#sophie sighs
baeshijima · 1 month
thoughts on being engaged to duke!sunday, the head of the oak family, an incredibly influential figurehead within society, the close subordinate of emperor gopher wood who brought him and his sister in and raised him like his own, and the villain who faces a tragic ending in a novel you recently finished — the very same one you just so happen to find yourself transmigrated into. he is as cunning as he is blinded, a trait which brought ruin to many in the empire, and one which ultimately brought ruin to himself at the hands of the protagonists.
as luck would have it, you became a barely mentioned side character from a marquis family, whose role was to be the villain's wife stuck in a one-sided love who, too, would get caught up in the tragedy alongside him. however, now that it's you who is stuck in this position, you're determined to try any means necessary to deter him from going down that path, all in an effort to escape your predestined doomed fate!
of course, you didn't expect it to be easy. the day of your arrival in this world was already the night before your wedding, so you had little time to prepare yourself for the nonchalance of your supposed family, how they viewed you as but a means — a tool — to boost their influence and prosperity, the dismissive mannerisms of the household servants, and the absolute beauty of a man you will be married to.
(seriously. the novel descriptions did not do him justice. he was like... like... like he was handcrafted by god himself! and not to mention his sister, robin, was the very epitome of an angel! perhaps you're destined to perish by the god-tier visuals instead...)
to say the least, the wedding ceremony went by quickly. safe to say you didn't spend the night; he was cordial and gentlemanly upon letting you know that he won't do anything until you're ready, that you can take this relationship slow, but somehow you ended up feeling a tad insulted. like, who leaves their newly wedded alone in a big cold bed as they walk out on their own? a sick bastard that's who!
well, whatever. it's not like you need nor want to consummate with him! besides, you have bigger things to worry about — things such as your impending death. and, of course, the only way to stop sunday that you can imagine working is by chipping away at his resolve bit by bit, and opening his eyes to reality.
he is a tragic character, one who cares more about the well-being of penacony and its people than anyone else, but was manipulated into getting his hands dirty in the emperor's stead. you knew this. you sobbed over his story, cursed out the protagonists, and even fought internet randos on novel forums about sunday's motivation and how,
no, he is not just a stupid villain. he is a complex character with flaws and humanity and was cruelly taken advantage of by someone he considered family. he was deceived through the suffering the emperor wanted him to see to make him easily manipulated, creating a rift between him and robin to have that prominent separation. you know what? maybe you're just a !%#@ who can't even #@?"% read properly!
and yet you still find yourself at a loss when faced with the walls he has in place. your initial efforts went as well as it possibly could have; you trying to earnestly help him, while he "kindly" dismisses your offers! well, "kindly" being more condescending since you could read between the lines of his mannerisms and amiable demeanour, but that's fine! you expected this! that just means you have to double down on your sincerity, get through to his heart (somehow), and help him realise humanity isn't as weak as he's led to believe!
you have three years until the novel's plot officially starts, and another year after that until your demise. that's plenty of time to get him to warm up to you!
it was easier said than done, but after your valiant effort and abundance of time put into this relationship, which admittedly you could do with some of that lost time back, you could give yourself a pat on the back with the progress you made! while you definitely could have done without a lot of the headaches, it's safe to say sunday has significantly warmed up to you in comparison to your wedding day. he now willingly eats all his meals with you with some real conversation, takes garden strolls with you in the early evenings, invites you out for dinner at a restaurant at least four times a week, hell he's even joked and laughed with you more frequently! but most importantly, he has begun asking for your opinion before finalising any decisions he is required to make. and he actually listens and considers your side! now, that certainly is the best outcome you could hope for after all this time, and it most definitely will help in your endeavour to save you both from the protagonists!
however, you've noticed he's been more... affectionate? well, at the very least he now willingly holds your hand when in private (not just in moments when you're in the public eye and he has to make sure the family's reputation is spotless), sometimes he will hug you out of the blue ("i just need to... recharge. you have a way of calming me down. i hope you don't mind." ...how could you say no to his supreme god-tier face card? that's just a losing battle you won't even bother fighting against.), oftentimes he opts to just gaze wordlessly at you (robin had mentioned over one of your tea times how it almost appears as though there is no one but you in the world when sunday gazes at you with, in her words, "the eyes of a man so deeply in love!" ...whatever that's supposed to mean...), but a more recent development has been his sudden interest in kissing you; well, more specifically giving you a kiss to the back of your hand or on your forehead — certainly not anywhere near the lips! (besides, he's probably just gotten comfortable with you, enough where he can freely act without judgement. nothing more, nothing less.)
well, either way, development is development! soon enough, the time for the main plot to start has arrived. it of course follows what you remember, from the organised balls to the protagonists meeting to the political aspects of it all. the only difference is sunday's less active involvement in all the schemes and the emperor's ploy. rather, he seems more focused on you and the future of your marriage and even displayed a sudden interest in your practically non-existent relationship with one of the foreign diplomats, aventurine— wait...
