#kinda? its loving my friends hours babey
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1. Do you have any freckles?
i dont think so?? im confused cuz in my hand there are some really faint dots but its most likely not
4. Do u sleep on your back, stomach or side?
depends, too warm or if my body hurts i sleep on my back, if im cold i sleep on my side, and if im just in a mood or really tired i sleep on my stomach
7. What's your ideal number of blankets to sleep with?
one ☝ if its cold maximon two
12. Who are five (or more) ppl you want to hug right now?
already answered this in another post so-
16. Want any tattoos? What of?
same as 12
17. Want any piercings? Where?
i most likely don't get any, my pain tolerance wouldn't let me XD but maybe in the ears, i never got them pierced
22. How much sleep did you get last night?
...does it count that i slept the whole afternoon? cuz if thats so....11 hours? if not 5 hours
25. What's your favorite decade?
i miss the 10's 😔 no worries just watching animation memes and listening to alan walker
26. What are some seemingly childish you like?
fuckin plushies, i love plushies, gimme plushies.
28. How are you, really?
32. If you could go anywhere right now, where would you go?
outside this fucking country really, the middle of the woods would work tbh
34. What's your favorite flower?
cornflower since 2021 babey
40. Do you like the beach? Do you prefer it sunny or cloudy?
i miss going to the beach so much, and i prefer it sunny even tho i hate warm climate lol, cloudy the sea turns crazy and kinda scary
42. Tag 5 of your favorite blogs.
@hyruledwarriorr @the-sage-of-aura-and-shadows @blupeeblep @/ovegakart @/ezlo-x ez
45. Is there anyone you would die for?
frends and my cat mocha
46. What do you need when you're sad?
the ol trusty chickem noodles and some tea tbh pao too i love pao
48. Who's someone you can trust with your life?
close friends, i don't trust myself with my own life so kjdsfkds
50. Show us the last drabble you have in your current pc.
lemme uhhh
[...] as far as he was aware he was the only one that has existed so far at his time.
haven't writen anything for a while lol
amy what the fuck with all the questions and you know that i have my inbox open right????? /lh
ask game
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ok so here's the five year get back together plan. its the only thing historically that helps you and i absolutely hate feeling like this.
2025 is the year where you get your shit together - we're buidling up our it girl hobbies, establishing routines, finishing this degree, getting a job and moving back home briefly to be a diligent daughter. we're conquering the emetophobia specifically. can't be a good wife if ur fucking insane ! (hello its me from 2027 don't forget you have to also learn all ur tradwife building a house in the woods skills this year! chopchop babey we have all the solitude time in the world now for self improvement)
2026 we spend the first half of the year(ish) still at home, genuinely enjoying time with the family but also really crafting life to be what you want it. you do kinda unfortunately have to date a little bit because that was a stipulation of getting back together so you do some dating and it goes yknow as well as it has, historically, which is not great ! then sometime this year we return to montreal, your home, oh shit we also did lingoda while we were in toronto don't forget so you're fluent in french now
2027: this is hopefully enough time for him to have realized he doesn't want kids, he'll be what 32 by the end of this? so yeah this could be our year babey! there are so many flaws in this plan why has he returned to montreal he was always determined to go back to california. but i was determined to go to TO and look how thats turning out so you know what fuck that in this dream world hes moved back - or, hear me out even better, he moves back FOR me and thus proves to everyone he doesn't suck two birds one stone. ok so after i'm back in montreal hopefully having BOUGHT a house but tbh no promises there, oh shit wait back to 2025 for a second - ok now that we've added that addendum here's the time. we're the perfect person, the norovirus vaccine has been acquired, we've learned all the skills we need to for the commune, we're living happily with our remote job and dating a little but never finding the one like our friends and they lament it and you go ":) thats ok :) how could i be lonely when i have you guys! :) no no really please tell me more about how you want to lock adam on the balcony :)" and then - the message ! is it on the anniversary day we do not remember? is it on a lovely summer's night when he just couldn't stop thinking about me? is it on the eve of our break up, even? that one makes the most sense tbh and in this daydream I don't need to pretend like he didnt absolutely already forget what day it happened on .... oof ! anyway he sends the message that is something like "if i were to come to montreal for a few days, would i be able to see you?' in that exact way like he's BEGGING to be allowed into MY sphere ... and I am a fully grown woman (29?) so i don't need to wait for x amount of hours to pass I can just say that that would be lovely, we can do some scheduling chats. i think it is important that you dont tell ur friends lol, but over the past few years i would hope that youve gotten better about keeping your news to yourself and maybe your parents are the main outlets after the year at home! and they would be thrilled so you can absolutely tell them. over the course of this texting its hopefully naturally but not subtly revealed that he ended a relationship (engagement, even?) after realizing kids are little demons. oh also a key componet of this plan, the american oligarchy fell apart and green tech is the only thriving industry. anyway this conversation lasts a day or two maybe and again because im not playing coy im like oh im wondering what the intentions of this visit are now and he is very explicitly like i don't want to promise anything like what if we each remember each other too differently but i intend to visit to be sure that i remember what love feels like and that its always been you. anyway thats at the end of the year bc this conversation STARTED on december 10th and i go home for the holidays still so this brings us neatly to the new year.
2028: here we go ! he has his visit, the love is still there, but like also that entire list of things that was wrong with him is rendered obsolete - like, no longer a war profiteer bc its impossible, obvi, he's matured and mellowed a little, and he got that weird nose surgery so no snot sounds. i dont even remember what else is on this list. oh he developed greater sympathy for the homeless!! that was a huge fucking one. anyway we meet and go out for dinner (tacos, obviously - i was going to say Jun I but no it has to be Tropic) and he is like yes listen i fully want to be here with you. i am changing my life to do so you do not have to come to california except we should visit my famly sometimes and im like yes of course we will do double thanksgiving. we could do my family christmas and then go to his family for mama's birthday. this is soothing me and really helping. we, against what he always said before, do long distance. i have to tell my friends at this point dont i. no, because hes not moving in with me, hes just moving to the city. no i think going on this date without telling them would be too much of a rift. although maybe by this point my friendship with cassa and rachel isnt like that anymore and were more surface level. ok but yes i still think i tell them that i saw him... NO i let him move here, we're fully dating long distance but no one needs to know except my family and trusted friends like jason and sam, who trust me and my decisions. i say that i would really like for them to a) meet him to see for themselves and b) also trust that i do genuinely see a positive change in him, the love of my life. anyway we long distance date, he comes to montreal and we continue to see each other - i kind of like the drama of cassa stumbling upon us in a restaurant lol, except truly i dont think this level of secrecy would be forgiven in the outer rings of the friendships either tbh, I think i would have to come clean early BUT because ive spent now three years honing my rhetoric, spiritual energy, and doing shadow work, i'm easily able to communicate genuinely and any negative reactions is a reflections of their own deep unhappiness. i don't know, now, how i would say it. but it has to be after the date and before we start long distance dating. can we even begin dating again, long distance? what a strange world to be in. i think we could though. scheduled nightly (?!) calls where we just fill each other in and enjoy each others company. ive learned better sex in the meantime lol. anyway, i dont know if this part needs daydreaming tbh, this is the part where he comes back and we start dating and we buy a house and he is working in green tech and we buy a plot of land beside caros chalet where theres good kiting water and we build the house inside a greenhouse (which is fine bc the outside is so windy) and we dont ever have children and everything is fine. when we do go to california i maybe even enjoy it sometimes ! but its so important that he has gone back to california, dated around, and bailed on kids. this plan cant happen if hes just been holding onto the last legs of aon this whole time, he needs to realize his vision for his life isnt what he wanted just like i did. and then an extra step, that the vision of the life he does want is mine, complete with the way the world works.
there we did it! will i look back at this and cringe in years to come, almost certainly! maybe i will manifest this and i can show him. maybe ill move on and wonder why i ever wanted this. either way, to future me, this kept you sane.
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Character Descriptions
this is by no means professional haha, i kinda word vomitted. so if something needs more clarifications please don’t hesitate to shoot me a message! (this is a side blog though, so idk if PM’s will work..)
This is what they look like by the way!

harper likes to make magic potions for her friends, and by magic potions i mean really yummy juice that she adds flowers and glitter to haha
her parents won’t let her over the cauldron without adult supervision
she is naturally good at speaking with animals though!(her and avery are besties HAHA)
shes the youngest of the group - so shes smol
light hair, huge grey eyes
thinking of putting her in two braids, or leaving it curly
a really sweet dad and a mom
a pet familiar
likes helping dad with spells he makes
help mom clean up the altar spaces, and organize divination tools and crystals
cleaning up after her familiar LMAO
understands animals
good potion maker
does not have the patience to memorize tarot LMAO
her potions duh
also loves her moms goulcake (cheesecake in the shape of a ghost)
likes to play pranks on his friends
likes to watch the bats at night
jack o lantern head - bright glowing inside
kinda always is smirking/mischievous smile
the headless horseman as a dad HAHA
not sure if mom is in the picture quite yet
think its just gonna be the boys against the world yk?
i would also imagine him as a lord, or aristocracy cuz the headless horseman is giving lord of something lol, yall seen his clothes right?
playing pranks
getting gifts for his friends/spending money on his friends
think rich kid asshole, but lovingly LMAO
when he goes too far with his jokes and winds up hurting someone’s feelings
being the oldest he kinda directs the group
a leader frfr
i imagine him being a little closed minded about humans because of how they treated him and his dad
he gets so excited for harpers potions because they change the color of his “flame” on the inside
also really enjoys roasts :)
being/turning into a bat!
he loves to let everyone know hes a vampire
cape swishes and hissing are his fav things to do haha
lil man is all vibes no thoughts
hes still a vampire so obvi a lil pale, but i want more dead brown people rep haha!
curliest hair!
he likes the look of like the old school vampires so he slicks it back
2 moms!
they adopted him!
literally everything and anything
very excitable
practically jumping off the walls haha
when people are mean/close-minded and aren’t open to hearing him out/change
making people smile
staying still
taking things seriously
blood duh…
but i think his favorite human food would be empanadas
babygirl LOVES movies
will spend HOURS in front of a TV rewatching her favs
pretty tall compared to her friends! second in height!
athletic looking!
a BIG family
but her immediate family is just her and her mom and dad
only child vibes yk?
sees harper as the sister she never had though <3
she likes to mimic his rawr and stomps around like him haha!
also likes to play with valdemar!
the two never hold still
having to try ALL of harpers new potions, most are good, but some give her a tummy ache after a while of trying so many
she protec, but also attack
incredibly loyal to her friends
trusting but almost to a fault
can’t see bad in anyone
LOVES pizza nights with her parents
he really likes the occult LMAO
he’s obsessed with monster stories
unfortunately he gets bullied for it
i imagine him with kinda an 80s dork wardrobe
but as a “ghost” he’s just gotta white sheet with holes and his glasses
a nerdy frazzled looking kid
omg black nerdy boy rep ftw
in my story its kinda just him? like he’s kinda left to his own devices kinda thing?
but also thinking its him and his auntie, or grandma!
like i said earlier he really likes monster stories, so anything spooky ooky he’s into!
also plays the piano, so he loves music
being bullied LMAO
he really wants friends!
want community and a place to be accepted
knowing all these random ass fun facts
smart as a whip
he’s gotta pretty thick skin
letting folks know he’s hurt
he’ll kinda just distance himself till people think he;s invisible (where the ghost thing comes from)
lil man loves a jamaican beef patty
really thinking him and valdemar would love each others empanadas /beef patties haha <3
#writing#childrensbooks#childrensbookauthor#firstbook#character description#original character#character design
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1. just my mom
2. probably my mom
3. yes a lot !
