#kibble yapping
kibble-2 · 3 months
anotha one !!
bakugo hates public affection. this man will not hold your hand when you guys are around your friends. behind closed doors, bakugo wants to be held, kissed, cuddled, LOVED. all of it. he craves your affection and attention. he even craves it when your in class or training. he wants to sit in the corner with you and have your head rested on his chest while you play with his hands.
i love the idea of big, strong guy needing a soft and affectionate significant other. it’s adorable.
i’m imagining after long day of school and training, he will let himself into your dorm when your showering and make himself comfortable in your bed and will wait for you to come out and cuddle with him. youll open your door and see him sitting in his phone, cuddled in your blankets and you know that it’s gonna be a cuddly night with him
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umeminyan · 2 months
oh yesterday i met a black cat 🥺 he smacked my hand away after i pet his head lolol
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hatt0ris · 2 months
i love that no animal in my house has enough brains to hunt bugs for me
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aethien11-blog · 11 days
NOTE: I DO NOT OWN ANY OF THESE CHARACTERS. (Also, I’m a sappy, silly, dork at times. Sorry not sorry.) I took some liberties when it came to JJK as I’ve only seen the two seasons on crunchy roll and kinda ran with it. Sorry if that’s upsetting.
The boys reactions to learning their s/o has been kidnapped
Fem Reader x : Sakuna, Megumi, Nanami, Itadori
WARNINGS: use of ‘naughty words’, mentions of blood, rape, mutilation, death, violence, and possible spoilers.
The King of Curses was phased by nothing. Your presence (or lack of) wasn’t that important. He could go a day without you, without thinking of you.
Ryomen snarled. And yet here he was again for the fifth time this hour wondering how much longer you planned to take. Just how long did humans need to visit family for anyway? What was so damned special about it? 
“Great One!” Uraume immediately knelt beside him. 
“Uraume?” His four eyes blinked once before, “Where is y/n? Waiting my room?” It was a pleasant thought but his battle instinct said otherwise. 
“Forgive me, Great One. Lady y/n,” Uraume stiffened.
“Don’t keep me in suspense,” he snarled.
“Forgive my error. Lady y/n was taken, my Lord.”
Maybe it was fear, maybe a blush that lit Uraume’s face. “Yes. Lady- lady y/n sent me away briefly so she could speak with her family. Apparently, I make them uncomfortable.” It was only a moment but it felt like an eternity passed before she spoke again. “I should have sensed it. I apologize for my error, Great One.” “What are you yapping about? And where is she?” Ryomen roared. 
It was impossible to still the tremble that shot through her body. “I don’t know where she is, Lord Sukuna. Only that she sent me away. I stepped to the door, heard something, turned and she was gone. Every member of her family were slaughtered in that moment.” Uraume trembled again. “I don’t know, my Lord.”
“Her body was not among the dead?” It didn’t hurt. He wouldn’t say that. His chest just moved weird when he asked. It wasn’t like his heart could actually hurt over this.
“She was not, my Lord.”
“Hm. I should have figured. You would have brought me a corpse at least, if that were the case.” 
“Your trust is flattering, my Lord.”
“Hmph. Find out who took her and what they want. You have one day.”
“My lord.” Uraume disappeared from his sight quickly then.
Yes. It didn’t matter if you were gone a whole day. He wouldn’t allow it to affect him but hell was coming for the creature that disrupted his plans for the evening. 
“Wow. I’ve seen stupid before, but you’re something else.”
“Ssshhh ut up, human.” The creature’s hissing speech was irritating enough but if this thing thought it stood a chance. “Or I’ll shh, cut out that ssstupid tongue.”
You giggle. “As if. Lord Sukuna will turn you into kibble.” Briefly you scrunch your brows before wondering out loud, “I wonder if Uraume has fed his pets yet today.”
A blade appeared, pressed to your lips. “Sssssh ut it!”
You can’t help but smile and lick the flat of it. “You don’t stand a chance.”
“Why are we being called in?” Megumi asked in his usual uninterested tone.
“The higher ups have a stick up their ass and they want us to pull it out…probably,” Gojo sniped before finishing with a grin. 
Megumi rolled his eyes. One day, his teacher was going to step too far and those same higher ups were likely to come down on him but today wasn’t the day…probably.
The doors came open as Megumi, Yuji, Nobara, and Saturo stepped close. “There is no time for greetings. Seat yourselves and let’s begin.”
“Well, nice to see you too,” Saturo Gojo sniped with a smile. “Whaddya got for us?”
Heavy sighs echo through the small room before a woman’s voice said, “Watch.” On a screen on the side of the room, a newscast was being played.
As soon as the reporter switched to the scene behind them, three sets of eyes turned to Megumi. He didn’t notice. His eyes were glued to yours looking up him through the screen. 
To say Megumi was used to loss was fairly accurate. He accepted loss was a part of every mission and pretty much expected it… but that was no excuse for you to go and get yourself captured by curse user. 
The demands were that one person alone was to deliver their required ransom for you (another cursed object that should never leave the school) or they would turn you into their newest curse. Worse, they made the demand publicly, ensuring the higher ups couldn’t just sweep their request (and you) under the rug. 
What none of them expected was that Megumi would volunteer to be the one to deliver their ransom. Or that he would have a plan to get you back without having to give up the cursed item.
These fuckers were in for a hell of a surprise. You weren’t worth anything and you knew it. Just some orphan left in the care of the state to manage a life that had thus far amounted to little. For fuck sake, you only graduated high school last year and who in their right mind tries to take a cafe barista as a hostage. These guys were nuts. 
But hearing what they demanded and their threats just riled you. No, you weren’t worth some great value but you’d be damned if they were doing a single thing to you without a fight. 
