absolutely.” You smile at her.
Penny would have loved to tease you for your lovesick behaviour, but she too was elated for tomorrow. Maverick had been sent away as well, to oversee any training taking place and although she would like to think she has a slight amount more emotional maturity due to her age she was still as giddy as you were on the inside.
You link arms with her as you walk to the car both now humming the tune to the last song that had been playing on the jukebox before you closed up for the night.
Waiting with the rest of the families for the aviators to arrive back feels surreal. It’s a warm day and your wearing Jake’s favourite sundress with some wedges that are verging on uncomfortable but look great with the outfit. You cant quite believe you’re going to see him again.
You’re looking across at the sea of family members, and make eye contact with Bob’s girlfriend. She smiles at you and waves before turning back to the matured woman she’s stood next to who you can only assume is Bob’s mother. You turn back to Penny and squeeze her hand as you see the first of the aviators leave the ship.
They come out in streams of khaki uniforms and you can’t help but smile at thought of seeing Jake in his own uniform. It always fit slightly too tightly over his biceps, making it mostly uncomfortable for him but extremely worth it for you.
Maverick is one of the first to leave the carrier along with the rest of the higher ranked officers. He makes his way quickly over to Penny but not before smiling politely at you. You move to the side slightly to give them their own space as well as giving you a better view of the people still leaving the carrier.
You let anxiety eat at your stomach a little the longer it takes for you to spot Jake. You wonder if he’ll even be excited to see you, if he’s grown tired of you over the months he’s been away. But all those worries are swept away as you spot Jake leaving the carrier walking next to Rooster and Coyote. Bob is slightly ahead of them and beelines for his girlfriend. You watch as Jake scans the crowd of people for you before you lock eyes.
He zones in on you and suddenly has urgency in his steps. Jake realises he has definitely knocked over some younger pilots and at least one small child in his march to get to you but he can’t find it in him to care. Not when his girlfriend is looking radiant as ever and waiting for him after three months.
Tired of waiting on him you run as fast as your wedges allow to make up for the distance and jump into his arms. You pepper kisses all over his face and finally land one on his lips, you go to pull away but he holds you there and deepens the kiss. You allow him to for a moment but you’re still aware of your surroundings so you pull away and rest your forehead against his.
“I missed you.” You speak against his lips.
You can feel him smiling.
“I missed you more.”
You mock sigh exasperatedly and roll your eyes, “God, do you have to make everything a competition?”
He laughs like he hasn’t in months, and pulls you in for a kiss again. You signal for him to let you down but he keeps you in his grip as you make you way over to Maverick and Penny who had just been watching you.
Penny watches you and your boyfriend giggle as he spins you around, holding the edge of your dress tight to your body so it doesn’t fly up. She squeezes Mav’s hand as she remembers how her and Pete could never reunite in such ways. Her father had been strict about her not fraternising with the pilots, let alone cocksure ones like Maverick, so she had never truly been able to settle down with him.
It delights her to see you like this with Jake because it makes her realise that you aren’t her and Maverick. You’re completely different, in the best way possible.
Jake finally sets you down so you can all greet each other. He nods to Maverick and hugs Penny before returning to your side, hoping he never has to leave it again.
a/n: my sincerest apologies bc it took me so long to get this out but i hope u enjoy bc i love jake and his gf they are my babes,, also this was inspired by someone who reblogged one of my other jake fics and was talking about how they thought penny definitely saw jake as a young mav and i was like omg so true and immediately started writing this, so whoever you are make yourself known !!!!
also had to use charlie bc he is so boyfriend
pls reblog and comment and tell me what u think !!!
requests are open :p
ty for reading :)
- honey <333
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lonelynpc · 2 months
Waking Up Unconscious Characters
on the topic of whump!
if you want somebody to attempt to wake an unconscious character, here's how we do it when waking you from anaesthesia:
always speak in a loud and clear voice. we need to make sure they can hear us.
identify ourselves. this includes what our role is so, "this is (my name), i'm your anaesthetist/doctor." sometimes i will also say, "we met before," just to try jog their memory a little bit.
use the patient's name.
comfort and reassure. we avoid saying, "everything's okay," or similar but we will say, "this is normal," "we're looking after you," "the procedure went well," etc.
"(name), open your eyes for me. i need you to open your eyes now." notice it's a command, not "can you open your eyes for me?" when patients are confused, we sometimes see a sort of "i can but i won't" response. can't leave room for confusion, we need to be direct.
tap their shoulder firmly, if possible. obviously, if they've just had surgery on their shoulder or have a shoulder injury we might tap a leg or their chest instead. we will also loudly and clearly speak to them while doing this.
apply painful stimuli. this doesn't mean we're hitting them. we're stimulating a patient to get a response to assess LOC. mandibular pressure is the common one in anaesthesia, if it was the surgical site or if there is an injury there we won't do it, we might do the trapezius squeeze instead.
"hey, (name), this is (my name), your anaesthetist. you're just waking up from surgery, alright?" let them know what's going on, identify yourself again. keep using their name.
once they open their eyes, acknowledge it. i say, "there we go, hello again, (name)," and then reiterate the above.
tell them to stay still, talk them through what we're doing. "stay still for a second, we're taking the tube out, okay?" if a character is going to be moving or touching the injured character, even if they are still unresponsive, they should explain what they're doing. "i'm putting you on your side," "i'm just checking you for injuries," "it looks like you've hurt your arm, i'm going to take a look."
here's some responses people have when waking up from anaesthesia (often they do not remember this):
crying a lot. this is very common and usually if we ask why they're crying, they say they don't know so we tend to just assure them that this is normal and it will pass. we also often see this if a procedure went for longer than anticipated and the bladder is distended.
combative responses. some patients wake up swinging because they're confused, in pain, etc. some wake up combative because the procedure went for longer than anticipated and their bladder is distended too, that's a common cause of aggression on emergence.
urinary incontinence. it happens, we assure them that it's normal and not to be embarrassed, clean them up and cover them. sometimes it happens before they're 'awake'.
flirting or declarations of love. it sounds weird but it happens. it also happens when we're putting them under too. i had a patient tell me that i have beautiful eyes and make kissy faces at me once.
some people get erections. it's sometimes seen in response to certain anaesthetic agents. maybe not whump material but it's interesting so there you go.
immediately trying to move, pull monitors off or IVs out, etc.
singing. now, i haven't seen this super often and it's not full singing but they try their best. i had a patient mumble-singing the lyrics to funky cold medina once (instrumental included), he had no recollection of it later.
non-purposeful movement. thrashing, writhing, turning, etc with no intention.
crying, combative responses, non-purposeful movement, etc are known as 'emergence agitation' (EA).
i hope that helps a bit and gives some ideas!
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malebreastmilk · 6 months
jjk x reader imagines ♡ going to a haunted house attraction
˗ˏˋ ꒰ ฅ Featuring: Choso Kamo & Satoru Gojo ฅ ꒱ ˎˊ˗
˗ˏˋ ꒰ ฅ Contents: Choso x GN!Reader , general fluffiness, choso being a scary dog, protective!choso, choso is head over heels for you, KISSIES!!! and other silly antics ฅ ꒱ ˎˊ˗
˗ˏˋ ꒰ ฅ Notes: im trying out a new format!! please lmk if you preferred how I did it before to this :) gojo with the same prompt will be coming up next! ino and nanas aren't currently planned to be added but if requested ill gladly do my best to ฅ ꒱ ˎˊ˗
"Haunted house...? Are you sure? I don't want anyone scaring you..."
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bf!choso observing as you turned in your tickets to yaga, the school was holding a haunted house attraction to celebrate halloween coming up and you had encouraged him to come try it so he could learn more about halloween traditions. who would really go anywhere if you were going even if it left him standing in front of a now unfamiliar school. who saw it was now cloaked in darkness and smoke distorting his known vision of the place with people bustling in and out all who were wearing different expressions from shock to relief. who can hear the screaming and yelling coming from within and instinctively takes your hand in his before the two of you could enter the now frightening entrance
“I won’t let anything happen to you.”
bf!choso who keeps his fingers intertwined with yours as the two of you make your way through the fog filled corridors that had their familiarity hidden behind blood and cobwebs. who scowled when foreign things and people would jump out, causing him to slightly flinch back before he would find the entirety of his being focused on you, glaring down at whatever it may have been. who could barely stand seeing you get spooked even if your yelps were soon masked by the following gigglings and a familiar smile back at him. whos verbal checkups and comments with you begin to dwindle being replaced with a firmer grip upon your hand. who cant help but begin to tense and alert in the moment trying to detect anything before it had the chance to strike 
bf!choso who is lost in his worries until a warm squeeze to his hand and the soft murmur of his name trails him back to you watching his spaced out expression with concern. who returns the gesture in full once he reels himself back in a bitter pang in his heart seeing your face so full of distress because of him. who shares his uncertainties of this whole pre-halloween activity haunted house school thing and having to see others frighten you without him being able to do anything but watch and worry. who is soon met with your reassurance as you lead him towards the end still with clasped hands. who follows with a heavy heart finding that he must’ve ruined the date as he was the reason you were rushing towards the distant exit with him in tow
“I just don’t understand this…and I don’t like seeing you so frightened.”
bf!choso who’s upset expression is obvious as the two of you make it out of the school and into the open where soft moonlight shined onto his contorted face. who struggled to look at you now wondering if you’d be upset with him for bringing an abrupt stop to your outting together as you stood along with others who had finished as well. who was once again so caught up in his own thoughts in the moment that he didnt notice you retrieve something from megumi who had handed you something for finishing the activity. who again is brought back by you calling his nickname once more, turning to face you only to be met by a sudden material being stuck to his face much to his surprise. finding that you had the same thing stuck to your cheek, a sticker as you had called it, depicting some of those halloween characters that you had described to him. who’s facial marking is almost hidden by the deep red that ingulfs his cheeks as you kiss his other cheek putting his worries to rest as you share your happiness with just being by his side. who is quick to soften up and lean into your touch and comfort, requesting more much-needed kisses
“M’ forehead too… and I am happy as long as you are there always…more please.”
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mblue-art · 6 months
Sorry for that question but I really curious!
What made you fell in love with Cross and Lust?
Tell us more!!
😳😳😳 hhuh what rreally,, , ,,, 😳 u wanna hear me yap abt my sillies, my beloveds,,, (i appreciate the enthusiasm tho omg 🥺🫶🫶🫶)
i want to have the yuris with lust and the yaois with cross I I MEAN HWHWAT 🧍‍♂️
haha anyWAY,, (oh gog this ended up long)
cross checks so many boxes for me it makes me go insane. too good to be true. versatile(??)— like it's somehow way too easy to put him in Situations. (he's bf and husbone material??? just -20hp me now; that already kills me) he's. hh. gawddamn there's reasons why he won a utmv sans sexyman poll.
he's like a crush that you can't get out of your head no matter what you do, i'm so freaking down bad for him it's not even funny anymore. ever since simping for cross i have not been the same since. the man has changed me. the attraction/simp feelings hit me like a bat out of nowhere and i don't understand why it's so intense— i. hh.
,,i like when ppl make him dorky. stupidly silly (absolutely love shitpost shenanigans and would absolutely LOVE to get into silly shenanigans with him and with/without his bestie epic). fun to be around when he's deemed you as a good friend. stars, he'd give good hugs. strong, solid, and warm, the kind of hugs u don't wanna pull away from so soon. a little endearingly cringe. fanon simp cross is adorable and fun to mess around with. tsundere cross is adorable and fun to mess with. cute anxious guy under all that intimidating aloofness. when i say his smile is an absolute treasure, i mean that. his blush making him look like a grape or a glowing bulb is adorable and makes me wanna tease him more. anime protag/character vibes so strong i wanna have a cute bl/shoujo manga romance with him type shit yk.
then there's times when he's The Hot Dude and i think it's illegal if he's all confident and smug and dom actually (/hj) cause that makes me wanna fucking fite him HELLO? SIR? ILLEGAL????? (<- the fight or flight response of a tsundere towards a milder tsundere LOL).
