#kinda vent below?? idk
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graciousdragon · 11 months ago
ok so that meeting actually went pretty well. should i tell my dad that both my advisors think i should be tested for adhd or should i not start that argument today
you're telling me i gotta plan my schedule for next semester?? girl i'm barely gonna make it through this one I CAN'T DO THIS AGAIN
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skhardwarevers1 · 1 year ago
uuuhwgghhhw I hate midterms week
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taeaura · 5 days ago
I've been thinking about this for a while because I haven't actually seen or read any Thomas Hewitt x reader fanfic where the main character is a meek/shy individual with an emotional nature. By that, I mean somebody who is timid, not self-assured, soft-spoken, gentle, pacifistic, and often afraid to speak up for himself/herself. Not to mention that if being mocked or bullied, will start to tear up a bit and become more secluded.
Every time I read about Y/n, they are always this Mary Sue like temple who still ends up with odd or disrespectful issues. Like there's too many of them. Get rid of them! Bring me something new! Because I have no idea what the Hewitt's would do with that sort of person. Especially if it was a female instead of a male. What would Thomas and the family do with such a person? In theory, it seems obvious, but I genuinely don't know.
Hi again! I broke this up into headcanons as well as a little one shot - Hope that's okay!
Below are other posts dealing with similar topics if you'd like to view those additionally:
Soft-spoken s/o | mauswyx
Slashers x Socially Anxious! Reader | tac-the-unseen
Thomas Hewitt x Meek/Emotional Reader
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This GIF felt fitting idk why god I wish that was me
Thomas is a shy individual himself - Knowing this, I doubt he'd have an issue with any aspect of your nature. He'd actually be more protective of you than of someone who's much more..vocal about their displeasure.
Thomas doesn't mind the timidness, he's fully willing to be the 'strong' one in the relationship..he's kinda been forced into the roll within his family.
Charlie will tease you. A lot. He knows what gets on your nerves, how to pry under your skin - What makes you tick, cry, and breakdown; It's a favorite pastime of his, that is, when you're still a 'guest' captive.
He'll bring up traumatizing moments, taunting you with the possibility of 'ending up like the rest.' Hoyt pulls strings not even you knew were there:
"One word, and you'll end up splattered 'cross this damn wall."
{If you're fem-presenting} "Momma only likes you 'cause you're a girl, Once she see's how much of a harlot you are, she'll throw you right on out."
Once he's gotten used to you {or you've proved your 'worth'}, he'll switch things up a bit:
"Y'know, Tommy's got a real sensitive heart..you break it, s'not gone end well for any of us."
{Talking to a family member} "They're not too bad, huh? Small, quiet, always does as they're told, not too much of a hassle, now, are they?"
Thomas won't necessarily stand up for you, but he'll comfort you almost immediately
If you're ever in a particular mood, Thomas is pretty respectful of boundaries. If you need to be left alone, he's just fine with that. He might leave you a note and slide it under your door - Just a quick little "I love you" or something similar.
If you prefer direct comfort, he's fully willing to let you cry it out , or vent to him. He won't be able to respond much, but know he's processing it all. Depending on how comfortable the two of you are, he's willing to hold you/your hand, some pats on the back and such.
Any comfort you show him, he'll show back. For example; If you gently wipe/caress his face down after {or when} he cries, he'll do the same for you. Ask for what you want, and he'll do just that..most of the time 🫀
Thomas isn't a huge fan of confrontation - Anything confrontational outside of 'work', really. He knows his 'place' in the family, and isn't willing to push it {aka, argue with his family}. He won't argue for you, or get any family members to stop their pestering, but he will kill for you. Anytime a victim gets too close, he's got something sharp in his hands.
If they hurt you {or anyone in the family, really}, whether it be emotionally or physically, prepare for the goriest, most blood-caked basement you've ever encountered. He needs to take his anger out, and believe me, he will - Even with your pacifistic pleas.
Outside of his protective nature, your pacifistic and emotional nature tends to rub off on Thomas. He knows what he's doing, and how important it is to the family - But he gets moments of doubt at times, which are amplified around you.
Those people had lives..families just like his.
Meat is all they are.
Don't fail the family, Thomas. They're {you} disposable, family isn't.
Everyone was overwhelmed with the new..'livestock' that came in this afternoon. Although a small group, they fought hard. Hoyt had gotten his nose punched in just thirty minutes prior - It was all crooked and overflowed with blood dripping down his cupid's bow. Momma had gotten it taken care of - Thomas had helped 'realign' his nose best he could, whilst momma helped pack the bleeding. Hoyt would sure swell up and bruise within the next few days..if he hasn't already..
Instead of trying to rest, he bombarded you with insults - "What the fuck is wrong with you?! You didn't think to tell us one of them got out?" - "How fucking useless are you?!" He was really mad at you for that one..
Just like last time, you cried. Frantic, raw, disheveled cries. You fucked up...badly. The thought plagued you terribly, it ate away every ounce of assurance you had. I'm sorry..I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry..it rung through your mind, but your body was paralyzed as it knelt on the carpet; You wouldn't be speaking for quite some time..
It wouldn't matter anyway - Hoyt wasn't the type to hear it. You put the family in danger, that's all that mattered. It didn't matter if you were "sorry" or not - You threatened the Family. Who the hell do you think you are? After all we've given you? Food, shelter, safety, a place of purpose?
Ungrateful. That's what you are. A selfish, clumsy, inconsiderate ingrate.
You were shaking - Desperate to apologize, make it up to them. Your hands covered your face, leaving only small opening to peer through. The room was lit only by a small, vintage lamp in the corner, though that light suddenly blurred within darkness -
You felt your hands being pried from your face, though gently. It was Thomas - Wasn't much of a surprise, he was always the one to ground you.
He held eye contact with you as he lightly dusted away your tears with the backside of his index finger. He held your shaking hands tenderly, placing them at your knees. As he let go of your hands, he slowly raised his {hands} back to your face, tilting his head slightly as if to ask for permission -You continued to sniffle and gasp, providing a small, shaky nod in affirmation. Thomas benevolently grasped your cheeks, wiping tears as he did. You and Thomas had developed this wordless affirmation - a way to ground each other in times of need; He placed his forehead to yours. You often joked that you two 'looked like bugs' from the unconventional angle, and he'd chuckled best he could. He loved you. Truly, loved you.
The room was unusually silent - You looked beside you to see Luda Mae and Hoyt gone, only Uncle Monty facing the window as he read the news. Momma must've dragged Hoyt out...thankfully. You finally looked back at him, he really did look like a bug from this angle.., but he was the sweetest man. He left you a note earlier this morning, right after Charlie had yelled at you the night before:
Nothing's gonna hurt you, baby - I love you.
I hope this isn't too bad - Love you guys thank you so much for the request 🫀
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katiekatdragon27 · 8 months ago
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A.Tesseract: *Thunk*
A.Sphere: What the- Who are you???
Sometimes I like to think of an alternate reality to "A Heightlander's Escape" where, like in Sphereland, A. Sphere survived the war but was super shunned by everyone as a result and more so after learning about the reality of the 4th dimension.
In this reality, A. Tesseract meeting A. Sphere was a complete accident. She just intended to pass though, but miscalculated the area she was phasing through, and as a result getting caught by A. Sphere.
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Since she never shows him the "real" 4th dimension, she looks like a floating growing and shrinking cube more than a 4D being. A.Sphere got flash-banged by the explosion and damaged on his right side, so he has glasses and a brace. (The glasses are only for reading tho)
Below are some "spoilers" kinda sorta for Sphereland. If you haven't read it, I highly recommend it, especially if you liked Flatland but thought the obsessive amount of misogyny was kinda wack (it's still sexist but it's like better-ish... Plz don't clip that-):
In the book, the Sphere visits Hexagon like 70 years after basically kidnapping and traumatizing his grandpa. So I guess taking people from their original plane of existence and spreading the gospel is only done every 1000 years because of ... principle?? Idk, it didn't make sense, but it makes me think.
Also the idea that the Sphere is so lonely and isolated that he decides to track down the grandkid of the dude he kidnapped jst so he had someone to vent to basically is both really funny and super-duper sweet. I love that for all of them honestly.
So that but A. Sphere and Hex's fam lol.
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Mind you, Hex is a grandpa here and A. Sphere is like middle-aged (40s). Doen't halt hospitality tho, what a chad.
Also, these things are the greatest things ever. Everyone needs to like these things.
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Have a good day chat and read Sphereland on the Internet Archive or smth.