4. yes absolutely
5. single
6. uhh very un painfully so like maybe getting drunk and succumbing to hypothermia
8. hell no
9. only to clean them up
10. never been in an actual one
11. shuichi saihara (not atm)
12. no but i probably got close
13. yes lots of people (refer to question 1) (just realized this sounds like i hate my mom. not true i hate the sperm donor)
14. yea :/
15. yes a dog and she beats me up every day
16. uhh my heads starting to hurt from laying down too long and my feet are really cold and i cant get them warm so kinda agitated but not rlly im chillin
17. no (celibacy sweep)
18. yea :/ wish i wasnt
19. absolutely !! i rlly want to go back to 2006 and walk around my town
20. refer to 17
21. grocery shopping
22. no fuck no
23. yeah just my earlobes but i want more. actually i got a helix piercing when i was 12 but i took the earring out early and lost it and we never got a replacement so the hole closed. very painful experience
24. i sucked at everything in school besides like art and a web development class (the only class in hs i got an A in lmaooo (they didnt assign me an art class in hs though :/ ))
25. yeah i have a lot of friends i wish i still talked to
26. NOTHINGGGG and it sucks bc its dinner time and i have to eat something uggh
27. this actually reminds me i had a "friend" in middle school and we were sitting with our two other friends at the same table during health class and talking abt what we got for christmas so i mentioned i got the new pokemon game and he was like 'oh nice. you should show me how to play sometime haha' and i was like 'i mean i guess but i dont know what the fuck im doing this is my first pokemon game' .like we never actually hung out one on one before it was usually just in large groups of friends so i was like 'weird. anyway'. but ya i didnt realize he was kind of flirting with me until like three years later when i also realized he'd be the only one in the group to go with me into hot topic and talk abt anime stuff. and i haven't spoken to him since so um. yeah probably. i feel rlly bad abt that. but also not rlly bc he was kind of a dick so whatever. i hope some of that made sense
28. no and if i was i'd ruin their life
29. n/a
30. refer to 16
31. a lot do and i love them too
32. i think its call aegean blue?? idk its one of the darker discord default role colors. also maroon
33. yeah :/
34. shit i dont even remember
35. my mom probably lol
36. hmm. maybe??? i dont think i do anymore but i absolutely did before
37. forget. i dont remember how that one meme goes but im the epitome of 'i wont forgive but ill always forget' IDK but i dont forgive easy for certain people (ill act like it though)
38. no it better not be
40. maybe as a baby??
41. hey they missed like 10 questions what the hell. this is like 61 questions not 70
51. chicken pot pie. specifically from the great escape in schiller park, chicago, illinois, USA.
52. uhh i guess but probably not in the way the questions asking
53. probably scrolled on this god forsaken app for an hour
54. in very specific circumstances. like if ur in an abusive relationship you really cant get out of or something ur forced into. but even then i dont think i'd really consider that cheating.
55. probably a lot but i dont try to be
56. noneee but i kinda want to just to see how i'll do (i will be heavily injured)
57. yeah sure
58. answered in a different rb
59. yea !
60. no i rlly rlly dont
61. hm. hmmmmm maybe depending on who
62. my friends
63. already did babey :]
64. n/a
65. say no as i am not looking for a relationship at the moment
66. nah
67. uhh fucj man idk uhhhh my neighbor??
68. uhh jay mayb idk how deep that convo was though
69. maybe. i like thinking abt it
70. yes friends and some family (a lot of them are shitty dont come for me D:)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 and 70 for the ask game please!! ^_^
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it's loving my friends hours, folks
hi so. i hit 1.5k a bit ago and while i dont want to do a follow forever (did one for 1k, it took so fucking long), i do want to like. talk about my friends! because i love them. so here we go, time for emo hours here at james jamesvanriemsdyk dot tumblr dot com
to all of the people ive met and talked to in the past few months: i am so grateful to have met you. i am so grateful to be your friend, whether we talk every day or not, and it is such a huge fucking gift to know you and be known by you. i would give you all a little paragraph but then i would get out of control and this post would never end because i have a lot of fucking love in my heart okay??? i love yall a whole hell of a lot ( @goaliehugs @farfrombucky @andrewcogliano @couturriere @brockmcgrinn @boesersson @steadyfreddie @nicolasaube-kubel @alexvass @beauvilliers @girouxes )
to all the mutuals i see in my notifications a lot (and the ones i dont), the new followers and the old ones, all my super sweet anons, anyone who’s tagged a post with a lovely comment or who’s messaged me with sweet words: thank you. for just like - existing in the same timeline as me, and being wonderful, and choosing to be kind even though im a clown. i love you all a lot.
to @heckeyleague @iceburgh87 and @assistantcaptainmitchmarner : im so grateful we still talk, if only every once in a while, and if only through streak snaps. it’s been, what, how many years? four? more? i look forward to snaps of your pets and the little glimpses of your lives i get every day. i love yall to pieces.
and here we go:
@fireworksatdawn : hi jayc. its, like, really hard to believe that ur essay comments on my fics led to this but - im really grateful. just, really fucking grateful. youre so kind and so loving and such a wonderful presence in my life and im so grateful that once c*vid has died down, we’ll, like. be able to see each other? fucking wild. thank you for all the fic convos and the tswift tiktoks, and the memes when im sad. i love you a ton, and im so, so glad you’re my friend. shoutout to philly as, like, a concept for giving me all the emotions i needed to write my heartbeat fics. (im still emotional about the fact that you tell me ‘its late for you, go to bed’ every time i stay up past 10pm. its the being known for me <3)
@pencilhoarders : my favorite flyers art witch. what an incredibly kind, talented soul you are. what a beautiful heart you have, really and truly. i love listening to you talk about your ideas and seeing your art process, and i love that your mind works like mine does, and that we really do understand each other. i love that you’re going after your dream and i know you’ll be incredible at whatever you decide to do post-grad - you’re simply too amazing not to be. thank you for sending me those anons about the canes what feels like forever ago; i am so fucking glad i get to call you my friend.
@majorpenalty : you are, without a doubt, one of my most favorite people ive ever met on this site. your life is fucking wild and you are so funny and kind and resilient, and i never want to not be your friend. i love losing my mind with you for five to eight hours on zoom, i love just being able to just exist with you even though we have half a country between us. you are so intelligent and strong and lovely, and you deserve every single good thing in the entire world. thank you also for sending me those wild ass anons, and for sending me all the videos of you singing trap bunny bubbles and tswift on snap (we have the yellow heart now uwu) and for just - being there and understanding. you are so brilliant and i cant fucking wait to watch you continue to grow and succeed. i love u so fuckin much.
@softgrantaire : hi, alex! kiss the cats and your baby for me and tell your husband i said hey. also, sorry in advance for how long and sappy this is about to be, because im already choked up thinking about it! so: i would not be the person i am today without you. its been a literal month since we became friends, but i literally have never felt more immediately loved or accepted by anyone in my life. you are, probably, the reason i felt comfortable enough to change my name in public; youre the first person i told i was deeply uncomfortable with my name and you changed it immediately, without fucking blinking, and i knew trans friends hit different, but i didnt realize how different it would hit til i met you. and its not just that, either, its the kindness and the trust and the mutual respect, and the pics and vids of jules and the cats all day, its being genuinely excited to see your name pop up on my phone screen, its the voice messages on my way home from work and its the sound of you laugh and the comfort that exists in the little space we’ve carved out for ourselves. i love being your friend, and i love that you’re my friend, and i want us to be that for a long, long time - ill always be the nolpat to your g. i love you so fucking much, dude.
@codyglass : ngl, i typed your url and just like - froze, for a minute. because like. how do you talk about a friendship like this? how do you put it into words? how do you describe all of the laughter and the tears and the years we’ve had together? its the kindness for me, its the communication and comprehension for me, its the unconditional love for me. there isnt a place i feel safer than our friendship; there isnt a person on earth i love like i love you. thanks for all the late nights, all the massive fic concepts/outlines we’ll never write but always find solace in, for all the nolpats roasts, for all the hockey tears and all the real life tears too. for listening to folklore with me for the first time when it dropped, for understanding when i couldnt turn it off for weeks after, for getting the days i send you 30 messages in a row and the days i cant get out of bed. it’s so fucking insane that we’re friends, still - how fucking incredible is it that i met my best friend, who lives 1846 miles away from me, through fucking hockey of all things? youre the best gift life ever gave me, and its such a fucking blessing to be alive at the same time as you, much less to be your best friend. i love you to the moon and to saturn.
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bestie what are your top nine favorite movies atm
oooh good question <3 well like i said i'm discovering i've covered way more ground in tv over the last few years (which i'm gonna rectify soooooonnnnnn i think, got a lot of exciting recs from that recent tag game!!) so this is pitifully basic, but like in terms of what i'm thinking about Right This Moment:
the hitcher – slightly deranged about this ever since i saw it last week, a movie perfectly tuned to my preferences <3 love love LOVE the main performances & the dreamy atmosphere & the cinematography; just! the americana of it all!! plus there is soooo much to dig into, like the folkloric resonances (i mean the vanishing hitchhiker story HELLO), the gay panic (as in the actual original homophobic meaning) every shot of the first half hour is just LACED with, that scene where he puts the coins over his eyes in the diner.... obsessssssssssed.
the black phone – okay so i watched this last night & it might fade from the faves over the next few days but rn i can't stop Picking at it. genuinely Disturbed me a couple times so 🙈👍 ethan hawke ATE, the little girl playing the sister KILLED it, and my friend pj should've had more screentime so the sets of siblings could parallel each other or something but wcyd ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ i am a little I Can Fix It about some of its clunkier plot points, but the main conceit of the phone fucked soooooo hard i can forgive it 💖
it 2017 – listen. i have been feeling this rewatch approaching all summer & as soon as i get my grubby hands on a projector (as god intended this movie to be watched <3), august is going to be thee month for it!!! idk it just has a very dear place in my heart 💕 like everyone else i did have a 2019 breakdown despite its many Many flaws, but the first one remains That Bitch w/ the perfect pacing & ending... coming of age film that just happens to have a clown in it babey!! also always going to care about eddie kaspbrak unfortunately 😔
nausicaä of the valley of the wind – my fave ghibli movie!! What Is There To Say. it was the first one i saw before i was aware everyone went insane about like hmc & princess monoke (which i also adore!!), so at first i was just Captivated by the animation genius & the Weirdness & the design of those bugs... it just plucks at something in me, like this is PRECISELY the kind of post-apocalyptic story i can enjoy, like what a coherent & hopeful environmental message that's, well, not subtle but certainly managed with a very deft touch!!!
fight club – sorry for being a film bro :/ anyway go look at this important piece of LGBT history
the death of stalin – love a comedy where everything falls apart around & also due to a bunch flailing back-stabbing incompetent idiots, so of course an armando iannucci joint always hits the spot <3 just SUCH alarming pettiness & cruelty that you have to laugh in the face of it ohhhh my godddddd
southern comfort – okay so kinda cheating with this docu, but it just impacted me sooooooo deeply the first time i saw it & i still go back and rewatch every once in a while. despite how sad it gets at the end, it actually is one of those things that gives me Real hope bc the whole thing is just about love & community & the radical Comfort transness allows you to find in yourself 💕💕💞💖 i would definitely rec it to absolutely everyone, it's only 90 mins & absolutely Life-Changing; i think there was a clip going round here a while ago about how affirming t4t love can be, and imo that just sums up the whole vibe. rest in power robert eads ✊😔
fire walk with me – well this is my favourite movie of all time despite the fact that i can NEVER ever watch it again ✌️ like i am well aware that it is technically kinda all over the place, what with david seeing fit to make the first half hour just "fbi procedural david bowie cameo now THIS character says something ominous & incomprehensible" but also. i Do Not Care bc the next hour + a half made me cry so hard it took me like 5 hrs to watch it; jesus CHRIST she was just a kid who needed someone to reach out and help her!!! laura i would have done so much cocaine with you & kept you alive forever!!!!!! also lynch's weird cryptic storytelling just appeals to me personally bc the way the meaning comes more from the audience's emotional response makes it kinda work on the same level as a folk tale for me, which i loveeeeeeeeeee unpicking; saw a post once about fwwm being structured like the saint's life of a martyr and !!! that is exactly It!
stardust – an all-time favourite, i mean the costumes! the pacing! the fun twists on fantasy tropes! the sheer CAMPINESS of it all!!! the way the plotlines converge in the end WOWED me as a child and to this day every time i watch another fantasy movie i'm like. Well You're Not Stardust Are You :/
& honourable mention to those films always occupying some part of my brain, that i can mouth along with from memory just because they are so comforting to me: tsn, the princess bride, 10 things i hate about you, pride 2014, bend it like beckham, saw (this nearly made the main list but like. too obvious.), the parent trap (1998 version), the karate kid
#hiiii bestie!! sorry i ignored this for a few days!#but i am BACK in good wifi now & Thinking About Movies#asks#americanphysco#also 9 is way too few i'm realising i wanted to put american psycho on here too#but i had to restrain myself bc what i've ACTUALLY been thinking about is the barbie movie version we've made up in our heads 😌#but fuck it the orig is a fave too put it on the board#personal#long post
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What are your opinions on Teen titans
'Teen Titans' is very broad. lots of things that could refer to, so i'll give my opinions on all the possible ones i can think of:
Vol. 1 / Silver Age - i have read like 3 total comics from that era but love the vibes tbh
1967 Filmation shorts - THESE ARE SO FUNNY PLS WATCH THEM!!! they're like on youtube. theres so much going on
The New Teen Titans (80s) - i still need to actually read this run start to finish not just in random chunks when the mood strikes/i have a specific question im trying to answer but like, iconic
Vol. 2 (90s) - i forgot this one existed until i was just looking at all the different possible teen titans things to talk about. so. i think that says my thoughts about that
2003 Cartoon - i grew up on this one babey (like i remember watching it as new episodes came out and everything) its always gonna hold a special place in my heart and tbh was one of my first introductions to superhero stuff in general
New Teen Titans shorts - these were so cute. the who is red x one where gar insists its jason... iconic
Vol. 3 (2003) - Geoff Johns face my wrath for what you did to the core four. but um. a WILD ride from start to finish i can tell you that!!!! i shit talk this comic a lot but like it does definitely have its moments and there are some cool and interesting things it did, it just also showed a blatant disregard for previous characterization of four of its main characters which annoys the shit out of me and always will.
