#Kids and Killers Past
sualne · 3 months
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your body isn't your own
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shaylai · 2 years
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That's not who he is anymore, Macaque.
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Give me tomarry au where Tom is obsessed with the boy that saves him. It happens during summer of his second year, when the sky rain downs fire and when little Tom had no idea what was a happening.
It happens when the man with scar grabs him and apparates away to a place he remembers vividly. The cold, dark, and damp place where people were loud. And it was hard to breathe but the man held onto him. The man, who would later walk him back to his orphanage, who would tell him he is sorry.
The man who wore cracked glasses, the man who looked no older than fifteen himself — now that Tom looked at him properly. The boy whose clothes were larger than him — and the way he smiled at Tom (pained, and torn). Tom would remember him. Because how can someone forget those eyes. Those avada eyes that glowed as the sky rained down fire that drowned everything. The scar that looked like thunder.
Tom would remember him disappearing after delivering him to the orphanage. The person who saved him as little Tom nearly died because he didn't know bombs were coming, no one told him (he just returned from Hogwarts).
That day little Tom meets a boy no older than fifteen. That day, little Tom learns about shelters that he can go to and that he regrets not asking for the boy who save his life's name. That day Tom makes a decision that he would find him. Find the person with eyes like trapped thunder and brittle smiles. He would find him and not let him go. Even if it takes him a thousand years to do so.
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beaulesbian · 8 months
(wano spoilers)
there are these few pages in chapter 1001, where right after zoro protected luffy from an attack by big mom, he told him (similarily like in punk hazard arc, but this time he definitely meant it 100x more seriously) not to get distracted - to 'not lose focus for a single instant'.
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and right next panel law was starting shit with luffy (after saving him from kaido's attack)
it's so funny how law was annoyed that it seemed luffy was ordering him around, even if he did the thing luffy asked for. because he was already planning on doing that, sure, sure. and thought it was the best time to talk about it with luffy
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and then kid, of course, couldn't help but add his two cents to the discussion
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all while they were literally up fighting against kaido and big mom askjdsjd
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and luffy really knew when to come up with his best ideas for the moment 'whoever reacts first is the loser!'
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they're all so competitive with each other, it's so fun to watch/read their stupid shenanigans!
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even zoro is so done with them :')
edit: few pages later and zoro ordering law around too, bc it's just that much fun! and law listens lol
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nethhiri · 7 months
Marooned: Chapter 17
Kid x FemReader x Killer
Warnings: violence
Killer was working in the galley prepping lunch, when Heat burst through the doors. He didn't need to say anything for Killer to know something was deeply wrong. The look on his face said enough. 
"Killer, it's Captain. H-he," Heat couldn't finish before Killer was out the door. 
The first mate was on the deck, scanning around for Kid in a panic, gaze briefly landing on a group of people dogpiled on Mini to keep her restrained. It wasn't hard to find him with the amount of screaming he was doing. Kid was grabbing his flesh forearm with his metal hand, flapping it around. He was gripped with terror as his eyes met Killer's. It wasn't quite the same, but it was eerily similar to the look he had when he lost his arm. Killer rushed to his captain's side to see that Kid couldn't move anything below his wrist.
Killer grabbed Kid's shoulder and turned him so they were facing each other. "KID! Slow down. What happened?"
Killer's eyes widened under his mask. There was a lot to unpack in that sentence. "What lie?! Made you what? KID! She can't swim!" 
"OF COURSE SHE CAN'T. SHE DID THIS WITH HER DEVIL FRUIT!" Kid yelled, flapping his limp wrist in from of Killer's face. "SHE'S A FUCKIN MARINE, KIL!"