-hp every single time. mf gets successful d20 rolls w/ rizz on me and i get a critical hit every time. it's a 50/50 either i fluster to death and become weak or i wanna fite his dumbass
i'll. i can fight him. i'll lose but i can fight him for sure. (why is he so cool⁉️‼️💢💢💢RRRRRRR)
he makes me feel things. lots of things. (mostly fluster but when i'm feelin sooper soff i jst wanna shower his skull in keeses. ima kissy lil guy)
tired cross makes me just wanna take care of him. want him to come home to me without any worry because he thinks i'm his safe space.
when he's being stubborn i want to tell him to chill out for a little while, take a break and watch some funny stuff while drinking choccy milk or eating his fav foods and be cozy. bapping him if he's gonna try to get out of this too soon. he's gonna get the free time he deserves n relax n get cuddles n kithes.
the way he can gently hold my hand and look at me with a sincere look in his eyelights and say something genuinely affectionate feels like cupid shooting an arrow through my soul, but also feels like a balm. (a promise of loyalty and faithfulness.) (a kiss on the forehead? a cherry on top.)
well now i can't be mean to him with all the nice he's saying and doing. i just want nice things for him o(-< (even if he's a bastard sometimes lol<3 all circles back to the silly) (silly is always important)
i love lust. so so so much. the fanon interpretation of him, anyway.
(don't get me wrong, i absolutely adore the feminine slay content of lust; but am i wrong for yearning for more masc lust content?)
i like my lust sans respectful, goofy, sans-like, an absolute sweetheart, and a caring, wonderful life partner. under the flirty personality and charm(ing looks), is a sans behavior that made me fall deeper. (he makes me feel very gender too) (ohmygofd yeah no he actually makes me think of gender sometimes rauauagrrgh<3/pos). i don't have to worry about showing my cring, weird side to him, because he's also a gremlin,, o(-< he doesn't have to present himself all nice and pretty all the time (although he's always pretty in my eyes). he can be comfortably himself; with me 🥺
i want to be his safe space.
i want to see him heal and be happy and be happy with me and give him all the love i can give and care for him and make him soso happy i just want him to feel SO sosososo loved, he deserves so much more
he's the only one who's able to get a certain reaction out of me; to pull flowers out of my heart. to pull out words of love and devotion and appreciation, heart bursting with affection only for him.
for him, i would try. i would live for him. i wish someone like him (the him i've created from interpretations and headcanons) was real irl.
i want to not care i don't care if he's a gorgeous well-known person that people fawn over, or if he's a campus crush, etc.,
i want him to think i'm worthy enough to keep in his life. for him to know how special he is to me, for him to know how much i want him in my life as much as i want him to keep me in his.
my immediate reaction when i think of him is: 😊💕💜💜💜eeeee kicks and giggles and flaps hands teehee
i love him so much i get a heart-on for him (/silly but it is true sometimes; love him so much it aches (in a good way))
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onyxbird · 1 year
The Bridgeport Cat Café
New Leverage AU, based on this video of someone from a cat café account introducing their cats and describing what types of crime they (allegedly) engage in:
Hardison bought them a cat café instead of a brewpub.
Parker thinks it's a great idea. As soon as Hardison shared the idea with her, she started planning out the incredibly elaborate system of climbing structures, catwalks, tunnels, and hidey-holes at both cat and human scale. Hardison wasn't able to implement all of her ideas, especially not before the rest of the team arrived, but he managed a lot, including purchasing the rest of the building the original café occupied and expanding into that space.
The renovated café quickly becomes known for the fact that it is both the physically largest cat café any of the patrons have encountered and that sections of it essentially double as an indoor play structure for both kids and adults.
Hardison, as someone with allergies himself and knowing Leverage would want to bring clients here, poured a lot of thought into the cat-free and "allergy-friendly" side of the café, where patrons can enjoy all of the café's food and beverage offerings, watch the cats, and even climb a limited portion of their signature human-sized "cat tree" while remaining separated from the cats by enormous windows. The two areas are served by separate ventilation and both have thorough air filtration. The cat-free side quickly becomes popular with the remote-work crowd who like to bring their laptops and watch the cats without any actually climbing on them and their work materials. (There are also customer-free portions of the building the cats can retreat to and optionally view the customers through glass.)
Eliot and Sophie, of course, say the idea is absolutely insane. Sophie's mostly ticked off about the unilateral move to Portland and them taking on the extra burden of a (weird, niche) business (although she makes little secret of being charmed by many of the cats themselves), but Eliot is particularly incensed about the difficulties of trying to run a café that's full of animals. "Running a good café isn't child's play, you know. You planning make food on site with cat fur everywhere? You think the Health Department's gonna stand for that? Sure, you can probably get away with some kind of automatic coffee machine and prepackaged food, but that ain't a café, that's an animal shelter with a damn vending machine."
His complaints trail off as Hardison steers him into the (newly renovated) kitchen, through the airlock-style double doors from a hallway not open to the cats, each with an automatic air curtain to keep cat fur as well as cats from slipping through. The other side of the kitchen has pass-throughs and doors directly to the cat-free side of the café. The gleaming new espresso machines are already in place, along with other basic kitchen equipment, although Hardison comments that he's still researching the best ovens and layout for baking all of their pastries on-site (the printouts and notes on his research are already bundled up and ready to be "spilled" on top of the materials for their next job, in front of Eliot).
The kitchen also features several plexiglass tunnels so that cats can watch the action in the kitchen without contaminating the space. Eliot will never admit, even under torture, to making squinty eyes and kissy noises at the cats that come to hang out with him while he cooks with no other humans around to see, especially when prepping pastry in the wee hours of the morning before anyone but the cats is awake.
Finally, Nate regrets having turned Hardison loose with free rein to pick the Portland HQ. When he suggested a restaurant or something as a front, he assumed he knew the limits of what that could entail--in hindsight, he's glad they didn't end up operating out of a Medieval Times* knock-off. He's performatively grouchy about the cats, yet never seems to chase away the ones that mysteriously end up on his lap during job planning. There's one particular "shoulder cat" that seems to love nothing more than riding around on Nate's shoulders during a briefing, occasionally punctuating particularly passionate sections with supportive meows.
Another quirk the café becomes semi-known for is the prominent lost-and-found counter where patrons can try to reclaim items that have vanished from their pockets, as the cats at this establishment seem to be oddly prone to pickpocketing...
*Consciously or not, Nate is on some level aware of how much Hardison and Parker would enjoy watching Eliot "joust."
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writingjourney · 1 year
no games | terzo x gn!reader
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More kissies. This one is for my lovely friend @ghostchems who asked for almost kisses that are interrupted by a third party ♡
content: 1.6k words, gn!reader, very light suggestiveness, reader is wearing make-up, mentions of alcohol consumption and the usual party stuff
You know i hardly ever write Terzo so please be gentle with me as I practice and try to find his voice ♡
Masterlist – Ao3 link – Copia kissies ♡
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You really should not have complained about being bored.
The smell of incense clings to your dress with a nausea-inducing intensity, mixed with the aroma of half a cup of beer someone spilled on your thigh earlier. Truly, there does not seem to be any oxygen left in Terzo’s quarters as the crowd of people he invited on your behalf huddles together like moths around a flame. And of course, they’re all buzzing around him.
Truthfully, when you told him your weekend looked bleak, you’d hoped to spend some one on one time with him. To be completely fair, he is tryingto spend time with you – they just won’t stop pulling him away. All evening, he’s been returning to your side like a boomerang, refilling your cup and making sure you stay in sight, pulling you close to the tune of your favorite songs until someone else’s arms reach for him.
And how could you blame them? You’re just friends, you’ve been his friend for so long that even the rumours are covered in cobwebs by now. And Terzo looks absolutely stunning tonight in his sheer black blouse, half of his hairy chest peeking out between the open buttons of the flowy material. A black grucifix is dangling from his neck all the way down to the soft curve of his belly where his black slacks sit low on his narrow hips.
“Where are your eyes, tesoro?”
And there he is again, wrapping his arm around your waist so naturally, a confident smirk on his painted face. His hips sway to the rhythm of the music with such ease as he moves your body in tandem with his. He’s been so touchy and flirty all evening, more so than his usual friendly dallying. Thinking back, he’s been like this for the past few weeks, only you never really had a chance to ask him about it.
“Are you having fun?” he whispers against your ear.
You hum in affirmation and try to look convincingly entertained. Of course he immediately rolls his eyes, seeing right through you.
“Why not?” He fiddles for your hand, twirling you around before catching you again by your hips. “You know I planned this for you, sì? And all night you stand here staring holes in the wall.” 
“I honestly just wanted to spend some time with you,” you admit. “Alone.”
His smile wins a smug quality, the corner of his mouth twitching. “Alone?”
You shove him lightly, his teasing entirely unhelpful, and your fingers connect with his bare chest. When you try to pull them away, Terzo’s hand closes over yours, pressing your palm to his skin. You can feel his heartbeat speeding up as he pulls you into him, his hand resting mere inches above your ass. His face is so close that his breath tickles your upper lip and he leans in even more. But then someone stumbles into you drunkenly and his lips land on your cheek instead. With the added momentum his nose bumps into your eye. You pull away in pain, blinking rapidly as the eye starts to tear up.
“Perdonami, tesoro,” he says, lifting his hand to wipe at your cheek.
“It’s okay.” You dab at your wet under-eye, then swat his hand away. “Just don’t ruin my make-up.”
He smirks and you let him hug you, his hand splayed out on your back as he pulls you close. When your hips connect, you let out a tiny gasp, feeling his shape through his trousers. Heat rises to your face and spreads out all the way down into your lower belly.
“I’m going to ruin your make-up one of these days,” he whispers with a low chuckle. “But not with my nose.”
“Don’t joke about that,” you mumble.
He pulls away slightly. “Why not? Would you not like that?”
You find yourself on eye-level with his mouth, the lipstick already smudged from drinking and kissing the cheeks of everyone in the room upon greeting his guests. When you look back up, his mismatched gaze is intense, his pupils dilated and boring into you. 
“I think you want it, too,” he whispers and then he’s leaning in again.
This time, you’re not surprised. You feel the pull as well, tilting your chin up to slot your faces together. His nose brushes yours, gently nuzzling while his hand wanders lower until it sits on the supple flesh of your butt.
“Papa,” a voice calls, slender fingers wrapping around his upper arm. “A question about the music…”
Your hand on his chest vibrates as he suppresses an annoyed groan. But as he turns to face the Brother who dared to interrupt this intimate moment he’s the perfect image of sweet patience. “Mi dispiace, ma non ora, okay? I am needed here.”
The brother smoothes his fingers out over his arm, a disappointed smile on his face, but he leaves without any sign of defiance. Terzo doesn’t seem bothered as he turns back to you, placing his bare hand on your cheek now and immediately leaning back in. But before you can even register that he’s touching you, a loud booming rock song shakes the air and the crowd behind you breaks out in cheers that have the floor vibrating underneath you. Once again, your mouths fail to connect as you both startle and get pushed around by moving bodies.
“Stop,” you yell over the music.
Terzo wraps his arm around your waist, trying to avoid losing you in the crowd as he pulls you closer to the side of the room. “Stop what?” 
“Trying to kiss me.”
