#kippa asks
ratasum · 8 months
Heyyy wanna ramble about any new OC revelation you had recently?
I think the biggest revelation I've had recently is how Kippa's healing magic works.
(Image unrelated I just love her.)
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That being that her healing magic is kind of eldritch, and quite frankly terrifying in universe.
I've theorized for a while that magic and traditional methods are mixed in Tyria because healing can't fix anything, and it likely functions a bit differently than how it has to work mechanically in game. Kippa can, if pressed and with access to enough magic, heal at an extremely high level to an extreme degree.
And it has negative side effects before people fully recover.
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Hey, Crocy 👋 I haven't slid in your inbox in awhile. I know Man U must be driving you to the brink of insanity and have u ready to quit footy. How's your new additions to Milan fitting in?
MRS BBBBB !!!! hello 🥹🥹 lovely 2 see u again. it is driving me to the brink of insanity. watching matches in class is definitely missing with my grades as well... maybe if we won i would have an 91 in— nevermind. how are you? how's your life?
THEY ARE FITTING IN QUITE NICELY! I LOVE THEM ALL. ofc id like to see more goals but. im liking the structure. and im liking the [looks at hand] project... the project indeed. thank u for asking n ty for dropping by u are always welcome
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polkaparty · 2 years
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@khaloymes asked : ❛ are you always this straightforward with strangers ? ❜ FIRST MEETING STARTERS
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❝ STRANGERS ? ❞ a puzzled look CROSSED his face. such a word felt FOREIGN on his tongue. strangers ? strangers . . the more he THOUGHT on it , the more yanky realized ' strangers ' weren't some sort of ITALIAN DISH. whoops ! well , WHATEVER a strangers is —— it definitely didn't matter. ❝ no , ❞ yanky CHUCKLED reassuringly. ❝ i'm always this straightforward with my BEST FRIENDS , best friend !! ❞ he SWOOPS his arm around the other's shoulders , forcing him into a TIGHT hug. then , he paused thoughtfully. ❝ saaaayyy . . can i wear your HAT ? it looks cool !! ❞ without further question , the hand ( unfortunately ) attached to the wrapped arm jet to REACH for the yarmulke.
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nietp · 3 months
Thinking about how the past year of intense sionist discourse has profoundly transformed/revealed the political landscape in France to the point where it is clearly one of the causes of the rise of the far right and fascistic party and one of the reasons we might have a fascistic gouvernement in only a couple of weeks.
Thanks to right-wing+liberal+centrist+centre left parties spending months attacking the pro-palestine leftist party, calling them terrorists, islamist fundamentalists, and antisemites, while congratulating+patting on the back the fascistic far right party funded by former Nazis for going to a pro-Israel march "against antisemitism", and presenting them as the reasonable option against the pro-palestine left, we are now looking at the possibility of said far right party winning the next election, having a majority of seats in the national assembly when they used to have literally ZERO seats only 2 years ago. Obviously sionism is not the only reason but it polarised the political space in a matter of days. Because islamophobia is so prevalent in this country and sionism propaganda is doing its job so very well, we're literally looking at Holocaust survivors asking people to vote for the far-right party. I know extremely sionist Jewish french people who are about to vote far right because they're convinced that if the pro-palestine left wins in 2 weeks, they will get bombed in their Parisian apartments on election night for being Jewish. Meanwhile the far right party has already announced it wants to ban kosher meat and wearing kippas in public spaces. Meanwhile Palestinians are actually getting massacred and bombed as we speak. This is all so insane. This year has taught this country more than ever before that sionism is an excellent introduction to fascism.
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jewish-vents · 7 months
I’m Jewish through my dad but I wasn’t raised in the community(i learned what Purim was two weeks ago, i was fully not in it), so when I got to college last august I decided to really dive in and it’s been a beautiful sort of homecoming for me. I joined SAEPi and got into Chabbad leadership at my campus, and I’m almost at the point where I can do the Chabbad Shabbat prayers before and after dinner without stumbling over my words. Gonna surprise my grandma if I see her in the summer. Anyways.