The steady clack of keys on keyboards was near deafening as the entire office echoed it. Blank faces stared at bright screens as the sun sank behind the horizon. Another day of boring repetitive garbage. 
Nanami stood from his desk, collecting his things in his usual slow and perfectly controlled manner. At least y/n should be ready by the time he got there. He had worked a little late, but then, you usually took an extra minute to close up shop. 
Nanami smiled to himself as he lifted his briefcase and slid his laptop in. You always made him a special set of bread as the last one of the day so it would be fresh and warm even after you both got back to his apartment. Maybe he should ask, no no. He shook his head and set his usual expressionless face back in place. No need to think of that right now.
Kento set his briefcase in the back seat before sliding into his car and starting it. Safer that way. You had a tendency to ‘chuck it’ into the back seat if it were in your way. The edges of his mouth curled into a smile. Anyone else and he would have been ticked about tossing an expensive laptop about like that but when you did it, it was cute. And even if it weren’t, the grin you give him after certainly was.
He barely managed to get the grin back under control by the time he was pulling up to your shop only to freeze as he parked. The glass door was shattered, the shop inside showing obvious signs of a struggle. 
Nanami felt like his blood was pumping through his body at several miles a minute then. On the outside, Kento was entirely calm as he slowly unbuckled and stepped out of his car. Only those that knew him would notice the difference. The way his fists tightened, the set of his jaw, or the measured gait he adopted as he stepped through the broken entrance. 
His eyes scanned the scene and picked up the single scrawled note with ease. 
“Want her, come get her.”
The paper crumpled in his fist before he shifted his attention to tracing the energy. They would pay for making him work overtime.
Much as you would love to (continue to) tell these guys off, one of them had already stuffed a sock in your mouth and duct taped it there. That didn’t really stop you though as you continued to hurl insults through your gag.
“Geez. If this guy doesn’t hurry up, I’m gonna kill the broad just to shut her up,” one of your captors grumbled. 
“Mmm mmnnnm mmm mm.” Your attempted snarl did little through your gag, and it wasn’t like you could fight back now. These jerks may be asses but they knew how to tie knots. Between the chafing on your upper arms and wrists, you had tested every way you could think of to get loose and were only too glad you had worn pants today instead of a skirt. 
Having adopted his mentor's distaste for meetings, Yuji trudged into the room with a heavy sigh. “Do we have to?” he whined.
You could just give up control and I could kill them all, Sukuna suggests amiably but Yuji ignores him.
Nobara slaps the back of his head. “You already know the answer to that. Sit down.”
Megumi barely managed not to smile before taking his seat. He blinked owlishly for a moment before the friendly wave confirmed his suspicion. “You’re here too?”
Yuta smiled. “Yeah. I’ll let them explain everything.”
“Must be pretty big if they called both of you here,” Yuji said with a grin as he looked between Yuta and Gojo. 
“You know it. Three first years are missing after being sent in and we’re going to go save them,” Gojo stated.
Sighs echo around the room. “Let’s begin the actual mission brief.” All eyes shifted to the screen. Typed out quickly was the message from Tengen. “Earlier this morning, three first year Jujutsu students, Eimo Makito, Rugi Kamisari, and y/n, were accompanied by two third years, Panda and Toge Inumaki, to subdue or suppress whatever was causing the disappearances over Lake Tazawa’s area. The reported incidents originally listed this as a Class 3 curse at best, but with our newest information, we believe there may be more than one special grade at work, making it appear lower to continue to deceive us. We can no longer rule it out.”
Yuji had stopped reading at your name and his eyes were glued to it until Megumi elbowed him lightly to draw his attention back to the meeting. 
You’re okay, right? This doesn’t mean you're dead. Just that….you’re missing.
“We currently do not know if any of the students are alive or not. The veil we placed has been encompassed by a stronger one and we have no way to get information in or out.”
“So we’re going in blind. My specialty,” Gojo stated with a grin.
Yuta chuckled beside him. “We can handle this-”
“I’m coming too,” Yuji shouted and everyone stilled before Gojo’s chuckle released some of the tension in the room. 
“Plan to be a knight and go save your princess?”
“It’s not just about y/n,” Yuji stated, though his blushing ears decried otherwise. “Panda and Toge are there too. We have to save them if we can.”
“You know they might already be dead.” Gojo just wanted to make sure it was clear, that Yuji wasn’t holding out hope on this one.
“I won’t believe it until I see it.”
“Gre-at,” Megumi sighed and face palmed. “It's the detention center all over again.”
“Sorry, Itadori,” Yuta began. “But you can’t-”
“I’m coming too,” Yuji repeated. 
“Nuh-uh, kid,” Gojo said standing up. “I’ll let you come with us, but you are staying out side the barrier, you understand. You want to make sure everyone is safe, that’s fine. But you will keep yourself and Sukuna out of that barrier, clear?”
Despite the blindfold being on, Yuji could feel the blue eyes of his teacher boring into him. 
Finally he sighed in defeat. “Fine. I’ll wait outside the barrier. But,”
“No buts, or you're not going and I’ll leave you chained up here.”
Yuji’s silence to follow was taken for acquiescence. 
You blink your eyes open to an unfamiliar sight. The barrier above you seems almost black and the shimmering in it makes you want to vomit after looking at it for a moment. Like staring at trees outside a moving car window. You roll and tuck your left arm up. You're able to move it but the bone in your forearm is definitely broken. 
Your eyes land on Panda as you sit up. “How’s he doing?” you whisper through the pain. 
Panda smiles sadly at you. “He’ll be fine. Just needs a bit to get his throat to stop bleeding.”