He squints in confusion but you’re not sure what part of stop trying to kiss me he doesn’t understand. Perhaps it’s the rejection he’s not used to, especially by you.
“I thought you wanted this too,” he says and his voice is low, not backed by his usual confidence. “Or do I hallucinate now? I didn’t think I was that drunk.”
“I do want it,” you admit. “Just… Terzo this is not… this is not some game.”
“I know. Why do you assume I think that it is?”
“Because it’s so out of the blue.” You furrow your brow at his genuinely confused expression. “What’s gotten into you lately?”
“You seem to enjoy it, no? The attention? The closeness?” He leans in again, brushing his nose against your cheek. “The touching?”
You hold onto his shoulders to avoid stumbling as he firmly pulls you against his body once again. This time, you bring your face closer, trying to show him that you do enjoy it, that you never even dared to dream that he’d want you in this way. You can already feel the outline of his full lips when his mouth is suddenly gone again.
“Papa, come on!” Another two Siblings have appeared by his side and try to pull him back into the crowd. “We need you for our drinking game.”
“Not now,” Terzo snaps uncharacteristically sharp, staggering as he pulls his arm away. “I am busy here, do you not see that?” They pout at him and he relaxes slightly, a mild smile tugging at his lips. “Later, sì? I will come find you.”
They smile sheepishly, clearly ready to beg for his attention, and you’re about to explode. Before you can say anything, though, his fingers slot into yours and he pulls you away, expertly navigating the crowd until you reach his bedroom. He fiddles with a key, muttering about finally getting rid of tutti i piantagrane, before he drags you into the cold and dark chambers. Closing and locking the door behind you he doesn’t even bother with the lights before has your back pressed against the wall, one hand on your cheek and the other one on your waist.
“One word and we will forget about this,” he says. “We will go back to being friends. One word.”
“I want you,” you whisper. “I want you, Terzo. I don’t want to forget about it.”
A low hum leaves his lips. You reach out for his chest and run your fingers through the soft hair. His thumb presses under your jaw in the same breath, tilting your chin up to meet his angle. You don’t see him but you know his face is millimetres from yours, his hot exhales ghosting over your lips. “Can I finally kiss you now, per favore?”
Terzo hovers for another second, the tension seething between you. His hair falls into his face when he leans in, tickling your sensitive cheeks, and then his lips finally meet yours. The kiss is slow at first, tentative as you explore how your mouths fit together. Soon you find a faster rhythm and you hold onto his neck, tugging lightly at the hair at the base which finally draws a moan from him. His tongue pushes between your lips then, hungry and searching. There is something uniquely him underneath the bitter taste of hard liquor, something that brings the butterflies in your belly to life. You’re not sure you can ever get enough of the feeling.
When you eventually break away, he rests his forehead against yours, your heavy breaths mingling in the space in between. You smile and despite the darkness you swear you see him smiling as well.
“Do you really want to join that drinking game?” you ask, drawing a lazy pattern on his chest.
“No,” he says, before he places even more soft kisses to your cheeks and your jaw. “I’m not in the mood for games tonight.”
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Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed ♡ I also wrote a thing for Copia in case you missed that one, you can find it here :)
Masterlist – My Ao3
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missamyrisa2 · 23 days
convincing a shy tgirl to start wearing more femme clothes , telling her its to help with her confidence , but secretly its just because dresses and skirts and crop tops all leave their tickle spots so perfectly exposed ~
Ooohh I looooveee sooo much showing someone the loveliness of pretty clothes and the ticklyyy sparklies that come with wearing them. I'll mostttt definitely be picking out something like a little floral top with delicate straps and a flirty crop ~ and maybeee a pleated black miniskirt. The top is going to go on sooooo slowlyyyyy
why yess, I am going to help you get dressed ~ it's such a lovelyyy fuzzzy sensation to have someone dressss you like thissss~
Just relax and let the lovely clothes happennn~ the gentlyyy girlyyy material of this floral top coming downnnn your armsssss. Yesss keep them up. Ooh sorryyy I simply had to give your underarm a little kissy kiss. Now, this miiight tickle a little. Yes, that soft material grazing down your collar and over your chestttttt ~ ahh yessss, you feel the florals on your royal buttons huh? Maybe we need to get you a bralette for next time. But for today let's just seee how you do with this cute top~ mmhmmm mhmmm seeee it stops riiight above your belly. Do you feel that line of fabric? Riiight there? Above your belly? Let me just take my finger and trace around the ring so you know what I mean. D'yknow what I meannn?
Ahh yes, these cute tiny delicate straps. Up your chesttt and over your shoulder and to your back. Keeping this cuuuute top on your lovely bodyyy ~ lovelyyyy body. Mmmh just adjust this one hereee and that one thereee and slide my fingers under each oneee ~ let's just how snug they are on your wiggly self. Awwww do you like itttt? It's sooo cute on youuuu! And I bet your butttons love it toooo ooh I just gotta finger flip them through the floral top yes I dooooo ~ does it tiiickle?
Mmmh but now we have to take care of those bottoms yes we doooo ~ oooh and I'm not gonna let you go without undies noooo ~ I have cuuuute matching floral pantie for youuuu ~ It's fun to coordinate your top with your no-nos mmhmm. Most people won't see it of course but you get to enjoy that little outfit synergy. Sooo yes, lift that legggg gooood girlyyyy and we go up and now the other legggg yeahhh how does it feeel? I hope you feel as cute as you look because you are blushing soooo cutelyyyy~ and sloooowlllyy the panties go uppppppp mmhmm a little on this leggg and a little on that leggg and oooh does it tiiickle? I knowww I know it doesss that lovely elegant material on your thigh thighssssss ~ and up and uppp and riiight over your royal area ~
Let's just make sure these panties are nice and snug on your most elegant place. Mhmmm nice soft pantiesss niiiice soft pantiessss allll over your sparklyyyy royal area. Royal tickles. Yessss must make sure the pantyyy straps are in place. Riiight on yoour hipssss. Hmmmm~ quite a wiggle you have, quite a lovelyyyy squiggle you have dear one. You're soooo cutee! Sooo pretty in your little crop top and adorable pantiesss. And now we'll make you extra gorgeous mmmmmhmm~
This lovely skirt, ah yesss the lovelyyyy flirty skirt. Sooo dark and cuteee and with allll these little pleats! It's gonna be soo sexy adorable on you, swishing about and complimenting that amazing tushhhh~ ahh yes, your pantied tush. Sooo sweeet, so darling. Ahh, I must give it little pinchiesssss ~ aww do the pinchies tickle toooo? You just get sooo tickly ticklyyyy in your cute outfit huhh?
Okayyy same procedure as last time sweeeet honeydrop. In one leg, in the other. And the skirt goessss uppppp~ Mmhm a little elevator to your lovely sparkliesssss ~ My my my your belly is so twitchyyyy sweetieee ~ is it the lovely girly material? Is your outfit doing thatttt? Here's a kissyyyy yessss you get alll the kissiesss a cutie like youu needs to be pinned and kissssed and given alll the attention. Ahh but where was I, yesss this skirt. Up and up and yeahhh we have to cover the cute pantiessss. But they'll be our little secret okayyy? Those lacey florals all sultry and sexy down thereeee all ticklyyy teasyyy on your royal parts.
And look ooh loook look loooook~ this cuuute skirt and that floral topppp. What a little number ~ what a cuuuute little outfit you have now. Your wigglyyy thighsss feel those pleats huhhh? Your sweeet delicate waist feeels that hugggg of the skirt mmmh? I'll bet you squeak and giggle with every step nowwww ~ sosoo perfeectly cute like thissss. Ooh and we're not done noooooo ~ we get to accessorize nowww yessss. You need that little extra extra mmhmmm~
I have a lovelyyyy heart necklace for youuuu yesss look at this dainty metal heart that we can drape over and let rest riiighhtttt on your upper chest. Yessss that coool touch resting there and reminding you and everyone that you're a sweeetheartttt ~ And over heeeree I have a chunky black bracelet for you. We'll just snap this on and my myyyy such a blushing squeak. You can just remember this cuuute shiny cuff as you take every step in your cute outfit and remember you're my adorable sweetie pie with the bestttt little giggles and squeakssss ~ and ooh yes I have a headband with these threeee little shinyyyy purplepink flowers on top. Gotta accessorize your hair toooo cutieee ~ sooo we'll slide this on and ahhh soo perfect. Such an elegant lil sparklyyy for your hair to bring it alll together.
And lastly, the wedge sandals. Yesss some people say it's like cringe fashion but I think they're alllways cuuuute. You just step your lovely toes into this one and yess that one, these sweeetheart shoes for my sweetheart. Yeahhh they're a little awkward to step in but I swear they make that outfit just pop! Alsooooo they make you wobbly which means I get to tackle you with ticklessss!! Yess darling, you've been dressed so cutely but you've also been dressed for tiiiiickless! Now I get to tickle up your legs while you wobbleeee and trail my nailssss behind your kneees and up your thighsss ~ ooh look at that skirt dance. Does it tickle tease sooo badlyyy yeahhh? How about that bellyyyy? Don't lieeee I got to chart allll your spotssss while I dressed youuuu ~ I know it tickles hereeee right on your tummyyyy and I know what the kissies do to youuu ~ yesss I watched allll your reactions and spotsss my angel ~ cooochie coooooo!! Kissiesss on your siiidess and tickles riiight along the hem of your skirtttt and around the crop of your cuuute floral topppp and oooh yesssss there we gooo tumble down tumble for me darling. Nowwww it's alllll flipppy fingers on those butttonssss ~ yess the lovely floral top hugs your buttons and makes the tickles ooooh so worse huhhhh? And I can trace these straps again and see you squirmmmm `~ good thing you have no sleeves and now I get to kissyy tickle and spider in your underarms allll I like and you can wiggle yourself silly in that amazing outfitttt ~ the heart is just dancing away huhh? And what about those pantiess mmmhmm yesss those lovely lovely soft pantiesss ~ I bet it ticklesss so much wiggling and squirming while they hold your royal area so snug ~ that's whyyyy my amazing friend ms. wand is gonna go down and make your acquaintanceship ~ mmhmm goood thing you're wearing that flirty little skirt huhhh? I can slip my wandyyyyy wanda down hereeee and buzzzzzz buzz vibeey vibey your pantiessss mmhmmm nice soooft trembling ticklyyy pantiesss while I tickle tickle tickle that bouncy exposed bellyyyy and your hiiipppy hipssss! Tickle tickle my adorable dollll ~ do you just looove when I doll you up and tickle you to bitss huhhh? You gonna ticklegasm formeee? Gonna make those sparkliesssss? Those fireworkssss? You bet your cuuute tushhhyy you areeeee! I'm taking alll your giggles all your moans alll your cuuuutesssss ~ and then we'll have a little snuggle outfit makeover how about thatttt ~<33
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grunge-innie · 2 years
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Txt bf headcanons (choi line)
Pairings:Choi!line x GN!reader
Synopsis:just the things that they would do if you were together.
A/N:would you have guessed that my bias is Yeonjun(of course you wouldn't)
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⋆。°✩ Yeonjun [🦊]
This man is so flirty.
He just straight up is a bf material.
Would give his life for you.
If you try to tease him and get him flustered,at the end you would be the one getting embarrassed.
Even if the other boys would try to tease him about being soft with you,he would just give them a savage response and continue to shower you in his love.
He likes to go out when it comes to dates,but if you would rather stay home he would gladly change his plans.
You can't tell me that this man is not a good kisser,have you seen this mfs lips.
He knows that he is a good kisser so he kisses you as much as he can.
He loves being a big spoon when it comes to cuddling because he feels like he is protecting you.
Would love to style your clothes and plan your outfits,if you are okay with that.
