#kipper consciousness
carinasibila · 2 months
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PICK A CARD General Reading (July 22-28)
Disclaimer: Only take what resonates and leave the rest behind. I am only posting this reading on profiles I’ve listed on my Linktree (https://linktr.ee/carinasibila) – all other profiles that might post it are fake. Decks used in this reading: Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot Blue Bird Lenormand* Original Kipper Cards** PILE 1 King of Wands, Child*, Message** Back of the deck: II of Pentacles This week, you should consciously indulge in your childlike sense of wonder and innocence (more than usual), despite the fact that you have to take care of important matters this week and are thus little inclined to do so. The cards emphasize that this sense of wonder and innocence will provide the key to taking care of/solving the matters you’re preoccupied with. PILE 2 VI of Swords, Key*, Wealthy Man** Back of the deck: Ace of Pentacles The cards show that you might get to talk to someone in an important position this week who will gladly support you on your journey towards abundance and prosperity. Most likely, they’ll be willing to open doors for you that would otherwise have remained closed. However, make sure to put in the work, as you won’t be handed anything “on a silver platter.” PILE 3 VII of Pentacles, Book*, Distant Horizons** Back of the deck: Temperance The cards reveal that this an auspicious week for you: you’ll encounter opportunities/chances to make your hard work pay off in major ways. However, for this to happen, you’ll only need to employ a careful balance of thinking inside and outside the box at the right moments. Both (book) knowledge as well as a more ‘esoteric’ mindset will be needed to harvest the sweet fruits of success.
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sudriantraveler · 2 years
Scary Jack Frost
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Ok, so as many of us know, railroading in the snow sucks! On top of that, recently I’ve been thinking a bit about locomotive folklore, and I think I’ve come up with a sufficiently intimidating idea for the locomotive version of “Scary Jack Frost”.
A giant rotary snowplow with a gaping maw of long jagged icicles, and a tender full of snow. From its funnel belches not smoke or steam, but storm clouds for a massive blizzard which trails in its wake.
This depiction is not worldwide. It is most commonly associated with engines in the United States and Canada, particularly on lines such as the Colorado narrow gauge railroads which deal with particularly aggressive winters in which there have been many major struggles against the snow throughout history. This version of Jack Frost is by no means only found within North America however, a similar version can also be found in Scandinavia, Russia, and even in Scotland, as well as pretty much anywhere else where the winter months are often particularly brutal.
Scotland is somewhat of an outlier from the rest of the UKs railways, whose engines generally describe a somewhat tamer in appearance but still respected/widely feared interpretation of Jack Frost. This interpretation is a snow-white engine with a face surrounded by spikey icicles. Often it is said that their mouth contains icicle teeth as well. This is thought to be something carried over from the rotary snowplow interpretation described previously.
Incidentally, the subject of the Thomas and Friends episode Jack Frost did happen on Sodor, albeit with several differences from its TV adaptation (James’ terror was much more than Alec Baldwin’s narration implies for one thing).
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While visual interpretations are different, the powers and abilities Jack Frost is credited with usually remain the same (though there is occasionally still some variation). As well as creating blizzards, they are said to leave behind a trail of ice, making rails slippery and freezing points and signaling equipment. Their whistle is often associated with cold howling winds, and their headlamp, far from being a source of a warm glow, brings a biting chill which is said to leave a coating of frost on anything its cold light touches as well as freeze diesel locomotive’s fuel and extinguish steam locomotive’s fireboxes.
Personality-wise the locomotive version of Jack Frost runs the gauntlet from being a sinister force to a troublesome mischief-maker to even occasionally a heroic figure, in which case they might freeze points to divert engines away from avalanches or other hazards or, in an act that is seemingly in contradiction with the rest of their description, protect engines left out in the cold from the worst of the winter weather. The latter interpretation is the most uncommon amongst locomotives however, with the most common interpretations generally being considered bad news for any engines to encounter.
As a final note, the previously mentioned incident with Percy and James is not the only notable time the subject of Jack Frost has come up on Sodor. Henry claims that after his Kipper wreck, as he was fading in and out of consciousness waiting for help to arrive, he could’ve sworn he saw a snow-white silhouette of something like an engine in the distance on the tracks ahead. He claims the figure disappeared shortly before the breakdown gang arrived, seemingly vanishing into a flurry of snowflakes.
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trainalt22 · 8 months
1954 was a significant year for the Northwestern Railway. The Fat Controller announced his retirement at the end of the year's busy season, which was indeed busy as the last months of winter brought heavy snowfall and made travel difficult across the island.
Thomas, who worked in Farrqaur, did not like how his snowplow squeezed his frames. One morning, while on his train down to the junction station, he sneaked off with his train before anyone realized and got stuck in a snowdrift just past Hackenbeck. Fortunately, a kind tractor pulled him out, and he was able to make his connection.
Henry was trailing Welsh coal, and he was feeling stronger than before. He was taken off light duty and given night trains, a task he enjoyed immensely. One of his favorites was the Flying Kipper, where he would run nonstop once a month deep into the mainland. But the bad weather made travel difficult for Henry, and he was working twice as hard while still being partly defective. However, he gave it his all.
One night in February, calamity struck. Snow weighed a signal down onto the green position, and the line wasn't clear. Henry was going at full speed through the winter night when he saw a tail lamp through the snow. He slammed his brakes, and his crew jumped free at the last second. He careened into a freight train, coming off the rails and landing on his side hard. He was badly damaged and soon lost consciousness.
He awoke to Sir Topham calling his name, but he was in far too much pain to respond. Sir Topham saw how much Henry was trying to make up for his misgivings at the start of his career, so Topham called in a favor to have Henry rebuilt using a method called reforging. Reforging was becoming more popular in the engine works around England, and it was the same process they used on Thomas to save his life.
Henry was sent away to Crewe to be reforged. With Henry gone and James still in the works, the NWR was in trouble. Workloads across the island increased, and some private companies loaned their engines to the NWR. The Tidmouth Harbor board loaned almost all of their dockyard tank engines to help arrange trains, but that was the issue. None of the engines loaned were tender engines, only tank engines. So Topham had to get crafty and set out trains double or sometimes triple-headed by his new fleet.