Heat appeared next to Killer, or maybe he had been there the whole time. Killer had been completely focused on Kid. "She said her name was F/N L/N." Heat explained. "Killer, I think that's-"
Killer's eyes widened. "The Sea Snake, yeah I know." He would revisit that discovery later. Killer turned his attention back to Kid. He wasn't the first mate for no reason. He handled high-pressure situations well, reading them and formulating a plan in seconds. "Kid, listen to me. She's not a marine. She kills marines. And I think she can reverse whatever she did to your hand." Kid started to yell again and Killer cut him off. "KID! In about 2 more seconds, I won't be able to reach her and your hand might be like that forever." Killer paused to catch his breath. "If I'm wrong, you can throw her back over and I won't stop you, ok?" Killer didn't make a move until he saw the slight nod of Kid's head. Then he was diving into the water, hoping he could still pry you from the ocean's grasp. Or they would all suffer Kid's wrath, like they did the first time one of his arms was maimed. 
At this point on his career, Killer had dove in after Kid more times than he could remember. If he wasn't such a practiced, strong swimmer, there would have been no way he could have caught up to you. In the murky darkness, he had to use observation haki to pinpoint where you were, making contact with your chilled skin just as his lungs started burning. He wrapped his arm around your middle and swam back to where the light filtered through the water's surface. 
With an agonal gasp, you were suddenly back in your body, rolling onto your elbows and knees to violently expel ocean water from your lungs. This was somehow worse than throwing up, the sensation of warm liquid coming from a place it should not be coming from, salt burning your windpipe, followed by dry heaving. Your eyes and nose burned, too. A mix of tears, mucus, and saliva were coming out of your face as it forced the salt from your system. Blinking into focus, you saw that you were on a wooden deck, on a ship. Fear inched into your mind, thinking you were back in the custody of Von Kossa until you felt around for the bullet wounds and the melted flesh and found that they were long healed. After a few deep breaths, you remembered what had happened and the fear slipped away.  
Why the fuck were you back here? Why the fuck did they bring you back here? Maybe Kid changed his mind and wanted to make you die slowly. There was no where to escape but the sea, and that got you nowhere. You coughed up some more water, strength slowly seeping back into you as the ocean lost its hold. You doubted that the deal to let you off at the next island was still in effect, if you lived that long. And now your secrets were out. What do I have to lose? 
A slow grin stretched across your lips. You had always wanted to fight a supernova. 
You didn't make a move, taking account of your current surroundings. You heard Minerva in the background squealing. At least someone has my back. Killer was the closest to you, there were scattered people on deck, and the familiar vibration of Kid's heavy steps came ever closer. When his shadow moved into your view, you tucked your leg underneath you and sprang towards him with a fist full of armament haki. It nearly met its target, catching Kid off-guard, but was blocked by Killer. You thought you heard a grunt on impact. Killer wasn't expecting that either; you could tell by the way he became unbalanced the more you forced your fist against him.
"MOVE, KILLER!" You and Kid shouted simultaneously, eyes locked fiercely with each other. Killer jumped back behind Kid, not willing to argue with his captain.
"STAY OUT OF IT. SHE'S MINE," Kid growled. The purple energy of his devil fruit crackled around him, pulling pieces of metal together around the hand you disabled. 
You tilted your head to the side, "You sure? Looks like you could use a hand." You sneered at him, the two of you circling each other. It wasn't lost on you that the deck had cleared and those that remained were taking cover. Several pieces of metal flew in your direction without being able to hit you. It seemed like he was testing your abilities, how fast you were, how agile you were. Plucking some of the smaller pieces from the air, you enclosed them in your fist, willing them to become non-metallic, small, cylindrical. Dodging shrapnel, you loaded your gun blade with the only thing you could think of at the time, glass bullets. If they didn't completely explode in the chamber, maybe you could do something with them. At the very least, you could be annoying. 
"YER DEAD, ROTTEN. DO YA HEAR ME? FIX MY FUCKEN HAND OR YER DEAD!" Kid swiped at you with a giant metal arm. It was big, therefore it was clumsy and slow, compared to you, that is. 
