#kingdom of corona
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gummi-ships · 10 months ago
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Kingdom Hearts 3
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tangledbea · 3 months ago
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Varian and Hugo
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Ha, you didn’t see them coming, aye?
Varian and Hugo! What are they doing here?
Well. When Varian was going through his villain era, he made himself some debts to a lot of not-really-nice people, including a few pirates. After his adventures with his own bunch of friends in “Varian and the Seven Kingdoms” (of which we were robbed) he was finally forced to pay it back. So – he needed money. So – he started to sell innovative (though often explosive) stuff to people who like innovative (though often explosive) stuff. Even on lower prices, if a buyer will come back with a review and notes.
As for now, Varian’s debts are long paid, but well, the Republic of Pirates kinds grew on him. He now has his own store and lab, run mostly by Hugo (as Varian resides mostly in Corona), where they research, develop, test and sell his potions and inventions – as a found family. The young alchemist is highly respected here, he met a few other inventors, engineers and magic specialists (although he still DOES NOT WORK WITH MAGIC) and is collaborating with them – all to push history on the way of great progress! But even with the best intention in hand, he would still prefer Rapunzel and Eugene to not know about his side hustle…
Did you notice those little tubes Hans wears on his vest and uses as diversion during battles/boardings/when someone is chasing him? Where do you think he buys it? He even has a special discount – “from one reformed villain to another”. He also helps testing new trinkets out - and Varian is always impressed by his detailed feedback.
Special thanks for The Sims 4 for making me an amazing background!
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hollypollly · 2 years ago
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KH3 Sora and Kairi Floating Lights (Acrylic Stand Artwork)
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sunlightdrop · 2 years ago
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disneyfanatic1993 · 6 months ago
“Why Did I Let You Talk Me Into This…”/“It’s All In Good Fun”
Upon Queen Rapunzel’s request, Varian creates a non-toxic temporary dying powder for a new ‘Festival of Color.’ All the citizens arrive to the festival in solid white clothing, and have fun tossing the different colors of powder at each other.
Cassandra isn’t thrilled with the idea of the festival, but Varian talks her into it. It’s all in good fun, right? 🤣
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I combined two of the prompts for Cassarian Month.
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allykakamatsu · 2 months ago
Shadow of the Past
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Aka, Ace missed CoM so come Corona in KH3 he gets quite the jumpscare when he notices how much Marluxia looks like the girl he likes his best friend
Buy me a coffee
Commission Prices
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theblueprincess590 · 3 months ago
The Wonder of a Fairy Tale Sun-An Analysis of Kingdom Hearts 3
If Twilight town’s main purpose in Kingdom Hearts 3 was to explore the intrinsic melancholy of Sora’s journey then the purpose of The Kingdom Of Corona would be to explore the joy of Sora’s journey and how he shares it with others.
The Kingdom of Corona focuses primarily on The Halfpint Trio helping Rapunzel live out her dream of seeing the floating lanterns as they act as her bodyguards. However Sora does far more than just protect Rapunzel on her quest. He acts as her friend and fairy tale guardian encouraging her to stop and smell the roses, to feel the joy of the world outside her.
Heavy parallels are drawn between Sora and Rapunzel with him remarking that he felt the same uncertainty and wonder as her when he first left his Islands. Both Sora and Rapunzel dreamed of seeing the outside world. And while Sora’s dream was tainted by the forces of Darkness he vows to make Rapunzel’s dream come true, fulfilling the same role as Doanld and Goofy did for him in his first adventure. He pushes Rapunzel not to run away from the darkness of the outside world but instead to face it head on, fighting alongside her against the heartless and teaching her to take her power into her own hands through the team attack Tangled Twist. Most importantly Sora encourages Rapunzel to slow down and truly experience the wonders around her. Throughout the team’s journey to the Kingdom there are several different Side quests that pop up. You play with Rapunzel in the water, blow the dandelion, watch a rainbow, save some adorable bunnies, and meet a new kind of bird. All of these quests, of course, are not necessary for the overall goal of seeing the lanterns, however that doesn't make them any less important. These detours are what brings joy to her fairy tale story. 