The work was hard, but by May of 1954, James returned from the works in a brand new NWR inverted livery. He was red with blue stripes, and to say he stood out was an understatement. He would brag about his paint relentlessly but would help alleviate the stress on tank engines.
By July, things were returning to a semblance of normalcy. Gordon had extra coaches attached to his express, but he didn't let that slow him down. He made all his stops on time, laser-focused, barely talking to anyone, and pushing himself further and further.
By September, the busy season was over, and Sir Topham Hatt retired, passing control to his son Charles Hatt. There was a massive farewell party at Tidmouth Station where the entire NWR fleet gathered to say their goodbyes.
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yogitarot · 5 years
Kipper Meditation Card # 8 (Falsche Person): Magha Nakshatra
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Card 8, the "Falsche Person" Kipper card in its essence is the sudden realization of something about someone or something is wrong, that something is "not quite right," the beginning of realizing that something or someone is not what it seems.
Falsche Person or False Person in English, corresponds to the 8th nakshatra as per Tropical Sideral Astrology. Ketu is the planet/ celestial body associated with Magha as Magha is one of three nakshatras is described by the ancients as " acting like Ketu" ( nakshatra # 26 Aswhwini and nakshatra #17 Mula are said to act like Ketu as well). Magha is found at mid Leo in accordance to the Tropical Sideral Zodiac. Magha's deity is the Pitris, or the "divine ancestors." The Shakti power of Magha is "the power to leave the body" as in the power to temporarily leave the body and receive information from the divine, hence the name "False Person" as in the "person" really is not in their body at the moment.
The following article helps describe Magha Nakshatra in accordance to Vedic astrology. Holisticastrologychannel.glogspopt.com uses the Eastern Sidereal zodiac which puts Magha at the 10th nakshatra. Tropical/ Western and Eastern Sideral Astrology differ only in the measuring of the established coordinated of the fixed stars according to Vedic astrology, and are otherwise unified in describing the overall function and nature of the nakshatras of Vedic Astrology.
Kipper cards are a useful way to learn the Nakshatra systems intrinsic to many of the natural health systems found in Vedic Culture and philosophy. It is hoped that this brief article is helpful in studying about Kipper Card Number 8 and Magha nakshatra.
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fuesch · 2 years
She recast Pietro! or How Ralph Came Into Existence
Remember how Wanda had threatened "Pietro" that "If I see any funny business, I'm going to magic you into a pickled herring." and for about a week after the Bohner reveal I thought I only had a crack theory, but it's actually started to make sense, as the show is so meta. Let me present my favorite theory:
Let's start with the pickled herring. "Pickling is the process of preserving or extending the shelf life of food by either anaerobic fermentation in brine or immersion in vinegar."
"There is no fish species "red herring", rather it is a name given to a particularly strong kipper, made with fish (typically herring) that has been strongly cured in brine or heavily smoked."
There was funny business (well, more like he pissed her off with an insensitive comment) and as a result (though who knows if she did it consciously) she turned "Pietro" into a Bohner-shaped red herring! Yeah, she did recast Pietro! Which is why Mr. Bohner seems to be an actor, judging by the headshot with his name on it. Wanda thought of him as an impostor - it's sort of the same thing as an actor.
The last name might be her considering him a dick.
These things might have been consciously done by Wanda, but she didn't know "Pietro" was being controlled by Agatha. That connection between the latter two will have prompted the Hex to turn him into Agatha's husband, Ralph.
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allofthefeelings · 6 years
Someone commented something on one of my Jewish MCU headcanon posts a few weeks ago, and I’ve been thinking about it and finally felt ready to reply, but I can’t find it now (or even which of the posts it was on), so it’s getting its own post.
Their comment was something about how maybe the character (I thought it was Peter Parker, but I may be misremembering- I have done a LOT of Jewish headcanon posts) isn’t Orthodox, so he wouldn’t celebrate Shabbat so he could still fight crime then.
And it tied in, in my head (although probably not that person’s intent!) to a lot of discussions I’ve seen on Jumblr the past few months, which equate how traditionally observant you are with how observant you are full stop. And as a Reform Jew, on the more secular side, these conversations have been hitting me harder than I’d expected.
I don’t do a lot of things that people consider “really Jewish.” I don’t follow rules of modesty, I rarely if ever go to synagogue (I technically don’t have one, because I quit my parents’ when the Rabbi made comments about Israel I disagreed with and haven’t yet found a new one), I don’t speak Hebrew and can only read it phonetically, I spend most of Friday night and Saturday screwing around on the internet or shopping for comics, and I enjoy a good meat lasagna sometimes.
But some other stuff about me: I went to a Jewish preschool, attended Hebrew school twice a week until I was in ninth grade, got Bat Mitzvahed and Confirmed. My mom was president of the Temple Sisterhood for years. I buy challah every week and keep Kosher for Passover and when I accidentally ate a bite of pork I was so horrified I made myself sick. My family’s important gatherings are Pesach and Rosh Hashanah. My grandma lived in a Jewish neighborhood (which I live in now) all her life, and interspersed Yiddish phrases into conversations that I didn’t realize weren’t “regular English” for years (but until the day she died she pronounced the holiday “Yum Kipper”). My dad’s program is at our local JCC. I have prayer books that I read when I need to re-center myself. I’ve gone to enthusiastic Torah study and felt incredibly myself in a room full of people passionately picking apart a story using their very selves as the tools to dig deeper. When things in my life got bad, I have talked to rabbis to get a deeper sense of how Judaism impacts my life in addition to talking to therapists. I use lights and electronics Friday evening into Saturday, and I’ll do fun stuff like attend comic cons and hard stuff like take care of my dad, but I try not to do work for my job because the idea of taking time to heal so you can fix the world the rest of the time is embedded in my bones. The way I was raised prioritized learning and asking questions and helping others in a way that my family never hesitated to tell me was rooted in our religion.
And even if none of these things were true, my Judaism would still matter to me and influence how I live my life.