When October 7th happened it was a shock to my system, because I was a baby Jew barely getting my feet. My parents never mentioned antisemitism to me as something that could affect me in the future, it was always a thing of the past. But I was right there standing in the doorway between jew-ish and Jewish, and it pushed me over the edge. I had many friends with family in Israel. I had a couple friends whose friends died in the attack. Everyone in that group was my family. It felt personal.
When the march in dc happened I went with one of my friends, and it was sad, but amazing to see in person how strong we are. In the plane terminal on the way home he and I got cornered and called baby killers, among other things, because he was wearing a kippa and his Israeli first responder coat. That was my first time experiencing antisemitism and it was terrifying, even though I didn’t get hurt. It was terrifying even though my friend was built like a tank and would’ve protected me. It was terrifying just to sit in the train car with him and watch a woman stare at him with wide eyes like he was some kind of criminal. I stepped closer to him as if to remind her he’s human. I stared back at her with just as much fear and watched her snap out of it, confused.
Last week was holocaust awareness week at my college, and one of the things I did was spend a couple hours in the plaza reading the names of people that died. I found 34 Feldmans and Fotts. I found family names, Chana and Fayge and Jeshua and Sophia Feldman one after the other, and still am wondering if that was part of my family that didn’t make it to the US in time.
I called my grandma and asked for everything she could remember about her family lineage and how we got here, everything she had from that part of her life. I thought that there would be plenty to lean into, family recipes and heirlooms and stories, but there was barely anything. She has a Star of David necklace and a ton of repressed memories, next to nothing else. The recipes I could find were through my great aunt, some short instructions from my great grandmother on the back of a letter she sent to the aunt about what to ask for from a kosher butcher.
My family made it here in 1915 and 1921, they escaped before the holocaust, but they still weren’t untouched because of the ways they were ostracized and othered when they got here. My grandmother will barely admit she’s Jewish because none of her kids passed it on, it’s easier for her to let it go. I didn’t understand this until I realized that one couldn’t be hurt by the grief and pain of a family they aren’t part of.
Even those that survive are not left unscarred.
How could this not be personal? How could it not be generationally affective when it’s pushed so many to minimize their Jewishness out of self preservation? Raise their kids thinking they aren’t Jewish and hope their names never end up on a list of living or dead Jews? People still don’t see us as human. the antisemites still want to scar us. They want us to forget who we are.
It’s unreal to me when goyim act like American Jews in the current day are unaffected by the past and safe from antisemitism. I’ve been here less than a year and have been screamed at in an airport, have uncovered serious intergenerational trauma, and realized that of my Jewish family I have nothing to hold on to but a torn in half piece of paper with a sentence long tangent about brisket.
We are strong and we will outlive them, but god are we still fucking fighting for our lives.
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by Ira Stoll
“Who Are the Biggest Donors to Trump and Harris?” a New York Times headline asks, over an article about “the billionaires that are powering the campaigns.”
The first two donors mentioned in the article are Tim Mellon and Elon Musk. Neither one is Jewish. Also mentioned is Linda McMahon. She’s not Jewish either. The article further mentions Reid Hoffman, who describes himself as a “mystical atheist,” and Dick and Liz Uihlein, who aren’t Jewish, either.
So what in the world was the New York Times thinking when the newspaper chose to illustrate its story about “the most influential givers” with a photograph of six Israeli flags, former President Trump, Dr. Miriam Adelson, and an unidentified bearded man wearing a kippa?
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Screenshot of headline and photo of New York Times article from Sept. 1, 2024 headlined ‘Who Are the Biggest Donors to Trump and Harris?’
Peter Dreier, a professor at Occidental College, wrote in a Facebook post that the photo selection was “egregious.”