“I’m sorry, Toge.”
Toge shook his head and smiled sadly at you. “Bonito flakes.” It even sounded choked and you felt your eyes water. He must be in incredible pain. 
You three were lucky. Eimo and Rugi weren’t as fortunate. You had to come up with some kind of plan to get out of here, but if these two didn’t have anything how could you?
“Fuck!” you curse under your breath.
That at least got you to smile and you can tell that was his intention. You would get out of this. Together.
Again a quick and sincere thank you to Miss Vry (@vrystalius) for helping me with tags :D
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pupsmailbox · 7 months
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NAMES ⌇ ace. affen. affie. aidi. airendale. akita. aksaray. alano. alex. alfie. annie. apollo. archie. aries. armant. artemis. artois. ash. asher. aurora. badulf. bailey. bandit. barbet. barkley. basenji. bear. beau. bella. beowulf. biewer. blue. bluey. bolt. boris. boxer. brad. brenard. brittany. brutus. bud. buddie. buddy. buster. buttercup. buzz. cailean. cain. cairn. caleb. canaan. cane. canid. canis. carlo. carol. catellus. celeste. charles. charlie. chase. chewie. chip. cliff. clifford. coco. collie. conall. conan. cooper. daisy. dale. darwin. dash. daxie. dexter. diana. dire. dixie. duke. dylan. echo. emory. eros. eskie. ester. fang. fenrir. fido. finn. ford. fox. frankie. ghan. glen. gold. gordon. gray. grey. griffon. grim. grimmwolf. hamilton. harley. havana. hero. hound. howl. hunter. indie. indy. jack. joey. kai. kaleb. kalev. kelpie. ken. kerry. kibble. kibs. kit. lady. leo. leon. llewelyn. lola. lowell. lucine. lucy. luna. lupin. lyca. lycro. lycus. mace. maisie. mal. malinois. marley. max. mia. miles. milo. mingan. mob. molly. mudd. mutt. nala. night. noire. noiresse. noirette. nova. nugget. nyx. oliver. ollie. orion. oscar. paxton. peach. pebble. phoebe. picard. pila. pluto. poppy. puff. pup. ralph. randy. red. redd. remus. rex. rhys. riley. rocky. rolfo. roman. romulus. rosie. rover. rowdy. roxie. roxy. ruby. rudy. ruff. rufus. ruppell. russel. russell. sadie. scottie. scout. scruff. scruffy. selena. shep. shepard. shepherd. silver. sophie. spike. spitz. spot. stafford. star. stella. stick. storm. stormy. suki. teddy. terry. tiger. tosa. venerie. walker. will. wolf. wolfgang. zip. zoey.
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PRONOUNS ⌇ arf/arf. awoo/awoo. ba/ball. ba/bark. bark/bark. bite/bite. ble/blep. bo/bone. bo/bork. bork/bork. cae/canine. can/cani. cani/cani. canin/canine. canine/canine. cha/chase. chew/chew. claw/claw. co/collar. coll/collar. cute/cute. dig/dig. dog/dog. drool/drool. en/energy. fang/fang. fe/fetch. floof/floof. fluff/fluff. fluff/fluffy. fur/fur. fur/furry. ga/game. grey/grey. grim/grim. gro/growl. growl/growl. grr/grr. guard/guard. ho/howl. houn/hound. hound/hound. howl/howl. hunt/hunt. jump/jump. lea/leash. leash/leash. lo/loyal. loyal/loyal. lu/lupi. moon/moon. mutt/mutt. muz/muzzle. night/night. pa/paw. paw/paw. pawprint/pawprit. pet/pet. pla/play. pla/playful. play/play. pooch/pooch. predator/predator. pro/protect. pup/pup. puppy/puppy. ri/rir. ri/ruff. roll/roll. rough/rough. ru/run. ruff/ruff. run/run. slob/slober. snarl/snarl. sni/sniff. snout/snout. soft/soft. squi/squirrel. star/star. star/starry. sti/stick. tai/tail. tail/tail. teeth/teeth. teeth/teething. tre/treat. tre/tree. wa/wag. wa/walk. wag/wag. walk/walk. wolf/wolf. wolf/wolve. wolv/wolve. woof/woof. yap/yap. yip/yip. ❤ . 🌳 . 🎀 . 🎾 . 🐕 . 🐕‍🦺 . 🐩 . 🐶 . 🐺 . 🐾 . 🐿 . 👀 . 👅 . 💗 . 📢 . 📣 . 🔆 . 🔊 . 🔍 . 🗯 . 🥎 . 🦮 . 🦴 . 🧸 .
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darkhighness · 11 months
Good Omentober Day 25 - The Hellhound
Prompt by @disaster-dog
Crowley discovers his soft side on an unconventional assignment from Hell and lives to tell the tale to Aziraphale years later.
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Crowley had found himself in quite an interesting situation. Things had been painfully dull on Earth since Jesus’ crucifixion and he was craving something new to do. That’s how he ended up getting assigned to work in the beasts' department for a six-month stint while another demon was predisposed to causing havoc on Earth. Right now, he was cradling what was one day going to be a large, vicious hellhound in his arms and watching as its tail wagged eagerly for a small taste of the puppy milk he had in a bottle in his other hand.
“Aren’t you a cutie, little Dondun?” Crowley cooed, gently scratching behind the dog’s ears.
Crowley would die inside if anyone saw him like this but he couldn’t help but melt in the presence of a litter of puppies, even if they were Hellhounds. This one in particular held a special place in his heart. He was the runt of a little of 3 and had been entirely abandoned by his mother. Crowley spent all his time with the little one, willing it to grow up lovely and strong.
