#king alaric
cuppykin · 10 months
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Evil men in power with huge chests part 1 of ???
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grayjoy15 · 9 months
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Day 16: Lightning - Alaric, king of the Visigoths!
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Can you tell something more about MC's family? 🙏👀 I'm very curious
Both of the MCs parents are still alive.
King Alaric and Queen Elora are known far and wide for their kindness, but Alaric is also known to not take any chances when it comes to the safety of his country. It's part of the reason Beruvia and Sylerya are having so many issues; Alaric doesn't trust them as much as once did.
The MC also has a younger brother and sister-- twins-- named Gabriel and Ashleigh. Gabriel was a quiet child the last time you saw him and Ashleigh was a bit more rambunctious, but will they still be like that when you see them again? You also had an older sister, named Elise, who tragically died around the time you were 15, which made you the heir of Beruvia.
You'll be able to see them all again when you enter the castle once more and see how your "death" affected them.
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oh-no-eu-didnt · 2 years
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King Alaric was a Selphi and ruling sovereign of Thrusta during the Clone Wars. A friend of Jedi Grand Master Yoda, Alaric was disappointed by the corruption of the Republic, enough to secede to the Confederacy. Alaric’s reputation was enough to influence the entire Sumitra sector of the Expansion Region, where Thrusta was located.
Source: Star Wars Jedi: Yoda (Art: HOON; 2004)
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I don't know why, but even though I haven't even seen how Ivor acts or looks like, I already feel like I would want to throw a cast iron frying pan at his head.
LOL! Yeah, Ivor can have a temper, especially when those he cares about are threatened or hurt. But I assure you, he is loyal and would do anything for his people. The Deserters, however, are in a whole different manner altogether. They are the true definition of evil and sadistic. They find joy in torturing and hurting others, so feel free to throw the frying pan at them. Amaros, a member of King Alaric's council, is another one you can throw a frying pan at. Amaros had let the power go to his head and attacked Alaric and his son Fallon. So yes, most of my Illagers are good-hearted except for a few.
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midnightsun-if · 6 months
How has no one talked about how hot Scarlett’s dad is? Hello?!?! 😩😩😩
I’d be a blushing mess meeting him
😂, I’m glad you’re interested in Alaric (even if it is with his perceived hotness). He’s a complex man that I’m super excited to explore further. Especially when it involves his relationship with Scarlett.
For anyone confused here’s his Pinterest board. As I assume that’s what caused this ask.
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alienoryva · 7 months
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"They are a non-canon couple, but they met and interacted when the queen visited Winterfell (58 AC) without the king (jaehaerys i)".
"The longer Queen Alysanne Targaryen stays at Winterfell, the warmer Lord Alaric Stark's attitude towards her becomes".
''However, he warmed to the queen, and eventually took her hunting in the wolfswood for elk and wild boar, and showed her the bones of a giant. He also allowed her to rummage as she pleased through him".
🪻Note: I read a lot of fan-fiction about them and it really got me hooked and also made them my favorite-ship. Their visual claims I chose is Queen Elizabeth Woodville (the White Queen) played by Rebecca Ferguson and a character from a Turkish historical series.
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forgottenarthur · 2 months
The Royal & Ducal Arms of His Royal Highness, Prince Alaric, Duke of Farrington
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Or (yellow/gold): generosity and elevation of the mind
Tawny/Tenne (orange/brown): worthy ambition
Pupure (purple): royal majesty, sovereignty, and justice
Hawk: one who does not rest until their objective is achieved
Crown: heaven; victory, sovereignty, empire; success
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countrymusiclover · 2 years
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Klaus Mikaelson
"Princess" More than a Nickname (Klaus Mikaelson x reader, TVD) complete ✅
Her Life Means Everything (Klaus Mikaelson x Forbes, Caroline's sister. TVD) Complete ✅️
Gemini Runaway (Klaus x witch OC) complete ✅️
Family is More than Blood (Gemini Runaway sequel, Legacies) on going ✴️
A God Worthy Soulmate (Ken, Legacies) complete ✅
Alaric Saltzman
Werewolf Forbes (Alaric Saltzman/Klaus Mikaelson x reader. TVD) complete ✅
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dulcewrites · 1 year
Do you think king queen fmo would consider trying for another baby for the "heir and a spare" thing?
Honestly I love this idea simply bc of drama that would ensue afterwards 💀💀, and for several reasons:
- Aemond tipping his hand to basically saying alaric will be his heir
- what this mean for reader and his relationship since there will have to be an added layer of intimacy that they haven’t shared since probably trying for alaric.
- what this means for daella in all of this. Like she was never officially named and she does understand the way the realm works. But she’d probably feel some type of way bc she could do it. She could be a great queen
- also what kind of new found pressure reader would now be under when it comes to conceiving children. Like yeah regardless of status, there were/are strict “duties” a woman had to tend to. Child bearing being one. But now the idea that she needs to have a boy and if not…. They are trying all over again. I think as someone who had a mom who struggled with fertility issues, that would fuck with her. Also someone who still grew up being told that was her job. And if she doesn’t get that done, she has essentially failed. Ugh I can just imagine her and daella having a similar convo that nyra and aemma do. “Everyone is worried about the babe, who is worried about you.”
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deckofcardau · 3 months
Since I wanna keep you all interested, and also I'm bored, I wanna make a deal.
If we get 5 asks, I'll write 2 chapters today.
Yep, that's right. 2 whole chapters for the measly price of 5 asks. Ask anyone, anyone at all. Hell, you can ask ME things!
Get to it! :3
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beardedmrbean · 2 years
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dream-sy · 2 years
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Best Friend's~
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Why MC's father had abdicated?
He no longer felt like he was what Beruvia needed. That he would only impede the growth of the country he loves so much. At least, that's what he would say in public. In private? He's absolutely crushed that two of his children had been killed because of the crown he wears... the crown they would have worn too.
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oh-no-eu-didnt · 2 years
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Tierfon was a mountainous world located in the Expansion Region. A quiet world, Tierfon was a member of the Republic until the death of the Thrusta’s King Alaric, an important sovereign in the Sumitra sector. It seceded and joined the Confederacy of Independent Systems. During the Galactic Civil War, the Rebellion had a starfighter base hidden on the Tierfon, known for its skilled pilots.
Source: The Official Star Wars Fact File 122 (2004)
First Appearance: The Star Wars Sourcebook (1987)
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thedeadthree · 1 year
🍓 for olga? :3
AMBIEE HELLO DEAR TY SO MUCHH <3 i hope your doing well and having the loveliest day/night ! GOLLLY i miss the angel ty so much for the ask for her !
give me a: 🍓 and one of my OCs, and i’ll tell you some random facts about said OC !!
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🍓: i would say she had harbored feelings for logan for a time before ye olde "argument where a confession slips out" aka ye olde "because i care about you" thing? and once she does its like an "OOPSIE DAISY that wasnt the result i had hoped to yield from this. 🌸✨🥴" and had buried it out of sight out of MIND before the moment happened?
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