‘we need to kill the uchiha clan because a coup would cause instability in the village and this would lead to other villages attacking us’ right right right ok and loosing a powerhouse clan that’s known as one of the strongest in the entire world wouldn’t cause other nations from taking advantage of your drop in power and invading? what kind of logic is that
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madatobi is like if a 13 year old white weeb had to adapt romeo & juliet for a school play but the only thing they watch is pewdiepie and joe rogan and they think the catcher in the rye is about freedom and individualism
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fans will see tobirama calling uchiha "possessed by evil" and showing his messed up ideas twoards them with hashirama and ensure they will be marginalized and be like "umm ok why madara is blaming him tho? it's his fault. sasuke is whiny too btw "
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Can you imagine being so enclosed inside your Western Culture that you'd rather think T*birama is a feminist icon for wearing "eyeliner", therefore, fighting against the "masculinity standard"; rather than realizing Kishimoto likely inspired his and Jiraiya's design on Kabuki Theater's representation of Samurai?

This is considered masculinity at its finest btw.
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These people have no shame anymore. They don't even try to hide their bigotry. And definitely not even tagging it properly.
This is a picture of Tobirama sitting on top of a bunch of skulls (of Uchihas, I believe) and Izuna's deadbody while holding a balance. No need to open the link if you don't want to. I was just looking for fanart on Izuna and had to see this. What is wrong with this people🤮
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probably controversial but im 90% sure my beef with the leaf stems from this guy:
because in my opinion, he embodies everything wrong with it. indifference. prejudice. a complete disinterest in people he doesn't seem savoury, or palatable.
unfortunately, i feel like the leaf as a whole is modelled on his image and not hashirama's.
#no tobirama#youre right and you should say it#except that hashirama didnt actually do anything to stop him#anti tobirama#i mean except tell ineffectively
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Pro Tobirama crowd: "We hate the Uchiha! He was right as the Uchiha were nothing more than savages that start coups!" 🤡
Pro Tobirama crowd: "But we ship him (Tobirama) with Madara and or Izuna because Madara and or Izuna needs to be tamed and redeemed!!!!!" 🤡
Need I say more? Why do people like this exist where you HAVE to protect your faves but hate on those with different opinions than yours? Is it because y'all need something to hate on? You realize it was Tobirama that made the system that shits on the Uchiha right? Moreover, the police Force isn't a valid excuse to say the Uchiha were in power when in reality they never were. Can we please grow the fuck up and read/watch the media y'all claim to "enjoy/like"? Because by y'all logic I just don't know anymore... Smh. Maybe one day you guys will exit this fannon mind set and appreciate the actual story...?
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#himawari be like: say sike rn#lol another problem that's never cited again but i guess kishimoto really did that
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Omg this is dope. that’s the one gal that ALWAYS answers my posts and then they come up with this shit. Ur anti me having opinions in peace, dear senju tobirama fan account, and ur way more aggressive than me who stays on my own blog bothering no one with my appropriate tags, despite ur “pro” etiquette. Does everything have to involve you or is it just... ur fucking ego?
Jesus Christ you block one and another one suddenly appears, it's a never ending cycle.
#sorry op i hijacked ur post#but this one is really fucking persistent#i have like 6 posts and she answered three of them
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ur persistent, aren’t u?
That’s Anko explaining the rules...
and that’s team 8 almost(?) killing another team. But yeah. Only in Kiri. The special thing about Kiri was that the whole point is to kill other concurrent, while in Konoha it’s to get the scroll to the right location. Killing authorized, though.
U know what people don't seem to understand about tobi? He's supposed to be a good guy. In canon at least, he's depicted as morally good and on the right side of the plot. And his stans defending him saying that the anti should rather focus on mad.ra who kidnapped a kid or ob.to killing his own clan... they're the bad guys. Canon acknowledges that and makes them villains.
