#kind David
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secular-jew · 9 months ago
A mosaic, salvaged from a 1400-year old synagogue in #Gaza.
The entire mosaic is on exhibit in the Good Samaritan museum in Jerusalem.
The Hebrew text says "David"
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angelthefirst1 · 10 months ago
The time of Jacob's (Daryl's/Israel's) trouble and Daniel's 70th week (Revelation) Part 2
Part 1 here
Tara at Oceanside comes across Rachel. Thanks again to @galadrieljones
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Because of her original connection, we know that Daryl is a representation of Jacob, who was tricked into marriage with Leah first, then seven years later married the love of his life, Rachel.
Well, here we get a representation of Daryl (Tara) and Rachel.
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They shadow the future and past through other characters, and Rachel is considerably younger than Tara, a representation of Daryl and Beth. Not that there's anything wrong with that, so don't @ me. 😆 😆
Jacob had the dream about the ladder to heaven, commonly called Jacob's ladder 🪜 in Beersheba.
The ladder signifies the "bridge" between Heaven and Earth (Jesus/Beth) that will come through Abraham's line and the tribes of Israel - from Dan to Beersheba.
Back on the Windsor bridge, before Tara falls off, we see Health pick up a Beer-sheba 🍺 bottle.
We see a ladder at Oceanside, where Tara (Daryl/Jacob) meets Rachel...
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All the bridge symbolism in the show points to Jacob's ladder 🪜 and Beersheba, the line of Abraham and the cure to come through that bloodline (Christ/Beth)
Jacob has his name changed by God to Israel, and while it refers to Daryl, it's also about the larger nation/bloodline.
The term "Time of Jacob's trouble" that I put in the title is just one more way of saying, Daniel's 70th week or the book of Revelation. This is huge topic theologically but at it's basis, they are all about the 7 year period that makes up the biblical end times called the Tribulation.
During this time period, God turns his focus back to Israel (Daryl), which is why now is the season of Daryl/Beth's story.
Both Daryl (Jacob/Israel) and Beth's (house of) bloodline combined are that "bridge" to a cure that undoes the fall and connects heaven and earth again.
Jacob, after Beersheba, travels through the area called Bethel, which means house of God. Daryl and Beth combined - Bethyl reconnects man to the house of God with a cure. Daryl when he finds Beth will have Joseph symbolism around him because he will be the "father" of the cure.
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As @bookqueenrules mentioned, in her last post, the working title of DD2 was 'Pilgrim'. The path that Jacob takes is known as Jacob's journey.
We see Abraham in the show drink beer when he arrives at the "promised land" (Alexandria)
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And he talks to Michonne about living and dying by the sword (the word of God/bible)
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We also see Abraham drink DAN-ville bridge whiskey while in the "promised land"
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Abraham gives us a depiction of the northernmost tribe of Israel -Dan when he drinks the "spirit" called Danville.
How do you get into the house of God? Through the cure that comes from Abraham's line - Dan to Beersheba.
Next to the ladder (Jacob's ladder) with Tara at Oceanside 🪜 we see a kite.
Emily posted about a kite (bridge to heaven) saying I AM WHO I AM," which is the name of God, and it represents the cure (world health organisation) and showing the apple 🍎 tree of the fall. Separation.
I am who I am cures the fall and separation.
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We see a representation of this fall symbolism with Rick and Michonne in 615.
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Michonne (Eve) picks up the apple 🍎 and eats it. The clock is pointing to 6,7, and 2
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672 in strong concordance, which is a concordance of biblical names and numbers and their meaning. 672 means to depart.
Separate, fall from God.
A hint to the fall and departure from God at the fall.
We see Michonne give the fruit to Rick (Adam). He eats and says, "This is GOOD."
A call back to Genesis when God says his creation was good before the fall.
Then God looked over all he had made, and he saw that it was very good!
Apple symbolism is both a separation symbol and a reunion symbol because the good (perfect) cure (Jesus/Beth) restores the separation.
Michonne says it is good...because Jesus came through.
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Going backwards from this apple moment, Jesus is introduced. So the backwards timeline is fall, then Jesus making it good. Through the line of Dan to Beersheba.
Going forwards we have a representation of the end times Jesus pulls through (cure arrives), and then Negan, a version of the Antichrist, is introduced.
Abraham asks Who's Negan? The answer...Ding dong HELLS bells 🔔
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When Negan is introduced, he makes everyone kneel before him, which is a depiction of worship...
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Revelation 13.4
People worshiped the dragon because he had given authority to the beast, and they also worshiped the beast and asked, 'Who is like the beast? Who can wage war against it?'
Negan is a charismatic monster, kind of likeable even when being so evil. This is actually one of the traits that the antichrist is said to possess. He will be charming, a gifted communicator, and military leader.
When Negan is introduced in season 7, we see him tell Rick that this is the new world order...
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The antichrist creates a global system over which he rules, and he takes everything.
He makes everyone get the mark of the beast or be killed. We saw a depiction of this going backwards to Alexandria (Revived Roman Empire) with the "A" stamp on the right hand and the W mark on the foreheads of the wolves.
