#kick this white boy off planet earth
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localcuttlefish · 10 months ago
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Shout out to Clan Malkavian for giving us the only mfer on planet earth who can handle this tyrant in the making. RARE TOREADOR AND MALKAVIAN FRIENDSHIP
Inspired by the energy in the song Outliers and Overreactions by Jayden Wark
[Castor has a grand total of 1 pal let’s gooo]
Crowley - @eldritchsmokeshow
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vln-vibes · 11 months ago
Bright Hope, Mighty Will
The Green Lantern Corps have lost many members over its years— a risk that came with maintaining the peace as told by the Guardians. Most of the rings reassigned to a new member of its given sector but on occasion there would come those that were so attached to its wielder that they would not accept another unless they resonated with their predecessors ideals.
It’s one such ring that had been on Oa with no new lantern to wield it. Or it had been.
The Blue Lanterns were still a growing group with whom the Corps had a close alliance thanks to their symbiotic relationship; after all a Blue power ring was at its highest potential when near a Green power ring and vice versa. So why not look for users together?
The rings were set off as a pair in an attempt to create a powerful Union and birthing the most powerful duo either Corps had ever seen.
Meanwhile in Sector 2814, on the third planet from its star— Earth, a small family from the Midwest were camping out in the woods after their youngest begged to see the shooting stars where they’d be the most visible. The oldest child explained to their parents that it was a good way to channel the younger’s passion for space and science much like their own. Everything had been well until the elder duo’s sensors brought up a strange signature from deeper in the wood— Ecto-entities or ghosts as they’d called them. Before being able to drag the children with them the youngest stood his ground and refused to be taken away from his stars, the elder assured that she could take care of her younger brother and that they’d be fine alone (they were alone even when in the same house more often than not)
The sun had since set, the telescope set up, blanket had been laid with snacks for them to consume as they sat in wait with jackets to help with the night chill. The duo sat near the campfire as the younger's anticipation grew but the thought of their parent's absences did as well. They'd been left home alone before but they were only 8 and 10 years old, in the middle of the wilderness with no way to guide them back home or even find where their parent's ghost hunting led them.
"Don't worry little brother, I'm sure mom and dad will be back soon"
"Ye-yeah! Besides mom knows how to kick butt, they'll be fine"
The duo took their gazes to the skies as the twinkling night was accompanied by steaks of white dashing by. The older grabbed her slightly old model camera and took photos of the unsuspecting boy's awe filled gaze before he could complain. He stuck his tongue out at her before turning to his telescope, doing his best to follow the streaks in the sky until no longer visible to him. The girl just took to taking some more photos to show their parents once they'd returned. It'd go on for a while like that, the stars as their only witnesses as they joked around.
"Hey that one's green! And that one's blue!"
She lifted her head from looking at her camera's saved photos to find the twin streaks flying together, a quick click of her camera to save such a strange occasion. She wasn't an astronomy expert but she didn't think shooting stars came in those colors. Taking her gaze off of the small screen and looking back up she noted the bigger size.
"Are they getting closer?"
"Maybe they'll land near here. How cool would it be to see them up close?!"
It was as though those words triggered something as the two stars seemingly stopped flying and began their rapid descent. Straight for them.
"They're headed right for us!"
The duo quickly picked up their discarded flashlights and began running away from the clearing their parents had chosen. No matter how fast or further away they got the stars still trailed towards them. The numerous twists and turns never deterring the streaks of light, even as the elder held the younger's hand in an iron grip to prevent them from losing each other or as the younger turned them around and took haphazard turns in an effort to get them away.
"Everything's gonna be alright!"
She panted as they approached another clearing, no idea where their own was but still looking and seeing the stars much closer to them, the lights were blinding. She felt her body get pushed aside and the roll of cold grass on her back, hair getting tangled with small twigs and a familiar but smaller body land on top of hers.
"Look out!"
They closed their eyes and braced for impact feeling a sudden breeze and a slight shake but nothing else. Until they heard different voices echo. Looking gazes and noticing the glowing eyes the other had they sat up--- only to be met by glowing, floating ----rings?
[Sentience located]
[Daniel James Fenton of Earth, you have been chosen]
[Jasmine Dahlia Fenton of Earth, you have been chosen]
[You have the ability to Overcome great fear]
[You have the ability to instill great Hope]
[Welcome to the Green Lantern Corps]
[Welcome to the Blue Lantern Corps]
A bright flash of blue and green surrounded the duo, hands still clasped and feeling a tug on their unoccupied hands, the warmth traveling on their bodies before disappearing altogether.
"Jazz what are you wearing?"
"What am I wearing!? What are you wearing Danny? Is that your old astronaut costume?"
Jazz noted the blue ring on top of her opera gloved right hand, also clenching the handle of a blue lit lantern? She could feel her knee length puffy blue dress move with the night breeze but didn't feel cold. White boots with blue bottoms kicked a pebble to the side, hearing it hit the nearby lake. Given the full moon she took a gaze at her reflection, finding her usual teal ribbon replaced by a giant blue bow at the back of her head and her eyes glowing a brilliant blue.
Danny was busy looking at his green suit, looking much like the costume he wore in a near daily basis when he was five until he started school. His own white gloves had puffier cuffs which reminded him of the astronaut costumes he and Tucker had looked at online for Halloween the year before, green ring also on his right, shaking the green weird lamp in the process. He pulled at the black suspenders before joining Jazz at the lake. His raven locks now had a single green streak near his bangs and icy blues now a vivid green.
Jazz was panicking, wondering what this could mean; what was a Blue Lantern anyway? Why did it choose her? And why was Danny green?
"Whoa!" Her glowing eyes turned to Danny but couldn't find him, hearing the sudden clatter of something falling on the floor and seeing the lantern rolling on its side, had he fallen in the water?!
"Up here!" her eyes widened as he little brother flew above her, laughing as he looped around in the air, "C'mon Jazz!"
"How did you do that?" her eyes never leaving the faintly green glowing boy, "Can I do that?"
[You can. Just have Hope]
Trusting the voice in her head she reassured herself that they would be fine before feeling the ground disappear from under her feet and got closer to Danny, dropping her own lantern next to Danny's. She felt her surprise turn into a smile before doing a cartwheel in the air and the giggles escape from her.
Neither took track of time as they flew above the clearing before Danny had the idea to race above the lake, streak of blue and green reflected on its surface as it rippled from their speed. It wasn't until they flew back to the clearing that they remembered--- they had no idea where they ran off to. There hadn't been a lake where they'd set up camp.
"Mo-mom and dad will find us Danny! We'll be okay" They had to be okay, they would be fine. The idea of flying above the trees to look for their clearing was tempting but she had no idea how long it would take; did these things run on batteries? Would the power run out soon? Can they even take off these outfits? It'd be weird to be stuck like this for forever. If mom and dad find them what will they think of the glowing? It reminded her a bit too much of how the ectoplasm in the basement glowed whenever she or Danny were dragged downstairs and the substance covered near all the surfaces (that's when they'd know dad was making them clean up)
Whilst Jazz marinated in her thoughts and worries Danny couldn't help but think if there was a way to ask for help, though even if they had phones he doubted they'd even have service or know how to guide help towards them.
[Activating Emergency Beacon for Sector 2814]
"Huh? Emergency beacon?"
"What was that Danny?" Jazz snapped out of her thoughts as she heard his confusion, noting the slight pulsing now coming from his ring.
"I-I think my ring asked for help?"
"...Let's hope that's a good thing "
The brother-sister duo took to sitting by the lake once more, still viewing the stars above and keeping an ear out for any sign of their parents--- they were never quiet for too long. Especially when 'ghost-hunting', not that ghosts actually existed.
They were starting to get hungry again, having not touched their assorted snacks before the whole fiasco began when a steak of green, followed by another, approached the horizon. The first stopped, the second following suit... Were they like them? It looked like two people flying now that they weren't moving so fast. They were too far to properly see but it looked like they were searching for something.
Danny's ring flared up in quick brilliant flash before going back to its blinking; it seemed that was the cue the two in the sky were looking for as they made their way towards them.
"I think that's our ride Jazzy"
The duo finally hovered above the lake shore, the surprise clear on their faces even as one had a mask on.
"Hello, I am Green Lantern John Stewart of Sector 2814" the first man with matching vivid green eyes like Danny elbowed the man next to him.
"Uhh and I'm Green Lantern Hal Jordan of Sector 2814" he said sheepishly, running his white gloved hand through brown locks of hair. "You're the ones who send the distress call, what sector are you from?"
"Sector?" the duo looked at each other confused before Jazz remembered what the rings had said. "I- I think they said 2814?"
The duo looked surprised, disbelief easily conveyed even though Mr. Jordan's mask, actually he seemed more surprised than Mr. Stewart. "I'm sorry but what planet are you from?"
"Earth? I mean its not like--- Are aliens real!?" Danny's wariness disappeared and hovered in the air as he said it, "That's so cool!"
"You two are Earth children then" Mr. Stewart's eyes gained a dark look as he said so, "How long have you had the rings?"
"Umm I'm not really sure" Danny turned to his sister for guidance only to find her rubbing her arm nervously "Maybe an hour or two?"
Mr. Jordan's look matched Mr. Stewart's, like they were mad but they didn't seem mad at them like the teachers would when they caught him and Tucker talking during class. It was like whenever mom and dad's inventions malfunction and they'd go to school with bruises. (Those days mom and dad would mention their teachers calling them, they were always busy with the portal and never answered)
"Do you know what those are?" Mr. Jordan bent down to Danny's level, pointing at the matching green ring. Danny looked at his and wiggled his fingers.
"Not really? The voice said welcome to the Green Lantern cops?"
"Close, little man" Mr. Jordan chuckled, "My friend and I are part of the Green Lantern Corps. We help protect the universe, pretty much space cops if ya ask me"
"You get to travel into space! Awesome!" Danny literally brightened as his green glow intensified. "But why isn't hers green?"
"Your friend is actually part of the Blue Lantern Corps. They're a little different from us but we work together from time to time. They like to spread hope throughout the universe"
"Hope. It said I had the power to instill great hope. But why me? And why did they choose him?" her voice wavered as she turned to Mr. Stewart with a grave lookin his eyes.
"That... That is something neither of us can answer for you" he admitted, a solemn lookin his eyes as he placed a hand on her shoulder, "But we'll do our best to help you two with this"
"Its unprecedented for either Corps to choose children" Mr.Jordan frowned before looking towards Danny again, "What are you two doing in the middle of the woods?"
"I wanted to see the stars" Danny admitted sheepishly, all of this started from his request to their parents. They wouldn't be in this mess if he just watched from home like always, heck Mr. and Mrs.Foley had offered to take Danny and Tucker camping once school let out if he wanted to (but no he couldn't wait a month, he needed them now). "So mom and dad brought us camping but then the stars--- the rings started chasing us and we got lost"
"That must of been scary huh guys?" Mr.Jordan gave a look to Mr.Stewart and the man walked away a bit, placing a finger into his ear and whispering. How weird.
"So you guys are siblings?" he turned to Jazz, she just nodded slowly, took a deep breath and looked him in the eyes. She kept rubbing the blue ring on her hand as she did. "Do you guys mind telling me your name?'
Jazz still had that worried look in her eyes, like when she knew the turkey would come back to life in any second but mom kept saying it'd be fine. (Jazz was always right, it was always the same every Christmas). His sister liked to think she was a grown up and didn't get nervous talking with strangers but she was still a kid like him. He would be brave for Jazz!
"I'm Danny and that's my big sis Jazz"
"Its nice to meet you two, or well at least know your names now?"
"Hold right there"
The two adults just kept talking in whispers, looking back at them every few seconds, Jazz wasn't sure what to make of them but they were the ones who knew the most about the situation. Danny also had a pretty good sense for people and they seemed friendly but she also knew better than to trust complete strangers. Stranger danger was very much ingrained to them at a young age. Jazz knew it was rude but couldn't help but hear Mr.Jordan's outburst of "Seriously, nothing? Its been hours"
It seemed like forever before the adults came back and gave them strained smiles in turn.
"Well kids we're going to help you guys find your camp and make sure you get back to your parents" Mr.Jordan winked.
"We'll also explain more about the rings and what they mean while we wait. Sounds like a plan?" Mr. Stewart made sure to look at them in the eyes and didn't move until they both nodded in agreement.
The brother-sister duo didn't know what they were getting into when they went camping that day but everything was in motion, a new path diverging in time to create a brilliant new future; tragedy, love, and courage would always be on their path no matter how much he'd tried to avoid, it was inevitable. He could only witness as they embarked on this journey together and bring about the Rebirth with allies at their sides.
And he couldn't wait to meet them again, in due time.
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seeingivy · 1 year ago
pls do "the story of us" for ur gojo x taylor swift series 🙏🙏
the story of us
satoru gojo x f!reader
**part of my satoru as taylor swift songs series
content: gojo is ur roommates best friend, he is annoying (more teen gojo I am arrogant bastard vibes then sweetie teacher baby gojo), hoes are fighting, hoes are in the most complicated situationship on the planet earth, mistletoe, ice skating, sukuna as an annoying ex, mysterious evil dad figure for gojo
an: proof im the most annoying writer ever. made a poll for taylor as gojo to, for a second time now, ignore those options and write a completely different songs. sincerest apologies but gojo as taylor fans come get yall juice.
“Good morning, you hag.” Satoru states, in a fell swoop, crashing any hopes you had of having a good morning. 
“Good morning, you garden troll.” you respond. 
You rub the sleep out of your eyes, rummaging through the cabinets for a bowl, as he jumps up off the couch and joins you in the kitchen, keen and eager to annoy you bright and early in the morning. 
He’s leaning on the granite countertops at your side, his blue eyes peering over those god awful sunglasses he’s always intent on wearing - despite the fact that it’s quite literally raining outside - and gives you a jeering smile. 
“So, do all girls wear granny nightgowns or is it just you?” he asks, twisting the end of your pigtail braids in his hair. You immediately smack his hand off and glare, turning around to reach for the milk. 
“Do all boys have tiny dicks and overcompensate with a shitty personality or is it just you?” you iterate back, earning a satisfying glare back from him. 
With his snow white hair and annoyingly glimmering blue eyes, your roommate's best friend, Satoru Gojo, is quite literally the biggest nuisance you’ve ever met in your life. Clearly a rich kid, trust fund type, you can tell that Satoru, in earnest, has never worked a day in his life. And his lack of tact and self awareness truly reflects that. 
It’s embedded deep in the way that he acts. Because Satoru saunters from place to place, showing up at your apartment with no consideration or respect for you and Suguru, bats his pretty eyes at his professors when he’s failing, flirts with girls before he cheats off of their tests, and the list goes on and on. 
 One thing is clear. That he’s a spineless, pathetic little manchild. 
And you’re not sure why, what it is specifically about you, but he’s clearly made it his personal mission in life to antagonize and irritate you.Maybe it’s the fact that you yelled at him the first time he ever showed up in this apartment, that you couldn’t help but disagree with every word that came out of his mouth, that at his core he just agitated you - but it led you to this horrible predicament that you’re in now. 
That you ended up having to room with Suguru, when Sukuna dumped you and kicked you out. And that, of course, the universe was always in your favor, and you ended up at the one place Satoru was when he wasn’t shamelessly flirting with any living organism, which was right outside your room. 
Right on cue, the front door slams open and Suguru’s barging in, wildly out of breath and panting. His usual fixed, pristine bun is in a mess, his pupils wide and dilated as he looks at the two of you. 
“Fucking perfect!” he pants, leaning down on his knees and trying to catch his breath. 
“G’morning Suguru. You okay, there?” you ask, giving him a strange look. 
“Okay, okay. You guys are dating.” 
“Huh?” you both ask, eyes boggling out of your heads. 
“You’re dating. Be-be in love, I don’t know, be in love!” he shouts, immediately running back out of the door and slamming the door shut. 
You and Satoru give each other a look before shrugging, returning back to your bowl of cereal and Gojo to his phone. And on cue, Suguru strolls back into the apartment, more calmly and with a girl at his side. His cheeks are still flushed in pink, the panting subsided but still present in his voice.
“Y/N, Satoru, this is Hiromi. Hiromi, this is my roommate Y/N and her boyfriend, Satoru.” 
You swallow hard, realizing quickly what’s happening here. And out of the kindness of your heart, groan at the fact that you’re going to have to oblige. 
Three months ago, you got dumped by Sukuna. Because as much as you and the two of you had moved past, he had finally exhausted all ends and had enough of you.
Quite literally, enough of you, because he went as far as packing your things and taking your key, fully intent on never letting you back in. And out of the kindness of his heart, one of your only friends - who was free of any attachments to Sukuna - had an empty room in his apartment that he offered to lease to you. 
Suguru, naturally, was the perfect roommate. Always cleaned up after himself, offered to listen whenever you needed him, saved leftovers for you when you had a long day. Except for the stupid white haired plus one that came with him, it was perfect. 
For you. Because while Suguru was all but willing to offer you the spot in the room, insisting that it never caused an issue, he might have been fibbing the truth to save your feelings. Something you found out from Satoru, who is naturally a loudmouth. 
That since Suguru has a female roommate, you’ve put a damper on his…..romantic endeavors. Because they’re increasingly enthusiastic, so into him, until the shit hits the fan. 
They find out that you’re his roommate. And you think it’s a little ridiculous, but they all cite the same reason for not talking to him past the second or third date. Because to them, there’s no way in hell that he isn’t crushing on you, that you don't cuddle at night, and that you definitely coddle each other in a way no one else does. 
Because nothing is more ironic than losing a guy to the girl he lives with and they’d rather cut their losses before getting involved. 
Which proves that Suguru must really like this girl. Because if he’s going this far, lying to her the second before she walks in, it must mean that he really wants her to stick around. 
Is it moral? No. Is Suguru lonely? Yes. 
“Hiromi. It’s nice to meet you. I’m Y/N.” you respond, setting your bowl down and extending a hand to her. 