Over the next month, Crowley would nurture and play with the puppy but he seemed stunted. The demon wouldn’t admit it but he was really worried about him. He was barely half the size of his brothers and Crowley knew if he didn’t improve soon, his life would be short-lived.
“Come on Donnie, you gotta eat,” Crowley sighed, nudging the bowl of demonic kibble towards the weak dog.
Today was particularly bad. Dondun hadn’t even moved all day, curled up in the far corner of the kennel, shaking in the cool. Crowley gently ran his hand along the back of the dog, slowly resigning himself to the fact that Dondun likely wouldn’t survive the night despite his best efforts.
He picked up the puppy and cradled him as he had many times before, gently petting his head and a few tears began to streak his cheeks, “I’ve got you, Donnie. You go when you’re good and ready.”
Crowley spent the entire night there with the puppy. Dondun took his final raspy breath in the demon’s arms and for the next week, Crowley was numb.
It had taken a very long time for Crowley to forget about Donnie. He swore off ever caring about dogs ever again, deciding it was too cruel to trust an animal with his heart.
Aziraphale however, was not aware of this fact when he brought home a bright eyed, fluffy-tailed Border Collie that he’d adopted on a whim. The dog sat obediently at the door to the bookshop, just behind Aziraphale and Crowley could see the dog's big brown eyes that felt so familiar
The dog let out a small yap before breaking past Aziraphale to run to Crowley. Surprised by this, Crowley jumped up, prepared to defend himself from the attacker.
Instead, the dog just licked Crowley’s hand and its tail was wagging excitedly.
The demon bent down to meet the dog at its level. It didn’t take any major miracle to see what was happening. Behind the dog's eyes were the remnants of the soul of a small hellhound that never got to see the world. Behind this Collie’s eyes were the remaining shards of Donnie.
The emotions returned as a flood and Crowley couldn’t hide the tears from Aziraphale as he held the dog in a haphazard hug, his hand gently mussing up the fur around the Collie’s neck.
“Well, it seems like you two will get on just swimmingly!” Aziraphale gushed.
“It’s like I’ve known him my whole life,” Crowley chuckled slightly between the tears, scratching the rough fur around his neck, “We’ve been together since the start, haven’t we Donnie?”
Aziraphale was confused at that, having not even named the dog himself but he was just so pleased to see Crowley being actually vulnerable for once, he didn’t want to interrupt. The Collie was all over Crowley, having now pinned him on the floor of the bookshop to scatter licks all over the demon’s face.
Aziraphale thought that Crowley would surely put a stop to this any moment now.
But he didn’t.
Crowley knew about reincarnation, everyone did, but he didn’t assume it extended to things like hellhounds. He would’ve thought they’d be labelled as too devious to deserve a second life yet here Dondun was, in front of him with those same big eyes and the same excitement, just a different body. He even yapped like the little hellhound he knew.
“Where did you find him?” Crowley asked slowly, suddenly fearing his companion would be cruelly ripped away from him once again.
“In the shelter!” Aziraphale declared proudly. He originally went looking for a cat after seeing one in a cafe that he was doting over but once he met the excitable dog he simply couldn’t resist, “I thought the bookshop could use a little more life.”
“I can’t believe you’d ever volunteer to get something that could hurt your precious books,” Crowley laughed weakly, wrapping his arms around the dog.
“Well I had planned to train him but it seems he’s taken quite a liking to you already. And you already gave him a name!” The angel fussed playfully.
“It’s always been his name. Dondun. Donnie is much nicer though,” Crowley corrected.
“Always?” The angel queried.
That’s how Crowley ended up sitting down with Aziraphale and Donnie and explaining his brief stint in the Beasts department. He told Aziraphale all about Donnie’s mother and how he was abandoned. He recounted the late nights he spent nursing the pup and he also recalled the heartbreak of Donnie’s death.
The angel and the demon housed many dogs in the bookshop after that point. Many breeds, all living entirely different lives but each one had the same big brown eyes. It always hurt when another pup would eventually leave their lives but Crowley held the small comfort in his heart that Donnie would always find his way back home, their souls irrevocably linked.
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zippidi-dooda · 9 months
*you're in sunset savannah, just got on Falena's bad side (hard to do actually) and are trying to convince Leona to save you from his wrath*
Yuu: Leona, please! You have to help me
Leona: Tch, no I don't.
Yuu: At least let me go with you on your way to the outskirts tonight so he can't do anything to me
Leona: Are ya deaf? I dont care about helpin' you. Now run off and just be glad that I'm letting you go, hervibore. Let's go, Ruggie
Yuu: But, Leona-
Ruggie: you heard him, better leave while you still can
Yuu *running up in front of them as they leave*: hey, hey, hey! You gotta let me go with you! You don't know what it's like to be considered a disappointment ... well, maybe you do
Leona: grr
Yuu: but that's why we gotta stick together!
Leona: Listen here, hervibore-
Yuu: No, no, no! Don't speak, don't speak, don't speak! Just hear me out, I might surprise you. I'll be a friend when others despise you.
Leona: *scowling as he rolls his eyes*
Yuu: don't roll your eyes. Stop with the mopin'. You need a pal, my calendar's open!
*Leona and Ruggie trying to walk away*
Yuu: I'll bring you soup, when you feel congested. I'll bail you out, when you get arrested. I got your back, when things get scary. And I'll shave it. When it gets harry
Leona: hah?
Ruggie: sorry but he already has me doing all of that. Well, not the last part
Yuu: don't let me go-o. Don't let me go. Don't let me go-oh-o-o-oh! You need me, you ne~ed me! I'll treat you right, and never act shody. If you kill a man? I'll hide the body. So what do you say?
