#kidxlaw fanfiction
shadcatmastered · 7 years
I know I already asked for some prompt but... Can you do one where Law is supposed to be a strict (but right) King and he is secretly in love with Kid who is a knight who respect him a lot (and a bit afraid of him). And Law act like a little girl in love when he think/saw Kid and nobody is looking. Please ! Love ya like always !
My dear, you can ask as many proposals as you like :D Love ya too
Kid x Law - FF - King And Knight
The black-hairedman sighed.It had been a stupid idea. He should not have got Kid into the direct Kingsguard. For a knight, it was a great honor to serve the king directly and toprotect his life directly… but Law could not concentrate anymore.He chuckled as he watched the redhead give instructions to the other knights.Yes, Law had given him authority. That only seemed right to him. Kid could notgo wrong. That was not possible.Law blushed a bit as he sat on the throne watching Kid. It was forbidden. Whathe did here was forbidden. The whole people were already talking about whytheir king had no queen and fathered some male heirs. But Law was notinterested. Neither to a wife nor to children. He was much more interested inKid…How would it be if Kid kissed him…? Oh, men must have had some sort of sex,even if they could not father children. He would like to find out…“Your Majesty, are you ready?”Kids voice sounded and Law saved himself from daydreaming.The redhead’s gaze was iron and ready for anything. As if he was ready to givehis life for Law every second.…hah, so male.The black-haired man sat upright again and took the crown, which lay on a redcushion beside his throne. He pulled it on the black hair and took a deepbreath. The blush wiped from his cheeks and Law’s facial expressions becameserious and stern. As it always was… if he did not think about Kid.“Yes, you can let them in.”With that the knights opened the big gates of the throne room and the firstones came in. First, the fine landlords and estate ladies and at the very end,if there was still time left, the poor peasant folk.Once a week, the doors of the throne room were opened for four to five hours.The people of the kingdom could come, express their thanks, their requests ortheir cares.Law had already changed a lot in this tradition. Whenhis father had reigned as king, the throne room was opened only for an hour amonth and that only for the people of rule. Law’sadvisors had strongly discouraged him from receiving farmers. Theywould be the most ungrateful, would drag disease and sheer complaint into thecastle. ButLaw had not listened to his advisers.Andto his great surprise, the common people were the ones who brought the most importantconcerns. Theycould tell him better than his advisers, whether the harvest was bad, thehunger was too great, or the diseases could no longer be kept in the fence.Luckily,the plague was not yet a major issue in their ranks, but if the plague alsomoved to their country, Law would have to close its doors forever. He knew that. After all, he hadreally begotten no heirs. Ifhe died, the kingdom would fall to his uncle in the north. And his unclewas a domineering, dark man. Lawdid not want to do that to his people under any circumstances.Especiallybecause Law for his fairness was really popular among the people. The simple, as well as thelandowners.The hours passed and the worries got bigger. It was the agonizinghunger, as so often. Unfortunately, the land of the kingdom was surrounded bymany marshes and bogs. Although perfect against enemies, this landscape wasunbearable for the people. As soon as it rained for just a few days, the swampswould poison the surrounding soil and kill the crop.Law wanted to sigh and bury his face in his hands, but that would not be worthyof a king. He sat upright, listening to the suffering of a plaintive peasantwoman and promising to take care of the problem.Then she left the throne room, thankful, crying.Law could feel exactly how the eyes of his treasurer pierced his side. Yes,they knew that Law intended to buy food from the kingdom’s money instead ofincreasing the weapons arena. But that was the only right decision.A king without a people would not be a king.The hours passed and people came and went before Law announced after five hoursthat it was enough. Withinminutes, his knights had closed the gates again and Kid stood by his side.Hisface was worried when he looked at Law and the black-haired man smiled briefly.If only the world wasthat easy. Itwould only be okay if you have a husband as a spouse. Then Law would be happy.Butthat was not the moment to think about it. Theblack-haired man shook his head, got up from his throne and walked over to hisadvisors. Theysat at a round table and then they discussed what was being heard.Cumbersome. It was just tedious.Lawhad already exchanged many members of his round table since he had taken overthe crown, but many were still friends of his father.Old,stubborn men you could not convince of modern decisions. Law had to order everything.Kid stood behind him again and watched. Along with another knight, Lawhad to admit that he did not even know his name. He only thought about Kid. Heleft it entirely in the hands of the redhead to administer the knights. Even ifhis advisors advised him against it.The hours passed and it was already very late when the session ended.Law, as always, had much opposition to his decisions. But that’s not why hewould not be deterred! He would take care of his people and do some thingsbetter than his father. That was for sure.Only when Law got up did the other members of his council rise. Law went to hischambers without any ado. His head hurt. He had had enough of this long, heavyday.Law heard Kid instruct the other knight to take care of the others as Kid Lawfollowed up the stairs.…he was alone with Kid.The black-haired man could not stop himself from blushing and butterfliesfluttering in his stomach. He heard exactly how the heavy iron boots Lawfollowed up the stairs.‘Alone’ was almost impossible in such a big castle. They kept coming pastknights keeping watch. But Law was the same. For him, it felt like being alone.Appropriate to his rank, Kid was silent. They got into the corridor where Law’schambers lay and the black-haired one asked:“Do you have a wife and children, Sir Eustass?”Actually it was not possible. Law would have known. Where Kid also had somehours of free time. Nights when he was alone. Maybe he had…?The redhead seemed quite surprised at his question, or even more surprised thatthe king simply addressed him. But then he smiled. The redhead showed so brightwhite teeth that this could only be witchcraft. Law sighed softly. What aperfect man.“No. My life is only yours, my Majesty. ”The black-haired man had to look forward and bite his lip so he would not laughwith happiness.How nice Kid had said that. Only him…Law said nothing, but Kid saw his satisfaction and smiled. He probably wouldnever guess why Law was just as satisfied.They came to his chambers.In front of it stood two knights, who reported immediately that nothingextraordinary had happened. This was actually the moment when Kid would saygoodbye and leave.But Law turned around. His heart beat like crazy, but he could not help themadness that had devoured his mind.“Would you still briefly look into my chambers, if everything is alrightthere, Sir Eustass? I have such a bad feeling today. Not that anyone poisonedmy wine.”Laws voice was serious and clear, whereupon all the knights looked at himhorrified. That their king was so worried was new and the knights put a lot ofweight on it.One of the guards opened his mouth and said:“Your Majesty, we really have …”But before he got ahead, Kid raised his hand and silenced him.“Your Majesty, of course, as you wish.”With that, the redhead entered his chambers and instructed the other knightsnot to let anyone in.Law followed him lightly. He felt like floating above the ground.Kid was in his chambers …here …with him.The black-haired man grinned to ear to ear while Kid searched his chambers witha serious, worried expression. Tried the wine and checked every place for traps.Law was not worried. No, he much preferred to consider the strong knight. Helooked at his big physique and the nice butt. Law giggled softly. How would Kidlook without his armor…? In civil…? He could hardly imagine it. Kid had tolook sooooo handsome.The black-haired man had the feeling that little hearts were flying around hishead. He felt so good in Kids proximity. So free, so happy.The knight, on the other hand, was done with his control. He stood right in front of Law and said with aserious expression:“I searched everything, Your Majesty. There are no traps or dangers in yourchambers. You can rest safely tonight.”Law wondered if Kid was afraid of him. In the golden eyes was the same shimmeras in all others. Fear of the mighty king who could prescribe his death withouthaving to explain it to anyone.“Are you afraid of me, Sir Eustass?”The question of the black-haired man was quiet and sharp. Kids eyes widened andhe took a breath. The reaction alone told Law more than a thousand words could.“Your Majesty, I respect you. I care only about you and your safety. Youhave the highest priority for me.”What a clever answer. Law grinned briefly and Kid seemed relieved.With such deft, evasive words Kid could have fit into the policy of the castle.He had answered his question neither yes nor with no, and yet gave him a clearanswer.So it happened that they looked each other in the eye. Both with a smile andLaw felt the butterflies fluttering in his stomach.And then the king did something that was completely insane. He wrapped his armsaround Kids neck and before the redhead could do anything, Law leaned forwardand kissed him.It felt like Law was going to faint with happiness. His lips laid on Kids andit felt so nice. Like a dream. To feel the strange warmth, the good taste ofKid…Law’s cheeks blushed and he pressed his body against Kids. Felt the cold metal…and then realized what he was doing.As if someone had given him a slap in the face, Law shrugged back. He releasedhis lips from Kids and took his arms off Kids neck.The redhead’s eyes were wide open, staring up at him with his mouth open. …whichwas so cute that Law could only smile. Now he would come to purgatory. He hadkissed a man. And it had felt even better than he had thought…Law blushed again.“Excuse me, Sir Eustass. You can go home now.”Kid nodded mutely and then turned, and Law buried his face in his hands. Whathad he been thinking? God, what had he thought?!But to his great surprise, Kid once more turned his head toward him, even as healready had the door handle in his hand.“Your Majesty …I just wanted to say …that I thought that was verynice.”…was Kid red on the cheeks?Now Laws mouth opened and without another word Kid disappeared through the doorfrom the room.When the door closed behind the redhead, Law squealed and luckily threw himselfon his bed. There he rolled and giggled.Sky! He had kissed Kid! He had really done it…! And Kid had found it nice…!How beautiful the world was…!
written by Shadcatmastered
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kaizoku-hesuta · 3 years
Hello *peeks into askbox* There was a little birb that told me you would also write for ships and not just reader inserts...
May I please ask for Kid x Law with SFW Prompt 7 Confession? You can decide who confesses something.
Thank you!
Hiiiiiiya! I sure do! I hope I tagged it properly for those who don't wish to see this ship. Also, I have hidden the main content of this post below the cut, just to be sure :) But be sure to check it out, because I did something special for this one! I hope you like it <3
SFW Prompt #7: Confession
Character(s): Trafalgar Law | Eustass Kid
On a crumpled piece of paper in the trash bin in the captain’s cabin of the Victoria Punk:
Tumblr media
Links: Masterlist | Prompt list (requests are still open!)
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amaitsumi · 5 years
Fortune: Chapter 11
Main pairing: KidLaw
Genre: Romance Chapter Rating: T
Original author: ぱるるぅた [pixiv] Translator: amaitsumi
~Love and coughs cannot be hid.~
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wwenw · 6 years
Better than Good
hello. again. and happy new year! well whatever happened to getting out of my comfort zone flew out the window, but I’m back again, with a really short, really messy, and really rushed birthday fic for the birthday boy. sorry in advance for any errors, i typed this at work without proofreading. so before i regret posting, here it is, hope you enjoy! (criticisms are greatly appreciated!!!)
Word Count: 440 AO3
There were booze, gifts, and some form of bloodshed aboard the ship that housed the boisterous crew of Kid. It was a night of celebration, there were countless nights of celebration, but tonight, it was different. It's his birthday after all, Captain Kid's birthday, it's a celebration not to be missed.
The night had calmed from the party earlier, it was bound to continue a few hours later when everyone wake from their violent knock out, alcohol or fists, most likely both.
Kid wasn't an exception, only that he's definitely not in a pile with the rest. Back in his quarters which also smelled faintly of metal, he laid asleep on his bed and his limbs sprawled open. He was content with the party, with his life, with his journey. There's so much more to come and more goals to be accomplished, but right here right now, he's good with the progress. Yeah, he's good.
The Den Den Mushi rang.
Dull ringing slowly brought him to his senses. It was an arduous journey to roll over and pick it up. If there was one thing he had learnt since he first stepped into the New World, it was to never let his guard down, the heavy sleeping part of him left itself back in the past, most of it at least.
"Missed me?"
Kid was annoyed, as annoyed as he could possibly be as his lips stretched into a grin. The voice on the other side spoke again.
"It's a beautiful view outside."
And that was the only cue he needed to hang the call.
Indeed, right out the door to the deck was a beautiful-fucking-view. He strode forward, steps before he even reached Law he already had his hands out, grasping at his hips and into a kiss much overdue.
"Pretty damn nice of a view I got."
They whispered against each others' lips as they broke apart.
Who gave a damn what view or what scenery the sky and ocean painted when he's got a masterpiece right in front of him and in his arms, right?
"Why, thank you," Law chuckled, his breath ghosting across Kid's cheek before placing a peck.
"You missed."
Pressed against the railing and under the dark blue sky lit up hundreds upon hundreds of stars, Law pulled away and looked him in the eye.
"Happy birthday."
Kid wasn't sure if Law had developed new techniques with his Devil Fruit, but he swore he felt his chest constrict with a certain tightness he never wanted to forget. He felt more than good, he knew for sure that this was way better than just good.
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shadcatmastered · 7 years
Kid watching Law training his ass in the gym :D
Nothing is better than a hot ass ;P
Kid x Law - Short FF - Gym
Yes, Kid shouldtrain.He really should.But before him was such a beautiful sight that he did not want to train. Orbetter… he couldn’t.Laws sexy ass.Kid was in the gym almost every day. After work he always went for an hour ortwo to do sports. When he got together with Law, he had eventually complainedthat Kid spent more time with training than with him. So they came up with theglorious idea that they just went to the same gym. In this case they wouldspend more time together. But Kid had not guessed that he would not be able to train at all.Law was squatting. And went so deep that his butt pressed so wonderfullyagainst the sports pants that Kid began to drool. Sky.The redhead blushed and tried to look the other way. Come on. You do not wantto neglect your training!Kid picked up the weights from the floor and lifted them again. He felt his armmuscles tense and tried to focus on the music. It was a fast rhythm playing inthe background and he started to resume his exercises. One after the other.Yes, that felt good.Kid really liked sports. Ifhe was done with the weights he would still go for pull-ups.He had toadmit that he was also a poser. Heenjoyed watching himself in the mirror and admiring his own muscles. The result of his hardwork. Sport was something great.…what did Lawdo now…?Kid bit his lip.A quick look would not hurt, or…? After all, they had actually comehere together to spend more time together.Kidlooked at Law and took a sharp breath, almost knocking the dumbbells on hisfoot.Law was straining hisabs. Thatmeant he had his arms stretched forward on the ground, kneeling on the groundand pushing his butt back.Lawssports pants tightened around his tight ass and Kid felt him staring at italmost hypnotized. …and Kid feltlike he got a boner.Oh my, that was toomuch!Theredhead put the dumbbells aside and went to Law. Hedid not care how many people were in this gym. Theonly thing that interested him right now was Law’s ass.WhenKid came to him Law was just about to get up and stretch. Ohand Kid saw exactly how Law grinned in the mirror as he approached.Law had done itwith intention! Oh, hewould regret it!Withrelish, the redhead nestled from behind against Law. Hepressed his boner against Laws butt and grinned like a hungry animal. Hislips kissed Law’s neck so that he would keep hickeys, even if Law just giggledwith a dirty grin.“That’s what you did on purpose …!”Snarling and relish, Kid spoke his words as he squeezed his best piece againstLaw’s ass.The black-haired man tried to look innocent, but he did not succeed.“I? I would never do that! …but I am very happy to see that I have suchan effect on you… ”Law licked his lips as he turned around in Kids Arms, wrapped his arms aroundhis neck and kissed him eagerly. Oh yeah. Kid really liked that. …he wanted alot more of it.He pressed Laws butt with his hands.The black-haired man chuckled as he looked at him with a mischievous sparkle inhis eyes:“I told you I wanted more time with you. How does it look like? Let’s gohome?”Aha!So that was Law’s plan!Kid narrowed his eyebrows, but could not help but laugh lustfully.“Oh no, I cannot stand it for so a long time!”Then he took Law by the hand and pulled him behind him to the men’s shower. Ohyeah. Hot sex in the shower seemed to be even better than training.Law grinned behind him. He seemed to like this plan very much.