Observance isn’t a switch you can flick on and off, or even a light with a dimmer. It’s not a question of being more or less Jewish. It’s an amalgamation of years of upbringing and education and history and belief and priorities. (I can’t think of a clearer way to say this, but I am emphatically not saying that Jews by choice are not observant; I am saying every Jewish person’s upbringing is part of what led them to the form of Judaism they choose to embrace.) Orthodox and Conservative and Reform and Reconstructionist Jews give different aspects of the religion different weights. That doesn’t make any more religious or more observant. That doesn’t make any belief less sincere or deeply-felt or likely to strongly influence behavior, whether that means giving to charities or going to protest marches or putting on a mask and fighting street-level supervillains.
So- back to the original question, which maybe wasn’t even a question; it could have just been a throwaway statement that I couldn’t get out of the back of my mind.
I welcome anyone who reads my headcanons to read Peter or Pepper or Natasha or Coulson or Jess or Bucky or ANY OTHER CHARACTER, any way you please. I’m Reform, and my understanding of Judaism is through that lens- including observing Shabbat and knowing Jewish holidays and attending youth group and keeping Kosher. I do some minimal Wikipedia-ing to make sure my memory’s accurate, but what you’re seeing is the result of a Reform Jewish education.
That said, if any of these characters being frum brings you joy, and what I wrote let you see that, by all means read them that way. They’re certainly not mine, and the MCU in particular is a pretty big sandbox for all of us. I’m not at all saying that, if these characters are Jewish, they’re Jewish exactly like me.
Just don’t assume that being actively, consciously Jewish means you can’t be Reform or Reconstructionist. I have many, many role models in my life who prove that is emphatically not the case.
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uutpoetry · 7 years
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An Account of Charles Laughton Torturing Laurence Olivier, As Told By Peter Ustinov
B.T. Joy
I am being haunted by the face and crooked arm of Sal Mineo. Those, and the head and shoulders of Otho, Emperor of Rome, are treating, each in revolution, my bed as though it were the dinner plate flat earth that exists in the minds and memories of the adherents of Boko Haram. These two peripatetic stars rising from behind my right eye; setting behind my left and doing something fabulous beneath the mattress springs, wheels and old oose; something miraculous, like allegoric deities with tails or monkey hands bailing water from the ceiling-upside-down of the solar barge of Ra. The silence between the Hotpoint cycles are angels with itchy feet; all longing not for space but for the places of dreams that require no stations they lie narcotic— pulling buddha expressions like shelling peas— and ask questions like: Why has Ang Lee’s filmography inspired so many violently beautiful pornographic parodies? Why does the Surprise Me button not surprise me and I’m Feeling Lucky make me weep? Why should I go outside when I know it’s raining and for me the sound is far better than the feel?
Then the things of the soul like a real bird rubbing beaks with one reflected in the blue tiles she’s flown towards and settled by above the warm, bashed brass and other bric-a-brac (carpets, swords, beads, geodes and the teeth of sharks) around the antiquary’s shop in Greece uphill and wind from the blue and black rock-bash-sea and in a lee of other walls and doors, and in the awnings cool and shade beneath that apeshit bird ticking its wings like a mechanised bomb— rocking, dipping, dashing at the the tiles— while tourists unconfident that they could spell verbose ascend with the bodies they love; blue and red and yellow flannel tossed on broad shoulders; Speedos yellow and red and blue. Peoples metabolisms mean they may need extra building blocks and I think that’s trippy in a way: The soul is made of appetites we didn’t consciously select. Today I wandered across the iron bridge like a refugee from a Norwegian realist play dissecting— as though it were a bull’s heart cold on a cold steel tray— the word bilateral. In my view a word is a package that can never fit the goods. A two-sided thing has a hundred million sides.
The small, light aircraft of Burbank, California, are flying over the mountainous lots around the San Fernando Valley like the shallow braille around the nipple of a girl who’s laying on one hipbone to see better what lies— on one hipbone or on its spine— on the bed beside her. On one hipbone they watch the planes (the Roman centurions; the Frankensteins; the blue collars;   the cops and drunks and Cleopatras all in matching Ray-Bans like spectators at a noon eclipse) sipping from highball glasses with their hi-res lips; futuring so badly like confetti does. Charles Laughton was all blinks and mouth. Laurence Olivier was all chin and tongue. Strange how so much wit solidifies into nothing much— something stand in— synecdoche: a pink kipper tie and a handlebar moustache; a single shortcoming like a portable lung. A mimic, not a teller but a story. Sophocles was thirty years younger than Aeschylus and fifteen years older than Euripides. As a boy, he was famous for his good looks. He would appear naked at music festivals; carrying a lyre and his hair in garlands.     It’s the thing so many don’t know about the life to come: how it shuts the gate on so much we were that didn’t travel well.    
art by /|\
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wyrd66 · 7 years
Some Magic Stuff
Gonna talk about my magic system for my Fantasy Thing some more. I realize that I write very little about this world, but uh, oh well! Cliff Notes version of my magic system: There are two types, runic and innate. Runic is symbol-based, so all spellwork is written, and anyone can learn it in the same way anyone can learn higher mathematics or physics. It can be cast as fast as you can write the symbols, and some mages will tattoo the runes on themselves to speed things up. Innate is genetic and can only be learned by those born with the ability, has a much wider variety of spells to work with, can be cast as fast as thought, and uses three times as much energy as runic magic does.
So because I am amazingly pedantic, I’ve decided that in-universe scholars created a power scale to measure a mage’s strength. It can be useful to know for a variety of reasons, such as if two people are dueling, it’s a really good idea to make sure they’re around the same power level. This scale goes from 1 to 10, and is mostly aimed at innates, since all runics are either level three or four.
How it is tested, I am not clear on yet. I just know that (most) mages are tested at some point in their lives. It’s best to test innates multiple times, as the more powerful ones may not be finished growing into their power until their mid-thirties. (Eg. Someone who was Level 3 at eighteen might be bumped up to 4 or maybe even 5 at thirty-five.)
More under cut, to not clutter dashboards!