Leona: *glaring*
Yuu: you're not responding.
Leona: ...
Yuu *smiling*: I think we're bonding!
Leona: you're getting on my nerves
Yuu: don't let me go-o. Don't let me go. Don't let me go-oh-o-o-oh! You need me
Ruggie: no we don't, c'mon Leona
Yuu *grabbing Leona's hands*: you and me, we belong together
Leona: what are you-
Yuu: like butter and grits, like kibble and bits, like yin and yang, Sturm and Drang, like Eng and Chang, attached at the hip. But not an old lady hip. That might break. I'm gonna be on you like a fat kid on cake
Leona *pulling away*: I don't need another Ruggie
Ruggie: yeah! Wait...
Yuu *chasing after Leona*: Like cupid and psyche, like pop rocks and mikey. We'll stick together like that velcro stuff. I'm the fuzzy side; you'll be the spikey. Oh! Like little kids and pajamas with those funny things at the bottom, you know, feeties! Like doughnuts and ... oh, what goes with doughnuts ...? Doughnuts and ... diabetes!
Ruggie: that's foul
Yuu: don't let me go, don't let me go, don't let me go, don't let me go~!
*Leona is rubbing his head and walking away with Ruggie in tow, you follow, desperately reaching out towards him*
Yuu: hold me, hug me, take me, please. Na-na-na-na-na-na, please don't let me go! I need you, I need you, I need you, I need you, I need you, I need you, I need you, I need you, I need you, I need you, I need you *gasp* don't let me go-o, go-o, go-o! Don't let me g-g-g-g-g-g-g-go~!
*you're on your knees, gripping onto the fabric of his pants, hoping he'd feel sympathy for you and relent*
Leona: God, you're annoying. Fine, Ill help you.
Yuu *shedding tears of relief*: you will? Oh, thank you, Leona, so much! You know I-
Leona: If you shut up!
*both beastmen rub their ears as you nod enthusiastically*
Ruggie: you sure this is a good idea?
Leona: can't be worse than just letting them keep yapping their mouth all day
Yuu: trust me, I'll be the most quiet companion ever and though I don't think I can ever come back to this place safely, I'll find you one day and pay you back for your help. I promise!
Leona: good greif
-kinda want to make this an animatic now. Sparked by Donkey's song from shrek (might make more sense if you listen to it)
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gluechugger · 20 days
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1998, somewhere in Southern Indiana.
No less than 2 hours ago Arthur paged Dutch when Louise had showed up at the front door and the converted school bus drove off. Dutch wasn’t very free with information about the newcomer by the time he finally called the house.
“Arthur, trust me. She’s another lost stray, trying to make her way in the world. Just like you, just like John.”
“The Kibble bag is getting real low, Dutch. You sure that’s the best idea?”
“Have a little faith, son.”
“Alright, sure.”
I could yap forever about the gang as deadheads. If you wanna check out what I’ve got to say, it’s pinned to my blog.
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dabblingreturns · 2 years
Strong opinion: Gideon Nav is not a golden retriever!
Gideon is a husky. She's opinionated, strong, very self sufficent, tough as nails, and also a dramatic bitch!
To follow this up
Marta Dias: German Shepard, she shows up, ready to work, does her job as a professional and looks forward to her kibble at the end of the day.
Coronabeth Tridentarius: Standard Poodle. Under all that hair and good breeding is a frighteningly compitent hunting dog just waiting to show you that she is the best and exactly why you should love her.
Naberius Tern: sadly that boy is a toy poodle. And he's doing the best with what he has...its a pitty about the yapping.
Jeanmarie Chatur: a young English lab or pointer...she's going to be the best there ever was if only she can get the chance to grow up.
Magnus Quinn: is the actual Golden retriever. His kind have been breed for years to be a part of the family, he loves you and your kids...he's a goofball....he is perfect...
Camilla Hect: mid sized terrier. Yes, she looks cute with her big personality and messy coat, but she never lost the instincts that alowed her ancestors to run into Badger dens and fight the enemy on thier own ground. She is smart and visious and determined and she loves her person.
Protessalous: the mutt you had growing up who passed away when you were a teen. He isn't any clear breed....but somehow all other dogs are measured up to him and found a bit wanting...
Colum asht: mastiff....he's big, overbreed, designed for one use only (to put fear in the hearts of his enemies) and won't live as long as the other dogs. But he's doing his best.
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kibble-2 · 3 months
one hug from kirishima, except it’s not a hug you get from a stranger but a hug you get from your best friend you haven’t seen in years whos love language is physical touch and squeezes you so tightly and doesn’t pull away until you pull away first, would cure over half of my problems rn.
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Amara Day 4
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The lil ladies have been struggling because Jaxxine so BADLY wants to be best friends with Amara, but Amara is still uncomfortable with being close to others. It's actually kinda funny to watch because Jaxxi will do her lil play stretch and squeak in front of Amara and Amara will get really happy for a second, all soft ears and wiggly tail, before she remembers to be scared. She's been hanging out on the bed with all of us pretty consistently, although she still tends to slide under the bed when she gets overstimulated.
We've officially put in an order for her ID tags, safety patches, and fieldtrip harness for the end of the month (bless Chewy's autoship for the convenience of just tossing in an extra thing here and there to your next shipment so you don't have to keep thinking about it)
She's got Do Not Pet patches, a leather utility harness, a leather collar, and ID tags with our info, her name, and the quote "Scared, not Scary". I found a tag that's shaped like a bee hive and engraved "sweet as honey" which is just so stinkin cute.