Would always have his hand on your lower back when you're going somewhere.
He thinks he is sly and that he doesn't show how smitten he is with you,but everyone can see the lovestruck look on his face when he is looking at you.
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⋆。°✩ Soobin [🐰]
He is a lot shyer than Yeonjun,but still not too shy
He has these moments when he is very confident in showing you his love,but sometimes he just doesn't know what to do.
Likes dates in nature.
If you are eating something he would most definitely try to feed you.
This man is tall,even for my 5'7 ass.
He would love to pick you up by holding your hips and then spin you in the air when he is happy.
Other members always make fun of Soobin so they wouldn't miss out their chance on this one.
(Un)fortunately for Soobin he has gotten used to it,so he learned to just tune them out.
He is big on cuddling.
Would try to hug you every single second.
I think he would buy you rings or some other jewelry because he thinks it would look good on you.
Soobin knew you were the one when he realized that Odi actually likes you.
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⋆。°✩ Beomgyu [🐻]
Beomgyu likes to joke around a lot and is very energetic with his friends,but when he comes home he is glad to know that he can be more calm around you.
Beomgyu thinks that home made gifts are the best ones so he likes to make them for you.
He would watch those "ways to say i love you" tutorials on tiktok and try to make them for you.
He is a nice balance between cuddly Soobin and kissy(?) Yeonjun,because he likes to do both equally.
Even when he is away he likes to call you a lot and make sure that you are doing fine.
Would prefer indoor dates rather than going out (he especially likes movie nights).
Taking a night walk with Beomgyu is a must.
He has a present for you for every holiday or celebration,no matter how small it is.
He would make you a lot of personalized playlists.
If you decide to make one for him too,his heart would melt right then and there.
He likes to cook with you,even if he isn't the best at it.
Beomgyu has a sweet tooth so cook him anything sugary and you have officially won his heart.
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Taglist form
Taglist: @wccycc
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em1e · 1 year
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' never mind about the shape i'm in, i'll keep you safe tonight. '
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⠀ |⠀shinichiro sano ⠀ |⠀800 ⠀ |⠀cw. none i think?? fluffy worry type beat ⠀ |⠀ danger days m.list
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you honestly don’t think shinichiro ever slept. 
not once have you seen him rest his eyes for longer than a few minutes at a time. usually during the day, a (max) thirty minute power nap kept him grinding through the day and well into the night to keep watch for the group. 
it was admirable, in a way, if not for the concern creeping its way up your spine at the sight of dark bags under his eyes, the sluggish movements keeping him away from going out on material runs. 
another night, and he’s out by the dying fire someone’s made (baji, you think? maybe wakasa. he usually has a lighter on him), the tents surrounding it barely illuminated as the flame slowly dims down. 
you nudge his foot with your own as a warning of your presence, shinichiro seeming to not notice you until your boot makes contact with his own. he startles slightly, sitting up straighter and squaring his shoulders as if it’d somehow convince you he wasn’t about to fall unconscious from the warmth of the fire. 
“hey,” you greet, sitting beside him and offering the canteen of water you’ve brought with you. 
“hi,” he returns, gently taking the tin from you and tipping it back into his mouth, nodding his head and offering it back when he’s done drinking. you shake your head with a scrunch of your nose, and he places it beside his foot in the sand with a small hum, “thanks. somethin’ i can do for ya?”
“mmm, no. just wanted to check in.” 
“check in?” he parrots, head tilting, “what for?” 
you give a look as if it isn’t obvious, but it has his brows furrowing, head tilting for further clarification.  “on you,” you nudge his shoulder slightly with a huff, “you’re the only one staying up for the night watches, aren’t you? and you’re barely sleepin’ during the day. you’re pushing your body too much.” 
a small smile creeps its way onto his cheeks, straightening his posture, “don’t tell me our newbie’s worried ‘bout me.” 
the bastard makes an obnoxious kissy face at the proclamation that leaves you shoving at his shoulder again with a small laugh, “not a chance. i’m more worried about our safety as a group.” 
he almost pouts at your claim, but still is aware enough to address your concerns, “i do sleep,” he argues half-heartedly, “and wakasa or benkei’ll sometimes take over for me if i’m not feelin’ up for it. i just . . i dunno,  i prefer to do it myself.” 
absentmindedly, you think, his eyes trail to the two tents his siblings reside in, sleeping peacefully despite the dangers still lurking in the dark. maybe it’s because they know their brother is the one watching over them, that allows them to fall into it so easily. 
“i get it,” you say softly, following his gaze, “but to take care of everyone else, you gotta take care of yourself.” 
he blinks slowly at the thought before turning his gaze to meet your own, “ya think so?” 
the way he asks is genuine, matching your soft tone with the furrow of his brow returning. you nod slowly, patting his knee, “i do. i’ll keep first watch, yeah? you go rest for a few hours, i’ll wake you up when i get tired.” 
to solidify the fact that there’s no room for argument, you readjust your position of seating to something more comfortable and toss more fuel to keep the fire going with a soft glow. shinichiro seems to consider this for a moment, not moving from his spot as if he could have any reason to disagree, but the weight of his fatigue hits at the sudden thought of sleeping for anything more than a few minutes. 
“ . . . okay.” he settles finally, “but do you . . would you mind if i . .” he takes a breath to steel his nerves, “could i sleep out here, beside you and the fire? just to make sure you can wake me up quickly if you need to, or-” 
baby steps, you suppose. at least he’s agreeing to rest. 
“of course,” you interrupt gently, “i’ll wake you up if i need anything. promise.” 
he smiles at that, retreating quietly to one of the tents and returning with an armful of blankets and pillows to make the sand bearable enough to pass out on. to your surprise, he’s out cold within a few minutes, the sound of the fire crackling and the cool night air aiding in this feat if you had to guess. 
though someone should have warned you of how badly this group of killjoys seemingly self-proclaimed leader snores, you think maybe that’s a task to tackle another night. 
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absolutebl · 2 years
This Week in BL - All the endings
March 2023 Wk 1
Being a highly subjective assessment of one tiny corner of the interwebs. Organized by which ones (in each category) I’m enjoying most.
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Ongoing Series - Thai
Bed Friend (Sat YT, GaGa & iQIYI uncut) ep 3 of 8 - Only one of them is in a fuck buddy relationship, and it’s not King Moon-eyes Husband-material. This show is so damn good. I love it when high heat is used to serve the characters and the narrative, as well as us fans. (In other words, take away the sexualized part of this relationship and the whole story would fall apart.) I suppose we should pay attention to Uea’s rules since they will all be broken. Uea has a bit of a demanding spoiled prince thing going and I’m not mad about it. This may be the most neck-kissy couple ever, I’m so happy for them! Yet another  installment in “Thailand, please get that boy to a therapist.” This ep likely has lots of extras so I might watch IQ as well. Child abuse trigger btw. 
Moonlight Chicken (Weds YT) eps 7-8fin - It was a good last 2 eps, and I ended up actually liking the complexity of the messiness more than I thought I would - disaster queer authenticity isn’t usually my thing. (Japan taught me that lesson the hard way). All in all, a stellar a little offering from GMMTV, in the Not Me or ITSAY vein of “I question whether it’s actually BL but like it anyway.” Full review and rating below.
Never Let Me Go (Tues YT) ep 12fin - The climax was rather predictably climatic (as it were). I love that Chopper shot his dad. Better aim next time, sweetheart? The cousins making up was sappy. Chopper & Ben were fine. Frankly, I’m not sure about PerthChimon’s chemistry, a bit nervous for their series now. And then Kdrama separation nation strikes again. Yawn. Question: Did the cute girl at Palm’s bar ever get her coconut juice? Full review and rating below. 
A Boss and a Babe (Fri YouTube) ep 1 of 10 - ForceBook in an office set boss/employee highly camp rom-com. Babe is a bit too slapstick for me, boss is a bit too creepy, and Book is def over egging the pudding. Well meaning chatterbox idiot is not my fav archetype. Bathroom meet cute? Huh. I don’t know. I don’t hate it, I guess?  
The Promise (Thai WeTV & YT) ep 1 of 10 - Popped into my YT feed so I gave it a try. Unexpectedly good! Phu & Nan are childhood bffs from middle school through college (almost lovers). Phu disappears just after graduation. After looking/waiting for him for ages, Nan gives up and self isolates, and the actual story takes place 10 years later. The arbitrary slapstick elements are unnecessary, disjoined, and rough. The show should have had the strength of its convictions just to be a serious drama. But it’s way better than expected (it’s about coffee, I love coffee) and no need to have watched the prequel miniseries Phupha | Nanfah. Phu’s granny and cohorts are THE BEST. Also elder queer rep. There better be a GREAT reason why Phu didn’t reach out to Nan or I will be seriously displeased. 
Chains of Heart (Sat iQIYI) 3 of 10 - I kind of love Ken’s slightly idiot gay couple friends. (I do love all of the queer family we are getting these days.) They better not betray him! Still, this is one of those shows where, despite his competency, we haven’t really been given a reason to like Ken all that much. I’m not super invested in his grief or his new romance. The captions are BONKERS but the sex scenes are good. I hope LueKen deliver as well as DinKen. Gotta say, despite my grumbling, I did enjoy it more this week. 
Tin Tam Jai (Tues Gaga & iQIYI) ep 1 of 10 - I am not a huge fan of the tsundere seme, especially if they are the older character. But this is a really good cast and for a pulp it’s actually okay acted and captioned. It’s cute. Campy. Old school Thai. I do like a flirty uke who knows what he wants. Lots of very prototypical tropes. Is it good? Well, no, but I’m still gonna watch it. 
Love Syndrome (Thai Sat WeTV) ep 1 of 10 - Terrible subs again. They a hot couple but Itt is a revolting character, asshole rather than brat. Day is VERY sexy tho. This one is messy and rough and will likely involve cheating AND the amnesia trope. I might put it onto the binge pile. 
Our Winter (Thai & Korea YT & TikTok under ThaiMiniSeries) eps 8-9 of 14 - TutorYim are cute. And nice to have decent music with Thai actors for a change. 
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Ongoing Series - Not Thai
All the Liquors (Korea Thurs Gaga & Viki) ep 1-2 of 8 - Oh my God, breaking up with a man because he picked the wrong restaurant for a holiday meal is v relatable, but the reaction ”how can you break up with me before we’ve eaten?” is the best thing ever. I may identify with our baby party boy hedonist more than any other BL lead ever presented. I adore how Korea is leaning into “out gay boys” these days. Love love love the gay bestie. This is on the New Employee end of the KBL spectrum, no bad thing. Not sure about the alcoholism angle tho. Still, this is a fun show! I don’t even mind the crash into me trope when combined with baby is a floppy drunk trope. 
HIStory 5: Love in the Future (Taiwan Weds Viki) ep 10fin (or 19&20) - Not at all surprised that Vincent (Sam? How many names does this man need?) was pulling a double cross, because from the credits we knew the pairs get along. Couple’s necklaces and a sweet make up sequence for the sides. Nice sex scene and manufactured drama for the mains. Ultra cheese fest ending for all including random H4 couple. Full review and rating below. 
Jack o’Frost (Japan GaGa) ep 3 of 6 - The first time sex scene from the past was sweet and well done. That said, a traditional BL romance is not what this story is doing. It’s about 2 people at different points in a romantic journey, one of whom has memories of a failed relationship (and associated baggage) and the other who does not (so is starting at fresh). It’s using high concept to explore this, but that means (this beaning Japan) HEA is on shakey ground. Also, still running a bit low energy for me. 
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It’s Airing But ...