written by Shadcatmastered
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shadcatmastered · 7 years
School beauty law and bully kid have a secret relationship:)) law bottom kid top
I had a lot of fun writing! Thank you for the suggestion! :D
Kid x Law - FF - Beauty and the Bully
“It would bea shame if someone broke that expensive tablet of yours, right?”Kids voice was a wicked flattery behind Law’s back, which then narrowed his eyebrowsand turned to him. For a few seconds, they looked at each other before theblack-haired man sighed.“Eustass. Are not there some other students you can annoy? Students whomay actually be afraid of you?”Then it was Kid who furrowed his eyebrows angrily,and the next moment he slammed his flat hand against the locker beside Law’shead. In the corridor of their high school, it was deathly dead from one secondto the next and the black-haired actually jerked slightly together.The only thing that could be heard was the vicious giggling of Kids bullyfriends standing behind him.“Careful, Trafalgar.”Kid hissed his words lightly, but Law continued to look him straight in theeye. Holding his tablet firmly in his hands.The black-haired was silent and the redhead turned his hea … and then winkedat Law. So fleeting thatno one else could see it. And Law had torefrain from smiling.Thenext moment, Kid turned away, turned to face his friends and then went aheadgrinning. Hisworkout jacket was thrown over his shoulder so that you could see the logo of theirschool.Hisfriends followed him laughing, patting Kid on the shoulder and Law stand at hislocker and sighed obviously theatrical.Therewere voices in the corridors again and the next moment a group of girls were athis side. Someof them knew Law from class, but he did not know a few others. But that was always how it was. They fluttered anxiouslyaround Law. Askedif everything was okay and complained about how unfair it was that the school bullieswere never punished. Justbecause they got one or the other price for their school.Law smiled. Thankedfor all the worries but tried as quickly as possible to get away from all thegirls.Law did not know what it was. But he had something about him thatattracted the girls. Well, Law knew himself that he was damn good-looking. Notonly his face, but also his body as he trained regularly. He also had goodgrades. And he did not have to worry about money either. And yes… his friendsalways told how much they envied him and what they would not do if the girlswere so behind them.But Law could not care less about the girls.“Admit it! You just do not have a girlfriend because you do not want theothers to stop running after you! … pah. And I can understand it. If thehottest Cheerleaders in the school ran after me, I also did not want it tostop.”After much small talk Law had actually managed to get into the biology class,where he sat down in his place next to Bepo, who then spoke this comment.Law raised an eyebrow before laughing and picking his friend on the shoulder.“Oh Bepo. You sound like an old man. I bet there are enough girlsinterested in you. You’re just too busy with whining to see it. ”The black-haired laughed while Bepo looked at him critically and then sighed.“Who would be interested in me?”Oh yes, in that case, Bepo loved to complain.Bepo had a pigmentation disorder in the hair, which is why he had white hairsince birth. Also, Bepo was a little overweight and quite tall.But he did not look bad. Law actually thought that Bepo looked prettyattractive. But Bepo himself saw the completely different. He much preferredcomplaining. And Law just listened to him.“Sure. Ah Law, tell me, what’s that between you and Eustass? I heard hethreatened you again?”Oh?Law shrugged as if completely indifferent to him.“No idea. He seems to have fallen for annoying me. But that willdefinitely go away again. ”Well … no. That was a big lie. But sometimes Law was allowed to lie too.But Bepo looked at him with serious concern in his eyes.“If you say that. Law, but if it gets worse, you should go to theteachers. I have already seen the students whom he struck a black eye when theydid not do what they wanted. You should not become one of them.”Law thought it was sweet how much Bepo cared for him. It made him smile to havesuch an honestly cared friend.“Do not worry, it will not come that far.”And it really would not come that far. Never. There was one thing nobody knew.Nobody, not even Bepo.The one thing only he and Kid knew.Bepo sighed and then turned forward again as the teacher entered the classroom.Law saw that he had the answer. Bepo had already put on his plaintive faceagain.“If you say that. Should I tell you something? Eustass is definitelyjealous that so many girls are running after you and you do not even have towaste your time on such nonsense as football.”Law could not help but laugh.So beautiful and melodious that he heard exactly how the girls behind himsighed in delight. What he again got a look from Bepo just said: ‘Do you seethat?’Bepo would never believe how little Law took care of all the girls’ reactions.The truth nobody knew was that Law was not interested in girls.He was interested in guys.During class, Law kept looking at his watch and turning the pen in his fingers.He could hardly wait. Lawbit his lip and could barely follow the lesson. He actually liked biology. He even thought aboutstudying medicine later. Buthe just did not think about it… he only thought of one.Finally. 10:10am.Lawanswered and told the teacher that he needed to go to the bathroom before hedisappeared from the classroom as quickly as if he was on fire.That was it. Their only date duringschool time. Theonly time on the day they could really see each other.Theblack-haired man went to the bathroom on the second floor, to the last booth inthe row, opened the door and… looked Kid in the eye.It was only a moment. A briefsecond before the fire crackled between them. Lawclosed the cabin door behind them and they grinned at each other. Aglorious, radiant radiance full of happiness and love.Lawapproached Kid and wrapped his arms around the strong neck of the redhead. He felt thathis hair was slightly sweaty. Yes, Kid just had physicaleducation. His favoritelesson, just as Biology Laws was. But all this was just notimportant.“I’ve missed you so much!”Law’s voice was a single sigh as he kissed Kid. Their lips touched gently andthe black-haired felt how fast his heart beat. Especially when Kid put his big,strong hands on his hip and then stroked his butt.The black-haired man gasped and pressed himself against the redhead, while hekissed him a little longer.He and Kid were a couple.Nobody knew it. Nobody knew that they were both gay. Even less did anyone knowthat they had fallen in love. They did not want anyone to know. It was excitingto have such a secret! It was crackling and erotic to meet secretly! To kissand touch, always to be discovered in the excitement.It was just fine the way it was.When they stopped kissing each other, Law blushed, and the redhead grinned asmuch in love as on the first day.“I missed you too. When we were so close, I wanted to kiss you. Justbecause. To show everyone that you belong to me. What do you think, how theywould have looked then?”Law laughed at the idea. And as he laughed, Kid pulled him closer and theredhead kissed his cheek and nose.They had to do it fast. They did not have much time.“It would have been funny! But you do not have to prove to anyone that Ibelong to you. Because you have my word, that I alone am only yours. Where elsewould I get such a sexy, sporty boyfriend…? ”Oh, Law knew Kid loved compliments. He felt the redhead’s grip tighten and hepinched his buttocks a bit. Law chuckled. He felt how he got a light erection.Kids proximity was just too much for his body. He wanted to indulge in him somuch. Law wondered what it would be like if they really had sex for the firsttime. After that, he would definitely feel more attached to Kid than ever before.When he had pushed his finger in the butt, he had often imagined what it wouldbe like if it were Kids Finger and not his own. The idea had always been veryhot.“See you tonight…?”Kids voice was a quiet question and Law saw the golden eyes look at himhopefully. The black-haired thought for a moment and then grinned:“Yes, if you want to, you can come to me. My parents are not home tonight.”Then the redhead beamed with happiness before kissing him again. …wow! Thistime even with tongue…!The black-haired felt like he melted away in Kids hands. He opened his mouthand let himself be seduced by him. He loved that kid was so masculine. He lovedthat he touched him like that and treated him like that. He wanted so much moreof it.They kissed each other for a long time before Law slowly broke away from Kid.“It’s time to go back, otherwise it will be conspicuous.”Law spoke that, but he wanted to stay. His heart was beating like crazy and hehad an erection.Kid seemed to feel just like him.Before he could change his mind, Law opened the door of the cabin and went out.Kids heart looked like it was going to break just because he was leaving andthe black-haired guy was laughing again.“Do not look at me like that! See you tonight!”Then Kid grinned again and stroked back his red hair neatly back."Yes, I’m looking forward to it!”When Law went back to the classroom, he thought. Maybe… maybe tonight wouldbe the evening when they would have sex with each other for the first time.Maybe they were ready…The thought alone made him hop on the tiptoe through the passage.
written by Shadcatmastered
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shadcatmastered · 7 years
Kid x Law - Fanfiction - Reasons
Law's fingers followed his scars. Gently they stroked his skin, while Law had a coquettish grin on his lips. "I will never get used to it. But the more often I see you, the more I like it." Kid chuckled as Law moaned softly and kissed his chest. "I like that." Law's hands stroked his skin until one of his hands caught on his metal arm. Law's voice was hot and flirting. Kid didn’t know what Law liked so much about his battle scars, but he liked how Law touched and admired him. "Are you taking it off?" Kid chuckled softly as he let his arm slide away from his stump. Law's hand took his arm and laid it on the bed beside them. He grinned as his fingers brushed his stump. "I like this too." The redhead shook his head and said with a grin: "You're crazy, are not you?" Law laughed. So nice that Kid could not help but hold his chin and kiss him. He loved kissing Law's lips. No man felt as good as Law. No lips seemed to fit as well as Law's. Nobody else let his heart beat so fast. And yet Kids got serious when he looked at Law. There was something else they needed to clarify. Something that Kid had been keeping awake for many nights and had kept his mind busy for many days. Something that made Law somehow look different. "I know what you did, Law. And it was crazy. Rather insane. You almost died. Why did you never tell me that you want to kill Donquixote so badly? I would have helped you. We could have done it together. You should not have done this without me! Luffy D. Monkey... what did you think of such an alliance? That almost went wrong!" Yes, Kid was a bit angry. It almost felt as if Law had betrayed him. Oh, Kid had not forgotten that he had his own alliance. But if Law had asked him... he would have left everything for him. As serious as Kids voice was, Law just kept smiling. He kissed the tip of his nose and his fingers brushed his chest. "Have you been worried? You are cute, Eustass. I do not know you that sweet." Law laughed slightly as he kissed him again. But Kid turned his head away. He put his hand on Law's leg and looked at him. "I'm serious. Why did not you ask me for help? " It was not the first time Kid had thought about it. He thought about it since hearing the story of DressRosa. Law and he had spent so many nights together. But Law had not once mentioned his hatred for Donquixote. Not once. Whereby only a thought had come to him with which he could really explain it. He turned slightly to the side and extended his stump. "Is it because of this?! I am not weak, if you think that! I can’ t change that it happened! And I’m not weaker because of that! On the contrary, if anything it has made me stronger!" Yeah, now his voice was really angry. In the end, that was the only reason Kid had fallen for it. That Law had to consider him weak. Why else would he have kept this from him? But now it was Law, who looked at him angrily somehow. The grin passed and he grabbed his shoulders and pushed him down onto the bed. Law sat down on his stomach in one fluid motion, then looked him straight in the eye. The blue eyes with an indignant twinkle in it. "Kid Eustass! What are you talking about? Does it really scratch your ego so much that I asked not you 'for help' but someone else? Is your ego really that pretentious?!" Law should only be angry. Kid narrowed his eyes and looked up at him. If anyone here should be angry, then he! He almost always told Law what he was up to, even if he just shook his head. "Then tell me why!"   Law clicked his tongue and looked at him angrily. "I saw Doflamingo fight for years. I knew how hard it would be to kill him. And I did not want anything to happen to you! Do you know how horrible it felt for me to see you so hurt when you lost your arm? I imagined what it would be like if you died! Do you think I can still expose you to any great danger afterwards, just because of me?" Wow. Law's emotional words made Kid speechless. His mouth opened as Law squeezed his shoulders down firmly. "You stupid idiot! If I had died in the process, then you would still have lived. Damn Kid, you're the strongest man I know. Do I really have to say that? But I could never have forgiven myself if something had happened to you because of me!" Law came closer and closer to his face when he snapped at him and Kid could not help it. He wrapped his arm around his neck and pulled Law so close he could kiss him. He kissed him passionately and felt his heart beating firmly against his chest. His head fluttered from Law's words. Then Law had... worried about him? He just had not told him anything, that nothing happened to him? Law should know just how little he cared. Kid threw himself from one danger to the next. He loved the adrenaline. The stronger the opponent, the more the redhead wanted to smash him. Law knew it. He had often berated him for it. So why...? Kid kissed Law until his whole body became warm and his heart beat hard. Right now he felt so warm and good. So safe and secure. And Kid did not know why he did it, but when he broke the kiss, he looked Law straight in the eye. A smile crossed his lips as he could not help but laugh. He laughed warmly and happily. "Oh Law, why do not you say that right away? I love you too." Kid laughed, even as Law's cheeks flushed and he looked at him in shock for a moment before he turned his head away and looked at the blanket. "Oh, shut up." Silent was his answer, but Kid only continued to laugh as he kissed his cheeks and held Law close. "Yeah, I really love you too."
written by Shadcatmastered
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shadcatmastered · 7 years
Kid x Law - Fanfiction - Soldier - Part 1
Kid was a soldier since he could think. Ever since early childhood. Their country was close to the outbreak of war. So they wanted to prepare. They went through all the houses and took with them the fathers and the capable sons. Strong fathers had strong sons. At least that was the logic of his country. Kid had rarely seen his mother. She was not an important part of his life. His life consisted in learning the various martial arts. Oh, he did not have a bad childhood. On the contrary. Kid was happy. He liked this world of fighting. He was good at it. He learned faster and more skillfully than other children. Some wanted to call him bloodthirsty. But Kid wasn’t. No, it was not about the blood, it was about superiority. He enjoyed the feeling of being stronger than his opponent. To get down to those who were taller and heavier than him. He did not want to kill, he wanted to win. The subject of killing was suspect to him. He did not quite understand what it meant. But that was not important. Kid did not have to kill. Like all other talented children, his talent has become more and more promoted in fighting. He was trained early in dealing with firearms. He was also one of the first to get an assignment from that children training program. The military was used in more places than just at the front during the war. More and more cases became known in which assassins invaded rich or important families. To prevent this, he was divided for protection. Together with his father and several other soldiers, he was sent to a family of doctors. The man and the woman were both talented doctors. While the enemies released more and more poisons in their country, the two managed to develop antidotes within a few hours. So they had to be true geniuses. Of course, her government wanted to protect them at all costs. The reason Kid and another child were assigned to his unit was simple. The two doctors had two children. A girl and a boy. Their parents had been uncomfortable with the idea that a grim soldier would run after their children all the time. That's why they had chosen the child soldiers. The more pleasant alternative. Kid actually had to admit that he was somehow curious. Actually rather nervous. It was his first assignment. And he was seen as one of the elite unit. So he had to do it well. He was assigned to protect the boy. Law Trafalgar. Kid hoped he was nice. The soldiers entered the big house. It was almost more of a villa than a house. Kid was surprised that it was so simple. He had always thought in his childish imagination that in such a big house everything had to be made of gold and diamonds. But everything was normal here. Only a little bigger. They lined up in one limb and made the military salute. Kids father stepped forward and introduced his unit. Kid looked at the people in front of him. They looked nice. Almost normal. The doctor stepped forward and shook his father's hand. He was polite and nice. Even thanked for being here. The woman was more reserved, but also friendly. The girl, Lamy, if he remembered right, laughed and waved to them. She was about the same age as he was. But the redhead was disappointed. The boy he was supposed to protect did not seem so friendly. He had pulled a big white cap deep in his face and looked over her absent-mindedly. As if they were all not important. Kid also realized that he had to be a few years older than him. Maybe two or three. When his father mentioned him, Kid stepped forward and wanted to shook hands with Law. The boy just looked at him briefly before shaking his head. "No, I do not want your bacteria on my hand." Kid's mouth opened. That was the first entry he had from Law: An arrogant asshole. The doctor looked at his son almost as horrified as Kid. "Law. Be polite. You can disinfect your hands again later. Kid here is supposed to protect you after all." Law glanced at his father for a moment before he sighed and very reluctantly shook his hand with the fingertips of his hand. Kid stepped back in line and looked at his own father, who had pressed his lips together in a tight line. Of course he said nothing. But after all, the reaction told him that his dad was just as unhappy with this classification. But it did not help. The moment was over and it was time to start the new everyday life. The other Child Soldier from Kid’s unit was taken by Lamy's hand and she laughingly said that she wanted to show him her room. Law, meanwhile, was not interested in Kid. He turned and walked up the stairs. Kid buried his hands in his pockets and followed him. He carried a light machine gun over his shoulder. In the belt he wore was a small pistol and various knives. All made to perform the perfect defense, or the targeted attack. Where Kid had to admit that the close combat gave him much more pleasure. He liked the direct fight with each other. Eye for eye and tooth for tooth. But his father always predicted that he should not be so stupid as to seek melee voluntarily. If he could quickly turn off an opponent remotely, it was just so much better. Kid tried to remember this. The redhead followed the other boy into his room and stood in the doorway in astonishment. Kid never had a private room. But he had always imagined what one had to look like. But what he found here was none of this. This one looked more like a laboratory than a child’s room. There was a large bed and a desk in the corner, but the rest of the room was occupied by a large steel table. On it were devices the Kid had never seen before. With different liquids and samples in it. There was a sink in the corner of the room where Law actually washed and disinfected his hands. Kid understood why now. He was working on something. Well, Kid had to admit, he was incredibly fascinated. "Wow." His voice came out in astonished whisper as he closed the door and pulled out the machine gun and heavy military jacket. He just threw things on the floor before he went to the black-haired. He was already at the large metal table and had put on rubber gloves. Intrigued Kid stood next to him and could not help grinning. There was a frog in a metal bowl. He was dead and lay in the middle of the bowl. Law was just picking up what Kid knew from the field hospital. A scalpel. With one hand, he pushed the frog down, while he carefully cut his stomach with the other. While others were disgusted, Kid was just fascinated. "Why are you doing this?" Grinning, Kid asked his question. Only then did Law seem to notice him correctly and turned his face to him. He looked at him pejoratively. Under the jacket Kid had worn only a light undershirt. He did not mind. They used to go around like this in the training camp whenever it got hot. But the black-haired man saw it as a kind of weakness. "Should not you be some trained soldier? And not just a child, what was put in a military uniform? You do not even think of wearing them." Oh, Kid has always had a problem with his anger. All the training had not helped to drive it out. Even now he got angry, though his father had said a thousand times that he should not get angry under any circumstances, whatever the arrogant people said. But how could he not get angry here? "Why are you saying that? You do not run around in a jacket all the time! " Kids words were angry and the bigger boy turned around completely. There was something cold in his eyes. "Do I have to explain this to you? Are you so uneducated? A military jacket is designed to withstand knives similar blades. Only one enemy has to come and attack you with the knife and your life is over. Just because you little child did not want to wear your jacket. And someone like you should protect me? You can’t even take care of yourself! What do you do when someone comes like this...?" Oh, the black-haired had probably believed to surprise him. In the time he had spoken, he had held the scalpel firmly in his hand. In his last sentence he jerked his hand and thrust his scalpel against Kids ribs. Surely he had wanted to stop shortly before his skin and did so only to scare him. But Kid was angry. And very trained. It was not half a second before he dodged and grabbed Law's wrist. He tugged on it, bumping into Law's stomach with his elbow so that he leaned forward and dropped his big hat to the floor. Even before the black-haired man's last word faded, Kid had grabbed the bigger boy's neck with his arm, and the point of the scalpel hovered right in front of Law's nose. While the grip he held him with was determined to be painful. The black-haired had opened his blue eyes and stared at the scalpel. Kid's hand held Law's hand tight. If he killed Law right now, nobody would be able to find Kids fingerprints on the scalpel. "I would do something like that." The redhead's voice was angry and tense. Law swallowed and had tears in his eyes. ...damn, he had gone too far. But Law seemed to understand what Kid meant. Kid naturally let go of the other boy and he tried to regain his composure. Law picked up his cap and did not look Kid in the eye. Kid got a little nervous when the boy was silent for so long. Damn, if he lost his first place immediately, he'd be taken out of the Elite program. Almost a little childish, the redhead pulled on his undershirt, but when Law raised his eyes again, he looked at him calmly. "Yeah... good. Maybe you can do something. After all, they have not sent me someone completely unfit to protect me." Kid sighed in relief and let go of his undershirt. Thank God. He really had to work on his anger. Law meanwhile, who had adjusted the cap, turned back to the frog. Kid, taking the opportunity, stood on tiptoe to look at the metal table. "Are you now going to tell me why you do that?" Forgetting his anger, Kids voice sounded full of excited anticipation. After all, he saw things here that he had never seen before. Law did not look at him, but his voice was almost as arrogant as before: "Just because you're not unfit does not mean that I'll deal with you. I do very important experiments here to gain medical knowledge. I can not afford to spend time explaining everything to someone who has no idea. If you want to watch, do it. But do not disturb me." Kid raised his eyebrows. Damn, that was rude. If Kid had said something like that in the military camp, he would have had to do at least 100 pushups. With weights. "Oh man, you do not have many friends, right?" Law did not respond to his comment, but Kid could see exactly how he contracted his eyebrows. He saw in his expression, that is comment was probably true. If you were so rude, you could not have many friends. Kid crossed his arms and sighed as he rested his head on it. He did not like Law. Not at all. He was conceited and mean. Actually totally unsympathetic. And it could not be that important if he just cut a frog. Kid could do that too. But he got something new to see. Then he should just enjoy the moment. At this moment, Kid did not yet suspect how much he would change his mind about Law Trafalgar. And how much their two destinies would change.
