#kinda au kind of headcannon idk thinking
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poisongod420 · 5 months ago
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Continuation of a sketch page that is somewhere.. (I’m not scrolling to find it) also found an old fake comic thing on my computer might finish, might forget about it again🤷🏻‍♀️
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disgruntleddemon · 2 months ago
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i though i'd try and do designs for the better world from J3 as fun lil challenge! i went w middle age-ish, since we don't rly see that in canon.
McGucket gets to be fun and silly. he gets into eccentric button ups (i firmly believe the Hawaiian shirt Stan puts on the skeleton was McGucket's), and just generally enjoys getting ridiculous with his outfits. also, return on the mustache! and a ponytail for the hell of it. kind of a fun uncle vibe.
i think Ford just likes plain colored button ups. that's basically all he wears in flashbacks lol. besides that, he's a bit more outdoorsy. best believe he has a shit ton of random things in the vest pockets. he also doesn't have any tattoos from Bill, so that's nice
for Stan i basically just went w his sea grunk look. his hair is just starting to thin out a bit. his chin is also scruffier since i'm still not sure how to give a dog stubble. idk, his design was the trickiest to figure out.
Stan and Ford's matching earrings were from an incident where they were drunk and one of them thought it would be a great idea. both of them insist it was the other's idea. they never got rid of the earrings though lmao. McGucket teases them about it sometimes.
anyway, long ramblings on my timeline headcannons under the cut:
so, the main thing that ended up changing the timeline, was Ford reaching out to Stan Sooner. things had just started to go bad, like in cannon, but Bill played one of his cards too soon.
he did the zombie possession thing, and that's enough to scare Ford into contacting Stan. the idea that even death wouldn't be enough to escape Bill was pretty terrifying y'know?
he hadn't yet come up with the plan to hide the journals, so primarily he wants Stan to help buy him some time. basically, he needed someone who could babysit him and make sure he was restrained if he fell asleep.
given his goal, he has more time to just sit down with Stan and explain the whole situation. he's a bit more trusting than cannon Ford, but in a "this is a last ditch effort, idk what to do if this fails" way. obviously, Stan agrees to help, which also means they're now living together and forced to work through their issues. it does go a bit smoother than would have in cannon tho. at some point during this time period, they do hide the journals. they're basically throwing anything at the wall trying to see what sticks.
Ford believes they REALLY need McGucket. with some convincing from Stan, he works up the nerve to call Fiddleford's home. only to be met with Emma saying he hadn't come back, and not to call her anymore. i kinda picture a scenario where Ford and Stan desperately try to find McGucket, only to, ironically, get snatched by the blind eye after seeing something supernatural
i'm not entirely sure how i'd have the confrontation play out. i do think this gets to be a moment where Ford is the one to excel in a social situation. like, i think it'd be a chance to see some of him and McGucket's friendship, and show how much Ford does actually care.
either way, McGucket agrees to help at the end. idk what to do with the blind eye, but i'm thinking similar to the ending of the episode in the show. except maybe more open ended if all the members got their mind erased in case i want the blind eye to make a reappearance as antagonists later.
i've seen a couple different ways people go about protecting Ford's mind from Bill in mystery trio aus. unicorn hair, metal plate surgery but riskier, metal helmet, etc, but i'm surprised no one ever uses project mentem!
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for one thing, it just SCREAMS fiddleford to me. i already headcannoned better world McGucket gave cannon Ford the blueprints for it, so of course i'm gonna use it as part of my better world timeline. i mean, if he made the memory gun, i can def see him making the brain protector too lol.
after that is a couple various events:
Ford and Stan have to help McGucket recover from his memory gun addiction. while not as pronounced as cannon obviously, he still has memory issues left over
they start dismantling the portal
Ford publishes his research like McGucket originally suggested, and does get quite a bit of money from that
Mcgucket and Emma get divorced and have to figure out their situation. i think it'd be awhile before Fiddleford gets proper custody, but i do think Emma moves closer, and Fiddleford gets to see Tate
the trio opens something similar to the mystery shack, but an actual anomaly natural history museum. Stan ends up doing tours, while Ford and McGucket do the displays + research for that. it's around this point those two officially get together. they'd been kind of dancing around it for awhile lol
surprising everyone, it's Fiddleford who thinks they should revisit the portal, and that he has ideas on how to get it to work safely. still not entirely sure how to have that play out, but obviously they do figure it out in the end
at some point the institute is founded
when the portal is actually finished, and dimensional travel becomes more of a thing, Ford and Stan start exploring together. they don't go sailing, but the do get to go on adventures as brothers :]
at some point, shifty is revisited. having seen a few aus where he ends up as Ford and McGucket's kid, i'm kinda leaning in that direction. haven't decided what to do with him yet
now, when cannon Ford shows up, and gets some of the basics of what happened in this world he asks Fiddleford something to the effect of "so, did Stan hide the journals?" and he technically did hide them, WITH Ford, so McGucket is like "yeah, i guess so, but-" before cannon Ford cuts him off and changes the subject.
i think cannon ford was already overwhelmed by seeing what was essentially his dream world, that finding out what happened to Stan would be too painful. if they reconnected, that would hurt, if they never saw each other again, that would also hurt. so, cannon Ford, king of repressing his feelings, just avoided the topic.