She gives you a warm smile back, laughing at Satoru flaunting some stupid line about chivalry before he presses a kiss on top of her knuckles. Satoru must be enjoying himself too much, because he’s now snaking his hand around your waist, leaning down to press his temple against yours. 
“Would you like to stay for breakfast? Poor Suguru has third wheeled with us far enough.” he asks, as she politely nods in response. 
You and Satoru lead Hiromi to the breakfast table - Satoru now eating your bowl of cereal - as Suguru starts setting out to make breakfast for all of you. You and Satoru sit side by side, sparing each other an awkward glance, as Hiromi shamelessly ogles you. 
“So how long have you guys been dating?” Hiromi asks, politely folding her hands flat on the table. 
“Well. Um, I moved here right after I broke up with my ex-boyfriend. He kind of left me with no place to live and I kind of met Satoru here. And then it just happened.” you mumble, cheeks turning pink. 
Satoru, again, has no concept of personal boundaries. He slings his hand around your shoulders, planting a wet kiss on your cheeks, before responding to her. 
“Don’t mind her, she just gets really shy when she talks about her feelings for me.” 
“But rest assured, I promise you that you don’t have to worry about Suguru and Y/N, if that’s what you’re trying to pry about.” 
Her face immediately goes pink, as you look over at Satoru, who flashes you a knowing smile and squeezes your shoulder. 
“I-I’m sorry. I wasn’t trying to pry, I hope you understand. It’s just that…it’s kind of a weird situation. And I know that probably says more about my insecurities than anything but-” 
You reach over, placing your hand over her folded ones. 
“It’s a normal thing to be concerned about. If I was you, I probably would have asked a hundred berating questions already.” 
“Yeah. She gets really possessive.” Gojo unhelpfully adds. 
You shoot him a glare, before returning to look at her and smiling. 
“But I promise, you have nothing to worry about. I-I don’t even think about Suguru like that. And we’re never here alone, Satoru’s always here with me.” 
“Like you, I too am possessive over my girl. Despite the fact that she quite literally makes it so easy for us by wearing the most unflattering pajamas, I’ll be here to stamp out any budding feelings, if that makes you feel better.” 
“Yeah. Satoru really knows how to take the romance out of a room. I know better than anyone.” you respond, earning a laugh from Hiromi as she releases that awkward tension in her shoulders. 
You kick the tiny divots on the floor, patiently waiting for your matcha latte at the bar. Your anxiety is growing by the second, the unexpected morning rush and the heavy foot traffic outside indicating that you were going to be late to your morning class if your drink wasn’t made in the next few minutes. 
You’re thrown out of your thoughts by a tapping on your shoulder, only to find a boy, with blonde hair and brown eyes smiling at you. 
“I like your shirt.” 
You look down, at your boygenius the record shirt, and look up to smile at him. 
“Thank you! What’s your favorite song?”
“We’re In Love.” he responds, giving you a warm smile. 
You’re not sure why, but hearing him say the words has the blood rushing to your cheeks. You hold your hand out to him, swallowing that deep warm pit in your throat. 
“Kento. It’s nice to meet you.” 
And really, the moment - your stupid coffee shop meet cute - comes crashing down when you hear that agitating, grating voice at your side. 
“And I’m Satoru!” Satoru states, standing at your side and too blissfully happy for seven in the morning. You glare at him, as he gives you an annoyingly irritating smile. 
“Your drink is here, babe.” Satoru states, holding your dark green matcha latte in his nimble hands. From the way it’s half full, you can tell he already downed half of it in the few seconds you were talking to Kento. 
“Thank you.” you grate out, giving Kento an awkward smile. 
“Well, Kento. It was nice meeting you but we have a class to get to.”  Satoru adds. 
He cocks his head to the side, blue eyes peeking over his sunglasses, as he looks at you. 
“Ready to go?” 
You groan, knowing internally that whatever shred of a moment you just had was gone, as you sigh. 
“Yes. Bye Kento.” 
You glare at him as you walk out of the store, Satoru reaching over to pull the hood of your rain jacket up, as the two of you start marching through the downpour. He’s walking at your side, sporting some very light clothes for the way it’s raining down. 
“I don’t like matcha. We should start getting iced vanilla lattes.” 
“I didn’t realize we were sharing. And that was really rude, Satoru.“
“Everything that’s yours is mine, sweetheart.” 
“Really? What are the three numbers on the back of your credit card, boo boo bear?” 
“666.” he responds, flicking the side of your cheek. 
“That’s fitting.” you murmur back, as he slides the drink out of your hand, again. 
You and Satoru march in silence, trudging through the puddles collecting in the holes of pavement, the silence enveloping the two of you. 
And really, for what seems like the hundredth time, you’re racking your brain trying to figure Satoru Gojo out. You’re not sure what it is about him, what drives him to act the way he does, but every answer you find leaves you with a hundred more questions you want to answer. 
In the few months you’ve been living with Suguru, you’ve been able to ascertain a few things. 
First and foremost, there is no one Satoru Gojo loves more than his friends. From the way he affectionately talks about Suguru, and their hometown friend Shoko, it’s evident enough that whatever friendship he has with the two of them means the world to him. 
Second, Satoru Gojo is extremely comfortable in his sense of self. From the way he carries himself, enthusiastically chats with strangers on the train and feels so comfortable stealing your lattes after the bar, you can tell that no one has tried to stomp that spirit out of him. Other people, more meek and timid like you perhaps, get that childlike wonder stamped out of them. But here Satoru Gojo is, at the ripe age of twenty-one, still sporting it like a proud badge he wears. 
And third, Satoru Gojo loves to irritate you. You’re not sure what it is about you exactly, whether it’s the fact that you’re Suguru’s roommate so it leaves you off limits to any of his usual charming compliments he leaves for other girls, but Satoru treats you like no one else. Always pulling at the ends of your hair, “lovingly” making fun of your clothes, and obviously, stamping any chance you have of romantic endeavors. 
Satoru swings the door open for you, walking all the way to the front of your class. He holds out a five dollar bill and gives you a cheeky grin.
“What for?” 
“Thanks for the latte, princess.” 
You glare, snatching the bill out of his hands. 
“You’re welcome.” 
Right on cue, a girl all but appears out of thin air at your side, giving you and Satoru sickly sweet smiles. 
“Hi Satoru.” 
Satoru’s leaning against the frame now, an irritating move you’ve seen him do countless times - one to show off his stupidly toned arms - as he leans down and smiles at her. 
“Hi Sammy. How are you?” 
“Pretty good, now that you’re here.” she responds, twisting the ends of her hair in between her fingers. 
You fight the urge to gag as Satoru laughs, leaning forward to tuck the stray hairs by the side of her ear. 
“Right, so. I’ll see you later, babe?” you ask Satoru, giving him a smile. 
He looks over, glaring with his bright, angry blue eyes. 
“Y/N.” he responds, tone warning. 
“And Satoru, sweetheart? Do remember to grab toilet paper on the way home. Suguru is getting really tired of cleaning up your skid marks.” you respond, reaching forward to pinch his cheek and settling into your seat at the front, watching him seethe at the front door. 
When you walk into the apartment, Satoru’s incessant comments are the final nail in the coffin on what might be the worst day ever. 
“Ouch. I think I just went temporarily blind. You look horrible.” Satoru asks, momentarily taking his eyes off of the movie he was watching with Suguru and Hiromi. 
And the comment - so pathetically hitting you the last place you needed it - is enough to send you crying in a fit of your tears, as you lock the door behind you. 
Satoru looks over to find Suguru and Hiromi glaring at him, Suguru more angry and Hiromi more disappointed. He can’t pick which one is worse. Well actually, you crying in his face is the worst thing that happened in the past few minutes, but their reaction is right up there with them. 
“What?” Satoru asks, shrugging. 
“Satoru.” Suguru berates.
“What? I was just joking.” 
“I don’t understand how you and Y/N are dating. I mean, you can hardly even call it that.” Hiromi states, looking at him rather unhelpfully. 
Suguru’s eyes go wide at her side and Satoru swallows hard, thinking of his collateral. Because in earnest, Satoru’s not really sure what Suguru sees in Hiromi, why he would ever think this would be the best solution to his issue. 
But when you followed Suguru’s lead, all Satoru could really do was oblige. 
“That’s just how Y/N and I communicate. It’s our love language.” Satoru says, giving her a halfhearted smile. 
“You know she hates it right?” Hiromi asks. 
“Well, I don’t know about-” 
“Who would want to wake up every morning and have someone just constantly berating them? Just teasing them, making fun of every little thing you say. And sure, it’s fun sometimes to banter with your partner but…it can’t really be easy for her. She doesn’t have many friends. And the one person who's supposed to like her being…rude can’t help either.” Hiromi adds. 
“Well, I just…tease her because that’s how I know to talk to her. That’s just how I am. And she has plenty of friends.” Satoru responds. 
“Not anymore. They’re all friends with Sukuna, who I’m positive she wants nothing to do with. It’s probably why she even tolerates you in the first place. Granted, I’m not trying to speak on your relationship but from what I’ve seen, it’s….you kind of have to make adjustments for her.” Hiromi states. 
“I don’t know if that will-” 
“Just be there with her. It’ll help her. I think deep down, she just wants someone to be there with her. At her side to support her.” 
Satoru gives Suguru a glare, before obliging and knocking on your door. He takes a deep breath as he walks in, finding you slumped on the floor next to your vinyl player. The gray vinyl is scratching on the table, soft guitar music emanating from it as you lay on your side. Satoru follows suit, lying flat on the ground next to you until the two of you are face to face. And in earnest, Satoru feels horrible. At your pink eyes, flushed cheeks, and puffy skin. Because for god knows whatever reason, what he had said was enough to make you cry. 
Satoru never understood it. Why people assign him so much importance when anything he’s ever had to say has been discarded all together. It’s why he’s unsure of what to say to you right now, when he’s never had to say anything at all. 
“Hi Y/N.” 
You stare back at him blankly, his blue eyes void of any of their usual excitement as he stares back at you. 
“Are you okay?” he asks. 
You divert your attention, the question so…agitating, that all you can do is watch your vinyl spin around on the table, at the little pin digging into the plate. 
“Is um….I don’t really know how to do this whole…comforting thing. It’s kind of awkward. Is this that band you like?”
You give him a meek nod, which he smiles at, before squinting at the small print on the vinyl. 
“Ah. I get it. You’re trying to be Cool About It. Whatever it is that’s bothering you.” 
“That was lame. Even for you, Satoru.” you respond, wiping the snot off of your nose. 
“Well, I personally think you’re hot. Being Cool About It was never going to be your thing either.” he responds. 
He’s not sure what it is about what he said, but suddenly your face is falling and you’re kind of…glaring at him. You pull your hood up and turn away from him, because the embarrassment of having Satoru Gojo in your room pitying you right now would be the actual nail in the coffin before you went full on off your rocker crazy. 
Satoru’s quick to move, now sitting crisscrossed near your head and looking down at you. 
“Are you playing hard to get so I’ll call you hot again?” 
“No. I’m trying to get you to stop pitying me.” you murmur back, pulling the hood over your face. 
“I don’t pity you.” 
You stand up, crossing your legs on the floor, as you turn to face him. And you know that Satoru in no way deserves any shape of the wrath that’s coming out of your mouth, but you can’t help it. 
“You don’t?” 
“Well, of course I-” 
“Yes, Satoru, you do. Because really, you’re only here because Suguru or Hiromi asked you to be. They asked you to put whatever the fuck it is that you have going on inside your head and think for one fucking second how it is that you make me feel. When you make fun of me constantly, do every last thing to agitate me, quite literally flirt with every living microorganism on this goddamn planet but me. I know that you really, truly do not care. You’re just here because they asked you to be but god, please spare me of whatever shitty response you’re trying to muster up to make me feel better because there’s no point. I just feel horrible when I’m around you.” you shout. 
You lean back against the back of your bed, your chest heaving, as you knot your fingers together and groan. Because if the day couldn’t get any worse, you just yelled at Satoru. 
For no reason. After he tried to comfort you, in his own weird way. 
He scoots up at your side, sliding his hand around your shoulder once again, and leaning your head against his shoulder. Your stupid tears are falling again as he rubs into your skin, the touch soft. 
“All that because you’re mad I won’t flirt with you?” he murmurs. 
“Of course that’s what you got out of it.” 
He laughs, the lack of anger in his tone at your words soothing down the bouts of guilt in your chest. 
“You’re not the type of girl I can flirt with.” 
“Jeez. Thanks Satoru. You really know how to make a girl feel special.” 
He reaches forward to pinch your nose, before continuing. 
“I mean, I’m obviously a guy who lacks self-awareness or tact, in quite literally any conversation.” 
“Naturally.” you respond. 
He gives you a pointed glare, before continuing. 
“But I have self awareness when it comes to these types of things. I know I shouldn’t flirt with you.” he responds. 
“And why’s that? I’m too ugly of a hag for you?” you spit. 
“No. You’re the type of girl who could take my heart and run off with it if I let you.” 
You shrug his hand off your shoulder, rolling your eyes. 
“You’re full of shit, Satoru Gojo. And corny as hell.” 
“You know you’re no good for me, right?” 
You look at him, at his deep, ocean blue eyes for the first time, filled with an emotion you can’t quite place. 
“You’d put me in my place too fast. Maybe too eager, too curious to figure out what it is I’ve got going on up and here. And I don’t know the answers to that either, but you’d want to make me figure it out. Whatever mess of things going on, I-I’d want to fix it for you. And as nice as that sounds, you’d probably break any semblance of structure I’d have left the second you go running. Which is something even I can’t handle.” he responds, lifting his hand to take yours in it. 
You cross link your fingers with his, linking your hands together. And try to place the emotion, that dragging sound in his voice. 
It’s desperation. 
“Why do you think I would leave?” you ask, looking down at your intertwined hands.
Satoru smiles in response, reaching forward to trace his fingers along the edge of your lips. 
“You’ve just proved my point.” 
And when he pads out of your room, you realize that once again, he’s left you with a hundred questions left to answer. But the one you’re sure of is this. 
That the emotion that was welling in his deep, crystal blue eyes was impassioned. That it was real. 
In the following weeks, things change between you and Satoru, but not too drastically. You’re not required to keep your show up for Hiromi too often, because she’s quite literally too enamored with Suguru to even think about the two of you, and Satoru Gojo stays the same way he is. 
He steals your lattes, pulls your hair, lovingly calls you an old hag, and stamps out any hopes you have for romantic endeavors. But somewhere around the grayness of November, he doesn’t stop by your apartment for three days. 
“Hey. Where’s Gojo?” 
Suguru looks up from his phone, giving you the most obscene look you’ve ever seen him muster. 
“Gojo? Satoru Gojo? That gangly idiot that’s always hanging around here?” 
“Yes. I’m well aware who he is, Y/N. Why are you asking?” 
“Dunno. He’s always around and now he’s not. Are you sure he’s not dead in a ditch somewhere?” you ask. 
“He might as well be. His dad is in town. Spending time with him.” he responds, turning back to his phone and looking away from you. 
You frown, leaning against the counter, as you reach for your phone. And you’re not sure why you do it but you slide into your chat with him and start typing. 
you: are you enjoying your father daughter time? 
satoru: are you missing me?
you: missing the free lattes that come from going to the coffee shop with you :/ 
you: come hit on the girl at the paper lantern. im craving a matcha latte. 
satoru: i would never waste a free drink on a matcha latte. 
satoru: and quit trying to whore me out for free drinks. 
you: then buy me one. 
satoru: well played. 
satoru: the ice skating rink, on sixteenth and rockfield. i’ll be there in an hour. 
You smile gleefully, wrapping your scarf carefully around you, as you head out into the cold to the ice skating rink Satoru had picked out. And you catch the back of his snow white hair, leaning against the railing as you eye the big, bright Christmas tree at the center. 
You walk up to his side, lacing your hand through his, as you turn and give him a smile. He returns the gesture, some part of his demeanor muted today, as he turns to you. 
“Hi Y/N.” 
“Satoru. Where’s my drink?” 
Satoru rolls his eyes, before reaching for the two cups on the ground and handing you one. 
“Your shitty matcha latte. As requested.” 
You smile, wrapping your arms around the drink, as he leads you to the stand to get your skates. His hand is soft on the small of your back as you walk up to the girl giving out the shoes. 
“Sizes?” she asks. 
“Eight.” you respond. 
“Eleven and a half.” Satoru provides, as the girl whisks off to grab your shoes. 
“Eleven and a half? What are you, Bigfoot?” you respond. 
“You know what they say. Big feet, big…” 
“Ego. But we knew that already.” you respond. 
The two of you take the skates and head over to the bench, Satoru too quick with his own skates that he’s suddenly tying yours and dragging you onto your feet. The two of you stand at the front of the tiny little opening, the sudden awkwardness of the situation dawning on you. 
That you don’t know how to ice skate. 
“What are we waiting for?” Satoru asks, hands on both of your shoulders as he stands behind you. He rests his chin on the top of your head, his breath tickling the hair on your scalp. 
“The rink to open up. There’s a bunch of people, I don’t want to crash into them the second we get on.” 
Satoru frowns, bringing his hands around your chin and lightly moving your face to his. 
“Are the people in the room with us? There’s like nine people here. And four of them are under the age of seven.” he deadpans. 
“I don’t want to knock over a kid.” you whine. 
“Yeah, that would be goblin on troll crime.” Satoru responds. 
“Am I the goblin or the troll?” you ask. 
“Troll. Obviously.” he responds, bringing his hands around your waist as he lifts you onto the ice with him. 
You’re suddenly wobbling too hard on your feet and holding onto his extended arms with a deathlike grip, the cold air biting your skin as your legs turn to noodles. 
“Okay, Raggedy Anne. Face me.” he states, voice soft as he turns you towards him. His hands are locked in with yours, the hold firm as he smiles. 
“Satoru.” you whine. 