Teen Titans Go! - im going to be so real with you i understand why so many ppl hate this show but its actually so fucking funny to me. i dont regularly watch it or anything but like. it is so amusing to me. every time i remember the urn marked 'Robin II' displayed next to a crowbar i lose MY MIND. or the 'NOBODY CARES ABOUT TIIIIM DRAKE'.
Vol. 4 (2011/New 52) - this comic caused me physical pain to read. nothing makes sense. none of the characters are themselves. shit is just a mess, an absolute mess. however Bunker? Miguel? I love him. best thing to come out of this damn comic.
Teen Titans Go! To The Movies - go watch this right fucking now if you haven't seen it. its literally so good even most ppl who hate ttg still will admit its good. my friend recently reminded me that when we saw it in theaters there was a part that made me laugh so hard i literally fell out of my chair
Vol. 5 (2014/Still New 52) - this one is also really bad but at least its kinda funny. definitely more pleasant to read than Vol. 4 but like its still not good or pleasant to read, i just mean that like, in comparison. the last two issues i actually genuinely like tbh (bc #23 is a standalone like, just nice team story, and then #24 is a memorial for Tim after he 'died' in Rebirth)
Justice League vs Teen Titans movie - the dcamu is a fucking fever dream but like the concept of max from wizards of waverly place voicing jaime while violet from american horror story voices raven amused me so much. also the FUCKIN UHHH MAGICAL GIRL-ESQUE TRANSFORMATION SCENE WITH DAMIAN THEN JUST TRYING TO BREAK INTO THE CAR FOR HIS SWORD IS SO FUCKING FUNNY
Teen Titans: Judas Contract movie - its the judas contract. it is what it is.
Vol. 6 (Rebirth) - i have not read too much of this one (like. ive read... chunks of it but not the whole thing) but eh. i've heard bad things about later parts of it especially and from what i've read that seems to... line up.
Titans TV show - a hot mess. superhero riverdale. i binged the first two seasons within 48 hours. very nice costumes and mostly very well cast but the writing makes me die
Tween Titans - in that one episode of dc superhero girls. im just obsessed with Dick having the thick jersey accent its so fucking funny
Teen Titans Academy - I really was not vibing with it early on but as we've actually gotten to focus on the new kids more i've liked it more, but overall its just way too bloated of a cast. having the new characters students, the previous team older students, and then the og titans as teachers is just... too much to focus on in one book. then also did not like the attempt at dick/babs/kory love triangle drama in like issue 2 get tht shit outta here
and if u meant more just the team overall like. i think the titans are cool
#do not think about the order of things here too much i was trying to do chronological#but also just kinda when i remembered things
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I saw the second preview of six and here are my thoughts (along with a few fun stories at the end):
My heart literally fell out of my ass when the queens started walking out They changed a few small little things here and there and it was perfect If six doesn’t win best lighting at the Tony’s I will sue Ex-wives was WOW I literally could not stop smiling Some of the poses were different
I am convinced she just is beyonce always
She’s just fantastic in that role and that’s what I have to say about that
Ig abby danced a little too hard during no way because she kept messing with her wig after
Actually she lowkey played with it throughout the whole show and it was adorbs
Britt was helping her fix it and like pointing out where it was a little cray (also abby’s wig looks so good omf)
Her delivery throughout the whole show was a bit more mature, but it was still so babey I love her
(On a side note someone today told me I look like Andrea, which is very kind but so untrue because I literally look like a broken thumb and she is gorgeous)
She like low-key cut made the whole head joke short and im kinda sad ab it, but it was still fantastique
Through the “Wearing Yellow To A Funeral Bit” abby looked confused through the entire thing and I was cracking up
She was INCREDIBLE and her dress was so pretty and sparkly and I just wow
Shes just so pretty in general like ma’am how do you do that please drop the skin care routine
The emotion that was conveyed was enough to make me tear up BUT I DID NOT CRY AND I AM VERY PROUD OF THAT
she did the “you lift me high” line and kinda went into this airy place in her voice and it was angelic and heavenly and all the good things
She was just fantastic and thats all I have to say
Thats a lie I have so many things to say about that woman but the time will come
HOH was a whole acid trip there was a point during this song where I literally just took it all in and then thought “Janey, you really spent your hard earned money to go on an acid trip for a solid few minutes good job”
Their dancing is hilarious and thats that
ABBY SAYING “BUT WE CANNOT GUARANTEE THAT YOU’LL STILL WALK AT FORTY” I had to stifle a laugh because my queen is indeed 40
Brittney Mack is… all bad bitch energy and I was living for it
She is a queen
When she did the “my horses can trot up to twelve miles an hour”- in the boot (not that I watch those…) abby is always making a 😳😶😲 kind of face and this time she just couldn’t stop smiling and it made me laugh
Her reveal was SO GOOD she literally just started checking out her nails while everyone just applauded… AS THEY SHOULD
When britt told the person to get up, this person full on WENT and britt was like shook it was hysterical
justice for the beheaded cousins
BOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOO BABY MARY HAD THE CHICKEN POX AND YOU DIDN’T GET TO HOLD HER HAND… YOU KNOW ITS FUNNY BECAUSE WHEN I WANTED TO HOLD MY NEWBORN SON…. IIIIII DIIIIIIEDD. Abby lowkey went feral and I loved every second of it and then her pose after got so many laughs it was truly amazing
Aywd destroyed me
I also teared up here but I did not let those babies fall because I was not about to ruin my look
justice for my pink queen
Her delivery is insane and honestly its gotten better and I didn’t even know that was possible because WOW SHE WAS ALREADY STUNNING BUT DAMN MY HEART GOT RIPPED OUT OF MY CHEST
The whole “Catherine not singing” bit was fantastic
Abby looked so confused the entire time
Andrea’s “hahaha what” was perfecto
when Anna said “should we really be doing this” someone in the audience went “yes” very loudly and made the queens break for a solid second abby almost forgot to say her line and you could barely hear it because the audience was laughing at the rando
Anna acknowledged it and just went “I know” before turning to the queens and saying “I know” it was hysterical
“I’m Catherine parr, I draw the line in arbitrary places bLaH bLaH bLaH”
THE CLAPPING- BRITT GOT IN HER FACE AND JUST *CLAP. CLAP. CLAP.” It was the funniest thing oh my gosh
“Are you sure Catherine? I-we don’t mind if you wanna sit this one out… I mean you must be exhausted from all those backing vocals”
I dont know if this was intentional or not but when they all start to understand the purpose of parr’s thing- abby is the last to stand up and in my head im like “no yeah that makes sense because shes “the one he truly loved” and shes still trying to get to a point where shes realizing he wasn’t all that great and I dont know I just really like that minor detail
The whole “remember that I was a writer…” part got loud cheers, especially from abby it was very cute
She did a new riff on the “we all disappear” line and WOW my eyes went so wide it was so good I was genuinely shook
the “i dont get it” was sooo good
“My sixth finger” was said so casually and so determinedly that it was a whole new joke and I loved it
“Everyone notices Jane cant dance” -abby just looking so sad
“Yeeeaaaahhhhh. I read!” Was so cute and she sounded so proud of herself it was adorbs
The way they just stood there awkwardly was amazing and got so many laughs it was so good
When sam said the line about competing, abby really almost cut Anna’s line out but she caught herself and it was funny I dont know if anyone else noticed it, but I did and it was glorious
After it was over, of course it got long applause and the entire time abby was doing her like “sparkle hands” but also awkwardly moving her arm kinda like a noodle and then going back to sparkle hands and it gave me a good chuckle
The slow acoustic part was so soft I died
The harmonies was delicious
The audience was so hype
Super hype
All the good things ever
Basically it was just adorable and amazing and absolutely stunning
The new costumes are gorgeous and the lighting is wild if they don’t win best lighting for Tony awards I will full on riot
Aragon and Boleyn interacted a lot and so did Seymour and Cleves and it was very very sweet
Abby interacted with the band a lot to the point where she almost missed a cue and it was very endearing
abby’s hair is SO LONG but I am here for it
So I was looking for my friend when I hear “Make some room, make a path!” From a security guard, and the queens legit walked RIGHT PAST ME
I wanted to go to the theatre anyway to take pictures, but when I saw them, I did follow them back to the theatre because wow I wanted to bask in their glory I didnt even want to talk to them I just wanted to be in their presence
So im like, walking behind them when this happens:
I guess abby saw someone she knew because I heard this “abby!” And then she was like “OH MY GOD” and like RAN to hug them and i legit almost walked right into her/got stepped on but i freaking stopped like a noob i should’ve just let her run me over but I did not I just stopped in my tracks and let out a soft “aH” and then went around her
And then I got to meet a friend and apparently toby heard us squealing and watched us hug for a solid however long so that was awkward
And Julia schade was like talking to him and stared at us for a good amount of time
And then I was walking away and passed Julia again and she kept looking at me, but she was talking to someone else and I think she thought I was going to stay to talk to her (and I would have loved to) but I didnt I just gave her a smile, a nod, and a little wave because I can not do confrontation like if I could not confront abby ma’am I cannot confront u either I am SHY
And that is a very detailed run down of my time in nyc at the brooks
#six the musical#six broadway#six the musical cast#adrianna hicks#andrea macasaet#abby mueller#brittney mack#sam pauly#samantha pauly#anna uzele#new york city#broadway#hairspray musical#theatre#theater
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OOH I GOT A GOOD REQUEST,,,, How about Jonathan’s reaction to each of the jojos, and their jobros?
*Jonathan looking down at his absolutely fucked family tree, a single tear running down his cheek*
Listen...I always say that *insert literally any character* is the best parental figure but it's Jonathan hours which legally means I can call Jonathan best dad in this post regardless of anything I’ve said in the past about any other best dads.
Lemme just implement my soft Jonathan headcanons first:
-Soft man. The king of manly tears. Tears down toxic masculinity like a fucking bulldozer
-Knits AND crochets. He never had a mother growing up so when Erina came in with all these lovely, traditionally feminine skills, he wanted to learn ALL OF IT
-Arguably gives the best hugs out of every Jojo (Josuke is a pretty close second, though)
-Since this post is just an impossible dimensional pocket where anything can happen, him and Erina live in one of those old grandma cottage-houses with a comfy, old couch and tacky curtains and a really cute little garden
-Again, if this is a pocket dimension he’s definitely hosting the Joestar family reunion there
-Just one of those houses where everyone feels comfortable
-Is impossible to piss off (except if you do anything to the people he loves)
-Always speaks in a very soft, understanding voice even when he’s mad/disappointed
-The father figure all the Jojos wish they had
Part 2:
-You know that face you make when you watch someone you love do something insanely stupid but you’re still trying to keep positive because you know from experience that trying to stop them is futile?