This was not going to end well if he had you tucking, rolling, and running around the deck. Stamina was finite and it was already depleted from using your power on him and being soaked with saltwater. "Can't!" You darted around to get an angle on some of the rigging, thinking back to the poor quality knots from earlier. "Used my fruit too much today!" You were still using it, touching the things he threw at you, and turning them into an element he couldn't control. "Oh yeah! AND I DON'T FUCKING WANT TO!" This was the most you had ever used your power, but it was slowly dwindling down the things he could fight you with, increasing the time you had between avoiding each object and allowing you to take aim properly. With a few shots, which actually went off, you severed the ropes holding one of the sails. Kid was momentarily distracted by swatting away the remaining shots, but it was enough. 
The instant Kid was engulfed in the canvas of the sail, you took off sprinting towards him. You licked your lips with satisfaction at the feeling of warm, wet fluid dripping down your blade, over your hand. It was supposed to be firmly nestled between Kid's ribs. Instead, it was stopped just before breaking his skin, coated in purple electricity. But your hands hadn't stopped. The blood was your own, your grip was no longer on the handle and had been forced over the sharp edge. You caught only a brief glimpse of the damage, and even that was obscured by the amount of blood, before the air was knocked out of you and you were crushed against Kid's chest by his two metal arms. You struggled to wriggle out from his grasp until the pressure increased and you felt a few cracks in your ribcage, nearly passing out from the deep, aching pain. You didn't need to look at him to know the smugness written on his face. He had led you to that opening on purpose. All the remaining air in your lungs was stolen by a gasp when Kid squeezed you even harder. 
"Look," Kid demanded, turning you slightly so that you could see Mini, trapped by a scrap metal vice. "Yer gonna undo whatever ya did, for the sake of yer pig. Understand?" 
That was low. You could have easily taken a hostage yourself, however dishonorable it was. It was stupid not to. This was a pirate ship. The Kid Pirate ship. Not a crew known for honor. You could only nod as your grasp on consciousness quickly faded.
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pocket-jack · 10 months
"Supernova trio stranded on the wild island"
Law: Alright. We need to find water source first. Then build a camp nearby, but not too close to avoid the mosquito attack. Then we should check surroundings for food. Our best course of actions is to look for bird nests and eat the eggs in them. Do not eat any berry, they might be poisonous, and under any circumstances DO NOT eat the meat without thermic processing first. Am I being clea-...
Kid and Luffy who's sit on top of freshly killed bear and eating its meat while fully covered in blood: Huh? Why can't we eat raw meat??
I hc that Kid and Luffy have pretty similar childhood.
Kid was a feral child, but instead of having home to sleep or people to care about him, he had nothing, but himself. He also considers Killer his brother or just something like a brother. Perhaps he didn't even knew what the brother/sister/father/mother was, so he just figured that Killer is something that Kid don't want kill.
Killer wasn't a feral child from his birth like Kid was, but instead was left alone on the island by his parents. He knew a lot and was hanging out with Kid to not feel lonely and in danger all the time. Of course, wild life got him twisted too, but he's still pretty intelligent.
They grow protective of each other, hanging out, playing and fighting with the others.
I headcanon that their home was more of the trash island than the solid ground. There was enough of garbage to freely stand on it, but you could sometimes sink deep inside the trashy deep seas.
Killer just noticed that Kid loved doing stuff with the garbage, so he scavenged some engineering book and gifted to Kid. He went "The fuck's a book?", "It's a tones of paper glued together with words, that contains information. This one contains information about engineering", " The fuck's words???". They had to go... Through a lot of explanations Killer's childish brain could come up with. But Kid liked the gift when he understood what he was reading. He actually build a toy robot and was so happy about it. He decided to give it to Killer as a thank you present.
Then they met Victoria who became "a girl they don't want to kill so she can hang with them", and yes, Killer thought of them like siblings.
They kicked some asses, made friendships and alliances, had adventures and made promises to become pirates together.