Dreier wrote, “The Times story was not about religion or ethnicity. It was about the ‘biggest donors.’’By using that photo, the Times played into ugly antisemitic stereotypes. You’d think that some editor up the chain of command would have noticed this and replaced the photo. But there it is, in blue and white.”
At a moment when Columbia University’s Antisemitism Task Force is trying to educate students about “antisemitic tropes about Jewish wealth and hidden power,” for the Times to come out with a picture choice like this one is pretty clumsy.
The newspaper already ran a front-page profile of Adelson describing her as “rabidly partisan,” prompting a formal complaint to the paper from Eric Goldstein, the CEO of the UJA-Federation of New York, a longtime partner of the New York Times in its Neediest Cases Fund.
Goldstein also complained about a Times online headline that said US Rep. Jamaal Bowman had been “Overtaken by Flood of Pro-Israel Money,” which Goldstein said fed “a dreadful antisemitic stereotype.”
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jewish-culture-is · 6 months
I know this isn’t a Jewish culture ask, but I’m the anon who sent the Black kippa thing (I know this’ll probably be posted later but who cares), and I want to clear up that that was not supposed to be a rag on Conservative Jews. In my area, the black kippa is very, very associated with being pretty right wing. More Conservative or Orthodox Jews who aren’t right wing tend to wear non-black kippot, usually pure white ones. I didn’t realise it wasn’t like that in other places and I didn’t mean it like that, sorry for the misconception!
this is a helpful clarification, thank you anon
(posting immediately because I also don't enjoy this drama on my page and tbh was fully considering deleting the post because of it)
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beardedmrbean · 6 months
French politicians from across the political spectrum Wednesday denounced what they called an "Islamist" attack on education after a school principal resigned following death threats over a Muslim veil. 
The headmaster at a high school and college in eastern Paris quit after receiving death threats online following an altercation with a student, officials told AFP on Tuesday.
In late February, he had asked three students to remove their headscarves on school premises, but one of them refused and an altercation ensued, according to prosecutors. He later received death threats online.
According to a school letter sent to teachers, pupils and parents on Tuesday, the principal stood down for "security reasons", while education officials said he had taken "early retirement".
"It's a disgrace," Bruno Retailleau, the head of the right-wing Republicans faction in the Senate upper house, said on X (former Twitter) on Wednesday.
Voilà à quoi aboutit le « pas de vague », voilà où nous mènent les petites lâchetés et les grands renoncements. La démission de ce proviseur est le résultat de la démission de l’éducation nationale et de l’Etat tout entier. Une honte. https://t.co/OAC8fpHDxg— Bruno Retailleau (@BrunoRetailleau) March 27, 2024
"We can't accept it," Boris Vallaud, the head of the Socialist deputies in the National Assembly lower house, told television broadcaster France 2, calling the incident "a collective failure".
Marion Marechal, the granddaughter of far-right patriarch Jean-Marie Le Pen and a popular far-right politician herself, spoke on Sud Radio of a "defeat of the state" in the face of "the Islamist gangrene".
Maud Bregeon, a lawmaker with President Emmanuel Macron's Renaissance party, also took aim at "an Islamist movement".
"Authority lies with school heads and teachers, and we have a duty to support this educational community," Bregeon said.
A 26-year-old man has been arrested for making death threats against the principal on the internet. He is due to stand trial in April.
France is home to Europe's largest Muslim community.
In 2004, authorities banned school children from wearing "signs or outfits by which students ostensibly show a religious affiliation" such as headscarves, turbans or kippas on the basis of the country's secular laws which are meant to guarantee neutrality in state institutions.
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stormoflina · 10 months
nahhh we will win against citeh, we have to be positive about this!!! (im happy with a draw tbh)
girl, I just saw your post about young kippa, I guess I shouldn't have asked for the humbling, now im worried🥲
(i'm starting a prayer circle for a draw, we must block out the kippa curse)
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ratasum · 3 months
Can we have more on the College of Agronometrics and Kippa's mum please?
