#kidney cancer prognosis
liinos · 10 months
Gonna be real yall I think the vets office is a tad traumatizing for me 👍
#had one of the most emotionally taxing and exhausting days in a while#im petsitting for my neighbor and i ended up having to take his dog to the emergency vet and was there for 8 hours#during which many Many people came to pick up ashes and that coupled with the fact that the last time we went to the emergency vet. you know#made it genuinely so hard to be there like on top of the fact that i knew it wasnt going to be great news#and then having to be the one to take the news that the dog has cancer which is obviously not a great prognosis... really rough day#and like having to see a lot of people coming in to put down their pets it was really really rough#and i feel really guilty even tho i know its not my fault the dog is sick and i couldnt have done anything#but like their cat went into kidney failure like right after they got back from their last trip when i was watching them#so it feels like im a harbinger of doom atp 🥴#and i am and have been really frustrated that theyve been going on so many trips exactly because#i was afraid of something like this happening like you have a senior dog and you KNOW goldens are prone to health issues#their last dog literally died bc of undetected cancer while they were on a trip#and this guy has been generally really healthy and was acting perfectly fine until last night#but still hes old and its just so unfair to him that theyve been traveling so much#i think total over this year ive watched him for roughly 3 months and like. i personally think that if you have a dog#you dont just get to do whatever like you have a duty to your dog but especially to older dogs
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skippyv20 · 24 days
Our Prayer List🙏🏻❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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Prayers and good thoughts for our friend whose husband of 25 years is terminally ill.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend’s niece. She just had a healthy baby girl, but she is having some medical issues still.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend who has had foot surgery and is in my pain. Also has faced trials of emotional, financial stress. Also her husband is not well and having problems with his kidneys.
Prayers and good thoughts for @bobbydoguk husband who is not well, and for @bobbydoguk who we know is worried. We pray for her husband to be pain free. We also pray for them to feel God’s presence during this time. Prayers and good thoughts for our friend. She is having cardiac issues and will be having many tests. Also her blood pressure is very high. Her mother had many heart issues and this has frightened our friend. She is very anxious and scared.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend. She is going through a difficult time. She has had a rough 12 months and is feeling burnt out. She also is dealing with a narcissistic father, and taking care of her elderly mother with no support from family members.
Prayers and good thoughts for Kylee who is missing. It has been months since her mother and grandmother have heard from her. Today is Kylee’s 18th Birthday. We pray Kylee is safe. We pray for her mother and grandmother as they are so worried. (This will remain until we hear Kylee is home safe and sound) June 15 Prayers and good thoughts for our friend’s 22 year old nephew who is struggling with anxiety, depression & panic attacks.
Prayers and good thoughts for The Princess of Wales as she continues her battle. We pray for The Prince of Wales and their children, and Catherine’s family during this time.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend who is suffering from ringing in her ear. It is constant and she can’t sleep. Neither her doctor or dentist can find the cause.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend’s brother who is finally home and who continues his fight with cancer. Our friend and her sister were able to visit with him, and are so very grateful to have had time with him. We pray that their brother will be pain free and that he will be at peace. We pray for his partner and his family.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend’s mother who is feeling a bit confused at this time.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend who is having suicidal thoughts, and having difficulty finding employment. Praying she finds employment soon.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend’s son and husband. Her son has spinal fractures and they don’t know why. Her husband is having issues with his back as well.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend whose husband had a mental breakdown and they are now facing financial hardship. He is bidding on numerous jobs and needs prayers.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend’s oldest daughter. Her daughter is on dialysis now. She did test positive for drugs, and her boyfriend is a known drug dealer. This is of great concern. Mar 27
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend’s treasured son-in-law. He has been diagnosed with esophageal cancer with mets to the liver and lymph nodes throughout his abdomen. He has a very poor prognosis - less than a year, probably just a few months. He is only 48 years old. Our friend is heartbroken, her son-in-law has been in the family for 17 yrs, and he is so very loved. He is scheduled for a PET scan next week.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend’s nephew who is struggling.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend’s nephew who has been diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis.
We pray for our friend who for 36 years has suffered from a progressive, painful, debilitating neurological illness that has her housebound, and she is tired.  
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katethewriter · 2 years
An Hourglass
Pairing: WandaNat x Reader
Summary: After 8 months on a mission, Wanda and Natasha come home to the worst news they could have imagined.
Words: 1k~
Warnings: terminal illness, cancer diagnosis, I may work in a Dr's office but that doesn’t mean I’m good at medical jargon, angst, just angst, no happy ending
A/N: Someone made a comment about me posting the fluff fic yesterday, so I thought I'd post some angst to even the score. 😂 hehehe, I hope you enjoy, may want to grab the tissues
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Sitting in the window seat, you stare blankly out at the city. The sun is almost ready to set. The streets below are filling with night lights.
You see none of it however. Your eyes just gaze, as your mind moves faster than you can keep up. A million thoughts race through your mind, but you still think of nothing.
That's what you are. It's how you've been for days now.
Numb and waiting for anyone to bring you back out of it.
As Natasha and Wanda enter your shared home, they notice that everything is near exactly the same as when they left. They weren't expecting a complete remodel, but 8 months could warrant a new piece of furniture or new wall decor.
They call out for you and walk further into the home, desperate to wrap their arms around you after so long apart.
Natasha quickly makes her way through the house, continuing her search upstairs.
Wanda was following closely behind, until they passed through the kitchen. She stops short at the kitchen island, where papers are spread about.
The letter head is what stands out the most. Thomas Hospital. Her anxiety picks up as she reads a doctor's name followed by "Oncology".
Dread fills her more as she scans over the papers, only certain words and phrases catch her eye.
"Patient Name: Y/n L/n-Maximoff-Romanoff"
"...Lung Cancer..."
"...Stage Four..." "...Metastatic..."
"...spread to lymph nodes, kidneys, stomach and liver..."
"Treatment: Palliative." "...Prognosis: 3-5 months."
The Sokovian's heart drops to her stomach.
No. This can't be happening. She can't lose anyone else.
She can't lose you.
Wanda grabs the papers and darts upstairs.
When Natasha strolls into the bedroom, she can't but smile at the sight of you.
"Lyubov," she calls to you, but you don't respond. She kneels in front of the window seat, looking up to you.
"Y/n," Natasha says lightly, placing a soft hand on your knee.
Still numb, you turn to her, but it's like you don't see her. Your eyes almost stare through her. Worry growing in the pit of her stomach.
Your wife's eyes shift to the pamphlet dangling from between your fingers. She can only read the title: "Living with a Terminal Illness".
Her hands shake as she gently takes it from you. She skims the front page for a few seconds, before looking back to you with a new fear in her eyes, "detka, what is this?"
For the first time since you woke up this morning, you're brought to the edge of awareness. Your eyes softly focus on Natasha; your expression still lost.
A movement in the doorway draws your attention, and you slowly look up. Wanda stands in the doorway holding a few papers, and you know. You know she knows.