-Just this constant, wincing smile?
-Yeah. That pretty much sums up Jonathan’s expression within any vicinity of Joseph Joestar
-He loves the man. He really does. But oh my god is he a dumbass
-Jonathan is the type of man to like,,,make bread and talk about his feelings but Joseph wants none of that shit and that’s ok,,,Jonathan can and will find another way to bond
-Regardless, he loves his Himbo grandson and the two of them end up talking about Erina and Speedwagon and a lil bit of Hamon too :3
-CAESAR on the other hand—Jonathan is so fucking happy to see a descendant of the Zeppeli’s continuing the whole Hamon thing and managing to be friends with Joseph
-Although Joseph never wants to talk about it outside of fighting, Jonathan and Caesar both share this tender love for the healing aspect of it :’)
-He teaches Caesar how to do stuff like grow/heal plants and flowers and Caesar ends up growing his own sunflowers in Jonathan’s backyard :)
-Smokey reminds him of Poco and he literally just wants to protect him with his whole heart hhhhhhhh
-Suzi Q also reminds him of Erina, but he still has no idea how she puts up with Joseph’s bullshit (and whenever she can’t decide what to wear, he always helps)
-He penalizes Lisa Lisa for being a fucking Hamon coach and also smoking cause like-
Part 3:
-Hgggghnn HEAR ME OUT but between him and Joseph, Jotaro arguably has more qualities of Jonathan including this wonderfully secret, sweet, sensitive side
-Jonathan grows flowers using Hamon and braids them into Star Plat’s hair (he has practice when doing it with Erina) :))))
-Joot claims to hate the bread that Jonathan bakes but if he DOES make it y’all know you’ll find him sitting there, eating it, and talking about his feelings like a good man should (but only if no one else is around)
-Arguably the only responsible father figure in his life and the only one who would scold him for literally going to jail
-Also apologizes profusely for not killing DIO the first time ;(
-Kakyoin is the kind of person you could just sit in silence with for hours doing shit like reading or painting or something and Father Jojo is loving the vibe
-YES JONATHAN WOULD HAVE A HOME GARDEN and every year he grows cherries for Kak >:)
-Pol is a bit extreme for him, but if he can handle Joseph then he can handle this man
-As rich, Victorian boys often did, he definitely studied french as a kid and can surprisingly hold a pretty good conversation
-Him and Avdol!!!! Feed his chickens together!! And engage in lovely, civil conversation :)))))
-Holy definitely inherited Jonathan and Erina’s sweet nature and she’s always down to compare knitting techniques with him :)
Part 4:
-Is it....is it safe to say that Jonathan just adopts all of Morioh?
-Ok but Josuke gets along with everybody (Rohan doesn’t count hgfjgh) so you already know he’d be up for some nice familial bonding (though he wouldn’t show it initially)
-I feel like he’d be hesitant at first because him and Joseph are already on weird terms and he doesn't wanna “intrude” on the Joestar family or anything like that
-But our man Jonathan is here to reassure him that he’s still a part of the family and his cute little grandma house door is always open for him when he needs it
-Jonathan would bake that bread and Josuke would be sittin’ on that couch pouring his heart out before that shit even comes out of the oven
-Josuke’s the biggest out of his friends so getting completely engulfed in a nice, warm, loving Jonathan hug is the best shit
-Like instant serotonin :)
-Crazy Diamond doesn’t have any hair so no stand braiding :( BuT Josuke will let his hair down sometimes and you already know master weaver Jonathan Joestar is braiding in some purple flowers and shit :)
-Okuyasu isn’t that smart academically, but our man has a big heart and that’s all Jonathan cares about
-Jonathan always makes soup for him whenever he’s down because Oku’s mama used to make him soup when he was sad too ;-;
-The two bond over losing a mother at a young age and never being close with their father and feeling unwanted growing up and its the sweetest shit
-Koichi would just,,,,stare in awe because between Jonathan, Joseph, and Jotaro he feels like a fucking ant (and is honestly kinda scared)
-The first time they meet, Jonathan tries to ruffle his hair and accidentally PUSHES THE BOY INTO THE CONCRETE and he feels so bad after, that he spends all night knitting him a new sweater
-He gives it to Koichi with apologetic tears in his eyes and Koichi fucking LOVES IT with all his heart
-Rohan is extremely intrigued by all of this shit and they two of them spend hours talking about Jonathan’s life
-Rohan ends up giving him a painting of Erina and now Jonathan sends him his favourite cookies on his birthday every year
-Also him and Tonio are real good buds and Tonio never yells at Jonathan for “eating impolitely” like George used to because he knows its just a sign that he loves his food :)
Part 5:
-What can I say? Both Jonathan and Giorno got a love for flowers and life, and that’s literally all they do together
-Like,,,their happiness is in one giant, contagious loop because when Jojo’s really happy, his Hamon will just make shit bloom everywhere and when Giogio is happy, his stand will go fucking bonkers and change shit into plants
-Ok but what if,,,they braided flowers into each other’s hair? :D
-Jonathan would bake the bread. Giorno would sit hesitantly on the couch. The moment this kid takes a bite with that GOOD jam he’s like “HAHA there goes my stoic front whoops-”
-Jonathan thought Giorno would get cold in the winter so he crocheted a heart the size of his tiddy window and gave it to him for Christmas
-As I said previously, him and Bruno would go fucking hard on tea parties and all that shit -Both are the obvious mom friend, it’s impossible for them not to get along
-Abba’s a little,,,iffy about him, but eventually grows on him the more Abbacchio actually starts warming up to Giorno (for whatever reason)
-Jonathan’s never really had to deal with teenagers that much (aside from when he was one himself,) so he really has no idea what the hell to do around Narancia and Mista because they’re so young and he feels like a fucking grandma around them
-But they’re always really sweet to him and ask if he wants to play COD but Jonathan has no idea why they could wanna play with a fish so he just smiles and laughs and hopes its a joke :’)
-When Trish wants her nails done, best jonadad is here to do it. She wants her hair done? Jonathan’s got that special brush that doesn’t hurt when you’re doing tangles. Hugs? Infinite hug supplier, babey. He’s really out here doing whatever it takes to keep best girl happy
-Fugo is,,,quiet,,,but he always comes over and eats the strawberries in his garden when they’re ready for harvest
-He even helps make them into jam :)
-He also teaches Fugo Hamon breathing techniques when he caught wind of his anger and it actually helps him a lot
-He considers everyone in that house his family too, and always invites them over for social events at his pocket dimension grandma house
Jonathan Joestar lives in my head rent free...
If you’ve got a head canon idea, my ask box is always open!! <3
#jjba#jojos's bizarre adventure#jjba headcanons#headcanons#jonathan joestar#joseph joestar#jotaro kujo#josuke higashikata#giorno giovanna#jojo's bizzare adventure golden wind#diamond is unbreakable#battle tendency#ask-c-c-cherry#phantom blood#cw: smoking
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*sequel* to actual fucking quotes from the shiftblr coffeehouse discord server
once again, it's out of context because x1000 funnier
also x1000 longer than previous post
"ur satan is gnc af"
"Bestie I’m already having gender envy over a fucking demon please"
"O_O ODEPIJHFbavevisdpvfhzdcnjawedsidjksjdkoeirjfmkdsoeirujdksodifjndmksoidfjdksidfj ITS" NOT IN MY FRAFTS IS SPEDNT 1 hour PN THAT SHIT"
"ohoho sexy"
"I am very proud of myself"
"himbo x edgy fuck"
"he has teefs"
"good for biting 📷"
"he's a himbo basically"
"i havent watched blue exorcist in years but mr okumura my beloved </3"
"is it important information to mention that the person i put up for my turn is the son of satan" "I know like 1 thing about everyone who isnt ranboo lmfao"
"tumblr sexyman"
"idk why but my first thought was cowboy onceler"
"I vibe with him but he is very long and twisty"
"steampunk e-girl"
"steampunk tumblr sexyman"
"Canonically bi crimelord I agree!!"
"they look like someone i would want to be friends with but is way cooler than me so i'd never actually talk to them"
"babby..... would die for him"
"honestly i probably kin him"
"i'm sure he's lovely but he looks way too much like my ex i'm sorry-"
"i'd be down for another rotation! i have another twink to show y'all"
"Also :00 blonde friend"
"Let us all infodhmo"
"Hsjagdvbs shhh im on phone"
"Nix woukd you like to joon?
"skitters away"
"I have two braincells and they both drink dumb bitch juice"
"oof wait whats the order again i have 0 memory"
"i want to bond with him over cosplay-"
"Awkwardly watches in band kid"
"One day I'm gonna a broadway star"
"which isnt to say they were bad. they were just fortnite dancing during rehersals"
"I threw it so hard my glasses flew off and slid under the stage right divider"
"anyway heres my boi"
"haha emo"
"virgil sanders kinnie"
"he looks like he listens to my chemical panic at the fallout boy"
"Bro I bet he'd kick my ass with his deck"
"bird man my beloved"
"fuck i had so much to say and then i forgot it all"
"She sounds like someone I would end up stealing her personality"
"yess name collector gang"
"alias glass aiden haven absinthe fish brick rice"
"But I have Cypress, Remure, Genesis, Lemres, and Comet"
"And she's named after a mars candy bar bc alien"
"Hey, if plato went by plato, you can be king thief"
"im not dissing my gramma like that shfojd"
"My dad has seven legal names" "bitches be like *looks at fictional character* *steals their name* it's us we're bithces"
"coraline lowkey traumatized me but i adore it regardless"
"mmmmmm magic man :]"
"°0° green man"
"criminal (affectionate)"
"he would shoplift a candy bar from walmart and then brag to all of his friends about the sick stealing he did"
"despite the fact he's canonically been capable of overpowering a minor deity"
"i would commit so many crimes for him"
"Very babey"
"Yes please tell green man he is very pog"
"he also keeps a lot of dumb secrets"
"but I will sorely miss the chaos and energy of this here chat until I wake again" (by request XD)
"i just say words and if they're funny then they're funny"
"* or extremly chaotic either works"
"at this point we are just taking turns rambling"
"bc my brain has a schedule"
"Hopefully they have gyoza there or I will lose my mind"
"hehe yes spooky man"
"my ghost glucose guardian"
"the head of the undead group that lives there, and we end up dating. (yes I date a ghost, no I will not be taking constructive criticism /lh)"
"ghosts r just inherently sexy"
"i mean im becoming a squid thing so"
"Raven quirk raven quirk!!"
"ł â m p"
"mothman: ooh lamp you look very nice today! do you come here often? mothman: wait shit no"
"I'd date a ghost"
"mine is still accurate, i am still sobbing (/j)"
"p e e p e e"
""@nick wilde is a tumblr sexyman" is the best thing i have ever seen"
"im sorry im cackling like a dying hyena"
"you're all 12 year olds"
"He once caused global warming on accident so he could get a tan"
"god, what a himbo. i love him"
"that reminds me of my friends kin assigned me jesus"
"Man outside of battle be like: princely crying but then in battle hes like: "CATACLYSM! DISASTER! DEVASTATION!" Chill out man"
"Every time I talk about satan it never fails to shock people it's my favorite thing to do"
"im kin assigning him roman sanders" ""Oh yeah he caused global warming because he wanted to get girls" "he what""
"oh damn i forgot satan was straight"
"twink appreciation club"
"give us the twinks"
"my first thought was bottom-"
"so many people to try and get his dad to love him"
"daddy issued"
"Big boy but"
"anyways janus is swagggg"
"gib twink"
"give twink then i will share"
"holds him gentle like hamburger"
"This dumb bitch opened a book that said "do not open" and got possessed by a little bastard"
"he is. fragile creachur"
"klug is beauty klug is grace i would let him step on my face"
"If I'm playing swap and I have to hear one more "Pwanet Powew" Im gonna lose it"
"Who is to blame? Pandora or the box?"
"Bakugo isnt my type but I respect the drip"
"i say like my type isnt long-haired pretty boys and girls that look so gnc that people have a history of confusing them for men"
"hes a gremlin and i can appreciate a pretty gremlin"
"that is to say i am attracted to VFlower vocaloid. This is a confession."