The same doesn't happen with tob.rama while he's the base of the whole shinobi system. The one who created the academy, an institution that raises children into killers, the Chuunin Exam, and I hope I don't have to explain why that is wrong, the Uchiha police force and at the same time the ANBU, which literally nullifies the police force's existence, beyond the obvious morally wrong choice of restraining a whole clan to one job.
"But op, the academy is a positive thing, so child soldiers don't have to exist anymore! And people leaving the academy at 6 like k.kashi was only because of hiruzen! And the children killing each other during the chuunin exam too!" Okay first, 12 is still child soldiers except if I missed something, but dude he literally created the chuunin exams. The whole thing where twelve year olds kill each other. Second, the situation being worsened by hiruzen is your own headcanon, we literally do not know. Maybe it was, maybe it wasn't. Tob.rama was his teacher tho, doesn't that tell you something. This post talks about tob.rama and his students, btw.
"And what about hash.rama?! U guys never criticize him!" But tob.rama was literally the one who created the institution. Don't get me wrong here, I still don't appreciate hash.rama, but tob.rama was the one who made his dream into a concrete thing and build the administrative side of the village, which is the real problem in naruto (besides the positive portrayal of the whole thing. If canon was critical of this, I wouldn't be here). Hash.rama has to be criticized for letting his brother do everything he did (the fact that he did nothing to stop him could indirectly say that he agreed with what tobirama was doing, and with how canon is it is very likely that he did. But we also know that even if he disagreed, he is shown to cede to his brother s argument pretty quickly, with the first election for example) , I agree with that, and for never truly understanding the Uchiha and Mad.ra in particular, but he's not directly responsible for the village system like tob.rama is.
Finally the anbu's existence. The tactical ans assassination special brigade. So, just to remind you, the age limit is 13 and they pick younger kids that show predisposition to the job even before the Academy. Again, you could argue that it was worsened by hiruzen, but how likely is that? It was never implicated in canon, just like the chuunin exam. That's just your headcanon. However the limit between the police force's power and the Anbu's jurisdiction is clearly stated to be vague, creating conflicts between the two, as the anbu is supposed to deal with more delicate matters than the police force. And do I have to remind both were created by tob.rama, who notoriously never particularly like the Uchiha clan?
What a coincidence. And I find it more easy to believe in than hiruzen worsening the conditions of the chuunin exams and the anbu, while it is never implied in canon.
#man ur interacting so much with me it makes me happy 😘#keep them coming 🤗#u do seem to have something agaisnt the uchiha bro#u good?#is it the weird eyes?#they freaking u out?#don't worry bro they don't exist
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oh ffs, you again? ran out of ways to victimize your fave already? eh, at least it’s funny and gives me the pro side arguments to refute.
“ The Chuunin exams weren’t created for the sake of fighting and dying or whatever. Tf? Everyone can take these exams when he feels ready and strong enough.”
Remind what ninja do... fight and kill. And the purpose of the exam? to prepare the kids to become full-fledged ninja... huh.
“ ANBU’s job were assassination and spying for potential enemies. (‘more delicate things’ as you said). But it wasn’t for young people like Kakashi,Itachi,Shisui and Yamato “
“ None of the creations-Police Force,ANBU, are for the age of 13 or whatever. “
Here, from naruto pedia cuz im too lazy to look into the manga. Feel free to search, tho. “ Age, background, gender, or previous rank bear no significance in this decision; however, in tradition, Konohagakure shinobi are not selected as Anbu unless they are at least 13 years old, with an 11-year-old Itachi Uchiha being a rare exception.“ link riiiight awkward for u i guess
“ Tobirama may dislike them,but that doesn’t mean that he doesn’t trust them or straight up hating them “
Ur headcanon. When sasuke said he thought tobirama hated the uchiha (understandable seeing his first reaction to sasuke), tobirama said that was not entirely true. like ok. My guess is that he only hates thos who doesn’t suck up to the village. but at least u recognize he doesn’t like them! it’s a progress! congrats to u
“ He created the Police Force as a sign of respect and trust and to be on a higher ground, because they were co-founders as well and to be in an almost the same position as the Hokage. Kagami is an example”
and then, created the ANBU... that deals with that same tasks... and Uchiha have no power on ANBU? hmmm now that’s really weird don’t you think. Here, from narutopedia again: “ In Konoha, Anbu alongside the Konoha Military Police Force are the two forces that maintain peace. As such, there is no clear line what is the jurisdiction of the police, and what is the subject for investigation by the Anbu. At the discretion of the Hokage, the nature of the investigation would simply shift from one to the other, leading to the two factions clashing. Because Anbu are so vital to the village's operations, they cannot be arrested by the police without a warrant” the same page. now, that may be hard question, but do you know who created both the police force and the anbu? Tobirama! it’s so weird that they have conflicts of power 😐 really makes you wonder.