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starberriemilk · 24 days ago
ok, so...
sinclair is transmasc. i find that a great idea...
but did he realize that before or after the first kromer incident, in your headcannon?
and better question, do you think kromer would be transphobic?
idk, i'm just trying to figure it out.
Hi! Thank you so much for the ask, I never get any about my AU but i love getting em 😭
Either way to answer your question, I didn't really figure it out yet...
But I generally I like the idea that when we see his memories in canto 3 he already kinda knew something was wrong with his gender, but was still figuring himself out, Demian helping him a little (since he himself is transmasc in my head + he's very androgynous.. at least in the book smh smh) but not fully cracking his egg yet... And then when he joined Limbus Company and was asked for his name he quickly blurted out Emil without much thought (because he didnt want to use his deadname, so he quickly thought of masculine version for that name) and it kind of stuck and was very surprised everyone just started just treating him like a man even though he wasn't passing at all (the fact he's fat in my AU isn't helping him much with passing either)... So the experience of being treated as a boy and having he/him pronouns used on him over time was truly what made him realize that he's definitely a trans man! I don't know when he exactly came out to the sinners but it was definitely when they're all close (they... weren't even surprised btw. they just thought he's a trans man from the beginning lol but Sinclair thought he was passing so well everyone thought he was cis 😭😭😭 IS HE STUPID /aff)
As for your other question, I personally don't think she'd be transphobic. She is ableist af, yes, but not transphobic... and I also headcanon she's transfem SO FDSFDSFSF Actually I think the concept of transgenderism and medical side of it could be something that'd fit with the whole. flesh cult bullshit N corp has going on buttt that's a discussion for another day !!!! My point is that she would respect Sinclair's identity
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a-sad-mage · 30 days ago
It’s so strange to think that like…on an inherent level Tad and Eli would understand each other better than anyone else in slugterra regardless of their surface experiences or whether they like each other. I know they’re probably from the same area, but even in the off chance/AU where they aren’t, large cultural phenomena are going to be shared (e.g. memes, movies, tv shows, music, pop culture in general) as well as general information (I kinda headcannon that things like the age of the earth are unknown/miscalculated just because they don’t have rocks from 4 billion years ago to date, they don’t have fossils from the Cambrian explosion etc. You can know everything about gravity and light and physics but know nothing about biology just because it’s more physical evidence based than mathematical recreation) and finally shared experiences (similar school systems, being allowed to do x at y age etc).
I know a lot of the fandom don’t like tad for various reasons, but there’s so much to work with in terms of Eli finally having someone he can just say shit like “do you think the king of sling would like Elvis music?” And just be UNDERSTOOD. Being understood would probably heal something in Eli’s soul because he just hasn’t had that in YEARS. The gang are nice and well meaning, but the whole slugmas episode made it really clear they don’t share the same culture or experiences as Eli, on some level, they genuinely can’t understand or relate to him because of that. They’re his friends, they’re his family, but they’re not the same.
Idk man, something about the one person who could truly know you on a level others can’t just does something to me
I don't think it's strange at all. In fact, it adds a strange, yet sad, i wana say charm? When you go back as re-watch the show with this kind of context and mindset.
Eli, to us, acts rather normal and makes references to things we get on occasion, but compared to everyone else in cannon, it's weird and doesn't make sense.
There has been more than one occasion in the early episodes when Eli says something the others give him an odd look. For instance, Eli mentioned Halloween in DeadWeed, and because Slugterra doesn't have a Halloween/anything equal to it, it's a weird thing to say, and Eli has to lie about it.
For an entire year, even after telling the Gang about the Surface, Eli Shane basically has to keep a part of himself locked away. Sure he can talk to the rest of the team about his home up top, but it's not the same as actually talking to someone about something familiar.
Slugterra may be his home now, but it will never change the fact he used to belong topside, and that try as he might, there are going to be things he misses.
So when Tad comes along, it's not just a new friend, or member, it's a connection to a world he cut himself off from. And Eli is so excited by notion of having someone to talk to, that he can relate to on a more personal level. Talk about holidays, sports, video games ect-
But a sad fact to that is that Eli has been gone a year, which means Tad is going to bring up things he had no idea even happen in the year he's been in Slugterra.
So, while it's awesome to talk to someone who can truly understand you, it doesn't change the fact that there is a disparage in common information or even interests, for that matter!
A lot can happen in 12 months. And while people can live on the same block, they experience things differently.
It doesn't change the fact that Eli is genuinely happy to have Tad around and a part of the gang because he gets to talk to someone like him and share his experiences. Form a different kind of bond.
This is why it probably hurts even more when Tad betrayed the Shane Gang when compared to Twist.
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spookberry · 2 years ago
Hi! Sorry if this is a bother but I was wondering about your headcannons/ideas for relationships (if there are any) between the Monster High ghosts and the Danny Phantom ghosts in your Half Normie au (your crossover? Idk what to call it, sorry.)
I really like hearing about these kinds of world building things, sorry :)
Youre no bother!
Generally speaking before Danny shows up at Monster High the only pre-established friendship between a MH ghost and a DP ghost is Danny and Porter. Porter is a newer ghost and a more curious sort, so he's wandered off to see what all the buzz is about Amity Park is and also maybe left some graffiti in a few places. Most MH ghosts don't have any plans to take over the world or whatever(Madame Ghostier not included) so they've never really been involved in the Amity Park ghost community(everyone over there is Crazy)
After the events of Haunted and winding up at MH, I like to imagine Danny ends up befriending Operetta. I also think River would like him but in a little sister kind of way.
