#kishimoto was that intentional like did u
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cynicallyneutral · 2 years ago
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tamelee · 6 months ago
lol if sns was real, which one do u think would get more jealous? Also, do you think Sasuke would blend in well with Naruto's group of friends. I think he would do well with Neji and Lee, but I think Gaara and Shikamaru would be a different story. I headcannon he would probably be jealous of how close Gaara and Naruto are with each and Shikamaru would be the one friend who would hate the relationship because of how affectionate they are with each other (but still be happy for his best bud)
Hi @bratzs12345 ! They are real ergijergkjaek! >< 
'Jealousy' doesn't really seem right for either of them, I don't know. They both know one other well enough to recognize the depth of their relationship and how important they are to one another. And because of that, it's practically impossible to feel genuine jealousy? Not jealousy, for instance, when Sakura told Sasuke she felt that Naruto got in between them, or he prevented her from the happiness she'd think she'd get with Sasuke, lol. 
People call Naruto jealous when he displays 'possessiveness' over Sasuke, but that didn't stem from jealousy; it was protective. The sacrifices they made for each other were for each other. Unlike Hinata, who attempted to sacrifice herself and everyone along with it if she must, simply so Naruto would look at her and she'd have her five minutes of fame. It's the intention behind it that matters. 
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Throughout the narrative, Kishimoto consistently demonstrated to us that they are each other's most special person.
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Honestly, I don't think jealousy applies, but if it did—perhaps in an alternate universe or something—Naruto would undoubtedly be the loudest about it. Sasuke would glare them to death and get petty about it later: "Oh, I don't know, Naruto. Why don't you just go to [x] and ask? I will take my bath now, thanks." 
I find the idea of "Naruto's group of friends"… interesting. It's always been so damn conditional. Naruto accepts it, but I don't think Sasuke ever would. So there's already a distance here. Their wounds from the past are different, so are their ext. desires.
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But anyway, I think Sasuke would get along with Neji somewhat. They'd at least have some things to talk about regarding clans had the latter not been killed for a brief display of playing last-minute match-making. Lee… possibly, but I don't think they really vibe; he'd exhaust Sasuke, lol. I was thinking Tenten maybe, but she was particularly viscous about him, so I don't see it actually.
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Shino had potential.
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Shikamaru and Sasuke are purely business. Shikamaru respects Naruto's decisions, and if that includes Sasuke, then he'd stay out of it, but it's nothing personal. Neither was the decision to save him even if it cost his life, or killing him if he thought it'd be for Konoha's sake.
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Ah, you know what? Wouldn't it be interesting if Shikamaru had a conversation with Sasuke later to explain that he understood some things better after experiencing the need for revenge himself?! Like, why wasn't that ever brought up later? ;-; 
I think Sasuke would get along with Gaara though? In fanon, it's often Gaara who's the jealous one. Like, he holds Naruto in such high regard that he would refrain from interfering if Naruto were happy. But all three of them know what it feels like to think you need to prove your existence in some way. Gaara and Sasuke definitely have some understanding between them in that regard, maybe less in others.
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Sidenote: Am I the only one who'd loved to see Naruto and Juugo get along? 
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whtybsshe · 2 months ago
Major misconceptions about the Hyuuga sibling fight (sober rant and and conscious yapper)
Misconception number 1:
Something which people forget ACTUALLY forget LIKE LITERALLY ITS RIGHT THERE and I see NOONE mention is what Kiba says to Hinata
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Notice how he says “He’s so cruel to you”
A lot of people say that Neji actively avoids Hinata. Thats what probably happened in the Chuunins but I wouldn’t say otherwise before it. Their relationship was shit, and Neji did act like a “bully” to her, while Hinata used to take it passively until this fight. Neji wasn’t shy to do so in front of her teammates as well. Which is why Naruto’s interference was so-so important.
It is somewhat implied that neither Shino or Kiba could argue against Neji. I think there might be some reasons for it although I can’t be for sure since we don’t know whether Kiba or Shino were aware of Nejis seal but probably because: Neji is a lot more intimidating and maybe because of his status as a Hyuuga. I say this because 1) Kiba pointed in the panel 2)Neji looks a bit surprised that someone spoke so loudly about it and even called it as “annoying” and I don’t think that’d he would have the same reaction if other people would speak out more often about it, another way Narutos reaction towards Hinatas psychological abuse was even more special and radical. Anyways u can ignore this paragraph since it is pure speculation, moving on.
Misconception number 2: Neji would be punished or killed if he actually succeeded to kill Hinata.
This is speculation and not a really close one at that. The first misconception that I cleared leads up to this. An important panel which I analysed in one of my rants proves that Hinatas death even if she had the Byakugan eyes, would not be of concern to the Hyugas anymore.
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Her being killed in an examination guarded and supervised by the Hokage himself, in the hands of another Hyuuga, is frankly the best case scenario for her end. However, there is also the argument that if Neji would possibly kill her, it would’ve given the side branches a chance to revolt against the head branches. It holds some validity until you realise that Hiashi stated that Hinata is quite literally worthless to the ENTIRE clan. Meaning that if Neji actually succeeded, he would’ve killed a rejected heir, someone who doesn’t hold the status or power anymore, a blacksheep, a roaming electron, that wouldn’t have held significance. It is not Hinatas injuries that is important, it is Nejis talent. The Hokage, Hiashi react to Nejis power, it is Naruto and the other kids that are scared for Hinatas life. Also the fact Hinata is attending the Chuunins along with Neji has made the clan take into account that those two would probably confront each other…so I don’t think there would be much trouble for Neji aside from a slap on the wrist.
Misconception number 2.5:
Even the scene where all the jounins try to stop Neji, wasn’t because of Hinatas status, even if Neji tries to make it look that way. The match was already over and they all happened to stop him just because of how unexpectedly terrifying he was escalated to be in the end.
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Misconception number 3
I think we all used to talk about how stupid our literature teacher sounded when she would ask what was the authors purpose or what did the author meant. Like were we going to ask him personally or what??? It turns out that the more you engage in media, you actually realise how important is that question. It’s a mix of trying to figure out the most objective interpretation but in your eyes and in your colours.
Kishimotos intention for this fight was yk, obvious, he wanted a mini boss against Naruto (even if Neji can be interpreted as even stronger than Gaara but that’s for another writer that values him). He wanted Naruhina to be endgame, and maybe Neji and their clan became this sort of obstacle this dragon to the princes in the tower. He maybe wanted to give Naruto a romantic subplot as well as demonstrate the thematic background of the Chuunin exam arc as well as Naruto’s character arc. Perhaps, he also wanted to put both Naruto, Hinata on equal footing, two rejected- but proud failures that try to heal wounds, mend bridges, give some motivation and hope to the ones in the dark: Neji, Sasuke you all know by now. The fight is focused heavily on Naruhina to raise the stakes, but the relationship between Neji and Hinata is mostly up to interpretating these bits and pieces. I don’t blame people for thinking stuff in some way because there isn’t a lot brought up about them in a moment that IS about them.
I should’ve said this before but I’m an OG Neji Stan. I’ve been loving him since I was 5-6 along with Hinata, Naruto and all the others. But the Hyuuga siblings mean a lot to me. That doesn’t mean I’ll infantilise Neji like most of you all do. It was all that collective baggage, which I can understand why he didn’t control it, but this isn’t the first time Neji had activated byakugan to point out all her fears in front of people. Neji openly poured all his anger, she had been his emotional outlet for YEARS. Knowing Hinatas timidness and the clans outlook for her, he had probably again, always gotten away with a slap on the wrist. The Chuunins wasn’t his “only chance” as you all other stans say, IT WAS HINATAS ONLY CHANCE. HER ONLY CHANCE TO ANSWER TO HER BROTHER. Although Kiishimoto poured all this struggle down the drain in Shippuden, both in Nejis fight with Kidomaru and his death, Hinatas cutscene with blood on her as she could barely stand, popped out in his memory just like Naruto. The Naruto official website CLEARLY STATED in his birthday special that ONLY Naruto and Hinata understood his pain.