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shima-draws · 1 year ago
Okay so a few things about the ending to the DLC. Spoilers below obviously
-Really REALLY disappointed they didn’t go with the whole toxic possession arc thing with Kieran and the new mythical (Pecharunt?) TO BE FAIR that was more of a fan theory than anything but it was one that made a lot of sense and had a lot of evidence to back it up. I guess I got too attached to the idea and was inevitably let down when the game didn’t go in that direction. Still it would have made more sense to give that extra edge as to why Kieran’s treating everyone so awfully,, and having him finally break free of that control during the final fight VS Terapagos would have been SO sick. Either that or before we even get to Terapagos Carmine calls Kieran out and that’s when he finally fucking explodes and rages and vents about his inferiority complex—and THAT is what summons Pecharunt, those negative feelings that it probably feeds off of or smth idk. Then we’d get a split second of Kieran finally being back in control and begging for help. And then Carmine realizing her brother has been under the influence of this Pokemon the entire time and. Okay I’m getting off track into AU territory now lmao sorry moving on
-Switching back to the Terapagos fight, I really enjoyed it! It wasn’t too long of a fight to be drawn out, but it was just long enough that it didn’t feel anticlimactic (also the MUSIC? STELLAR. Pun intended). ALSO ARGHFHH the five stages of grief Kieran goes through in that fight to finally accepting that he’s been going about this the wrong way and has been an awful friend and the way the LIGHT COMES BACK INTO HIS EYES I ALMOST CRIED. This is 10000x more emotional and powerful if you choose to bring Ogerpon with you and fight with her bc that really just. Hammers in the fact that despite all the bad blood and bitterness, Kieran still chooses to fight alongside you and the Pokemon he coveted so much…AND he even processes things enough to fully let go of all his hatred and anger and allows you to catch Terapagos because he KNOWS you’ll take good care of it and after all this time he still trusts you even though he’d probably hate to admit it. #GOOD WRITING
-Something really scary I realized. Kieran brought a Master Ball with him to catch Terapagos. 1. Where did homie even get that. 2. The fact that he was READY and didn’t even give Terapagos a chance to react, that he was essentially catching it against its will (which probably led to its power going out of control), that he was enforcing his own twisted desires and beliefs onto it and not considering its feelings (sound familiar? Looks at Ogerpon). BOY. 3. We’ve only ever seen ONE other person use Master Balls in SV. The AI Professor. I don’t know if this is significant in any way but if the Pecharunt theory WAS true that would make them so so similar and that’s eerie to me. Two characters controlled by something greater than them that they can’t fight…can you imagine how INSANE the dynamics would be listen to me
-Another thing I was kinda disappointed about was Briar? I guess I was just picking up on the vibes that she was actually a villain and would try to steal Terapagos from the player, but I probably gave Nintendo too much credit on that one lol. I do like that she’s not inherently evil, she’s just too absorbed and obsessed with her research to really pay attention to what’s going on around her. BUT. They should have pushed that WAY further. Either commit and do the full villain arc where she snatches Terapagos from Kieran right after he catches it to use it for her own purposes, or pressure him into Terastallizing it so much that it makes him uncomfortable. I want to see Lusamine levels of unhinged obsession. What she had was just a little bit too excited about Area Zero, not a full blown unhealthy and dangerous thing that puts everyone around her in danger.
-Following up on that. Drayton. I kept expecting him to also go villain arc IDK LOL I guess I want everyone to be gay do crime in this DLC 😂 But I seriously kept thinking he was just using the player to knock Kieran off his throne so he could take it right back from us. But no he actually genuinely cared about Kieran and kept pressuring us to beat the Elite Four so WE could knock some sense into him since Drayton wasn’t strong enough to do it himself. Which is a very sweet sentiment, I think :’) But am I the only one who was like bro calm down right after the fight where he was getting up in Kieran’s face and calling him ex-champion…..either he’s way too honest and doesn’t realize he was being cruel OR he was doing it on purpose to be a silly goober (but everyone else was like DUDE. LOW blow.)
-I still have questions. HELLO. HELLO. The notes in Area Zero mentioned the professor meeting a child with a white(?) book? Is that the Scarlet/Violet book? We still don’t know how the whole time travel paradox happened and why Heath talked about meeting Paradox Pokemon DECADES before the professor even brought them to Area Zero through the time machine? What is with the weird ass crystal tree sitting in the middle of a lake in the depths? Is there any significance to the Crystal Pool in Kitakami being connected to terastallizing and Area Zero? I’M JUST. AGHHH. I’m fairly certain we’re getting more content, maybe an epilogue to the DLCs but I’m going CRAZY I NEED TO KNOW NOWWW
-Also isn’t Area Zero like. Top secret hush hush. Why did Geeta let Briar publish a whole ass book about the HIDDEN SECRET of Area Zero that was miles under a closed off SECRET lab. I thought they were denying Briar access to Area Zero for YEARS, probably because they didn’t want her blabbing to the public. Idk. Maybe my memory is fuzzy on that one. Just feels very contradictory fhhdd
-The small little subtleties of Kieran regaining his regular personality as we went down….I ADORED that. His little smiles and him unable to contain his childish excitement and Carmine smiling at him with a knowing look bc after all this time her brother is FINALLY acting more like himself. And Kieran trying to brush it off like “wh-whatever” like he’s some sort of edgy teenager pretending he doesn’t care. GAHHHH it was so cute I wanted to cry 😭
ALL IN ALL it didn’t QUITE meet my expectations but it was still really good, especially considering this was all DLC content. Nothing will ever EVER top the main story of SV but the entirety of TTM and TID came pretty darn close. Kieran my sweet baby boy my blorbo I’m so glad you got your redemption arc and that you finally came to terms with your perception of strength and how it affects others. Baller DLC Nintendo do it again 👏
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yellowrabbitfurry · 4 months ago
Sup losers! /silly
This is my blog! Pretty neat, huh?
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My name is Oliver, but I also go by Ollie, Killer, Kills, or Scout. My pronouns are He/him and it/its
Error has a side blog now!!!! -> @bow-little-puppets
(please please please ask me about my fantasy AU for the Vees or my OCs, I wanna talk about them so bad and if I ramble about it I might write something or draw their designs but I NEED someone to want me to pleaseeee)
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Fandoms I’m in:
UTMV, FNaF, VotV, Subnautica, Dredge, Hermitcraft, Hazbin Hotel, Indigo Park, Poppy Playtime, Gravity Falls, Steven Universe, Digital Circus, Pokemon, Epic the Musical, SCP, Welcome to Nightvale, (more things to be added)
I’m a furry, obviously lol
Wolf, Golden Retriever, Fox, Brown British Longhair Cat (that also has Luna moth wings now btw. Very complicated I know 👀)
Fictionkin types:
Killer Sans!
The thing from Carrion
Swap Sans!!! Aka Scout :3
an angel? A star? A god? Idk some divine ass crechur with way too many wings lmao
Freaky deer beast lmao (similar to one of the w*ndigo depictions, but not actually one, obviously)
Horror sans
Error Sans!!
Fresh Sans 😎 (specifically the parasite lol)
I’m also plural!! I don’t exactly know much about the terms and such when it comes to it but I’m learning!!! I have exactly ONE!!! Head mate and it’s Error!!! He also goes by Puppeteer (or Pup!)
Things I do:
*I write fanfiction!! Mostly for UTMV, and I’m kinda slow, but apparently I’m really good! Anything I’ve written eventually be linked below, somewhere (as soon as I figure it out lmao) I don’t TECHNICALLY take requests, but give me them anyway! If I get inspired, I might write something (no nsfw)
*I make Therian masks! Only for me, but I will definitely be posting whatever I get finished with.
*I make things out of cardboard! So far I’ve made Sundrop, Glam Freddy, and Vox!
*I’m also teaching myself to draw! I’m not very good, so don’t expect anything- buuut if I make something I’m proud of you’ll definitely see it.
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Fanfic Masterpost:
Nest (Bad Sans Poly)
Meetings (Utmv OC stuffs)
In pursuit of Freedom (Utmv OC stuffs)
Alive (VotV)
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You can chat to me about anything you want, as long as you don’t make it weird (you know the kind of weird) I’m kinda bad at keeping conversation at first, but I’m a really good listener if you wanna ramble or vent! You can chat to me about anything you want, as long as you don’t make it weird (you know the kind of weird) I’m kinda bad at keeping conversation at first, but I’m a really good listener if you wanna ramble or vent!
And please, don’t get upset if I never answer your asks or reblog something I’ve been tagged in. I get nervous sometimes and put it off (or sometimes Tumblr breaks and won’t let me) and then I get even more nervous after a while cause I feel like it’s too late ;-;
That should be all for now! Thank you for taking the time to read this! (I hope I did it right lol)
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^ gift from my friend @/mafia-fish :3c (Credits for the divider used in this post goes to @/Killerssideblog, go check them out if you want! Credits for the autism banner goes to @/melmeldotpng with the art on said banner by @/angelsemotes)
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changbinsboobs · 3 months ago
pls do chan tea session how he views his teammates? thanks very much!