Outside of Danny I like the idea that the Haunted ghosts would start exploring once theyre no longer isolated to the school and Vandala and Youngblood would absolutely become buddies. The swap pirating yarns and whatnot. Oh also I think Operetta and Ember have some kinda intense rivalry that leads to them also being friends, but they still refer to eachother as a rival of sorts.(they work in completely different musical genres and would not have to compete, but the whole ghost with musical mindcontrol powers schtick puts them both on edge.)
The Johnnys hate each other obvi
Oh but you know what Kitty is an AVID ghostly gossip reader. She has no fucking clue what any of the gossip is about cuz she's never been to MH but she loves the tea regardless.
A fun crack ship would be Principle Revenant and Walker tbh, the two have no reason to meet ever, but I feel like they'd get on super well and make everyone elses unlives worse cuz of it.
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purpdrawsthings · 8 months ago
Facts about the Brainwashed au!
Random idea I got ehehehehe ok I'll get to the point now pls don't leave-
- Most characters in here follow my own personal headcannons! For example, unlike the 4 in the show that is obsessive over memes, and kinda crazy sometimes... My headcannon makes him a more normal person, just wants to make videos, doesn't obsess over memes that much, overall a chill and kind guy but still a little stubborn and chaotic sometimes hehe. Most of these were formed after the events of IGBP ofc.
- 3, ever since working in the studio, has been less cocky and sometimes checks on his friends, especially 4. 4 just kinda worries him sometimes.
- Oh and don't worry, Beeg and Eggdog live in the studio now =DDDD
- Whenever 3 wants to let out his emotions, he would always go to 4. Besides, the others wouldn't understand tbh-
- 4 always works overtime. Sometimes a little too much. Too the point that he would actually work from 1am to literally 3am. This is because if he messes up the deadlines, Puzzles would just give him more work. Which he ofc, obviously does not want to do.
- 4, 3 and some others don't usually even comb their hair much anymore. Unless it's for any important occasions. That's why you could see their hair pretty messy sometimes. This is due to how early they start and also overworking ofc.
- Puzzles is actually not all that bad. He just doesn't know how to manage employees cuz he's been working alone all this time.
- The ones that would probably be the least overworked would be Boopkins and Bob. They rarely even have any eyebags [ idk how Bob even gets those 💀 ].
- 4 is more clumsy than before, easily not even noticing things. He sometimes even slacks off during acting.
- The crews room doesn't contain any cameras, because Puzzles kinda doesn't wanna intrude in their privacy. So they usually use the room as an opportunity to plan on some secret projects.
- Mario sits in a seperate rooms than the other because Puzzles does know his potential to fuck up everything in a millisecond.
- Unlike the others, Mario actually doesn't get overworked and usually spends his time memorizing scripts, acting, and spending time in his room. Puzzles already knows Mario can't do anything without messing up.
- Puzzles only gives gifts to his favourite employees [ speaking of which, didn't 4 get a gift from him one time? ]
- Just like on the movie, the entire world is under Puzzles control ofc.
Anyways, thats about all I could think of! I hope people get to enjoy this au as much as I do =)
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blazefirefox · 8 months ago
yeah long post but read through it trust me
Something I've kinda wanted to talk about for the last month is my thoughts on the general doai timeline. I was rewatching volume 0 and realized that I kinda had the events in my head out of order, and then overthought stuff, etc. ect. But I just want to put my thoughts somewhere and hopefully discuss it with other people. The first thing I want to talk about is the Haunted Halloween PSA. When looking at the chapters of the vol 0 video, it said that the PSA took place in 1993, which was a lot later than I thought. This means that Mortimer couldn't have been veldigunified until after 1993, or at least not fully transformed, the process could've started before that. The important thing to note is that Mortimer was stable enough to make a whole PSA, but maybe his veldigunification is what causes the PSA to fall apart in vol 0 (unless Clyde causes that itself idk). So I suppose something to keep in mind from now on, but whatever happens, Alex would most likely be turned into a veldigun before Mortimer, in the sense of AUs, unless they survive much much longer than they would've in vol 1. The next thing I want to talk about is what's keeping me up at night the most lol. We know that the Lankmann Foundation was established in 1990, which is when we can assume volume 1 also takes place. In the video introducing this, toon lankmann specifies that the event of the children disappearing was 4 years ago, solidifying what we already know, Clyde first became active in 1986. However, we learn that patient 66 calls the police in April of 1990, and this most likely happens after the introduction video to the foundation was released because she's probably using their phone number. This would mean the rest of volume 1 would take place mid 1990, possibly early 1991 if we're being generous. The thing that gets me though is that if patient 66 was taken in April of 1990, why would they say that the halloween incident happened 4 years ago if the foundation's opening was nowhere near halloween of 1990? The absolute earliest the Lankmann foundation would've been founded was January of 1990, if they want to say 4 years strictly because of the year numbers, but they'd still be closer to halloween 1989 anyways. This is probably just an oversight and im looking too much into it, but eh. still something to think about. Another thing is Winfrey. When I watched volume 1, I kinda just assumed they captured winfrey between 1986 and 1990 because Clyde was starting to become more active bc im stupid ig. But I guess the option that makes more sense is that clyde started hunting because winfrey was kidnapped, so before 1986. idk if that was confirmed or widely accepted, so I just want to check. Last thing is just a weird semi-headcannon, but the lankmann foundation was probably doing stuff before they officially became known to the public in 1990, so yeah. also I don't really know where to put this, but I'm gonna say that the Caretakers are robots/animatronics of some kind, mostly bc that was my first instinct when I saw them, and the sounds they produce make me raise an eyebrow. I have heard some people say that they were veldigun victims, which would be cool too.
