#kind of a long life update
dionyrtal · 4 months
when you travel and meet someone amazing and develop an instant crush even though you know you'll probably never see that person again,,,, yeah
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imrisah · 1 year
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kodaiki · 8 months
Audrey you have been CHURNING out scripted hearts updated like there’s no tomorrow!! call me a fish bc i’m desperately hooked! i love the series but please don’t worry yourself/stress too much about getting more parts out. you said in your authors notes about a grad project? prioritise that first and then come back to the series bc i CAN and WILL wait. All the best ❤️❤️
aww tysm for caring bby!🥺🥺 yes I will admit I am VERY busy at school rn lmfao (screaming and crying inside 🤓🤓) but sometimes ill get an ounce of inspo before bed which is when I tend to post nowadays!!
ofc i can’t promise an update everyday (actually drowning in work rn) but i am posting when I feel like there’s a decent balance between work and life 😚🫶🏼🫶🏼
also tysm for enjoying it !!! v happy you do🤍🤍
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sweetandglovelyart · 2 months
Me, too busy with grad school to participate, watching everyone else in the Kirby fandom participate in the OC tournament and art fight
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udon-udon · 10 months
in other news, the atmosphere around life has just been really odd and uneasy, it's really weird
work is just a hot mess cause management sucks and my senior is Not Happy at all in both personal life and work life so seeing her so down all the time worries me and stuff and she's this close to leaving, which would not be good for me i do not want that. I also want to ask for a raise but idk how to lol
home is.... well idk i think that's the biggest thing rn, grandpa's getting real old and he's beginning to get.... a little loopy. apparently to him theres this old friend/acquaintance/family friend of his that keeps telling him things in his mind or in his dream of some sort and he's doing all this weird (but luckily relatively harmless) stuff and it Worries me A Lot. Mom is also out of the country rn on a month long trip so it's just me and my dad holding down the fort, (along with my brother but he doesnt do jack shit), and when dad's at work, it's just me my bro and grandpa at home and I'm worried af cause I'm the one that has to be responsible for anything that happens, and man its just sad to see grandpa like this and i know its inevitable cause of old age, but damn.
personal life is well, very busy rn cause im stressing over trying to finish the VN on time but theres still so much left to do. Me being really busy is helping me (or it could be harming me?) ignore all my current personal problems but since the bulk of the VN is done and things are slowing down (not really but defs less intense than pumping out 5 art pieces in 12 days), I'm beginning to regain the conscience of thinking about things again (aka sad thots) which suck, and I think the work and home environment is not making it any better at all :\
it just feels very weird and uneasy rn and i don't really know what's going on and idk what to do;;;
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orcelito · 5 months
God, what even is my "reasons this hasn't been updated in 4 and a half months" list anymore hfkshdj
I think we're at: wrote a smut fic, got a new girlfriend, got into bg3, quit my job I had for 8 years, my dad fucking died, got Throat Bleeding Disease, got into crochet, started watching way too much anime, got into Stardew Valley again...
🤔🤔🤔🤔 things sure have been busy, huh?
#speculation nation#One of these 🎵 is not like the others 🎵#well actually 2 of them are negative. but throat bleeding disease was just awful and sucky for like 2 weeks#ONE of these was a permanent and incredibly life changing event that left me traumatized in its abruptness!#im planning on expanding on it a little bit in my end notes. the above list is what im planning for my opening notes.#i know i dont owe anyone an explanation on why it's been so long. but. idk#i just wanna be upfront about it ykno? for people who may have been worried about me and all#also i kind of snapped at someone in the comments of the most recent chapter#after they just commented 'please update' & i was like 'my dad just fucking died so sorry if im not exactly quick rn'#& i feel a little bit bad for that lol. i mean their comment Was inconsiderate. but i doubt they meant anything bad by it.#but yea idk ITNL has just happened to be spanning the hardest year of my life.#from the end of may up until now. god i really hope the Year Of Death is over now.#and i hope this is the last abrupt hiatus due to an abrupt death/trauma in my life.#at 4 months it's the longest one. but that makes sense. given. ya kno. it's my dad.#itll be my birthday chapter. and ill want to hear birthday wishes.#but i guess i just wanna be. understood and heard. i want readers to know about my pain.#i wont go too in depth and all. but i dont want to keep it a secret.#my birthday chapter and my official 'my dad died lol' chapter. what a way to go.