And then Victoria dies. But unlike Sabo she dies for real. And Kid is devastated. Firstly, because he never thought that someone's death could make him feel so bad (and there were a lot of people and animals dying in here), and secondly, because he loved her dearly. And Killer as the most level-headed person in here (also really devastated, but had to remain calm, because Kid needed him) just stayed there trying to snap him out of it, but the only thing that Kid heard was a fainted "Kid!.. Kid?.. Kid. Don't look at her. Look at me. Look. At. Me. Calm down. I'm here. Please, just calm down. Please". When Kid finally looked at him he just saw how fucking scared and panicked and dirty and wet and bloody his friend was, and it just snapped him out of it.
Kid just brought together the other gang's and defeated the biggest and most dangerous gang in the whole island. I like to believe that after that he couldn't even look at Killer's face again, because the only thing he saw was his face that night. Killer was devastated and hurting much more. He was much intelligent and smart and clearly understood some things better than Kid did, and that's why Kid thought that something that Killer was going through was much worse than he had it. And Kid swore to become much stronger to never see that expression on Killer's face again. And Killer just understood that Kid would never look at his face as usual again, so he just covered it with mask, to make it easier for Kid to look him in the eyes, even if it was just holes.
I like to think that Kid, just like Law, sees Victoria in Luffy: the energetic, stubborn and freedom loving. At first he showed some interest in him, but then just made some parallels, and only then grew much more angry at Luffy for the things none of them couldn't control.
Ouch, that went too far into the angst from the funny silly feral boys doing funny silly feral stuff when their unferal and depressed boyfriend just being angry at them for breaking a lot of sanitary norms.
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cream-and-tea · 4 months
oh man the judge/calliope and pallas&agnes thoughts are really eating holes in my brain tonight,,,,,,
#about to ramble extensively in these tags so bear with me lol#anyways it makes me want to run in circles bc there r like. the similarities of course there are.#judge and agnes separated from their families and home for better or for worse trying to make their way back to that.#calliope and pallas absolute gnarled messes of self loathing calcified by extremely destructive magic.#both duo’s have the undying loyalty have the tenderness have the when is a monster not a monster oh when you love it#of it all.#but then there’s the fact that what judge and calliope have going on is very much romantic+sexual where pallas and agnes are Not#and that undeniably colours so many of their interactions#so the intimacy in both of the relationships is expressed in a different context#and there’s also agnes primarily concerned with her own survival vs judge’s dedication to a larger cause and quest#pallas priding themself on control of their powers vs calliopes unmanageable werewolf transformations#the fact that pallas and agnes meet at 17 and are total strangers#while judge and calliope have known each other since they were kids and growing into each other#judge wanting to protect agnes from pallas and warning her to Be Careful Because They’re A Killer while calliope#(<- has killed and will kill again) is literally standing at her shoulder#agnes BONE DEEP conviction that pallas will never hurt her despite everything vs calliope having hurt judge VERY badly in the past#and judge forgiving him for it even tho they didn’t want to be forgiven#this is probably incoherent but i am THINKING i am pondering#these four…. god.#wip: ghost story
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Time Travel stories where someone (usually a teen) travels back in time to when their parents were teenagers and the past version of their parents instinctively care for and protect their kid even though they don’t know why is such a simple but great concept.
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not-souleaterpost · 11 months
Ever wished that a trailer DOES lie?
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Didn't come up with some clever pun or whatever to express what I want so I'll put it bluntly: Does anyone agree that new Napoleon movie looks kinda lame from the trailers?
Like the first one was like the two types of cliche trailers one after the other - with all the "boom" sounds and mach cuts, while then doing the whole "eq-so-it-sounds-distant childlike song" thing. But what I found worse is turning Napoleon into Thanos (havent seen a Marvel movie after Iron Man 3, so I might be wrong) - but all the stoic cool guy one liners and weird self-agrandising cliche uterances - only to end with putting on the Crown on himself as if it was that stupid plastic gem-gauntlet... Should just have snapped and said "France Won" and go all the way while showing the Austo-Hungary disolve.
