#kinda saved me from my many troubles during covid
pigeonstab · 2 months
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been a while since I did anything D!smp related
Here's c!Ranboo and a playlist I made in 2021:
and with just the lineart
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keenmarvellover · 4 years
Some links to posts with valuable content you want in one place.(BASICALLY EVERYTHING IS THERE)
Suggestions and Recommendations are appreciated and accepted.
Last Updated : 16/10/2020
NOTE: Some of these post are written in a crude and unruly fashion. But they contain valuable tips, guidance and information. If you can't/don't want to read such posts, then don't read.
Mental Health
Do you need a Hug?
Maybe you’re having a stressful day. Maybe you just need a deep breath. Maybe you just didn’t realize how stressed you are. You can get your comfort here.
Some stuff to help you sleep
This is definitely not a google drive full of the sleep stuff from the Headspace app, including sleepcasts, music, and wind down meditation, that normally costs 17.99 a month, no siree and you definitely shouldnt share this with people
Anti-Anxiety Tools
Some tools to help you before, during or after an anxiety attack
100 Reasons NOT To Kill Yourself
A really excellent way to reduce anxiety is to pick up a new hobby. Find something you’re interested in, learn it, then use it as a healthy and productive way to cope.
Some very Important Lists for Rating PAIN, FATIQUE AND MENTAL HEALTH
It is MUST share
PSA Rregarding Hospital bills
Also how to pay hospital bills when you are broke.
How to differentiate between COVID-19, FLU AND COMMON COLD
Anyway, as we enter cold & flu season in the YEAR of corona, this will come in very handy.
Treatment for HIV
VERY IMPORTANT. Please Read and Share.
What does the Color of your Period mean?
A must read for individuals who get periods.
How to differentiate between Period Cramps and Appendicitis
From a Person who is Hard of Hearing
Types and levels of deafness
General Tips for Vagina Health
Some stuff they don't teach in sex-ed.
Undo the damage of Sitting
Are you always sitting down? Then these are some exercise you should probably try out for better health.
Guide to Proper Bra Fitting
Guide to Proper Bra Fit and Measuring. Please Read and Share.
Washable, Reusable Menstrual Pads
(Part II)
Reusable menstrual hygiene product, and are an alternative to disposable sanitary napkins or to menstrual cups.
Art Masterpost
How to draw *insert whatever you want, its there in the list*?
Book Binding
Some video links to different types of DIY Bookbinding
For Artists who Need Photoshop
If youre an artist who cant afford photoshop, definitely DO NOT go to this google drive to pirate the program, that would be so bad!!!
Do’s and Don'ts of Designing for Accessibility
Please consider this when designing for ANYTHING. For BUSINESSES and ARTISTS.
Color Synonyms
How to make a Masterlist
Simple but efficient instructions to make a masterlist
This is an ultimate masterlist of many resources that could be helpful for writers.
List of AUs and Ship Tropes
For when you run out of ideas.
Ship Tropes
Legal sites to get some much needed Info
If there was only a way to find out all of this rather edgy information without getting yourself in trouble…
Resources for Describing Characters
For writing about physical appearances, character traits, talents,and skills and other related stuff of your characters, here is a comprehensive list.
Resources for Describing Emotions
Having trouble writing jealousy, happiness, motivation. Here you go!!
Some Resources for your Writing
Body Language
Reverse Dictionary
Character Traits
Things to Keep in mind when naming Characters
Valuable advice. Trust me
Words to Use when Writing Smut/Romance
This is for smut/romance writers. Kinda like a thesaurus.
Tips to write Pain
How are you supposed to write about pain you’ve never experienced before?
References for Greek Mythology Characters
Link to an extensive site every single detail of Greek Mythology from Gods to Family Trees.
Tips to write Blind Characters
Some tips that might be invaluable when writing character that are near-blind or blind
Things to Remember when writing a Highly Emotional Scene
Just small things that could make a great difference
How to write with Multiple POVs
Tips on how to write multiple POVs with diverse characters
Synonyms and Antonyms
The person who made this list is a blessing to writers. Just saying.
Good Qualities for Female Characters
Females don't always need to be protected and be weak. Make them more realistic.
Words to Use instead of ‘Said’
Every single situation is listed. Check it out.
Limits of the Human Body
All extremities listed
Legal Sites to Download Literature
From children’s books to rare books, from philosophy and religion to nonfiction. I guess you can find anything here.
The Rights of the Reader
And some (lots of) bashing of Helicopter Parents.(You want to read only the rights. Here it is)
Wet Book Rescue : Steps to save a Wet Book
Valuable information if some of your prized books were affected by recent flooding. The video even shows you what to do if you can’t dry the book out right away.
Cheatsheet to Navigate AO3
Makes your time on AO3 a little more easier and interesting
How to trick Writers into giving you More Fanfic to read
Works for Comics and Art as well.
Get a Book Suggestion
This book website gives you the first page of a random book without the title or author so that you can read it with no preconceptions
Books written by POC Writers
Only POC authors included in the list.
Basic ASL (American Sign Language) Movements
ASL Hand Movements for beginners.
Tips for studying with ADHD/a>
Made by a person with ADHD themself.
Resources to Learn New Languages
Ten fairly useful general language resources
How to properly take notes
It helps. It really helps.
Here is a masterpost of MOOCs (massive open online courses) that are available, archived, or starting soon. I think they will help those that like to learn with a teacher or with videos.
A Thread of Tips
A thread of tips to help High School and College students academically
FREE ONLINE COURSES (here are listed websites that provide huge variety of courses)
Google like a BOSS
Some life hacks which make student's lives easier.
625 words to know in your Target Language
If your learning a new language, these words will help you build a strong foundation.(Some tips and sites are include too)
Miscellaneous/Life Hacks
How to add music to your Blog
How to add your very own, custom homemade playlist to your blog?
How to Walk with Purpose?
Some tips on how to hold yourself in public and why.
Cheatsheet for Laundry Rooms
Saves a lot of money in the Laundry Room
How to Gird up your Loins?
A lesson in how to gird your loins.
How to Disappear Online
Please read and spread for the sake of abuse victims or stalker victims.
What to do during a Nuclear Attack
I hope you never have to use it but here are some guidelines to follow in the event of a nuclear attack
How to pull an All-Nighter.
A to-do list
Write a Thank You letter after your Interview
It leaves a good impression on your interviewer and increase your chances of passing the interview.
Laundry Tags: Meanings
A life hack that you’ll definitely need at some point.
Where to find free Movies and Series Online
Lots of sites. Lots and Lots of sites. I am not Kidding. Now go and chill without netflix. (Part II)
How to get a Refund?
Get your stuff or a refund.
This starts at the most absolute basics of gardening and planting, provides definitions, and hopefully is easily understandable. This is a MUST-READ. (Farming)
Discuss your wages
It’s your right to share your salary, not doing so could be holding you back.
Youtube Tutorials for Basically EVERYTHING
This is a big, giant list of Youtube tutorials that will teach you all the basic life skills you need to know in order to be a functional adult.
Emergency Evacuation - Items to Gather
A text list of suggested items to acquire in the event of an emergency.
If someone you know is in an abusive relationship
AN ABBREVIATED GUIDE TO ‘Holy shit!!! My friend is in an abusive relationship what do I do’ and what not to do.
Defense Tips for Women
Defense and Safety tips a woman MUST know. (Part II)
An app that informs your Emergency contacts if you are inactive in a set period of time.(Could prevent rape attempts if used correctly)
If a Man gets Physical
How to check if a mirror is one way or two-way
If you are trapped in a smoke-filled apartment: What to Do
How to get out of Hand-binds
How to get out of the bunker of a Car
How to track Anonymous asks.
How to pick a Lock
Traits and Warning signs of an Abuser
What to do if a bigot pulls your Hijab (from behind)
What to do if someone pulls of a Muslim Woman's Hijab? (To do List for both Men and Women)
561 notes · View notes
lifeofclonewars · 3 years
Intro to the Extended Fett Clan (WKatMAM)
I’m doing this so I don’t have to take an unnecessarily long amount of time during Part 4 to explain the whole family to everyone. I get my second Covid shot tomorrow, so hopefully Chapter One will be up soon. Enjoy!
Clan Leaders
Nielsen Fett: Better known as 99 in canon, Nielsen goes by NiNi or ba’buir with his grandkids. He’s a farmer, and hosts the Annual Fett Family Reunion every year. Married to Kamino. Father to Lynx, Courey, Wolffe's mom (no, I'm not revealing her name yet), Alfred (Alph), Charisma, Arla, and Jango. Grandpa to all the kids who will be listed. 
Kamino Fett: I say screw the Kaminoans by naming the matriarch of this au after their home planet and making her love her family no matter what happens. She was a baker, passed away from old age two years before this au takes place. Used to have those grandma glasses-on-a-chain. Was blonde. Mother to Lynx, Courey, Wolffe's mom, Alph, Charisma, Arla, and Jango. Her grandkids call her KamKam or ba’buir.
Subclan One (aka some of the Commanders)
Lynx Fett: The oldest of the next generation of Fetts. He's a vet. Has a full goatee. Married to Nala Se. Father to Bly, Gree, Ponds, Keeli, Colt, and Zariza. Grandpa to Colette. More lax on his kids than his wife. Good dad, poor choice in women.
Nala Se: Geneticist (obviously lol). Very strict because "Lynx is too lax on their kids" (he's not). Mother to Bly, Gree, Ponds, Keeli, Colt, and Zariza. Grandma to Colette. Few people in the family actually like her.
Bly Secura-Fett: 27, Kindergarten teacher. Married to Aayla, father to Colette. Oldest of the next generation of Fetts/the cousins. You might recognize his username from the previous parts, Old Man Dad Bly. Ponds was the one to set it to that. Bly doesn't care enough about it negatively to switch it.
Aayla Secura-Fett: 26, Ryl Translator. Married to Bly, mother of Colette. Known for wearing her hair in braids. She's not in the cousin chat but Bly's constantly showing her screenshots of it and she enjoys it.
Colette Secura-Fett: Almost 1, a Blyla baby! So far clings to Bly more than Aayla, but that may change. Gets lots of love and snuggles from the extended fam.
Gree Fett: 25, biologist. Second oldest of the subclan and of the cousins. Still has that haircut but mainly out of spite of his brothers instead of in honor of them this time. Chat Name: Green Man.
Pontius “Ponds” Fett: 23. He’s working to be an architect, but is currently stuck with a job he’s over-qualified for in the meantime. Known in the chat as Lakes because he thinks he’s funny sometimes. Most likely to start something in subclan one, least likely to be blamed for it... most of the time.
Keeli Fett: 21, cosmetologist. He took a different route than his brothers and went to trade school instead of a 4-year university and consequently got a job before Ponds did. Best hair in the family. Debating whether or not Gree’s haircut is a good enough reason to disown him lol. Chat Name: Keeling Over.
Colt Fett: 17, just finished his junior year of high school. Working a minimum wage summer job to help save for college. Met his best friends Havoc and Blitz in kindergarten; they all work at the same place now. Chat Name: Neigh.
Zariza Fett: 15, just finished her freshman year of high school. Only daughter in the subclan, which is both a blessing and a curse with Nala for a mom. Wants to be a photographer, has taken pictures throughout the reunions the past few years for NiNi. Has lots of blackmail on everyone as a result. Chat Name: Zzzzzz.
Subclan Two (aka the Coruscant Guard)
Courey Fett: Second oldest of his generation of Fetts. He’s a bartender (and owner), and the loudest and most rambunctious of his siblings. Full beard. Married to Slyvia Fett. Father to Fox, Thorn, Jek, Rys, and Corsica. His name is vaguely based on me misspelling Coruscant many many times in the past.
Slyvia Fett: You thought Nala Se was an interesting choice in mom? This lady is a super successful but shady businesswoman. Nobody knows the specifics and they’re not sure they want to know. Also kinda strict, but she’s also not home often enough for it to make too much impact. Married to Courey, mother to Fox, Thorn, Jek, Rys, and Corsica. She has dirty blonde hair, which two of her kids inherited when it combined with the rare blond Fett gene. Vaguely based on Sly Moore.