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sapphicautistic · 7 months
they tore up a lot of the rest of the floor today and the particle board (yes particle board) that was underneath it. on the actual wood part of the subfloor they stapled black paper. it looks so strange in here now. i think they're gonna lay plywood (to replace the particle board part of the subfloor. WHY was there particle board down there.) in the kitchen & hallway tomorrow, and after that either lay flooring or pull up the particle board & flooring in the living room our stove has not been plugged in for... a couple weeks i think? i forgot when mitigation moved it. food is in weird stashes in several different rooms bc we don't always have access to the kitchen. or to the backup kitchen we set up in the corner of another room after being told we might not have kitchen access for a few weeks to a few months (god i'm so glad that was wrong) we do have the fridge plugged in fortunately, we really thought we were gonna have to live out of a cooler for awhile and we borrowed a cooler to prepare, i'm so relieved to not need it
it's nerve wracking being in the kitchen though, the subfloor has been exposed for awhile and i've had to be hypervigilant about chasing down every tiny piece of food i drop and not doing dishes much since my dyspraxia makes water go everywhere when i do dishes. i'm generally the main dish doer in this house so we've been using a lot of paper plates etc but they're gonna make us have floors soon!!
i gotta be the workers' point person tomorrow and wake up 90 minutes earlier than usual to let them in. i'm so looking forward to this being over.
i'm so tired. i'm so sick. i got paranoid that i had covid for a minute bc i'm developing symptoms that aren't typically this bad with just post exertion ME stuff but all the tests are coming back negative and like. i don't leave the house more than a couple times a month, my odds of exposure are so small. i see like 5 people ever and they're all more careful than most abt covid and none of them are or have been sick. half the time i mask around the ones i don't live w anyways.
so i think it's just post exertion stuff, it's more of a change in intensity than in kind anyways. it's upsetting and jarring to have physical proof of getting sicker though.
like i KNOW it's bad to push myself this hard all the time but what other choice do i have? and when it's so nebulous it's easier to dismiss the damage i'm doing to my body. getting a reminder that it's a real concrete thing, in the form of new worsened symptoms is very disturbing.
i don't want to get sicker. i am making myself sicker. i don't want to live my life as small as is now safe for me so i push past what is safe to do and so i get sicker and sicker and my life gets smaller and smaller. and it's not always a choice. who is going to help me get necessary tasks done? everyone i know is disabled or overworked, almost all are both.
anyways welcome to my tired mind 🤪 by following this blog you're reading the journal of one very exhausted lesbian who just needs to lie in bed for a month or two and not have to eat or go to dr appts and then i'll be fine
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skzoologist · 7 months
I come bearing updates on uh how life is going here? I don't remember where I left off so-
Um 3 day freeze came and went and now our temps are swinging back and forth again between 33-76°F (~1-24°C) for the last like, 3 weeks, everything was,,,ok ish there were some accidents on the road from the ice + snow and ppl not being fully prepared for the ice on the roads, most seem to have not caused fatal injuries? So that's good! 🎉
Classes are a mess rn cuz I never got used to having them back 💀
Uhh I auditioned for a kpop dance team on my college campus and made it in! 🎉🎉 We're learning Energetic by Wanna One, Like Ooh Ahh! by Twice, and Go Big or Go Home by Enhypen this semester, and my friend on the elite team is learning Batter Up by Baby Monster 👀 I made a few friends during the workshops, while waiting for auditions, and during practices!
I also got to celebrate Lunar New Year with my family and spent time at a Lunar New Year festival with some new friends!