oh, and even IF he created the police force with ur... uh headcanon about his intentions in mind, it is not right to restrain. a whole ethnicity. to one job. I know, seems far-fetched. Imagine if all hispanic people were under obligation to be doctors. No, even better, if, for example, all policemen had to be white! Can you see why it is wrong? but u might say “but uchiha is not a race, like white or hispanic!” urgh what an awful sentence. first, biological races do not even exist in our world, it’s a social construct (not the point, but had to say it). But, and u might not believe it (dattebayo), the sharingan is a genetical advantage! which means races literally exist in naruto! i know, kishimoto really has a problem within his mind. So it does indeed work. But i can do other examples if u want: “the jews should only be merchants” (that was a thing from the middle age, that ain’t my specialty if someone wanna add something go for it lol) “the family next door should only be postmen.” honestly i really don’t know how u don’t see the problem. bah, when ur that deep stannin something i guess u ignore the bad sides.
“ Tobirama also never said that it’s ok for kids to graduate from the academy at the age 5-6 like Kakashi and more “
He never said it wasn’t, if u wanna play it like that. i never said he did, i really don’t know where ur getting at.
“ And that 'Tobirama was his teacher tho, doesn’t that tell you something". Tell what? TOBIRAMA trained Hiruzen as a KID.As a GENIN. “
HASHIRAMA trained him when Hiruzen was OLDER and not a genin anymore. Tobirama wasn’t his teacher then. Doesn’t that tell you something as well???
since huh, when. like, literally where did u come up with this. It says everywhere that both the first and the second hokage were his teachers, and the only visual evidence we have of that is the picture of the three students with tobirama and hashirama in the background and tobirama’s death where he is alone with the three students (plus kagami and company). like, we never see alive hashirama actually interacting with adult hiruzen... but maybe i’m wrong, i’d love to see the panel where that happens/is said. Tho it’s fucking amazing how y’all tobs stans can literally hate hashirama when he was on his brother’s side all the time. really doesn’t understand that dynamic, except if y’all hate ur family and feel victimized by them and want to project that onto tobs? an idea. and probably want to be saved by ur imaginary dark boyfriend the one and only madara. god i love interacting with u guys it always makes me burst out laughing. I ain’t condemnin! u do whatever u want. but goddamn is it funny.
“ The Chuunin exams and ANBU(especially the ANBU) were made harder,to add intensity in the anime and to 'show us’ how strong the characters are and to use it for dramatic effects like depress.on,kill.ng,the characters showing their darker sides. “
again, where does this come from? thats’ ur headcanon, sweetie. but prove me wrong, i’m always up for learning :)
“ Their fights against Orochimaru’s team and to bring Sasuke back was to show how they work as teammates and to add *more* darkness than before. “
I’m not talking about that, dear, i’m talking about team 8 pseudo-murdering an other team right off the bat during step 3 of the exam, murder being authorized and killing being acceptable. Do i have to find another way to put it or is it now clear for u.