The College of Agronometrics was a college in Rata Thauma, which is what I've been calling the city cube that used to be far above the secret Thaumanova Reactor research facility. Based on agricultural engineering, they focused on using magic to enhance the natural. Many greenhouses throughout Metrica and back in Rata Sum use various methods and inventions that came out of that particular college, and the farms in the province thrive because of many of those advancements.
It was the oldest college in Rata Thauma, and considered one of the most important of the asuran schools next to Iatrics (at least to the residents of Rata Thauma- those in Rata Sum may disagree). It wasn't the biggest of the six colleges, but it was popular among students who had considered Dynamics or Statics but wanted to be more hands on with useful inventions with less explosions.
Many of the professors had Agronometrics as their alma mater (Suzzi herself had graduated genius first grade from there), though some notable exceptions tended to come out of Dynamics before falling into working with agriculture instead.
As for Kippa's mother Suzzi, she was a professor at the college, and very well liked and highly respected.
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While - like her oldest daughter - she tended towards being very "un-asuran," she was highly intelligent and probably could've had any number of suitors she wanted in any number of contracts... all she ever wanted was Trill, her long time partner and the father of all three of their children.
Suzzi was an elementalist, like Kippa wound up being, and had pioneered several methods to use elementalist magic to prepare soil for planting, largely involving burning and hydration. Her studies at the time of her death were focused around coordinating with many of the greenhouses in Rata Sum to cultivate recently discovered preserved samples of fungi from the deep underground that had come with refugees fleeing the lost cities.
Those mushroom and algae samples are thriving. In some ways, to the surviving family, it feels like a little bit of Suzzi is still there outside of her children.
She was a profoundly loving woman who adored her children. Her guilt, however, often overshadowed her relationship with her oldest daughter, and it created a lot of tension between them. She never meant to dull Kippa's spark- she was terrified that her own mistakes in not vetting the doctor she went to would cause Kippa harm in the long run.
The day the reactor went critical, she'd been planning on traveling to the Priory so they could talk. Obviously that never happened. Tragically, she died with the regret of having hurt her precious, so desperately wanted baby girl so terribly, and Kippa had to carry that weight instead.
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i saw this and thought you’d enjoy! ngl i giggled a bit 🤭 he’s so distraught, like did you really think you would win?
i laugh at him because he is me and i am him (during yanited banter season). id put his video here but when i download it— the volume increases by at least 20. im not blow anyone ears out. BUT LEFKEJDJD YES I DID ENJOY... I ENJOYED VERY MUCH TYSM
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arcticdementor · 9 months
It was a belated awakening. For many American Jews, Oct. 7 uncovered the deep rot in the elite institutions they had invested in for decades, psychically and financially. A recent poll found that 73% of Jewish students experienced or witnessed antisemitic incidents since the beginning of this academic school year, a 22-fold increase over the year before. Jewish students have been punched, spat upon, assaulted with sticks, shouted at, and corralled by students in kaffiyehs. But it shouldn’t have come as a surprise that the DEI regime has fostered the flourishing of campus antisemitism under the Palestinian banner. Having established Jews as members of the “oppressor” class and defined “justice” as the dismantling of this class, the officially sanctioned ideology has given license to the Palestinian vanguard to demand fulfillment of the progressive promise, “by any means necessary,” while turning Jewish students into piñatas. In New York City public colleges, a kippa-wearing, red-headed leprechaun named Ilya Bratman—former U.S. Army tankist, applied linguist, long-distance runner, and immigrant from the former Soviet Union—has witnessed up close the socialization of young Americans into this toxic worldview. A teacher of English composition at Baruch and John Jay colleges who holds a Ph.D. in education from the Jewish Theological Seminary, he also serves as executive director of Hillel at eight CUNY and SUNY colleges.
After the students use cookie cutters to shape chocolate chip cookie dough into Stars of David, Bratman grabbed a microphone and stepped forward. “Last week, everybody was already seated in my 8:00 a.m. class, and a student comes in and she says to me, “Wow, I can’t believe you bombed that hospital last night and killed all those people.”