LEVEL 1: Levels 1 and 2 mages don’t get to use the title Magus, instead they’re called “Gifted”. Level 1 mages can use magic, but they cannot actively cast, and they cannot use it consciously. The most common type of Gifted is the Finder, who can locate any object that their particular gift is tied to. (An example is someone who can Find objects made of nickel, or that are smaller than a book, or that was given to them by a friend, etc.) Level 1 magic is considered “internal”, as it only affects the user.
LEVEL 2: There isn’t a whole lot of difference between Levels 1 and 2, other than all shapeshifters are considered Level 2 mages.
LEVEL 3: Level 3 mages and higher are able to actually cast spells, and get to use the title Magus. All runic mages start out at Level 3, and the vast, vast majority remain here their entire lives.
LEVEL 4: Runic mages who cast regularly for years and keep themselves in good shape physically and mentally may be able to upgrade themselves to Level 4. They are then considered masters of runic magic. This is the highest power level a runic mage can obtain. Also, 70% of innates are Level 4 or below.
LEVELS 5 AND 6: It’s unusual to find mages mages at these levels, but not unheard of.
LEVELS 7 AND 8: We’re in the “quite rare” section. I should note that this is not a linear scale, but an exponential one. A Level 8 mage isn’t twice as powerful as a Level 4 one; they are four times as powerful. Generally if a runic fights an innate the best way to win is to wait for the innate to simply run out of juice first. Once we hit these levels, that’s not going to happen. They’ve got juice to spare.
LEVELS 9 AND 10: We’re in the “practically mythical” and “terrifyingly powerful” section. The scale tops out at 10. A Level 10 mage is probably born every few centuries or so, and 9′s aren’t much more common.
Because this is my world and I’m trying to indulge myself and not engage in my bad habit of nerfing my characters, I’ve got some Level 3 runics (Warren, Liddy, Owl), two Level 4 runics (Roller and Tomas), a Level 2 shapeshifter (Arn), a possibly-Level-2 innate (Kipper), and uh, Shrike over there in the “yikes” section at Level 8, though I know he’ll top out at 9. OP, yes, but he’s here for me to have fun with, so.
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tripstations · 5 years
Where environmentalists go on holiday | Travel
A fisherman’s hut in the Dordogne
Kate Humble, TV presenter and author
I’d been having cabin fantasies – I wanted to go off-grid, swim in a river, eat tomatoes and read books. I wanted to be Huckleberry Finn. We booked a rural place in the north of the Dordogne, did lots of walking and as it was cep (porcini) season, the local market was full of delicious mushrooms. Most visitors to France buy wine and some cheese to take home, but by the end of the week we’d found some land nearby for sale, with a little fisherman’s hut by a lake, surrounded by trees. This was almost 10 years ago, and the two-room cabin is now our little piece of eco-heaven.
We used clay and straw to plaster the inside, and the wood for the staircase and the handcut chestnut roof shingles came from our land or our neighbour’s. It has a kitchen-living area, a bedroom under the eves, a terrace and a composting loo, but no telly or phone signal. There’s a shower with a solar pump connected to the lake – but my favourite way of washing there is to heat a kettle on the woodburner and have a bucket shower.
We go a couple of times a year, paddling on a raft and swimming, surrounded by kingfishers, swallows and dragonflies, with the sound of frogs in the evening. I once spent a month trying to spot a black woodpecker, which I saw fleetingly while running with my dog. You can feel like Henry David Thoreau on Walden Pond.
The pond at the Poacher’s Cabin For campervan drivers in France, there’s a system called France Passion . Membership costs €28 and includes a directory of places where you can stay for free for 24 hours. Some have a farm shop, so you can buy, say, some cider in return.
My favourite thing is the night walk (about €12) from Busserolles village, which usually happens in July. About 300 people of all ages meet at 7pm to take one of two routes (8km or 12km). After a few kilometres, you convene in a field where there are lots of bottles of wine and little amuse-bouches. Further on, another field has rows of trestle tables for the main course – perhaps a huge bowl of bean soup with bread and cheese – by which time it’s dark and most people are a bit drunk. Back in the village there’s coffee and eclairs or sticky buns and a disco in the square. It’s a lovely community event that brings everyone together on the level that walking does. I’m researching a book about living simply, so in November I’m going to be an intern at the Earthship. It was started by architect Michael Reynolds, in Taos, New Mexico, who builds autonomous buildings made of 50% rubbish, designed to regulate temperature, recycle water, and have space to grow food. The book is about how to live happily with a lighter footprint on the planet. There’s no blanket solution but it’s about balance and consciousness, and as a global community, we’re all culpable. • Poacher’s Cabin sleeps two and is available to rent from Canopy & Stars (£90 a night)
East of England boat and road trip
Craig Bennett, CEO, Friends of the Earth
Alnmouth village and the Aln Estuary. Photograph: Alamy One of the most important things to do on holiday is to disconnect from the outside world. No TV, no newspapers or looking at phones too much. When we visited the Norfolk Broads a few years ago, it was fantastic for going offline. Our children are 12 and 14, and it was the youngest who suggested it again for this year. Spending time as a family with the dogs on a boat with a top speed of about six miles an hour really makes you slow down.
We picked up the boat in Stalham, cruised past Yarmouth to Beccles and Lowestoft then back up via Reedham. We did a few nights of wild moorings, under beautiful dark skies, and saw an otter or two, herons and lots of other wildlife. It’s a different experience from other ways of travelling around the UK – arriving at little villages by water, taking a walk to seek out a teashop, or into a pub for dinner. We loved the Ferry Inn in Stokesby and the Rising Sun in Coltishall, both with overnight moorings.
Craig Bennett in Northumberland. We then drove up the east coast to Northumberland and stayed in a cottage on a farm near Alnmouth. I had my first family holiday in the village when I was 13 and I’d often pass it on the train to Edinburgh, and thought I’d like to return.
We spent half a day at Druridge Bay, just south of Amble. Friends of the Earth have been fighting against a proposal for a new opencast coal mine on this unspoiled coastal stretch. Tourism has brought in £1bn for the region, but the proposal could end the very reason people visit these parts. The Northumberland coast is extraordinary, with beautiful sand dunes and hardly anyone there. We had a lot of long walks on dog-friendly beaches, made “water worlds” in the sand, and caught a whiff of smoky kippers in Craster.