“How tf is expected from Tobirama to know that Orochimaru and someone else will show up out of the blue, brainwashing kids for power left and right?!? TF?!?
Same with the ANBU. How tf is expected from Tobirama to know that Kakashi,Itachi, Shisui and Yamato will join at that young age?!? TF?!?
He wouldn’t have allowed it. But it happed.”
One; Murder. is. Authorized. during the chuunin exams. Idc about orochimaru. Two: anbu is open to 13 year-old kids. Kakashi was the right age, itachi was an exception and yamato was in root. I don’t remember shisuin joining anbu at an exceptional age/ it never said. Three: the fact that he wouldn’t have allowed is ur headcanon. He would and he had authorize 13 year old kids to join anbu. Why would u think he wouldn’t while it was the case during hiruzen’s reign and it never said hiruzen worsened the rules? oh right, i know why :). because u built ur fave’s characterization from fanfics and then attack people because u project so much on him u feel attacked when people critisize him. a 2D character. It’s not that important, u know, no need to get that angry, it’s not good.
“ Stop blaming Tobirama for EVERY SINGLE THING that happened in the WHOLE ANIME just because of whatever is y'all’s excuse. “
Nah 🥰
Y'all are babying and excising the Uchiha clan WHILE THEY ARE VERY FAR FROM INNOCENT and blaming Tobirama. Tf?!?
Dude i don’t particularly like the uchiha... i mean they’re the center of the manga, kinda, but i don’t “stan” them. i just think they were mistreated and that honeslty kishimoto’s morals are fucked up. In the manga, i just like the worldbuilding and the whole ninja society thing, but ok. Tho ur right, a lot of them did awful things. Sasuke on a lower level, obito and madara much worse. And it’s acknowledged. U just have a problem with people criticizing tobirama. calm down, i assure u it’s not that important. The climate is fucked up, politicians are corrupted, little children are dying from hunger. breathe a little, ull be fine.
Logic? ZERO.
Now that’s just mean 😥
U know what people don't seem to understand about tobi? He's supposed to be a good guy. In canon at least, he's depicted as morally good and on the right side of the plot. And his stans defending him saying that the anti should rather focus on mad.ra who kidnapped a kid or ob.to killing his own clan... they're the bad guys. Canon acknowledges that and makes them villains.
The same doesn't happen with tob.rama while he's the base of the whole shinobi system. The one who created the academy, an institution that raises children into killers, the Chuunin Exam, and I hope I don't have to explain why that is wrong, the Uchiha police force and at the same time the ANBU, which literally nullifies the police force's existence, beyond the obvious morally wrong choice of restraining a whole clan to one job.
"But op, the academy is a positive thing, so child soldiers don't have to exist anymore! And people leaving the academy at 6 like k.kashi was only because of hiruzen! And the children killing each other during the chuunin exam too!" Okay first, 12 is still child soldiers except if I missed something, but dude he literally created the chuunin exams. The whole thing where twelve year olds kill each other. Second, the situation being worsened by hiruzen is your own headcanon, we literally do not know. Maybe it was, maybe it wasn't. Tob.rama was his teacher tho, doesn't that tell you something. This post talks about tob.rama and his students, btw.
"And what about hash.rama?! U guys never criticize him!" But tob.rama was literally the one who created the institution. Don't get me wrong here, I still don't appreciate hash.rama, but tob.rama was the one who made his dream into a concrete thing and build the administrative side of the village, which is the real problem in naruto (besides the positive portrayal of the whole thing. If canon was critical of this, I wouldn't be here). Hash.rama has to be criticized for letting his brother do everything he did (the fact that he did nothing to stop him could indirectly say that he agreed with what tobirama was doing, and with how canon is it is very likely that he did. But we also know that even if he disagreed, he is shown to cede to his brother s argument pretty quickly, with the first election for example) , I agree with that, and for never truly understanding the Uchiha and Mad.ra in particular, but he's not directly responsible for the village system like tob.rama is.