Bratman’s reaction, as a teacher, was to affirm the importance of sound reasoning and argumentation—and, of course, language. “I told her, ‘Wow, I can’t believe you forgot completely everything I taught you about the accusative voice and the proper use of the pronoun ‘you,’ because you just said that ‘I’ did this,” he recounted. “‘I’ bombed the hospital. What hospital? Where? Who?’”
Bratman believes strongly in America and the American dream. Teaching American students in New York City has brought him face-to-face with an entirely different worldview—one that appears to be particularly common among students from officially sanctioned “minority” backgrounds. The students don’t appreciate what a gift they’ve been given to live in America. Instead, they are lost in a zero-sum game of calculating relative oppressions. This fixation stops them from learning, Bratman believes, in part because it assures them that they will fail. In his composition classes, he explained, he tries to get his students to create and support an argument. One week, he asked them to write about space exploration. Should we go to space? Or should we not? One girl argued in favor of space travel because “white people will move to space, maybe to Mars, or wherever,” creating a gap, or an opening into which the “indigenous brown and black people can move up in the class structure and fill that gap left behind by the white people who will move to Mars.” “There’s a lot to unpack there, isn’t there?” Bratman responded. “First of all, the belief in this structure where white people are on top, everybody else on the bottom, and the only way to move up is if the white people leave.” Another girl wrote that no, we should not have space travel because then the white people would colonize the Martian people, as they always do, and ruin the Martians’ lives.
The narrative of victimhood has become welded to these young people’s identity, leading to an increased detachment from, and a sense of grievance toward, America—the irony of course being that they and their parents chose to immigrate here. One girl in the class told him: “I am here in this country against my will.” Bratman asked her: “Who’s holding you? Tell me, please. I’m frightened for you,” showcasing his high-energy, high-drama style. “Everybody’s laughing, and I asked her, ‘Where are you from?’ And she says, ‘Haiti.’ OK. ‘And where were you born?’ And she says, ‘Brooklyn.’” “So you’re actually from Brooklyn. Your parents are from Haiti,” he repeated. “Who’s holding you back? Do you really want to go to Haiti today? You should actually go and see what life is like in a noncapitalist, depressed country that is in a desperate economic struggle. Or go to Gaza to a totalitarian, autocratic, hateful, homophobic nation. Or go to North Korea, go to Iran, go to all the places as a young woman, and see what life is really like.”
Bratman told me he had a student at John Jay whom he will never forget, a student struggling mightily at school. “I had many conversations with him,” Bratman said. “I’d say, ‘come, come on, keep going, keep going.’ And he said, ‘No, I’m thinking of dropping out.’” “And I’m like, no, no, get through this class. I got you. I got you. And I carried him through this course. And on the last day he came to see me, and he said, ‘I dropped out of all the classes except for yours. Everybody in my family, including my mother and my grandparents—I don’t know my father—my uncles and everybody said, ‘What are you doing? Why are you going to college? You can get a job now for $20 an hour, and when you graduate, you’re gonna get a job for $20 an hour. What’s the purpose?’” Bratman seemed genuinely sad—not angry or offended, just sad—about what he heard next. “No one ever believed in me,” the student said. “I can’t believe that the first and only person who’s ever believed in me is a white Jew.”
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They were already cruising for days and Mart couldn't be more bored. Like, after touching it one time, nothing broke up again. The landscape was only slowly shifting to an even more infertile horizon as all other vehicles were took other turns in the Mega-route while they continued on this endless straigh line.
For the grear universe's sake, they didn't even let him upgrade the Combi. He tried to shy away boredom by attempting to learn their tongue but all this letters didn't make any sense. He dropped his lessons and simply wondered in the ship.
He first took a look in the cockpit. Nothing new here again. Marcel was peacefully singing to himself as he was driving on the infinite line of grey. Looking at the bald man, he remember how at first he though he was only a loud and expressive person, now he was able to add crazy because no sane spirit could ride this long on a straight line and not getting some screw loose.