The witch joins the widow in kneeling in front of you. She tries her best to hold back the tears in her eyes as she asks, "is it true, love?"
All you can manage is a nod.
Quickly, Natasha takes the pages from her other wife and reads as fast as she can.
"You could have called us," Wanda strokes your knee, "we would have come, detka."
You look around you, slowly coming back to awareness. "They... they said it was probably n-nothing. They just wanted to double check," you say in a daze, "...I didn't want to worry you over nothing."
Her heart breaks even further. Even going through what must have been a terrifying diagnosing process, you were still thinking of them first.
The widow looks up from the now tear stained pages, "when did you-?" She stops short, unable to finish the sentence.
"L-last week."
Guilt grip both of them. They've been away on a mission, and you've been left to go through this alone. You shouldn't have been alone.
They should have been here.
That's something they will have to wrestle with for the rest of their lives.
"We're here now," Wanda reassures, reaching up to stroke your cheek. "We're not going out again. You don't have to go through this alone anymore."
Natasha sniffles, setting the papers aside, "We'll be with you the whole time... and we don't even know what this means."
You look to her sadly.
"We don't," she raises her shoulders, "we'll take you to see Cho. She's the best doctor in the world. She can help us." She takes your face into her hands, "we could still have so much time together, so many years. Ok?" She smiles reassuringly, until you nod.
Your numbness finally falls away, and you're left with the overwhelming fear of the situation. Fat tears begin to roll down your face with no sign of stopping.
Your wives sit on either side of you and wrap their arms around you. They stay until you have cried out all of your fear. They let you take all the time you need.
Four months later, when the once happy home feels cold and empty, Natasha and Wanda will kick themselves for spending so much time away. Time they can never get back.
8 months they should have spent with you.
When it gets quiet, they mourn…
You and all of that time they let slip through their fingers like sand.
A/N: part 2?
Edit: it’d be more like a part 1.5, those last 4 months.
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I'm the WORST at prompts. But something whumpy... I need that so badly. I dunno, maybe throw one of them off a high place. I'd take anything that hurts one and makes the other worry. 😭
I haven't written much whump before so I hope I delivered!
When Buck and Tommy first started dating, Buck knew the risks of being with another first responder. He had mentally prepared himself for the possibility of a helicopter crash or Tommy getting trapped during a rescue. He didn't want those things to happen, but at least he had experience with such scenarios.
What he wasn't expecting, though, were the awful words the doctor had just uttered: "Stage 3 kidney cancer." Buck felt as if his heart had stopped beating right then and there. "No!" he silently screamed. Not this... not now. They were so happy together. Buck had just moved into Tommy's house, and they had all sorts of plans to renovate and redecorate. They were going to plant a little garden and had talked about getting a pet. This couldn't be happening.
Tommy was so big, strong, and capable. Tommy, his Tommy, couldn't have cancer. Buck couldn't stop the tears from streaming down his face.
Tommy, on the other hand, remained stone-faced, expressionless. His voice was steady as he asked, "What's the prognosis? What are my treatment options?" He paused for a moment, then added, "Just give it to me straight, is this the end? Am I gonna die?"
Buck knew that his boyfriend was a straight shooter, but hearing him ask that so matter-of-factly sent a chill down his spine. He choked back a sob, trying to compose himself for Tommy's sake.
The doctor's expression softened slightly. "Mr. Kinard, while stage 3 kidney cancer is serious, it's not necessarily a death sentence. The five-year survival rate for stage 3 kidney cancer is about 53%. With aggressive treatment, many patients can go into remission."
Buck found little comfort in those words. "53 percent," he thought, his heart sinking. "So almost half don't survive." He knew Tommy was a fighter, but those were not good odds. And just what exactly did "aggressive treatment" mean? The uncertainty was almost as scary as the diagnosis itself.
Tommy remained stoic, his face masking the emotion that Buck new lie beneath the surface. Buck knew Tommy well enough to know that he was terrified. "And the treatment? What does that look like?" he asked, his voice unwavering.
As the doctor began explaining the potential treatment plans - surgery, radiation, chemotherapy - Buck felt completely overwhelmed. Their life had been completely turned on its head in a matter of minutes. Everything they had planned, everything they had looked forward to, now seemed trivial in the face of cancer.
Buck tried to focus on the doctor's words, knowing he needed to understand what lay ahead. But his mind kept racing. He had to be strong for Tommy, he knew that. But in this moment, he had never felt weaker in his entire life.
A wave of guilt washed over him as a selfish thought crept into his mind. He felt like the universe was taunting him. Cancer again. Cancer had affected his life before he was even born. He was born because his brother had cancer and he couldn't save him. And here cancer was again, threatening the happiness he had built with Tommy.
He glanced at Tommy, marveling at his composure. How could he be so calm when their world was crumbling around them? Buck wanted to be that pillar of strength for Tommy, but he felt like he was barely holding himself together.
Buck reached out and grasped Tommy's hand, squeezing it tightly. To his relief, Tommy squeezed back, a small gesture that spoke volumes. In that moment, Buck made a silent vow. No matter how tough things got, no matter how weak he felt, he would find the strength to be there for Tommy every step of the way. They would fight this together, just as they had faced every other obstacle in their lives.
As the doctor continued speaking, Buck tried to prepare himself for the fight ahead. Their future was uncertain and full of challenges. But one thing was clear: he wouldn't let Tommy face this alone. They were a team, and together they would tackle whatever came their way.
When they climbed into the car, Tommy quietly asked, "Are you ok?"
"Am I ok?" Buck replied, incredulous. "Babe, are you ok? This is earth-shattering."
"I know," Tommy said, tears welling up in his eyes. "But you're not stuck with me. I don't want you to feel obligated, and I won't blame you or judge you if it's too much. You didn't sign up for cancer."
"Tommy," Buck gasped, his voice thick with emotion. "I would never leave you. We may not have officially said it yet, but I am here in sickness and in health."
Tommy didn't say a word but pulled Buck into a hug. His eyes met Buck's with a look of determination. It was a silent promise to fight - for himself, for Buck, and for their future together. Because they deserved their happily ever after, and Tommy wasn't about to let cancer take that away from them.
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horatioandalice · 9 months
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I'm afraid I have some bad news about Harriet.
Yesterday morning when I got the budgies up, I noticed that she wasn't able to use her right foot. (The picture attached was taken before she lost the use of her foot.) I thought that maybe she and Pippa had had a fight, or that she had injured it in some way, so I toweled her and gave her some of Pippa's leftover pain meds and looked at her foot. There wasn't any visible sign of injury, but she was definitely unable to move her toes. By an unbelievable stroke of luck, my vet had an opening at 2pm, so I took Harriet in to get looked at.
Unfortunately, the prognosis is not good. The vet found a significant amount of bruising in Harriet's abdomen, indicating that she likely has some kind of organ dysfunction that is resulting in pressure being put on the nerves that control her right foot. The most likely causes, according to the vet, are either kidney cancer or reproductive disease. Because budgies are so small, and because of Harriet's age (she's 9) and relative fragility (since she's already had surgery for reproductive issues), the vet isn't confident she would survive the major surgery required to determine the problem, and the odds are there wouldn't be an effective treatment anyway.