Blue Sky Complex (Japan ???) 5 eps for VR - Kei Ichikawa's manga is getting a JBL adaptation. Weird distribution though, it started Feb 27 sequentially on 360 Channel (SHOCHIKUch) a VR video distribution service. Will inter-fans ever get to see this, and if it’s filmed for VR will it adapt without being overly dark and fuzzy? I have questions. But as usual, you do you Japan and we will wait (im)patiently to see if you remember the rest of the world exists. This is my preferred kind of live action yaoi, so fingers crossed: 
Boyband (Thai) ep 2 of 10 - Stopped airing on YouTube, and only available in Thailand & Japan. Not sure if they’re working a distribution deal or just fucking with us.
Cafe In Love (Thai ???) 10 eps on Ch3+ - Thai pulp, about trying to save a coffee shop. FairyGodBLer came through for me, but I’m collecting to binge just in case. It’s my new policy with the grey stuff.
Destiny Seeker (Tues WeTV Thailand) 10 eps - it’s not on any WeTV I can get ahold of. Bad Buddy the pulp rebirth meets Japanese handsome host club action. Same as above.
Heesu In Class 2 (Korea Thurs unknown, I check Viki Gaga iQIYI) - A gay(er) version of Sex Education. I’m still not sure this one is actually happening.
Finished This Week 
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My Beautiful Man 2 AKA Utsukushii Kare Season 2 
These two have such a great DS dynamic. Only Hira would apologize for fucking and wanting to fuck his own boyfriend, but doing it anyway. Talk about a service top with a humiliation fetish. Sheesh. The masochism is strong with this one. (Since I do not deal with humiliation fetishists well, the cringe factor got to me a little.) Still, pouty jealous Kiyoi is the cutest. [One flaw: The photographer dude should have been played by Kenta. Just a little joke.] 
All in all, this 2nd season didn’t blow me away the way the 1st did. It was quieter and more uniform in its narrative and messaging - thus more predictable. The basic relationship misunderstanding remained the same - all about value and self worth and how that’s assessed. The result is a dialogue between imposter syndrome and a parasocial relationship. If these 2 only had the language and framework of BDSM to understand each other, than they would, but they don’t so the story is us watching them suffer for it. But that’s part of the fun. Part of their fun too, I think, as if the fighting and misunderstanding is just another one of their many kinks. An engaging and solid second installment that was so consistent, I’m going to keep the rating consistent too. 9/10 
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HIStory 5: Love in the Future 
High concept of a man from the past traveling to Covid times and getting involved with a spoiled rich kid soon to be CEO that ultimately made for a dull story. Sides were stellar but intentional miscommunication as a narrative driver never works for me. Good chemistry, nice sex scenes, and a cheesy ending (90% of the time) is Taiwan’s BL brand. I expected nothing less. But there is a little part of me that hoped for something more. 7/10 
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Never Let Me Go 
Bodyguard romance where poor boy must watch over rich boy for family obligation reasons. Simple premise well executed with a few bumps that made it feel like it was trying to tackle too much (when it wasn’t). Still, an enjoyable show that benefited from being handed to PondPhuwin who did a stellar job with their roles and chemistry. Is it going into permanent rewatch rotation? No, but a solid GMMTV offering. 8/10 
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Moonlight Chicken 
I enjoyed this complicated little show, even though it’s spectacularly messy gay with lots of shrapnel and authentic pain. I thought EarthMix turned in their most compelling performance to date. But it was GeminiFourth who stole my heart.  That said, the most interesting central relationship was that of Jim & Li Ming, their father-son angst mixed with evident affection made me tear up. This was more slice of life than it was BL, but it ended happily so I’m not mad at it. 8/10 
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Apparently Pavel (my love) has been added to the cast of Pit Babe, a Thai BL series I thought was defunked (it was supposed to be out in Jan). So I’m happy. I also put it back on the 2023 tracking sheet. 
Tia51 announced upcoming sampler pack Thai BL My Universe. Normally I don’t report on Thai announcements, as they are pure speculation, but this one is reported to feature 22 actors, 11 couples, 12 stories, and 24 episodes in August 2023. STOP OR YOU’LL GO BLIND. (FB page BLUpdate2020 has a full rundown of the 12 stories.) No MDL listing that I can find. Giving the War or Y peeps a run for their money? Or just epic Thai BL lever pulp-tastic insanity?
New Pinoy BL Stay announced, 6 eps featuring boys who unexpectedly meet in Los Angeles. More here.
In case you missed it 
Jeff Satur is leaving BeOnCloud. Honestly, who tf didn’t see this coming? He just dropped a MV with SHAUN (Steal The Show). Jeff is one of the biggest Thai indies and Shaun is legacy Kpop indie. Jeff was and is always more focused on singing and that’s busted a pair before. Frankly speaking, he's ambitious and doesn’t need BeOnCloud. I’m a big believer in breaking from an agency if you have the platform to go it alone. And just because he’d not repped by them doesn’t me he can’t still work with them, sheesh calm down KP fandom. (Honestly this seems to be my mantra since that damn show aired.) 
Next Week Looks Like This:
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03/08 - Pastsenger (Thai Gaga) 12 eps- Stars Marc (My Gear & Your Gown) and Cooper (My Engineer) both formerly paired with others, in a time travel paranormal that smacks of HIStory 5. Sunshine 90s kid travels to 2022, goes to university, encounters grumpy nerd.
03/09 - Our Dating Sim (Korea unknown) - What happens when two men, friends since schoo, meet again at work to create a dating simulation game together.
03/12 Future (Thai YouTube & Gaga?) 5 eps - Based on a y-novel by Faddest (En of Love - yeah I didn’t know that was based on a novel, either). About, you guessed it, an engineering student and a dentist. Maybe this will be the FOTS we were all hoping for? Fuse (the engineering student) is played by Boom from the En of Love and is kinda the same character (Field). I think we can expect this one to be soft, it’s from the 21 Day Theory people. (maybe March 19 international)
Full list of upcoming in March 2023 is here.
2023 forthcoming BL master post. (see comments, some are inaccurate, NOT KEPT UPDATED)
This Week in Subs of Qua?
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I liked this scene in Moonlight Chicken so much I did a whole post about it. 
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Chains of Heart the past relationship. can’t wait to see if they do as well with the present one. 
(last week)
Current Kpop earworm? Peacemaker by P1Harmony (I’m considering stanning this group because their rap line is insane, everyone can dance, Theo is beautiful, and Keeho is an adorable nut job with a great voice. Talk about a boy who should do BL, and probably would without a care in the world. Stop him though, these boys are gonna be the next Monsta X.) 
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x--ghost--x · 1 year
I really like your writing and i have this idea on my mind for soo fricking long. I already send this for like,three people but no one make it. You are my last hope 🥺
Ok ok ok,the idea and scenario is:
Rise!Leo x blind reader (alredy looking cute right??? But wait,her me out here. And ah,reader can be female,preferable)
Leo always visited her exactly because she's blind so the reader wouldn't mind about him been a turtle for obvious reasons,but one day reader goes "i wanna know how you look like,can i touch your face?" and of course this boy PANIC cuz the blindness is what making this friendship possible. Even afraid,Leo allow her to feel his face finally knowing about the mutant thing. Now,you would think "she gross out didn't she?"
Reader just say "i don't care about your look or aparence,i love you for who you are"
Yep,she confess,like it's nothing and this boy is flabbergasted. Of course he confess too like,who wouldn't after this??? And the kissie kiss in the end for the ⭐️flavor⭐️
What you think? Good enough to write?
And this idea is so cute omg, I actually wanted to write something similar for Leo cuz I had idea like that and now I have an excuse to write it!
Love is blind
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Leo gently knocked on the window, standing on a fire escape and leaned on the railing. He tapped his foot to the rhythm of the song playing constantly in his head for all day, looking at the bright lights of passing cars below him. Today's night was really nice, warm wind, clear dark sky and the thought of seeing the person he's been waiting to talk to for almost the entire week. The turtle was busy trying to keep the city as safe as he and his brothers could, not having much of free time.
Leo tugged on the material of his blue bandana when he heard a soft click of opening the window. He looked up and smiled noticing a familiar figure.
"Hello there. Long time no see, Leo."
He chuckled at the obvious joke, walking up to the windowsill you were leaning on.
"Well, hello to you too." he crooked his head to the side (not like you actually could see tho). "How did you know it was me?"
"Who else would knock on my window in the middle of the night?" you retored with a smile appearing on your lips.
The turtle made a humming sound comedically information you of him thinking hard on your question, which caused you to let out a quiet giggle, knowing that louder noise could bring unwanted attention. He grinned at that softly, happy he was able to make you laugh.
He knew, despite your constant assuring, that it made you upset when he wasn't able to visit for longer periods of time. He didn't blame you, really, he was equally upset about the thought but he couldn't just tell you why he was away for so long. Was he supposed to just say that he's fighting crime being a ninja mutant turtle? Yeah, sure, that won't happen.
The only thing making this friendship possible was the fact that you couldn't see who he was - who most would be scared of or feel grossed out. And you literally couldn't see.
Sometimes, Leo felt bad for thinking that your blindness was something good. After all, he wished you could see the beauty this world had to offer, how many cool places he would have shown you! The turtle could've only imagine how nice it would have been watching Lou Jitsu movies with you or playing console games or holding hands and looking into each other's eyes- no, wait, he needs to get his head out of the clouds.
'But this can't happen' is what he thought. Not when he's so different than you.
Unfortunately, these thoughts didn't stop the warm feeling that blossomed in his chest when he was with you.
"Hmm, you do have a point." he spoke when a smirk appeared on his face. "Unless you have someone else visiting you at night?"
"Of course not! You're the only one, Leo." you snorted backing away from the window. "Would you like to come in?"
"Yeah, very much." his cheeks started to feel warm as he hoisted himself on a windowsill and jumped inside the building.
He walked up to the nightstand and flicked on the small lamp, dim light scattering around the room. He sat on his usual spot at the foot of the bed and watched as you closed the window. Every time he looked at you the only thing on his mind was how sad it was there you couldn't see how beautiful you are. Therefore, Leo swore to himself to compliment you often, even if you only saw that as a joking flirt.
He sighed, looking away. He really shouldn't get his hopes up.
After a while, the turtle felt the mattress dip as you sat beside him, resting your back on the wall.
"Everything okay?" you asked concerned.
"Yeah, it's fine." he answered quickly. Leo didn't want you to worry so he changed the topic. "How have you been the past week? Anything interesting happened?"
For some reason, he seemed somehow off today but you decided to not push on if he didn't want to talk about it.
"Ah, it was boring as always without someone's constant nagging over my ear." you laughed hearing an offended gasp beside you. "But nothing really happened. How about you, Leo?"
"Well, me and my brothers were pretty busy with stuff, but I managed to get a hold on that game I've been talking to you about last time!" he excitedly waved his hands in the air, his gaze landing on your face.
You smiled, happy he cheered up.
"Oh, yeah, I remember! The one based on the Lou Jitsu movie, right? Tell me about it!"
"Yes, this one! So, when I started the game..."
"He did what-" you tried to take a breath while hugging a pillow to your chest, laughing uncontrollably and almost falling of your bed.
"THAT WAS EXACTLY MY REACTION WHEN RAPH TOLD ME-" the red-eared turtle was already halfway on the floor, also trying his hardest to control the cackling leaving his mouth.
After almost a two hours of catching up with each other's lives, Leo brought up his genius brother's latest incident with trying to improve the mobility of a toaster - whatever that meant. Apparently, the poor device ended up exploding, causing the destruction of some part of the kitchen. Leo wasn't home at the time so you could imagine his shock seeing the oldest brother making Donnie clean the dark smudges off the walls.