"Oh, salut 'jeune, bravo sur tes réparations mais s'il te plaît, préviens pour tes modif' et..." Started to speak Marcel.
"Et c'est vrai que tu comprends pas un mot de ce que je dis." This sentence was less loud, almost in an exasperate tone.
One of the screens lightly flickered. Mart simply tapped it the rythm of the get better and it cale back to life.
The reparator scratch one time his long black hair before tapping again on the screen.
He was not sure it was wrote like that, he just knew they were saying it after what seemed to be a thanks.
"Bien!" Smiled as loudly as before the driver while giving him a thumbs up.
Mart forced himself to smile and exited the cockpit.
Next stop, the pathfinder room.
He didn't expect anything as Georgette passed most of her time in this transe like state where he understood she was able to see what her winged humanoid could see in the sky when it wasn't down here proctecting her from anything she could think is a threat at the instant.
Some could ask why would they need her in a straight road but after seeing the fortifications on Neo-Nice he will certainly not question their decision.
As expected she was sat down on the flood, seemingly looking at the sky.
As he was closing back the door he noticed a serious bump on one of the metal walls that he was sure was not here the last time he passed here.
He took out of his -pocket- a succion cup that he put on the damage to simply pulling it brute-force in place.
"Tu es un joli petit mystère..." Softly said in a sing-song like voice Georgette.
She turned her face, she would be looking him dead in the eyes if there wasn't wires and implants in place of hers.
"Es-tu un miracle ou un maléfice hein?..."
What would be her gaze turned again in the direction of the sky as this words he didn't even understand strangely resonate in him.
He decided to leave the room as he was getting uneasy.
He headed to the training room instead.
Just to be sure, he used the -door- only for the corridor before the training room.
He could hear two voices from it.
"Ramid pense qu'il bosse pour un extérieur." Said one of the voices he recognised as Malessia.
"Pour qui alors! Kippa? Sultan? Le père? Une mafia extérieure! Il est parano ton gars je te rappelles on a aucune preuve qu'il reçoit de l'argent d'autre part!" Responded who appeared to be Irham.
"Car on a pas trouvé de compte en banque! Avoue que c'est suspect, tu l'as vu regarder tout comme si c'était la première fois qu'il le voyait! C'est grave chelou."
"Vous pensez donc qu'il va nous trahir?"
"Tu crois vraiment qu'il aurait réparé aussi bien le Combi dans ce cas? Il a fait des miracles, il fait fonctionner ce prototype comme sans aucun problème!"
"Et il a fait que essayer de le modifier après. On ne peut pas laisser un inconnu faire ça!"
"T'as vu son génie, il ferait des miracles, tu deviens vraiment aussi parano que ton mec!"
"Tu reviens encore à ça, sérieux t'es sur que tu.. "
Mart just took again the door, he better let the two settles their problems as he couldn't even understand the reason of their dispute.
He decided to simply walk to the weapon's control room. Maybe Ramid will find something to break his boredom.
He entered the room and for the second time in the Combi, he stood in shock.
He took out his tongue, tasting the air as he was ready to grab a weapon in his -pocket-.
It was Ramid. There was no other flagrance than his beside Mart's one in this very room.
The beast had a puffy, pierced, bloated skin, was easily twice the size of the crewmate and fourth as large.
Mart put a hand at his ear while grabbing his pistol. He was sensing something strange.
It was like an ininterrupted whisper, even for him.
The thing slowly turned itself and he recognized the crewmate he decided tl call goblin. His face was as deformed than the rest but still it could be identified.
"Bah alors? Tu viens pas me faire un câlin le traître?" Said Ramid, opening widely his bloated arms.
Then, only at this very moment Mart noticed. This was not a very extreme case of acne. It was a myriad of holes from wich air entered and exited in an ininterrupted flow.