written by Shadcatmastered
- I’m sorry for mistakes. English is not my native language. -
12 notes · View notes
shadcatmastered · 7 years
Kid x Law - Fanfiction - New Year's Eve
Law knew why he was sitting here alone. Which did not mean that it depressed him less. The people in the small bar all looked at the clock. Laughing, roaring, drunk and especially in each other's arms. 10 minutes to go. The black-haired man tensed his shoulders and drained his cocktail before trying to order one more from the bartender. However, he was so involved in a conversation with two women, that he would not even have noticed a thirsty. Law sighed as he forced his gaze to the small TV in the corner. He had previously looked too far in the bar to find he was surrounded by a sea of ​​couples. Of course, who spent New Year's Eve alone? Except the forsaken? No, Law had no break up. Not in the classical sense. He had just realized that he had missed something. Something essential. He noticed it only a few months ago and now he couldn’t do anything about it. The black-haired had enough friends and enough acquaintances. One would think that he would not have to spend a single minute alone, which he did not want to spend alone. However, it was this darn old age. At least he blamed it. Three of his friends had been married in the last two years. Two sat with little children at home. Another of his friends spent New Year's Eve with the family of his fiancée. And the other two celebrated with their respective partners. When the demand came, what he was doing on New Year's Eve, he had shrugged at first, meaning he would still see. When he had now received pitying looks and politely declined the half-hearted invitation he had begun to lie. He told his friends that he had been invited to a party of a new friend. He did not want pity or anyone who forced himself to spend time with him. Only there was no party. There was only him and that cocktail he had drunk. Then he spent New Year alone. How bad could that be? ...very bad. With an evil eye, he looked to the bartender, but he ignored him as skillfully as if he had never had guests before. Law looked down at the hanging tits of the two women pejoratively. At one you could even see the chest. But as drunk as she was, she would not even notice if she was naked. Probably even not when a guy just pushed his cock into her overly wide hole. Guaranteed she wanted to go to bed with this bartender. And took the girl friend with her, who knew where the XXL dildo was hidden, that this worn hole could be filled anyway somehow. That was mean. Damn, he wanted a drink! Law had no relationship. Honestly, he had never had one. He could not even say exactly how it had happened. He probably had missed that, too. He had felt the last hints of falling in love with his school days. Yes, indeed. At the age of 14, he'd been terribly in love for the first time. In a good-looking boy, who only sat in front of him. That was also the year when his grades were worse than ever. Law did not watch in the classroom. No piece. He just sat there, dreamily watching the boy from behind. Imagine what it would be like to touch him. And my god, what it would be like to kiss this one. Now and then little giggles came over his lips and he painted his block full of hearts. Bandaged their initials and wrote love letters at home, carrying them in his satchel. If he was brave enough, he would eventually give the letters to his chosen one. Law had never bothered to be gay. He was enlightened enough to know even at this age that there were homosexual people. This was nothing special, just a fact. Although he was aware at that age that there were far fewer gay than heterosexual sexual men. But what that really meant, Law had not understood at the time. His head had simply not understood that it was very unlikely that the other boy was also interested in the same sex. The end of the song was, that he was staring at his mobile number in one of many nights. His class had a WhatsApp group and his number was the first one he had saved. Marius. Right. That was his name. Now he remembered again. With exciting trembling fingers and his stupid boy's heart, which almost jumped out of his chest, he sent a message, whether he wanted to come visit him. And Marius agreed. Law did not sleep that night. No, he was happy, wept with excitement and had the first 'real' erection of his life. Marius came by two days later. They gambled his favorite PC game with Splittscreen. A stupid car game, as he remembered today. They drove a taxi and had to get the customers to their destination as soon as possible. There were points for the fastest time and for the most destructions. Marius had smiled at the game but played along. Law remembered how happy he had been. His mother... YES, his mother had brought them two little Pepsis and with these in their hands they wanted to go to town. Until his mother solemnly ordered them to take Lamy with them. She was thrilled to be crazy because her big brother had recently spent much less time with her than ever through all his daydreaming. But Law was just horrified. His little sister on a date?! Of course, the look of his mother had not allowed a contradiction and so they had gone to three in the city. There was a pool table in a squalid internet café in the city where you could play for little money. There they went. And in Law's memories, It was a nice afternoon. Marius often smiled, though his gaze seemed to say even more often that he had somehow imagined it all more as a shooter play among mates. After half an hour this indicated that he would rather take the earlier train and go. Of course, Law and Lamy brought him to the train and Law was very close to him. Nothing happened. Of course not. Still carrying the Pepsi bottle in hand, Marius came home by train and Law's heart could not beat right for days afterwards. He wrote Marius many WhatsApp messages with inconsequential content and got... really never an answer. Of 50 messages he wrote, perhaps 4 were answered. And yet his heart of love could silence his protesting brain. Two weeks later, Law wrote a message in Marius in the middle of the night. 'I do not know how to tell you... but I fell in love with you.' Exactly three hours later he got the answer: ,I love you too.' Law could still remember the feeling right now. This pure, irrepressible happiness, which wanted to break all tracks. These suppressed screams and cheers and how his heart finally beat happy. At least until the next day of school. That school day that brought pure horror. Within that one day, the clever, nice law with which to steal horses became the biggest joke. They all knew. And they all laughed at him. Marius told everyone how Law's little sister was mentally retarded because she had come up against the wall with the billiard rack. The whole, in Law's memory so beautiful, afternoon became a pure spiteful parody against himself. It may sound ridiculous, but Law was sure that this formative event had determined his whole life. In a certain way. His love for Marius did not go away easily. She tortured him to graduation. It was no longer beautiful and innocent. It was a single ordeal that he hoped every day she would finally die away from, and no longer mind him when compared to the others. But no. It held until the last day. And then when the principle "out of sight from the mind" began and that terrible love finally passed away. Since that day, Law had managed to never fall in love again. He forbade it. Now the comments may come that one could not choose where and in whom one fell in love. But that was not the whole truth. If you locked away those emotions, deep down and erased every approach, you no longer fell in love. Although he had been so young and that love was so stupid and childish, the subsequent years of school had hurt so badly that he did not want to allow that pain under any circumstances. Who needed love and a partner when having friends? Two minutes left. The measurements of people became more restless, some already shouting out the new year. Law still had nothing to drink. Well, no relationship did not mean he had never had sex. Oh no. The black-haired man learned more than to appreciate gay bars. You drank together, you began to fumble and you had wonderful sex after and you never had to see the other again, if you did not want to. Sex without love. Perfect for the man who had given up love completely. And damn, he had had some really fantastic sex. But no, he still did not want to fall in love. What he actually wanted right now was a bit of company. Not more. He missed his friends. Even those who would promise their female partners equal to a fabulous orgasm and then fall asleep somewhere drunk before. Or not. What did he already know? He was not there. He had often lied about partnership and love. Whether with his friends or work colleagues. He did not even know why he did it. It just so happened to his blood that he kept doing it. Sometimes he told the story of a long distance relationship. Sometimes that he had recently parted with his ex because he was an asshole. Sometimes the story that he had just met someone, but it was not serious. That's what society wanted to hear. Then there were some grinned comments and the topic was forgotten again. The eternal bachelor would be talked about. But not about the man who, like everyone else, had relationship problems. It was that easy. 00.00 clock. Loud screams came through the bar. Crashes and thunder of rockets and the like roared in from the streets. Law smiled briefly. Very briefly, just for a moment. "Do you want anything else?" The black-haired man's gaze fell on the bartender, who had actually managed to move his ass towards him a few seconds past midnight. A pretty ass, admittedly. "Yeah. Give me a whiskey. " The bartender smiled and Law noticed that he had a beautiful smile. Just white teeth that shone from behind his lips. Hm. Generally, the bartender did not look bad. He was tall and muscular, and when his pants pushed against his crotch, the promise of something "big" shimmered through. And Law admired his hair color. He was wondering if they were colored. They were fire red. But as pale as his skin was, it suited a born redhead. He could not see the color of his eyes in the darkness. If the man were not so obviously oriented to women, Law would now have considered whether this one should not fuck him into the new year. The bartender put down the whiskey for him, smiled briefly again and then disappeared. Serving the celebrating crowd with such expensive liquor that she accompanied a proper bill into the New Year. Law finished his glass and went home. Alone. He had lost the desire for sex for today. He did not want anyone to vomit in his bed as soon as he woke up. In his apartment he turned on the light, took a shower and then sat down to bed with a good book. The crash of the rockets continued for hours before his windows. But Law did not care. No. He read in his book until he was tired and then lay down to sleep. And wondered why he was so depressed. He had had a nice evening. Quiet but beautiful, and he had made every decision he made today. He was not lonely. He had enough friends and most of them had found nice relationship partners too. Some of them had even fathered very sweet children. Damn annoying, but cute too. So what bothered him? Nothing. He was just tired. And who was tired quickly became sad. What the hell. Only one day off, then he could go back to work. Law slept long, although he woke up several times. The first time he opened his eyes at eight. He had a dream. Something black. He did not want to think about it, so he closed his eyes and quickly fell asleep again. At ten, he woke up next time. He could get up now... wash his hair, buy something for lunch, maybe make an appointment for the evening... well, he could. Pulling the blanket higher, the black-haired turned and fell asleep again. When he finally sat down at 12 o'clock in his bed, he sighed. He still felt depressed. This unfathomable sadness. He just explained to himself that he was not lonely and that he could prove it to himself. Even before Law was out of bed, he picked up his cell phone and called his best friend. At the other end of the line, childish preaching awaited him, and he closed his eyes as if the noise would be less. "Yeeeah?" Shrill up and without a polite performance, a bright girl voice answered and Law thought to himself that three year old was too young to answer the phone. "Can I talk to your dad?" Trying gently, Law spoke his words, whereupon silence sounded. "Hello?!" The voice repeated itself, as did Law. Another beeping: 'HELLO ?!' and the black-haired man grimaced annoyingly. Could not she even use a telephone receiver? Suddenly the child 's noise stopped and the familiar: Beep - Beep - Beep, an attached lead sounded. Law sighed and left the phone on the bed as he went to the shower. He considered who else he could call. Maybe he should try it with someone childless. Maybe it would be a sensible idea. Still with wet hair from the shower, Law went naked to his cell phone and called first the delivery service. He had found that he had no desire to go shopping or cook. He ordered spring rolls and fried rice from the Chinese before dressing, sitting down on the sofa, and then calling his friends list. Anyone for a nice last night out. One had to have time. Only one, that was enough. They used to be five or six. Most of his friends he had met during his studies. Aspiring students with high goals and even greater celebratory mood. He had never lowered himself to something like a student apartment. Honestly, most people had found him grubby, and he had no interest in completely giving up his private life. He had lived with his parents for a long time before he had had enough money to afford an apartment alone. Which did not mean he did not spend most of his student life in student residences. He was drunk, it was celebrated and then he went his way again. Just as he wanted. There had been no long phone calls back then. No hours of planning. Five minutes before going out, they wrote a message to the WhatsApp group and everyone was ready. What had happened? Nobody had time. Nobody. He got many apologetic refusals. Many excuses presented and god, Sachi even shouting joyously in the phone when answering that his girlfriend was pregnant! "Imagine that, Law! Imagine! I’m going to be a father! I’m going to be a father!" Law grimaced. So much that he did not like himself. "Congratulations.", was his dry answer. But in his pure joy Sachi did not notice this dryness. He cheered a few words and Law hung up. Great. The doorbell rang and Law took his food. The hunger had passed him by a long way, but he gave a generous tip before he set his food on a plate and sat down in the dining room. He and five empty chairs. Did not he want to prove sadness that he was not lonely? Lifting his plate, Law walked into the living room and turned on the TV. Of course, there was no television program that interested him. He watched a court show and ate apathetically his food. Unmotivated slipped after this deeper into his couch and looked at the clock. It was already half past one. Law sighed as he devoted himself to the television program. Why not? He did not want to do anything for work these few days. His thoughts slipped into his childhood. He thought of Lamy. He loved his little sister very much. He had always loved her. After his departure, the contact with her had only become stronger. Constantly they had made an appointment, constantly seeing each other. In the meantime, Lamy was 24 and engaged to a guy who, in Law's opinion, did not fit a single piece to his upset, bubbly little sister. He was quiet, well-read, working in a library and apparently knew everything. He himself found this absolutely uninteresting. Lamy loved the man, who was so small he was barely taller than herself, and allowed her heels to be banished from her wardrobe forever, idolatrously. For whatever reason. In a sudden anxious thought, Law wondered if she also wanted to get pregnant. And hoped it was not like that at all. It was four o'clock when he called his mother. Oh yeah. His mother. And asked if he could not come over for dinner. They had not seen each other for so long and he did not want her to miss him too much. "Oh Law, I always love to see you, you know that. But just today, your dad and I wanted to go to the opera. How about tomorrow?" Law could not believe it. By God, he really could not believe it. He closed his eyes, took a deep breath and said as kindly as he could that it was not bad. And unfortunately he could not tomorrow, because he had to work again. His mother sounded truly sad and Law knew that she would feel guilty the whole evening at the opera. Suddenly he saw the picture in front of her. As she stood with two Pepsi bottles in her hand, smiling, she said he should take Lamy with him. The beginning queasy feeling in Law that he had ruined his mother's evening disappeared. That's how Law spent his day off at home. He watched mindless television. Leave in his book and surf the internet. With his laptop over his lap he hung over a brokerage. The first month was free, then 24.99 euros per month. Law had read customer comparisons. This should be the best brokerage of the big wide internet, also with many same sex mediation possibilities. ...but he did not want a partner! Completely frustrated, Law closed his laptop, pulled on his jacket, and left the house. Just sitting at home would drive him crazy. So what?! Then nobody had time today! The next time one of them called, maybe he had no time! Bloody hell! But when he walked alone through the streets and again had the feeling that in the early evening hours only couples went to a walk. At that moment, Law admitted it. He felt lonely. But not lonely in the sense of: I really want a partner, but lonely in the sense of: I want someone to hang out. So he went back to yesterday's bar. After all, he could look at the bartender's pretty ass while he was getting drunk. Oh yeah. Get drunk! That sounded good! Law sat down in the same chair from yesterday while ordering the same cocktail from the same bartender. He smiled, with the same white teeth and Law smiled back. Today was far less busy than usual and the bartender stopped in front of him while he took the cocktail glasses from the dishwasher and polished clean. Yes, that was really a handsome man. "May I ask you what your name is?" His voice came dry over his lips. Scratchy and way too deep. Law wanted to roll his own eyes over himself. If he wanted to make a flirtation with him, he had just screwed it up. No one wanted to flirt with illness voice vocal cat. The bartender smiled. Charming, or even happy surprised. "Certainly. My name is Kid Eustass. Just say Kid." The latter reached out and as Law struck, the handshake was warm and firm. His posture and his eyes... they were golden. Really and truly. His smile was so genuinely interested that Law felt a tingle running across his skin. Sales strategy. That was a sales strategy. Pull yourself together. You really are not that desperate. Law accepted that. Called this his name. "Do you work here every night?" The black-haired man had cleared his throat. His voice was smooth and soft again. He whispered softly. And smiled. "Every Thursday until Monday. On Tuesday and Wednesday I'm free. But if it was up to my girlfriend, I would have quit here long ago to have a decent weekend like normal people. " He laughed. Honest and joyful, as if he wanted to cheer Law up. But Laws smile just faded and the cocktail was tipped down in a big train. Of course he had a girlfriend. Naturally. If anyone had observed Law yesterday, told those colleagues about its tribulation, nobody would have believed that. Law was a completely different person at work. He smiled, laughed, joked, and was probably one of the most committed and pleasant colleagues the hospital had ever seen. Overtime was no problem, difficult operations a pleasure instead of a burden and teamwork the nuts and bolts. The black-haired was not aware about it, but he had many admirers. Oh, too many envious, but above all, many admirers. What was due to its absolutely reasonable, professional way in every situation. When Law was appointed Senior Physician within a very short time, no one had wondered. When the position of department head of cardiac surgery was up for debate, his name fell everywhere again. The decision was still pending, but Law looked confident in his future. Oh yes, he loved his work. It was exhausting, tiring and often frustrating, like any work, yet he loved it. It was proven that every person had several faces. One was the face shown in his work, the other only the friends knew, one for the family and one that nobody knew except himself. If Law had to put her in a chronological order, he liked his working face the most. Nothing could shake him, throw anything off course. There was only the forward. And with that orientation he was successful. Law loved life at work. After that ...well. Instead of having more time again, Law felt as if his friends had less and less time for him or for each other. If he were angry, he would have said that they all behaved like old men. His thoughts kept