“Just try to glide with me, okay? Our goal is to get to that side of the rink, by the end of our game.” 
“What’s our game?” you ask. 
“We’re going to play twenty questions.” Satoru states, mimicking the gliding motion as he instructs you.
You follow his suit, clutching hard on his arm every time you wobble, as Satoru starts to distract you with the stupid game he’s intent on playing. 
“Me first. Why did you text me?” Satoru asks. 
“Just wanted to make sure you weren’t dead in a ditch somewhere. It was surprisingly peaceful for the past few days, so I knew you had to be in some type of mortal peril somewhere.” you respond. 
Gojo hums in response, as you try hard to pick the hundreds of questions you have to ask Gojo. 
“Where were you the past few days?” you ask. 
“Did you want me there?” Satoru asks, tone hopeful. 
“You’re supposed to answer before you ask again. And I’m not sure if want is the word. But…I don’t know. It’s weird not having you around. All quiet.” you respond. 
“My dad’s in town. Was kind of busy.” 
You hum in response, rolling over the words in your head. 
“I did want you around.” you add, earning a smile from him. 
The two of you skate in silence, the wobbling minimal now as you try to reach the railing at the end of the rink that Satoru had pointed out, right near the small, brightly decorated Christmas tree at the end of the rink. 
“It’s your turn, Y/N.” Satoru reminds. 
“Right. Do you like your dad?” 
“No. What happened with Sukuna?” 
You swallow hard, so caught off guard by the question that you fall straight into the ice. You must have been holding onto Satoru too hard because he goes tumbling down with you, lightly rubbing the spot on his head that made contact with the ice. You reach forward, cradling his head in your hands. 
“Fuck. Sorry, Gojo. That caught me off guard.” 
“That’s my bad, princess. It came out of nowhere.” he responds, standing up on his knees as he holds his hand out for you. He’s wiping the excess ice off the sides of your clothes and you mimic his motions. 
The two of you start silently skating towards the end of the rink again, hands linked together, as you figure out the right words to say. 
“I live with Suguru because of him. He wasn’t the best.” 
“I know that much, Y/N.” 
“He…kicked me out. Like, put all my things in a box, put them outside, and kept my key.” 
His hand tighets in yours as you swallow hard and continue. 
“Dunno. I guess he just kind of sucked. I was trying to convince myself I liked him, that we were in love for a really long time. I’d write him all these really long love letters, that he basically read days after the fact that I wrote them. He’d compliment me once in a while, but then I realized when it was only when he wanted something.” you respond, sighing. 
Satoru doesn’t respond, only squeezes your hand in response to the entire bout of word vomit you just gave him. 
“Why don’t you like your dad?” you ask. 
“He thinks I’m perfect.” Satoru responds, sighing. 
“Boo hoo.” you respond, joking. 
He smiles in response, his hand lightly loosening in yours. You tighten your grip against his again, giving him your best smile. 
“I’m joking, ‘Toru. What did you mean by that?” 
“I just mean. He expects so much from me, because I’m his only son. And when I was a kid, he was really hard on me for it. Made me attend all these shitty classes by myself, isolated me from other kids because I was meant to be something great. And I obviously pulled away from him because of it. But then, he kind of…shifted. He was vying so hard for my attention now, that suddenly I became free of all blame, all faults.” 
“Well, we both know that’s not true.” 
He snorts, dragging you to the end of the railing by the Christmas tree, as you both lean against the little glass panes. 
“I just wanted him to be real with me. Tell me when I was good, tell me when I was bad. Not where he was criticizing every move I made but not when he was praising all of them either.” 
You nod, turning to your side to hold both of his hands in yours. 
“Well, you’re shitty when you’re mean to me. But you’re nice when you’re like this.” you state. 
He smiles, that stupid lopsided grin, as he brings his hands around your neck and pulls you in against him. His lips are soft and warm, though you’re not sure how, against your almost frostbitten, cold blue ones. But the warmth that’s blooming in your chest, under your skin, from his hands, from his lips on yours is enough to bring you down. 
He pulls back, resting his forehead against yours as he places a light kiss to the tip of your pink nose. 
“What was that for?” you ask, breathless. 
“Mistletoe.” Satoru responds, pushing off the little railing and slowly skating away, waiting for him to join you. 
You look up, fighting the urge to smile at the small little bundle of leaves and berries above you, as you skate out and join his hand to go around the rink. 
There’s an incessant pounding on your door that wakes you up, as you pull on the closest jacket and your glasses as you pad to the door. You open up to find him there, half bored on his phone, as he looks up at you. 
“Oh. Hey. Was the spare not under-” 
He all but lurches forward, wrapping his hands around your neck as he presses his lips to yours. He’s all too eager, because he’s walking into you so fast that he’s all but pushed you up against the wall behind you, his lips hanging off yours as he smiles into your mouth. 
“Y/N.” he hums, smiling into your face. 
“Good morning to you too.” 
He smiles, wrapping his hands around your wrist, as he leads you back to your bed, quickly peeling your hoodie off your frame as he tucks you into the bed with him. And instead of doing what you thought he was going to do, he’s tucking you tight against his frame, your face tucked into his clavicle, as he brings his arms around yours and holds you tight. 
“Did you come all this way to cuddle?” 
“I came all this way to kiss you. This is just a bonus.” 
You burrow yourself into his skin, leaning your head against his, as your thousand questions swim around in your mind. On what you’re doing, on why he’s here, on if you can even ask. 
“What’s wrong?” 
“You have a weird, pinched up look on your pretty face. What is it?” he asks. 
“Oh. I was just thinking.” you respond. 
“Um, what we’re doing.” 
“We’re cuddling, silly.” Satoru responds, leaning down to press a kiss to the top of your forehead. 
“I know. But what does that mean?” 
Satoru brings his hands up around your face, cupping your cheeks in his hands as he smiles. 
“It means that I just had a really annoying fight with my dad. And I just want to hold you and not think about it.” he responds. 
“Oh. Okay, yeah.” 
You burrow yourself back into his arms, the two of you a mess of tangled limbs as you hold onto each other. And you’re not sure why you start talking, but you’re filling the silent space with your voice. 
“I saw Sukuna the other day.” you murmur. 
Satoru brings his hands down, rubbing into the side of your arm as he hums in response. 
“Was it okay?” 
“Kind of stupid.” you murmur. 
“Why?” he asks. 
“He came up to me to ask if I was going to go to the end of year banquet that they hold for the seniors going into the masters program.” 
“I mean, I was planning on it. And then he just felt the need to warn me that he’s bringing his new girlfriend and it was really awkward. He asked me if I was bringing anyone and I said no, just for him to smile in response and then walk away.” 
“You should have said you were bringing me.” 
“I wasn’t aware that I was bringing you.” 
“Well, now you are. Plus, my dad…he always gets on my back to go to shit like that since he’s one of the donors. At least now I’ll have something to do there.” 
“And what’s that?” 
“Annoy you!” he responds. 
You reach forward to flick the side of his cheek, before reaching forward to push the hair off of his forehead. The touch must be somewhat soothing to him, because it coaxes him to talk, in the slightest. 
“When I was a kid, my dad forced me to go to events like that. All the time. And when I was there…he’d always yell at me for all these different things. My hair was too messy, I wasn’t standing right, I was too loud.” 
You brush your thumb on the skin of his cheek, before reaching forward to press a kiss to his skin. 
“And after I kind of figured it all out, I was so…irritated that I ever listened. And I’ve tried to stamp it out, that voice telling me to be quiet all the time. But sometimes when I see him…I don’t know. It just comes flooding back.” 
You prop your hands up against his chest, resting your head on top of your hands as you look down at him. His eyes are shut as he faces your ceiling, a hand resting behind his head while the other one is secured, firmly around you. In the ray of sunlight peering out of your window, you notice that Satoru has the smallest patch of freckles around his nose. 
“I always wondered why you were like that. But somehow, this makes it better.” 
“You were always so…you that sometimes it made me jealous. That you had this unstoppable, vibrant spirit, that you probably had life so easy that no one had stamped it out of you.” 
You reach forward, tracing the skin on his cheek, as you continue to talk. 
“But this is better. Someone tried to do that to you and you didn’t let them. You’re not weak or timid like me, you don’t let people like that shut you up like I do.” 
“You’re not weak or timid.” he responds, cupping the side of your face. 
“You’ve always stood your ground. Especially when it comes to me.” 
“Well, you’re you. Sukuna is…” 
“Nothing. You can handle an idiot like Sukuna. And I’ll be there, if he tries to say anything to you and you need me.” 
You halfheartedly nod. 
“And I’ll be there. If you want to annoy me instead of talking to your dad.” 
“I’ll take you up on that offer. Always.” 
Satoru presses a kiss to your cheek before running out the door, late for his class. And when you turn on your heel, you find Suguru giving you a wide smile, with an almost teasing look on his face. You glare in response, moving past him to do the dishes. 
“Do you need something, Suguru?” 
“Are you guys dating?” he asks, resting his chin in his hands as he gives you a jeering smile. 
“What’s it to you?” you ask. 
“My best friend…my roommate…seems like a very big deal to me.” 
“Well, we’re just talking. I don’t know if it’s official, but I think it’s exclusive.” you respond. 
“It’s definitely exclusive. He’s liked you for a while.” 
You snort, as he comes up at your side and starts drying the dishes. 
“No, I’m serious! I promise, he’s not coming around this much just to see me. And I’m sure you’ll make him very happy. Keep him in his place.” 
“That’s what he said.” you murmur, smiling. 
“Just, don’t get too heated if you guys get into an argument. You’re both the most stubborn people I know, but don’t let that get in the way of anything.” 
“Okay, I’ll definitely take relationship advice from someone who pathologically lies to his girlfriend everyday.” 
Suguru yanks on the edge of ear and you splash a good amount of dishwater at him in response as you both laugh. 
“I’ll have you know, that I told her almost like two days afterwards because I couldn’t stomach it.” 
“Huh? Why didn’t you tell us?” 
“It was just funny watching you guys try to be nice to each other. And then Hiromi was dead set on matchmaking the second she figured out Gojo was all but in love with you.” 
You roll your eyes at him in response, as you turn out to walk to the coffee shop before your next class. And as you march to the coffee shop, music blaring in your headphones, you feel a tugging on your elbow as you almost walk in. 
You turn around to find an older man, with blue eyes and light hair, smiling at you. And as you tug your headphones off and hear him talk, you know without a doubt that this has to be Satoru’s father. 
“Are you Y/N L/N?” he asks, his hands folded perfectly against the crisp pressing off his suit. 
“Sure. Who are you?” you ask, yanking your headphones off so they're resting around your ears. 
“I’m Satoru’s father.” 
“Oh, okay. Can I help you?” you asked, running through your thoughts as you think of what Satoru would want you to do most. 
Walk away? Be polite? Insult him? 
Insulting him is surely what you want to do. But knowing him, he wouldn’t even want you to talk to him for a second, so you should try your best to abort the conversation in its tracks. 
“I’d like to talk to you about your intentions. With my son.” he responds. 
“I'd love to do that. But I have to run to class, so I’ll have to go now.” 
“Class? What’s your major?” 
That must not be the answer he wanted, because he stiffens his jaw before talking again, which just builds onto another reason that this man irritates you. 
“Right, well. I’ll be off then.” you respond, trying to move past him. 
“Are you dating my son?” 
“Not yet. But I think it’s headed that way.” you respond. 
“Well, if you’re so intent on attending your class, here’s my phone number. I’d like for you to call me the second you’re out of your class so we can discuss more.” he states, handing you a shiny piece of cardstock. 
You begrudgingly take it, shaking his hand as you all but sprint off to your class. But unbeknownst to you, Satoru was watching the entire thing play out from the window, with an ice matcha latte in hand just for you. 
He trashes the cup as he walks out. He’s always thought matcha was disgusting anyways. 
And three days later, you find Satoru in the library. In what might possibly, the most compromising of situations. 
You’re a few weeks out from finals, the banquet at the end of the week, and buried with term papers that you need to write. Hence the need to procure your matcha latte, lock yourself in the library for the rest of the week, until you can go to the event with Satoru and let loose before you go home for break. 
Except when you’re trekking through the library looking for a place to study, you find that a really large group is populating your usual prime spot near the window, with the big white board that you like to use. 
But even more jarring than the stupid white board and spot you’re comfortable in, it’s who is taking up the spot. Because Sukuna and his friends are taking up the entire face and there’s a certain white haired idiot sitting all the way at the end, headphones over his ears as he types away on his laptop. 
And you can hear your blood rushing in your ears as you walk up to him, all but yanking the headphones off your ears. 
“Hi Satoru.” 
“Hi Y/N.” he seethes back, matching the anger in your voice. 
“I got you a drink, asshole.” 
He looks down at your matcha latte, before looking back up at you and rolling his eyes. 
“Always intent on not listening to me, aren’t you?” 
“I learned from the best, asswipe.” you respond, marching off to the apartment and fighting down the angry tears that are falling out of your eyes. 
With the load of finals behind you and the quietness that populates your apartment, you find yourself begrudgingly dragging yourself to the banquet. And curse yourself for letting Satoru convince you, for already putting in an RSVP so early that now you can’t take it away. 
The room’s uncomfortably warm, the masses of people moving around each other, cheeks blushed pink from the drinks and flutes in all of their hands. You swipe one off of the tray as someone walks past, intent on filling that cold, awkward feeling in your chest with whatever warmth it can give you. 
You take a spot near the corner of the room, a nice vantage point from where you can spot, eye who you can talk to first. Your partner from your English class is stuck talking to your professor, which is frankly a bleak option. 
There’s the group of girls from your cohort, but they’re all talking to Sukuna and his girlfriend, which is a big no for you. And you’d love to talk to your advisor, but you’re positive occupying the solo spot on the wall is better than talking to the one professor that everyone hates. 
And you spot Satoru, his white hair stark against the crowd, as he talks to Hiromi and Suguru. He’s all dressed up, his tie loose around his neck and the top buttons are undone. You suppose that’s as well as Satoru can present for an event like this anyways, and your heart stings at the premise.
Because there's nothing you want to do more than point it out. That everyone’s dressed up, but he can’t even be bothered to put himself together for this. And you want him to argue back, to sport that stupid shit eating grin he always uses when he argues with you. 
It’s irritating. How much it’s killing you to not be with him. 
You pull down the edges of your dress, trying to soothe through the creases that are lining on your green dress, as you try your best to stop that tense, uncomfortable feeling from settling in your skin. 
On the most annoying cue ever, Sukuna walks up to stand by your side, two drinks in his hand. He gestures for you to take one, which you oblige, as you swallow the irritation on your tongue as he starts talking. 
“Did you poison my drink? Or are you morally above attempted murder?” 
“I believe I am.” 
“Shocking, given your track record.” 
“Are you here alone?” he asks. 
“What’s it to you?” 
“It’s just that you RSVP'd for two people. Yet you’re the only one standing here.” 
“Are you stalking me now?" you ask, eyeing him.
“Maybe a little bit. I was just curious to see who it was you were seeing now.” 
“What’s it to you?” 
“Just have to make sure that they take care of you. That’s all.” he states, shrugging
You roll your eyes, putting a sizable amount of distance between you two. 
“That’s rich coming from you. Leaving me without a place to live is a real gesture of compassion, Sukuna.” 
“Well, I think that-” 
A girl, with short brown hair cuts the two of you off, as she excitedly points to the wallpaper above you. 
“You’re both standing under the mistletoe!” 
You look up, to find a small lock of the plant above the two of you, as you fight the urge to internally groan. 
“Right, well. That’s my cue to leave.” you respond, setting the glass down on the table. 
Sukuna wraps his fingers around your wrist, pulling you into him as you stumble on the edge of your heels. 
“It’s just mistletoe. You have to honor it or that’s like…really shitty luck.” he states, giving you a smile.
“I’ll take my chances. It couldn't possibly be worse than this.” 
“Look. I really hate being on bad terms. You were really important to me and I hate to think that you’re out there being mad at me.” 
“Right, well. Get used to being disappointed then because I’m clear on where I stand.” you respond. 
You make the motions to move again, as Sukuna yanks you back again. Except this time, Satoru’s at your side, nearly shoving him into the wall. He gives you a look, devoid of any emotion, as he adjusts his tie around his neck. 
“You’re not going to kiss her.” he states, teetering on the edges of his heels. Like he’s almost bored, so disinterested in the conversation that he’s having with Sukuna right now. 
“I was just joking. It wasn’t that serious, I wouldn’t even consider it honestly.” he states, as the words sting your ears. You don’t know whether to be relieved, offended, or extremely agitated by the premise of his comment. 
“You’d be so lucky.” he snorts, as you swallow hard. 
“Right. We are talking about the same girl, right?” he sneers. 
Satoru groans, looking up to the sky, before taking his jacket off and handing it to you. You give him a confused look, to which he smiles, before turning back to Sukuna. 
“Rather unfortunate that you chose to mess with the wrong girl. That and the fact that I have no semblance of manners when it comes to these types of things.” 
And then Satoru swings straight for his nose, wincing and shaking his knuckles in the air as Sukuna slams into the wall behind him. There’s a loud gasp, head turning to look at the three of you as you swallow hard. There’s a small amount of bright, red blood falling out of his nose as Satoru gives him a shit eating grin. 
“Thanks for holding it.” Satoru states, taking the jacket from your hands as the two of you watch Sukuna walk off into the side. 
“Right, well-” 
The two of you turn around to find his father, nose flaring and undoubtedly mad, as he appears at your side. Satoru storms out of the room, agitated, as you follow and run behind him. The air outside is significantly colder, snow sticking to the concrete. 
“Are you okay?” you ask, the air so cold that you can see your breath in the air. 
“Yes. Are you?” he asks back, turning around to look at you. He’s kicking the tiny flakes of snow in the ground, averting eye contact with you as he talks. 
“Yeah. Now, I can yell at you.” you respond, shoving him. 