So the decision has been made to try to keep Harriet comfortable with anti-inflammatory pain meds and in a hospital cage until her quality of life declines enough that it will be kindest to euthanize her. She is still allowed out with the other budgies, so she's not totally isolated, and as of this morning she is still eating well, destroying toys, and being very active and vocal (her wonky foot doesn't slow her down at all!), so right now she's doing well. She has already outlived all my other past budgies by three years (!!!), so although of course I will be heartbroken to say goodbye to this little fierce warrior, I am grateful for whatever time we have left.
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rottenbrainstuff · 3 months
Cat update because I want to:
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Just wanted to let you all know - this amazing little cat, Sophie, the best most perfect cat in the entire world, continues to do really well despite everything she’s got going on. She is 16 years old, she has no teeth, she has kidney failure, and she has terminal cancer, but honesty it feels like sometimes she is going to live forever… she just keeps going and doing her thing and being the best little buddy anyone could ever hope for. In fact, this last year she’s been feeling really good, because she’s on medication that is making her tummy feel SO much better. She is so sweet and patient and perfect, except if I stay awake too late, or sleep in too late, or even get up to go to the bathroom, and then she complains about it. She has recently decided that she just will not eat her prescription kidney wet food, no way no how, and her majesty now just eats regular senior food. (Her kidney disease has not really progressed for some reason in the 5 years since her diagnosis so whatever. At this point, not eating will kill her faster than her kidneys so she can have what she likes)
Her cancer diagnosis last year was that probably she would live for another 1-2 years. That means I will very likely be saying goodbye to her sometime next year. That’s sad to think about, because she really has been the absolute perfect cat and the best buddy during some really bad times. I do hold out irrational hope that she’ll just keep going despite the prognosis, just like she did with her kidney disease, and I would so dearly love for her to become one of those absolutely ancient and crusty 20 year old cats. She won’t live forever though, and I’ll keep doing my best to make her feel the best that she can, and be kind when we reach a point where she has more bad days than good. It feels like that’s going to be a long time off though. So I just want to enjoy the time I have with her.
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fooltemps · 1 month
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Leukemia and Lymphoma Awareness Flags!!
This flag was designed by us, as we currently have a family member with Leukemia and wish to bring awareness to this kind of cancer.
color meaning:
#FF2D34: Myeloma
#00DC0E: Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
#FF8C2E: Leukemia
#D12DFF: Hodgkin Lymphoma
Below is information all about Leukemia and Lymphoma Cancers.
Leukemia and Lymphoma are both cancers that are not associated with a tumor. Lymphomas are cancers that affect the lymph system and start in cells called lymphocytes. Leukemia is a cancer of the early blood-forming tissues, including your bone marrow and lymph system.
There are many types of lymphoma. Some grow and spread slowly and some are more aggressive. There are two main types of Lymphoma:
1. Hodgkin Lymphoma is cancer that starts in the B lymphocytes (B cells) of the lymph system. Your lymph system helps you fight infection and control the fluids in your body.
2. Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma (NHL) is cancer that starts in the lymphocytes anywhere lymph tissue is found:
Lymph nodes
Bone marrow
Adenoids and tonsils, or
The digestive track.
Leukemia typically involves white blood cells, the cells that are your infection fighters. Leukemia can be divided into categories: fast growing (acute) and slow growing (chronic); and by which white blood cells are affected:
Acute lymphocytic leukemia (ALL)
Acute myelogenous leukemia (AML)
Chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL
Chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML)
A screening test is used to detect cancers in people who may be at higher risk for developing the disease. With leukemia and lymphoma, there are no early detection tests. The best way to find them is to be aware of the symptoms:
Swollen lymph nodes which can appear as a lump in the neck, armpit or groin;
Night sweats
Weight loss without trying, and
Leukemia can have similar symptoms but also can include:
Easy bleeding or bruising;
Recurring nosebleeds; and
Bone pain or tenderness
Myeloma is cancer of the plasma cells. Plasma cells are white blood cells that produce disease- and infection-fighting antibodies in your body. Myeloma cells prevent the normal production of antibodies, leaving your body's immune system weakened and susceptible to infection. The multiplication of myeloma cells also interferes with the normal production and function of red and white blood cells. An abnormally high amount of these dysfunctional antibodies in the bloodstream can cause kidney damage. Additionally, the myeloma cells commonly produce substances that cause bone destruction, leading to bone pain and/or fractures.
Myeloma cells are produced in the bone marrow, the soft tissue inside your bones. Sometimes myeloma cells will travel through your blood stream and collect in other bones in your body. Because myeloma frequently occurs at many sites in the bone marrow, it is often referred to as multiple myeloma.
Signs and symptoms of myeloma include the following:
Hypercalcemia (excessive calcium in the blood)
Anemia (shortage or reduced function of red blood cells)
Renal damage (kidney failure)
Susceptibility to infection
Osteoporosis, bone pain, bone swelling, or fracture
High protein levels in the blood and/or urine
Weight loss
In 2022, more than 62,650 people are expected to be diagnosed with leukemia. In addition:
Leukemia accounts for 3.6% of all new cancer cases.
The overall 5-year survival rate for leukemia has more than quadrupled since 1960.
62.7% of leukemia patients survive 5 years or more.
The diagnosis of leukemia requires specific blood tests, including an examination of cells in the blood and marrow.
Treatment and prognosis depend on the type of blood cell affected and whether the leukemia is acute or chronic. Chemotherapy and blood and marrow transplant are often used to treat leukemia.
If you wish to read more about Leukemia and Lymphoma cancer, please visit this website!
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becksaw · 2 years
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𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐥 𝐢𝐧𝐟𝐨.
full name: rebekah daphne sawyer.
age & birthdate: 38 , april 29, 1984.
zodiac: taurus sun, aries moon, sagittarius rising her whole chart is a disaster.
gender & pronouns: cis woman , she / her
orientation: bisexual biromantic.
residence: coral coast
occupation: wildlife rehabilitator at aquatic cove
top songs on spotify: ‘tis the damn season by taylor swift, my mother and i by lucy dacus, sweet disposition by the temper trap, forest green by big red machine, looking too closely by fink, nothing new by taylor swift and phoebe bridgers.
trigger warnings : mentions of teenage pregnancy, seizure, cancer, death, miscarriage .
julia taylor is seventeen years old when she believes a boy that promises her forever. she’s seventeen when she’s staring at a positive pregnancy test in her hands, shattered when the boy vanishes upon learning of the result. scared, barely staying afloat, and not ready for a child, julia decides that while she’ll give birth, she’ll also give her daughter up for adoption. she does so unaware of the couple that takes her daughter and ensures that they do not have a means to contact her by — she wants to start over after she gives birth. rebekah is born in new orleans and finds herself in the loving arms of john and tallulah sawyer, a couple that’s suffering from infertility issues as they expand their family, thankful beyond measure for the blessing someone else has bestowed upon them in the form of their daughter. 