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Jessie says, "You're one of us now", her horse shoe necklace is related to the four-horseman of Revelation which i talk about here.
While he rises in Europe, his rule reaches worldwide. 🌎
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Emily in Europe with her "Obey world wide" beanie.
Emily at the Anne Frank museum (Annelies Marie Frank was a German-born Jewish girl who kept a diary in which she documented life in hiding under Nazi persecution during the German occupation of the Netherlands)
It's no coincidence that Daryl (Jacob/Israel) was taken prisoner by Negan but refused to bow, he represents end times Israel.
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If Daryl didn't escape, we can assume he would have been killed by Negan for not bowing down, bending the knee.
At the halfway mark, into the 7 year treaty (tribulation) that Antichrist makes with Jacob (Daryl/Israel), he breaks it and goes after Jacob's line (Israel) to persecute and kill them.
This is depicted by Negan killing Abraham. Antichrist goes after his line, that's why he was the one picked to die.
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The show is depicting all aspects of the end times combined, through many characters, while Beth and Rick have Christ returning symbolism, they also have Antichrist symbolism. Beth with her mortal head wound is a dead (pardon the pun) giveaway.
I've already talked about how Negan is a version of the antichrist here, he represents antichrist/Satan who leads the battle of Armageddon against God and loses. He then gets locked up for the Millennium and let back out for "a short time".
We have seen this play out in the waling dead when Negan lost the all out war, was locked up, then released and now in Dead City has become a leader again.
The episode Morning Star 10.11 gave us more end time symbolism, when the antichrist attacks Jacob/Israel.
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The bible gives us the meaning and location of Hilltop when Jesus says...
Rev 22.16
“I, Jesus, have sent my angel to give you this testimony for the churches. I am the Root and the Offspring of David, and the bright Morning Star.”
Morning star (Jesus/Beth) is a cure reference coming through (Daryl/Jacob's) line of Israel. Connected to the star of Kind David, who was also in the line of Abraham.
I've talked about this imagery with Emily before here and here.
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Hilltop here, was a representation of Israel (Jacob's line) being attacked. With the wings of the Archangel Michael having Daryl's (Jacob's) back.
Before they go out to fight, we hear Eugene singing about the end of the world...
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Antichrist tries to kill Jacob/Israel but also anyone who won't take the mark of the beast.
Alpha be-heading's gave us a depiction of this verse...
Rev 20.4
I saw thrones, and sitting on those thrones were the ones who had been given the right to judge. I also saw the souls of the people who had their heads cut off because they had told about Jesus and preached God's message. They were the same ones who had not worshiped the beast or the idol, and they had refused to let its mark be put on their foreheads or hands. They will come to life and rule with Christ for 1,000 years.
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I will leave it here for today, but will come back soon to talk on fire symbolism, and the days of Noah.
Beth is Valenica (town in Spain) meaning Strong; healthy.
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judahmaccabees · 7 months ago
the Days come When I Shall lay no finger.
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brainypixel · 8 months ago
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David relaxes at his spot, communing with the Lord God in "Chronicles of Faith: David".
Check out this #Christian #indiecomic from us at Brainy Pixel and our brothers at Mercy Ways!
Link to the first comic here: https://t.co/uPKeUb7Cdb
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phannibal · 2 months ago
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lesbianballofgender · 1 year ago
Happy 55th birthday to our feral, light and fluffy, serious actor and truly just the nicest person: Michael Sheen!!
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muffinlance · 8 days ago
I appreciate the lovely science museum volunteer who saw my four-year-old and started carefully explaining basic magnetic properties
I appreciate EVEN MORE that when firstborn went "oh, like a maglev train" and "that's an electromagnet!", said lovely volunteer totally code-switched, and we quickly ended up at
"Want to see a gaussian rifle?"
Oh boy did firstborn EVER
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nipuni · 8 months ago
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Some sketches of Ellie taking care of Alec 🤭
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andromeddog · 3 months ago
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bob requests 👍
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secular-jew · 1 year ago
The tunnel of Hezekiah.
Water tunnel carved under the City of David in Jerusalem in ancient times. Its popular name is due to the most common hypothesis of its origin, namely, that it dates from the reign of Hezekiah.
The tunnel leads from the Gihon Spring to the Pool of Siloam. If indeed built under Hezekiah, it dates to a time when Jerusalem was preparing for an impending siege by the Assyrians, led by Sennacherib.
Since the Gihon Spring was already protected by a massive tower and was included in the city's defensive wall system, Jerusalem seems to have been supplied with enough water in case of siege even without this tunnel. The curving tunnel is 533 m., According to the Siloam inscription, the tunnel was excavated by two teams, one starting at each end of the tunnel and then meeting in the middle.
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casualist-tendency · 3 months ago
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accirax · 28 days ago
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Happy 5th Anniversary DRDT!!!!!!! and happy birthday Mai too :D
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judahmaccabees · 8 months ago
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jytrii · 6 months ago
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be4thevortex · 6 months ago
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A slightly pale version under the line!
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ingravinoveritas · 9 months ago
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Michael talking about how attractive David is over the years.
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