#kiera mistral
harmonyverendez · 7 months
The Goddess - Harmony Stormborn
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“ I'll cut off their heads and feed them to my pet dragon ”.
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kiera-mistral-fahey · 9 months
I just realized reality shifting is not real. I never truly believe in it. All these people thinking they are shifting, sorry to tell you this babes. But you are lucid dreaming.
You all need seriously help.
Talk to a therapist please....
So reality shifting is real. My ass will shift tonight. Tomorrow, right now! Anytime! Any space! Anywhere! Shifting is limitless, and I am the void.
For those who thought I was serious. 😭😭😭😂😂😂
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a-mellowtea · 7 years
No Need For Goodbyes
Characters: Jaune Arc (+ the Arc sisters; Kiera and Bianca) Summary: Jaune makes a very important phone call.
There were many things in life he figured he had taken for granted. His home, nestled in a small village in southern Anima. The unwavering support of his parents, despite their reservations about him wanting to be a Huntsman. The quiet beauty of the forest bordering his backyard. His time at Beacon. His team. 
His sisters, however, were not included in that list. The Arc siblings were as thick as thieves and twice as fierce, and that was something Jaune had always known. And when the CCT fell, when he was certain the last thing they saw was Beacon and Vale being decimated, all he wanted was to reassure them that he was safe.
It was months before he got that chance, and he sprang upon it the moment it arose.
Breathe. They’ll pick up. Just... breathe.
Jaune’s foot bounced anxiously, skittering almost violently against the hardwood floor of the Mistral homestead. His door was open, but he knew Ruby would keep the others from bothering him for a while.
‘Do... do your sisters know you’re alive, Jaune?’ she had asked that morning, silver eyes full of worry. He supposed it was to be expected - she had her sister back now, and it made sense that it could cross her mind. He couldn’t remember what he had told her, but her eventual advice had been to give them a call.
So, there he was. Scroll in one hand, resting his forehead on the other, listening to the droning dial tone. Please, pick up...
At length, the line clicked. “Hello?” came a familiar voice, distorted by slight static as the local area connection strained to hold a steady signal.
For all his reminding himself to breathe, in an instant, Jaune forgot how to.
“Hello, who is this?”
Fingers curled in his hair, and the slight pain brought him back to himself, if only just. “Bianca,” he said unevenly, struggling past the lump in his throat.
“Speaking,” she replied, voice clipped and distinctly impatient. The words had been there a moment ago, he was sure of it. Now there was nothing; a blank, empty void. What could he say to her? Could anything make up for his months of silence? Did they truly think he was...
“Look, if this is anoth-”
“Bianca, it’s Jaune,” he interrupted. A stunned silence followed. Gathering his courage, he straightened and forced his tone to be a bit lighter. “Hey, lil’ sis.” 
Her stifled sob was as unexpected as it wasn’t, but it made Jaune wince all the same. Leaning back, he lowered his hand from his head, crumpling the sheets of the bed into a tight fist instead, and closed his eyes.
“Oh my gods,” Bianca breathed. It was almost a wheeze. “Jaune? Jaune? T-That’s really- Oh my gods, you’re alive! You’re alive! I-I... I- we didn’t... we couldn’t...”
I was right, Jaune realized. They thought I was dead. 
“Bianca? Who is it?”
Another voice filtered in from the background, barely audible over Bianca’s sniffles. Scratchy, echoing white noise came through - he assumed his sister was moving.
“It’s Jaune!” she shouted, voice breaking, but it sounded distant; muffled, and a little deep. She likely had her hand over the speaker. Jaune took the brief few seconds to level his breathing and clear his throat or, at least, try to. He shifted backward until his unarmored back hit the wall, and sagged against it. His head hit with a dull thud.
“Kiera! Kiera, Jaune’s on the phone!”
More movement, before Bianca came through again, clearly this time. 