"You really don't have any boring days with your family, huh?" you asked jokingly, wiping the small tears that formed on the corners of your eyes.
Couple more chuckles after, the blue-bandana turtle lifted himself back by your side on the soft cushion as his gaze drifted to your face. He always loved hearing the sound of your laughter, how you couldn't calm yourself down sometimes, the way your wide grin caused the corners of your eyes to crinkle and that happy glint in your usually dull pupils- He's getting ahead of himself again, isn't he?
Covering the bottom of his reddening face (even if it wasn't necessary), he sighted and, apparently, to loudly because concern immediately appeared on your face.
"Leo," you started gently. "are you sure everything is okay?"
Your worried tone somehow struck right through his chest because he struggled to not pour out everything that's been on his mind lately. You were his safe space, someone who would listen to him spilling the contents of his mind, willing to help or just be there for him. Of course, he had his brothers but there were some things that he found difficult to talk to them. But you always knew what he wanted- no, needed to hear.
And Leo was scared of how much you affected him.
"Uh," that's why he did what he found to be the easiest move - bottle his feelings up. "Yeah, everything is good, just a little tired."
You frowned. Knowing from the start that something has been bothering him, you didn't pry, hoping he would eventually told you himself. Though, he started to rebuild the wall that you worked so hard on putting down. You won't let him isolate his feelings like that again.
After a brief silence, you stopped messing with your fingers and filled with determination (get the reference pls), you turned to fully face him.
"Leo, I want to know how you look like." you stated firmly but your voice faltered saying the next sentence. "Can I touch your face?"
He was not expecting that at all. Or maybe just decided to ignore the possibility of this situation for the good of his mental health. That turtle absolutely did not know how to react to that so his body decided that panic is the best option.
"I mean- if you don't feel comfortable with that, then I'm not forcing you or anything! Yeah, that probably sounded weird anyway-" as the answer for his silence you started to frantically wave your hands before your chest. "I just thought that- or maybe, like, I haven't thought at all-"
You stopped your rambling hearing the quiet breathy answer.
"...you sure?"
"Yeah, I'm sure."
Soft humm left your mouth as you slowly started to lift your hands. Nervousness filled you, you never asked how he looked like before nor did you care, but now, sitting with him in your room and enjoying yourselves, you slowly started to realize your desire to know more about him - all of him. You wanted to see him.
Leo was the only one who treated you like any other person, not a little child who couldn't do anything on it's own. He was the one who never failed to make your day better with just his mere presence.
I wished to tell him how much he meant to you.
Suddenly, you felt a cold skin pressing to your wrists making you aware of how you stopped all your movements for couple of seconds. Small gasp left your lips at the roughness of his hands and how gently they hold yours. They felt so unusual, their size and temperature were so different of yours, making questions rise in your brain but never leaving your mouth.
With a soft look in his eyes, the turtle began to lead your hands to his face, closing his eyelids and trying to calm himself down. Shiver went down through his body as he felt your warm palms on his cheeks, fingers gently tracing on his skin. His own hands left your wrists thinking you'll going to pull away soon with disgusted expression oh your face, telling him to get out and never come here again. Leo tried to prepare himself for this outcome but he knew that nothing would stop his heart from breaking.
But instead of rejection his eyes snapped open at the quiet 'wow' and the feeling of your hands attentively studying his cheeks, snout, corners of his mouth and soft material of his iconic blue bandana.
"What are you?" you muttered still amazed, no revulsion behind your words, only pure curiosity of experiencing something new.
"A turtle." he answered equally as quiet. "Mutant turtle exactly."
"So you have a shell?" you asked stopping your movements.
Leo nodded but upon realizing you couldn't see that he lowly hummed making your palms slide down his neck and to his back.
"Can you hide in it? Or is it to small? Wait, should I even ask about that? Oh no, did I do something inappropriate-"
"NO! No, it's okay!" he quickly assured you. "I can easily hide in it. Uh, but..."
Your hands found his face again and rested on his cheeks as you waited for him to go on.
"Don't you feel... grossed out? Disgusted? I'm not human, I'm so different form you and- " he paused to take a deep breath, preparing himself for the next words leaving his mouth. "I probably should apologize. I should told you sooner but I used that fact that your not able to tell who I am to keep this friendship. And if you don't want to end it because of me being a mutant then for being selfish liar and that's completely valid-"
"Leonardo Hamato."
The turtle stopped hearing his full name and a small smile on your lips.
"I don't care." breathy laugh leaving you after hearing his confused noise. "I love you for who you are, you know. The one who is there for me when I'm lonely, who makes me laugh and not feel like I'm all alone there. So why would I care if in addition you're a mutant turtle, which, by the way, is like insanely cool."
His brain has stopped working. Wow, good job on breaking him.
"You, what- huh-" the poor turtle tripped in his word not being able to form an understandable sentence, his face becoming warmer and warmer every second.
"Are you okay, Leo?" you asked feeling the unnatural heat from his face.
"Huh? Yeah! I am, hah- yeah, I'm okay, sorry. It's just," he reached and lightly grabbed on one of your wrists. "I wasn't expecting that... If anything, I thought I would be the one to told you I love you. That is, if you wouldn't have freaked out haha..."
You laughed, not as nervous as he did, bringing your other hand to cover your face. You could understand him thought, why he was hesitant to tell you. Most people would sure have freaked out. But you're not 'most people'.
"Hey," you caught his attention, softness in your voice. "can I kiss you?"
You are going to kill him, he thought.
"Woah, you're really straightforward today, huh?" he asked teasingly hoping that would cover the noticeable embarrassment.
"Yeah." he confirmed chuckling. "We were talking so long the sun is already rising."
"Oh well." you shrugged. "I guess it's the perfect moment then."
Without any other warning you moved forward, your lips pressing softly to his. Warm sensation pulled in your chest, your own cheeks now heating up. It didn't take long for Leo to kiss you back lifting his free hand to lay on the back of your head, softly creasing your hair.
After several seconds that felt like an eternity, you pulled away taking a breathe, wide smile plastered in your face.
"So, are we now..?" Leo asked with the same grin, eyes sparkling with adoration.
"Hmm, I don't know, are we?" you teased tilting your head.
He laughed tugging your closer to him, wrapping his arms around you.
"Yeah, we definitely are."
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Why can't I just write a fic in few days than a month or something
Anyway, I hope you liked it!
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thesongweave · 1 year
~The Ending, The Beginning~
I've had this playing around in my head for a few days now and thought I might try to write it out (Take two. The first draft got all over the place, lol)
Gale romance sacrifice, with a surprise!
and uh. TW: character...death? angst? kissy kissy at the end. Happy ending for all!
It had all gone to hell so fast.
Thea, Gale, Karlach, and Astarion had climbed the brain, along with illithid Orpheus.
Orpheus was dead, the netherstones motionless at his side. The Emperor - Balduran- was dead too.
Gale looked at the others still standing. Karlach was next to him, one arm hanging limp and useless at her side. Thea was unconscious in Gales arms - hells, he wasn't sure she was still breathing....
"Astarion!" Gale called the pale elf over. Even he was limping. With a questioning look, Gale shifted Thea to his hold.
Karlach started, staring Gale down. "No way, soldier - you're not seriously thinking what I think you're thinking, are you?"
Her answer was in his eyes. He didn't really need to say his next words, but he did.
"It's our last option. Orpheus is dead, none of us can control the stones." He gazed down at Thea, who started to stir slightly. "Its me, now, or the world, Karlach."
"You two, take care of her for me?" There was so much regret in his voice. So many things he had wanted to do, to live for. He'd wanted to show Alathea Waterdeep, take her home...
It didn't matter, now. What mattered was destroying the Netherbrain. Gale motioned Karlach over, who was still voicing protests.
"The last thing I can do, at least, is spirit you all to the others. To safety. It'll...it'll all be over soon." He nodded, decisively. He was reigned to his fate.
Gale laid a last kiss on Thea's lips before stepping away.
"And tell her I love her." The wizard shook his hands. Blue began to glow from his hands as he uttered the words for the spell that would teleport his friends - and his lover - away.
Thea's eyes opened just as the spell began to take form. She struggled in vain against Astarion's hold, to no avail. The three disappeared, leaving Gale alone.
The Wizard of Waterdeep turned to face his destiny.
It was mere moments later that Karlach, Astarion, and Alathea materialized at the docks. Others of the rag-tag company made their way there - it had been the agreed upon rendevous spot, for when the fighting was done.
Everyone else had made it.
Thea, having regained some semblance of consciousness, glued her eyes to the Netherbrain above. She could hear Karlach and Astarion filling the others in, while Halsin, Shadowheart, and then Jaheria tried to get the bard to let them heal her.
She refused all three, tears in her eyes. Alathea wanted to scream, to run back and climb the brain stem again, and give that damn wizard such a shaking he'd never pull a stunt like this again---
The cry ripped through her, a primal scream that was felt in the elf's core as the Netherbrain exploded. Light and magic flew through the sky like shooting stars.
Then came the pain. That burning sensation as the tadpoles writhed and died. It was to much - between her wounds and the pain of the tadpole's death, then the sudden quiet in her mind, Alathea collapsed, unconscious again.
"Gale of Waterdeep." The voice echoed all around him. Said wizard blinked in confusion -- wait.
He was dead. He'd blown up the Netherbrain, the crown, the orb...
Mystra's smile was, well. An enigma, as ever. But there was something else to the way she studied him.
Gale looked down and saw his hand - his semi-translucent, almost incorporeal hand.
Before he could react, or speak, really, Mystra continued. "You have destroyed the Absolute, the Crown, and the Orb in one fell swoop, at the cost of your own life." She paused a moment, letting the fact sink in, before continuing.
"It is within me to grant a boon of you, Gale of Waterdeep. What would you ask of your goddess?" the goddess tilted her head, waiting.
Gale didn't even have to think about it.
"I want to go back."
"Go back? Is that all? It is within my power to select you as my Chosen, once again."
Gale stopped for a moment - this he pondered. Could he be her Chosen without being her lover?
Mystra smirked - or, what was the equivalent of a goddess smirking, at least. "Yes, Gale. You do not have to be my lover to be my Chosen. I know you desire to be with the one who was left behind."
"Then, yes. I will be your Chosen, again."
"Very well, if that is what you desire. You have done a great service - not only for your goddess but for magic itself. This will not be forgotten. Now go - your life is yours at last. It is time you went and lived it." Mystra waved her hand, almost like a dismissal, then vanished.
And so, Gale waited, drifting in the cosmos. He wondered, briefly, how he was supposed to get back. He did not have a body to reclaim, no --
He did not have to wait long until something tugged at him...
Chaos - literally, all hell - had broken loose as the tadpoles died with the explosion of the netherbrain. There were still mind flayers in the streets, now running rampant without an elder brain or anything to control it.
At first, the companions did not see Withers approaching - after all, who knew he was still around, much less bold enough to walk out in the daylight?
Most were tending to their wounds, the mood more somber than some would expect. After all, they had just saved Baldur's Gate.
Jaheria and Karlach finally dragged Alathea down to the nearby dock, away from the others; Thea finally relented to letting Jaheria work some healing magic on her wounds.
Astarion, sadly, had vanished, subject to the scorching sunlight without the tadpole to protect him.
Likewise, Lae'zel seemed to have slipped away with Voss and the other githyanki who now opposed Vlaakith.
Of those left, it was Shadowheart who noticed the old 'bag of bones'. "Withers? What are you doing here...?"
Withers motioned for them to gather 'round. "It hath been bidden that one shall return. A boon, granted." As ever, the skeleton / lich / being was cryptic. He motioned for the group to move - he needed room!