A lot of people say that this fight was unfair to Neji, and go as far to villainise Hinata for jumping in despite being beaten over and over and fail to realise that this fight wasn’t about a physical fight. Neji realised her intention here:
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This wasn’t a roast. This wasn’t an insult. Hinata, clearly said that she genuinely acknowledged his pain. Hinata doesn’t just read him for filth, Hinata showed him that he could confront with destiny. As Naruto pointed out later in their fight, Neji demonstrated himself as superior despite Hinatas “status”, which is something he wouldn’t have done if Hinata withdrew. In the end, Neji emerged victorious but Hinata proves herself right.
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depressedhangrybitch · 2 years ago
Hashirama headcannon
i have this head cannon of Hashirama that has been bugging me for years. canonically, Hashirama is shown as a goofy, happy-go-lucky man with a bit of an idiotic personality. this personality was what enabled him to build Konoha and become its leader. fortunately, I bever liked Hashirama’a canon character and it was solidified by flics on ao3 that mostly showed Hashirama as an incompetent man who only dreams but doesn't actually work for it. and I always thought of Hashirama as a very manipulative character who showed a bit of phsycopathic tendencies and hid them behind his happy facade to  make people feel at ease around him.
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this is of course what I perceived of canon and feel free to disagree with it and since Kishimoto was vague with every timeline that was not naruto era it makes it open to different scenarios and situations.
my perception of canon! Hashirama was that he hid his dark self under a happy persona to make it easier for people to trust him which was what exactly happened with Madara. Madara blinded by his grief and trust of Hashirama made it easier for Hashirama to use him. as it is canon that an emotionally unstable Uchiha can be easily manipulated. Hashirama took advantage of this and made Madara do what he wanted and when his use was over he let him go and the circumstances made everyone think that it was Madara at fault.
We have some proofs of this from canon because when u look at the warring  era, especially the uchiha - senju war , there are many inconsistencies, like why did it take so long for Hashirama and madara to make peace after they became clan head. my thoughts on this are probably because while hashirama did shout his desire to have between their clans in every battle he did not back it up with his actions.
madara was already very distrustful of people around him that to trust, he concluded that  hashirama who only spoke sweetened words and not showed it with his actions could not be trusted.
I am not saying that madara is also not at fault here but if u look at this closely, senju clan may have been a shinobi clan but they also would have had trade businesses with other clans and while hashirama could have shown that he was genuine with his peace by retreating his clan from battles, attacking only when threatened and not picking fights with the uchihas.
uchihas may have been confused and wary of this at first but after months of no battle between these clans it may made peace more plausible and appear more quickly. and after some months of no squirmishes he could have send a peace treaty so that madara knows tha he is serious about his intentions.
another thing that caught my attention from canon and ao3 writers was, hashirama basically abandoned madraa after the formation of konoha. a lonely madara whose last light may have been hashirma, with his clan who turned his back on him , hashirama who ignored him  he may have thought that hashirama used him and in his rage left the village. and even after the formation of village hashirama may have not worked towards the techincalities to keep the village going.
hashirama doesn't seem like a bureaucartic person who will actually work on the formation of village like sewer lines water pipelines and buildings trade businesses etc. all of this may have fell either on tobirama’s shoulders or madaras' shoulders.
tobirama mostly may have done this work because he seems like a very ruthless, intelligent and efficient man who gets shit done.
and lastly we see who hashirama truly is in the 4 shinobi war arc when hashirama praises itachi for killing his clan and saving the village.
I cannot stress this enough but praising a 13 year old child for killing his whole clan and not having a stable healthy life he should have had is sick like really didsgusting.
hashirama’a actions and later tobirama’s prejudice was what drove the situation to the coup during hiruzen’s time. uchiha were probably holding decades of resentment that finally blew in huge proportions. on top of that danzo’s collection of sharingan eyeballs prior to the massacare must have come from somewhere right?
the uchiha may have suspected that someone from high chain command was stealing the uchiha eyeballs. because many uchiha memebers went missing without a trace in suspicious circumstance is not a coinicidence. like it was happened once maybe twice but when it was happening repeatedly then there is something suspicious going on.
uchiha clan a prideful, closed off, and arrogant clan who are control freaks and fiercely independent may have felt powerless in these circumstances.
the inability to do anything, the hopelessness may have turned them onto the path of their self destruction. the kyuubi attack was finally the straw that broke the camel’s back.
finally i think hashirama’s nature was only truly known to tobirama and perhaps to some depth mito. madara may have realized it too late.
tobirama may have accepted it and unconsciously moulded himself to balance this but ultimately it was what may have blocked his potential and his dreams.
tobirama’s ruthlessness is much much better than hashirama’s casual and perhaps sadistic cruelty.
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narutowoah · 4 years ago
my thoughts on sakuras funny fake lil confession even tho nobody asked😐
OK. obviously it was wrong for sakura to lie to naruto. it was selfish, it was naïve of her to believe that the promise was THAT important to naruto. it was her ignorance and just totally like MISSING how important sasuke is to naruto personally; she didnt get their relationship, she COULDNT!
HOWEVER, can u really REALLY blame her? sai literally took her aside and was like Hey you know you put so much pressure on naruto bc of that promise right? which made her feel so guilty she fr started CRYING bc she didnt want to hurt her best friend. and also naruto did tell her several times like “i havent forgotten our promise!! ^_^” so liek. of course she wld believe the promise held some weight.
additionally, she wasn’t going at it from a place of maliciousness. she wasnt rubbing her little kunoichi hands together going hehehe how can i make this about ME how can i HURT and MANIPULATE stupid naruto >:))) she was thinking “how can i ground him? how can i give him something to make him happy and take his mind off sasuke so he isn’t hurting himself over and over for someone who continues to distance himself and cause destruction?” she knew naruto had had feelings for her, and she was willing to set her own feelings for sasuke aside to try and give her friend something to make him happy, something to get him to come home safe.
additionally, i dont think all of what she said was a lie. this is just me bc i like narusaku, but i mean.. she said things that were true! “you have never left my side, you always cheer me up. you comfort me. i care for you from the bottom of my heart.” she was blushing, she hugged him and clearly was saying things that were true to her feelings for naruto. i do think sakura may have had some degree of feelings for naruto, and had she told him earlier like before Pain, or maybe later, privately in the village, i think naruto would have been psyched!!!
but it was the timing that was fucked up. the timing and circumstances. naruto wasnt an emotionally blind idiot. she was ripping on sasuke, and also naruto had that hero complex. he was already insecure abt the fact that like. Oh the villagers love me now that i saved them, even though i was worthless as a human being to them before. and now to hear sakura bring up how he was the hero, and she saw him grow into that, of course he’d be hurt and think she only valued him now. of course that isn’t true, and i’m sure naruto doesn’t think that sakura only started caring for him after pains attack but still, it must hurt.
Also sort of interesting that naruto was like “i hate people who lie to themselves” but im like Oh but ur totally content and calm and happy and forgiving to the village for treatingg you like shit ur entire life and not even giving an apology, let alone reparitions and only accepting u once u saved their asses? Ok king live your “truth”.
BUT IDK i really liked this moment bc it was one of the only times kishimoto gave one of his female character DEPTH. like SHADES. she made a decision to lie to her best friend in a heart breaking way. but it clearly made her feel sick with guilt. but if she didnt, she’d feel horribly guilty for the pain and pressure she believed she was holding him under. she wanted him to be happy, safe, worry about himself, be present and back home at the village, and if she truly believed she could do that by entering a romantic relationship with him, then by all means she will lie and hurt and manipulate and set aside her own feelings to try and do that for him, and his safety. it was a mistake, it was wrong, but it was well intentioned and made her seem so human. she was self centered: literally Centering Herself in the drama and depth of sasuke and narutos relationship that she DID NOT understand, while also being self sacrificing. that is something that i love about sakura is that, especially in lieu of the LACK of crazy powerups she gets, she feels like a human yk?