“What’s your problem?” 
“What’s yours?” he asks back, seething. 
“You. You ignored me for like two days and then I found you in the library being all buddy buddy with Sukuna. And then you punch him in the face for no reason?”
“It wasn’t for no reason.” 
“Right. Your hand just jerked through the air and just happened to hit his face.” 
“What do you want me to say? That I’m sorry?” 
You groan, bringing your hands up through your temples, as your frustration comes to a head. 
“Why are you pretending this is nothing? Like we're nothing?” you scream, tears burning your eyes at you look at him. 
“When did I say this was nothing?” 
“’m fucking dying over here to be the person standing next to you, because there’s nowhere else I want to be, and instead I’m standing in the corner trying to avoid you like the plague.” 
His eyes twitch, his hands almost fidgeting at your sides as you angrily wipe your tears off your cheeks and smudge the makeup pressed to your face. 
“You…you’re so fucking aggravating. You’re mean to me, then you’re nice. You act like you love me, but then you don’t. Your best friend tells me that I basically mean the world to you and then your stupid dad ambushes me outside a coffee shop and basically insults me but-” 
“What?” he states. 
“What? I just like…don’t know what page you’re on. You make no fucking sense, you’re so..so hot and cold with me instead of just telling me what’s going on. If you didn’t like me anymore, you should have just said that instead of hurting my feelings.” you state, crossing your arms as you turn back from him. 
He comes up at your side, eyes wide as he looks down at you. He quickly takes his jacket off, wrapping it around your shoulders as the tears stream down your eyes. 
“What did my dad say to you? Was it at the coffee shop?” he whispers, hands braced on your shoulders. 
“Huh? How’d you know that?” 
“Just, tell me.”
“Well, I was going to get my latte. He kind of pulled me aside. Asked me what my intentions were with you. Made some weird backhanded comment about me being an education major and-” 
“Gave me his business card. Told me to call him because I kept trying to leave. I think I threw it in a trash can or something.” 
Satoru groans, leaning his forehead against your shoulder, as he curses. 
“Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck.” he murmurs, eyes pinched in regret as he lifts his head back up. 
“Shit. I-I got mad at you. For talking to my dad, behind my back and not telling me. I thought…he was asking you for information about me and you were obliging. That you took his card so you could call him.” 
“You watched that entire thing?” 
“Yeah. And I saw you shove the card into your pocket as you walked away and I just got so angry that I-” 
“That you what?” 
“Hung out with Sukuna. To make you mad.” 
You glare at him, shoving him again for good measure. 
“You did what?” 
“I was upset! I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to it was just that-” 
“You didn’t even think to ask me? You just had to be petty?” you scream, your frustration building. 
His eyes go wide, as he swallows hard. He burrows his hands into his pockets, lifting them from your shoulders as he casts his head down. You can tell that his skin is burning, it’s turning slightly pink, as you realize that the reason the two of you weren’t here together, stupidly laughing at everyone, was because of a simple miscommunication. 
“Satoru.” you groan, lifting your hand to your forehead. 
“Y/N. I’m so sorry.” 
“In what world was that fair to me? You didn’t even think to ask?” 
Satoru takes both of your hands in his, lifting them up to cover his eyes with. Your knuckles are flat against his forehead, the ends of his hair tickling your skin. 
“Y/N. I’m so shit at this type of stuff. You’re far too put together for me.” 
“I’m not expecting you to be put together. Just to kind of…work with me here.” you murmur, as he rests his head against your frame again. You’re wrapping your arms around his torso, deflating into his touch. 
“Yeah, well. All I know how to do is fight and-” 
“If you say you’ll love me rather than fight with me, I’ll forgive you.” 
“Just promise. That you’ll try to love me. And forgive me before you turn to fighting.” you murmur, cupping his face in your hands. 
“Y/N. I-” 
“You have so many walls that I’m trying to break through. Just try to work with me here when I’m trying to do it.” you whisper. 
“There you go. Doing that thing again.” 
“Doing what?” 
“Seeing the best in me. Making me want to be better.” 
You smile, leaning your head to the side. 
“Is that so bad?” 
“No. No, just. Try to be patient with me? I know I’m really shitty at this type of thing but-” 
“As long as you stick around. And don’t ignore me for five days like a fucking asshole, I promise I will.” 
He leans forward, pressing a kiss to the palms of your hands still secured around his face, as he leans his own forehead against yours. 
“Okay. Just, give it to me straight when…when I do stuff like this.” 
“Okay. I hate it when you’re stupid as fuck and jump to conclusions. Like genuinely, it’s really irritating that I spent all of finals week sleeping in my bed alone when it was obscenely cold and you weren’t there. And you just had to assume shit when you didn’t-” 
“Okay, I get it. Get to the good parts now.” 
“Cmon. I’m wounded here.” he states, holding his bruised hand up to you. You take it in yours, pressing a kiss to the red skin before continuing. 
“I like when you talk to me. And when we get to keep moving forward, past this type of stuff. It’s like…the best part of a story. You get to see the conflict be resolved and then keep going.” 
He smiles hard, nodding at your words. 
“You have to kiss me.” he states. 
“I’m going to pretend I’m not offended by that heinous look on your face at the thought of kissing me. But, mistletoe.” 
You look up, to find a set of tiny Christmas lights with little embellishments in them, one of which is mistletoe. 
“That doesn’t count.” 
“Yes, it does.” 
“That’s not real mistletoe.” 
He pouts, rolling his eyes at you. 
“Fine. Don’t kiss me then.” 
You wrap your hand around his wrist, yanking him down by the tie to press a kiss to his soft, warm lips. They’re enough to warm up your frozen, nearly frostbitten blue ones, as he shakes his arms around your waist, pulling you closer and smiling into the kiss. 
And you take solace in the fact that at least for that night, the conflict is over. And the story continues.
the satoru as taylor swift songs series masterlist
@porridgesblog @k0z3me @kayleegomez @yihona-san06 @bsenpai @sweetenertea @skzismyhome @mykyoon @violetmatcha @rebeccawinters @luna0713hunter @shotenvinsoot @itzmeme @gojoswifeyyys-world @cutiejg
lmk if you would like to be added to the taylor as gojo taglist or my general taglist <3
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maxwell-grant · 2 years ago
so with the show gone, what's your headcanon on the ventures's future? have the creators mentioned anything about it?
A few things in passing but not too much. Namely just that Dean is gonna lose his hair and that Hank will eventually step foot in Mars as an adventurer. I think Doc and Jackson said as much that they want to keep the door open for future stories in case they do get to come back, and that they'll always have new things they'll want to do, but anyway yes okay, post-show headcanons:
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Doc burns through Jonas Jr's fortune and for the most part remains the same, but he eventually achieves a true breakthrough of his own: a permanent solution to hair loss. It comes with a few little side effect mutations but for the most part it does work and Doc is, reasonably pretty happy that for once he gets something to his name that he actually made and isn't something horrible done to him. "Reasonably happy" is as happy as Rusty is ever allowed to get, and he dies a few weeks later by something predictably stupid, like auto-erotic asphyxiation.
It's shitty, Dr Orpheus cries over it, but everyone kinda saw it coming.
Most of Doc's assets get seized and the boys actually don't get much, he forgot to put them in the will because he made it back when he still had the clone farm. Rusty's last wish is to be cremated so nobody gets to clone him, and for his ashes to be scattered at Spanakopita, which has become a big White Lotus-esque resort island since Doc's last visit, built by Giorgo almost entirely off the Venture fortune. On the boat ride to Spanakopita, (WHITE LOTUS SEASON 2 SPOILERS) Sgt Hatred dies exactly like Tanya did and nobody bothers to fish his body back up.
Eventually some Rusty clones will pop up over the years, one of which is gonna be on that offscreen Rusty that went on the Cleveland Time Machine adventure with Billy. Once they leave Rusty's science basement, Billy and Pete White will never make it to the big leagues, but they'll pretty much be together until the end, and they are gonna go on some real weird adventures, like freaky Doom Patrol stuff, St.Cloud is gonna get up to some shit in the future once he bumbles into becoming rich enough to warp space-time around him just by existing and turn into the world's first Level 100 antagonist by the least amount of effort humanly possible. Actually the whole world is gonna get a lot weirder in the future, when stuff like the cloning tech and anti-gravity music boxes bleed over into general public use.
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At some point the Earth will be menaced by the return of General Treister, who has absorbed enough cosmic radiation to become Galactus (this one was mentioned in the artbook as something they'd play around with, if they ever brought Treister back). He will be stopped from devouring the planet by a joint effort between Hank Venture, the Guild and the OSI, and Hunter Gathers will sacrifice herself in the process, passing the OSI's leadership to Shore Leave, who will bring SPHINX back every few months just so he has an excuse to interject SPHINX! into sentences again for funsies. Brock essentially becomes the OSI's equivalent to Red Death: basically retired, but he goes on assignments a couple times per year or gets brought onboard for decision-making, some part of him actually does kinda like this life and he stands by the friends he's made in it. He keeps touch with the Ventures but for the most part he flies solo. At some point he will have enough illegitimate children across the world for them to start their own super spy group.
Hank becomes an adventurer, and for the most part he just remains Hank as always. He makes a lot of strange alliances all over the place, he doesn't resort as much to his entourage of personas but some still come up on occasion (the double life of Enrico Matassa is one for the history books), he reforms Shallow Gravy with Dermott (who is totally 100% getting kicked out of the OSI) and Gary and HELPeR and Scare Bear playing the triangle, for the most part he lives up to the idea of being more "Rusty Venture" than Rusty himself ever was and he becomes like the first major Venture adventurer who's not some kind of monster. He completely and totally blows out any chance at settling down into normalcy, but he lives an exciting life. 50/50 on him either dying young doing something incredibly stupid and careless, or somehow stumbling his way into full-blown Highlander immortality just as 21 foresaw.
Dean I think stays in New York full time and is another 50/50 on him: he's either gonna succeed in having a normal life, or he's becoming a villain, I'm taking the fandom side on this one, villain Dean is not the most exciting idea in the world but it has some legs to it and I can't see him being anything else if he's gotta be a part of that binary whether he likes it or not. In the former, I imagine he finishes college, maybe gets a degree in something lowkey, probably changes his name and settles down with somebody and stops answering most calls, basically makes it like Professor Van Helping in that his life is okay and that's just how he wants it. Villain Dean I think happens in largely a similar way to how it happened to Dr Girlfriend taking over the Guild: not something they wanted or planned to, but it's the best way to keep things stable and keep themselves afloat amidst the chaos that surrounds them whether they want it or not. Maybe he finally listens to King Crimson and it breaks his brain into mad science a bit, as it tends to do, or maybe he invokes his blood right to appoint himself Sovereign but otherwise keeps hands-free of the Guild, and only does it so the Guild leaves him alone and he can boss other villains into standing down. He's gonna have freaks in costume trying to get him for the rest of his life so, fuck it, when in Rome or something.
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At some point in the very near future Mantilla takes over the Peril Partnership and guts it to make ARCH a real thing, and maybe in the future ARCH kinda replaces the Guild at the forefront of supervillain institutions, with the Guild having the final word in matters of diplomacy and the old guard and ARCH as the new high-tech face of things. She never succeeds in getting to be besties with Dr Girlfriend, but she does hit it off nicely with Sirena, who takes over after Wide Wale and fires basically everyone that was still around after the Morpho saga. The Order of the Triad actually does succeed in making it pretty big, with comparatively few players but some very powerful additions like Lila, Red Death's daughter, and some of Jefferson's old buddies. Definitely not Triana though, she's got better to do than run with her dad's crew. Somehow HELPeR winds up joining and gets married to the Pants Golem.
Gary is gonna keep on being Henchman 21 up until the moment The Monarch dies, at which point he might actually undergo another big transformation of the self and will probably just outright become a sidekick to the heroes. He's never going to truly be a hero or a villain himself, he gave those a try and he's pretty firmly the kind of guy that only comes to life when someone else tells him what to do, so I imagine he's gonna bounce around until he finds something he finds fulfilling, will probably go on plenty of adventures with Hank. Really by this point he's already an honorary Venture, with The Monarch out of the picture so goes the pretense. Sheila, I think she just runs the Guild for as long as she can, probably reformulates it into something more sustainable by the end of her run. Sheila's arc in the show is about her climbing the ranks and moving away from her role as a number two, and distancing herself more from The Monarch because of it, and she's not going back to her old life so I think she's just fully going to remain The Sovereign up until she gets too sick of it, possibly moves into politics at Radical Left's suggestion and hands the Guild off to Phantom Limb. Maybe even becomes President of the United States for a bit, if anyone in the cast is becoming president it's really gotta be her. Or maybe not since she's overqualified, but still, if she does, in the process she hands the Guild to Phantom Limb, who basically makes it a drinking buddies gentleman's club and is too retired and rich and old to care much about anything anymore.
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The movie ends with a pretty firm statement that The Monarch is just going to keep on being The Monarch no matter what and that he will in fact never stop trying to arch Rusty, and he's had like a million chances to kill Doc by now and didn't seize any of them so really yes he will just keep doing this until one or both pass. And I'm definitely thinking Doc goes first, Malcolm is torn between celebrating and flipping the fuck out that Doc DARED to not let The Mighty Monarch kill him, and for a brief moment he's completely and totally unsure as to what the fuck is he going to do with his life. He's like this close to genuinely trying to turn his life around and try to be a Blue Morpho-esque hero again if only because he and Gary had some good times and, y'know by this point he hates the Guild more so than the OSI, but then the Rusty clones show up and, you know what, fine, I can work with this, THE SWEET RELEASE OF DEATH IS NO MATCH FOR THE ACID CUMSHOT OF VENGEANCE, DOCTOR VENTURE, MUUUHAHAHAHAHAHAH!! and then he crashes his new butterglider into a cliffside Wile E.Coyote style and he dies like two weeks into a new plan.
Gary cries, Sheila's heartbroken, but again, they and everyone totally saw this coming.
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briar-moon · 7 months ago
Red Rising Characters as Tortured Poets Department Songs
Darrow: i'mgonnagetyouback
-> "Whether I'm gonna be your wife or / Gonna smash up your bike / I haven't decided yet / But I'm gonna get you back"
Cassius: I Can Do It With a Broken Heart
-> "I was grinning like I'm winning / I was hitting my marks / 'Cause I can do it with a broken heart"
Mustang: The Alchemy
-> "He jokes that it's heroin, but this time with an 'E' / 'Cause the sign on your heart / Said it's still reserved for me"
Sevro: Florida!!!
-> "Little did you know your home's really only / The town you'll get arrested / So you pack your life away just to wait out / The shitstorm back in Texas"
Victra: But Daddy I Love Him
-> "I'd rather burn my whole life down / Than listen to one more second of all this bitchin' and moanin' / I'll tell you something 'bout my good name / It's mine alone to disgrace"
Lyria: Who's Afraid of Little Old Me?
-> "I was tame, I was gentle 'til the circus life made me mean / 'Don't you worry, folks, we took out all her teeth' / Who's afraid of little old me? / Well you should be"
Theodora: Clara Bow
-> "Beauty is a beast that roars down on all fours / Demanding more / Only when your girlish glow flickers just so / Do they let you know / It's hell on earth to be heavenly"
Tactus: I Can Fix Him (No Really I Can)
-> "The smoke cloud billows out his mouth / Like a freight train through a small town / The jokes that he told across the bar / Were revolting and far too loud"
Roque: The Tortured Poets Department
-> "I laughed in your face and said / 'You're not Dylan Thomas, I'm not Patti Smith / This ain't the Chelsea Hotel, we're modern idiots'"
Ragnar: The Albatross
-> "I swept in at the rescue / The devil that you know / Looks now more like an angel / I'm the life you chose / And all this terrible danger"
Sefi: The Prophecy
-> "A greater woman has faith / But even statues crumble if they're made to wait"
Pax Sr.: So High School
-> "Truth, dare, spin bottles / You know how to ball, I know Aristotle"
Evey: My Boy Only Breaks His Favorite Toys
-> "'Cause he took me out of my box / Stole my tortured heart / Left all these broken parts / Told me I'm better off / But I'm not"
Dancer: Fortnight
-> "And for a fortnight there, we were forever / Run into you sometimes, ask about the weather / Now you're in my backyard, turned into good neighbors"
Eo: Cassandra
-> "Bet they never spared a prayer for my soul / You can mark my words that I said it first / In a mourning warning, no one heard"
Julian: Robin
-> "You got the dragonflies above your bed / You have a favorite spot on the swing set / You have no room in your dreams for regrets"
Volga: I Hate it Here
-> "I hate it here so I will go to lunar valleys in my mind / When they found a better planet, only the gentle survived / I dreamed about it in the dark, the night I felt like I might die"
Orion: So Long, London
-> "And you say I abandoned the ship / But I was going down with it / My white-knuckle dying grip / Holding tight to your quiet resentment"
Lysander: The Smallest Man Who Ever Lived
-> "You kicked out the stage lights, but you're still performing / And in plain sight you hid / but you are what you did / And I'll forget you, but I'll never forgive / the smallest man who ever lived"
Should I do other albums?
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jokobub · 2 years ago
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Mobile Suit Gundam — 1979-1980
I have thoughts. Emotions. Feelings. I hope you’re ready.
This series is a delight from start to finish, full stop. I wish I could communicate to y’all how abnormal it is for me to down 42 episodes of a single series in two weeks. Like for me? That’s crazy. Especially out of a show that pre-dates the 90’s. I don’t think I’ve ever been this invested in a show this old. I’ve never been a fan of military sci-fi, either, but man.
Gundam 0079 has so much heart. It’s charming, with a story that feels authentic and characters that you just wanna fuckin hug the shit out of. The crew on White Base has so many dynamics that the plot actively wants you to question and explore, and there’s always enough time between battles to show off how unified they are both in and out of the field. When you watch them all brave through thick and thin together, it’s hard not to fall in love even with the people you thought you hated.