"note i am a lesbian"
"You may like Schezo wegey"
"why does he have one single expression"
"soul soul eater passes the vibe check"
"magic wand"
"I Want To Hold His Hand"
"i would commit a war crime for him any war crime idc which one"
"my favorite one is when he sounded rlly gay because he said "Muscular bodies keep me satisfied""
"p e a n u t"
"Klug is a homophobic homosexual its just facts"
"grug from the croods is peak male performance"
"jaw drops to floor, eyes pop out of sockets accompanied by trumpets, heart beats out of chest, awooga awooga sound effect, pulls chain on train whistle that has appeared next to head as steam blows out, slams fists on table, rattling any plates, bowls or silverware, whistles loudly, fireworks shoot from top of head, pants loudly as tongue hangs out of mouth, wipes comically large bead of sweat from forehead, clears throat, straightens tie, combs hair Ahem, you look very lovely."
"tag yourself im the fireworks shooting from the top of the head"
"i like essays"
"central time gang"
"11:11 pog-" (wait... is that a suprise angel number?? yes it is lovelies just for you <3)
"Then again im also a dumbass bitch who wonders what the souls in soul eater taste like. SERIOUSLY THOUGH. THEY LOOK TASTY AS HELL!!!! LIKE GODDAMN BRO YOU'RE MAKING ME FUCKING HUNGRY. Like. that shit- it's Bone Apple motherfucking Teeth. hell yea my guy. Im hongy now.... shlorp I'm seriously considering this. Like. They seem kinda like a liquid? But a solid? Are they like jello? The fuck they taste like my guy???? I keep imagining they're like sour, like sour candy maybe? Or do they taste salty? Sweet? Maybe some combo of two? Do they even have a taste or is it about the texture? The sensation? God my mouth is watering what the hell. I am starving. I think I need to go get a cookie. I'm gonna go get a cookie. Brb. I'm better. I'm still craving souls though. Which is a weird-ass cringey thing to say but I'm being dead-ass rn. They just.... look tasty???? And I wanna eat one. Thus. I am shifting to Soul Eater for the express purpose of satisfying my fucking cravings. enjoy"
"points were made"
"jello? more like helloooo schloooAHFJDSDAIDWNALDHSJKDAIDANDM"
"anime girl voice: mmm! mm... ahhhhmp!! mmm, mmm... aaahmp!"
"i think it sounds great i'm going to start eating like that"
"several people are typing"
"do these look edible to you"
"forbidden gummies"
"when I was on lsd I couldn't eat my fruit gummies because I thought they were alive because they had little faces on them"
"oh shit yeah don't do drugs"
"anyways general consensus is puyos are edible, ty for your input everyone"
"everypony is a word so powerful it can bring nations to its knees"
"pls the self control it's taking me not to say "hewwo everypony" in gen chat when someone new joins-"
"hewwo evewrypony uwu deaw cewestia i hopwe it doewsnt wain owo"
"ive cooked up a sowution wiwth the knowwege ive acwued. they say a kitcwen time saves niwne, but im just savwing two. Ive gathewwed the inwedients to make a time sowbet. Thewe's hawdly woom fow seconds when the seconds mewt away."
"I had a ten year old sister... you know what happened to her??? very sad, very tragic... she turned eleven....."
"Guts dont say the secks word :( /j"
"watch your fucking language in front of the president"
"im so sorry lumi"
"i think you're like ehhhh 8/10 funny"
"now me???? 10/10. Hilarious"
"sometimes i have to take a step back and remember that this is the same guts i follow on tumblr /lh"
""ok every here's some good shifting advice!!! uwu have a good day" "yeah i did lsd and ate fruit gummies""
"i have one setting and it's whatever this is"
"my bitch ass cat just pushed the door open with his fuzzy face and now my sleeping dad is being lulled into dreams by Cosmo Sheldrake's 'Pliocine'."
"me on discord: nick wilde"
"me on tumblr: shifting water! haha funne! me on here: my hermit crabs are cannibals also i want to eat souls."
"u give off older cousin ive never spoken to but always admire at the family gatherings vibes"
"what the fuck"
"If you adopt me then yes"
"am I qualified for dad jokes???"
"we're all a lot smarter on tumblr"
"I'm like "awww... sweet... sweet little shiftlings... posting such sweet shiftling content... so pure, so wholesome... does not even know abcs....""
"can't think before you speak if you never think B)"
"I'm not responsible enough to be a mom"
"cat pet"
"show us pictures of the cat or i will do Crime"
"maybe thats me being a coward tho"
if y'all want I can make this a series bc shiftblr keeps giving me more content
#tw drugs#tw swearing#tw cannibalism#tw crime#tw food#tw homophobia#shitpost#out of context#out of context quotes#lumi's quotes
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BBC Merlin Rewatch:
01x01: The Dragon’s Call
aw look at merlin all happy and smily, walking into camelot like he isnt going to witness the death of his best friend/king and basically everyone he loves
“like everyone, he must live and learn” yo shut ur bitchass up lizard man u literally tried to murder everyone in camelot that one time
“his name: traumatised 😍😍”
fuck ur bitchass uther no one likes u
“i pride myself as a fair and just king” sir didnt u like basically kill ur wife... and thousands of peo- OH MY GOD MORGANA BB ILY
oh jesus okay hes dead um chile-
“when i came to this land” wait i thought he was raised kn camelot brb i forgot im an idiot wait,,, does this mean before this it was the du bois family on the throne of camelot?? also, mired in chaos? u mean like.... before ur wife died and everyone was living peacefully? ....okay
“merlin, seeing a person who's been stated had been studying magic get beheaded: [a magical being himself] ah,, welcoming.” -my gf
“since the great dragon was captured” ....so did no one think about where they put a dragon?? a captured one at that. ud think he’d be more smart but nah he just left a random ass dragon under his castle like THAT is going to end well
“a son for a son!” omg why couldnt u have killed uther bb ur the perfect villain i love u ur literally just a loving mother i-
.....why is there a bunny mask in there
why is thERE A BUNNY MASK-
why didnt merlins eyes glow when he dragged the bed to gaius to save him
also whats this slomo magic why didnt he do this after this why did season one haveso much magic and like every other season was just everyone throwing it back
like i get instinctual magic but like.... if its instinctual wouldnt it happen more especially when his powers get stronger-
gaius: what did you just do?!
also gaius, five seconds later: i know what it was!! i just wanted to know where you learned it
merlin: 😐
merlin, about his magic: i was born like this
gaius, who knows full well warlocks exist: impossible!
(are warlocks naturally born knowing how to use magic without learning? i mean if u have to learn magic like a sorcerer then whats the difference between a warlock and a sorcerer cuz wouldnt sorcerers atleast have to have some magic in them to actually cast spells? am i dumb or do i just not get it)
wait so merlin arrived in camelot on a wednesday
merlin, walking into camelot: it is wednesday my dudes
merlin: [witnesses an execution] aaaAAAAAA-
“someone that might help him find a purpose of his gifts” oh honey he’ll get something mUCH LARGER THAN THAT-
“the more brutal you are, the more enemies you’ll create” oh the waY SHE PREDICTED THEIR FUTURE OO
ah bless u lady helen/mary collins we love them spicy villains
...why do you have a dressing table in a tent
[watches mary collins murder lady helen] i never snitch on dadd- ...someone pls delete me
merlin, about his instinctual magic: i just do it!
gaius: ...lord have mercy what did i just sign myself up to
what ever happened to sir olwen did he die from accidentally overdosing
merlin looks so offended, oh god i could watch this whole scene for HOURS
“do i know you?” “im merlin” “so i dont know you” ugh theres already sexual tension
“i would never have a friend who could be such an ass” “or i one so stupid”
also them, ten years later: “i use my magic for you arthur, only you” “just hold me” “i cant lose him! hes my friend!” “thank you..”
“tell me merlin, do you know how to walk on your knees?” OOOOH THE BOYS ARE FLIRTING
im convinced atleast half the knights with arthur were like “ayo thas kinda sus bro 😳😳 ayo 😳😳”
arthur: tell me merlin, do you know how to walk on your knees? would you like me to help you?
merlin: ....i really dont know how to answer that
imagine being paid to throw fruits at colin morgan omg id be so thrilled
gwen: well, arthur looks like one of those, save the world kinda men... and you dont
merlin, 1500 years later, having failed his destiny: well i mean you’re not wrong
gaius: uther banned magic a long time ago
merlin, flabbergasted as if he wasnt raised on tales of the death of his kind every day in the kingdom right next to his: why?!?!?
gaius: the dragon is imprisoned where nobody can free him

(that is the face of someone knowing full well hes going to free that dragon. look at him. he’s already made up his mind.)
[sees merlin and arthur in the marketplace] oh heres he is again heres the lil bitxh ooo theyre about to FIGHT
god hes flirting so hard without even realising it, oh my god
“i could take you apart with one blow” “i could take you apart with less” um sirs this is a mcdonalds drive thru 😃
arthur: ahah, you’re in trouble now~ 😏😏
....yall are yelling very loudly, um, arent there guards near yall? people passing by? please relax
“im just a nobody, and i always will be” OH IF ONLY YOU KNEWWW
“if i cant use magic, i might as well die” ....well, ive got a surprise for you-
“maybe theres someone with more magic than me?” like... a whole dragon? i mean if you say so 👀
merlin about why he was born like this: if you cant tell me, no one can!
a fucking dragon, basically every magical creature and the druids: WELL-
the camelot guards are so stupid how the hell is this kingdom still standing
how does kilgharrah know merlins name? in prophecy hes known as emrys (and we see basically every magical being call him emrys and not merlin,, i think). so how does he know? did he stretch his neck long enough that he could somehow hear merlin? is it cuz theyre kin? is it cuz merlin and gaius were yelling so loudly that kilgharrah could hear them all the way in his cave? ig we’ll never know 🖐
merlin: where are you?!
kilgharrah: without you, arthur will never succeed.
merlin: ....oh look, im already paranoid
the amount of sadness i feel hearing kilgharrah say “none of us can choose our destiny, merlin. and none of us can escape it” is INSANE cuz in season one you can SEE merlin trying to escape it. hes doing his damned best trying to have some control over his life. and then in later seasons you can see the light slowly drain from his eyes as he becomes just another toy for the gods to be entertained by. he realises he cant control a single thing about his life so he does the one thing he can: protect arthur. and he loses SO MUCH because of it! its not fair, he deserved so much, and when he finally got everything he could ever ask for, it was taken away from him by his own mistakes.
arthur, seeing morgana in a beautiful dress: god have mercy 😍
uther: .....um
the way they set arthur and morgana up as if they arent gonna make them siblings i- what the fawk 😄
person A, who knows arthurian lore: oh no! arthur is going to have an affair with morgan(a) and have mordred! oh no!!
person B, whos seen merlin: oh no in this show its worse
person B, knowing full well theyre siblings: much worse....
gwen: who’d wanna marry arthur? 🙄
gwen, getting crowned queen of camelot: well fuck
hhhnghnh yes queen sing them to sleep yes murder his bitchass (and fail but like its the thought that counts)
on a sidenote tho this is such a fun way to murder someone, id try this
the absolutely OFFENDED “FATHER!” and the horrified look in arthurs eyss when uther announced merlin would be his manservant is PRICELESS OMG
oh the way uther unintentionally plants the first seed of his sons love story omg 😍😍
Conclusion: this episode is a 10/10 greatest episode with so many iconic scenes omg. mary collins u will forever have my heart for unintentionally kickstarting merlin and arthurs relationship destiny. i loved the whole thing and oh GOD does it already hurt knowing full well how the show ends
#this was a RIDE#eli’s merlin rewatch#yes i have to say everything that happens in the episode pls leave me alone#01x01: the dragon’s call#merlin#arthur pendragon#uther pendragon#morgana le fay#morgana pendragon#guinevere#guinevere pendragon#gwen#gaius#kilgharrah#lady helen#mary collins#bbc merlin
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Hogwarts V(Illager) AU (part 3)
Its Illager time babey!
•Since Illagers have significantly less "profressions" than their Villager counterpart, Everything is divided into the three classes, Pillager, Vindicator, and Evoker (Illusioner comes in part 4)
•Illager Children usually start school around the age of 10, that's the age when their magic isn't as chaotic and they can control it...kinda....