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powerwordsleep · 5 years ago
Sasuke Retsuden (Unofficial English Translation)
I’ve decided to do my own take on translating Sasuke Retsuden. It’s a long novel and difficult, so this will be a slow work in progress. As such I will be posting chapter by chapter updates here until the whole novel is finished and I can compile it in one document. 
DISCLAIMER: This is not an official translation and was not made for profit or distribution. This translation was fan-made and done for purely enjoyment and translation practice purposes. I do not own the rights to NARUTO or any of the related materials. 
Authors: Kishimoto Masashi and Esaka Jun Binding: Takahashi Kenji (Tera Engine) Editing Cooperation: Soeda Yohei (Tsubame Productions) Publishing Office: Shueisha Co. 101-8050 Tokyo, Chiyoda, Hitotsubashi 2-5-10 Printing Office: Kyodo Printing Co. Ltd. ©2019 M. Kishimoto/J. Esaka
Character Introduction
Uchiha Sasuke: The master of the kekkei-genkai, the Sharingan. Member of Team 7 and husband of Sakura. 
Uchiha Sakura: Master of medical ninjutsu. Member of Team 7 and wife of Sasuke. 
Zansur: Director of the Astronomy Research Institute. Has apparently accepted an important mission from the minister of the country Redaku. 
Menō: A giant lizard prison guard who monitors the Astronomy Research Institute.
Jiji: A prisoner who shares a room with Sasuke and is doing manual labor for the Astronomy Research Institute.
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2
He can’t sleep. The man pressed his thin body to the chilly sheets. Inside the room his breath is white, and no matter how much he wraps the comforter that doesn’t fully cover him around his body, the shaking and shivering of his chest can’t be stopped.
He’s sleeping in sweat and dirt stained thin bedding. Soon it will be a half-moon. Every time he sleeps the bruises all over his body increase, so he never can feel rested. If he could sleep a little in an area with no draft, it would be enough. 
With feelings of bitterness the man opened his heavy eyelids and strained his eyes, surveying the dark room. Six adults sleep huddled in a small corner of the six-mat tatami room. In this place it’s natural for a newcomer such as himself to be allotted the coldest part of the room, with no room for objections or arguments. He shifted on the hard floor and let out a pained moan. 
“Damn it. Why is this happening to me…” 
Before the half-moon, the man had been in a prison in the capital of Redaku. Even though there had been no freedom, minimum standards of living had been guaranteed, and it was safer and more comfortable than here. He had even thought about going back to commit another suitable crime when his sentence finished. However, one day it was suddenly decided that he was to be transferred. He was only told that he would be engaged in public works in the cold regions. Because it was physically demanding labor, only young and healthy prisoners would be allowed to do it. He was brought to an astronomy observation facility made of stone, built on the peak of a desolate mountain range. 
The Tartar Astronomy Research Institute. 
It is said to be a research institute with an ancient and honorable origin derived from Janmarū Tartar—an astronomist of folklore legend who lived at the same time as the Rokudō Sennin. But he didn’t care about that. The issue was that this place was below freezing even in early springtime. And no matter how he thought about it, with the provided food, clothes, room and having to dig up cold dirt from morning to night without rest, it was an environment where livestock were treated better. 
“Why… is this happening to me?” 
He clenched his trembling teeth and squeezed the edge of the futon. Day after day of work, the skin of his palm peeled off and his nails became soiled with dirt. 
His crime was robbery and murder. Three years ago, on a winter’s day he had been having trouble finding something to eat. He broke into a house that caught his eye and stole everything of value. He left the young husband, wife, and two children bound in ropes and ran. Two days passed without anyone noticing them and they all froze to death. Since that’s how the four of them were killed he doesn’t count it as murder. He had no intention to kill; it was an accident. Generally, when he had no food to eat he stole from other houses. Was that not a case of legitimate self-defense? 
Why did I have to encounter those eyes?
Frustration swam like water in his chest. He was at his limit. The man decided while staring at the grooves in the ceiling—when dawn breaks, he’ll break out of prison. 
The prisoners’ lives are managed by the sound of a gong. 
When the muffled clang signaling waking time reverberates throughout, the prisoners rise from bed like zombies and begin their day. They are always on time, because if they oversleep the patrolling guards offer no mercy when they catch them and force them to eat their batons. He wiped away the sleep from his eyes, and exited the room while yawning and scratching his rash covered arms.
Meals are served twice a day. The menu consisted only of messily stir-fried vegetables and wheat, and pork that looked suspicious to eat. The man lined up in the queue stretching out of the cafeteria and took a deep breath to quell his tumultuous feelings. Contrary to the heaviness and drowsiness lingering on his body, his nerves were clear and excited. Even as a man who walks in steps on his foot and another behind him spits phlegm out close to his ear, he doesn’t care. 
Today he'll leave here. He’s going to break out of prison. 
After securing his breakfast, the man looked around the room full of prisoners. If he’s going to escape, there’s someone he wants to invite. The shabby room was only a cafeteria in name, with rattling tables and chairs made from cut logs lined up. The man with the eyes was sitting in his usual seat by the window. 
Inmate number 487. Sasuke.
What is rare is his appearance rather than his name. Pure black hair and eyes. His face is finely chiseled and thin. The beauty of his nose stands out nicely on his profile, his features lined up perfectly on his face. No matter the angle, he looks like a painting come to life. If you looked at him up close you’d start to question whether you’re even of the same species. 
The fact that while he was born with such an appearance he was silent, unfriendly, and always cold and blunt like a cat, attracted attention from his surroundings. Despite that, because he was so strong that no one could raise a hand against him, he was a nuisance. On the day Sasuke arrived, a group of longtime prisoners immediately went to mess with the curious newcomer, and in a second their joints were severed and they were groveling on the ground. Looking down on the men crying in pain, the warning that came from Sasuke’s mouth was simple. 
“Don’t get in my way.”
For most of the prisoners Sasuke was someone hard to get close to. It was the same for this man too, of course, but it was strange to think that when he escaped today he would be able to speak his mind like normal. 
The man seated himself in front of Sasuke and opened his mouth.
“U-um,” Although his voice had been strong and burning with a fighting spirit when he imagined this, in reality it came out trembling and weak as he spoke.
“U-uh, you’re also… a-a shinobi, yeah?”
Sasuke moved his gaze from outside the window to the man facing him. 
“What do you want?”
“I-I’m also a shinobi. I’m from the Land of Wind. I never graduated from the academy and was abandoned by my parents… and I eventually ended up in this country. I can still control my chakra. Watch!” 
Using chakra, he attached the tip of a chopstick to his finger and shook it around for him to see. When he looked determinedly back at Sasuke, he had already lost interest and his black eyes had returned to gazing out the window. 
He’s ignoring me?
Sticking out his tongue, the man glared at Sasuke. 
If he got imprisoned in such a backwater country then he’s probably not that great of a shinobi either.
Sasuke was staring intently out the window while using his chopsticks in beautiful form, dexterously eating bamboo shoots and strawberries that had been arranged together in triangles on a crushed iron plate. He was an unfriendly man, but unknowingly to him his behavior was revealing his growing kindness, little by little. Among the human trash that made up the prisoners, Sasuke was clearly different. 
He waited for Sasuke to finish his meal and then broached the subject. “W-will you join me?” He was nervous and stammered out his words. 
“What do you mean?”
“Escape. I-I’m going to run away from here. Y-you can also use chakra, right? Um, w-we can climb the wall and run away.” 
The Astronomy Research Institute was surrounded on all four sides by a wall made of stone about ten meters high. Looking at it from below it seemed tall, but with chakra it was climbable. 
“I’ve a-already had enough. Y-you have too, right?”
Sasuke stared at the man, expressionless. 