I also found out that one of my friends committed to the uni I'm studying at and will be starting her freshman year here in the fall!!
On another note, uh,,,I'm sick 😷 I caught COVID this week 😔😔
How're you doing?
Oh, updates! :)
I'm glad most of the accidents were non-fatal, weather seems to be all over the place recently. But even in its sassy presence, we must be careful. So bundle up when needed, dear, we don't want you catching a cold or something worse, like pneumonia. (Thankfully the weather here has been tame and warmer, so nothing major happened here.)
Ugh, classes, I dread the moment I will have them again too. I can only wish you the best of luck and cheer for you from here.
Oooh, a dance team, I am a bit jealous ngl. We didn't have these here, last time I danced anything was in pre-highschool, and it certainly wasn't kpop, haha. Those dances all sound good, hope you'll have fun, especially with your newly made friends!
Was the celebration and Festival fun? It sounds fun, although I wouldn't know a thing, as we don't celebrate it here.
Having an old-time friend at uni is always a bonus! I sadly didn't have this opportunity, but I hope you'll enjoy it to its fullest.
Hey now... How did that happen? Do you have anyone who can help you, get you things you need and take care of you if needed? :(
I'm uh... Not the greatest. Thinking about what curse was put on me, as my mystery illness is acting up again, but the docs are not finding anything once again. Anyway, good news are that Luna was successfully operated, she is lively and now in a cute lil jacket to protect her scar. Human family members were also successfully operated on, and recovering wonderfully. One of them is defying the laws of biology with how fast their recovery is, haha.
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beautifulmakkaris · 1 year
have a six(ish) sentence sunday sneak peek of chap 2 of lucy takes the long way home while i edit to hopefully get it posted this week!!
“Always the hero.” She murmurs and he grins.
It is so blindingly handsome she has to look away, blinking furiously. This goddamn Visitor and her stupid, intense feelings have clearly mixed Lockwood up with her lover and decided to twist Lucy’s emotions all up in hers again.
“You’re not here alone, are you?” He asks. “I could always lend a hand. Or some Sight, as it were.”
Lucy’s stomach drops; in her surprise at seeing him, she’d completely forgotten who was still waiting for her upstairs.
“Not necessary.” She says quickly, wondering if she can herd him out before-
“All clear, Lucy?” Kipps shouts down and Lockwood’s sunny smile drops instantly.
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hibiscusbiue · 1 year
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non tmnt post sorry
this was a doodle for a friend i just wanted to share it out for fun
i don’t watch south park activel
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transboykirito · 2 years
i just… i need to apologise for not updating friends with baby benefits, don’t want to miss a thing, perfectly imperfect and more than just a fling.
i was honestly just so excited to be pregnant that i wrote in advance for a lot of them, because i was so happy and excited to imagine finally getting to experience all those moments for myself, and that’s left me with a lot to edit and a lot to fill in. and now trying to do that is absolutely destroying me, which i know is stupid of me. i’m sorry.
i’m going to force myself to update at least one of them tomorrow, i’m going to pull an all-nighter to finish writing and editing tonight.
this is honestly the worst grief and loss i’ve ever experienced. i literally cannot begin to describe it. i know i write a lot to process things, but i don’t think this heartbreak will ever become something beautiful. i think this is the kind of heartbreak that just sits and lingers.
i’m sorry for not updating the fics you guys want to see. i have absolutely no good excuse for it. i’m going to go finish the next update of… something.
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weenieliker · 10 months
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wrecking · 1 year
i’m going to just make a bunch of small posts in the tags bc i have like 15 thoughts and none of them really deserve to be full posts so like yeah
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dragqueenpentheus · 2 years
hard day to try and work and be a productive person. did some laundry.
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mrburnsnuclearpussy · 2 years
Dude I can’t even.
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sapphicautistic · 1 year
It's so annoying that when I overexert I get this sick. I'm so annoyed. Can't my body understand how much I need to get done?
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