"I strike thy name from the ledger -- rise!!" They had seen Withers perform the resurrection spell before, in camp.
As Gale's body materializes, smiles and cheers rise from those who had witnessed his rather unexpected return.
Gale blinks, shaking his head. He himself had been lucky enough to NOT have had to go through the resurrection process, at least not like this. Slowly, sight and sound come into focus.
It was dawn. Friends surrounded him, whooping and hollering and clapping him on the shoulders. Some friends were missing, he noted, but...
There was one person in particular missing. Was he too late?
Shadowheart laughed and shook her head, then looked towards the dock. The cheering quieted, and the others stood aside for the wizard.
"Go, now, to thine companion." Withers intoned. "Mystra's bidding is done, thy life returned."
Gale took a deep breath, and started forward. Halsin, Wyll, Shadowheart, and Minsc were all just a few steps behind. It didn't take long to reach the dock.
Thea was sitting at the edge of the small dock, back to the city, and leaning against Karlach with her head on the tiefling's shoulder. Karlach's head rested atop Thea's, her arm around the small elf's shoulders. Jaheria was next to Thea, back resting against the wooden beam. Thea had, begrudgingly, let the druid heal up her wounds.
At the edge of the dock, the group stopped, and Halsin gave Gale an encouraging push forward.
The High Harper was the first to spot and acknowledge the oncoming group - and did a double take. She eyed the wizard up and down, an eyebrow arched. Hells, she wasn't one to question it - she had seen more impossible things in her time.
"Karlach, I think we are needed. Come," Jaheria called as she stood.
Karlach looked up to the Harper, not seeing Gale at first. "What the hells could we be needed---" The movement of his robes caught the tieflings eye. She also did a double take, nearly falling off the dock into the water. Her mouth worked this way and that, but no sound came out, so Karlach's jaw simply...hung there a moment before she jumped up.
"Thea! Thea, you...uhm. Gimme a moment, then turn around, kay?" Karlach finally exclaimed, detangling herself from her friend.
Thea, who had been completely zoned out to almost seeming catatonic, barely reacted. She simply waved a hand in the air to the two.
It broke Gale's heart, to see his lady love in such a state. Jaheria and Karlach scooted around the wizard to join the rest of their 'band of misfits'.
Well, Gale thought, it was now or never...
A smile crept up to his lips as he took the final few steps forward to stand just behind Alathea. Of course, he made sure there was still enough room for her to stand without falling off into the water as Karlach had almost done.
"Copper for your thoughts?" He said, voice low, but just loud enough to be heard over the water beating against the land.
Thea, still as she had been before, jerked at the voice.
No, she thought, ready to weep again, This is a cruel joke...
Part of her did not want to turn around. But she listened, instead, to the part of her that did.
So she turned. Green eyes first took in the hint of well-made boots peeking out from under the fine fabric of a familiar robe. Her gaze traveled upward, a fear gripping her heart like ice, yet hope lit a fire in her that just maybe... The bard stood carefully on wobbly, weak legs. The design of the fabric was a familiar one - and it should have been, she's the one who had the robe commissioned as a gift in the first place.
There. All to familiar hands were stretched outwards, arms open in an offered embrace. Finally, she dragged her eyes upward - the final stretch of what could make or break this illusion.
Maybe she was dead, and this was her lover welcoming her to the afterlife. Thea found herself stepping forward instinctively as green hazel eyes brimming with newfound tears met warm, loving brown.
"You -- how -- "She croaked out, throat dry and raw. It was barely above a whisper. Small, delicate fingers drifted up, stopping a bare inch or so from Gales's cheek.
He couldn't possibly be real. Thea had seen the explosion, felt in the final moments just before the tadpoles died, felt his death as he'd plunged the dagger through the orb.
"Oh, well," he shifted from one foot to the other, concern starting to make his confidence falter, "when a goddess grants a boon for causing the destruction of a few things---"
Any further commentary was cut off as the elf threw herself towards the wizard, arms wrapping around his shoulders as her lips pressed against his.
Gale WAS real and wonderfully solid. He wrapped his arms around Thea, holding her to him, relishing in the fact that she, too, was wonderfully real and solid against him.
He could hear their friends cheering not far behind him, but in this moment, all that mattered was the elf in his arms. Finally, she pulled away - not far, mind, just far enough to part to breathe.
"Hello, bard," he whispered with a smile.
Thea's answering smile was brilliant - a myriad of emotions played through her eyes, but mostly, there was relief, happiness, and love.
"Hello, wizard."
Death, it seemed (at least this time) was both an end and yet, a beginning.
Gale swore he would make the most of it.
~*~ And yea, I didn't blow up Karlach, cause :V there should've been a way to fix her engine, dammit.
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thedo0zyslider · 1 year
Burning Kissies - 2k Words
Scott goes to give Jimmy a gift, and gets a little more than he bargained for.
A03 Link
"Jimmy?" Scott called, hauling himself up the side of Bad Boy Manor. The task wasn’t easy, but he did so carefully, a bucket clutched to his chest like it was the most precious thing in the world. Scott steadied himself once he fully stood the roof, making sure nothing had spilled from the bucket in question. "Jimmy?" He called again, gaze scanning the area.
Scott’s eyes found the man quickly, and he was very grateful Jimmy was home, and home alone at that. Though he did have to wonder what Grian and Joel were doing at this time of night. The blonde turned from where he was standing, a few materials left on the floor next to a chest. It appeared he had been trying to sort out his little group's storage, and Scott had to wonder exactly who's mess he was working with right now, because the pile on the floor looked like a little bit of a nightmare.
"Oh, Scott!" Jimmy greeted him with a smile, pleasantly surprised by his unexpected visitor. "Hi there!"
"Hi!" Scott beamed back at him, still finding the other man’s joy infectious after all this time.
"What brings you here?" Jimmy asked, pretty, chocolate brown eyes flicking downwards to the metal item still clutched close to Scott’s chest. His gaze became curious, and a little puzzled at the sight of it. Scott just did his best to stiffen a fond little smile, and held the bucket forward a bit.
“I brought a gift for you!” He said, and watched as Jimmy walked forward to take the bucket from him, looking unsure why Scott would be giving him a bucket as a present. The blonde took the item carefully, probably holding it with even more care than Scott had, and looked inside it.
Jimmy’s eyes lit up instantly, smiling becoming wider. “Is that what I think it is?” He asked, gaze flicking back to Scott. For a self proclaimed Bad Boy, he was letting himself get awfully excited over one little gift.
Scott returned the blonde’s beaming smile. “Yep! I brought you a pufferish of peace!” His voice stayed cheerful, but dropped into something softer, more gentle, as he said the little fish’s name for the first time in ages.
Jimmy did something entirely unexpected after that, Scott didn’t think he could’ve seen it coming if he tried. The blonde placed the bucket on the roof gently, and then surged forward to wrap the other in a hug. Scott blinked, surprised at the action. Jimmy held him tightly, burying his face in the shorter’s shoulder and Scott slowly hugged him back. He found himself gripping Jimmy just as tight, maybe even a little tighter a few seconds after he did. Scott hadn’t realized how much he’d missed the blonde’s hugs until now.
“Thanks a lot.” Jimmy muttered into his shoulder, beginning to move away slowly. Scott just nodded in response, hoping his face wasn’t really as red as it felt. Jimmy looked at him for a minute, before moving to gingerly pick up the bucket of pufferish again. Scott wasn’t sure if the other’s cheeks were a little red as well, or if that was just his mind playing tricks on him.
The blonde turned, walking back to the chest. He stepped over the pile of items on the floor, glaring at it as he did so; Scott had to hold back an amused sound at that. Jimmy rummaged through an already tidied up chest, one that was presumably his, and placed the gift securely inside it.
"Thanks, again" Jimmy said, turning away from his small storage area to face Scott once more. He still had a look of the same infectious joy on his face, and Scott felt warm all over from that beaming smile.
"You're welcome!" Scott responded, voice still soft as ever. If Jimmy was a step closer to him than before when he returned from the chest, he acted like he didn't notice.
They stood there, facing each other for a moment. The air around them wasn’t awkward, but it wasn’t quite comfortable either. It had a bit of longing to it, if Scott wasn’t mistaken. Jimmy started to shuffle closer after a few seconds, and he definitely noticed that their faces were only inches apart now.
Feeling brave, Scott moved so he was cupping both of Jimmy’s cheeks in his hands. It became clear to him that the blonde had blushing as well, because his face became instantly warmer as soon as it was cupped. He smiled at Jimmy fondly, being able to tell the man was melting against him. “Mind if I?” Scott murmured quietly, their noses bumping ever so slightly.
“Not at all.” Jimmy huffed in response, eyes fluttering shut as Scott leaned in and closed the small gap between them. His stomach fluttered as their lips connected, and he remembered exactly how nice Jimmy’s used to feel against his own.
The kiss was more passionate than the previous few moments had been, Scott kissing his former husband almost frenziedly. One of his hands moved the clutch the collar of the blonde’s shirt, gripping it tightly and pulling the taller one down even further. Jimmy matched his pace, one of his hands resting on Scott’s waist. His nails dug in a little, but not enough to hurt, just enough for it to send a pleasant shiver up Scott’s spine. His other hand grabbed the back of his head, titling it to the side and deepening the kiss further.
Scott was suddenly very, very glad the other Bad Boys weren’t home right now.
Jimmy nipped at his bottom lip slightly, taking more control of the kiss. Scott muffed a whine, allowing the other's tongue to slip into his mouth. The blonde’s fingers tangled into soft blue hair, making Scott’s knees buckle a little bit. It was ridiculous really, how it had taken this to make Scott realize how much he missed this. How much he missed them.
They pulled away slowly, very reluctantly, not quite panting yet. They stood, foreheads resting together as their lungs slowly stopped burning for air. Scott kissed him again afterwards, more chaste this time, and Jimmy melted into it just as much.
The two ended up swaying together gently when they separated again, arms wrapped around each other once more. Jimmy’s chin rested on his forehead, and he placed kisses into soft blonde hair like he always used to. Scott’s face was now nestled into his warm shoulder, content and smiling lightly. The world around them had long faded into the background, all his senses focused on the wonderful man holding him.
"I missed you" The blonde muttered, another kiss being placed atop Scott’s head
"Yeah..me too" He whispered in response, resisting the urge to bury himself further into Jimmy’s warmth. He should probably go soon, check up on Martyn, but this felt nice….and he missed Jimmy.
The smell of rising smoke interrupted Scott’s argument with himself. His head shot up suddenly, and he opened his mouth to call out a warning to Jimmy; trying to scramble free of his hold. They had somehow missed the mansion burning . And yeah, Jimmy was a good kisser n all, but Scott thought fire was a little more noticeable than that.
Scar stood next to Cleo and Bdubs, listening to their giggles as a fire burned several feet below them.
“They’re gonna be sooo mad!” Bdubs commented with a smile, a little glee in his eyes as he watched the newly dubbed Bad Boy Manor slowly burn to the ground. “This is the best idea you’ve ever had!” The smaller turned to Cleo when he said this, flashing a signature toothy grin; though this time there was a noticeable gap in it. Scar always had to wonder how he’d lost that one.
“I know!” The zombie hummed in response, ruffling the hair of her self-proclaimed son. A mischievous smile was on her own lips, and she was clearly waiting for some kind of reaction from their closest neighbors. Scar knew that at least Jimmy was home, so the little canary was bound to see the fire soon.
“You already set the Mansion on fire?” Pearl’s voice suddenly came from behind them, seemingly out of nowhere; a thing she’d gained a talent for over the past day or so. Bdubs turned with a loud, startled yelp; which caused Cleo to momentarily buckle over with laughter. Scar himself jumped at the sudden visitor, but was more subtle about it, surprisingly.