circling the bar, but he had not gone back since talking to Kid. He really did not need another friend to tell him about his happy relationship. Of that he had enough conversations the day. It was a Saturday, about a week after New Year's Eve, when he was sitting on the balcony of his apartment. He crawled under the railing and leaned from the wrong side against the columns of the balcony. His feet hung in the cold, nocturnal winter air, five floors above the ground. The black-haired man took a deep breath and leaned his head against the wall. It was a nice night. A really nice night. And he lived in an equally beautiful house. He moved the top floor of an apartment building, newly built and apartments in the purchase price of single-family homes. His apartment and the area was undisturbed. In front of the building was a large lawn designed, clean and well-trimmed. The look of his blue eyes slid down. If he let himself slide down now, he would not die, but come to the hospital with serious injuries. He snapped his tongue snappishly and closed his eyes. If he were dressed in the building next door, there would be no turf under his balcony, but hard asphalt. That would be deadly. Stop, you could misunderstand Law right now. It was not like he wanted to kill himself, oh no, no way. But sometimes he just thought about the possibility. There was something strangely reassuring about it. Just like the thoughts of what it would be like if he died of a sudden accident. So completely the black-haired could not explain those thoughts themselves. It was a mere thought. Something that made his sometimes whirling thoughts calm and matter-of-fact. Almost like a good swig of whiskey. The black-haired man sat for half an hour in the biting cold, before he got up, crawled over the railing and cooked himself a warm tea. In fact, he felt very calm and drank in a sip. Oh, he was hungry. Mh. No, he was not only hungry, but really keen to cook something fine! Oh, a salmon lasagne, that would be just right! And indeed, a little exercise as well. The black-haired man put on loose jogging clothes, put his purse in his back pocket and jogged to a supermarket. He chooses the one that was furthest away. He plugged his headphones into his ears and grinned as ‘Freude schöner Götterfunken’ rang out. His footsteps adjusted to the melody and he sang along those unconquered passages. Loud, roaring, but full of good mood. When he arrived at the supermarket, he was totally sweaty, but of such a good mood as a long time ago. Cozy he bought all his ingredients for the lasagna. Grinning and humming a bit, before his cap was suddenly pulled off his head, baring his black, sweaty hair. At first scared, then angry at the prank, Law turned around before literally opening his mouth. There was Kid in front of him. And grinned, very broad and amused. "Good evening! I already missed you in the bar! " Close your mouth! Law closed his mouth and tried a smile as he took the cap from his hand and suddenly realized how irrationally fast his heart was beating. Probably with fright. Or the fact that he was sweaty and in jogging clothes, standing in front of a well-dressed handsome man. "G-good evening. Yes, I had late work. Unfortunately, I had to work instead of drinking." Actually, Law smiled, even if it was a half-lie. His late shift was over at 22 o'clock. Just then was the perfect time for a sip after work. The redhead nodded in understanding before this smirk: "Luckily. I thought I scared you off. " Law tried in that moment extremely to ensure that his thoughts could not see. The thought that he would have come more often, if he did not have to start immediately with relationship narratives. "No no." He smiled. Kid smiled. "Do not you have to go to work today?" It was Saturday. Especially on Saturdays there had to be more than enough work in a bar? And the black-haired man remembered that he had vacated on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. "Oh, yes... but I took my time off. Today is the one year old between me and my girlfriend. But I would have preferred to work afterwards. " The smile made a sigh and he grimaced. Law's keen eyes had seen only too well that his cart was previously stocked only with beer. He skillfully ignored the sting he felt at the word 'one year old'. "Why?" Well, but why he wanted to work rather than a well-loved partner together, he was interested. Kid grimaced. So amused exaggerated that Law had to smile amused. Without knowing what it was about. "I cooked with eggs." What? "What?" As irritated as his thoughts were, Law spoke his words and Kid looked at him. "She has been vegan for two months. Be healthier and so. And I cooked her favorite dish today. Spaghetti Napoli. With homemade spaghetti. And now, I used eggs for the spaghetti. I just did not think about it. She only noticed that when she saw the package in the trash and had already eaten half. She then screamed me as if I tried to poison her. That would be a sign that I was not interested in her live and her interests at all. Such a bullshit. As a result, I left, from my own apartment, mind you. But I do not feel like quarreling. I actually thought that we would be busy with completely different things tonight. It was a really nice evening until then. She also had a really cute gift for me and I bought her a gold necklace, which she probably liked a lot. And then that. Because of stupid eggs.” The redhead sighed and looked at him sullenly, as if he expected a comment like: The women! You can make nothing right! But Law just looked at Kid. Well, he actually could understand that. Although not why she freaked out just like that, but if she had opted for this lifestyle, she did not want eggs in her food. "I'm sorry." Yes, it really did. Quarrels were always unpleasant. Kid shrugged. Before he smiled again and rattled with a six-pack of beer, which grabbed this from the next shelf. "What do you think about? We two and this, and another six-pack, beer, at a cozy TV evening at your home." Law's heart was buzzing. Yes, it used to be that easy. They met, made an appointment, and left together. Just a drink. He smiled. That would save his boring evening at home. Indeed... "With pleasure. Very much. But not today. You buy chocolates, beautiful flowers, egg-free spaghetti, go home and reconcile with your girlfriend. At least you have one year today. His relationship is not risked because of chicken eggs. " Bloody hell. Damn it. For a few moments the redhead was silent before he sighed and then smiled. "...you're right. You really are. Even if I and my girlfriend have been quarreling lately. Maybe it will be better today... Thank you. Come to the bar tomorrow, huh? You get the most expensive drink we have on the house. " The other man's smile was wide and honest. At Law's approval, he gratefully put his hand on his shoulders and did the same as he said. And Law just stood there and watched this nice butt and was pretty sure that Kid would still get his planned night. But heaven, this had been the only correct answer He plunged the headphones back in his ears before he jogged back home. He felt very good. Not depressed or anything. He just found himself feeling like he was jealous of Kid’s girlfriend.
written by Shadcatmastered
- I’m sorry for mistakes. English is not my native language. -
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shadcatmastered · 7 years
Kid x Law - Fanfiction - Two Hearts
It was very different than he had imagined. For the past two years, he had thought of Law every day. He had missed him every single day. Kid had considered what it would be like to see him again. Touch him again. To take him in his arms and hug him. Only one thing Kid had not expected. He had not expected that he would not have his arm anymore. He did not think his body was covered with scars, while Law himself looked like nothing had happened to him in recent years. At least on his body. Kid did not know what shook him so much. Maybe it was the fact that Law's lips looked as if they had barely smiled for the past two years. Because his facial expressions looked so serious, as if all lightness were lost. What had happened to Law, which had not taken his body, but his soul ...? The redhead stood and stroked his red hair back with his remaining hand. His golden bangle jingled and his black coat was tight around his shoulders. He hid his stump. Kid did not know if it was the sound of his bangle, which made Law turn around. But the black-haired did it. It was daylight and Law and two of his crew were at the harbor, right in front of the yellow submarine. They laughed and grabbed Law's shoulders as if they were the ones who had not seen the black-haired in years. For Kid, all this made no sense. Especially because Law's eyes were pleased, but his lips hardly smiled, as if they had forgotten how to do that. Law's eyes fell on him and Kid felt relieved. The black-haired man started to smile. Honest and deep, while Kid could not help grinning at the reaction. Maybe there was still something of the old Law in him. The Law he fell in love with two years ago. And the Law he always dreamed of since he did not see him anymore. Maybe there was something left of this Law. Kid went straight to the black-haired. He could see the blue eyes studying his scars. He studied his face and followed the lines up to his coat. Law's smile faded as he approached. It went into something that has probably become Law's normal expression. Blankness. "Law, how nice to see you." But Kid could not help but be happy. His heart started to flutter and he reached out his fingers and put them on Law's face. The stubble pushed against Kids' fingers and a fine smile played around Law's lips. He pressed his cheek imperceptibly against his hand. "I am also pleased." Then Law said goodbye to the members of his crew and went with Kid towards the city. They had no special goal. After taking a few steps, Kid grabbed Law's hand. He crossed his fingers together and smiled and saw the black-haired man smile as well. Kid wanted to feel something of the ease he had felt before. He had so often longed to see Law again. But somehow Kid got the idea that everything was different now. Not only Law, but he too. But in that moment in which they held hands over the strange island, all this was not so important. Just the feeling of her hands was important. "You look different, Kid. Where did you get those scars from?" Law's voice sounded interested, but it was a mild interest, not a true curiosity. ...strange. Otherwise, Law's thirst for knowledge had been insatiable. Law had been full of joie de vivre. Always something spiteful, but also full of joy. This strong character had attracted Kid. Now, Law seemed more like a mellow shadow of himself. "I fought a lot. But I won every fight. You also do different things Law. You feel different. What happened to you?" The black-haired man looked ahead. A grin pulled to his lips as he reached up with his free hand and pulled off his cap. Law's black hair looked healthy and tight. Kid would like to rub his face in and smell a little Law. "I also fought a lot. And I won, Kid. I have defeated the enemy whom I have wanted to defeat since childhood. It cost me a lot, but I did it. Is not that great?" Kid looked at Law for a while. He knew nothing of a lifelong enemy. Law had never mentioned it before. But as Law was talking, Kid asked himself if the price for the victory was not too high. It was quite obvious that the black-haired had taken a path that had fundamentally changed him. But what was Kid to judge? He, too, was completely different after those two years. And yet the redhead was so... sad. He was so looking forward to revisiting his old Law. For him, that was the day his journey would come to an end. For him ...for him Law was his one piece. He had already found it, but then let it go. Did that mean he had lost it now...? He and Law walked the city. They did not talk much. But what they did ...was buying ice cream at the ice cream parlor. Kid did not know what he was so funny about, but when Law faced him with two balls of ice, he could not help but laugh. Even Law grinned the same way as before. "Chocolate, right?" Oh yes, Kid still loved chocolate. He accepted the ice cream cone. Even if Law looked irritated, if Kid used the hand they had been holding hands with until now. ...then the black-haired had not noticed. As they licked the ice and headed for Kids Ship, they began to talk about the past. Kid reminded Law of their first kiss. That glorious first kiss, when Law had bitten him so hard on the lip that he was bleeding because he had kissed him unasked. And Law laughed. His lips twitched as if he had forgotten how that went and said: "That’s what you get from just kissing me like that!" And that was when Kid leaned forward and kissed the black-haired man. He licked the strawberry ice cream from his lips and kissed him with relish, whereupon Law chuckled and then grinned: "Come on, let's get on your ship. Because I really missed you, my crazy redhead." Kid kissed him again and Law finished his ice cream as they headed for his ship. The mood was meanwhile a lot more exuberant. They laughed and talked about the past. About how Penguin stormed into Law's cabin and his captain was about to give the redhead a blowjob. Kid laughed loudly. "You could not see it then, but his expression had been to deathly laughter!" Oh yes, they had a wonderful past together. They had enjoyed every single day. Until they both sailed to the New World ...and had not seen each other for two years. They went to Kids Ship. Meanwhile, Kid had eaten his ice cream and grabbed Law's hand again. It felt so good to hold his hand. Most members of Kids Crew were not there. Kid had given them a few days off to spend a little life on the island. Sometimes you just had to take a break. Together they entered Kids cabin and the redhead closed the door behind him. He and Law smiled at each other. It was a warmth and happiness between them. "Law, there's one more thing I have to tell you ..." But before Law went on, Law put his hands on his coat and said softly: "I know, Kid. You're in the newspaper a lot, you know that? In the last photos you had a metal arm. I had the hope that it was just a cover on your normal arm. But after today..." Law pulled off his coat and his eyes fell on his stump. Although he expected it, the black-haired man drew in a sharp breath. Law slowly raised his hands and put them on his stump. They were silent for a while. "Why did not you have your metal arm today...?" Laws voice was soft as his fingers stroked his stump. "I had heard that your ship was set up here in the harbor. I wanted to meet you the way we last saw each other. As far as it was possible. " The black-haired man looked up at his explanation and smiled slightly. "That sounds really romantic." Kid had to grin, too. But then suddenly a bitter smile pulled on Law's lips. "Do you know Kid, now I have to show you something." Hm? Confused, the redhead looked at Law, but he started undressing. First, the coat fell to the ground and then he took off his sweater. Law stood next to him, shirtless, and for a moment Kid was shocked. He had thought that Law had no scars ...but he had. His torso was riddled with bullet scars. Someone shot Law! But that was not what he wanted to show him. Law raised his right arm and what Kid saw shocked him. On Law's right upper arm, his tattoo was destroyed by a thick, brown scar. A scar that went around his whole arm and Kid understood. "I had the same fate as you. I also lost my arm. Only I could fix it again. ...you helped yourself with your own devil powers. So we went further. But is not it ironic? Although we were so far apart, we had the same fate." Law grinned. But it was a bitter, ironic grin. Whereby Law was right. It was destiny. Their shared destiny. And that was the moment when Kid wrapped his arm around Law and kissed him. He kissed him deeply and passionately and pressed his warm body against him. "Oh Law! I was scared all the time! Afraid to never see you again! Afraid never to touch you again! I had nightmares where you die. Nightmares in which we never meet again. I am so happy to see you again! I am so happy that you are back with me!" Kid called out his words in despair as he kissed Law as if he wanted to devour him. But the black-haired felt the same way. He put his hands on Kids hips and pulled down his pants before removing his own pants. The redhead could not stop kissing him. He kissed and kissed him, pushing his fingers into Law's interior, though they were still dry. Whereupon the black-haired groaned deeply. "Don’t you think I felt the same way? Don’t you think I did miss you? We had to go, Kid. We had to go our own way! We had to do what we had to do, but it's so good to see you again! Even if you look damned as if you should have died at least five times! " …was Law crying? Kid felt the tears run down his cheeks and kissed them away as the black-haired man pulled him to bed. He then sank down and pulled Kid with him. They looked each other in the eye and suddenly it was back. Everything that was between them. Their love together, the heat, the closeness. "I love you." Soft spoke Kid his words softly and Law took his cheeks as he pulled him down and kissed him: "I love you too, all the time." After that, they loved each other. They pressed their hot, emotional bodies against each other and had the most intense, longing sex Kid had ever experienced. Every single body cell seemed to scream for Law. Law seemed to feel the same way. His hands brushed off every inch of Kid's body and he moved in the rhythm of Kids bumps. Kid came into Law hot and splashing and felt Law's semen on his stomach. Then they cuddled together. They clung to each other as tightly as if they should never let each other go again. Law snuggled his face into Kids' neck crook and the redhead buried his nose in Law's hair. Their hearts beat fast and powerful. And yet they were not calm. They clasped each other tightly and then Kid started kissing Law again. He did not want to know anymore what happened to Law. The only thing he wanted to do was to protect Law in the future. Especially what was in the future. He would protect Law. They kissed and kissed each other before they slowly calmed down. They cuddled together and Kid felt the tiredness calmly. "Law, sleep with me tonight. Please." The redhead felt Law grinning as he kissed his jawbone. "Sure, tonight I'm all yours." Law's hands brushed his hip and he smiled. Before he sighed again and then said in a heavy voice: "But I'll have to leave early tomorrow. I told my crew we're going sailing at sunrise. " Kid could barely express his horror at this moment. "No ...! Law no! We have not seen each other for two years! Please, do not leave me again! " Yes, the redhead's voice was so desperate that none of his crew would recognize him at that moment. But Law also looked unhappy. "I have to... it hurts me as much as it hurts you..." The black-haired sounded bitter and sad. His fingers brushed over Kids' chest, right above his heart. "Oh Law..." Kids voice sounded broken. He wanted to cry. Could he really make the same mistake twice? Should he really let the great love of his life go again...? Who knew what they looked like the next time they saw each other ...and if they ever met again. They looked at each other in pain. ...before Law's eyes became resolute and he sat up. "Let me give you a present, Kid. A gift that I can only do once in my life and with which you know forever how I am." With these words, the black-haired man opened a room with his devilish powers. Confused, the redhead sat up. And then Law did something that opened the redhead's mouth. Law pressed his hand against his own upper body and ...pushed his heart out. Kid had known that the black-haired had such abilities. But to see it with his own eyes ...was unbelievable. Incredulously, Kid watched as Law lifted his heart from the blanket. It hit healthy and strong while it was in Law's hand. In Law's chest was a square hole. The next moment he held it out with a warm smile. "I want to give you my heart, Kid." Kid did not know what to say. He felt the emotions in him overflowing and felt the warm happiness inside him. He reached out and took Law's heart. It was alive. Wow. Love and happiness hit waves in Kid. Before he made a decision himself. "In that case, I would like to give you a present as well!" It was bright midday sun when Kids Crew went back on their ship. The redhead smiled so happy and relieved that several members of his crew already smiled with him. But the world was different now. As the ship moved, Kid closed his eyes and listened to the heartbeat in his body. It was not his heart that beat in it. It was Laws. He had given his own heart to Law and pushed Law's heart into the square opening in his chest. Law had closed the opening with his devilish powers. But Law's powers were still working. The heart in him pumped blood for Law's body and his, which was in Law's body, for him. He had a piece of Law in him. The most important piece. And he would take care of Law's life. He would protect it at any cost. His last words before falling asleep at Law had been: "Nowhere is one's life as safe as in the hands of the man who loves you."