Balance is absolutely integral with a story like this, and Gundam gets it just right. Silly enough not to be constantly feeding you bleak messages, while taking itself seriously enough to effectively deliver the story it wants to tell you. Enough so that the occasional cheesy line read hardly takes you out of the experience in a negative way. I have absolutely nothing but positive things to say about this show.
Amuro’s my boy. Absolutely and wholly my boy. He’s such a goddamn good protagonist, never a better character to brave the rocky grey morality of the surrounding environment. And if nobody gets this kid some therapy, I’ll go back to college and start over and get my doctorate so I can fuckin do it myself, I don’t care.
Not only do actions in this show have lasting consequences, but they could be considered part of the plot’s main focus, and you see them reflected in Amuro’s actions and attitude as each arc wears on. It’s thrilling to see, and even more so to see the characters bounce back from their woes when they realize they have each other.
Probably one of my favorite character-centric aspects is how Gundam treats its female cast. These women kick ass, straight out of the gate, it’s insane. There’s hardly ever a plot point of a girl needing to prove herself, it strays from tropes like that, that are tired and old and miserable to watch because they’re so overplayed. Every girl you see, no matter which side of the fight they’re on, is a trusted and valuable member of her team. Even those in support roles work their asses off as the backbones of their squadrons, and the show is constantly taking time out of its day to show you that. It’s unusual, for an action show, and I adore it.
This is also just. Really fucking good for a space-centered show? You never feel like you’re losing track of the setting, each colony is thoroughly explained, recalled by the plot and characters, and easy to remember. It hits the perfect middle ground of being concise about where it takes place, without feeling so restricted that it may as well have just taken place on earth. This is a *huge* problem I had with Voltron LD, there were just too many planets and too many side characters that were never brought up again, and the way Gundam dodges this issue is 👌🏻
Of course, there are mini-arcs and characters you maybe see only once or twice, but they’re usually quickly resolved, and all point back to the show’s core message about war and the nature of the innocent. There are *so* many instances of characters crossing sides to help each other while the battle rages on overhead— beyond the core action of the series, Gundam is also heartwarming and emotional, and the perspective it takes on how it treats its characters under the circumstances of its own story is extremely unique. This is an easy 9/10, bonus points for the fact that “gundammu” is the perfect stim word. It hits all the parts of your mouth.
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cleverhottubmiracle · 10 days ago
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Scent is an intimate experience. Your nose, we like to say, is the most loyal part of you, forever linking memory to emotion with every inhale. That’s why switching up your fragrance isn’t just a luxury, it’s a necessity, for creating new moments, sculpting fresh moods, and tapping into the brain’s deeply ingrained scent-memory connection. In 2025, we’ve moved past the artifice. No more one-note-differentiating-reboots, tired imitations of Robert Piguet’s Fracas, or diluted iterations of Mugler’s Angel (if you know, you know that nothing compares to the original). This year, we’re highlighting the perfumes that are the classics in the making: rich, multifaceted, unapologetically complex, and thought-provoking incantations that dare to bring unlikely aromatic fusions together. These fragrances aren’t about mimicking or amplifying a single note, they’re about creating a lasting, harmonious experience from top to base. We’ll be updating this list all year, so check back often. Because you’ll want to wear your scents with confidence, and let your fragrance do the talking—because the only thing that should be overwhelming is how good you smell.Tom Ford Beauty Bois Pacifique Eau de ParfumThis can’t-fail winter fragrance is perfect to pair with your softest cashmere coat on those chilly nights strolling about town. This scent carries hints of spicy, earthy allure—almost similar to a headier version of Chanel No. 5. With this scent, however, you have fragrant cardamom and turmeric blends, plus the deep warmth of cedar, oakwood, amber-vanilla, and olibanum, which makes it just the right amount of sexy.Jil Sander Earth Eau de ParfumMade by one of the most influential designers of the past century, Earth by Jil Sander is like if elegance had a child with the future. It kicks off with fresh, airy rose notes, then settles into the warm, earthy hug of patchouli (why should you have to choose between the two?). And because we care about the planet (and you), the alcohol in this genderless fragrance is sourced from upcycled carbon emissions, turning CO2 into a luxury ingredient. Who knew saving the world could smell this good?Chloé Atelier Des Fleurs Cedrus Intense PerfumeChloé doesn’t release a new scent every five minutes. Instead, this label creates lasting classics. The latest, Atelier des Fleurs Cedrus Intense, takes the original and cranks up the intensity in all the right ways. Fresh bergamot and cardamom lead the charge, with rose adding its signature touch for those with discerning noses. Cedar, vetiver, and sandalwood finish strong, leaving a warm trail that says, “You’ll be asking about my scent—and getting a whiff of it, too.”Gucci The Alchemist’s Garden Fiori di Neroli Eau de ParfumThis Gucci aroma whispers “Milan chic” to those who know how to sip their espresso and make an entrance down Via Montenapoleone. This beautiful brew, one of three scents to debut from Gucci’s Alchemist Garden line, features a magical composition of Italian neroli, petitgrain, and cedarwood. It’s more or less a fabulously crafted floral-woody scent that feels like a bottle of sophisticated Italian heritage.Tom Ford Beauty Fucking Fabulous Eau de ParfumTimed perfectly to awards season, the new parfum edition of Fucking Fabulous is made to complement gowns that demand a standing ovation—and red lipstick that knows it’s the star. You can’t help but think of how much fun Ford had crafting this magnetic fragrance years ago. With its commanding leather and subtle iris floral edge, this perfume certainly commands attention in the most glamorous way possible.Prada Infusion de Rhubarbe Eau de ParfumPrada’s first scent of 2025 is a literal welcome breath of fresh air in a perfume world that’s currently drowning in heavy sandalwood bases (we’ve all been quietly praying for this—grazie, Mrs. Prada). With zesty green mandarin, a crisp rhubarb heart, and a grounding base of white musk, it’s refreshing, and a viable mood lifter for the senses.Le Labo Eucalyptus 20 Eau de ParfumOkay, okay, we’ve finally found a scent we’ll actually share with our significant other. This perfume works year-round, no matter the weather—with crisp eucalyptus to kick things off, while cedarwood moments lend some depth and labdanum adds a warm, leathery vibe that sat really well on both of our skin. Frankincense and musk round it out, keeping it clean, but not in that drugstore-soap way.Clive Christian L Red Tea Vetiver Eau de ParfumClive Christian’s latest is an attractive blend of citrus, earthy rooibos tea, and a grounding base of sandalwood and musk, offering a quiet yet unmistakable air of luxury. The rooibos, with its tobacco-like fruitiness, feels more suited to my husband, because it’s bold and distinctive (I actually prefer the scent on him!).Frederic Malle Portrait of a Lady Limited Edition Eau de Parfum by Dominique RopionFirst launched in 2010, Portrait of a Lady became an instant classic in the French perfume world, its allure only growing stronger with time. Now, POAL is celebrating its 15th anniversary with a new limited-edition version, which comes in a striking red lacquered bottle brimming with the most insanely curated bouquets of Turkish roses, blackcurrant, raspberry, and patchouli. Aerin Tuberose Gardenia Eau de ParfumFor those who’ve grown weary of winter-themed perfumes that overwhelm (the patchouli can get very heavy-handed this time of year) Aerin Tuberose Gardenia is a more graceful alternative that delights and never offends. Softly feminine and effortlessly inviting, the blend of tuberose, gardenia, and vanilla whispers elegance without trying too hard. We find it perfect for leaving a lasting impression.Henry Rose Dave Eau de ParfumLet’s be honest, Michelle Pfeiffer doesn’t just settle for any scent, especially when it’s named after her husband. Dave is a warm, genderless perfume that blends neroli with vanilla, cocoa shell, and tonka bean to give an inviting gourmand feel that you’ll wear all winter. As with all of Henry Rose scents, this one is non-toxic and cruelty-free.Parfums de Marly Valaya Exclusif Eau de ParfumThis works for evenings when you want to feel a little more flavorful with your scent—but it’s also perfect for a more elegant daytime affair, if you’re the type to make an impression before 11 AM. With rich fusions of vanilla, velvety almond, and floral iterations of musk, this perfume has got just enough depth to ensure you don’t blend into the background.Dolce & Gabbana Devotion Eau de Parfum for MenThe newest scent from D&G’s Devotion line, this men’s eau de parfum is nothing short of a fragrance passport to Mediterranean warmth. Rich coffee undertones, crisp shards of Italian lemon, and the earthy depth of patchouli keep it ever so manly. One inhale and you’re no longer in your snowbound office—rather, you’re on a sun-drenched terrace, with a glass of limoncello in hand.Santa Maria Novella Incenso Eau de ParfumSanta Maria Novella fragrances have long been favorites among discerning Italians who know that a good scent is as essential as their daily cornetto. SMN’s latest launch, Incenso, starts with a sharp, resinous kick that softens over time, unfolding into something beautifully rich, complex, and aromatic. It’s definitely one of our favorite surprises this year in terms of note fusion and presentation.Phlur Golden Rule Eau de ParfumAn excellent choice for a first date scent, Golden Rule is harmonious to the nose as it is pretty, with cheery mandarin, sultry pink pepper, and velvety coconut milk. That said, it feels totally original without having to go overboard on flavors that try too hard.Aesop Aurner Eau de ParfumFor those who adore florals but want something far more unique than the usual array, Aurner by Aesop contains exotic notes of magnolia leaf, calming Roman chamomile, and a woody cedar blend that becomes a fragrant, citrusy medley. It gets more intriguing as the day passes and delightful new undertones smolder.Kindred Black Sweet Myrrh Perfume OilThe brand’s redefined classic is now presented in a limited-edition bottle that’s perfect for anyone who loves unique scents with a backstory. All of Kindred Black’s scents are crafted in micro-batches, with this one utilizing sustainably harvested myrrh resin and delicate peony, juniper, and jasmine oils. It’s a rare fragrance and beautifully captures the essence of timeless botanicals from Mother Nature. Source link
0 notes
norajworld · 10 days ago
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Scent is an intimate experience. Your nose, we like to say, is the most loyal part of you, forever linking memory to emotion with every inhale. That’s why switching up your fragrance isn’t just a luxury, it’s a necessity, for creating new moments, sculpting fresh moods, and tapping into the brain’s deeply ingrained scent-memory connection. In 2025, we’ve moved past the artifice. No more one-note-differentiating-reboots, tired imitations of Robert Piguet’s Fracas, or diluted iterations of Mugler’s Angel (if you know, you know that nothing compares to the original). This year, we’re highlighting the perfumes that are the classics in the making: rich, multifaceted, unapologetically complex, and thought-provoking incantations that dare to bring unlikely aromatic fusions together. These fragrances aren’t about mimicking or amplifying a single note, they’re about creating a lasting, harmonious experience from top to base. We’ll be updating this list all year, so check back often. Because you’ll want to wear your scents with confidence, and let your fragrance do the talking—because the only thing that should be overwhelming is how good you smell.Tom Ford Beauty Bois Pacifique Eau de ParfumThis can’t-fail winter fragrance is perfect to pair with your softest cashmere coat on those chilly nights strolling about town. This scent carries hints of spicy, earthy allure—almost similar to a headier version of Chanel No. 5. With this scent, however, you have fragrant cardamom and turmeric blends, plus the deep warmth of cedar, oakwood, amber-vanilla, and olibanum, which makes it just the right amount of sexy.Jil Sander Earth Eau de ParfumMade by one of the most influential designers of the past century, Earth by Jil Sander is like if elegance had a child with the future. It kicks off with fresh, airy rose notes, then settles into the warm, earthy hug of patchouli (why should you have to choose between the two?). And because we care about the planet (and you), the alcohol in this genderless fragrance is sourced from upcycled carbon emissions, turning CO2 into a luxury ingredient. Who knew saving the world could smell this good?Chloé Atelier Des Fleurs Cedrus Intense PerfumeChloé doesn’t release a new scent every five minutes. Instead, this label creates lasting classics. The latest, Atelier des Fleurs Cedrus Intense, takes the original and cranks up the intensity in all the right ways. Fresh bergamot and cardamom lead the charge, with rose adding its signature touch for those with discerning noses. Cedar, vetiver, and sandalwood finish strong, leaving a warm trail that says, “You’ll be asking about my scent—and getting a whiff of it, too.”Gucci The Alchemist’s Garden Fiori di Neroli Eau de ParfumThis Gucci aroma whispers “Milan chic” to those who know how to sip their espresso and make an entrance down Via Montenapoleone. This beautiful brew, one of three scents to debut from Gucci’s Alchemist Garden line, features a magical composition of Italian neroli, petitgrain, and cedarwood. It’s more or less a fabulously crafted floral-woody scent that feels like a bottle of sophisticated Italian heritage.Tom Ford Beauty Fucking Fabulous Eau de ParfumTimed perfectly to awards season, the new parfum edition of Fucking Fabulous is made to complement gowns that demand a standing ovation—and red lipstick that knows it’s the star. You can’t help but think of how much fun Ford had crafting this magnetic fragrance years ago. With its commanding leather and subtle iris floral edge, this perfume certainly commands attention in the most glamorous way possible.Prada Infusion de Rhubarbe Eau de ParfumPrada’s first scent of 2025 is a literal welcome breath of fresh air in a perfume world that’s currently drowning in heavy sandalwood bases (we’ve all been quietly praying for this—grazie, Mrs. Prada). With zesty green mandarin, a crisp rhubarb heart, and a grounding base of white musk, it’s refreshing, and a viable mood lifter for the senses.Le Labo Eucalyptus 20 Eau de ParfumOkay, okay, we’ve finally found a scent we’ll actually share with our significant other. This perfume works year-round, no matter the weather—with crisp eucalyptus to kick things off, while cedarwood moments lend some depth and labdanum adds a warm, leathery vibe that sat really well on both of our skin. Frankincense and musk round it out, keeping it clean, but not in that drugstore-soap way.Clive Christian L Red Tea Vetiver Eau de ParfumClive Christian’s latest is an attractive blend of citrus, earthy rooibos tea, and a grounding base of sandalwood and musk, offering a quiet yet unmistakable air of luxury. The rooibos, with its tobacco-like fruitiness, feels more suited to my husband, because it’s bold and distinctive (I actually prefer the scent on him!).Frederic Malle Portrait of a Lady Limited Edition Eau de Parfum by Dominique RopionFirst launched in 2010, Portrait of a Lady became an instant classic in the French perfume world, its allure only growing stronger with time. Now, POAL is celebrating its 15th anniversary with a new limited-edition version, which comes in a striking red lacquered bottle brimming with the most insanely curated bouquets of Turkish roses, blackcurrant, raspberry, and patchouli. Aerin Tuberose Gardenia Eau de ParfumFor those who’ve grown weary of winter-themed perfumes that overwhelm (the patchouli can get very heavy-handed this time of year) Aerin Tuberose Gardenia is a more graceful alternative that delights and never offends. Softly feminine and effortlessly inviting, the blend of tuberose, gardenia, and vanilla whispers elegance without trying too hard. We find it perfect for leaving a lasting impression.Henry Rose Dave Eau de ParfumLet’s be honest, Michelle Pfeiffer doesn’t just settle for any scent, especially when it’s named after her husband. Dave is a warm, genderless perfume that blends neroli with vanilla, cocoa shell, and tonka bean to give an inviting gourmand feel that you’ll wear all winter. As with all of Henry Rose scents, this one is non-toxic and cruelty-free.Parfums de Marly Valaya Exclusif Eau de ParfumThis works for evenings when you want to feel a little more flavorful with your scent—but it’s also perfect for a more elegant daytime affair, if you’re the type to make an impression before 11 AM. With rich fusions of vanilla, velvety almond, and floral iterations of musk, this perfume has got just enough depth to ensure you don’t blend into the background.Dolce & Gabbana Devotion Eau de Parfum for MenThe newest scent from D&G’s Devotion line, this men’s eau de parfum is nothing short of a fragrance passport to Mediterranean warmth. Rich coffee undertones, crisp shards of Italian lemon, and the earthy depth of patchouli keep it ever so manly. One inhale and you’re no longer in your snowbound office—rather, you’re on a sun-drenched terrace, with a glass of limoncello in hand.Santa Maria Novella Incenso Eau de ParfumSanta Maria Novella fragrances have long been favorites among discerning Italians who know that a good scent is as essential as their daily cornetto. SMN’s latest launch, Incenso, starts with a sharp, resinous kick that softens over time, unfolding into something beautifully rich, complex, and aromatic. It’s definitely one of our favorite surprises this year in terms of note fusion and presentation.Phlur Golden Rule Eau de ParfumAn excellent choice for a first date scent, Golden Rule is harmonious to the nose as it is pretty, with cheery mandarin, sultry pink pepper, and velvety coconut milk. That said, it feels totally original without having to go overboard on flavors that try too hard.Aesop Aurner Eau de ParfumFor those who adore florals but want something far more unique than the usual array, Aurner by Aesop contains exotic notes of magnolia leaf, calming Roman chamomile, and a woody cedar blend that becomes a fragrant, citrusy medley. It gets more intriguing as the day passes and delightful new undertones smolder.Kindred Black Sweet Myrrh Perfume OilThe brand’s redefined classic is now presented in a limited-edition bottle that’s perfect for anyone who loves unique scents with a backstory. All of Kindred Black’s scents are crafted in micro-batches, with this one utilizing sustainably harvested myrrh resin and delicate peony, juniper, and jasmine oils. It’s a rare fragrance and beautifully captures the essence of timeless botanicals from Mother Nature. Source link
0 notes
ellajme0 · 10 days ago