Today we've been doing a lot of careful socializing, and I know this series is about Amara, but I am just SO proud of Jaxxine and Tobi, and how they're interacting with Amara. Tobi can be kinda reactive himself, because he's always had chronic "tiny dog" anxiety, and has spent significantly more time socializing with cats than with dogs. And Jaxxi of course is an infinitely excitable lil baby gorl who has never met a friend she didn't love. In their own unique ways, their base temperaments were likely to be tough on Amara.
But much to my delight, both Tobi and Jaxxine have been so respectful of Amara's boundaries, and so firm-but-gentle about their own. Tobi has repeatedly tried to herd Amara in and out of the house for potty trips because he noticed she wasn't going on her own and he was worried. He kept running back to her, giving a lil yap, and then trotting back to the deck, only to turn back around and try again whenever she got anxious and stopped following him. Jaxxine has been so attentive to Amara's communication, and so snuggly with her whenever it's allowed. I'm so proud of my lil lovebugs and how well regulated and polite they've become. Amara has been visibly relaxing more and more each day, and despite her lingering trauma responses, she has mostly settled into a foundation of security with us.
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I'm also really pleased with how resilient Amara's health seems to be. Four days into a healthy kibble, ground rabbit, and nutritional supplement milk has already started to restore a nice lustre to her fur, reduced the impact of her muscle fatigue/distressed movement, and reduced her dry nose. I'm still seeing a fair amount of scarring on the tips of her ears, but I'm hoping to start introducing her to more involved medical care and grooming this weekend. I'm thinking probably daily astringent cleansing and a carrier oil or whipped butter moisturizer massaged in via scar tissue scrungling. We have roses and crab apples, so maybe I can press some blossom oil for her. If not, I'll whip some shea.
We've got a lot left to work on, but I'm feeling very optimistic about Amara's responsiveness to care.
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Finally had my second wasp of the day because Estelle wanted to go out one last time before going to sleep.
Didn't see it when I let her out. Didn't see it while I got myself some water to drink. Didn't see it when I went to let her in and bribe her away from yapping at shadows with a promise of a treat (a couple of kibbles since it's late). But as Estelle and I headed back to my room to sleep...
there it was, a small-ish medium sized wasp scuttling around on the floor in front of where the two hallways intersect. It wanted to get off the tile entry hall onto the wooden bedroom hall - probably because of the light in the hallway over there - but could no longer fly. It looked like a massively oversized ant as it scuttled anxiously back and forth. Like... I can believe ants and wasps are related after all of this. I've seen enough wasps, the resemblance is there.
I'd have probably found it dead in the morning if I hadn't run into this wasp this evening, but I squashed it and tossed it away.
the first wasp of the day could still fly and so it saw the outdoors through my alluring office window this morning before it was squashed.
And still I wonder... how many did I not see today?
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shinyvibrava · 3 years
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http-tokki · 2 years
more levi and soybean adventures
Levi LOSES his mind if something happens to your pet while they are under his care. You had left your lil Soybean with Levi for the day while you were at work (at first Levi was veeeerrryy hesitate to do so because he had no prior experience to keeping things safe and alive and was so scared that he was going to fuck it up and lose you) but so far the morning had passed in a pleasant blur of pets, plays and naps on the couch, and they had just gotten into a little tug of war when all hell broke loose. Soybean, who was just shy of five months, had let the toy slip from their mouth and as the fabric popped free so did a tooth. Levi noticed the small tooth tip tap it’s way over to his sock covered foot. At first he was confused, looking for a sign that it had fallen off a toy or was a piece of wandering kibble but as Soybean yapped for attention, Levi noticed the gap in their little smile. His heart dropped, head starting to spin as he realised that your beloved pet, your child, is now missing a tooth. He can’t call you, you’d freak out. He can call Hange? maybe they would know. Did animals loose teeth? how old was Soybean? fuck fuck fuck fuck.
Levi is panicking as he races to the vet. Tiny Soybean curled up on the passengers seat, all buckled in all safe and sound (levi was not taking any chances) This was it. You were going to leave him. He couldn’t even take care of your pet let alone kids he wanted to have with you. His heart ached as he turned the final corner and pulled into the vet’s parking lot. He turns his attention to Soybean, who is still peacefully sleeping and sighs. Here he goes.
“baby, it’s just a tooth okay?” your tone attempts to soothe Levi’s racing mind as he sits in the car again, baby Soybean in his lap staring out the window. “puppies lose teeth just like humans do”
Levi’s cheeks blush again. He had already had this explained to him by the vet tech who could see he was beyond frazzled. “That’s what the vet said too but are you sure?”
“if the vet says they’re okay, then they are” your tone softens even more. “but it’s sweet that you worried so much. you’re such a good dad”
Levi’s heart jumps at you calling him a dad. He never thought of himself as Soybean’s dad but having you say it has him losing it.
“you still there?” you speak up after a few moments of silence. Levi clears his throat before answering.
“Yeah, i’m here” he runs a finger down Soybean’s nose. “You gonna be home soon?”
“I’m just finishing up. I’ll be home in an hour”
Levi hums and starts the car. “Soybean and I anxiously await”
Your giggle through the phone soothes any tension Levi carried. “I’ll see you soon…dad”
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was inspired by this scene from gilmore girls x
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thearcana-junkie · 4 years
been falling deep in the fandom now and your writing is amazing 🥺👉👈 can i request main 3 arcana (asra, julian, and nadia) reacting to reader coming home soaked from the rain and crying because somehow, they had picked up a litter of puppies and one of them was injured? aaaaa i hope this made enough sense! anws, keep being you, boo 💖
Omg awww! First of all this is the cutest headcannon I've been asked to do. Second, thank you so much!!