written by Shadcatmastered
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shadcatmastered · 7 years
Kid x Law - Fanfiction - Scars
Law grinned as he spotted the redhead at the end of the bar. He was sitting there next to Killer and the other members of his crew. Oh, he could not stand Kid. And Kid could not stand him. But they had fallen to the body of the other. At least as far as sex was concerned. Law had to admit that he never had better sex than with the choleric redhead. Such a passion… such hardness… The black-haired licked his lips. Whenever their ships docked in the harbor, they met in this bar. Mostly they were only here for one night to replenish supplies. That’s why you should use that night properly. At this point, they both agreed. Law’s crew followed, but they already knew Law well enough to know that they had to look for their own amusement for this evening. Law would be busy. The black-haired did not wait any longer, but went straight to the redhead. Kid, meanwhile, was talking to Killer. The blonde must have said something especially funny, because Kid laughed loud the next moment. He turned his face to Killers. Law paused. Kid had fresh scars on his face. Thick, red lines that had barely missed his eye. They went down to his neck. However, Law could not see anymore because of the thick red coat the redhead had on his shoulders. As Law approached, he studied the scars. He was dissatisfied. The wounds were fresh, but Law could guess that the scars would never disappear. Too bad. He had liked Kids face. Whereby he would get used to it. Scars could be sexy too. If Law had treated him after the injury, he would have been better able to help. He could not have avoided the scars, but they certainly wouldn’t have been so large and conspicuous. “Eustass, you have a terrible ship’s doctor.” With these words, Law greeted the redhead. He turned to face him and briefly met their eyes before Kid laughed. Law grinned again. “Did you hear that?!” The redhead shouted to another man at the end of the bar. Law knew him from sight. He knew that he belonged to Kids Crew. Apparently, this was the ship’s doctor. The man scowled at Law while he took another sip without answering. Kid then turned back to Law. He grinned at him coquettishly. Law put his hand on Kids leg. They both knew why he had come. However, Law could not do anything about it. His eyes fell back to the scars. It was worse than he thought. Not only did Kid have scars on his face, but all over his chest. As always, Kid did not think it would be necessary to wear a top. The scars seemed to go to Kids Arm. But because of the coat, Law couldn't see his left arm. It was hidden underneath. “So far I have been completely satisfied with my ship’s doctor. But if you want to join my crew, the job is definitely yours.” Kid spoke amusedly his words. He apparently mistook Law’s view of his body. Law then raised his eyebrow and considered Kids golden eyes. “Thanks, I renounce.” The redhead grinned. “Too bad.” The black-haired man put his other fingers to Kid’s chin and turned his head to one side. He still looked at the scars with the eyes of a doctor. “But I could have treated you better. The wounds will not ignite, but the scars will remain permanent. Be glad that you have not lost your eye. You should take better care of yourself. Otherwise I must look for someone else for nocturnal activities.” Kid did not say anything. He just seemed to be tensing his shoulders. The rest of the Kids crew was also somehow silent. Almost tense. Law frowned when he looked Kid straight in the eye. Did he miss something? But then the moment was over. Kid put his hand on Laws, who was still on Kids knee. Law wondered briefly why Kid took his right hand. The left one would have been closer. Well. "No, I do not want that. I like to offer you for… nocturnal activities…” The redhead’s grin was very seductive, and the black-haired responded. “I expected that.” Law licked his lips briefly, while holding the Kid by the hand and pulling him out of the bar behind him. They went to Kids Ship. After all, Law was always able to bring himself, with his devil powers, back to his own ship. He could go whenever he wanted. It was sometimes a lot harder to get Kid off his ship, if he hadn’t had enough after one night. As the redhead closed the door of his cabin behind them, he pressed Law against the nearest wall. With an excited grin, he began kissing the black-haired man passionately. Law sighed as Kids moved his hand to his crotch. He squeezed so hard Law could only moan. Law buried his hands in Kids’ red hair and kissed him wildly. Oh yeah! After that he had longed for! Law’s hands slid down Kids Neck. He pulled down the red coat from Kids Shoulders. His fingers slid down his arms and … The black hair stopped. … what? His fingers did not reach into anything. Law turned his head away and opened his eyes. Law stared at Kid’s side. His arm was gone. Kids muscular arm was now a short stump. Covered with red scars. Law’s stomach contracted into a painful knot. His heart was pounding in his chest. Kid had lost his arm. Law could hardly believe what he saw. “…don’t stop.” Kid murmured his words softly as he nibbled relish on Law’s neck. He groaned softly. But the shock was deep in Law. He grabbed the redhead by the shoulders and pushed him away from him. Law looked him straight in the eyes. “You lost your arm.” Law spoke his words with disbelief, as if Kid didn’t know that yet. But Kid only grimaced. “I know.” The black hair did not know why, but he got angry. He really got mad at Kid. His grip on his shoulders tightened and his voice grew louder as he shouted at the redhead. “HOW could you just lose your arm?! What a crappy pirate are you?! Can’t you take care of your own body?!” Kid looked at him, quite perplexed. He had apparently not expected such a strong reaction. Law also did not know where that came from. “…that’s not terrible. I’ll just make myself a new arm myself. One made of metal. I can control it with my devil powers.” Law looked at Kid in horror. He could not believe what he heard! His anger at the redhead got even bigger! “A new one?! That’s your solution?! And what next time, if we see each other?! Then you’ll miss a leg, or both?! Will you eventually build entirely of metal?! “ Law spoke his words in anger and Kid looked at him confused, but also serious. "That could happen. I am a fighter, Trafalgar. I will fight to become king of the pirates. That is the ultimate goal. At all costs.” Law just could not believe it! Angrily he hit with his flat hands against Kid’s chest. “You are a miserable fool! The ultimate goal is to stay alive! And not to cripple yourself! ” Oh, now a reaction came over Kids face. Had the word cripple insulted him? Yes! It should! What did Kid think he was now? The redhead’s gaze darkened. He grabbed Law by the throat and pushed him against the wall. “There’s nothing I could do to change that now!“ With that, he pressed his lips against Laws. He kissed him hard and dominating. The black-haired protested! He pressed his arms against Kids upper body. He was still angry! Kid pressed his knee against Law’s crotch and pressed himself against Law with his whole body. And damn it…! The black-haired felt his cock swell up. He became big and tough. Before Law knew it, he also pressed against Kid. His hands tore down his pants. The redhead ended the kiss and pulled on Law’s sweater instead. Law grabbed the hem of his sweater and pulled it off his head. At that, Kid and Law glared at each other. But there was a crackling fire in her anger. A sexual desire that flooded the room. Law took off his pants and Kid picked him up with his remaining arm. The redhead carried him to the bed. Law’s hands scratched over Kids back and he kissed his neck. Kid would have huge hickeys tomorrow. But that was Law’s purpose. These were the scars Kid should have, not others! The redhead threw Law on his bed. Thereupon they experienced a passionate night. Kid fucked him like a goddamn god. Law hated him for that. He hated him for wanting it so much! Law hated him for caring about him! Damn him! Law’s groaning was heard for hours. He did not know how many times he climaxed before they stopped. Struggling for breath, they lay together. Oh God. That had been good. The black-haired man looked to Kid. Their eyes met. But Law’s blue eyes slid back to the stump. He should go. Just when he wanted to get up, there was suddenly Kid. The redhead rested his head on Law’s chest. The next moment he cuddled up to him. Oh? They didn’t cuddle often after they were done. After all, they both had their obligations as captains. For a moment Law just decided to go anyway. With his powers. But then he only sighed. His hand wandered into Kids Hair and he stroked the red hair. It would not hurt to stay a little longer. Kids body was nice and warm. He liked to feel him. For a moment he looked for the redhead’s golden eyes, but he had his eyes closed. Somehow the sight triggered a strange feeling in Law’s chest. He had never seen Kid so … unprotected. So weak. As if Kid would trust him. But why should he? Just because they had sex with each other did not mean they wouldn’t cut each other’s throats when needed. Or? ”…did it hurt a lot?“ What a stupid question. Still, Law asked his question while stroking Kids Hair. The redhead was silent for a while. As if this would consider whether he should tell the truth. ”…Yeah …I have never felt such a terrible pain before. “ Law grimaced. If he had taken better care, he would not have to experience the pain. ”…How did it happen?“ Law could think of a few scenarios based on the type of scars, but the real answer would interest him. Again, Kid was silent for a while. ”…I don’t want to talk about it.“ The black-haired man rolled his eyes. Great. If it had been some glorious act, Kid would brag about it. It had to be something stupid. For a while none of them said anything before Kid turned his head. He still had his head on his chest, but now he opened his eyes and looked at Law. Kid even started grinning arrogantly again. "But I’m still damn attractive.” The black-haired could not help it. He started laughing as he pulled on Kids hair. This conceited dog! But somehow, he liked that about him. They were both very convinced of themselves. “Damn… yeah, you are.” The black-haired grinned and stroked his fingers over Kids back. His eyes fell briefly on the stump. …he would really have to get used to that. “Still take better care of yourself, okay? I never want to see again that any part of your body is missing. ” As he spoke, Law looked seriously at the redhead. Kid just grinned. “Promised.” Law raised an eyebrow. He did not know if Kid was really serious. But for the moment that was enough for him. But Kid did not seem to have enough. He raised his head and kissed Laws lips. But that was not one of her normal kisses… not a kiss of desire and lust, but a very… tender kiss. Somehow gentle. Somehow… loving. Law was very perplexed. Especially when his heart beat faster. It wasn’t a long kiss. But long enough for Law’s cheeks to turn red the next time he looked at Kid. What should that be? Kid smiled at him. Law had never seen the redhead like that before. So … gently. So vulnerable. He didn’t like that. “Law, I…” But before Kid could say anything, Law pressed his hand against Kids mouth. He looked at the redhead in alarm. “Kid, if you say anything stupid now … something really stupid, you’ll never see me again. Did you understand that?” Law emphasized his words while his voice was serious. He absolutely didn’t want to hear what Kid had to say. Yes, there it was. Injured pain moved over Kids face. He had shown Law that he was weak and vulnerable, and Law had hurt him. Law had found a weakness in the otherwise strong Kid. And he immediately used it against him. Yah. Kid shouldn’t trust him. He shouldn’t like him either. That did not suit them. It was the first and last time Law saw this expression on Kid. It only took a second before Kids face became more ‘himself’ again. The usual casual expression that Law knew so well. The expression as if Kid did not care about anything, even about his own body. Law liked that expression better. …or? Even if Kids Eyes still looked like he was hurting inside. “I just wanted to say that maybe you should go now. We want to start sailing very early tomorrow. ” Kid spoke his words coolly and with a grin. Law just nodded. “Yeah, okay.” The redhead moved away from him and Law got up from the bed. He picked up his clothes and got dressed. “See ya, Eustass.” He grinned at Kid as he got his room off the ship. The last thing he saw Kid wave at him with his last hand. The sight hurt Law’s heart. Fucking why?! “Captain? Is everything fine? ” It was Bepos’s voice that sounded. Law had climbed onto the deck of his submarine to breathe in a bit of fresh air. “Yeah, everything is great.” Law left Law Bepo standing as he walked on the railing. His heart was beating like crazy. What had shocked him so much today? He should not care if Eustass lived, if he crippled himself or if he died! But why did he care? Law stopped and looked up into the night sky. But he had done everything right, …right? Or was he supposed to let Kid just say what he had to say …? Suddenly he wanted to know what Kid wanted to tell him… … what should he have done differently…?
written by Shadcatmastered
-I’m sorry for mistakes. English is not my native language.-
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shadcatmastered · 7 years
Kid x Law - FF - Kids And Killers Past - Part 1
Kid looked Law in the eye and sighed heavily. It hurts. It hurt so terribly. Law put his hands on his stump and said: "Is that the reason? I don’t care! I don’t care if you have an arm missing or if you have scars! Damn Eustass, with my devil powers you can even get a new arm from me! What is your problem?!" Yeah, Law's eyes looked at him with pain and anger. But that was not Kids problem. His problem was the pain in his heart. These memories of what he had experienced. These memories of what had become of him. And the thought that he would tear the only person he had ever loved in this way into the dark. These dark memories of his childhood ... In the end, Kid could barely remember his parents. Blurred images were in his mind, all senseless. But what he could remember were the big hands of adults beating his body until the bones broke. Over and over again. He as one of many children. Kid had grown up in the war and fight. To take the children of the enemies as slaves was the simplest. Kid remembered being sold. Maybe he had been four or five years old. But certainly not older. He remembered being dragged behind many other children and then being thrown into a cage. Hungry and covered with his own fecal matter. Ah yes, he remembered his parents. He knew he had felt completely empty when he saw this cage. He had seen his parents lying dead on the floor. Torn and mangled. Kid had cried. Terribly long and inexorable, while hands had torn him with them. After that, the tears had stopped and never came back. There were many more children in the cage. They screamed, they cried, they raged. But Kid was sitting quietly. He sat petrified on the floor of the cage and looked straight ahead. Oh, in retrospect, the redhead remembered that everything had made no sense. His father had always said that they lived in dangerous times. But he also said that he would take care of him. Such a miserable liar. The cage was placed in an auction room and the door opened. Oh, some of the children tried to run away. But they had no chance. All who tried to run away were shot or their legs were broken. Kid watched this. He watched all this blankly. He calmly left the cage and looked at the people in front of him. A whole group of women and men had gathered and watched the spectacle. They watched as the traffickers caught the children and Kid watched the watchers. He saw their eyes. He saw their expression. And he learned. He learned how soulless adults were. It was a few minutes before Kid felt the barrel of a pistol in his back. "Go forward!" The harsh voice of a trafficker rang out behind him and Kid felt a kick in the back of his knees before he fell to the ground. As his knees hit the ground, the man behind him slammed the handle of the gun against his temple, causing a terrible pain in his head. Kids small body fell to the ground while blood ran down his head. The trafficker had not even given him the opportunity to move forward. He had only wanted to humiliate him. Kids golden eyes had watched the man's face. There was a malicious joy in his face. He enjoyed torturing him. Kid looked at him and muttered softly to himself: "Kick knees ... hit the head ...." The trafficker squinted as he grabbed Kid by the hair and pulled him up in the air. "Did you say what you miserable brat?" The man held Kid's hair high in the air, his limbs hanging down. Blood flowed down Kids' temples and turned his white shirt red. The man hissed his words spitefully into his ear. It hurts. But Kid could not feel the pain. It was like a switch inside him. A switch that let him forget who he was before in the name of self-protection. When the man raised him to his face, Kid repeated what he had said. "Kick the knees ..." He did not get to his knees, but with a surprising force he kicked the man's chin. The teeth clashed and Kid saw something. He saw something bloody and fleshy fall from the man's mouth to the floor. But something was missing. "Hit the head…" The trafficker let go of his hair in horror, but Kid raised his hand. He hit the man's head in the air. He only hit his cheek, but it was enough for the man to stumble backward as Kid fell to the ground. He hit the ground with his butt while the trafficker opened his mouth to scream. But instead of screams, only blood came out of the man's mouth. He looked deformed. Kids look at the bloody something on the floor. ...Tongue. That was a piece of the man's tongue. Kid did not know what he should feel. So he accepted the reaction he had learned. A mischievous joy crossed his face. And then they were many hands. Hands beating his head until everything went black. But that was the beginning. It was the beginning of his new nature. The next clear memories the Kid had were at a camp. There were many soldiers and just as many children. They belonged to the soldiers from this country. They had to go with them and dig out the trenches. They had to tear the bodies of the enemies to pieces to burn them. They had to do what the soldiers said. If they did not, they were beaten until they could not move. Some of the girls always had bruises. They said they had to get naked in front of the men. They would then beat them differently, they told. But Kid never understood. Only that it was probably better in the war to be a boy. Kid did not know what it meant to be happy. He only had pain. Many of his bones were constantly broken. And some of the bruises never seemed to disappear. But he learned. He learned what the mighty men did to stay in power. They kill. They were cruel. They were merciless. Kid did not talk much with the other children. They didn’t interest him. They were just as enslaved as he was. He could learn nothing from them. Then something changed. There was a lot of noise in one night. The screams of the soldiers sounded in the night. Kid now knew these cries enough. They were death screams. The children slept in small tents. Two or three soldiers guarded the tents so they could not escape at night. The two other boys who slept in Kids tent didn’t move. They stared wide-eyed at the tent wall, but the redhead rose. He opened the tent and stared at the barrel of a weapon. Kid had seen death so often that he could not be afraid of it. He raised his eyes and looked at the person holding the weapon. It was a boy only a few years older than himself. He wore the colors of her enemy. He had longer blond hair and light blue eyes. Their eyes met and Kid could not help it. He grinned. "You are not a Killer." Yes, he had seen enough Killers to know that the boy was not. His body trembled and his breath went so fast that the uniform fluttered. He actually wore the colors of the enemy. Then it was true. Their enemies gave the children weapons. ... what a possibility ...! The boy in front of him opened his mouth, then closed it again and tried to look at him seriously. "I am a Killer!" His voice went fast and Kid looked at him. Kid had learned a lot in the last few months. He had surprised the blonde. He could disarm this one now. But he did not feel like it. He would not help the soldiers of his country. Instead, he glanced past the other boy and saw the attack of the enemy proceed. "Oi Killer, you lose." In fact, Kids voice sounded disappointed. It could not have been worse with the enemy than in his own country. The blonde then lowered the weapon and looked around in shock. "Oh god, you're right!" Most of them who fell to the ground in the shooting contest were the enemies. Kid watched the blonde and saw panic rising in him. "I will die! They will kill me!" His knees started to tremble and Kid understood. No matter where they got the boy, he did not know about the war. He had not lived on the field for months, like he did. They had taken him somewhere, put a gun in his hand, and sent him to his death. That's why he was here. The enemies sent the child soldiers to their deaths. They should not defeat his country, they should only kill a few members of his country with themselves. Kid looks at the boy and feels something he has not felt in a very long time. Sympathy. "Hey Killer, do you want to live? It will be a terrible life, full of pain. But you will live." The redhead spoke his words softly while the boy looked at him. Oh Kid saw that he did not trust him. But there was also fear and panic in his eyes. "You are the enemy, how should I trust you?" At the boys words Kid could not help it. He started to laugh out loud. Kid wore nothing more than a white undershirt and oversized shorts. He did not even have shoes. He raised his arms and showed the boy his body. The many traces of mistreatment on his pale skin. The many bruises, bleeding scratches and bumps. "Do I look like the enemy?!" Kid laughed and the boy swallowed. This hesitated only briefly, before this meant: "What should I do?" The redhead nodded. He looked at the blond for a while before he said completely seriously: "I will kill them all. Every single soldier. And I will not die before I reach this goal. I am not your enemy, I am the enemy of everyone. But I could be your friend. If you want to be my friend, go to the tent and kill the other guys. They would betray us." For a moment, the blonde looked at him as if he had gone crazy. But Kid was not crazy. He had learned. He had learned all the time. And he would kill them all. Every single person who ever raised his hand against him. If the boy wanted to leave, then he should do it now. The blonde calmed down. The screams and the noise sounded in the background. But it was quiet between them. There was only the boy and Kid. If he decided to follow, Kid would drag him to hell. But it was the only option against the dead. The boy nodded and went into the tent. It did not take a single second before two shots sounded. Kid looked at the bodies on the floor. It would not be long before this brief attack was over. He had to hurry. The redhead went into the tent and looked at the blond boy. His hand with the rifle trembled, but otherwise it was completely calm over the children's corpses. Maybe this one was really a Killer. "Oi Killer, put this on and give me your clothes." The redhead went to the body of one of the boys who was taller than him and took off his undershirt and trousers. He threw it to the blond who did not hesitate. He obeyed Kid without hesitation. That was good. Kid put the child soldier's things on the dead boy as Killer dressed the simple things of the enslaved children. Oh, the redhead was sure the soldiers would not notice that two of the children had swapped. The soldiers of his country did not care about them. There were always new children and the old ones died like the flies. Rarely has one lived as long as Kid. The only thing the redhead kept was the knife, which he found in his pocket. He went to the blonde. He looked at him with terror in his eyes. But Kid just grinned. "Stay calm, we need to change your look a bit." So he took the boy's longer blond hair and cut it off. Kid cut them off so briefly that the boy immediately looked very different. Actually quite pretty, but Kid could see in his face that he also had not had a good life. "By the way, my name ..." But before the boy said it, Kid pressed his hand to the boy's mouth. The look of his golden eyes was serious. "Be quiet. I can’t reveal what I don’t know. You are Killer. That's enough.” Kid grinned quietly. The boy looked at him seriously and then nodded. And with that started a whole new chapter in their life.