“What do you know about me?”
“I know that you are not a normal person, at least.” Finally, he was able to speak until the end without stuttering. 
How on earth a man like Sasuke ended up in a place like this he could not figure out. Still, he didn’t think he was satisfied with the dull day-to-day manual labor of this place. 
“Let’s run away together. After this everyone will be going to their morning work shift, yeah? We can use that as cover and cross over the wall.” 
“Forget it. Outside the wall it’s nothing but wasteland. The closest village is two days on foot from here. You’ll end up dying.”
“But you can gather tons of wild plants and nuts, which is way better than what we can eat here. Also, look, there’s this mist out today. Now is the only time we could sneak past Menō’s eyes—”
“Don’t say I didn’t warn you,” Sasuke said shortly and with a glance out the window, he gathered his empty plate and stood up. Prisoners who were standing around talking in the narrow passage panicked as they saw Sasuke approaching and rushed to the sides to give him room. 
“Don’t you want to get out of here?!” 
The man ran up and latched onto his arm, but Sasuke easily freed it from his grip.
“Sorry, but I came here because I wanted to.” 
“... What?” 
Here? He wanted to come here?
The man was left taken aback as Sasuke exited the cafeteria. He waited until he could no longer see Sasuke’s form and then kicked the leg of a table in anger. 
Idiot. Whatever. He can rot in this shithole place forever. I’m going to be free. 
The man gathered his plate full of a messy breakfast and stomped out into the hallway. He cast a backwards glance at the prisoners scattered about sitting and chatting, then continued on outside to look upon the wall on the prison grounds. There was still time before the morning shift started. The chances of patrols coming out here should be low. No one guards the fence. Unlike actual prisons, the patrols here basically only work security. They’re not concerned about people who can’t even climb a ten-meter wall. 
That’s too bad. I can climb it. 
The man placed his hand upon the smooth stone wall. Recalling the lessons from his past, he gathered chakra and concentrated it in his palm. There was a sensation of it sticking precisely to the stone surface. The man started crawling up the wall like a frog.
In the distance he could hear a commotion from the other prisoners. It had only been a few minutes since he started climbing. There should be few people outside at this time. The head guard and the other patrols should be having breakfast in the main building. 
It’s fine. You can do it. Climb up before you’re found. Menō will appear at some point. 
His body was lighter than he imagined. He’d already climbed about halfway but wasn’t tired. He could keep climbing for another hour. 
There was the sound of gravel and sand being stepped on. The man looked over his shoulder and met yellow eyes. A chill went down his spine.
He’d been found. It was Menō. 
This is bad, this is bad, this is bad—I have to escape quickly!
In his panic the man lost control of his chakra. The hand touching the wall slipped off and his body floated in midair. 
I’m falling, he thought. Then a burning pain erupted in his torso, his blood pressure dropping suddenly. As he lost consciousness, he met the unmistakable eyes of Menō, sinking his teeth deep into his chest.
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ohbyunhunn · 5 years ago
Same as my Hiruzen post, just wanna keep this analysis using the feminist (I hope I did it right and my Literature teachers won’t roll their eyes at me lol) (but it’s just for Twitter so wtvr) approach on my Tumblr too. Was posted on July 11 2020:
Ok this has been in my (Twitter) drafts for so long but I wanted to wait till I finish all 500 episodes to post this lol. I love Naruto but God, the writing for its female characters is shit. This is written based only on Naruto and Naruto Shippūden (manga and anime). I think it got better in Boruto but I’ve yet to see it. Anyway
Women are not given the burden of carrying important roles that represent relationships built throughout the series, as if, they are not capable of creating bonds strong enough to drive a character even though it is what Naruto is all about; the importance of bonds between humans. 
Examples of relationships; 
Friends: Naruto-Sasuke, Kakashi-Obito 
Kouhai-senpai: Itachi-Shisui 
Siblings: Itachi-Sasuke 
Student-teacher: Naruto-Jiraiya, Naruto-Iruka, Asuma-Shikamaru 
Patriotism: Itachi-Konoha, Shisui-Konoha 
Lovers to enemies: Hashirama-Madara ( :p )
These relationships as we all know are the basis of the series’ plots and developments. I mean, if not for Naruto’s feelings towards Sasuke, the anime won’t exist... and if not for Sasuke’s feelings towards Itachi, he wouldn’t have abandoned Naruto... and if not for Itachi’s patriotism towards his village, he wouldn’t have killed off the Uchiha clan, which is the reason why Sasuke hated him in the first place. These three related, complementing events are I think crucial instances of what the Naruto universe is built upon. They also are the reason other relationships were able to be expanded (i.e. Itachi-Shisui share the same loyalty and love for Konoha, Naruto became Jiraiya’s apprentice to be able to compete with Sasuke). 
And as u can see, no female characters are involved at all. Only time female characters are seen creating bonds and/or have a role to move the plot is when they are driven by romance (e.g. Hinata-Naruto, Tsunade-Dan, Karin-Sasuke). This paints the idea that women are only concerned of men and romance in the anime?? Even a simple friendship between female characters was almost impossible to be portrayed healthily (i.e. Sakura-Ino are supposedly good friends but they always put down each other). 
The anime itself has agreed that the sole reason a female is present amongst male characters is because they are able to be motivated when a woman is around to be impressed, which will lead them to wanting to improve themselves and become better shinobi. 
When Kakashi asked Hiruzen why were Naruto, Sasuke and Sakura put together in a team, the answer he got was because Sasuke needs someone with the experience of using Sharingan to be there for him when his is activated and in order to be able to control the Kyuubi inside Naruto in case it goes berserk again, Sharingan is needed, which is a sound reason why the two of them are put together. 
And Sakura??? Hiruzen said (omg it still pisses me off), she’s only in Team 7 because that would drive the boys to become stronger because they would want to impress Sakura. Like?? She only exists to be a fucking trophy that could be won is it?? That’s it?? I think this was why at first I was against Sakura and Sasuke’s relationship. IT DIDN’T SEEM TRUE. Yea yea I know there are scenes that have suggested their feelings are mutual but lol let’s be real. Boruto saved it. If not for how they’re presented in Boruto,,, lol. 
Anyway, Kakashi was seen to be on the same page with Hiruzen because he was reminded of how Obito worked hard to catch up to him so that he could impress Rin. The same thing happened to Hiruzen’s team; Jiraiya wanted to beat Orochimaru just to catch Tsunade’s attention. I understand that it is natural for boys (and girls) to improve themselves in order to attract the person they like but to give female characters no role other than to be a trophy?? That’s just dumb and objectifying. 
Sakura got a shit ton of hate ever since Naruto (her character only improved A BIT in Shippūden), and honestly, Idt it’s her fault. Her character writing was so shit that all she ever did was scream Sasuke’s name and when Sasuke is knocked out, she’d call for Naruto. She has a great potential to become a kunoichi of the same level as her teammates but the anime never tried to put the spotlight on her. A lot of times we saw other characters say “wow Sakura has potential” but we never see that being polished on screen. 
If only she was given the chance to take an active role in battles, maybe the anime would’ve appeared better in regards to its treatment towards female characters. The only battle that I remember of with Sakura taking an active part in it??? Her fight with Sasori. Not saying that her role during the war is insignificant but even with that in mind, when Sasuke is present, she could only think of him?? 
[ This video has all the Sakura scenes that pissed me off. ]
Why did she hesitate?? She’s a medic nin fgs?? This is what I meant by her writing is shit. The Sakura that I know wouldn’t think twice to do what she needed to. AND to think that just a few moments before, SHE SAVED NARUTO’S LIFE?? BY PUMPING HIS HEART USING HER HAND??? And he survived!! With her aid!! The fact that she managed to pull that off but not destroying Obito’s Rinnegan is just pure bullshit. 