“Jaune, are you okay?!” she said loudly amidst sniffles. “We saw what happened to Beacon on the TV, and then we didn’t hear from you, and-”
“Yeah. I’m-” he began, though his voice caught. Giving his head a shake, he pushed a sharp exhale out his nose. After everything, he wouldn’t pile more worry on his family. Not if he could help it. 
“I’m alright. I’m, uh,” he said, “actually in Mistral right now. I tried to call sooner, but with the... with the CCT down...” His posture sagged, shoulders dropping as if beset by some sudden weight. “I’m sorry it took so long. I called as soon as I got a signal.”
“Gods, Jaune, don’t...” she broke off with another sob. It took her a little longer to collect herself this time, and by the sound of it, she was crying properly when she continued. “Don’t apologize. You have no idea how happy I am to hear your voice...” The idea of a smile flickered across his lips at that. He opened his mouth to speak again, but a ruckus on the other end made him pause.
“Hang on. Kiera’s yelling at me. I’m handing the phone over to her, okay?”
The phone had switched hands before he could say anything more to his younger sibling, and her voice was replaced by an older one,
“Jaune? Jaune, you there? It’s-”
“Kiera.” He did smile this time. He hadn’t realized just how much he’d missed them, and if hearing Bianca’s voice lessened the ache in his chest, his eldest sister’s warm lilt had it evaporating entirely. “Hey.”
“Oh my god, it is you...” she said. She was quiet for a moment, in which Jaune barely caught her much softer sniffle. Then, she burst out into relieved laughter. “H-hey, lil bro. How... How’ve you been?”
Jaune’s smile faded. “Not great. But I’m alive.”
“Gods. Beacon. Jaune, I’m so sorry, I-” she paused. Sighed. “Jaune, what happened?”
It was Jaune’s turn to laugh this time - a rough, humorless bark that sounded far too much like Ruby’s uncle for his liking. 
“A lot. A lot happened,” he said, hand returning to his forehead. He squeezed his eyes shut tighter against the pinpricks that assaulted them. “I don’t know where to start.” 
“I-I called you guys, the night before... before,” he stressed the word, and Kiera gave a small hum of acknowledgment, “didn’t I?”
“Yes, you did. But, then...” she trailed off. Jaune nodded, though he knew she couldn’t see it. She drew a long breath, then started anew. “Your team... Jaune, are th-”
He shut his eyes tighter; saw red.
“My partner,” he ground out through gritted teeth. The burn of tears intensified as his chest constricted, and he once again found it impossible to breathe. Her name came as a whisper, “Pyrrha. She’s gone, Kee.”
“Oh,” Kiera’s voice was small and soft. She knew about his team, probably more than any of his other sisters. She had been the only one he could rely on not to tease him incessantly about it all. “Oh, Jaune...”
“It’s fine. I’m... I’m fine.”
It was a blatant lie, and Kiera caught on the moment he had finished speaking.
“You’re still a horrible liar, Jaune,” she said gently. He bit down hard on his lip to hold back the sharp retort that leapt to his tongue, and the coppery tang of blood flooded his mouth. He knew she was right. She was always right. 
Thankfully, tact was also one of her better traits. 
“How are Ren and Nora?” she asked after a minute of silence. Jaune licked the stinging pain from his lip before answering as honestly as he could.
“They’re okay,” he said, on a breath that was far calmer than he actually felt. “We’re okay, Kee. We’re alive. I told Bianca - we’re in Mistral.”
“You’re what?!” Kiera demanded, and Jaune was smiling again, unable to help the chuckle that rumbled in his chest at her utterly baffled tone. “What- why- How did you manage that?”
“We walked,” he shrugged, his grin twitching into a smirk.
“You- who’s ‘we’?!”
“Kiera, please,” he said, shifting into a more relaxed position as he set his elbows on his knees. “Ren, Nora and I. Plus...” He frowned and cast a glance at the open door. “You remember our friends, right? Team RWBY? I told you about them.”
“Yes, I remember,” she said slowly, uncertainly.
“Their leader’s with us. Ruby. Her team... got hit pretty hard too,” he replied.
“Jaune, I-...” She sighed softly. “I wish there was something I could say.”