Yeah, I just wanted to make some observations known, and maybe someone in the doai sitcom/pastra discord server could look over stuff and share this there, in case anyone had anyting to say about it. alright questions are appreciated bye
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itzpris · 6 months ago
how easy do you think the "pets" would be to fluster, and what kind of things would make them blush? (I use pets in quotations because I'm imagining them in human form. Also I'm talking sfw stuff because I think I worded this weird. Idk I think I overthink how my wording comes across in text 😅)
Yeah don’t worry I got that mate. I’ll keep this as a Human Au and SFW. And also I assume you mean flustered from affection from a partner or friend, so I'll go with that.
Some of these will be inspired by a post Leffee made with pretty much the same question. Idk if I can find it anymore, but I do remember some of it.
Ranked from most to least:
Penny - She's already very sensitive with lots of her feelings, so she was my top pick here. Compliments from strangers, friends, a boyfriend, she just enjoys compliments like that! And physical touch (hugs/kisses/cuddling) just amplifies it. She thoroughly enjoys it all.
Vinnie - Say something good about him or his dancing. You'll have quite the mess on your hands then. He doesn't think too highly of himself, so he's very surprised whenever he hears stuff that contradicts it. I'm just ranking him lower than Penny because he just tries to hide his reactions more.
Sunil - Oh my dearest magic man baby yes I will fluster you beyond belief because it makes you so cute- *cough cough, ahem* Yeah he's fairly easy to fluster. He puts himself into his hobbies and skills, so he really loves it when people point that out. I also think that simple, quick hugs make him blush and I think that's adorable. 😌
Minka - Hehe I love the thought of flustered Minka. She's very used to compliments on her art, so if you say something about her appearance it'll be even better. She's covered in paint stains a lot of the time, which she thinks makes her look kinda gross. But let her know that you look past that, she'll really appreciate it.
Russell - He usually responds to compliments in a "Oh, thank you, sir! Now could you please give me your signature, I really need this paperwork done." sorta way. Even if you're with him as a partner, it's not too easy. You reaaaaally gotta get him in a vulnerable spot, like his neck and/or chest. Kisses, touches, all that.
Pepper - Pepper is a performer, they love the attention and is used to it. She usually just acknowledges compliments with a quick 'thank you'. Even in relationships, she'll be the one to try to fluster her partner. But she usually falls weak when it comes to physical affection.
Zoe - She's kind of like Pepper. She’s already so used to receiving compliments from lots of people all the time. It's usually about her makeup, her outfit, hair, voice, all that. So an effective way to get her flustered is by picking something else to compliment. Here's a quick example. Compliment her cooking? She'll try to mutter out a thank you, but gets so distracted that the food ends up burnt like her face.
Bonus Zoepper headcannon: They get into competitions into who can make each other blush more/more flustered. It can get pretty competitive.
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omegaversetheory · 10 months ago
I have read some omegaverse stories and saw some of those infamous ABO gacha heat cringe videos throught the years, and something abt those types of stories that seems quite creepy to me is the fact that omegas almost always look like children, act like children and are TREATED like children while their alpha counterpart is always potrayed as a normal adult
So idk, even thought i know that every omegaverse is different depending on the creator i Wonder what headcannons would you have about that topic, like for example:
-Do omegas age like any other people or they have some genetic factor that makes them look younger and/or age slower?
-would that "child treatment" have its roots from the discrimination omegas would have faced in the most conservative countries?
-In those same conservative spaces, would omegas get pressured to appear as childish as possible because they will be cuter and get a mate more easily?
-Would that kind of judgement perpetuate a kinda pedo-ish mentality on those inhabitants of said places? Would parents of omegas use puberty blockers on them so they still look young? Would omegas be encouraged to have a mate at a dangerously low age?
I mean, i know that this question can be really triggering or sensitive, but the fact that a lot of omegaverse stories and stuff i have read have this pedo-fetish creeps me out a lot and i Wonder if that kind of issue rooting from conservative judgement would happen in your AU
I, too, find that part funky and uncomfortable - but who cares. It makes readers and writers happy and gives me an opportunity to get creative. For example, I like to think that like romance tropes in romance novels pale in comparison to real romance and love - people living in omegaverse au's would feel the same way about those tropes and stereotypes. It's just another romance trope - the infantilization of omegas.
But let's answer your lovely questions!
Yes. Everyone ages the same. I've never seen a headcanon suggesting otherwise, and I don't write it differently in my own au. But in an omegaverse au that does use this idea, perhaps looking youthful is part of the beauty standards for omegas. It could include - a round baby face, the kind of soft body that evokes baby fat, bouncy and smooth skin.
I would argue that no, it's not based in conservative treatment, but in the traditions of generations since past. Sure, more conservative cultures are also ones that adhere to tradition more strongly. For example, omegas would be "debuted" to society around age 18, the prettiest/most valuable ones would be bonded and mated that same year, others may have to wait. Having a young omega as your mate would signify some level of wealth or power - as it was these alphas to whom the omega's parents would be overjoyed to let their omega bond with. This leads to a preference for the kind of youth that lasts - leading to a cultural beauty standard many generations after that courtship practice fell out of style.