But I’m sort of glad they had the filler episodes where they showed Sakura’s (and Ino’s) growth, how they went thru their training and stuff. It’s not much but thanks for the fillers I guess?? The manga can go suck some balls. 
Another mention of a female character being disregarded as an important ninja would be Konan. Throughout the Naruto vs Akatsuki arc, Konan’s skills and determination have been displayed countless of times. And I’m glad she was given the chance to prove her ability but what rubbed me off the wrong way was Jiraiya’s opinion on her. Every time he spoke of the three orphans he took in, he always mentioned Nagato’s strength and Yahiko’s desire to bring peace in a positive manner. But when it comes to Konan, his only adjective for her was “pretty”. 
Konan is more than just a feminine presence with beauty as her only personality?? She’s a strong-willed person who is able to stand alongside her comrades in fighting for what they believe in. She was willing to sacrifice herself in order to defeat Obito/Madara in a heartbeat!! Jiraiya could’ve said better things about her. 
From this, we can say how biased a male character’s view is on other females?? As if, only men would fight against injustices of the shinobi world but women?? uwu she pretty yes she will grow up to be a beautifoOl woman. 
Kishimoto couldn’t write women very well and he admitted this himself but God, I wish he would’ve tried harder. Not able to write women well is such a shitty excuse for a writer... especially when we know his female characters are capable just as much as their male counterparts. 
Also I try to take this positively but you know how during Naruto’s time, the only medic nins are his female characters? (i.e. Sakura, Ino, Tsunade) I think he meant to portray women as healers and that’s a pure intention but lol it also sort of sends the message that to him, no matter how smart and talented a woman is, they shall not be given the duty to fight!! They should just wait and be ready to receive injured comrades while the boys go fight evil and bring peace!! I wanna give credit to him for making women healers but lol does he deserve it?? 
Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.
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the-letter-horror-lover · 2 years ago
Cute Cat by mintje
Anime » Naruto Rated: K, Indonesian, Family, Naruto U., Hinata H., Boruto U., Words: 1k+, Favs: 19, Follows: 7, Published: Dec 17, 2014
Naruto by Masashi Kishimoto
Cute Cat by mintje
Warning: OOC, TYPO dll.
Summary: Boruto scares Hinata into guilt. His mother's past is revealed. / Kaa-chan isn't mad at this cute cat right?" / Miowww...? / Boruto- kun !
Although a little overwhelmed, Boruto Uzumaki still walked cheerfully by carrying a small furry creature in his two tiny hands. He wanted to immediately show the cute creature he had found trapped in a tree. Telling Hinata—his mother—for having managed to help him, he even fell from a height .
When he arrived, he immediately dashed into the kitchen. He was sure his mother was there and it was true. Boruto smirked at his mother who seemed to be focused on cooking. He ran and screamed with joy. " Kaa-chan ? Look at this- ttebasa ! Isn't he man—" Before he could finish his sentence, he slipped with his feet and the creature called...
"Kyaaa...~ kucing!"
... fell into Hinata's arms.
And he swore, his mother's scream this time was the loudest scream he had ever heard.
The creature that turned out to be a cat is still there. Asleep on his two feet soundly. He rubbed his soft fur gently as he recalled the incident a few minutes ago with his mother. He didn't mean to frighten her like that, he just... just wanted to impress her with what he was doing besides causing trouble.
But it was a disaster. His lips pursed in annoyance, annoyed with himself. Did he even know that his mother was afraid of cats? Baka!
"Hey, talk! It's weird to see someone as chatty as you being so quiet." Hanabi chuckled. He ruffled his blonde hair sticking out in exasperation. Hinata's younger sister was even more surprised, usually Boruto would be angry if he did this to his proud hair.
So there was only one question, "What other stupid problems are you up to, Boruto-kun?" his mouth answered, he even lifted the orange furry cat up, "Miawww~" Boruto looked at him. This is just a cat, not too dangerous, but he didn't expect his mother's reaction which he thought was excessive.
Then the images of his mother's angry and frightened expression immediately entered his mind. Enough to choke him with guilt. Moreover, his screams consistently echoed incessantly flicking the ears. For the first time in his life, he felt... so wrong. He sighed harshly, " Nee-chan , I made Kaa-chan angry."
His depressed expression that looked like he was about to cry made Hanabi concerned, "I'm not sure," he tried to comfort her and a glimmer of light immediately colored his originally blurry eyes. "Is that true?" Hanabi nodded.
"I know. What are you doing? Nee-chan won't get mad at anyone, let alone a snotty blonde brat like you, even if you irritate him." He averted his eyes, looked at the shocked Boruto and lowered his head.
"Does that also include scaring him with a cat (even though I have no intention of doing that)?" The smile suddenly faded. Hanabi frowned, "No wonder. Nee-chan is traumatized by a cat."
Boruto immediately looked away, "What? Why?" he asked in a tone that sounded both curious and surprised. Hanabi shrugged, "I don't know." He looked away, looking at the cat that was rubbing its body on its paw. "When I ask, Nee-chan will change the topic and avoid it."
He sighed in despair. "I don't know what to do—"
"I'm sure you know." Hanabi patted his back sympathetically. He tugged at the corners of his lips and gave her a thumbs up.
Soon a special wide smile began to be etched.
Boruto was sure he had seen him here. More precisely in one of the boxes, but in a warehouse this wide he found a lot. It took a long time to check them one by one. But it would be more time-consuming if he just stood there and thought without doing anything.
He started looking for it with a box in front of him, before something strikingly familiar caught his eye. It seemed to glow, reflected from the rays of the afternoon sun. Boruto jumped up, took the nearest chair to pick it up which was on top of another pile of used cardboard.
But her tiny fingers couldn't reach it, her hands were short and it was too far away. He had tried one of the moves his father taught him, but what came out was a confused-looking clone. His mother was right, he was too young to master that shadow move. He was just a child who wasn't even seven years old yet.
His lips pursed in annoyance. Then with a strong urge he pulled the cardboard until it wobbled, as a result he fell along with the boxes that hit his body. Dust flew for a moment. Boruto grimaced and coughed. He rubbed his aching head. There was a clear liquid in the corner of his eye. Then he saw something that had caught his attention. Boruto's sapphire blue beads instantly widen with joy. he immediately grabbed the object lying between the old books, " Yokatta . Yokatta... This thing Tou-san gave me is still there." It's a little nostalgic.
"I still don't understand why Kaa-san wants to throw it away." When Boruto looked down, he found something that caught his attention again.
"This..." A confused look crossed his face. "Isn't this..." he glared dramatically. "A book?" he reached for an open book, then flipped through the book as if looking for something. "Is this a diary?"
The blonde boy was even more surprised when he read the cover of the book
Hyuga Hinata.
Hey! Who wrote their mother's name in vain?
11 Desember 19xx
Kyuta died. I didn't understand what was wrong— she was so kind, gentle, docile and . . . sweet.
Wait—who is Kyuta anyway?
Could it be Kaa-chan? Hwahh... Kaa-chan doesn't love Tou-chan anymore. Sob... this can't be happening!
His hands squeezed the book and his lips trembled.
Kyuta is the best cat I have.
Boruto's face turned blank in an instant, so it's just a cat? He opened a random book page.
12 January 19xx
I found a cat that looks like Kyuta and I almost ran over him.
15 January 19xx
Hanabi-chan surprised me with the cat she brought. I started to feel scared, I felt like I wanted to cry.
27 February 19xx
I woke up and a cat suddenly beside me. And that morning I surprised the whole house.
03 May 19xx
Naruto-kun took me to his apartment. And there are a lot of cats that are quite... cute. It was one of the missions, he had to guard it. I had no choice but to return home sooner than expected.
22 October 19xx
Cat. I don't understand why I'm so scared now, when before that cats were something I loved the most, really. So today I ventured to try to hold her, but Hanabi- chan without warning threw the cat at me and I gave up.
06 Desember 19xx
Am I dreaming? Naruto- kun proposed to me.