•Usually children already have there chosen profression in mind before they start school, though for the ones who are unable to choose they can take certain test to see what they are good at.
•Before anything however, Children are required to take an exam to test their skills. This is to see who is capable of being an Evoker. This involves magic use, strategy, and leadership.
•Needless to say, The Evoker Class is usually the smallest class of the bunch.
•Uniform colors: Evoker-Gold, Vindicator-Blue, Pillager-Brown (just...imagine an pillager child with the Hexside uniform and the colors)
•Dorms are separated by class type, age gets a different floor, same sex rooms, you know the deal
•Since Illagers are more physical than Villagers, Physical Classes like track, Crossbow Combat, Axe Combat, etc.
•There are some classes restrained to a certain class, Evokers have Vex Summoning, Pillagers have Ravenger 101, Vindicators have Axe Making etc
•Players build fake villages to help with Raid Training. After School Hours its usually a date or hangout spot.
•There are Ravangers on Campus. Its usually punishment for kids to clean stalls.
•Evoker Students have an unofficial role as "Student Role Models".
•A good few of them abuse that roll to get younger students to do whatever they say. That gets other students to stand up to them
•Lets just say Pillager Students and Evoker Students don't always get along >.>
•The Kinder Evokers students happily use there vexes to help around the school or other students.
•Electives Include: Home Ec (Actually pretty popular), Hunting, Survival in the wild (also popular)
•Sometimes there will be field trips to actual abandon villages or pillager towers. Students LOVE these
•Illagers are a little more lax with with going to the Nether Mall, so illagers go more frequently. Very Popular hangout spot
•Some Kids like to take Ravangers out of Joy Rides. All I will say
•Very Rarely, and I mean very rarely....Illager students will try and sneak into Villager Schools and "raid" the place. It goes as well as you think
•Witches show up from time to time, Older Kids buy potions off them in secret.
•Cats also are a mainstay. The Ravangers love there little friends and nobody has the heart to separate them.
I can’t tell you how much I squealed when this showed up in my inbox. It was rather embarrassing.
I’m imagining the poor illager parents before the age of ten, and all the chaotic magic unleashed!
Awww ravagers on campus. I’m imagining a story with a shy illager child who loves ravagers and takes care of them so everyone bullies them until one day the ravagers eat the bullies.
Pillagers: Evokers are all snobbish know-it-alls!
Evokers: Pillagers are barely more then unintelligent BRUTES!
Everyone loves field trips!
Illager kids for the illager mall...
I’m imagining the villagers just... ruining those poor illager children’s day. xP
The witches are the school drug dealers confirmed.
Well, I mean, do you really want to separate a ravager and their cat? This reminds me of a story, at a zoo, where the gorilla had a pet rabbit... It was very sweet.
Thank you for this long and absolutely amazing post! I love reading all these, even if it takes me a minute to respond. Finals have been kicking my ass, and this really cheered me up!
#mineblr#minecraft headcanon#illager#ravager#evoker#vindicator#pillager#cat#villager#asks#🔮#Anonymous
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[fic] oh, i miss when we first met (take me out baby)
pairing: onesided sapnap/dream (dreamnap), background dreamnotfound
rating: g
genre/tags: angst and unrequited love babey! oh, and did i mention pining?
notes: me and @dream-not-found are twinning with unrequited dreamnap. go read her fic and weep. special shoutout to mitski, who i listened to exclusively on loop over and over again while writing this fic
summary: It was as much of a confession as he was going to give.
ao3 link
It could be love.
Sapnap stared at the phone, the remnants of Dream’s voice still echoing in his mind. It had been the first video call they'd done in a while— a celebratory thing, really, where he had popped in with a quick happy birthday as the clock rolled over to midnight.
Dream’s face, though blurry from the dark lighting, was still clear enough for Sapnap to get a good look at him. The last time he had seen him on camera must have been years ago, and Dream had changed immensely since then. His body had filled out some, from what he could tell, broader than before, and he now held himself with a sort of modest confidence.
It could really be love: churning, heavy, pooling into his gut.
He was handsome, in a way that still retained that characteristic boyishness Sapnap had grown familiar with from when they were kids. Handsome in the way his smile stayed in his thoughts even hours after he’d hung up.
They were friends—best friends, even. Nothing more than that.
It shouldn’t have been anything more than that, and yet Sapnap had been grappling with the idea for a while now, turning the words over and over in his mouth as he lay under the covers, remembering the way Dream curled up into himself a little when he’d laughed, tucking his face in the crook of his elbow as he wheezed out some stupid joke he’d seen earlier that day.
Love isn’t what he wants. It shouldn’t be love. And anyways, Dream had been mentioning a girl he'd met recently, seemed to have really hit it off with her.
It would pass. Sapnap would make sure of it.
Two weeks before high school graduation he gets asked out.
“I know it’s kind of late,” she said, so quietly that he almost didn’t hear. “But you should go out. With me.”
He did his best to remember who she is, but all he could think of was one of his woodshop classes, where she camouflaged into the crowd in the back. She had brown hair. Green eyes. Not memorable in many ways, but the relaxed smile she had given him on occasion when they walked in together had left Sapnap with all sorts of strange, familiar feelings.
She left him her number this time instead.
He pulled open her contact, and stared at the text box.
They had joked about it before, sometimes.
When you come down to my place, where should I take you out?, innocently thrown into the recording. Like as a date?
It was too flippant to be real but it had always made Dream happy, even if he cut it out from the final video, and so Sapnap knew it was never a big deal, really. Besides, it was fun to joke around with him, and everytime he laughed there was a tide of affection that rose through Sapnap— slow, crashing, like the way a wave rolled into shore. The idea of love—forsaken as that was—always gave him a little rush of hope, almost pathetic in a way, that made him wish he’d get an answer out of him one of these days.
What kind of flowers should I get you? Roses? They’re your favorite, aren’t they?
He thought about the facetimes at midnight, where the room was so dim that his hair had looked brown, and the green of his eyes; the way he grinned so bright whenever he talked about his girlfriend.
It wasn’t his to take.
So, he texted. When would you be free?
He could work this out.
“I don’t think this is working out.”
She was sitting in the passenger seat next to him, the car parked outside of her house, quiet as radio played some generic pop song that melted into the next.
“I know.”
She wasn’t looking at him, which made it almost worse than it already was. She wouldn’t say a word, she was staring out the window. Her gaze was almost unfocused, as if she were watching something very far in the distance. The reflection glared back at him in the dark of the evening.
And maybe it was cruel but he couldn't help but feel indifferent at it all. There was pain, sure— the same kind of pain that came with letting anyone go, but it was lighter. Different. It was mutable in a way, easy to ignore, and he found himself thinking about what to make for dinner instead, or if he had any homework due before his lecture tomorrow.
The car door opened. Closed. She never even said a goodbye.
He couldn’t blame her for that.
The music in the background kept going until the words and the melody faded into a dull static, and when he got home he crept up to his room.
He debated checking Teamspeak to see if anyone was online. There was no way he was going to be able to find Dream that night: he’d messaged him about big plans and she’s gonna love this gift I got her as they’d chatted aimlessly in his discord earlier.
I’m thinking maybe a fancy restaurant but— how fancy is too fancy, do you think? he’d asked. A dinner date, then. Sapnap couldn't help but close his eyes, and thought about Dream dressed all slick, and as the heat gradually rose to his face he knew he'd never be satisfied.
But Dream had a girlfriend who he loved very much; he stood no chance, regardless.
He glanced at the monitor. Maybe if he stayed up long enough he’d catch George and convince him to do a quick PVP match, if he woke up early. Sapnap’s first class tomorrow wasn’t until sometime midafternoon, anyways, so he could afford to stay up late.
His phone remained silent from its perch on his desk. She didn’t call or text him back, and he never did either.
>i don’t think this is working out.
Dream’s message startled him awake as the small notification went off in his headphones.
There were papers scattered all over his desk, layered over the top of his keyboard and everything around it. It was normally never that bad, but now, knee-deep in midterms, organization has taken its role as the least important thing to worry about. Sapnap shoved them aside into some poor, forlorn pile to his right as he grabbed his mouse and opened up Discord to type out a reply.
He rubbed a hand over his eyes, glancing at the clock in the corner of his screen. One in the morning, which meant he had dozed off by accident over an hour ago. Another sound went off as Dream finally sent something back.
>how did you get over your breakup?
When had they broken up? Dream had seemed fine just yesterday, from what he could remember. He’d never come to him about any fights before, seemed happy. He sat there and looked up at the ceiling, trying to remember the last year, but all he could think of was the sound of Dream’s voice.
>just stay strong man
>it only hurts for a week
>or two or three
Sapnap watched the three dots fall as Dream stopped typing, and waited for a bit for a response. Minutes passed, and then an hour, and Sapnap went back to looking at his notes. He knew Dream better than almost anyone else, and he knew when he needed his space.
“Don’t you think George is kinda cute?” Dream had asked one day, while they were playing on Hypixel together.
Sapnap's first thought is what?, and he sat there, dumbfounded, until he realized that it deserved to be said out loud.
“You know what I mean! Kind of like a cat!”
Sapnap, in fact, did not know what that meant. He hadn’t even really known George all that well up until about a year or so ago, when Dream had pulled them in a Teamspeak channel together one day while brainstorming ideas for his new video.
Objectively, George was no cuter than a pigeon or something he’d pass on the street. He was fine, really, but Sapnap couldn’t see anything overly remarkable about him. Sapnap loved to bicker with him, and he was funny—a little crazy, even—but Dream thought he was hilarious even doing nothing at all. Dream waxed terrible poetry about his smile, praised the way he programmed, and always talked about the way his eyes had looked the one time he did a face reveal for a video.
Sapnap wasn’t really sure what to do with this information.
Dream likes him, he thought to himself later that night after George had joined the channel. Dream tried goading him into saying I love you while he was tossing him a stack of roses in-game, and George’s face flushed a funny shade of red as he finally said the words to get Dream to stop.
Sapnap looked at the two and buried his head in his hands. He stayed like that for a very long time.
Eventually he had hit a breaking point.
They were streaming together, that’s how it went. They were streaming together, and Dream was riding off on another horse he’d picked up somewhere out in the near distance of their survival world. He was on his way to gather some more wood while he chatted with the viewers on Twitch in a relaxed lull.
Sapnap had been quiet for the most part, contented in his own small journey traversing the stripmine. He hummed along to some song from the chill beats playlist he’d pulled up half an hour ago as he tossed out andesite from his inventory. They had put George in charge of fixing a ruined flat of land near the tree farm, where it had only recently been wrecked by some creepers and poor timing. The battered holes had remained in the ground for about a week, until everyone was tired of being lazy and finally decided to do something about it. George sat there, where he complained for what must have been the last ten minutes about the lack of cobble to make stone bricks with and, well, Sapnap had figured he might as well get some more iron for all of them while he was at it.
“—thank you for the dono,” Dream’s voice cut in, the rhythmic lilt of it so jarring that it snapped Sapnap out of his near daze as he dug along the grid patterns cut through stone. “Hi there. I love watching all of your videos! Can you tell George that you love him? And can you get him to say ‘I love you Dream?’ too?”
Sapnap looked over to the second monitor on his left, the donation box fading from the screen by the time he glanced at it. Dream’s stream silently continued to play in the background. He was towering up to reach the farthest edge of a large oak tree, inching towards the last log buried somewhere within the leaf blocks. The chat picked up as some fans started to bicker amongst themselves. Dream didn’t mind them—never did, really—and plowed on through with his reply.
“Haha, thank you. I’m glad you love watching them,” he said, not even missing a beat. “I tell George I love him all the time! He’s the one who never says it back. Geooorge, I love you.”
Suddenly how all of his collected material was sorted became the most interesting thing in the world to him. Sapnap took his time as he meticulously lined up the stacks for what felt like an hour. A second passed. George gave some kind of stilted laugh, the kind that he lets out when he feels too embarrassed to properly respond. Sapnap’s only thought was about the singsong way Dream called out that name in.
“See guys? It’s not my fault, I have no problem saying it! C’mon George, do it so they don’t waste their money. Just say I love you Dream.”