Fox Fett: 19, just finished his freshman year of college. Perpetually tired because of homework, actual work, and the projects he choses to do. Two days older than Wolffe and reminds him often. Actually best friends with Wolffe. They go to the same university. Like Wolffe, loves his siblings but is loath to admit it. Causes more trouble than people think. Chat Name: Think Outside the Fox.
Thorn Fett: 16, just finished his sophomore year of high school. Older of the two dirty-blonds in the sub-clan. Second oldest blond of the cousins after Rex. Suspicious in how he’s so optimistic when he grew up with Fox for a brother haha. Occasionally likes to stir up trouble in the chat, especially since he’s the one who made it. Chat Name: Thorn in Your Side.
Jek Fett: 11, just finished fifth grade. His best friend is Thire. Too young for the chat, not too young to cause trouble. Like all little brothers, switches between ignoring Fox and Thorn and always trying to get their attention. Like all middle children, turns it around and also picks on Rys and Corsica for the same things Fox and Thorn use on him. 
Rys Fett: 8, just finished second grade. Current goal in life is to catch Fox sneak-attacking him just once. Tags along with Jek most of the time, sometimes to bug him, sometimes because he thinks he’s cool. Also too young for the chat.
Corsica Fett: 7, just finished first grade. Only daughter of subclan two. The second of the dirty blonde haired kids in this subclan. Hangs out with Unique a lot at family reunions. Has the art of bugging her brothers at the most inconvenient times down. Already learning to blackmail people. Name lightly based on the correct spelling of Coruscant. Also too young for chat.
The Koons (aka our MCs! The Wolfpack)
Plo Koon: My favorite space dad haha. I think you get the gist by now. Get ready for some more puns! Definitely the type of dad to wear a fanny pack. His sunglasses are probably just transition glasses that switch too easily and he just never told anyone lol. Actually, I never mentioned it, but he’s also a social worker.
A[redacted] Koon: Our boys’ mom. Married to Plo, though she died giving birth to Comet. Twin to Alfred. Her name is a surprise for later, so here’s her first initial, at least. Used to wear glasses or contacts, depending on the day.
Wolffe Koon: 19, just finished his freshman year of college. The star of the show lol aka our pov character. Loves his brothers but rarely admits it out loud. Best friend is Fox and is going to use that to his advantage for blackmail this reunion. Cousin Chat Name: Werewolf? There Wolffe! Subclan Chat Name: Howl are you? Wolfpack Chat Name: Grr.
Boost Koon: 15, just finished his freshman year of high school. The only person in the family who likes Gree’s haircut. His maroon hair is starting to grow out now. It may or may not be his turn to get lost this time... Chat Name: T-Mobile. Subclan Chat Name: Ghosty Boi. Wolfpack Chat Name: Booster Seat.
Sinker Koon: 13, just finished seventh grade and it shows. His silver hair is also starting to grow out. Gonna cause some chaos, since he’s close in age to many of the Fett cousins. Chat Name: Banana Sink. Subclan Chat Name: Hook, Line, and— Wolfpack Chat Name: Stinker. (No, it hasn’t been changed back yet.)
Comet Koon: 10, just finished fourth grade. Still obsessed with penguins. Also gonna cause some chaos with some of the cousins. Koon most likely to get hurt during the reunion by climbing on and jumping off things he shouldn’t. Also too young for the chat.
Subclan Three (aka Cody + the 501st)
Alfred “Alpha” Fett: Twin to A, younger by 5 minutes and never talks about it. Married to Sevannah. Father to Cody, Rex, Fives, Echo, Tup. Owns a gym named Triple A. Used to be a personal trainer, which is how he met Sevannah. Technically the middle child of his siblings.
Sevannah Fett: Professional and Olympic archer. Married to Alph, mother to Cody, Rex, Fives, Echo, Tup. Yes, her name comes from seventeen as in “Alpha-17.″ (Maybe not) surprisingly, the more in shape out of her and Alph since she’s still competing lol.
Kote “Cody” Fett: 18, just graduated high school. Planning on attending college for sports management. Twin to Rex (he’s older by 7 minutes). Got his scar while playing football or something, I’m not really sure. Any Ghost member you can think of is probably his friend. Chat Name: *hacker voice* I’m In.
Rex Fett: 18, just graduated high school. Planning on being an athletic trainer. Twin to Cody. Naturally blond — and I mean blond and not dirty blond. Only one of subclan three who is. Any member of Torrent that’s not his brother is his friend. Chat Name: Jurassic Park.
Fives Fett: 13, just finished seventh grade. His full name will be revealed during Part 4. Twin to Echo (older by five minutes, yes). Wants to learn how to be a skydiving instructor solely to try to help Rex get over his fear of heights. Best friends are Domino Squad. Chat Name: Sixes.
Echo Fett: 13, just finished seventh grade. His full name will also be revealed during Part 4. Twin to Fives. Seems more chill than Fives but the reunion always proves that wrong. Best friends are Domino. Occasionally babysits the Havocs. Chat Name: ECHO Echo echo.
Tup Fett: 10, just finished fourth grade. Tup is his full name, yes. Starting to get into archery like his mom. Canon tattoo is a mole here. His hair’s down to his shoulders and super curly. Cody’s often pulling sticks out of it. Too young for the chat.
The Havocs (aka the Bad Batch)
Charisma Havoc (neé Fett): Interior designer. Married to Gunner. Mother to Hunter, Cross, Wrecker, Timmy. Also on the louder end of her and her siblings. The Havocs are pretty background characters, since their kids are much younger than Wolffe and also bc the show’s still establishing things.
Gunner Havoc: Carpenter. Married to Charisma. Father to Hunter, Cross, Wrecker, Timmy. Together Charisma and Gunner could probably start an HGTV show lol. But they don’t want to so they aren’t. Last name comes from the Havoc Marauder (tbb's ship).
Hunter Havoc: 14, just finished eighth grade. Part of his canon tattoo is a birthmark, though not all of it. His hair is also long enough to be put into a small ponytail. Keeli’s got some cousins to teach, doesn’t he lol. Chat Name: Hunter-Gatherer.
Cross Havoc: 12, just finished sixth grade. Grumpy almost-teenager. Wolffe doesn’t run into him often because he tries to avoid his older cousins (well, actually, most of his cousins) the entire reunion every year. Lurks in the chat but his username is Mad (courtesy of Thorn). I shortened his name because it is an actual name and Crosshair is only a clone name.
Walter “Wrecker” Havoc: 9, just finished third grade. The older cousins claim he got his nickname in the “Wrecker Incident” and make it out to be this overly dramatic thing that's classified to those 12 and under. In all reality, it was him accidentally crashing into a few things of his brothers when he was first learning to walk. Gree just thought it was hilarious to blow it out of proportion. Too young for the chat.
Timothy “Timmy” Havoc: 7, just finished first grade. Wears glasses. A bit too young to have Tech as a nickname quite yet, but he definitely would in the future. Also mostly in the background, considering he's 12 years younger than Wolffe. Too young for chat.
The Concords (aka let's add some more girls to this family)
Arla Concord neé Fett: She's the only adult beside her husband that I currently don't have a job listed for, but that's because my brain won't supply one. Second youngest of her siblings. Married to Felix. Mother to Clementine, Ansonia, Unique, Majorca, Tessa, Violet. Screw canon/legends, she's still alive.
Felix Concord: Again, haven't thought of a job for him yet, but he has one. Married to Arla. Father to Clementine, Ansonia, Unique, Majorca, Tessa, Violet. Last name comes from Concord Dawn.
Clementine Concord: 12, just finished sixth grade. Wants to be an astronaut or astrophysicist one day. Spends lots of time wrangling her younger sisters. Chat Name: Orange Gal.
Ansonia Concord: 10, just finished fourth grade. Wants to be an actress, really bring those dramatic Fett genes into play lol. Spends lots of time bugging Clementine and bossing around her younger sisters. Too young for the chat.
Unique Concord: 7, just finished first grade. Wants to be a doctor, spends lots of time hanging out with Ansonia. The two of them could probably do a pretty accurate hospital soap opera without prompting or knowing haha. Hangs with Corsica a lot at reunions, though. Yeah, idk where her name came from either. Dirty-blonde hair. Too young for the chat (duh).
Majorca Concord: 6, just finished kindergarten. Still learning basic writing and loves it so much she wants to be an author. Named after the city in Spain on accident — I totally didn’t realize that was why her name seemed familiar until like 2 months after I named her. Also too young for the chat or to appear much in the story.
Quintessa “Tess/Tessa” Concord: 5, preschooler. The other blonde kiddo. Picks on Gree’s hair without prompting from any cousins or sisters. Likes to play pretend with Majorca when they can. Also likes to draw stars and castles and such often. Obviously too young for the chat, appears slightly more because of her natural roasting abilities. 
Violet Concord: 3, maybe a preschooler? Again, doesn’t really appear much. Hangs out a bit with Boba and Tessa when the family gets together. Very very obviously too young for the chat.
Subclan Four (the OG Fetts)
Jango Fett: People usually make him one of the dads or the grandpa, but nah, he gets baby of his generation status. I wanted to keep with the “Arla is his older sister” thing but she’s the second youngest so he’s the youngest. Has been super mysterious about his life from the second he moved out but still shows up to family events. Knows who Boba’s mother is but refuses to tell. Father of Boba (obviously).
Boba Fett: 4, preschooler. Like I said above, hangs with Tessa and Violet during family events. More likely to accidentally reveal details about Jango’s life than Jango. Surprise baby but not for Jango. Jango knew. The family didn’t know until Jango showed up with infant Boba to a family event and went “this is Boba, no questions will be answered.” Also very obviously too young for the chat.
And that’s the extended Fett clan! Feel free to ask questions, I’ve got plenty of information about (most of) them and their roles in this au.
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medea10 · 3 years
My Review of Zombieland Saga REVENGE
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Yes, Franchouchou has come back after a two and a half year hiatus.
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HISTORY: Zombieland Saga is an idol show.
I have already cut my readership in half with that one sentence alone. But this is no ordinary idol show! A maniacal necromancer named Kotarou Tatsumi brings seven girls back from the dead. A former idol from the 1980’s (Junko), a former idol from the 2010’s (Ai), a child star from the 2010’s (Lily), a girl with idol aspirations from 2008 (Sakura), a former biker gang chick from 1997 (Saki), a courtesan from the 19th century (Yugiri), and Yamada Tae! There’s no describing what exactly Yamada Tae is but we don’t question it as she’s best girl.
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Kotarou brought these seven girls back to life in order to save the Saga area and revitalize it. Throughout the first 12 episodes, we watch these girls get the hang of being alive again after so long and become an idol group. With Kotarou’s make-up skills, he’s able to fool nearly everybody that these girls are living, breathing idols. Almost everybody! At the end of the series, we get one guy who caught on about Lily, Ai, and Junko. But enough about that! Let’s see how successful Franchouchou has gotten since we last left the series.
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REVENGE: So this sequel begins with the girls doing odd-jobs trying to earn as much money as they possibly can. Normally, the girls would do odd gigs that Kotarou was able to conjure up and that’s been good publicity for their group Franchouchou. However, they came into some money problems when they gambled and lost. It’s no doubt that their performance in the 12th episode was a banger and gave Franchouchou a boost in the idol scene. However, they aimed too high by renting out a big amphitheater to have a concert and only 1.6% capacity was filled. So the performance that night was a crash and burn type of thing. The after-effect put the girls in the hole (money wise) and Kotarou spends his days getting drunk at bars.
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Seriously, look at this guy! He looks like a drunk, fourth season Eren Yeager. Kinda hard watching Kotarou looking so sad, pathetic, and drunk! It wasn’t until the girls had to perform at a metal concert arena that Kotarou got a kick in the pants. The fool arrives to the performance hella late, screaming for an encore when the audience is totally not vibing for one. And the girls end up singing while the audience goes in (for a lack of a better term) a Blues Brothers style rumble. The important thing is that Kotarou is feeling better and is ready to send his little zombie songbirds out to save the Saga prefecture.