The game even encourages the Player themselves to slow down and enjoy the level like Sora and Rapunzel. The world is littered with hidden chests and lucky emblems for them to find. The Player can go back to Rapunzel's Tower to find a chest with the rare Armor piece, Mask Rosette, which serves as a great boon for upcoming boss fights against Grim Guardians. Or they can explore the docks of the Kingdom before joining in the festival inorder to find the rare cuisine Sea Bass en Papillote+ which sports amazing stat buffs. Most importantly however, if the Player chooses to do all four of Rapunzel's side quests they are rewarded with the rare and one of the kind accessory Forest Clasp. An accessory that can only be obtained if the player manages to complete all of Rapunzel’s side quests before bringing her to the Kingdom as the item itself is ultimately symbolic of the World's philosophy, “To stop and smell the roses”. Shown best through the ability HP Walker which restores HP with every step.
In Contrast to Sora, Marluxia, and by proxy The True Organization XIII, acts as a force of stagnation and ignorance. They do not seek to understand the people of this world nor do they wish to enjoy its simple beauty. Instead Marluxia only focuses on his mission and how he can use the world to fit the Organization's Goals. He makes no effort to form connections, only using Mother Gothel as a pawn for his machinations and then discarding her once he can no longer use her. He never once ventures out to experience what this fairy tale kingdom has to offer, never joining the festival nor taking the time to watch the floating lanterns. No instead Marluxia stays in the shadows, incurious of what lies beyond him. And when he does interact with the world it is to impose his will upon it and destroy the joy of others. Marluxia wishes to return Rapunzel to her tower, to destroy her connections to the outside world and leave her a prisoner of Gothel’s greed. He does not care about what she wants, does not respect the love and happiness she found with Flynn, nor acknowledge her growth and autonomy as a person. Marluxia’s goal is to undo all the good Sora has done for Rapunzel in order to return her to what she once was, an infantilized and objectified child to be used by those that have kept her captive. In order words Marluxia wishes to transform Rapunzel into another Namine. But Marluxia fails. Rapunzel will not become another bird in a cage. The happiness and love Sora, Donald, Goofy, and Eugene Gave her is too strong to be broken, and Rapunzel's heart shows her the truth of her real family forever breaking the poisonous influence Mother Gothel had over her. Marluxia did not respect The Kingdom of Corona nor its people. He made no effort to appreciate it. So in the end the word thoroughly rejected him and his influence. Shown best as the heartless he creates from Gothel’s ugly heart, the ultimate manifestation of his and Xehanort’s will on the world, is destroyed By Sora, the one who earned the world love and trust by simply stopping to take a breather and pay his respect to those around him.
Ultimately all journey’s must come to an end and as the gang finally reaches the Kingdom Rapunzel leaves the party of good and returns all her items back to Sora. Rapunzel's absence is felt by both Sora and the Player as not only is he no longer in the party during revisits to the world but her team attack Tangled Twist is permanently lost. So that begs the question, why does Sora care so much about spreading joy to those he shares his adventures with if they are inevitably going to leave him? And the answer is simple, it is exactly because the good times are going to end that they must enjoy their time together while it lasts. Sora knew that his time spent with every new friend is Finite. That eventually he will have to say goodbye. Even Donald and Goofy will eventually leave him once they reach their journey's end. So instead of wallowing in self pity he chooses to celebrate his time together with others as best he can, forming wonderful memories with all those he meets so that when he has to say goodbye, the happy times they spent together will remain in their hearts. And we see this through Rapunzel as her final moments of Joy with Sora remain etched in her heart through the mini game, Festival Dance, which she continues to play even when Sora is gone.                      
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endlessskymaster · 1 year ago
In the game, Maximus wakes Sora up.
In the manga, they don't even bother to wake Sora up and just take him with them while he's still asleep 🤭
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letoasai · 3 months ago
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Kingdom Hearts - Rapunzel's tower
Reference picture found online
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isa-moon-man · 9 months ago
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"At last, I see the light."
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gummi-ships · 7 months ago
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Worlds of Kingdom Hearts 3
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tangledbea · 3 months ago
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ataraxianne · 2 years ago
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briskapollo · 2 months ago
Sora’s sass knows no bounds
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my-tangled-treasures · 7 months ago
I need to get back to proper postings of my Tangled collection but in the meantime, here is some pictures of two new things to add to the collection!
One Well played with Eugene (He can't stand! And he need some touch ups.)
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And today was the arrival of Tangled the Series Rapunzel doll (found on Vinted, apparently she in this edition was sold in a 2pack with Cassandra (and maybe they were separately aswell idk....)
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Talk about a TANGLED mess 😆
Now the hunt for a Eugene doll in the Series style begins. I have my eye on some on Ebay but with shipping and stuff...It's a bit much.
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