Act childish? No. Appear youthful? Yes. Childish would be throwing nonsensical tantrums, wining, having some level of ignorance/overly innocent to the world. What would be fashionable instead would be having a fresh/light personality, wearing clothes that echo the same fashion of young children (ex if it's in style for babies to wear ruffles, ruffles may start to be popular for omegas to wear), wonder and a thirst for knowing things would be attractive in omegas as well.
Absolutely not. Children having children is not ever a good headcanon. Pedophiles would be treated the same way, if not even harsher in this world. Puberty blockers wouldn't help, as that would keep a child a child longer. I don't think it's something parents would worry about - their omega child looking too young, but it would give them some anxiety if they presented early. Heats/Ruts do not have a sexual element for children - that develops slowly as after their human puberty ends - so imagine around 17-19 they might start getting that instinct - but that's when they would be debuted to find a mate. So yes, if you consider 18 dangerously young. But in modern times the average bonding age gets older and older, just like in real life.
I'm sure you and I aren't the only ones who aren't fans of that omegaverse trope, but it's just that. A trope, and a place for people to explore the taboo. To me, just see it as a a/b/o twist on the daddy/little trope that so many readers enjoy, and that could be pushed further the right (safe and consensual) contexts - one of which being the fics they consume and create.
Take the headcanons you like, leave the ones you hate or refashion them. My favorite part about omegaverse is that it is entirely fluid and never concrete. We agree on much, and on nothing. No two aus are the same.
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scary-monsters · 3 months ago
hiii kat sending u all my love and the best of luck getting through this week 🫶🏼🫶🏼
I’ve been working on my fic, and I’ve been designing/workshopping what Diego’s house would look like, both in canon and then in a modern setting. and I was curious if you’ve thought about that too? Like if there are certain trinkets he has around, how grand it is or if he keeps it simple? One thing I’ve headcannoned is that he has a specific room especially for his mom, set up in a way he thinks she would’ve liked :’)
also, other question, what kind of British accent do you give diego? I thought I remembered you writing somewhere he’s from Manchester :0
MAVS BELOVED hello 😭🧡 thank you so much.. this month feels like it's never gonna end but i'm doing my best to get through it. i hope the holidays are being kind to you and you're not working yourself too hard!! 🫵🏻
OH YAY that's so exciting... I want to know all about it... thinking about what his house would look like is so fun, i have definitely thought about it a few times :'))) i always imagine him keeping a lot of books, idk why but i imagine him as a huge nonfiction fan in a modern setting, like he's always striving to learn new things? and no matter what au he's in i always picture some sort of horse trinket because in my mind you simply cannot separate diego from horses, no matter what context he's existing in 😭 i think he keeps things fairly simple but he likes his living space to have some flare to it. in canon i think he'd have his initials embroidered on things, or maybe have his sweater pattern carried over into some of his decor, but not to an overwhelming degree? i think he has a good eye for that sort of thing and he strikes me as someone who would be very particular.
A ROOM FOR HIS MOM..... that's so sweet 🥺 i love that idea, what sort of things does he keep in there??? in my modern au i imagine he kept all her recipe books and jewelry but he keeps them kinda tucked away for the most part. the thought of him having a room for her is so lovely though, GAH, he's such a mama's boy it kills me 😭 one of his best character traits tbh
and YES, you're remembering right! in my modern au i wrote him as being born in manchester and having a strong accent to match.. i literally sat down and watched a video of different accents from the UK and that was the one that struck me as the most "him" for some reason :')) i think it's really charming..
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snowball-doie · 5 months ago
WAIT DAMN MARK DOESNT EVEN KNOWWW😅😅 do you think they’re gonna find out when she gets older and her features mature more?!?!? I need to knowww PLEASE YAP I LOVE THE HEADCANNONS!!! 🙇‍♀️
they basically all agreed from the get-go to not know who her dad really is just to be fair and to love her equally. but cuz john and ahri (my oc) were together first, he's the one that's on all of reyna's paperwork. i honestly haven't figured out yet why or how he found out that mark's her dad-- it'll prob be when she gets really sick and has to go to the hospital for a bit. but ya. they dont know ahahhaa-- and they dont even know that johnny knows oop.
last night i was having a lil angsty moment and thought up an idea of how they could find out-- but it'll never be canon in my au. so i still need to figure out if they find out and how they would.