Omg y'all THIS has been the reading we've all been waiting for😭🙌🏻🙌🏻😂 i swear i couldn't stop gasping and tacking a moment after each card to gather myself cuz WTF IS ALL THIS😂😳🫣 yk i did a tea/vent reading with changbin a few weeks ago and i thought its gonna be a banger but we couldn't get one "bad word" out of his mouth - he wasn't serving AT ALL😤 and i got a bit discouraged to continue the series but im so happy i did and did it with CHAN cuz my guys's spilling so much😂 tbh idk what i think of it all and if i agree, in fact i was quite shocked at a few cuz i really did bot expect such answers and i pulled several cards as confirmation and it all pointed painfully obvious to what the first card was already showing. So im just gonna start and ya'll are gonna see foe yourselfs😂
Oh also my tea series was initially not really meant to be focused on the group but more in general but at least with the last reading with changbin i found it difficult to take such a vast field of topics and distill it so if you have suggestions on what else they could have things to vent about or tea to spill send ask. Please be specific tho about something specific that interests you / preferably with a specific member:) ok moving on
Ok not really i forgot to mention that i asked about his opinion on the members WITHOUT FILTER and leaning more on the tea side. So, very important - this is not Chan's absolute opinion on the members, but a small, "scandalous" fraction if the opinion he has build on them over the years. It doesn't mean that this is all he thinks of them - remember humans are complex beings and can have conflicting thoughts and feelings:)
Tea Series: Chan's opinion on the members
Lee Know
I was SHOCKED but he kinda thinks of him as a bit of a dumbo. Not in the sense that he really is stupid but to Chan it looks like he's just a bit out of it and there's a vibe of a whole geoup laughing about a joke that lee know doesn't get, and not necessarily cuz he's stupid, its just he doesn't care to get it😂😭 this baffles him and im actually seeing a similar energy with him regarding lee know as i did with changbin in the previous reading where Chan just feels a bit weirded out by lee know at times and just sometimes gets annoyed cuz he just doesn't understand him. Yk how people are disgusted/scared by spider no reason? This is something similar, it just icks him how he cant understand lee know. He accepts it tho, more than changbin for sure. And im feeling that its actually even charming to him sometimes. Im hearing "a genius dumbo". So yeah, they're very different apparently, and to chan lee know just seems way waaayyy out of the circle, way above it all, way to out of it and he doesn't even want to get in and that BAFFLES him so much!
This one's not hot at all, im seeing this pile along with felix's being the most melow ones. So I see that chan really sees changbin as his equal, possibly the only guy in the group he sees as one. Not in the way that others are below him but rather he's to the same level of matureness, toughness, headspace etc according to him (not that i agree😂). He views him as a bro and really enjoys spending time with him and "talking like men" or whatever its called😂 im actually seeing them going out for drinks or having late night talks with some strong alcohol (although im not really seeing chan drinking very hard i think the alcohol's more for changbin to loosen his tongue and for both of them to feel like adult men😂🙌🏻) Also another thing thats coming up which made me laugh is that chan thinks changbins bad at love and always has bad luck in it (and is kinda a simp) and he(cb) should learn a thing or two from him(chan). This gives me such huge sleepover vibes i live it so much - all of chans readings have that feeling to it and im always giggling when reading his energy😂💗 So yeah im also seeing them having lots of chats about women too🌝 and...sex👀👀👀 but for that i think it needs to be a bit deeper in the night and the bottle should be close to empty for that conversation to open. But it does, pretty often (not often like every other day but often only within their "meetings" so if they have a hangout every other months, and have had 6 this year, in 4 out of 6 this conversation happens - thats what i mean by often).
Fo hyunjin he thinks he's very impulsive and very pushy but on the inside(?). He also thinks he's very appreciation hungry and attention greedy. Not attention whore-y tho (contrary to han), but rather ifjgkkf like someone who lives for the applause. Someone who's a performer. Not only on stage but also in private. I think he thinks that hyunjin's actually a bit insecure (not the kind of looks-insecurity, but the primal one like having security in your own being and the person who you are, having trust that you got ur own back) and that he's compensating that insecurity with others validation and admiration. And if he doesn't get that or feels like he doesn't he gets spiky/prickly. And thats where his impulsivity comes up and where this pushy energy happens. He may behave normal on the outside but on the inside he's going crazy and thinking of all the ways he can fix that and if you spend time with him long enough you begin to see that eagerness and spikiness - according to chan.
According to chan he's pretty isolated and a tad bit odd. Probably thats why he gets along with lee know the best. He's also a bit infantile in chans eyes, like an annoying 12 year old fortnite little cousing that spits when he speaks and knows now personal space. Not saying hans like that - just creating a vibe to describe how he feels to chan sometimes😂 idk if nuisance is the right word but im getting the feeling that when 3racha's doing their thing, hans kind of the odd one out and he can see that han wants to belong and tries to but chan feels like he's that little cousin that wants to hang out with the cool old bros and, yeah sometimes feels liek a bit of a nuisance i would say. Cuz chan does include him, when he maybe would not. I could see that being a theme during their time in the 4/4 dorms. And here's the part i mentioned above - i think chan might view han sometimes like an attention-wh*re, making a clown of himself, and embarrassing himself quite offten to appeal to them or maybe others he fancies and wants to impress. Another thing is, that as i said he might be a bit odd and at times overexcert his boundaries? Or have weird boundaries? Like he hates when people touch his blanket or he only has to wear orange socks and if someone put the laundry and forgot one of his sock and now only one's clean he gets really pissed over nothing - stuff of that sort.
I would say thats the only pile where he had nothing "bad" to say about him and i pulled 4 cards for him cuz there had to be something - but there wasn't so i guess chan really really likes Felix and holds him in very high regards��️ he thinks that he is muchs tronger than he looks and can defend himself and his loved ones very well. In fact i believe when chan saw this side of him he was really shocked because felix seems really sweet but when it comes to protecting what he loves he gets very fierce and that was very shocking to witness. Theres just admiration, admiration and more admiration in this reading he thinks felix has that royalty vibe to himself and really just has it all. Im getting a slight whiff of jealousy, but a friendly type of jealousy. Like he just thinks he's so amazing and sometime she wishes he were like that. He wishes he were as cool as him, as lighthearted as him, as bright and positive as him, he were as liked by him and i also feel like chan feels that stuff may often be just very effortless for felix and even if he's bad at something its still with grace. Theres this aura to felix that he can never do anything wrong and he just sometimes feels that felix has it too easy and must be really lucky or like gods favourite and thinks he must have really good karma for that.
He thinks seungmins too sharp and that his words hurt. Im also seeing lots of bickering...no actually fights. So either chan often gets the urge to just throw it all and start a fight with him or drop the manners and just tell him off - or they actually do that often. I do get the feeling that this is exaggerated in his head and that maybe to seungmin their fights aren't nearly as bad but once again i feel like chan might be holding back a lot and seungmin might'be much sharper and meaner for others than he thinks he is.
Finally the last one😮‍💨 he thinks he's a mamas boy and sees him still as a kid. That one's pretty obvious but to be honest i expected something else cuz im getting a much maturer energy from him, the other guys have said that too but still, here im getting that he's just a kid and doesnt know "of the real world", relies too much on mom and dad etc. Tbh i don't think thats the case😂 but rather that chans having a bit of a parent syndrom where he actaully feels like i.ns big bro or some sort of a parent figure or whatever and he literary watched him grow from a child to a man so i think that image of him from a few years back has stayed with chan and maybe its difficult for him to let go of that impression if i.n being still just a little kid being full of wonder, innocent and still dependant.
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misc-obeyme · 10 months ago
Hey! Could I ask for a breaking-4th-wall kind of drabble with Solomon? In my heart I refuse to believe the boys aren’t real; they’re just in another world 💔 idk if thats denial or what but yeah lmao
something comfort or fluff would be nice ^^ even though just seeing Sol always makes me smile it’s a double edged sword and I then think back to how he ‘isn’t real’
(It’s kinda sad I can’t marry that man though…? It was love at first sight in OG game and people think Solomon’s down bad, I’m hella clingy when it comes to close relationships though ☠️ )
(Also random but as kind of a vent the kind of person best for Solomon would be someone who can heal his inner child, yeah? Problem is my inner child is also broken from emotional abuse lol, my issues would not help. I’m not good for him fr)
Hi there, anon!