Throughout the season, we follow the girls of Franchouchou as they regain some popularity they obtained last season. Will they do it? In the first 4 episodes, the group gained their own radio show and Ai’s old group (before she died) Iron Frill considered them as rivals. I think they’ll be okay!
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BUT WAIT…: What about that photographer fella we saw all last season? He was quickly catching onto Ai, Junko, and Lily looking a little too close in resemblance to the girls that died years ago. Slowly throughout the series, we see him get closer to the truth.
NEW IDOL?: Oh God, did Kotarou commit taboo once again by bringing another girl back from the dead?
No…It was sadly much worse.
While at a public bathhouse, a girl (not wearing her prescription glasses) entered the men’s side, slipped on some soap, and was knocked unconscious. Thinking she died, Kotarou brings her body back to the girls (who aren’t wearing their makeup) saying this girl will be #7 in Franchouchou. And just like I said, she is not dead and now she knows that the idol group she loves are dancing zombies.
Kotarou is truly fucking up royally this season.
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Anyways, this is Maimai! She’s a fan of Franchouchou and ends up becoming a temporary member of the group as #7 (for the episode). And, she’s voiced by Kana Hanazawa! If you don’t know who she is by now, blow me. It’s a little scary knowing that there’s one person out there that knows about the secret. But Maimai is much too loyal a fan to ruin something for everyone and is totally chill about her favorite idol group really being zombies.
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THE TWO UNSOLVED MYSTERIES: As much as many of us loved the first season to Zombieland Saga, there were two characters we wished got more play and we knew a little more about. Yugiri and Yamada Tae! Tae-chan has been the enigmatic idol from day one. And due to her possible mental disability, we might never know. However, in one episode we do see her stopping off at a cemetary and I do believe that was her own grave.
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As for Yugiri, even the detective can’t dig up info on her. She was around in the late 1800s or the Meiji era and there’s only one known photo in existence of Yugiri before her death. This season, we got a two-episode saga to bring us the good word on Saga and its importance. We got a bit of a history lesson about the Saga prefecture during the Meiji era and even what it was like before then. And yes, we did learn how Yugiri died and her connection to Saga. It was quite sad, but definitely one of the best episodes of the series.
BEST SONG: Didn’t think I’d have one for this franchise.
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Saga Jihen from episode 9.
Nuff said.
ENDING: Well, we learned some extra details on what happened during the fall and rise of Franchouchou. This mostly has to do with Kotarou’s gamble with booking a huge arena for the girls to perform in. First of all, this arena was the place of Ai’s death. You member! When she was electrocuted right there on stage! Second of all, they didn’t sell the tickets until the day of the concert. What was that end result again? 1.6% capacity filled! Even in Covid-19 times, that’s fucking small. Granted, the audience was full of those memorable fans from season one including Saki’s friend’s daughter, Lily’s father, and the two metal jackasses. But still, not a good! The girls hit a brick wall and felt embarrassed. This was the worst moment for these girls (aside from dying once). After the disasterous event, they were millions of yen in debt, they’re running out of essentials for the house, and Kotarou has gone on a two-month drinking binge. It was then that they decided to do makeup themselves and go out in the world to earn a living and eventually pay off the debt.
Thankfully, they were able to get out of debt and regained their popularity throughout Saga and further. Saki has managed to get a radio show. Iron Frill (Ai’s old group) sees Franchouchou as a worthy rival. Lily gained a lot of fame in a televised competition. So what’s next? Kotarou apologized to Franchouchou for his big mistake the previous year and him spiraling out of control. Seconds later, he announces that their revenge will be to perform at the very same arena that fucked up their career the year prior.
Boy, you do NOT learn your lesson, do you?!
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More trouble is on the rise as that reporter who caught on about the girls being zombies has confronted Kotarou. We finally circled back to the final scene from season one. This guy has caught on to the fact that the girls of Franchouchou resemble girls that died. The only one that he couldn’t dig up dirt on was Yugiri. Possibly because the only known evidence for existence is a photo at the bar! What’s more, he has a sneaking suspicion that the girls of Franchouchou are all zombies. In a prior episode, the reporter snapped a picture at the right time exposing Yamada Tae’s head rolling around on the ground. Dude is ready to go public with the story of the girls of Franchouchou being zombies resurrected from the dead unless Kotarou pulls the plug on everything. Kotarou simply said that the girls will get their revenge and will perform at the arena.
And then…a storm hit Saga!
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There was a lot of damage around town. And worst off was Kotarou’s place, as it was ripped from its foundation, thrown into the sea, and crumbled into nothing after coming ashore. Worst of all, the special makeup the girls use to hide their zombie state was in that wreckage. Meanwhile, Kotarou spent several days trapped in a bar with the bar owner and nearly drowned. The girls ended up in a safety shelter with nearly the entire Saga prefecture. The good thing is because they’re town celebrities that they were given a top floor to themselves for privacy. The bad thing is that they’ve been here for days and their makeup is starting to come off, exposing zombies. And to make matters worse, that nosy reporter who knows the girls are zombies is also staying at the shelter (though the girls don’t know he knows). The girls decided to use Junko’s doll-crafting paintset to make masks to hide behind. That lasted only five seconds while trying to entertain the children of the shelter.
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This is it. The girls are exposed as zombies.
Actually, the kids and parents thought this was part of the act and thought Franchouchou was lifting up the spirits of the arena. And in comes Kotarou just in time! Man, right under the wire. Now we’re like a few days from this planned concert and Saga is still recovering from the huge storm. Morale is quite low and it’s starting to look like a worse outcome for Franchouchou’s revenge than what happened one year ago. Saki used her platform on the radio to reach all of her viewers to see if they could try to come to the arena for their concert that is now a charity concert. So will this concert be a big success or a bigger flop than last year?
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Actually, the arena was packed with people. Fans we’ve met in season one and new characters we met this season were even in attendance. Lily’s father ended up clearing away a lot of the debris so that concert goers could get through. Even Iron Frill (Ai’s old group) came in attendance! The concert was a huge success! And can I say that I’m really enjoying Yamada Tae’s Freddie Mercury impression on stage.
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Don’t think you’re that clever, Zombieland Saga. We all know!
Yes, the concert was perfect! A great revenge! They even made Kotarou (a grown-ass man) cry. Even the reporter is willing to keep his trap shut (for now) about the girls being zombies. And best of all, NO ONE CAUGHT COVID-19! Yeah, I have to bring that up. The date of the concert was March 8th, 2020. Ahem. March. 2020. But yeah, everything went great. Perfect ending for Zombieland Saga Reven…
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Who wrote that in the script? Some jerkass from Gainax?!
The last 15 seconds of Zombieland Saga leaves us with some sort of unidentified flying object zapping the area. Only Zombieland Saga can get away with this shit. Well folks, let’s see what’s in store for season three, Zombieland Saga: Zombies in Space or Sagapendence Day Zomb-Trek: Deep Space Seven.
Yeah, I know nothing has been greenlit or announced yet, but you know Studio Mappa has something up their sleeves with that ending. Once again, I enjoyed Zombieland Saga’s charm. I didn’t know if there was much more they could offer us after the first season’s stories, like learning how the girls died, Sakura’s past, and especially Lily’s backstory. This season, I wish there was more Yamada Tae. Come on guys, we still don’t know how she died or anything about her past! And what’s up with Yamada Tae being buried next to Sakura? Did they know each other before passing away? I want some answers! But I was blown away when it came to Yugiri’s saga and the tale of Saga itself. We got a literal history lesson about what Saga was once, what it became after a long struggle, the pain some folks went to in order to keep Saga thriving, and all leading up to where we are now.
This was a fun season. I had a lot more fun with the music this season than the previous one. Yeah, believe it or not I liked the songs Franchouchou sang this season than last season. Never a dull moment, especially with Kotarou! Yeah, his crazy-ass was totally there making absolutely no fucka sense. Take that competition Lily entered.
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What the fuck was Kotarou doing? That was an epic fail on so many levels.
Well folks, whenever season three or whatever sequel may come, I’m hoping for more information involving Yamada Tae. And you know what else was severely missing from this season, Kotarou’s past with Sakura. I didn’t forget that flashback from season one and those couple of seconds this season aren’t enough to satisfy my hunger. Those are the two things I would like to know more about in whatever comes of the franchise. Otherwise, great time had by all!
Once more, if you are not a fan of idol shows, this is the only one I would highly recommend Zombieland Saga. Crunchyroll has both seasons available for streaming. FUNimation is now dubbing the second season as we speak.
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bonneyq · 4 years
Hi! :) how you doing? I was wondering how things were over there in Ireland, specially in covid world. Hope you're safe! Also, I'm little curious about what you work with (sorry if I'm being nosy), but someday I want to live in another country, and just keep thinking how it feels like, how you manage stuff etc. I know it's a little different in every place, but you know.. :)
Hi Anon! I’m fine, thanks for asking! I hope you are doing well too!
Well, Sadly here in Ireland we are probably going back to Phase 5, we were on Phase 2 a couple of weeks ago, with restaurants and hotels opening, but now we are seeing 1000 cases almost every day so the government is trying to find a better solution. It’s a wait game now.
And if you could live in another country, even for a little while, the experience is amazing. I have lived in 3 different ones so far and the difference of cultures makes us richer.
Currently, because of Covid, I am not working, but I worked as a cleaner at an all boys’ school for many months last year and as a live-in au pair for half of this year. Hopefully I can find something that hurts my back less soon (I didn’t mind the cleaning duties, but I think I have some sciatica nerve pain. I’ll look into it better when I go to Brazil).
When I lived in Bolivia, I was a child. I went there at 17, just shy of 18. That was a whole experience in itself, but I arrived in Ireland when I was 27, a grown woman and I was still figuring myself out. Still am, really.
I think it’s mostly how much you want something and how much you crave independence. I was taught from an early age to be very independent even if I did have an overprotective mom. I also have had some... troubles (understatement) that gave me some serious trust issues with people, but never in myself.
I manage because there’s no other way. It’s either going forward or getting stuck and I learned the hard way that going forward is so rewarding. I’ve had some great experiences since I started to travel on my own, honestly, since I had to grow up. It hurt, but made me stronger.
To be fair, it helps that I do love English and I get to practice all the time here, I managed to convince my BFF to come live here for a while as well (we are living at the same house!) and of course, I found my boyfriend here, that ridiculous amazing nerd that somehow loves me and that I love back. That helps a lot.
I chose Ireland because it was “easier” for me to come and live here and also because of its location: I planned to travel during my two-year stay here, Covid kinda put a hold on that lol I did manage to go to a Comic Con in Birmigham (where I met David Tennant, Matt Smith, Catherine Tate, Gareth David-Lloyd! I was so nervous!) and to Edinburgh with my boo! Things I would never had had the opportunity to do if I had stayed where I was.
It’s not easy, it takes a type of courage that some people have, others don’t and that’s okay. Everyone is different, some people are perfectly happy where they are and others have to wander a bit before settling down. Maybe even never settle down! Other people don’t have the means to, and I had to work my ass off to pay my way here, I am one of the fortunate ones that could fullfill this dream and I’m thankful.
I love Ireland, everyone I have met here so far has been lovely, but sadly, I know there’s going to come a day where I’ll meet the “wrong” people. Xenophobes that will probably tell me to go back to my country. I know some people look at my relationship and think nasty thoughts because my boyfriend is Irish. I don’t know what my reaction will be when that happens and I hope I never have to find out.
But that doesn’t stop me, shouldn’t stop anyone.
Do what makes you happy, go where your heart leads you, work the jobs that are available, live your life to the fullest!
Oh, wow, this is huge now LOL I’m sorry. But yeah, I would 100% recommend living in another country if you can. Research, first. Ponder the pros and cons, be smart about it, strategize on how you’ll spend your time and money.