There wasn’t; they both knew that. He had known that even before picking up the phone; even before leaving for Mistral. There was nothing that could make this hurt less, but Jaune had already accepted that.
“I know. It’s alright. Just being able to hear from you guys again is... more than enough,” he said. “How are mom and dad?”
“Worried sick. They were beginning to think...” she didn’t finish, and Jaune didn’t need her to. His parents were wonderful, and he loved them, but it didn’t surprise him that after what happened to Vale, they doubted his ability to keep himself alive long enough to see, much less speak with them again.
“They’re not home right now, but... we’ll put them on when they get in, okay? You won’t go anywhere, right?”
“No,” he assured, settling back into his previous position against the wall in physical confirmation. “I’m staying right here. I promise.”
For once, it felt like a promise he’d be able to keep.
“Good. Now. Start from the beginning, Jaune. Tell me everything.”
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harmonyverendez · 1 year
Here is an mood board I've just made. This is the best one so far.
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Harmony Stormborn / Lucifer / Kiera Mistral
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harmonyverendez · 1 year
I cannot describe how Harmony will feel when she encounters everything in the fall SGE. I can't imagine her pain and everything she went through. I know she will be very broken and traumatized.
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harmonyverendez · 2 years
Isaiah Mistral-Fahey
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Age: 20/27 ( 10000+ )
Marriage status: Married ( Noah - Husband )
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Sexuality: Bisexual ( Faze ) Gay ( Now / Currently )
Children: Anastasia, Riley & Japheth
Family Members: Mistral Family, Fahey Family, Sader Family.
Height: 5'7
Weight: 137.
Dom/Sub - Submissive. ( Androgynous Figure )
Hair color & Length: Short, longer later ( Reaches below his ear ), and black ( Originally) green ( Currently )
Personality: Evil, Likes pain, takes pleasure in killing people. Psychopath
School: Academy For Charlie Boys.
Parents: Kiera & Unknown man.
Fashion: Goth-like style.
Shoe size: 8.
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harmonyverendez · 2 years
Carolyn Evanna Sader-Mistral - Triplet Of Japeth & Rhian Sader-Mistral
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Carolyn is the youngest sister of Je
Japeth and Rhian. They have a love-hate relationship. Rhian is her favorite, although he's dark, he cares about her just like he does with Eric.
While Japeth, she despises. For some reason, I see her with Blonde hair. And then changed it to red later and then midnight black.
Got her lip cut, so she has her tongue split. Has multiple piercings and tattoos.
She is half-evil, Half-good ( Like her Aunt Kiera ), and also a seer, like her Aunt. Rhianna and Carolyn are close in age. So they get along well. Even though Rhianna is Rafal / Rhian's first child.
Carolyn likes to prank her brothers, every morning she is in their rooms jumping on them. Which always gets her in trouble with Japeth. He kicks her in the abs. Which causes them to fight.
She has a hate relationship with her mother. Doesn't like the woman at all. She doesn't even love the kids, just had them so Rafal could stay.
When he tried to kill her, she was the one to stop him. Although she didn't like her mother. She didn't want her dead.
Switch schools, she didn't like her school. So she went over to the school for good and evil.
Her brothers didn't go. They despise the school. Carolyn met Sophie and didn't like her at all. First, she likes her father and then tries to date her brother. No, no one will take her brothers away from her.
Loved Agatha though. She thought the woman was sweet, although she did have a dark personality.
Not having many friends. But she was dropped in the school for good. And the Evers girls were confused. Surely she should be in school for evil? But she was there for a reason.
Carolyn foresees everything. Always getting in fights, which almost got her expelled.
Fucking love the chocolate cake there. Always stealing and taking some home when the semester is over.
Girls always envy her beauty. But does she care? No, she doesn't. When it was time to go home.
Her brother Rhian welcomed her with open arms and Japeth? No, he only shook her hand.
" I wanted a hug, brother. Not a hand shake, Dipshit".
" You take what I give you".
