#kinoko no yama
zarvasace · 7 months
Four, December 2023??
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I’ve only added one song this month so far! I’m not really sure how this came out of it. And to be absolutely clear—I’m on Four’s side. I might have mycophobia but mushroom mountain woooooo
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nyannyannihon · 8 months
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potsquared · 8 months
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Kinoko no Yama x Urusei Yatsura Collaboration 甘さひかえめミルクチョコ #kinokonoyama #きのこの山 #uruseiyatsura #うる星やつら #甘さひかえめミルクチョコ
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pinkcookysakura · 1 year
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meji kinoko no yama ichigo marugoto
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patx64 · 6 months
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Yeah I'm doing fine thanks for asking
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blaze-n-rekka · 7 months
Meiji announces "Kinoko no Yama" earphones, simultaneous interpretation possible
Meiji has officially announced the commercialization of the previously conceptual Kinoko no Yama earphones, shaped like mushrooms, which gained widespread attention as “imaginary earphones” on their official Twitter. 「きのこの山のワイヤレスイヤホン」#欲しいと思ったらRT#明治のありそうでなかった雑貨#プロダクトクリエイターミチル (@mitiruxxx) pic.twitter.com/2mfvDsM13r— 株式会社 明治 / meiji (@MeijiCoLtd) July 11, 2023 Marketed as Konoyama Earphones with…
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lofibeanie · 10 months
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Mushroom Mountain vs Bamboo Shoot Village (biscuits shaped as a mushroom and bamboo shoot respectively which are coated in chocolate)
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hardcoreheely · 10 months
“Hey man wanna do shrooms?”
“Fuck yeah dude I wanna see god.”
*pulls a handful of these out of my pocket*
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isaksbestpillow · 4 months
Ossan's Love Returns episode 6 eng sub
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It's me again with freshly baked subs! Additional notes for the episode below the cut.
Previous episodes, welcome on board: Episode 1 Episode 2 Episode 3 Episode 4 Episode 5
Episode 6
Do not reupload to any streaming sites.
Valentine's Day is a pretty big deal in Japan. Traditionally, women are supposed to give chocolate to men and men are supposed to return the favour a month later on White Day. Many people actually find this exchange stressful because of giri choco, 'obligation chocolate' given to all male co-workers. In recent years the popularity of giri choco has been steadily falling and it has even been banned in many workplaces, and now many women are instead giving friendship chocolate to their friends. The opposite of giri choco is honmei choko (true love chocolate) given in a romantic setting.
Wrapping is super important in gift giving. Pointing this out so you can fully appreciate the chocolate scene!!!
The wedding planner is a cameo by Crazy Coco. She's an ex flight attendant who does comedy videos on Instagram. Please pay attention to the non-Japanese pronunciation of English loan words in this scene.
Sukima Switch: This is the name of the band who contributed the theme songs for both seasons so I left it untranslated. Revival from season 1 plays in one of the scenes.
Nukazuke: A type of preserved food made by fermenting vegetables in rice bran (nuka). The pickling bed is called nukadoko. Nukadoko is a living organism that you can keep using forever as long as you take care of it. There are nukadoko that have been passed down for generations.
Takenoko no sato & Kinoko no yama ('bamboo shoot village' & 'mushroom mountain') are two types of chocolate by Meiji sold at every supermarket. You have dog persons and cat persons, mountain persons and beach persons, takenoko persons and kinoko persons. So it's not just any random chocolate, it's an ordinary everyday product that everyone has an opinion on.
I felt like walking was a theme in this episode so I tried to retain the expressions.
Tag list (let me know if you'd like to be tagged!):
@babeluda @twig-tea @nieves-de-sugui @nongnaos @veikonvihannekset @bengiyo @thirstkanaphan @my-rose-tinted-glasses @faillen @ellieellieoxenfree @randifrn @fromisstar @lurkingshan @penguin251159 @i-remember-yyou @remadi @thesedamncannibals @sewichii @littleragondin @thegalwhorants @mirkoscarrot
Please enjoy!!!
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lovesaibo · 2 years
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Here’s the information on Shidou’s page! A number of things are repeat information from the 1Q1A posts on twitter so I’m starting with the things that are new! As always please forgive me if I make mistakes, please remember that reading manga is just a way for me to retain knowledge after studying! :^)
Birthday: 7 July
Age: 18, 3rd Year Student (Previously he was 17 and a second year student! I would say this is because of the passage of time in the Blue Lock universe, but both Sae and Rin are still the same age, so I think this was changed by the mangaka/author!)