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Scent is an intimate experience. Your nose, we like to say, is the most loyal part of you, forever linking memory to emotion with every inhale. That’s why switching up your fragrance isn’t just a luxury, it’s a necessity, for creating new moments, sculpting fresh moods, and tapping into the brain’s deeply ingrained scent-memory connection. In 2025, we’ve moved past the artifice. No more one-note-differentiating-reboots, tired imitations of Robert Piguet’s Fracas, or diluted iterations of Mugler’s Angel (if you know, you know that nothing compares to the original). This year, we’re highlighting the perfumes that are the classics in the making: rich, multifaceted, unapologetically complex, and thought-provoking incantations that dare to bring unlikely aromatic fusions together. These fragrances aren’t about mimicking or amplifying a single note, they’re about creating a lasting, harmonious experience from top to base. We’ll be updating this list all year, so check back often. Because you’ll want to wear your scents with confidence, and let your fragrance do the talking—because the only thing that should be overwhelming is how good you smell.Tom Ford Beauty Bois Pacifique Eau de ParfumThis can’t-fail winter fragrance is perfect to pair with your softest cashmere coat on those chilly nights strolling about town. This scent carries hints of spicy, earthy allure—almost similar to a headier version of Chanel No. 5. With this scent, however, you have fragrant cardamom and turmeric blends, plus the deep warmth of cedar, oakwood, amber-vanilla, and olibanum, which makes it just the right amount of sexy.Jil Sander Earth Eau de ParfumMade by one of the most influential designers of the past century, Earth by Jil Sander is like if elegance had a child with the future. It kicks off with fresh, airy rose notes, then settles into the warm, earthy hug of patchouli (why should you have to choose between the two?). And because we care about the planet (and you), the alcohol in this genderless fragrance is sourced from upcycled carbon emissions, turning CO2 into a luxury ingredient. Who knew saving the world could smell this good?Chloé Atelier Des Fleurs Cedrus Intense PerfumeChloé doesn’t release a new scent every five minutes. Instead, this label creates lasting classics. The latest, Atelier des Fleurs Cedrus Intense, takes the original and cranks up the intensity in all the right ways. Fresh bergamot and cardamom lead the charge, with rose adding its signature touch for those with discerning noses. Cedar, vetiver, and sandalwood finish strong, leaving a warm trail that says, “You’ll be asking about my scent—and getting a whiff of it, too.”Gucci The Alchemist’s Garden Fiori di Neroli Eau de ParfumThis Gucci aroma whispers “Milan chic” to those who know how to sip their espresso and make an entrance down Via Montenapoleone. This beautiful brew, one of three scents to debut from Gucci’s Alchemist Garden line, features a magical composition of Italian neroli, petitgrain, and cedarwood. It’s more or less a fabulously crafted floral-woody scent that feels like a bottle of sophisticated Italian heritage.Tom Ford Beauty Fucking Fabulous Eau de ParfumTimed perfectly to awards season, the new parfum edition of Fucking Fabulous is made to complement gowns that demand a standing ovation—and red lipstick that knows it’s the star. You can’t help but think of how much fun Ford had crafting this magnetic fragrance years ago. With its commanding leather and subtle iris floral edge, this perfume certainly commands attention in the most glamorous way possible.Prada Infusion de Rhubarbe Eau de ParfumPrada’s first scent of 2025 is a literal welcome breath of fresh air in a perfume world that’s currently drowning in heavy sandalwood bases (we’ve all been quietly praying for this—grazie, Mrs. Prada). With zesty green mandarin, a crisp rhubarb heart, and a grounding base of white musk, it’s refreshing, and a viable mood lifter for the senses.Le Labo Eucalyptus 20 Eau de ParfumOkay, okay, we’ve finally found a scent we’ll actually share with our significant other. This perfume works year-round, no matter the weather—with crisp eucalyptus to kick things off, while cedarwood moments lend some depth and labdanum adds a warm, leathery vibe that sat really well on both of our skin. Frankincense and musk round it out, keeping it clean, but not in that drugstore-soap way.Clive Christian L Red Tea Vetiver Eau de ParfumClive Christian’s latest is an attractive blend of citrus, earthy rooibos tea, and a grounding base of sandalwood and musk, offering a quiet yet unmistakable air of luxury. The rooibos, with its tobacco-like fruitiness, feels more suited to my husband, because it’s bold and distinctive (I actually prefer the scent on him!).Frederic Malle Portrait of a Lady Limited Edition Eau de Parfum by Dominique RopionFirst launched in 2010, Portrait of a Lady became an instant classic in the French perfume world, its allure only growing stronger with time. Now, POAL is celebrating its 15th anniversary with a new limited-edition version, which comes in a striking red lacquered bottle brimming with the most insanely curated bouquets of Turkish roses, blackcurrant, raspberry, and patchouli. Aerin Tuberose Gardenia Eau de ParfumFor those who’ve grown weary of winter-themed perfumes that overwhelm (the patchouli can get very heavy-handed this time of year) Aerin Tuberose Gardenia is a more graceful alternative that delights and never offends. Softly feminine and effortlessly inviting, the blend of tuberose, gardenia, and vanilla whispers elegance without trying too hard. We find it perfect for leaving a lasting impression.Henry Rose Dave Eau de ParfumLet’s be honest, Michelle Pfeiffer doesn’t just settle for any scent, especially when it’s named after her husband. Dave is a warm, genderless perfume that blends neroli with vanilla, cocoa shell, and tonka bean to give an inviting gourmand feel that you’ll wear all winter. As with all of Henry Rose scents, this one is non-toxic and cruelty-free.Parfums de Marly Valaya Exclusif Eau de ParfumThis works for evenings when you want to feel a little more flavorful with your scent—but it’s also perfect for a more elegant daytime affair, if you’re the type to make an impression before 11 AM. With rich fusions of vanilla, velvety almond, and floral iterations of musk, this perfume has got just enough depth to ensure you don’t blend into the background.Dolce & Gabbana Devotion Eau de Parfum for MenThe newest scent from D&G’s Devotion line, this men’s eau de parfum is nothing short of a fragrance passport to Mediterranean warmth. Rich coffee undertones, crisp shards of Italian lemon, and the earthy depth of patchouli keep it ever so manly. One inhale and you’re no longer in your snowbound office—rather, you’re on a sun-drenched terrace, with a glass of limoncello in hand.Santa Maria Novella Incenso Eau de ParfumSanta Maria Novella fragrances have long been favorites among discerning Italians who know that a good scent is as essential as their daily cornetto. SMN’s latest launch, Incenso, starts with a sharp, resinous kick that softens over time, unfolding into something beautifully rich, complex, and aromatic. It’s definitely one of our favorite surprises this year in terms of note fusion and presentation.Phlur Golden Rule Eau de ParfumAn excellent choice for a first date scent, Golden Rule is harmonious to the nose as it is pretty, with cheery mandarin, sultry pink pepper, and velvety coconut milk. That said, it feels totally original without having to go overboard on flavors that try too hard.Aesop Aurner Eau de ParfumFor those who adore florals but want something far more unique than the usual array, Aurner by Aesop contains exotic notes of magnolia leaf, calming Roman chamomile, and a woody cedar blend that becomes a fragrant, citrusy medley. It gets more intriguing as the day passes and delightful new undertones smolder.Kindred Black Sweet Myrrh Perfume OilThe brand’s redefined classic is now presented in a limited-edition bottle that’s perfect for anyone who loves unique scents with a backstory. All of Kindred Black’s scents are crafted in micro-batches, with this one utilizing sustainably harvested myrrh resin and delicate peony, juniper, and jasmine oils. It’s a rare fragrance and beautifully captures the essence of timeless botanicals from Mother Nature. Source link
0 notes
chilimili212 · 10 days ago
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Scent is an intimate experience. Your nose, we like to say, is the most loyal part of you, forever linking memory to emotion with every inhale. That’s why switching up your fragrance isn’t just a luxury, it’s a necessity, for creating new moments, sculpting fresh moods, and tapping into the brain’s deeply ingrained scent-memory connection. In 2025, we’ve moved past the artifice. No more one-note-differentiating-reboots, tired imitations of Robert Piguet’s Fracas, or diluted iterations of Mugler’s Angel (if you know, you know that nothing compares to the original). This year, we’re highlighting the perfumes that are the classics in the making: rich, multifaceted, unapologetically complex, and thought-provoking incantations that dare to bring unlikely aromatic fusions together. These fragrances aren’t about mimicking or amplifying a single note, they’re about creating a lasting, harmonious experience from top to base. We’ll be updating this list all year, so check back often. Because you’ll want to wear your scents with confidence, and let your fragrance do the talking—because the only thing that should be overwhelming is how good you smell.Tom Ford Beauty Bois Pacifique Eau de ParfumThis can’t-fail winter fragrance is perfect to pair with your softest cashmere coat on those chilly nights strolling about town. This scent carries hints of spicy, earthy allure—almost similar to a headier version of Chanel No. 5. With this scent, however, you have fragrant cardamom and turmeric blends, plus the deep warmth of cedar, oakwood, amber-vanilla, and olibanum, which makes it just the right amount of sexy.Jil Sander Earth Eau de ParfumMade by one of the most influential designers of the past century, Earth by Jil Sander is like if elegance had a child with the future. It kicks off with fresh, airy rose notes, then settles into the warm, earthy hug of patchouli (why should you have to choose between the two?). And because we care about the planet (and you), the alcohol in this genderless fragrance is sourced from upcycled carbon emissions, turning CO2 into a luxury ingredient. Who knew saving the world could smell this good?Chloé Atelier Des Fleurs Cedrus Intense PerfumeChloé doesn’t release a new scent every five minutes. Instead, this label creates lasting classics. The latest, Atelier des Fleurs Cedrus Intense, takes the original and cranks up the intensity in all the right ways. Fresh bergamot and cardamom lead the charge, with rose adding its signature touch for those with discerning noses. Cedar, vetiver, and sandalwood finish strong, leaving a warm trail that says, “You’ll be asking about my scent—and getting a whiff of it, too.”Gucci The Alchemist’s Garden Fiori di Neroli Eau de ParfumThis Gucci aroma whispers “Milan chic” to those who know how to sip their espresso and make an entrance down Via Montenapoleone. This beautiful brew, one of three scents to debut from Gucci’s Alchemist Garden line, features a magical composition of Italian neroli, petitgrain, and cedarwood. It’s more or less a fabulously crafted floral-woody scent that feels like a bottle of sophisticated Italian heritage.Tom Ford Beauty Fucking Fabulous Eau de ParfumTimed perfectly to awards season, the new parfum edition of Fucking Fabulous is made to complement gowns that demand a standing ovation—and red lipstick that knows it’s the star. You can’t help but think of how much fun Ford had crafting this magnetic fragrance years ago. With its commanding leather and subtle iris floral edge, this perfume certainly commands attention in the most glamorous way possible.Prada Infusion de Rhubarbe Eau de ParfumPrada’s first scent of 2025 is a literal welcome breath of fresh air in a perfume world that’s currently drowning in heavy sandalwood bases (we’ve all been quietly praying for this—grazie, Mrs. Prada). With zesty green mandarin, a crisp rhubarb heart, and a grounding base of white musk, it’s refreshing, and a viable mood lifter for the senses.Le Labo Eucalyptus 20 Eau de ParfumOkay, okay, we’ve finally found a scent we’ll actually share with our significant other. This perfume works year-round, no matter the weather—with crisp eucalyptus to kick things off, while cedarwood moments lend some depth and labdanum adds a warm, leathery vibe that sat really well on both of our skin. Frankincense and musk round it out, keeping it clean, but not in that drugstore-soap way.Clive Christian L Red Tea Vetiver Eau de ParfumClive Christian’s latest is an attractive blend of citrus, earthy rooibos tea, and a grounding base of sandalwood and musk, offering a quiet yet unmistakable air of luxury. The rooibos, with its tobacco-like fruitiness, feels more suited to my husband, because it’s bold and distinctive (I actually prefer the scent on him!).Frederic Malle Portrait of a Lady Limited Edition Eau de Parfum by Dominique RopionFirst launched in 2010, Portrait of a Lady became an instant classic in the French perfume world, its allure only growing stronger with time. Now, POAL is celebrating its 15th anniversary with a new limited-edition version, which comes in a striking red lacquered bottle brimming with the most insanely curated bouquets of Turkish roses, blackcurrant, raspberry, and patchouli. Aerin Tuberose Gardenia Eau de ParfumFor those who’ve grown weary of winter-themed perfumes that overwhelm (the patchouli can get very heavy-handed this time of year) Aerin Tuberose Gardenia is a more graceful alternative that delights and never offends. Softly feminine and effortlessly inviting, the blend of tuberose, gardenia, and vanilla whispers elegance without trying too hard. We find it perfect for leaving a lasting impression.Henry Rose Dave Eau de ParfumLet’s be honest, Michelle Pfeiffer doesn’t just settle for any scent, especially when it’s named after her husband. Dave is a warm, genderless perfume that blends neroli with vanilla, cocoa shell, and tonka bean to give an inviting gourmand feel that you’ll wear all winter. As with all of Henry Rose scents, this one is non-toxic and cruelty-free.Parfums de Marly Valaya Exclusif Eau de ParfumThis works for evenings when you want to feel a little more flavorful with your scent—but it’s also perfect for a more elegant daytime affair, if you’re the type to make an impression before 11 AM. With rich fusions of vanilla, velvety almond, and floral iterations of musk, this perfume has got just enough depth to ensure you don’t blend into the background.Dolce & Gabbana Devotion Eau de Parfum for MenThe newest scent from D&G’s Devotion line, this men’s eau de parfum is nothing short of a fragrance passport to Mediterranean warmth. Rich coffee undertones, crisp shards of Italian lemon, and the earthy depth of patchouli keep it ever so manly. One inhale and you’re no longer in your snowbound office—rather, you’re on a sun-drenched terrace, with a glass of limoncello in hand.Santa Maria Novella Incenso Eau de ParfumSanta Maria Novella fragrances have long been favorites among discerning Italians who know that a good scent is as essential as their daily cornetto. SMN’s latest launch, Incenso, starts with a sharp, resinous kick that softens over time, unfolding into something beautifully rich, complex, and aromatic. It’s definitely one of our favorite surprises this year in terms of note fusion and presentation.Phlur Golden Rule Eau de ParfumAn excellent choice for a first date scent, Golden Rule is harmonious to the nose as it is pretty, with cheery mandarin, sultry pink pepper, and velvety coconut milk. That said, it feels totally original without having to go overboard on flavors that try too hard.Aesop Aurner Eau de ParfumFor those who adore florals but want something far more unique than the usual array, Aurner by Aesop contains exotic notes of magnolia leaf, calming Roman chamomile, and a woody cedar blend that becomes a fragrant, citrusy medley. It gets more intriguing as the day passes and delightful new undertones smolder.Kindred Black Sweet Myrrh Perfume OilThe brand’s redefined classic is now presented in a limited-edition bottle that’s perfect for anyone who loves unique scents with a backstory. All of Kindred Black’s scents are crafted in micro-batches, with this one utilizing sustainably harvested myrrh resin and delicate peony, juniper, and jasmine oils. It’s a rare fragrance and beautifully captures the essence of timeless botanicals from Mother Nature. Source link
0 notes
oliviajoyice21 · 10 days ago
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Scent is an intimate experience. Your nose, we like to say, is the most loyal part of you, forever linking memory to emotion with every inhale. That’s why switching up your fragrance isn’t just a luxury, it’s a necessity, for creating new moments, sculpting fresh moods, and tapping into the brain’s deeply ingrained scent-memory connection. In 2025, we’ve moved past the artifice. No more one-note-differentiating-reboots, tired imitations of Robert Piguet’s Fracas, or diluted iterations of Mugler’s Angel (if you know, you know that nothing compares to the original). This year, we’re highlighting the perfumes that are the classics in the making: rich, multifaceted, unapologetically complex, and thought-provoking incantations that dare to bring unlikely aromatic fusions together. These fragrances aren’t about mimicking or amplifying a single note, they’re about creating a lasting, harmonious experience from top to base. We’ll be updating this list all year, so check back often. Because you’ll want to wear your scents with confidence, and let your fragrance do the talking—because the only thing that should be overwhelming is how good you smell.Tom Ford Beauty Bois Pacifique Eau de ParfumThis can’t-fail winter fragrance is perfect to pair with your softest cashmere coat on those chilly nights strolling about town. This scent carries hints of spicy, earthy allure—almost similar to a headier version of Chanel No. 5. With this scent, however, you have fragrant cardamom and turmeric blends, plus the deep warmth of cedar, oakwood, amber-vanilla, and olibanum, which makes it just the right amount of sexy.Jil Sander Earth Eau de ParfumMade by one of the most influential designers of the past century, Earth by Jil Sander is like if elegance had a child with the future. It kicks off with fresh, airy rose notes, then settles into the warm, earthy hug of patchouli (why should you have to choose between the two?). And because we care about the planet (and you), the alcohol in this genderless fragrance is sourced from upcycled carbon emissions, turning CO2 into a luxury ingredient. Who knew saving the world could smell this good?Chloé Atelier Des Fleurs Cedrus Intense PerfumeChloé doesn’t release a new scent every five minutes. Instead, this label creates lasting classics. The latest, Atelier des Fleurs Cedrus Intense, takes the original and cranks up the intensity in all the right ways. Fresh bergamot and cardamom lead the charge, with rose adding its signature touch for those with discerning noses. Cedar, vetiver, and sandalwood finish strong, leaving a warm trail that says, “You’ll be asking about my scent—and getting a whiff of it, too.”Gucci The Alchemist’s Garden Fiori di Neroli Eau de ParfumThis Gucci aroma whispers “Milan chic” to those who know how to sip their espresso and make an entrance down Via Montenapoleone. This beautiful brew, one of three scents to debut from Gucci’s Alchemist Garden line, features a magical composition of Italian neroli, petitgrain, and cedarwood. It’s more or less a fabulously crafted floral-woody scent that feels like a bottle of sophisticated Italian heritage.Tom Ford Beauty Fucking Fabulous Eau de ParfumTimed perfectly to awards season, the new parfum edition of Fucking Fabulous is made to complement gowns that demand a standing ovation—and red lipstick that knows it’s the star. You can’t help but think of how much fun Ford had crafting this magnetic fragrance years ago. With its commanding leather and subtle iris floral edge, this perfume certainly commands attention in the most glamorous way possible.Prada Infusion de Rhubarbe Eau de ParfumPrada’s first scent of 2025 is a literal welcome breath of fresh air in a perfume world that’s currently drowning in heavy sandalwood bases (we’ve all been quietly praying for this—grazie, Mrs. Prada). With zesty green mandarin, a crisp rhubarb heart, and a grounding base of white musk, it’s refreshing, and a viable mood lifter for the senses.Le Labo Eucalyptus 20 Eau de ParfumOkay, okay, we’ve finally found a scent we’ll actually share with our significant other. This perfume works year-round, no matter the weather—with crisp eucalyptus to kick things off, while cedarwood moments lend some depth and labdanum adds a warm, leathery vibe that sat really well on both of our skin. Frankincense and musk round it out, keeping it clean, but not in that drugstore-soap way.Clive Christian L Red Tea Vetiver Eau de ParfumClive Christian’s latest is an attractive blend of citrus, earthy rooibos tea, and a grounding base of sandalwood and musk, offering a quiet yet unmistakable air of luxury. The rooibos, with its tobacco-like fruitiness, feels more suited to my husband, because it’s bold and distinctive (I actually prefer the scent on him!).Frederic Malle Portrait of a Lady Limited Edition Eau de Parfum by Dominique RopionFirst launched in 2010, Portrait of a Lady became an instant classic in the French perfume world, its allure only growing stronger with time. Now, POAL is celebrating its 15th anniversary with a new limited-edition version, which comes in a striking red lacquered bottle brimming with the most insanely curated bouquets of Turkish roses, blackcurrant, raspberry, and patchouli. Aerin Tuberose Gardenia Eau de ParfumFor those who’ve grown weary of winter-themed perfumes that overwhelm (the patchouli can get very heavy-handed this time of year) Aerin Tuberose Gardenia is a more graceful alternative that delights and never offends. Softly feminine and effortlessly inviting, the blend of tuberose, gardenia, and vanilla whispers elegance without trying too hard. We find it perfect for leaving a lasting impression.Henry Rose Dave Eau de ParfumLet’s be honest, Michelle Pfeiffer doesn’t just settle for any scent, especially when it’s named after her husband. Dave is a warm, genderless perfume that blends neroli with vanilla, cocoa shell, and tonka bean to give an inviting gourmand feel that you’ll wear all winter. As with all of Henry Rose scents, this one is non-toxic and cruelty-free.Parfums de Marly Valaya Exclusif Eau de ParfumThis works for evenings when you want to feel a little more flavorful with your scent—but it’s also perfect for a more elegant daytime affair, if you’re the type to make an impression before 11 AM. With rich fusions of vanilla, velvety almond, and floral iterations of musk, this perfume has got just enough depth to ensure you don’t blend into the background.Dolce & Gabbana Devotion Eau de Parfum for MenThe newest scent from D&G’s Devotion line, this men’s eau de parfum is nothing short of a fragrance passport to Mediterranean warmth. Rich coffee undertones, crisp shards of Italian lemon, and the earthy depth of patchouli keep it ever so manly. One inhale and you’re no longer in your snowbound office—rather, you’re on a sun-drenched terrace, with a glass of limoncello in hand.Santa Maria Novella Incenso Eau de ParfumSanta Maria Novella fragrances have long been favorites among discerning Italians who know that a good scent is as essential as their daily cornetto. SMN’s latest launch, Incenso, starts with a sharp, resinous kick that softens over time, unfolding into something beautifully rich, complex, and aromatic. It’s definitely one of our favorite surprises this year in terms of note fusion and presentation.Phlur Golden Rule Eau de ParfumAn excellent choice for a first date scent, Golden Rule is harmonious to the nose as it is pretty, with cheery mandarin, sultry pink pepper, and velvety coconut milk. That said, it feels totally original without having to go overboard on flavors that try too hard.Aesop Aurner Eau de ParfumFor those who adore florals but want something far more unique than the usual array, Aurner by Aesop contains exotic notes of magnolia leaf, calming Roman chamomile, and a woody cedar blend that becomes a fragrant, citrusy medley. It gets more intriguing as the day passes and delightful new undertones smolder.Kindred Black Sweet Myrrh Perfume OilThe brand’s redefined classic is now presented in a limited-edition bottle that’s perfect for anyone who loves unique scents with a backstory. All of Kindred Black’s scents are crafted in micro-batches, with this one utilizing sustainably harvested myrrh resin and delicate peony, juniper, and jasmine oils. It’s a rare fragrance and beautifully captures the essence of timeless botanicals from Mother Nature. Source link
0 notes
nityarawal · 1 year ago
Cyber Girl
Afternoon Songs
Got A Prompt From Elon
"I'm A Cyber Girl Living
In A Cyber World,"
"Perfect!" - Cybergirl
"It's Fantastic
In The Future
There's No Plastic!"