rebekah grows up in fairford, washington, with her parents, two older brothers ( and later a little sister, the “ rainbow ” baby to her parents ) and the family dog, norman. tallulah teaches fifth grade at the local elementary school, and john works a corporate job that pays well enough for them to get by. they’re your quintessential all - american family, the kind you can easily locate in attendance at every friday night football game decked out in the home team’s gear because a neighbor’s kid or a friend of someone’s child is out on the field. they enjoy being in the presence of others, supporting and uplifting, getting out of the house and experiencing their little corner of the world to its fullest. rebekah’s the third in line of the sawyer kids and set to make her own way — sharp as a whip, talented on the soccer field, and a bubbly personality to boot. it’s not hard for friends to be made, boys to catch the attention of, her own path taking a shape seen dozens of times before. in high school, she falls in love with the thorn in her side from childhood that her parents tease her of marrying someday. she has college in her sights, the road ahead bright.
and then, without fanfare or warning of any kind, the road seemingly falls off a cliff : one random wednesday night, tallulah experiences a seizure right before she goes to bed, panicking the entire family. bekah’s response is to lock her door from the ensuing chaos outside in the hallway as 911 is called and paramedics arrive. it rattles the entire family down to their foundation; for someone who is the perfect photo of health as tallulah is, to falling into a coma after experiencing yet another seizure in the hospital and experiencing kidney failure as caused by a silent spread of multiple myeloma. bekah misses the first three weeks of her junior year of high school sleeping in hospital chairs, waiting for her mother to pass away at any given moment per the doctor’s bleak prognosis. miracles happen to be on their side, as tallulah eventually wakes up and, despite the newfound knowledge of her kidney failure and a cancer that promises to take her within the year, is in good spirits. they would have another few years together before she passed away.
bekah doesn’t hesitate much after this happens, knowing life is too short. she and her boyfriend shock everyone, engaged by the tail end of their junior year of high school and married shortly after graduation. everyone calls pregnancy, but bekah knows that she is not guaranteed a tomorrow, and after the unyielding support during her mother’s health crisis, she knows that there aren’t too many other people she’d want to walk in tandem with for the rest of her life. the two head off to college together as a young married couple, where bekah majors in marine biology and begins trying to plan for a family. they do their best to keep the spark alive, to not succumb to the expiration dates so many have slapped to them, but as time goes on and with the eventual passing of tallulah, bekah’s spark dulls and the next few years drone by. their marriage suffers because of this and their hail mary is an attempt at a pregnancy. it’s only for a brief moment, as the only positive pregnancy test winds up with a checkup at the doctor confirming that there is no baby and a miscarriage has been suffered. the news devastates bekah and hollows her out entirely. she’s awake the entire night as her husband sleeps next to her, nothing but her thoughts to aggravate her further. she stares at the ceiling fan, tears brimming, and feels the break somewhere inside her. if this is life, she can’t continue to live it.
she declines the graduate assistant position she’s offered, and she leaves her husband in quite literally the middle of the night just after hitting four years of marriage — she leaves a letter on the kitchen table apologizing, guilt gnawing away at her insides as she tells herself she has to find herself again no matter the cost, no matter the loss. who is bekah, without the trauma and complacency and grief and the role she has slipped into so easily that it has seemed to consume her entire being?
she refuses to return back home with her tail between her legs, every ill promise against her having come true. she is determined to make something stick. she moves to florida for a little bit, following a marine biology job that allows her to work directly with wildlife; she goes to therapy and writes close to 100 letters to her now ex that she’d never send ( but she would send one — petition for divorce ), she dances on bar tops and stops calling her siblings, she realizes that the world is somehow bigger than her small town and that she is inconsequentially small, so small that the universe and her demons began overlooking her. she begins to feel like she is more than just a copied and pasted sentiment someone had had about her once. she feels real, the kind of real she’d only felt in her adolescence prior to her mother’s health left-field turn.
she makes it back to fairford for a job opportunity at the aquatic conservatory — she’s been back for about eight years now, and she can still sometimes hear the whispers about who she used to be, about how she has failed and flourished and become everything her little town thought she would be and everything she wouldn’t. bekah works as a wildlife rehabilitator, helping transition marine animals back into the wild after injuries, and she’s in the process of helping transition her father into retirement. with her entire life currently rotating around the axis of transition, there’s surprises of her own lurking in the corner waiting to shake her snow globe life up. one step at a time, she tells herself. one foot in front of the other.
brendan, lucky, and frankie nichols. she's their charming ex sister in law.
everything. friends of any flavor, exes from her time away from fairford, ex - high school classmates, co - workers, friends with benefits, current hookups, failed tinder dates, someone to call late at night in order to not be lonely (on either end), drinking buddies, neighbors, will they won't they?, someone that allows bekah to come sit on their couch and vent judgment-free (or vice versa), friends that are beginning to have feelings that are not so Friendly, people that bring out the wild streak in bekah & are up for doing not so civil shit, fellow regulars at X Y or Z, someone in need of adventure that bekah's happy to indulge, hookup that did not land in a good place, a plot based off come back be here by taylor swift except they actually came back and it’s like wtf do we do now, someone that bekah doesn’t get along with for reasons tbd, underlying spite or frustration between or muses, anything!!
ex - husband: bekah’s ex husband. these two grew up together in fairford as kids, were likely teased by their parents that they would end up together one day. they would have protested it, but as time goes on and they get older, they do eventually develop feelings for each other and are high school sweethearts. they are engaged by the end of their junior year of high school and married the summer after their high school graduation. their college years are difficult for them, between school, bekah’s mom’s passing, and other reasons tbd, and after a hail mary attempt to save their marriage in starting the family they dreamed of, bekah suffers a miscarriage and the relationship crumbles. she leaves to head back home, and files for divorce shortly after. bekah came back to fairford, and i imagine the two have not talked / seen each other in close to fifteen years. if you’re interested in picking this up, message me on this blog !    
siblings: there are four sawyer kids, two older brothers, bekah, and a younger sister. the three of them are all biologically sawyer children, and bekah is adopted ( something she is just finding out as she helps transition her father into retirement ) . she fell out of touch with her siblings shortly after she left her husband to move to florida — whether they ever made it back in touch upon bekah returning home is up to us! if you’re interested in picking this up, message me on this blog !    
half - siblings: bekah is biologically the child of julia taylor, a woman she has never met. throughout the course of the group i’d like for her to discover she is adopted and connect with those parts of her family; that said, i’d loooove to see some half-siblings. they would likely be in the 24-31 age range. if you’re interested in picking this up, message me on this blog !    
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stevenwilliam12 · 4 days
Revolutionizing Multiple Myeloma Treatment: The Rise of Bispecific Antibodies
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Multiple myeloma (MM), a complex and incurable blood cancer, has long posed challenges for both patients and healthcare providers. Historically, treatment options have included chemotherapy, immunomodulatory drugs, proteasome inhibitors, and stem cell transplants. However, the recent introduction of bispecific antibodies marks a significant breakthrough in the treatment landscape, offering new hope for those battling this formidable disease.