Star Sign: Cancer
Birthplace: Tokyo
Height: 185cm
Blood Type: AB
Team before Blue Lock: Independent player (It seems like he didn’t play for his highschool team)
Dominant foot: Both
Motto: All for the sake of exploding (or all for the sake of an explosion)
Nickname: Exploding Demon
Character Colour: Shocking Pink
Favourite time of the year: Summer “Cus my cells get excited”
**Note, these next two questions were kind of hard for me to put into English. They’re both seeming to ask “You’re happiest/saddest when this happens” but it can also be “You’re happiest/saddest when doing” Based on his answers, I’m going with “You’re happiest when doing” and “You’re saddest when this happens”
You’re happiest when doing: Pass (As in, I believe that he passed on the question and didn’t want to answer.)
You’re sad when this happens: When someone can’t explode (The literal japanese is 爆発しない人間 which would just be non-exploding human. I think he’s saying he’s sad when people can’t make his “heart explode” as he’s stated in the manga before)
Amount of time sleeping: 7 hours
This next question is about the chocolate coated biscuits called “Kinoko (mushroom) no Yama” and “Takenoko (bamboo shoot) no Sato” by Meiji. It’s a fun rivalry to ask do you prefer the mushroom or bamboo shoots.
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Kinoko group or Takenoko group?: Takenoko “Form is strong” (For Funsies, Itoshi Rin said he preferred Kinoko! Bitter rivals to the end)
(This next question is an old one from 1Q1A but I thought it was funny to add alongside the previous answer) Least favourite food: Bean Sprouts “Form is poor/weak”
Where do you wash first when bathing: Neck
(This next answer was a bit hard to translate to english as well. I don’t know how to word what he said properly) Thing you cried about recently: At the end of the day, when there is nothingness I’ll cry. (Closer to a literal translation is “At the days end, when it leads to nothing[ness], tears come out.”)
What did you ask for as a Christmas present from Santa: A dimension where Santa disappears
What would you with your last day on Earth: See my future
How would you spend your Holiday: Release myself from everything and become (or do) nothing.
***These were already answered by 1Q1A Twitter series but I will put them here too!
Favourite Pro Player: Zlatan Ibrahimovic
Favourite food: Yukhoe
Favourite movie: A clockwork orange
Favourite manga: Chainsaw Man
Best Subject(s): Physical Ed, Art
Favourite Song: Hide, Pink Spider
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parkvcrs · 2 years
The Red Means I Love You
SUMMARY: world renown detective, l, finds himself becoming dangerously enamored with one of the suspects for the ongoing kira investigation.
PAIRING: l lawliet x kira!fem!reader.
WARNING(S): obsessiveness(?), jealousy, all that good stuff.
NOTES: so, uh, i got inspiration off an edit i saw on tiktok. if it’s sloppy and difficult to understand, blame my brain for flatlining! it’s not so much romantic but rather l is trying to fight off his emotions for the reader (he gets jealous 🤭).
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The silence breathed no more upon the wintry ground. S/n Y/n, holding a hand over her heart, lifted her head into the wind, eyes open for this softly lit night as they darted around the plain. Her breathing was uneven from running, she was able to note that because her breaths were visible in the wintry night, almost as if it were smoke. She tried to catch her breath, but it felt like blindly crossing a bridge when her mind was still clouded from running to the Japanese Task Force building.
Peeling the door open to the main hall, her shoes clanked against the tile ground as she hurried inside, “Hello everyone!” She announced her arrival. Various groggy responses was her only reply. S/n strolled over to L who sat in front of the main computer monitoring panel, where he often resides for the current investigation.
“Ryuzaki?” Y/n spoke softly, prompting a quiet ‘hm’ from the detective. She frowned before rummaging in her pockets and pulling out a small bag filled with a mixture of candies such as Kit Kat, Kinoko no Yama, and other delights. She gently placed it on the desk in front of the young man, “I was going to get you coffee, but it would’ve gotten cold by the time I got here.” She sheepishly admitted, stepping away.
Ryuzaki didn’t reply nor did he acknowledge S/n’s presence. He measly brushed her off, but he was a bit tense when she was in close proximity during the time she was giving him the little goody bag. Y/n stood there for a moment, awaiting a response. After a few seconds of shared silence, she frowned and retreated over to Matsuda Touta and Yagami Soichiro.
“Picking favourites now, S/n?” Matsuda joked which caused Y/n to playfully elbow him in his gut.