Ask yourself: can you be away from your family for a long period of time? How long and expensive is the flight/ride back home? Does the city you intend to live have an embassy or a consulate from your country? Do you know the language, if not, how will you learn or communicate? Does the country have any restrictions on clothes or coverings of any kind?
If you research and you still want to do it, save up and go after your dream! It’s very rewarding, no matter the length of time you stay! <3
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twodogsoneguy · 4 years
I went to bed around one am today. Athena woke me up again around two, vomiting. I called the vet hospital to ask them about it, and about when she’d had her last antiemetic. They said that her last shot had been Saturday (lol) after admission and that it was very normal for her to have vomited bc of how long it had been. She should’ve had another pill at three yesterday afternoon so twelve hours later it makes sense that she’d puke. Puking is a part of renal failure; I don’t know exactly why but it’s one of the things taken into consideration about when euthanasia will be the correct course of action. If the dog is vomiting frequently and cannot keep down fluids and food, quality of life has decreased enough that euthanasia is probably the correct choice, however if controlled with medications you can kinda wait.
I’m trying to wait until this weekend for her euthanasia, though I don’t know if I’ll be that lucky. My mother is having surgery tomorrow, and will be in the hospital until Friday. Athena has been such a blessing to her as well, and I would love for her to be able to share in her euthanasia, however both of us have agreed that Athena’s comfort and quality of life comes first and if she declines majorly before my mom can come home we will go ahead with the euth at the best possible time.
I guess I wanna take the time on this post and talk about at home euthanasia. There’s not always a service for this, though sometimes vets will travel to your home regardless of whether they participate in a service or not. At home euthanasia is more difficult during the pandemic, though my local service is still providing this option.
There are several benefits to at home euths. First, your pet will be in a place that they are already comfortable with, and you can usually pick a spot where they will be the most at peace while they pass. It saves you the trouble and heartache of traveling to a clinic and the logistics of getting your pet transported because there are no ambulances for animals. Performing it in your own home is often easier on you as well. Another benefit not often talked about is that if you have other pets in your home, they can either witness the passing or be allowed after your pet has passed to investigate the body and understand what happened. There is also often more dignity and compassion in home euthanasia, your pet will pass without having to go through an intake at a clinic or veterinary hospital and you can have them when it’s best for you, rather than on a clinics schedule or as a last minute emergency. The service that will be taking care of Athena also provides resources for grief and mourning your pet, as well as suggestions of local resources should you need them. In addition to all of these things, like with any euthanasia there are many options for your pets aftercare, from home burial to cremation and urns and mementos that memorializes your pet.
I have personal experience with at home euthanasia already; it was how we helped my parents dog over the rainbow bridge last year. She was very old, around seventeen if the estimate of the shelter was correct, and her mobility had decreased to the point where she had very low quality of life. She had a very peaceful passing in our living room, surrounded by her family and after having lots of yummy treats. Afterwards, we were able to allow both Athena and Harley time to see her and understand what had happened to the matriarch of their little pack. It was so beneficial to both of them, while we did see grief symptoms in them, they seemed to fair better in terms of anxiety and confusion and moved on in a more relaxed way. We opted for her to be cremated alone so that only her ashes would be in the container we received. We also had them do clay imprints of her paws, which are a sweet keepsake to remember her by. We opted to not get a fancy urn for her, given that at some point I hope to bury her on my own land. There’s is something to be said for being able to watch your loved one die in the comfort of your home; I’ve also done euthanasia at a hospital and while they did everything they could to make the dog comfortable and the process as easy as possible, it hurt a lot more because it was a strange environment and you could tell she was stressed because of that in addition to her condition.
With Athena I plan to do similar things as we did with my parents dog, I will have her cremated alone and get paw prints done. I also am going to try and get an ink imprint of her paw so that I can have a memorial tattoo done when time and conditions permit. Her euth will be slightly different due to covid, we will have to practice social distancing and rather than being in our living room we will have the procedure done in the backyard per health standards in our state. I think it’s fitting though, to have her pass in her favorite portion of the “house”. She has spent countless hours in the backyard, watching the birds and the squirrels and bunnies, soaking up the sun in the summer and rolling in the snow in the winter time. I’m going to try and plan for an evening time, because the light is perfect around that time this time of the year and I want it to be as nice as possible. It’s hard to talk about these things, but I think it’s important that we start to destigmatize the conversations we have around death, dying, and euthanasia in our pets because so many people don’t know about their options and how they can help their companion pass with dignity and grace.
I will try to post more updates as we go along, though I don’t know if I’ll be able to keep up or if I’ll be in a place where I can put my emotions into words. I’ve come to terms with the fact that Athena is dying and that there really is nothing we can do except keep her comfortable until it’s her time. Renal dysplasia is a killing disease because the kidneys are malformed from birth, though you can’t always tell. These dogs never have good values in their lives, though they often tolerate the condition for a year or two before becoming very symptomatic. The fact that Athena is 2yr 7mo is a miracle, most renal dysplasia dogs have onset of symptoms much earlier and pass at around 18mo. I am so grateful for the time we have had together, and that I will be able to keep her comfortable up until the time becomes right to help her pass on. I going to miss her so much though.
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lovemesomesurveys · 4 years
“she acts like summer and walks like rain”
The power goes out. What are three things that you have taken for granted? I mean, it depends how long it goes out for. I’ve only experienced that for a couple hours at most from what I can recall, so. Although, the worst to me is when it happens for any length of time during the summer because it instantly feels like a sauna in my house and it’s absolutely miserable. D: It happened a few times this past summer during a heat wave with triple digit temps... not fun. But yeah, that’s the only thing that really bothers me from my experience. I just mess around on my phone, play Animal Crossing, read, or just chill with the fam. My dad acts like it’s the end of the world lol like a couple minutes in he’s like, “what are we going to do for food?? I think we might have to get a hotel or something, we can’t stay here with no power.” lol.
Have you ever done the Polar Bear plunge on New Years? I’ve never done it and never would. Nooo thanks. I don’t swim or get into the ocean, lake, or river for one, for two, diving into freezing cold temperatures sounds horrific. It’d probably shock my body and kill me.
Name lyrics that include the word "baby" in them. “Oh baby, you got what I need, but you say I’m just a friend.”
You get to choose your middle name! It must begin with the letter H. Nah.
Have you ever had a Halloween party? Yeah. I had one when I was in like 2nd grade and invited kids from my class over. I had a few smaller, more just like hangouts, with my cousins or friend as well. The most recent was like 4 years ago. I’ve been to more Halloween parties than I’ve thrown, though. 
Would you rather have a plant cactus or venus flytrap? A cactus.
Are you better at crosswords or word searches? I love word searches. 
Would you rather have a water balloon fight or a paint ball fight? I’ve only had water balloon fights, back when I was a kid. I wouldn’t want to have either one now. Running around and getting hit with stuff just doesn’t sound fun. I don’t have the energy for all that. Also paint ball fights sound especially painful.
Do you like being told what to do? In some cases I might need a little push or can’t decide on something so I’ll sometimes ask someone what I should do. Doesn’t mean I’ll listen, but it can be helpful. I don’t like when someone tells me what to do as a command. I’m super stubborn, so being told to do something just makes me not want to do said thing even more, even if I already planned on doing it.
What would you do if you were attacked by thugs? If I was attacked by anyone I wouldn’t be able to do a whole lot.
Do you have a favorite word? I can never think of one on the spot when asked.
On what circumstances would you break up with someone? If they cheated on me I might, but I can’t say for sure. It would depend on a few things. I’d also like to think I would if there was abuse. I feel like I would, but I’ve never been in that situation and I know it’s not always that simple.
Have you ever been kicked out of a store? No.
What's your worst subject? Math was always my worst subject.
What are 3 things that make you happy? God, my family (including my doggo), and vacations.
“baby, let me be your last first kiss”
Have you ever been pampered? I get my hair done fairly regularly (not so much now... I can blame covid this year, but let’s be real the past few years I started slacking). 
Are you going to force your kids to be in activity or let them choose? I don’t want to have kids; however, IF I did, I wouldn’t force them to. I would certainly encourage and support, but it’d be their decision. If they didn’t enjoy it, I wouldn’t push it. It should be enjoyable for them, not torture.
Do you watch Toddler and Tiaras? Nah, I never got into that.
What was the last band t-shirt you bought? Nirvana. 
If someone asked you to go to war today, what would you say? Uh, no???
Are you passionate? I feel like I haven’t been passionate in years. Like, even things I like I don’t get as excited about like I used to. I just feel unmotivated and deflated. 
Do you usually get nervous before taking a test? Always. I had major test anxiety.
True or false : Your middle name begins with the letter J False.
Are you more comfortable in public or in your house? Most definitely in my house. This is my safe, comfortable place where I’m not judged. My self-esteem has always been crap, but these past few years it’s been even worse. I’m very self-conscious. I also just don’t like being around a lot of people. 
Do you own an old vintage typewriter? No.��
Do you hate how dogs bark every time someone comes to your house? No, I want my doggo to do that. She’s not excessive about it, though. And she’s not a little yappy dog that barks when an ant walks by lol. My neighbor’s dogs bark a lot, feels like it goes on forever and it’s annoying. 
What's a commercial that you cannot stand? I don’t pay much attention to commercials.
Mountain Dew or Dr. Pepper? Dr. Pepper. 
Do you say "mate?" like Hello, mate! No.
What makes you rate a survey? I don’t rate them. I decide if I’m going to take a survey by skimming over the first few questions and seeing if they’re of interest to me and if I’ve already done it before (well, at least to see if I’ve done it recently).
“I can’t explain loneliness”
Do you drink Mountain Dew? I haven’t had it in probably like 10 years. I used to love the red and blue one. Oh, and I liked the AMP energy drinks Mountain Dew used to(?) have.
How many weddings have you been to? Three. 
When you smile, are you confident? No.
Have you ever not done something because you were afraid of getting in trouble? Yeah.
Was the weather beautiful today? It’s finally been feeling like fall, which I love.
Do you have to have a fan on when you sleep? Yes. During the hot months I have 3 going at all times in my room. I still have 2 of them going even though I’ve been needing a blanket now. I love it, though. If I turned them off I know I’d get warm again. I’d love to have it be cold and need a blanket year round.  Would you rather have an orange, red or gray bedroom? Out of those, I guess gray.
Would you ever dye part of your hair blue? No. I dye my hair red and I just want to keep it that color.
Have you ever gone to a private school? My UC is.
Is Finding Nemo a favorite movie of yours? No, but it’s cute.
Does/Did your school have a uniform? My preschool did. Turn on the TV. What channel are you on? It is on, it’s on MTV.
Does your house have security cameras? Yes.
What's your favorite Another Cinderella Story? The one with Hilary Duff.
Does a popsicle sound good right now? No. I’m not a popsicle kind of gal.
“0 of your friends are online - yup, I feel like a loser.”
Do you drink more water or juice? Definitely water. I don’t like juice, so I never drink it.
Sweater weather or tank top weather? Which do you prefer. Tank top weather all the way, no competition. I hate summer. I also don’t wear tank tops. 
Do you always carry a purse with you? Not lately. The other day was the first time I had one, well it was my Baby Yoda mini backpack, in several months.
Do you update your Facebook relationship status when it changes? It’s never changed since making my Facebook in 2008 :X Joseph and I had our thing, but it wasn’t an official relationship. If I were to get in a relationship I wouldn’t rush to make it Facebook official cause who cares, like that wouldn’t be my first thought, but I could decide to change it at some point. Ha, maybe I would do it right away cause it’d be so surprising and shocking that I’d have to share it with everyone lmao.
Have you ever kissed a Zachary? Nope.
Do you hate when people try to embarrass you? Uh, being embarrassed certainly isn’t fun... I wouldn’t want someone to purposely try and embarrass me. Do you like in October when a bunch of haunted places open up? I like October for many Halloween-related reasons, but not for ghost walks or haunted houses - those aren’t really my thing. <<< Same, I don’t do all that.
Did you tell someone you loved them today? No.