it's kind of..... idk? is ironic the right word? that mark's her dad tho cuz he was the one who was most anxious about having a kid, given the circumstances / situation-- if you read my dynamics page i kinda outline how he's very apprehensive about the polycule. but esp when he and the boys get back from tour and ahri's showing, he gets really anxious about having a baby, and ahri overhears him confiding in some of the boys about it. he and ahr eventually talk it out and all is good. and he also names reyna (it's kind of funny if you guys wanna know more about that lol)--- AH IM GONNA STOP NOW YAP YAP I COULD BE HERE ALL DAY
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gomzwrites · 2 years ago
✧✿✧˖° Chocolate °˖✧✿✧
Hello heLLOO! *waves excitedly over a round table* come come I have tea and dessert for everyone *pulls out a few chairs*
Alright, so. Some of my thoughts first regarding the Academic AU
I wrote this fic longer than intended because I was going heavy with the details and plot
Though I am wondering if this kind of smut is welcome here, because I've let a few of my friends to read it and gotten mix responses, some said it was lengthy while some said they liked it
Personally, I was trying to walk readers through the entire process, and since its the first encounter/$ex scene, I wanted to show the small details to indicate some stuff
Initially I was going to write like virgin reader for the innocent sake. but that will make my fic longer WHEEZE-
I ended up hinting the "innocent" part with the floral pattern on the brief, well I say hint but idk if that was obvious lmfao anyways-
not to say I dont like longer fics, but the longer I write, the more mistakes im gonna encounter (if you can't tell already, i struggle a lot with grammar lol)
In the end after much consideration, ive cut down heavily on the smut and condensed to what we have now and Im okay with it, tho I would like to hear your thoughts (send me anonymously if you're shy, or just comment, I dont bite I promise :D)
Okay, *pours everyone a cup of tea*, some headcannons and notes
So, as you all can tell, there was a hint of mlm there of Price x Simon, not sure how everyone think about it but I for one eat that shit up
Now, I did gave some thoughts about the subjects Price and Simon teach, in the end though I decided to leave it blank because I couldn't be sure
See im from Asia so the education system here is extremely different from the UK/US, and I got kinda confused and overwhelmed with the choices XD so I just left it blank
I was going to write them with STEM majors, but eeerrr Idk, cant really picture Price or Simon as engineer or medicine lecturers(iykyk)(rise up my STEM sisters and brothers-)
Perhaps you can give me some thoughts about it, I was thinking something about History for Price, then something about Linguistic/Statistic/Psychology for Simon
Okay, Gaz also made an appearance on the fic((of course he did, my precious bb)), now for him I have a solid idea to make him Pharmacology based or at least somewhere along the healthcare sector, hence the Dr
I might, also bring Soap in the future, but I dont know how or what his role will be yet (gym tutor? physical therapist?)
Will I make this into a poly thing? Im not sure, probably not XD but I might do a special moment with Gaz bcuz im that bias
oh yeah, forgot add on, but yes there's a reason for the name changes(Mr Riley to Simon) and name that stayed (Prof Price), its just to further show that Price has the power and all the sayings (you know cuz he is the Captain originally so I wanted to bring that over)
You wanna call him John? mmmm that's gonna take some convincing and time >:)
Lastly, some future plans (no promises) - nsfw here
many h0rny, many ideas, many tired
anyways, Im thinking of xreader individually fic(like Price x you then Simon x you separately), then eventually building it up to both of them destroying you in threesome manner (lovingly)
I want. I want to write Price being mEAN YALL-
Like him bullying you and putting a vibrat0r inside you and force you to come out to write something on the board in front of everyone, dialing up the intensity as you try your hardest not to cum right there
or or or or or
thinking about c0ckwarming under his desk- raaasdajdgajdh
then Simon...oh sweet sweet Simon
Im thinking maybe dom!reader, just a maybe.
Riding him until he's a whimpering sobbing mess
Idk if anyone remembered, but u know this part?
Tumblr media
yeah, maaaaaybe Simon has that exhibitionism kink
so lets abuse that shall we
thinking of doing it in the car park/in his car, you giving him head under the steering wheel as he pulls down the car window slightly to talk to a student who just wanted to chat
Poor him trying to be calm and steady his tone as his knuckles turned white, hands clammy as you suck harder, not giving a damn if you're going to draw attention
or or or or or or or
going back to the riding part, tying him up with his tie, not letting him touch you as you ride that dick like your life depends on it, you hear him begging and whimpering, bucking his hips up desperately
im very unwell
ANYWAYS, ye so far, these are the only ideas I have atm, but don't expect me to write it so soon haha
If im gonna be honest, this blog was created when I had a massive art block, and then somehow (even until today!!) my soft fics blew up and ye it escalated from there
not really but also- If you see me write a fic, its usually bcuz im struggling with art, likewise if you followed me on @gomzdraws or twitter, you would notice im more active cause I think for me, drawing is easier than writing
im grateful to be able to express in two mediums tho, even tho I suck at it haha
but I do sincerely want to make this into a series, so I thank everyone for being patience with me, I appreciate it
Ogeh, *brings out a briefcase* recommendation time
if you like Prof AUs, then boi do I have some fics for you here in tumblr
Guyfierii has a long Prof series and they're wonderful
Shroomie (one of the first few blog I was exposed to when I started reading cod fics :D) made 2 Prof fics as well - sadly I dont think they're active since April because of uni :(
ajhdkadh sleepyconfusedpotato, the god of both being a great artist and oc!fic writer made a post a while ago about tf141 possible Professor headcannons - give it a look if ya interested
that is all from me, and btw don't feel obligated to comment or send me a text or anything!! The fact that you made it till the end is already making me happy :D thanks for reading my babbling and points LMAO
Have a nice day/night friends :)
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tenoart · 1 year ago
I'm just rambling w this but in life serise winning really feels so bitter sweet. More like a curse then any kind of victory. Personally kinda headcannon that Gem wanted to win really bad, and Pearl as a previous winner knew it was horrible remembering everything and living with the building guilt and mixed emotions every season. She had to pick between killing Scar and letting Gem win or killing Gem and letting Scar win and didn't want to do either, but ended up picking Gem cause they were closed as a mercy kill, letting Scar win.