“You dork!” She quietly exclaimed, smiling. “I was going to get coffee for all of you. Honest.” She added in a solemn tone. Despite coming off as sincere, Y/n was fabricating. In actuality, she just wanted to clear her mind from the entire investigation, given she and Yagami Light are the two main suspects. Furthermore, she used the excuse of getting coffee for everyone as an alibi when she wanted to just talk with Ryuk about the current circumstances. Yes, she is Kira but the pressure to keep up this act was getting worse. Letting out an exasperated sigh, Y/n pinched the bridge of her nose, “I don’t have favourites, Matsuda, and, even if I did, you wouldn’t be one of them—”
Just as S/n said this, Soichiro busted out in boisterous laughter which caused the other two to snicker as well — knowing that S/n’s comment was all in good fun. Unbeknownst to the trio, as they were enjoying the presence of one another, L was peering over his shoulder. His gaze narrowed, watching Y/n resting her hand on Matsuda’s shoulder as support as she was hunched over, cackling.
Almost emotionless, L turned his attention back onto the monitors, fumbling with the opening of the plastic bag that was given to him. Looking down at it, the corners of his mouth ever so slightly curled up into a smirk but it soon vanished once he overheard Y/n’s laughter conjoined with Matsuda’s. “Wouldn’t you two find it more beneficial to stay on task?” He spoke up in a melodramatic tone. “Need I remind you that Kira is still on the loose?”
“Careful, Ryuzaki, you’re starting to sound like a strict parent,” S/n decided to poke fun at him as well since there was a portion of her who felt sympathetic for not including him sooner. However, as soon as she pointed this factor out, L gave her an indescribable glare that immediately caused her smile to dissipate. “Sorry…” she mumbled.
Sometime later, L watched from his peripheral vision as Y/n sat beside him, prompting him to tense. As to keep his composure, L pretended to watch the monitors in front of him diligently to make it seem that he did not notice her presence. “Hello…” she said, her voice barely above that of a whisper. “How are you doing, Ryuzaki?” Her optics remained glued on her opponent, ever so carefully watching his every move.
Given that she accepted Ryuk’s deal of receiving the Shinigami Eyes, Y/n had known of L’s true identity during their first interaction. However, she couldn’t write his name in her Death Note now. It would be incredibly difficult to plead her case and to say that she was innocent.
“Did you say something?” His voice is low and distracted, murmuring as if he didn’t hear a word she just said even though, in reality, he hung desperately onto every word that she uttered. L barely turns his head away from the TVs to look at her for a brief moment, though she must look quite a sight: ogling at the detective as her cheeks flushed in great embarrassment, under the impression that he didn’t catch anything.
“It’s nothing…”
L was surprised by Y/n’s willingness to succumb to humiliation. Raising his eyebrows, “Alright then.” He didn’t want to come off as cold and insensitive when it came to the h/c-haired girl but he had to. If he caved into his selfish desires, he would be running the risk of crossing her as a suspect entirely just because he is enthralled by S/n.
“You look good today…” she interrupted his train of thought and, at the compliment alone, L fought off a smirk that threatened to overtake his stoic facial features. While L didn’t know as to why this compliment specially caused him to become a fumbling idiot, he appreciated it nonetheless since he doesn’t come across many that felt so genuine. Many words of affirmation in his line of work were mainly about his intellect. Fidgeting with the end of his shirt, L nodded his head slightly to show that he heard S/n’s praise. “Thank you…”
“It’s my pleasure, Ryuzaki,” S/n smiled brightly but, unbeknownst to L, the girl’s index and middle finger were crossed together to show that she was lying. L is Kira's enemy. He is the sole obstacle making S/n Y/n unable to cleanse the world of any imperfections within its society. She has grown a long distaste for him. She hated him. He is dead to her.
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nyannyannihon · 11 months
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potsquared · 10 months
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Meiji Kinoko no Yama x Strawberry Prince Collaboration Strawberry and Chocolate #kinokonoyama #strawberryprince #meiji
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lilspotofsunshine · 2 years
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source: [1 & 2], [3]
stumbled on this comic i’d not seen before on fumino-sensei’s twitter, so i thought i’d share a rough t/l!
Page 1 & 2
BREAKFAST [Left] Team Bread (Kouhei, Maya, Tendou, Ryuu) [Right] Team Rice (Chiba, Taichi) Taichi: Rice and shine!
RED BEAN PASTE [Left] Team Smooth (Kouhei, Maya, Tendou) [Right] Team Chunky (Chiba, Taichi) Taichi: Chunky for sure! Tendou: If I had to pick one... Maya: It’d be smooth. Placard (Ryuu): I hate sweet things.
