Compiled some basic information I know about drawing fat characters for beginners since I've been seeing more talk about absence of really basic traits in a lot of art lately.
Morpho Fat and Skin Folds on Archive.org (for free!)
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Unsplash - photography, illustration, & art
Pixabay - same as unsplash
Pexels - stock photos and videos
Getty Images - photography & illustration
Veceezy - vectors and clipart
Gumroad - photoshop brushes (and more)
StockSnap.io - stock photos
Canva - needs login but has lots of templates
Library of Congress - historical posters and photos
NASA - you guessed it
Creative Commons - all kinds of stuff, homie
Even Adobe has some free images
There are so many ways to make moodboards, bookcovers, and icons without plagiarizing! As artists, authors, and other creatives, we need to be especially careful not to use someone else’s work and pass it off as our own.
Please add on if you know any more resources for free images <3
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Character Descriptions
this is by no means professional haha, i kinda word vomitted. so if something needs more clarifications please don’t hesitate to shoot me a message! (this is a side blog though, so idk if PM’s will work..)
This is what they look like by the way!

harper likes to make magic potions for her friends, and by magic potions i mean really yummy juice that she adds flowers and glitter to haha
her parents won’t let her over the cauldron without adult supervision
she is naturally good at speaking with animals though!(her and avery are besties HAHA)
shes the youngest of the group - so shes smol
light hair, huge grey eyes
thinking of putting her in two braids, or leaving it curly
a really sweet dad and a mom
a pet familiar
likes helping dad with spells he makes
help mom clean up the altar spaces, and organize divination tools and crystals
cleaning up after her familiar LMAO
understands animals
good potion maker
does not have the patience to memorize tarot LMAO
her potions duh
also loves her moms goulcake (cheesecake in the shape of a ghost)
likes to play pranks on his friends
likes to watch the bats at night
jack o lantern head - bright glowing inside
kinda always is smirking/mischievous smile
the headless horseman as a dad HAHA
not sure if mom is in the picture quite yet
think its just gonna be the boys against the world yk?
i would also imagine him as a lord, or aristocracy cuz the headless horseman is giving lord of something lol, yall seen his clothes right?
playing pranks
getting gifts for his friends/spending money on his friends
think rich kid asshole, but lovingly LMAO
when he goes too far with his jokes and winds up hurting someone’s feelings
being the oldest he kinda directs the group
a leader frfr
i imagine him being a little closed minded about humans because of how they treated him and his dad
he gets so excited for harpers potions because they change the color of his “flame” on the inside
also really enjoys roasts :)
being/turning into a bat!
he loves to let everyone know hes a vampire
cape swishes and hissing are his fav things to do haha
lil man is all vibes no thoughts
hes still a vampire so obvi a lil pale, but i want more dead brown people rep haha!
curliest hair!
he likes the look of like the old school vampires so he slicks it back
2 moms!
they adopted him!
literally everything and anything
very excitable
practically jumping off the walls haha
when people are mean/close-minded and aren’t open to hearing him out/change
making people smile
staying still
taking things seriously
blood duh…
but i think his favorite human food would be empanadas
babygirl LOVES movies
will spend HOURS in front of a TV rewatching her favs
pretty tall compared to her friends! second in height!
athletic looking!
a BIG family
but her immediate family is just her and her mom and dad
only child vibes yk?
sees harper as the sister she never had though <3
she likes to mimic his rawr and stomps around like him haha!
also likes to play with valdemar!
the two never hold still
having to try ALL of harpers new potions, most are good, but some give her a tummy ache after a while of trying so many
she protec, but also attack
incredibly loyal to her friends
trusting but almost to a fault
can’t see bad in anyone
LOVES pizza nights with her parents
he really likes the occult LMAO
he’s obsessed with monster stories
unfortunately he gets bullied for it
i imagine him with kinda an 80s dork wardrobe
but as a “ghost” he’s just gotta white sheet with holes and his glasses
a nerdy frazzled looking kid
omg black nerdy boy rep ftw
in my story its kinda just him? like he’s kinda left to his own devices kinda thing?
but also thinking its him and his auntie, or grandma!
like i said earlier he really likes monster stories, so anything spooky ooky he’s into!
also plays the piano, so he loves music
being bullied LMAO
he really wants friends!
want community and a place to be accepted
knowing all these random ass fun facts
smart as a whip
he’s gotta pretty thick skin
letting folks know he’s hurt
he’ll kinda just distance himself till people think he;s invisible (where the ghost thing comes from)
lil man loves a jamaican beef patty
really thinking him and valdemar would love each others empanadas /beef patties haha <3
#writing#childrensbooks#childrensbookauthor#firstbook#character description#original character#character design
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hey hey
i don’t know if anyone will ever see this, other than maybe my professor. but if you somehow happens to see my blog - greetings and salutations! i’m jade!
i created this blog to kinda streamline my children’s book ideas for my senior project!
I plan to post character descriptions, scripts, drawings, etc. anythign relating to this project i’m probably gonna post.
i’m also open to CONSTRUCTIVE critique. don’t be a mean over the internet. <3
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