People will often talk about holidays in the UK as a “staycation” but I find that odd. When I was growing up, the normal thing was to holiday in the UK – it’s how I got to know the country I live in, an experience I want my children to have too.
Italy by train
Emma Kemp, campaigner, 10:10 Climate Action, leader of its Climate Perks initiative
A street in the centre of Naples. Photograph: ArtMarie/Getty Images Following a breakup, I decided to travel solo around Italy for two-and-a-half weeks in the hope of filling myself with Italian veggie food, sunny weather and Roman history. It was my first time travelling alone and the days before I left were speckled with excitement over my new-found independence, as well as nerves.
I was stunned by the views from the train between Paris and Turin, through mountains and little villages. After a day spent cycling along the riverbank and eating amazing local raspberry and almond granita, it was on to the Cinque Terre, where fresh pesto in Vernazza was a highlight.
Emma Kemp on the ferry to the Cinque Terre. Photograph: Emma Kemp Next, an overnight train took me to Puglia, the heel of Italy’s boot. I adored the whole region: Lecce is all baroque architecture, and in Ostuni I feasted on regional beetroot and turnip-top soup and truffle pasta with wild mushrooms. A lot of the traditional food in this region is vegetarian, because meat was once unaffordable for most.
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kipperreadersblog · 5 years
A second reason for English speaking card readers to take up Kipper is the availability of FREE resources.
As a longtime practitioner of Vedic astrology as well as other Vedic arts and sciences, I quickly recognized the themes of the cards. And I do not speak a single word of the German language.
The original Kipperkarten deck was created in 1890. This was at the time of the big "East meets West" popularity brought out by the swift change of thought, technology and consciousness brought on by the Industrial Revolution. German intellectuals were quickly researching and developing Eastern philosophies into what is now modern day psychology.
Freud's works on the conscious, ego, super ego manifested out of his studies of Indian psychology commonly referred to as Vedic Astrology.
I am excited to share with westerners the surprising ease of divining/ meditating/ card reading with Kipper Cards.
These cards are surprisingly easy for anyone to work with. These cards are also a great way for artists to showcase their talents in designing their own Kipper Cards. I currently own 6 different decks of Kipper Cards. I am working on collecting Kipper Cards from different artists across the world.
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cabocosatelite · 6 years
Essa é a segunda lista musical em que debruço atenção e tempo, muito tempo, para escutar tudo que me chegou aos ouvidos em 2018. Ela é em grande parte composta por presenças não hegemônicas, em relação ao mundo convencional do ponto de vista da indústria fonográfica. Meu interesse propriamente, é de uma vulgarização popularizante do que vem sendo produzido fora da linguagem convencional, aproximando nações, tradições, culturas, ortodoxia com desvario e liberdade conceitual no campo da música. Vale reforçar, que de minha parte existe apenas o desejo de comunhão, e não de competição. Por isso que a lista é organizada por ordem alfabética, e não numérica. Ela é composta por discos nacionais e internacionais, design, videos, programas, álbuns visuais, acervos, coletâneas, pesquisas e relançamentos.   Sugiro o exercício de ocupação e abertura ao risco do acaso, ser arrebatado por uma nova sonoridade vinda de um universo tão distinto do seu, (isso é muito bom minha gente). Discos Nacional Amaro Freitas - Rasif https://open.spotify.com/album/1ToKUqpDqUw5Imnh1oCjNf
Andre Abujamra - Omindá https://open.spotify.com/album/3ZHJyb1LYgFcus18oleT49?si=yztZewRkSm6iE2cqbC3lIA Anelis Assumpção - Taurina https://open.spotify.com/album/45ccYpkbtVrDl2gpzfYrFS?si=50AXaDsGSQixd7d__lnNyQ
Aniel Someillan - Quilombo https://open.spotify.com/album/1DREd4DiKoBZysb3warjl5
Ava Rocha - Trança https://open.spotify.com/album/2PyAEoPtrouUt5ZkCrAAjr
Baco Exu do Blues - Bluesman https://open.spotify.com/album/0QMVSKhzT4u2DEd8qdlz4I
Bixiga 70 - Quebra Cabeça https://open.spotify.com/album/6ZlnOYuWMMgiRdxeb1lXml
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Cavalo Serpente https://cavaloserpente.bandcamp.com/
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MUNDO LIVRE S/A – A DANÇA DOS NÃO-FAMOSOS https://open.spotify.com/go?uri=spotify%3Aalbum%3A2jw25beUDLt5Tt1Sox4bwM Nego Max - Afrokalipse https://open.spotify.com/album/4hVZmPBIxH0QMe9R15cvPG Negro Leo - Meu reino não é desse mundo https://quintavant.bandcamp.com/album/qtv-033-meu-reino-n-o-desse-mundo-vol-2 Nelson da Rabeca e Thomas Roher - Tradição Improvisada https://open.spotify.com/album/0UK8IRSFOp4fpN3sslmMRK Ponto Br - Trancelim http://ponto.mus.br/album/trancelim/ Samba de Coco Raízes do Arcoverde e Maga Bo https://open.spotify.com/album/7GIfzkWzVHEBk4h9WptU4z Space charanga: Suíte Intergalática https://onerpm.com/al/4919709864 Rodrigo Brandão - Outro Barato https://open.spotify.com/album/2xuJYlsHAKo6vmdv60cH4H Manu Maltez - O rabequeiro maneta e a furia da natureza https://open.spotify.com/album/7qb1Bgx1RGjuQTIsB9tOEn Mestre Anderson Miguel - Sonorosa https://open.spotify.com/album/7s8e6Yo05gYBwGQdTwUorK Taubkin & Bahule https://open.spotify.com/album/4O6bBES6000GhYrMwfRR76 Samba do congo - Nossa quebrada https://open.spotify.com/album/5siRdvLQ0hcg03tSU6d8Xy Wilson Moreira - Tá com medo Tabaréu https://open.spotify.com/artist/0CA7Kj6QiDs62kvbZgpYzE Disco para crianças Barbatuques - Zilda https://open.spotify.com/album/5JNkzgKjhnIVKWL6KGwgQI
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Gaspar Nali https://open.spotify.com/album/6e18RJTRhIVQvduzpCH0lc Grupo Mono Blanco - ¡Fandango! Sones Jarochos De Veracruz https://open.spotify.com/album/3rCZmLwQDYRPIJXeOPebtT Gurrumul - Djarimirri (child of the rainbow) https://open.spotify.com/album/3KFh9MQkTDYrEUMBIxSW1u