“Yep, Mom did it!” Scar said cheerily, fondly ignoring his family’s antics. It was then he noticed BigB padding behind Pearl, and gave the other man a small wave of greeting. BigB waved back, flashing the scarred man a friendly smile before his gaze moved to the fire in the distance.
“You couldn’t wait at least a week? They don’t even have anything to burn yet!” Pearl giggled, now standing beside the three Clockers.
“It was too tempting not to!” Cleo smiled in response.
“Why haven’t they seen it yet?” Bdubs asked, gaze searching the mansion and the forest surrounding it. “Surely their home, right?”
“Pretty sure I saw Jimmy up there,” Scar commented, following the smaller’s gaze. Strange. He would’ve expected to hear Grian screaming his head off by now. “They might not be home.” He shrugged.
“I see Martyn down there, I think.” Cleo added in, pointing towards a spot in the trees. Scar squinted in that area, and did indeed see a flash of bright yellow, and the light green of a signature hoodie. It looked like the blonde was running towards the fire. Well at least someone had seen his moms glorious work!
“Uh, guys?” BigB muttered. He himself was now pointing towards a spot of the mansion, one by the outer part of the top floor, where the Bad Boys seemed to be keeping their stuff. There were two figures atop the building, the fire and rising smoke obscuring them until the people until they were a blob of black, blonde and blue. Scar had to squint to do so, but when he did the brunette could make out, well quite the…interesting scene indeed.
The figures were Jimmy and Scott, who stood in front of each other, faces close enough to mold into one at this distance. It was obvious even from this far away what was occurring between the two right now. It was also a little funny in Scar's opinion, that the mansion was burning right under them and they had yet to smell the smoke.
“Are they making out right now!?” Bdubs exclaimed loudly, the smaller finally making out the scene across from them. Cleo quickly moved to cover his eyes with her hands, playing into the mom role as she shielded her son's oh so innocent eyes.
“Why can Scar watch and I can’t!?” Bdubs protested, trying futilely to wriggle free of the zombie’s grasp. Pearl and BigB just exchanged a glance beside them.
“Because Scar’s probably done worse. And I only have two hands” Cleo said matter of factly, smirking slightly when she saw Scar turn a little red from the corner of her eye. She removed her hands from Bdubs’s face, before beginning to drag him by the back of his shirt. Bdubs made sounds of protest, kicking his legs like a sad puppy.
“I think you boys have seen enough! Come on Scar” Cleo called, dragging the supposed youngest of her children inside. Scar followed after a moment's deliberation, deciding that he didn’t want to be dragged anywhere. BigB and Pearl disappeared sometime later when no one was looking, which seemed to be becoming standard for them these days.
As soon as the three awkwardly trotted back to their base, Martyn reached the top of the burning mansion, water bucket in tow. Jimmy and Scott were frantically untangling themselves as he did, and Scott could thankfully ignore his teammates' awkward questions in favor of putting out the fire.
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commander-diomika · 9 months
Wowowow some ppl very cranky in their tags on art of the Sixth House being like "if you tag this CamPal I will (violent threat)" which, like, sure its your art and you can express that desire if you like but
1) Using that tag doesn't automatically denote a romantic ship, I'm using it because I'm jazzed about their dynamic and their names are long.
2) once that pic leaves your orbit, rebloggers aren't gonna see the original tags so it achieves nothing
3)if someone did wanna think about Camilla and Palamedes making kissy faces at eachother that would materially affect you... How? If they had a romantic interpretation or AU what would actually change about your life?
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linklethehistorian · 7 months
salutations mr linkle the hyrule historian tumblr can u direct me 2 the last anon that said ur wrong bc i think they're great n I wanna give them a kiss on the lips!!!! anyway was it not u that said the OFFICIAL!!!!!!! 15 translation was wrong n bad so i dont think the opinions of anyone who considers rimbaud a doormat n wrote the abomination that is cherish are valid
anyway anon if ur reading this ilove u pooks u me n bitch tree anon n bully anon should b poly or smth we'd make beautiful children
Hmmmmmmmmmm, well I don’t remember anybody saying I was wrong, honey. 🤔 Last anon just asked me a question about if I’d ever considered something, and I answered! 😊
Anyway I’d love love love love to help you two hook up bc that’s so sweet and I want to meet your future children so much! 🥺💕💕💕 I could be a part of a real life love story! 🥺💖💖💖💕💕💕💕💕 So cute!!! I don’t think Bully anon or Bitch Tree anon would be into it unfortunately at first, since they send me little hearts and cutesie things these days…. I’m sorry about that. 😔 Oh well! I’m sure when they hear your dedication to reach out to me they’ll still want to give you kissies somehow ‘cause they’re so dedicated to me too, just in a very loving way.
And yee! I did say the ‘official’ translation was bad! Thank you so much for remembering my words and sticking around my blog so long. 🥺💕 Anyway yeah, that unfortunately happens sometimes, and by sometimes, I mean a lot, ‘cause a) there are people out there who unironically think it’s okay to take creative liberties in translating because it’s their right as someone taking the time to do it (can’t be assed rn but if you search around this site enough, you’ll find an entire thread of translators talking about this), b), there are people who write for a lot of series they’re not into and therefore aren’t aware of all the context of previous novels, c) there are people who just slip up and make mistakes! Happens all the time unfortunately and most people don’t understand that if you misunderstand or change one thing it can change everything, and d) people who are tasked with translating 99% of the time never even talk to the people team of people who actually published the original, much less are in contact with the author themself! Mistranslations and drastic creative liberties happen a lot for example in the fandom I came from (The Legend of Zelda), which you can see a bit here! And if you still don’t believe me, you can go ask Dear old Author Neil Gaiman, who has even had some of the characters in his books turned from lovers to sisters and everything, a lot of the time completely without his knowledge until fans point it out to him! If you scroll his blog, I’m sure you’ll find those posts for yourself, assuming he doesn’t see an ask from you on if it happens. ‘Tis a sad thing, but Asagiri-sensei likely doesn’t even know when a mistranslation happens, much less do these people sit down and ask him things directly before doing their thing. He certainly doesn’t have involvement overseeing the process; that’s an unreasonable thing to ask of someone when it involves other languages they may or may not even be fluent in. And all the proof we need that it’s wrong is that the JP novel and the Stage Play (both things that Asagiri was directly, heavily involved in and/or directly penned the words of/material of the script for himself) both contradict it. If you’d like to take on that claim, since you’re implying I’m wrong, have at it! The burden of proof is on you, so, I look forward to seeing you send me the individual JP source lines of the Eng translations you want to take a crack at defending and a long wall of educational text explaining why each part of the English translation got it 1,000% right, directly in my in-box. If not, have a good day ‘cause I’m sorry, but I got limited time and other things to do right now, baby. 💕 I’ll eventually get to it myself some day, but right now I have other articles to finish first, art to make, and a fic to keep posting.
Speaking of which…OMG YOU READ CHERISH? 🥺💕💕💕💖💖💕💕💖💕💕💖💖😊💖💕🥺💕🥺💕💖💕💕🥺💕💖💕💕💕 That’s so sweet OMG OMG OMG! I’m glad you enjoy my beautiful ‘abomination’ enough to read and keep up with it! Don’t worry sweetie, the next chapter is on its way!
See this is why I love love love love love love love my ‘haters’ so fucking much, I adore y’all, I’d kill for y’all, OMG. You give me so much dedication and time, I know how much y’all adore me and I adore you right back! My beloved super fans. 💕💕💕💖💖💕💕💖💕💕💕💕🥺🥺🥺 Every ask I get and vague post I read makes my heart flutter, frfr, I’ve actually got an album I keep of screenshots of y’all’s posts to give me the motivation to keep doing what I do whenever I’m down. 🥺💖💖💕💕 This one goes in the collection for sure ahhhh 💖💖💕💕💕 I’m so important to people OMG IT’S SO CUTE AND SWEET
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missamyrisa2 · 2 years
how about some tickles for a shy lee after you walk in on her making herself cum? a lee who is blushy and flustered after being caught touching herself, combined with the increased post orgasm sensitivity is just *chefs kiss* <3
"ooooh what do we have here?" How unfortunate~ I've arrived home a little earlier than expected and happened in your ménage a Moi in our living room. You try to play it off, but there's no mistaking what I just witnessed, and suddenly I'm cuddling up next to you, arm around your back holding your side snugly with the cool metal of my chunky bracelet gliding along your skin as I get into position. The silkiness of my mermaidy top brushes on your hot skin, as does the material of my soft black leggings when I throw one leg over yours to pin you gently~ I make sure you get plenty of sensation on those over sensitized nerves.
"Ahhh, ah, ahh ~ naughty naughty girl. No, no, no, don't cover it up now let's see let's see what my silly girl was up to ~ Ooo you were doing a little finger painting huh? Working on a button-based masterpiece? Mmm? Did it feel just so good? Yeahh? So tinglyyy~ and y'know what? I bet you're alsoooo ~ oh yes, a little tinnnnny bit...ticklish!!" My fingers start pinching your side playfully as I giggle at your ears and start planting little flirty kisses.
"Does it tickle? Wittle kissies on your ear? Aww, look at you, you're just soo melty. Why, I'm barely touching youuu. Post orgasm tickles! Yeah you're just the cutest thing. Come hereee let mama see how pink you are down there." I lovingly move your hands aside and inspect your fingerwork, smiling warmly and blowing little puffs of air at your thighs and girlihood.
"Coochie coo my little lovey dovey songbird. Post orgasm tickles. Look at how you twitch and wiggle. Are you just so sensitive and blushy and cute? Are you my adorable little giggly gigglegasmed angel? How about these buttons? Did you play with these? Mmm?" I lean in and wiggle my nails along your chest, exploring your curvature. With a sly grin I pluck up one of my braided pigtails and start stroking the soft supple tip along your nipple. "How does that feel? Soo tickly? On a scale from one to ten. Tell me~ tell me how it tickles. Is it more ticklish or less ticklish after you came? Come on now, this is for the science. Inquiring minds want to know. How is Amy's adorable cutie pie feeling having her nipples tickled by a little bit of soft hair following a lovely little orgasm?"
I snicker and follow your hyper sensitized reactions, hovering over your squirming wiggles with a knowing smile. I toss my hair aside and make kissy faces. I nod yes yes yes to your no no no and lean down, but divert and playfully start nibbling at your underarms. "Oooh we'll get to the buttons but first let me show you a fun trick. After a climax your skin can get sooo sensitive to nibbly ticklies and these underarms just looked sooo deliciously yummy" I easily pin your arm up through your post-orgasm state and bury my soft lips, kissing and nibbling at the tender crevice. "What ticklish little pits you have my dear! I bet it's just sooo electrifying with all that lovely residual gigglegasmic energy floating about~"
I kiss my way down to your ribs and start tickling at your sideboobs with my fingers as my lips brush your swollen buttons. "Ummmh. Nice girly buttonsss so soft and ticklish and sweet." I muah muah muah all over them, darting my tongue about as nails glide up and down your upper sides, occasionally digging into your underarms or working down to squeeze at your hips as you buck and struggle. "Aww are you getting all worked up again? Do we need toooo~ butter your muffin all over?"
I scoot up and take your hand, kissing it gently before guiding it between your legs. "There we go, you just butter away my dear, work that button now. I'll tickle you all the way through" I start moving your hand on your girly part, snickering as you get all aroused anew. My other hand plays at your thighs and belly, my lips brush your neck and occasionally kiss at your cheeks to urge you along. "Mmhh. So lovely ~ you keep being so beautifully cutely giggly and I'm afraid this is going to turn into a mutual session~"
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