written by Shadcatmastered
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shadcatmastered · 7 years
Kid x Law - Fanfiction - Last Christmas I Gave You My Heart
This was the first Christmas after Law divorced him. Soft Christmas music sounded from his smartphone, while Kid hung the last Christmas decoration on the Christmas tree. It was Christmas Eve. Exactly 5 months ago, Law had left him. Kid had not been able to accept the divorce for a long time. Even now, it was still difficult for him. His thoughts returned to Law every day. His anger and pain over the divorce had slowly faded. Only the papers of Law’s lawyer, who were in his mailbox yesterday, had his heart broken again. Kid was sure the divorce papers were in the thick envelope. However, he had not opened the envelope yet. He would do that after Christmas. They lay untouched on the living room table. Finished. A small smile lay on Kids lips as he looked at the finished Christmas tree. It actually looked pretty nice. Before he met Law, Kid had never celebrated Christmas. He thought it was a stupid waste of money. His parents had been dead for a long time and the Christmas he had experienced before had never given him a sense of happiness. Therefore, once he had lived alone, he had stopped celebrating Christmas in any way. When he moved in with Law, he had surprised him with a Christmas tree. It was the first time Kid understood why people talked about a “Christmas spirit.” It was wonderful. They had set up and decorated the tree together. Together they baked cookies and even sang Christmas carols. Law played the violin and he played the piano. It was an indescribably warm, loving feeling, which at that time was beating in Kids hearts. He had never felt so “at home” in his life before. He also couldn’t believe that all the gifts that Law put under the Christmas tree should be for him. He also bought a lot for Law. For the first time, Kid understood why they gave each other something for Christmas. Law’s happy smile as he tore open the presents and the warm kisses as he thanked them had been beautiful. In the years that followed, Kid was happy like a kid at Christmas. Not because of the gifts, or the good food, that he cooked with much love for Law, but because of that warm feeling in the heart. The feeling of being at home. This year there was only one present under Kids Tree. He had bought it for himself. Packed with a bow, it lay there alone. No comparison to the mountains of gifts they had given each other. For the past few years, Kid had outdone himself over cooking. Law was not a good cook to say the least. Kid was responsible for this part. But he always liked to do it. He had come up with special menus every year. Always at least three to four courses. Last year there was chestnuts soup as an appetizer, then roast duck with potatoes to the main course and Mouse au Chocolate for dessert. Law had licked his mouth and told him how delicious his food tasted. Kid had frozen pizza this year. He sat down at the table and ate it. The Christmas music was soft to hear. As he ate, he looked at the Christmas tree. Since he was always responsible for cooking, Law was responsible for the decoration. He had decorated her house with fir branches and the most beautiful Christmas decoration. This year you could not find anything at Kids. He simply had no knack for decoration. They sold their house. Law had moved out and Kid did not want to live alone there. He now lived in a small but luxurious downtown apartment. He did not own a single photo or memoir of Law. He had not even taken the furniture with him. He had not been able to look at or use anything that reminded him day and night of his lost love. A new relationship was unimaginable for Kid. He could not imagine ever loving someone like Law again. Inwardly, he had to admit that he did not want to. With Law his entire future relationship life had gone. What Law did currently, did Kid not know. He did not know if Law already had a new boyfriend, if he was still alone or if he was still in the country. Law had completely broken contact with him. He stopped responding to his messages, did not respond to his calls or even uttered a sign of life. Law did not want to have anything to do with him anymore. Kids heart still did not want to accept it, but his mind had to urge him to stop his attempts at contact. The last time he wrote a message to Law was on his birthday in October. He only briefly congratulated him. But Law did not even react to that. With a sigh, Kid pushed away his used harness. He was finished with his food. He looked briefly at his smartphone. No, this time he would not send Law any more messages. The redhead put his dishes in the dishwasher and then went back to the Christmas tree. It was time for the distortion. Kid would never forget how much Law’s eyes had blazed as he picked up his gift. The black-haired had always been so excited that Kid liked the presents as well. Law had always looked so young and uncertain. There was no gift that Kid would not have liked. Law himself had been the greatest gift for him. He opened the wrapping paper and thanked him for the great new jukebox. Law had then relieved and hugged him. Kid really enjoyed the pleasure of seeing Law so happy. Today, no excited blue eyes looked at him. Kid was alone today. He opened the gift that he knew exactly what was inside. He had bought himself new dumbbells. The redhead could not even smile. He dropped the wrapping paper in the trashcan and set the dumbbells aside. After Law left him, Kid had lost a lot of weight. But he had trained almost twice as much as before. It had not been a healthy workout. He had become black for several times. But Kid did not want to think about that now. He shook his head briefly. …and now…? Otherwise, he and Law had always been happy about their presents and mostly had great sex for sheer euphoria. Kid stood there for a few moments before moving to his smartphone. He turned off the Christmas music and sat down at his piano instead. With gentle tones, he began to play a Christmas carol. The redhead had learned to play the piano only for Law. He had always admired him so much for how great the black-haired could play the violin. His admiration was so great that he wanted to play along! That’s why he had learned the piano. Tears began to run down Kids cheeks and drip on the piano keys. Killer invited him to join him for Christmas. He had meant, that Kid should not spend Christmas alone. But Killer would also celebrate with his boyfriend and Kid knew how nice it was to spend the holiday with his lover. He did not want to mess this up for Killer. He should celebrate Christmas with such a beautiful feeling, as he had for years. His piano sounded lonely in the silence while Kid cried silently. The tears did not want to stop. His heart would never be fully healed. He missed Law so much. He missed him every single minute. But there was nothing he could do anymore. Except to wait until the wounds healed slowly. When his song was over, Kid wiped the tears from his face with the back of his hand. At that moment the soft alarm sounded from his smartphone. Kid looked at the display. Kid smiled honestly for the first time in many months. “I wish you a Merry Christmas. Law.”
written by Shadcatmastered
- I’m sorry for mistakes. English is not my native language. -
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shadcatmastered · 7 years
Kid x Law - Fanfiction - Another world - Part 1
"Oh, no, I'm sorry. Dr. Trafalgar left about two hours ago. " Kid stared at the nurse. Second by second, before he tried a smile. "Oh, right. Then I must have messed up something. " She smiled as well, before continuing to work. The redhead, on the other hand, just felt his heart throb. He had not confused anything. Slowly he pulled out his smartphone and looked at the message Law had sent him less than ten minutes ago. 'I'll be home late tonight. I have to work longer. Love you.' Laws Message was exactly as he remembered it. Only that it was obviously a lie. The redhead put away his smartphone and sat down on the patient benches. He was so pale that another nurse addressed him in passing, if everything was alright. Kid just nodded. Even if he felt that nothing was alright. Why did Law lie to him? And what about all those other nights when Law had to attend work or conferences? Was that just lying? But ... but why should Law lie to him ...? Except he ... No. No, Law would never cheat on him. But why else ... It was two o'clock tomorrow when Kid heard the key turn in the lock. He was lying in bed, but he had not slept for a second. No, he'd been waiting the whole time for Law to come home. Silently he listened as he went to the kitchen. Law drank something, ate leftovers from the dinner Kid had cooked for them hours before. After that, he took a shower and Kid closed his eyes. Law would never cheat on him. There was something different behind it. Certainly. At some point, the bed wiggled beside him and Kid opened his eyes again. The look of his golden eyes was scrutinizing and hurt. Well, at least until he saw Law's face. Then he sat up, startled. "Law! What happened to you?!" His eye was swollen, as if someone had sunk his fist into it. And those scratches ...! The redhead's fingers trembled with concern as he reached out and laid his hands on Laws cheek. He noticed only now the thick bandage, which was around his arm. God! Law smiled as he snuggled his face into his hands. "Oh, some drunk thought he could steal money from me. The police are taking care of him now. " Law kissed Kids palms before he leaned forward and cupped his face against his chest. A loud sigh escaped him and Kid wrapped his arms around his back. Kids heart was pounding wildly. "But I'm so glad I have you. What would I do without you ... " The words of the black-haired were infinitely quiet and Kid looked down at him. And why are you lying to me then ...? But he could not say it. Not now. Law needed him. Instead, he just hugged him tightly before his wounded face reappeared in front of his. Law smiled before kissing him so tenderly. Kid felt tears in his eyes as he returned that beautiful kiss. Longing, almost desperate. His boyfriend's fingers went over his eyes and he took the tears with him before he said softly: "But, but ... my sweetheart, I'm fine. I did not mean to scare you. These are just a few scratches. " No, that was more than just scratches...! But instead of saying just that, he just kissed him deeper, more pleadingly. He did not want anything in the world, except Law. Since this evening, Law came home every day later and later. On some nights he did not come home at all. He always wrote, apologized. Kid did not call the co-workers with whom he would prepare surgery or exchange research results. He knew that Law was not there. He knew it, because Law came home every day with more and more injuries. Injuries that he could not explain to him. Sometimes it was animals, sometimes an accident. Yesterday, Kid had not even asked, and Law was sitting on his lap. With those big, blue eyes that had apologized to him so much. "I love you. Never forget that, yeah? " In the meantime, the redhead no longer believed that Law was cheating on him. Very well, it was possible that he was in trouble. In serious trouble. Someone seemed to be ambushing and threatening them almost every day. And Law did not want to talk to him. Why... Maybe he was just worried about him? That Kid would get the same treatment? But Kid was much more worried about Law than about himself! He was the love of his life! He would do anything for him! The next week, Kid secretly took a vacation from work. He would find out what was bothering him so much. And he would help Law! Whether he wanted it or not! It was an early Monday morning when the redhead said goodbye to Law with a kiss. He walked out of the house and took his motorcycle. Supposedly to drive to work. But he only waited a few blocks away. He felt guilty in his actions. But Kid really did not know how to help himself anymore. So he secretly followed the car of his boyfriend. Where nothing exciting happened. He actually drove to the clinic and went to work. But that did not matter. Kid was passing the time drinking coffee and playing mobile games. He leaned against the shady tree in the clinic park and waited. The day passed and Law did not leave the hospital. When his shift was over, he even came out very punctually. Smiling as he reached the car and unlocked it. At the sight, Kid smiled again. What? Was today one of those days that Law would just go home? That... that would be great...! Kid got up and thought about going shopping. Then he would have an excuse why he was not home when Law came home. Then he would cook something really great for them...! Well, at least until Law looked at his smartphone. Kid could see from a distance how much his facial expression froze. For a few seconds, he saw Law typing on the phone. Did he call someone? Whereupon the question was clarified when Kid saw his number on the display. With that, Kids' mood dropped as much as Law's. He accepted the call . "Darling? Where are you right now?" I spy on you. Kid closed his eyes briefly, thinking of the lie he had just had in his head. "Hey sweetie. Just in front of the supermarket. I wanted to buy some things to cook us a great meal. Will you come home then? " He himself heard how pleading his words were at the end. Suddenly he did not want to find out why Law always came home so late. He just wanted to dine with him at home in all comfort. Was this so much asking ...? The redhead literally thought he heard Law swallow at the other end of the line. Painfully. "No... I .. a colleague got sick. I must step in for him. Kid... Kid I'm really sorry. We'll catch up, will we? " “It’s okay.” Law hung up. Kid watched him. Watching Law slap his hands over his face and then sit in the car with such a suffering facial expression that Kid suddenly felt certainty. Law needed his help. With impetus he sat down on his motorcycle and drove after Laws car. He would save him! With such a few criminals he would still cope easily! Kid was surprised which direction Law took. He drove outside the city in an area, which belonged more to the homeless or young people. Dilapidated houses bordered on a large forest area, which was an official hunting area. As the cars were getting fewer and fewer in that direction, Kid took more and more distance and parked well two blocks away when Law finally stopped at the edge of the forest. Securing his motorcycle well, because damn, he loved his sweetheart, and putting in the shelter of a bush, he realized in fright that he had lost sight of Law. In his black leathery jacket he ran to his car and looked around in all directions. Where had Law gone now? Above all, the sun had gone down and the red of the sky was turning into a slow black. If he lost him now, the whole action would have been in vain! Oh, there! On the edge of the forest, he saw the figure of his boyfriend disappear between the houses, which made him run after him. How was Law so fast? Christ, he had never seen him run so fast! When Kid arrived at the borders of the big fir trees, he saw signs hanging everywhere that the hunting area started here. Images of guns exacerbated his sudden discomfort, even if he went in the forest anyway. The trees were thick and the ground was thick with scrub. Still, Kid thought he heard voices. Laws...! He hid behind a high spruce and was amazed when he not only discovered Law. No, next to him was Laws sister with her boyfriend and his father. Huh? What kind of a strange conference was that? Ah, he could not hear anything! The darkness reached its greatest magnitude, even if none of the four were somehow impressed. No, Laws father raised his hand and... and... a ball of light appeared. Full of disbelief, Kid stared in the direction, rubbing his eyes. Wh- what? And yet she was there. A ball of pure light that lit up their faces. They all looked incredibly serious and exchanged words. Kid was still staring at the sphere of light. What kind of technique was that? The next moment, Law raised his hand and... his tattoo glowed. The one on the palm that he Law already possessed the day she got to know each other. With a snap of his fingers, he did something. At least Kid thought he was doing something. For the next moment, it was like a portal over them and they were gone. His mouth opened. Completely surprised and disbelieving Kid stared into the darkness. Huh... HÄ?! He had expected many things. But really not ... that! Whatever that was! Was he just dreaming? Maybe he was asleep. At least he did not want anything more than just going home. Kid dug out his smartphone and turned on his flashlight app before finding his way back out of the forest. What... he had not seriously seen a portal open. And much less, how it worked?! Besides... how far had he actually gone into the woods?! Between rage and fear, Kid grabbed his way as he struggled through the foliage, then sighed in relief as he finally freed himself. Whereby the relief got stuck in his throat. Here it was as dark as in the forest. No street lamps, no house lights. The city was a few streets away from this long abandoned area. Kid simply got involved with something that was nothing but sheer fear of death. Suddenly he felt like a deer with the rifle barrel of the hunter on his neck. Only away here! He ran with great strides past Laws car to his motorcycle. He heard shouting voices but ignored them. At least until he heard Lamy's (Laws sister) voice. "LAW! Danger!" Law?! His heart was racing like crazy, but he stopped. Lamy had sounded so frantic, so startled... and before Kid knew what he was doing, he ran in the direction of the voices. No! If something happened to Law, Kid would never forgive himself! No way! The redhead ran around the corner of one of the dilapidated houses and what he saw there would kill him in another situation. Law and Lamy faced a group of people. Well 12 people, Kid would say spontaneously. Law held a sword in his hand, which was larger than himself and Lamy two firearms. Was that a fight?! Above all, their apparent opponents did not look a bit impressed. One of them threw herself downright amused against the siblings, with nothing more than her bare hands. And... and she was so fast...! Kids eyes could not even follow ...! Whereby the mood changed suddenly, when Law cut off a man's head with his sword. The redhead clapped his hands over his mouth and his knees were shaky. Law had someone... murdered someone...! The person who had lost his head fell to dust... no corpse, just dust! Kid was dizzy from all the new impressions, the things that should never have happened...! And yet, Kid was scary again when he saw a woman rushing from behind at Law. He looked in a different direction and Lamy as well...! NO! The redhead ran forward. As fast as if his own life depended on it. Kid threw himself on the woman. Her hand had been only inches from Laws collar. Kid had served in the military for two years. With a sudden intuition, Kid remembered his education and began to put the woman in the grip. His arm to her throat and squeeze. Even if his eyes fell on Law. Law, who looked at him with pure horror in his eyes. "... Kid ...?! No!" Law stormed in his direction and Kid noticed a second later why. The woman did not choke. She was not looking for air. She stood up and grabbed him by the upper arm as if he were as light as a straw doll. She then opened her mouth and hissed at him. A hiss... came to light with the two long fangs. Fangs like a... vampire. That thought was stupid. Just stupid. And yet, Kid had never screamed more loudly than ever before. The woman flung him away with one hand. Kid landed on the stony ground and felt his skin rip. Even when the force of the impact turned everything around in him and turned his world into a blurry, shaky mess. "Law... Law..." Groaning he called his name, worried about him... but Kid had at least two broken bones and he was feeling sick and dizzy. The next moment he was picked up by the collar again and looked into the eyes of a pale man who had almost completely black eyes. He grinned, broad and angry. "That's him , witch? Your little one? No wonder we could not find him! Who would have thought that your lover is just a worthless human! " A laugh escaped from his mouth and Kid raised his fists. He tried to beat him. But the pale man just laughed louder. "Oh, witch. This will hurt you, and especially your little one very badly. But remember, that's the punishment for you to interfere in our affairs!" Did