“I’m not saying that,” George butted in, his mic crackling a bit. His video was off but even then Sapnap could tell from how he said it that he was practically squirming in his seat. Coward. It wasn’t as if he’d never said it before, but he was always so camera shy, especially with his crush—
Dream was still play-pleading for an answer, and so Sapnap decided to indulge him.
“Aww, Dream, you know I love you. You’ll always have my love, even if Georgie hates you.”
That got a reaction. Dream burst out in laughter as he breathily wheezed out a silly, off-tune heart been broke so many times while George started sputtering, trying to deny it.
Those two idiots. Sapnap’s been around them enough to know what flirting looks like. He thought about Dream, with his late night calls, where he bounced ideas off of Sapnap on what would get the best reaction from him in his newest video, and the way he had been doing it on and off for the past few months, now; George on his tiptoes until he ultimately stumbled into Sapnap’s DMs on Teamspeak, flustered over something Dream told him.
Coward, Sapnap thought, as he watched the two of them do their dance. He and George both were, he’d give him that.
I love you, I love you, I love you.
It was as much of a confession as he was going to give.
#dreamwastaken#sapnap#dreamnap#drapnap#DOES ANYONE USE THAT TAG???? IVE NEVER SEEN ANYONE CALL IT THAT#dreamnapists wya i'm here with some food#*shakes a box of cat treats*#howlfic
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Looks like you’re gonna have to gush some more cuz I meant in general uwu🌸
🌺😌🤟 Always happy to! Okay here’s just some General bnha Thoughts ™ Mostly Lov centric. You asked for them, and you said GUSH about them, so here’s. A Lot! :)
This isn’t a lov one but it’s really funny so I thought I’d put it out there:
-when bnha was first gaining traction on tumblr, it was all art of Tsuyu. I have no idea why. People were talking about the funky frog lesbian superhero anime. Maybe it was just the people I was following, maybe it was a general trend, but I LOVED her design!!! my fav color and frogs r super cute!!! And I already loved superhero media, so I was like. I’ll watch it. For Her. SO. FROPPY IS THE REASON I WATCHED/READ BNHA. I went in thinking she was the protag and I was sooo confused when Izuku was... tbh I still think it’d be more interesting if she was lmaooo aus where? ...seriously if anyone has good aus where this is the case send them LOL
-I don’t actually feel that bad abt what Shigaraki’s doing. I still feel bad for him. I’m this post. yes im an apologist. its not my fault hes sexy and has been running around shirtless. hes a lesbian icon like thor is. I want to touch his hair. hes never done anything wrong in his life. he could kill all might, deku, bakugo, whatever, I’d still be sayin this. I don’t feel bad for gt. like. was anyone genuinely attached to him? lmao
-well u know how spinner’s quirk is just sticking to things? We haven’t seen him use it in canon except like, (1) time iirc?? I think this is probably bc he’s embarrassed about it even in front of the league... I loooove the idea that he gets more comfortable with it around them :”) and also how shigaraki. um. does that falling asleep thing while standing up with his eyes open, canonly? (which I still love lmfao) Imagine someone in the league walking in a dark room, turning on the light n just seeing. Spinner upside down, stuck to the ceiling asleep bc heat rises and its Warmer Up There. (cold blooded thing like tsuyu?? come ON give him a big fuzzy coat and scarf...) and Shigaraki in the center of the room, slouched but still standing, eyes open and motionless. Theyre both sleeping. Whomever sees it just...slowly walks out. LMAO
-Toga roller derby au. No deep thoughts I just think she’d be good at it.
-Toga 100% is a social butterfly and could befriend anyone if they didn’t just judge the fact she was trying to stab them smh :/ (ok but seriously anytime I see cute friendships with her n the other kids im like :) aw. I feel like her and Camie...would be good friends. Camie feels chill enough to be like ‘ok whatever thats totally fine I forgive you!!’ LMAO we love airheads here)
-HOW DID TOGA GET SO GOOD AT FIGHTING? We know she’s been on the run since middle school or so, but good enough to pin Deku down after he’s been formally trained at a ~hero school~ for a while? (she pinned him TWICE I think, once when his arms were messed up, but, the other time as Camie, so? AND THEN WAS ONE OF THE 100 PEOPLE TO GO THRU TO THE 2ND ROUND OF THAT? even tho she didn’t bc she had to leave) good enough to beat Aizawa in a fight and stab him? A professional hero and teacher for YEARS? Is that seriously just street training??? Can people acknowledge how amazing her combat skills and reflexes are??? More Toga appreciation when?? Also her backstory??? SO subversive and incredible, hate when people reduce her to just a ~typical anime yandere~ :/
-Tomura doing stuff with his hands/fingers to train his quirk!!! And to learn to be careful with it!! obv I’m a Big Fan of him playing piano to do this and video games are prob the canon answer, but like, guitar or any stringed instrument that requires Hands would work too. Or knitting/sewing? EMBROIDERING? ??? Please, let me give you the mental image of him knitting aggressively while mentally scheming, watching a twitch streamer or smth too while doing it. (Doing stuff with your hands is a great way to let your mind come up with creative stuff, that’s how I come up with writing/drawing ideas 70% of the time)
-Tomura actually PREFERS cutesty, relaxing games. I mean, he does fighting and bloody stuff irl, games are a way to relax...he’ll play shooters and gta type games with The Lads, but. on his own?? animal crossing. pokemon. kirby games. mario. zelda. BIG ZELDA FAN (not saying this bc I, personally, am biased, but,) slime rancher, stardew valley, funny simulator games... he really enjoys those :”) God forbid he has a kid bc they’re 100% getting named after a viddy game character unless someone can talk him out of it LOL. Toga and Tomura are that animal crossing /doom meme where she’d be asking for doom and him asking for animal crossing :”)
-Bits and pieces of Before are kinda stuck in Kurogiri’s brain, but like. mostly useless stuff the doctor didn’t care about removing. Like, types of clouds. So Tomura kinda picks up on stuff like that. He can just look at clouds and tell you what type they are because Kurogiri used to take him up to high places in the city and point them out to calm Tomura down from a panic attack when he was younger. He can tell you if the sky looks like it’ll rain with a 80% accuracy rate too.
-Kurogiri left food out for kitties in the alley beside the bar. They weren’t allowed in for Health Reasons (it IS a bar with sanitation standards!!) And Tomura really wouldn’t stop it or encourage it either way so long as Kurogiri did his job, but occasionally would stand outside with Kurogiri and just watch the kitties from a distance. If any approached he’d go back in (lowkey afraid he’d hurt them by touching them :( ) They kinda kept that between them tho, bc they both Know AFO is a big bag of dicks and no fun
-people have pointed out how similar aizawa and tomura look. this was 100% the intention. tomura has a hatecrush on him. THIS IS SO FUNNY AND HORRIBLY AWKWARD FOR KUROGIRI LMAO
-Sako??? Mr. Dramatic?? Opera fan. Drama kid. Like, obviously, but. Really. He is. I feel like he can speak a dozen languages. I also feel like he used to be an overachiever but got too ambitious. He was def some kind of leader at one point of a diff Group or something that fell apart. I LOVE how creative he is with his quirk and the magician theme??? incredible. I don’t show him enough love but I Love Clowns :o)
-I don’t care what their canon heights are. Spinner and Dabi? short kings. My height hcs are (tallest to shortest) Kurogiri, Twice, Sako (who also has heels on his boots and a tall hat, keep in mind), Tomura, Magne (Tomura and Magne are about the same height imo) Toga, Spinner, Dabi. LISTEN. Dabi has short energy. Sorry. it’s true tho
-This is a semi-popular hc I think bc I KNOW I’ve seen it before, but Dabi having Terrible Vision and needing glasses is so so good. (seriously, with burns THAT close to his eyeballs, how could he not?)
-he tries to be a tough loner coolguy. you’d think he’d smoke, but I hc his ‘weak constitution’ comes with weak lungs (esp from years of a flame quirk?? inhaling smoke over so much time is SO bad for you, most people who die in fires actually die of smoke inhalation...) so he’s got like, an inhaler, can’t smoke, actually gets carsick, needs glasses, overuses quirk to save friends constantly, likes napping, a little awkward and rude. Tomura put him in charge of the vanguard so he’s smart, and good with strategies too, like a nerd. this is the Dabi I wanna see, not the popular fandom version of him tbh also step on hawks one more time sir :”)
-I wish all the lov fics weren’t?? villain!deku like I said earlier, but also, chatfics? I have nothing against them but most of them are just a bombardment of Memes with NO PLOT!!! Listen. text/chatfics CAN have plot and be an interesting way to tell a story. I almost want to write one just to show what I mean...
I know I’ve said I like spinaraki and blackmagic, but I am a multishipper, so a few ships I don’t talk about that I like that involve the lov in some way:
-toga/any of the 1A girls??? or Camie??? super interesting. ALSO in the radio drama, bakugo’s voice actor said Toga was his favorite girl??? so?? bakugo/toga ?? I WANT TO SEE IT. but specifically my fav dynamic with her is when someone ELSE is the one to like her first, it’s what she deserves.
-Kurogiri/aizawa/mic?? any variety of that is also 👌🏻 I also kinda wanna see kurogiri/all might bc. Dads. COME ON. they bond over ‘well, I raised him, and you want to have a part in his life now?? ok. earn it. prove it. I’ll screen you first’ or something LMAO they’re both genuinely concerned for the boy, and SOOO biased. let them bond.
-giran/twice is cute. like he was hyping him up so much and so ready to go save him...
-dabi/magne where is the content. when. why not everywhere??? I’ve also seen magne/compress which was cute!! or twice/magne? they’re the big sibs of the lov...
-dabi/spinner?? come ON dabi could get over his learned biases and spend time with him and they could hold hands. I want them to.
-dabihawks. Obviously bc the Drama. yes even still, don’t @ me. (also, shigahawks, seen some REAL interesting fics with it tbh) or spinahawks?? adding hawks to a ship is like adding extra chili powder. makes it SPICY dramatic)
-nine/tomura don’t @ me once again. both kinda afo’s playthings, nine obviously was the test for tomura’s new upgrades...they both love their friends...That Scene in the Flower field </3 hmmm tragicships are fun.
-tomura/mirko. more enemies to lovers. big fan of her and bunnies. remember when he wore bunny ears in bnha smash. (ok its crack but. CUTE.)
-I’ve also seen shiganatsu and shigafuyu and I’m like. these are cute, but also Dabi’s reaction always makes me cry laugh. so good.
-MOST EVERYONE IN THE LOV IS LGBTQA+!!! heres my personal headcanons:
Toga: pan or bi (CANON BASICALLY)
Magne: transwoman (CANON BABEY) bi, leans towards men. (her crush on dabi in bnha smash... uwu content where)
Shuichi: gets sooooo flustered canonly, I think he’d go for the first person Who Hit On Him (I can see him being the target of those mean pranks where someone says ‘my friend likes you!!’ and the friend is like ‘eww!!’ :(((( ) he’s super hesitant for romance, lots of repressed stuff. gay but takes sooo long to realize it bc he thinks most women are conventionally pretty Aesthethically, feels obligated to Like Them, but has bad self esteem so never goes after them, then only likes (1) guy so hes like?? is this allowed?? is this allowed???? (HES LIKE. IN LOVE WITH SHIGARAKI)
Dabi: bi but rly hasn’t ever gotten to date anyone, so he’s actually more reserved about it and while he’ll tease, he absolutely is absent and kinda oblivious (again, I KNOWWWW bnha smash isnt canon, but. my god. when magne is hitting on him and he Just Doesnt Understand.) also hes ace
Tomura: doesn’t care. (just prob says ‘its whatever’) trans/nonbinary (i’M NOT PROJECTING, BUT. :’/) probably goes with like, the label queer if any but doesn’t care much for labels
Kurogiri: bi??? kind of??? I say kind of bc well, I hc U Know Whom as bi, I feel like thatd carry over but he’d be really avoidant to date anyone bc hes gotta Watch His Kid u know? this is gonna sound surprising but I think he’d be the type to be like ‘ok we can have a one night stand/fling BUT it cant get personal bc I have a Job to Do for my Son so don’t get up in your feelings’ and act a little coldly at first or very ..not personable... depending on who it was he’d prob turn around eventually, esp if that person valued his feelings/job :”)
Sako: that mans Not Straight. I hc him as gay and also trans :3c
Twice: Bi and HAS dated prob more than anyone else in the league imo, super comfortable with his sexuality and supportive of everyone else’s :)
ok that’s about all I can think of atm, come back in 5 minutes and my brain will refill with lov headcanons :3 thank you for asking!!