Understanding Multiple Myeloma
Multiple myeloma develops from abnormal plasma cells in the bone marrow, resulting in the production of irregular proteins that can lead to various complications, including bone damage, kidney dysfunction, and immune system impairment. The prognosis for multiple myeloma patients has traditionally been grim, with a five-year survival rate of around 50%. Nonetheless, advancements in treatment strategies have improved outcomes and bispecific antibodies are leading this charge.
What Are Bispecific Antibodies?
Bispecific antibodies are engineered proteins designed to bind to two different antigens simultaneously. This unique capability allows them to redirect immune cells, such as T-cells, to target and destroy cancer cells more effectively. Unlike traditional monoclonal antibodies, which focus on a single antigen, bispecific antibodies can engage multiple pathways in the immune response, enhancing their therapeutic potential.
The Promise of Bispecific Antibodies in MM
Recent clinical trials have showcased the efficacy of bispecific antibodies in treating multiple myeloma. Among the most promising candidates, bispecific T-cell engagers (BiTE) have demonstrated significant anti-tumor activity in heavily pre-treated patients. By connecting T-cells to myeloma cells, BiTE antibodies can initiate a powerful immune response, resulting in reduced tumor burden and improved patient outcomes.
A landmark study featuring a bispecific antibody targeting BCMA (B-cell maturation antigen) revealed impressive results, with a high overall response rate and many patients achieving complete or partial remission. This breakthrough has catalyzed further research and development in this promising area, with several bispecific antibodies currently in clinical trials.
Advantages Of Traditional Therapies
The advent of bispecific antibodies brings several advantages compared to traditional treatments for multiple myeloma:
Targeted Action: Bispecific antibodies can precisely target cancer cells while sparing healthy cells, potentially reducing side effects and improving tolerability.
Enhanced Efficacy: By engaging multiple pathways in the immune system, these antibodies may enhance overall treatment effectiveness, leading to better outcomes.
Combination Potential: Bispecific antibodies can be combined with existing therapies, such as checkpoint inhibitors or other immunotherapies, to create synergistic effects that further boost treatment responses.
Accessibility: Designed to work with the patient’s immune system, bispecific antibodies may offer treatment options for those unresponsive to conventional therapies.
Challenges and Future Directions
Despite their promise, several challenges remain with bispecific antibodies. The complexity of the immune response and potential adverse effects, such as cytokine release syndrome, necessitate careful patient management and monitoring during treatment. Additionally, determining the optimal treatment regimen and its sequencing with existing therapies remains an area of active research.
Looking forward, the future of multiple myeloma treatment featuring bispecific antibodies is bright. Ongoing clinical trials are crucial for establishing the long-term efficacy and safety profiles of these therapies. As researchers explore innovative treatment strategies, bispecific antibodies could play a central role in transforming the management of multiple myeloma, offering renewed hope to patients and their families.
The rise of bispecific antibodies signifies a revolution in the treatment of multiple myeloma, presenting exciting possibilities for improved patient outcomes. As research progresses and these therapies become standard practice, we may soon witness a significant transformation in the management of this challenging disease, ultimately enhancing the quality of life and increasing survival rates for those affected by multiple myeloma.
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drsunnygarg · 4 days
Esophageal Cancer Specialist in Gurgaon Expert Care for Optimal Outcomes
Esophageal cancer, a serious condition affecting the esophagus – the tube that connects the throat to the stomach – requires prompt diagnosis and specialized care. For residents of Gurgaon, access to top-tier esophageal cancer specialists is crucial for successful treatment and better prognosis. Gurgaon, with its state-of-the-art hospitals and expert oncologists, has become a hub for advanced cancer care.
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Why Consult an Esophageal Cancer Specialist?
Esophageal cancer often presents with symptoms such as difficulty swallowing, unexplained weight loss, chest pain, and persistent indigestion. Given the complexity of the disease, early detection and treatment from a specialist can significantly improve outcomes. An esophageal cancer specialist has expertise in diagnosing, staging, and treating this specific form of cancer, providing a comprehensive approach that includes surgical, medical, and radiation oncology.
These specialists utilize advanced diagnostic tools like endoscopy, biopsy, and imaging techniques to assess the extent of the cancer. Based on the findings, they develop personalized treatment plans that may involve surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, or a combination of treatments. In advanced cases, immunotherapy or targeted therapy may also be recommended.
Top Hospitals and Esophageal Cancer Specialists in Gurgaon
Gurgaon is home to some of India’s leading hospitals equipped with cutting-edge technology for cancer care. Hospitals like Medanta – The Medicity, Fortis Memorial Research Institute, Artemis Hospital, and Max Hospital have world-renowned oncologists with expertise in treating esophageal cancer.
At these hospitals, esophageal cancer specialists collaborate with multidisciplinary teams of surgeons, radiologists, pathologists, and dietitians to provide holistic care. This integrated approach ensures that patients receive not just the best medical treatment but also supportive care to manage symptoms and maintain quality of life during and after treatment.
Choosing the Right Specialist
When choosing an esophageal cancer specialist in Gurgaon, it's essential to consider the doctor’s experience, the hospital’s infrastructure, and patient reviews. Specialists with a track record of successful outcomes, involvement in research, and expertise in minimally invasive surgeries often stand out.
Click here for more information:-
Immunotherapy Hospital in Delhi
Kidney Cancer Treatment in Gurgaon
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skippyv20 · 8 days
Our Prayer List🙏🏻❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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Prayers and good thoughts for our friend’s 16 yr old daughter. She is going through her first break up and is devastated. We pray for her to feel God’s loving presence and protection at this time. We also pray for her mother who is so very worried.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend whose husband of 25 years is terminally ill.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend who has had foot surgery and is in my pain. Also has faced trials of emotional, financial stress. Also her husband is not well and having problems with his kidneys.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend. She is having cardiac issues and will be having many tests. Also her blood pressure is very high. Her mother had many heart issues and this has frightened our friend. She is very anxious and scared.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend. She is going through a difficult time. She has had a rough 12 months and is feeling burnt out. She also is dealing with a narcissistic father, and taking care of her elderly mother with no support from family members.
Prayers and good thoughts for Kylee who is missing. It has been months since her mother and grandmother have heard from her. Today is Kylee’s 18th Birthday. We pray Kylee is safe. We pray for her mother and grandmother as they are so worried. (This will remain until we hear Kylee is home safe and sound) June 15 Prayers and good thoughts for our friend’s 22 year old nephew who is struggling with anxiety, depression & panic attacks.