ROASTED SWEET POTATOES [Left] Team Sticky & Gooey (Kouhei, Maya, Tendou) [Right] Team Soft & Crumbly (Chiba, Taichi, Ryuu) Taichi: Right??? Ryuu: *nodding* Tendou: Oh~ Annou potatoes are delicious, aren’t they? Maya: Y-yes!
GYOZA [Left] Team Boiled (Kouhei, Tendou) [Right] Team Pan-Fried (Chiba, Maya, Ryuu, Taichi) Tendou: Well actually, I’m Team Shumai. Kouhei: ......
KINOKO VS TAKENOKO* (*referring to the longstanding rivalry between 2 brands of chocolate snacks sold by Meiji, called Kinoko no Yama (Mushroom Mountain) and Takenoko no Sato (Bamboo Shoot Village))
[Left] Team Takenoko (Kouhei, Maya) [Right] Team Kinoko (Chiba, Taichi, Tendou) Placard (Ryuu): I hate sweet things.
Taichi: Awesome! We both like all the same things!! I really am your disciple! Chiba: It's just a coincidence. Tendou: Oh dear... Maya: It's okay, senpai!! We may have lost by numbers, but Team Takenoko will persevere!! Kouhei: Why......
Page 3
Kouhei: Taichi! Which do you prefer, udon or soba!? Taichi: Udon. Kouhei → Team Soba
Kouhei: How about cola or soda? Taichi: Cola! Kouhei → Team Soda
Kouhei: Cream stew or beef stew...? Taichi: Beef stew~ I'm hungry... *grooowwlllll* Kouhei → Goes without saying
Kouhei: So then... between cats and dogs, it must be... Taichi: Dogs! 'Cuz we can go on walks together!
Kouhei: Right, of course you'd pick dogs... Kouhei: Wait, dogs!?
Kouhei: Me too! If I had to choose, it'd be dogs! Taichi: Oh, guess we've the same taste! Kouhei: Yeah! Same taste...
Kouhei: (...But not in food!!!) Taichi: Kouhei?
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faeirtopia · 4 months
Hi Mimi, I’m glad to read that you are doing fine and choosing to take it peaceful and mature way. I have wrote you a question on the day the news broke. Please don’t reply to it. I think the post you’ve done answered everything very well ☺️ Im sure many of your readers would feel the same. Sending lots love 💗
Let’s continue living 🙌 I want to share with you my recent experience with trying ramune first time… part of my family is chinese, so weekly I’m going to the asian supermarket for ingredients. I’ve decided to give a try to japanese soda. My goooshh it’s a whole challenge to open that bottle. Need to start going to gym again just to be able to push that ball. How did you guys manage opening it as children? 🫨🫨🫨
What is your favourite flavour? Any other drinks/ snacks to recommend?
- 🐻
hi lovely! I just want to take the time to thank you for this. I decided I didn’t want to answer any of the questions and asks I received because it was much better to just speak on the situation on my own! and address everyone that way. I tried my best even though I’m very awkward and I don’t know when to say certain things at the right time but I’m happy it turned out the way that it did. I wanted to go the mature route because myself maybe a few years ago would’ve not been mature at all and I came a long way from then. ☺️
anyway! yes let’s keep living! with happiness please. oh yes, tell me all about it! hahahaha that’s my favorite! I have funny story about that I tried one time only one time! I ended up breaking the whole bottle and receiving cuts from the bottle 😳 so my dad always opened it for me from then on! I love the hello kitty strawberry! (you guys will find out I’m hello kitty obsessed!) melon, grape, orange, blueberry, and original!
japanese snacks that I recommend!
himemaru rice crackers!
konpeito sugar candy!
apollo strawberry chocolate!
melty kiss!
KINOKO NO YAMA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
jagariko sticks!
soft senbei!
uha kororo!
those are only some of them! 🤗
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velvetfoxgames · 1 year
sorry if this is too specific, but i would like to know which side the boys would pick on the kinoko no yama (mushroom mountain) VS takenoko no sato (bamboo shoot village) debate. and for context, it’s where these two rival japanese chocolate cookie brands where one is shaped in a mushroom, and the other is a bamboo shoot, and was like a hot debate which shape was better to eat a few years ago.
I learn so many interesting things doing these asks
Alexei - kinoko no yama
Brooklyn - kinoko no yama
Leo - takenoko no sato
Milo - kinoko no yama
Rory - takenoko no sato
Tobias - takenoko no sato
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