No, it wasn't just some air and flow, it was a transmission. He could sense the response. So it was how he could remotely controled the weapon's system.
He had his hand on his weapon but didn't took it out from his pocket, his let go of it whil grabbing a drink he kept for later. Tooking it out.
"En plus sa croit m'acheter avec des boissons fraîches, t'es tellement con je serai presque prêt à croire que tu n'es pas une menace." Said the monster that was Ramid in a sarcastic tone.
Mart left the room, saddened as he didn't found a way to cure his boredom continued to roam the Combi.
Previous chapter:
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leam1983 · 2 years
On Iran
I've got two kinds of Muslim colleagues.
The Progressive one is appalled. His wife is a hijabi, by choice, and fully admits that given different life choices or circumstances, she could've chosen to keep her head bare or to stick to headscarves worn like any other head covering. As far as she's concerned, her wearing a hijab cements the notion that like wearing a cross or a kippa under your regular hat, it's just a sign of personal affirmation on the spiritual level. She swears like a sailor, speaks French with a Québécois accent and has a disturbingly precise yen for mountain bikes. I pity whoever is crazy enough to debate her on her choices - especially anyone local who tries to rip her hijab off.
The Conservative one is conflicted. On the one hand, all of us non-Muslims are headed to Hell, but he stresses that like Dante's Purgatory, Allah's Hell for nice unbelievers isn't that bad. He says his wife wears a headscarf to honor them, but she's mum on all personal aspects of their life together. He feels proper Muslims would follow the Ayatollah's teachings but understands how the international community feels about the current situation.
I'm tempted to mention that he has a foot over the finish line and could cross over if he just made a few more logical inferences, but I'm not looking to add toxicity to the workplace.
I just hope his wife's asked herself a few questions of her own, and that her continuing to wear her hijab is the product of a conscious decision-making process on her part.
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wall-legion · 4 months
Such Oceans Within
"Don't eat that!"
Kippa glanced over to see what the fuss was about, and immediately regretted it. A charr cub had their tongue out, ready to catch one of her magical ice particles on it, but was now pulling it back in as she was being scolded by what appeared to be her mother. "But Mama-" she started. "But nothing!" The older charr grabbed her by the arm, maybe too roughly. "Don't you understand that's magic ice? We don't know what it will do if you eat it." "But someone said it was magic from the commander's friend-" the cub tried again. "That was enhanced by dragon magic." The mother gave the cub a shake. "I won't have you getting magicked by a dragon! We're better than that! Now come along and stop trying to eat things that aren't good for you." Kippa watched, tears pricking at her eyes, as the cub trotted after her mother while still reluctantly looking back at the ice crystals hanging in the air, shimmering and perfect. She wanted to scream more than she wanted to cry, wanted to berate that mother for thinking she would ever harm someone's child with her magic. That she ever would harm anyone, period, with it. But another part of her knew, especially after Bangar's stunt, that trying to engage with anyone right now would probably just escalate things more than it would ultimately fix them. It isn't fair, she thought as she sat down on a nearby rock and rubbed the back of one hand across her eyes to try and stop the tears. I didn't mean to do this. I didn't even ask for this gift! But I can't ever tell anyone that because they'll either think I'm ungrateful or insane. Rhenn would- She stopped that thought hard, sucking in a breath. If she thought about him still recuperating with Aurene for too long, there definitely would be tears, and she had cried enough. Lu would understand, or Kudo. Or Iuno. There. That was better. And yet the tears rolled down her cheeks anyways, in spite of her best efforts. So she doubled over and let herself cry, figuring if there were tears left she would be better off to do so. The crying never seemed to fix anything nowadays, she mused as she dried her face after a few minutes, but it did at least make it feel like her heart didn't weigh so much.
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real-shul-stories · 7 months
Guy comes to the door with kippa, beard, and peyos, so i let him in. He asks where minchah is. I tell him we just have morning minyan. He looks around, gesturing, "so what is this building meant to be?"
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