The second trailer seems to be more of the same, with even having the Black Sabbat song to make it artsy but not to artsy. Idk maybe I'm being to harsh and hypocritical, but aften then having the love interst say "look down at my crotch - I control you with it" - I just cant take it seriously - gives me flashbacks to being a kid and seeing my dad watch game of thrones and realises that half the charachters are screwing their sister and brothers cause thats the only way to make something "Mature"...
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But why am I writting a whinning post? Don't I try to make some contrived point in these? Yeah, at first I didint even want to post this, so I dont be one of these cynical movie guys, feel bad for these who now seemingly in nearly their fifties just whine about how bad hollywood is and how superheros suck while only reviewing them while their is a great new Scorsesse movie which they ignore- And instead of continuing this passive agressive attack on RLM, I better segway into my whole point: "The Killers of the Flower Moon" - A movie I recently saw and enjoyed quite a lot - surprisingly because I thought from the trailers "Yeah, Scorsee got old and is phoning it in" - cause from the trailers it just seemed like a generic by the numbers exploitation film, where victims kill their oppressors with the whole "happy ending" being both overly sweet and bitter - because how unrealistic yet saddistic it would be, even as a fantasy only leaving the reality of resentment and bloody revenge.
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But thankfully, it was nothing like that - so the trailer lied, and I was happy - or more happy that even when it lied I thought "well going to the cinema with friends is more important, and why not see a scorsse movie on the big screen, if he dies, or I, soon, I'll regret it, even if it was a piece of shit..."
So maybe that's the point I'm making - maybe a very weird and pointless one - but yeah, maybe Napoleon won't be as bad as I think? Even if it is a far-cry from the Napoleon Kubric would have made, Ridley Scott is still a director with a certain esteem, and who the hell didn't like Gladiator? Even still have an old VHS with a cutot of a tv-magazine of it that my father used to tape over to just pirate the movie old schoo way lol. Still, I'm not saying to mindlessly buy and watch everything - but to just think - maybe even a disapointing movie is worth the human connection one will make (cause who goes to the movies alone?) - so if somebody says "hey lets watch it, its like if the Joker was French" - why not, maybe even it will turn out to be:
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xitty · 4 months
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wiildhcartsrun · 5 months
what if i made a mini fanfic series for one piece, with polyamours realtionships? huh? make it modern? because what if kid was dating law, but law was also dating nami who was also dating killer who also had a thing going on with penguin? oh and killer and kid had a past thing? and the funny thing is, everyone is overally protective that no one thought that they'd be a polyam bc everyone thought they'd be too possessive but somehow they work.
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decidentia · 1 year
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Here it is, the promised plotting call. You know the drill, interact with this and I will be summoned into your DMs. ♡
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benbamboozled · 2 years
Bruce Wayne Headcanons
that I cannot reconcile with current/most/ALL of his comics characterization but I hold onto nevertheless
—Bruce Wayne!! trains each of his Robins with the goal of them becoming better than him.
—Bruce Wayne!! intends for the Robins to be his actual failsafe if he ever went off the deep end. (Fuck that weirdo robot lol.)
—Bruce Wayne!! 1000% blames himself for Jason Todd’s death I don’t care what the comics have had him say or what his dumbass inner-narrative has said…*handwave handwave* all of that was just him desperately trying to cover the hole in his heart from failing his son so completely.