January 29, 19xx
I am pregnant. I hope our child will not have a mustache that looks like a cat like his father.
Boruto unconsciously stroked his cheek.
Hinata's hair suddenly stood up. He started breaking out in a cold sweat. Her silver irises turned left and right anxiously. It takes a step forward.
He was getting more and more worried as the voice got closer and closer. It's from behind.
"Boruto- kun ! You scared kaa-chan ." He said while stroking his chest, his heart felt like it was overturning there.
" Gomen , for earlier . " He looked at her timidly while handing her a bouquet of her favorite flower . Hinata accepted it happily even though the sunflowers looked wilted.
Hinata observed Boruto's appearance. He looks cute with the headband full of beads. Isn't that his fourth birthday present? He clenched his hands in front of his face and made his face look as cute as possible, he tried to pose like a cat. He corrected his shifting cat ear headband.
" Kaa-chan isn't mad at this cute cat, is she?!" His pupils suddenly dilated and turned blink-blink. He blinked expectantly. He clasped his hands in front of his chest.
" Kaa-chan? " Boruto was a little worried about his mother's reaction, which was silent with teary eyes. " Gomenasai . Don't cry." But in the end he was the one who cried.
"Who would be mad at a cute blonde cat like you?" Hinata rubbed her wet cheeks, then kissed the tip of her nose. Actually without even apologizing Hinata had forgiven him. Because actually he was too much so that he unconsciously shouted in front of him. He is guilty.
Boruto rubbed his eyes, "Really?" The sapphire looked at Hinata doubtfully. "Of course."
This time Hinata saw her son scratching his head clumsily. Remind her of her husband who will behave the same if he is nervous when he has something to say. Hinata waited for him to speak. " Gomen, "
" Kaa-chan is also sorry." Seeing Boruto's puffy cheeks, he had to restrain himself from pinching his son's chubby cheeks. "No!" he crossed his arms.
Hinata's dark eyebrows knit together.
"I can't get rid of this cat-like mustache." And Hinata couldn't help but laugh.
Seeing Hinata and her child hugging each other, he felt a warm feeling creep up his chest. "Did I miss something?"
Oh yeah, I purposely called Hanabi a big sister, because auntie seems a bit old. Anoo... . ouch... finally~ this fic is ok. I was looking for a fic about Hinata and Boruto, but couldn't find it, so since I have an idea... well, here it is. :3 hahahaha...
I hope the fic can cheer you up. Thank you for wanting to read.
Okay, don't be lazy to review yes! Any review is highly appreciated.
Crisis Fic NaruHina!
Tuesday, 16/12/14
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idontlikethings · 4 years ago
oh ffs, you again? ran out of ways to victimize your fave already? eh, at least it’s funny and gives me the pro side arguments to refute. 
“ The Chuunin exams weren’t created for the sake of fighting and dying or whatever. Tf? Everyone can take these exams when he feels ready and strong enough.” 
Remind what ninja do... fight and kill. And the purpose of the exam? to prepare the kids to become full-fledged ninja... huh.
“ ANBU’s job were assassination and spying for potential enemies. (‘more delicate things’ as you said). But it wasn’t for young people like Kakashi,Itachi,Shisui and Yamato “
“ None of the creations-Police Force,ANBU, are for the age of 13 or whatever. “
Here, from naruto pedia cuz im too lazy to look into the manga. Feel free to search, tho. “ Age, background, gender, or previous rank bear no significance in this decision; however, in tradition, Konohagakure shinobi are not selected as Anbu unless they are at least 13 years old, with an 11-year-old Itachi Uchiha being a rare exception.“ link riiiight awkward for u i guess 
“ Tobirama may dislike them,but that doesn’t mean that he doesn’t trust them or straight up hating them “ 
Ur headcanon. When sasuke said he thought tobirama hated the uchiha (understandable seeing his first reaction to sasuke), tobirama said that was not entirely true. like ok. My guess is that he only hates thos who doesn’t suck up to the village. but at least u recognize he doesn’t like them! it’s a progress! congrats to u
“ He created the Police Force as a sign of respect and trust and to be on a higher ground, because they were co-founders as well and to be in an almost the same position as the Hokage. Kagami is an example”
and then, created the ANBU... that deals with that same tasks... and Uchiha have no power on ANBU? hmmm now that’s really weird don’t you think. Here, from narutopedia again: “ In Konoha, Anbu alongside the Konoha Military Police Force are the two forces that maintain peace. As such, there is no clear line what is the jurisdiction of the police, and what is the subject for investigation by the Anbu. At the discretion of the Hokage, the nature of the investigation would simply shift from one to the other, leading to the two factions clashing. Because Anbu are so vital to the village's operations, they cannot be arrested by the police without a warrant” the same page. now, that may be hard question, but do you know who created both the police force and the anbu? Tobirama! it’s so weird that they have conflicts of power 😐 really makes you wonder. 
oh, and even IF he created the police force with ur... uh headcanon about his intentions in mind, it is not right to restrain. a whole ethnicity. to one job. I know, seems far-fetched. Imagine if all hispanic people were under obligation to be doctors. No, even better, if, for example, all policemen had to be white! Can you see why it is wrong? but u might say “but uchiha is not a race, like white or hispanic!” urgh what an awful sentence. first, biological races do not even exist in our world, it’s a social construct (not the point, but had to say it). But, and u might not believe it (dattebayo), the sharingan is a genetical advantage! which means races literally exist in naruto! i know, kishimoto really has a problem within his mind. So it does indeed work. But i can do other examples if u want: “the jews should only be merchants” (that was a thing from the middle age, that ain’t my specialty if someone wanna add something go for it lol) “the family next door should only be postmen.” honestly i really don’t know how u don’t see the problem. bah, when ur that deep stannin something i guess u ignore the bad sides.
“ Tobirama also never said that it’s ok for kids to graduate from the academy at the age 5-6 like Kakashi and more “
He never said it wasn’t, if u wanna play it like that. i never said he did, i really don’t know where ur getting at.
“ And that 'Tobirama was his teacher tho, doesn’t that tell you something". Tell what? TOBIRAMA trained Hiruzen as a KID.As a GENIN. “
HASHIRAMA trained him when Hiruzen was OLDER and not a genin anymore. Tobirama wasn’t his teacher then. Doesn’t that tell you something as well???
since huh, when. like, literally where did u come up with this. It says everywhere that both the first and the second hokage were his teachers, and the only visual evidence we have of that is the picture of the three students with tobirama and hashirama in the background and tobirama’s death where he is alone with the three students (plus kagami and company). like, we never see alive hashirama actually interacting with adult hiruzen... but maybe i’m wrong, i’d love to see the panel where that happens/is said. Tho it’s fucking amazing how y’all tobs stans can literally hate hashirama when he was on his brother’s side all the time. really doesn’t understand that dynamic, except if y’all hate ur family and feel victimized by them and want to project that onto tobs? an idea. and probably want to be saved by ur imaginary dark boyfriend the one and only madara. god i love interacting with u guys it always makes me burst out laughing. I ain’t condemnin! u do whatever u want. but goddamn is it funny.
“ The Chuunin exams and ANBU(especially the ANBU) were made harder,to add intensity in the anime and to 'show us’ how strong the characters are and to use it for dramatic effects like depress.on,kill.ng,the characters showing their darker sides. “
again, where does this come from? thats’ ur headcanon, sweetie. but prove me wrong, i’m always up for learning :)
“ Their fights against Orochimaru’s team and to bring Sasuke back was to show how they work as teammates and to add *more* darkness than before. “
I’m not talking about that, dear, i’m talking about team 8 pseudo-murdering an other team right off the bat during step 3 of the exam, murder being authorized and killing being acceptable. Do i have to find another way to put it or is it now clear for u.
“How tf is expected from Tobirama to know that Orochimaru and someone else will show up out of the blue, brainwashing kids for power left and right?!? TF?!?