Do you watch the show Ghost Adventures? I’ve never heard of it before. I’ve heard of Ghost Hunters - my father enjoys that show. <<< Ha, my dad really likes one of those as well; I forget which one. I’ve never gotten into shows like, though. 
When it's dark, do you always tell someone to drive safe? No.  
Are you love sick? No.
Do you want your own house someday? My family and I do. We’ve only ever rented.
What color are your curtains in your bedroom? Dark blue.
Are you superstitious? I do the knock on wood thing, but I think it’s just habit now.
Is there a cat in the room you're in right now? No, I don’t have a cat.
“it only takes a second to fall in love”
Have you ever read the book The Guardian by Nicholas Sparks? Nope.
Have your parents ever said you're ruining your life by dating someone? No.
Are you excited for anything? I’m looking forward to starting my Christmas shopping.
True or false : It's past 9:22 PM True, it’s 2:43AM.
Do you hate when artist change their music? No, not necessarily. It can be cool to see them try different genres. Does your house have a doorbell? Yep.
Would you ever name your car? *shrug*
What's worse : Two-faced people or fake people? Isn’t that the same thing?
Are you wearing a necklace? No. I haven’t worn a necklace in years.
Have you ever saved someone's life? No. Do you hate when your makeup smears? I always hated how my eyeliner smudged in the corners. I say “hated”, past tense, because I haven’t worn any makeup at all in like 3 years.
Are you good at giving advice? I think I kinda used to be, but not now. I was the one friends always came to. I used to also participate on teen message boards when I was like 12-14 and tried to offer advice and resources to people when I could. Sometimes I IMed with people who needed advice, too. That’s when I knew I wanted to help people in some way and it was in high school when I discovered what psychology/ a psychologist was. I majored and got my BA in it, too... now it’s just collecting dust and I don’t want to purse it anymore....
Have you gotten into any fights within the past week? No.
How often do you go to the kitchen? I don’t know.... probably like a handful of times. 
Are you strong? Nope. Not mentally or emotionally, and certainly not physically.
“bring her back to serendipity”
When you choose your golf ball for put-put, what color do you pick? I’ve never played.
Have you ever ate the tip of a pencil? The eraser. No...
When was the last time you wore earrings? I got cute rose gold Minnie Mouse ones for Christmas last year and wore those for a couple months until they started messing with my ears for some reason. It was weird because it was like they were getting sucked into the hole? I’ve never had that happen.
You can dye your hair red or neon green. You pick? I already dye it red.
How many Juliet's do you know? I don’t know any.
What's your current mood? I don’t feel well.
What time is it? 2:55AM. Do you own any colored pants? No.
What color of eye shadow do you wear? I haven’t worn eyeshadow in several years.
Hamburger or steak? Hamburger, definitely. I don’t like steak.
When was the last time you ran through a sprinkler? Not since I was a kid.
Can you do a cartwheel? No.
Do you believe you have the perfect parents? No one is perfect, but my parents are quite amazing.
Do you own any Converse? I still have one pair. I used to have a few.
How tall are you? 5′4.
“Right now, I just wish you were here.”
Would you ever try a workout video? Or have you? Maybe a fun dance one if it involved a lot of arm movements that I could do. Do you like your ice cream in a cup or cone? It’s gotta be a cup or waffle bowl for me cause I take too long to finish my ice cream and it gets super messy otherwise. 
Are fireworks your favorite things ever? I like how pretty they are, but I definitely don’t enjoy the sound that they make. <<< Ugh, saaaame. I hate the sound.
Is your cat orange? As I’ve said, I don’t have a cat.
Is anything in the room your in striped? My Adidas have 3 stripes on both sides.
What song do you hear playing? I’m not listening to music.
Have you ever found a four leaf clover? Yeah. Back in elementary school we used to hunt for ‘em on St. Patrick’s Day.
Do you think you've been in love? I believe so. Twice.
Have you ever read Romeo and Juliet? In the 9th grade, we were required to in English class. <<< Yep.
Were you ever in the plays in school? No.
Whose eyes do you have? Pretty sure they’re my own. Haaaa. My eyes are the same color as my mom’s. 
When was the last time you bought a pair of new shoes? I haven’t bought my own in a long time. I often get a new pair for my birthday and/or Christmas from my parents, usually my dad. He’s a total shoe guy, so he likes to buy shoes quite a bit for himself and as gifts for my family and I.
How many gray shirts do you have? I don’t know; a few.
Have you ever cried because you missed someone so much? Yes. Especially after the death of loved ones.
Do you hate waiting for things? I’m very impatient. Waiting makes me nervous and anxious.
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amplesalty · 4 years
Christmas 2020: Day 5 - Rudolph and Frosty's Christmas in July (1979)
On the fifth day of Christmas, my true love gave to me...
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“Christmas...in July?!” I hear you scoff “What a preposterous idea.” Well, maybe not. After such an unprecedented year as 2020 has been, governments around the world find themselves in the delicate position of trying to further the public health whilst trying to stimulate their economies that are circling the drain. Plus, do you want to be seen as the Grinch figure who cancelled Christmas? That’s going to look real good come next election season, isn’t it? Well, what if we didn’t cancel Christmas..just postpone it instead. Did you know that the retail industry does 50% of its business between December 1st and December 25? That’s half a year’s business in just one month’s time. But with the inherent risk of everyone piling into stores and the already lost time from all these lockdowns, why not delay things slightly to allow us all time to get this new vaccination. Seems to me that Boris Johnson would be wise to legislate a second such gift giving holiday. Create, say, a Christmas 2 next Summer to stimulate growth.
Thank you, Danny Trejo. I’m just surprised it took me this long to mention COVID-19. It took me like the very first sentence of the October marathon. I suppose the Christmas season doesn’t really lend itself to it as much, though Kevin McCallister was doing pioneering work in that whole social distancing thing back in the day.
But yes, Rudolph and Frosty. After seeing both their specials over the past couple of years, why not watch them together in some sort of superstar tag team in their own feature length motion picture epic? I’m jumping ahead slightly in the Rankin/Bass cinematic universe which apparently was a little unwise as I missed a couple of important plot points.
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Like, apparently Frosty had kids at some point? How does that work? Do snowmen fuck? I mean, Frosty was always a little dim so it kinda feels a bit weird like Buddy the Elf having kids by the end of Elf. Did kids build him a wife, bring her to life and then their combined magic allows them to have sentient children? Or do they have to be built and brought to life too? How many magic hats to these kids have access to? Is there just a factory somewhere pumping these things out? I can’t believe I have so many questions about an anthropomorphic snowman.
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Nevermind that shit though, there’s a whole backstory going on that we need to dive into full of evil wizards and deities appearing on Earth in human form. Many years ago the wicked King Winterbolt ruled over the land with an iron first and a frosty sceptre capable of great magic. But against him stood Lady Boreal.
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Queen of the Northern Lights! Oh for God’s sake, first It’s a Wonderful Life comes back to haunt me and now this. Why do so many Christmas movies have so many instances of the goddamn aurora borealis?! Anyway, she rocks up and is like “Stop all this evil tyranny business.” and he’s like “lol, no” and tries to shoot her with his magic missile, to which she’s like “Bitch, please.” and puts him into a deep slumber. But nothing lasts forever and eventually Winterbolt awakens and finds like the North land has a much more jolly leader in the form of Santa and vows to overthrow him with a rather longwinded scheme involving him winning the love of all the children of the world by making Santa get lost in a great snow storm. Then, Winterbolt can emerge with his own supply of toys and become the new Santa!
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But with her last ounce of strength, Lady Boreal transfers her remaining magic into baby Rudolph’s shiny nose. Or maybe this is some Biblical level shit and she put Rudolph upon the Earth to be the saviour of Christmas, that he might grow up to lead Santa’s sleigh through the dark and stormy night. Where was this angle in the original Rudolph?! Kinda re-writes that whole part about him being shunned by Santa and his own Father too. Does kinda take that whole ‘embrace who you are’ thing to a new level when you were pretty much created by a God to have this one seemingly life altering feature about you that actually means you’re destined for greatness. Bit of a test of these other reindeer too, this is how you treat he I have delivered unto you?!
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So, now that we have some meddlesome reindeer getting in the way, Winterbolt sets off on some longwinded and convoluted plan that involves Rudolph and Frosty going to a 4th of July circus in order to trick Rudolph into committing an evil act that will void Lady Boreal’s magic. Plus, he gives Frosty and family some amulets that will prevent them from melting but only up until the last firework fades. And to do all this he uses some sort of magic snow which can implant ideas in peoples heads? So he gets this ice cream guy to encourage Rudolph and Frosty to be in the show to boost ticket sales and help his girlfriend. This guy by the way rides around in a hot air balloon and keeps a supply of ice cream at the North Pole. Dude, it’s called a freezer.
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I love how they make this big thing about what an attraction Rudolph will be but his act is literally him standing in the middle of the tent, they use a fog machine on him and he uses his nose to shine through the fog. Then he just flies away. I mean, I suppose just having a flying reindeer is pretty spectacular in and of itself but give them a little more for their money, tell a joke or something.
This whole middle portion of the movie is a bit of a drag though. Just really boring and full of filler songs about the circus. I don’t know why this movie is as long as it is at like 98 mins. If you trimmed it down you’d have something a lot more solid. I’d say the one highlight in this portion is when Winterbolt goes to what seems to be this movies equivalent of a doss house and finds this really shady reindeer he can use to trick Rudolph. Just seeing this evil genius in Winterbolt interacting with this scuzzy landlord and finding this bum reindeer is just really weird.
There’s a neat version of Rockin’ Around the Christmas Tree too. Has this slight country, Dolly Parton feel to it and is a bit more uptempo than the original.
I was pretty disappointed during this whole section and was worried that it would end up like Frosty but it won me back again in the end by tapping into some of that uncharacteristic dark Christmas feel that Rudolph had. Where that was more cynical, this gets oddly morbid.
Like, the plan is for Santa to swing by and pick up Frosty and family in order to take them back to the North Pole before the fireworks finish so they don’t melt. Frosty is still really antsy though and is keen to duck out, even if that means missing the fireworks. Bizarrely, his kids question him on this and ask him what kind of patriot he is. I guess I never really thought of Frosty being American like that but I guess they did refer to him as having just being born when they put that hat on him. Plus he’s always saying ‘Happy birthday!’ when he wakes up so you could say he was born in America. Only trouble is, Winterbolt has whipped up a ferocious storm that means Santa is heavily delayed.
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So you get these scenes of Frosty, his wife and kids all coming to terms with their own fragile mortality as they watch these 100 fireworks going off one by one, with each rocket flying into the sky acting like another grain of sand in the egg timer of their life, another second ticking away toward their impending doom. Just these kids looking up to their mother and telling her that they promise they’ll be brave...oh my God.
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Or Rudolph having to give a false confession to stealing the takings from the circus in exchange for Winterbolt keeping the amulets powers going so that Frosty wont melt. Only Frosty knows the real truth, so everyone just shuns Rudolph. His friends turn their back on him, the crowd boo him and his nose wont light up anymore. Cue a mournful Rudolph solo which culminates in him crying as he sticks his nose in some glitter trying to replicate the beaming light it once gave off. Poor little guy.
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But apparently not everyone has given up on Rudolph becomes he comes... a whale with a clock on it?! Apparently this guy was in one of the Rudolph films that came before this, just what in the hell did I miss?
Even after a showdown between Rudolph and Winterbolt where Rudolph gets Frosty’s hat back, Winterbolt is still out for vengeance and comes to the circus for a final showdown. To which the lady that runs the circus has the most appropriate response possible...
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Reach for the skies, pilgrim! Only, her guns are just props that fire blanks so she just hurls the guns at Winterbolt and they promptly shatter his magic staff and he turns into a tree. Ooooooookay then.
I feel like Lady Boreal could have saved us a lot of hassle if she’d put Winterbolt to sleep and then took his staff away rather than just leaving it laying around for him to use again when he finally awoke.