Huun-Huurr-Tu - Children of the otter https://open.spotify.com/album/4bzqWvjSfWU1j0guO7bL8V
Jako Maron - Les experiences electro Maloya de Jako Maron https://nyegenyegetapes.bandcamp.com/album/the-electro-maloya-experiments-of-jako-maron Jeremy Dutcher - Wolastoqiyik https://open.spotify.com/album/568Hw1PX6K12BdqyFSBj1E
Jhon Coltrane - The both directions - the Lost album https://open.spotify.com/album/0NSRgubfAJoYv2kvVAcRKy?si=9R2aFFATSRqDeUYMEKSDxw Jose James - Lean on me https://open.spotify.com/album/0mIJHLzFnNlkNtRrjr7X8O Jungle - For Ever https://open.spotify.com/album/1VZxGX1lzF1QjY5QofhC5r Monsieur Doumani - Angathin https://open.spotify.com/album/27WXonc90mjO2oUyjkNG3y Kamal Keila - Muslims and Christians https://open.spotify.com/album/7eECqp8MX57IOvt5Me1eXM
Kamasi Washington - Hub tone https://open.spotify.com/album/5mG7tl4EW2xrTy5rI8BgGL
Mabi Thobejane - The Lost German Tapes https://open.spotify.com/album/1MB0EffNdRY4Iqkw0ff1Oc Manu Delago - Parasol Peak https://open.spotify.com/album/5PwyKnj8yIO4ExOIq02bne Milladoiro - Atlântico https://open.spotify.com/artist/7jQt2VX8vXlhU9Eky0T1ag NAS - NASIR https://open.spotify.com/album/66EwBbt2kPgugo8Wz0SKAw Okonkolo - Cantos https://open.spotify.com/album/5oisbVeSF9CHmQ22yT6bGa
Rahim AlHaj - One Sky https://open.spotify.com/album/7k5vUCNrPiwnvpiZvx0jmJ Robert Mugamba - Kadodi https://nyegenyegetapes.bandcamp.com/album/kadodi Rosalia - El Mal Querer https://open.spotify.com/album/355bjCHzRJztCzaG5Za4gq Seun Kuti & Egypt 80 – Black Times https://seunkutiegypt80.bandcamp.com/album/black-times
Seckou Keita e Catrin Finch - Soar https://open.spotify.com/album/4EYDGs1XVGoNaL9vSA246G Sidi Touré - Toubalbero https://open.spotify.com/album/3hvHZ6I8FeBlnL5DyVG2Yz
Steve Reich - Drumming https://open.spotify.com/album/7oWrYPPsDP88Z0FIDG1eXV Subhasis Battacharya - Tablananda https://open.spotify.com/album/0hqDTebIVDw3N4l51yVtLm
Thabang Tabane - Matjale https://open.spotify.com/album/4jpYlI6qCpVfamRMND6PUY The Rheigans Sisters - Bright Field https://open.spotify.com/album/63QhrsIVevQA4XYFmhISHs The Last Poets https://open.spotify.com/album/1JjL3YURr1Yaq6qAZuThPY Toto La Monposina - Oye Manita https://open.spotify.com/album/0kZVGcH3YOIO8oqYjYbpIM Vadou Game - Otodi https://open.spotify.com/album/1T42faXExKZpbkoMhKWUiz Acervo / Pesquisas / Coletâneas / Relançamentos Nacional Mundo Melhor volume 1  https://open.spotify.com/album/5QxlhY3cp8aIa3gzYt1Coe?si=b_wkFl-AT8GFfJfYsOpATg
Edu Viola - Psilocibina https://www.discogs.com/Edu-Viola-Psilocibina/release/12158292
Onda de Amor https://open.spotify.com/album/6wIgJcgIQoUFMYdG7Um91T
Internacional Ali Hassan Kuban - From Nubia to Cairo https://piranha-records.bandcamp.com/album/from-nubia-to-cairo-1 David Attenborough - My Field recordings from across the planet https://open.spotify.com/album/3EmUGs6NPCzWB4JOMsmyk7 Disque Debs International: Les Aiglons Ka Satisfait https://open.spotify.com/album/5L3oyGNbwwiL6lt54fhysW Ekuka Morris Sirikiti - Ekuka https://nyegenyegetapes.bandcamp.com/album/ekuka Ethipiques Box 7,Vol. 2 https://open.spotify.com/album/2GqNqPmYIPaKoNLx1G9XIJ Gyedu-Blay Ambolley https://analogafrica.bandcamp.com/album/the-message-limited-edition Ibrahim ferrer - Orquesta Oriental https://open.spotify.com/album/2dTuOtL75hi5sPnEw8rr1E Jose Mario Branco - Ineditos (1967-1999) https://open.spotify.com/album/5YVweNrHMvX07D8tjkJ1iw Música do Sul do Laos https://akuphone.bandcamp.com/album/music-of-southern-laos Música do Norte de Laos https://akuphone.bandcamp.com/album/music-of-northern-laos Orchestre Abass https://analogafrica.bandcamp.com/album/de-bassari-togo-limited-edition
The Scorpions & Saif Abu Bakr - Jazz Jazz Jazz https://habibifunkrecords.bandcamp.com/album/habibi-funk-009-jazz-jazz-jazz Voices of Mississipi: Artists and Musicians Documented by William Ferris https://open.spotify.com/album/7JFOzYlO38iF6lwwgMIpDp Programa / Canal Nacional Cultura Livre - Roberta Martinelli https://www.youtube.com/user/culturalivre Repentes e Emboladas https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCS_2qQ4C84o-aQwjB1u5xSQ
Internacional Elif'in Hecesi https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChFYEy5Ni_3WC7pf8QWT7IQ KEXP https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3I2GFN_F8WudD_2jUZbojA La Blogotèque https://www.youtube.com/user/LaBlogotheque NPR Music https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4eYXhJI4-7wSWc8UNRwD4A Design / Capa Nacional Alfamor  // Saulo Duarte - Avante Delírio https://www.instagram.com/p/Bl8JdjqB3UU/
Edson Ikê  // Togo Soul 70 https://www.instagram.com/p/Bqz8MWxHUzm/ Felipe Nunes // Rodrigo Maré - Tudo é Som  https://www.instagram.com/p/BgjCTJGnEMZH0SropdJYVcZ4BomGChAnHeeV3o0/ Pena Branca // UJI - Alborada https://www.instagram.com/p/Bl5hipkA7zF/ Camile Sproesser // Anelis Assumpção https://www.instagram.com/p/Be21odmjJ4N/ Carlos Issa + estudio margem // Teto Preto - Pedra Preta https://www.instagram.com/p/BrtJN6plneG5t2Jh8q0AGJHDELe5HwR6JCG_Vc0/ Coletivo Miolo Frito // Guizado - O multiverso em colapso https://www.instagram.com/p/Bqw9qOSnk8m/
Gabriel Secchin // Julio Secchin - Festa de adeus https://www.instagram.com/p/BqfPlYMF4DB/
Maxwell Alexandre // BK - Correria  https://www.instagram.com/p/BpoJ_WNlN6s/
Internacional Braulio Amado   // supernatural psycho Cleon Peterson // Swizz Beatz - Poison https://www.instagram.com/p/BnppR0oDJ2d/ Dima Rabik // Spiritczualic Enhancement Center - "Who Corrupted Our Wave, Back In 1969?" https://kin-ship.bandcamp.com/album/who-corrupted-our-wave-back-in-1969 God is God https://kin-ship.bandcamp.com/album/gig Elle-louise Burguez //Ellelouise Burguez - Elle Músa https://www.instagram.com/p/BjvXaFED4KZ/
Victor Mosquera // Dirty Heads - Visions https://www.instagram.com/p/BkacGqZFT9k/ Video Nacional Carne Doce - Nova Nova https://youtu.be/bVBvHhDSa54