Same with the ANBU. How tf is expected from Tobirama to know that Kakashi,Itachi, Shisui and Yamato will join at that young age?!? TF?!?
He wouldn’t have allowed it. But it happed.”
One; Murder. is. Authorized. during the chuunin exams. Idc about orochimaru. Two: anbu is open to 13 year-old kids. Kakashi was the right age, itachi was an exception and yamato was in root. I don’t remember shisuin joining anbu at an exceptional age/ it never said. Three: the fact that he wouldn’t have allowed is ur headcanon. He would and he had authorize 13 year old kids to join anbu. Why would u think he wouldn’t while it was the case during hiruzen’s reign and it never said hiruzen worsened the rules? oh right, i know why :). because u built ur fave’s characterization from fanfics and then attack people because u project so much on him u feel attacked when people critisize him. a 2D character. It’s not that important, u know, no need to get that angry, it’s not good.
“ Stop blaming Tobirama for EVERY SINGLE THING that happened in the WHOLE ANIME just because of whatever is y'all’s excuse. “
Nah 🥰
Y'all are babying and excising the Uchiha clan WHILE THEY ARE VERY FAR FROM INNOCENT and blaming Tobirama. Tf?!?
Dude i don’t particularly like the uchiha... i mean they’re the center of the manga, kinda, but i don’t “stan” them. i just think they were mistreated and that honeslty kishimoto’s morals are fucked up. In the manga, i just like the worldbuilding and the whole ninja society thing, but ok. Tho ur right, a lot of them did awful things. Sasuke on a lower level, obito and madara much worse. And it’s acknowledged. U just have a problem with people criticizing tobirama. calm down, i assure u it’s not that important. The climate is fucked up, politicians are corrupted, little children are dying from hunger. breathe a little, ull be fine.
Logic? ZERO.
Now that’s just mean 😥
U know what people don't seem to understand about tobi? He's supposed to be a good guy. In canon at least, he's depicted as morally good and on the right side of the plot. And his stans defending him saying that the anti should rather focus on mad.ra who kidnapped a kid or ob.to killing his own clan... they're the bad guys. Canon acknowledges that and makes them villains.
The same doesn't happen with tob.rama while he's the base of the whole shinobi system. The one who created the academy, an institution that raises children into killers, the Chuunin Exam, and I hope I don't have to explain why that is wrong, the Uchiha police force and at the same time the ANBU, which literally nullifies the police force's existence, beyond the obvious morally wrong choice of restraining a whole clan to one job.
"But op, the academy is a positive thing, so child soldiers don't have to exist anymore! And people leaving the academy at 6 like k.kashi was only because of hiruzen! And the children killing each other during the chuunin exam too!" Okay first, 12 is still child soldiers except if I missed something, but dude he literally created the chuunin exams. The whole thing where twelve year olds kill each other. Second, the situation being worsened by hiruzen is your own headcanon, we literally do not know. Maybe it was, maybe it wasn't. Tob.rama was his teacher tho, doesn't that tell you something. This post talks about tob.rama and his students, btw.
"And what about hash.rama?! U guys never criticize him!" But tob.rama was literally the one who created the institution. Don't get me wrong here, I still don't appreciate hash.rama, but tob.rama was the one who made his dream into a concrete thing and build the administrative side of the village, which is the real problem in naruto (besides the positive portrayal of the whole thing. If canon was critical of this, I wouldn't be here). Hash.rama has to be criticized for letting his brother do everything he did (the fact that he did nothing to stop him could indirectly say that he agreed with what tobirama was doing, and with how canon is it is very likely that he did. But we also know that even if he disagreed, he is shown to cede to his brother s argument pretty quickly, with the first election for example) , I agree with that, and for never truly understanding the Uchiha and Mad.ra in particular, but he's not directly responsible for the village system like tob.rama is.
Finally the anbu's existence. The tactical ans assassination special brigade. So, just to remind you, the age limit is 13 and they pick younger kids that show predisposition to the job even before the Academy. Again, you could argue that it was worsened by hiruzen, but how likely is that? It was never implicated in canon, just like the chuunin exam. That's just your headcanon. However the limit between the police force's power and the Anbu's jurisdiction is clearly stated to be vague, creating conflicts between the two, as the anbu is supposed to deal with more delicate matters than the police force. And do I have to remind both were created by tob.rama, who notoriously never particularly like the Uchiha clan?
What a coincidence. And I find it more easy to believe in than hiruzen worsening the conditions of the chuunin exams and the anbu, while it is never implied in canon.
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fineillsignup · 8 years ago
buddy i'm here to tell u what to ship. no i'm kidding. do you ever find it a little annoying when people try to compare team 10 leaving konoha almost against orders to find kakuzu and hidan, to sasuke defecting from the leaf and going to orochimaru? i feel like they're not really comparable, and they're not good examples of why konoha is bad. though a lot of sasuke fans call konoha bad for wanting him to stay while letting team 10 go after kakuzu and hidan, but the situations were different. -
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First off I’ve gotta say that I’ve never come across that particular pro-Sauce argument. I don’t subscribe to/follow that many pro-Sauce type blogs, and those that do are those that are good taggers and/or pro-Sauce but also not deluded about Kishimoto ruined Sauce by the end of the series. This is an effort to stay in my own lane because I tend to be 110% ready to throw down at any given time. It’s the reason I had to unsubscribe from #Naru//Hina. What I wanted: cute pictures and stuff of my #2 OTP. What I got: that, but also way way way too many sore winners. Yuck.
I digress. So. Point is, I’ll take your word for it that this is a common argument in Sauce’s defence.
I also agree the situations are not compatible.
1. As you said, while Itachi and Hidan/Kakuzu were both presumably enemies of Konoha, pursuing the Zombi Combi was a much more immediate, limited self-imposed mission. Shikamaru had a reasonable expectation of being able to find them in a specific area and within a very short period of time. It wasn’t a long-term defection.
2. What changed Tsunade from no to yes was that Kakashi, a jounin, offered to join to make a four-man cell. Konoha DID want to eliminate the Zombi Combi, and Tsunade’s objection to Team 10 going off by themselves was because she didn’t think that three chuunins had a hope in hell of beating two S-class missing nins. Once Kakashi joined, the situation was not comparable. They would still be underdogs, but success was at least possible.
3. As you said, Sauce was joining up with the Snake Bastard, an outright enemy of Konoha who had literally just been responsible for the deaths of half the Konoha forces. Let me repeat that. Oreo spearheaded Konoha Crush–it killed not only the Hokage, but half, half, HALF of the shinobi in Konoha. Imagine that half of the people at your job or school died, and someone whom you considered a friend went to become their killer’s disciple???? Konoha is actually extraordinarily lenient towards Sauce.
4. Sauce stated outright at this point that if he was able to kill Itachi with Oreo’s help, then he was fine with Oreo taking his body. So Sauce was willing to hand over his body, with its extremely powerful doujutsu, to a completely depraved monster who had already proved intent on destroying Konoha.
Now, I think that even before Sauce left Konoha, when he was making his decision, he already planned to destroy Oreo before going after Itachi. It only makes sense; Sauce knows that Oreo wasn’t as powerful as Itachi even BEFORE getting his arms sealed, so if Sauce would be strong enough to kill Itachi, he would have to be strong enough to kill Oreo as well.
But what he said was that he was fine with the deal as offered by Oreo. Shikamaru and Team 10 were not selling their abilities to any enemies of Konoha in exchange for defeating the Zombi Combi.
So, in conclusion, yeah, basically I agree. This is not a good example of how Konoha is bad. Don’t get me wrong, Konoha’s government and the shinobi system generally were awful. But in this particular instance it’s hard to disagree with them condemning one and approving the other. What needs criticizing is all the actions leading up to and following the Uchiha Massacre (Danzo and Hiruzen chiefly, Itachi somewhat, although his culpability is limited by his age and training); the stunning lapses with regard to Oreo by Hiruzen generally; the entire fucking concept of the Forest of Death, and the decision not to end the Chuunin Exams entirely when Oreo started nosing around; etc etc etc, I could go on.