Also feel like Scott Pearl Grian and Martyn all avoid eachother, they know they all can remember what the others did, and some of those kills are brutal and it's easy to hold a grudge. Especially with Scott and Pearl.
Scott remembered Pearl from last life in double life, that's why he avoided and didn't wanna be around her, because it hurt to remember, when he realized it was him and Pearl who won he was Hurt. Cause he didn't want that for Pearl.
Grian already would've remembered everything no matter what, so he preferred to win over Scar in third life, while Martyn always had faint memories especially of EVO, and was angry and bitter knowing his memories were fading and vague and was willing to do anything to make them clear. Only to realize once he did that this was a vicious cycle that even with his memory he couldn't stop.
Ik these aren't canon by ANY means. But it's what I imagine. I imagine now that Scar remembers he's angry and bitter at Grian especially, and doesn't wanna be around the other winners, maybe regrets winning. He now knows that he's often alone or with few allies, even when he had a soulmate Grian was distant (I imagine out of the pain of remembering scar, and not wanting him and scar to win) he can remember how lonely last life was, how broken his found family was. I think out of all the winners he'd get along with Martyn best, while I think him and Pearl would eventually he probably wishes she let Gem win. I think those two could relate on the helplessness feeling.
All headcannons/ aus idk
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yourlocalsonia2 · 1 year ago
Manic and Panic headcannons (+Puppet)
I am in a Dawko craze rn so I'm making headcannons for a 2-3ish year old pilot
General things
Darkest desire 2 never happened
The year is around the 1990's to early 2000's
The location would be FNAF 1 then go to FNAF 2
there are versions of CG5, DAgames and DHeusta (who'll probably make some minor appearances)
this universe is connected to FNAF The Musical's universe but now Matt is just a higher up employee, Mark is also night guard and Nate is a a partial technician, composer and night guard.
he is still partially in Glitchtrap's control but he has moments where he isn't
he doesn't care if he's called either Manic or Dawktrap
he is the most "American" character
he'll whistle and hum darkest desire
he is very unpredictable
if his eyes are more pink in color, he's under the influence of glitchtrap (+he will probably get more violent)
and if his eyes are more blue, he old conscious has more control
he's a silly, goofy and stabby guy
he is also very bad socially (and if there's some point where him and Panic get along....he would be the most awkward person)
he loves checking the animatronics and how they work
he is kind of like a well-known guy in Freddy's (with the other employees)
has an odd fondness for Panic ("this guy is hard to kill, wonder why?") but he loves harassing him
(inspiration by someone's headcannon) anytime he goes past a camera, he and the camera glitches
if he is strong enough in the moment, he can mind control others
^Now I realize he reminds me of Hyde from The Glass Scientists^
Panic / Nightguard Dawko
His name is Lou but Manic would call him Panic and now other people call him that know (he's to nervous to correct anyone)
deathly afraid of Manic (would take everything to be friends with him in the possible redemption arc)
he is horrible in social situations but somehow is friends with CG, DA and DH
he's a very weak spirited person
he's skiddish and has a shit ton of anxiety bc of Manic
he's actually the taller of the two (6'2 / Dawko's height)
best reflexes in the entire cast (lmao)
as a kid, he had dreamed of becoming a preformer and a singer ^ (little showtime Dawko ref)
^ he obviously didn't achieve it but he does try to write songs with his friends as a side hobby
he has a really shitty therapist (who Manic secretly k!lls at some point)
he is the most competent security guard but also kinda is the worst
Poopet / Puppet Dawko
(yes I know he isn't part of the pilot but he is part of this au)
He is an alternate and more humanoid version of the puppet animatronic
He isn't possessed but partially programmed by the og puppet
He doesn't talk but does know sign language
he has a Freddy plushie in his box (the plush is unknowingly possessed by 8-Bit Ryan)
He enjoys watching the employees after hours
he works better with children bc of the more humanoid design
the song for the music box is a version of Like it or not
his is 6'8 (not most people know bc he is usually sitting inside of his box)
he/they pronouns
he will always protect people in need
Relationships or just general stuff w/ the major and minor cast members
1. Manic and Panic
Panic is very afraid of Manic and thinks of him as a horrible and creepy thing
While Manic is very intrigued by the sheer luck and cowardice Panic has. But also wants to kill him
Will this become an eventual friendship...idk
2. M&P with the Puppet
Manic absolutely hates Poopet (he gave him the nickname), he hates that they always get in the way and keep protecting Panic
Puppet almost equally hates Dawktrap, they know he is a murderer and is trying to harm innocent people
Panic used to be scared of Puppet before he realized that they would protect him, and now they're friends
3. Manic with the others
Manic doesnt have an opinion with Panic's friends other than that they would be fun to harass or control. But, CG, DA and DH all hate him for trying to kill their friend and causing a lot of his mental health issues.
Manic finds Matt interesting with all of his conspiracy theories about the restaurant chain and that he has a pretty interesting backstory to hear (and vice versa).
Manic wants to kill Mark so bad but he won't yet
Manic finds Nate fun (that's it)
4. Panic with the others
He absoluetly loves his friend group and they love him too
Panic and Matt are also good friends and tney love to discuss theories but bc if their roles, they don't have time too see each other.