Criolo - Boca de Lobo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jgekT-PEb6c Devotos - Eu o Declaro Meu Inimigo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oD8jhCTHHl4 Gilberto GIl - Ok Ok Ok https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V6kTUpRoRHQ Luiza Lian - Azul Moderno https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sH4gJp_Y4_M&feature=youtu.be Omulu - Paredão https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QJpUtRVAehs Internacional Baloji - Peau de Chagrin / Bleu de Nuit https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TzHM_JLgqO0 Beyonce & JayZ - APESHIT - The Carters https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kbMqWXnpXcA Chaka Khan - Like Sugar https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RecY5iZn6B0 Joy Crookes - Dont Let me die https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UIxmuRbwjoY Jungle: Cherry https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mva_EluErSA Heavy, California https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w4LkSRXrK34 Happy man https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rRAjssFYXik Kamasi Washington - Hub Tones https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u-e6mOTK__Y Kelsey Lu: Shades of Blue https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W0QVgeUxOjI Due West https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=32tjfmyHzYk Little Dragon - Lover chanting https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yiSTcdi82S0
Manu Delago - Parasol Peak https://www.nowness.com/story/parasol-peak-manu-delago Open Mike Eagle - Microfiche https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GSP0b85BKmY Rosalia: Pienso tu Mira https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p_4coiRG_BI Malamente https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rht7rBHuXW8 Di mi nombre https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mUBMPaj0L3o Sampa The Great - Energy (feat Nadeem Din-Gabisi) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dDubhAKSeB0 Yonatan Gat: Medicine (feat. Eastern Medicine Singers) https://vimeo.com/258802572 Album Visual  Baco Exu do Blues - Bluesman https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SoTkm5LkGKg&t=89s Manu Maltez - O rabequeiro maneta e a furia da natureza https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RW_vc4XMBUA
// Pablo Meijueiro
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yogitarot · 5 years
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Kipper Card Lesson # 4: Card No. 6 Card number 6 "Gute Dame" typically interpreted as a wife, mother, lover, etc. Kipperkarten, like other European card decks during the 19th Century was inspired by the discovery of the "Minor Planets" AKA asteroids during the Victorian Era. Early asteroids were named after Greek and Roman Godesseses giving rise to the Divine feminine, the Goddess realm and awakening. Card Number 6 = Asteroid Number 6, Hebe named for Hebe, the Goddess of Youth and Beauty Hebe's parents were said to be Zeus and Hera ( Roman Counterparts Jupiter and Juno). Archetypes include long suffering wife, mother, mother in law, lover, etc. Of course try he Mythology of Zeus and Hera are rich and plentiful in assisting with understanding the true meaning of Kipper Card No. 6. Namaste. #kipper #kippercards #kipperkarten #kippermeanings #truekippermeanings #esoterickipper #esotericmeanings #hiddenmeanings #kippergoddesses #goddessworship #goddessmeditation #kipperarchetypes #archetypesofkipper #asteroidastrology #astropsychology #asteroids #greekmythology #romanmythology #consciousness #ascension #energyreadersofinstagram#kipperreadersofinstagram #oraclereadersofinstagram #healingthedivinefeminine #divinefemine #divinemasculine #twinflames #soulmates #twinflame #soulmate https://www.instagram.com/p/B6rJMRaHvcS/?igshid=1k7vxet2ga750
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Notes to self about the beta blocker
To be better formatted later: The good effects come first. The less good effects come later. When you're taking it preventatively the first thing you're going to notice is that you don't feel like you're dying from the panic because that's what you're looking for. Once your focus is off of whatever was making you feel that way to begin with the other stuff settles in. You eat a low sodium diet - you're going to pass out. Your blood pressure is normal and your sodium is typically pretty low. So unless you have some kind of high salt snack on hand or have prepared yourself with more salt already, your blood pressure is going to tank. That's the primary purpose of this medication. This is not going to be pleasant. First you're going to feel warm-blurry, not in the nice fuzzy way but the what's going on something's wrong way. Then you're going to get intensely nauseous. But give it a minute, because very quickly that's going to turn into a completely terrifying dizziness that specifically feels downward, and if you give it long enough you're not going to be able to keep yourself up and you're going to see the edge of your vision going black. It sounds like the overly dramatic gag monologues of characters claiming they're passing out from feelings or hunger but it's actually what it feels like and knowing you're about to lose consciousness if you don't do something to fix it even when you're already laying down in a safe place is still one of the scariest things you've ever experienced in your life. You're probably still going to pass out - Just differently. Even if you inhale a tin of kipper snacks (if the cat lets you have any) and chase it with a block of ramen, your body is going to be absolutely exhausted. Let's be real here, it's not as if the process of re-experiencing trauma isn't exhausting enough, now you're jerking back its adrenaline and lowering its blood pressure on top of it. Within an hour you're desperately going to