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the-letter-horror-lover · 2 years ago
Stupid, annoying and admirable by Namikazee
Anime » Naruto Rated: T, Spanish, Friendship & Humor, Boruto U., Sarada U., Words: 1k+, Favs: 49, Follows: 23, Published: Nov 7, 2014
Disclaimer: The characters are exclusive to Kishimoto, but I borrowed them to make this story nn
A/N: I don't have much to say because I'll say everything below, but yes: In favor of the campaign "with voice and vote" because adding to favorites and not leaving a comment is " like touching my tit and running away ". A review is never too much if the story has made you smile.
stupid, annoying and admirable
Sarada Uchiha watched intently from her hiding place as this giddy blue-eyed blond was planning his next prank on the Seventh Hokage, Naruto Uzumaki, her own father.
He knew Boruto since they were in diapers and he always disliked him because of how noisy he was, not to mention that he hated him after he broke all his dolls. From then on, Boruto Uzumaki became the person he despised the most, but, as his father had once told him, he shouldn't waste time on idiots or else they would stick to him like a tick, just like he had with him. the stupid I had for a best friend. Following the advice of her father, Sarada ignored Boruto as he ignored her after he had accused her of being the one who stuck his head in the toilet at home and left him stuck there for hours (another piece of advice from her dad). They never spoke again unless it was a curt greeting as well as a farewell.
Boruto was so loud, obnoxious, stupid, capricious, irritating and... annoying . Boruto caused him so much annoyance .
Unfortunately, they were both the same age and therefore in the same class at the Academy. As if it wasn't enough to have to see him twice a week when his uncles went to his house every Monday and they went to dinner at the Hokage's mansion on Thursdays, she also had to see him in class; him and his stupidity for attention. However, Sarada was always curious about the boy, not because she had thatkind of interest that only dumb girls have for a boy, but because, in a way, she identified with Boruto. Seeing him there, trying to create some kind of liquid with the worst smells to throw at the Hokage, somehow getting back at him for not spending as much time as he wanted, reminded her of her and her attempts to attract her father's attention to no avail. Sasuke was always traveling from one place to another, fascinated to learn more about the world, while she had to stay at home with her mother and attend the academy to be an excellent ninja, to meet the expectations they had for her. That's why she was always studying and practicing in her free time, she wore those ridiculous clothes that her mother dressed her and she was condemned to wear those glasses that made her look duller than her clothes.
As different as they were, she could understand the boy's anxiety to attract his father's attention, be it with grades, attitude, or practical jokes that always ended up discovering and punishing him. And although she did everything to the contrary, from getting excellent grades, acting like a mature girl for her age or entertaining her father in everything, neither of the two children seemed to get what they wanted.
Boruto was kneeling on the ground and kept mixing quantities of liquids placed in bottles in a container while he laughed evilly and blurted out words, sometimes he spoke in a low voice and she couldn't hear, she was a few meters from him behind a tree and watching him carefully .
"With this the old man is going to find out!" —The boy exclaimed, getting up and running an arm across his forehead to wipe off the sweat —Only the secret ingredient is missing.
Sarada adjusted her glasses as her eyes widened with sheer curiosity and anxiety to know what that damn secret ingredient was.
"Take my pipi, dattebassa!"
The black-haired woman blushed when she saw the boy on his back peeing in the container and did not avoid letting out a gasp, which drew Boruto's gaze in her direction.
-Who's there? —Asked the blond looking through his shoulder towards a tree, but there was no one there —It must have been my imagination —he shrugged his shoulders and continued on his own while bursting out laughing —The old man is going to be pissed off! He will smell my pee for the rest of the day! Muahahaha!
Behind that tree, there was little Sarada with her hands over her mouth, her cheeks flushed, and well hidden so as not to be caught.
" That Boruto is an idiot" he thought adjusting his glasses again and decided to leave, it was simply disgusting to stay there and with that stupid man.
That afternoon she walked with her mother to the market to buy what was needed for dinner. She had preferred to stay and read one of the books that her father had given her, but her mother had kindly asked her to accompany her, and when she refused, she gave her that look warning her that if she didn't, she would. I would be sorry ugly. So without further ado, she had to leave her book on the bedside table and accompany her to the market.
"Honey, your father sent me a letter through a falcon," Sakura said brightly, holding a bag in her hand.
Sarada, who was walking with her eyes fixed and with a serious expression, looked at her mother with a certain emotion that she tried to hide.
"In three days," the pink-haired girl smiled, closing her eyes, "This time her trip lasted much longer, I hope she brings me something to remember."
“Otou-san always brings back memories, Oka-san, but you don't like them.
"No woman likes when her husband buys her kitchen supplies," Sakura replied with a frown and annoyance. "I would like something more like a dress, a hairdo or a simple yukata, something for myself." How inconsiderate is this man?
Sarada preferred to ignore her mother and continue walking while a drop fell on her head. It was better this way than for her to contradict her, that would be so stupid and sentence herself.
"Boruto, come here!" —A masculine shout attracted his attention like all the people who walked that street.
A little blond boy was seen running and jumping between rooftops with a foxy smile on his face as he was chased by the Hokage of Konoha, suspiciously covered in a strange dark green liquid and giving off a simply horrible odor so strong that some vomited, others fainted and few, like Sarada and her mother, covered their noses.
"That Boruto, he's just like his father," Sakura murmured with a drop on her head and a small smile. "Don't you think so, Sarada?" He looked at her daughter, but was surprised to see a small smile on her face.
Sarada watched the little blonde walk away quickly and in seconds he was caught by his father, giving him a terrible blow to the head followed by a shout of insults between them. I can't help but smile when I see that scene of father and son.
Boruto may be a loud, insufferable, stupid, capricious, irritating and... annoying child, but he couldn't deny (and would never admit it out loud) that he admired that idiot and his way of attracting his father's attention without caring about the punishments or that they didn't work out. He never gave up, and that helped him to have more courage to continue fighting for that attention that he so longed for from his father.
"Come on, oka-san. We have to prepare to welcome otou-san —a mischievous smile crossed her face, causing more doubts in her mother — This will get exciting, shannaro!
Well, I think like most of us who read the manga, we were left with a bittersweet taste after the end of the Naruto manga. For my part, I couldn't sleep last night just thinking about the manga coming out and so far I haven't been able to sleep a wink. I think I'm in something like a state of shock because I still can't believe that Naruto is over :c But we still have the movie left! I hope, in addition to seeing NaruHina (although this is already very confirmed), I spend some parts with SasuSaku, who is a CANNON couple. You don't know the joy I felt knowing this! It was so asjdasd I think if there were parts about them in the movie, after all in the epilogue (manga 700) Sasuke, Naruto and Sakura are 27 years old and in The last they will be 19 years old *-* The children are seven and asjdklasdnlsdasd My mind does not stop manufacturing doubts, answers, theories, hypotheses and others! In addition to the fact that neither of the two couples wasted time for nothing xd
Anyway, I loved Boruto and Sarada and I couldn't help but imagine that both of them would have a relationship like Sasuke and Naruto in the future, although also with a bit of romance (but this would be much later xd). I remembered in the manga that Sasuke admitted to watching Naruto since he was a child because of how he attracted attention despite being as lonely as him. Sarada says in a dialogue that Boruto reminds her of her in a certain part and she does not avoid relating it to the feeling that he has with making mischief so that Naruto pays attention to him. I thought the same about Sarada with her relationship with Sasuke, but she would be the complete opposite of Boruto.
Either I made my head with things that are not or I interpreted everything for shit, but anyway, I wanted to express my opinion because nobody around me reads the Naruto manga, they only watch the anime and they would hit me if I told them how it ends TT
Hope you like! Surely in the future I will do shot's on them nn
Greetings, ttebane!
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