For a second there in the middle I thought that this would be more of a Frosty than a Rudolph but it redeemed itself a bit by the end. Probably not quite to the levels of Rudolph but I enjoyed the bookends of it. If they’d cut some of the middle out and kept it under an hour, I’d be a lot happier with it. Apparently there’s another Rudolph movie that came out in the early 2000’s that revists a lot of those characters from the first one so I’m really tempted to watch that as well but I feel like I already rode my luck here and I’d really tarnish my positive memories of the original by watching a cheap cash in. I probably will just watch it anyway though so I guess we’ll find out next year.
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purplesurveys · 4 years
Do you have a pair of Beat headphones? I used to have a pair. I mean it’s still around in my closet, but it’s completely broken now with the cable all given out and the cushion for the left ear has been missing for a while. I just don’t have the heart to throw it out because it was my absolute favorite pair of headphones that gave me good memories during a particularly shitty time in high school.
How was your week? A little better. I’ve gotten into the groove at work so I’m no longer shy when it comes to asking questions and giving inputs, and I’ve gained a better grasp of the workplace’s dynamic so it’s also been easier to communicate with people. Heavy life stuff is still around and it won’t be leaving for a while, but they were easier to ignore this week.
Are any of your electronics not working properly at the moment? Not really, but my phone’s charger cable recently stopped working. I have a backup that I’m using at the moment and while it’s able to charge my phone, it’s starting to fray and I’m not feeling too good about the wires that I’m starting to see hahaha. I just don’t know how to take care of my cables, guys. Anyway, this question made me paranoid so I took a few minutes to wrap a shit ton of electrical tape on the frayed area so I think it’s all good for now.
Are you excited to pick out your wedding dress one day? I like thinking about my wedding but I truthfully dread the wedding gown part. I’ve never been able to decide what look and style suits me best and I’ve just never been good at determining things like that. I like to imagine that I’d leave that bit to whoever my maid of honor will be, because I’d definitely prize a second opinion more than my own.
When was the last time you felt relieved? Yesterday, 6 PM when I exited the last Google Meet for the day. It was a Friday night and it meant my work week was over :)) I mean I love what I do, but Friday nights will always hit differently.
Does it bother you when an artist remakes a song that one has previously done? I wouldn’t say it bothers me but covers are definitely a hit or miss for me, with way more misses than hits. Nothing wrong with acts putting their own spin on an already existing song, but I’m personally the “if it ain’t broke don’t fix it” type when it comes to music.
What brand of chapstick do you use? I don’t use any mainly because I’m bound to lose them within a week. Same goes for other care products.
Do you really think someone could be perfect? No. Everyone has their flaws and that should be okay to acknowledge.
When was the last time you cried? Wednesday, I think. It’s been three days! I’d count that as an achievement. But idk, my sadness comes in waves so I shouldn’t be celebrating too early. I’m sure I’ll feel a pang soon and be crying again over the weekend.
What’s a food that you like every once in awhile but not often? Cake. Too sweet and rich; I wouldn’t enjoy eating it every day. What letter is the song you’re listening to under? Not listening to music, but I have a YouTube video on.
Would you rather visit the 60s or 70s? 60s would be the lesser evil, I guess. I would NOT want to live through Martial Law in the 70s...I originally wasn’t even going to go with 60s because I think the world was a bit chaotic at the time, but I think my country was mostly unaffected by the political/cultural things happening then so it’s whatever.
Are you the type of person that enjoys getting hugs? I don’t actively seek them out but it feels nice when someone likes me enough to extend their arms out to me for a hug. I haven’t been hugged for a while and I feel kinda empty.
Do your socks say anything on them? I think some of my socks have the brand name on them but that’s it.
Name a TV channel that only has three letters in it. AMC.
Have you found out who your true friends are? For now, yes.
Gray or Grey? I use both spellings for no particular context. I simply like changing it up lol.
Will you be buying concert tickets any time soon? LOL of course not. And I’m very picky when it comes to concerts that I choose to attend anyway, so I doubt I would’ve bought any tickets in the last six months even without Covid unless it was for Paramore or Beyoncé.
Have you seen the movie The Perks of Being a Wallflower? Did you like it? Nope, but everyone was hyping that movie up when it came out. It never really looked like my thing < Yeah pretty much. I feel like it’s such a teenage-y movie so I was never drawn to it. I also think it would be too triggering for my depression, so I’ve felt wary about checking both book and movie out.
Is there something you’d fall apart if you didn’t have? One of my biggest fears is to end up alone, so I always have to have some form of a support system to fall back into. I would be very lost if I didn’t have at least one person to rely on.
How many weddings have you been to? I can think of four off the top of my head. I was either a flower girl or a junior bridesmaid for all of those.
When you smile, are you confident? Most times I am; I like to smile. But sometimes I smile just to fake it and avoid any questions.
Have you ever not done something because you were afraid of getting in trouble? Yesss, all the time. I’ve always been all about following the rules and I’ve never seen the appeal in breaking them. That makes me sound boring but at least I’ve never gotten in serious trouble lol.
Was the weather beautiful today? For me it is, but only because I like the rain and cloudy weather. Others might find it bleak and sad, but I feel right at home.
Do you have to have a fan on when you sleep? Yeah, all year long.
Would you rather have an orange, red or gray bedroom? If I had my dream modern/brutalist home, grey would be soooo fucking perfect for the bedroom. 
Would you ever dye part of your hair blue? I’m open to it, but I don’t think it’ll be a good match for my black hair as both are darker shades as it is. If I could dye my hair I’d pick lighter colors like green or even go all the way to blonde.
Have you ever gone to a private school? Yeah, from kindergarten all the way to high school. Private schools here typically give a better quality of education and they don’t give off the for-lazy-spoiled-kids vibe that I always hear from private schools in other countries, which makes them the norm for middle and upper-middle class families.
Is Finding Nemo a favorite movie of yours? I have other favorite animated movies, but that doesn’t stop me from loving Finding Nemo. :) I would always tune in for the whole thing if it were on.
Does/Did your school have a uniform? I had to wear one in my first school, but I didn’t need one for college.
Turn on the TV. What channel are you on? No TV where I am. I think my parents are watching a movie on their TV, but it’s on Netflix rather than a channel.
Does your house have security cameras? It does not.
Does a popsicle sound good right now? Eh, I guess it sounds fine but I’d rather have a pint of ice cream. I think that fits better with the weather and the mood that I’m in today.
What’s your favorite exercise workout? My weight training class last year was a lot of fun. I always felt dead after every session haha but I definitely felt healthier. I wish the semester had gone on longer just for that one class.
What’s your favorite thing to do? Lol I love doing many different things < Same lmao this question is so vague??? My favorite thing to do these days is binge-watch Rhett and Link content, but I like doing so many other things too.
What did you do for your 17th birthday? I was with Gabie that day and we went to a local art museum, as well as to a restaurant that she had wanted to take me to.
Does your local Walmart have benches in them to rest? We don’t have Walmarts.
Was your favorite stuffed animal really a teddy bear growing up? I never had stuffed animals. Well I was given a few of them as gifts, but I was never into them and they always ended up being owned by my sister.
If your house was haunted, what would you do? Not even think about it. Just show them that I couldn’t care less, lol.
Are you good at swimming? I can do a few strokes and am pretty good at treading, but I'm prone to panic-kicking when I can tell that the water is too deep.
What’s worse: Slow internet or slow walkers? Slow internet is such a pain in the ass. Shouldn’t even have to be an issue in 2020 anymore.
What is the rudest thing a guy has ever done to you? Cat-called, whistled at, winked at, lunged at. One good thing about this lockdown is that I haven’t had to deal with men as much as I used to. Do you sleep with the sheets tucked in or out? Well I only have one layer of bedsheet and it’s the one that covers up the mattress, so it’s tucked in by default. I have a blanket to cover me up when I’m cold.
What do you do to fall asleep faster? I find a few videos to watch as that tends to make me feel sleepy the quickest.
Do you carry a bottle of water wherever you go? I used to have a tumbler/water bottle in college but I forgot it at the gym one day and when I came back for it, somebody already stole it :( It was such a handy water bottle because it kept my water cold all day, so it sucks that I lost it. I’m planning to buy the same model again soon.
Are you afraid that one day you might get cancer? It doesn’t really run in my family save for one grand-aunt who had cancer, so I’m not too worried. But I’ve accepted the fact that it is at least a possibility.
Are you a fast or slow walker? I like being in the middle. Slow walkers are annoying so I try not to be one, and walking fast just reminds me of my mom and how quickly she walks at malls when she’s supposed to be spending time with her family lol.
Do you usually have to wear a belt with your pants? No. They all fit me just fine.
Does it bother you when people’s underwear hangs out? Eghhh, it really does. I know it shouldn’t but it really does. I just feel like it’s so invasive and it gives me a lot of secondhand embarassment.
Are you usually the person to try new things with your hair? Not really. I like staying safe with my hair. The most daring thing I’ve done with it is get bangs tbh, and I don’t plan on going any further than that.
When’s your birthday? April 21st.
What age do you look forward to reaching? I don’t feel that way about any age. Whenever I reach ultimate satisfaction and security will be a good enough age for me.
Name a state that begins with the letter M. Minnesota.
What’s the first thing you do after a car accident? Think about how to tell my parents. D:
What do you use to get rid of bad breath? Brush my teeth, drink water.
What exercise do you hate the most? Pull-ups.
What do you do at a party? Drink, socialize, tell stories, eat allllllll the food ha.
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eliza-meh · 4 years
How I Survive Life.....What’s this all about???
When there is a crisis, we as human beings always want to help. Its in our nature. Through physical help or moral support; sharing a recipe; a way of doing something to make life easier; a message to say your not alone or just a funny video.
The age of technology makes this so much easier. The ability to phone someone at the touch of a button and see them as you call them; 10 years ago just connecting just connecting to the internet took the amount of time you could phone somebody, make a cuppa and practice your handstands. (I’m not one of these back in my day people, no. Well not yet anyways)
You can post videos online of motivational speeches or we can do share quotes, upload photo’s that people 3000 miles away, who you have never met can see. The outreach of information is unreal.
In this such crisis never had we needed the use of technology more to keep in touch.
During this crisis, for some we take the time to do what we can to continue to work. Fitness- we make do with what we have. For some, they don’t know what to do- For others we take this time of isolation to learn or do something new; or something we have always wanted to do.
For me I have always wanted to sit and write. I have always been too busy, too distracted to write. My brain going into overdrive every time I sit down, or by the time I have sat down what, I have wanted to write has flown away. I wish there was a machine were my thought would automatically turn into words, that would not only make things less time consuming but solve my anxiety of structuring sentences, thinking about grammar, spelling and help me focus on my content.
Oh I say as I notice the dictate button on the corner of the word document-Let's see if this works…..
Using dicate……oh it does fantastic however I hate the sound of my own voice. Although I still have to think about grammar. Got a full stop started delete started no just posted deleted not riot a care dictate has trouble understanding the Hulk St home accent no home hat H you LL ho Just kind of fun this is kinda fun. Maybe not…….
It had trouble understanding my accent…… So I guess I'll have to type.
On March 23rd 2020 the UK government announced the Lockdown of the UK. At the beginning of March covid-19 (a strain of the coronavirus) hit the UK; a virus that had been sweeping the edge of the planet. The virus attacks the lungs and the immune system. For most people the virus will have mild symptoms, but for some the virus can be deadly and we are likely to see many more deaths. Social distancing has become the norm over the last few weeks and my hands are on their 4th layer of skin, but we need to do our bit to try and save as many people as possible. Yes it means we don’t see our families, friends or even watch and take part in sport; my one time I’m allowed out my house to exercise I now fully appreciate and have quickly come to learn to pack in as much as I can to my one and only daily venture out the house, otherwise I sit, procrastinate and let my anxiety take over.
So here I sit- after week one of lockdown, by myself, at the dining room table. My homemade pizza (I know right homemade pizza- may as well brush up on my cooking skills to, I’ll post my recipe later) I have decided to start to write. I’ve told myself not to think about my grammar, I just want to write.  I just want to see where this writing journey takes me.