Finally the anbu's existence. The tactical ans assassination special brigade. So, just to remind you, the age limit is 13 and they pick younger kids that show predisposition to the job even before the Academy. Again, you could argue that it was worsened by hiruzen, but how likely is that? It was never implicated in canon, just like the chuunin exam. That's just your headcanon. However the limit between the police force's power and the Anbu's jurisdiction is clearly stated to be vague, creating conflicts between the two, as the anbu is supposed to deal with more delicate matters than the police force. And do I have to remind both were created by tob.rama, who notoriously never particularly like the Uchiha clan?
What a coincidence. And I find it more easy to believe in than hiruzen worsening the conditions of the chuunin exams and the anbu, while it is never implied in canon.
#i had a lot of fun#being absent from tumblr for a few weeks and coming back to this is absolutely hilarious#tobirama#hashirama#gurl u spend more time on my blog than me 😭#anti tobirama#i added that tag just for u 😍#since apparently it's ur favorite#long post#HELLA long post
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U know what people don't seem to understand about tobi? He's supposed to be a good guy. In canon at least, he's depicted as morally good and on the right side of the plot. And his stans defending him saying that the anti should rather focus on mad.ra who kidnapped a kid or ob.to killing his own clan... they're the bad guys. Canon acknowledges that and makes them villains.
The same doesn't happen with tob.rama while he's the base of the whole shinobi system. The one who created the academy, an institution that raises children into killers, the Chuunin Exam, and I hope I don't have to explain why that is wrong, the Uchiha police force and at the same time the ANBU, which literally nullifies the police force's existence, beyond the obvious morally wrong choice of restraining a whole clan to one job.
"But op, the academy is a positive thing, so child soldiers don't have to exist anymore! And people leaving the academy at 6 like k.kashi was only because of hiruzen! And the children killing each other during the chuunin exam too!" Okay first, 12 is still child soldiers except if I missed something, but dude he literally created the chuunin exams. The whole thing where twelve year olds kill each other. Second, the situation being worsened by hiruzen is your own headcanon, we literally do not know. Maybe it was, maybe it wasn't. Tob.rama was his teacher tho, doesn't that tell you something. This post talks about tob.rama and his students, btw.
"And what about hash.rama?! U guys never criticize him!" But tob.rama was literally the one who created the institution. Don't get me wrong here, I still don't appreciate hash.rama, but tob.rama was the one who made his dream into a concrete thing and build the administrative side of the village, which is the real problem in naruto (besides the positive portrayal of the whole thing. If canon was critical of this, I wouldn't be here). Hash.rama has to be criticized for letting his brother do everything he did (the fact that he did nothing to stop him could indirectly say that he agreed with what tobirama was doing, and with how canon is it is very likely that he did. But we also know that even if he disagreed, he is shown to cede to his brother s argument pretty quickly, with the first election for example) , I agree with that, and for never truly understanding the Uchiha and Mad.ra in particular, but he's not directly responsible for the village system like tob.rama is.
Finally the anbu's existence. The tactical ans assassination special brigade. So, just to remind you, the age limit is 13 and they pick younger kids that show predisposition to the job even before the Academy. Again, you could argue that it was worsened by hiruzen, but how likely is that? It was never implicated in canon, just like the chuunin exam. That's just your headcanon. However the limit between the police force's power and the Anbu's jurisdiction is clearly stated to be vague, creating conflicts between the two, as the anbu is supposed to deal with more delicate matters than the police force. And do I have to remind both were created by tob.rama, who notoriously never particularly like the Uchiha clan?
What a coincidence. And I find it more easy to believe in than hiruzen worsening the conditions of the chuunin exams and the anbu, while it is never implied in canon.