Prayers and good thoughts for The Princess of Wales as she continues her battle. We pray for The Prince of Wales and their children, and Catherine’s family during this time.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend who is suffering from ringing in her ear. It is constant and she can’t sleep. Neither her doctor or dentist can find the cause.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend’s brother who is finally home and who continues his fight with cancer. Our friend and her sister were able to visit with him, and are so very grateful to have had time with him. We pray that their brother will be pain free and that he will be at peace. We pray for his partner and his family.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend’s mother who is feeling a bit confused at this time.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend who is having suicidal thoughts, and having difficulty finding employment. Praying she finds employment soon.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend’s son and husband. Her son has spinal fractures and they don’t know why. Her husband is having issues with his back as well.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend whose husband had a mental breakdown and they are now facing financial hardship. He is bidding on numerous jobs and needs prayers.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend’s oldest daughter. Her daughter is on dialysis now. She did test positive for drugs, and her boyfriend is a known drug dealer. This is of great concern. Mar 27
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend’s treasured son-in-law. He has been diagnosed with esophageal cancer with mets to the liver and lymph nodes throughout his abdomen. He has a very poor prognosis - less than a year, probably just a few months. He is only 48 years old. Our friend is heartbroken, her son-in-law has been in the family for 17 yrs, and he is so very loved. He is scheduled for a PET scan next week.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend’s nephew who is struggling.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend’s nephew who has been diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis.
We pray for our friend who for 36 years has suffered from a progressive, painful, debilitating neurological illness that has her housebound, and she is tired.  
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Branch Basics CEO interview
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Growing up, Marilee Nelson aspired to become a doctor and never imagined she would end up selling cleaning products. “I don’t even think of it that way,” she explains. “I see our products as a means to further our mission. However, I experienced two unexpected catastrophic events in my life that had no viable medical solutions or positive prognosis.
“I was pre-med,” Nelson recalls. “I had a challenging childhood, battling earaches, asthma, allergies, severe hormone disruption, and unexplained fevers. My parents took me from one doctor to another, trying to find answers. My mother was diagnosed with cancer when I was 12, which inspired me to pursue medicine.
After enduring 28 years of relentless health issues—challenges that her son would later face as well—Marilee Nelson initiated a “positive rebellion to save [her] son.” She turned away from the Standard American Diet (SAD) and began to see “food as medicine.” This shift led to immediate improvements, even allowing her to avoid what was deemed a “necessary” kidney transplant. She had also been firmly told that pregnancy would be impossible for her, but that’s a story for another time…
Nelson was deeply into the food-as-medicine movement and even became a medicinal chef, operating a health resort in Montego Bay, Jamaica. Upon returning to the U.S. in Texas, she learned firsthand about the detrimental effects of pesticides on the immune system. Her son, Douglas, developed extreme sensitivity to various environmental toxins, including chemicals, pesticides, mold, volatile organic compounds, and electromagnetic radiation. It seemed that everything posed a potential risk to his health.
Doctors referred to Douglas as a “bubble boy,” labeling him as “catastrophically chemically injured, with irreversible damage to his brain and immune system.” Nelson remarked, “I realized that Douglas was a case study for observing how the body and mind react to chemical exposures and how they respond when those triggers are removed.”
The Nelson family adopted an intensive detox regimen, believing it to be the best—and only—way to “cure” Douglas of his numerous interconnected immune disorders.
A pivotal moment occurred when Nelson discovered Bau-biologie, or “Building Biology,” which examines how different types of buildings—both “green” and conventional—impact occupant health, particularly focusing on bedroom hygiene. In Bau-biologie, she found the insightful answers she had been seeking, ultimately earning certification as a Bau-Biologist and Bau-Bio Inspector.
From her experiments with immune system-friendly home cleaning products, Three Branches Healthy Living was founded in 2012. The Minneapolis-based company eventually evolved into Branch Basics (“Safe cleaning made simple”) with the partnership of two other women, Allison Evans and Kelly Love.
Branch Basics is committed to providing a range of home and healthcare goods intended for novices, basic users, and “elevated” clients, with the tagline “From mess to clean, we’ll take care of everything in between.”
The flagship product, Branch Basics Concentrate, is a white-labeled nontoxic cleaner that is 100% bio-based, biodegradable, Certified Made Safe, EWG-Verified, Cruelty-Free Verified, and independently tested to ensure it is not an irritant to the skin or eyes.Read More-https://voiceofentrepreneur.life/
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mrvethospitals · 22 days
Understanding Ascites in Dogs: Symptoms, Causes, Treatment, and Prognosis
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Fluid buildup in a dog’s abdomen, known as ascites, can signal serious underlying health issues. For pet owners, noticing a swollen belly in their dog can be alarming, raising concerns about the cause, treatment options, and long-term prognosis. This blog provides an informative overview of ascites in dogs, covering its symptoms, potential causes, available treatments, and what to expect in terms of recovery.
What is Ascites in Dogs?
Ascites refers to the accumulation of fluid within the abdominal cavity. This condition can cause a dog’s abdomen to appear swollen or distended, which may initially be mistaken for weight gain. However, ascites is often a symptom of more significant health issues that require prompt veterinary attention.
Symptoms of Ascites in Dogs
Recognizing the signs of ascites is crucial for early intervention. Common symptoms include:
Swollen or Distended Abdomen: The most noticeable sign is an enlarged abdomen, which can be easily observed.
Lethargy: Dogs with ascites may become unusually tired and less active than usual.
Difficulty Breathing: Fluid pressure on the diaphragm can lead to breathing difficulties.
Vomiting or Nausea: Digestive issues, including vomiting, may accompany ascites.
Loss of Appetite: Affected dogs may eat less, resulting in weight loss.
Weakness: General weakness or reluctance to move is also associated with this condition.
Causes of Ascites in Dogs
Ascites is not a disease but a symptom of various underlying conditions. Understanding these causes is key to determining the appropriate treatment. Common causes include:
Heart Disease: Conditions like congestive heart failure can lead to fluid accumulation in the abdomen.
Liver Disease: Liver conditions, such as cirrhosis or liver cancer, can cause fluid buildup due to impaired liver function.
Kidney Disease: Chronic kidney disease can disrupt fluid balance, leading to ascites.
Cancer: Tumors, particularly in the abdomen, can obstruct normal blood flow or lymphatic drainage, causing fluid accumulation.
Infections: Severe abdominal infections can lead to inflammation and fluid buildup.
Hypoalbuminemia: Low levels of albumin, a blood protein, can cause fluid leakage into the abdomen.
Diagnosing Ascites in Dogs
If you suspect your dog has ascites, it’s essential to consult a veterinarian promptly. The vet will likely perform several diagnostic tests to determine the cause, including:
Physical Examination: The vet will check for signs of fluid buildup and other abnormalities.
Blood Tests: These tests assess liver and kidney function, as well as protein levels in the blood.
Ultrasound or X-rays: Imaging helps visualize fluid in the abdomen and identify possible tumors or other issues.
Abdominocentesis: This procedure involves extracting a sample of the abdominal fluid using a needle for analysis.
Treatment Options for Ascites in Dogs
Treatment for ascites depends on the underlying cause. Addressing the primary issue often helps reduce or eliminate fluid buildup. Common treatment approaches include:
Diuretics: Medications that help remove excess fluid from the body may be prescribed.
Dietary Changes: A low-sodium diet can reduce fluid retention, particularly in cases related to heart or kidney disease.