"[name]," he calls your name out so sweetly you nearly disregarded it as someone else he was talking to. well, perhaps you would have done had he not suddenly appeared before you, a tight-lipped smile tugging the corners of his lips as he steadily approaches you.
oh. he doesn't seem very happy, if his tense figure is anything to go by. you wonder if one of the nobles grated his nerves a little too much this time?
sunday comes to a halt a step away from you. "i don't like that... gambler being so close to you. it... it brings me a rather unpleasant feeling." there's a slight, trembling pause. not a moment later does he close the gap between you, one knee on the ground as he matches your seated height on the fountain rim, your hands gently enclosed in both of his.
you idly wonder if this is what robin meant by the so-called "eyes of a man so deeply in love" she constantly gushed about, for the way in which he gazes up at you is enough to render you breathless.
"tell me, [name]," he begins once more. there is an underlying desperation woven within his tone, one which has your head spinning and heart thumping wildly as his trembling gaze holds you in place. "tell me, what am i to do with this fervent love and overwhelming adoration i hold for you?"
perhaps your impending doom should be the least of your concerns when you now find yourself in the arms of a clingy husband...
(though, it's safe to say you did, in fact, manage to prevent him from succumbing to his tragic fate! you just gained a loving, yet slight slightly emotionally challenged husband along the way.
well, you can help him work through it; you have the rest of your lives now to figure it out, after all.)
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sophiethewitch1 · 7 months
Since Tim the bastard is sadomasochist, I feel like him and a reader who is very caring and worries a lot about those she loves; would be really interesting. He would probably like it a little TOO MUCH, probably comes to you all injured and bloodied up just to see you all teary eyes and fussing all over him. -TD anon
The first time he comes to you after a fight, he doesn't do it on purpose. He just got the shit beat out of him. Everything aches and stings, and the blood dripping from his forehead makes it impossible to see. And he doesn't go home. It's just pure instinct that guides him to you.
And it's the best thing he ever does. You take him in with loving worry, cleaning and dressing his wounds. You're crying as you take care of him, as you feed him and tuck him into your bed. You don't even notice the deep inhale he takes of your pillow's scent. You're just too busy worrying about him. He's so used to taking care of himself after days like this, that the comparison is impossible. Dizzying, heavenly, addictive. He feels like he's going to faint, but it's probably just from blood loss.
Anyway, you've unknowingly created a monster after that. He will take more risks, he will lean into hits, and sometimes he just simply won't dodge. All just so he hurts a bit more, all so he comes back to you worse for wear. He realises this is bad for you, putting you through so much emotional turmoil but it's just... You're too pretty like that, okay? And he can patch you back together. He can fix whatever he breaks. Takes so much pleasure from these moments, and even the family can tell he's baiting fights more, letting himself get hurt worse. They think it's a form of self-harm or something but he's just being a massive pervert.
The first time you discover his erection when you're cleaning the blood from his face, he realises maybe he should've thought this through better. Still wonders if he could convince you to get him off anyway.
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isthataraccoon · 21 days
my main complaint with kotlc is just that it would be so much better if sophie was more of a menace
where is the great gulon incident pt 2 with miss f???
this girl went to american public school; she has it in her yet we have not seen her be enough of a pest at foxfire
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seypia · 2 months
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one is the loneliest number
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I dont ship Fitzphie
but I have to admit, they have some rather cute moments
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whore-mel · 2 months
This month was the month....I joined a dead fandom...😞😞
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Where is the school for good and evil (BOOK) fandom??
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purplesoup-lad-le · 5 months
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rip Sophie Foster, you woulda been THE gacha girlie
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wikitpowers · 9 months
"I see it," Gideon said in a low voice. "I am not blind, and we are a people of many scars. I see it, but it is not ugly. It is just another beautiful part of the most beautiful girl I have ever seen."
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(i remember being MESSED UP by sophie and gideon so badly omg, their impact)
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nadiajustbe · 3 months
On those nights when Morgan was still a very young baby and lying in his crib (and he was never quiet by nature, he's a combination of Howl and Sophie, you can only expect a walking hurricane of chaos), he would, as is typical of all babies, often scream in the night. It was very rarely a request to be fed or the cause of any pain: both parents quickly discovered that he was just waking up in the middle of the night and wanted to be naughty.