But We Worry
Where The Cyber Junk
Goes In Space
And If AI
Is Cheatin'
Duplicate Us If You
Want To
But You'll Have To Pay
Nothing Is Free,
"It's Fantastic
In The Future 
There's No Plastic!"
We Need Tesla
To Get Our Kids
And Coffee Now
Just A Sweet 
Memory in A 
Vintage Roadster
Keeps Us Going
Since 2016
Elon Clause
That's Written
A Musical
Coming Next
Made Me Barf
Is It Too Racist 
To Say 
Merry Christmas
Elon Ken
And Add A Hug
To Your X
Space X
"It's Fantastic 
In The Future
There's No Plastic,"
Just Bit Coin
Don't Have To Deal 
With Lying Bankers
Or BBVA AI Scams
Rewind AI
Fast Forward
Demands Ringo
And 8 Billion
Po Paid
Triple A
Wells Fargo
Facebook Out
Queen's Move
Cybergals In The Future
Could Be Really Happy
It's True
But Earthlings
Om Namah Shivaya
With Kids
Will Want A Planet
Like Mother Earth
4 Seasons
5 Elements
Do You Think Mars
Could Ever Do
We Want Saint Elon
For Hosts
What'd You Do
Cyber Gal
In Vegas
Is It True 
You Have A New 
Robot Girlfriend
What'd You Do
With Cybergal
In Vegas
Did Elvis Marry You
Did You Choose
Her Because She
Needs No Oxygen
No Temperature
She's A Perfect 
Sex Toy
But Can We Trust
Will Their Be Armies
Of Them
Mars Full Of Naked
Cyber Gals
How Can We Compete
With That
We Might Visit
Our Kids
Disney Trip To Mars
If It Became
Shooting Rockets
Need Cybertrucks
Vote With Their
For AI Dreamers
White Lace
You'll See
Will Sell Their
Cyber Homes
All Day Long On X
Cyber Moms
Cyber Realtors
Will Want 
Their Cyber Kids
And If You Clone
Us Good
You Can Have A
Harem Of Lovely
We Heard You
If You Want A
Deliver A Cybertruck 
Get News 
On Our Space X
They Appear
Sold Out
To Tesla
And Space X
C'Mon Elon
Let's Go Party
Get Our Kids
Let's Peace Out
Gonna Give Me A 
New Download
Make Me Feel Fantastic
Heal Us Elon
Boys Want To Be 
Like You
Saint Elon
Learn Mindfulness
Relaxed Laughing
Loved PayPal 
They Kicked
Me Off
For Billing
Lead Handymen
F'ing With My Business
What The "F"
Cyber Elon
Can't We Say that 
For Good Measure
When BBVA Silences
Denies Bank Records
And Pfizer
In Pitzburgh
Calls Back
For PPNC Fraud
Is In Order
With Real Tesla
Gals That Can
Full Disclosures
Non- Violent Communication
Stockholm Syndrome 
For A Reason
Get Spotify
Yet America
Hands Molded Over
22.7 Million
In Government
Carve Back Their 
Is It Hateful
We Don't Really 
Think So
Let Them
Enjoy Kim
Kardashians Nipples
Party Favors
You can Guap
To Mars
Like Marshall Rosenburg
Aspire To
With Peace
Change Programming
Release Spike Proteins
Like Acne
Turn Pyramid
Upside Down
With Joe Rogan
Balance Blood Sugar
In A Heart Beat
Dr. Musk
Worthy Remedies
Super Intelligent
Clean And Healthy
Limbic System
Says Elon Ken
At Court
Oh No
Do Not Woe
Tesla AI To
To Crunch 
Just A Liquidating
In 5 Minutes
Or Less
But Best
Part Is She Looks
Like #FreeBritney
With Big Dividends
And Services 
Customer Service
Without Getting
Hung Up On
Told Off
Sold Out
By Law Offencement
Teslas Eyes Might
Get Wide Like
But Sticks And Stones
Won't Break 
Her Bones
And Hopefully She'll 
Coach You
Back To Peace
We Don't Feel You 
Need A Neurolink
Only 52 
Sexy Elder Now
Than College 
Maybe It's
The Consumerism
Bean Counting
In Leu Of
That Makes Us
5 Wives
5 Lives
5 Elons
5 Cloned Husband's
Prude in Pride
A Possibility
Nitya Nella Davigo Azam Moezzi Huntley Rawal 
0 notes
witchofthesouls · 2 years ago
I get bit often by weird AUs, so NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA (you’re now) BATMOBILE!
… With the deaged Drift, Rodimus, and Megatron scenario.
You had thought you’d seen everything chaotic and absolutely batshit crazy. You’re on a giant spaceship with a crew of giant metal aliens searching for their version of the King Arthur’s Round Table, you had been given a major size increase that would either seen you worshiped or demonized in Earth’s ancient eras, two badass alien geniuses built you a sci-fi suit that would made all the space nerds weep and be the greatest wet dream/most nightmare fuel by Earth's militaries, and you’re the current caretaker of a sort-of-maybe prophet of a slumbering god who’s impulsive frat-boy doing his Best, a genocidal warlord with a heel-turn, and an ass-kicking spiritual guru with a bloody history of a hitman… that all deaged to metal toddlers.
You absolutely, for-sure, had cursed yourself with famous last words and some terrible spirit or god took it upon themselves to amp it up to another level.
Actually you can blame Rung since you, him, and the kids decided to visit a local temple when docked on a mechanical-friendly planet to refuel. It warms your heart that Megatron no longer is frightened by the open sky and Drift can tolerate people milling around them. Watching the kids interact with the icons of the triad deities of warcraft, justice, and hearth made you wish that you could have more time when you and Rung had a discussion on the mythos with a priestess as well as the Uncomfortable Truth of a human, no matter the size, lifespan is a hiccup compared to a Cybertronian..
Realistically, you know you’re on time-limit. All things die eventually, but Cybertronians have a better warranty than the standard human, even a giant one.
You went to bed in your pajamas, kissing the boys good night as they climbed onto the mattress, freshly cleaned and ready for cuddles before nodding off. Drift drooling on his favorite chewtoy in his corner, Roddy wiggled his way to his way to your side with Megs on the opposite.
You wake up, thinking that Megatron had placed your suit’s visor back on your face, but no, it’s your own, very improved vision. You understood that when you turn to look at the kids and immediately see text scroll across your zooming sight, especially as the HUD cheerily pings about Drift’s appointment in the medbay and if you would like to confirm it now.
You’re screaming. The kids are screaming. Drift bolts in a red and white streak for his hardest-to-reach hidey hole. Megatron and Rodimus pushed themselves deep into the closet, knocking down boxes, and scattering your shoes, their toys, and extra office supplies.
In your blind panic, your new vents close off and causes to overheat and crash into stasis in your rushed attempt to comm Ratchet with the communicator on the sidetable..
You wake up in the medbay. Again. Since Ratchet had actually barged his way into your rooms, breaking the door, when he could only hear muffled crying and terrified chirps and squeaks.
Megatron and Rodimus went with the medic with very little prompting, too frightened and subdued at another upheaval.
Ambulon had to fish out Drift with protective gear on his servos and forearm. Even with his own thick plating, the little racecar is still very much like a feral raccoon. Drift can and will attack mecha’s vulnerable parts and knows how to exactly bite down into hidden seams.
Of course, you also freak out because you can’t move since the immobilization assistance was used since they don’t know Mecha-You, only Human-You, and your human self is gone.
This lead to many, many tears, mainly you and quite a few from the kids, and soooo many questions. (Ratchet is too damn tired for these kinds of miracles. Like the fresh Pit is this? This was supposed to be his retirement send-off!)
If you thought that your giant form was big, then you’re goddamn titan now. It’s a bizarre feeling to tilt your head down when you’re speaking to Ratchet now as well as the majority of the Lost Light. With the strength to match as well.
Not only you can easily pick up the kids, all of them, in just one arm, you can easily heft up the mini-bots and throw them. You can fireman carry Ambulon now. Ambulon. As in the mech whose alt-mode is a fucking solid leg of pure metal and little else to support a combat gestalt of equally solid limbs.
It’s a learning curve on many levels. You can’t squeeze or shimmy your way across a horde of mecha, you don’t have hair anymore so it’s off-putting whenever you try to brush it out of the way and it’s none existent, EM fields are a mix of control and instinctiveness, it’s hard for you to level it “appropriately” when the most you can do is go-all-out (which disgruntles a lot of mechs but delights Tailgate) or tamp it completely down (which also disgruntles mechs).
All the kids can now ride on your new frame. Usually Roddy and Drift claims your shoulders while Megatron latches to your back.
One major upside is that the new body comes with a supercomputer brain. Not only your own mind stores all of your music library and podcasts, but you can literally download language primers, cheat-sheets, and instructions into said brain. The downside: Raging headaches from unifying your current life experience with the immediate access of acquired knowledge by a download chip.
It forces you to turn off all the lights, dull your auditory senses, and do a impromptu nap-time with the kids, but the tradeoff is never to be absolutely bamboozled by complicated, multi-paged instruction manuals and picking up dialects ridiculous fast, even when muddling through it.
Language is a different thing. While you can breeze through the Cybertronian scripts (You're not surprised that even advance aliens have the same ridiculous tropes in their steamy romance books. The virginal priest/naive soldier with a horn-dog Prime/High Guardian is really popular And the old classic barbarian/city-dweller trope..) 
You already knew that Roddy is an absolute chatterbox, but it still takes you back that the squeaks and shrill notes are real words. Sometimes it’s easier to puzzle out what’s he’s saying with the mash of subglyphs he attached, sometimes you’re still very, very lost. Unfortunately, you don’t have a handy primer for the Nylon dialect, but it seems like Rodimus had a few caretakers from other cities: Iacon, Tarn, and Kalis.
Megatron doesn’t really speak. At least not with full words. The noises he makes are akin to emotionally-charged babble. Ratchet said he’ll expand his vocabulary eventually.
Drift is very basic. Monosyllabic words with bursts of sharp emphasis. Sometimes his hisses are just hisses.
You treat your armor as if it's clothes. You take off the layers of plating inside the comfort of your habsuite. And it’s a lot of plating. Heavy as well due to its density. Apparently, it’s not even the maximum weight of your frame-schematics, so you could load yourself up with all the pretty gadgets you want. In fact- (Brainstorm had to duck, cover, and run at that point since Ratchet threw quite a few wrenches to get the mad scientist out.)
Dark. Everything about your new body is absolutely dark. From helm to pedes to fingertips. Various shades of black. The only things that are visibly bright is your biolights and your newfound optics: white.
Even without the armature, you’re buff. Built like a brick shithouse, is what you are now.
You have no idea where the hell are the weapons systems, especially when you stare at all of the plating. You definitely one or several. And some sort of flight system since Skids had spooked you so bad that you launched yourself to the ceiling to find out that you also have some powerful magnets as well.
Maybe it’s because you can see the shape of your face in the mirror: the familiar smile, the curves of your lips and nose, the outline of your optics. It’s still you.
You also get taught that care and maintenance for adult frames are different from bitlets. Every now and then, adults should strip off their plating for a deep clean and a protoform check. Bitties, with their frames still developing, aren’t able to “take off” their armor since its securely attached to their protoform. It’s removable when they reach the mechling stage (adolescence).
There’s no privacy with your barnacle of a sunflower-miner. But he’s always happy to hop into the shower. Whereas the racecars would splash and roll around on the wet floor, you couldn’t figure out why Megatron would try to drag your clothes into the water. Seeing him happily wiping down one of the chest plates with a cleaning rag, it makes more sense now…
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tobitofunction · 3 years ago
Oh Baby Part 10
already at part 10 damm and it’s not even close to finishing as I kinda want to add post-pregnancy stuff but I will worry about that when it’s time for it
Training Camp time
Part11 part12 part13 part 14 part15 part16 part17 part18
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You and Daichi walked into the Gym and saw a tiny blond girl looking around crazily.” Hey you okay?” you asked as Daichi excused himself to get changed, the girl turned around, her eyes widen,” The pregnant cheerleader I knocked over” she cried,” Y/N” you said,” You must be the new manager Kiyoko talked about?” she hesitantly nodded,” I’m Yachi, 1st year Class Five” she said bowing in a 90-degree angle,” Nice to meet you, our boys are nice but they can sometimes hard to handle” you said,” Mostly our best players” you said.” Hey it’s you again” Ukai said from behind you making her jump,” Ahh the murder, please don’t eat me, I don’t want to steal your girl,” she said hiding behind you,” Huh? My girl? I’m just the coach,” he said awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck,” I’m so sorry” she squeaked falling to her knees to apologise, you and Ukai exchanged looks before shrugging.