he speak with Law ...? Witch...? Kid was confused, but more than anything he was scared. Especially when he noticed how the stranger opened his mouth and also exposed two long fangs. Law yelled his name. Loud, desperate! But Kid just watched with wide eyes as the man tore open his own fingertip. Black blood ran down. Kid screamed Law’s name. Kid had come to safe him... now Kid had to be saved! But Law failed. There were only those black eyes as the man pressed the tip of his finger into the wound of Kids arm, which he had torn open during the fall. It did not take a few seconds for Kid to feel a pain that made him scream. He screamed and topped with pain, screaming and shouting, before the gracious powerlessness enveloped him. His vision became black. Music. Droning music. Kids eyes were closed, but his slowly awakening mind was filled with music. The footsteps of many people, voices, screams... a nightclub...? Slowly Kid opened his eyes, then pinched them again. The light blinded him so much that his eyes started to scream and, yet he sat up. Kid was dizzy. At the same time he filled himself in infatuation. Colored lights danced behind his eyelids. Drugs. He felt like he was under drugs. "Well, did the princess wake up? Welcome! Welcome, in your new world!" A laughing voice greeted him and Kid recognized it. It was the man from the forest. The one with black eyes and black blood. Kid had to be scared. But he wasn’t. No. His brain mass seemed to dance with the quivering music. He also wobbled a bit while sitting. Whereupon a laugh sounded. "Don’t worry, all newbies feel that way. It will be over in a few hours. But feeling a few hours strange is nothing against the gift of immortality. " Kid did not really understand what the man wanted to tell him, but he did not really care. Slowly he managed to open his eyes and found himself lying on the floor. Pretty in the middle of a room that looked like the VIP launch of a club. Two wide leather sofas and several large, upholstered chairs were aligned to a small bar. Kids fingers almost felt enchanted by how soft the carpet was under him. On the couch in front of him sat the man with the black eyes. Two very lightly dressed women pressed against him. One of them drank a red cocktail that smelled wonderful and the other kissed the man's neck, showing her long fangs. Another one of those ... Kid almost opened his mouth like in a dream and let his tongue wander around. And it was struck by these sharp teeth, which had not been there before. He opened his mouth and embraced them with his fingers. A moment later he pulled on them. Ah! That hurt! Now was the moment Kid wanted to panic. But the only thing his brain could do was keep his fingers moving in rhythm with the new teeth. "Oh yes, they are real. And careful. You have a little more strength than before. Not that you rip them off. It hurts a lot when they regrow. " You could hear the amusement from his voice. But Kid thought of something else. Something that made him suddenly startled despite his intoxication. With wide eyes he looked to the man and breathed only croaking: "Where is Law?” Whereupon the man laughed. But not alone anymore. The redhead's gaze wandered around the room, and he did register the various men and women in the room. Not many, just a few. But they all had that fragrance. A sweet, fruity fragrance. And without opening their mouth, Kid knew they all had the same long teeth. "Oh, your witch is fine. We left yesterday after we picked you up. But I doubt he wants you anymore. " What...? Why should not Law want him anymore...? And... yesterday ...? Kid looked at it confusedly, feeling a sudden sadness that made him waver seated. What was going on here...? "Nonsense..." Where was Law? He wanted Law to pick him up. He was drunk. Badly drunk. He wanted to go home. The voice of the man sounded and suddenly his hand grabbed him. Within half a second he was on his feet, only to be pushed into the soft couch. Kid looked at the man who grinned at him before he even offered him a cocktail like his playmate had just drunk. "Drink. Then you feel better immediately. By the way, you can call me Lucio. " The man sat down again between the women and Kid looked after him. "I’m Kid." He softly called his name while looking at the contents of the cocktail. A reddish, thick liquid. With a wonderful smell. A light gasp came over his lips. Wow. It smelled so good. He had never smelled such a good thing ...! "Oh, the first sip of blood... remember Anastasia...? That was very special...! " The woman, who had now sat down on Lucio's lap, spoke her words and smiled downright at the second woman, who then dumped her cocktail all at once. "It is always special.” Blood...? He would not drink blood! With a look of transfigured horror, Kid put the glass away and stood swaying. "I go. I want to go home." At his words, a collective laugh sounded. Kid headed for the door. "You can do whatever you want. If you survive the next day, you're welcoming to come back. You belong to our club now, I would say. Oh, and make sure you have a roof over your head before the sun comes up. " More laughter sounded, which Kid carefully ignored. He did not want to belong. His interest in nightclubs had dropped sharply after he got into solid hands. And he would not fall asleep on any park bench. Indeed. When he opened the door, he was on the top floor of a club. Many dancing people pressed together and moved in time. It was terribly loud. The colors too bright. It was like a struggle to move through all the people, with so many of them smelling sweet. As sweet as he smelled. And the others... the others smelled so... so delicious! ...he wanted to get out of here...! It seemed like ages, but then he was in the cool air. The doormen glanced at him and Kid thought he saw a slightly mocking smile. But right now he also believed he saw many things. Actually, it was night, right? Why could he still see everything anyway...? It was all very greyish, but he could see as daylight. Even better. ...drugs... they had really given him drugs ... Kid staggered through the streets. He did not recognize anything. He could not tell if it was because he had never been here, or because his eyes were so different. So sharp, so clean, so far. Surely his head would have hurt him in another situation. The redhead did not know how long he was treading through the streets before realizing that he could not find his way home. Despair spread in him. He wanted it to stop...! Law was a doctor, this could certainly give him something against the effects of... whatever...! Law ... God, he was stupid! Killed by his own thoughtlessness, Kid sat down on the curb and pulled out his smartphone. His gaze wavered and yet he managed to choose his number. Like his last lifeline, he clung to his smartphone. It was not a few seconds before Law took off.
written by Shadcatmastered
-I’m sorry for mistakes. English is not my native language.-
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shadcatmastered · 7 years
Kid x Law - Fanfiction - Lost Souls
"Do you know what it's like to see?" The voice was soft. The voice without a picture. The voice without a face. The voice he loved. Do you know what it’s like to see? "Yes ... I just can not remember it." "I still remember the sky. It was light... and the clouds were even brighter than the rest. Blue was the background. Yeah, that was the name of the color! I think I was told that my eyes have the colors of the sky. Then they have to be blue! " Kid did not remember the sky anymore. It was so long ago. He barely remembered anything else except the stones and the tapping of footsteps on it. "I would like to meet you in the eye. Then I would tell you how beautiful they are!" A low chuckle sounded. Something Kid so rarely heard that made him instantly grin in the dark. "Do you think we can still see?" His fingers slid across the cold surfaces of the stone as he walked along the walls. The walls he already knew by heart. Every dent, every scratch, every well. His bare feet perceived every bump. "Yeah, don’t worry about that! The light would hurt a bit in the beginning, but we could get used to it again! Certainly!" A cold feeling spread in his stomach as he heard a faltering euphoria. He knew that voice, better than anything in the world. "Is that a lie?" Silence sounded. One second, two, three. Four, five. Seven, eight, nine. Finally: "I don’t know. But I think so. When we both get light again, then we will look at each other. And I will tell you that I love you. " Kid smiled as he heard that as he ran his fingers through his hair. "Then I want to believe that, too. And I'll look you in the eyes while I tell you the same thing. " His voice was soft as his ears heard Law's footsteps go over the stones. When he sat down, he got up. So they remembered to keep moving. "I have red hair. I remember that. I can remember my reflection when I was a child. No one else had such hair! " Red. What exactly did red look like? It was all so long ago. And yet Kid was happy to remember a picture. When Law spoke again, he heard a warm smile in his voice. "Then you even look unusually good!" Kid grinned as his fingers slid along the stones. Behind it was Law. How did he feel? "I want to be with you." Soft and longing Kids were words. "And I want to be with you!" Louder and wistful those of Law. "Do you remember what kissing is?" Kid had to think about that. Kissing. "Yeah, I remember that. But just the kisses of my mother. But I don’t remember what it's like to kiss another man. And you?" But the thought of it gave him a warm feeling in his stomach. Kisses. That was only possible with another person. With a person you liked a lot. "No. But I have that feeling in my stomach. Such a tingle. I would like to kiss you!" Ohhh. A grin pulled on Kids lips. Very wide and warm. Being kissed by Law and kissing Law that sounded so pretty. "I want to kiss you too. At some point we will kiss! For a long time and never stop! " Very happy he spoke his words, which hold through the stone walls. How he would like to kiss Law. "Kid ... I put my hand against the wall. And my forehead." The redhead knew those words and they let him jump up with a grin. He also laid his hand and forehead against the cold stone wall. The place where they did that was smooth. Now they were closest to each other. "I love you." It was almost as if he could feel Law. Just a bit. "And I love you." Kid smiled and knew Law smiled too. Why did the walls just separate them? These dark, cold walls. They have always been there. He has never been anywhere else than here. Or? How did he know his former reflection? "Have we always been here?" Almost confused, Kid asked his question. They have always been here, he was sure. And yet... "No. No not always. But for a very long time." That's how it was. Kid closed his eyes as he leaned against the wall. Very long. Yes, they have been here for a long time. "But do you know what that means? If we have not always been here, then someday we will come out again!" The redhead opened his eyes and put his second hand against the wall. "You're right! We'll get out of here together!" Happiness made him feel warm and tingling, and he also heard Law's good mood. Yes! He was right! One day they would finally be able to leave! Only... when? "When are we going then?" His fingernails scratched the cold stone streams. The rest of his fingernails. They were broken off a long time ago and torn. "It does not matter, the main thing we are finally together!" What beautiful words! And so true! But before Kid could say anything, something happened that had never happened before. A new noise sounded. A terribly loud, shocking sound. The whole floor and the whole walls wobbled. "LAW!" Nothing was allowed to happen to Law! "KID" Law was also worried about him. The walls began to crumble and small stones broke down. Such a noise! Such a chaos! And it just did not stop! Everything crumbled, everything crashed! What was that? He was afraid! Then it stopped suddenly. "Hey, what's that? Look, it looks like a staircase!" Quite dull sounded a voice. A strange voice. Not like his, not Law's. Quite strange. So different. It reminded Kid on the past? "What's happening...?" Softly he whispered his question while other sounds sounded. Kid knew it, but he could not remember it. Didn’t know how he knew it or what they meant. "I don’t know. Kid, I'm scared! " Law. No, Law should not be afraid. "I protect you! Do not worry!" Kid knocked on the stone as if he wanted to break through to Law. And he knew that he pushed himself against the wall. And then something happened. Something that both Kid and Law froze silently. A loud thunder sounded and then ... then he could see something. There was something bright under the crack of his door. What was that...? What ... Oh ... "...Light..." Right. It was called light. It was light. Law's voice was a whisper and Kid remained silent. That had never happened before. Law didn’t know either! "Whoa, what is that?" - "That looks like a dungeon!" Be strong. So many new, strange voices! Kid could understand them, but they sounded strangely distant. They were loud and clear, but also... distant. It was so strange. And he could not ask Law, what was! What if the voices wanted them something bad? "Look at the stone. We'll never get away with our drill. We have to call the boss." - "Hey, slow. Let's take a look around first. You know, check everything, right? " There was a booming laugh as Kid pushed himself against the wall behind which Law was standing. What were these people talking about? What was a drill? And why did they speak in such a strange dialect? Foreigners? What were you doing here? There had never been anyone here except him and Law. "Whoa, not even spiders or such a thing is here! Dat must already be filled up forever. " Suddenly Kid heard a loud crash at his cell door. Metal on metal. Loud and clanking. "What are you doing!?" A woman's voice sounded. Bright and yet dark with severity. A nobleman determines. The footsteps on the stones sounded very strange. As if she had hooves. "We're checking to see if we can continue drilling here." The words came out strained. Gasping and loud and then it was getting light. Kid stumbled back as the bright rays of light came in. Actually, it was only a faint daylight, barely enough for human eyes, but the shock of sudden vision made Kid frantically press against the wall. "Kid! What's happening?! Are you all right?!" Law's panicky voice sounded, but Kid could not answer. He blinked at the light and he saw. He saw the rusted old metal of his cell door and saw the stones he had been walking for so many decades. This is how stones looked like. They were quite good. "Did you hear that?! It sounded like a whispered voice!" - "I got goosebumps! Let's go." "Oh, only the wind howled through the cracks. Don’t be such cowards!" - "Mark, give me a fire. I see nothing." There were noises and Kid stood with a fast-paced heart. What happened now? Where did these voices come from? And... there was something moving in the light. Something that darkened it. Yikes. It had a name... shadow. He saw a shadow! Suddenly another light flickered on. A small flame that danced in one hand. Woah. What was that?! Kid barely came out of wonder. The figure of a man appeared. The fire flickered in his unshaven face. It was a man in his prime, yet dressed in strange clothes. So strange that it frightened Kid. It shone in an unnatural hue! Was it the devil? Came the devil to get them?! And then the dancing flame on his hand fist! "KID! KID, SAY SOMETHING! " Loudly, Laws voice called for him and Kid put his hand on the stone wall. I can’t, Law! Please wait! Wait until the devils go! "You can’t tell me that's the wind!" - "What else, ghosts?" Laughter sounded, loud and many voices. The voice in his cell spoke. The devil stepped closer and suddenly Kid saw something in his cell that he had never seen before. There were bones. "Shit, guys! Shit, look at that!" The man's voice was full of terror and fascination, just as Kid felt right now. He had walked past those walls so many times, never bumping into bones. There was a skeleton. A human. More people crowded into his cell, more small hand lights flared up. Shocked sounds, disgusted cries, fear and hasty footsteps were heard. But Kid didn’t care anymore. That was him. Kid knew it. He felt it. These bones were him. He went to it. How could that be? How could he be? "Law... I'm dead." His words were quiet and Kid felt a thick lock in his throat. He felt hot and cold at the same time he looked at his own bones for the first time. He had always been here, he just did not know it. Why had not he known...? How could that have happened...? "What was THAT?!" - "Shit, what ...?!" "...What?" Law's voice sounded confused, shocked, while Kid couldn’t believe it. How could he just be dead, when did that happen...? The lights flickered over to the source of his voice and suddenly there was a lot light on him. Kid stared at the people and the people stared at him. Her eyes widened, growing big before a true concert of shrieks rang out. Kid winced as the men shouted higher than the woman and then they all rushed forward in panic. Kid didn’t say anything, he didn’t care. The world darkened again and his bones disappeared in the shadows. It took a few awful loud moments, then all the people were gone. He heard her overturning voices outside, but he didn’t care. No. "So that's it..." Law's voice sounded and Kid reached where his bones lay. But he only reached through the air. He could not touch them. "Did you know that?” Kid stared down at the spot in the dark. He was dead... and when he was dead Law was dead too. Both of them. "I suspected it." The redhead sighed as he rose. Supposed. Yes. Didn’t they even talk about it? A long time ago? But then Kid noticed something else. Something, that caught his breath and made his heart beat wildly in his chest. "The door is open... Law! The door is open!" Kid looked at the open door and barely knew what to say. The door had never been open. The light shimmered through the door, illuminating the floor. What should he do now? "Oh! Oh! Try to go through! Kid, try it!" Law's voice sounded excited, so bright and loud that it literally fell over. Kid heard him hopping in his cell while his heart beat up to his throat. Go through the door? Out of the cell? They have always been here? Slowly he went to the door. Almost creeping, he thought he saw Law's excited tension. That was... unbelievable. Kid went to the door and looked down at his own feet. He really could still see. His feet were naked... and translucent. He saw his feet, but at the same time he could see the floor through them. The dirty, dark stone, directly through his fair skin. But that didn’t scare him anymore. No, he understood. "Should I really?" Soft was Kids voice, while he moved his toes in front of the door frame. He has always been in this cell. "Yes! Absolutely! We always wanted that! Go out there!" And with those fiery calls, Kid lifted his bare foot... and stepped out the door. It was like a noise. Like a ringing in his ears, like a gust of wind around his face. Like shackles that broke away from his shoulders. He almost heard the ringing as those on the floor smashed. In a thousand shards. He was free. Kid took a deep breath, as if he could breathe for the first time. He remembered so many things he had once forgotten. He felt... free. Almost the redhead felt as if he was floating above the ground. Everything about him was easy. Nothing stopped him anymore. "Law! Law! It's incredible! I... I'm outside! I am free!" Kids voice was a singing, a call of happiness. He was actually hovering slightly above the ground as he watched his translucent hands full of joy. How different he felt than a few moments ago! And he heard a shout, in far distance. A soft call. A call for him. A call for his coming. What was that? "I'm so happy for you! I'm glad!" His lover's voice was a loud, joyful call. Kid heard him clap his hands and jump up and down. Kid grinned over his ears and could barely believe his luck as he turned to Law's cell. "I get you out of here now! And then we can finally go!" With that, Kid turned to the iron door, which looked scratched and shattered in the light. How ugly the place of their prison was! "Yes! Kid, yes! " Laws words came to him loudly and Kid grinned... a cheeky grin, which went way too fast. Euphorically, his lover hopped at the door, but when Kid reached for the doorknob... he couldn’t grab it. As he tried to reach through the door, he came upon an insurmountable cold wall. Incredulous, Kid