#anti tobirama#and for the last time if u dont wanna see those post block the freaking tag#anti konoha#anti naruto#anti kishimoto#anti hashirama#anti hokage#anti hiruzen#anti minato#anti naruto fandom#anti tobirama fandom
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Tobirama and his students
One thing I often see in how tobirama is characterized in fanfics is how fatherly and pedagogical he is, supposedly based on how he sacrificed himself for his students. The whole sacrifice thing assumed to be a show of love.
Well let's debunk this my friends.
First, let's see what his students became. Hiruzen became the Hokage and Homura and Koharu his advisors, isn't that great? Because yes, danzou kagami and torifu weren't his students and just accompanied team tobirama on the cloud mission, even if people tend to forget that. Further dispelling of the "tob.rama had an Uchiha friend, his name is kagami and he's not like the other uchiha". But let's go back to the original three. I think you can guess their biggest achievement: They instigated the Uchiha massacre all together! Because that's the power of friendship ❤ tobirama raised them well. The fact that he transmitted so much of his prejudice to his students that the only solution they found to the Uchiha clan's dissatisfaction was to massacre them and put the blame on a 13 year old really says something about what kind of teacher he was. The awful elders everyone hates... they're all his students. He raised them presumably from 12 to 25 or something. Doesn't that make you wonder about what kind of man he was?
Second. Why did he sacrifice himself? The greatest illusion is to think he did it for affection for his students. That he's a big softie inside the cold hard shell he shows to the world. But do you remember what he said?

Tobirama is a fervent believer in the Will of Fire, and he sacrifices himself for his ideology, for the future of the village rather than for his loved ones. The village before everything else, after all, even his own life. Just like he expects everyone else to sacrifice everything for the village, and deems them as evil if they don't. Maybe he loved them too, who knows. But the only proof of that is a photo from the first arc of the manga where tobirama lays his hand on hiruzen's head while the other two are scowling. I guess it's an interpretation like another.
Oh and I don't have to remind he literally said "hiruzen, you are hokage" despite forcing the first hokage election and preventing madara to become the hokage. No I don't. But kishimoto doesn't care about parallels that could damage the village's image.
#anti tobirama#anti hiruzen#anti naruto#i am once again specifying that i dont focus my dislike one the fictional character but on its creator#kishimoto#who chose to portray him in a positive way despite the literal mountains of clues telling us hes a piece of shit#anti kishimoto
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itachi isn’t an “ends justify the means” character, his “means” are directly contradictory to the ends he hopes to achieve, which is a nonviolent and stable world. not only does he massacre civilians, but he drives the sole survivor besides him to the brink of insanity, and fails to see where he went wrong well into his twenties. his alternative solution is literally that he should’ve made sasuke talk to the uchiha to stop the coup. seven year old sasuke. like come on, it’s ridiculous.
itachi would be best handled as a walter white type character - at some point, someone really needed to directly point out to him that his “this is for sasuke” justification is completely flimsy, just like walt’s “this is for my family” justification was bullshit. you can’t claim to love sasuke more than the village when you attempted to brainwash him to serve said village, knowing it was still partially run by a guy that wanted to kill sasuke as a child lol
#the pro itachi in the notes really shows how people lose their critical thinking once they start stanning#like of course he was a victim but it was HIS PORTRAYAL in canon that was a mistake#he should have never been pictured as a hero
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the way these little kids are like haha yeah we love murder we'll do it to pass thr ninja SATs and when pain shows up a few arcs later like "your entire economy is dependent on constant warfare/militarism and that's fundamentally warped your morality and made you all complicit in the suffering of others" they're like

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Every time I watched Naruto, I always felt that it had a very weird tendency to glorify fratricide, parenticide, filicide, amicicide, and any form of murder that involves the killing of one's family and/or close friends. And it's not just in the original manga: it's also in novels, movies, heck, even fillers!
By their logic, your 'comrades' and family are the most precious people to you, but only as long as they abide by the Hokage's wishes and serve the village. If they decide to turn against the village, they're suddenly the "worst type of scum" on Earth. Wtf.