Let me begin by saying that you are definitely good for Solomon. In fact, I would argue that you would understand him better because of your own issues. You know how it feels, you can relate to him in a way that someone else wouldn't be able to. And I think there's something extremely healing about having someone else to figure it out with. Why can't you and Solomon heal your inner children together?
As for the request, I hope this is what you're looking for! I definitely took the fourth wall breaking idea and ran with that!
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You're sitting in your house on your phone, looking at Solomon on the home screen of your Obey Me account. You tap on his sprite and he smiles at you.
"Hm? What is it?" the dialogue says.
"I want you to be real," you say, knowing he can't hear you. "I want to touch you for real."
You sigh, turning off your phone and going about your evening. An hour or so passes and you're now focused on something else entirely when the doorbell rings.
It's odd. You weren't expecting company.
You answer the door and nearly faint from shock.
Solomon laughs gently at the look on your face. "Hi, MC. You wanted to see me?"
You stare at him with your mouth open. "What- I don't- How are you…? How are you here?"
"I'm a sorcerer, MC," he says. "With the right spell, I can make anything happen."
You're a little confused, but is it really worth asking any more questions? He's here and he looks solid. He looks real.
Solomon seems to understand your uncertainty. He reaches out a hand toward you. "I promise it's really me," he says. "Won't you let me show you?"
You couldn't have refused even if you wanted to. You didn't take the time to think about it, just immediately put your hand in his.
Solomon tugs on your hand and pulls you close, wrapping an arm around your waist. The world spins and you're being teleported to a new location.
You gasp when you find yourself looking out at a familiar view. The Devildom stretches out below you, RAD's great structure in the distance, the sparkling city lights next to an elaborately detailed fence. You're standing on a cobblestone street with Solomon's arms around you. The sky is dark, but it always is, here in the Devildom.
"Did you think it wasn't real?" Solomon asks. "Did you think I haven't already fallen for you?"
You clutch at him because this is all so unexpected. "Yes," you admit. How could you have possibly thought otherwise?
Solomon laughs, but it's soft, like he can't help it because you're so cute. "I'm sorry," he says. "I should have come for you sooner. Do you want to stay? For a little while?"
You throw your arms around his neck. "Yes!" you cry. And there are tears on your face because you're somehow here, with him.
Solomon kisses away your tears. You melt in his arms as he does. He gives you a questioning look, as if he's not sure how far he can go.
You let him know by kissing him. Solomon's embrace tightens around you. You can feel his heart beating against yours - rapid, like he's also overwhelmed by this impossible moment.
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masterlist | Thank you for reading!
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clarity2electricboogaloo · 11 months ago
Watch me incoherently rant about the vackers and kinda vent and most definitely get information wrong for who knows how long
Fitz and Alvar (Fitz especially) as characters are just
Amazing and scarily relatable to me.
Starting with Fitz, he’s virtually the oldest sibling once Alvar becomes older and goes away on assignments or whatever a lot, and he’s held to a very high standard, not much different from the rest of his siblings.
But he’s successful in being the best, and now he’s expected to keep that up. And now it’s affecting his siblings’ expectations from parents, and he can tell they resent him for it.
Not to mention he reached the higher status by aiming to be like his older brother and being expected to be like him.
Now for Alvar. Something I hate that my parents make my younger siblings aim for is trying to get my grades or similar because I’ve had all As or 4s or 100s or whatevers since maybe first grade.
I hate it. Because they just aren’t me and shouldn’t be expected to be, but if they’re doing worse my parents will compare them to me. Fucking stupid.
But I feel like the way the Vackers and Alvar and Fitz especially were written is very similar to this situation and the situation of many families with a more gifted kid.
Alvar was a very smart, gifted, top boy type child. He’s even helped with government assignments from a pretty young age. When fitz moved to this age, he was expected to hold up the reputation paved by Alvar. But he did it better.
Alvar resents him. Fitz’s siblings are seen as below him.
The stress builds up and it gets worse and worse until it shows up in the form of anger issues. And people don’t help.
They just reprimand him for having them.
And it only makes it worse.
Fitz is too relatable anldejkellzjsk and I don’t want to feel like a bad person for saying this idk watch me be a fitz defender frfr
I have no idea where the rest was going. Get my man a therapy is all. please and carrots 🙏🏽🙏🏽
Okay bye if I got info wrong tell me or add on 😀
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skelpiescool · 6 months ago
actual updated intro🔥🔥🔥 OLD ONE BELOW CUT
oh yeah also this is important too read this please
important links:
Hi, so intro thing,
I'm skelpie!
I am a minor, I use they/he/any-that-arent-female pronouns, Im transmasc and a girl kisser
if anybody wants to vent my dms are open <3
im somewhere between 13-16 so yea
@skelpiesspam - spam account
@skelpiesrantsaboutthings - basically shit that i dont want on my main (ie: problematic fandoms, vents, thats about it,)
@skelpiesmusic - a gimmick thing where i post a song from my liked songs on shuffle once a day
i like mouthwashing, undertale/deltarune, bad parenting, and genloss rn
i listen to alot of will wood, mitski, penelope scott, chonny jash, and tally hall
also im litrally massachusetts
pedos, zoophiles, racists, terfs and radfems, leave preferably. adults can be here just dont be fucking creepy. kids can be here. idc man enjoy the blog
im on the mobile website 90% of the time so yea be warned
im otherkin (black fox, crow, coyote, enderman, the void [just kinda in general] jumping spider, maned wolf, and something with wings that feel like aloe vera juice and are light blue idk)
anyway basic updates mostly in lyrical format will be under here:
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deny defend depose one is made by @whistlingatmidnight
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buriedunderdaffodils · 5 months ago
hi. we're a plural bunch of autoassassinophiles and erotophonophiles here to twirl our hair and giggle and blush about murdersex. we also experience cotard's syndrome, however this isn't as prominent currently; not to worry though, we still wanna be a corpse getting fucked teehee ^_^ in our early 20s, most of us are weird in the gender in some way and have various sexualities - collectively we id as bisexual, as well as grayromantic, graysexual, and strictly polyamorous.
this blog has a whole lot of different kinks that would take too long to list out, and we also use it to vent sometimes but usually that's because we're at least a little horny about our woes. general content warning for cnc/noncon fantasies, corpsefucking, violence, intox, incest (including between headmates who are family), ageplay, and (though not very frequently now) self harm.
zionists and radqueers/transableds/etc fuck off. not into photos/videos of real gore. and of course the obligatory disclaimer that we don't support actually killing people or oneself, we believe in harm reduction for extreme sadomasochism, and you shouldn't fuck real corpses 👍
‼️ we frequently reblog palestinians' fundraisers, and we check each for vetting. those can be found under the #vetted and #unvetted but ris is clean tags. ‼️
feel free to send us questions, fantasies or threats! <3
list of additional tags and alter signoffs below the cut
organizational tags:
#buried pages - posts that we put enough effort into to use this tag
#dead dj - music we like!
#page: necrosis - post(s? eventually?) written in the setting of 🪫 being able to regenerate from death, and having a big sis who helps it out and is a little too into seeing it dead
#page: undead husbandry - guide(s??) on how to train your zombie sex toy pet :)
#headspace gossip - posts about the happenings within our system, because we are very gay for our fellow headmates and like yapping about each other
#hall of fame - collective favorite posts, whether horny or silly
[none] - used to usually be the previous host 🪫, currently indicates no one in particular
🪫 - undead robot lesboy dyke, intox enthusiast, better at having a god complex than you. making 🌊 more perverted every day
👁️ - stereotypical evil alter. dom leaning wannabe cult leader. i can be your boymom if you pay your tithes. i love having 6d psychic mind chess sex with many of my headmates but mainly, 🧭 is my test subject and 🌊 is my baby boy.
🧭 - no gender only dyke. will do many things for a crisp 20 dollar bill. the most emotionally distant person in the world. 👁️'s psychological test subject i fucking guess #toxicyuri
🌊 - New host, honestly I've been super sexually repressed so I'm figuring out what I like. My gender is A Fucking Animal and I'm not even gonna try to find an orientation label to pair with that. Tentatively getting comfortable domming, more comfortable subbing. 👁️ is doing some fucking things to me in a lab I think and now 🪫 is helping
🪻 - resident boyprincess and ☁️'s weird little brother ^_^
☁️ - Mostly a sadistic dom top and my posts and faves will reflect that. Honestly unsure of my orientation but still open to flirting from whoever, just don't expect much from me emotionally. 🕊️ is the only one allowed to be dominant toward me. 🪻's big brother.