As always i’ll do all six because I don't wanna leave anyone favorite character out (unless your favorite character is a courtier, in that case request them I won't do them otherwise.)
MC Brings Home Wet Puppies
She’d been worried when you hadn’t come home
She was so close to sending out the guards to look all over vasuvia for you!
When you came through that bedroom door, you have no idea how releived she was.
”DARLING!! Where have you been!? I was so worried. Your soaked to the bone let's get you dried off.”
She didn't even notice the small yapping in the box you had with you— not until you started crying. When she asked you what was wrong you— in a very heated quick moment explained;
”I found these puppies on my way home from the shop, They were in a box floating down the canal. One of them is hurt and it won't stop crying— it's suffering Nadia we need to help it.”
She had you get cleaned and dried off— even take a bath so you'd calm down. She took the puppies and moved them to a dry basket with a soft blanket in it.
”you lay down darling. I'll take care of them.”
She was in way over her head. She didn't know how to help the one puppy— the others looked fine. So she sat up with it swaddled in her arms until she could take it and the others to a vet early the next morning.
All were healthy, the one had a broken leg but it was a simple fix. You both nursed them until you found them all homes, we'll not the one she had stayed up with. You kept that one ad now it sleeps with you both at the end of the bed in an expensive dog bed.
He noticed them before you did.
It was raining and you were both headed home from a date. He kept you dry with his coat until you both stumbled upon a box of puppies. Then he covered you and the box with his jack while you guys ran home.
He set the puppies up with you in bed. You watched and fed them wet food. All but one that kept wheezing. That one he took into his study so he would examine it.
Humans and dogs are enough alike, ,, right?
He determined the puppy had a nasty cold, which he cured with some paceline he had— albeit a lower dose then one for a human.
Every day none-stop he’s give that puppy it's medicine. It fought with him a lot but he did it until it got better
By the time it had gotten better all the others had been adopted to new homes. Of course he couldn't keep a dog— his landlord didn't allow pets.
He did the next best thing— He gave the puppy to Mezlinka! Now every time he goes to visit the little scruffy mutt comes running to him.
It doesn't leave his lap while he’s there. Which often leads to him taking it home for sleep overs.
Asra fell in love with them when he saw them.
He gave you a kiss and told you to get dried off while he took care of them.
He all but cried when he noticed one was barely breathing.
He tried using some minor healing potions. It took a while but it started getting better.
To say he balled when he gave each puppy away to a loving home. Is an understatement.
She instantly starts naming them and wants to keep them all.
Of course she asks if you can take care of the sick one since she’d probably cry to much to do any good.
While you take care of that one she sets them loose in the livingroom with Pepi.
Pepi doesn’t like them what-so-ever.
She doesn’t want to get rid of them so you decide to keep all four of them. They follow he around the palace grounds.
He was actually the one who found them beside their mother. The mother didn’t make it sadly so he brought them home.
One had a small birth defect— it wobbled when it walked.
You named the one wobble— of course.
Inanna didn’t really care for the puppies since they thought she was their mother. She did however teach them how to fend for themselves.
Muriel kept wobble as a friend for Inanna. ‘Mainly’ cause Inanna got attached to it.
“Dove... what are those little monsters and why are they in my bedroom??”
You brought them home without telling him. But Lucio could never be mad at puppies— it took him a minute to realize that was indeed what they where.
He took them to the vet to make sure they were in good health before he introduced them to his two babies.
Mercedes was ecstatic but malchior wanted nothing to do with them. However the puppies seemed to magnetize to the grumpy boy the more he ran off
Of course Lucio suggested that you and him keep all of the puppies because; “No one could give them a better home then us!”
If you say no, begrudgingly he’ll set out to find them the best homes. You bet your ass he’ll be thorough about it.
“Do you have a big yard? Will they be inside or outside? How many toys do you have for them? remember they need their own bed— preferably their own room with toys and good food, none of that kibble crap.”
If you say yes then you better be prepared for no room in the bed at night.
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voiceswithoutlips · 4 years
Woof! goes the demon
— pairing: Jung Hoseok x Reader (Female) — genre: Fluff — word count: 1.3k — Rating: G — warnings: none — collab with: @biaswreckme​ my partner in crime <3
— summary: 
Hoseok nodded at you, taking the paper from your hands. “Y/N, don’t worry, I got this! I love dogs!,” he said cheerfully as he made his way to your living room. You failed to notice how he cautiously looked around the room before entering, or how he avoided sitting on the sofa that Odin was perched on, looking at Hoseok like he was a whole meal. 
— A/N: HAPPY BIRTHDAY RARACUBE @heejinnien!! I hope you like the fic, its our first attempt at crack (we’re not good at that) HAVE AN AMAZING BIRTHDAY, MAKE LOTS OF MEMORIES, ENJOY YOUR CAKE. YOUR BOOMERS LOVE YOU <333333 — birthday party:  @hoebii, @jinings, @voiceswithoutlips, @biaswreckme, @xiaokoo​ @tae-cup​ @taegularities​ @moccahobi​
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“Hobi!!” you said as you opened the door to your apartment. You had to leave for  an emergency meeting at the office but unfortunately you couldn’t find a dog sitter for your precious puppy so your friend Hoseok had agreed to look after your dog, Odin, for the day. He was standing in the doorway, looking like a runway model with his red hair combed back carefully to show his glorious forehead. He was wearing a grey sweater with washed blue jeans. The sweater had an actual stuffed bear attached to it, it was adorable, you almost reached out to pet the cute plushie. Maybe not the best choice to be a pet sitter, but it was completely and unashamedly Hoseok.
“Hey,” he greeted you with a cute smile and stepped inside to remove his sneakers. 