Paracentesis: In severe cases, fluid may need to be drained directly from the abdomen using a needle.
Surgery: If a tumor or obstruction is causing ascites, surgery may be required to remove it.
Antibiotics: If an infection causes ascites, antibiotics will be prescribed to treat the infection.
Prognosis: What to Expect
The prognosis for a dog with ascites varies depending on the underlying cause. In cases such as mild infections or treatable heart conditions, the outlook can be positive with prompt treatment. However, if ascites is due to more severe conditions like advanced liver disease or cancer, the prognosis may be more guarded.
Ascites in dogs is a serious condition that demands prompt veterinary attention. Understanding the symptoms, potential causes, and treatment options can help pet owners make informed decisions about their dog’s health. If you notice any signs of fluid buildup in your dog’s abdomen, consult your veterinarian immediately to determine the best course of action.
At MrVet Hospitals, we are dedicated to providing the best care for your pets. Our team of experienced veterinarians is here to diagnose and treat any health issues your dog may be facing. If you have concerns about your pet’s health, don’t hesitate to contact us.
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roshmedia · 25 days
The Importance of Health Screening for Longevity
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In an era where medical advancements have significantly increased life expectancy, the focus has shifted from merely extending life to enhancing the quality of those additional years. Health screening plays a crucial role in this pursuit, serving as a cornerstone for achieving longevity with vitality. By detecting potential health issues early and enabling timely interventions, regular health screenings can dramatically improve our chances of living longer, healthier lives.
Early Detection: The Key to Effective Treatment
One of the primary benefits of health screening is its ability to identify diseases or risk factors before symptoms appear. Many serious conditions, including various cancers, cardiovascular diseases, and metabolic disorders, can develop silently for years before causing noticeable symptoms. By the time these symptoms manifest, the condition may have progressed to a more advanced stage, making treatment more challenging and less effective.
Regular screenings can catch these issues in their infancy when they are most treatable. For instance, routine mammograms can detect breast cancer in its earliest stages, significantly improving the prognosis. Similarly, regular blood pressure checks can identify hypertension before it leads to severe complications like heart disease or stroke. Colonoscopies can detect precancerous polyps, allowing for their removal before they develop into colorectal cancer. These are just a few examples of how early detection through screening can be life-saving.
Personalized Risk Assessment
Health screenings provide valuable data that allows healthcare professionals to assess an individual's risk for various diseases. This personalized approach to health management enables the development of tailored prevention strategies. For example, genetic screening can reveal predispositions to certain conditions, allowing individuals to make informed lifestyle choices or undergo more frequent monitoring to mitigate their risks.
Moreover, comprehensive health assessments that include factors like family history, lifestyle habits, and environmental exposures can create a more complete picture of an individual's health risks. This holistic approach allows for more targeted interventions and preventive measures, potentially adding years to one's life.
Promoting Health Awareness and Lifestyle Changes
The process of undergoing regular health screenings naturally increases an individual's awareness of their health status. This heightened consciousness often motivates people to adopt healthier lifestyles, including improved diet, increased physical activity, and stress management techniques. These positive changes can have a profound impact on longevity and quality of life.
For instance, a screening that reveals high cholesterol levels might prompt an individual to adopt a heart-healthy diet and exercise regimen. Similarly, a prediabetes diagnosis from a routine blood sugar test could motivate someone to make lifestyle changes that prevent the onset of type 2 diabetes. By serving as a wake-up call, health screenings can catalyze transformative lifestyle changes that extend far beyond the immediate health concerns they detect.
Cost-Effectiveness in Healthcare
While some may view regular health screenings as an unnecessary expense, they are, in fact, a cost-effective approach to healthcare in the long run. Preventing a disease or catching it early is invariably less expensive than treating its advanced stages. This is true not only in terms of financial cost but also in terms of the physical and emotional toll on individuals and their families.
For example, treating early-stage breast cancer is significantly less expensive and has better outcomes than treating metastatic breast cancer. The same principle applies to many other conditions, from cardiovascular diseases to kidney disorders. By investing in regular screenings, individuals and healthcare systems can potentially save substantial amounts in long-term healthcare costs while improving health outcomes.
Customized Screening Programs
It's important to note that health screening needs vary based on factors such as age, gender, family history, and lifestyle. A well-designed screening program takes these factors into account, ensuring that individuals receive the most relevant tests at appropriate intervals. For example, while colon cancer screening typically begins at age 45 for those at average risk, individuals with a family history may need to start earlier.
Customization also extends to the frequency of screenings. While annual check-ups are common, some tests may be needed more or less frequently depending on individual risk factors. This tailored approach ensures that each person receives the most appropriate care without unnecessary testing.
Overcoming Barriers to Screening
Despite its clear benefits, many people avoid health screenings due to fear, inconvenience, or lack of awareness. Addressing these barriers is crucial for maximizing the impact of screening programs on longevity. Public health initiatives that educate the population about the importance of screenings, coupled with efforts to make these services more accessible and less intimidating, can significantly increase participation rates.
Strategies to overcome these barriers include community outreach programs, mobile screening units, and the integration of screening reminders into primary care visits. Additionally, addressing cultural and linguistic barriers can help ensure that screening programs reach all segments of the population.
The Role of Technology in Health Screening
Advancements in technology are making health screenings more accurate, less invasive, and more accessible. From AI-assisted image analysis that improves the accuracy of cancer screenings to wearable devices that continuously monitor vital signs, these innovations are expanding the scope and effectiveness of health screening programs.
Telemedicine and home-based testing kits are also making it easier for individuals to participate in regular health screenings without the need for frequent clinic visits. This convenience factor can significantly increase compliance with recommended screening schedules.
Health screening is not just about detecting diseases; it's about empowering individuals to take control of their health and make informed decisions that can significantly impact their longevity. By providing early detection, personalized risk assessment, and promoting health awareness, regular screenings offer a proactive approach to healthcare that aligns perfectly with the goal of living a long, healthy life.
As we continue to advance in medical knowledge and technology, the importance of health screening in promoting longevity will only grow. Embracing regular health check-ups and screenings as a fundamental part of our health routine is a powerful step towards ensuring that our extended lifespans are matched by an equally extended healthspan. By making health screening a priority, we invest not just in the quantity of our years, but in their quality as well.