🕊️ - bisexual guy, i don't know what else to say about myself except i fucked that old man and will continue to fuck that old man. no further comment at this time
🗡️ - proud bitch and massive crybaby, idk what my sexuality is i just woke up
🫀 - my personality is 50% bimbo idiot 50% creepy slut and that's my ENTIRE purpose in this system :D i also don't know what my sexuality is but i like women LOL
📹 - Not actually that horny of a person, mostly just a voyeur.
🍨 - just some fucking slaughterfag, not much to say
💙 - has not written his thing but he exists in here somewhere
💤 - genderless ball of violence. 🦂 and 💸 are some of my siblings.
🦂 - some kinda sapphic, here to fuck and not much else! largely responsible for spreading the in system incest bug in our brain ^_^ 💤 and 💸 are a couple of my siblings <3
💸 - i don't even know what i'm doing except being wildly bisexual. 🦂 and 💤 are a couple of my siblings and when they fuck i stand in the distance giving a thumbs up so they know their brother supports them
🪄 - faggot attention whore star of the show v sign yay!
🐦 - world's happiest wet dog
🖋️ - twinkish vodka aunt who has been banned from threatening suicide but has NOT been banned from getting killed during sex
🍷 - alcie vampire pleeeeease let me bite yr neck i promise i'll be gentle and nice
🎼 - creepy obsessive girl boy thing who is more scared of you than you are of it
🔩 - bisexual man(?) who dreams of little more than performing questionable experiments on cute needy patients. currently running tests on 👁️, results not yet available.
⚰️ - fan of murder, corpsefucking, cnc, plushie humping, problematic age regression, and our partner. otherwise sex averse. as far as internal relationships go, 🔥 is my dom.
🪽 - prideful fagtastic cunt
🫐 - pretty smart as far as bimbots go, some kinda nblm, my hobby is batting my doe eyelashes at 🍆
🍆 - the most binary gay dom-leaning man our brain could muster. the eggplant is half a joke about how people use it to mean penis but i don't have one and half to do silly food emojis with my beautiful robot4robot guywife 🫐
⚙️ - not quite a man but close enough, definitely a faggot, not that different from an overexcitable medium size dog, slowly taking poison damage from my daddy kink, waiting for my brainboyfriends to pick their fucking signoffs
🛡️ - mmmm codependent incest my favorite. egomaniacal manlike entity, sub leaning i think
🔥 - morally eroded dom+top leaning bisexual stoner guy hiii ^u^
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saddeneddimple · 1 month ago
—𝐃𝐢𝐟𝐟𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐭.ᐟ .ᐟ .ᐟ
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Genre: Angst, smut, maybe a little bit of fluff. Friends to lovers (this is 18+ content. Any content below the age WILL be blocked!)
Extra warning: This story contains of actions that are 21+ (mentions of drinking and intoxication) even though the content is 18+. Drinking is not (at least in the U.S). Be responsible!!!
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~You’re heartbroken and unable to cope with the fact your ex moved on with somebody else and based on socials, seems happy, if anything, happier. He was the one to hurt you but he’s the one who wound up doing better. Not knowing how to deal with it, your best friend has been supportive and comforting you through it all. From letting you vent and cry on his shoulder till there’s snot and spit, to binge watching crappy TV shows and eating snacks until one of you got sick from them. One drunken night, however, two vulnerable hearts get closer in ways you would’ve never thought would happen.♡~
Pairing: BestFriend!Male x Afab!Reader (names or specific features not included so you can imagine whoever you want it to be wink wink)
Warning(s): Smut, mentions of infidelity, cursing, open to vulnerability and reader is crying, mentions of guilt, mentions of self-worth/esteem (or lack of), quite a lot of dialogue, mentions of drinking/intoxication (be responsible and don’t drink underage), unprotected sex (don’t be silly, wrap your willy), touching/fondling, fingering, oral sex (both m & f receiving), praise, mentions of body/private parts, mentions of the sounds being made.
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> > I haven’t stopped listening to the song Different by Chris Grey (give it a listen if you’d like!) and it was good inspo for this! It kinda matches/doesn’t idk LOL but it was the inspo behind this (hence the title lols)<<
>>This is a LOT lengthier than the other stories I’ve written. Can’t give a word count just take my word for it. It’s very descriptive and is a long story<<
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[This is my final warning that the content below is MATURE 18+ ONLY CONTENT! Any AND ALL interaction below the age will be blocked! You have been warned]
It’s been several months since you last spoke to your ex, the last conversation between you ending in terrible goodbyes, tears, and fits of rage. However, now you can’t feel anything but hurt, not even feel numb or over it. Just hurt. You’re the one who caught him in your own bed with another woman; yet, you’re the one that’s miserable on the floor, sobbing about what it could’ve been. Questioning how it went this route.
The only way you would’ve felt closure was perhaps a possible apology. Maybe some display of sorrow and regret. Instead, it’s the realization that he’s with the other woman, he’s living his life with the person that he cheated on you with. Seeing them together displayed on social media, you would expect yourself to just be angry, maybe even petty, finding humor about the situation thinking if he was unfaithful to you he would definitely be unfaithful to her as well. That she’s just playing a losing game. But you’re just wishing it was you in those images, you getting those gifts, those kisses, for you to be in his arms. Constantly degrading yourself and questioning your own worth.
You try to distract yourself, reassuring yourself that at the end of the day, things happen for a reason and he clearly wasn’t the one. He was just another piece of shit not worth the time. Someone who would help enforce this reassurance was your best friend.
Your best friend was someone you’ve known since you both were children, growing up together and seeing every phase of each others lives. His laughter would make everything feel easier, his comforting words and warm hugs just made everything better. Hell, he was the one who pushed you to eventually block your ex so you don’t make yourself find his account and go on a tangent about your own misery.
Your best friend has been there for you for everything, from small childhood heartbreaks and drama, to actual stages of grief and hurt. He’s the only one who truly supported you through your good and bad, and you supported him through everything as well. You both were just two peas in a pod and not even some douchebag you dated would’ve separated that. You had each others backs and even though you helped him in life too, you always felt as if you always owed him due to his amazing friendship and emotional support. He was just the type of person you find once in a lifetime.
One night you both were at your apartment. You both got invested in some horror trilogy and watched all the films together in your bedroom, all the while you both drank whiskey, almost downing a bottle between the two of you. At this point in the night, the final movie turned into background noise or just a laughing matter, talking about the acting or poking jokes at the cliche scenes and plot. Barely being able to make sense when it came to what your points were, which would end in aching laughter to a point of tears.
Next to him, you were just laughing, listening to his laughter only made you laugh more. You turn to face him, watching him wipe his face from laughing too much, he looks back at you with a smile.
“You’re so funny, you know that?” He says in between small chuckles.
“No, I have a fair point!” You giggled out, following a sigh. Your intoxicated mind made you shift a little bit in emotions, randomly remembering the shared laughter between you and your ex. You felt stupid remembering this all of a sudden and you tried really hard to suppress the emotions but it crashed into your mind without warning, making your smile begin to slowly fade. Your best friend immediately notice, even in his equally intoxicated state.
“You okay?” He asks, no longer laughing and now looking at you with concern in his soft eyes.
“Mhm.” You try to dismiss the question and you even attempt to change the topic, but he was able to read you like a book.
“Hey..” His gentle hand cupped your cheek as he looked you in the eyes, making a little bit of your stomach flutter for unsure reasons.
“It’s okay to feel crappy.” He reassured, his thumb caressing your cheek, having you melt to his touch.
You nod in response, taking a deep breath in the process, “I just don’t want to kill the mood or ruin the night.”
He smiles softly, his hand still cupping your cheek, he approaches you and softly kisses your forehead, flushing every bad emotion in your body away, but still making you feel so vulnerable to a point you start tearing up. Causing you to just throw yourself on him and hug him tightly, crying softly.
“I’m sorry.” You kept apologizing as you cried on his shoulder.
One of his arms on your back as the other is on your head, caressing and running his fingers through your hair,
“Don’t apologize, it’s okay. I promise.” He kept reassuring.
You felt a small sigh come out of him and with your body against his, you felt his heart race a little bit. Completely dismissing your emotions and start questioning why his heart is beating so quick. Sniffling and wiping your tears, you let go of him, furrowing your eyebrows in concern and confusion,
“Why is your heart beating so fast?” You ask as you place his hand on his chest, feeling his rapid heartbeat.
“I’m okay you don’t have to worry about me.” He chuckled as he put his hand over yours in order to move it away from him.
Feeling guilty that you just dump your problems onto him, not really knowing how he feels or if he’s comfortable with it, you begin apologizing again, “I’m sorry. I’m just doing too much without even being considerate. I want you to be okay too and I can’t just assume that. Talk to me.”