Personally, I wouldn't feel very safe in a village where I could be killed any minute (by my own family member/friend no less!) if I were to do something that displeased the higher-ups. It would be like living in constant fear!
(Also, I find it very fucked up but at the same time kinda funny that Naruto promised in Shippuden that he'd bring Sasuke back to the village no matter what (without killing him), but now in Boruto, he's completely fine with killing HIS OWN SON!)

This whole "I'll save you from yourself/I'll save the old you by killing the current you"; "I'll set you free by killing you"; "I'll protect you/the village by killing you" is just fucking weird. No, it's not endearing, it's not cute, it's not touching, it's just messed up.
#aaand there you go naruto turned into vote hashirama#i thought the whole point of his character was to be better than his previous reincarnation#guess i was wrong#always the state before the citizen#citizen's needs#citizen's families#kishimoto ur nationalism is showing
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Sasuke: what I'm after...is revolution
Naruto: well what do you plan to do after that? I recently took an intro to history of capitalism class in college so I'm feeling very above it all right now
Sasuke: well you see, I'm actually your foil and am not allowed to articulate a plan beyond this because it might make you look even stupider than you already do. So, what do you plan to do
Naruto: well, I'm thinking that first, I'll hire Orochimaru. Let him do a little baby experimenting, for old time's sake
Sasuke: what
Naruto: one day you will have a daughter, the only heir and hope for the Uchiha clan, and these clones he made will try to kill her. Orochimaru is such a chill guy though, I'll just let it go
Sasuke: what
Naruto: of course, this village was planning to murder you for leaving for Orochimaru when you were a little kid, and I was down to chase you even after you killed Orochimaru and freed all his prisoners, but now that he's useful to us we love him. I'm gonna invite him to me and Hinata's wedding. Speaking of people who ruined your life that I inexplicably love, remember Obito, the dude that helped slaughter your clan? He is the coolest guy!
Sasuke: what
Naruto: yeah, yeah, we're best friends now! I actually actively stopped you from killing him, remember? Luckily, since I have brainwashing powers from being the protagonist, this decision will have zero consequences whatsoever! No more murder for obito now that we're buddies 💖
Sasuke: ok well -
Naruto: oh and I almost forgot, my protagonist brainwashing powers also make it so all the bijuus naturally want to be with me, so I naturally have access to the worlds entire nuclear arsenal! The other nations are okay with it because I am a god. Well rain might not be okay with it since we fucked them up, but they're not relevant since nagato killed himself, and as if I'm ever bringing the smaller nations to the table! Also it's true that some of the bijuus, like shukaku, might be directly responsible for a little serial murder, but Sasuke you YELLED about WANTING to kill people during a mental breakdown. Which is way worse.
Sasuke: I-
Naruto: I almost forgot to tell you! You know the Uchiha Massacre? The greatest tragedy of your life? The event in which your clan planned to oust a government of 4 obviously evil people after they segregated, monitored, threatened, and killed their best warrior? That event? I'm covering it up and putting it under restricted files!
Naruto: Because it was awesome, that's why! Itachi is almost as much of a coolest guy as Obito. Also, he said he wanted it to be covered up, and I'm sure having the massacre of his entire society at age 13 pinned on him didn't give him any deep seated mental issues or anything. What he did was totally heroic. In fact, if I ever get a little uprising in my own village, who knows. Might just murk them all.
Naruto: oh and Itachi said he wanted to brainwash you. Like, way before you even considered attacking the leaf village. I think that's awesome. I wish he'd brainwash me too 😝
Naruto: Also, being a dictator is bad Sasuke! You should try being more like me, the Chosen Prophecy Child Christ King of the Moon, and maybe everyone would somehow naturally, of their own free will, want you to have unlimited power and control over them, run the most powerful country on earth that happens to possess unofficial authority over the other countries, and never be questioned in my decisions ever.
Sasuke:....*kills him*
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