#bnha manga spoilers#bnha#sanchoyoanswersasks#league of villains#lov#i am NOt tagging all of them im so sorry its Too Much#but ask to tag#for triggers#if anyone needs them tagged#?#long post#word wall#bananaapplewaffle#im pretty amicable to most ships n stuff and love rare/crack ships lmao#also if anyone has their own headcanons#and wants to share#feel free!#love hearin them too
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Rate everyone in the chaos gc's feral-ness? (You don't have too!)
o shit o shit what are 1-10 scales idfk here we go I guess
we gon go in the order they are in on the server screen rn cus my brain is made of swiss cheese and if I tried to remember everyone authentically id forget someone and whether they would tease me or not is questionable but *I* would never be able to let *myself* live that down.
@no-one-told-you-life-was-gay talks a lot of feral but I would say is mostly Big Protecc and sometimes a bit of a pot-stirrer. lotta steam and kettle whistling but xey’re mostly just warm and cuddly, sorry, I’m here to fuck up your reputation. big softy, big cares about friends and platonic spouses, does threaten murder or resurrection if relevant but most of the feral comes from the angst aus, and those tend to be more sad than feral. 8/10 high, 5/10 during sofd moments.
@riseoftherose is *b i g s o f t* and sweet but also she’s the one who full name-drops and it *works* and that says something. not so Feral as just plain Powerful but there is a strength there and it is a thing to behold. mostly reactive to the feral behavior on the chat, not an instigator. i have seen her be feral, sorta, but its a rare occasion and usually has something to do with irl situarions. very interesting when it happens though! 2/10.
@p0p-r0x75 is a feral jack-in-the-box. silent for hours, no reaction. suddenly a pile of art appears out of the blue and the characters within are in amazingly angsty positions and all Rox will say is :))) and youre just left there spinning worrying about these poor Links and what the fuck have you done to them Rox what is vaati doing what have you d o n e??? and if you like the Zelda franchise and get him talking there is an absolute treasure trove of knowledge in that head and it is beautiful. 4/10.
@todorokitops is feral but like only from certain angles. like those 3d puzzles that when twisted suddenly become a bird. generally sweet and kind and gentle and fluffy and then BAM blizzard bakudeku pops up out of the blue, or fantasy spinner has had his wings and tails fucking chopped off for a lover who let him and you’re just like, wait, Wait, everything was ok and now i’m in emotional agony what the f u c k but also its beautiful and you *will* be back begging to be hurt again. also the sheer number of posts made with the shigaraki tupper has to count for some amount of feral. 6/10.
@ragingfangirl666 is a *b a b e y* and i want to hold her. she does get feral, and is a welcome member of owo jail from time to time! she also has, i think, 20 goddamn tuppers and you have to be a feral beast to keep up with that kind of nonsense. also somehow pumps out amazing quantities of fanart for the roleplays so fast its relevant to whats being actively written still and that's. that's godlike. 6/10
@jinx108 is subtly feral. stealth feral. quiet feral. its there, but you gotta look, and sometimes its v v secret. she likes to ask questions and make statements just to see what happens. she’s got a huge heart and when she gets excited about something she’s Really excited, and its so fun to watch her get going! 3/10.
@sergeantpurrito is mom. she is mum. she is the mother. she is not the feral, she cares for the feral. she is Good and Stable. lil bit of a fellow dice gremlin though, so little bit of feral cus Dice. 1/10
@pufftheminidragon is mai owo pawtnew in cwime and ai wowouwd defewnd ‘dem to da deaff! my wowondewfuww jaiwmate, my excewent fwiend, da one who maed da au wiff da fouw bad ends and da two good ends and we aww picked bad ends. Puffle da magnificent weed dwagon is a sowid 8/10 when peaking, and a 4, maybe 5/10 most of the time.
@friendly-neighborhood-pan is my child and i love them with my whole heart and i will defend them forever and ever and they are blessed and they are such a cryptid holy shit. all the feral in this baby is the mystique surrounding them, are they there? do they see you? are they lurking? are they working on a masterpiece to stealthdrop at three am? who knows! a mystery, all the time. but also babey. but also completely baffling. 8-9/10.
theres a couple more i could add but theyre kinda on the edges so like. i’ll add them later if asked? maybe? if i know them well enough?
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SO !! i barely have anything yet bc i just had this fucking brain blast like an hour ago but. here are my Thoughts so far:
so the very first thing i tried to think of was like. what everyone is? i did my best w this but i am so fuckin open to ideas..... i don’t know shit!
the easiest answer right off the bat was who the humans are (or at least the pirates who appear to be human) in this. we got the science team as the pirate crew—gordon, tommy, bubby, and coomer! they are sailing the seas and maybe they are not doing a very good job of it but it’s fine. it’s Fine
the second easiest answer was benrey’s situation. we got skeletons fuck yeah. benrey got some of that curse uh oh! however w benrey’s situation that’s more like... sometimes being a skeleton rather than just steadily turning into one, i thought maybe the curse fucked up on him? maybe it’s like. he’s only half cursed to just sometimes be a skeleton but he can also look human again too. i don’t fucking know. also OH SHIT BENREY HAS TO BE NOT HUMAN UHJHHHHHHHH fuck it guess he’s part ancient now too. i guess. shit i’ll have to spend more time on him but this is.. the gist
next we got uhh forzen babey. i’ll be honest i’m not too confident on this one. i had the vague idea that maybe he’s a mermaid? although whether he’s one of the mermaids that steals sunken pirates and turns them into mermaids or one of the mermaids who was turned into a pirate i can’t really decide. i mean the pirates-turned-mermaids are always helpful in game, and forzen. well. Isn’t, but the mermaid-mermaids live so far deep that they’re never seen? so i don’t know. but he’s out there.... in the ocean....... somewhere....... waiting for me to have more brain power to answer this
it’s darnold time! i’ll be honest i also don’t have many ideas for this guy. i thought maybe he’s got something to do with the order of souls? that’s vaguely related to potions right? sage darnold with the oos eyes curse and he reads the fuckin skull juices to help out the crew with their voyages..... i think? there are other options too but this is the one that jumped out at me the most!
GREGORY MAN. the man himself. SO I GOT TWO POSSIBILITIES HERE FOR THIS GUY. what i can’t decide on is how much of canon sot i want to be canon in this au... mainly, the stuff abt the pirate lord. i got two options here, one of which is that ramsey still exists as the pirate lord and he hangs out doing mostly the same shit he does in canon, and gman is like. an ancient who stuck around the sea of thieves for whatever reason? which would make tommy a descendant of the ancients too, hence why i specified earlier that all the pirates in the crew might not be human..... EITHER THAT OR gman is the pirate lord and ramsey fuckin uh doesn’t exist in the au. and i CANNOT for the life of me decide which i like better. ANY HELP APPRECIATE HERE PLS
THEN. it’s tim,e for “how the fuck did everyone get past the shroud into the sot”
i think no matter who the pirate lord is in this au they’d have no problems letting pretty much anyone in honestly. ramsey just kinda says “oh you washed up unconscious on the shores of old sailor’s isle? cool let me just not ask any questions and part the shroud for you real quick ok bye” and honestly i can’t imagine gman would be much different—although he’d probably be more cryptic abt it than ramsey is
SO. GORDOS. i feel like him coming to the sot was a last resort of sorts. he feels lost in life, unsure what his goal is or where he’s going, and he hears of this mystical sea that nobody who enters ever leaves but apparently there’s adventure and treasure and wonder there so he’s like fuck it, i’ve got nothing else to do and goes there hoping to find some sort of purpose. and find it he does :)
tommy time! i feel like whatever brought him here had to be partially related to his dad? either he’s just There bc. well. his dad’s the fuckin pirate lord, or gman’s all cryptid abt being an ancient and left tommy to sort of grow up in the sot on his own while gman kept a distant eye on him, just so tommy wouldn’t find out too much abt being an ancient or whatever. uh. so he’s pretty familiar w the world of sot and all its wacky magic shit!
(actual sot lore question here bc this is smth i don’t know—does all the magic that happens in sea of thieves happen beyond the shroud? i wonder if the rest of the world also has skeletons and giant sea monsters and magic and shit or if it’s just inside the sea of thieves...... hmmm for this au i’m gonna assume that all magic is something unique to the sea of thieves and doesn’t happen beyond the shroud)
The Bubby. honestly i like the idea that bubby came to the sot just to like... get away from the outside world? like maybe he’s on the run from something............ this is very very vague in my mind and is extremely subject to change but i like the whole “I’M LEAVING THIS WORLD!” thing as bubby being like fuck the regular world i’m going into the flesh eating devil shroud and nobody can stop me. and then he did
coomer. the man himself. i think coomer came to the sot searching for adventure! and more to learn! he’s always looking to broaden his horizons and where else to go but to the mystical sea of thieves when looking for new experiences? coomer is just here to have a good time :)
UH i think darnold already existed in the sot... he just sorta Lives There... there are npcs who just fucking were born and raised there right. like tasha was in the sot at age 4 so it makes sense right?? darnold just live here and he helps get the crew from the outside world familiar with the sot!
FORZEN has been in the sot for ages—either he’s always been here as a mermaid or he got turned into one so long ago and he’s just been getting angrier and angrier w it every year he’s trapped here. he barely remember why he came anymore but god does he regret it. :(
gman either way just kind of Is There huh..... as the pirate lord i honestly can’t imagine his origin being much different than ramsey’s? like he just makes friends w the ancients like hey what’s up i like this sea. my sea now. or he Is an ancient and just fucking chills there. whatever
bubby discovers firebombs and Uh Oh. Uh Oh Everyone Watch Out Bubby’s Got Fire Powers Now. he only accidentally sets the ship on fire SOMETIMES it’s FINE. (also his favorite region is the devil’s roar. unsurprisingly. he likes the chaos it brings)
bubby and tommy + coomer as well are agents of chaos in general. they don’t follow the fuckin Rules and it makes gordon’s life a living hell.
bubby: look gordon i dug up some grubs! gordon: cool man, put those in the barrel and we can use them to fish late- bubby: (shoving the grubs in his mouth) gordon: BUBBY NO WHAT THE FUCK DON’T EAT TH coomer: oh, what a good idea, bubby! i am feeling quite hungry myself! (also starts eating worms) gordon: I’M COOKING DINNER AT THE CAMPFIRE RIGHT NOW PLEASE DON’T tommy: oh are the worms okay to eat? i wonder what they taste like gordon: NO STOP benrey, shoving worms in gordon’s face: eat worms? eat worms now please?
coomer finds out how to launch himself out of a cannon and he becomes unstoppable. the crew is attacked by an enemy ship and everyone’s like “oh fuck everyone get to the cannons!” and they go there to find coomer fucking launching himself directly onto the enemy ship, and he kills their entire crew in seconds. by the time he mermaids back to his ship everyone is fucking stunned silent and coomer is just like “well, that takes care of that! let’s get back on course, gentlemen!” and since then they just fucking fire coomer at people like a weapon whenever they get attacked by other pirates or skeletons. It Always Works
UH AND I THINK THAT’S KIND OF WHAT I HAVE SO FAR? i might be forgetting something but this post is long enough as is......
IF ANYONE HAS ANYTHING TO ADD FEEL FREE!!! i love sea of thieves so fuckin much man... and i didn’t even TOUCH on anything like any of the reaper’s bones shit which i would be interested in looking at getting involved in this au somehow...... i will probably come back to this if anyone else is interested !! otherwise that’s all i got for now!!!! thank you so much for asking anon!!!!!
#hlvrai#sot#UM. I GUESS I'M PUTTING THIS IN THE MAIN TAGS?#half live vr but the ai is self aware#sea of thieves#hlvrai + sot fans..... all three of you...... come get your juice#SORRY FOR THE LONG POST TO EVERYONE ELSE HGHNFDNJHG FD#anyway thank you anon..... thank you so much.................. i lvoe you#I'M SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG TO WRITE I GOT SO MUCH... ON THE BRAIN....... but i love you !! THANK YOU FOR THE ASK
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