He purses his lips, just looking at you in a silence that’s so tense it almost makes you feel a little intimidated. He was so good at reading you but meanwhile with him, how he feels can be a guessing game; he is honest with his emotions and will talk to you about it, but with expressing them, not even micro expressions show what’s going on unless you question him.
“What’s wrong?” You ask to break the silence, hopefully having him finally spit it out.
He sighs again, then completely catching you off guard, he practically grabs your face and his lips crash against yours, you’re so surprised but you don’t let go, if anything you lean into it. Something about this felt wrong, but so warm and right at the same time. He pulls away and both your foreheads touch, lips now only inches apart.
“You have no idea how much it fucking aches when you talk about him. I don’t blame you but, fuck, it ruins me when you want him to be the one with you.”
Feeling shocked from the confession, there’s just no words that you can mutter out other than an “I’m sorry.”
“No. Just don’t be. I don’t blame you it’s not your fault. But the way you just..you’re everything to me. Watching him drag you so low and yet you still want him..”
Your eyes met with his, feeling remorse and your stomach turning a little with guilt.
His drunk yet hurting eyes didn’t break contact. You always had a small feeling about him possibly having some sort of feelings for you, hell, at one point you felt a little something for him, but dismissed it and never questioned his feelings for the sake of the friendship and assumption about it just being his friendly and affectionate character. Something that answered your question too would be the relationships he would get into.
He continued, “For the longest now, I hated seeing you, even hated the thought of you, with somebody else, and even felt wrong for thinking that because I would be with somebody else, too.”
Your mouth a little agape from the shock of everything, you felt your heart sink. There was so much to take in especially in your still intoxicated state, but even sober your reaction would not be far too different. You distanced yourself a little from him to be able to see him better.
“I didn’t know. I never thought..” He cut you off mid sentence,
“I know you didn’t. I never said anything either because I didn’t want to ruin what we already have. But I can’t hold it in anymore. You mean fucking everything to me, you never leave my mind, and you don’t know how bad I just wish to be yours.”
Stuttering his name a little, still unsure of a response, you eventually were able to say, “Maybe it would’ve been different if either of us said anything sooner.”
His head tilts a little, furrowing his eyebrows in subtle confusion, “You think so?”
Noticing the liquid confidence made you slip up, you begin to choke on your words, “I…uh..I’m sorry that sounds wrong.”
“No, talk to me.” He repeats your own words to make you spit it out.
Now sort of caught in a corner, you’re breaking eye contact, nervously picking on the skin of your fingers.
“I don’t know. Maybe I felt something in the past and didn’t want to say anything either. I just assumed it wasn’t mutual and dismissed it. Especially when you would date other girls. And with him, I just got attached and didn’t realize that this was hurting you more than I could’ve imagined. I’m sorry for that.”
He sighed, “You’re gonna hate me when I say this..but as wrong as it was, I didn’t stop thinking about you even with them. Being with them felt like a mistake, or just something to get you off my mind.”
The constant back-to-back confessions felt like massive slaps to the face. Not only due to the fact you never noticed these strong feelings, but feeling stupid to not question the possible feelings that you observed sooner. That if you did, you probably wouldn’t have been in this mess, and you wouldn’t be hurting the one person who always picks you up. Although you were feeling a mix of emotions, one of those being guilt, you were still drunk. You were acknowledging everything and were capable of understanding the situation, you still felt stupidly confident to not hold back certain moments.
Grabbing him by his shirt, you pull him closer and your lips collided once again.
Almost as if it were muscle memory, he cupped your face with one hand and the other was holding the back of your head, deepening the kiss. Small breaths escaping each other’s mouths but not separating for a mere second, your tongue invites itself to his mouth, having a small moan come out of him as a reaction.
The drunken kisses begin to turn sloppy, small clashes of teeth and biting each others lip in the process, the hand he used to cup your cheek travelled to your throat, gently holding onto it, making your stomach flutter and your core tighten, your body getting delicate yet it melted to his touch.
Easily turning you into putty in his hands, letting his tongue in your mouth and occasionally having him bite your lip, nearly bruising them. The hand on your throat soon enough gets replaced by his lips, sloppily trailing their way to your neck. Your eyes rolling to the back of your head by his lips alone, you begin to breathe a lot heavier, panting almost. Unknown where to place your hands other than one on back of his head and the other supporting the weight as you slowly lean back, granting him more access to your skin.
His teeth softly nibbling on your sweet spot, you bite your lip and moan in reaction to the rush that is flowing rapidly all over your body.
“Fuck.” You mutter under your breath, having him chuckle to your reaction.
His kisses trail to the back of your ear, then he proceeds to whisper, “I’m going to make you forget how his touch, his lips, his everything felt.”
A chill runs down your spine to his words that got you soaking yourself more than you already were. He lays you down on the bed. Carefully making sure you’re comfortable, he looks at you for a moment as you wrap your arms around his neck, feeling butterflies in your stomach at the view of him above you, the chain necklace he wore dangling a little bit on top of you. Smiling, you reach in for another kiss, wanting to never separate yourself from him. You feel his hand roam around your body, touching every fabric covered inch along the way, ending the trail on your breasts, where he started grabbing and massaging them. His touch making you bite his lip in reaction, making him chuckle at your enjoyment.
The trail from your breasts begins to migrate down your stomach, his fingers ever so gently sliding down, lowering themselves. The little tingles and the slight tickling sensation made you want to close your legs from how hot it got you, but with his body between them, you were a lost cause.
Feeling his fingers make way to the waistband of the pants you wore, sneaking himself under every article of clothing and barely floating above your soaked self, making you squirm to want him, nearly rocking your hips up in order to feel his touch.
A cocky chuckle comes out of him as he asks in the softest tone, opposite of his actions,
“You want me to touch you that bad?”
A small groan of arousal and frustration comes out of you as a response, following a nod.
“No, no. Use your words, my love.”
The name he just called you felt like a punch to the gut. It was almost embarrassing how much that turned you on.
“Yes. I do. Please.” You give in immediately to him, just craving his touch, never wanting to let go of his warmth.
A small smirk forms on his face as he reaches to softly kiss your neck, kissing over the same little spots he was nibbling over earlier as his middle and ring finger start moving in circles directly on your clit. Biting your lip, trying so hard to hold back your whiny and desperate moans, you grip onto his shirt as he starts rubbing at the perfect pace, already making you weak in the knees, your legs shaking.
Cursing and muttering his name under your breath, the kissing and nibbling on your neck got harsher as his fingers moved just a little lower, inserting both fingers inside you, feeling the cold metal from the rings he had on his pinky and index fingers touch either sides of your penetrated pussy.
Whimpering to the feeling of his fingers thrusting in and out of you, curling themselves inside of you in the process, molding yourself to him as you moaned his name quietly. His lips collided with yours again, quickening his pace as he immediately deepens the kiss.
“Holy fuck, you feel so good. So wet.” He praises as he goes back to kissing you, his tongue entering and invading your mouth.
He kept a moderate pace with his fingers inside you, but would quicken the pace on occasion, all to hear the sounds of your wetness squelching on his hand.
His palm would rub against your clit, tightening yourself around his curling fingers, already getting you close.
Panting a little, you want to tell him but felt both shy and incapable of forming words with how he’s making you feel. Grabbing his arm, you softly squeeze his bicep, making him slow down to look at you,
“What is it? Do you want me to stop?” He asks in his gentle yet dangerous tone.
Shaking your head immediately, not wanting him to ever stop,
“I’m getting..” you bite your lip out of the humiliation of being this desperate and this close to cumming this quickly over his hand alone.
His slight concern turns into arousal and subtle pride, “You’re close?” He starts quickening the pace again, making you get even closer and get tighter, only letting you nod in response.
Suddenly, he just stops. His fingers come out of you, moving them to your lip, making you open your mouth to clean the mess on his fingers. Which you did so obediently.
“You’re so good.” He whispered, watching you suck his fingers clean, all while whimpering about the sudden stop.
“Why?” You whine.
“Cause I want to taste you. So bad.”
You barely even said any words, but the way you gave in to him was even more humiliating with the way you wiggled your way out of your pants and panties, leaving the bottom half of your body bare and exposed.
His mouth agape in surprise, his eyes even widening as he’s looking at parts he’s never seen but always fantasized. Although needy, you took pride in his reaction, making you confident enough to find your way to take off your top, removing your bra in the process.
Boy, did the reaction only get from good to a whole lot better.
Watching him start to breathe heavy, taking the view of your body all the way in. Admiring your beauty of every curve, every detail. Every little detail made him just fall for you even more. He always wanted and craved your touch, but seeing and being there to actually be able to do everything he always wished for, made him realize it wasn’t just a normal craving, he was starving.