“Okay, so here’s Odin’s schedule, all you have to do is feed him and play with him a bit, he’s still young so he has a lot of energy,” you instructed as you handed Hoseok a piece of paper. You had written down your dog’s meal times and what he liked to eat to make it easier for Hobi. “You don’t really have to take him for a walk since I’ll be back in a few hours.” 
Hoseok nodded at you, taking the paper from your hands. “Y/N, don’t worry, I got this! I love dogs!,” he said cheerfully as he made his way to your living room. You failed to notice how he cautiously looked around the room before entering, or how he avoided sitting on the sofa that Odin was perched on, looking at Hoseok like he was a whole meal. 
“Thank you so much Hobi, I don't know what I’d have done without you!” you quickly pecked his cheeks and left the apartment, missing how his whole face turned red, like a cute tomato. 
When your boss said the words “emergency meeting” you thought something had gone wrong, turns out he just wanted to go over the project details, again. You had already heard all the arguments and details so you just sat back in your chair and toyed with your phone, bored out of your mind. Your thoughts far away on your favorite boy, Odin, the cutest Shih Tzu you’d ever seen. 
You discreetly moved your phone under the table as your boss rambled on and turned on the application that was linked to your nanny-cam. You had bought one out of concern, since you always left Odin with a dog sitter.
Your jaw almost dropped as soon as you saw what was happening in your living room. Hoseok was standing on the sofa, his blue shark socks in stark contrast to the brown leather, he was holding a chicken breast in his hand. Odin was trying to jump up on the sofa but his tiny legs barely reached the top of the seat, he was yapping at Hoseok, tail wagging at the speed of light. Hoseok bent down on his knees and brought the chicken closer to Odin but instead of going for the chicken, the little Shih Tzu mustered all his strength, leaped high into the air in a graceful display and effectively tore off the left leg of the stuffed bear that adorned Hoseok’s grey sweater. 
You almost jumped in your seat guiltily and quickly looked around to see if anyone had noticed it, but apparently you had been discreet enough. You could see Hoseok was as shocked as you were; he was frozen in place, his eyes and mouth wide open staring at Odin, who was happily running around with the bear’s leg on his mouth, unfazed and unaware of the rip on the human’s sweater with stuffing coming out of it. You had no idea what to do now. Would Hobi be angry with you?
You looked at the clock and even the seconds seemed to slow, the meeting dragging over and seemingly never-ending, until it finally did. You stopped looking at the feed when you saw what happened, a little apprehensive on how Hoseok would react when you talked to him in person, but there was no more stalling. the meeting was finally over and you needed to get home to deal with the situation. You were dreading going home to the chaos and Hobi’s expensive sweater ruined, so you stopped by the bakery to get his favorite treats to try and appease the situation.
You almost considered taking the stairs going up your apartment, but that would be too much of stalling and you didn’t really want to walk up several flights while carrying a big jar of Nutella. You stopped at your front door, pausing and carefully and quietly pressing your ear against the door, trying to listen to what was happening inside.  You heard a loud sneeze with some sniffling noises and a soft, “Odin, no!” You take a deep breath and press the password to enter, gathering the courage, and you step into the place. 
You were certainly not anticipating the scene you found. Hoseok is a tall man, so to see him like that was unexpected, to say the least. You found him perched on the sofa’s armrest, crouching, a panicked expression that was visible not only in his face but his whole body, and Odin was just sitting there, innocently looking at him with his head tilted to the left, that ripped leg still in his mouth. If you didn’t know your dog was a very good boy, by the way Hobi was looking at him, scared like that, it would’ve seemed like Odin was evil incarnate.
You could not believe your own eyes. There was a turned glass on the coffee table, water spilled all over it, the books you usually kept on it ruined for now; there were little pieces of fluff scattered on the floor that you were certain they were from Hobi’s sweater;  Odin’s food bowl was turned over and there was kibble all around it. Had World War III happened at your place and no one let you know?
You gasped when you saw the true state of your friend’s sweater, the second leg of the bear was gone too, stuffing dripping everywhere. It was a massacre. As soon as they heard you, Odin dropped the bear’s leg and ran to you, putting his paws on your legs and stretching his back, tail wagging happily, telling you what a good job he did, while Hoseok stared at you with a look of guilt mixed with shock that you were back earlier than you said you would be. You leaned down to pet Odin’s head, but you maintained Hobi’s gaze and raised your eyebrows.
“What… What happened?” your voice could not hide your state of shock at the scene.
“Oh, its uh….” Hoseok trailed off looking around the room, trying to form an explanation in his head. “Y/N, I have to be honest with you, I think your dog is possessed…” he said in a low voice, almost a whisper. His eyes trained on Odin who was comfortably sitting on the floor, between your legs. 
You looked down at the small Shih Tzu, the puppy looked like an angel, innocent eyes stared back at you with love. You tried to keep it in, but you burst out laughing at the ridiculous thought. You saw Hoseok grinning, he was still sitting on the armrest with half a bear hanging off of him. 
 “By the way Hobi, I’m so sorry that he did that to your sweater...” you start feeling a little guilty, that sweater was really cute and now it was ruined. But deep down you thought it wasn’t entirely the dog’s fault, after all, there was a cute bear dangling off Hoseok the entire time, of course it would strike a dog’s attention. “It must be pretty expensive, and I don’t know if I can afford to buy you a new one or even if it’s mendable at this point…” you rambled, nervously clenching your hands.
Hoseok looked at you with amusement in his eyes, clearly not mad about what your dog had done to him and his clothes.
“Well… you have to repay me for that expensive sweater, don’t you think?” he smirked,  “So ...how about a date?"
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