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adoctorx · 2 months
There are several types and subtypes of kidney cancer. Knowing which type of you have helps doctors figure out how to best treat it. Kidney cancer is an uncontrolled growth in one of your two kidneys. Most kidney cancers are classified as renal cell carcinoma. These cancers start in the tubules, which are part of the nephrons inside your kidneys that filter your blood and produce urine. Renal cell carcinoma can be further divided into subcategories based on the appearance of cancer cells under a microscope. In this article, we examine the different types of kidney cancer. Kidney cancer types About 90% of kidney cancers are renal cell carcinoma, also called renal cell adenocarcinoma. Renal cell carcinoma can be further divided into the following types. Types of renal cell carcinoma Clear cell Clear cell renal cell carcinoma makes up about 70–80% of renal cell carcinomas. The cells tend to look clear or pale when examined under a microscope. The 5-year survival rate is about 70%. Papillary Papillary renal cell carcinoma makes up about 5–10% of cases of renal cell carcinoma. The cancer cells create finger-like projections called papillae. It has a 5-year survival rate of around 90%. Chromophobe Chromophobe renal carcinoma makes up about 5% of renal cell carcinomas. Cells look pale but are larger than clear cell cancer cells. Only 7% of chromophobe cancers will metastasize, leading to a better prognosis. Sarcomatoid renal cell cancer Sarcomatoid renal cancer makes up about 5% of renal cell carcinomas. It tends to grow quickly and is more likely to be diagnosed at a later stage than other types of renal cell carcinoma. Clear cell papillary renal cell carcinoma Clear cell papillary renal cell carcinoma accounts for about 1–4% of kidney cancers. It has a mix of features of clear cell and papillary cancers. The 2-year survival rate has been reported above 90%. Collecting duct Collecting duct renal cell carcinoma is a rare subtype that arises from the tubes that carry urine from nephrons to your renal pelvis. It tends to be aggressive and makes up less than 1% of kidney tumors. About half of people live fewer than 12 months. Medullary Medullary renal cell carcinoma, also called SMARCB1-deficient renal medullary carcinoma, most often develops in people of African descent with sickle cell disease or other sickle cell blood conditions. Mucinous tubular and spindle cell carcinoma (MTSCC) MTSCC is a low-grade cancer that’s thought to make up less than 0.8% of kidney cancers. Under a microscope, cancer cells look like tubes merging with spindle-shaped projections. Acquired cystic disease-associated renal cell carcinoma (ACDARC) ACDARC develops exclusively in people with end-stage kidney disease who develop alongside acquired cystic kidney disease. This condition causes kidney cysts that can lead to cancerous changes. It’s highly associated with long-term dialysis. Multilocular cystic Multilocular cystic renal cell carcinoma makes up about 3.1–6% of renal cell carcinomas. It tends to have an excellent outlook. Other types of kidney cancers Around 10% of kidney cancers are not renal carcinoma and often fall into one of the following categories. Wilms tumor Wilms tumor, or nephroblastoma, is the most common childhood abdominal cancer. It develops in about 1 in 10,000 children. Wilms tumors can have favorable or unfavorable features. Favorable cancers have a survival rate as high as 99%, and unfavorable cancers have a survival rate as low as 38%. Upper urinary tract urothelial carcinoma Upper urinary tract urothelial carcinoma was previously called transitional cell cancer of the kidney or ureter. It starts in transitional cells that line the renal pelvis and ureter. The renal pelvis collects urine and the ureter carries it to your bladder. It makes up about 5–7% of kidney tumors. Sarcoma of the kidney (renal sarcoma) Sarcoma of the kidney is a rare cancer that starts in your kidney’s connective tissue.
Cancers that develop in your kidney’s connective tissue make up less than 1% of kidney cancers. Kidney metastasis Kidney metastasis is cancer that has spread to your kidneys from another part of your body. Types of cancer that commonly spreads to the kidneys include: lung cancer breast cancer stomach cancer colon cancer Benign (noncancerous) kidney tumors Benign kidney tumors can cause problems if they press on healthy tissue inside your body. They can include: Papillary renal adenoma: Papillary renal adenoma is the most common benign kidney tumor. It tends to grow slowly. Angiomyolipoma: Angiomyolipoma is the most common type of benign kidney tumor. It often doesn’t need treatment if it isn’t causing problems. Oncocytoma: Oncocytomas can grow large and are often curable with surgery. They make up about 3–7% of kidney tumors. Juxtaglomerular cell tumors: These tumors secrete the hormone renin, which helps regulate blood pressure. Only about 150 cases were reported from 1967–2020. Frequently asked questions about kidney cancer types Here are some frequently asked questions people have about kidney cancer. What is the most aggressive type of kidney cancer? Collecting duct renal cell carcinoma tends to be one of the most aggressive types of kidney cancer. Where is the first place kidney cancer spreads to? The most common places kidney cancer spreads to are your: lungs lymph nodes bone liver adrenal glands What is life expectancy with kidney cancer? The 5-year relative survival rate for kidney cancer in the United States from 2013–2019 was 77.6%. This means that people with kidney cancer lived at least 5 years almost 80% as often as people without cancer. Which renal cell carcinoma has the worst prognosis? Sarcomatoid renal cancer tends to spread quickly and is generally diagnosed at a late stage. Takeaway Renal cell carcinoma is the most common type of kidney cancer. It’s broken into subcategories depending on the specific features of the cancer. A small number of kidney cancers are not renal cell carcinoma. Knowing which type of cancer you have helps your doctors figure out how to best treat it and what to expect.
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healthylifequries · 3 months
improvement of kidney health
Keep Your Kidneys Thriving: Simple Steps for Optimal Kidney Health
Our kidneys are silent powerhouses, working tirelessly behind the scenes to filter waste products, regulate blood pressure, and keep our bodies functioning optimally. Unfortunately, they are often neglected until problems arise. The good news is, there's a lot we can do to promote and protect our kidney health.
Strategies for Stellar Kidney Function
Embrace a Balanced Diet: Focus on whole, unprocessed foods like fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Limit processed meats, sugary drinks, and excessive sodium intake. Moderating protein consumption can also be beneficial, especially if you have existing kidney issues.
Hydration is Key: Water is essential for flushing toxins and keeping your kidneys happy. Aim for 1.5 to 2 liters of water per day, adjusting based on climate and activity level.
Move Your Body: Regular exercise helps manage weight, blood pressure, and blood sugar levels, all of which contribute to kidney health.
Manage Weight: Maintaining a healthy weight reduces stress on the kidneys.
Quit Smoking and Limit Alcohol: Smoking constricts blood vessels and reduces blood flow to the kidneys. Excessive alcohol consumption can also damage these vital organs.
Prioritize Sleep: Getting enough quality sleep is crucial for overall health, including kidney function.
Manage Blood Pressure and Blood Sugar: High blood pressure and blood sugar are leading causes of kidney disease. Work with your doctor to keep these levels under control.
Regular Checkups: Schedule regular checkups with your doctor to monitor kidney function, especially if you have a family history of kidney disease or other risk factors.
By incorporating these simple strategies into your daily routine, you can significantly improve and maintain optimal kidney health. Remember, prevention is always better than cure. Taking care of your kidneys now lays the foundation for a healthier and happier life.
Q: How much water should I drink daily? A: While 1.5 to 2 liters is a good general guideline, consult your doctor for personalized advice based on your health and activity level.
Q: What foods are bad for my kidneys? A: Processed meats, sugary drinks, and foods high in sodium should be limited. Consult a doctor or registered dietitian for a kidney-friendly meal plan.
Q: I have a family history of kidney disease. What should I do? A: Inform your doctor and schedule regular checkups to monitor your kidney function. Early detection is key in managing kidney health
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