drove with his hands against the door. No... no that could not be! He started beating his palms against a loud metallic thunder filling the room. "NO! NO! NO!" WHY?! WHY! "Kid... Kid what is it?" Law had apparently staggered back from the door and Kid felt the hot tears on his face as he threw himself in despair with his whole body against the door. "I can’t open it! I can’t open your door!" Pure despair nearly drove Kid out of pain. After all this long time. After all eternity in this cell... and after finally getting to know the feeling of being free, he could not come to his Law. Why just why...! "No... oh no..." Kid slid down Law's cell door and knelt on the floor. Beating his forehead against the cell door, over and over again. Clapping his hands against it, as if he wanted to challenge fate himself. "Law... Law... Law! I just wanted to be with you. I just want this one thing...! Nothing else... I would have accepted an eternity in the cell if only I could be with you...! " Kid heard Laws sob. It was just as desperate as he. "Me too, me too! I only want to see you! And you are so close...! " Laws words were desperate, too. Just as desperate as his. They only wanted each other. They had dreamed of more, but never so much sought after as one. And yet it was unattainable. Law was not free. Hours passed. Hours when the light disappeared and everything went dark again. Hours in which they only leaned on the different sides of the door and wept for their fate. "Did you see, Law? When the light was there?" Kids were saying words softly while his head hurt so badly. The first-time hope for so many decades and she was so bitterly disappointed. "Yes. It was so nice. The stones had a different color than the rest. Gray, they are called, I believe. Kid, seeing is so great. " His lover's words were as soft and as empty as his. And yet, Kid smiled. "I saw more colors. White and brown and... something unnatural what people wore on their clothes. I've never seen anything like it. There really is not such a color! " Smiling, the redhead spoke his words as his hovering had subsided. He sat earthly on the ground and leaned against the iron door. Almost as they always have. "That sounds good. At some point, I'll see that, too." Perhaps. They were silent again. They were silent for as long as they never did. Otherwise there was always something to talk about, but just now the world seemed as gray as the stones. "I hear a call, Law. It is very far away and yet so... warm. It's calling me." Kid knew what it meant. Now that he knew he was dead, it could only mean one thing. Law was silent. This one knew it too. "Kid ... you can go. You are free. Finally. After all these centuries you are free. Find your peace. You deserve it so much." His lover's words shocked Kid so much that he stumbled to his feet. His heart was throbbing wildly, almost choking on him. "What are you talking about?! I will never go without you! No way! I love you! I love you so much! I won’t leave you!" No! He would never do that! His words were so full of passion and fervor that he heard Law chuckle softly on the other side of the door. Sad and happy at the same time. "I know... I would do the same. Because I love you." Now Kid also smiled again as he sat back down at the door. Of course, this one would have. Because they loved each other. "But if you decide otherwise, I'm serious..." But the redhead did not let Law pronounce. He only snorted once, then grinned: "Never." No, he spent his eternity with Law, with no one else. After that, they talked again. They talked to each other about all the things they could think of. Languages, ​​about their love and they smiled at it. Until something suddenly happened again that had never happened before. Footsteps sounded. Instantly they both fell silent and Kid raised his eyes to the stairs. A small light flickered on, even though it was in the middle of the night! But Kid did not leave. He sat at Law's door. What should happen to him? An unnatural light illuminated the steps, revealing strangely shaped shoes. Kid looked at the event. Saw, as more and more of a person came to light and full of surprise recognized the nobles again. Only she looked very different than he had seen her in that moment of the fleeing people. She was dressed in pants like a man! She had to be careful, otherwise she was also locked up! Seeing his translucent form, the woman clapped her hand over her mouth and began to tremble all over. "Oh god... oh god!" A believer as well. A nun, for example? Did she want to drive him away? There was some concern for Kid, who pushed him against the door. No! Not even God would keep him from his Law! "P-P-P-Pl-lease don’t hurt me!" He…? Why should he do something to her? "Why should I...?" Softly, Kids demanded as she shone on him with the little light. It almost blinded him. It came from a small square device, which also shone in front and the woman dived into it herself. What was that? Of that, he had to tell Law when she was gone. But when he opened his mouth and spoke, the woman jumped and went back a little, as if he had done something sinister. Kid slowly stood up, looking at the odd-looking noblewoman. "What do you want?" His mouth moved and he spoke his words the way he always spoke them. But the woman only shook her head in horror. "I... I don’t understand you." That's how it went. Kid looked at her disappointedly as he turned away from her and ran his fingers against Law's door. She should go. He wanted to be alone with Law. "Y-You can’t go, right?" The woman asked her question and Kid ignored her. But he could go, but he did not want to. He wanted to Law. "You have such sad eyes..." Kid did not turn around. For what too. He heard the steps of the woman approaching. She fetched something in her bag before pulling it out. Out of the corner of his eye, he watched her. After all, he wanted to tell Law afterwards something. Mh. She pulled out something that looked like a parchment leaf, just flat and thin. And tiny. Really strange. And an object that looked like a stick. "If I don’t understand your words... can you write me your name?" Why should he do that? Kid could write. He had learned it when he came to the royal court. But why should he write it down to the strange woman? "Come on, write it down. It can’t hurt." The redhead heard his lover's words and looked at the door as the woman looked around, startled. Well... if Law said that. "If you say that." Kid turned to the woman, who handed him with trembling hands the strange parchment and the stick... which both slipped through Kids' hands. He watched the event as he passed through the objects. Just like his bones... so he had not noticed them. But then why could not he just go to Law? Oh... With a startled screech, the woman dropped the objects, but Kid let the parchment look fascinated. At the point where his hand had glided, light ice crystals glittered, making the parchment slightly damp. Now...! He leaned down and ran his finger through the parchment to write down the letters he used for his name. Kid Eustass. With his golden eyes he looked at the woman, who looked at the parchment and formed his name with her lips. "Kid... it... I'm sorry. It must be so awful to be stuck in this place for so long. Can I help you?" The redhead got up and was about to turn to Law's door again before it struck him like a blow. Help! Naturally! Naturally! He could not open Laws door! The woman could do it! She had to be able to do it! As the men had torn open his door! She was able to free Law! "YES!" Fortunately, Kid called his words, making the woman jump back in terror as if he wanted to curse her. But he did not care, but pointed his finger against Law's door. He pointed at it and at the same time demonstrated with his other hand how his fingers simply slid through the latch while his finger hit an impenetrable wall. The woman stood there with her luminous box in her hand and looked at him before she was blessed with the enlightenment. "...should I open your door?" Kid nodded wildly, stepping back two steps so the woman could reach the door. Open it! Open it! "...what's behind it?" No... don’t back off! Don’t you dare! The woman looked at him suspiciously and Kid grimaced in despair. How was he supposed to say that? He simply put both hands on his chest, at the point where his heart beat wildly, while he looked at the woman. She had to understand! There was still mistrust in her eyes, but she smiled briefly. "I would have sworn that I would turn away from any desperate soul. But if you should be angry, just remember that I was nice to you, yes? " Her smile was shaky and Kid did not know what she meant, but smiled anyway. It did not matter what she thought, as long as she just opened the door for him! In fact, she turned to the door and began shaking the doorknob, making Kid shudder with excitement. Your chance! Finally! However, the door was locked and when the woman turned away, the redhead clenched his hands in his clothes. No! Do not give up! The desperation had just jumped out of his face, because the human woman smiled reassuringly. "No, that's an ancient cell door, but I'll get it!" Kid smiled as well, though with concern in his face. Law was so quiet. Should he call him? The woman picked up a thick stone from the ground, which had fallen from the ceiling in the violent roar. The stone seemed almost too heavy for her fingers, whose nails were discolored. Kid wanted to help her, if only he could. And so he stood and watched as the noblewoman threw the stone against the cell door with all her strength. The lock on it bent... but got stuck, making Kid restless and nervous. She was not allowed to give up! She had to open the door for Law! She picked the stone up again, panting with exertion and threw it back against the lock... which opened in the next moment, clanking. His heart was thumping and Kids' knees were so awfully wobbly as the metal door opened slowly with a wide squeak. The woman stumbled back while Kid pushed forward and stopped in front of the entrance, staring into the darkness. "LAW! Law! Your door is open! Law! Your door is open! Join me! Oh, please come!" He was no longer interested in the woman's wince. No, he was not interested in anything but that in front of him. Kid was so excited and so incredibly happy. He was trembling and almost wanted to faint. After such a long time! After such a long time! And then he came. His Law. He was beautiful. Full black hair and eyes more beautiful than the sky ever could be. Warm lips, fine facial curves and an elegant skin tan. Never had Kid seen anything so beautiful. Nicer than any gold and every diamond. "Law...!" Kid felt the fine tears in his eyes as his lover came closer. Translucent like himself. Law himself had his arm raised in front of his eyes for the first glimpse to protect those from the eternal darkness from the brightness before taking it down. Now he could look at him. The first time in many, many centuries. A smile pulled on Law's lips, so bright and big as he ran towards him. As fast as Law's feet could carry, he ran through the cell. "Kid! Oh, KID!" At the same time, Law laughed and cried. His throat laughed, his eyes weeping and as he walked over the door and jumped straight into his arms. Kid heard his chains breaking. They tore like an old rope and hit the ground in heavy metal tones. Kid raised his arms and hugged Law. He embraced him tightly as he whirled it around the room, laughing. How nicely stuffed! How incredibly beautiful it felt! Finally! Finally he had his Law again! Finally, he could touch this again! Finally! Finally, they were together again! Finally! Mutually they called their names while Law clung to him and he clung to Law. He felt him! He felt him and could touch him! Kid took the intoxicating smell, felt the warmth of his skin, could touch anything on that! Not for a single second they thought that they were dead. No, they finally had each other back! Law put his hands to his face and they slammed against the wall with a twist, which made them both laugh happily. How beautiful the world suddenly was! His lover held his face and Kid leaned over and kissed him. He kissed him deeply, could hardly stop it. No, he never wanted to stop it. Law's hands clawed at his red hair and Kid clutched his back and waist while he could not get enough of his lips. Finally! They had each other again! And now they could find peace together. Kid Eustass Neither on the Internet nor in the traditional libraries could Clara find anything about this name. Still, she did not let go of it in a certain way. When she opened the door at that time and realized that she had freed a second ghost with it, Clara had become terribly frightened. She had stumbled back in fear, though none of the ghosts cared more for her. To Clara's utter astonishment, the black-haired ghost flew into the redhead's arms and they laughed and kissed. And after a few seconds Clara could not help but smile. They were two men. Were they still lovers? Well, it was clear in itself. That's why Kid Eustass had been so desperate. Who knew how long the two were locked in different cells? And not even death had been able to save them. Then she had finally made a soul happy! Despite her horror, she had really been happy with the two of them. By then, a week had passed, yet Clara didn’t let go of those events. She wanted to know who the two were and what they had done in the dungeon. And why they had to die so miserably in it. They both looked so young. She was just leafing through the books in the big city archives. There were restorations of medieval books, and she'd let the archivist get all the books about the kings of the nearby castle. Maybe it was a wrong thought, but she believed the dungeon had to be part of the castle, even if the dungeon was found far from the castle. For a long time, Clara did not find anything until she suddenly discovered that surname. Eustass. She almost jumped up from the chair with excitement. There he was! A hint! In the next hour, she gathered everything she could find and what she found left her shaken in a certain way. Kid Eustass was actually Sir Eustass. He was in the late 12th century a knight in the name of the crown. After he had proven itself on the battlefield, the young king had become attentive to him. A note about the king himself also said that he and Sir Eustass knew each other from childhood, but Clara couldn’t find more in this direction. The king demanded the services of Sir Eustass in the Kingsguard as one of his bodyguards. Since that life step, Clara has found his name more often in the old texts. He was mentioned in passing as present at political meetings and internal events at the court. Always on the side of the king. Until his name someday disappeared from the attendance list. It took a while for Clara, in a summary of different letters, to find a letter from the king to his advisor abroad. He wrote that he had to deny one of his close friends from his chivalry and had to arrest him. The king wrote that Sir Eustass had made an immoral love with the royal doctor and in an audience, had asked the king for his blessing for their love. Clara almost put her hand over her mouth. Something couldn’t do this in such times! No matter what his position was! Unofficially, there were certainly more homosexual relationships, but something in public...! And the king reacted exactly as you would expect. He took Kid's title and had him arrested as well as his lover. He asked his advisor for advice. He answered in the next few letters that he should hand over the two to the church so that they might decide their fate. A piece of advice, which the king also obeyed. Kid Eustass and the royal doctor, Law Trafalgar, were handed over to the church. Here, however, all documents on the part of the Crown over the two stopped. But after Clara had learned the name of the second ghost, she also researched about him. Law Trafalgar was a born nobleman. There have been several entries since his earliest childhood. He had always been at the castle from the moment of birth and was among the powerful and wealthy of that time. In many important event documentaries his presence was written down. Laws medical training began early and he learned by the side of the most respected doctors of that time, including abroad. As soon as he had finished his training, the former court doctor was dismissed and Law got his job. At the same time, the financial books recorded a large donation from the Trafalgar family. Law was his entire adult time at the royal court and has advised the old and the new king. The one who then took Kid to the side. The two had to have met so. Even if nothing was written, Clara imagined a romantic relationship at court. Two souls who had found each other under such circumstances in those days. The records of Law ended abruptly. It was described one last time, how he treated the king after a hunt wound, before all other treatments were performed by another doctor. Had the king's letter not been there, there would have been no indication of what had happened to it. However, there were only general records of church events in the archives. Nothing internal, since all this would have been stored in the unseen church archive. What Clara found, was the recording of a big landslide. A monastery had been destroyed, which according to the records stood at the foot of a mountain. The place had been described to me as graphic coordinates, and as Clara later looked, this had been very close to the found dungeon. With the best of intentions, she could not find anything about the dungeon itself, suggesting that the prisoners were also a church-internal affair. When Clara realized that Kid and Law was buried alive in her captivity and nobody never came to rescue them, she was terribly shaken. No wonder the two souls could not find peace. All they wanted was to be able to live their love and for that they were given such a cruel fate. And then they had been locked up under the dark earth for so many centuries... Very compassionate and moved, Clara put her books aside and could only find solace in the thought that she had helped them. She had broken the lock on the doctor’s door, allowing the two souls to find each other again. And this time, they had not only life but eternity for themselves. She could smile at the thought. As she sat and drank her tea, looking at all the historical books she had bought, a thought came to her that made her grin. She would make sure that the wish of the two was fulfilled. Her love would be publicly recognized. She would write a book about the fate of Sir Eustass and Dr. Trafalgar.
written by Shadcatmastered
- I’m sorry for mistakes. English is not my native language. -
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shadcatmastered · 7 years
Kid x Law - Just a kiss
Just a kiss. The fine touch of two lips. The gentle dance of two mouths together. Tenderness, love and warmth. A hand caressing the cheek. A body that nestles against another. Just a gentle kiss. A soft gasp, a warm feeling. A tingling sensation throughout the body. Was it love? Was it sexual attraction? Was it both or none of it? It was wonderful. Kid gasped. Law moaned. Quiet, pleasant. It was dark and yet bright. The sun was shining and yet the moon was in the sky. The world was upside down. Nothing was the same as it was before. This one kiss. This tender dance of their lips. How nice it felt. A little damp. A little hot. A little ticklish. A little curious. So much in one. It was just a kiss and yet it was so much. It was the past, it was the future. Everything you had experienced before was nothing compared to the future one. More kisses of this kind seemed to be the greatest luck of the future. And the present? The present only consisted of this kiss. How long could a moment be? How long could a second feel? Kid wanted that second never to stop. Law wanted time to never stop, so they could go on forever. The strange breath on your own skin. How good it felt. The heat of the foreign body. How seductive it was. Which feelings started to rage inside. Longing, happiness, desire, and so much more. No worry was more important, no event worse. There was only this kiss. And when their lips parted they looked each other in the eye. Full of astonishment, full of surprise, full of weakness, full of warmth, full of yearning and full of desire. "Wow." Kid spoke and could barely grasp the moment. "Wow." Repeated Law, grinning at the common future moments. In the future they would often kiss.
written by Shadcatmastered
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