And now 26th May 2020 after almost 2 months of procrastinating, writing paragraphs from time to time, I decided to take the leap of creating a platform where I can post. Like most people I needed a kick up the backside to get me going making myself write, even if its complete crap, to post something. (as well as a helping hand from a friend who regularly messages me have you posted yet, and giving me encouragement…..thankyou so much)
Most of the time its finding something to write about. I then thought about life.
My life- it’s not anything special- everyday- but the everyday is what I find relatable. Like someone conquering Everest is extraordinary and climbing Everest is on my bucket list; reading bout it is captivating. The views, the technique the struggles. But what about the views, the technique and struggle of life. Why can’t I share the simplicity of the everyday as well as the extra-ordinary? Like the impact of reading a book. Or the struggle of carrying a full washing basket up my own version of Everest (the stairs- I have my own technique for this by the way, and recently found a painful way of getting down) or sharing a story of the past, talking with someone you have never met before, a funny joke, a really cool tv programme, the product you’ve used, a craft project. The times that are happy the times that are sad. Finding a life hack or sharing positive/negative experience. Or your opinion. Like I think ever one should be entitled to their opinion, good or bad but I also feel people should be prepared that others think differently. Because each and every one of us is subjective to every aspect of life. Which is why I decided on How I Survive Life. My own life survival story for the and the trivial. Yeah there is probably a million other blogs like this- but none have the same experiences of me. We all see life through a different pair of eyes.
A little ask from me………
Now please- all I ask from you is your support- I always get these amazing ideas in my head “I’m going to do them”- but then I never have the balls to do it and I freeze, have a melt down and go back to my safe space and hide away from the world. I never take that Leap.
Well now I’m sucking up the courage- and I’m taking that jump.
I’m putting myself out there and taking every opportunity I can. You never know what’s going to happen, you never know what’s around the corner. I’m going to give it a go. So I’m asking you to hold my hand and support me, read my stuff, like it if you want, give me feedback, suggest your ideas too- oh I’m open to this!!
I’m sooo open to sharing ideas, sharing experiences and recommendations. Give me constructive feedback (now this is not slating, slagging off, trolling- its suggesting ways to improve, offering guidance)…..But if your going to hate it then don’t follow it, don’t read it, stay away from my posts- because this world is so full of negativity and bull that adding more to it is just not going to help. If you want to give me negativity than follow it through with things that could help, things to change and make it better. There is one thing that seems to be lacking in this world and that is helping each other. No person has made it by themselves there has always been someone giving them constructive criticism to guide them.
So here goes……. Welcome to my world, my life, and my brain. Welcome to ‘How I Survive Life’….. And I do hope you enjoy reading!
Lots of Love
Eliza-Meh xx
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party-of-rpg-muses · 3 years
I previously mentioned Oddworld Soulstorm, so I kinda want to give my full opinion in the game.
I've been a fan of Oddworld since the beginning, watching my mom play Abe's Oddysee on our computer back in '98 or '99. I watched her play, giving advice when I can before playing myself. Years later, we got Abe's Exoddus, also on PC. Those two games solidified my love for the series, thus allow us to get Munch's Oddysee and Stranger's Wrath (both of which we didn't really care much for at the time, but I grew to love them as the years passed. Just as I said, I've been a fan of Oddworld since the beginning and absolutely adored the series. I even picked up the ports of Abe's Oddysee, Abe's Exoddus, Munch's Oddysee, and Stranger's Wrath, despite still having some of the original releases. And I got New N' Tasty when it came out and loved it as well. Not as much as the original, but I still enjoyed it.
Then, Soulstorm came out and I bought it Day 1. I thought it was really cool and interesting at first, but issues began to surface as early as Stage 3, The Blimp. I would get hit by bombs while still hiding behind cover, I couldn't enter a door for some baffling reason, and despite really not wanting to, I had to kill a few Sligs. Later, I died countless times against Slig Mama and its stressful fight and wonky controls. But the biggest issue came near the end, at FeeCo Depot, when you have to ride a crane while be assaulted by Flying Sligs from all sides. I died so many times, I very nearly gave up on the game entirely because of that one level. In the end, I managed to succeed after about an half and a half and even though, I didn't feel triumphant.
I went into this game expecting to adore it like the others, but was met with disappointment and frustration. As someone who's been playing Oddworld since I was, like, 4 years old, I know what Oddworld is like; it's tough, but fair. You can get through any challenge with patience and careful observation (for the most part). This? No. The game gets way too strict and chaotic at times, made even worse by awkward controls (I really wish you could use the D-Pad for movement). Not only that, but the game was full of glitches. There was one time in the level where you can use Shrykull for the first time, to kill some machine gun Sligs and destroy a wooden barrier. When transforming, I killed 2 out of the 3 Sligs and destroyed the barrier, but one was still alive. I didn't have any items to deal with it, so I had no choice but to suicide and doing the beginning part all over again. I had another moment when I fell into one of the bottomless pits, but rather than dying, Abe was just constantly falling, forcing me to start from the last checkpoint. Sure, it wasn't a big deal, but still.
It also does a very poor job of explaining things, like the Supply Delivery Cannon. It took me a number of deaths before I learned that it uses items in your inventory as ammo. And that door I mentioned that I couldn't enter? I learned it closes after a certain amount of time, to which it's the only one in the entire game and there's no hint regarding the invisible time limit. Not only that, but it leads to the only Mudokon in the level and if you don't get him, you're not getting the good ending, even if you save all other Mudokons in all other levels. And there's the Greeters. In the original, all you have to do is stand still and they won't notice you. When I saw one, I thought it would function the same way, only to suddenly get shocked while I wasn't moving. I learned you need to use the smokescreen to get past it. And Passive and Aggro commands? I finished the game and I still have absolutely no idea what it does and I couldn't find guides to tell me.
Which brings me to my issues with Quarma. I recall hearing that killing Sligs will affect your Quarma, but no. Yeah, you can do a pacifist run if you want to, but that makes the game incredibly difficult unless you have tape or a Bouncy Binding Candy to get rid of them altogether. If not, they'll wake up and continue to cause trouble. Honestly, you're better off just killing them because from what I can tell, it has no effect on your Quarma. But still, you can refrain from killing them if you want to. But that brings another issues; some levels have Sligs in danger and may very well get killed without you doing anything. The Blimp, which as I said, has bombs being thrown and it's not uncommon for a Slig to get hit multiple times, thus killing them. And it still counts against you.
I can respect the more serious story, but at times, it feels a little too serious with very little of the usual Oddworld humor or dark comedy to balance it out. While the comedy added levity, it didn't take away from what it wanted to tell. I won't knock the game or Lorne for being more serious, even if it's not what I would prefer. If anything, there were parts of the more serious story I enjoyed, especially focusing more on Sam, the Mudokon Queen that was hinted at the end of Abe's Exoddus and supposed to appear in Munch's Oddysee.
I previously mentioned that I nearly gave up at the FeeCo Crane. This relates to what I was talking about regarding Oddworld being tough, yet fair. The FeeCo Crane was what Oddworld isn't; a barrage of assailants with little time to react and a single mistake is almost impossible to recover from. Unless you're really good with throwing items, the Flying Sligs will just avoid them, not to mention Abe is incredibly vulnerable during that time, leaving him unable to move quickly or jump. Doesn't help that a direct hit from a rocket will instantly kill him and machine gunners will eviscerate Abe in about a second. I played tons of games across my years, from about '99 (when I was 4) to today, being 26 and this game made me want to quit in frustration and drop the whole thing.
I'm afraid that at the end of the day... I didn't like Soulstorm. I don't think it's a bad game, nor do I hate it. But I think it has a lot of problems. Biggest ones being the aforementioned glitches and the insane difficulty spikes, especially when you hear about levels being patched to make them easier. To me, that tells me this game wasn't properly tested. The game was announced in 2017 and released in 2021. That's a four-year development cycle. And I know COVID made production difficult and pushing the release date from 2020 to 2021. But still, it feels like the game wasn't tested beyond making sure it didn't crash. I've heard stories of Muds not jumping into portals or full save files being deleted. I take no pleasure in stating my issues with the game, but honestly, this is the lowest point for Oddworld. What hurts even more is that Abe's Exoddus was my favorite game, so that was all the more reason to be excited for Soulstorm. All I have left to say is this: "I hope the next game does better and I hope Oddworld Inhabitants improves".
0 notes
praphit · 4 years
UnKempt Gems: Rant or Review? Fight or Cuddle?
For a while, everything has felt wrong. Everything still kinda feels wrong, but we’re moving more towards normalization now. Kinda like a stanky smell in the room that people notice when they first encounter it, but after being around it for a while, they don’t notice it anymore. But, things are still very wrong. 
And people are on edge!  - as well they should be.
Every gesture, every word, every post, someone can find a reason to say that your attention towards what's going on in our country right now is insufficient and or offensive:
For every inspirational word, there are people who want to stay angry and aren't ready for that type of talk (which is valid). For every negative word towards the police and their life time of brutality, there are cops or families and friends of cops who are up in their feelings about it. 
For any post that is humorous  (not about life destroyed, of course) there are people who will want to dictate when you're allowed to laugh again. 
One must be careful of any post not in tune with certain sensibilities to what's going on right now, because people are quick to call you tone deaf. So, keep the posts concerning your cute kids, your less than bright pets (or vice versa), and your weight loss selfies to a minimum.
For every word about other serious stuff (like COVID-19), people don't want to pay attention (if only the crappiness of life only hit us in one area at a time) For any post about what you're doing to help the cause (BLM), people will say that you're not doing enough (and maybe they’re right).
If you say nothing, people will judge you. Even when we were posting black boxes, people were still divided on THAT. 
Remember that scene in "The Dark Knight", when the Joker set Gotham up? 
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(if you haven't seen this movie by now, put it on the quarantine binge list):
The Joker caused chaos in Gotham City (though honestly, that city was already chaotic). Part of his plan within this chaos was to play a game with two boats full of people - both boats had explosives on them. Each boat had a detonator. Each detonator went with the bombs on the opposite boat. Decisions had to be made, and if the people on the boats didn't decide which boat of the two would blow up, the Joker would step in and make things horrible for everyone.
It feels like that right now... TENSE. Everyone seems to be part of a group, you're trying to survive, you're hoping that other groups don't do something terrible, and hoping that you won't have to do something terrible, but times are crazy (#apocalypse2020).
You've got people who want to defund the police. You've got the police doubling down, as if they're the victims here. You've still got people peacefully protesting. You had secret groups causing all kinds of trouble (which we've oddly not done much about). You've got people just trying to work - not everyone in Gotham City was part of the chaos; some people were just trying to get through their shift. You've got people taking matters into their own hands. And with all of this, we've got a "leader" who only has three moves (like an old school fighting video game) - lying, dividing, and bullying. Feels like we have to pick a team, and just hope that it works out for us. Idk.
You've got people hiding under their beds, hoping that if they wait it out long enough, it'll all blow over and get back to normal. I hate to burst your comfort bubble, but "normal" has been gone and dead for a while now; there's no going back to that.
For black people, we've been in this fight forever. For us, it comes down to whether or not we want to believe that this current installment of the movement will be any different.
For white people.... well, I've seen some white people who look at me with MORE distain now (their true colors are evident) But, other white people have been extra nice to me... it’s awkward, but I appreciate the sentiment.
Meanwhile, other white people are doing stuff like this - 
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.A group of random white actors apologizing to all black people - say that sentence out loud... it doesn’t even sound right.
I still haven't been able to get through it; it's too cringe-worthy. I couldn’t even bring myself to add a link (but it’s still online, if you’re up for the challenge). Celebs, hear me, don’t make anymore videos until we’re done with the quarantine. It's not so much tone deaf as it is useless. It only serves their own guilt. Sarah Paulson is up there with her serious glasses on. Jesse Pinkman blubbering throughout the vid, looks like he’s is up there praying for us. And some of them said some things that made me think “What the hell did you actual do? Are some of these criminal confessions?” - Just totally useless. 