#Bruce Wayne headcanons#yes this IS a stealth rant about BvR and other things I hate.#the Jason Todd one in particular…like…#FIRST OF ALL—what fucking parent blames their teen kid for being *murdered in cold blood by a serial killer*??? NOT ONE THAT I WANT TO KNOW!#SECOND OF ALL—BRUCE DIDN’T EVEN *KNOW* THAT JASON WAS FUCKING *THERE*!!!! LIKE…#HOW WOULD HE *NOT* LOOK BACK ON THAT AND GO ‘I should have been better for him’?????#and like…as I’ve said before—I could buy him using The Story Of Jason Todd as like a Teachable Moment (tm)#to try to get SOMEthing of value out of Jason’s BRUTAL MURDER BY A NOTORIOUS SERIAL KILLER—#WHO THEN WENT ON TO TRY TO KILL THE ENTIRE UN BTW.#but like…he *himself* thinking that Jason was to blame??? NO WAY. nuh uh#not Mr. Tortured By Being Unable To Save His Parents When *He* Was A Child. NO. DO NOT PASS GO.#man I feel like I had a third point but idk I’m too angyy lol.#idk WHY WOULD BRUCE NOT BLAME HIMSELF FOR LEAVING JASON ALONE IN THE FIRST PLACE?!?!#IT DOESN’T FUCKING ADD UP!!!#YOU CAN’T TELL ME A DUDE IS ALL *HAUNTED BY HIS PAST* AND THEN THE THING THAT FUCKING WELL *SHOULD* HAUNT HIM…#HAVE HIM BE LIKE ‘lol sucks to suck.’#YOU CANT EVEN SAY IT’S UNRELIABLE NARRATION BECAUSE IT IS NEVER CHALLENGED *WITHIN THE FUCKING* NARRATIVE!!!#LIKE SURE IF THE *GOAL* WAS TO HAVE BRUCE WAYNE BE A FULL-ON HUMBERT HUMBERT LEVEL BIG FUCKING LIAR THAT WOULD BE A GOOD WAY TO DO IT—#BUT THAT IS CLEARLY *NOT* WHAT IS HAPPENING!!! WE ARE CLEARLY SUPPOSED TO THINK ‘aw poor Bruce too bad Jason sucked so hard. :(’#okay *deep breath exhales smoke from my nostrils* okay I think I’m done.
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bunnymajo · 1 year
Thinking about a possibility that Starline grew to care about Surge & Kit too far into the experiments.
Like he didn't at first, they were just objects/a means to an end but as their personalities start to develop he starts enjoying their company. We don't know about Starline's past either but while he was working with Eggman most of his work went un-thanked
Like he repairs Surge's clothes and she's like "thanks Doc, just like new again! if this plan doesn't work you should go into fashion lol"
He stops a stray robot from killing Kit a 3rd time and he's like "T-thank you sir, If it wasn't for you I would've lost it there" as he scampers off to go catch up with Surge.
"wow people appreciating me..." a tiny voice says in him "NO. of course they're grateful, they're my creations. I can't let feelings stray me from my goal. I will succeed." tamping down any remaining humanity in him. He's come too far to reverse the damage already done anyway.
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lisbonsteresa · 2 years
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You know every time I think about the story of House of Wax all I can really think about is the fact that Vincent and Bo’s dad is the one who did the surgery to separate them.
Which confuses me because I thought the whole reason the Sinclair family ended up in Ambrose was because Victor (their dad) lost his medical license for doing weird experimental treatment on patients when he wasn’t supposed to.
So like where the hell did Dr. Victor Sinclair get the supplies, medical facility, and assistance it would take in order to actually separate conjoined twins.
Why didn’t he take the boys to an actual licensed doctor to get them separated? They don’t even tell us if Dr. Victor Sinclair was even an actual surgeon or just like a general practitioner.
Like if you google it it’s illegal to perform surgery on a family member if there’s someone else available to do the surgery. And I know fucking disgraced Victor Sinclair wasn’t some incredible surgeon specializing in the separation of conjoined twins.
We all know that. Vincent’s absolute hack job of a face makes that crystal clear.
Also I don’t understand if Dr. Victor Sinclair retained his medical license after the whole “giving patients experimental treatments when he wasn’t supposed to thing” but I don’t think he did, even if it was the 70s. So he 100% did the separation surgery sans license meaning he should have been in jail. Because that is a class C felony.
Especially considering just how disfigured Vincent is as a result of said surgery. Like it looks like they didn’t give Vincent a skin graft or anything, there’s just a great big hole in his face where the back of Bo’s head used to be attached to him.
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