A couple of weeks late you were on your way to Tokyo, you sat beside Daichi who had his hand on your thigh rubbing it gently,” If you want to continue sleeping my shoulder is here for the service” he smiled kissing your temple,” I take you up on that offer” you smiled cuddling into his side more before closing your eyes.” Hey Daichi, how are things with the baby?” Suga said,” Good, currently cleaning up the storage room so we can put the stuff for the baby there. Whose is in good health” Daichi answered,” Good to hear that my god-son is healthy” Suga smiled,” Your god-son? Excuse me but we all know that I will be god-father and the best one which ever walked on planet Earth” Tanaka said,” No that will be me” Noya said jabbing his finger into Tanaka’s ribcage,” Excuse me but I’m Daichi’s best friend since 1st year and I was the first to find out about him, so of course, I will the god-father” Suga said with a smug grin,” We shouldn’t fight about who is God-father, it’s Daichi’s decision” Asahi said softly,” And Daichi said it was me, so all of you can shut up” Suga hissed,” You all can be Uncle, now everyone SHUT UP” you hissed before going back to cuddling Daichi,” Well I will be the favourite Uncle” Noya said which started another argument.
“Tokyo is cold,” you said hugging yourself,” It be warmer in the Gym,” Daichi said wrapping his arm around you,” He hasn’t kicked yet or?” Daichi asked with his hand on your belly,” Nope but you be the first… well second to find out”,” Second?” Daichi asked,” After me of course” you laughed making him smile. “I don’t see the wonder duo with you?” Kuroo said walking up to the two of you,” They have extra classes, they didn’t pass a couple of classes” Daichi said, Kuroo scoffed, his eyes wandering towards you,” Your pregnant. Was the sex so good?” he asked with a smirk,” Something you probably can’t relate to” you said making his smirk drop,” Hey, it was a joke” he said, as you walked past him to join Kiyoko and Yachi,” You have 3 now” Yamamoto's voice said in front of you,” One is sexy, one sporty and one is cute. What a perfect combination” he added,” This is the perfection of going to Karasuno” Tanaka boosted, Kiyoko and you exchange looks before rolling your eyes and guiding Yachi away from them.
Throughout the session, the different clubs took a turn to stare at you or more your belly as it became quite warm in the gym so you took off your jacket revealing your white undershirt which is tighter than the jacket,” If you keep staring, I will start charging for it” you snapped making everyone who was staring quickly look away. Daichi meanwhile his punishment for losing the game alongside his teammates, “maybe take y/n out as she literally being looked out like an animal in a zoo and before she murders them” Suga whispered making Daichi nod,” Babe, let’s get out for a sec hmm?” he said wrapping his arms your waist grabbing your jacket on your way out,” Don’t mind them, it might be normal for us now but it still weird for other people” he said kissing your forehead gently,” I love you” he said softly,” I love you too” you pecked his lips,” And you guys suck at the moment” you added making him scoff,” I know but one day we will win” he said,” Well you already won the award for the best Boyfriend and Dad” you said snuggling into his warm chest,” Hey love birds, get back inside you have another game to play” Ukai said from the door,” Y/N, want to help us cut up Watermelon? It’s for the boys during the break” Kiyoko asked, at her side where the managers from the other teams,” Yachi is going to stay here and keep an eye on our boys” she added making you nod,” Sure, as I have a couple of eyes back on me” you said, turning around to see a lanky boy on the Nekoma team stare at you,” That’s Lev, he joined recently” Kiyoko said,” Is he a first-year?”,” Yep, pretty tall but doesn't have much coordination according to Ukai” she added,” Let’s go”.
You were cutting the watermelon when Fukurōdani Academy manager Yuki Shirofuku began talking to you,” How is it being pregnant in High School?” she said looking at you,” Not ideal, I get started at 24/7 like I’m some animal in the zoo and even got whispered behind my back”,” I did hear whispered from the other team, mostly from their managers but also from the players not from Fukurōdani as we have better things to worry about, like Bokuto not going into his emo mod” she said with a shrug,” So no judgment?” you lifted a brow,” What is that going to do? It already happened and I’m a stranger who isn’t affected by this in the slightest. So why on earth should I care what other people are doing? So long it doesn’t hurt anyone, it’s not of my concern” she shrugged,” You aren’t planning to take over Japan with the baby?” she teased,” No, and even if I wouldn’t be telling anyone that” you teased back making her and Kiyoko chuckle,” I was worried that you were exposing our plan there Y/N” Kiyoko added,” Me never, do I look like Tanaka to you?” you said making her laugh.
You handed out the watermelon to the Karasuno boys,” If you feel harassed Y/N, tell us, we beat them up for you” Tanaka said,” We protect our precessions managers and medics” Noya said with a mouth full of watermelon,” Thanks boys but I rather not as it won’t be needed, I can handle myself” you said patting Noya’s hair making him blush,” Me next” Tanaka said with big eyes,” Only this once” you said patting his buzzcut. You then settled next to Daichi with the one leftover watermelon,” Refreshing?” you asked making him nod as he just took a bit from the watermelon,” How are you feeling?”,” Good, my feet hurt though” you said,” Well after training is finished I give you a massage then, they also have bath’s here, that will probably suit your muscle pain” he said rubbing your back,” Sounds perfect actually” you said leaning against Daichi.
You were preparing yourself for bed, Kiyoko and Yachi was setting up her mattress beside you with Yuki and Kaori Fukurōdani other manager and Eri from Ubuawa the other team manager lives close by and that’s why she didn’t feel a need to stay,” Eri, why are you acting like Y/N is poisonous? She’s pregnant not radioactive” Yuki said making the girl jump,” Sorry, it’s just my parents told me if a girl gets pregnant young, she's up to no good,” she said quietly,” Well our Y/N is quite the opposite, she has been with the team since her first year, I mean like three weeks into her school year, she caught our now Captain’s eyes and made her part of the team, being pregnant doesn’t make her bad person, it was an accident which could even happen to adults,” Kiyoko said calmly,” I thought the same at first but Y/N is very nice and helps a lot with understanding Volleyball and she can control the boys sometimes better Kiyoko or the adults” Yachi added softly,” I understand how it looks but Daichi and I were protected while we were doing it but condoms aren’t always safe, I did regret at the start but now I’m looking forward to my baby, it’s a boy and I know it will be hard but I manage as I have Daichi and his family behind me,” you said before getting into your sleeping bag,”I’m sorry for being weird, it’s just-”,” It’s fine, you weren’t the worse experience I had” you smiled as Eri laid down beside of you,”Good night guys” you said.
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batmanisagatewaydrug · 3 years ago
book poll #4
what's up gamers, the previous reading poll was a smashing success - Fonda Lee's Jade City kicks ass, and I'm really looking forward to reading the rest of the Green Bone Saga.
while I'll probably be alternating reading the Green Bones with rereading the first two books of the Locked Tomb in anticipation of Nona the Ninth, there's definitely room in my life for something that's not a doorstopper fantasy series. or maybe there won't be until after Nona comes out, idk - I'll get there eventually!
this time around the options all fall more into the literary fiction category, and as always I'd be perfectly happy if any of them won - that's why they're in the poll. the rules are as usual: please only vote once, do not use this as an opportunity to recommend some completely unrelated fifth book, and if anyone tries to explain to me why any of these are Bad, Actually, and shouldn't be read, then that book wins by default. poll will stay open until there are 69 votes or I get bored, whichever comes first.
now, let's meet our contestants!
#1. Earthlings (Sayaka Murata)
As a child, Natsuki doesn’t fit into her family. Her parents favor her sister, and her best friend is a plush toy hedgehog named Piyyut who has explained to her that he has come from the planet Popinpobopia on a special quest to help her save the Earth. Each summer, Natsuki counts down the days until her family drives into the mountains of Nagano to visit her grandparents in their wooden house in the forest, a place that couldn’t be more different from her grey commuter town. One summer, her cousin Yuu confides to Natsuki that he is an extraterrestrial and that every night he searches the sky for the spaceship that might take him back to his home planet. Natsuki wonders if she might be an alien too. Back in her city home, Natsuki is scolded or ignored and even preyed upon by a young teacher at her cram school. As she grows up in a hostile, violent world, she consoles herself with memories of her time with Yuu and discovers a surprisingly potent inner power. Natsuki seems forced to fit into a society she deems a “baby factory” but even as a married woman she wonders if there is more to this world than the mundane reality everyone else seems to accept. The answers are out there, and Natsuki has the power to find them. (x)
#2. The Memory Police (Yoko Ogawa)
On an unnamed island, objects are disappearing: first hats, then ribbons, birds, roses. . . . Most of the inhabitants are oblivious to these changes, while those few able to recall the lost objects live in fear of the draconian Memory Police, who are committed to ensuring that what has disappeared remains forgotten. When a young writer discovers that her editor is in danger, she concocts a plan to hide him beneath her floorboards, and together they cling to her writing as the last way of preserving the past. Powerful and provocative, The Memory Police is a stunning novel about the trauma of loss. (x)
#3. The Vanishing Half (Brit Bennett)
The Vignes twin sisters will always be identical. But after growing up together in a small, southern black community and running away at age sixteen, it's not just the shape of their daily lives that is different as adults, it's everything: their families, their communities, their racial identities. Many years later, one sister lives with her black daughter in the same southern town she once tried to escape. The other secretly passes for white, and her white husband knows nothing of her past. Still, even separated by so many miles and just as many lies, the fates of the twins remain intertwined. What will happen to the next generation, when their own daughters' storylines intersect? (x)
#4. Blue-Skinned Gods (SJ Sindu)
In Tamil Nadu, India, a boy is born with blue skin. His father sets up an ashram, and the family makes a living off of the pilgrims who seek the child’s blessings and miracles, believing young Kalki to be the tenth human incarnation of the Hindu god Vishnu. In Kalki’s tenth year, he is confronted with three trials that will test his power and prove his divine status and, his father tells him, spread his fame worldwide. While he seems to pass them, Kalki begins to question his divinity. Over the next decade, his family unravels, and every relationship he relied on—father, mother, aunt, uncle, cousin—starts falling apart. (x)
alright go go go, vote vote vote! democracy!
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nerdwriting · 3 years ago
The Creative Directors Behind Fate: The Winx Saga Must Not Be K-Pop Fans
Also, they have a pretty wrong idea of the role fashion should play in a show.
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There are a few words that will stand out across most reviews of Netflix's Fate: The Winx Saga - drab, boring, flop, flat, unimaginative. Critics and audiences consensus is that the show is not only a mediocre-at-best story, but also an atrocious (and ultimately confusing) choice of adaptation of the color pop and fairy magic cartoon it’s based on, 2004 italian cartoon Winx Club.
Fate has plenty of it's own issues - white washing and erasing characters, cringey dialogue, outdated melodrama, etc. But where it truly, unequivocally fails is as an adaptation. Fate misses everything that was magical and lovable about the original series, in all levels, from bizarre writing choices, - such as never actually developing any sense of friendship between the characters, who are based on a cartoon about…..a group…….of friends -, but it's especially and immediately felt in the art direction and costume design.
Winx Club is set on a fantastical world, Magix, where each of our main characters hail from a different planet, à la Sailor Moon. Alfea, the fairy school they attend, is the most common background: a pastel colored, futuristic high tech-meets-fantasy, art nouveau inspired castle. Alfea sets the tone for the whole visual of the cartoon: bright, colorful, futuristic meets vintage, leaning into the technological positivism of the Y2K style, uniting it with magic, DnD worthy monsters and, of course, fairy wings. Often featured are also the Red Fountain school, where the Specialists train, and especially Cloud Tower, the goth and gothic inspired witch school Alfea has an OxBridge rivalry with (How cool would that be in a live action? I guess we’ll never know…).
On Fate, Alfea is the only school we ever see, and it’s another beige boarding school in not-Britain, somehow set in a magical world where everyone has the exact same technology and even social media that we have on Earth in 2021, no transformations and, most egregiously, no fairy wings.
This lack of visual creativity is pervasive throughout the whole show, and its most heartbreaking iteration is in the characters' wardrobe. The styling has the barest bones of a color scheme, - such as 'Bloom has to only dress in red since fire, duh',- the clothes are ill fitting, bland, dark and very dated. These are supposed to be teenagers who enjoy fashion, and yet they look like varying types of soccer moms from 2010.
The series seems to operate on an old and tired vision that women and girls can’t have depth and have adventures and fight monsters while also caring about fashion, a vision that the original show played a big, big role in challenging in the early 2000's. Fashion and costume design sets as much of the tone of a visual medium as the script does; through clothes we can gauge characters’ backgrounds, passions, and personality.
Winx Club has some of the best examples of this in the cartoon sphere - Bloom’s comfortable and bright style, Stella’s glitzy and bold, Musa’s edgy and cool, Aisha’s sporty and fun, Techna’s neon and tech gear inspired, Flora’s earthy and romantic, they all work as extensions of each character and serve a narrative purpose. And that’s not even mentioning how insulting it feels that in their quest to make Winx “edgier, darker” and fit for an older audience, the creators of Fate somehow decided that was in opposition to caring about style and fashion. Most “girly” shows, including the Winx Club are just as much adventure action shows as the ones geared towards boys, and it’s emphasis in fashion, friendship and color does not detract from that. The original run of the cartoon deals with war, violence, grief, abusive relationships and even genocide; leaning into those plotlines would not require Fate to erase any integral parts of what made Winx so beloved, and the fact that they did shows that the Netflix team completely missed the point of fashion in the original show, and really, the point of fashion and costume design in the world building of any show.
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That, however, is not a mistake K-Pop makes very often; (This might seem like a bit of wild swerve in topic, but stay with me here). Unlike it's western counterpart, the Korean pop scene never lost the emphasis on music videos and how the visual medium can complete and potentialize music and performance; the K-Pop culture is very album and concept oriented in a way that has been all but lost in many other pop circuits, and the music video, styling and set design of a ‘comeback era’ is a key point of excitement among fans.
As such, music videos that follow storylines, connected universes, boundary pushing concepts and visual effects are the norm, rather than the exception, and a list could be made of works that are beautiful examples of what a live action Winx adaptation could look like. In fact, and very smoothly, here is a small list of exactly that!
A Small List of K-Pop Music Videos That Are Better Winx Club Live Actions Than Fate: The Winx Saga
3. Red Velvet - Psycho
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If it was a darker and more somber look that Fate wanted, there was a way to make it actually appealing. While it still feels a liiitle too grown up and elegant for Winx, (maybe this author is biased, as a full proponent for the Y2K fun) Psycho makes a very compelling argument for a witchy, mysterious, fairy tale-esque show that could look scrumptious and definitely not boring, or even a gorgeous example of what the witches in Cloud Tower could look like. Black and white, dark green, pastel blue and pops of jewel tones make Psycho's color palette. To add interest to the understated colors, the styling is heavy on textures; We see plenty of stonework, intricate embroidery, tassels, lace on lace on lace, feathers, bows, opera gloves and lots of glitter. All of that is offset by bold, dark makeup, leather accents and eerie cinematography. Needle & Thread, Marchesa Notte and Self Portrait lend their hyper feminine and intricately detailed tulle gowns, juxtaposed with the creepiness of the lyrics and the dark backgrounds; their deep berry and green fairy tale looks are built with pieces from Zara to Nina Ricci to Dolce & Gabbana to Alexander McQueen.
Red Velvet’s more edgy styling for 2018's Bad Boy would also not feel out of place on the Trix.
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2. IZ*ONE - Fiesta
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IZ*ONE kicked off 2020 with sweet and fun Fiesta. The MV features rooms with mismatched décor that go from retro to space opera, rocky faux landscapes that feel other worldly, and visual effects that would look perfect on the back of a transformation sequence. Mirroring the set design, the girls wear various outfits by sustainable up and coming brand Chopova Lowena. Their signature skirts made with discarded and repurposed fabrics give a cool and interesting twist on a schoolgirl look that would look very sweet for a band of school fairies that occasionally go off to save the world. Also, wouldn't those bedazzled headphones look great on Musa's fairy outfit?
1. Aespa - Black Mamba and Next Level
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Aespa is what fans call a monster rookie. With only three music videos under their belt, they still have some of the most visually interesting work in the industry right now. Their concept is very tied in with high tech, featuring even AI avatars of each member, packaged in a glitzy, fantastical and futuristic aesthetic, candy pop meets cyberpunk. I think I’ve exhausted ways to say that is exactly what a perfect Winx adaptation should feature.
Their debut smash hit, 2020’s Black Mamba is truly a perfect moodboard for live action Winx. Wearing a sequined and colorful mix and match of Dollskill, Gucci, Didu and Balenciaga to a backdrop that features some alien fairy forest realness, a pyschedelic fever dream, rooms straight out of a Y2K catalog or donning lime green and black techwear inside a metro fighting the "black mamba", Aespa look through and through the part of fashion loving fairies who save the world together, while looking fierce, stylish and, most importantly, interesting.
The styling and the sets jump seamlessly from more casual colorful fits with blouses, shirts and baggy pants to barren, darkly lit backgrounds and fringe-and-glitter heavy pieces necessary to fight giant snakes, in a way so fitting to transformation outfits for magical girls we could cry.
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In their third MV, 2021's Next Level, the cyber in their concept is taken up a notch (get it. because Next Level-), set to a futuristic urbanscape intersped with a planet made of crystals and the ocasional alien fauna popping up again. We get treated to Monse, The 2nd Skin Co., Johanna Ortiz and The Attico styled to fairy princess standards, sporty sky racers and a white and sequined group styling that is top ten fairy busy saving the world uniform material, or maybe even a specialist worthy getup.
This particular look from Ningning is so Techna that it almost feels as if it's mocking Netflix.
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And doesn’t this Karina trapped inside the "black mamba" in Alexander McQueen feel like a perfect Dark Bloom moment?
These are only a few examples of interesting and creative designs that are in line with what a live action Winx Club should have given us. There are so many more I could list, even among other TV Shows, like Sex Education and even polemic dark Euphoria, that know how to have fun with style and design without losing the depth of their stories. In the end, it's hard to justify why Fate creators even wanted to make an adaptation that didn't even try to capture the heart of its source material, and all we can do is watch one more "Restyling Fate: The Winx Saga" video on Youtube whilst mildly dreading season 2.
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