Yearning for you.
You were already everything to him, and seeing you and being capable of touching every inch of your soft, plush skin made him realize you are so much more than everything to him. He just wanted to worship every little piece of you.
And oh buddy..
He did.
His lips on your skin starting kissing you from your lips to your face, trailing down your neck and making its way down, painting you with his tongue. Your back arching to his touch only made him sink his teeth into your skin, leaving little marks in the process. Moving himself lower to your heat, spreading your already trembling legs further, he just admires you. From the squirming to the beauty in your body. His thumb started to make small circles around your clit again, making you arch your back in response having him be able to watch your desperation grow worse.
His constant teasing made you so sensitive and the fact you were close made it so much worse, and once his lips met up with your drenching cunt, the gasp you let out was almost possessive, assuring him that you’re his right now, at this moment.
Starting from small and gentle kisses, to fully devouring you, his tongue flicking at a rapid place on your clit following with softly suckling on it. His arousal from this would make him moan softly in you, the little vibrations from his hums making you go insane.
From a quick glance you took, you noticed his eyes closed, eyebrows furrowed, focused on what he’s doing to you, all the while he was softly humping the bed, grinding his hard cock against the bed, making him moan a little louder on occasion.
He caught you looking and started deeply staring into your eyes, not even stopping for a second to breathe. His eyebrows still furrowed, the eye contact would just arouse you more, causing you to rock your hips a little to his movement, grinding yourself against his mouth and nose. Cockily chuckling at your neediness, he slid in two fingers back inside you, this time being his index and middle finger, in order to be able to consume you comfortably, but his fingers being inside you made you feel extremely close and with barely any warning were on the verge of orgasming. Reading your body, he already knew and just curled his fingers inside you, thrusting them a little faster, and didn’t stop flicking his tongue on your pulsating clit.
Gripping onto the sheets as you keep rocking your hips, already starting to orgasm on his face, making you nearly scream from the pleasure.
“Fuck! Oh, fuck!” You repeated as your legs started shaking even more, which didn’t stop him. For just a little longer, he kept riding your orgasm, to a point you had to push his head a little bit from the pleasure becoming overwhelming.
Eventually he stopped himself and kisses his way back up your body.
“You taste so fucking good, you know that?” His fingers now on his mouth, making you watch him clean your mess.
Although weakened from the strong orgasm, you didn’t want to stop,
“Lie down.” You tell him, moving yourself to be seated on the bed.
“Hmm?” He questions, listening to what you say, now lying on the bed.
With no response, you started kissing the bulge over his pants,
“Take it off for me?” You asked in a soft tone, matching the same exact energy he was giving you with his gentle words as he was completely taking over you.
“Yeah?” He smirked as he stripped himself entirely. Now leaving you hypnotized by his body, your eyes watching every single movement as he exposed himself to you. Looking down to see his hard cock sprung out, then you look back at him, his arms were behind his head but looking at you.
“I’m not stopping you.” He mentioned with a bit of a raised eyebrow.
You fix yourself a little, moving as much hair out of the way as you could, and started to softly kiss and lick the tip, all while maintaining eye contact. Watching him watch you start to tease back, he bites his lip a little, still with a bit of a smile on his face.
“You really want to be a tease?” He asked.
Giggling in response, you already obeyed his unmentioned instruction and started taking him as deep as you can, breaking the eye contact as you started bobbing your head slowly, assuring you produce as much saliva to make it as sloppy as possible.
One of his hands moved to your head, pushing you a little deeper, making you nearly gag, but it made him moan almost a little too loud.
“Ah fuck. Yes. Yes, just like that.” He moans out, ending it in almost a whisper, making you keep going and occasionally taking him deeper just to hear him moan the way he did and watch him be a mess over you. Which he would, having to hold himself back by biting his lip.
You would move your eyes to his direction, catching him looking, mouth agape with furrowed eyebrows from the pleasure.
“Fuck. If you keep going I think I’m gonna cum already.” He moans out, throwing his head back as his hand goes back to your head, gripping onto your hair.
You suddenly stop, crawling up to him and kissing his neck,
“I need you more than just this.” You whisper.
With no verbal response, he flips you over, as if you weighed nothing to him.
Now having you underneath him, your legs spread with his cock right between them, inches away from your entrance.
“God, you’re so perfect.” He groans as he starts kissing you yet again, grinding himself against you, rubbing your already sensitive clit, having you rock your hips a little to his movement, wanting all of him.
He stops kissing in order to look at you, the eye contact never breaking as he adjusts himself and slowly starts inserting himself inside you. Pursing your lips holding in any sound as you’re feeling him stretch you out. He was the one who broke eye contact to look down for a second in order to watch himself get deeper inside you, groaning from your tightness and feeling as if he could cum almost immediately.
“Fuck. My love, you feel so..” He moans out as he slowly thrusts his hips, letting you adjust to him, getting used to his size, letting you feel every inch added inside you.
Your nails nearly digging into his back already as he slowly yet steadily starts quickening his pace. Cursing his name, mumbling and stumbling on your words as your eyes close shut, letting yourself feel everything as he starts thrusting faster. His moans following along with yours as his head digs into your neck, thrusting himself deeper and even faster, your nails clawing his back as you get louder. The sounds of your skin slapping, the wetness of your pussy slamming against his body, and both your loud moans take over the room. The room getting hotter as your eyes start tearing.
“Turn around.” He demands, quickly pulling himself out. You listen to his order, turning yourself around and arching yourself.
Inserting himself back in, he grabs your upper body to pull you close as he starts thrusting as hard as he is capable of, having him groan and even growl your name, wrapping his hand around your throat.
“You’re so pretty, my girl.” He whispers in your ear as he’s fucking you relentless, making you almost scream his name.
Feeling your core tighten already and tightening yourself around him makes him grunt a little to the feeling of how good you feel wrapped around him.
Without much say, he lies you on your side, having one leg up as he kept thrusting inside you, still behind you, with one hand still gripping onto your throat as the other hand reaches down and starts rubbing on your clit, making you a whimpering and crying mess from the overstimulating feeling, getting awfully close.
“I want you to cum with me, I’m so fucking close.” He whispered in your ear as he kept thrusting and rubbing your swelling clit, somehow going even quicker than he was before.
You nod in response, biting your lip to hold in your cries as you felt the knot in your stomach as you were approaching your orgasm.
“I don’t think I can hold it. Oh fuck.” You cry out as you start trembling, barely being able to keep your leg up.
“It’s okay. Go ahead. Let it all out, my pretty girl.”
That praise and the names alone were enough to just make you cum all over him, almost shrieking as you rock your hips and your body begins to shake. His thrusts beginning to get sloppy,
He grunts, “Fuck yeah. Just like that. Aw fuck.”
He pulls himself out, moving you to lay on your back, shooting his warm load all over your stomach, even almost reaching your breasts. Louder moans, curses escape him as he jerks off every little drop of cum on your sweating skin, even twitching a little from riding out his orgasm.
Both of you now panting messes, you begin to giggle a little, getting a little shy about everything that just happened. He giggles back, reaching over to kiss your forehead, “Give me a second, okay?”
He gets up from the bed and gets a towel to clean you up, occasionally kissing your face every chance he could.
You two get under the covers after a moment to catch your breath, resting your head on his chest, legs still shaking a little bit.
“You really mean everything to me,” He says, following by your name.
You look at him, cupping his cheek softly and pulling him in for a soft kiss,
“I’d be willing to give us a shot. Just need a little time, you know?” You respond. Your finger playing with the chain he never took off.
“Take all the time you need. I will wait for you. As long as it takes.”
He pulls you in for another soft kiss, following with soft pecks scattered over your face.
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>>I told you it was really lengthy. Thank you so much for your time and I really hope you enjoyed it. If you liked the song yayyy<<
>>I appreciate you again and I hope you enjoyed this story! Love you 🤍<333~
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lowkeyrobin · 1 year ago
Hii, can you write some dating headcanons of Stevie? Nobody writes about him 😭
hello, and yes! ik on my masterlist/characters I write for I have it as platonic only but most of these could be read as platonic if you're older, I kept the more romantic ones at the bottom if that's cool so yeah 👍 I kept him & ruben as such bx I'm a little too old for them and I see them as like babies compared to me so yeah 💀 but I got you dw lol
STEVIE ; dating/platonic headcanons
warnings ; language, talk of familial abuse & neglect, alcohol, substances, use of f-slur (I can say it guys PLEASE)
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protecting him on the streets is a must
he's newer to this skating shit and "running around with thugs"
if he can't go home for whatever reason, he's got a home at your place or on the couch at motorz
ray locks you guys in and you're good for the night, he just can't give you the keys cause he doesn't wanna get fired
he vents to you whenever he needs to
at a point he gets all "wannabe hard boy" and shoves you away while he becomes a fucking hard-core alcoholic
"Dude, what the fuck did I do to deserve being shoved away?"