Imagine if we were still riding on the METOO movement, and a bunch of random men put out a vid:
"I'm sorry for every time I went to reach for a bag of chips, and brushed up against your butt, and said it was an accident... it wasn't."
"I'm sorry for every time I laughed at demeaning, sexual jokes at your expense... they WERE kinda funny though."
"I'm sorry that every day, at work, I stared at your chest. You'd catch me. I'd apologize, you'd walk away, and then I'd stare at your butt."
"I'm sorry for all of the unsolicited pics of my junk that I sent you during our first and last date; for calling you derogatory names once you declined my advances. Getting drunk the next night, when I would send you more junk pics, and ask you out again."
“I’m sorry for not taking my young daughter to see Wonder Woman in the theatres. I wasn’t in the mood for a comedy about a woman saving the world. My bad.”
"We hear you. We believe you NOW. You matter. So... we're good right?"
We don't need to make announcements about the changes that we're making. Or how “woke” we want others to believe we are now. If you’re going to change, just change.
And then there's this guy...
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I... I just can't...
Of course there's what's happening with other races and cultures, and other life stuff (did I mention COVID-19? I have a feeling it's getting jealous, and that's not good for us).
Oh, and did y’all hear about Officer Karen?  (here’s the link)
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Pretty much, she had to do some waiting for an Egg McMuffin, and after all of the waiting, she didn’t get it (the food... but also, you know... IT), and then she cried because of all of the anxiety and tension that she has had to endure recently, due to all of the protests. When criticized she replied that people were missing the point.
I’m not heartless. Normally, a person breaking down like that would be my kryptonite. But, in this case, there is some funny behind those tears.
Let’s see - feeling anxious, threatened, forced to be patient when you deserve better treatment (and leaving unfulfilled), crying, ridiculed, and when you voice your perspective people shout you down, while you feel like people are missing the point - hmmm.
Plus, cops are supposed to be bad ass and dangerous! Keeping us safe from all of the scary people out there. How am I supposed to have confidence in you and your badassery, once you post a vid of yourself crying over some McDonald’s?
 It’s gonna be aiight, Karen. I’m sure someone will solve the case for you. But, in the meantime, pull yourself together.
I (not unlike our friend Karen) was emotionally drained, so I watched
 "Uncut Gems"
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I had actually written a complete review, but... you know... I did this instead:)
This movie, "Uncut Gems" is about a degenerate gambling jeweler named Howard (played by Adam Sandler). Howard is a hot mess. Howard's professional life is a hot mess. Howard's family life is a hot mess. Howard's hot mistress (yep, MISTRESS) is a hot mess. You get the idea; that's the whole movie. I look at jewelers totally different now; I've stereotyped them all. That's how you do it, right? Here's a person who's different than me. I'm not going to ask many questions. I'm just going to assume things about him, as well as assume that all of his people are the same way All jewelers are high-risk-gambling degenerates.
Gambling is a vice that I've never quite understood. An addiction to ice cream makes total sense. An addiction to my lovableness is completely understandable. 
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I guess I've never had the money or the patience to be a degenerate gambler. Every now and then, I'll venture to the casinos, but once I lose for the first time, I'm ready to go. I'm a starving artist. You don't hear about too many artists struggling with gambling. Drugs and alcohol, baby! Those are vices that I can respect!
This is the most stressful movie that I've ever watched. It didn't even feel like a movie. It was like following the IG stories of the most stressed out person that you know. Considering the stress that's already in the world right now, this was the WORST movie decision I could have possibly made. It IS technically a good movie, but I can't say that I enjoyed it.
Grade: a very stressful B
Kevin Garnett is in this movie. 
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He was my favorite basketball player before he retired. He played for the Boston Celtics. Pretty good in this movie... though playing himself. 
Boston is notorious for its racism. The realm of sports has amplified this fact in the past. But, KG has stated that he didn't experience much of that, BUT he was also an amazing player, who was a big part of a championship team.
Food for thought: 
Imagine if he had stunk up the joint. He could have very well have just been a tall black man, who stunk up the joint in a racist town. In this rare case, we have KG here who had lessened experiences of Boston’s racism, but he had to be exceptional in that particular industry for that to be a possibility. We can’t all be KG. 
In the beginning of the movie, a question is asked to Howard by his hot mistress - "Do you want to fight or cuddle?"
I didn't know that cuddling was an option.
All I want to do right now is fight. (Side note: White people, you're going to have to be ok with the black people in your life that are more hostile right now than you're used to) 
Someone recently asked me if I'm ok - not because of the racial tensions on the incline, but because they're not used to me being this unsettled... it makes them uncomfortable. 
We've gotta hold on, and keep fighting. 
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(btw #justiceforbreonnataylor)
But, there are also times when you have to take flight. Not, run, necessarily, but regroup and think things through. Try fighting fire with water instead of more fire.
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(former Atlanta police chief listening to protesters) 
I'm trying to think of any times when one should choose the cuddle option.
Though I suppose, if I had that same hot mistress that Howard had, I'd choose to cuddle as well. You gotta take care of your mistresses.
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Though if your hot mistress is TOO hot, she’ll eventually end up cheating on you with The Weeknd
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I don't think it would work in reverse, for me. People always seem to want to fight me. Am I not cuddly?
Perhaps in politics, where we have fought for so long, and are still screwed up. Both sides stink!
Picture the Left and Right having a giant sleepover. Trump and Pelosi in their pj's. Do you think Trump has pj's? Or does he go nothing but tighty-whities? 
They’d of course have to take some precautions - Idk if ANTI-COVID-19 Snuggle Gear exist or not, but it should. Perhaps we should try to scrub-up and snuggle it out, until we make some progress.
I also don't know what my future movie review posts will look like. Like most black people, these events have stirred something monumental in me. Something has changed in me, and I can't nor do I want to go back. But, like many, I need a lil escapism.
I can compartmentalize with the best of them, so I could see myself giving my normal praphitic review as soon as next week. I could also see myself trying to review some animated family flick
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- and out of nowhere, start ranting about systemic racism.
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I guess we'll find out together :)
Power, peace, and love.
0 notes
dazombi3fari3 · 5 years
Hey doll hey!!! How’s your day going? Great I hope. I woke up around 8 AM today and kinda just laid in bed for awhile. I’m feeling a bit better today. Throat is no longer sore and my pain level is around 6. I still have a runny nose and a nasty little cough but for the most part I’m doing pretty good. I called my doctor for my Covid-19 test results and they STILL don’t have them back from the testing center…. this worries me because that means that there are a heap of people with symptoms that have taken the test and this is why the results are taking forever…. that makes me sad for the human race. Well …. let’s jump into today’s scent and Face of the Day …..
Elizabeth Arden Red Door Revealed. I purchased mine from Macy’s for $30 for 3.3 fluid ounces. I have repurchased this scent 2 times and truly ardor this scent. the notes are  orchid, peony,  pear rose, orange blossom, plum, tiare flower, yellow champaca, oakmoss, musk, amber and Guaiac wood. This is a clean crisp scent that’s slightly sweet with a heady floral make up. This perfume is great for either casual or dressy looks and is one of my all time favorite Spring time scents.
Base:                                                                                                                                                         I primed my face using Flower Beauty In Your Prime Pore-Minimizing Primer ($10.99 at Ulta) and also Tarte Clean Slate Timeless Smoothing Primer ($39 at Ulta) to blur my pores around my cheeks and nose. My foundation today is a combo of 3 pumps BECCA Backlight Priming Filter ($39 at Sephora) and 3 pumps Revolution Beauty Conceal & Hydrate Radiance Foundation ($12 at Ulta and on their website) in the shade F5.7.  I lightly color corrected my under eyes using Pixi by Petra Correction Concentrate ($12 at Target and on the Pixi Beauty website) in the shade Brightening Peach. I used 3 dots under each eye of Flower Beauty Light Illusion Full Coverage Concealer ($10 on their website) in the shade L3.4 Light. I set my full face using  Believe Beauty Matte Blur Loose Powder ($5 at Dollar General) in the shade Translucent and warmed up my face using ColourPop Pressed Bronzer ($8 on their website) in the shade Talk to the Palm. For touch up powder today I am using Physicians Formula Natural Defense Setting the Tone Finishing Powder ($14.99 at Target) in the shade Light.
Eyes:                                                                                                                                                         I primed my lids using P.Louise Base ($10 pound sterling/ $12.08 USD on their website… can also be found on the Morphie website for $15) in the shade Rumour 0.5 and today I chose not to set the base. For today’s eye look I used the ColourPop palette I created that I hauled yesterday.  For my transition shade I used the color  Sea Stars (a medium yellow brown matte). For my crease shade I used the color Top Notch (a terracotta brown matte). I then used the shade 20 Something (a peachy gold metallic) all over my mobile lid. To deepen my outer v and outer 1/3 of the mobile lid I used the shade Feathered (a rich chocolate brown matte) from the 1st palette I put together from ColourPop. I created a drop shadow using more of the shade Sea Stars (a medium yellow brown matte) and then used more of the shade Top Notch (a terracotta brown matte) closest to my lower lash line. I then used the shade Liar Lair (a pale pink metallic) to highlight the inner corners of my eyes. I set my brows using Maybelline Great Lash Mascara ($6.99 at Ulta but I purchased mine from Amazon) in clear and then filled in my brows using Milani Stay Put Brow Color ($8.49 at Ulta) in the shade 05 Dark Brown. I carved out my brow line using the BH Studio Pro Brow Highlighter ($5 on their website) on the matte sides and set the brow line using the shade Hear Me Out (a white peach matte). I lined my lower waterlines using ColourPop BFF Creme Gel Liner ($6 on their website) in the shade Get Paid (a rose gold metallic) and I created a winged liner using Kat Von D Tattoo Liner ($21 at Sephora) in the shade Mad Max Brown and popped on a pair Kiss Looks So Natural Lashes ($12 for 5 pairs at Ulta) in the style Flirty and coated my upper and lower lashes with L’Oreal Voluminous Carbon Black Mascara ($8.99 at Ulta).
Cheeks and Lips:                                                                                                                                For my blush and highlighter I used the Rimmel London and Kate face palette ($6 on Amazon) in the shade 002 Coral Glow. The blush is a pretty satin coral and the highlight is a standard champagne. I highlighted my Cupid’s Bow, tops of the cheeks, bridge of the nose, center of my chin, and high points of the brows. I lined my lips using ColourPop Lippie Pencil ($6 on their website) in the shade Another Round (a rosey nude) and filled in the lips using ColourPop Creme Lux Lipstick (shade discontinued) in the shade Uno Mas (a medium coral demi matte).
Final Thoughts:                                                                                                                                      I really enjoyed creating this eye look. the shades blend out so perfectly and there was no fallout, although there was some kickback in the pans. I was super excited that I got my winged liner to match on both eyes. I was really feeling this look today everything came together smoothly with out any problems. I love this lip color …. this may be my new favorite nude lip ever.
My husband’s job informed him that he will have to take a 10% cut in pay to remain working during this whole Corona thing. I am a little worried but feel blessed that at least he still has his job. The only bad part is that he will have to take a furlough for the first part of April which means I have no idea how we will get by for the first 1/2 of April… as I’m sure many others are feeling.
This is such a troubling time in the world…. I just want you all to know that I appreciate you keeping me going by visiting my blog. I pray that you are OK and that you will continue to be in good health. I just want you to know I’m here if you ever just need to vent your frustrations or voice your fears and worries. I’m only just either a comment or email away …. My email address is on my blog home page …. please don’t hesitate to shoot me a message if you just need a safe place to vent…. love you all and stay safe.
Well that’s all for now dolls. Have a great rest of your day/night. I hope and pray that you are in good spirits and that you are in good health. Remember…. Save a spoon for a bit of lipstick.
Smokey Gold Eye Face of the Day Hey doll hey!!! How's your day going? Great I hope. I woke up around 8 AM today and kinda just laid in bed for awhile.
0 notes