Therefore, it was usually Howl who went up to calm him down. Not because he wanted to, by any means: no one wants to get up in the middle of the night for a screaming baby, and he could have slither out of that, too, if he wanted to, but Sophie started cursing at him and forcing him out from under (their shared, mind you!) blanket. And maybe, just a little bit, he really wants to be a good father - unusual, stupid and cowardly, but still a good father.
Normally, Howl would just lean over the crib and start singing the one and only lullaby in Welsh that he remembers from his childhood: people love to sing lullabies in their own language, no matter how widespread it is. I love to remember how many Ukrainian lullabies have survived precisely because of how often they were sung at night from the heart of a parent's love.
Sophie didn't understand a word of it, but it worked surprisingly well: Morgan was falling asleep in seconds, and she found herself beginning to drift off to sleep as well. Howl would come back to bed looking like a winner, and Sophie wondered how he managed to do it every time with the same song. Especially in a language that was rarely spoken in Morgan's household: it was easier to speak English when both the child's father and mother knew it.
There were also days when Sophie was given the "honour" of calming her son. Usually, it was when Howl came home drunk from a rugby meeting or had some late-night work commitments. There were, of course, times when Sophie simply decided that she loved him enough to let Howl keep his precious sleep for one or two days.
Then she would sing a lullaby that she had inherited from her mother, which she remembered through her father, but now they were both dead, so, well, the song was rightfully hers. It certainly wasn't the mysterious Welsh notes, and it took Morgan a little longer to fall asleep, but Sophie must have been a good singer because it worked in the end. She returned to the sleeping Howl, thinking that, after all, she had two children. One is not even a year old, the other is a couple of years away from turning thirty.
One day, she decided to ask him what the lullaby he was singing was all about, and when Howl shared the translation, they were both surprised to find that the two texts had quite similar motifs: they both featured a shooting star, ancient fields, and stormy winds. Howl joked that shooting stars would never let him go, not as a child, not now.
The most interesting twist to this lullaby story came when, at around 1+ years old, Morgan started adding Welsh words to his vocabulary as he learned to speak, mixing languages. Howl thought this was a great addition: after all, not all people in Wales speak Welsh, let alone boys from parallel worlds. Sophie was not so optimistic: she was certainly happy that their child was learning new words and picking up his second native language quickly, but she did not want to ask for a translation of what her own son was saying, not even from Howl, and certainly not from Ben.
Howl assured her that with age he would learn to distinguish between them and that English would come to the fore, willy-nilly: again, there were barely two people in his environment who knew Welsh, even if he visited Megan often. Sophie would like to understand him right now, but for now she just has to accept the moments when her son points to an object and makes an incoherent set of sounds, and Sophie has to guess whether it is just childish chatter or just another Welsh word.
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thedevilortheangel · 1 year
Stellerlune spoilers if you haven’t readit yet
Okay, so you know how we found Keefe in England or someplace in Britain (I forgot, please don’t kill me)
And he must’ve been there for about a few weeks, right.
Now, please consider, Keefe picked up the British accent either because he can mimic or just because.
And Sophie’s like “the fuck?”
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baeshijima · 6 months
OKAY WAIT imagine you make blade blush for the first time in what feels like forever for him (tbh, it probably is), but instead of registering the feeling as being one of affection, he mistakes the pumping of his heart and tightening of his stomach as adrenaline; the very same feeling he gets when in the throes of battle.
"you know, blade, you're actually quite handsome." "...what?" "yeah! you have a really nice face, and your physique is grea—"
*cue him charging at you mid-compliment, his sword in hand with a wild blush staining his skin*
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sophiethewitch1 · 6 months
Feel like I get a psychic attack whenever I read a romance where fmc is ‘not like other girls’
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rxsewqter · 1 year
I love how after nine books of Sophie being oblivious of Keefe's love for her it was Keefe's turn to be the oblivious one in Stellarlune.
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seypia · 1 month
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scrapped page thingy from a comic i never finished 😔
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shebeafancyflapjack · 7 months
The fact that an episode as heart-wrenching as En Francais exists and yet there's almost zero Robin & Sophie fix-it fics is baffling to me.
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bichenistraumatised · 4 months
ok hear me out what if benedict is bi and his partner in show is actually man! And bridgertons will all hide details about it like they hid details about sophie & in show no one from ton will ever see ben’s “wife” cause they live somewhere far away & what if he crossdresses when they do need to attend some social event in ton? What if the man benedict marries is widower with little baby?? Buy one get one free!
*sigh* Im sorry i sound like an idiot :/ my life has fallen apart and im going crazy. Alvida adios goodbye ram ram
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