need to rest, whether that's a nap you planned or one you didn't. Set yourself up somewhere comfortable, put something on that's just distracting enough from the everyone without requiring any kind of focus, and give your body the rest it needs. Don't make it harder than it needs to be. Don't wear a crew neck - you'll feel like you're choking. Eat something salty ahead of time if it's a planned dose. Grab something salty when you grab the medication if it's not next time - make a cup of ramen or a full sodium ham wrap, bring a bag of pretzels or jerky with you. Keep some anti nausea tabs nearby. Make sure you have not just a full glass of water but something with electrolytes or something too. It's still going to suck and take awhile to get over the very with it side effects. But you're trading a few hours now for what could well be a week or more of functionality otherwise. Take the medication if you need it.
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yogitarot · 5 years
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Kipper Card Number 22 ( Military Person): a Meditation on Shatabisha Nakshatra with YouTube Astrologer Kapiel Rajj
Card number 22, "Military person" corresponds to the 22nd drekkana/ nakshatra in a Krittika rising divisional astrology chart. Shatabisha nakshatra is found in the late degrees of Capricorn and early degrees of Aquarius.
Themes of Aquarius individuality can immediately be noticed as the Military Person has removed his hat ( out of uniform) as well as the often speculated number plate placed conspicuously on the left hand of the card ( every other card in the original Kipper deck has the number on the right. And it's NOT a printing mistake, FYI).
Shattabisha is said to act like Rahu. Other nakshatras said to act like Rahu are Ardra, and Swati Nakshatra. Shattabisha's ruling deity is Varuna. Shattabisha natives are often described as eccentric ( true to Aquarian nature), and are also known to be natural healers. Shattabisha is associated with alcohol. The ancients used alcohol foe medicinal purposes. If badly aspected Shattabisha can indicate drunkenness ( perhaps the true reason for the number on the left side and for the Military Person not in proper uniform ).
Kipper cards are great for meditation as well as a tool for studying the Nakshatras of Vedic astrology. Nakshatras are essential to many of the natural healing practices found in Vedic culture and Vedic philosophies.
Kipper readers/ tarot readers and mindful practitioners can find Kapiel Rajj on the web at www.krsastrology.com and his YouTube channel KRS Astrology. Mr. Rajj currently teaches a certification course in Vedic astrology. Card readers/ yogis and everyone else can greatly benefit from Vedic Astrology Certification courses taught by Mr. Rajj.
I do not know Kapiel Rajj. I am sharing my unbiased and supportive opinion of his YouTube channel.
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yogitarot · 5 years
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The Achaomazen moon mansion described by ancient Arabs translates to the Vedic lunar manaion/ nakshatra known as Krittika and is represented by Kipper Card number one in accordance to Vedic astrology and other natural health practices.
At the top of this post is a link to www.occult-study.org a free resource for "occult " or hidden knowledge pertaining to the foundation of many, many ancient heath practices that have been utilized for natural medicine and natural healing practices to this very day.
I would not normally suggest anyone contribute, but I personally found this to be a very useful resource. I highly recommend this website and feel contributions are appropriate as a means of keeping free information regarding natural health care practices on the web for ready access.
Kipper cards are a great way to study the nakshatras. Nakshatras are an intrinsic to the natural health systems found in Vedic culture, Vedic sciences, Vedic arts and Vedic astrology.
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yogitarot · 5 years
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Kipper Card number 12 "Rich Girl": A Meditation on Chitra Nakshatra with YouTube Astrologer Clair Nakti
The Kipper Card "Rich Girl" decribes Maya, vision and manifestation. English translations of some lf the ancient texts literally describe Chitra females as a "Rich girl." Updated, more contemporary meanings in the English language by scholars and astrologers are more readily available to the Western world and give us more meaning on Chitra as well as Kipper cards.
Clair Nakti of Cosmetique Astrology describes Chitra in modern culture showing us examples of Chitra natives such as Sacha Baron Cohen, Alister Crowley as well as Kim Kardashian as examples of executing a vision in challenging societal norms and raising consciousness. Ms. Nakti also touches on Chitra female natives as having inherent sexuality that at times arouses attraction from men and jealousy from other females, a theme also involving the Kipper Rich Girl Card.
Chitra is the 12th nakshatra of Vedic astrology and also often seen as the 12th decon/ drekkana for Krittika rising divisional charts in Vedic Astrology.
Chitra is ruled by its deity Tvastar. Chitra is one of three nakshatras described by the ancients to "act like Mars" ( Mrigashira ans Danishta nakshatra are also said to "act like Mars). Chitra is described as the "Celestial Architect" its shakti is "Punya Cayani Shakti" or "the ability to manifest merit" in this life.
Chitra natives are often described as intelligent, hard working and image conscious. The "Rich Girl" Kipper Card #12 embodies Chitra energy and is great for meditation as well as for card reading.
The nakshatras described in Vedic astrology are fundamental to many natural healthcare practices foihnd in Vedic culture. Learning the nakshatras is essential to your natural heath care lifestyle.
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