Panic is also good acquaintances with Mark, they like hanging out with Matt
Panic kinda admirers Nate for his music but he's to afraid to talk to him about it
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tisthedammseason · 2 years ago
To the marauders writers on this app, there is just this idea that has been on my brain for so long but i can not write for my dear life so if anyone wants to write this go for it and tell me about it so i can read it, ok so jily dates for a while after school (it doesn't really matter if it's howarts or not, it doesn't affect the idea) they have harry, and like a year ish, maybe a few months after harry is born they split up amicably, a year or pass and they are just healthy coparenting harry while living together just not as a couple, and then like mary (who's been a super supporting friend all this time) kinda confess to lily one night that she likes her, lily is kinda conflicted about it but after some though she decides to go for it, AND THEY ARE PERFECT TOGETHER, they are supper in love, and we can do like a little time skip of a year or so after exploring their relationship while is fresh. regulus come back to town and reconnect with sirius and james (who's now living alone bc marylily got their own flat) (also for this jegulus must have dated in high school, and broke it off for some reason) so jegulus gets back in touch and get back together, and EVERYONE knows about it except sirius (he can find out later) so then marylily and jegulus can co parent harry. Idk this has just been smt that has been on my mind for a while and i think it has the potential to have so many good tropes and fluffy moments, it can also obviously have side wolfstar and dorlene
Also: here are a list of things that i have an idea for but don't know where to put it chronologically and also some extra details.
- they can have a double wedding (kind of a britanna/klaine moment but it was actually planed)
- harry can be the ring bearer, idk i just think it could be so cute
- peter can officiate bc their officiant canceled last minute and he randomly has an officiants linces he got years ago
- dual pov from lily and james
- lily comes to terms with being a lesbian at some point of the story (that's just my personal headcannon for her)
- dorlene can be a fashion designer and dessing marylily's and jegulus' suits and dresses (also lily can pull a Santana and wear a suit bc she would totally rock it)
- wolfstar can be the flower girls (like in those tik tok videos where the brother of the bride trow the flowers)(they can be best mans too)
- reggie can be like a business man or smt and at the end he quits to open a flower shop ( yes i'm being cliche)
- LATINX LILY EVANS AND REMUS LUPIN, I WILL NOT CAVE ON THIS AS A LATINA I NEED A FIC WHERE THEY ARE LATINX. And if anyone who might wanna write this isn't latinx (or chilean bc as one i specifically need remus to be one) i can provide translation with slang ( of my country at least) and can answer any question about being latinx that you may have
- lily is nurse who also paints as a side job/hobby (this can also come to mary posing for her so that lily can paint her and having a cute fluffy moment)
So yeah that's about it, ik i have a mostly solid idea of what the fic might end up as, but as i said i can not write even if my life depended on it, so if anyone has the most minimum interest on the premise i'm begging you to write it
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rollercoasterwords · 2 years ago
💖👀📚🧠sirius for this one!
💖 - what made u start writing
hmmm like ever in life? idk man i've been writing stories since i was like a little little kid i've just always loved it
but if this means writing fic specifically! i sort of stopped writing creatively/for fun in college aside from the odd short story or poem, but then in my last year at school i went home for the holidays for the first time in a while and was going insane staying with my parents and needed something to do and i was also verrrryyyy into the captive prince series so i was like u know what would be fun? reading this from laurent's pov. guess i'll write it.
and then i finished that roughly 10 months later and i wasn't PLANNING to write anything else but my sister was reading atyd for the first time so of course i had to reread it along with her and we were talking about how we wished we could read certain scenes from sirius's pov and i was like what if i wrote it lol and she was like if u do u should send it to me lol so i wrote the first 20 chapters and just emailed them to her and then i was like i suppose i might as well post this rewrite on ao3 too since some people liked the captive prince one. and now here we are almost a year later 🤠
👀 - tell me about an up and coming wip!
i was just complaining about wips last night lmao i currently have 3 that i've started in addition to thtf so i will just list them and if anyone wants to hear more i am happy 2 ramble but i will refrain from doing so here
1 - marylily/jegulus zombie apocalypse au
2 - dorlene beauty and the beast (but more of the norwegian than the french version)
3 - pandalily time-travel au that's inspired mostly by the book "this is how you lose the time war" but also kind of by the myth of calypso so like. enemies in a time war start to fall for each other slowly
and then i haven't actually started this one yet but it feels like i have because it's sort of sprinkled into thtf; once i finish the fic i'll be writing a little companion emmary fic to go along with it telling their story in like ~thtf universe~ so!! lots that i'm excited to write but also i need the ideas in my brain to shut up for five seconds
📚 - would you ever want to turn writing into a career?
mmm idk. it's always been a goal of mine to publish a book but with the way the publishing industry is going i'm just kinda like....huh. hmm. i don't think i could make writing creatively my entire career (even in a dream world where like everything worked out perfectly and i had the opportunity to) just bc part of me thinks doing it as a job might suck all the joy out of it lol. like i've written more in the past two years just getting into fanfic than i had in the 22 years preceding it when i told myself trying to write a book was only worth it if i was going to get it published so. yeah :)
🧠 - pick a character, and i'll tell u my favorite headcannon
sirius - ok one of my favorite sirius hcs in like modern aus is when people make him an artist !! idk why it just feels correct to me. also the homosexuality of course my number one favorite sirius headcannon 🕺
emojis from this
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