"Go away! Don't you ever fucking listen? Shut the fuck up! You're just like my mom!"
damn okay moody ass bitch
you stay up at night thinking about how you thought you were grateful for the whole 'fuckshit wrecking the car' thing because it changed both him, ruben, and fuckshit (and their relationships) for the better
for a while he forces you to just let him watch you skate and stuff because he's super unmotivated too and doesn't wanna spiral like before
but in time, he warms back up to it
he's the one borrowing your clothes tbh
the only thing you ever touch of his are hats that you steal to tease him
romantic stuff below!
you put stickers on his forehead 24/7
putting random braids in his hair for no reason in private
he's scared he'll be called a fag or smthn but yk he won't
he just has a touchy partner , it's normal lol
your relationship is purely wholesome, yall r like 13 so chill
nothing happened between him n estee either bc wtf was that scene jonah
you hand him a mixtape before you leave to go home titled "for stevie <3" and when I tell you he crumbled when he accepted that he was finally learning that he could trust you and let you in
like his family issues always had him fucked up but Ray was like "Dude that's not pussy shit??? they really like you, man"
he just sat there for a moment like "omg holy shit this isn't just some fake shit that'll last a month tops they actually give a shit"
he listens to it when he's skating alone and shit
always reminds to kiss from a rose or wonderwall
he learns a lot from you and takes it to heart, like he learns to just be a normal, functioning person in society and how to behave and act and shit
like he hasn't had anyone to rlly be there to correct his mistakes or beat his ass til you LMAO
like he learns actual life skills and shit from you like how to write checks and and how long to boil noodles it's honestly sad
mostly the hug-you-from-behind kinda guy bc he's still learning how to show his love and shit
gives you puppy dog eyes without even knowing it
he's just so mesmerized by you sometimes
idk this is all I got
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e17omm · 4 months ago
Idk why I just turned to venting right now, but I really do miss when HI3 leaned more into its semi-futuristic theme. Especially for its locations.
Like Mt Taixuan is fine. Its a more fantasy-like location imo. Its fine.
But then we have Kolosten. Okay. Old town.
And then there's the ER and EE which is mostly fantasy feeling.
And then we have the Moon which is mostly ruins with some technology on it.
Then SSHC which is like, a medieval town.
Same with Sa's/Vita's place. Some technology but not mainly that.
Even Part 2, yeah its 50/50 but we are barely in the modern place, all the plot happens in the shadowy place.
I miss the normal towns, Schicksal's floating islands (because those are artificial and not natural floating islands. At least that's my impression of SSHQ), fighting on aircraft was cool, even the Sea of Quanta had a modern-ish feel to it. And yes, of course, I freaking love Arc City so goddamn much.
(I do tired rambling below)
But this also has to do with what the characters are wearing these days. Where are the freaking battlesuits? Like come on, I can use freaking Rita for an example!
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Umbral Rose is probably the least combat-ready-looking out of her outfits. It looks more like off combat hours outfit for her. Which it kinda is because this was back when characters had more than one pair of clothes!
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Look at Phantom Iron! Its a dress but it had armor and mechanic bits to it! This looks like a modern/semi-futuristic combat maid!
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Even Arget Knight: Artemis has some of that combat dress going on. Its a dress, but it has armor over hee chest, shoulders, back with those wings, and armored gloves.
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And then we get to Spina Aster and its just, a dress. I'm not seeing much of maid or combat in this one. Its a good design, but it doesnt feel like its made for combat. Like remove her weapons and she can go to a party like that, similar to how she can just put her scythe away and start doing maid things as Umbral Rose. But Phantom Iron and Artmeis looks combat maid.
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And like even Umbral Rose looks more ready for combat than Spina Astera as she doesnt have all those pieces of cloth hanging after her.
If we can ignore the whitewashing of their color palette for a moment,
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HoO and HoTr looks fine, but what is Kiana wearing?? That is literally just a fancy dress
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What happened to these designes? HoF fits in better in the Herrscher trio because she's also armored!
Im rambling and tired and just trying to scratch an itch for what to do. Dont take my complaints about the battlesuits too seriously except maybe I dont remember if we've had armored battlesuits lately tbh, but I dont remember seeing anyone that did wear armor...
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dreamspace24 · 1 month ago
Vent below </3 Sorry I haven't been so positive guys.
Not making any big claims yet but. Think I am slowly becoming iffy sharing/nonsharing with Ted (not including the Ted selfshippers I'm moots with, whether we only mooted today or forever ago, y'all chill, I trust y'all). Will figure this out more tomorrow when I actually sleep but. Idk how to describe it.
I know it's part of an underlying issue involving my mental health in general but rn I don't have the means to solve those issues </3 Ted is kinda the main comfort I'm relying on rn and seeing others with him (Once again, does not include my moots) is like. Destroying me.
It's a me problem and not a them problem and I wish Tumblr/Pinterest would fix the blocking system so I just never saw them ever but like. Hck. Idk. That's just now how their system works ig sooo. Catch me crying ig.
This feels so stupid. It feels so stupid to cry over him, because he's fictional, he's not even real, and I should not take it this seriously. He's like, just a dolly anyone can pick up and play with and sharing is caring blah blah blah. I don't feel this way when it comes to my moots (This is def obvi with one of them, you know who you are dude and you're my mvp fr), but anyone else?? Anyone I don't know, or any canon ships with him? Ugh. I feel physically ill. I don't even care if people ship him with like, anyone else, unless it's one of my moots, I don't wanna see it rn yk?
Maybe it'll change and I'll feel okay to share again once my mental health is back to normal but like. For now though. Idk. I don't wanna think of the possibilities.
Is this a sign from the universe that he just doesn't like me too? That I'm just,, idk, unlikeable, even to fictional characters? Yeah probably.
I think that's why seeing it hurts the most. I wish he liked me. But like, if I'm honest with myself? Yeah. I wouldn't be surprised if he didn't. Call that wishful thinking to selfship with someone who hates you hahaha <///3
Sorry. I don't mean to be self-pitying or "woe is me" about all of this. I know I've been posting a lot of this lately. It's sucky in a place meant to be generally positive and supportive of everyone that isn't, yk. Yk. But like. I don't really know how to go about this. I've never dealt with these kinds of feelings before, at least not for a fictional character outside of my own OCs. I don't know anyone I could safely turn to to ask about this. So it's all just been bubbling up for the past week, maybe longer, I lost track of time.
If you bothered to read this, thank you. I'll try and keep this kind of thing off the blog. Sorry.
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catras-breakup-song · 4 months ago
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TW: spop antis
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sometimes i think about this post, by someone whose account appears to be gone now (or the username was changed), especially with this part in particular considering my WHOLE ENTIRE BLOG is themed around "potential breakup song" by aly & aj since the latter is catra's voice actress, as well as this edit:
use songs for catra that really work better with adora (for ex, "911" by Elise or "Potential Breakup Song" by Aly & AJ), because the songs would typically be from the victim's POV (which i find funny in the worst way tbh)
idk, it's just, like, i do think it works well from catra's POV because of the attitude she has about adora and how she sees it from her perspective (whether right or wrong), and her general badassery in showing others up. it actually wouldn't make much sense to me if adora was the focus instead, especially because she never feels that way about catra in return.
i also hate the way this post makes me feel because there are other comfort catradora edits or otherwise just fanmade videos that i enjoy, such as this one with "the great war" by taylor swift being my absolute favorite of all time, or this one to "toxic" by britney spears which does in fact make fun of antis (and was posted on my birthday!).
she-ra is my hyperfixation media, if not a special interest outright by now after four consecutive years, and part of the way i interact and relate with it is through edits & AMVs. so, if these criticisms are valid in any way, then that kinda hurts a lot and damages my ego.
i did comment this on my main blog a while back under someone's post (i can't remember whose/which, sorry):
i've had a flip-floppy history bc after a couple years, the anti side of the argument was actually convincing at first, but then i realized media literacy below surface-level is good actually, and being depressed over thinking i shouldn't like a ship i'm so hyperfixated on wasn't healthy, so i'm back to normal now amen! at the end of the day, if it's a well-written ship (catradora), then i support it wholeheartedly, and if it's a disgusting ship then i'm a huge fan of toxic yuri 🙏 either way, i win 🗣‼️🔊
anyhow, this is just me thinking/venting out loud, and i'm a bit afraid of any antis finding this post and reposting/talking about it, so reblogs are off and please do not harass me over how i feel here...
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