He pulled her in a brotherly hug and shoved her ass back. But she was thankful that he even gave her one. Because he doesn't like affections.
" Fuck you too, Bald-headed".
" Love you too," Japeth says walking off.
Rhian then grabbed her arm and placed her close to him. " Now, tell me how was your semester?".
Carolyn giggled.
" Oh, let me tell you everything".
When Kiera arrived, the woman immediately knew Carolyn's destiny. She wasn't supposed to be with her evil family. Just like ' Rafal ' wasn't supposed to be evil.
When the too glanced at each other. They knew immediately the moment they met eyes.
" Do you know?" Kiera mouthed.
" Yes" Carolyn mouth back.
And they sat down and had a nice talk. Kiera showed her the past, and suddenly she knew everything better.
" So why did he choose the path he did?" the young girl ask.
The older woman shakes her head, as dark memories come to the surface. " it wasn't always like that. Something terrible had happened and I was powerless to stop it. I wish I was stronger at the top, but I wasn't I was weak."
The young girl grabbed her hand and squeezed it. " Everything will be okay".
After that Keira dropped by sometime. Evelyn and her didn't see eye to eye. But they gave each other respect since there are her niece and nephews.
The villagers think Carolyn is possessed by the devil since she can do cartwheels, back bends and other thing like that.
Almost got chased out of town, since people thought they were the devil worshippers.
That was the day Evelyn spanked Carolyn. The girl has never in her life, been discipline but there is always a first time to do something.
Carolyn loves her Uncle Jesper Fahey -Mistral. He always makes her laugh. He always takes her out to see the world.
Keira was glad that she and her husband got along. That was what she wanted.
Carolyn is a fashion artist like her aunt. She doesn't dress the same or anything like that. She dressed similarly. Since she has her own style.
Has a demon -like a dog. It has two heads and two sides. It's very friendly. But can attack if stressed or feel like it's about to be harmed.
That ladies and gentlemen is the story of Carolyn Evanna Saders-Mistral.
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harmonyverendez · 2 years
Rafal - Who do you love more?
Rhian - * Sighs in annoyance * Rafal really?
Kiera - I love you both
Rafal - You can only love one!.
Rhian - Yeah, she loves us both.
Rafal - That doesn't count. She should choose one before I do...
Rhian - (⁠ب⁠_⁠ب⁠)
Kiera - (⁠ب⁠_⁠ب⁠)
Rafal - ಡ⁠ ͜⁠ ⁠ʖ⁠ ⁠ಡ
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harmonyverendez · 2 years
Hailey ( School For Good And Evil )
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Full Name: Harmony ( Real )
Family Members: Evie, Evil Queen. The Mistral Family, The Fahey, Sader Family. Etc
Love Interest: Agatha & Tedros ( True Loves )
Height : 5'1
Weight : 125
Shoe Size : 9.
Children: Dahlia, Rosemary, Queenie, Archie, Joseph.
Personality: Sweet, caring. Outgoing, and not afraid to speak her mind. Evil underneath her kind face.
Finger Glow: Rainbow.
Gift/Power: Seer & Siren.
Race; Biracial ( Half-White, Half-Black )
Eye Color: Blue - Violet Eyes.
Hair color: Red.
Hari length: Reaches Past her shoulders.
Clothing style: Fashion arist.
Makeup artist.
Hobbies: Writing.
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harmonyverendez · 2 years
Mya, Roslyn & Rhys Stormborn-Mistral
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The son and daughters of Kiera Mistral
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harmonyverendez · 2 years
Kiera Mistral Headcanons | Part 4 ( School for good and evil + Rise of the school for good and evil )
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Kiera is not necessarily a female. She is born a male. Her male name is Lucifer.
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She used her male identity one time and Rhian was all over him. Lucifer and Rhian went at it. ( Smirks 😏 )
Rafal and Rhian couldn't decide on which form they like more. Rafal prefers Kiera, while Rhian Prefers Lucifer.
Kiera adopted a young blonde Ever girl with mental disorders / illness. And her name was Luna.
Luna was loved and will always be loved by Kiera.
Lucifer (Keira's male alter ego ) is darker than his female counterpart. For example, he is evil, and not afraid to speak his mind. Beat-up James Hook and didn't feel anything bad about it.
Lucifer is lust after by all people, female or male. They all want a piece of him. And no one knows who is except Rhian and Rafal.
The reason Kiera used her female form is the biggest and most vulnerable form. And she was right. People are more vulnerable with her female form, then her male form.
Jesper knows about her male form since he is bisexual.
Lucifer can get pregnant as well ( He often tells people he is intersex 😂 ) Rhian knows this and often jokes about ( How he will get him pregnant)
Lucifer's form is 7'5 tall compared to his female form ( Which is 5'1 )
Lucifer hair is naturally black, but he dyed it white to joke with Rafal. Rafal didn't like it at first, but he got use to it fast.
Rhian on the other hand?
Loved Vulcan and hated the man.
Tap that ass one time, and when I say!!!!....
Kiera is so in love with Rafal, she just loves him so much. Rafal exactly got on his knee and proposed.
She had a baby with the good twin and the baby...
She builds her entire own school and the twins were angry and was ready for war.
She even built herself her own house and they were even madder. She even had her own study but also slept inside the twin's room.
Kiera had one more baby and it was a little girl. The girl's name is Mya. Her father is...
She liked to sleep with Rafal at night in his bed. He plays with her hair and watches over her.
Rhian is always jealous, because she doesn't do it with him. And that what upset him.
Kiera had a twin sister named Harper (Whose real name is Evelyn ) the twin is the good one.
She hates her twin, they don't get along at all.
The twins ( Rhian and Rafal ) don't like that at all. They often scowl at her for her treatment of her sister.
Her family came to the school twice. The first time her parents, Lucifer and Sabrina.
The second time Kiera sister showed up. The twins were terrified but they ended up embarrassing her.
And that was it.
The twins practically kiss the ground she walked on.
She often goes running with Rhian early in the morning. She is a little faster than he is.
Which says something.
Kiera always drinks and writes around 6:30 in the morning. To prepare herself for the torture of school.
More headcanons are coming soon.
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harmonyverendez · 6 months
Harmony Stormborn / Kiera
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harmonyverendez · 10 months
My Baby ~ Rafal M x daughter Oc ( Platonic )
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Rafal smiled as his baby girl ran at him. “ Mya”. Mya, who was four years old ran fast as her little legs could carry her. As she got close he lifted her and pulled her small body close to his.
“ How are you my little doll?” he cooed softly caressing her cheeks softly.
“ M' good daddy, Mommy and I went out for a walk, and guess why?” she faked a gasp.
Rafal played along.
“ What? What did you give me?”.
Mya giggled and pulled something out from her back. “ A shell”.
Rafal eyes widened in alarm, that was no normal shell. It was some form of voodoo magic.
He snatched it from her hands and scowled her softly.
“ no, we do not pick things up from the ground. This is poison. You let me know next time if you want something and I'll give it to you. Understand?”.
Mya began to scry, her small lips wobbly and a tear fell from her face. “ Yes, I sowwy Daddy ”.
Rafal eyes melted at the sight of her tears, he let out a coo and pulled her close to his body once more and shushed her.
He walked around with her trying to calm her nerves. After a few minutes someone came from the forest.
A tall figure.
“ Ah, I see you have Mya. I told her not to grab it. But she wanted so badly”.
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harmonyverendez · 1 year
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▫️The Moon Goddess ▫️
🤍 Aesthetic of Kiera and everest / harmony & Evelyn Johnson / stormborn 🤍
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harmonyverendez · 2 years
Marianne Stormborn
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The Cousin of Kiera Mistral Ñee Stormborn
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harmonyverendez · 2 years
The Stormborn Family
Gwen stormborn
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Stephanie stormborn
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Rosalie stormborn
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Thomas stormborn
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Michael stormborn
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The cousins of Kiera Mistral Ñee Stormborn
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